
bschaefer_hey thomi01:26
bschaefer_I saw you fixed a setUpClass01:27
bschaefer_what was wrong with it?01:27
* bschaefer_ checking the diff01:27
thomi'twas my fault...01:27
thomiThe SetUpClass was being called with the class isntance, which doesn't include class-attributes of derived classes01:28
thomiso 'engine_name' didn't exist01:28
thomi...but it didn't fix anything01:28
thomiso now I'm stumped01:28
bschaefer_I was thinking we should really just try to see if we can get ibus to activate once!01:29
bschaefer_by any means01:29
thomiI'm trying to get a virtualbox machine to PXE boot like the jenkins instance does - that way I can debug the issue01:29
thomi...but I'm having issues with the prepare-cd script right now01:29
bschaefer_I just got back, Ill start downloading the CD01:29
bschaefer_o that sucks01:29
thomiyou know the script does that for you, right?01:30
bschaefer_I don't even know where the script is01:31
bschaefer_thomi, I still cant get out of my head a timing issue...because so far that is the only way we can reproduce it...01:32
bschaefer_or at lease something close to it01:34
thomibschaefer_: it might be useful then to compare a timing profile of what we see on the jenkins instance with what we see locally01:35
bschaefer_o yeah, hmm let me fail it really quick to see those x11 times01:35
bschaefer_maybe x11 received those  events but nux took some time doing anything with it01:36
bschaefer_thomi, one that fails http://paste.ubuntu.com/946645/01:40
bschaefer_and it doesn't say much01:43
bschaefer_it's about 500 mS apart01:43
bschaeferthomi, so it definitely isn't a timing issue :(04:03
bschaeferI just ran that brute force thingy and they still all failed, took like an hour to run haha04:05
bschaeferthomi, did you have a video of it failing?04:05
thomishould be on the jenkins instance, just like the regular one04:06
bschaeferI don't have private access04:06
bschaeferI just want to see what the keyboard indicator does during a test04:07
thomishould be on the public one too04:07
* thomi looks04:07
thomibschaefer: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/dx-autopilot-fix-ibus/11/label=1EBEE0FF-DAC9-11DF-BBDA-64A98C34D485/artifact/artifacts/04:08
bschaeferthen I have no clue where it is04:08
thomiOBVIOUSLY :)04:08
thomiwho wouldn't guess that URL?04:08
bschaeferI almost did04:09
bschaeferthat is REALLY ODD!04:09
bschaeferthe indicator isn't changing at all!04:09
bschaeferthomi, what if, somehow the active engine isn't getting set?04:10
bschaeferthomi, so if there is no engine, ctrl+space will do nothing04:10
thomibschaefer: good idea, I'll patch our test branch to ensure that's not the case.04:12
thumperbschaefer: hi04:13
bschaefercool, I was just about to push some debugging info, but that one sounds better04:13
bschaeferthumper, hi04:13
bschaeferthumper, I pinged you earlier to set up a meeting with you when ever you have time (if you can ever get any haha)04:14
thumperok... perhaps tomorrow morning my time?04:14
bschaeferI should be on before you haha04:15
bschaeferthumper, also found what was causing those destructor crashes :)04:16
thumperI saw the merges04:17
thumperis it working cleanly now?04:17
bschaefercool, there are still some problems with compiz it seems04:17
bschaeferbut unity plugin works 100% for me now04:17
bschaeferwobbly window sometimes crashes, but not as much04:18
* bschaefer can't get wobbly window to crash anymore04:26
bschaeferso someone might have fixed those already :)04:26
bschaeferthomi, ooo you  made some changes?06:08
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Andy80my sincere congratulations to everyone for the Pangolin release that I'm really enjoying on my Netbook and on my mother's notebook, but I'm going to re-install Oneiric on my desktop PC, because I really cannot stand 7-8 crashes and complete freeze at day, because of a damn Nvidia videocard (yes, I've tried also nouveau driver and it doesn't work).13:30
* Andy80 so sad..13:31
DaekdroomThe issue with the nvidia binary is known by Nvidia.13:31
mhall119Andy80: they're trying to get the driver fixed13:31
Daekdroom(and apparently does not affect the 295.33 driver)13:31
Andy80Daekdroom: I also tried the 295.33 version, thanks to a non-updated PPA, but I'm experimenting the same instability issues13:32
Andy80so I can't see any other solution on this particular PC13:33
Andy80Daekdroom: I've tried also nouveau (substituting "nvidia" with "nouveau" in xorg.conf) but in that case Xorg doesn't start at all. I'm prompted to text mode and if I try to "sudo service lightdm restart" the whole system hangs.13:34
Andy80if you have any other solution to make nouveau work correctly, I'll be happy to test it13:37
Andy80before wiping everything13:37
DaekdroomAndy80, I believe in order to use nouveau you have to fully uninstall the nvidia binary13:37
DaekdroomBecause the binary replaces some xorg parts.13:38
Andy80Daekdroom: can I un-activate it from the "binary drivers" settings? (jockey or what else is its name)13:39
DaekdroomThat should do. (if it doesn't, it'd be very counter-intuitive, wouldn't it?)13:40
DaekdroomAnd yeah, jockey-gtk13:40
Andy80ok, I try... and I hope I'll be able to manually set the resolution in xorg.conf because my monitor cannot be detected since I'm using a VGA Switch13:42
* Andy80 restart I'll be right back13:42
Andy80Daekdroom: ok, I think nouveau drivers are running, because I removed nvidia one... but now the resolution is 1024x768 and the monitor blinks every 10 seconds more or less (poor my eyes!) how can I manually set 1650x1080? I had a proper xorg.conf to do this, but it was made for the nvidia binary driver... if I copy-paste it somewhere, could you please tell me how to adapt it for nouveau driver?13:50
DaekdroomI could try.13:50
Andy80Daekdroom: ok, here it is http://pastebin.com/07fNxdK513:52
DaekdroomHuh.. I think there are some nvidia-binary specific parameters there.13:53
Andy80Daekdroom: yes... that's what I'd like to remove... or at least I just need to manually set 1650x1080 resolution, since it cannot be detected automatically (VGA Switch in use)13:55
DaekdroomNo. What I meant is that the resolution is set in an unconventional way.13:55
Andy80Daekdroom: yes, you mean this line: Option         "metamodes" "1680x1050_60 +0+0; nvidia-auto-select +0+0"13:56
DaekdroomYeah. Never saw that before.13:56
Andy80Daekdroom: but my question is: how do I manually set the resolution in xorg.conf ?13:56
DaekdroomBut I recall the last time I had to use them on my radeon, they didn't work.13:58
Andy80I really can't watch this monitor blinking damn it13:59
Andy80let me try a new reboot14:00
Andy80Daekdroom: the #nouveau guys helped me :) I'm now running their driver in full resolution :) let's hope it doesn't crash this one too! p.s: how do I know if I'm running Unity or Unity-2D?14:46
DaekdroomAndy80, does 'ps aux | grep unity' mention anything with unity-2d ?14:59
Andy80Daekdroom: no, it doesn't15:09
Andy80p.s: I still have to reboot :)15:09
fusiontempanyone around17:17
Andy80why unity-scope-video-remote uses http://videosearch.ubuntu.com service to look for videos instead of using proper API?18:10
mhall119Andy80: probably to provide caching and not over-burden the source's APIs18:12
Andy80mhall119: uhm.... but the problem is that it's not working at all... I tried many search terms and nothing is found, not easy to debug if it passes throug a remote service18:13
nixternalcreating a custom dist for an appliance, and i would like our core application to place an icon in the launcher during install. creating the custom dist right now in a chroot and trying to figure out where stuff goes. how can i do what i am trying to do?18:18
mhall119Andy80: it seems to be working for me...have you filed a bug18:42
Andy80mhall119: yes https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-scope-video-remote/+bug/98910918:43
ubot5Ubuntu bug 989109 in unity-scope-video-remote (Ubuntu) "Video lens doesn't find almost anything online" [Undecided,New]18:43
mhall119Andy80: ok, thanks18:46
Andy80you're welcome :)18:47
nixternalcreating a custom dist for an appliance, and i would like our core application to place an icon in the launcher during install. creating the custom dist right now in a chroot and trying to figure out where stuff goes. how can i do what i am trying to do?18:57
nixternalnote, if another 40+ minutes goes by w/o an answer, I will switch to all CAPS! :D I kid, I kid!18:59
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lamalexthomi, i fixed up that branch can you re-reviwe?20:03
thomilamalex: sure, got a link handy?20:03
thomilamalex: you need to configure your editor to at least display trailing whitespace, or (even better) trim it automatically20:06
thomilamalex: if you like I can traim the whitespace and push up a branch for you to merge20:08
lamalexwtf is going on with this white space20:08
lamalexi dont see it20:08
lamalexand my editor /is/ set up to show it20:08
lamalexthomi, which file?20:08
thomiboth switcher.py and test_switcher.py20:08
thomilamalex: this branch has the fixes: lp:~thomir/unity/unity.ap-switcher-emu20:09
thomiI guess if you merge it in and do a diff you'll see where the issues were.. or something20:09
thomiother than that though, it looks good20:09
thomioh, and I changed one PEP257 thing.20:10
thomiif you ping me when that's merged I can approve it20:10
lamalexpushing up now (with yours merged in)20:11
lamalexdid you and bschaefer get anywhere on this ibus tests20:11
bschaeferlamalex, thomi yeah, I think I might know what the problem is now....it isn't a timing issue20:12
thomiMy changes late last night were... revealing :)20:12
bschaeferlamalex, does jenkins install the ibus engines every time it runs?20:12
bschaeferyeah I know, finally haha!20:12
thomifor some reason the engine isn't getting set O.020:12
bschaeferthomi, try this, sudo apt-get remove ibus-anthy; sudo apt-get install ibus-anthy then run the anthy ibus test locally20:13
bschaeferit can't activate it20:13
thomibschaefer: the engines are installed as part of the nfsroot build job20:13
bschaeferso we need to reboot20:13
bschaeferafter we install those engines20:13
thomiwhat. that....20:13
bschaeferor I have I have to figure out what it needs...20:13
thomiI'll look into that today... just as soon as I've had some breakfast20:13
bschaefercool! Enjoy, also happy release day :)20:14
bschaefereven though your in the future20:14
thomierr, thanks.20:14
thomiit's a bacon-and-eggs day I think, to celebrate...20:14
bschaeferhaha that sounds like an everyday breakfast20:14
thomimost days I just drink coffee until lunchtime20:15
* thomi -> kitchen20:15
bschaefercoffee time!!20:16
lamalexbschaefer, that's not it..20:18
lamalexthey get installed to an overlayfs, and then pxe booted over that20:18
lamalexso it's not like they get installed to a running vm and then it needs a reboot20:19
lamalextheyre installed and unpacked before anything is ever booted20:19
bschaeferlamalex, hmm well at lease we still know that the engines are not getting set...somehow20:21
malinmhall119: I tried to intall this on my computer, following the steps on this page: http://mhall119.com/2012/02/singlet-quickly-better-faster-simpler/20:24
malingives me this error: http://pastebin.com/gYzdvu4t20:24
mhall119malin: see http://developer.ubuntu.com/2012/04/how-to-create-a-wikipedia-unity-lens-for-ubuntu/20:27
mhall119it's "quickly create unity-lens unity-lens-<lens-name>" now20:27
malinso maybe the blog should be upgraded or something?20:28
malinanyway. Thanx20:28
malinmhall119: that gives me another error http://pastebin.com/8PmNUDVD20:30
malinmhall119: ah, sorry, I will follow the guide at the create a wikipedia-lens instead.20:37
* thomi tries to get his head in the game20:39
bschaeferthis is such an odd problem....so why can't we assign an available engine in jenkin but we can locally? Could we somehow be missing a dependency?20:43
thomidunno, but we'll figure it out20:43
thomiat least now we can reproduce it!20:43
bschaeferyeah, and at lease we know what is going on instead of being lost haha20:44
thomihaving that second jenkins job really helped here20:46
bschaeferyeah, also ibus-pinyin is installed by default...so something is messing up when it comes to setting th elist20:46
bschaeferthe engine list*20:46
intraderIs there a way to recover passphrase for deja backup?. I did not notice that it was encrypting and now I have an unreadable backup20:47
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intraderIs there a way to recover passphrase for deja backup?. I did not notice that it was encrypting and now I have an unreadable backup20:54
intraderI have browsed web, and sugestion is that it not possible to recover passphrase. If I have the private key, can I decrypt the backup files?20:56
thomibschaefer: I have bad news21:00
bschaeferthomi, what is it?21:00
thomiI know why it's not working for you, and it's not the same as why it's failing on the server21:00
thomiafter installing an engine, you need to restart the ibus daemon21:01
thomibefore it appears in the list of active engines. That's not what's causing the issue on the server21:01
thomiif you do 'killall ibus-daemon' right after installing ibus-anthy it'll work again21:01
bschaeferthat's how I got it working again21:02
bschaeferlamalex mention that couldn't be the problem a little big ago :(21:02
lamalexbschaefer, yes- he says that's NOT the problem on the server21:03
lamalexbut it could be the problem locally21:03
lamalexah right sorry21:03
lamalexyou're agreeing :P21:03
bschaeferwell I was just trying to reproduce the problem haha21:03
bschaeferhmmmmm, so why is set_list failing....21:03
bschaeferthomi, could you add some debugging in before and after set_list?21:04
thomibschaefer: sure, just in a call right now21:04
bschaeferhmm but that won't tell us anything new...never mind21:04
thomiwill look into it afterwards though21:04
bschaeferok, im just trying to come up with a new idea haha21:05
thomiyeah, something odd is going on there21:05
bschaeferthomi, ooo what if try to set a global_engine!21:06
saschakbintrader: try you're root password on the file. https://answers.launchpad.net/deja-dup/+question/19370221:06
bschaeferjust to try and get any ibus engine to get activated21:07
thomibschaefer: could do, but It's not a final solution :(21:07
thomiok, I'll try that21:10
bschaeferim just wondering how or what could be causing a communication problem on the server and not locally21:11
bschaeferwe can get info from ibus but what if we can't set anything for some reason...21:12
thomiWell, setting it globally leads to other issues it seems21:18
bschaeferwhats that?21:19
bschaeferthomi, you also have to enable global engines21:21
thomiseems like the activation signal doesn't always get through21:21
thomiyeah, we are21:21
thomiwe had that code in there from ages ago, remember?21:21
thomiit's what we tried first, before doing it properly :)21:21
bschaeferyeah haha :)21:21
bschaeferthomi, it doesn't work for you locally that is?21:22
bschaefervery strange21:22
thomithat's odd - I get a DBusException with a message that says "Cannot find engine: hangul"21:23
thomibut it appears in the available engine list21:23
bschaeferthomi, I think it has to be in the active list to activate it21:24
thomioh, that would explain it.21:24
bschaeferwhich is why we switched to the correct way of doing it :)21:25
thomithis would be so much easier if ibus had a documented API21:25
bschaeferit's really hard to dig through its signals and dbus messages21:25
thominope, that doesn't help either. I think we're going backwards here21:29
bschaeferthomi, yeah...21:30
bschaeferok, so, im trying to figure out if a something isn't getting installed correctly21:31
* bschaefer doesn't know how that could happen though21:32
lalalanicknamei would like to implement switch-off for chameleon effect. But i need advice on how it should be implemented and someone who can review my patch.21:37
bschaeferthomi, what if we could just take the available engines and set them all...21:37
bschaeferthomi, I swore I did that once with only a couple lines of code...21:38
bschaeferi swear*21:38
thomibschaefer: sure, but I don't see how that would help21:41
bschaeferthomi, this is an odd question but is the jenkins VM using guest as the user?21:42
bschaeferyeah...as it would just fail normally21:42
thomibschaefer: no, 'ubuntu'21:42
bschaeferand switching to guess account and back has broken my mouse :(21:43
bschaeferthomi, don't laugh! That was really weird...apparently my guess login was still active so it was stealing my mouse21:47
bschaeferhmm ok...i've been trying to download a daily build for 2 hours...21:48
bschaeferim going to try to and install a fresh iso and see if I can get the same problem21:48
lalalanicknamei would like to implement switch-off for chameleon effect. But i need advice on how it should be implemented and someone who can review my patch.21:49
bschaeferthomi, did you ever have any luck getting that script working for setting up jenkins?21:50
thomibschaefer: I got close, It's still on my radar21:55
bschaeferthomi, I was missing something and forgot about it21:55
bschaeferthomi, I hate to suggest this but could we print at all the packages installed on the VM?21:56
bschaefercat /var/log/installer/initial-status.gz | gzip -d | grep '^Package:' | awk '{ print $2}'21:56
bschaefershould work21:56
thomibschaefer: an easier way would eb to grab that as a build artifact.21:56
thomican I just grab that entire .gz file?21:57
bschaeferI would think so21:57
bschaefercan you ftp on the server?21:57
bschaeferonto or ssh21:57
thomibschaefer: we can tell jenkins to collect files as build artifacts21:58
bschaeferoo ok21:58
thomithat's how we're exporting the videos21:58
thomiI'll go set that up now21:58
bschaeferthomi, yeah if we grab that we can gzip it21:58
bschaeferhmm it would nice to make sure it has all the packages21:59
thomibschaefer: how about I just do 'dpkg -l' > file22:00
thomithat seems much easier ;)22:00
bschaefersure, I have't really ever used dpkg22:00
bschaeferyeah haha22:00
* bschaefer still has a lot to learn22:01
thomiok, it's queued up, so the next build will have it22:01
thomiI'll post a link here when it appears22:01
bschaeferalright, your indicator will let me know also :P22:01
bschaeferthomi, also do you know if the active list is empty? or if it is just having a problem setting active lists?22:03
bschaeferit should be empty though...22:03
thomiThe active list isn't what we expect22:06
thomiI'll change it to print out what it was...22:06
bschaeferit should be empty though...I can't see how it would have a full list22:06
bschaeferbut I still don't know what is causing this problem so we are missing something, most likely small22:07
semitones_teasome people on #ubuntu are asking why they have unity on both monitors in dual monitor mode22:07
lalalanicknamei would like to implement switch-off for chameleon effect. But i need advice on how it should be implemented and someone who can review my patch.22:09
thomibschaefer: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/dx-autopilot-fix-ibus/25/label=1EBEE0FF-DAC9-11DF-BBDA-64A98C34D485/artifact/artifacts/installed-packages22:22
thomidespite what it's mim-type says, it's a plain text file :)22:22
* bschaefer looking22:22
bschaeferthat's nice22:22
bschaeferthomi, hmm the only thing I don't see on there is libibus-1.0-0-dev22:24
bschaeferbut I tried to remove that from my system and it didn't effect anything22:25
bschaeferit's needed for what nux does with ibus22:25
thomibschaefer: it's needed for building, not for running22:25
thomisince we don't build anything on the machine we should be sweet22:26
bschaeferhmm yeah, im going to get my txt a diff the two haha22:26
bschaefermy install txt22:26
bschaeferthomi, do you have gir1.2-ibus-1.0                                1.4.1-3ubuntu1                          Intelligent Input Bus - introspection data22:29
bschaeferinstalled on your machine?22:29
bschaeferit's on mine but not the VM22:29
bschaeferwell Im going to remove it from mine and see what happens22:30
thomiwe don't use that module though22:30
thomimaybe we should :)22:30
bschaeferim not sure what it is22:30
bschaeferor how I got it, because I removed all my ibus stuff earlier hah22:30
thomiit looks very similar to the ibus module22:31
thomiyeah we shouldn't need it at all22:32
bschaeferalright, Ill look some more through installed packages, though I think everything should be there22:33
bschaeferif we get read info, I don't why we cant set the info22:33
bschaeferhell it works for us locally, dammit22:33
thomiI wonder if ibus has changed recently?22:33
thomihmm, that;s true22:33
bschaeferlast update was22:34
bschaeferfeb 0722:34
bschaeferI think it started failing possibly around that time22:34
bschaeferin march22:34
thomibschaefer: hmmmm, that's suspicious22:34
bschaeferill check the version installed22:35
thomido you know what the previous version number was? We could try forcing it to install an older version22:35
bschaeferthomi, I have the same ibus version as the one on the VM : (22:35
bschaefer ibus                                   1.4.1-3ubuntu122:35
bschaeferis what I have and the VM22:36
bschaefer1.4.0 is the older version22:36
bschaeferthomi, could you check your ~/.xinput folder22:40
thomiI only have ~/.xinput.d/22:40
bschaeferand see if under your default language it exports has XIM=ibus22:40
bschaeferyeah that is what I ment sorry22:40
thomiI just have two symlinks thereL22:40
thomien_NZ -> /etc/X11/xinit/xinput.d/none and en_NZ.backup -> /etc/X11/xinit/xinput.d/ibus22:41
bschaefervi en_NZ22:41
bschaeferto see if it has22:41
bschaeferor how ever you edit22:41
thominope, it hjas "XIM="22:42
bschaeferwell that means that doesn't really matter22:42
bschaeferyour .backup should have XIM=ibus22:43
bschaeferas that is were it is linked22:43
bschaeferthomi, hmm we could try to see if we could 'manually' set an active engine haha22:49
bschaeferlike open ibus-setup22:50
thomibschaefer: .... and then?22:50
bschaefersee if it adds it22:50
bschaeferi mean we are having problems adding any engine22:50
thomiyeah, but how are you going to add it using ibus-setup?22:50
bschaeferopen 'ibus-setup'22:50
bschaeferleft arrow22:50
bschaeferdown arrow22:50
bschaeferdown arrow22:50
bschaeferumm then add it, one sec there should be a consistent way to add one22:51
thomigo for it!22:51
thomihowever, internally we're doing exactly what ibus-setup does under the hood, so...22:52
bschaeferso it shouldn't work!22:52
bschaeferthat is what im hoping22:52
bschaeferor if it does then we are doing something wrong22:52
bschaeferthomi, if we assume the active list is empty then we can do this to add the first engine22:54
bschaeferright, down, down, down, tab, tab, enter22:54
bschaeferman this feels like a video game...haha22:54
thomiit's the unity-equivilent of the konami code :)22:56
* bschaefer writing the test now22:58
bschaefereh, lets see if this works22:58
thomibschaefer: I'm looking to see what they changed int he latest ibus23:02
thomiperhaps they changed the way ibus-setup works under the hood23:03
thomi...although that doesn't explain why it works locally23:03
bschaeferugg that part is throwing me through a loop23:03
bschaeferwhy does ALL of ours work locally but none of the VMs23:03
bschaefermy VM works also23:03
thomibschaefer: what did you say the older version of ibus was?23:03
bschaeferI think is the site23:04
bschaefercode.google.com/p/ibus *23:04
bschaeferthomi, also how do I start ibus-setup? I was using subprocess.call(..) but I would have to do a fork to then do key pressing...23:06
thomibschaefer: use subprocess.Popen23:07
thomis a flag you can set I think23:07
thomito not block23:07
bschaefersweet that worked23:08
bschaeferthomi, http://paste.ubuntu.com/948509/23:12
bschaeferis what I have, and it works locally23:12
bschaeferI put the sleeps because the 2 tabs were not working correctly, and just in case jenkins is a little slow23:13
thomibschaefer: cool - push it!23:13
bschaeferthis will be interesting, plus we get a video out of it!23:14
thomibschaefer: theonly changes between 1.4.0 and 1.4.1 that might cause this are UI changes23:21
bschaeferhmm so say a UI change causes the problem, why aren't we effect by it?23:21
thomiyeah, I don't think the issue is in the ibus package23:22
bschaeferI mean even if those changes get an engine activated, then what could be wrong with the set_engine in the ap test?23:23
bschaeferthomi, what if when se set the engine, it doesn't have time to register it because it gets reset to fast23:23
thomihmmm, that's an idea23:24
bschaeferdo you know the spacs the VM's get?23:24
bschaeferI could match it on one of my VMs23:24
thomino idea, sorry23:25
thomiI'm getting closer to having a PXE boot working though23:25
bschaeferugg everyone seems to be downloading the new 12.04 so it's taking forever just to get my .iso file...23:28
bschaeferbut then I should have a VM up to test this locally23:28
thomibschaefer: OK, I'm poushing abranch that waits before restarting the daemon23:28
bschaeferthe next build hasn't started it seems23:29
bschaeferugg did I forget to push those changes haha23:29
bschaefercool, lets hope we get some more info about this!23:30
thomiI just kicked off the next jenkins build23:30
thomibschaefer: I have to go to lunch. talk to you later!23:45
bschaeferhave a good lunch!23:46

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