
=== emma_ is now known as emma
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dholbachgood morning06:51
gesergood morning07:30
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mvineetmenonwhen's the release??12.04??08:44
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Laneymvineetmenon: please visit #ubuntu-release-party for such questions08:48
mvineetmenon@laney : ok..thx08:48
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bregmado not stack stuff on top of your magic trackpad13:09
ScottKtumbleweed, bdrung: http://paste.debian.net/165459/13:44
LaneyScottK: get the distro-info-data SRU from -proposed13:44
ScottKIt is a design that is idiotic beyond belief to crash in this case.13:45
ScottKI will.13:45
tumbleweedScottK: we don't really have any better solution to the problem13:45
tumbleweedeither it fails with an error13:46
ScottKWhy should pbuilder-dist precise update not work today just like it did yesterday?13:46
tumbleweedor it assumes that the last release it knows about is still the devel release. But we know that it isn't13:46
ScottKIt doesn't matter what the devel release is.13:46
ScottKI told it which one I wanted.13:46
StevenKThere is no devel release currently.13:46
ScottKThat too.13:47
tumbleweedclearly the problem here is13:47
tumbleweed    if self.target_distro == UbuntuDistroInfo().devel():13:47
tumbleweedbecause we only have forward mappings not reverse...13:47
tumbleweedbut the general problem of what to do when the data is out of date is often: fail13:47
ScottKI've been thinking it was time to learn about sbuild anyway.13:50
tumbleweedand in the last few days I've been thinking that I need to fix the worst of these cases. Mark is getting less and less timely with his name announcements13:51
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RhondaHmm, what's the Q14:46
Rhondaquetzal …  now trying to figure out how long I need to be able to type that properly.  Quicker than oneiric or slower …14:47
tumbleweedquantal is the word you need to type14:48
Rhondaoh, right14:49
* Rhonda suddenly has some mariachis before her eyes :)14:51
RhondaNoone wants to update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/?  :)14:53
EvilResistanceupdate how?14:54
highvoltageRhonda: perhaps they did and they're just waiting for it to save? #ubuntuwikislowness ;)14:54
Rhondaprecise from "to be released" to "released"? :)14:54
EvilResistancethe wiki can be pretty slow actually14:54
* Rhonda tries to do herself14:55
EvilResistancetbph i could probably *try* to edit, but i'm lazy :P14:55
highvoltageRhonda: oops, me too :)14:55
* EvilResistance also doesnt have any special role, and might be blocked14:55
highvoltageRhonda: well, saved :)14:55
Rhondahighvoltage, you'll beat me to it, I'm not even logged in yet ;)14:55
EvilResistancequestion now14:55
EvilResistancedo you even need "to be released"14:55
EvilResistance(probably, but with nothting there it makes the page look... weird might be the word)14:56
RhondaYes, I use it to follow the link to the release information for the next one :)14:56
Rhonda… highvoltage could have added quantal below instead :)14:56
* highvoltage is on it14:57
highvoltage(just finding the exact dates)14:57
RhondaJust put "TBA"14:57
Laneyand kill maverick?14:57
RhondaAh, right, should update packages.ubuntu.com me thinks  :)14:57
tumbleweedhighvoltage: these were what I could determine: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=collab-maint/distro-info-data.git;a=commitdiff;h=89022e2351ec3cd60c457c2b3436b74d54d7ac84 (dates)14:58
EvilResistanceLaney:  you mean on the main page, remove the maverick row?14:58
highvoltagedone and done14:59
EvilResistanceLaney:  has the dev schedule for Quantal been published yet?14:59
Rhondashouldn't hardy moved on the /Releases page to EOLed?14:59
Laneya draft14:59
RhondaAh, no, april 201315:00
EvilResistancehardy for servers, yes.15:00
RhondaYep, Laney, maverick killed15:00
highvoltagehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseSchedule is where the draft is, fwiw15:01
EvilResistancei take it thath backporting from Precise still works (if I can show the package to backport builds, runs, installs, uninstalls correctly on the release being backported to)?15:02
Laneyand reverse-depends too15:03
RhondaI think I'll postpone the changes to the packages site for now.15:03
RhondaLaney: Btw backports, wesnoth 1.10.2 upcoming  ;)15:03
* Laney is registering precise-backports now15:03
EvilResistanceLaney:  reverse depends in which context?  that the dependencies for the package that exist in say, Precise, must also exist in, say, Oneiric, and not cause significant breakage?15:04
EvilResistances/significant breakage/breakage/15:04
tumbleweedyou don't register them when the release name is announced?15:04
Laneyyou think someone might hijack the name?15:07
tumbleweedit's possible. But you've got the lp admins on your side :)15:07
EvilResistanceLaney:  what do i need to worry about with the rdeps?15:09
Laneythat they work with the new package15:09
EvilResistanceapart from rdeps not existing on the release the package is being backported to15:09
EvilResistanceah, of course :P15:09
EvilResistancei know that the package in question (ZNC) when it was backported to ONeiric from Precise/sid and its rdeps worked15:10
* EvilResistance will confirm with the latest version of ZNC from Precise in an Oneiric env15:10
bobweaverhello there I am trying to fix a bug for dwww the bug is here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dwww/+bug/988937   my question is I am playing with the Makefile for the .desktop file and was wondering what is the correct value for a icon dir ? Here is Makefile well one of them   http://paste.ubuntu.com/947578/ thanks for your time.16:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 988937 in dwww (Ubuntu) "Icon is not there for unity." [Undecided,New]16:11
bobweaverOk so I fixed the error where to upload too ?16:42
bobweaveror push sorry16:42
bobweaverI keep getting error bzr: ERROR: Permission denied: "~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/precise/dwww/": : Cannot create branch at '/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/precise/dwww'          <~~ I am sure that that is not the right place16:42
astraljavabobweaver: If you don't have permissions for that project, you can push into your own branch and suggest a merge proposal.16:44
bobweaverthanks astraljava16:44
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bobweaver \o/ it worked  now just to try to merge :)17:07
jtaylorcan we already sync stuff to quantal?17:12
jtaylorfor security17:12
Laneyit'll be easiest to just wait17:13
micahgjtaylor: not open yet17:13
Laneybut i think technically it would go to unapproved17:13
jtaylorits more to make sure that the precise version gets superseeded by quantal17:14
jtaylorbut ubuntu0.12.04.1 should be fine17:14
Laneywhy is that time critical?17:14
micahgnot sure if there's a way to test build yet :)17:14
bobweaverthat was my next question how, long till I install alpha Quantal  aka when will alpha be here ?17:15
bobweaverIs there a mailing list for that ?17:15
bobweaverthanks again jtaylor  I am turning into a skipping recored with that17:17
bobweaverneed to make alais :)17:17
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pabelangerSo, packages for precise go through the -proposed process now, right?20:32
pabelangerbug 98920520:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 989205 in glance (Ubuntu) "Give glance group read permission to /etc/glance" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98920520:32
micahgpabelanger: yes20:32
pabelangermicahg: cool, just confirming.  THanks20:33
jtaylorpabelanger: there was another asterisk dsa from debian with several quite serious issues, can you take care of them?20:46
pabelangerjtaylor: Ya, I can see what is need to do for the other branches of ubuntu.  A FFE for asterisk was recently done, which should address these issues20:49
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nixternaldistro_info.DistroDataOutdated: Distribution data outdated   <- anyone with an idea of why I am getting that with pbuilder-precise let me know23:37
nixternalit worked a few days ago23:37
ajmitchnixternal: I heard word of a 0-day SRU to fix distro-info23:54
nixternalyeah, ScottK already told me23:54
* ajmitch is just too slow :)23:55
nixternalold age does that to you23:56
bdrungtumbleweed: i am in the backports keyring. i will do the backport once i fully recovered from the hard drive failure23:57

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