
=== raju is now known as badfox
locodir-userhi everybody,morning from bilbao EGUN ON05:33
dholbachgood morning06:51
Tm_Tany of loco council around?09:10
Tm_Tapparently not (:09:13
benonsoftwareTm_T: See the first section in the /topic09:14
Tm_Tbenonsoftware: I know09:14
=== akgraner` is now known as akgraner
=== jdrab is now known as cortex_sk
uros1any member of council in room now?13:58
jo-erlendhey. The Norwegian LoCo is a highly fragmented one. I took over as contact in January and with the release of 12.04 safely behind us, I thought I'd start working on fixing things. 14:20
jo-erlendnow, ubuntu-no@lists.ubuntu.com is administered by ubuntu.no@gmail.com. I've sent an email, hoping to discover who that account belongs to, but it might be that it's not actually used by anyone. In that case, I'll need it to be transferred to me. I'm guessing that won't be a problem?14:21
czajkowskijo-erlend: no it wont be you'll need to file a question on LP https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion14:22
czajkowskiand from there it'll be looked at 14:23
czajkowskiusally they'll attempt to contact the owner also and give it 10 days to allow a reply14:23
jo-erlendczajkowski, great. I don't really understand the relationship between lists.ubuntu.com and LP. Can you explain?14:23
czajkowskijo-erlend: the question on lp is to track that poeple are contacted and then the lp admins have the ability to hang ethe ownership 14:24
czajkowskineeds to be some sort of physical trail rather than just  a ping on irc 14:25
czajkowskias for lists, some teams use them, others use mailman 14:25
jo-erlendright. That's understandable. 14:25
popeyi dont understand how this is a LP issue either14:25
popeyfirst I'd suggest jo-erlend should email ubuntu.no@gmail.com to make contact, did you try that jo-erlend ?14:26
czajkowskipopey: the rest is logged via the questions, as lp admins will need to be the ones to change the owner if they cant ffind the owner 14:26
popeyno they wont14:26
popeymailing lists aren't administered by LP admins14:26
popeyit'll need an rt to system admins to change that14:26
popeybut thats further down the line, jo-erlend should make contect first14:27
popeyubuntu-no@lists.ubuntu.com is a mailman list, not a launchpad one14:27
uros1what is proper way to send submissions for weekly newsletter? (LoCo team Serbia)14:28
jo-erlendpopey, I have sent an email, yes. So I might get a reply.14:28
jo-erlendWhat is an RT?14:28
popeyrequest tracker14:30
popeya trouble ticket14:30
popeybest thing to do would be email the loco council, then they can help you14:30
uros1ok tnx14:30
czajkowskiuros1: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewsTeam/Contact  might be able to help you 14:32
=== CrazyMelon is now known as CrazyLemon
uros1rtčpihzo zorrjriot54 zr  ruiz9'56 +4erhttp://mint-srbija.com/894rprgvgvvlgfpgrpšprrprkrhh                          ,.lasjvooiq0qo0q020217:02
=== Ronnie2 is now known as Ronnie
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
YoBoYfrench localised iso is online : http://www.ubuntu-fr.org/telechargement19:21

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