
=== emma_ is now known as emma
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gemahi guys06:52
gemaI am seeing a bit performance regression when there is heavy i/o on my big pc06:52
gemafrom oneiric to precise06:52
gemaso big that I cannot do anything when there is heavy i/o going on06:52
gemathe system freezes06:53
gemamy dmesg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/946880/06:53
j24eric maio arround here?07:05
j24ericm|ubuntu:  ping07:05
ericm|ubuntuj24, hi07:06
scientessetarch --uname2.6 is broken07:51
scientesbut this works: http://mirror.linux.org.au/linux/kernel/people/ak/uname26/uname26.c07:51
scientesas documented in the man page07:51
scientesused it wrong07:53
ckingsmb, mumble-less today?07:54
smbcking, Easy... I am just slowly waking up... :-P07:54
* cking offers smb more coffee07:54
* ppisati -> brb08:26
ckingbrendand, I updated that bug report to explain why the bug only occurs on machines with >= 10 CPUs08:43
brendandcking - yeah, i realised last night after i logged off08:44
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ckingcool - least it's not some weird kernel issue after all ;-)08:45
ckingsmb, http://zinc.canonical.com/~cking/disable-turbo.sh09:13
ckingsmb, http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/processors/architectures-software-developer-manuals.html09:15
ckingmanual 3b, section OS Control of Opportunistic Processor Performance Operation09:16
apwppisati, do you have a beagleXM ?  do you know if 1GHZ works on that ?10:14
ppisatiapw: i've an xm, which kernel?10:37
ppisatiapw: in the past we limited it to 800mhz but that should be fixed by now10:37
apwppisati, in whatever is in precise10:38
apwppisati, ie. is this bug invalid now for preise: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-release-notes/+bug/77153710:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 771537 in linux "Beagle XM lacks proper 1Ghz support" [Medium,In progress]10:38
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ppisatiapw: let me try that10:40
pgranercking, ping10:51
ckingpgraner, pong10:51
apwhenrix, the fsam7400 thing, does that lead to an oops?10:51
pgranercking, got time to dig into a high load mystery10:52
ckingpgraner, sure, can do10:52
henrixapw: yes, it does10:52
pgranercking, ping gema she is hitting the mysterious high load one we've never been able to track down10:52
henrixapw: btw, i was investigating this issue again and i have a question about it10:53
ckingpgraner, when does this need fixing - I was expecting to pop out for an hour or so at lunch today to pick some things up10:53
pgranercking, I think she has other things going on so its not urgent but apparently she has hw that can repro it10:53
henrixapw: why do we have this driver at all? it looks there is an in-tree driver that does the same job10:53
henrixapw: drivers/input/misc/wistron_btns.c seems to be based on fsam7400.10:54
apwhenrix, its historical from before, and i think we said the in-tree one doesn't do all the same machines, and didn't you volunteer to talk to ben to help get the missing ones in or something?10:54
* ppisati -> out for lunch10:54
henrixapw: true. benh isn't going to do that, but accepts patchs :)10:55
apwhenrix, so at UDS during the session on the ubuntu delta we are going to need to decide if we care about the ones which done't have support, as i believe we should drop the driver there, and maybe you can help add them or we just ignore the issue10:56
apwhenrix, so expect to be asked how much work it would be to add the missing ones :)10:56
henrixapw: sure10:56
apwogasawara, add that to the blueprint ^^ :)10:57
henrixapw: i'm not sure if there are machines supported by the fsam7400 and not by the in-tree driver10:57
apwhenrix, doing some research to know the answer to even that would be good10:57
henrixapw: maybe the fsam7400 just uses brute-force, while the in-tree uses a white-list.10:58
henrixapw: but the code does the same thing in both drivers, so it has to work10:58
apwhenrix, if you could become our expert on this subject and bring anything you know to the session and we can use that to make a secision about dropping the stupud one we have ... sounds like it will be a slam-dunk "drop it"10:59
henrixapw: i'm working on that issue ATM. unfortunately, the (single!) bug reporter is not very responsive11:00
apwhenrix, he is probabally _the_ person with such an old machine in the world11:00
henrixapw: :)11:00
ogra_apw, oh, you didnt say its about bug 771537 ... i think even if the kernel supports it, the limitation is set by the bootloader and i dont think anyone changed the defaults for this image (ask infinity though, not sure he touched it, i didnt)11:01
ubot2Launchpad bug 771537 in linux "Beagle XM lacks proper 1Ghz support" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77153711:01
apwogra_, so i can release note that as "your 11:05
ogra_mine ?11:05
apw"your beagle XM will run slow" then yes ?11:05
apw(newline error)11:05
ogra_"will not run at full speed teh CPU is capable of"11:05
ogra_or "at the speed the CPU is capbable to run" or so11:06
ogra_but check back with infinity first 11:06
ogra_i didnt touch omap3 at all apart from testing kubuntu yesterday11:06
apwogra_, sorry yeah i'll write some reasonable english, but the note should just say it is expected to run slow11:06
ogra_(or check the cmdline on your local install if it got the brake there should be an mcpu uption or something similary named)11:07
* ogra_ takes a look at nusakan 11:08
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ogra_ah, mpurate is the options11:09
ogra_and it looks like we still set it 11:09
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ppisatiogra_: apw we set it to "auto"12:26
ppisatiogra_: so it scales up&down as it needs/will12:26
ogra_ppisati, even with the cmdline option set ?12:27
ppisatiogra_: no, if set it to a fixed default it should stay there12:27
ogra_right, thats what i mean above ... se set mpurate in the bootloader12:27
ppisatiogra_: but we don't ship by default to 1ghz cause it's not stable12:27
ogra_right, well, because it was not stable in oneiric ... nobody touched the setting since12:29
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smbtgardner, I think it would be better to pull in the complete patch that introduced the label. There are other jumps in that function that would otherwise do the wrong thing13:00
tgardnersmb, prolly ought to just redo the backport13:00
smbtgardner, Yeah, could be things become even simpler by picking both ...13:02
hertonsmb, tgardner: I think the right thing would just be in the backport to jump to vcpu_destroy instead of unlock_vcpu_destroy. Changing the labels that way below will introduce bugs, missing mutex_unlock in some cases13:04
tgardnersmb, herton: its a clean cherry pick with d780592b99d7d8a5ff905f6bacca519d4a342c76 and 3e515705a1f46beb1c942bb8043c16f8ac7b1e9e13:05
smbherton, I agree that just introducing the label looks wrong. In that case I just wondered whether picking the other patch could make sense as it is pretty small and then makes old code more like the new one13:06
smbtgardner, felt that way...13:06
tgardnersmb, herton: and now it even compiles13:07
hertonyeah, cherry-pick the other one is ok, makes sense13:07
tgardnerit'll likely be the same fix for natty13:07
smbtgardner, surprise. :)13:07
* tgardner will be back in a sec13:08
sforsheetgardner, your macbook air is a 4,2, isn't it?13:25
tgardnersforshee, whatever is on the wiki. its already in a box ready to ship13:25
sforsheetgardner, the wiki says 4,1, but I thought you had the 13 inch which ought to be 4,213:27
sforsheewere screen brightness changes working?13:27
tgardnersforshee, yes, as far as I remember. but I think I was only messing with the MB pro and screen brightness13:28
sforsheetgardner, we have a bug about the brightness adjustment not working on the 4,213:28
sforsheeI'll ask cnd to test once he gets the machine13:28
tgardnersforshee, ok, it should be there ear;y next week13:29
sforsheetgardner, ack13:29
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tgardnersmb, there is a script in the hardy repo called debian/scripts/misc/apply-patch-to-binary-custom which I used to propagate patches.14:09
tgardnerthats about the only automation14:09
smbtgardner, Ok, I think I was remembering something along those line. Probably not really what the procedure should be. Like was it supposed to be done before a release or basically for every sru proposal we do for Hardy14:11
ckingbrendand, did that script fix resolve that server CPU offline issue?14:12
brendandcking, yeah - pretty much14:14
ckingyay \o/14:14
smbtgardner, Clearly the jdb2 patch I submitted a bit ago needs to go into the flattened out trees as well... :/14:16
tgardnersmb, oh yeah, that likely does. I'll take a stab at it14:17
smbtgardner, Thanks. I need to remember that next time...14:17
tgardnersmb, it applies clean. I'll just squash and repush14:18
smbOk, yeah. I wonder whether we could have a README.stupid into the tree that reminds me about special handling...14:18
cndtgardner, sforshee: I won't have the MBA until after UDS though14:41
cndI'm in oakland next week14:41
tgardnercnd, do you get to go home over the weekend?14:41
cndtgardner, hadn't planned on it14:43
tgardnercnd, one of the lucky few :)14:44
sforsheetgardner, is it too late for you to just throw it in your uds luggage?14:46
tgardnersforshee, its too late14:47
* ogasawara back in 2015:00
* apw is glad to see the back of that15:15
tgardnerapw, are you off to have fizzies ?15:16
ckingbet apw has been fizzing all day15:18
apwtgardner, we are just having some now indeed, but its "open quantal" time15:26
douganyone know of a good visualization or explanation of how udp packets get from user-space via sendto() onto a connected ethernet wire?15:32
dougin particular, how bpf hooks into things...15:32
dougi'm trying to figure out the most likely source for latency in this app i'm debugging15:33
dougwhich is sending out a hundred or so 196 (payload) byte udp packets a second 15:33
apwogra_, hey ac100 thats kinda you, or you know enough to tell me who supports it and its abi number range yes?  its missing from our tables15:36
ogra_apw, janimo maintains the kernel package15:37
dilekswow, its not only precise15:38
apwbjf, the ABIPackages page is likely out of date is that manual or generated from other sources15:38
dileksits... Proven. Practical. Precise.15:39
bjfapw, ENOCLUE15:42
bjfapw, i'm guessing it's a hand-job15:44
* ppisati -> gym/workout16:15
* smb -> beer/workon16:31
ogasawaraapw: just fyi, I can see this becoming a routine UDS session -> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-q-kernel-sources-in-main16:35
ogra_well, the text states to find a way to solve it for the future too :) 16:35
ogasawaraogra_: yah, some of those linux-linaro-* kernels I had no clue about.16:37
* ogra_ hasnt either16:37
ogra_and i dont see linaro people subscribed yet16:38
ogasawaraogra_: I've sent email to jcrigby.  Hopefully he can help set me straight16:38
jcrigbyogasawara, ogra_ : yes those are old and I don't remember why they were ever in main16:48
ogasawarajcrigby: ok good to know.  thanks.16:48
jcrigbyogasawara, ogra_ : I remember uploading a kernel for qemu since it emulates a vexpress which was dropped from the ubuntu kernel.16:53
ogra_yeah, vexpress would be very helpful for qemu 16:53
jcrigbyok, so linaro needs to keep pushing a vexpress kernel somewhere I guess16:54
ogra_jcrigby, hmm. cant that come from mainline ? 17:02
jcrigbyogra_, yes it is up to the kernel team.  Only omap enabled now I believe.17:03
ogra_right, if vexpress is in mainline we should build it from there 17:03
ogra_and drop all other arm flavours (modulo omap4) from main17:03
jcrigbyrsalveti will be at uds and he is way smarter than me so he will help figure it all out17:10
jjohansenogasawara: thanks for working out the kernel maintenance bits with jdstrand, its much appreciated17:18
ogasawarajjohansen: no worries, seems we've got it all cleared up.17:19
* apw moves to the release party ... enjoy people.17:31
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rsajdok /j #ubuntu18:51
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* tgardner -> EOD20:02
* _ruben runs20:09
_ruben(EOD being the dutch bombsquad)20:09
bjfjsalisbury: i've been looking at some of the Package bugs that we have been getting21:23
bjfjsalisbury: i don't think the nag-bot should be adding comments to those21:23
jsalisburybjf, ok.  21:23
bjfjsalisbury: a new kernel isn't the problem/solution21:23
bjfjsalisbury: what do you think ?21:23
jsalisburybjf, yes, agreed.  Many times an apt-get clean and re-install will fix it.21:24
jsalisburybjf, I've see a few of these now, so I'll dig deeper: bug 98648221:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 986482 in linux "package linux-tools-common (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/perf', which is also in package linux-base 3.4" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98648221:25
jsalisburybjf, actually, it looks like andy is looking at a similar bug: bug 93135321:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 931353 in linux "package linux-tools-common (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/perf', which is also in package linux-base 3.3" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93135321:26
bjfjsalisbury: i've got a python script which digs through the VarLogDistupgradeApttermlog.gz file and tries to find the issue21:28
jsalisburybjf, ahh, cool.  What does it download the file, then unzip it?21:29
bjfjsalisbury: sort of, there is some of that built into lpltk and a little bit of other python code21:31
jsalisburybjf, I see21:31
bjfjsalisbury: change pushed21:34
jsalisburybjf, heh, that was quick :-)21:34
apwbjf, yep i have that one on my radar, might get that sorted this week in Q at least22:50
bjfapw, i'm just adding some code to the bot to help with initial triag, it looks at VarLogDistupgradeApttermlog.gz23:09
vanhoofsforshee: you about?23:11
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