
lifelessmwhudson: are you on the ubuntu-nz mailing list ?10:29
Atamiramorning on this wet friday morning19:26
lifelessprecise is out :)19:27
ibeardsleehas it hit the .nz mirrors yet?19:35
chiltswoohoo for Precise :)19:55
chiltsI wonder if an *.04 will come out in *.05 sometime19:55
chiltsthere was one that was 6 weeks late one time, wasn't there?19:55
ajmitchdapper became 6.0620:05
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=== Guest17212 is now known as ojwb
ajmitchmust be time to start working on quantal quetzal now :)20:09
ibeardsleeI've been upgrading from archive.ubuntu.com for the last couple of weeks .. so there were just 14 packages upgraded this morning20:45
chiltsahhh, classic : http://imgur.com/gtXgp20:46
* ajmitch should see if there's anything to upgrade20:49
ajmitchslowest part is apt-get update20:53
ajmitch 5,784 B/s 12min 36s20:53
ibeardsleeyeah that'd be getting hammered21:02
mwhudsonlifeless: yes21:26
mwhudsonoops, i forgot to camp in #ubuntu-release-party this time around21:51
ajmitchI was in there for awhile, but didn't really feel like sticking around21:52
mwhudsonyou certainly don't want to read it :-)21:52
ajmitch"are we there yet??"21:53
ojwbhmm, i'm tempted to create an Ubuntu derivative called Ubik21:54
ojwbthen this release can be Perky Pat21:54
ojwbit does seem a lot of work for a slightly obscure scifi reference though21:55
mwhudsonmaybe you can change your name to horselover fat first?21:57
mwhudson(that is the right reference, isn't it?)21:57
mwhudsonah, ubik isn't one of the valis novels, so it's not quite the right reference22:02
* mwhudson tries to remember if he's actually read ubik22:02
ojwbapparently you can't remember it wholesale22:06
mwhudsoni have read that one22:06
* ojwb has, but not for 20 years probably22:06
ojwb18 maybe22:06
mwhudsonubik's wikipedia summary seems pretty unfamiliar22:09
mwhudsonbut reminds me that pkd was pretty messed up22:09
thomihmm, so whiule using unsquashfs, I see this error printed out:L22:48
thomiwrite_xattr: failed to write xattr security.capability for file working/extracted-squashfs/usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon because a weird error occurred22:48
thomi*slow claps*22:48
ajmitch"a weird error" - very technical22:49
thomiajmitch: here's a question for you:22:58
thomiIs there a way to generate a diff of all files changed in an ubuntu package ver X->Y?  The package is a python app, and I want to know what was changed22:59
thomi...without going though all the apt-src nonsense22:59
* thomi wants an "apt-diff" command22:59
thomiI guess that's a "no" then23:00
ajmitchwell there's only really debdiff23:00
ajmitchwhich will compare source files23:00
ajmitchso you'd run 'debdiff X.dsc Y.dsc'23:00
thomihmmm... ok, another stupid Q: how do I get a src package downloaded?23:01
thomiahh, nvm23:01
ojwbapt-get source ...23:01
thomiI knew that23:01
ojwbthat'll unpack it too23:01
ojwbthere may be an option not to, never looked23:01
thomiI'll just use diff on the extracted files then23:02
thomihmmm, are older versions of a package purged from the download servers straight away?23:05
ajmitchthomi: yes23:05
thomiok, so what do I need to do to get an older version of a package?23:05
ajmitchdepends if LP has purged it, what's the package?23:06
thomicurrent is 1.4.1, I need to get the source for 1.4.023:06
ajmitchlooks like it's gone23:07
ajmitchhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ibus/+publishinghistory says the last 1.4.0 version was removed from disk23:07
ajmitchyou might be able to get the version from the bzr branch23:07
thomiok, thanks anyway23:07
thomiI'll do this the hard way23:08
ajmitcheach version should be tagged in lp:ubuntu/ibus23:08
ojwbif the debian package is close enough, you could get that from snapshot.debian.org23:08
ajmitchthere look to be a few patches in ubuntu, so the branch might be the best option23:10
thomigah - even worse, the changes I need to look at involve a rename, which makes the diffs useless23:10
ojwbcan't you tell debdiff about renamed files?23:11
ojwbhmm, maybe not for source diffing23:11
thomiit's OK, I just need to do it manually, can;'t rely on the VCS diffs23:12
ajmitchsorry to not be of much help23:13

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