
slangasekpitti: I'm told that bug #639616 is also getting false client-side dupes now from apport00:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 639616 in aptdaemon (Ubuntu) "aptd crashed with AttributeError in _inline_callbacks()" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63961600:14
slangasekwhich is somewhat supported by the recent comment traffic00:14
tohuwWhat is the mechanism a program uses to notify the unity bar to highlight its icon?01:52
RAOFtohuw: The standard ICCCM needs-attention hint.01:53
tohuwI want to report a wishlist for firefox, and was trying to be helpfully specific01:53
tohuwRAOF: So, if I wanted to say that I'd like to see firefox highlight its icon on the unity bar when a new tab opens while it is in the background, I'd say something to the effect of "Have Firefox Evoke the needs-attention Hint When Tabs are Opened while Minimized"?01:54
tohuw(yes, I realize I could just say "make it turn orange", but I like to learn a little something each time I file a wishlist)01:55
RAOFThat'd be abount right, yes.  Except that “minimised” is a technical term that's not the same as “in the background” :)01:55
tohuwYes, I was just thinking about that. "While in the Background" is better, or is there a specific term preferred for that state?01:56
tohuwincidentally, RAOF, did you really surround those words with three question marks, or is my client botching a smart quotes ASCII character?01:57
RAOFYour client is failing at unicode, it would seem.01:57
RAOFtohuw: "When not focused" would be the technical term, but it actually doesn't matter; the needs-attention hint is only acted on when the window that needs attention *doesn't* have focus, so it's safe to just set it.01:59
tohuwHmm, better go file with Smuxi then... failing at unicode in an irc client! -.-01:59
RAOFtohuw: The more likely scenario is that you don't have a proper UTF-8 locale set where your backend is.01:59
tohuwRAOF: oh, that's cool. So Firefox could be set so that it evokes the hint anytime a new tab is opened, and that would only highlight it when it is not focused?02:00
RAOF♪ This is smuxi right here… ♫02:00
RAOFtohuw: That's my understanding of it, yes.02:00
tohuwQuestion marks everywhere. :'(02:00
tohuwThanks. I suppose I'll file it on launchpad, then see if a maintainer wants it sent upstream02:01
tohuwSince it's a standard, it seems this is something Mozilla could do in source, unless this has varied results in other environments (I guess it shouldn't?)02:01
RAOFIt shouldn't.02:02
RAOFHow do you manage to get new tabs opened when firefox doesn't have focus, though?02:03
tohuwMany ways. Easiest to quickly replicate: open a PDF, click a link in the PDF. New tab opens in FF but it doesn't take focus.02:03
RAOFAh, right.02:04
tohuwI actually like that it doesn't take focus, I don't like that it doesn't raise a hint02:04
jhansonxi(reposting from main channel): Since /etc/firefox/profile is gone, is there any way to define default bookmarks for new accounts other than manually editing /usr/lib/firefox-<some version number>/omni.ja ?02:09
tohuwRAOF: Can I trouble you for the Unicode character reference for the symbols you were typing that didn't render in my IRC client? Or, if you like, you can simply email them to me. (/q me for address)02:24
RAOFtohuw: u266a & u266b were two of them.  But I'm pretty sure you'll find this is a configuration error on the system that's hosting the smuxi-server; that's what it was when I had a similar problem.02:25
tohuwRAOF: Ah! perhaps... I'm hosting it on a local server here running 12.04, but the server's fairly fresh out of the box... I may need some unicode-related package02:26
tohuw(local to my network, not the same host as the laptop running the client)02:27
RAOFtohuw: Feel like pastebinning env?  (Or just $LANG)02:27
tohuwSure, sec02:27
tohuwRAOF: hrm, how do I post my env? It is not how I thought it would be02:28
RAOFRun env, copy the output to a pastebin manually?02:29
tohuwRAOF: oh. #tryingtoohard02:29
tohuwRAOF: http://paste.ubuntu.com/946682/02:32
RAOFThat looks right; you don't get any locale-related warnings when you run things there (like dpkg, or debconf?)02:33
tohuwJust ran dpkg a few moments ago.02:34
tohuwI could connect back with the local engine and try to replicate02:34
tohuw_RAOF: hit me02:35
tohuw_it's the server enginee02:35
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pittiGood morning03:25
ajmitchmorning pitti03:26
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dholbachgood morning06:50
ajmitchmorning dholbach06:53
dholbachhi ajmitch06:53
godmachine81i hate to ask this question here but i don't really know where else i'd need to ask. could someone point me in the right direction on what i need to build unity from source on a non-ubuntu distro?07:21
RAOFgodmachine81: The ‘unity’ source package contains information about the build-dependencies.07:29
RAOFBut, basically, you can do the same as you do with a random piece of open source - try and build it, and see what it complains about not finding :)07:30
godmachine81RAOF:: yea i have done that, but there is a weird issue with the utouch deps07:32
godmachine81RAOF:: and i couldn't find any documentation.. i got one thing to build, but it wouldn't install. some gibberish about python. but i tried it with a few different python abis07:32
RAOFWhat distro are you trying it on?  I believe that Fedora have the utouch stack packaged now, so it's clearly not impossible :)07:33
godmachine81and not much information on the configure options to maybe just disable utouch07:33
godmachine81RAOF:: gentoo07:33
RAOFI don't think you can disable utouch integration.07:34
godmachine81what exactly is utouch?07:34
godmachine81and nux?07:34
RAOFThe gesture stack, built on multitouch.07:34
RAOFnux is a 3D engine/widget library ish.07:35
godmachine81thats what i assumed it was, why can that not be disabled if building for a desktop?07:35
godmachine81^utouch that is07:35
RAOFBecause that's effort that's not useful to us.07:36
godmachine81hrm.. so building something for touch integration is packaged in with your desktop binaries? isn't that a useless in most cases?07:36
RAOFYou'd be surprised how many laptops have touchpads :)07:37
godmachine81oh i thought you meant it was for touch as in touch screen07:37
RAOFYeah, it's also for that.07:37
asacsmoser: hi07:38
godmachine81i've not seen any options in unity for gestures / touch customization, where are the settings hidden at?07:38
RAOFThere aren't any.07:39
RAOFYou just get a selection 3- and 4-finger gestures.07:39
godmachine81i see07:39
godmachine81quiet a big dep hell to resolve for such a useless feature lol07:39
godmachine81i think it may have been intentional that it ended up that way though07:40
RAOFNo; it's just that it's not a dependency problem *for us* because we've obviously packaged the stack, and have done for some time.07:41
RAOFThe gestures are also really nice if you've got a multitouch or semi-multitouch trackpad; the apple magic trackpad is good for that.07:42
asacsmoser: whats the story with this cloud-init thing supposely updating sources.list based on timezone?07:46
asacsmoser: referring to your comment here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/linaro-android-infrastructure/+bug/932088/comments/4307:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 932088 in Linaro Android Infrastructure "Ubuntu EC2 package mirror intermitent failures" [High,In progress]07:46
asacis there a way to prevent that?07:46
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mvojodh: hi, quick question, will upstart honor Required-Start: $syslog ? if I have a init file but no upstart file08:59
jodhmvo: Upstart itself doesn't do anything with the LSB headers, so it depends on how insserv handles a missing dependency. Certainly rsyslog starts before the SysV compat layer starts so assuming it just adds some arbitrarily default ordering, your SysV service should work in this case. What service is it out of interest?09:15
mvojodh: aha, great. its unattended-upgrades, I'm trying to get data on why it appears to ahng on shutdown for some people (might well be not a issue with u-u itself but just the last message printed)09:18
vibhavWhen wiil we hit Freeze for Unseeded applications?09:30
ogra_see ubuntu-devel-announce ... there was a mail from the release manager09:30
ogra_(or ubuntu-release)09:31
Laneyit was also on the release schedule09:32
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gaalderinghey micahg, i posted the issue with passenger on launchpad as requested :)09:39
pittimvo: is bug 289952 still actually alive in precise?09:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 289952 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "update-manager rewrites sources.list to only use official mirrors" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28995209:55
pittimvo: if u-m _always_ uses archive.u.c instead of the local mirror, that sounds quite bad?09:55
StevenKpitti: I upgraded my laptop a few days ago and it dealt with my local mirror fine.09:58
pittiit doesn't seem to apply to all or even most users indeed10:00
pittiskaet: ^ do you know why this was chosen to be added to the release notes?10:01
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dokoinfinity, did you give back the armhf gcc-4.7 build? apparently it died. do you know why?10:09
infinitydoko: In toolchain-r?10:15
dokoinfinity, yes10:15
infinitydoko: I did no giving back, and didn't see the previous log. :/10:15
mvojodh: I just tested this and it appears that rsyslog goes away quicker than my stop script runs so any logging in the stop script gets lost - can you think of anything other than a converting to a upstart job to add a dependency? i.e. to ensure that on stop of unattended-upgrades rsyslogd is still running?10:26
mvopitti: there maybe a corner case for mixed local and official mirrors, but official archive and only-local mirrors should be fine10:26
pittimvo: ok, thanks; I dropped it from the release notes then10:27
jodhmvo: ah - shutdown :) I'd echo direct to a tty device then.10:27
mvojodh: yes, that works, it would still be nice to have it in a logfile for inspecting errors10:28
jodhmvo: you testing in kvm?10:28
mvojodh: i.e. to get a idea why it might have hung10:28
mvojodh: yes10:28
jodhmvo: boot with "-serial file:/tmp/foo.log" and then have your service "echo stuff > /dev/ttyS0".10:29
mvojodh: thanks, that would work, but I'm looking for a solution that I can put into the package so that I can ask users for their syslog file10:29
mvoI guess I could simply add a normal log file and not use syslog10:30
jodhmvo: that might be the best option for simplicity as shutdown logging is tricky due to the /etc/init.d/sendsigs machine gun.10:31
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cjwatson'pull-lp-source <anything>' fails - hilariously, this is a bug specific to (>= ?) release day10:44
cjwatson(in distro-info)10:44
mvojodh: thanks, I added that now10:46
Laneyyeah, when there's not a development release it doesn't work so well10:48
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tumbleweedcjwatson: there's a 0-day NMU for that sitting in -updates11:22
tumbleweederr in -proposed11:22
cjwatsontumbleweed: good, thanks11:25
tumbleweedit'd be nice to get that accepted quickly...11:26
cjwatsonI'd be OK with 0-daying that once we're released11:28
Laneyeven with that it still tries to use quantal which doesn't yet exist :-)12:02
tumbleweedLaney: slightly better failure mode :)12:02
Laneythe error could be better, yes12:03
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) is released! | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
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cjwatsonLaney: That should be fixed soon ...12:06
ogra_WOHOOO !12:07
Laneywell done all12:07
ivokswohoo :)12:12
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vibhavso, when can we upload packages to quantal12:28
cjwatsonshortly, not yet :-)12:29
* cjwatson has embarked on the new-release process but it's never been less than about a day to general upload, sometimes more12:29
tumbleweedthere'll be an announcement on ubuntu-devel-announce when the archive is open12:29
cjwatsonthink it might be a bit longer12:29
Laneyoh, we should have cleaned up the packageset data12:29
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* vibhav sits in the corner and waits12:30
geserLaney: what cleanup is/was needed?12:32
Laneythere is duplicate information in the database12:33
Laneywhich gives rise to problems when doing certain manipulations12:33
vibhavAnd what do you exactly do to open the archive?12:34
stgraberLaney: cjwatson fixed the duplication bug in LP, so it won't get worse when creating quantal12:34
stgraberLaney: but the current data still needs fixing12:34
vibhavI still did not understand12:34
Laneyit'll be good if it's copied consistently12:34
StevenKstgraber, Laney: Right, we also plan to add a DB constaint on the LP side.12:34
smoserasac, cloud-init updates /etc/apt/sources.list from a template file in /etc/cloud/templates.  Thats why you magically get a ec2 local mirror when you run in ec2.12:34
vibhavwhat is copied?12:34
smoserit does it once only, and very early in boot.12:35
stgraberStevenK: that'd be good, I was kind of surprised that the constraint was enforced in the API but not in the DB12:35
geservibhav: the package set information from precise to quantal12:35
jdstrandpitti: hi! can you mark both of these as merged: https://code.launchpad.net/~jtaylor/ubuntu/lucid/dropbear/2012-0920/+merge/103384 https://code.launchpad.net/~jtaylor/ubuntu/oneiric/dropbear/CVE-2012-0920/+merge/103385 ?12:40
ubottu** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2012-0920)12:40
tumbleweedloltypo https://www.facebook.com/ubuntulinux/posts/44191351583484812:42
vibhavtumbleweed: heh12:46
vibhavgeser: How much time does the copying take?12:46
tumbleweedvibhav: there's more to starting a new release than just copying12:46
vibhavExcuse me if I look stupid, but what do you exactly do?12:47
cjwatsonLaney: the SQL query to do the cleanup will be identical to clean up both precise and quantal at the same time12:49
cjwatsonvibhav: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewReleaseCycleProcess12:49
LaneyOK, so your fix prevented it reoccuring.12:50
cjwatsonmostly, "learn how to type quantal an awful lot"12:51
tumbleweedat least you get the practice in early :)12:51
Chipzz_ubuntu.com down, known?12:51
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StevenKChipzz_: Indeed12:52
ogra_Chipzz, being worked on12:52
Chipzzsomeone should probably theme the off-line page too ;P12:52
Hobbseeogra_: with finding a static page that has good things about ubuntu?  :P12:52
Chipzzand possibly implement varnish + pressflow :)12:52
Chipzzhey Hobbsee12:52
HobbseeI love the smell of servers melting in the morning12:52
HobbseeChipzz: hey!12:53
Chipzzyou still alive?12:53
Hobbseeyup.  And working in web hosting, amusingly12:53
ogra_Hobbsee, nah, wildly clicking around in gimp to create a theme indeed :P12:53
ChipzzHobbsee: some branch as me up till a couple of months ago12:53
Hobbseeit's a fun place to be, really12:53
Hobbsee(the sysadmin part, that is)12:54
tumbleweedgaah, launchpad is taking strain too12:55
Hobbsee"quick, everyone, report your bugs!"12:55
StevenKYeah, *that'll* help.12:56
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mneptokno .torrent files for Xubuntu AMD64 - http://torrent.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/precise/release/13:12
cjwatsontorrent.ubuntu.com is having general trouble13:13
cjwatsonThe backend has thewm13:14
mneptokwhile that's not good, at least it explains the lack of auto-population of the files13:14
vibhavWhat does the "merge" tag in harvest.ubuntu.com mean?13:22
tumbleweedpresumablay that there is a merge to be done, merges.ubuntu.com13:22
vibhavtumbleweed: What do I do for https://merges.ubuntu.com/d/dnspython/ ?13:23
tumbleweed!merge | vibhav13:23
ubottuvibhav: Merging is the process of including changes from other distributions (most commonly Debian) into Ubuntu packages, and is typically a major focus at the beginning of each Ubuntu development cycle.  Please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Merging for more information.13:23
cjwatsonThe other thing I should say is that merges.ubuntu.com is currently hosed13:36
cjwatsonAttempting to update it causes the box to reboot13:36
cjwatsonI asked IS about that earlier today, but it'll need somebody to look at it physically and today is not a good day for that13:36
vibhavThis is weird13:49
vibhavCan anybody download the source of gnome-power-manager and check  for gpm-manager.c >13:50
mterrybarry, three packages aren't on your python3 spreadsheet: boto, cloudfiles, and paramiko14:02
barrymterry: none of those have task: ubuntu-desktop.  how do they get seeded onto the desktop cd?14:03
mterrybarry, ah...  right.  They aren't seeded, so perhaps not super important.  But they are used for duplicity as suggests14:04
diwicvibhav, maybe they can help you out in the #ubuntu-motu channel14:04
mterrybarry, also, I guess duplicity itself is missing14:04
ScottKbarry: You should also look at the ship-live seed.14:04
barrymterry: duplicity is in the application's tab.  i guess suggests don't get the ubuntu-desktop task (only dependencies)14:05
ScottKdiwic: I think #ubuntu-desktop would be a better recommendation.14:05
mterrybarry, what level of feature regression are we willing to support?  (like the duplicity optional backends for ssh, s3, and rackspace above)14:05
mterrybarry, oh, didn't see the tab!14:06
diwicvibhav, ok, try out #ubuntu-desktop instead then :-)14:06
barrymterry: that's an excellent question.  ideally, no regressions, which i guess would mean that optional (suggests) would need to be ported.  that freaks me out even more though ;)14:07
mterrybarry, might also be worth tracking quickly's generated templates?  (I know it's in universe, but it's the recommended way to start with Ubuntu python development)14:07
mterryThey currently use Python214:07
barrymterry: maybe the thing to do is to add an 'optional' tab to the spreadsheet to cover stuff that isn't in the narrow path, but "would be good to have"14:08
mterrybarry, (to be clear, I'm willing to do a lot of the work for these things I'm mentioning, but just want them to get tracked)14:08
barrymterry: fantastic!14:08
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mterrybarry, I'll add an optional tab14:10
mterrybarry, oh, you did14:10
barrymterry: :)14:10
barrymterry: please do feel free to fill it out14:10
mterryOK, will do that.  I know boto at least has a python3 branch that isn't merged into trunk yet14:10
barrymterry: i'm happy to help, review, test, etc.14:11
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* mterry wants quantal to open for syncs!14:13
cjwatsonWorking on it :)14:13
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seb128mterry, tssss, we have desktop bugs to SRU still! ;-)14:15
mterryseb128, pfft14:15
mterryseb128, 12.04 is released, didn't you hear?14:15
seb128mterry, or can we get a non ugly screenlock if q opens?14:15
mterryseb128, no, too risky yet.  wait for R14:15
seb128I want the bling! ;-)14:16
seb128mterry, btw lightdm has got weirder14:16
barry12.04 is so 20 minutes ago!14:16
seb128mterry, it does the "login in..." hang bug every second log on any user now14:16
seb128mterry, and I did chmod the userdir back to be world readable14:17
seb128mterry, any user but not guest session, it's just bizarre14:17
mterryseb128, :(14:17
seb128mterry, well it seems it's few users, we will debug it next week, no worry14:17
seb128that said reboot, I screwed lightdm again and I need guest session to valgrind unity, I've a hang issue with the staging ppa (well had, we reverted the commit which made it hang but I'm debugging it now)14:18
mterryseb128, isht14:19
seb128mterry, "isht"?!14:19
mterryseb128, kind of like "ick" but more frustrated/wouldn't-touch-that-with-a-ten-foot-pole than grossed out14:20
seb128oh, I see ;-)14:20
mterryseb128, frustrate me at UDS and you can hear it in person14:21
seb128mterry, can do!14:21
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bjf@pilot in15:15
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) is released! | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: bjf
barrycjwatson: ping debian bug 625509 looks like it's still waiting for review.  might be a good use of my time to look at your stack of patches today.15:48
ubottuDebian bug 625509 in python-debian "python-debian: please port to Py3k" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/62550915:48
cjwatsonbarry: I suspect the Debian maintainer needs to be poked15:50
cjwatsonBut I wouldn't say no to extra review15:50
barrycjwatson: ok.  would you suggest looking at each patch individually, or the whole branch?15:51
barrycjwatson: and i'll send a poke once i've had a look15:51
bregmaI submitted an SRU for a package yesterday (and it's been accepted) and I've just been made aware of a couple more bugfixes that need to get in to 12.04...  should I submit a new SRU or is there a way to recall and resubmit it?15:58
cjwatsonbarry: Individually, probably.  I think I tried to keep them logically separate16:01
smoseranyone know what recently changed in multi-monitor ? now when i move mouse from laptop screen to external monitor it pauses annoyingly.16:02
dholbachbregma, a separate new bug will probably cause less confusion16:04
amarunowskiis this the right place to ask questions regarding how to customize functionalities in the ubuntu UI?16:06
amarunowskispecifically, I want to replace the standard "Desktop Background" with a canvas-type element, so that I can draw my background programmatically16:07
amarunowskianybody have suggestions for where i would look in the code to do that? or who can point me to an online resource?16:08
highvoltagew/in 1116:12
amarunowskiis there a more active channel for people wanting to modify ubunut?16:14
astraljavaamarunowski: Depends on how you want to modify it. This channel doesn't cover all packages, so you should try to find more relevant channel for that project, if possible.16:18
astraljavaamarunowski: Ahh... sorry, didn't read the backlog correctly. I'll see whether I can find a more suitable one for you, hang on.16:19
amarunowskiwell, I really want to replace the desktop background with a canvas element/opengl canvas/panel/etc. I think I'd have to change lightdm for that... right?16:19
astraljavaamarunowski: Maybe #ubuntu-artwork?16:19
amarunowskii'll check it out, thanks ^_^16:20
astraljavaamarunowski: No problem. I'm not familiar with that area, though, so please don't feel bad if I redirected you wrong. :)16:20
amarunowskidaw, nobody is there :C.... Any idea what package I need to modify to get access to the desktop background layout?16:20
amarunowskiWell, I'm gonna go have lunch... But i'm glad to have found signs of life on this planet :316:22
astraljavaamarunowski: It's the release day, cut the guys some slack. :)16:23
mptamarunowski, I think Nautilus draws the desktop background16:23
mpt(since it often has icons on it)16:23
amarunowskiI guess I should, it being release day, say that I love what you guys do... more than i can convey via irc16:43
amarunowskiand... really? nautilus? I mean, that would make sense, considering it is basically just a folder browser. I know compiz calls the window "Desktop" in the exclude filters16:44
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jcastroev: hey what causes this? http://askubuntu.com/questions/125455/12-04-liveusb-doesnt-upgrade-for-10-04-installation17:23
jcastro(upgrade option not being displayed)17:23
ogra_jcastro, only for 12.04.117:25
ogra_its on purpose17:25
ogra_we never enabled auto-upgrades before -117:25
ogra_err .117:25
jcastroeven when booting off a usb stick?17:25
ogra_hmm, good question17:26
cjwatsonShouldn't matter17:26
cjwatson10.04 is 10.0417:26
jcastrook so is there no way for a user to upgrade via usb from 10.04 to 12.04?17:27
jcastroalso, should I update the release notes wiki page with this information?17:28
cjwatson-d or whatever the graphical equivalent is17:29
* cjwatson -> release party17:29
ogra_well, slangasek just said its not preferred to put that into docs17:29
jcastrooh ok17:29
ogra_so tell it to that guy in a comment or so17:29
jcastrocjwatson: thanks, that's enough for me to go on for people, cheers!17:29
jcastroogra_: nod17:30
ogra_but dont update the release notes with it17:30
ogra_if they ask, help them :)17:30
jcastroogra_: right17:30
h2pHas anyone here ever done stuff with VOIP?  I am a computer science student looking for an internship, and got contacted by a company that says they are a VOIP company that makes configurations for phones, uses spreadsheets and visio to make designs, and talks to customers sets up phone systems forthem. Is this a good internship for a CS student or is it a waste of time?18:09
amarunowskiIf the internship involves programming, it's probably not a huge waste of time for a CS student... (Just my 2 cents)18:11
astraljavah2p: We won't know. Some companies have good positions, others don't. This has nothing to do with ubuntu development, though.18:12
mterrybarry, what is the color code for the python3 spreadsheet?18:26
barrymterry: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Python/FoundationsQPythonVersions18:27
mterrybarry, ah thanks18:29
barrymterry: np18:29
mterrybarry, though...  really should have had purple as the Canonical background...  /me sics marketing on you18:30
barrymterry: why isn't that a default color choice for goononical docs? :)18:30
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mterrybarry, good question18:34
mterrybarry, my read of http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0394/ implies that /bin/python should point to python3 if no python2 exists, but the plan is to not have it at all until you install python2?18:41
barrymterry: i don't read the pep that way (i don't think that's its intent), but what languages leads you to that?18:43
mterrybarry, third Recommendation bullet point and first Migration one18:43
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barrymterry: i'm nearly certain that isn't the intent of the pep.  i guess in some sense we won't "provide python2 by default", but in reality we do.  it may not come on a pure fresh install from desktop, but i think pretty quickly if you install much software, you'll get python2, and it will be the default python18:45
mterrybarry, OK.  Third Recommendation just made me think that the PEP always wanted /bin/python to be present18:46
barrymterry: i'm not going to do it now, but at some point, i'll bring up pep 394 in relationship to our plans.  i'll push back hard against any intent to have pep 394 force us to point /usr/bin/python at python318:48
mterrybarry, yar.  I like the idea of the world always being explicit about python versions18:48
barrymterry: +118:49
amarunowskiwhere would I find the source code for the System Settings App?18:52
mterryamarunowski, apt-get source gnome-control-center18:54
amarunowskithanks :318:54
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hyperairpitti: regarding bug #902603, i think it's still broken for oneiric->precise upgrades.19:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 902603 in taglib (Ubuntu Precise) "When installing Multi-Arch: same (meta-)package for two architectures, dpkg considers one arch as completely disappeared" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90260319:10
slangasekhyperair: if you don't apply the SRU updates first like the release notes warn you to, certainly19:14
hyperairslangasek: aah.19:14
hyperairslangasek: does anyone actually read those?19:14
* hyperair doesn't, as a desktop user19:14
hyperairi might if i was managing a server though.19:14
slangasekyou don't read the release notes, and you don't make sure you have updates installed before doing a release upgrade? :)19:15
micahgslangasek: can we make the updater in oneiric warn to apply updates first if it doesn't already?19:15
hyperairyeah, i think that would be best19:15
macoi thought it did warn that19:15
macosince like 200819:15
hyperairslangasek: i'd assume that i could skip that step. (who cares about one or two security fixes if you're going to override them again anyway?)19:15
macoslangasek: you truly old-hats must feel REALLY old when you can refer to "oh yeah back in hoary...."19:16
slangasekmicahg: I'm not sure how straightforward that is19:16
slangasekmaco: I wasn't involved with hoary ;)19:16
micahgmaybe bdmurray or mvo can speak to that point19:17
* ogra_ was around since warty ... 19:17
ogra_but please dont ask me when u-m started to warn :p19:18
macoslangasek: oh, when did you add an ubuntu feather to your debian hat?19:19
numbertohi guys19:20
numberto ubuntu does not start after upgrade to 12.04.   Get an "[drm:intel_dsm_platform_mux_info]  *ERROR* MUX INFO call failed"  error and a black screen. Never gets to login screen. (The way I entered now is by going "load old linux")19:20
macoif you hit ctrl+alt+f1 does it take you to a prompt at least?19:21
numbertoDidn't try that19:21
numbertoI try to load an older kernel19:21
numbertoit shows the sam error + some another one19:21
slangaseknumberto: you'll want to report a bug against the kernel package by running 'ubuntu-bug linux' and including the error messages19:21
numbertoand then loads ubuntu19:21
highvoltage9/win 1519:22
numbertoOK, never mind this. i will try to figure it out19:23
numbertoanother thing I found19:23
numbertoI have about five icons in horizontal row19:23
numbertowhen I select them all and move very close to the bottom of the screen and release them19:24
numbertothey all pack into one plac19:24
maconumberto: please do report a bug. the drm error sounds like it's having a driver issue with your graphics. that is something *really* ought to be fixed19:24
numbertoBut how do I report a but, if I cannot load ubuntu with current kernel19:25
numbertoI start it with previous one19:25
* maco looks at slangasek19:26
numbertoProblem in linux-image-3.0.0-17-generic                 The problem cannot be reported: This is not official Ubuntu package. Please remove any third party package and try again.19:28
slangaseknumberto: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+filebug then19:30
dokojamespage, do you have an URL for openjdk-7 ftbfs?19:39
dokobug reports19:39
micahgdoko: are we switching the default this cycle?19:40
dokomicahg, yes19:40
jamespagedoko, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JavaTeam/Java7Default20:01
dokocool, thanks!20:01
mterrybarry, do you know much about pylint and python3 compatibility?  it seems to not know about the new print method?20:08
mterry(gives me a syntax error on lines that have "file=sys.stderr")20:10
barrymterry: i don't, mostly because i gave up on pylint.  pyflakes usually tells me the most important things i need to know without all the false positives, and it seems pretty py3 friendly20:18
mterrybarry, hmm, ok20:18
mterrybarry, am I doing something dumb?  Even pyflakes doesn't like the following:20:20
mterryimport sys20:20
mterryprint('Testing', file=sys.stderr)20:20
mterryI guess I'm missing how to trigger python3 mode20:21
barrymterry: wow.  actually, it's not you.  interestingly if you add `from __future__ import print_function` you make it happy20:21
mterrybarry, sure, that makes sense, assuming the tool is python2-only20:22
barrymterry: of course, that future import also works in python3, but it's not the same thing ;)20:22
mterrybarry, yeah.  I'll use that workaround for now, but good to know.  Worried about other python3-isms that pyflakes/pylint don't get20:23
barrymterry: bug 98920320:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 989203 in Pyflakes "pyflakes native support for Python 3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98920320:26
mterryoh neat20:26
barrywell, i just filed that :)20:26
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mterrybarry, still neat  :)20:44
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mterryHmm, how do I run a script that isn't chmod +x with the right program?  (i.e. with whatever #! says)20:55
slangasekby chmodding it? :)20:57
slangasekthe logic for parsing out shebang lines is all in the kernel itself, there isn't really a shorthand for doing this by hand20:58
mterryseems like it wouldn't be unreasonable to be in a situation where you can't chmod it20:59
mdeslaurisn't that the whole point of the executable bit? :)21:00
mterrybut don't know how there could be a security issue or whatever with a shortcut for figuring out which program to parse it21:00
mterrymdeslaur, yeah, but sometimes you encounter a script that doesn't have it on (like setup.py sometimes doesn't)21:01
* mterry will just add chmod +x to his script21:01
mdeslaurmterry: well, you can call the interpreter directly if you know what it is21:01
mterrymdeslaur, sure, but in my case, it might be python2 or python3, so would have to parse21:02
* mdeslaur nods21:02
* mterry is shocked this isn't a solved problem21:02
slangasekmterry: yeah, it's not a solved problem because chmod is easy :)21:12
mterryIf sl exists, this utility should too (a slippery slope argument, but still)21:17
mterrybarry, ah...  it's a python-distutils-extra bug assigned to you that is causing my chmod woes: bug 887699  (just to re-put it on your python3 radar.  I suspect only quickly is using it, so not super high priority)21:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 887699 in python-distutils-extra (Ubuntu) "Support python3 projects" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88769921:21
barrymterry: i guess now that it's in my browser tab, i *have* to fix it21:29
mterrybarry, tricked you!21:29
barrymterry: oh! it's crashed without saving my session21:29
mterrychrisccoulson, curse you!21:30
barrychrisccoulson: thank you!21:30
chrisccoulsonwhats up?21:30
barrychrisccoulson: sorry, we're just joking :)21:31
mterrychrisccoulson, nothing  :)  barry is avoiding a bug by *claiming* that firefox crashed on him21:31
chrisccoulsonnot saving your session is unusual. sometimes it's "hidden" if you had more than one window open though. try History -> Restore Closed Windows ;)21:32
* slangasek snickers21:32
chrisccoulsoni normally always find it there when i think it's lost my session :)21:32
mterryYour move, barry21:32
barryoh! the cat's eaten it21:33
mterryjcastro, did you just find a meme machine in your office?  :)21:34
jcastromterry: we need that at UDS21:34
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macoi remember there being a time gap between release day for an lts and when the previous lts can upgrade to it. what is that time gap, and where is it documented?22:12
macoi *think* it's 3 months to the first point release, but i dont recall where i got that22:12
StevenKmaco: The point releases are shown on the release schedule.22:13
macoStevenK: i know that, but i dont know where its documented that lts-to-lts isnt enabled until the point release22:13
macoand im not sure the point release is actually lts-to-lts enablement time22:13
macoor for all i know, that delay was only on 10.0422:14
robbiewmaco: it isn't documented, but you are correct22:15
macorobbiew: thanks22:15
robbiewyou can upgrade whenever you want22:15
robbiewhowever the notification via update-manager isn't turned on22:16
macoah ok22:16
robbiewuntil the .1 release22:16
macosomeone on the loco mailing list said they couldnt figure out how to get to 12.04 from 10.0422:16
robbiewmaco: hmm...I guess 'do-release-upgrade' takes them to 10.10?22:17
macorobbiew: i dont know. i dont think they tried do-release-upgrade.22:18
macothey said they installed updates, tried to see if there wre more updates in cli, no more updates, started UM again, and it still didnt notify so whats wrong?22:18
ScottKmaco: They'll still need to use -d until the switch is thrown after .122:19
lifelessbdmurray: around ?22:19
macoScottK: won't -d start pointing to quantal son?22:19
macoi mean not *That* soon, but in a few weeks22:20
ScottKNot if you're starting from Lucid.22:20
ScottKu-m knows the difference.22:20
macothanks, sent a mail to the list :)22:21
robbiewmaco -> http://askubuntu.com/questions/125392/no-new-release-found-when-upgrading-a-from-10-04-lts-to-12-04-lts22:21
macomy google fu has failed me22:23
macoi was searching like.... lts-to-lts upgrade delay, lts-to-lts update manager delay.... etc22:24
macolts-to-lts update manager 3 months22:24
lifelessbdmurray: nvm, mailed you.22:34
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