
pittiGood morning03:26
mterrypitti, good night!  :)03:30
pittimterry: sleep well!03:30
mterrypitti, happy release day03:30
pittithanks, and to you tomorrow!03:31
didrocksgood morning05:27
pittibonjour didrocks05:30
pittididrocks: happy precise day!05:30
didrocksguten morgen pitti! How happy precise day as well :)05:30
smspillazhappy release day :)05:31
pittihey smspillaz, you too!05:31
smspillaz12.04 looks rockin05:31
didrockshey smspillaz ;)05:31
didrocksTrevinho: hey, you are working on https://code.launchpad.net/~thomir/unity/avoid-duplicate-icons/+merge/103602 now? (I think it's the last merge before (5.12)06:20
Trevinhodidrocks: I've done both the unity and bamf work.06:21
Trevinhothe bamf side is needed to match the applications with no desktop file06:21
didrocksyeah https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/bamf/lib-factory-xids-matching/+merge/10359106:21
Trevinhoso.... how much do I have?06:21
didrocksTrevinho: well, it seems that upstream testing didn't happen yet at all, remember that I asked to refrain merging things yesterday? :p06:22
didrocks(and I warned about that a week ago)06:22
didrocksbut PS and processes…06:22
didrocksTrevinho: let's say a couple of hours, but just on those, right?06:22
didrocksnothing more06:22
Trevinhodidrocks: mh...06:22
didrocks"mh.." ?06:23
Trevinhodidrocks: we can merge the unity fix only...06:23
Trevinhodidrocks: I mean.. I can't get anyone to review the bamf one06:23
didrocksTrevinho: that's the point of merging the unity fix then without the bamf one?06:23
didrocksTrevinho: let's postpone both then06:23
Trevinhodidrocks: no...06:23
Trevinhodidrocks: the unity one has not a strict dependency on bamf06:24
didrocksTrevinho: right, but what's the gain of merging it without bamf?06:24
Trevinhothe unity one fixes the issue for applications like g-c-c that duplicate icons on bamfdaemon kill06:24
Trevinhothe other.. fixes the problem for less used apps with no .desktop file (and ensures that the one with the desktop are not duplicated too)06:25
Trevinhoso...  to get the final fix we should have both, but for the more visible one unity is  enough06:25
didrocksTrevinho: sounds good then, no worry about tha bamf one if it's not here yet06:27
didrockswill be in next SRU06:27
Trevinhodidrocks: ok.. I'll fix the test and it's yours06:27
Trevinhodidrocks: it would be nice to get this too: https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/bamf/desktopless-webapps-fix/+merge/103608 :P06:29
Trevinho(to be improved later)06:29
didrocksTrevinho: well, no hurry for the first SRU :)06:30
didrocksthen, we need to discuss with the SRU team as the ine between a feature and a fix is tight here :)06:30
Trevinhodidrocks: well, it's a fix.... :)06:31
Trevinhodidrocks: I've a question for you.... Should I include an Ap test that will fail until the libbamf fix is not in (as reminder :)), or just I remove it until we don't get that fix in?06:35
didrocksTrevinho: depends, I find a lot of merge are playing with the line TBH, but overall, they are good for precise :)06:36
didrocksTrevinho: I would personally remove it and split into another branch06:36
didrocksTrevinho: to avoid confusion06:36
didrocksor get it in06:36
didrocksand just return with // FIXME06:36
didrocksyou will enable it again when the bamf fix is here06:37
Trevinhodidrocks: it's coming here https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/unity/avoid-duplicate-icons/+merge/10361106:45
didrocksTrevinho: excellent! :)06:46
didrocksTrevinho: just ensure it's approved, I'm waiting for mvo now for the s-c branch :)06:46
Trevinhodidrocks: ehm... who should approve it? :)06:48
Trevinhothomi is out...06:48
Trevinhothumper, maybe? :)06:48
Trevinhodidrocks: I've to go no... can I leave it in your hands?06:48
didrocksTrevinho: sure :)06:50
didrocksthanks again!06:50
Trevinhocool, yw! ;)06:50
didrocksbut it shows that without freeze, people don't refrain for merging :/06:50
didrocks"""fortunatly""" upstream failed to do their upstream tests, so no work in vain06:51
jasoncwarner_ping RAOF06:59
pittihey jasoncwarner_06:59
jasoncwarner_morning, pitti ! Happy release day all you EU folk07:00
pittijasoncwarner_: happy release day to you, too!07:00
jasoncwarner_thanks, pitti 12.04, going out the door (I like childish rhymes...sue me! )07:01
pittijasoncwarner_: nah -- rather /j #ubuntu-release-party, and feel the excitement!07:01
jasoncwarner_pitti: annnnnd.....I'm there :)07:02
didrocksogra_: hey, FYI, we are doing a compiz release right now07:51
didrocksogra_: this one includes the fix from sil210007:51
didrocksmvo: hey!07:55
mvohey didrocks07:57
didrockshappy release day! :)07:57
mvohappy release day!07:58
pittimvo: guten Morgen07:58
mvohey pitti07:58
didrocksmvo: on https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/unity/usc-launcher-fix-982921/+merge/102257, do you have the time to quickly add a manual test (there is a test directory) for now? and push that? I'll approve the branch then07:58
didrocksdon't want to steal your merge proposal, if you don't have the time, it's ok, I'll do it and repropose the branch07:58
mvodidrocks: how is that manual test done? just a test file?07:59
didrocksmvo: yeah, you will see some test file in the test directory07:59
didrocksjust add a file here with the same templating than others :)08:00
seb128didrocks, mvo: happy precise day ! ;-)08:02
didrockshappy precise day seb128!08:03
SweetsharkMorning everyone and happy release day!08:07
seb128Sweetshark, hey, happy release day!08:07
pittihey seb128, happy precise day!08:07
pittihey Sweetshark08:07
seb128pitti, happy precise day ;-)08:08
didrockshey Sweetshark! happy release day08:08
mvodidrocks: updated08:13
mvohey seb12808:13
didrocksmvo: you rock \o/08:13
* didrocks hugs mvo08:13
mvodidrocks: thanks, but it was just writing some lines of text ;)08:14
* mvo hugs didrocks back08:14
didrocksmvo: well, the fix was needed ;)08:14
Sweetsharkpitti, seb128: given that the libreoffice SRU is still unapproved https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+queue?queue_state=1 and I have some more fixes for 3.5.2 ready, can we replace/update that SRU? Or should just go with 3.5.2-2ubuntu2 as SRU and do those fixes in a 3.5.3-0ubuntu1 release (3.5.3rc2 is tagged upstream already and most the final). opinions?08:14
pittiSweetshark: yes, we can certainly replace it08:14
Sweetsharkdidrocks: happy release day to you too.08:14
mvodidrocks: yeah, the fix is useful, I'm happy that I got to it08:15
pittiSweetshark: btw, is "remove presentation templates for install media size" still appropriate for an SUR?08:15
pittiSweetshark: i. e. do you want to remove the templates for any other reason than CD size?08:15
* didrocks approves to keep the merger busy08:16
Sweetsharkpitti: no, but a) they are very ugly anyway and b) will be replaced with something non-ugly in ubuntu q${whatever-the-rest-of-that-releasename-is}08:16
pittiSweetshark: "quantal"08:17
* Sweetshark mumbles quantal, the chantalism for ubuntu.08:18
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Sweetsharkpitti: If I replace the SRU with something new, it still has to be libreoffice-3.5.2-2ubuntu3 then, right? with a changes file from libreoffice-3.5.2-2ubuntu1 as ubuntu2 never saw the light of day? or from ubuntu1?08:21
pittiSweetshark: no, you can reuse the version number if you prefer08:21
pittiSweetshark: if you add a new one to not trash git, you need to build the .changes with -v3.5.2-2ubuntu108:21
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* Sweetshark loves our shiny new https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/ ...08:34
mvodidrocks: just added a commit message to make the merger happy08:35
didrocksmvo: thanks, was just about to do that :)08:35
chrisccoulson_good morning everyone08:36
ogra_didrocks, ergh, who is doing the testbuild on arm then ?08:36
ogra_(note that i was also working on it, just didnt have testbuild capacities due to my board being used for image testing)08:37
didrocksogra_: I uploaded to the ppa, but you can now take lp:compiz or unity-team/staging if you want08:38
didrocksogra_: if you need access to this ppa with arm builders, I can give you some08:38
ogra_the tree is enough08:38
ogra_didrocks, oh, you built for arm ... who did update the gles patch ?08:40
ogra_(intresting that it builds at all)08:40
didrocksogra_: nobody, that's why I ping you :)08:40
didrocksogra_: it doesn't build08:40
ogra_ah, i see08:41
ogra_well, my tree is totally outdated now, i only had merged sil2100's patch this night ...08:42
BigWhaleI pressed CTRL-SUPER-LEFt and my xchat jumped on the left, then I accidentally clicked on thunderbird and I pressed C-S-RIGHT and I was like: wow! pretty!08:42
=== Jacky is now known as JackyAlcine
BigWhaleAnd good morning to everyone, happy release day! :)08:42
seb128chrisccoulson_, hey, how are you?08:43
seb128BigWhale, hey, happy release day!08:43
chrisccoulson_seb128, yueah, good thanks. how are you?08:43
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
* Sweetshark waves at chrisccoulson.08:44
chrisccoulsonhi Sweetshark, how are you?08:44
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm good thanks!08:46
seb128chrisccoulson, happy release day ;-08:46
chrisccoulsonheh :)08:46
Sweetsharkchrisccoulson: great, got something decent into precise, I think.08:46
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didrockshey chrisccoulson!08:46
chrisccoulsonhi didrocks!08:47
* Sweetshark has a crazy idea again, but since the last one (bibisect) turned out pretty well, I might give it a try ...08:47
Sweetsharkthe idea is layering ccache, so that it has CCACHE_DIR and CCACHE_DIR2. Look in CCACHE_DIR, if found: act like normal ccache. If not found, look in CCACHE_DIR2. If found, use and add to CCACHE_DIR. If not found, compile and add to CCACHE_DIR and CCACHE_DIR2.08:53
Sweetsharkmake CCACHE_DIR local and CCACHE_DIR2 a NFS share and use this by multiple indentical pbuilders building libreoffice.08:54
Sweetsharkhow insane does that sound?08:55
ogra_seb128, heh, are you planning on bringing xscreensaver back ? or will you fork an older g-s-s ?09:05
seb128ogra_, neither?09:06
ogra_from scratch ?09:06
seb128well I guess the code for old gnome-screensaver should be not too hard to forward port over the current version09:06
mvoxss - woah, like in the old days09:06
mvowhat is the issue? just for the nosy michael?09:07
ogra_well, g-s-s wont give you per theme settings09:07
ogra_mvo, no idea, just saw sebs mail :)09:07
seb128ogra_, I've no plan, if somebody wants to work on that and come with something working we will include it09:07
ogra_and was curious since the spec talks about the possibility to appply settings to the screensavers09:07
seb128ogra_, but my gut feeling is that it will not happen09:08
ogra_yeah, i agree, unless someone really invests into it09:08
ogra_or lightdm learns to handle them :) (which likely drops the "light" from its name) :)09:09
seb128ogra_, well, lightdm would not to it, but you would do a screensaver-greeter09:14
rickspencer3hey seb128, didrocks, pitti, ogra_, mvo, etc...?09:22
mvohey rickspencer309:22
rickspencer3how does everyone feel on this release day?09:22
didrockshi rickspencer3 :)09:22
ogra_rickspencer3, stressed :P09:23
didrocksrickspencer3: working on the future SRU, precise is already so old school! :-)09:23
didrocksthe release itself looks stellar though ;)09:23
didrocksa real milestone for ubuntu09:23
ogra_didrocks, how do you update a branch with a new compiz upstream, alf_ has massive probs since bzr bd-do seems to try to pull from releases.compiz.org09:24
ogra_(or do you just wget and dump it in manually ? )09:24
didrocksogra_: I wget, upstream are moving their branch/release process to launchpad09:24
ogra_ah, great09:25
ogra_alf_, ^^^09:25
didrocksogra_: but it will surely move to a definitive place in a week09:25
ogra_just wget from compiz-core09:25
seb128rickspencer3, bonjour ;-)09:25
ogra_didrocks, well, as soon as gles is merged upstream i dont care anymore :)09:25
seb128rickspencer3, iz the BEST ubuntu release EVER! It ROCKS ;-)09:25
ogra_and i assume you dont do rollling new upstream SRU releases09:25
ogra_(though i assumed that before not expecting to be greeted with a new one on release day :P )09:26
didrocksogra_: heh09:26
didrocksogra_: yeah, we do bug fixes releases09:26
didrocksfor compiz/nux/unity09:26
ogra_do you have any schedule or public plan we could look at for the future plans ?09:26
seb128rickspencer3, I'm very excited by the release, things look really good from where I stand ;-)09:27
didrocksogra_: not yet, the goal was just "getting a first SRU before everyone goes to oakland"09:27
ogra_so we know when to expect new upstreams09:27
alf_didrocks: so I should just get the debian/ dir from debcheckout and apply the patches to the tree manually?09:27
didrocksalf_: right09:27
alf_didrocks: ogra_; ok09:27
pittihey rickspencer309:31
pittirickspencer3: I feel very precise!09:31
BigWhalepitti, Precisely that! I sent out a press release for today's release party in Slovenia and told people that they need to be there at precisely 1900 hours! :>09:33
asacdidrocks: we get a new compiz today :)?09:55
didrocksasac: in -proposed, yeah :) as soon as ogra_/alf_ dealt with the linaro patch09:56
asacdidrocks: what does -proposed mean?09:56
didrocksno new compiz-plugins-main though, it just has a minor fix compared to what we have in the distro09:56
asacgoing in today? or just "SRU"09:56
didrocksasac: precise-proposed? the pocket? :)09:56
didrocksfor a future SRU :)09:56
didrocksnot in finale precise by any mean :)09:57
asacdidrocks: sure. just wonder if you plan to roll this into todays release still :)09:57
ogra_asac, that it moves to -updates as soon as it has been tested on all arches09:57
asacogra_: yeah.09:57
didrocksasac: ahah, let's push the crack! :)09:57
chrisccoulsonman, i wish i didn't stay up so late last night playing angry birds space10:07
* didrocks still never played angry birds10:07
chrisccoulsonyou're missing out. but space takes it to a whole new level ;)10:08
chrisccoulsondidrocks, http://www.rovio.com/en/our-work/games/view/43/angry-birds-space ;)10:09
didrocksmy phone doesn't support it and I have IT docs to read when I'm using it ;)10:09
chrisccoulsonw00t, new firefox beta already https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-next/+sourcepub/2398508/+listing-archive-extra ;)10:11
pittiSweetshark: so do you want me to reject the current upload?10:31
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Sweetsharkpitti: yes.10:48
pittiSweetshark: ok, done10:58
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ogra_didrocks, alf_ is testing the armhf testbuild, once he reports success i will commit the new patch to the tree and ping you, so you can upload11:35
didrocksogra_: we are finishing some testing locally first, thanks! :)11:35
ogra_pfft, i dont care about your tests on yesterdays arches :)11:36
didrocksogra_: :p11:36
ogra_as long as arm works ... its da fjutscha !11:36
didrocksyou mean, the one where compiz is actually building? ;)11:36
ogra_come on, building compiz only takes 30min here11:36
ogra_(well, probably closer to 45)11:36
didrockseven my laptop is faster (not a lot, but a little bit)11:36
didrocksah, it *is* faster then :)11:37
ogra_speed isnt everything11:37
ogra_*we* save the planet !11:37
smspillazogra_: you can use -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF to disable building the tests, will speed up compilation quite a bit11:37
ogra_oh, good to know (for next time) :)11:38
ogra_didrocks, committed and pushed11:56
ogra_(test worked fine)11:57
didrocksogra_: woow! I'll push to the ppa to ensure it builds fine as well (double checking)11:59
* pitti hugs the channel12:07
pittiLook, a Pangolin!12:07
chrisccoulsonheh :)12:07
chrisccoulsonthe download page doesn't work though12:08
chrisccoulson"Site off-line" :/12:08
chrisccoulsonit works now ;)12:09
seb128pitti, \o/12:11
chrisccoulsonso, who's upgraded to Q already?12:11
ricotzYAY \o/12:11
seb128chrisccoulson, ricotz probably did, in fact he's running a ppa who is ahead in version compared to what stable q will have I'm sure ;-)12:12
ogra_chrisccoulson, upgraded ?12:12
* ogra_ starts preparing the first Q SRUs already :P12:12
didrocksyeah \o/12:12
mlankhorsthow long does it take to build?12:15
chrisccoulsonheh, https://twitter.com/#!/chrisccoulson/status/195488443613196288 ;)12:24
seb128chrisccoulson, hehe12:26
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geserchrisccoulson: and do you have any success in winning this event?12:37
Sweetsharklibreoffice_3.5.2-2ubuntu3 uploaded to chinstrap. could you review the four changesets over ubuntu2 (ubuntu2 was already reviewed by seb128)12:48
Sweetsharkpitti: ^^12:48
Sweetsharkpitti: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-openoffice/libreoffice.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/ubuntu-precise-3.512:48
pittinot now, sorry; in firefighting mode12:48
Sweetsharkpitti: ;)12:48
Sweetsharkpitti: fires are ueberbewertet12:48
Sweetsharkpitti: no need to hurry this, it will build for few hours anyway ;)12:49
Sweetsharkmeh, launchpad only shows timeouts -- its almost as if we are having a release today.12:51
cyphermoxBoo. This morning my alarm doesn't ring and i miss all the good news ;-)13:14
chrisccoulsoncyphermox, what news?13:14
chrisccoulsoni must have missed that!13:14
cyphermoxOn my phone,  commuting right now. The ubuntu home page won't load too13:16
ogra_cyphermox, yes, known ... being fixed13:18
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mterryGuh, I've been on 12.04 for a whole day.  When can I start using quantal?13:49
ogra_mterry, missed the memo ? we already started with quantal SRUs13:51
* mterry upgrades to R then13:52
mterryMust..  stay.. ahead of curve13:52
bcurtiswxthe people over at QQ called. They want their IM protocol name back..14:02
kenvandinebcurtiswx, lol14:06
bcurtiswxis the power icon supposed to be red when a restart is required ?14:10
bcurtiswxwell let me rephrase ... the power indicator at the top right of the desktop14:11
pittiI think it is, yes14:13
seb128bcurtiswx, yes, it mike take 30s before it catch the update though14:14
bcurtiswxOn my VM of precise it does, but on my laptop not. (note my laptop was upgraded from 11.10 back when precise dev started)14:15
bcurtiswxmaybe theres a residual config ?14:15
bcurtiswxright now update-manager says restart required, but my indicator is still white..14:18
bcurtiswxand nothing in the indicator says restart required14:18
seb128bcurtiswx, do you have python-aptdaemon.pkcompat installed?14:19
kenvandinebcurtiswx, can you do sru verification on bug 985801 ?14:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 985801 in gwibber "Facebook does not store short names anymore. Names appear blank when "Show real names in messages" is not checked. " [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98580114:20
bcurtiswxkenvandine, confirmed. Fix was successful on my gwibber client14:26
kenvandinebcurtiswx, thx14:26
kenvandinebcurtiswx, please comment on the bug14:26
bcurtiswxseb128, it appears not installed. Packagekit it wants to remove with the python installation14:27
seb128bcurtiswx, ok, maybe that's why it doesn't work for you14:28
seb128that's what ubuntu use by default14:28
seb128i.e what it got tested with14:28
bcurtiswxseb128, could have been a dist-upgrade that i overlooked. thanks14:29
seb128bcurtiswx, well, we never install pkgkit, it's something you did14:29
bcurtiswxseb128, hmm, either way. thx :)14:30
bcurtiswxkenvandine, comment made :)14:30
bcurtiswxhey look it's red.. haha. brb after reboot14:31
mhr3desrt, actually lets take it here :)14:58
mhr3so we have this very interesting deadlock14:58
mhr3hope you could take a look14:58
desrtplease tell me it's not across multiple processes :)14:58
mhr3no worries, just two threads ;)14:58
mhr3now it's pretty interesting that both are in dbus_connection_get_type14:59
desrtuh oh15:01
mhr3it looks that the worker thread is the one that started the initialization15:01
desrti think this is a case of someone doing something stupid in a class_init15:01
mhr3and our main thread locked up15:01
desrtlike gdbusproxy?15:01
mhr3perhaps :)15:02
desrtmhr3: why didn't you poke davidz about this? :)15:02
didrocksmhr3: you will like beeing this "someone doing something stupid" :p15:02
mhr3desrt, cause you're the thread master :)15:02
* seb128 watches people try to drop their issues to the next man15:02
desrtand david is the dbus master :p15:02
desrtmhr3: so this looks very similar to this class of problems we were having at one point15:03
* seb128 though desrt was at the end of that dropping ball line but was wrong ;-)15:03
desrtwith calling stuff from class init functions15:03
desrtbut it's not exactly the same15:03
desrtgive me a second to meditate over this stack trace :)15:03
mhr3sure, i've been meditating on it for an hour :P15:03
mhr3at first i was like no way glib would lock up...15:04
kenvandineglib is perfect :)15:04
mhr3but, perhaps there is a way :P15:04
desrtmhr3: so i think you've hit a really really ugly case of lock inversion in gobject15:05
desrtassuming you treat the standard get_type() 'once' calls as a lock15:05
didrocksogra_: compiz successfully built on all archs, even the slow ones :p15:29
ogra_didrocks, you mean powerpc ? :P15:34
ogra_(good to hear)15:35
seb128ogra_, don't troll powerpc, the powerpc users are somewhat more responsive that the armel ones ;-)15:35
ogra_pfft, there are no armel users ... thats so last release15:36
didrocksogra_: I was going to make the same remaks on powerpc builders building faster :p15:36
seb128ogra_, same for armhf15:36
seb128ogra_, half trolling, I'm pretty sure that user account bug we discussed some weeks ago on arm is still there15:37
seb128ogra_, though we did fix the powerpc glib,gresource issue which 3 people complained about ;-)15:37
ogra_yeah, i didnt have time to actually look into it or trigger any other devs to look into it15:37
ogra_prob with arm users is that they usually use their boards for development15:37
seb128ogra_, you would assume that's the kind of users that would debug stuff for you :p15:38
ogra_if they dont develop stuff for life on them, yes15:38
ogra_most of them just need a compiler and roll their own SW15:38
ogra_(and use ubuntu desktop images for demos at fairs etc15:39
didrockshttps://plus.google.com/s/Ubuntu/posts is really crazy, approx 1 post a second15:41
seb128didrocks, nice ;-)15:42
seb128"I wonder why #ubuntu is all over my technology feed. What is #ubuntu ? Is it an animal or something?"15:45
pittioh, wow15:47
pittigood night everyone!16:10
seb128pitti, 'night16:16
didrocksgood night pitti!16:20
mterrydidrocks, yeah, that G+ page is fun16:32
didrocksmterry: it's quite hypnotic, but you can get sick fast ;)16:32
* didrocks waves good evening, time for some exercice and dinner16:57
seb128desrt, hey again, does http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/947736/ speak to you?17:24
seb128desrt, is that a valid,known,worth report leak?17:25
desrtseb128: this iis what you see whenever anyone leaks a GVariant that came from dbus17:25
desrtseb128: it's quite difficult to track down exactly which GVariant it is17:26
seb128desrt, is there any way to figure who is the "anyone"?17:26
desrtseb128: not easily17:26
seb128hum, ok, shame17:26
desrtit's the ages-old valgrind complaint: you need to see where the pointer is leaked -- not where the memory for that pointer was allocated17:26
chrisccoulsonseb128, i've debugged issues like that before, although, i don't have a very scientific approach to tracking them down ;)18:02
chrisccoulsonmy approach was basically - 1) pick a module i thought was most likely to be leaking (in my case, dbusmenu), then 2) audit the gdbus method handlers ;)18:03
chrisccoulsonseb128, what is it that is leaking?18:05
seb128chrisccoulson, hey18:41
seb128chrisccoulson, "what" is the question :p18:41
seb128chrisccoulson, the log is a unity-panel-service one, so it could be any of the loaded indicators18:42
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mterrykenvandine/seb128: what's the story with webkit and gtk3?  does webkit-3.0 use gtk3?19:11
seb128mterry, what is webkit-3?19:11
seb128mterry, webkit source dual build gtk2 and gtk319:11
mterryseb128, versus webkit-1.0?19:12
mterrysee both in archive19:12
seb128mterry, no such source or binary in ubuntu19:12
mterryfor example, there's both libwebkitgtk-3.0-0 and libwebkitgtk-1.0-019:12
chrisccoulsonseb128, that's going to be fun to debug then ;)19:12
seb128right, dual build from the webkit source19:12
chrisccoulsoni might have a go19:12
seb128chrisccoulson, you like challenges! ;-)19:13
chrisccoulsonthe last one i looked at was also in unity-panel-service ;)19:13
seb128chrisccoulson, how did you figure it out? just code reading?19:13
seb128mterry, they are both from the webkit source, the gtk3 version is the only one on the CD for precise19:13
seb128mterry, not sure I understand the question but yeah -1 is gtk2 and -3 is gtk3, that's a configure time option, and both come from webkit source which does a dual build19:14
mterryseb128, hrm.  trying to use it from python is giving me a gtk2 version.  will dig deeper19:14
seb128mterry, gir1.2-webkit-3.019:14
mterryyup, have that installed19:15
mterryand not the other gir19:15
mterryi.e. not gir1.2-webkit-1.019:15
seb128how do you know it's a gtk2 version?19:15
mterry[000:001] Browser XEmbed support present: 119:15
mterry[000:001] Browser toolkit is Gtk2.19:15
mterry[000:001] Using Gtk2 toolkit19:15
mterry(this is testing the Quickly flash game template)19:15
seb128mterry, what do you import?19:15
mterryfrom gi.repository import WebKit, Gtk, Gio19:16
seb128hum, weird19:16
seb128do you have a /usr/local install or something?19:16
mterryguh, hope not.  /me looks19:16
seb128mterry, you want to import Webkit-3.019:18
seb128mterry, strace -f python -c "from gi.repository import Webkit" > log and look for webkit to see what it imports for you?19:19
mterryseb128, ?  you mean no gi.repository?19:19
seb128$ python -c "from gi.repository import Webkit"19:20
seb128ERROR:root:Could not find any typelib for Webkit19:20
mterryseb128, loads -3.0 and gtk3 for me19:20
mterryseb128, camel case the K19:21
mterryseb128, does -3.0 have some dynamic detection of gtk version?19:21
mterry(which would be failing in this case, as I'm using 3.019:21
seb128could be the same as gtk, you might need to use a required_version or somethin19:21
seb128kenvandine, ^ you might know better19:22
mterryBut I only have one webkit installed19:22
seb128dobey, ^ you might know?19:23
seb128dobey, should "from gi.repository import WebKit" impot gtk3 webkit?19:23
dobeyit does here19:23
seb128<mterry> [000:001] Browser XEmbed support present: 119:23
seb128 [000:001] Browser toolkit is Gtk2.19:23
seb128 [000:001] Using Gtk2 toolkit19:23
dobeymterry: flash is gtk219:23
seb128that's what mterry gets19:23
mterrydobey, guh, screw flash19:23
mterrydobey, thanks...  that makes sense now19:24
seb128indeed, I skipped that part of your question19:24
seb128dobey, thanks ;-)19:24
dobeyof course. :)19:24
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mterrykenvandine, yeah, sorry about widget-refactor21:07
mterrythat branch got out of hand21:07
mterryshould have broken it up, but I kept finding more and more things to refactor  :)21:08
kenvandinemterry, no worries21:08
kenvandinekind of hard to review those though21:08
kenvandinei tried to look for the more likely problems and of course couldn't21:09
* kenvandine thinks mterry writes awesome code21:09
mterry:)  Though, I suppose that makes you a bad reviewer21:10
mterryWe need double-blind reviewing21:10
mterryActually, that legit isn't a bad idea21:10
kenvandinei did try to find mistakes, but i never seem to in your branches :)21:10
* mterry blushes21:11
kenvandinethe code it pretty clean in unity-greeter too, which is very nice21:12
* kenvandine wonders if it will be in 14.04 :)21:12
mterrykenvandine, guh, not at this rate.  We keep adding code.  My secret long-term goal is to get it absorbed by Unity, so Desktop team no longer maintains it  :)21:13
kenvandinecode is so organic, it gets fed by people that want features and it turns into weeds21:13
kenvandineit would be soooo nice to just start fresh with gwibber :)21:14
mterryWhere are all fresh-faced maintainers willing to own code we don't want anymore?  I thought this was open source!21:18
* mterry divests himself of deja-dup21:18
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