
a_b0ywhat is Lubuntu 12.04 going to be released?04:44
ubottuNope! Ubuntu 12.04 is scheduled for release sometime on April 26th. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party while you're waiting!04:51
Unit193By end of the 26th UTC time.04:52
bioterrorI would do-release-upgrade -d04:54
bioterrorand make a small apt-get dist-upgrade :-)04:54
bioterrorbefore it gets released04:54
a_b0yi'm talking about lubuntu tho04:54
a_b0yis it going to be released today also?04:56
bioterrorUbuntu, Lubuntu - What's the difference?04:56
a_b0ythe L :P04:56
bioterroryou know the answer then ;)04:57
a_b0yso i guess that is a yes?04:57
a_b0yok thanks04:57
bioterroryou better change your pants and trousers and get ready for the party!04:57
a_b0ylubuntu better be good or else...04:58
drlabanHm, is there a keyboard shortcut for maximising windows? I'm having a real hard time finding it...05:42
svadrlaban: try alt space - think the menu open then, there you will see which letter it is05:46
sva(not sure, as i am just on an phone right now i cannot try)05:46
svamaybe ctrl+space - and having the window you wanna maximize in focus, sure thing05:47
drlabansva: Well, it did indeed bring the window menu down and lo and behold, Alt-space -> X, it is05:47
sva:) great05:47
drlabansva: Also, at more or less the same time I found out how to write a keybind for it as well. Two good things.05:48
svayes there is that xml file somewhere... there you can write keybinds yourself05:49
drlabansva: .config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml on my box. Had to do some wiki crawling to figure out what command it was that toggled the window size.05:50
svabtw is there a keybind to make a window bigger and smaller?05:52
sva(need to look it up later, when i am on my machine)05:52
drlabansva: You mean like incrementally growing/shrinlking the window?05:53
svadrlaban: ack05:56
drlabansva: Can't say I found any action to support that. There are quite a few window actions but not like that it seems: http://openbox.org/wiki/Help:Actions05:57
svaokay, np. was just coming into my mind by "keybind for modify window size" - something nice-to-have :)05:58
svatnx for the link! havent seen that one before :)05:59
drlabansva: Sure thing05:59
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akls12.04 release? or not yet?10:41
Unit193Ubuntu will be released by the end of 26th, UTC.10:41
half-duplexmian release is out.... but not offically yet10:42
bioterrorpeople are really shaking here like drugs abusers without their daily fixies ;)10:42
ubottuNope! Ubuntu 12.04 is scheduled for release sometime on April 26th. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party while you're waiting!10:42
Unit193That's basically a RC.10:42
half-duplexrelease says 26th10:43
bioterrordownload the latest daily, and do dist-upgrade ;)10:43
Unit193Yep, and that's still here.10:43
bioterrorand you have the release10:43
half-duplexlast release was downloadable from other links like sofpedia about 1 hour before official release10:43
half-duplexI'm already of 12.04 any way10:44
ubottuWow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!10:45
half-duplexok ok.......... I'll shut up and eat cookie10:46
half-duplexhey vuth_11:05
vuth_sup half duplex11:05
vuth_did u see my question on  the other room?11:05
half-duplexno sorry11:06
vuth_was wondering if lubuntu 1204 be released  same time as ubuntu 120411:06
MrChrisDruifAbout 12.04?11:06
vuth_i just dont want to waste bandwidth11:06
MrChrisDruifIt will, I answered you already11:06
MrChrisDruifI just pointed you out to the proper support channel for lubuntu as well11:06
half-duplexvuth_, you may also want to hang in #ubuntu-offtopic11:07
vuth_im just looking for a netbook OS...that doesnt take long to boot up...LM11 takes close to 2 minutes to boot up..ubuntu around 1.511:07
half-duplexI use lubuntu on desktop and atom based netbook11:07
half-duplexstill ubuntu based..... so familiar11:08
vuth_n450 :P11:09
Tichodroma12.04 is coming: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/12.04/release/11:26
Tichodromastarting torrents :)11:26
half-duplexalready on it11:28
half-duplextracker isn't running yet11:28
Tichodromait is11:29
Tichodromaat least for lubuntu-12.04-alternate-amd64.iso11:29
half-duplexI waiting on desktop11:30
half-duplexyou guys use 32 or 64bit?11:45
tootaipour information, sur le site lubuntu.fr, les boutons pour le téléchargement indiquent 12.04 alors que les liens pointent sur les versions 11.1011:49
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.11:50
tootaiFYI on ubuntu.fr website -> download, buttons are showing 12.04 version but links point to 11.10 ones11:51
tootaiyou should put the language of the channel in the subject. I came from lubuntu.fr website -> help -> chat which show #lubuntu channel so I was thinking that itś still french11:55
aklswooo, 16 peers already on 32 bit desktop :D11:56
Tichodromafirst download finished: lubuntu-12.04-alternate-amd64.iso11:56
aklserr, so fast :D11:57
aklsso.. is it a release? XD Really? can't believe it11:58
yassuubuntu 12.04 is out..when can we expect Lubuntu?12:43
Tichodromahere: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/12.04/release/12:47
Tichodromause the torrents12:47
czzany links for the new release?13:03
Tichodromahere: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/12.04/release/13:05
Tichodromause the torrents13:05
Kalidarndoes lubuntu havea dvd?13:40
holsteinKalidarn: doesnt need one.. you can burn the iso to a DVD if you need for some reason13:42
Kalidarnyeah but they've got the alternate and desktop discs13:42
Kalidarni used to like having the dvd so i had both13:42
Kalidarnguess i can just install lubuntu from my ubuntu or kubuntu dvd13:43
holsteinKalidarn: its all open, you can literally do what you like13:43
holsteinmake a DVD like i suggested, and you have a DVD13:44
gordonjcpis there a way to stop the annoying xscreensaver lock from popping up when I bring my laptop out of suspend?13:50
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holsteingordonjcp: i use a different locker.. i removed the screensaver14:21
gordonjcpholstein: ah, I want the screensaver but not the locker14:22
a_b0yis lubuntu 12.04 released??14:22
holsteingordonjcp: they are connected AFAIK14:22
Tichodromayes: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/12.04/release/14:22
Tichodromause the torrents14:22
gordonjcpholstein: yes, but I just don't want the lock activated when I suspend14:22
holsteingordonjcp: should be in the GUI... dont lock when going to standby? something like that14:23
a_b0ytichodroma that link is not working14:23
Tichodromaa_b0y, maybe too many people try to download 12.04 :)14:23
a_b0ywhat version of LXDE is it using14:24
czzI got 12.04 in 3 minutes using the .torrent file14:25
holsteina_b0y: try and be patient, and keep trying..14:25
holsteinor, torrent :)14:25
a_b0ywhich one is the torrent link?14:26
gordonjcpholstein: I don't see it14:27
TichodromaI've copied the torrents for your convenience: http://www.dev-random.de/mirror/14:27
a_b0yits going to take over 2 hours for me to d/l14:27
holsteina_b0y: again, patience will help.. maybe the speed will pick up for you :)14:28
a_b0ywhat is the difference between the desktop and alternate iso?14:29
Tichodromaalternate has no graphical installer14:29
EvilResistancea_b0y:  alternate is a text-only installer, allows for specialist-installations14:29
a_b0yoh ok14:30
EvilResistancealso, the Desktop ISOs (i think) can be turned into Live discs14:30
Kalidarni had no idea ubuntu still supported ppc14:30
Kalidarni thought they dropped ppc ages agp14:31
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ14:31
EvilResistanceKalidarn:  ^14:31
EvilResistanceits a community port, i dont think its maintained actively14:31
Kalidarni guess it's used on ibm machines14:32
Kalidarnof some sort14:32
EvilResistance(i also know a lot of programs die on PPC)14:32
EvilResistance(and some don't even build)14:32
a_b0yis lubuntu using lxde version ?14:34
a_b0ylubuntu would probably be perfect if google chrome was switched with firefox :)14:48
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EvilResistancefirefox is gnomey though, chrome isnt afaik14:50
EvilResistance(or at the least, ffox is GTK)14:51
a_b0ydoes google pay canonical to put google chrome as default browser and homepage like it pays firefox $300 million to have google as the default homepage?14:55
EvilResistancei think you're gleaning incorrect information14:56
EvilResistancethe ffox default homepage isnt a google.com page14:56
EvilResistanceits a page with google search *embedded*14:56
EvilResistanceand having said this, i highly doubt google pays canonical for this, canonical doesnt financially fund the non-GNOME derivatives of ubuntu14:57
EvilResistance(so therefore, its the communities and groups which develop those flavors of Ubuntu's decision)14:57
* EvilResistance knows this is the case in Kubuntu14:57
a_b0yi don't trust google with my privacy15:01
holsteina_b0y: you dont have to use any of the software.. you can choose to remove, or install what you like15:02
a_b0yi'm going to do that when i finish installing15:02
a_b0yi just wish ubuntu made a smartphone o/s to replace android15:03
holsteinubuntu *is* that OS... its just not cool with the vendors to give you control to do that15:03
a_b0ydo the vendors have to pay google to use google android?15:04
holsteinyou'd need to ask the vendor in question and/or google15:05
holsteinim just saying, my phone does not allow me to choose to run ubuntu on it15:05
holsteinbut, theres nothing about ubuntu or linux that makes that a non-possibility15:05
a_b0yw youtube videos of people installing ubuntu on their smartphone somehow15:06
a_b0yi saw*15:06
holsteinsure... some of them can be hacked to do it.. but there are consequences15:06
holsteinand the vendors dont have to support you anymore, nor the carriers15:06
holsteini peronally dont hae a tin-foil hat.. i just have a phone thats locked down due to a buisness decision...15:08
drlabana_b0y: Let's hope B2G becomes a consumer reality quick. That's a pretty interesting and real alternative to Android as well.15:08
drlabanconsumer OS*15:08
a_b0ywhat is b2g?15:09
drlabanBoot2Gecko, Mozillas mobile device OS-suggestion15:09
drlabanI'd pay a bit to get a hold of a developer phone but I have no idea of where to get one.15:10
a_b0yis this lunbuntu long term support?15:12
drlabanWell, Ubuntu (which this is based on) says, when i run: cat /etc/issue.net, "Ubuntu 12.04 LTS"15:14
a_b0yon wikipedia it says there is no long term support for ubuntu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lubuntu15:15
drlabanMaybe that's "lxterminal in the Lubuntu I'm running, says..."15:15
drlabanWell, I'm not certain that Lubuntu is LTS, but as said Ubuntu is. Look at a_b0y: Look at http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop under the "Start download" button15:17
phillwLubuntu 12.04 is not LTS. We do not have enough devs.15:23
phillwthe security updates of kernel etc., will continue to be offered by 'main'.15:24
Kalidarnhmm what was the command line command to get it to update distribution version15:39
Kalidarnoh update-manager that's right15:39
AngelForgetvery good lubuntu 12.0415:40
Kalidarnis it worth reinstalling or should the upgrade from oneric work smoothly15:42
phillwKalidarn: the update manager should spot there is a new release (it will say Ubuntu, but it knows to upgrade Lubuntu)15:52
Kalidarnyeah i ssumed so15:55
Kalidarnits just i configured that oneiric system quite a lot and hope it doesn't break anything :)15:56
tammi was wondering if i could get some help with the upgrade of lubuntu. it says a new version is available. its called "new ubuntu release 12.04 lts". will that still be lubuntu afterwards or will it replace lubuntu with ubuntu?16:12
bioterrorit will use lubuntu-desktop for the upgrade16:14
tammah. i was not sure about that. thank you16:14
bioterrorI bet Kubuntu behaves same way16:15
bioterrorand Xubuntu too ;)16:15
tammi wouldnt know really16:15
bioterrorme either, but I love assuming :D16:16
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Kalidarnwhen you click on that "update the installer" how long does that usually take16:53
phillwKalidarn: depends on your computer, the speed of your internet connection & how hammered the servers are (they're absolutely hammered at the moment!).16:54
Kalidarnyeah i assumed that16:55
Kalidarni wonder if it is critical16:55
phillwthe installer update for a clean install is not essential unless you have 32bit programmes (e.g. skype) on a 64 bit system.16:56
Kalidarnoh okay nope16:56
Kalidarni just want a fresh install on an old pc16:57
Kalidarni like the new buttons they're nice and clean16:57
Kalidarnubuntu sure knows how to do good themes16:57
phillwokay, if you have the iso, you can skip that & grab it once the servers have stopped melting :)16:57
Kalidarnyeah that's what i was going to do phillw :P16:58
Kalidarnim getting the kubuntu dvds i386/amd64 and ubuntu dvds off bitorrent because it's a lot faster16:58
Kalidarnand i have the upload, so i'll help seed16:58
Kalidarnunfortunately those never make their way off cdimage onto aarnet :P16:59
phillwIt would be too complicated for me to host the update new version on the secondary server.16:59
Kalidarni thought about waiting, and getting it at uni :)16:59
Kalidarn100mbit link direct to the mirror16:59
phillwKalidarn: the secondary server is also on 100Mb/s link. I was getting ~ 11,000 kBs when I did the last zsyncs from the master server.17:00
Kalidarni do hope this works this time last time i ran the installer got some grub error and it bailed17:02
phillwKalidarn: it should do, the devs had a sprint week on ubiquity a while back. There are some minor niggles with time-zone slection but that seems to be that the TZ server is also struggling.17:05
Kalidarnoh that worked perfectly :)17:05
Kalidarnit is surprising i think 12.04 has really got a lot of new users17:06
Kalidarnprevious releases haven't crippled the servers like this :)17:06
phillwthat was the general feed back during testing - hence thesii.org mirroring the lubuntu images :D17:07
phillwI had hoped to have a torrent server installed on it in time, but RL got in the way.17:07
Kalidarnare you part of the team?17:08
Kalidarnyou kind of sound like it :)17:08
phillwI'm coordinator for the QA team, and also help out on the wiki pages when Chris is not available / has too much to do.17:09
Kalidarnah fair enough17:09
phillwit's been a hectic last few weeks as we approached D-Day :)17:10
Kalidarnheh no doubt17:10
Kalidarnand as ubuntu is one of the most popular distros it gets a lot of attention17:10
phillwhe he, lubuntu does not too badly according the stats :)17:10
Kalidarn*buntu is what i meant17:11
Kalidarnas not any specific variant17:12
phillwas we are family, we share resources; so our lubuntu testers will help other teams & *buntu will help us with problems we have17:12
Kalidarnwell it's all the same distribution :P17:12
Kalidarni think my kubuntu system i'll use the dvd media for update, don't want to stress the servers anymore than they are17:14
bioterrorstress them!17:14
bioterrorthey only live for these days!17:14
phillwbioterror: one the -release noted that it looks like a DDOS attack on release day :)17:15
bioterrorpeople hammerin ubuntu.com all the time17:16
Kalidarnneed some better distributed apt protocol17:16
Kalidarninstead of ftp or http17:16
bioterrorhammering f5 for refresh :D17:16
Kalidarni remember reading you could run apt off freenet17:16
Kalidarnwhich is kind of distributed17:16
phillwI get my images early, one advantage of being a tester :D17:16
phillwyou can upgrade from alternate image.17:17
phillw*buntu spots you have an installer iso in & asks if you want to use it.17:18
phillwI've never done it, but it is evidently possible.17:18
Kalidarni kind of which lubuntu had a dvd iso, like ubuntu-12.04-dvd-amd64.iso17:18
reflexrghey bioterror what's up man17:18
Kalidarnallowing for text, server, desktop etc17:18
Kalidarnthese days i don't actually have too many CDRs17:18
Kalidarndvds are the same price :P17:19
bioterrorreflexrg, nothing much. pondering if I should open word and try to finish one essay :D17:19
phillwI have about 5 CDRWs and 5 DVDRWs - saves me running out of blanks :)17:19
Kalidarnis ubuntu doing the commercial printing?17:20
Kalidarnagain like they used to, i remember in highschool... back in grade 1017:20
Kalidarnsome guy brought 100s of ubuntu cds in17:20
Kalidarnand shared them17:20
reflexrgwhen was that?17:20
Kalidarnmmm 5.04 i think17:20
bioterrorKalidarn, it was awesome time17:20
Kalidarncould have been 5.1017:20
Kalidarni remember i was using breezy badger at the time17:20
phillwyeah, Ubuntu still hand out Ubuntu CD's. The UK LoCo have an allocation,17:20
bioterrorthose can be ordered for some happenings17:21
bioterrorlike a demo scene happening17:21
Kalidarnunfortunately our campus uses RHEL17:21
Kalidarnon all the campus systems anyway17:21
bioterrorthat's becouse of support17:22
Kalidarnyeah but it's horribly out of date.17:22
Kalidarntried using my vim configs, and vim had a cry my plugins required a newer version of vim :(17:22
phillwMy best buy from the ubuntu-shop was the 4GB stick with ubuntu allready on it & branded. It has saved my bacon a few times now :D17:22
Kalidarndoes ubuntu automatically align partitions properly now?17:23
Kalidarnlike for ssd drives17:23
Kalidarni remember i had to manually partition that so that it would pass http://www.techpowerup.com/articles/other/15717:23
phillwKalidarn: it should, they did a lot of work on the installer.17:25
Kalidarnyeah i haven't tried it recently17:26
Kalidarnwoot it worked that time17:29
Kalidarnnot sure what that grub error was about17:29
Kalidarnmm android update 4.0.4 i swear every device is updating in my house today all at the same time17:30
phillwas 12.04 is an LTS for most, a heck of a lot of testing has gone into it.17:31
Kalidarnim looking forward to it. i'm quite disillusioned with apple17:31
Kalidarnmountain lion certainly does not look impressive in the slightest17:31
Kalidarnjust more social networking crap17:31
Kalidarnwhat i don't get is how on earth my friends have that much time they can spend on them17:32
Kalidarnessentially doing nothing17:32
phillwlubuntu has its first release for Macs (Intel & ppc) this cycle. Some long standing bugs for ppc have finally been squished owing to the devs having some testers who were willing to test things for them. Instead of the previous "well, here's how to fix it"17:33
phillwWe've had a few scares along the way, one of the guys' test machine decided to throw up major errors.... sadly, it was the machine that was dying.17:34
Kalidarnwho uses ppc these days17:36
Kalidarnppc macs are old skool17:36
phillwKalidarn: you have to remember that lubuntu is dedicated to older kit.17:37
Kalidarnah that's true i guess17:38
Kalidarnthe sort of users who'd certainly want something17:38
bioterrorI'm running Lubuntu on Thinkpad T42 with 1.5GB of RAM and that computer is unusable17:38
Kalidarni admit i do use Kubuntu on my modern systems, I only use lubuntu on my ancient laptop and a virtual machine17:38
phillwMy Mum has only just upgraded machine as her ppc was the standard 'all in one' indigo and she needs a larger screen.17:39
Kalidarni have a 1.82ghzcentrino with 1GB of ram i use it on17:39
Kalidarn(my oldest computer)17:39
phillwbioterror: I have no idea what you did to break it :D17:40
bioterrorit's just sluggish17:40
bioterror1.7GHz Pentium M17:40
phillwbioterror: did you go via core and just add in what you needed? such as xxxterm instead of Chromium etc?17:41
bioterrorsure I did ;)17:41
phillwmost odd, it runs a little sluggishly on a P2 with 64Mb of ram.17:42
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bartman_hi guys. Just got the upgrade to 12.04 upgarde gui window and clicked the button to upgrade, was then presented with an option for "partial upgrade" and clicked "partial upgrade", then the gui vanished. I believe something is still running because I can't launch the upgrade gui again because it can't get a lock and I have a process called "precise" running taking up all available cpu...18:49
jalundbeI don't think partial upgrades are recomended18:52
bartman_understood.. I believe I got it because I have Chrome installed... it's the only thing I've installed from default18:53
jalundbecould be that the repo you are using is inconsistent, maybe wait a while18:54
jalundbemy upgrade tries to install pulseaudio among other things, I am not entirely pleased18:57
phillwbartman_: have a read of http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1343434 it was written a while back, but what it says has never chenged.18:58
phillwthere are zero-day updates filtering through the system, as all the servers are hammered, the updates will most likely take 24 hours to arrive.19:03
bartman_so at this point what should I do?19:06
bartman_something is running but I don't know what it's doing and think it may be a bad idea to reboot19:07
mickysantomaxHi all19:13
mickysantomaxcan anyone halp me with a problem with Lubuntu 11.10 login ?19:13
mickysantomaxMy problem is that I installed the rabbitCSV software by the packet manager19:14
mickysantomaxreboot the system19:14
mickysantomaxand now login fails19:14
mickysantomaxif I put right credentials seems that it would login19:15
mickysantomaxbut ask me login credential every time19:15
mickysantomaxwhat could be the problem ?19:15
bioterrorcan you login from tty?19:16
bioterroralt+f7 brings you back to X1119:16
mickysantomaxno I'm not because I run Lubuntu in virtual machine19:20
mickysantomaxSorry, I can't19:20
mickysantomaxsorry for the error19:21
mickysantomaxanyone know what could be the problem ?19:27
bioterrorboot your virtual computer into tty19:28
bioterrorcant say to init 3 as that doesnt exist anymore :D19:28
mickysantomaxyes I do it19:29
mickysantomaxnow in logged in in tty successful19:29
mickysantomaxand now ?19:30
mickysantomaxwhat is init 3 ?19:32
bioterrorso you can log into your system without a problem19:33
bioterrorinit 3 = text19:34
bioterrorinit 5 = graphics19:34
mickysantomaxI typed "sudo init 5 = graphics"19:35
mickysantomaxnow ?19:35
bioterroryou can try: sudo init 519:36
bioterrorbut it wont work19:36
mickysantomaxit doesn't say nothing19:36
bioterrormickysantomax, sudo service lxdm start19:37
bioterrorwas it 11.10?19:37
bioterrorstart lxdm19:37
mickysantomaxit returns: "job is already start"19:39
mickysantomax"job is already running: lxdm"19:39
bioterrorinstead of start, use restart19:39
mickysantomaxjust a moment, it is starting some other things, for example postgreSQL, VirtualBox guest additions and so on19:41
mickysantomaxbut it is too slow19:41
mickysantomaxno, it doesn't work19:42
mickysantomaxLXDE starts well19:42
bioterrorbut you still cannot login?19:43
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mickysantomaxI cannot login19:43
mickysantomaxwith LXDE19:43
mickysantomaxwith tty yes19:43
bioterrorrabbitcvs should not have any impact on those things regarding logging into desktop19:44
mickysantomaxYes, I think the same thing19:44
mickysantomaxbut I mess to say that previously I installed also the postgreSQL 9.119:45
mickysantomaxhence from Packet Manager19:45
mickysantomaxsorry, also from Packet Manager19:46
mickysantomaxinfact, if I go to tty I see that the daemon for postgreSQL doesn't start19:47
mickysantomaxno help ?19:50
bioterrormickysantomax, wondering why it would not let you login19:54
mickysantomaxcould be a disk space problem ?19:54
bioterrorare you low on disk space?19:55
mickysantomaxyes, now I'm verified this19:55
bioterrordf -h19:55
mickysantomaxyes I do it19:56
mickysantomax/dev/sda1 => dim. = 19 GB; Used 18 GB19:56
bioterrorsudo apt-get clean19:56
mickysantomaxoh yeah19:57
mickysantomaxthat was the problem19:58
mickysantomaxI'm sorry for this stupid error19:58
mickysantomaxthanks a lot bioterror19:58
bioterroryou could also do: sudo apt-get autoremove --purge19:58
mickysantomaxok I will do it immediately19:59
khmerogis lubuntu and ubuntu related? same group of ppl made both of the os?20:04
bioterrorno and yes20:04
bioterrorthe difference between Lubuntu and Ubuntu is what you see20:04
bioterrorthe desktop and the applications20:04
khmerogkk thnx...nice to see the update/releases came out same day20:04
bioterrorwhat we have in our meetings decided to suit you the best ;)20:05
khmeroglubuntu is recommended for netbook or is there such thing as ubuntu Light/netbook version20:05
bioterrorjust regular lubuntu will do fine20:05
khmerogthanks..is there a way to install is while running ubuntu? i want to install it over ubuntu20:06
khmerogubuntu laggs me too much on my netbook.20:06
bioterrorsudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop20:07
bioterrorand then20:07
khmerogcan u please send me the link on how to install20:07
bioterror!purelxde | khmerog20:07
ubottukhmerog: If you want to remove all !KDE, !GNOME and !XFCE packages and have a default !Lubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelxde »20:07
khmerogwill this install lubuntu 12.04?20:09
bioterrorif you have ubuntu 12.04, yes20:09
khmerogi have ubuntu 11.1020:10
khmerogso no?20:10
khmerogi hate wasting bandwidth lol20:10
bioterrorit would install Lubuntu 11.1020:10
bioterrorI dont, I have lots of to be wasted20:10
bioterrorlots of it20:10
khmerogok and then from lubuntu 11.10 i can install lub 12.04 from the updat manager?20:11
bioterroryou can open terminal20:11
bioterrorand run command: sudo do-release-upgrade -d20:11
khmerogi had lots of it too..but near the end of the month not soo much20:11
bioterrorkhmerog, so you have quota for the traffic :(20:11
khmerogyeah 80gb20:11
bioterrorhuh :D20:12
khmerogu get 1 warning a year20:12
khmerogthen u get suspended for 1 week if u continue to do it they raise ur monthly price20:13
khmerogbioterror how come u use lubuntu? do u have a netbook or low spec pc/latop?20:15
bioterroryes and no20:15
bioterrorI just happen to use it, I found it around summer of 201020:16
khmeroglubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu which one is the least - high system req. ?20:20
bioterrorlubuntu is the best20:20
bioterrorotherwise I would say gnome 3 with gnomeshell20:21
=== pangolin is now known as IdleOne
rawfodogHi, I was wondering where failed unlock attempts in XSCREENSAVER log to in lubuntu.22:06
rawfodogIf you get the password incorrect, it warns that the administrator has been contacted. I would like to know where to find this info.22:07
Unit193I thought it was in the authlog, no?22:09
rawfodogUnit193, I dont know where that is22:18
rawfodogIs there a log viewer or something in lubuntu I can use ?22:18
AngelForgetis very very good lubuntu 12.04 more compliment  for all22:21
rawfodogwhens the next lubuntu release ?22:23
rawfodogdoes todays ubuntu release mean anything for lubuntu ?22:26
AngelForgetrawfodog,  is new Lubuntu 12.0422:27
rawfodogoh sweet !22:28
rawfodogShould I update ?22:28
rawfodogAh why not :)22:28
AngelForgetyes update22:29
* rawfodog updates lubuntu22:29
rawfodogI hope my new wacom tablet works with this new one22:29
=== wizonesolutions_ is now known as wizonesolutions

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