
borcoi try to customize the ubiquity for a custom installer09:09
borcois it possible to test something without actually creating an iso?09:10
borcoi want to add some new pages to ubiquity and now i have to create an iso and then test it in VB09:10
borcoit would be nice if its possible to launch the ubiquity just to see it displays my pages correctly...09:11
cjwatsonYou could add stuff to the test suite, though it's not necessarily *desperately* easy09:12
cjwatsonIf UBIQUITY_TEST_SHOW_ALL_PAGES is set to something non-empty in the environment, the test suite will run through all pages showing each for a few seconds09:13
borcoso there's no magic like chrooting and then "ubiquity --dry-run" :-)09:13
cjwatsonWell, it won't install anything until it gets past partitioning, but your page might be after that09:13
cjwatsonAnd in that case no09:13
borcoyep, my page is later in the process :(09:14
borcook. i'll stick with the VM.09:14
sorenAre values from preseed files supposed to take precedence over kernel parameters?09:15
borcoit would be nice to be possible to mock somehow the installation process09:15
borcoi need to configure a custom package09:15
borcoa local server09:15
borcosome users, ports, etc09:15
borcothat kind of things09:16
borcoit probably doesn't matter09:16
borcoi mean - the order shouldn't matter09:16
sorenSpecifically, I just had a problem with partman getting stuck waiting for me to confirm the partitioning. A kernel parameter said to use /dev/sda (partman-auto/disk=/dev/sda) while the preseed said to use /dev/sdc. There was no /dev/sdc, so I'm assuming it got stuck because it took the answer from the preseed rather than from the cmdline.09:18
soren...which may be entirely intentional. When the preseed is imported, does it just get to override whatever debconf had cached (thus overwriting what was passed on the cmdline)?09:19
cjwatsonsoren: file/url preseeds are processed after the kernel command line and therefore override it09:21
* Daviey ponders what soren is working on.09:22
sorenDaviey: cobbler doesn't have a field for "install disk" in its data model, so I had to move it to the kernel commandline09:23
sorencjwatson: Makes sense. Thanks.09:23
sorenDaviey: ...because the preseed templating can only grab stuff from cobbler internal data model, afaict.09:24
sorenDaviey: ...but I can set a per-system kernel command option.09:24
Davieysoren: ah ok.. i think it can be done per-system.. but sure, that approach seems viable.09:25
sorenDaviey: Sure, i can set a per-system preseed, but that kind of defeats the purpose of the templating coolness.09:25
cjwatsonyou can always use preseed/early_command, check whether stuff is already preseeded, and use debconf-set conditionally09:27
cjwatson(or debconf-set-selections)09:27
cjwatsonyou can possibly even write out a preseed/include or something dynamically, I forget09:27
sorencjwatson: I'll keep that in mind. Thanks.09:30
jodhI'm seeing essentially bug 527848 on the latest desktop CD.10:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 527848 in ubiquity "[Lucid] ubi-partman failed with exit code 141 during manual partitioning" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52784810:59
jodhmessage appears before manual partitioning though - when I click continue on the "Preparing to install Ubuntu" screen.11:01
yfaykyaThis the right place to ask about raid/preseed questions?12:43
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