
bkerensanathwill: LOL why?01:18
nathwillbecause.. old old orphan bugs01:18
nathwillheaded home, catch ya later.01:18
bkerensak peace01:19
lubotu1Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:03
orebuntu_Commands: 8ball about admin asshat bc blame cowsay date dc distro echo fail figlet fire fob fortune google googlefight googlepage group hacker hangman help insult limerick lunch me msg notice ping praise proverb quote remindme s score seen slogan tardhat topic uptime urban weather whip wikipath wikipedia wiktionary win woot wtf yoda zima04:03
orebuntu_Try !help admin04:03
bkerensa!help admin04:03
orebuntu_Various administrative commands.04:03
orebuntu_!admin reload | quit | join #chan | part #chan04:03
orebuntu_Usage: word1 word204:15
nathwill!googlefight bkerensa nathwill04:16
lubotu1nathwill: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:16
orebuntu_nathwill: nathwill wins with 26,500 vs. bkerensa with 20,200, a difference of 6,300 results.04:16
nathwillyay common names04:16
bkerensakees: about to use your charm to deploy a packaging instance04:27
blkperlso Ubuntu 12.10 is going to be better network support for nova and better charm suport?05:01
* blkperl is is disappointed05:01
bkerensablkperl: what did you expect unicorns and rainbows?05:02
bkerensathere will be much more when it comes to changes I am sure.... UDS has not even occurred05:02
blkperlbkerensa: why can't I have rainbows and unicorns?05:04
* blkperl wants more config options in unity05:05
bkerensablkperl: You PSU folk kill unicorns and can them.... I saw your desk05:05
nathwillsomeone save me, an Usher concert is on TV05:06
blkperlbkerensa: what awful lies your spreading05:06
bkerensablkperl: really? the PSU Cat Desk has a can of unicorn meat.... in that dungeon of a engineering campus05:07
bkerensait was so hot down there the other day05:07
bkerensaand I got lost on my way out05:07
blkperlits a maze05:07
bkerensanathwill: http://i.imgur.com/IGFi7.png05:08
nathwillubuntu-dev-tools meta package?05:09
bkerensanathwill: sudo apt-get install build-essential devscripts ubuntu-dev-tools debhelper \05:10
bkerensa     dh-make diff patch cdbs quilt gnupg fakeroot lintian  pbuilder piuparts05:10
bkerensaminus the sudo since I am working from root05:10
* blkperl needs to learn how to package debs05:10
nathwillso... question is.. why is no already installed?! ;)05:11
bkerensadecided not to use AWS05:12
nathwillyeah, fair nuff05:12
nathwillso, i think the dh-make, diff, etc is part of ubuntu-dev-tools package05:12
bkerensanathwill: you will love the sshd banner05:13
nathwillindeed i  do!05:15
nathwillbut... it's wider than 80 char... sorry man05:16
lubotu1Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:50
orebuntu_Commands: 8ball about admin asshat bc blame cowsay date dc distro echo fail figlet fire fob fortune google googlefight googlepage group hacker hangman help insult limerick lunch me msg notice ping praise proverb quote remindme s score seen slogan tardhat topic uptime urban weather whip wikipath wikipedia wiktionary win woot wtf yoda zima05:50
bkerensa!coc | bkerensa06:46
lubotu1bkerensa, please see my private message06:46
bkerensagnight and happy release day08:13
=== cy1_ is now known as cy1
=== el-seano_ is now known as el-seano
keesbkerensa: cool! let me know if it works out okay16:07
tgm4883blkperl, bkerensa, there will be a big ubuntutv push in 12.1016:55
bkerensatgm4883: :P I know17:00
tgm4883bkerensa, sorry, just reading some of the backlog17:00
bkerensaoh lol17:00
bkerensaits no biggie17:00
bkerensawhen I started writing for OMG I started pretty much getting CC'ed to any important thing they wanted to leak to OMG first which surprisingly is a lot17:01
tgm4883kees, can I bug you for 5-10 minutes with some really dumb questions about GPG keys17:01
tgm4883bkerensa, heh, nice17:01
blkperltgm4883: Any interesting changes to improve the lives of us poor sysadmins?17:03
tgm4883nothing I know of17:03
bkerensatgm4883: If you force re-check a torrent like Ubuntu does it check the HASH to make sure it still matches like in the case where the image changes on releases ?17:07
bkerensablkperl: but of course... there is this amazing thing thats becoming very mature called Juju17:08
bkerensait makes you like Skynet17:08
tgm4883bkerensa, Not sure I follow.17:08
blkperlbkerensa: juju is not amazing, its square wheel that only works on ubuntu......17:09
tgm4883oh, for like daily releases?17:09
bkerensaso say at 3am pre release I downloaded a torrent that was pretty "final" but not the official one17:09
tgm4883bkerensa, IIRC you would need to download the new .torrent file17:09
bkerensaand the hash changed this morning17:09
tgm4883so what you need to do is17:09
tgm4883rename the ISO file to the final name17:10
bkerensabecause I removed the torrents I had in at 3am17:10
tgm4883download the final .torrent file17:10
tgm4883start the torrent and it should check the ISO, and fix anything that is broken17:10
bkerensaand downloaded the newest it it is just continuing my downloads from last night17:10
tgm4883there might be an easier way to do that, but that is what I've done in the past17:10
tgm4883did you delete the old torrent file?17:11
tgm4883blkperl, what type of stuff would you like?17:14
tgm4883There is always puppet :)17:14
bkerensatgm4883: yeah i just nuked everything now and am re-downloading17:15
tgm4883bkerensa, you could also use zsync17:16
bkerensatgm4883: I guess at UDS they are giving away three brand new XPS laptops for another Juju charm contest17:16
* bkerensa is going to have to have like five charms ready17:16
blkperltgm4883: yeah we use puppet :) i just like giving bkerensa a hard time about charms17:17
tgm4883blkperl, I'm getting into puppet here17:17
bkerensaJuju ftw17:17
blkperltgm4883: awesome, working on any modules?17:17
blkperlbkerensa: juju sucks its not cross platform :)17:18
tgm4883blkperl, nope, just starting really. I'll be using the UFW module but other than that stock everything I guess17:19
blkperltgm4883: i recommend puppetlabs/puppet-apt for managing apt repos17:19
tgm4883blkperl, I'll use that, better than the transfering of the .list file17:19
blkperlit supports ppa's too17:20
blkperlalso puppetlabs/mysql and puppetlabs/firewall are both good17:20
tgm4883just ppa's? or all third party repos?17:20
blkperlyou can specifiy any repo17:20
bkerensa<bkerensa> SpamapS: I cannot bring anything pre-baked because I need you to roll out my dough first before I put it in the oven17:23
bkerensa^ so geeky17:23
blkperltgm4883: github and forge.puppetlabs.com have a lot of useful puppet modules that are usually better than rolling your own, and if they don't work for you, you can fork and pull request :)17:23
bkerensaThe Context: <SpamapS> I think we have to accept any charm from now until judging.. otherwise people will cheat and bring pre-baked charms anyway. ;)17:23
blkperltgm4883: we've been striving for public module from github that do most of the work and then configuration modules that hold all the site specific stuff17:24
tgm4883I don't think juju would work here17:24
keestgm4883: sure! what's up?17:25
tgm4883kees, pm?17:25
bkerensatgm4883: you seeding 12.04?18:06
tgm4883I'm at work18:06
tgm4883torrenting is blocked18:06
tgm4883bkerensa, do you know who on the canonical team I could ping on a torrent issue?18:09
bkerensatgm4883: perhaps maybe even slangasek since he is on the release team?18:09
bkerensaSomeone in #ubuntu-release might know for sure18:09
tgm4883I'll try there if slangasek doesn't show up soon. I've asked in #ubuntu-testing but everyone seems to be gone18:10
bkerensatgm4883: testing is just for iso testing :D18:11
bkerensanot so much for the torrents I dont think18:11
slangasekhmm, what's the question?18:12
tgm4883slangasek, I just asked it in #ubuntu-release18:12
tgm4883basically, getting Failure reason "Requested download is not authorized for use with this tracker."18:12
tgm4883mythbuntu-12.04-desktop-amd64.iso isn't listed on http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/18:13
* bkerensa thinks he is only going to bother making amd64 usb's and cd's18:15
tgm4883bkerensa, probably good to at least have the i386 iso on hand in case someone asks18:17
bkerensatgm4883: hmm ;/ they should be told of the benefits of using amd6418:19
tgm4883unless they have a low powered machine that doesn't accept 64-bit OSs18:20
nathwillwow, i like the website update for the download pages19:00
goddardhow is everyones upgrade from 11.10 to 12.0419:15
bkerensanathwill: the online tour died19:20
nathwillgoddard... nothing to upgrade19:20
nathwilllooking forward to them ungating the updates though...19:21
* bkerensa has been using 12.04 for months now :D19:21
bkerensasince before Alpha 119:21
nathwilli'm just adding the official iso torrents for x64 desktop and server to my seedbox19:21
bkerensanathwill:  :D I'm seeding seeding seeding with now up or down limit19:22
nathwillditto cap'n19:22
bkerensain fact I have boxes on two connections seeding :D19:22
* bkerensa should spin up a linode too19:22
nathwillperfect :) the more the merrier19:22
nathwillsrsly, use up some of that bandwidth..19:23
* bkerensa deploys a Tokyo, JP Seedbox19:26
goddardso i cant even upgrade to 12.04 from 11.10?19:26
bkerensagoddard: of course you can... nathwill was just saying he has already been running 12.0419:26
bkerensajust run the update manager19:26
goddardis it going to break my box?19:30
goddardi use it for work id rather not have to reinstall everything19:31
nathwillgoddard, any update could break your box, but it has been tested, and should work without issue19:32
bkerensagoddard: why would it break your box?19:32
bkerensagoddard: you can also bring your box/monitor/etc to the release party and we can do an assisted upgrade19:34
nathwilliinteresting...    ipv6.torrent.ubuntu.com19:34
goddardwhats an assisted upgrade?19:37
goddardmeaning you help me push the button ? :D19:37
goddardi think i gotta do a complete back up before i upgrade19:38
goddardwhich will take forever19:38
goddardsince usb 3.0 doesn't work for some reason19:39
bkerensanathwill: http://randall.executiv.es/sites/default/files/images/pangolin_goodbye_0.jpg19:41
bkerensa^ LOL19:41
bkerensagoddard: I have tested images in every release from A1 to Final and so far have no run into a single issue with unbootable box19:42
bkerensaand on multiple types of hardware19:42
goddardwell anyone that has upgraded from 11.10 to 12.04 let me know how it went19:52
bkerensagoddard: I have upgraded plenty of boxes :) and it went fine even in Alpha 119:55
nathwillrebooting... has new kernel to consume20:03
keesI was disappointed the ipv6 torrent included ipv4 clients20:05
keesin other news, I downloaded the desktop and alternate ISOs in like 150 seconds20:06
bkerensakees: you seeding?20:06
keesbkerensa: yawp20:06
keesalways do.20:07
bkerensakees: it would be interesting if their were a distributed way of delivering updates over torrents20:47
keesbkerensa: torrent archive! :)20:48
keesnot a lot of people want to seed that ;)20:48
bkerensakees: I would :D20:48
keesI wonder if torrent files can be updated?20:50
bkerensaidk it would be a interesting project... think how much money Canonical would save if updates were heavily distributed20:51
tgm4883bkerensa, you mean like this http://sianka.free.fr/20:56
tgm4883and this idea with 2215 votes http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/7792/20:57
tgm4883or even http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/debtorrent20:57
tgm4883kees, you probably wouldn't need the torrent files to be updated, you would have a usual update procedure, but instead of grabbing .deb files from the repository, you would grab the new version of the torrent file (same package naming schema with .torrent at the end) then it would torrent the deb you needed21:03
tgm4883the idea being that .torrent files are much much smaller than some of the packages, saving you bandwidth21:03
bkerensauh oh the hail has arrived21:07
nathwillsunny over here21:40
nathwillman, bash is shit at floating point comparison...21:41
bkerensaGlisan Burger Barn, Popeyes or Sushi.... decisions decisions21:42
nathwillit's not even a question21:47
zenlinuxbkerensa, do you live on the eastside?21:50
bkerensazenlinux: yeah NE21:51
* bkerensa just moved out here a month or so ago21:52
bkerensaI do not miss SW at all :)21:52
zenlinuxnice, I live in the Hollywood neighborhood21:52
bkerensazenlinux: cool... my favorite Pho shop is out there21:52
zenlinuxGot Pho?21:52
* bkerensa is right off of Glisan21:52
bkerensazenlinux: but of course :) I have known the owner a few years... I have a "Ubuntu" discount there of 20%21:53
zenlinuxhaha, nice. I haven't tried it yet, only been to My Cahn21:53
bkerensazenlinux: ask him for thai coffee its not on the menu but its the most potent coffee I have ever had21:53
bkerensazenlinux: you coming to the party on Sunday?21:54
zenlinuxsure am21:54
bkerensanot sure if I have met you :d21:54
zenlinuxI showed up really briefly for the release party that happened in the back room of Backspace a while ago21:54
bkerensanathwill: fyi were meeting with puppetlabs guy 10 mins to 1pm21:54
zenlinuxWe said hello, but didn't have the chance to chat21:55
bkerensawell maybe this time we will chat since this is nathwill's rodeo :D21:55
* bkerensa rushes out to lunch before he passes out due to hunger ;p21:55
bkerensahello shirgall how is South Africa23:14
bkerensahot I imagine23:14
shirgallbkerensa: I'm back from there, but busdy as heck23:14
shirgallIt was actually quite nice. Blue skies and 70 degrees.23:14
bkerensashirgall: oh so potential drop in for release party on Sunday?23:14
bkerensa70 degrees >.< wow23:15
shirgallpotential but my wife has to work... so I have to watch the kids23:15
bkerensashirgall: You could bring them :)23:17
bkerensathere will be pizza and soda23:17
bkerensaand beer :)23:17
shirgallI'm looking into options, to be sure23:18

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