
=== Daviey_ is now known as Daviey
l3onHi all.. I'm looking for some image about Precise.. I would like to change the ubuntu.it homepage...08:41
l3ondo you where I can find it?08:41
cjohnstonsteveedwards: ping10:38
steveedwardscjohnston: Hey.10:39
cjohnstonCouple things.. Do you have some time?10:39
steveedwardsI do right now. 'Sup?10:40
cjohnston1) The summit thing is omobile!10:40
cjohnston2) I have to add a few things back that were lost when it went mobile10:41
cjohnston3) I now use the twitter js thats used on uds.u.c10:41
steveedwardscjohnston: Woop! Fantastic.10:41
steveedwardscjohnston: Nice work.10:41
cjohnston4) I need help figuring out a place to put a little bit of text.. I need a place to put information about if you need help (something broke, somethings wrong, stuff like that) while at UDS, send an email to this address to get help10:42
cjohnstonCould you help me out with #4 at some point in the near future?10:43
steveedwardscjohnston: Sure, of course. Is the text written already?10:44
steveedwardscjohnston: Do you want a hand writing it?10:44
cjohnstonI have one for Linaro and one for Ubuntu, so, while not a requirement, it would be nice if they fit together and all I have to do is change an address10:44
steveedwardscjohnston: Ah, okay. Cool.10:44
cjohnstonif you could.. I'm not good at making a short statement about something like that.. i could probably do 3 paragraphs, but trying to sum it up in a sentence, not so much10:45
steveedwardscjohnston: Happy to help. If you send me the text once it's been written, we can create a design for you and figure out the placement.10:45
cjohnstonI'll send you my thoughts and maybe tweak the text too?10:45
steveedwardscjohnston: Cool. No problem.10:46
peterm-ubuntuwe are live11:53
cjohnstonpeterm-ubuntu: ubuntu.com looks odd11:56
cjohnstonI guess the dots above the P. P. P. white box11:56
peterm-ubuntucjohnston can you send a screenshot12:01
cjohnstonpeterm-ubuntu: http://ubuntuone.com/28j8ktDMud6z2xuzXNtPky12:05
peterm-ubuntucjohnston I think that's correct12:06
cjohnstonI think it is too, it just looks odd12:06
cjohnstonto me atleast12:06
cjohnstoni assume the download link is supposed to be not working12:07
cjohnstonnm. it works now12:07
peterm-ubuntuit should be… but things are a bit funny12:08
cjohnstonnot that kind of funny?12:09
peterm-ubuntucjohnston depends whose chair you are sitting in?12:15
Amozcjohnston, now it looks really funny!12:54
AmozSite off-line12:54
AmozThe site is currently not available due to technical problems. Please try again later. Thank you for your understanding.12:54
Amozhaving problems?12:56
newz2000Amoz: tiny problem13:17
mhall119very tiny problem13:17
mhall119it's just that everybody on the internet is trying to get into Millbank13:18
mhall119(or whereever our actual servers live)13:18
newz2000quick, install wider doors!13:18
Amoznewz2000, lol13:24
newz2000it's very hard to get the bulldozer in there to make the opening wider with all the people in the way though.13:24
Amozstarted seeding torrents13:38
cjohnstoni need to do that13:39
cjohnstonantdillon: I though bug #988868 was fixed in a previous bug13:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 988868 in ubuntu-website-content "Chrome and Firefox icons outdated" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98886813:43
cjohnstonsteveedwards: only looking at the left side (not the grid side) when you get a chance if you have any feedback on that I would apprecieate it14:21
steveedwardscjohnston: Will do.14:22
cjohnstonsorry.. steveedwards uds.chrisjohnston.org14:22
=== Ronnie2 is now known as Ronnie

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