[11:21] this one is still not reviewd https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/782/ [20:39] malin: it's likely that I'll review it this weekend - I'd fetched the branch & made some notes locally of what needs to be changed, mostly installing into /opt [20:39] ajmitch: I see. Then I will change that [20:40] and thanx [20:43] malin: there are a few ARB-specific things that need to be done to each package that we usually add, since I'm working on the branch I'll push the changes to a branch on LP once I get there [20:44] ajmitch: thank you very much. What is arb-specific short for? [20:45] malin: application review board [20:46] aha :) [20:47] yeah, we just need some extra metadata for the software center to be put into debian/control, and the app to be installed under /opt/extras.ubuntu.com/unity-buss [20:47] it's fairly simple, especially for python lenses :) [20:47] wendar: ping, I forgot that it's the last friday of the month, we should have a meeting in < 24 hours [20:47] ajmitch: okey [20:48] wendar: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2012/ubuntu-meeting.2012-03-30-18.02.moin.txt has the last meeting which I'll try & write up before then [20:49] afaict we covered all the action items that were mentioned there [22:09] eek, I forgot to add this channel to my autojoin list [22:11] highvoltage: thought you might have ;) [22:11] either that or you didn't love us anymore [22:17] hehe [22:41] highvoltage: ah, that explains why you where away. I have to add it my self :) [22:41] wb