
Jak2000in ubuntu howto:start restart mysql00:29
patdk-lapservice mysql restart00:33
uvirtbotNew bug: #988635 in elinks (universe) "manpages.ubuntu.com mentions ECMAScript ; actual manpage in package does not" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98863501:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #988648 in keystone (main) "No python-keystoneclient deb" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98864802:26
twb$customer has ordered me to make their tomcat servlet "work under linux", and given me an allegedly working box with the servlet running under XP to work from.02:41
twbApparently the XP box has a "postgresql-9.0-801.jdbc4.jar" in its tomcat lib dir.  On Debian apt-file turns up a libpostgresql-jdbc-java: /usr/share/java/postgresql.jar, which sounds like what I want, but I can't find the same package under lucid -- why not?02:42
ajmitchtwb: probably because it was added well after lucid released02:46
ajmitchtwb: last release in debian changed the binary package name02:47
ajmitchit used to be libpg-java02:48
twbAh, it's just a different package name?  Thanks.  I should probably just install apt-file on a lucid server.02:48
twb(I haven't yet because for some reason my local mirror has a broken Contents despite me telling debootstrap to sync it.  So that host would need non-mirror:// non-file:/// URLs in sources.list)02:49
uvirtbotNew bug: #987963 in maas "purging maas\* leaves /var/lib/cobbler and /etc/cobbler populated" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98796302:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #988660 in nova (main) "package nova-common 2012.1-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98866003:21
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koolhead17hi all05:10
hallynstgraber: the lxc package at ppa:serge-hallyn/virt, merge with debian, seems to be working (passing lp:~serge-hallyn/+junk/lxc-test)05:11
koolhead17hallyn, can  you help me to understand this wiered kvm error log05:31
koolhead17kvm              1:84+dfsg-0ubunt05:33
koolhead17my openstack setup seems to have gone 4 toss05:33
uvirtbotNew bug: #988688 in openldap (main) "package slapd 2.4.21-0ubuntu5.7 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98868805:51
hallynkoolhead17: on precise?  (kvm version is not helpful)05:57
koolhead17hallyn, yes precise05:57
hallyncheck the /var/log/libvirt/qemu/vmname.log , might have better info05:58
koolhead17k. i rebooted my system gimme few mins05:58
hallynok - i'll likely be in bed, pls feel free to open a bug, i'll look in the morning.  the monitor openign error looks weird05:59
hallynalmost like a dns error is causing it05:59
koolhead17k thanks06:00
uvirtbotNew bug: #988690 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98869006:11
ruben23mysql  Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.1.61, <------------------gusy i ahve this mysql version can ias k what si teh default engine for this..InnoDB or MyISAm..?06:41
ivokskees: around, by any chance? :)06:44
bluefrogruben23, http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/innodb-default-se.html06:46
twb 8 getaddrinfo(,5900): Name or service not known06:48
twbSounds like an obvious error to me06:48
twbSomeone has put "" where they should have put only ""06:49
twbYou do want to see the kvm log as hallyn suggested, though06:49
ivokskees: please take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/resource-agents/+bug/833368/comments/3 - can this be solved by just changing defaults in lvm.conf, instead of using that patch?07:25
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 833368 in resource-agents "clustered lvm commands fail with "activation/monitoring=0 is incompatible with clustered Volume Group" error" [Undecided,In progress]07:25
* koolhead17 is happy :)07:35
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koolhead17hallyn, thanks :)08:56
* koolhead17 has complete setup working with latest openstack pkg. :)08:56
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uvirtbotNew bug: #988802 in squid3 "squid3 killed by ABRT signal. assertion failed: disk.cc377: "fd >= 0"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98880211:21
koolhead17somebody let me know when i can hit the download button  :)11:23
ogra_Daviey, rbasak, does the server team update the pandaboard server install instructions ?11:59
ogra_(since they still point to oneiric)11:59
rbasakI don't know who maintains that, sorry.11:59
ogra_well, its a server image11:59
Davieyogra_: linky?12:00
ogra_GrueMaster used to maintain it, but he isnt with us anymore12:00
rbasakThe instructions for a generic ARM server install should be based on armadaxp now.12:00
rbasakDid NCommander take an action on something related to this?12:00
ogra_i just updated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/OmapDesktopInstall in case you need a template12:01
Davieyrbasak: Is that something you can handle today?12:01
NCommanderrbasak: it got sidetracked with release tasks12:01
ogra_rbasak, how do armadaxp instructions help the community to test server userspace on arm ? :)12:02
rbasakDaviey: rbasak or NCommander, and keep panda or replace with armadaxp?12:02
NCommanderrbasak: keep the panda12:02
* ogra_ would add armada instructions additionally on a separate page if you really expect that community people can buy these boards soon12:03
uvirtbotNew bug: #988819 in apache2 (main) "wrong path to libxml2.so.2 in mod_security" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98881912:37
Ztanein 12.04 ec2 instance store images, can the kernel be updated within the instance?12:38
memoryleakis it my fault or is the ubuntu site not available?12:55
ogra_its all your fault !12:56
ogra_(no, its actually known and being worked on)12:56
koolhead17memoryleak, its working now :P12:56
memoryleakkoolhead17: it still doesnt :)13:07
memoryleakhow ever, the 12.04 server is final right?13:10
koolhead17memoryleak, i think so but Daviey or others be right folks13:13
erichammondThe EC2 AMI ids for Ubuntu 12.04 Precise need to be updated on http://cloud.ubuntu.com/ami/13:15
utlemmingerichammond: looking at that now13:15
erichammondThat page is still showing the AMI ids for beta2 even though the query API is returning correct ids.13:15
erichammondGood job launching the AMIs with the rest of 12.04.  I've come to expect this level of excellence from Canonical, but now and then I remember how much work goes into it.13:17
koolhead17erichammond, are you the Alestic folk13:18
erichammondkoolhead17: singular, yes.13:19
koolhead17erichammond, your doing good job13:19
erichammondkoolhead17: glad to help.13:20
erichammondhttp://www.canonical.com/ is not accepting connections.13:23
erichammondah, nor is http://www.ubuntu.com/13:23
smbrelease day ...13:24
dakeri guess this is due to the hight demand13:24
lynxman-the website is being hammered to the extreme13:24
ogra_known, being worked on13:25
smblynxman-, I am sure you can see lots of hair being pulled :)13:25
lynxman-smb: not in the office today, otherwise I definitely would :D13:25
smosererichammond, i'll poke on cloud.ubuntu.com/ami .13:25
smoserthat actually reads /query, which is updated, so i'm not sure what is going wrong.13:25
erichammondsmoser: utlemming may also be looking at it.13:26
smoseryeah. he pinged me too.13:26
erichammondsmoser: yep, Alestic.com is picking up the correct AMI ids from /query13:27
smosererichammond, note, though... i think that is kind of deprecated. :-(13:27
smoseri've tried to get a few minor things fixed with it13:28
smoserbug 90736213:28
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 907362 in ubuntu-cloud-portal "AMI locator page is slow to load" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90736213:28
smoserbug 904910, bug 89884613:29
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 904910 in ubuntu-cloud-portal "Needs to show if a release is actually released" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90491013:29
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 898846 in ubuntu-cloud-portal "AMI Locator needs release number" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89884613:29
smoserthey were largely closed as invalid due to bug 92053813:29
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 920538 in ubuntu-cloud-portal "Just use cloud-images.u.c instead of the AMI browser" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92053813:29
erichammondsmoser: I'm confused about how bug 920538 is marked fixed released, but cloud.u.c/ami does not redirect to cloud-images.u.c13:43
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 920538 in ubuntu-cloud-portal "Just use cloud-images.u.c instead of the AMI browser" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92053813:43
smosererichammond, well, the link to that is gone (i think)13:46
smoserie, you only know of it because you know of it.13:46
SysTomhttp://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ <- is that the "released" 12.04 LTS?13:47
Piciscubes13: yes13:52
Piciscubes13: oops13:52
PiciSysTom: yes13:52
erichammondsmoser: The page itself should be replace with either a redirect or a hyperlink to the recommended replacement.  Just because you don't link to it doesn't mean there aren't other links to it.  In fact, it's the second result on Google for "ubuntu amis"13:55
smoserwell, largely it continued to work.13:57
smoserand i think i convinced people that it at least should continue ot.13:57
erichammondsmoser: I think it's fine to have multiple ways to get at the same information so people can choose what works best for them.14:04
erichammondbut now we're back to getting the AMI ids to be correct on that page.14:05
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erichammondprecise uses the same AKI as oneiric.  Nice.14:07
pawsAlternate Koolaid Interface?14:08
koolhead17nijaba_tab, //O.o\\14:08
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kgeeI have 3 web servers, ubuntu, ubuntu, and mac on my LAN. I can get to each of them through localhost, yet only the mac server is available over the LAN. This leads me to believe there is some network blocking/firewall rule on the default ubuntu install that is preventing access. Can anyone confirm/deny this?14:09
EvilResistancekgee:  what're you running on the ubuntu servers?14:10
EvilResistanceby default, there's no firewall rules14:10
EvilResistance(but your network might be blocking it)14:10
kgeeEvilResistance: yeah, I'm trying to narrow down the problem but I'm hitting nothing but air here. The catch is that the ubuntu servers are virtual machines, and the router I have is a piece of garbage. However, since I can get to the mac server remotely I'm led to believe the router is not the culprit14:11
kgeeand the virtual machines have their own IP address over a bridged network adapter, so that usually lets things run smoothly14:11
EvilResistanceemphasis on *usually* :P14:12
* EvilResistance has similar setups with VBox on his active-development laptop, and sometimes things explode14:12
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frankban hi hallyn: when you have a minute, I'd like to talk about lxc-ip.14:12
kgeeregardless, if my router has ip addresses in the dhcp lease table to match the output from ifconfig, I imagine the network is set up properly....14:13
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AprecheDoes anyone know when the official AMIs will be updated? Thanks.14:29
erichammondApreche: Official AMIs for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Precise have been released.14:40
andygraybeal_AMI ?14:40
andygraybeal_american megatrend ?14:40
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Aprecheerichammond: awesome, but I don't see them on http://cloud.ubuntu.com/ami/ Do you have the AMI-IDs?14:40
erichammondApreche: That page is being updated.  In the meantime I list the AMI ids on the top right of http://Alestic.com14:41
wihereki am getting a postfix-policyd related error while trying to install iredmail14:41
Aprecheerichammond: sweet, thanks!14:41
wiherekon ubuntu 11.1014:41
weblinuxdoes anybody know how to host torrents/make them14:41
erichammondApreche: and you can get to them by clicking around here: http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/14:42
patdk-wkweblinux, sure14:42
weblinuxdo u have a name of a program. thats all i need14:42
hallynfrankban: what's up?14:43
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frankbanhallyn: finally I had time to write the script, following your suggestions: it uses Python/ctypes to call setns and get_init_pid (from liblxc). You can find the relevant MP here: https://code.launchpad.net/~frankban/lpsetup/lp-lxc-ip/+merge/10350214:44
hallynfrankban: ooh, aweseome14:44
frankbanhallyn: I'd really like you opinion about the script, and in particular a suggestion about line 209: get_init_pid(name[:85])14:44
erichammondweblinux: Here's how I host torrents (using AWS): http://alestic.com/2012/04/aws-s3-torrent14:44
kirklandjcastro: what happened to #ubuntu-cloud?  freenode is saying that it's invite-only now14:44
frankbanhallyn: There I slice the container's name to avoid a buffer overflow error, and I'd like to know if there is a way to systematically identify the max length of the string (rather than using the number 85, found by trial and error).14:44
erichammondkirkland: I was told that #ubuntu-cloud is supposed to redirect here now.14:45
kirklanderichammond: that's what they all say....  all the good secret stuff is really happening there :-)14:45
hallynfrankban: looking14:45
frankbanhallyn: thanks14:46
hallynfrankban: i should probably look at liblxc before asking - but is it PATH_MAX you're looking for?14:47
hallynI think the library should be doing the sanity checking14:48
frankbanhallyn: I've looked PATH_MAX, but I don't know how to obtain the number 85 starting from that14:48
hallynfrankban: no, i think lxc_command() should be using snprintf and checking its return value14:49
hallynI've been meaning to do an audit of the lxc code ...14:49
hallynfrankban: which releases would you be using that on?  precise+?14:50
frankbanhallyn: yes14:50
hallynDoes what i'm saying make sense to you, or does it sound like the problem you were addressing might be different?14:50
doctormonI'm interested in looking at JuJu charms, but I can't find a list of available charms.14:50
hallynfrankban: let me hand you a package (in a bit) to test on without your slicing the name14:52
frankbanhallyn: it makes sense. I've already encountered buffer overflows when trying to call get_init_pid without the slicing14:53
hallynkind of embarassing :(14:54
frankbanhallyn: ah! and also lxc-info suffers from the same problem14:55
hallynbecause of its call to lxc_init_pid()?14:56
hallyni hope14:56
frankbanI didn't checked that, but it's reasonable14:57
frankbanhallyn: however, I am really interested in your opinions about my branch14:58
hallynah, sorry, got distracted :)  lemme look again14:59
hallyn(distracted with the security implications)14:59
uvirtbotNew bug: #988913 in mod-wsgi (main) "libapache-mod-wsgi depends specifically on python 2.6, but also supports 2.7" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98891315:01
hallynnote that you don't really need to re-set the netns at the end (cause you're going to exit), but it doesn't hurt15:01
doctormonthanks jcastro15:02
frankbanhallyn: I do that basically to isolate tests15:02
doctormonbogger, no openldap charms.15:03
hallynfrankban: I've never done anything quite so awesome in python :)  looks great15:03
wiherekalrite, so.. I found the package here:15:03
wiherekbut how can I install it15:04
wiherekfrom the terminal?15:04
hallynfrankban: what do you think about searching /sys/class/net in the container for an interface?  maybe if given --search-interface option?15:04
wiherekthere is no direct link to the file15:04
designbybeckhello all, I'm trying to find a "whats new" in 12.04 server. where might be the best place to look?15:04
uvirtbotNew bug: #988918 in lxc (universe) "buffer overflows possible in liblxc" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98891815:05
frankbanhallyn: interesting, you mean, retrieving interface names from the directory names inside /sys/class/net and then return all ip addresses for each interface?15:06
hallynfrankban: not for lo, but the others, yes15:12
frankbanhallyn: sounds great15:12
hallynfrankban: thanks for writing that.15:12
frankbanhallyn: thank you for your hints. So i suppose I can remove the slicing once the bug you filed is fixed15:13
SysTomresolve.conf gets overwritten on reboot on 12.04 LTS, I'm not using DHCP on the eth0 interface15:17
SysTomI see the whole "do not edit this file by hand" warning, but am unsure on the supported method for manually supplying nameservers15:18
smbSysTom, There is a description in man resolvconf15:19
smbrequires two lines in /etc/network/interfaces15:19
smb(which I usually forget the exact syntax off)15:19
SysTomsmb: Thanks, I'll check it out15:20
SysTomsmb: That worked15:28
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cocoa117how do you run program in different userid?15:40
RichardRaseleyCongrats on the 12.04 release to all the contributors!15:51
halvorsI'm trying to setup a PXE boot server.15:56
halvorsReqarding to this, the root of the tftp server should be "/media/cdrom/install/netboot/"15:57
halvorsBut in 12.04 it seems like it don't exists...15:57
halvorsAnyone knows why?15:57
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uvirtbotNew bug: #988963 in php5 (main) "Fatal PHP error if class/interface name has letter 'I' and locale set to tr_TR.utf8" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98896316:06
dobwhy is a do-release-upgrade not possible with 10.04 to 12.04?16:12
ogra_dob, because for LTS thats only enabled when the .1 release shows up16:15
ogra_10.04 -> 12.04.116:15
KarwinDoes anyone know if there is a fast upgrade path from 10.04 LTS directly to 12.04 LST?16:37
de_hello.. its there anyone using maas?16:42
patdk-wkKarwin, yes, that is a supported upgrade path16:43
patdk-wkdo-release-upgrade :)16:43
KarwinThank you16:43
zrtschDoes anyone know what causes the error mountall: Plymouth command failed, mountall: Disconnected from plymouth ? This is happening on first install on several machines lately16:57
zrtschI've fixed it before by editing the grub line, but now I forget what it was that I changed16:57
zrtschPeople online are referring to nvidia drivers, but I just installed ubuntu minimal. I don't have any nvidia drivers installed.16:57
zrtschnomodeset, I think that was it.16:59
Ztanehmm ec2 images now handle authorized_keys on ubuntu differently, right?17:02
Ztanewe've been building 10.04 images with ec2-bundle-vol and expected that the authorized_keys on ubuntu account stay the same, now with 12.04 cannot login anymore17:03
Ztanehmm so how to modify this?17:14
=== Jak2000 is now known as jak2000
Ztanewtf really17:24
ZtaneI specify the "webserver-keys" as key name for boto run_instances but am still unable to log in17:25
jcastrosmoser: utlemming: erichammond: cloud.u.c ami browser fixed, sorry about that.17:51
kennettI need help with accessing my server  through a domain name.17:53
zrtsch'through' a domain name?17:53
smoserutlemming, mosh is pretty cool. thanks for pointing me at that. thing that sucks though is that i only opne port 22 by default on instances.17:53
zrtschwhy not open a non-default port?17:54
kennettlike myserver.dyndns.com17:54
kennettI'm trying to access my server through the web can some1 help me?17:58
kennettI tried using dynamic dns but I can't get it to work.18:01
stefgkennett: but you know your servers IP, right?18:05
kennettIP on the network?18:06
stefgkennett: public IP... so this implies your server is nat'ted behind a router?18:06
kennettYes I know the  IP.18:07
stefgkennett: so given that you have openssh-server installed it should as simple as ssh <server-ip> -p <port> (if its not 22)18:08
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)18:09
kennettI have a site with pics and stuff that I'm trying view.18:10
stefgand your browser says what?18:11
limpchi guys18:11
limpci upgraded to 12.04 this morning (new partition, new system)18:11
limpchaving trouble re-establishing some sshfs maps i had previously though18:12
limpcshows owner and gid as "???"18:12
limpcand access denied when i try to go into the folder i mapped it to18:12
stefgkennett: if DNS isn't working you can still just type the IP into your browsers address bar18:12
kennettIt says theres an error when I'm outside the network.18:12
limpcI do specify the uid/gid in sshfs params, uid=1000,gid=1000 which are correct18:12
stefgkennett: so this "server" lives behind a router in a LAN, and not in a DMZ, right?18:13
stefgkennett: so it isn't publicly accesible... you need to set up a DMZ, or use VPN to first connect to the remote LAN and reach the server from within this LAN.18:14
limpcnevermind i found the issue18:15
limpclooks like its a bug with the version that ships with ubuntu 12.0418:15
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stefgkennett: so without gaining access to that machine you'll not be able to reach it from outside the LAN now18:16
kennettI can't use port forwarding?18:16
stefgkennett: you could.... if you use non-standard ports. You'll not like to set up port forwarding for 80 :-)18:17
kennettSo what do I need to do to get it to work?18:18
stefgkennett: first of all access to the server and to the router...18:19
stefgkennett: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DMZ_%28computing%2918:20
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kennettSo if I turn on DMZ it should let me access the server?18:29
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stefgkennett: you don't "turn on" a DMZ, you are creating a subnet separate from the 192.168.x.x LAN. so the server needs a new IP, and this DMZ subnet needs to be publicly accessible. (which is what what a typical home router tries to prevent....)18:33
stefgkennett: so it's a bad idea of mixing server and desktop workloads on the same machine.... the server should only have a minimum footprint, thus no X, nor unnecessary services18:35
ubottuzentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04).18:36
kennettSo how can I set this up?18:36
kennettI use webmin.18:37
stefgsee above ... first check your routers docu how to create a DMZ, then you'll probably have to physically change the network wiring and put your server in that DMZ18:38
stefgkennett: BTW webmin isn't officically sanctioned for ubuntu,18:39
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.18:39
kennettstefg: I'm back.18:51
kennettstefg: Can you help me set it up?18:55
stefgkennett: i'm about to leave... and actually this is beyond the scope of ubuntu support, it's a course in LAN engineering :-)18:56
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Jak2000how to install the ftp client on a ubuntu-server? (root@core /backup/mysql# ftp
Jak2000-bash: ftp: command not found)18:58
kennettstefg: OK np.18:58
stefg!info ncftp18:59
ubottuncftp (source: ncftp): User-friendly and well-featured FTP client. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:3.2.5-1 (precise), package size 565 kB, installed size 1324 kB18:59
Jak2000stefg: root@core /backup/mysql# ncftp
Jak2000-bash: ncftp: command not found19:00
Jak2000same error19:00
stefgJak2000: sudo apt-get install ncftp19:00
Jak2000cant install19:03
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
stefgJak2000: ubuntu 12.04 just came out, there servers are swamped ...19:03
Jak2000i am on a old version of ubuntu?19:04
stefgJak2000: and if you just want to d/l something... wget is you friend19:04
stefgJak your on 10.04 LTS... perfect for a workhorse server19:05
Jak2000with wget how to get files form a Ftp server these are stored in /MysUbubtufiles/19:05
stefgJak2000: man wget is much smarter than i am....19:07
_rubenbah .. dutch mirror changed ip .. breaking my sync .. now im 5GB of package behind :p19:19
henkjan_ruben: thats why people use dns ;)19:22
_rubenthen again .. at 60Mbps it's going fairly quick19:22
_rubenhenkjan: restrictive outbound firewall using ip addresses :/19:22
alphanumHello. Pici referred me to your channel.19:33
alphanumHe said you guys were keen on ec2.19:33
alphanumI am looking for an ubuntu vpn ami, but am unsure which to pick19:33
alphanumrather, how to set it up19:34
* alphanum waits19:35
_rubenthat's usualy the best approach indeed, wait :)19:36
_ruben(no ec2 experience here)19:36
alphanumIt's like a hunting session, really--have you ever seen animal planet?19:37
alphanumThe lioness waits hours on end for a lone zebra to drink from a lake?19:37
alphanumUpon building a VPN w/ ec2, how easy is it to identify that you're connecting through it?19:39
alphanumTaftse, FACEFOX, are you keen on ec2?19:40
Taftsesorry ?19:40
Taftseec2 ?19:40
Taftsealphanum, what you talking about ?19:41
alphanumamazon web services?19:41
alphanumSo, is anyone keen on ec2?19:50
alphanumhi Jak200019:52
alphanumare you inactive?19:52
alphanumhi marrusl19:53
Picialphanum: This channel isn't as busy as #ubuntu is.19:54
alphanumI know :(19:54
alphanumI'm trying to figure out how to build a vpn via ams19:54
Picialphanum: And to answer your question about the ec2 VPN, just use something to determine your ip address. If it points to the VPN, then your traffic is going through it.19:54
alphanumperhaps I should try google again19:54
alphanumI mean, I know that but I want to create a vpn via ec219:55
erichammondalphanum: What do you mean "create a vpn via EC2"?19:55
alphanumlaunch a micro instance; ubuntu openvps ami19:56
erichammondDo you want to communicate with your EC2 instances via a VPN? communicate with the Internet using a VPN to EC2 as a gateway out of your local firewall? something else?19:56
alphanumrun traffic from my home comp to aws ec2 vpn19:56
alphanumDoes that clear things up?19:57
erichammondalphanum: The basic process is (1) start an EC2 instance running Ubuntu, (2) install and configure the VPN like you would for any Ubuntu server.19:57
erichammondThere's no need to try to find an AMI that has VPN pre-installed.19:58
alphanumI have never set up a server in my life.19:58
alphanumMaybe windows instance suits me more closely?19:58
erichammondYou have a fun road ahead of you :-)19:58
erichammondProbably the wrong channel to offer you that sort of advice.19:58
alphanummind a pm?19:59
erichammondalphanum: Here's an old article I wrote providing instructions on how to set up openVPN with EC2 to escape a restricted network: http://alestic.com/2009/05/openvpn-ec219:59
erichammondKarmic is past end-of-life, so you'd need to adapt to a more modern Ubuntu.20:00
erichammondThere is a lot of documentation available on how to get things done with Ubuntu and Ubuntu servers.  Once you have an EC2 instance running, almost all of it applies.20:01
* erichammond heads off to the office.20:02
philipballew_ubuntu server over windows anyday20:04
pabelangerwell, that is kinda sucky:$ ls -la | grep glance20:20
pabelangerdrwx------   2 glance   glance    4096 Apr 26 16:19 glance20:20
pabelangernot even rw permission for the group20:20
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
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uvirtbotNew bug: #989241 in nova (main) "Give nova group read permissions nova files / directories" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98924121:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #989242 in nova (main) "Add adm group to /var/log/nova" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98924221:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #989243 in openldap (main) "package slapd 2.4.28-1.1ubuntu4 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98924321:11
* michael_tn waves, good day all21:14
michael_tni'm spinning up a new maas build and having a bit of trouble21:14
michael_tnwent through the config and it looks like dnsmasq is not getting configured, the config is all pounded out21:15
robbiewmichael_tn: did you install maas-dhcp?21:27
michael_tnapt-get install maas-dhcp21:27
michael_tnanswered the on screen prompts with my network info21:28
michael_tnbut end up with fully commented out /etc/dnsmasq.conf21:29
michael_tnnod, what i said too :-)21:29
robbiewRoAkSoAx: any ideas? ^21:30
roaksoaxmichael_tn: a fully commented out? can you pastebinit21:31
roaksoaxmichael_tn: ah21:35
roaksoaxmichael_tn: ok, I was confused21:35
roaksoaxmichael_tn: so dnsmasq gets configured but it does why using a template, not /etc/dnsmasq.conf21:36
roaksoaxmichael_tn: it uses /etc/cobbler/dnsmasq.template21:37
michael_tnlemme look21:37
michael_tnthat looks correct :-)21:38
robbiewRoAkSoAx: but I thought cobbler generated /etc/dnsmasq.conf from the template21:38
robbiewdoes he need to run a `maas-import-iso`?21:38
robbiewmaas-import-iso*s* :/21:39
michael_tnits running now21:39
michael_tnstill running21:39
pabelangerWell, this is not good. Nova's logging system has DEBUG level logs enabled by default.  Not a good default level for a production box21:40
pabelangerlooks like a bug in nova's log.py code21:40
michael_tni'll let it finish and restart and see its state21:40
michael_tnthanks guys!21:41
michael_tni'll check back in tomorrow :-)21:41
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roaksoaxrobbiew: noep, dnsmasq ships a commented out config file per se21:46
roaksoaxrobbiew: maas-provision just tells dnsmasq to use the "template" config file21:47
robbiewcommand line?21:47
robbiewgotcha...so it passes the "template" file as the config file21:47
robbiewgot it21:47
uvirtbotNew bug: #989263 in samba (main) "package samba-common-bin 2:3.6.3-2ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: podproces instalovaný post-installation skript vrátil chybový status 2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98926321:56
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drecutedoes sudo postconf -e 'home_mailbox = Maildir/' mean that Maildir is chosen as default mailbox format or it just specifies a directory?22:01
roaksoaxrobbiew: my bad, it does use the template to generate a new /etc/dnsmasq.conf, idk why I thought it just passed the template as a config file22:05
* robbiew figured you might have changed it, as I recall it doing that when I was playing with it22:05
robbiewno worries22:05
robbiewagain, I think you have to run maas-import-isos after installing maas-dhcp22:06
robbiewthat triggers the cobbler reload...or whatever it's called22:06
roaksoaxrobbiew: yes, it has to be run, as itruns 'cobbler sync'22:06
drecutei want mails to be stored in a cifs mounted filesystem. How do I do this?22:07
roaksoaxrobbiew: what it does do though, is that it uses a cobbler hosts file (with dnsname, mac, ip) and the template sources from there22:09
robbiewdrecute: I suggest trying http://askubuntu.com/questions/ask22:10
robbiewRoAkSoAx: did you catch my email about https://maas.ubuntu.com/images/ephemeral/releases/precise/22:12
robbiewwho creates those?...as we need a newer one ;)22:12
hallynstgraber: I'm about to push 0.8.0~rc1-4ubuntu1 to quantal.  I expect to have 0.8.0-rc2-based from debian soon, so it won't stay long...  but anyway, if you'd like to take a look first, pls let me know22:21
hallyn(it's at http://people.canonical.com/~serge/lxc_0.8.0~rc1-4ubuntu1.dsc, freshly rsync'ed)22:24
flaccidhttp://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/precise/ only seems to be daily, where is final?22:27
flaccidsmoser: any idea when final precise AMIs available?22:28
drecuterobbiew: ok22:29
drecuterobbiew: hoping to get an answer22:29
robbiewutlemming: ^^22:31
robbiewflaccid: http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/precise/release/22:32
flaccidah right thanks, bit weird how thats not linked to from http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/precise/22:40
erichammondrobbiew: Perhaps it's worth having a short UDS session or hallway discussion to talk about how to make AMI ids easier to find and use.22:45
robbiewerichammond: amen to that :)22:45
robbiewerichammond: I suggest just pulling utlemming and smoser aside and discussing it...b/c right now, we can't set the length of UDS sessions...all fixed :/22:46
* robbiew notes this is a wishlist for UDS scheduling :)22:47
erichammondI'm going to plug hiding 32-bit and instance-store unless the user specifically clicks to request seeing them.  If a new user wants to run Ubuntu on EC2, there's really just one AMI id needed right now for each region (Ubuntu 12.04 Precise, 64-bit, EBS boot) and making them dig for it in a list of dozens is cruel.22:47
flacciddid they just use the builds from the 24th for the final ? noticing the datestamps on these images22:56
henkjanflaccid: yep22:59
flaccidyeek i could of released MCIs already, ah wells i will just do today, thanks22:59
SpamapSflaccid: "MCI" ?23:06
* SpamapS remembers when that was a phone company23:06
flaccidyeah http://support.rightscale.com/21-Community/RightScale_OSS#Ubuntu_MultiCloud_Images23:06
flaccidi'll update the alph2 ones to final23:06
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eftepedeI have ubuntu-server 11.10. Tried to do release-upgrade to 12.04, but since it's OpenVZ guest on host with 2.6.18, everything just broke down.23:18
eftepedeIs there anything I can do?23:19
eftepedeWith most of my software I get:23:19
eftepedeirssi: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.14' not found (required by /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libglib-2.0.so.0)23:19
doctormoneftepede: Sounds like a binary package didn't get uninstalled correctly.23:19
eftepededoctormon: Which one?23:21
eftepedeWARNING: this version of the GNU libc requires kernel version^M23:21
eftepede2.6.24 or later. Please upgrade your kernel before installing^M23:21
eftepedeit's from screenlog23:21
doctormoneftepede: Not sure, hard to tell from here. what's uname -a say?23:21
eftepedeLinux insomniac 2.6.18-238.9.1.el5.028stab089.1 #1 SMP Thu Apr 14 14:06:01 MSD 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux23:22
doctormoneftepede: reboot server, use newer kernel.23:22
eftepedeI can't.23:22
eftepedeIt's kernel on OpenVZ host.23:22
eftepedeNot my local server.23:22
eftepedeAnd I can't access OpenVZ host.23:23
doctormoneftepede: Then you're buggered I shouldn't wonder. you don't have ssh access?23:23
eftepedeI have.23:23
eftepedeMachine is not rebooted.23:23
doctormonThe reboot command wouldn't reboot? or it would reboot in a way that would break?23:24
eftepedeI suppose reboot is not a good idea now.23:24
eftepedeMachine won't start properly, I guess.23:24
doctormonDo you have much invested in it? Upgrading without being able to reboot = bad idea.23:25
eftepedeNot sure if I understand you correctly. I have the 'ability' to reboot.23:25
eftepedeI'm just worried, that system is too broken to start properly.23:26
* RoyK is tired and wants his servers and network to work a bit better23:26
eftepedeMy only idea now is to manualy change sources.23:27
doctormonRoyK: Have you tried putting the ethernet wires in diluted metal shavings? ;-)23:28
eftepedeBut will it perform a downgrade?23:28
doctormoneftepede: No, downgrade your machine manually if you have to. There isn't an automatic way to downgrade but if you spend all night on it, it can be done.23:28
doctormoneftepede: Or just accept that you've messed it up and try to recover a fresh install (somehow)23:29
eftepedeI can't - it's shell server for ~50 users, the last thing I want is to reinstall it ;-)23:29
eftepedeOr maybe: I can, but it's the last option, if everything fails.23:29
uvirtbotNew bug: #989304 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.9.1-4 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 75" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98930423:31
qman__eftepede, unfortunately, as far as I know, there is no way to roll back an upgrade23:35
qman__you must manually remove and reinstall the old versions23:35
qman__which is a huge task for an entire server that's been upgraded23:35
qman__you should never do a release upgrade on a server that 1) isn't backed up 2) is in production 3) you don't have physical access to23:36
qman__and virtualization always throws another wrench in23:36
SpamapSutlemming: hey, I think I can say this with confidence after a few days.. the S3 mirrors are *fast*23:37
eftepedeqman__: I know the basics, really ;-) a) I have backed up most important things; b) it's my private machine on which I have some shell accounts for my friends, so it's just kind of 'production'; c) it's hard to have physical access to virtual machine ;-)23:38
eftepedeReinstall is still an option - but I want to avoid it.23:39
qman__IMO that will be easier23:40
eftepedehttp://pastebin.com/aJxx7GDw - it's when problems starred. Sorry for syntax, it's from screenlog :/23:41
eftepedeSo upgrading libc from 2.13 to 2.15 caused all this.23:42
qman__the problem is that running 12.04 means running a kernel much newer than the one you have23:43
qman__running your old kernel isn't an option with the right version of libc23:43
qman__and running an older version of libc means running lots of other new software won't work either23:43
eftepedeYup. Unfortunatelly as I'm not the owner of host machine, I can't upgrade.23:43
qman__so, in short, upgrading to 12.04 is not an option23:43
eftepedeNow I know it ;-)23:44
eftepedeI didn't know, that 2.6.18 will be too old and I need 2.6.2523:44
qman__the only way to restore your system is to remove all upgraded packages, and reinstall the packages they replaced23:44
qman__12.04 actually runs 3.223:44
qman__though that libc doesn't depend on such a new kernel, other things probably do23:45
eftepedeYes, I know. I have lot non-virtualized machines on 11.10 at work and I know, that they're using 3.x23:45
qman__2.6.18 is _really_ old though23:45
qman__even ubuntu 8.04 is running 2.6.2423:46
eftepedeI'm aware of that, too. Maybe I can ask OpenVZ-host owner to upgrade.23:46
eftepedeBut it will be followed by reboot of all virtual machines, mine included.23:46
eftepedeAnd I'm really afraid to reboot mine ;-)23:46
qman__it's probably hosed either way23:47
doctormonqman__: Agreed23:47
qman__only way I can see of fixing it is to boot a live environment and chroot, then go through manual dependency hell to downgrade23:47
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qman__hours of work at best23:47
doctormonAlthough you'll want to eat your own foot that do it again ;-)23:47
eftepedeI need to choose, if I want to have hours of this hell or days of hell restoring users accounts ;-)23:49
eftepedeAs my /home was not backed up and users were aware of this, I don't care about data.23:49
eftepedeBut they'll want their accounts back23:50
qman__keep in mind also that it won't be what it was before23:50
doctormoneftepede: And you might have run out of coffee by the end.23:51
eftepedeThe worst thing is, I have last cigarette and it's 2:00 am here, so I can't but another box ;-)23:52
qman__unless you've got a comprehensive list of all packages that you upgraded from, and all packages that you upgraded to, you're probably going to spend days, not hours23:53
qman__if not weeks23:53
eftepedeBut: I'm not afraid of that manual dependency hell. I'm working as system administrator, so it's kinda 'funny' problem for me to solve. Reinstall is just too easy. It MUST be the way to get thins working again ;-)23:53
qman__it's always possible, the question is if it's worth it23:54
eftepedeAnd "I work as", excuse my bad grammar.23:54
qman__and in my opinion, and I'm guessing doctormon's as well, it's not nearly worth it23:54
qman__you've very seriously broken it with no easy way back23:54
eftepedeOk, I'll figure out what to do tomorrow. I'll consult with my ubuntu-sysadmins at work (I'm mostly involed with *BSD systems) and decide, which way to choose.23:55
eftepedeThanks your guys for your time and opinions, take care ;-)23:56
doctormonqman__: Agreed, I know I'd rather walk a 1,000 miles to the data center, put on burglar outfit, sky hook my way in to the building and get access to the machine.23:56
doctormoneftepede: good night and good luck!23:56
eftepedeTx, bye.23:56

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