
bazhanglooks like Ubuxubu is going to be his usual helpful self01:32
bazhangheh nice retort02:05
bazhang* Tasmania is now known as USA02:08
elkyreally now02:46
shpekaset me a K-line please05:43
tsimpsonshpeka: I don't believe staff do requests, but this wouldn't be the place to ask anyway05:46
Tm_Thi cdm10, how can we help you?07:41
jussierr, what is twobottux...07:56
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1741 users, 3 overflows, 1744 limit))08:18
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1743 users, 3 overflows, 1746 limit))08:18
applebloomubuntu 10.10 is the one without unity right?09:42
Tm_Tapplebloom: perhaps, but it's also a release that isn't supported anymore, why asking?09:43
applebloomfor one i hate unity :/09:43
Myrttiuse Xubuntu then.09:43
applebloomwhat's that?09:43
jussior KDE09:43
applebloomnaw don't like kde either09:44
MrChrisDruifapplebloom; 10.04 is still supported and you could try different flavors or make your own install with something you DO like09:44
applebloomi like gnome 2 the way it used to be09:44
MrChrisDruifOr Lubuntu09:44
Unit193Or build from mini.09:44
MrChrisDruifUnit193; that's what I said09:44
applebloom10.04 is supported but not 10.10?09:44
Myrttiapplebloom: too bad Gnome 2 is dead. Anything else you need help with?09:44
applebloomgnome 3 is just awful09:45
Myrttiapplebloom: 10.04 is LTS, it's supported for one more year.09:45
Myrttiapplebloom: you do know what channel you're on?09:45
applebloomyes yes, but it doesn't mean i have to like gnome 3 does it?09:45
applebloombecause i don't09:45
Myrttithis is the Ubuntu Ops channel09:47
Myrttinot #ubuntu. You're banned from there09:47
Myrttido you know why?09:47
applebloomnot really09:47
applebloomi'm at a college though09:47
applebloomprobably one of the other kids banned the ip09:47
Myrttibecause #ubuntu isn't for rants09:47
applebloomthis is where it sent me :/09:48
applebloomanyway, okay i'm downloading 10.0409:48
applebloombut it's 10.04.X Desktop09:48
applebloomdoes that matter?09:48
applebloomX = xserver?09:48
applebloomMyrtti, well can you unban me in the other channel?09:52
applebloomum why?09:52
Myrttibecause I don't see the benefit09:52
applebloomfor you?09:52
applebloomi don't know what you mean by that Myrtti09:53
Myrttiwould you explain what exactly would you ask or do in #ubuntu?09:53
applebloomi'm going to try to get 10.04 running and my nvidia graphics drivers installed that i've been trying to do for the past 5 hours now if you don't mind09:53
applebloomactually going on 6 hours now09:54
applebloomprobably some post installation questions too09:54
applebloomMyrtti, are you there?09:56
applebloomi'll be back if 10.4 works09:59
applebloomMyrtti, are you at the keys?10:10
applebloomi have some problems already10:10
Myrttithe ban is removed, but anything questionable and you're back in square one.10:24
LjLBen64 is on a line10:26
LjLBen64: i think i can speak for everyone here when i say we're sick and tired of the same story each release, where people like you will insist *in the wrong channel* about the release being out when it's not been announced. of COURSE, it's going to be released today, so they're preparing the release and setting up the servers. duh. that's obvious, isn't it? yet it's out when it's announced, not before10:28
Ben64but it literally is out and downloadable and installable now10:28
Tm_TBen64: this is not up to debate, it's released _when_ release announcement is made, not before10:29
Ben64all the links to the beta go to the final release10:29
Myrttiand there might be last minute changes to the image that will be rsynced into it10:29
LjLBen64: which part of "preparing the release and setting up the servers"...?10:29
Myrttiand you announcing it's out when it's not10:29
LjLBen64: maybe it's out for YOU10:29
LjLBen64: go ahead, download it, use it10:29
Myrttimakes the servers just that much more under strain.10:29
LjLBen64: but stop feeling the #ubuntu channel with non-support cruft10:30
LjLfilling, even10:30
Ben64everyone keeps asking about it so i tell them the truth10:30
pangolinbut you aren't10:30
LjLBen64: redirect them to #ubuntu-release-party or #ubuntu+1 as appropriate10:30
elkyIt's not the truth. Respins can happen and have happened.10:30
Ben64it doesn't say beta, the beta doesn't exist anymore10:30
pangolinin 5 minutes the release manager can decide they need another month before releasing10:31
elkyThat doesn't mean it's the final release. That means it's a spin they thought might be, but nobody is sure until the release manager declares it.10:31
elkyI don't think you realise how long it takes to preseed hundreds of mirrors10:31
Ben64around 15 minutes10:32
elkyThey pre-emptively pre-seed incase it is ok, because it saves time later on.10:32
elkyBen64, LOLNO10:32
elkyYour naivety is hhilarious.10:32
Ben64700MB * 4 = 2800MB / 100mbit = <5min for the set10:33
MyrttiI can't believe we're even having this conversation10:33
elkyMyrtti, I'm laughing so hard right now10:33
LjLBen64, whatever, unless you agree to either ignore the "is it out" questions, or respond with "not officially yet" or redirect to #ubuntu-release-party or #ubuntu+1, the current ban will stay. your choice.10:34
Ben64i see 186 seeds on the torrent right now, ~20 mins after the "release"10:34
Ben64don't see why getting the isos to mirrors would be harder than that10:35
Tm_Tlet's not waste more time on this10:35
pangolin/msg chanserv LOCKDOWN #ubuntu* Be back in 24 hours - AFTER THE RELEASE -10:36
Myrttioooh oooh let's do that10:37
bioterrorhappy leet 'o clock from finland! ;D10:37
LjLbetter leet than never10:38
jiltdilI was banned by ikonia in ubuntu. I just give the ubuntu download link and he banned me. Why ??? This should be not the reason for banned. Please tell me how to join ubuntu10:52
pangolinbecause you gave a link to something that is not released10:52
ikoniaand you where in the channel when it was explained many times that it is NOT released.10:52
jiltdilBut i just found it on ubuntu website?10:53
ikoniano, you found what you think is a release.10:53
ikoniayou don't know what it is, what it's therefor10:53
jiltdilikonia, ok sorry  please uban me.10:53
ikoniayou are not canonical, you are not the release manager, you don't know what's going on10:53
ikoniayou can wait until after the release.10:54
ikoniathe ban will auto remove once the release is offically out10:54
jiltdiloh please , i used to come here to see the questions asked by people so i can learn from the questions10:54
jiltdilAnd due to your ban i am also unable to see the asked questions :(10:55
ikoniagreat, you'll start learning again tomorrow,10:55
ikoniasee you after the release.10:55
knomethe logs are online10:55
ikoniayou're welcome back in the channel 24 hours from now10:56
Davieyhey.. has #ubuntu-release-announce not been opened ?10:57
ikoniajiltdil: please leave this channel now10:57
ikoniaDaviey: good point10:57
ikoniaI guess not10:58
jiltdilikonia,  Ok Sorry and Thanks10:58
ikoniano problem, bye10:58
ikoniaI'd like it open, it's much nicer than release party10:59
Myrttiis it +m?10:59
DavieyWho can open it?10:59
MyrttiI need tea11:00
DavieyAlanBell: around? :)11:00
DavieyAlanBell: fancy opening the channel?11:01
AlanBellah right, it is invite only11:04
pangolinonly the cool people get to be there11:04
pangolinDaviey: we are not cool11:05
Tm_Tonly cool and young /:11:05
jribah looks like we're in for a quick release today... nice11:54
Myrttistill no email...11:55
ikoniait's on the main site, nothing more can be done11:55
Myrttimy theory is that someone was sitting in the CMS with mouse cursor on the publish button and sneezed.11:57
bazhangheh thats a first12:03
Myrttithe email is there12:07
ikoniawhat a great release from an enterprise business12:08
ikoniais it worth clearing +112:10
ikoniaand putting it back to invite12:10
Myrttican I mute PartyBot?12:11
AlanBellgo ahead12:11
bazhangor get LjL to change its message12:11
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) is the current release of Ubuntu | Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/111012:20
ubottuUbuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) was the fourteenth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/110412:20
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+112:21
AlanBell!no 11.10 is <reply> Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) was the fifteenth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/111012:21
ubottuI'll remember that AlanBell12:21
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) was the fifteenth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/111012:21
AlanBell!no 12.04 is <reply> Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the current release of Ubuntu.  Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/120412:22
ubottuI'll remember that AlanBell12:22
AlanBelldo those ones not work like that12:23
PiciAll the release number factoids were aliases....12:23
PiciI'll clean it up in a pm with ubottu, too much noise if I do it here.12:24
AlanBelloh ok12:24
AlanBellI thought they were aliases to the number12:24
PiciMaybe someday we'll fix that, but for whatever reason they're all aliased to the adjective.12:25
Picijussi, tsimpson, ts2: could we please get the config values for curLTS/curStable updated? I don't have sufficient access to do that.12:28
Tm_Treleasenotes doesn't load, meh12:33
jussiright, think thats done12:35
Picino releasenotes is <reply> Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) release notes can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes12:35
PiciTm_T: I updated the short url12:37
Picijussi: looks good12:38
Pici!final =~ s/Discussion.*//13:03
ubottuI'll remember that Pici13:03
ubottuIn ubottu, DJones said: !isitout is Yes, Ubuntu 12.04 was released on April 26th, the official announcement can be read at https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2012-April/000159.html, download it at www.ubuntu.com13:19
Pici!no isitout is <reply> Yes, Ubuntu 12.04 was released on April 26th, the official announcement can be read at https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2012-April/000159.html, download it at www.ubuntu.com13:20
ubottuI'll remember that Pici13:20
Piciokay, time to get back to the job that pays me...13:20
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Guest693
Pici!info linux14:30
ubottulinux (source: linux-meta): Generic complete Linux kernel.. In component main, is optional. Version (oneiric), package size 1 kB, installed size 36 kB14:30
Picijussi, tsimpson: we forgot to update !info14:30
jussiPici: yeha, that takes a little longer, but Ill get to it in the next few days if tsimpson doesnt beat me to it14:31
=== Guest80772 is now known as Mamarok
ubottuIn ubottu, _r00t_ said: thanks but what is worse is that I'm not IRCing as root :)16:03
Piciogra has informed me (and I've confirmed from data in #ubuntu-release) that if someone wants to upgrade to 12.04 from 10.04, they need to use the -d switch.17:16
Picifor do-release-upgrade17:16
PiciOnly once we hit 12.04.1 will that not be needed.17:16
Myrttihasn't that been the way since ... forever?17:17
Picihas it?17:18
tonyyarussoI don't think so17:19
MyrttiI have a faint recollection that was how it was two years ago17:22
tonyyarussoThat was a dream17:22
=== myrtti is now known as Myrtti
PiciLjL: thanks, was just trying to read their scrollback19:11
LjLboth were silly19:11
ubottuLogan_ called the ops in #ubuntu (bigdots)19:51
LjL@mark #ubuntu thebigbangass Troll20:15
ubottuThe operation succeeded.20:15
=== pangolin is now known as IdleOne
bazhangsmallfoot- seems to think being banned in #ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic makes it ok to rant in +122:58
smallfoot-i have no place to go22:59
smallfoot-ppl dont want me to talk in #ubuntu+1 cuz its for the next ubuntu talk23:00
bazhangsmallfoot-, why were you banned in those channels23:00
smallfoot-but i cant goto #ubuntu or #ubuntu-offtopic, cuz im ban23:00
smallfoot-i dont know23:00
smallfoot-i dont remember23:00
smallfoot-i was banned from there liek 100 years ago23:00
bazhangsmallfoot-, the usual complaining/ranting offtopic chat23:00
smallfoot-yeh, i get so angry that my ubuntu has firefox 11, and everyone else have firefox 1223:01
bazhangsmallfoot-, and people point out solutions, but you don't listen23:01
smallfoot-well i want you to put them in the update manger so they come to my cmputer automatically23:01
bazhangthen add the PPA23:02
smallfoot-oh, i didnt know there was a ppa23:02
smallfoot-also i get angry on 9999 other things23:02
smallfoot-liek the ubuntu guys didnt put Desura in repo, so now i cant play games23:02
bazhangsmallfoot-, that's not appropriate for ubuntu channels23:03
smallfoot-and valve is making steam for linux, but when it comes, i prolly has to wait liek 3 year before it comes23:03
bazhang!guidelines | smallfoot- read these please23:04
ubottusmallfoot- read these please: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines23:04
bazhang!codeofconduct | smallfoot- and this too23:04
ubottusmallfoot- and this too: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct23:04
smallfoot-can i give moneys to ubuntu?23:06
smallfoot-and will it buy hamburgers or make good code?23:06
bazhangsmallfoot-, did you read all those links?23:06
smallfoot-ya, cuz ppl told them to me before many times lol23:07
bazhangsmallfoot-, so why are you asking those questions here? you need to read those and agree to them before we would consider lifting your bans23:08
smallfoot-ok i agree!!23:08
smallfoot-can you take away bans now?23:08
bazhangsmallfoot-, please take a moment to read those links23:38
smallfoot-i will never be unbanded from ubuntu channels :(23:53
IdleOnesmallfoot-: not until you follow the instructions bazhang is giving you23:54
smallfoot-plz i been banned for liek a year23:55
smallfoot-check my ban date23:55
smallfoot-its llike 2009 or something23:55
smallfoot-its friggin long time23:55
IdleOnesmallfoot-: have you read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines ?23:56
IdleOneDo you understand the guidelines?23:56
smallfoot-i dont flood or do public away msg or stuf liek that23:58
smallfoot-i always speak english and dont abuse !ops trigger23:58
smallfoot-and dont abuse bots23:58
smallfoot-and i dont have talkin scripts23:58
IdleOneyou do tend to be off topic though23:58
smallfoot-yeah idk23:58
smallfoot-but its not my fault23:59
IdleOnesure it is23:59
IdleOneyou're the one typing23:59
smallfoot-yeah, but but something happens then i must say it in the ubuntu channel if its bout ubuntu23:59
smallfoot-example i only have firefox 11 and not firefox 12, then i get angry23:59

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