
dholbachgood morning06:50
bkerensaGood morning dholbach06:51
dholbachhi bkerensa06:53
dpmhappy release day everyone! :)07:35
dholbachand the same to you07:48
bkerensagnight everyone and happy release day to you all :)08:13
=== Jacky is now known as JackyAlcine
=== JackyAlcine is now known as Jacky
popeybkerensa: your link to the tour is broken in your blog post09:08
popeybkerensa: you might be better off linking to http://ubuntu.com/tour09:08
AlanBellthere was this thing about loco teams hosting translated versions of the tour which I think bkerensa was trying to do09:12
AlanBellbut not translated09:12
AlanBellmight have been nice to update the tour to look a bit more like 12.0409:13
bkerensapopey: http://i.imgur.com/38wxb.png loads here... but AlanBell had said issue earlier... Are you both in UK? Maybe its the UK edges having issues09:30
popeyi am in the uk09:31
bkerensaHuh... well there is 57 people currently hitting the tour :P09:32
popeythat doesn't mean it works09:32
popeybkerensa: i just asked a co-worker in finland to check it, broken for him too09:32
bkerensaso far I think only you and AlanBell have had issues and I think it might stem from CF's Edge in the UK serving a old js file09:32
bkerensapopey: what is the error message?09:33
popeythere is no error09:33
popeyi pasted a screenshot last night09:33
popey23:18:02 < popey> http://ubuntuone.com/6zJpdhrGaxLUTkfhfVw2gE  vs   http://ubuntuone.com/5z4KnEI3iDXPWzpJhWgu4R09:33
bkerensapopey: now does it work?09:35
* bkerensa just disabled CF on that url path09:35
popeyi still see cf references in the source09:36
popeyI'd rip out all the cf stuff and see if it works09:37
popey<script type="text/javascript" src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js"></script>09:37
popey<script type="text/javascript" src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.17/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>09:37
AlanBellI don't get how it works for anyone09:39
AlanBellfirefox complains about an unterminated string literal in http://ubuntu-oregon.org/tour/js/guidedtoursystem.js09:39
AlanBellline 27, col 6009:39
bkerensaAlanBell: well that is the authors fault :P09:40
AlanBellthen it all falls apart, but that seems to be the start of the problem09:40
bkerensaAlanBell: and now do you get that same error on guidedtoursystem.js ?09:41
AlanBellyes, and lots of different 503 errors, something has changed09:43
* bkerensa will have to have a look at lunch time :) but tis 2:44am and now bed time09:45
dpmit's broken too when accessing it from here09:49
AlanBellwhere is here?09:56
popeyAlanBell: the internet, silly10:12
AlanBellah yes10:12
Tm_Trelease notes aren't done(?) so they could be translated, not good10:15
=== akgraner` is now known as akgraner
cjohnstonAlanBell: ping10:53
cjohnstonAlanBell: PM10:55
cjohnstonhttp://www.ubuntu.com/ <-- 12.04 is out11:56
czajkowskithought that was just the tour11:57
czajkowskial factoids and bots are still saying not out11:57
czajkowskiandno releaase mail11:57
cjohnstonsays Start Download Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 32 bit11:58
cprofittoh, oh... cjohnston I am getting a 'Site off-line' when trying to download12:04
cprofittthinking its not quite baked yet12:05
dpmrelease mail is there!12:06
cprofittdownload site working now12:13
akgranercjohnston, Ubuntu 12.04 announcement just went out - Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) released! - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2012-April/000159.html12:15
mhall119early today, but yay!12:18
dpmdholbach, perhaps time for some ascii art?12:20
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dholbachis quantal open already? :-P12:33
mhall119jcastro: dude, OMGUbuntu isn't just up, it's still *fast*12:35
PiciA few people have mentioned that the ubuntulinux facebook page says: "Ubuntu 12.04 is LAUNCHED!!! Get it here: www.ubunut.com"12:45
mhall119Pici: yeah, and FB won't let me change it12:47
mhall119thankfully that domain seems to redirect to ubuntu.com12:47
czajkowskiaye someone tweets from ubuntu os with the misspelled Ubuntu also12:52
PiciAt least facebook posts and tweets are rather transient.12:54
mhall119czajkowski: I think the FB and Twitter updates are linked12:54
mhall119so it's probably the same thing12:54
jbichamarcoceppi: now that you've got omgubuntu working, are you going to fix ubuntu.com too?13:02
mhall119charming drupal is probably going to be much worse than wordpress13:03
jbichaoh so we got rid of aubergine in favor of avocado? (ubuntu.com)13:07
mhall119jbicha: after ZZ, we're going to switch the naming convention from <adjective>-<animal> to <verb>-<vegetable>13:11
mhall119with matching theme color changes :)13:11
jbichaholy tesslated technicolor13:12
dakerha ubuntu.com is down :D13:22
mhall119daker: IS knows13:24
mhall119something it wrong in drupal-land, and it's causing their caching to fail13:25
mhall119(from what I understand)13:25
sagacifine for me13:25
pleia2it just came back a moment ago13:27
akgranerDaviey, et al - Can you help tell people - I'm posting on G+ now as well - thanks!  https://twitter.com/#!/akgraner/status/19550841177179750413:44
doctormonDoes anyone else see "Put Ubuntu to the Test" "Help us make Ubuntu 11.04 the best release yet" "11.04 Beta"?14:00
doctormonOn http://ubuntu.com14:00
doctormonActually now that I look, it's got a download link to Ubuntu 10.10 too14:01
snap-lbtw: Thanks everyone for the hard work for Ubuntu 12.0414:02
sagacidoctormon: nope, the new version here14:02
doctormonsagaci: Refresh shows 12.04, must have been a glitch14:03
jo-erlendhow can I see the number of subscribers to the loco mailinglist?14:13
cjohnstonjo-erlend: which loco mailinggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg list14:16
cjohnstonyour loco or the contact one14:16
cjohnstonuggh.. synergy is killing me14:16
jo-erlendhehe :)14:16
jo-erlendyes, I've used it while playing pokerth a few times, and then it really _has_ killed me :)14:17
jo-erlendcjohnston, in this case, it's ubuntu-no@lists.ubuntu.com. It's administrated by ubuntu.no@gmail.com, which I have no idea who belongs to. We're very fragmented and I'm trying to perform some defragmentation. I guess, if it turns out that ubuntu.no@gmail.com isn't actually used by anyone, it won't be a problem to transfer the admin rights to me?14:18
cjohnstonjo-erlend: this question should be asked in #ubuntu-locoteams...14:19
jo-erlendoh, ok. Sorry .:)14:19
cjohnstonthe right people to help you should be in there, I don't know that they are all in here14:19
dholbachdpm, could it be that yangmei is unhappy?14:32
jcastroProtip: Amazon mirrors are fast: http://askubuntu.com/a/125252/23514:37
dpmdholbach, what's up?14:38
dholbachdpm, developer.ubuntu.com - sloooooooooow14:39
dholbachczajkowski, in the last abstract there was 2* "grown" instead of "grow"14:48
dholbachczajkowski, translations sent14:48
dholbachmight be worth sending both versions14:49
* czajkowski hugs dholbach 14:49
czajkowskithank you14:49
dholbachde rien14:50
* dholbach hugs czajkowski back14:50
jcastrodaker: around?14:56
dakerjcastro, yo14:58
jcastrothe ami browser still points to the beta-2 images14:58
jcastrowhat do we need to do to have that show the final images?14:58
technovikingHappy Ubuntu Day :)15:03
dakerjcastro, i think it's cached on the server15:03
jcastrodaker: ok how long should we wait?15:05
jcastroor is there a way to reset it?15:05
dakerwell not sure jcastro i think one hour15:10
jcastrodaker: it's been 4 hours I'm told15:11
jcastrodaker: I can ask an IS person to look around, any idea how they could do this?15:11
jcastrolike is it a script or something?15:12
dakercjohnston, mhall119 do you know how to purge the django cache ?15:13
jcastrowill telling IS "purge the django cache on cloud.u.c "?15:13
dakerjcastro, yes15:16
dakerjcastro, the app is on /var/www/cloud/cloudubuntu if i am not wrong15:17
mhall119daker: depends on what you're using for caching15:24
dakermhall119, here http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kim0/+junk/cloudubuntu/view/head:/amilocator/views.py15:30
dakermhall119, see the releasesTable func15:30
technovikinghelp.ubuntu.com is feeling the load, trying to update wiki pages and it ain't happen:)15:35
mhall119jcastro: marcoceppi: OMGUbuntu has been solid as a rock today, testament to your work15:38
dholbachI had some problems with the admin interface :)15:40
* popey hugs dholbach 15:43
* dholbach hugs popey back :-D15:43
dakerjcastro, ?15:51
jcastrodaker: I passed that along to IS15:51
jcastrowaiting to see15:51
dakerjcastro, ok15:51
jcastromhall119: do you have time to talk to IS? I'm on a G+ interview w/ daviey15:51
mhall119jcastro: about cloud portal?15:52
mhall119already on it :)15:52
mhall119daker: jcastro: can you see if things are better now?  I'm not really sure what the original problem was, but IS restarted apache to try and clear the in-memory cache15:54
dakermhall119, nothing :/15:56
jcastrostill shows beta AMIs when searching for precise15:56
mhall119ok, can you guys explain the problem to me?15:56
jcastrowe need the AMIs to show the release ones15:56
mhall119ah, ok, 20120328 is march 28?15:57
mhall119jcastro: daker: are we sure the new AMIs are in the database?15:57
jcastronot sure15:58
jcastromy only understanding is they're out of date15:58
jcastroI have no idea how these are updated15:58
dakermhall119, maybe it's a firewall problem ?16:01
dakermhall119, here is the code http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kim0/+junk/cloudubuntu/view/head:/amilocator/views.py16:02
mhall119daker: is the production code for the cloud portal really stored in kim0's +junk repo?16:04
dakermhall119, it was/still there16:04
dholbachmhall119, some of the best production code is stored in +junk repositories16:04
mhall119daker: 'precise' in AMI, is that stored in the release field or the name field?16:05
dakermhall119, name16:06
mhall119daker: is this code part of the cloud portal deployment, or a separate deployment?16:07
dakermhall119, it's a separate app that handles the ami locator the wiki stuff16:07
jcastromhall119: ok back, anything I can do to help?16:32
jcastrosorry I had the site pointing to the normal AMI directories but people liked the AMi browser so they changed it back16:33
jcastroso I didn't even realize we needed it updated for release16:33
mhall119jcastro: in #canonical-sysadmin please16:33
dholbachenjoy the celebrations every one - I'm out for having pizza with some Ubuntu folks16:36
dholbachbig hugs and see you tomorrow16:36
pleia2enjoy :)16:37
* mhall119 head explodes16:39
bkerensabodhi_zazen: How long away is forums from the new look?17:40
jcastronew look is done17:45
jcastroit's the single sign on that's the problem17:45
dakerjcastro, it's fixed now17:50
jcastro<3 daker mhall119, thanks guys!17:51
bodhi_zazenbkerensa: we have a theme for the current forums, looks great17:55
bodhi_zazenit is available via ff plugin17:56
bkerensabodhi_zazen: is the upgrade to vb4 and transition to it by default still coming?17:56
bodhi_zazenI hope so17:57
jackyHappy Precise day everyone :)17:58
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
bkerensaTokyo Ubuntu Seedbox up :D19:32
jcastromhall119: hey so does mark tully have a PPA for that lens?19:43
jcastroI am basically doomed without it tonight19:43
mhall119jcastro: I don't know, I haven't heard from him19:53
mhall119jcastro: https://launchpad.net/~markjtully/+archive/ppa has one build about a week ago, that's probably the newest19:54
mhall119not sure if it installs to /opt or /usr though19:54
jcastroI don't care where it installs, life is too short to care about unix19:55
bkerensajcastro: we need a Ubuntu Seeder Charm :D19:56
mhall119quote "Canonical representative says they don't care about *nix"19:56
jcastrocyphermox: link me to your blog post about integrating resolvconf in ubuntu please, I need it. :)20:01
jcastroand can't seem to find it20:01
cyphermoxnah, because it was Stephane's, not mine, just a second20:01
cyphermoxjcastro: http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/20:02
jcastrothanks dude!20:05
cyphermoxnp. brb, need to migrate to the release party location to get the place ready20:09
jcastrothe response to 12.04 seems to be pretty awesome so far!20:23
balloonsvegetable lasagna baking away... precise all upgraded and fresh.. coding project open.. gonna be a good night20:44
MrChrisDruifGhehe, good to hear balloons =)20:48
=== pangolin is now known as IdleOne
jcastroballoons: I NEED MY +1 SUBFORUM21:15
balloonsit's not buried no mo21:16
jcastroI think he's making the new one tonight?21:16
balloonsyou want a cloud subforum?21:16
balloonsyea, he's manually migrating21:16
balloonslooks so empty :)21:17
jcastroawwwwww yeah21:18
jcastroI don't like the cloud subforum21:18
jcastroI'd rather see it consolidated with the server one21:18
balloonsjcastro, I "jo-no" about that!.. I like it21:19
balloonsbestest pun ever-ist!21:19
jcastronice one21:19
jcastrothat's a new one too21:19
jcastroballoons: well, for the support venues it just splits things unnecessarily21:19
jcastrolike, you had #ubuntu-server, and then all the same people in #ubuntu-cloud21:20
jcastrobut only talking on one channel, so why have the other one21:20
balloonsright, makes sense21:20
jcastroplus, we already say "We are cloud" so I consider ubuntu-server to be so cloudy that we don't need to say cloud everywhere21:20
balloonsless is usually more21:20
jcastrowell, except for marketing stuff but that's not my concern21:20
balloonslasagna done.. so yummy21:23
pleia2jcastro: not sure how long you're staying after UDS, but this opens May 10th :) http://richmondsfblog.com/2012/04/23/photo-t-rex-roars-over-golden-gate-park/22:15
jcastropleia2: WHEN22:26
jcastroarticle is wrong, that's not a trex22:26
czajkowskijust in from the UK loco release party22:28
czajkowskiso much fun22:28
pleia2the exhibit runs through October, they're open daytime except monday22:28
jcastroooh, maybe on the sunday before UDS22:29
pleia2doesn't open until the 10th :(22:29
pleia2I'm thinking about doing a Zoo run on Saturday after UDS with people who are interested, it's in a similar direction (different MUNI tram though)22:30
pleia2if I'm still alive :)22:31
jcastrotrivia night, bbl!22:35

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