
meganerdguest0012983: why not just run as a regular user and use sudo for things you need root for?00:00
majnoonthis way thinking once get setup way want then can do new wubi that way00:00
=== jlen is now known as palomer
hellosputnikHello guys.00:00
wyldeguest0012983:  did you try 'su user1 firefox' or somesuch?00:00
Moon_DoggyDarwinSurvivor, i get this error  http://pastebin.com/27ZQHeRQ00:00
hellosputnikI'm currently using Ubuntu 11.10 and I can't move my windows to the right side of the screen to make them resize.00:01
godmachine81majnoon:: im not familiar with wubi. like i said, im not an ubuntu person. just here to ask a question about a 12.04 mirror for precise daily. installing on my dad's desktop.00:01
SteevcaIs it just me or the gnome-look.org is not working?00:01
hellosputnikI'm not sure what that feature is called :/00:01
godmachine81hellosputnik:: called snapping00:01
majnoonwell is ponter in correct direction any way00:01
hellosputnikgodmachine81, how do I enable snap?00:01
SteevcaCompiz i think.00:02
wyldemajnoon: you'd really be better off running ubuntu from virtualbox than using wubi. JUst sayin'00:02
godmachine81hellosputnik:: if i knew i'd tell you, but i don't. sorry00:02
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Oneiric/11.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/oneiric/wubi.exe00:02
majnoonno can use tvcard in virtual machine :(00:02
persona24I am having diffuclties installing Ubuntu on my friends lap top00:02
guest0012983wylde, i will try that first, and if no go then DarwinSurvivor, i will make a pastebin of all that stuff, already have it in a text file now00:02
guest0012983thanks guys00:02
SteevcaPeople,seriously.Can anyone open http://www.gnome-look.org ? :D00:03
SteevcaIs it just me?00:03
godmachine81not working Steevca00:04
DarwinSurvivorSteevca: http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/www.gnome-look.org00:04
SteevcaDarwinSurvivor: Oh,yeah.I tottaly forgot about that site.00:04
godmachine81downforeveryoneorjustme is a good site. but i can't ever remember the exact URL to it00:04
godmachine81its too long00:04
majnoongodmachine81, it work okies but NO recomend updating from within it :)00:04
godmachine81i always want to try downforeveryoneorisitjustme00:04
SteevcaThere are similar websites with a shorter url.00:04
godmachine81majnoon:: i don't recommend altering linux systems from inside windows. hell i dont recommend doing anything from within windows00:05
DarwinSurvivorMoon_Doggy: Hmm, I'm out of ideas then. I highly recommend trying the #xorg channel, those guys could probably write the config from memory00:05
uBUxUBui have installed wubi a few times00:05
Steevcahttp://news.softpedia.com/news/Ubuntu-11-10-Desktop-Customization-Guide-242549.shtml I ma trying to get my desktop to look like this,but i can't download the themes because of gnome-look.Does anyobady know a site where i can find Zukitwo and Zukini GTK3 Themes ?00:05
majnoonno it uses a file as a virt hd00:05
majnoonit a FULL ubuntu install00:06
DarwinSurvivorSteevca: did you try googling the theme name?00:06
willdabeastI have a question that may not be ubuntu related, but maybe hardware. I'm having an issue where my computer will restart whenever I am trying to load a game or do heavy amounts of multitasking.00:06
godmachine81majnoon:: is there some reason you can't just do a regular install?00:06
=== Cristiano is now known as Guest42810
majnoonmom's machine :(00:06
godmachine81willdabeast:: you checked your cpu temp?00:06
SteevcaDarwinSurvivor: Lol.I am getting so tired now,i am forgeting the basic stuff. xD Thanks,i think. xD00:06
godmachine81willdabeast:: you probably have a malfunctioning cooling system or the heatsink isn't seated properly.. or possibly bad memory00:07
willdabeastgodmachine81 I have not, any way to easily?00:07
wyldewilldabeast: dusted inside the case lately? :)00:07
ActionParsnipwilldabeast: test your RAM using memtest from Grub00:07
godmachine81willdabeast:: yes sensors00:07
SteevcaFound them on deviatart. xDD00:07
escottwilldabeast, is it overheating?00:07
DarwinSurvivorwilldabeast: reboot and run memtest. CPU/GPU intensive apps also use a lot of memory and tend to trigger issues if a ram stick is ba00:07
DarwinSurvivorwilldabeast: reboot and run memtest. CPU/GPU intensive apps also use a lot of memory and tend to trigger issues if a ram stick is bad00:07
godmachine81escott:: ^^00:07
JCDentonIs there a reason you're instructing people to destroy their systems?00:08
JCDentonI'm trying to help someone with installing Skype, and the instructions you're giving users will end up causing a shit storm.00:08
JCDentonYou should sincerely fix that00:08
JCDentonJust so you're aware.00:08
willdabeastdarwinsurvivor memtest didnt have any errors, I have 2 ram sticks that I have swapped and used one or the other. My one issue is that under properties, it lists 4gb of memory as 3.25 gb00:08
ActionParsnipJCDenton: whom are you addressnig exactly?00:08
godmachine81JCDenton:: is the instructions on an official ubuntu page? or is it some 3rd party site?00:09
ActionParsnipJCDenton: thats how skype runs in 64bit00:09
JCDentonActionParsnip, Whoever actually cares. This is why I don't use Ubuntu00:09
ActionParsnipJCDenton: skype is proprietary, so you need to moan at skype.00:09
=== aaass is now known as aaas
JCDentongodmachine81, Did you read what I said?00:09
DarwinSurvivorwildc4rd: some memory may have been allocated to the video card by your bios00:09
JCDentonhelp.ubuntu.com is ubuntu.com last time I checked00:09
ActionParsnipJCDenton: if skype made a genuine 64bit client, you'd be ok00:09
escottwilldabeast, if you are running 32bit you see 4GB-video card00:09
godmachine81i read as much as i could without getting behind on the chat.00:09
ActionParsnipJCDenton: nothing to do with Ubuntu, so you are moaning in completely the wrong place00:09
willdabeastescott so ur saying, I should be seeing it for 32 bit?00:10
JCDentonThe user is suing 32bit00:10
JCDentonnot 64bit00:10
godmachine81skype isn't hard to install or configure. doesn't really need a guide to install it00:10
DarwinSurvivorJCDenton: skype is trying to replace a FUNDAMENTAL piece of ubuntu with their PPA. Please bring up the issue with them as their package is *defective*00:10
ActionParsnipJCDenton: yes, but the OS is multiarch under 64bit so you can run 32bit apps..00:10
escottwilldabeast, no that "-" is a minus. sorry not being clear. you see less than 4gb00:10
ActionParsnipJCDenton: just like you can in windows...00:10
godmachine81just install the 32bit compatibility libraries, and install skype. and done00:10
SteevcaIs there a website i can check and see how each resolution would look like on my dekstop?00:10
rohanSteevca: www.whatismyscreenresolution.com00:11
majnoonhaving fun here ,2 keyboards,2 mouses,3 monitors :)00:11
godmachine81JCDenton:: if user is using 32bit then all they need to do is install the native libs + skype00:11
willdabeastescott o I gotcha, sry. Ok so I have a feeling that it may be cpu temp, it says 57 celcius. Which isn't too crazy00:11
ActionParsnipJCDenton: I suggest you install 32bit Ubuntu with PAE kernel if it bother you so much, sounds like its just for web accessing and such which doesn't benefit much from 64bitness00:11
godmachine81willdabeast:: 57 at idle or load00:11
APoulosalright peeps, need help again00:12
willdabeastgodmachine at load00:12
willdabeastgodmachine i mean idle sry00:12
APoulosI need help with rsync one more time00:12
willdabeastgodmachine81 sry i mean idle00:12
godmachine81check temp under load00:12
DarwinSurvivorAPoulos: fire away00:12
wyldewilldabeast: 57 at idle is awfully high.00:12
lccwhat time will ubuntu 12.04 be released?00:12
ActionParsnipAPoulos: grsync is handy for rsync stuff00:12
ActionParsniplcc: ask in #ubuntu+1 for Precise stuffs00:12
godmachine81wylde:: not too high on some laptops00:12
zykotick9lcc: the time is not known, sometime tomorrow 26th in North America00:13
APoulosDarwinSurvivor, here's the command: rsync --progress -rEog --exclude-from='excludes.txt /home/alex/ /media/backup/12.04-Precise-backup_4.23.2012/00:13
willdabeastgodmachine81 and wylde, you think the only way to fix it is to replace cpu or reapply the glue?00:13
wyldegodmachine81: true, didn't cacth if he was on a lappy or desktop.00:13
godmachine81willdabeast:: its not glue00:13
wyldewilldabeast: thermal paste00:13
Moon_Doggyty anyways DarwinSurvivor00:13
godmachine81willdabeast:: you need some good thermal compound (not glue)  make sure it is seated properly, and don't use too much of the compound00:13
escottwilldabeast, 57 at idle is high. I only get that when flash starts trying to compute the last digit of pi using all 4 cores00:13
DarwinSurvivorMoon_Doggy: no problem00:13
hellosputnikThe lack of the snap feature is making me so sad :(00:13
godmachine81willdabeast:: it only takes about the size of a BB, and don't spread it out. it will spread by its self when the temp heats up00:14
DarwinSurvivorAPoulos: and what do you need help with?00:14
willdabeastgodmachine81 and wylde sry yea i meant that lol multitasking. Any place to get it cheap and should I just google how to reapply it?00:14
SteevcaOne more thing.How can i move the unity shell,the dock on the left side to the bottom?00:14
wyldewilldabeast: the system I'm on now has been under 100% load for 3 hours or so, I'm running at 54 degrees.00:14
celso_man.... lots of people here......00:14
godmachine81willdabeast:: just the size of a BB in the center. place heatsink on the cpu snuggly holding pressure down on it for aprox 30 seconds00:14
celso_hi people!00:14
APoulosDarwinSurvivor, everytime I try and use gsync to copy over files to that drive, even wtihout the "=excludes.txt" and use "--exclude filenamehere" I get an error when copying over files00:14
taschrantHowdy-do!  I'm new with Ubuntu and I installed Compiz Settings Manger.00:14
DarwinSurvivorSteevca: not possible yet, possibly in precise but not positive00:15
willdabeastgodmachine81 alright sweet thanks so much. So no replacement cpu thats the good news hopefully c:00:15
godmachine81willdabeast:: then tighten the heatsink down.  run the cpu at full load for 20 - 30 minutes so that the compound will spread out properly00:15
taschrantIt stopped working, but I tried running the command compiz --replace.00:15
ActionParsnipSteevca: there is an unofficial PPA, it is known to cause issues00:15
godmachine81willdabeast:: if cpu was broke it wouldn't work half the time00:15
APoulosDarwinSurvivor, this is what it gives me: "Downloads/Windows.7.Ultimate.32-64Bit.(2011-02-09).iso00:15
APoulos3809312768 83% 21.03MB/s 0:00:3500:15
APoulosrsync: writefd_unbuffered failed to write 4 bytes to socket [sender]: Broken pipe (32)00:15
APoulosrsync: connection unexpectedly closed (70735 bytes received so far) [sender]00:15
APoulosrsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(605) [sender=3.0.9]"00:15
taschrantThat worked temporarily, but it still doesn't keep my compiz going permanently.00:15
wyldewilldabeast: godmachine81 <<---- what he's saying. Although, if it's a desktop, open the case and see if fans/heatsinks are clogged with dust, and if your fans are working.00:15
godmachine81willdabeast:: if cpu was broke it would not work at all..00:15
taschrantIs there anything I can do?00:15
DarwinSurvivorAPoulos: please run the command directly in a terminal, then pastebin the output00:15
=== VGoff is now known as VGoff_afk
DarwinSurvivor!pastebin | APoulos00:16
ubottuAPoulos: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:16
willdabeastwylde and godmachine ty so much, wish i could +karma you guys or thank u on irc ;)00:16
godmachine81willdabeast:: yes removing dust may help.  but also making sure that you have the appropriate fancontrol settings in linux will help too00:16
celso_does sommeone knows if the final version of ubuntu 12.04 is already out?00:16
willdabeastgodmachine81 ah gotcha00:16
willdabeastgodmachine81 I had the fan control jacked up just to help it00:17
DarwinSurvivor!outyet | celso_00:17
ubottucelso_: Nope! Ubuntu 12.04 is scheduled for release sometime on April 26th. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party while you're waiting!00:17
godmachine81first things i'd check would be the fan speed sensor if your motherboard supports it. and make sure that pwmconfig/fancontrol are controlling the fan properly00:17
wyldewilldabeast: glad to help when I can :) Imma shup now though before we get slapped with an !ot :P00:17
yooozyhi guys00:17
celso_thank you ubottu!!!!00:17
godmachine81willdabeast:: yes we need to try not to go offtopic too much. you are welcome to talk to me in another channel im in that isn't so strict about irc guidelines00:17
yooozyubuntu 12.04 is due tomorrow?00:18
wyldeyooozy: yes00:18
DarwinSurvivor!outyet | yooozy00:18
ubottuyooozy: Nope! Ubuntu 12.04 is scheduled for release sometime on April 26th. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party while you're waiting!00:18
celso_i am asking because i already saw in the calendar that is already out!00:18
yooozygreat! congrats to all you all!!00:18
willdabeastgodmachine81 ill just pm you thanks ;)00:18
flanagan/join #ubuntu-relaese-party00:19
yooozyubottu, ok going there00:19
ubottuyooozy: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:19
celso_didnt know XD00:19
yooozyubottu, really?! what ever..00:19
ubottuyooozy: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:19
intrader!deja |intrader00:20
flanagan/me test00:20
=== VGoff_afk is now known as VGoff
taschrantHello everybody!  I'm new with Ubuntu.  I installed Compizconfig, but the settings are not sticking.  The only way it works is if I run the command compiz --replace.  However, once I log off or restart, Compiz still will not work.00:21
shaneohey guys when running a service like owncloud via ubuntu do the owncloud users need to have their own directory in the pc00:21
Aliveswhat is the equivalent of gnome-panel in gnome3?00:23
shaneotaschrant, what version of ubuntu00:23
DarwinSurvivortaschrant: have you read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager ?00:24
taschrantUbuntu 11.04 (I think).00:24
shaneotaschrant, and what exactly are you trying to do with compiz00:24
Alivesan its unity00:25
taschrantI want to use the scale effect for managing my windows and customize the positions on the screen to show the desktop.00:25
sudiptawhen will 12.04 come out?It's 26th already00:26
shaneosudipta, you can install it now00:26
shaneosudipta, Ive been using it for weeks its wondeful00:26
shaneotaschrant, hmm thats a little advanced for me honestly i stay away from compiz it is great for effects and what not but hard to configure properly sometime00:27
sudiptashaneo:but the site shows a link to beta 2.Want to grab the final release of the LTS.BTW, I'm in India,so any chance of time delay???00:27
celso_sudipta, go check #ubuntu-release-party00:28
taschrantIs there a way I can have an expose-effect (like the Macs) in Ubuntu without Compiz then?00:28
shaneosudipta, Beta2 is pretty stable and worth installing00:28
shaneotherefore when final comes out you'll just need a few updates00:28
shaneosudipta, also website in US says final beta00:29
=== enchilad1 is now known as enchilado
smint^^anyone good with BNC here?00:31
smint^^need some help setting up mine00:31
guest0012983DarwinSurvivor, http://pastebin.com/ar0C3XXz00:31
guest0012983thanks for trying to help00:32
DarwinSurvivorsmint^^: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BNC_connector ?00:32
guest0012983this is turning out to be a real pain00:32
celso_I just want to leave here a huge thank you to all the developers that worked hard to make such a good OS that ubuntu is! THANK YOU ALL !  :D00:32
smint^^DarwinSurvivor no, I mean a IRC Bouncer00:32
guest0012983but i appreiate your help00:32
DarwinSurvivorsmint^^: oh00:32
smint^^Anyone know how to set up a IRC bouncer?00:32
gizmoI'm a newbie I'm using ubuntu via wubi from a windows pc, do I need an A/V00:33
smint^^yeah darwin, thats my problem00:33
smint^^anyone good with IRC BNC here?00:34
physically_fitgizmo, A/V?00:35
smint^^hes talking about antivirus00:35
APouloshere's what I need to know00:36
gizmophysically_fit: Anti Virus00:36
taschrantWhat should I do if my window-snapping isn't working?00:36
casanovaslap it00:36
APouloshow do I exclude folders beginning in "."00:36
DarwinSurvivorgizmo: the windows host should have A/V to protect itself and anything you download with linux should be scanned if you plan to open it in windows later00:36
APoulosfrom rsync?00:36
awisepilotI need assistance with a Fresh Install of 11.10.  After the install is complete and booting for the first time I get a bunch of udevd[96]: timeout: killing /sbin/modprobe -bv pci.  Then it freezes when it get to a bnx2 error.00:36
gizmothanks Darwin00:37
danopiaapprox. when is 12.04 supposed to be released?00:37
APoulosDarwinSurvivor, how do I exclude any folders and files that begin with "." from the backup?00:37
DarwinSurvivorguest0012983: looks like root is protecting it's X session (good thing). I recommend not running a GUI as root anyways. *Why* are you logging in as root in the first place?00:38
DarwinSurvivorAPoulos: you mean exclude hiden files/folders?00:38
APoulosyes sir00:38
DarwinSurvivorAPoulos: http://wiki.ljackson.us/Rsync#Hidden_Files00:38
APoulosDarwinSurvivor, is there anyway to backup my .deb packages installed as well?00:38
DarwinSurvivorAPoulos: a list of installed packages, or the deb files themselves?00:39
apwbdjpAPoulos, aptoncd is your man00:39
APoulosDarwinSurvivor, yes and perhaps the .deb files themselves too00:39
awisepilotI need assistance with a Fresh Install of 11.10.  After the install is complete and booting for the first time I get a bunch of udevd[96]: timeout: killing /sbin/modprobe -bv pci.  Then it freezes when it get to a bnx2 error.00:39
DarwinSurvivorAPoulos: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=261366 for the list00:40
apwbdjpAPoulos, http://aptoncd.sourceforge.net/00:40
APoulosapwbdjp, I already used aptoncd00:40
guest0012983DarwinSurvivor, when i use backtrack i need to be logged in as root00:40
guest0012983i dont do much web browsing from backtrack, its not a good idea anyways00:41
DarwinSurvivorAPoulos: all .deb files *should* be in /var/cache/apt/00:41
guest0012983but sometimes i like to watch video tutorials and stuff00:41
DarwinSurvivorguest0012983: when you use the backtrack software, or the distribution?00:41
APoulosapwbdjp, AptonCD doesnt copy any .config or .gconfid files does it?00:41
guest0012983the distrobution00:41
intraderAnyone, I have a /home backup done via deja on 10.10. Another laptop has been prepared with 11.10. Attempt to do a full restore using deja fails on account of deja asking for Encryption password. I did not write the backup with encryption, so I don't understand why it wants a password. How do I restore?00:42
apwbdjpAPoulos, no, it only backs up the .deb files00:42
DarwinSurvivorguest0012983: backtrack is not an official ubuntu derivative, please contact the backtrack developers directly for assistance with their distrobution00:42
guest0012983i am trying all of this from my ubuntu partition so that i can just log out and back in again00:42
APoulosAlso, last question, Boot-repair hung a bit and never fixed my grub menu, is there a way I can do the same job and fix my grub menu?00:43
DarwinSurvivorunfortunately every derivative distro likes to tweak things, so without knowing what they have changed, we can't help you much00:43
guest0012983i understand00:43
awisepilotI need assistance with a Fresh Install of 11.10.  After the install is complete and booting for the first time I get a bunch of udevd[96]: timeout: killing /sbin/modprobe -bv pci.  Then it freezes when it get to a bnx2 error.00:44
DarwinSurvivorguest0012983: if backtrack requires you to be logged in as root (something ubuntu does NOT do), that is an issue you need to bring up with *them*00:44
guest0012983although it is basically just ubuntu with different PPAs...   could we pretend that i am using backbox?  since the problem would be the exact same in backbox and backbox is ubuntu supported00:44
jeralCan someone help me get my sound working again. It was working and my son used headphones on my laptop and then I could barely hear the sound. I reloaded 11.10 and not I can't get sound at al00:44
DarwinSurvivorthe consensus on ubuntu is that you should never be logged in as root unless you are doing something VERY exceptional (such as HDD recovery)00:45
guest0012983if not its cool, i do appreciate all of your help thus far00:45
jeralI checked alsamixer and the second Master was muted so I unmuted it00:45
DarwinSurvivorguest0012983: I don't think backbox IS a Canonical endorsed distro at all00:46
jeralCan someone help me out00:46
guest0012983okays...  thanks for all the help anyways00:46
guest0012983at least i ruled some stuff out00:46
DarwinSurvivorjeral: the headphones are unplugged now right? (just verifying the obvious)00:47
awisepilotI wish some one would help me00:47
DarwinSurvivorawisepilot: can you pastebin all the output?00:47
awisepilotsure :)00:47
APoulosHow would I list a set of directories to exclude from btw - like --exclude=exclude.txt - where would I put that txt file?00:48
darbei try to install libstdc++600:49
darbebut it is inactive.00:49
darbehow can I install that one?00:50
christhisisgool!info libstd00:50
ubottuPackage libstd does not exist in oneiric00:50
hellosputnikHow do I edit my workspaces in Ubuntu 11.10?00:50
hellosputnikI want more than 4 and I want them to be linear.00:51
hellosputnikI dislike having to use the up and down arrow keys to switch between my workspaces :(00:51
jeralHow do you make all the changes you did in Alsamixer stay00:51
jeralI keep having the second Master Channel go back to Mute00:51
jeralHello can someone help me out00:53
DarwinSurvivorapwbdjp: you can put the text file anywheres, just replace "exclude.txt" in the command with the location of the actual file00:53
ActionParsniphellosputnik: you can do it in CCSM00:54
=== manu is now known as Guest6774
kipI have been trying all of the methods of installing Sun Java 6 JRE from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java and none of them work.  Who do I tell the documentation is not correct?00:54
apwbdjpDarwinSurvivor, not me, I believe ^^ It's alright, just make sure the guy got it00:54
darbeit should be active , right? http://s17.postimage.org/kok71xpvj/libstdc_6.png00:55
DarwinSurvivorapwbdjp: sorry, looks like he left and autocomplete switched to your name00:55
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' (or 'simple-ccsm' for pre-Oneiric). If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz00:55
hellosputnikThanks ActionParsnip.00:56
DarwinSurvivorkip: could you please be more specific than "does not work"?00:56
ryoohkiany idea when archive.getdeb.net will be back?00:57
DarwinSurvivorkip: are you getting errors, does java not execute, does it crash, etc?00:57
kipEach way has a different error, and will not complete.00:57
DarwinSurvivorryoohki: please try #getdeb00:57
ryoohkiDarwinSurvivor: thanks!00:58
DarwinSurvivorkip: please pastebin your attempts with the output you got00:58
DarwinSurvivor!pastebin | kip00:58
ubottukip: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:58
kipO.K. I will try to figure out the paste.ubuntu.com BRB00:59
myrAnyone know when 10.04 will no longer be updated?01:00
majnoonok anyone know of a good FREE windows xserver to connect to linux box ??01:00
DarwinSurvivormyr: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_%28operating_system%29#Releases01:00
myrDarwinSurvivor, thanks01:01
HoNgOuRuhi, is there any way to find a text file that I modified 15 days ago ?01:01
DarwinSurvivorHoNgOuRu: do you know the name of it?01:01
kacOngs_precise im coming01:01
HoNgOuRuDarwinSurvivor, ofcourse not01:01
DarwinSurvivorHoNgOuRu: do you know what folder it was in, what permissions it had, the *precise* date, etc?01:02
HoNgOuRuyes, my home folder01:02
DarwinSurvivorHoNgOuRu: knowing the size and/or content (even a few words) will help01:02
HoNgOuRuyes, precise date...01:02
HoNgOuRuno words01:02
DarwinSurvivorHoNgOuRu: do you remember what war IN the file (even a few words)?01:02
HoNgOuRuDarwinSurvivor, no01:03
HoNgOuRujust 3 consecutive numbers01:03
HoNgOuRubut Im not sure01:03
escottmajnoon, xming?01:03
DarwinSurvivorHoNgOuRu: stupid question: how can a file you know nothing about be important enough to save...?01:03
HoNgOuRuDarwinSurvivor, a telephone number01:03
DarwinSurvivorHoNgOuRu: do you know what the numbers were?01:03
HoNgOuRuI guess01:03
HoNgOuRuis there any "find " something?01:03
HoNgOuRucan I look for a particular period of time?01:04
HoNgOuRuI know the date and time01:04
LazikHoNgOuRu: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-unix-osxfind-files-by-date/01:04
escottHoNgOuRu, find can do that01:04
DarwinSurvivorHoNgOuRu: yes, the "find" command will search for files by name, size, permissions & date. "grep" will search INSIDE the files for a pattern or a piece of text01:04
Dirangedi just switched our syslog serer from syslog-ng to rsyslog (4.2.0, on ubuntu 10.04), and rsyslog is using up 100% of the cpu..01:04
Dirangedits working, but its stuck idlign @ 100% as it brings in a few logs from our remote servers01:05
ActionParsnipmajnoon: xming01:05
awisepilotDarwinSurvivor:  Here are my two post http://imagebin.org/209756 and http://imagebin.org/20975701:05
ActionParsnipkip: did you get my PM?01:05
DarwinSurvivorHoNgOuRu: do you remember ANYTHING about the filename (ex: ending in .txt or something)?01:05
kipI am back. The paste is http://paste.ubuntu.com/946617/01:06
ActionParsnipkip: did you get my link?01:07
kipJust found it.01:07
ActionParsnipkip: bit easier ;)01:07
DarwinSurvivorkip: what I meant by "output" was every time you entered something in the terminal "ex: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 5CB26B26" we need the output of that command01:08
zymurgyI'm in Ubuntu 12.04, in KDE. An inch or two of the whole desktop disappears under the screen's left edge. What can I do about this?01:08
DarwinSurvivorkip: what you need to do is start from scratch, run ALL your commands in the same terminal, then pastebin the ENTIRE contents of that terminal01:08
DarwinSurvivorHoNgOuRu: give a sec, writting a script for you01:09
christhisisgoolzmurgy: one. this is not kubuntu. 2. this is not the 12.04 channel01:09
awisepilotDarwinSurvivor: did you see my imagepast?01:09
kipThe command that failed was listed. I will do again and capture everything. O.K. Thanks. May be awhile. It is on another computer.01:09
DarwinSurvivorawisepilot: sorry, I know very little about udev01:10
zymurgyI'm in Ubuntu 12.04, in KDE. An inch or two of the whole desktop disappears under the screen's left edge. What can I do about this?01:11
DarwinSurvivorkip: sometimes things that don't error out still have messages that can help find out what caused an error later01:11
ActionParsnipzymurgy: ask in #ubuntu+1 please01:12
awisepilotFirst time trying Ubuntu, cann't beleive it's has a bug on a sever install.01:12
HoNgOuRuDarwinSurvivor, how is that script going ?01:12
ActionParsnipawisepilot: which release?01:12
awisepilotI'm about to blow it away and load SLES 1101:12
ActionParsnipawisepilot: Precise is out in a matter of HOURS. Why not instal Precise?? It's also LTS so has a lot more life than Oneiric01:12
awisepilotWere can I find Precise01:13
awisepilotand what is it01:13
myrActionParsnip, because new versions of ubuntu are generally quite unstable?01:13
awisepilotI am new to Ubuntu01:13
ActionParsnipawisepilot: its the 12.04 release of ubuntu01:13
ActionParsnipmyr: LTS releases are intentionally made as solid as possible from day 001:13
DarwinSurvivorHoNgOuRu: ok, unfortunately, your home folder contains *LOTS* of small files, so any information will help (was it in Documents/, what was the format of any line of the file ex: ###-###-#### or ### ### ####)01:13
ActionParsnipawisepilot: Oneiric has 18 months of support, Precise has 5 years01:14
awisepilotwhere can I find it01:14
xanguaawisepilot: ubuntu.com01:14
awisepilotI got to get this server running01:14
awisepiloton something01:14
DarwinSurvivorHoNgOuRu: "find ~ -size -b50" and tell me how much gets printed01:14
myrActionParsnip, I have been using ubuntu since Breezy, and I have not found LTS releases to be any more stable upon initial release01:15
DarwinSurvivorHoNgOuRu: you will probably get a LOT of stuff from .mozilla/ so add " | grep -v mozilla" after01:15
myr10.04 is rock solid01:15
Bennlucky7zymurgy: maybe setting in monitor button01:15
awisepilotdoes 10.04 come with Python and Twisted01:16
ActionParsnipmyr: i'd still go for it in a server install as a clean install personally. Precise has been fine here since Alpha2, been using Ubuntu since Gutsy, Linux in various flavours for much longer01:16
awisepilotActionParsnip, lit in a couple of hours there is a new version01:17
zymurgyDon't think there IS a "monitor button". This exact same setup worked perfectly under debian.01:17
user1hi, ubuntu 12.04 lts released or not....01:17
uBUxUBuits actually april 26 in samoa right now01:17
DarwinSurvivorHoNgOuRu: http://www.learnosity.com/techblog/index.cfm/2010/5/10/Howto-find-files-newer-than-a-specific-date-using-command-line01:17
uBUxUButhe website still shows 11'10 as current01:18
HoNgOuRuDarwinSurvivor, that command should be writen -size 50b01:18
DarwinSurvivorHoNgOuRu: sorry, that was a reference for myself01:18
DarwinSurvivorHoNgOuRu: what was the date it was made?01:18
GG111Grr, this one is really getting, I thought I had the perfect install, untill -01:19
ActionParsnipuBUxUBu: yes, thats because its still the latest stable :)01:19
HoNgOuRuDarwinSurvivor, dont know if "made" or modified01:19
kipIt looks like I have partial (uncomplete installs of Java6 JRE,and Java 7 JDK) and I can not remove them, so I am going to reinstall Lubuntu and start from scratch again. And log everything.01:20
GG111does anyone know, why does the new-mail envelope in unity flips to "no mail", right after the first email is cheked, even if there are tem more new emails left ?01:20
uBUxUBuhmm so you mean they wont even shiw it current tomorrow?01:20
awisepilotLet me try 10.04 LTS there are issues with 11.10 I just found in the forums with a race condition during boot in the udev.01:20
ActionParsnipuBUxUBu: yes, when iots released, the site will be updated..01:20
DarwinSurvivorHoNgOuRu: you mean 2012-04-14?01:20
uBUxUBubut it is 2pm april 26 in samoa01:21
HoNgOuRuDarwinSurvivor, between 20:00 and 22:0001:21
xangua!isitout | uBUxUBu01:21
ubottuuBUxUBu: Nope! Ubuntu 12.04 is scheduled for release sometime on April 26th. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party while you're waiting!01:21
uBUxUBuguess they fell behind01:21
DarwinSurvivorHoNgOuRu: NOW we're getting specific!01:21
bazhanguBUxUBu, so? it'll be out when it's out. no need to repeat here01:21
HoNgOuRudon't give me hope...01:22
ActionParsnipuBUxUBu: are you running the beta release already?01:22
HoNgOuRuIll buy it...01:22
uBUxUBuim using 11.1001:22
ActionParsnipuBUxUBu: if you install the beta or daily, you will upgrade seamlessly into the release01:22
GG111no input on the new-mail envelope ?01:22
bazhanguBUxUBu, lets stick to ubuntu support. #ubuntu-release-party for the countdown NOT here01:22
HoNgOuRuDarwinSurvivor, it was a text file, probably without the .txt extension01:22
awisepilotIf I start fresh with 10.04 when 12 release I will be able to upgrade without going to 11.10 correct?01:23
DarwinSurvivorHoNgOuRu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/946630/01:23
myrawisepilot, yes01:23
bazhangawisepilot, 10.04 does not go to 11.10 directly01:23
awisepilotbut it will go to 12 ???01:23
DarwinSurvivorHoNgOuRu: oops, sorry, just a sec01:24
bazhangawisepilot, it's 10.04 to 12.04 one step01:24
myrawisepilot, yes01:24
dj_segfaultawisepilot: I had this discussion here last week and found out you can go LTS release to LTS release01:24
awisepilothitting the download button now!! for 10.04 lts01:24
majnoonwow can watch tv (kaffiene) through ssh x11 forward :)01:24
uBUxUBuso, installing the beta and installing the final lts are the same ActionParsnip ?01:25
awisepilotThanks for the solid solution myr01:25
SeedGameHello all01:25
DarwinSurvivorHoNgOuRu: sorry, fixed: http://paste.ubuntu.com/946633/01:26
SeedGameI have one problem need to ask01:26
myrawisepilot, no problem. Hope it goes well for you.01:26
bazhang!final | uBUxUBu yes01:26
ubottuuBUxUBu yes: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.01:26
DarwinSurvivorHoNgOuRu: depending on how many files are in your home directory, it may take a while to run01:27
HoNgOuRuyeah...its looking01:28
trongnghiagood morning!01:28
ActionParsnipuBUxUBu: you will upgrade seamlessly01:28
HoNgOuRuDarwinSurvivor, I copied the whole home directory yesterday, would that be a problem ?01:29
Bennlucky7good evening !01:29
uBUxUBuhmmm, but i prefer clean install01:29
uBUxUBusince it is this close01:29
awisepilotI just went to the web site and its says 12.04 LTS is ready for download01:29
SeedGameI have 8 user in ubuntu and each user are with disk quota and seprate files and each user have torrend clent,ftp,http explorer, rapid leech and many other stuff and I want to limit the bandwidth/user like each user can use 1tb bandwidth not more then that but i dont want to limit speeds but just bandwidth01:30
uBUxUBuits here01:30
bazhangawisepilot, its not01:30
bazhanguBUxUBu, stop that. it's not01:30
jeralOk does anyone of a Sound fix for ubuntu01:30
Dirangedi'm stuck on this rsyslog issue… it looks like rsyslog starts up, massively starts taking up memory and cpu, and eventually crashes..01:30
jeralI had the fix but I can't get it to work anymore01:31
Diranged' 6537 syslog    20   0 4020m 3.4g  732 S 75.6 91.5   1:05.17 rsyslogd' …01:31
DarwinSurvivorHoNgOuRu: HoNgOuRu nope, it's searching by modification time. Unless you are searching inside the backup there should be no issue01:31
awisepilotTesting, testing Ubuntu 12.04 LTS is in final beta now.  Download it today is not what we are looking for?01:31
HoNgOuRuDarwinSurvivor, no, Im searching inside the home directory01:32
HoNgOuRuDarwinSurvivor, it has to work01:32
uBUxUBuawisepilot, i thought you meant it said it is out of beta01:32
bazhangawisepilot, beta is not final. you will know when it is released.01:32
HoNgOuRu-size 50b means smaller than 50B ?01:32
awisepilotNo, sorry for the false alarm01:32
uBUxUBuit has said beta on there for awhile now01:32
DarwinSurvivorHoNgOuRu: if this doesn't work we can also try using grep to search for a pattern matching the numbers, but that will be SLOWWWWW01:32
awisepilotI thought that is what you wanted me to download01:32
bazhanguBUxUBu, it's not, stop speculating on it here01:32
DarwinSurvivorHoNgOuRu: yes01:32
HoNgOuRuall right.01:33
HoNgOuRuno luck!01:33
DarwinSurvivorHoNgOuRu: wait, was it three numbers that make a phone number, or 3 phone numbers?01:33
HoNgOuRu3 numbers01:33
DarwinSurvivorHoNgOuRu: do you remember the exact format of the file (replace numbers with #'s)?01:34
awisepilotDang another 27 minute download ...uggg01:34
HoNgOuRummm... not sure01:34
myrawisepilot, torrents are generally faster...01:35
HoNgOuRu####3## could help ? between spaces01:35
celso_time to go sleep. i will download it tomorow. bb all01:36
DarwinSurvivorHoNgOuRu: what does "du -h --max-depth=0 ~" report?01:37
DarwinSurvivorHoNgOuRu: ouch. Ok can you create a pastebin and list *everything* you know about the file in hit. Make 2 lists. 1) things you know 2) things you suspect01:39
DarwinSurvivorHoNgOuRu: even lits things you know are false (ex: filename contains no numbers, underscores or uppercase characters)01:40
SeedGameAnybody please help me01:40
DarwinSurvivorSeedGame: what was your question?01:40
SeedGameI have 8 user in ubuntu and each user are with disk quota and seprate files and each user have torrend clent,ftp,http explorer, rapid leech and many other stuff and I want to limit the bandwidth/user like each user can use 1tb bandwidth not more then that but i dont want to limit speeds but just bandwidth01:40
HoNgOuRuDarwinSurvivor, the command with the before and after is not finding anything, so I guess that it would not find it otherwise01:41
kacOngsdamm, my conecsi is so bad01:41
DarwinSurvivorHoNgOuRu: yes, but we can make those more broad and try other things you know about the file01:41
zymurgyUbuntu and other Debian-based distros are useless of Debian's indifferent hardware support. Byebye.01:42
DarwinSurvivorSeedGame: what do you want to happen when they run out? total cut off, limiting, close apps, etc?01:42
SeedGameTotal cut off01:42
DarwinSurvivorSeedGame: are these local users or do they login remotely?01:43
SeedGameLocal linux users01:43
DarwinSurvivorSeedGame: and how quickly do they need to be cut off? instantly, or would a check every night be enough?01:44
DarwinSurvivorSeedGame: checking once every few minutes wouldn't work either?01:45
HoNgOuRuWOOOOOW !!!!!!!!! DARWIN !!!!01:46
HoNgOuRufound !!!!01:46
DarwinSurvivorHoNgOuRu: what?01:46
FloodBot1HoNgOuRu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:46
DarwinSurvivorHoNgOuRu: what did you do?01:46
SeedGameDarwin, it could work for me01:46
DarwinSurvivorlol floodbot01:46
X-tonicwhat time is 12.04 expected?01:46
HoNgOuRutook out the -size 50b01:46
DarwinSurvivor!outyet | X-tonic01:46
ubottuX-tonic: Nope! Ubuntu 12.04 is scheduled for release sometime on April 26th. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party while you're waiting!01:46
bazhangX-tonic, no set time01:46
DarwinSurvivorHoNgOuRu: ah, must have contained more than 3 numbers then01:47
HoNgOuRuand then searched the names of the list, it was less than 40 lines01:47
DarwinSurvivorHoNgOuRu: congratulations01:47
HoNgOuRuI remembered 3 out of 601:47
DarwinSurvivorHoNgOuRu: ah, 6 would have put it just over 50b :P01:47
HoNgOuRuit is 8 bytes long01:47
HoNgOuRuDarwinSurvivor, I love linux!01:48
DarwinSurvivorHoNgOuRu: which would be 64b (8*8=64) !01:48
HoNgOuRulets see01:48
DarwinSurvivorHoNgOuRu: adjust slightly for HDD sector sizes of course01:49
HoNgOuRunope, not working even with 200b01:49
tohuwWhat is the mechanism a program uses to notify the unity bar to highlight its icon?01:49
HoNgOuRuthat could be01:49
X-tonicbazhang: but i remember some previous release having set times, like 10.10 came on 10:10:10, and on came at 10AM PSD01:49
DarwinSurvivorSeedGame: there are some monitoring utilities listed on http://www.ubuntugeek.com/bandwidth-monitoring-tools-for-linux.html but I'm not sure if any will monitor per user01:49
bazhang!party | X-tonic01:49
ubottuX-tonic: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Precise release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/1598/detail/01:49
DarwinSurvivorSeedGame: what is the use case here? There may be other ways of doing this01:50
bazhangX-tonic, just that ONE time.01:50
Dirangedgrr.. cant figure out wtf is wrong with rsyslog..01:50
HoNgOuRuDarwinSurvivor, thank u a lot.01:50
DarwinSurvivorHoNgOuRu: no problem01:51
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge01:51
HoNgOuRugot to go... see you pal!01:51
DarwinSurvivorSeedGame: is this a family computer with a limited ISP connection, a server for friends, etc?01:51
DarwinSurvivorHoNgOuRu: bye01:51
* DarwinSurvivor wonders if the phone number was for a date.......01:51
SeedGameA server for friends.01:51
DarwinSurvivorSeedGame: so they are *not* local users then!01:52
DarwinSurvivorSeedGame: sorry, should have been more specific. By local user I meant "user that has physical access and uses the keyboard"01:52
zykotick9X-tonic: 10.10 wasn't released at 10:10am/pm either, it was out before that.  I organized a release party at 10:10AM on 10.10.10 - and it was already out ;)  which is a lot earlier then normal (i think they must have had it ready the night before for that release)01:52
SeedGameI got it Drawin01:53
SeedGameDrawin, any way exist to do that?01:54
DarwinSurvivorSeedGame: from what I can see the best/easiest way would be to have each user use a virtual network interface, then use vnstat to monitor how much has gone through each interface01:55
SeedGameAh okay01:55
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:56
DarwinSurvivorSeedGame: #networking can probably help you more than we can, that's their specialty01:57
DarwinSurvivorSeedGame: you may need to set up a proxy or something, but you could probably run that off the same machine01:57
DarwinSurvivorhello VTperser welcome to #ubuntu, if you have a question please post it now01:58
VTpersermajnoon: chetori01:59
majnoonchetori ??01:59
VTpersermajnoon: khoobam02:00
bazhangVTperser, ubuntu support question?02:00
violinapprenikt: hello02:00
* ikt sits and waits for 12.04 to be released02:01
jhansonxiSince /etc/firefox/profile is gone, is there any way to define default bookmarks for new accounts other than manually editing /usr/lib/firefox-<some version number>/omni.ja ?02:01
bazhang!backtrack | phame02:01
ubottuphame: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition02:01
DarwinSurvivor!party | ikt02:02
ubottuikt: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Precise release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/1598/detail/02:02
violinapprenikt: the beta runs pretty well for me02:02
iktDarwinSurvivor, I notice you're not in the party room :P02:02
iktviolinappren, I've been running since alpha, really really stable, like it a lot02:03
phamewe are legions02:04
DarwinSurvivorikt: that's because I'm here to support people02:04
phamewe are anonymous!02:04
bazhangphame, wrong channel02:04
pangolinwe are not interested02:04
DarwinSurvivorikt: I'm actually chatting on an arch laptop ssh'd to a freebsd box running irssi :P02:04
violinapprenphame: we are ubuntu support channel :)02:05
sanduz2where is the ubuntu release party channel?02:05
bazhang!party | sanduz202:05
ubottusanduz2: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Precise release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/1598/detail/02:05
DarwinSurvivorikt: I have a fedora desktop on the other side of the room. but all the netbooks are on ubuntu02:06
=== Tasmania is now known as USA
=== USA is now known as Indonesia
=== Indonesia is now known as China
=== China is now known as Tasmania
Logan_!nick | Tasmania02:08
ubottuTasmania: Your nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with freenode.02:08
FyodorovnaSo are the 12.04 torrents up all versions for capture and seeding?02:08
bazhangFyodorovna, final? no02:09
XDESIGNwhen officially released ubuntu 12.04 ?02:09
bazhangXDESIGN, no set time02:09
pangolinwhen it is ready02:09
Fyodorovnabazhang, cool thanks I try to add to the seed at release.02:09
violinapprenit's 2012... and there is still no proper support for ALPS trackpads in the kernel yet! woohoo!02:09
ericluwolfHey guys02:10
violinapprenhello ericluwolf02:10
juancarlospacohello, hello gentlemans and gentle womans02:11
nontechnicalhey guys - im trying to copy the functionality of textmate on ubuntu with gedit02:14
nontechnicali found this article http://blog.sudobits.com/2011/04/02/textmate-for-ubuntu-linux/02:14
nontechnicalim stuck on the last bit getting the plugin into the correct /usr folder because i have permission restrictions - can anyone help me figure this out?02:15
netzsoochey for some reason the speakers of my laptop are not working... if don't plug headphones Ihave no sound, what the reason could be?02:15
violinapprennontechnical: sudo?02:15
violinappren!sound | netzsooc02:16
ubottunetzsooc: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.02:16
DarwinSurvivornetzsooc: can you post a screenshot of your audio mixer levels?02:16
nontechnicali understand <violinappren> in theory, can you guide me through it? please!02:17
violinapprennontechnical: did you extract the files of the plugin?02:17
nontechnicalyes, they are on my desktop02:18
zykotick9nontechnical: (perhaps saying the following to this nic is silly) i have no idea what textmate is or what you are trying to duplicate.  but i'd like to suggest, in the long run, you might do well to learn emacs or vi(m).  not for today i understand.02:18
nontechnicali did this (when not in sudo) <violinappren> gksu gedit_classbrowser-0.2.1 ~/usr/share/gedit/plugins02:18
DarwinSurvivornontechnical: um, I highly doubt ~/usr/share/gedit even exist, you probably want /usr/share/gedit/plugins (without the ~)02:19
violinapprennontechnical: should be: sudo cp -R  instead of gksu02:19
nontechnicalthanks <zykotick9> I've read a little on it02:19
nontechnicalwhat does the -R do?02:20
DarwinSurvivornontechnical: recursive02:20
DarwinSurvivornontechnical: same as -r02:20
nontechnicalill look it up ;-)02:20
violinapprenDarwinSurvivor: nontechnical: it's /usr/lib/gedit/plugins/02:20
DarwinSurvivorviolinappren: that sounds like it02:20
juancarlospaco./ignore juancarlospaco ^all02:21
violinapprennontechnical: i second the vim/emacs suggestion02:21
bazhangjuancarlospaco, please stop that02:21
nontechnical<violinappren> i did this: sudo cp -R gedit_classbrowser-0.2.1 ~/usr/lib/gedit/plugins02:22
violinapprennontechnical: there should be no ~02:23
violinappren~ means your home directory02:23
juancarlospacoGimp 2.8 is pure Win02:23
nontechnical<violinappren> i got this back: cp: cannot stat `gedit_classbrowser-0.2.1': No such file or directory02:23
RiXtEr-Home_nontechnical, are you in ~/Desktop ?02:23
violinapprennontechnical: if you extracted it on your desktop (not the home directory) it will be under ~/Desktop02:24
MneumonicIs there an ubuntu release party channel like last time?02:24
bazhangMneumonic, yes02:24
violinapprennontechnical: so Desktop/gedit_...02:24
bazhang!party > Mneumonic02:24
ubottuMneumonic, please see my private message02:24
Logan_Mneumonic: #ubuntu-release-party02:24
bazhang!ot | juancarlospaco02:24
ubottujuancarlospaco: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:24
nontechnicalyeah i guess i was in home....!02:24
UbubeginHi, how do i open a lib.a file.. I just want to see whats inside.. what app in ubuntu can do that02:25
nontechnical<violinappren> if i get no error message does it mean it worked?02:26
nontechnicalill go check..02:26
violinapprenUbubegin: it's a static native code library  (as opposed to a dynamic one, .so)02:26
violinapprennontechnical: probably, yeah02:27
ccsabathiaCan Ubuntu run on 512mb ram?02:27
DarwinSurvivorUbubegin: basically, it will resemble the inside of an executable file (in fact, multiple .a files are combined to create an executable).02:28
violinapprenUbubegin: ar -t lib.a02:28
Fyodorovnaccsabathia, I would try lubuntu02:28
DarwinSurvivorccsabathia: depends what you want to run on it02:28
DarwinSurvivorccsabathia: I've seen firefox ALONE use that much...02:28
ccsabathiaJust Firefox and OpenOffice02:28
ccsabathiaIt's got a dual 933 MHz p302:28
DarwinSurvivorccsabathia: no distro will run both firefox and openoffice on 512MB without going slow, those applications alone use that much :(02:29
zykotick9!requirements | ccsabathia they recommend 1GB02:29
DarwinSurvivorccsabathia: I would recommend using lighter alternatives, though they will still run02:29
usersup all02:29
ccsabathiaOk I will try lubumtu then02:29
Ububeginviolinappren: thanks.. how about a .so file02:30
CyberWorldjoin "ubuntu-release-party" to talk about the 12.04 release02:31
violinapprenUbubegin: readelf02:31
useri have a newb question for anyone who knows their stuff... how can i upgrade to 12.04?02:31
DarwinSurvivoruser: 1) wait for it to be released 2) use update manager02:32
bazhanguser, from what version02:32
usertried update manager but does not give me the option02:32
bazhanguser, it's not released yet, thats why02:33
ActionParsnipuser: when it is released it will be an option02:33
DarwinSurvivor!outyet | user02:33
ubottuuser: Nope! Ubuntu 12.04 is scheduled for release sometime on April 26th. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party while you're waiting!02:33
userlol k i can wait a few hours thanks02:34
ActionParsnipeasiest to think of it as out on 27th, that way all time zones are accomodated02:34
roguetechuser if you click alt+f202:34
roguetechand type update-manager -d02:35
ActionParsniproguetech: click alt+f2?02:35
ActionParsniproguetech: that will need sudo too02:35
roguetechit i will give u the option02:35
SmileyChrisActionParsnip: you don't use your mouse to type on your keyboard?02:35
SmileyChrisi thought that's how you were supposed to do it02:35
godmachinedoes ubuntu not come with a screensaver installed anymore?02:35
ActionParsnipSmileyChris: maybe its what the cool kids do these days...who understands those kids02:35
intraderAnyone, I have a /home backup done via deja on 10.10. Another laptop has been prepared with 11.10. Attempt to do a full restore using deja fails on account of deja asking for Encryption password. I did not write the backup with encryption, so I don't understand why it wants a password. How do I restore?02:35
ActionParsnipgodmachine: http://www.wmlcloud.com/linux/how-to-activate-screen-saver-in-ubuntu-11-10-oneiric-ocelot/02:36
flanaganuse your user paw02:36
roguetechnot click press alt+f2 :-)02:36
godmachineActionParsnip, was a simple yes or no question :P02:36
userty roguetech... i was missing the space before -d lol02:36
DarwinSurvivorgodmachine: yes it does, i just don't think it has animations yet (see #gnome to ask about the screensaver). If you want animations, try xscreensaver02:36
godmachineActionParsnip, was just wondering if it was installed or if it wasn't showing up in unity02:36
schindlerwat time is the release tomorrow?02:37
bazhangschindler, no set time02:37
DarwinSurvivor!outyet | schindler02:37
ubottuschindler: Nope! Ubuntu 12.04 is scheduled for release sometime on April 26th. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party while you're waiting!02:37
ActionParsnipgodmachine: not by default, but its easy to setup02:37
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godmachinethanks ActionParsnip02:38
phong_hi guys, is there a way to tell ubuntu to  go to root of the hard drive when i do ssh in or sftp?02:39
phong_current it automatic go to my home directory02:39
schindlerlogin as root02:39
godmachinewhat about notification icons. does xchat not fit in the panel tray in unity?  i notice the notifications work on the launcher, but i'd rather see the X icon up by the clock if at all possible02:39
phong_i want it to automatic to go to /02:39
Guest__phong_ set your home to / if that is really what you want.02:39
ActionParsnipphong_: could make a new user and add:  cd /   to the bottom of ~/.bashrc02:39
DarwinSurvivorphong_: you can also add "cd /" to your .bashrc02:39
DarwinSurvivorphong_: that won't affect scp though02:40
phong_where is that file?02:40
ActionParsnipschindler: logging in as root is not only not recommended, it willl default to /root   (root's home)02:40
Guest__phong_ go with DarwinSurvivor's suggestion02:40
SmileyChrisphong_: ~/.bashrc02:40
Guest__phong_ in ~02:40
phong_thanks brb let me do that02:40
skyistohighJust checking if I manage to set this up..? Do you guys copy?02:41
schindlerwats the diff between x and wayland?02:41
phong_Guest__, it has alot of text in it02:41
phong_where about to add it?02:41
bazhangskyistohigh, yes02:41
phong_end of the file?02:41
Guest__phong_ anywhere02:41
phong_ok thanks02:41
violinapprenschindler: offtopic and it's a long story02:41
rinzlerpavucontrol connection to pulse audio failed. what do I need to look for?02:41
Guest__phong_ end would be a good idea02:41
DarwinSurvivorphong_: I would *not* set your home folder to / as that will prevent any utilities from loading settings, etc (ex: .vimrc would have to be in /)02:42
bazhangschindler, thats quite extensive, please check the web02:42
violinapprenrinzler: alt + f2, pulseaudio, enter and try again ?02:42
DarwinSurvivorphong_: setting in .bashrc is *definitely* a lot safer02:42
skyistohighInstalled BT on my old computer, hard to find the needed drivers and such.. I'm freaked out..02:42
phong_DarwinSurvivor, reason is that when i use Iphone 4 , FTP2go which doesn't has the go to parent folder02:42
bazhangskyistohigh, bt is not supported here02:43
violinappren!backtrack > skyistohigh02:43
ubottuskyistohigh, please see my private message02:43
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phong_DarwinSurvivor, i'm lost02:43
phong_DarwinSurvivor, just tell me where to edit the file then02:43
phong_didn't u tell me to edit ~/.bashrc ?02:43
DarwinSurvivorphong_: hold on, you may have a different issue there02:43
violinapprenphong_: nano ~/.bashrc02:43
phong_isn't it the same file?02:43
skyistohighHow do I check my private msges?02:44
DarwinSurvivorphong_: what does ftp have to do with ssh...?02:44
violinapprenphong_: that will NOT change your home, will just automatically change directory after you login02:44
bazhangskyistohigh, /join #backtrack-linux02:44
skyistohighThere we go, o/02:44
phong_violinappren, exactly what i want to do02:44
phong_because iphone app..ftp2go doesn't have 'go to parent'02:44
phong_it start with 'home' folder02:44
DarwinSurvivorphong_: and what does ftp2go do?02:45
rinzlerhow do I set pulseaudio back to default configuration?02:45
phong_it is sftp02:45
violinapprenphong_: it will only be useful you login to an interactive shell, and will not be effective while using an SFTP client02:45
phong_hard for me to explain, do u ever use AndFTP for android?02:45
violinapprenrinzler: check in "Startup Applications" in settings if it's set to start on login02:45
DarwinSurvivorphong_: why not create a symlink to / "ln -s / ~/root" then go into that folder using ftp2go?02:46
phong_u can always go to parent folder02:46
andrew[andrboot]Hi guys, using 12.04 lts beta, and my media keys work immediatly after login, however it appears when unity loads aka "dock" they stop. is there a way around/fix?02:46
phong_and ftp2go for iphone doesn't have a link go to parent02:46
phong_so after i sftp in ,, it begin with my home directory02:46
phong_DarwinSurvivor, how to do it?02:47
DarwinSurvivorphong_: you should also be able to set the start folder in ftp2go to / instead of ~/ (ex: sftp://user@ip://)02:47
violinapprenphong_: and people are just supposed to .. go down ? you should look close in that app02:47
DarwinSurvivorphong_: check the settings for that connection, there should be a default folder override of some kind02:47
phong_DarwinSurvivor, let me try with ur suggestion02:47
skyistohighDoes anyone here manage to play minecraft on linux?02:48
rinzlerviolinappren: not seeing it in the settings menu, do you know the name of it to launch from terminal?02:48
DarwinSurvivorrule #1 of linux support: "Find the ROOT issue" :P02:48
bazhangskyistohigh, on backtrack?02:48
phong_DarwinSurvivor, actually the program for iphone is 'FTP On The Go'02:48
violinapprenrinzler: look for "startup" in the dash?02:48
skyistohighNo, on ubuntu..02:48
rinzlerviolinappren: dash?02:48
bazhangskyistohigh, what version of ubuntu are you on02:49
rodayoWhen you change your wallpaper in precise the color of unity also changes with it...is there anyway to override this and assign one color at all times?02:49
violinapprenrinzler: unity search box02:49
phong_error .....i did     this:     myipaddress:port/02:49
DarwinSurvivorphong_: what protocol is it using? Unless you installed an ftp server, it's using something else (ex: sftp, scp, ssh, etc)02:49
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phong_it gives :  Error openning directory02:49
rinzlerviolinappren: ahh, well I'm using xfce, so that may throw a kink in things if you din't know that :P02:49
skyistohighThe newest02:49
phong_i have port 22 for sftp02:49
violinapprenrinzler: i use it too. cheers!02:50
rinzlerviolinappren: LOADS better than unity02:50
DarwinSurvivorphong_: ok, so that's basically interactive scp (which does use ssh). If your app doesn't support changing the "root" directory, just create a symlink on your ubuntu box and go into that02:50
bazhangskyistohigh, what does lsb_release -a return in the terminal  pastebin it02:50
skyistohigh11.10  to be exact..02:50
DarwinSurvivorex: "ln -s / ~/root" will make "~/root" the same as "/"02:50
bazhang!paste | skyistohigh02:51
ubottuskyistohigh: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:51
phong_well show me how to do it in ubuntu02:51
violinapprenrinzler: check if you have an entry for pulse in  ~/.config/autostart  .. if so, rm it02:51
DarwinSurvivorthen you can just go into "~root/" and work from there :D02:51
phong_the ftp on the go dont' support root changing02:51
phong_it will go to my home lol02:51
nontechnical<violinappren> thans for your help, the files copied but it doesnt seem to be working02:51
phong_i can't go back to root ;)02:51
DarwinSurvivorphong_: log into your ubuntu box and type "ln -s / ~/root"02:51
phong_nothing allow me to do that....but AndFTP will do it ;) on android phone02:51
DarwinSurvivorthen you can just go into "~/root/" and work from there :D (sorry for typo in last version)02:51
violinapprennontechnical: the plugin may be older/incompatible with current version of gedit02:51
phong_DarwinSurvivor, do i have to do that everytime ?02:52
nontechnicalyeah, thanks anyway - appreciate the help02:52
violinapprennontechnical: np02:52
DarwinSurvivorphong_: you only have to run "ln" once (that creates a symlink, sort of like a shortcut), then each time you connect just go into the "root" folder02:52
DarwinSurvivor!symlink | phong_02:53
ubottuphong_: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal02:53
DarwinSurvivordarn, hopped that would be more specific :(02:53
phong_DarwinSurvivor, my god02:53
phong_darm u02:53
phong_so good02:53
phong_oh my god, u're super good02:53
phong_i salute you!02:54
phong_all i do is click root folder02:54
phong_and it go to root ;)02:54
DarwinSurvivorphong_: you're welcome02:54
rinzlerviolinappren: only entry in that folder is "xfce4-settings-helper-autostart.desktop"02:54
phong_how did u figure that out?02:54
phong_DarwinSurvivor, what is pass mode and active mode meant?02:54
DarwinSurvivorphong_: now you know why I always find the original problem when someone asks a weird question, makes the solution WAY simpler :P02:54
violinapprenrinzler: what did you do that messed up pulse? edited any conf files?02:55
violinapprenrinzler: it might have just crashed02:55
DarwinSurvivorphong_: I use symlinks on a regular basis, they are a very common tool on the command line02:55
DarwinSurvivorphong_: passive mode and active mode only apply to FTP and changes the way it handles ports, since you are using sftp (which uses ssh instead of ftp), it does not apply02:56
skyistohighGotta grab a bottle of coke02:56
skyistohighDistributor ID: Ubuntu02:56
skyistohighDescription:    Ubuntu 11.1002:56
skyistohighRelease:        11.1002:56
skyistohighCodename:       oneiric02:56
phong_ok if i want to creat a link to a folder  start /mnt/blabla        and have a folder link to it ?02:57
phong_DarwinSurvivor, let say i want   to access:    /mnt/blabla          when i sftp to my home, i want to ahve a folder name 'go_to_tomyblabla'02:58
phong_DarwinSurvivor,  ?02:58
phong_ls -s /mnt/blabla   /myownblabla ???02:58
violinapprenphong_:  ln -s target link_name02:58
phong_let me try ;)02:59
DarwinSurvivorphong_: ln, not ls, and remove the / in the second part02:59
indystormHey when will the final ubuntu 12.04 64 bit server be available for download??02:59
violinapprenphong_: type in a terminal: man ln02:59
phong_ok thanks i got it02:59
DarwinSurvivorphong_: "ln -s /mnt/blabla myownblabla"02:59
skyistohighDoes anyone know a command to get a overview over my installed graphic card? Like, what model it is?02:59
phong_perfect very clear now02:59
bazhangindystorm, no set time02:59
DarwinSurvivorthat will put "myownblabla" in the CURRENT directory. if you are not in your home folder change it to "~/myownblabla"02:59
violinapprenskyistohigh: sudo lshw -C display02:59
bazhangskyistohigh, lspci   then paste.ubuntu.com  NOT here02:59
DarwinSurvivor~ means /home/my_usermane03:00
indystormno set time? the launch was Thursday I thought??03:00
bazhang!pastebin | skyistohigh03:00
ubottuskyistohigh: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:00
bazhang!party | indystorm03:00
ubottuindystorm: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Precise release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/1598/detail/03:00
rinzlerviolinappren: well, I tried manually restarting is with the command that pavucontrol gave me, but it wouldn't work, so I thought setting the config files back to default from whatever happend to them, i might have a chance to fix it easly...03:00
phong_hey DarwinSurvivor thanks man and violinappren03:00
skyistohighAh, thank you very much.. Exact the info I needed..03:00
phong_so simple as it is ;)03:00
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bazhangskyistohigh, pastbin it, not here03:01
rinzlerviolinappren: it was working last boot...03:01
TelamonAnyone know why my system suddenly reinstalled PulseAudio?  I removed it, but now my volume control doesn't seem to work in mplayer (and maybe other stuff as well)03:01
violinapprenrinzler: yes what exactly did you change?03:01
rinzlerviolinappren: I didn't change anything03:01
violinapprenrinzler: try logging out and in and see if it works03:02
skyistohighpastbin what?03:02
rinzlerviolinappren: ok. brb, then...03:02
bazhangskyistohigh, you wanted to know your video card... pastebin that info  .. not into the channel03:03
rodhashHello guys... I'm facing two issues with my Oneiric...03:04
rodhash1 - Login keyring keeps continuously asking password to unlock keyring... anyidea why? Usually when I access some site with my password saved....03:04
rodhash2. It also happens when I reconnect to my wireless, but sometimes not... sometimes it loads the saved password automaticaly.... any idea?03:04
rinzlerviolinappren: "hello IT, Have you tried turning it off and on again?" *mumblemumble*03:04
violinapprenrinzler: so it works..?03:05
ActionParsniprinzler: trust me, it works03:05
rinzlerviolinappren: yep. thanks for putting up with me :P03:06
violinapprenrinzler: np :)03:06
rinzlerActionParsnip: the next question asked is always "and are you sure it's plugged in?"03:06
DarwinSurvivorrodhash: are you SURE you are typing it in correctly?03:06
violinapprenrinzler: ActionParsnip: if you write thousands of lines of code, you will know why it works, heh!03:06
DarwinSurvivorrodhash: remember, use your KEYRING password, it's not necessarily the same as your login password03:06
DarwinSurvivorrodhash: also check caps-lock03:07
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rodhashYes... I'm sure the password is correct for keyring...03:10
rodhashHow can I manage its password?03:10
rodhashChange it, etc?03:10
violinapprenrodhash: seahorse03:10
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skyistohighOkay, sorry for asking so much. But what is the command to run .run files ?03:11
DarwinSurvivorskyistohigh: is the file executable?03:11
violinapprenskyistohigh: chmod u+x file.run; ./file.run03:12
skyistohighNo, it was not..03:12
DarwinSurvivorand where did it come from? .run files are typically used to install binary drivers and apps and are *notorious* for F*($%ing up machines03:12
rodhashOk guys... thanks for the help!!03:12
lnxtenwhat is the channel name for release party?03:13
bazhangskyistohigh, this is a jar? for minecraft?03:13
faryshtahow do I use midori browser with tor?03:13
violinappren!party > lnxten03:13
ubottulnxten, please see my private message03:13
skyistohighNo, I am trying to install my graphic driver.. Wich I got mailed from the support for linux.. I did what violin said, but then I got "ERROR: nvidia-installer must be run as root"03:14
bazhangskyistohigh, thats not the way to install drivers for ubuntu03:14
violinapprenskyistohigh: then sudo ./file.run03:14
Bennlucky7su -03:15
violinapprenskyistohigh: look for "additional drivers" in the application list03:15
bazhangBennlucky7, no never that03:15
skyistohighThis is a 6years old graphic card..03:15
violinapprenBennlucky7: su is not enabled by default on ubuntu03:15
skyistohigheven older, it's from 200503:15
DarwinSurvivorskyistohigh: installing graphic drivers from a .run file is EXTREMELY dangerous. I have hose many machines doing that. Why not use the ones in the repository?03:15
violinapprenBennlucky7: to get a root shell, use: sudo -i03:15
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Precise release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/1598/detail/03:16
DarwinSurvivorskyistohigh: have you *tried* in the drivers in the repositories?03:16
Bennlucky7is threa diffrent?03:16
bazhangBennlucky7, yes. use sudo03:16
violinappren!sudo | Bennlucky703:16
ubottuBennlucky7: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo03:16
skyistohighMy gameboy can run smoother..03:17
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DarwinSurvivorskyistohigh: what video card do you have03:18
Boohbahis the pangolin coming out tomorrow?03:19
DarwinSurvivori can guarantee you that any .run driver that is any good is already available in the repositories. i can also guarantee that if the driver does not work (which it probably won't), you will NOT be able to remove it OR replace it with a new one03:19
skyistohigh7300le I believe it is..03:20
DarwinSurvivor!nvidia | skyistohigh03:20
ubottuskyistohigh: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto03:20
chelzBoohbah: it should be out in the next 21 hours03:21
DarwinSurvivorskyistohigh: if those instructions don't work, then come back and we'll see what else can be done.03:21
philo456hi guys , i am need to download some files("ofline" using wget)  but i  know the precise url , just the base and the file... for example : wget base/some/variable/unknow/dir/filename.etx03:21
chelzBoohbah: #ubuntu-release-party03:21
philo456i dont know *03:21
philo456hi guys , i need to download some files("ofline" using wget)  but i  dont know the precise url , just the base and the file... for example : wget base/some/variable/unknow/dir/filename.etx , is there  a wget options for that case ?03:22
Boohbahchelz: thanks :)03:22
DarwinSurvivorphilo456: how can you download things while offline?03:22
BoohbahDarwinSurvivor: sneakernet03:23
philo456DarwinSurvivor:  offline is not the good word i meant in batch mode03:23
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Boohbahphilo456: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-networking-3/use-wget-to-download-multiple-files-with-wildcards-603486/03:24
chelzphilo456: see the -A option in wget's manpage03:24
DarwinSurvivorskyistohigh: if those instructions don't work, please try the first solution on http://askubuntu.com/questions/38853/is-the-nvidia-geforce-7300-le-blacklisted03:25
rbikwhat is pangolin?03:26
DarwinSurvivorrbik: the user or the release?03:26
chelzrbik: A pangolin scaly anteater, or trenggiling, is a mammal of the order Pholidota.03:26
chelzPangolins, often called “scaly anteaters,” are covered in tough, overlapping scales. These burrowing mammals eat ants and termites using an extraordinarily ...03:26
philo456thanks chelz Boohbah03:26
rbikthe release03:27
DarwinSurvivorlol, totally misunderstood the question :P03:27
chelz12.04, the newest LTS release03:27
ActionParsniprbik: http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/extinction-countdown/files/2012/02/pangolin.jpg03:27
chelzserver and desktop packages in "main" are supported for 5 years03:27
chelzi'm not updating until i'm a warlord03:27
skyistohighblacklisted :O03:27
philo456chelz:  the -A option only allow me to specify suffix or pattern ,... i have a liste of name03:28
chelzphilo456: you can put all those in comma-separated03:28
chelzwget -A "green,blue,brown"03:29
philo456chelz: the doc says if i do so it will be interpreted as file extensions03:30
DarwinSurvivorskyistohigh: if you got any errors, please pastebin what you ran as well as the output you got (copy/paste the entire terminal session)03:30
kiama2005Unable to access Ubuntu software centre from icon on desktop .03:30
chelzphilo456: my manpage says "           Specify comma-separated lists of file name suffixes or patterns to           accept or reject."03:31
chelzphilo456: do them as patterns03:31
dcoyHi, I'm trying to get Conky to work on Xubuntu.  I try to find the dir /usr/share/doc/conky/examples/, but the "examples" folder isn't there, and i need to edit the file .conkyrc.  Any ideas?03:31
ActionParsnipkiama2005: are you fully updated?03:32
ActionParsnipdcoy: I suggest you find sample files online and tweak03:32
sjdwhere can download ubuntu12.04 lts03:32
kiama2005ActionnParsnip yes03:32
ActionParsnipdcoy: the file will be ~/.conkyrc03:32
philo456chelz:  a patern would be something as [name1 name2 name3 ] ?03:33
philo456chelz:  a patern would be something as "[name1 name2 name3 ]" ?03:33
dcoyThat's the file I can't find.  Do I just need to download that file somewhere online, create an "examples" folder myself, and go from there?03:33
chelzphilo456: you gotta google that up03:33
DarwinSurvivordcoy: http://conky.sourceforge.net/screenshots.html has screenshots with .conkyrc's given (link below each screenshot)03:33
philo456k thanks chelz03:33
ActionParsnipdcoy: yes you will need to find one online and drop it in the root of your home folder. Then run conky03:33
mamemame187sjd- u can in a few hours03:34
dcoyAh, okay.  I appreciate it Action and Darwin.  I will give it a try and see what happens.  Thank you!03:34
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DarwinSurvivordcoy: if you want to try different ones without constantly renaming you can run "conky -c name_of_conky_file"03:34
dcoySounds good.  I'll stay in here and ask if I need any help.  Thank you03:34
sjdmamemame187 thank you03:35
simtsithi people :)03:36
simtsitversion 12.04 will be ready within next hours?03:37
DarwinSurvivor!outyet simtsit03:37
DarwinSurvivor!outyet | simtsit03:37
ubottusimtsit: Nope! Ubuntu 12.04 is scheduled for release sometime on April 26th. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party while you're waiting!03:37
ApocGoDCan anyone help me with some driver issues?03:37
DarwinSurvivorApocGoD: drivers for what?03:38
celthunderApocGoD: more info03:38
simtsitthnx DarwinSurvivor :)03:38
celthunderDarwinSurvivor: you lost the award :)03:38
ApocGoDUbuntu 11.10 Gnome 3, drivers for a Dynex DX WC101 webcam.03:38
DarwinSurvivorcelthunder: there's an award...?03:38
celthunderDarwinSurvivor: yeah but you survived :) darwin awards go to the dead (i think)03:39
celthunderunless i have the wrong awards03:39
DarwinSurvivorcelthunder: oh, lol03:39
kiama2005Ubuntu 11.10 will not access Software Centre any ideas?03:39
celthunderApocGoD: does it show up in lspci / lsusb?03:40
InferiorHumanOrgA Darwin award is for removing your self from the genepool in a very stupid way.03:40
DarwinSurvivorcelthunder: no, that's mostly correct. You don't need to be dead, just unable to reproduce (neutred, etc counts as well)03:40
ApocGoD@celthunder,  it shows up as Bus 001 Device 038: ID 05a9:8519 OmniVision Technologies, Inc. OV519 Webcam03:41
celthunderkiama2005: ?03:41
DarwinSurvivorApocGoD: what have you used to test it so far? (ex: cheese, vlc, etc)03:41
ApocGoD@DarwinSurvivor, i've used Cheese, it says No device found03:42
ActionParsnipApocGoD: does it show in cheese?03:42
DarwinSurvivorApocGoD: can you pastebin the output of dmesg?03:43
ApocGoDActionParsnip, No, says No device found03:43
ApocGoDDarwinSurvivor, Yes, one moment03:43
kiama2005Thanks celthunder not sure what your question is.03:43
ActionParsnipApocGoD: http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?id=8855503:43
ApocGoDDarwinSurvivor, http://pastebin.com/pjYZCY7q03:44
ActionParsnipApocGoD: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1384517.html03:44
ApocGoDActionParsnip, reading now.03:44
celthunderkiama2005: it doesnt access sw center as in? it doesnt start?03:44
ActionParsnipApocGoD: all I did was us the 8 character hex ID you provided....03:45
kiama2005Celthunder keep getting erroe sw centre not responding.03:46
DarwinSurvivorAGoodName: is this a built-in device or usb?03:46
ApocGoDActionParsnip,  I tried searching for it in Google, kept getting no response. These pages aren't making much sense after translating to english. Checking now.03:46
ApocGoDDarwin, if that is to me, it's USB03:46
celthunderkiama2005: start it from a terminal any errors03:47
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kiama2005celthunder how still learning?03:47
DarwinSurvivorAGoodName: ApocGoD sorry, autocomplete fail :(03:47
ApocGoDDarwinSurvivor, No worries, it's USB03:48
BlueClawWhat is the channel for Ubuntu noob questions?03:51
celthunderBlueClaw: this one or #ubuntu-beginners03:51
celthunderbut nobody really uses the other one03:52
john_2noob here is 1204 beta 2 stable03:53
dcoyDarwin and Action, thank you.03:53
celthunderjohn_2: its beta...so no?though i think someone said itll be released tomorrow03:54
Matan[M]good morning, when is release of stable 12.04?03:54
rinzlerjohn_2 Matan[M]: there'03:54
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rinzler's a release party at #ubuntu-release-party03:55
rinzlerif you wanna check that out...03:55
DarwinSurvivor!outyet | Matan[M]03:55
ubottuMatan[M]: Nope! Ubuntu 12.04 is scheduled for release sometime on April 26th. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party while you're waiting!03:55
DarwinSurvivorBlueClaw: did you have a question?03:56
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z3r0d3rpanyone know if 12.04 is going to have the unified menus03:57
ApocGoDWb Darwin.03:57
ApocGoDAny idea on myissue?03:57
z3r0d3rpor strictly HUD03:57
hagomgood night, can someone help me with gcc?03:57
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MaccerDoes the CD version of Ubuntu 11.x include build-essentials and other build tools?  I need to compile network drivers not available by default. :(03:57
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z3r0d3rpI would help but I am on vicodin due to wisdom teeth removal and playing the end of HL103:58
z3r0d3rpso my focus is a bit off03:58
Maccer( as well as linux-headers )03:58
TrelI just installed a server, and when it got to the network setup, I didn't have a connection, so I choose to configure later. I now have a network connection, what do I need to do to make it connect (dhcp) and connect on subsequent reboots.04:00
z3r0d3rpif anyone knows whether a. I can get the unified program menus working in 11.10 or whether they will keep them in 12.02 that would be appreciated04:00
Trel(this is ubuntu 11 server)04:00
Trelwill it just be sudo eth(whatever) up?04:00
z3r0d3rpdhclient eth004:00
z3r0d3rpsudo !!04:00
DarwinSurvivorApocGoD: could you run dmesg, then unplug and replug the webcam, then run demsg again?04:01
Trelwill that stick on reboots, z3r0d3rp?04:01
ApocGoDDarwinSurvivor,  Just a moment04:01
DarwinSurvivorthen post both dmesg's so we can tell which part is related to the webcam04:01
z3r0d3rpwell you have to config your connection04:01
z3r0d3rpa server should not be dhcp04:01
z3r0d3rpyou will need to forward ports etc04:01
z3r0d3rpyou should ifconfig it04:02
z3r0d3rpthen reserve it in your router04:02
z3r0d3rpthen forward for ssh apache etc04:02
z3r0d3rpbut to get it to work now04:02
z3r0d3rpyou can do sudo dhclient eth004:02
mdelhey all - if I'm installing ubuntu in Parallels 7 on mac, what is the proper image to download?04:03
mdelx86 or AMD64? (core 2 duo)04:03
ApocGoDDarwinSurvivor, http://pastebin.com/SPDsX8hu04:03
mdelalso I see listed an image that explicitly says "Mac" but I dont know if that applies when running in a VM04:03
z3r0d3rpbasically I suggest using 64 on a 64 bit processor04:03
z3r0d3rpno it doesn't04:03
mdelok that makes sense04:04
z3r0d3rpa vm emulates a pc hardware04:04
mdelawesome... thanks!04:04
z3r0d3rpthe mac image is probably for PPC04:04
mdelit says AMD64 Mac04:04
robertzaccourkdenlive does everything fine except for rendering when I make a title clip. It always fails to render. any suggestions?04:04
robertzaccourwould it make a difference if I was using it in KDE perhaps?04:04
z3r0d3rpok then it is made with driver support04:04
z3r0d3rpfor bare metal install04:05
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mdelwhy wouldn't the driver support just be included...?04:05
z3r0d3rpI would reccomend installing it in a partition with the mac image04:05
mdeli guess for size04:05
z3r0d3rpthat way you can fully utilize the system04:05
z3r0d3rpvm's are ok but...04:05
bodomHi there, I'm trying to solve a routing issue. Is there a way i can push a route to all my LAN clients?04:05
mdelz3r0d3rp: yeah... tried that, a TON04:05
mdelits definitely not stable04:06
z3r0d3rpI have 10.10 running on my macbook g504:06
mdelyeah, I think after 11.04 support is crappy04:06
z3r0d3rpor was it 10.0404:06
mdelor at least not as solid04:06
MaccerCan some one do me a favor and retrieve the build-essentials and linux-header packages for what ever kernel 11.x has?  (I have no internet drivers)04:06
Trelz3r0d3rp: I give the server it's IP from my router (static DHCP), I just need to know if using dhclient will stick04:06
mdelalso i would need to access the files read/write, and I would want to use Ubuntu as my main OS if I installed it04:06
z3r0d3rpmaccer google04:07
Maccerz3r0d3rp:  No seriously.04:07
mdelwhich means I would need to use fuse on osx... which isn't 100% safe04:07
MaccerI'm on windows so...04:07
z3r0d3rpTrel, you should configure it in ifconfig04:07
z3r0d3rpand it will stick04:07
z3r0d3rpI repeat... servers are not meant to use dhcp04:08
Trelz3r0d3rp: is there a basic tutorial, or is it ifconfig <interface> up, provided it's dhcp04:08
mdelman ifconfig04:08
mdelalways step 104:09
Trelz3r0d3rp: this server is behind a router with static dhcp04:09
DarwinSurvivorApocGoD: I'm not seeing any fatal errors, but there appears to be something ELSE on your system that ubuntu doesn't like...04:09
z3r0d3rpdhcp is for easy configuration of client computers in SOHO or public networks04:09
ApocGoDDarwinSurvivor, What would that be? Any idea?04:09
dirkledoes anyone have experience with dual booting Win7 and Ubuntu using UEFI? I've followed /community/UEFIBooting but my system is still booting straight into Windows04:09
z3r0d3rpby definition it is not for servers04:09
DarwinSurvivorsomething in a usb port. is it a desktop or laptop?04:09
Trelz3r0d3rp: my current router setup will not allow something to connect if it's not assigned an IP via DHCP, hence, I need to use dhcp.04:09
ApocGoDThe three things that are plugged in via usb are a mouse, keyboard and webcam.04:10
z3r0d3rpTrel you can assign an ip in your router config outside of the dhcp pool04:10
DarwinSurvivorApocGoD: ok, is there anything else connected to the usb ports?04:10
ApocGoDI unplugged my SD cardreader to plug in the webcam.04:10
z3r0d3rpor just reserve a dhcp address04:10
z3r0d3rpand use ifconfig to perm assign it04:11
mdelor assign it by mac04:11
DarwinSurvivorTrel: most routers start dhcp at xxx.xxx.x.100 or something and have their own ip as .1 or .2 so anything from .3 to .99 should be available for static IP's04:11
mdelon the router04:11
Trelz3r0d3rp, I don't want to argue my network setup. I can do static dhcp, but I cannot allow any machine to connect unless it's IP is assigned via DHCP04:11
z3r0d3rpyeah that is how the router reserves it04:11
DarwinSurvivorApocGoD: anything else (keyboard, mouse, printer, scanner, camera, external usb, flash drive, etc)?04:11
z3r0d3rpTrel that makes no sense04:12
mdelno arguing... just use your network in the way described, and it will work04:12
z3r0d3rpuse dhclient for now04:12
z3r0d3rpthen google ifconfig04:12
z3r0d3rpI won't walk you through it04:12
ApocGoDDarwinSurvivor, keyboard, mouse, webcam at the moment. I unplugged my SD cardreader to plug in the webcam04:12
Trelz3r0d3rp: I will do so, and for what it's worth, it's due to the way this network is setup by the owner. I can't argue with him, so I can only do what he lets me.04:12
z3r0d3rpok that makes sense04:13
z3r0d3rpusually routers keep the dhcp lease anyway04:13
ghost_Does anyone know what time today ubuntu 12.04 will be released04:13
z3r0d3rpbut why you are using a server inside someone else's network is problematic04:13
mdelTrel: you could try to find an open IP and use DHCP with manual IP04:13
z3r0d3rpyou will not be able to forward ports04:13
DarwinSurvivorok, can you run "watch 'dmesg | tail' " and then unplug ALL usb device and see if you still keep getting new usb errors? if you get none, start plugging stuff in 1 at a time to see if any other devices are causing errors. that will help us read your dmesg more clearly04:14
z3r0d3rpuse dhcp first... then assign the ip it gives you as static04:14
z3r0d3rpthe router will almost certainly keep the lease as long as the machine is up and doesn't go off for a long time04:14
Trelz3r0d3rp, it's a minecraft server for use on an intranet. mdel, if the machine does not obtain it's IP via DHCP, it will be blocked, so once I switch to static, I'll get blocked when it tries to connect next.04:14
z3r0d3rpno it won't04:15
mdelyou aren't going to be able to host minecraft04:15
mdelyou cant open ports04:15
Trelhe manually blocks it04:15
z3r0d3rphe said it's on a lan04:15
BaconAttack_Why would he need ports open on a lan04:15
mdelah,  my bad04:15
TrelIt's a company minecraft server.04:15
mdelmissed that cause webchat suckkkks04:15
robertzaccourkdenlive does everything fine except for rendering when I make a title clip. It always fails to render. any suggestions?04:15
z3r0d3rpthe router will give you an ip via dhcp then you can keep it04:15
DarwinSurvivorTrel: are you trying to get us to help you set up a minecraft server at your workplace without IT finding out...?04:16
ApocGoDDarwin, I found the issue. It's my SD card reader.04:16
z3r0d3rpthe router is set up to keep ip leases for a given period of time04:16
z3r0d3rpas to allow for downtime04:16
TrelDarwinSurvivor: considering the owner is setting the static dhcp, no.04:16
z3r0d3rpso you should get the same one every time you ask for one04:16
TrelI'm just very constrained by his weird-ass rules.04:16
z3r0d3rpprovided the lease doesn't expire04:16
z3r0d3rpit's a common setup04:16
mdelim not even sure what the rules are meant to do...04:17
waxgoblinhey is anyone here familar with moneypak greendot?04:17
z3r0d3rptrel use dhclient04:17
mdelwaxgoblin: seriously04:17
DarwinSurvivorApocGoD: ok, leave that unplugged, wait a minute, run dmesg (pastebin it), plug in webcam, run dmesg (pastebin it), lsusb (pastebin it), unplug webcam (pastebin it)04:17
DarwinSurvivor4 pastebin's in total04:17
TrelI am, thanks for the help.04:17
waxgoblinhey is anyone here familar with moneypak greendot???04:17
Jordan_UTrel: You want to configure /etc/network/interfaceI04:17
z3r0d3rpthen set up the ip it gives you as a static ip for that server04:17
z3r0d3rpdone deal04:17
ApocGoD@DarwinSurvivor, I got the webcam to work also..I think i'm good to go. :D04:18
waxgoblinhelp please04:18
waxgoblini know04:18
waxgoblinoh god04:18
DarwinSurvivorApocGoD: what did you do to get it working?04:18
dr_willisask a real question04:18
ApocGoDwaxgoblin, this isn't the place for those type of questions.04:18
mdel"oh god"04:19
z3r0d3rpalso what kind of company has a minecraft server run by someone who can't configure an ip address?04:19
ApocGoD@DarwinSurvivor, It was interfering with the mouse, since it's all plugged into a USB hub. Thanks for your help :D04:19
z3r0d3rpnot to be rude (blame the vicodin)04:19
mdelz3r0d3rp: too much time spent playing minecraft04:19
DarwinSurvivorApocGoD: ah, cheap hubs can do that :P04:20
ApocGoD@DarwinSurvivor, Mhm, now to just plug it in normally, haha. Thanks04:20
joemppeI'm suppoesd to be setting up a company minecraft server. I can set up an IP address but I've never played minecraft. is that better or worse?04:20
DarwinSurvivorApocGoD: no problem04:20
z3r0d3rpI haven't played MC since alpha04:21
mdeljoemppe: IT experts get paid more than box stackers, as a rule04:21
DarwinSurvivormdel: and yet many IT experts are expected to stack their own boxes :(04:21
z3r0d3rpI am a network admin and security consultant but I am unemployed so...04:21
z3r0d3rpnot always true04:22
azlhow to add app to startup04:22
mdelazl: HOW IS BABBY FORMED04:22
waxgoblinthere is no way a clerk could have stole a greendot money pak is there?04:22
mdelwaxgoblin: dude... wtf are you talking about... not the right place04:22
azlno idea :D LOL04:22
mdelwaxgoblin: are you on drugs?04:22
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot04:22
z3r0d3rpI am on drugs lol04:22
waxgoblinim scared man04:23
waxgoblini put $300 on the card04:23
hnszyup, me too04:23
waxgoblini was scratching off the silver lining with my fingernail and two numbers came off04:23
mdelwaxgoblin: whats wrong man?04:23
waxgoblinis there anyway to check the balance04:23
mdelwaxgoblin: ywah04:23
DarwinSurvivormdel: just ignore him, he's obviously trolling04:23
waxgoblinwithout getting the account locked04:23
mdelwaxgoblin: scratch the rest off04:23
waxgoblinwhat does a 4 look like04:23
waxgoblinon a greendot04:23
dr_williswaxgoblin:  not ubuntu related.... take it elsewhere04:24
waxgoblindoes it have _ at the bottom04:24
FloodBot1waxgoblin: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:24
azlim usin 11.1004:24
waxgoblinhow can i check the balance04:24
waxgoblinif i was to call greendot can they figure it out04:24
waxgoblinif i give them the receipt number04:24
waxgoblinthey are closed now04:24
waxgoblinoh god04:24
z3r0d3rpazl it's in preferences startup applications04:24
z3r0d3rphit super key type start04:25
z3r0d3rpselect startup applications04:25
nontechnicalquick question - if i cd into a file, but it's empty and i want to add content to it from the terminal, what commands do i run?04:25
sacarlsonwhat package is best to support tor network on Lubuntu?  when I look at tork  I see it will install a large group of libs04:26
DarwinSurvivornontechnical: define "content"04:26
dr_willisnontechnical:  you dont cd into a file04:26
DarwinSurvivor!tor | sacarlson04:26
ubottusacarlson: Tor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl04:26
nontechnicalim creating a https server04:26
nontechnicali could use gedit, but wondering if theres a way to do it in terminal04:26
dr_willisyou can make a file with the touch or echo commands04:27
mdel!editors | nontechnical04:27
ubottunontechnical: Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs, ed - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code04:27
z3r0d3rpyou have to   touch /directory/filename to ake a file first04:27
LeV91At what time is the official release?04:27
z3r0d3rpthen use a text editor04:27
dr_willisLeV91:  no set time04:27
z3r0d3rpyou can also directly output to a file04:27
z3r0d3rpbut that is more advanced04:28
DarwinSurvivornontechnical: nano is easiest for beginners04:28
z3r0d3rphow do bash04:28
limescoutI like nano a lot04:28
limescoutpersonal preference04:28
mdelvim, sublime text 2 :)04:28
wylde'echo this is a way to add text to a file from the command line > likethis.txt'04:28
mdelum, no04:28
UmairI too am waiting for release, when can we get it?04:28
sacarlsonDarwinSurvivor: I did a search in synaptic on Lubuntu and didn't see the tor package,  I am now apt-get update;  to see if it fills in04:29
nontechnicalok thanks <darwinsurvivor>04:29
z3r0d3rpemacs fo lyfe04:29
DarwinSurvivorwylde: that would REPLACE the text. to ADD a line, use >>04:29
mdelUmair: when its ready04:29
hnszUmair: >>04:29
wyldeDarwinSurvivor: I know :) I was getting there, you can use > to an empty file04:29
z3r0d3rpno stomp04:29
mdelthat command was in correct anyway04:29
mdelquotes are fubar04:30
hnszwylde: yes and a file with content also04:30
azlhow to enable window animations in ubuntu 11.1004:30
wyldehnsz: if you want to overwrite it04:30
z3r0d3rpecho /dev/random >> derp.txt04:30
hnszwylde: idd04:31
DarwinSurvivorz3r0d3rp: don't use that for secure erasure. some filesystems create a new file and simply rewrite the entry in the fs table.04:31
sacarlsonnope no tor package found in Lubuntu maybe in ppa?04:32
azlhow to enable window animations in ubuntu 11.1004:32
z3r0d3rpI don't I use wipe or bleachbit04:32
chelzz3r0d3rp: shred -vuz file.ext04:32
z3r0d3rpa single overwrite on ext4 is good enough on modern disks04:32
z3r0d3rpanyone else here hate unity until they realized that it has almost no overhead on a laptop?04:35
Ztanei still hate unity, it has overhead on my laptop (asus 1215n), bc the opengl does not work at all :(04:35
z3r0d3rpI tested 36 minute power extension in my laptop idling over cinnamon and 50 minutes over kde04:36
z3r0d3rpsince I use kupfer for everything anyway I decided that it was pretty effective04:37
z3r0d3rpstill don't care for it on a workstation though04:37
centaur5Can anybody tell me the directory that precise saves desktop settings in the home directory? .gconf and .gnome2 used to be the directories I duplicated in Lucid to make all my machines the same.04:38
z3r0d3rpZtane, what kind of gpu do you have?04:38
z3r0d3rpcentaur5, defends on the WM and DM04:38
centaur5z3r0d3rp, default of course04:39
|DM|z3r0d3rp: you called?04:39
kipAnyone still around that can help with Sun Java install?04:39
|DM|defend on me?04:39
arinovwhen can i download 12.04 lts?04:40
z3r0d3rpI think you are looking for .config04:40
DarwinSurvivorcentaur5: it also depends on the app. some are hardwired for one or the other, others go by the framework (gtk, qt), others use something else entirely04:41
DarwinSurvivor!outyet arinov04:41
DarwinSurvivorwtf, is it out?!?04:41
a_b0ywhen is 12.04 going to be released??04:41
z3r0d3rpI think he is looking for unity settings etc04:41
DarwinSurvivoroh, forgot the | :P04:41
=== dirtypillows is now known as ShameSpiral
DarwinSurvivor!outyet | arinov04:41
ubottuarinov: Nope! Ubuntu 12.04 is scheduled for release sometime on April 26th. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party while you're waiting!04:41
centaur5z3r0d3rp, I guess I'll have to try that out. I want to replicate desktop wallpaper and configurations in the new "system settings" control panel.04:41
DarwinSurvivorz3r0d3rp: oh, oops.04:42
a_b0yumm, isn't it April 26th today??04:42
DarwinSurvivora_b0y: yes, but they didn't say it would be release in the morning now did they? :P04:42
z3r0d3rpthere is also gconf and gconfd04:42
joemppeApril 26th what timezone? :P04:42
kipCan not get sun java to install following the directions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java      http://paste.ubuntu.com/946775/04:43
a_b0ywhen is the Lunbuntu 12.04 going to be released today too?04:43
MaskilPDXI know people are already asking.... Can I get 12.04 yet?04:43
ubottuNope! Ubuntu 12.04 is scheduled for release sometime on April 26th. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party while you're waiting!04:43
z3r0d3rpI just hope unified menus are still there because using HUD for certain programs is going to suck04:43
thesheff17kip, due to oracle java won't be available anymore04:43
centaur5z3r0d3rp, Right, i copied gconf and gnome2 as those were the directories that used to accomplish my setting configurations now those directories are apparently outdated.04:43
z3r0d3rptry .config also04:44
thesheff17you can use openjdk04:44
kipThen they need to change the web page on how to get it.04:44
thesheff17or download java manually04:44
thesheff17yea I know04:44
thesheff17tons of places are like this04:44
z3r0d3rpI don't think I ever use java for anything04:45
centaur5z3r0d3rp, Okay, I'll .config now.  Thanks for the suggestion.04:45
kipThe program I have needs sun java JRE 6. And the instructions on how to install it manually are broken.04:45
z3r0d3rpkip can't you get it in restricted extras04:45
kipThey do not work.04:45
thesheff17just download from sun04:45
z3r0d3rpor is that removed?04:45
DarwinSurvivorkip: did you try openjdk from the repos?04:45
thesheff17or oracle now04:45
kipThe instructions say Sun Java.04:46
z3r0d3rpkip try adding the mint repos04:46
z3r0d3rpI think mint still has it for 11.1004:46
ubottuNope! Ubuntu 12.04 is scheduled for release sometime on April 26th. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party while you're waiting!04:46
kipThe SW is a pain to install, and there are enough problems without introducing a different java.04:47
kipHow do we change the documentation page to say the instructions do not work?04:48
z3r0d3rpthis is java 6 broskie04:48
graytronUbuntu homepage stopped responding04:48
a_b0yso is Lunbuntu 12.04 going to be released today too?04:49
kipBut that does not install it in the right place or set up all of the links.04:49
awisepilothome page works fine04:49
z3r0d3rpthe ubuntu package doesn't work for 6?04:49
DarwinSurvivora_b0y: nobody in here knows that.04:49
kipI followed the instructions from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java04:50
kipThey do not work.04:51
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
DarwinSurvivorkip what didn't work? it wouldn't install, wouldn't run, what errors did you get?04:52
DarwinSurvivorkip openjdk should install fine.04:52
kipDarwinSurvor http://paste.ubuntu.com/946775/04:53
z3r0d3rpkip http://bit.ly/IFiNHJ04:53
awisepilotSuccess 10.04LTS boots on the Dell 1950!  11.10 is buggy with a race condition on dual nic card machines.04:54
kipPPA did not work either. There was a download erroor twice.04:54
awisepilotI hope the bug is fixed in 1204:54
DarwinSurvivorkip have you tried openjdk? that is the recommended one to use since Oracle is F*$$($#ing up the other ones for linux users04:54
kapsddhow many hrs are remaining for Ubuntu 12.04 release?04:55
kipI have not tried it, because the author of the SW said to use Sun Java 6, and it is a PITA to install and get right, and I do not want another thing that could go wrong.04:56
DarwinSurvivor!outyet | kapsdd04:56
ubottukapsdd: Nope! Ubuntu 12.04 is scheduled for release sometime on April 26th. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party while you're waiting!04:56
Valtamhow many times do we have to hear that question today04:56
z3r0d3rpdon't make me pull this irc over04:56
DarwinSurvivorkip, well ubuntu recommends openjdk, so give that a try04:56
* flanagan testet04:57
JaceAlvejetti!isitout | DarwinSurvivor04:58
ubottuDarwinSurvivor: Nope! Ubuntu 12.04 is scheduled for release sometime on April 26th. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party while you're waiting!04:58
joemppethe sooner it's released the less you have to hear about it :D04:58
a_b0yubuntu should make an actual smartphone O/S04:59
=== mobile is now known as ex0z
DarwinSurvivora_b0y: you mean like this? http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/android05:00
a_b0ythat just piggybacks off of android05:01
DarwinSurvivora_b0y: the problem is hardware companies using locked down hardware and using binary blobs into android.05:02
a_b0yi don't trust google with my privacy and especially the remote access they have on all android phones05:02
Nach0zjust found a typo on that page >_>05:02
DarwinSurvivorand canonical has clearly stated that they are NOT interrested in handling hardware, they will just certify it as "works"05:03
DarwinSurvivora_b0y: the n900 runs debian with apt-get and everything, you can get them used on ebay for pretty cheap05:03
awisepilotDarwinSurvivor:  Finally got Ubuntu to run on Dell 1950 server and boot.  How do you config su passwd05:03
a_b0yyeah i saw some youtube videos of people installing the standard ubuntu o/s on their phones lol05:04
DarwinSurvivorawisepilot: you shouldn't need to have a password set, but if you REALLY do, "sudo passwd"05:04
awisepilotwhy not set a psswd05:04
Flannelawisepilot: why set one?05:04
a_b0ysmartphone hardware compatibility should be the same as PC compatibility05:05
rinzlersooo.. having multiple desktops, how would I be able to choose which one is represented during boot?05:05
awisepilotwe are asking the same questions with two points of view.  What are the pros and cons?05:05
install-wizardSudo -i is better tan a passwd05:06
install-wizardFeels like a more secure solution05:06
Flannelawisepilot: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo covers the pros and cons of each method05:06
z3r0d3rpI saw people dual booting android and BT5 R2 at Black Hat05:06
a_b0yi actually trust microsoft more than google, since organizations with lots of private data use microsoft05:06
z3r0d3rpdidn't function as a phone in BT though05:07
stratais ubuntu nix?05:07
awisepilotLet me read Flannel, thatnks05:07
awisepilotLet me read Flannel, thanks05:07
z3r0d3rpDerpnix kernel 1.005:07
strataerr unix?05:08
stratacool thanks!05:10
awisepilotDoes Ubuntu have a similar interface like SLES called Yast?05:12
paulsomebodyCan anyone help me understand when the release of 12.04 will happen in terms of hours?05:13
a_b0y1am est05:14
a_b0ymaybe :P05:14
xangua!isitout | paulsomebody05:14
ubottupaulsomebody: Nope! Ubuntu 12.04 is scheduled for release sometime on April 26th. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party while you're waiting!05:14
tdmackeyawisepilot: apt05:15
lykwydchykynawisepilot: not exactly; there's a settings panel, but it lacks all the server and sysadmin stuff YAST has.05:15
* paulsomebody wonders why does everyone is so eager to provide pointless uninformative answers.05:15
sacarlsonwould vidalia be a good gui candidate to control tor in Lubuntu?   I got tor installed now just want a gui to play with it05:15
paulsomebodyxangua: Thank you.05:15
Flannelpaulsomebody: sometime after it becomes April 26th in Kiritimati (it already has) and sometime before it becomes April 27th in Midway.05:15
dr-willisthere is no set time for release05:15
paulsomebodyFlannel: Thank you, oh wizard of time zones.05:15
Flannelpaulsomebody: That's as close as anyone other than those actually pushing the big red button can get you at this point.05:16
yuri__HELP! I went to change mawk out for gawk and muon uninstalled 24 files and now it won't install ANYTHING. :( I just get a error 127.05:16
yuri__Muon even uninstalled my bash shell. :(05:19
awisepilotTried apt and its not install in the default 10.04 setup.   Type: sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk and it complained and did not install apt.  Am I missing something?05:19
lykwydchykynawisepilot: apt is an integral part of Ubuntu.  It's not possible for it not to be installed.05:21
awisepilotInteresting, I was asking about a compatible application like yast and I was given apt.05:23
awisepilotI guess apt is not the answer, what is?05:24
lykwydchykynthere is nothing analogous to yast in ubuntu05:24
rahrahIf the command gave you an error post the error05:24
install-wizardMaybe somebody made a tool wich is like yast for ubuntu05:24
yuri__UGh. I just tried apt-get clean and purge and install for bash and nothing. Just a error 127 still. :(05:25
lykwydchykynProbably the closest you can get to YAST in Ubuntu is webmin05:25
awisepilotcool, how do you run that05:26
lykwydchykynIt's a web-based thing; you download it from webmin's website and then connect in a browser05:26
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.05:27
lykwydchykynwell, if you say so; works fine for me05:28
shpekato all users using 11.10 : DO NOT start update trough the update manager, use only the terminal "apt-get update" otherwise your window frames will dissapear and PulseAudio will fail!05:30
yuri__Alright. Is there a file that I need to delete or something to get my aptitude back? I just lost half my system just because I tried to change out mawk for gawk. I'm tired of reinstalling entires OS's after all the time I spent reinstalling Windoze.05:31
jswagnerthat makes no sense05:31
yuri__It may not. But I was using Muon to swap them out and it decided to remove 24 packages for no reason. I don't even have bash anymore.05:31
z3r0d3rpreinstall mawk05:31
yuri__I can't. Error 127.05:31
jswagneropening Update Manager and clicking 'Update' is the same as typing 'apt-get update' at a terminal.05:32
shpekaremember 11.10 is not LTS so consider installing 11.04 for better support05:32
z3r0d3rp11.04 isn't lts either05:32
jswagnershpeka what are you doing05:32
L3topshpeka: 10.04 is LTS05:32
shpekayes it is05:32
L3topNo, it is not.05:32
jswagner10.04 and 12.04 are LTS.05:33
xanguashpeka: neither 11.04 is LTS05:33
shpekamy opinion is not to start an update05:33
z3r0d3rpITT: people who can't package manager05:33
shpekaif u start update everything will be f*cked05:33
yuri__Dito. Last update I did I got an error 127 and had to reinstall Ubuntu.05:33
z3r0d3rpshepka you fail GTFO05:33
xangua!language | shpeka05:33
ubottushpeka: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.05:33
yuri__I can't install or uninstall ANYTHING. It's ALL error 127.05:34
jswagneri just ran update 15 minutes ago and it was fine05:34
shpekaalso do not force restart when you are installing a .deb package05:34
z3r0d3rppeople install broken PPA's then run update and break things05:34
z3r0d3rpprotip: you screwed it up05:35
iceroot_jswagner: just for your info. Running update through update-manager and using "sudo apt-get update" are totally different things and the second will not update your system, just the status of the PACKAGES files05:35
z3r0d3rplol iceroot_05:35
iceroot_z3r0d3rp: yes?05:35
L3topyuri__: do you have wget still?05:35
z3r0d3rpI think he meant upgrade05:35
jswagnericeroot_: well if we're getting catty about it, there is no update buttin on update manager.05:36
yuri__L3top: Lemme check.05:36
yuri__L3top: Yes.05:36
iceroot_z3r0d3rp: upgrade is still different to update from update-manager05:36
sacarlsonin Lubuntu 10.04 my screen is too small to view a complete gui panel,   what key sequence is used to drag to the bottom of the gui so I can hit the accept botton?05:36
iceroot_z3r0d3rp: dist-upgrade would do the same job05:36
iceroot_sacarlson: alt gr + mouse click05:36
z3r0d3rphe broke his distro with a bad ppa05:36
L3topyuri__: you could try wgetting the apt .deb and dpkg -i it.05:37
z3r0d3rpit would have broken with apt also05:37
yuri__L3top: Can you walk me through that real quick? I've used just about everything but wget over the years. :/05:37
sacarlsoniceroot_: in Lubuntu I tried <alt> drag with left and right mouse and it don't work05:37
pankajhow to install gnome3 on 10.04?05:37
jswagnerwget http://path-to-file05:37
L3topwhat version are you on?05:37
iceroot_sacarlson: alt gr not alt05:37
hydrox24yuri__: just run "wget URL"05:37
z3r0d3rpI installed a ppa in 10.04 to get vlc 2... replaced dpkg and totally broke everything05:37
ActionParsnippankaj: its not compatible05:37
yuri__L3top: 11.1005:38
hydrox24yuri__: it will then download whatever file that url is, html, jpg, deb whatever.05:38
sacarlsoniceroot_: what's alt gr?05:38
somsipyuri__: wget "URL" i#it is has a query string05:38
z3r0d3rppankaj, 11.10 is pretty stable... no real reason to be on 10.0405:38
iceroot_sacarlson: is it called different in english? hm, the alt key right to the space bar05:38
ActionParsnipz3r0d3rp: its LTS and solid :)05:38
yuri__Alright. My problem is what is the url and path to apt.deb05:39
z3r0d3rpif you want LTS and solid use Debian05:39
z3r0d3rp10.04 is just old05:39
jswagnertwo years is not old05:39
z3r0d3rpmore than two years05:39
ActionParsnipz3r0d3rp: true, some folks like its maturity though05:39
iceroot_sacarlson: sorry it was the normal alt key and double click in the window, hold the mouse and drag it05:40
shpekaz3r0d3rp : 10.04 is LTS so consider using it , its better than 10.1005:40
pankajActionParsnip, how to install gnome3 on 10.04?05:40
L3topyuri__: looking it up now...05:40
sacarlsoniceroot_: I just verified that <alt> drag right mouse on ubuntu does work as you say but it's not working in Lubuntu in the same way05:40
iceroot_pankaj: dont to that, it will break the system05:40
yuri__L3top: Thank you. :)05:40
jswagnerwill the 12.04 isos be the same as the daily-live/20120425 isos?05:40
pankajiceroot_, why?05:41
iceroot_sacarlson: running fine here on lubuntu05:41
ActionParsnippankaj: theres a PPA but it will more tahn likely brake your OS05:41
iceroot_sacarlson: alt + left double click then drag05:41
sacarlsoniceroot_: oh maybe it's a virtualbox thing?05:41
rubikshi, how are you doing guys? Does anyone know what time they are releasing ubuntu 12 final?05:41
z3r0d3rpI used BT5 R2 with a 3.2.6 kernel for a while... problem is that all the software is outdated and you have to break and troubleshoot everything to get it up to date05:41
xangua!isitout | rubiks05:41
ubotturubiks: Nope! Ubuntu 12.04 is scheduled for release sometime on April 26th. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party while you're waiting!05:41
rubiksoh thanks!05:42
iceroot_z3r0d3rp: if you want a rolling release, debian/ubuntu/mint/backtrack is not what you want05:42
z3r0d3rpI don't05:42
z3r0d3rphe said use 10.0405:42
L3topyuri__: 64 or i386?05:42
z3r0d3rpI did05:42
ActionParsnipz3r0d3rp: are you using backtrack for your daily stuff like emails?05:42
z3r0d3rpwhen it was new05:42
AntunesWhat time does the new version?05:42
yuri__L3top: 64.05:42
ActionParsnipAntunes: later05:42
z3r0d3rpI do pen testing for work so yes I had it installed as a main distro in my notebook05:43
pankajActionParsnip, i cant install another os (11.10 ) as i dont have much space left and i have lots things already installed in 10.04. so isnt there any way to install gnome3 on 10.0405:43
z3r0d3rpbut I also had it overhauled05:43
yuri__L3top: Is there an apt log somewhere to show what 24 packages were all removed? I looked up and it was already uninstalling and there was no cancel button. :(05:43
pankajActionParsnip, without breaking the os05:43
ActionParsnippankaj: there is a PPA, your choice if you use it05:43
iceroot_yuri__: /var/log/apt/term.log05:43
ActionParsnippankaj: no, its not compatible, as I said05:43
L3topyuri__: wget http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/a/apt/apt_0.8.16~exp5ubuntu13.2_amd64.deb05:44
yuri__L3top: I think I'm screwed. There's no var directory now.05:44
L3topyuri__: dpkg -i apt_0.8.16~exp5ubuntu13.2_amd64.deb05:44
ActionParsnipL3top: that'll need sudo ;)05:44
L3topyeah... you got a lotta chunk...05:44
z3r0d3rpyuri__, you should test before removing things05:44
gametstrhow long before 12.04 LTS Final Freeze is out?05:45
ActionParsnipgametstr: soon05:45
z3r0d3rpor do it in terminal so that you can cancel05:45
z3r0d3rpI was going to remove openssl and update manually05:45
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+105:45
L3topcorrect. ActionParsnip. that is one of my worst flaws giving advice, as I am so often in a root environment.05:45
yuri__*sigh* Since now that half my directory tree seems to be missing, any suggestions?05:45
z3r0d3rpbut it would have ripped out 75% of the system05:45
iceroot_only one package update in the last 4 days. sounds we are on a good way :)05:46
z3r0d3rppackage management is far from perfect05:46
L3topwell... 1204 is coming out soon... that would be my suggestion. Sorry yuri__.05:46
friskdHey all, why can't i do one one line   : ssh www.mysite.com "sudo su -l username"05:46
friskdwhen ever i try do that it just hanges05:46
friskdbut if i ssh in, and then run that command it works fine05:46
z3r0d3rplol that is not how it works05:46
friskdusername of course being a user on the system05:46
iceroot_friskd: ssh foo@bar 'command'05:47
pankajssh user@ip05:47
ActionParsnipfriskd: why not just use:  ssh username@www.mysite.com05:47
friskdwelli can do ssh www.mystie.com because my local user is the same as the remote server name05:47
ActionParsnipfriskd: so why the -l thing?05:48
friskdso yes i could do ssh myuser@www.mysite.com "sudo su -l someotherusername"05:48
iceroot_friskd: ssh different-user-name@host05:48
ActionParsnipfriskd: ssh someotherusername@www.mysite.com05:48
friskdI have a user   lets call it    company05:48
friskdso any user can ssh in as them selves05:48
friskdthen sudo su -l company05:48
ActionParsnipfriskd: ssh company@www.mysite.com05:48
iceroot_friskd: ssh company@host05:49
friskdand then they have access to run and edit a bunch of scripts in /home/company05:49
ripthejackersomeone help me please05:49
ActionParsnipfriskd: yes, as you would be logging in as company05:49
z3r0d3rpwhy wouldn't you establish a session first?05:49
ripthejackeri am getting this message when i try to connect to internet and it becomes slow05:49
ripthejackerCCP terminated by peer (No compression negotiated^@)05:49
ripthejackerCompression disabled by peer.05:49
yuri__L3top: How much longer until 1204?05:49
ActionParsnipripthejacker: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc05:50
friskdi suppose i could do that, and then just all all my engineers ssh keys into the company   authorized_keys file05:50
friskdI was trying to keep it that anyone that had sudo could do it05:50
L3topHours at this point I think?05:50
L3topNo telling exactly yuri__05:50
yuri__And btw, whatever went wrong in muon, it took all kinds of stuff. I dunno if I could have rebooted. lsb-core, alien, ubuntu-standard, bsd-mailx, this is a scary glitch. :(05:50
nishttal2hi guys.. i had mounted a FTP folder using the gui at my work machine.. can someone tell me how i can access it from the terminal?05:50
iceroot_friskd: EVERYONE can use sudo?05:51
z3r0d3rpfriskd, that sounds very insecure05:51
nishttal2i mean where are the FTP folders mounted?05:51
friskdso i have 3 engineers05:51
friskdthat i have as admins with sudo access05:51
friskdso those three guys can deploy05:51
friskdi have bash script that can be run locally  which should connect to the server, sudo su -l company05:51
friskdinside of the /home/company folder i have a few scripts taht i want my script to run05:52
iceroot_friskd: ssh company@host that is the solution05:52
ripthejackerActionParsnip, it says oneiric05:52
ActionParsnipfriskd: then put them in the admin group and they will be able to use sudo05:52
iceroot_friskd: upload your public key if you dont want to type passwords05:52
ActionParsnipripthejacker: cool, how do you connect to the web?05:52
friskdiceroot_: yea, that would require i add all my engineers ssh keys into the comapny authorized_keys file05:52
iceroot_friskd: they do it, not you05:52
ripthejackerActionParsnip, rp-pppoe05:53
yuri__*SCREAMS* I'm still getting error 127 even after reinstalling apt. :(05:53
iceroot_friskd: if someone has ssh access to your system he can put his public key on it05:53
ActionParsnipripthejacker: i've no experience there, sorry. Maybe others can assist05:53
nishttal2can someone tell where the FTP folders are mounted?05:53
friskdthats true.05:53
z3r0d3rpyuri_ it is faster to do a fresh install than repair a porked ont05:53
friskdOk let me do it that way.05:53
friskdit will work nicely05:53
friskdthanks guys.05:53
ActionParsnipnishttal2: ~/.gvfs05:53
FloodBot1friskd: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:53
ripthejackersomeone please help me05:54
yuri__I'm sorry for being so stupid. It's been years since I've used Linux. Redhat 2.4 back in '98 was the last time I used it. Is there a way to reinstall Linux without losing anything but getting rid of the bugs in the current install?05:54
ripthejackerCCP terminated by peer (No compression negotiated^@)05:54
ripthejackerCompression disabled by peer.05:54
KalidarnUbuntu 12.04 comes out today ;)05:54
rinzlersooo.. having multiple desktops, how would I be able to choose which one is represented during boot?05:55
yuri__And how do I get rid of mawk and put gawk in it's place without killing my install again?05:55
nishttal2ActionParsnip, perfect.. thanks!05:55
ActionParsnipyuri__: I'd reinstall then restore user data from backup05:55
iceroot_yuri__: if you have an extra home partition its easy to reinstall05:55
L3topyuri__: You can move /home to another partition.05:55
Kalidarnyuri__: yes, backup as you would with any other system and reinstall, i usually put in a livecd05:55
yuri__True. I forgot about that.05:55
Kalidarnand use tar cjvpf home.tar home/05:56
Kalidarn(p is important to preserve permissions)05:56
Kalidarnthough depending on how old the install is you're upgrading it might be best to reconfigure everything05:56
yuri__I hope gparted still works. I have to make a new partition big enough on my other hd for this.05:56
yuri__*sigh* I'm even going to have to backup my kernel. Yech. This stinks.05:57
iceroot_yuri__: why your kernel?05:57
nishttal2ActionParsnip, this after you told me to install dnsmasq05:57
ThePendulumIs there a way to 'close' Thunderbird in Ubuntu 12.04, yet still get notifications?05:57
nishttal2i did but after installation when i tried to run it.. it said port already in use!05:57
yuri__I've been sloooowly customizing the heck out of it over the last week. Just upgraded to 3.3.2 considering 3.4 soon.05:57
nishttal2ActionParsnip, ^^^05:57
ActionParsnipnishttal2: dnsmasq can make your web faster05:58
iceroot_yuri__: ah ok05:58
yuri__Now I'm waiting for someone to comment on how I can not know how to reinstall linux but know how to compile the kernel from scratch. ;)05:58
iceroot_yuri__: :)05:58
rinzlerActionParsnip: what is dnsmasq? ubottu doesn't know anything about it...05:59
yuri__It seems gparted disappeared with this nightmare as well. I may just have to leave the computer on until 1204 comes out and pray the power doesn't go out between now and then. ;)05:59
nishttal2ActionParsnip.. here is what I am trying to do... my work machine has to use an internal DNS ( to resolve internal servers (say bart) and i need to access sites like GMAIL.. how can i setup something so its seamless...05:59
iceroot_yuri__: what is the initial issue?05:59
L3topgparted will work from  livecd if it isn't yuri__05:59
nishttal2ActionParsnip, if the request for gmail goes to the internal DNS first if would block/reject it06:00
yuri__iceroot: Initial issue is I tried to replace mawk with gawk and 24 essentials got ripped out from under me and now I have no OS. Just what's in RAM. BASH, original ubuntu kernel, core stuff. Poof. :(06:00
ripthejackerCCP terminated by peer (No compression negotiated^@)06:00
ripthejackerCompression disabled by peer.06:00
ripthejackeri am getting this error message please help06:00
nishttal2ActionParsnip, i tried to setup both as DNS (space separated) but it only uses the 1st one listed in the list06:00
iceroot_yuri__: no working apt/dpkg?06:01
yuri__Meh ****. error 127. Installed a new aptitude and still get 127.06:01
uBUxUBuhas 12.04 been released yet?06:02
iceroot_yuri__: any output of "dpkg --version"?06:02
iceroot_uBUxUBu: no06:02
a_b0yomg omgomg omg mgoogm06:02
ActionParsnipnishttal2: use commas to seperate06:02
a_b0ynevermind, i thought it was finally released :P06:02
ActionParsnipnishttal2: you also need to tell dnsmasq to listen on
yuri__My computer is now possessed. I can't use more than one option with tar. Tells me to use a label or something really creepy. :( I was going to tar cjvpf home.tar home/.06:03
nishttal2ActionParsnip, can i not do it without dnsmasq.. as it didnt run..  it said port already in use06:03
iceroot_yuri__: any output of "dpkg --version"?06:03
Kalidarnyuri__: might be worth waiting a few hours06:04
yuri__Yeah. Just a sec. dpkg works.06:04
Kalidarnubuntu 12.04 LTS is about to be released any hour now06:04
iceroot_nishttal2: put gmail in /etc/hosts  that will overwrite dns-server06:04
nishttal2iceroot_, how come Xubuntu 12.04 is released.. i thought they followed the main Ubuntu release schedule06:04
yuri__1.16.0.3 (amd64)06:04
iceroot_nishttal2: its not released06:04
ActionParsnipnishttal2: tried a reboot?06:04
Kalidarnwhat time zone does https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule follow06:04
iceroot_yuri__: fine, any outpout of "dpkg -l | grep -v ^ii | grep -v ^rc"?06:05
Kalidarni assume it will be released at 12:00 whatever timezone they work in, i assumed it was UTC06:05
iceroot_!paste | yuri__06:05
ubottuyuri__: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:05
nishttal2iceroot_, i was using gmail as an example.. but there are many other sites.. is there no seamless way for the system to try both dns servers06:05
nishttal2ActionParsnip, actually no.. i didnt reboot06:05
uBUxUBuits 705pm in samoa april 26?06:05
pengwhi all06:05
nishttal2iceroot_, it says Download 12.04 (and doesnt say beta).. this morning it was showing a countdown (1 to go)06:05
joemppeonce 12.04 does get out, do you reckon there will be enough server capacity to download the cd image without wanting to gouge my eyes out :D06:06
pengwis that 12.04  out ?06:06
yuri__It's empty. Nothing to be installed or removed or broken.06:06
ActionParsnipnishttal2: probably find it's ok after that, remember to edit /etc/dnsmasq.conf so that it is listening to loacalhost06:06
pengwi want to install 12.0406:06
yuri__I doubt that there will be enough bandwidth to handle all of us.06:06
GhostWolfubuntu website is beta2!06:06
ActionParsnippengw: you'll see the motd change when it is06:06
pengweveryone says it is great06:06
uBUxUBu12.04 is still in final beta06:06
iceroot_nishttal2: sorry i can just say "man resolv.conf" never used something like you want06:07
nishttal2iceroot_, ok np.. thanks06:07
yuri__SOrry. I found this in the last output from dpkg: 4.13a.dfsg.1-8ubuntu106:07
nishttal2iceroot_, any idea as to when 12.04 would be released.. it was supposed to be today rt?06:08
nishttal2ActionParsnip, ok thanks.. will try in the morning06:08
iceroot_nishttal2: no dont know, sometime today06:08
pengwi am waiting it for a long time .06:08
tsimpsonnishttal2: sometime today, whenever it's considered "ready" by the release manager06:08
nishttal2iceroot_, ok great06:08
nishttal2tsimpson, cant wait.. hopefull compiz would work without glitches on 12.0406:09
pengwtoday is a really bad for me i have been over changed for repairing my car.06:09
nishttal2tsimpson, i missed my desktop cube and wobbly windows on 11.1006:09
Jordan_U!ot | pengw06:11
ubottupengw: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:11
GhostWolfi prefer using gnome classic06:12
GhostWolfunity is not suit for me06:13
bluescreenis it easy to switch from unity to classic?06:13
GhostWolfinstall gnome shell06:13
Jordan_U!notunity | bluescreen06:13
ubottubluescreen: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic06:13
stefan_bluescreen: sudo apt-get install gnome-panel06:13
user1ubuntu 12.04 released or not...06:14
pankaj_sharmawhy so eager?06:15
iceroot_what torrent-cli-client is worth using? need something for the 12.04 isos. great would be something ncurse-based06:15
ActionParsnipbluescreen: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/03/gnome-classic-in-ubuntu-12-04-its-like-nothing-ever-changed/06:15
ActionParsnipuser1: no it's not out yet06:15
ActionParsnipuser1: when the motd says its out, it's out06:15
yuri__Ummm... I'm trying to tar my home directory as suggested earlier and everything is coming out encrypted. Will this be a problem when I go to restore it on a fresh install?06:16
z3r0d3rpiceroot_, try deluge06:16
ActionParsnipiceroot_: rtorrent06:16
anupadhikari_When is ubuntu 12.04 releasing?06:16
z3r0d3rpdeluge > rtorrent06:16
anupadhikari_coming out of the beta?06:17
ActionParsnipz3r0d3rp: does deluge have an ncurses UI?06:17
anupadhikari_uBUxUBu, time?06:17
iceroot_z3r0d3rp: thanks, deluge would pull to much for me06:17
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iceroot_ActionParsnip: thx06:17
Valtamneed a bot that has set triggers to people asking for release time06:17
uBUxUBunot sure06:17
iceroot_z3r0d3rp: some x11 libs and so on...06:17
dr_willisi remember why i avoid this channel on release day now....   ;)06:17
z3r0d3rplol are you running on a 386?06:18
colonelqubitValtam: They could put a note about it on ubuntu.com, too...06:18
iceroot_dr_willis: is it out now? :)06:18
ActionParsnipz3r0d3rp: hence rtorrent, not deluge. So in this situation due to requirements rtorrent > deluge06:18
z3r0d3rpI suppose06:18
dr_willisiceroot_:  its been delayed till the 32nd.06:18
anupadhikari_colonelqubit, Valtam ya no data on ubuntu.com, they could have a countdown or something06:18
iceroot_z3r0d3rp: headless debian server and there i dont want 100 additional packsges06:18
iceroot_dr_willis: :)06:19
z3r0d3rpiceroot_, it has a cli client06:19
Valtamcolonelqubit]$ they don't do that so they can avoid hammering at one point in time06:19
ActionParsnipiceroot_: or use transmission cli, enable the web UI and control it from another PC using transgui06:19
jalalhi guys i needed helpp06:19
colonelqubitValtam: That makes absolutely no sense06:19
iceroot_ActionParsnip: so its running as a daemon?06:19
colonelqubitValtam: Either way, people are going to hammer on it06:19
tsimpsonValtam, anupadhikari_: a countdown would require a fixed time when release is happening, that fixed time doesn't exist so there can be no count down06:19
Valtamit wuld be a good idea for the torrent release06:19
ActionParsnipiceroot_: yeah there is transmission-cli or similar06:19
z3r0d3rpdeluge is about ten times fasten than rtorrent or transmission also supports plugins06:19
jalalon my browser or any programe06:19
jalalminimize ,maximize and close button not showing06:20
iceroot_z3r0d3rp: i only need it for -23 days to provide the ubuntu torrents06:20
colonelqubitOne easy way to avoid hammering the release servers is for them to just push it out over bittorrent 30 minutes before any other protocol06:20
anupadhikari_tsimpson, so there is no fix time, why?06:20
z3r0d3rpif you are seeding then use utorrent server derp06:20
jalalplzz helppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp06:20
dr_willisanupadhikari_:  because they don't know.06:20
tsimpsonanupadhikari_: because things happen on the day that can't be predicted, the release team have a general idea, but nothing is in stone06:21
z3r0d3rpI haven't used utorrent server but that is what it was designed for/to do06:21
dr_willisjalal:  the title bar showing at all?06:21
z3r0d3rplikewise the utorrent protocol is faster and more efficient on a network06:21
anupadhikari_dr_willis, I am seriously, really confused,no joking, what are you saying, they don't know?06:21
jalalyes title showing06:21
dr_willisjalal:  compiz crashed sounds like06:21
iceroot_z3r0d3rp: good info, i will have a look at it later, now i am running rtorrent in screen, it has ncurses, so its ok for my needs06:22
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases06:22
jalali install ubuntu tweak06:22
jalalso what is solution for that?06:22
z3r0d3rpcompiz --replace06:22
jalalmy cursor coming in x symbol06:22
dr_willisanupadhikari_:  they  dont know when it will get updated to all the servers.. so they dont know an exact time when they will all be ready to 'go'06:22
z3r0d3rpbad drivers could be06:22
anupadhikari_dr_willis, oh, thanks for the insight06:23
jalalany solution?06:23
z3r0d3rpnvidia card?06:23
dr_willisanupadhikari_:  if its that critical for you.. install the dailyy build then update/upgrade...06:23
GhostWolfubuntu tweak 0.7.0 released06:23
z3r0d3rpif so manually install proprietary drivers06:23
jalali have nvdia06:23
z3r0d3rpdo lspci -vv and find out what your card is06:23
z3r0d3rpdownload the driver06:24
z3r0d3rpdrop to command line06:24
jalalok wait06:24
dr_willisjalal:  you could try making a new user and seeing if the issue exists for them also06:24
z3r0d3rpstop gdm/lightdm06:24
z3r0d3rpthen run the script06:24
fuzikHello People !06:24
Hoythi , does daily-build has mirrors other than http://cdimage.ubuntu.com ?06:24
jalali open my broswer now i cant go back or open terminal06:24
jalalnow i neeed too restart06:25
z3r0d3rptry ctrl f1  then type compiz --replace then ctrl f706:25
jalalonce i open any application i cant close it06:25
Hoytbecause you don't have a WM06:25
dr_willisjalal:  alt-ctrl-f1 login , use sudo service lightdm restart06:25
fuzikRead FAQ, read installation FAQ, but not find that i need. I want install ubuntu-server-i386.iso from USB flash can you help me to find documentation how to do it ?06:25
jalalshortcut no working06:25
fuzikmy currect system Debian 5.006:25
z3r0d3rpjalal,  try alt f2 then type compiz --replace06:25
z3r0d3rpeither way you should run guake so that you always have a terminal one keystroke away06:26
supreethAny Linux gurus out here?06:27
yuri__Does anyone have a suggested partitioning scheme for a 40gb hard drive? Everytime I go to install ubuntu it gives me / and a swap partition.06:27
Optichipyuri__: what more do you need?06:28
supreethCan anyone give me/tell me where to find these values for Ubuntu 10.04 kernel 2.6.32-33-generic?06:28
z3r0d3rpyuri you might consider making a data partition06:28
Hoytsupreeth: uname -r ?06:28
yuri__Well, I know what the convenience partitions are, by name, but not by size.06:28
pengw512 mb for swap 10 gb for / 10 for /home 20gb for /windows06:28
supreethcomm field, which contains the name of the process06:28
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z3r0d3rp20 gigs is not enough for windows06:28
z3r0d3rpnot even close06:29
supreethI'm on a different system now. Ubuntu 11.0406:29
Hoytsupreeth: what you looking for ?06:29
DarwinSurvivorpengw: i'd go with more than 1/2GB of swap06:29
z3r0d3rpdepeds on ram06:29
HoytI don't even use a swap , I have 4g memory06:29
supreethI'm interested in the 'comm field, which contains the name of the process' for Ubuntu 10.04 kernel 2.6.32-33-generic06:29
holmescnNick to be here. I have a removable harddisk. All partations are NTFS. My problem is one of the partitions won't automount. I have googled, but have no idea.06:29
z3r0d3rpif you have 2.5 gigs and up you don't need a swap part except for laptop hibernation / video editing06:29
yuri__Argh. I think it's time for me to format my old windows hard drive. 40gb just isn't enough. I'm at 20gb for my home directory already.06:29
Optichipyuri__: with a 40g drive I'm guessing SSD /swap / should be all you need, hopefully you have a second drive that you can use for your /home partition after install.06:29
dr_willisholmescn: mount by hand. see if any errors show up06:30
Raydiationi was wondering if there are any debs for intellij idea06:30
supreethHoyt: I'm interested in the 'comm field, which contains the name of the process' for Ubuntu 10.04 kernel 2.6.32-33-generic06:30
yuri__*sigh* What would be the recommendations for a 500gb hard drive? I wasn't ready to drop windows when I first installed linux.06:30
holmescndr_willis: yes, it works, but not convinient.06:30
fuzikMy question can be forgeted .. thanks.06:30
Hoytsupreeth: I don't get it , what's the *'comm* field ?06:30
DarwinSurvivorpengw: because with over 4GB of ram, the only real use for swap is hibernation, in which case you need at least as much swap as ram06:30
Raydiationthe community edition (open source, apl) is not in the official repos06:30
z3r0d3rpyuri__, I have my kde system on my old box on a 20 gig drive but use part of my 80 gig Windows drive to store movies and stuff06:31
z3r0d3rpto share between OS's06:31
supreethIt's basically for a process tracker on the Simics simulator.06:31
Hoytsupreeth: top ?06:31
supreethHoyt: It's basically for a process tracker on the Simics simulator.06:31
yuri__And for those who are confused by myhatred of Windows at the moment, long story short: MS gave me a bunk keycode and it gave me 30 days to buy a new one, no money and MS won't replace the keycode.06:31
z3r0d3rpsame with my laptop... I have my torrent client configed to write to my windows part06:31
dr_willisholmescn:  i just make fstab entries for mine06:31
Optichipyuri__: you could use the 500g as what it is now, without formatting, you could put your /home partition onto it fstab just needs to know where to mount and what type of filesystem.06:31
z3r0d3rpkeep it06:32
z3r0d3rpjust mount the drive in fstab06:32
z3r0d3rpand use it for storage06:32
z3r0d3rpkeep windows on it06:32
esakwhy ubuntu 12.04 is not ready for download ?06:32
Hoytjust try the daily build , it's almost the same06:32
yuri__Win7 no more work. Don't need Windows for nothing now.06:33
DarwinSurvivor!outyet esak06:33
DarwinSurvivor!outyet | esak06:33
ubottuesak: Nope! Ubuntu 12.04 is scheduled for release sometime on April 26th. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party while you're waiting!06:33
Optichipyuri__: then use it as your /home06:33
z3r0d3rpthen just reinstall and use the big drive06:33
Optichipyuri__: format it ext4 and add it to your fstab06:33
z3r0d3rpor use parted and copy the partition06:33
supreethHoyt: I'm basically tring to fill the fields from: http://www.cs.sfu.ca/~fedorova/Tech/simics-guides-3.0.26/simics-reference-manual-public-all/topic148.html                        for 2.6.32-33-generic06:34
yuri__Yeah. I got wine for the /FEW/ win programs I'm still using. I'll just copy my users directory to another partition and then format win.06:34
z3r0d3rpyou can use gparted to copy your system to the larger drive06:34
jalali am back,system need to restart06:34
z3r0d3rpthen there is one command to make your system see all the new space06:34
jalalok i issue command compiz--replace06:34
z3r0d3rpI can't remember what it is off the top of my head06:34
jalalmy all system come back to normal06:35
jalalnow what i do so i future it will not be like that?06:35
z3r0d3rpjalal install compiz fusion icon06:35
z3r0d3rpthat way you can use it to reset compiz from the gui06:35
yuri__Woops. I guess I'll have to copy just my documents from win. ;) full users folder for me was over 100 GB. Yikes. Stupid Windows.06:35
setkehOptichip: *******06:35
z3r0d3rpsudo apt-get install fusion-icon06:35
jalalmy system is back now06:35
pozzzbluefish editor: When I reopen bluefish can I have the tabs I was working on last time open automatically? (Quanta plus has it)06:35
Optichipsetkeh when's ubuntu release?!?06:35
yuri__*runs and hides* 328.1 GB for my old win docs. ;)06:35
setkehWhen will Ubunut be ready for DL06:35
dr_willisyuri__: a lot of that may be temp files06:36
setkehOptichip: When it Ready :}06:36
jalalinstalling icons brother06:36
OptichipIs Arch better then Ubuntu?06:36
pozzzbluefish: Save all button on toolbar. Possible?06:36
jalalplease give me perfect solution06:36
dr_willisOptichip:  you decide that for yourself06:36
HoytOptichip: arch has poor scripts than gentoo , that's all I know06:36
tsimpsonOptichip: asking a question like that in #ubuntu isn't really a good idea06:36
setkehOptichip: hahahaha06:36
z3r0d3rplol yuri... even after removing any movies and media... my windows 7 system with applications and games is 200 gigs06:36
jalalbecause i cannot format my pc06:36
yuri__Just double-checked. No temp files. No windows junk. It's all me. What did I download in those 30 days? :(06:36
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pengweclipse or codeblock geany for C programming which one is you choice ?06:37
setkehtsimpson: why no you butt hurt :P06:37
z3r0d3rpjalal you have something that is crashing compiz06:37
HoytI always go for VIM06:37
z3r0d3rpyou can restart it via alt f2 and compiz --replace06:37
jalalyah i gave compiz --replace then evrything back to normal06:37
z3r0d3rpyou should install guake anyway06:37
tsimpsonsetkeh: excuse me?06:38
z3r0d3rpso that you can just hit f12 for a terminal06:38
jalalcommand?sorry i am new to linux06:38
setkehtsimpson: you excused what you do fart or somthing06:38
z3r0d3rpsudo apt-get install guke06:38
Raydiationpengw: kdevelop06:38
jalali still need to install compiz icons?06:39
tsimpsonsetkeh: if you want to start making sense now, that would be great06:39
z3r0d3rpthe compiz icon sits in your panel and lets you restart it if it messes up06:39
stripehow do I run ubuntu as root?06:39
z3r0d3rpsudo su06:39
jalalapt-get install guake E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?06:39
pengwi am in Gnome KDE is little bit slower06:39
setkehtsimpson: you asked me to excuse you i excused you then asked if it was because you farted is all :D06:39
Lintstripe, set a password for root06:39
z3r0d3rpjalal you have to close synaptic06:40
z3r0d3rpor just download it from synaptic06:40
jalalsynaptic is closed brother06:40
tsimpsonsetkeh: no, I was referring to your message "<setkeh> tsimpson: why no you butt hurt :P"06:40
jalalit coz dpkg locked06:40
dr_willisstripe:  what are you trying to acomplish exactly06:40
z3r0d3rpyou have either updates, software center or another terminal using it06:40
stefan_than the automatic script to update your repos is running06:41
stefan_just wait a minute06:41
jalalhow to unlock var/dpkg?06:41
esakwhat is it ubuntu alternate ?06:41
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »06:41
z3r0d3rpsudo reboot06:41
hid3Is it out?!06:41
dr_willishid3:  no06:41
setkehtsimpson: why would the question "Is arch better than ubuntu" a bad idea are you but hurt thgat arch is better than ubuntu ??06:41
stripejust for running occasional backup tasks, so I will have authority to write to another hard drive in my machine06:42
z3r0d3rparch = most overrated distro06:42
ActionParsnipHid3: when you see the motd change, its out06:42
setkehz3r0d3rp: another one who is butthurt :P06:42
dr_willisstripe:  use sudo as needed for root level tasks06:42
tsimpsonsetkeh: because this is a technical support channel for Ubuntu, obviously, and I'd ask you to try and stay on that topic from now on06:42
z3r0d3rpreal men run gentoo06:42
jalalubuntu is best06:42
z3r0d3rpyou can keep your butthurt06:42
OptichipOh I thought I was in the overrated distro channel.06:43
jalalfor ubuntoo root06:43
LeV91Slackware pwns06:43
jalalchange your pass then swicth too other account06:43
=== FrankLv_ is now known as FrankLv
jalalthere login as root06:43
ActionParsnipz3r0d3rp: from stage 1 of course ;-)06:43
z3r0d3rparch is so that n00bs can spend 3 hours installing a system and think they are Stallman06:43
setkehtsimpson: what topic /topic "When will ubuntu 12.04 be available for download" some major topic we got goin on here06:44
jonathan1104LFS ftw06:44
jalalhahhaha nice said z3r0d06:44
stripedr willis thanks but it is aukwaqrd copying files from the terminal, I was thinking if I did it graphicaly it would be more time effective06:44
ActionParsnipjalal: or run:   sudo -i    no need for messing around06:44
jalalok boss06:44
dr_willisstripe:  you can run gui file managers as root...  or set up cron jobs.. it depends on the details of whatgg you are doing06:44
jalali am istall compiz icon06:45
ServerCrashhi how can i remove delete rights from user (globally), he should not be able to delete any file, even files created by himself06:45
jalali instll ubuntu tweak last night so i guess because of that ..problem arrieved06:45
dr_willisServerCrash:  what sort of work is  the user supposed to be able to do  then?06:45
ActionParsnipjalal: what proble06:46
dr_willisjalal:  most likely some tweak you did.. not the tool itself..06:46
esakjalal what is ubuntu alternate ?06:46
ServerCrashdr_willis, just create files, copy files, move files06:46
stripedr willis never thought of that, running the file manager from the terminal , will try it. thanks06:46
jalalproblem not people brother06:46
z3r0d3rpjalal, 10.04?06:46
z3r0d3rpif so then disable third party repos06:46
dr_willisServerCrash:  if he cant delete.. he cant move...06:46
z3r0d3rpthen update06:46
ServerCrashdr_willis, fine no problem he can alteast copy  :)06:47
z3r0d3rp10.04 can crash compiz for any number of reasons06:47
dr_willisServerCrash:  time to check out the permissions features and perhaps use acl's06:47
jalalmy system icon back now i want perfect solutions06:47
jalalso in future it will not be again06:47
P-CHANI want create a distro like Apodio with remaster06:47
ActionParsnipesak: installs a desktop OS in text mode06:48
ActionParsnipjalal: what issue did ubuntu tweak generate?06:48
P-CHANwhat is the better remastersys? UCK?06:48
z3r0d3rpin Linux there is no such thing as a perfect solution06:48
dr_willisjalal:  compiz can crash....   thats just a fact of life., the fusion-icon tool or other tools can auto-restart it if it crashes06:48
jalalit did nothing ..but i guess so problem came form that06:48
jalalbefore that syste working fine06:48
z3r0d3rpin modern systems there are no perfect solutions*06:49
dr_willisjalal:  thats not exactly proof its to blame.06:49
sacarlsonI can't seem to find a working link for this https://svn.torproject.org/svn/torbrowser/trunk/build-scripts/config/polipo.conf  is there anther working link with the tor config file for polipo?06:49
jalalyes i am installing compiz --icons06:49
ActionParsnipP-CHAN: both are fine, there is no best or the other would die out as nobody would use it06:49
dr_willis!info fusion-icon06:49
ubottufusion-icon (source: fusion-icon): tray icon to launch and manage Compiz Fusion. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.1.0-2ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 29 kB, installed size 264 kB06:49
esakactionparsnip alternate=install desktop ubuntu in text mode ?06:49
z3r0d3rpsacarlson, if you install polipo from the repos it should work06:49
sacarlsonz3r0d3rp: so it's default to be configured for tor?06:50
z3r0d3rpI think so06:50
z3r0d3rpI can copypasta mine for you06:50
P-CHANActionParsnip: no. For example.... Unetbootin is better than USB Creator06:50
z3r0d3rpmine works fine06:50
jalalwho want to configure tor?06:50
jalali can give help06:50
ActionParsnipP-CHAN: its as intelligent as asking which is better, blue or red. Neither is better. All you will get is opinion06:50
jalali am using TOR WITH PROXYCHAINS06:50
sacarlsonjalal:  yes I want tor  z3rod3rp ok pastebin your config so I can compare06:51
P-CHANActionParsnip:  Blue06:51
dr_willisno wait green....  aaaaghhhh!  ;monty python:06:51
ActionParsnipP-CHAN: unetbootin isn't better, neither is better. That's just your opinion and nothing more06:52
jalalyou go to tor website and add key for that06:52
z3r0d3rpno ActionParsnip, these are not objective06:52
jalalbut first add you distro repos link in repositry06:52
z3r0d3rpsome are in fact better than others06:52
P-CHANActionParsnip: what do you do doing for live?06:52
jalalyou dont need to use polipo06:52
jalaljust use vidalia06:52
ActionParsnipEsak: it installs the same ubuntu desktop, just in text mode06:52
alphanumhow active is this channel usually?06:53
dr_willisalphanum:  normally very active06:53
DarwinSurvivoralphanum: wait 5 minutes and you'll have to scroll up 3 pages :P06:53
dr_willistoday - hyperactiv06:53
ActionParsnipP-CHAN: NOC engineer, how is that relevant to support?06:53
P-CHANActionParsnip:  yes... why?06:53
LeV9112.04 isn't really releasing today.. It's a trick!06:53
sacarlsonz3r0d3rp: in chromium with switchy I point my proxy at polipo and also tried the vidalia proxy address both return error in switch diagnostic plugin not working properly06:54
dr_willisLeV91:  and the cake is a lie.06:54
alphanumDr4g, thx06:54
alphanumDarwinSurvivor, thx06:54
ActionParsnipalphanum: check in a few hours. This place going to get crazy06:54
LeV91The cake has always been a lie06:54
z3r0d3rpActionParsnip, u been sniffin mah packets bro?06:54
dr_willisi recall seeing  3000+ people in here on release day06:54
ActionParsnipz3r0d3rp: who me....? Seriously though, no06:55
z3r0d3rplol I work in netsec06:55
cdm10dr_willis: Speaking of the cake being a lie -- Valve is apparently talking about Steam / Source on Linux. This is a Good Thing. Shutting up about OT now.06:55
z3r0d3rpall I've heard about for the last month is CISPA06:55
LeV91Steam is and always has been horrible, both in concept and execution.06:56
MannerMan12.04 soon :D06:56
dr_williscdm10:  i will belive it when i see it.  same for the cake.06:56
ActionParsnipdr_willis: wanna join me in the Winchester til this all blows over?06:56
sacarlsonI can access the polipo proxy direct from my chromium to bring up manuals and stuf if I plug into the address box of chromium so the polipo proxy is running06:56
dr_willisActionParsnip:  im at work.. and my battery is at 30% so i will be gone soon anyway ;)06:56
z3r0d3rpsacarlson, tor runs on 905006:57
P-CHANActionParsnip: You talk as if there were no better or worse.06:57
sacarlsonso maybe my problem is in chromium switchy extention app?06:57
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Ben64dr_willis: there are images of l4d2 running in linux, so you can see it06:57
sebsebsebActionParsnip in the what?06:57
cdm10So, while I'm here to procrastinate and to see if release-craziness has happened yet -- does anybody have trouble using Ubuntu with big many-AP networks, such as might be found at a university or workplace?06:57
LeV91Hey guyz, is Quantal Quetzal out yet? :P06:57
XDESIGNwhen officially released ubuntu 12.04 ?06:57
Ben64XDESIGN: within 24 hours06:58
newUserHi fellows06:58
twelveofourAll colleges may switch over tonight?06:58
DarwinSurvivorLeV91: I couldn't care less about steam, I just want the games to end up in the repo :P06:58
ActionParsnipdr_willis: ha I'm off to bed soon ready for my next nightshift. Hopefully it'll be okay in 10 hours06:58
cdm10Don't we usually have an "It's released whenever it's released" message in the topic?06:58
newUserI am new to Ubuntu 11.10. I would like to find the www-folder but cant find it. Any help please?06:58
iceroot_newUser: /var/www/06:58
munimdoes anyone know what time will 12.04 come out? I have to get it installed today06:59
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: not seen Shaun of the Dead?06:59
DarwinSurvivorcdm10: depends on the network. The eduroam network at BCIT can be a pain to connect to, but once connected it works beautifully06:59
supreethI'm simulating a system that runs Ub 10.04 on Simics and their process tracker will allow me to debug each simulated process individually. For the process-tracker to get a lock on however they need me to find the comm, pid offset, state offset etc..    http://www.cs.sfu.ca/~fedorova/Tech/simics-guides-3.0.26/simics-reference-manual-public-all/topic148.html06:59
smwmunim, not even the people releasing it know.06:59
cdm10munim: It comes out whenever it comes out, they never release at a particular time.06:59
Ben64munim: you can already install it, and then just update it later to the actual release version06:59
twelveofourwakeup and its not updated won't be as fun- will just have to work without checking install status06:59
sebsebsebActionParsnip I have, but quite a long time ago.06:59
cdm10munim: But they should be pushing it to mirror sites now. Maybe.06:59
supreethAnyone know where to find these values?06:59
munimcdm10, oh thats awesome. probably a few hours then06:59
cdm10munim: I wouldn't hold your breath.07:00
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: it's the name of the pub07:00
sebsebsebActionParsnip oh07:00
twelveofoursometimes they notice a pixel off by one (on the comand line) and keep recompiling each time.07:00
z3r0d3rpsupreeth, that sounds like a question for r/Linux07:00
sacarlsonz3r0d3rp: I don't see anything listening on port 9050 but I tried it any way in switch with no change in failure07:01
cdm10DarwinSurvivor: For me, it seems to have to do with the phase of the moon -- I'll try booting Ubuntu on a whim and it'll connect, but won't ever again. And if I want to use the WPA2-Enterprise network, which is necessary for most non-vanilla network services, well... I'm pretty much out of luck. If it connects at all, it drops within a few minutes.07:01
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munimBen64, if its just today, i might as well wait07:01
cdm10DarwinSurvivor: This has happened with both Broadcom and Intel NICs. Just lovely. It's all but forced me to use Windows as my main OS.07:01
supreethz3r0d3rp: Um, what's that?07:01
z3r0d3rpsacarlson, you should just install tor from the repos07:01
Ben64munim: or avoid all the trouble connecting to the servers at release time :)07:01
z3r0d3rpit should come config'd07:02
ActionParsnipcdm10: try disabling n speed with modprobe options07:02
DarwinSurvivorcdm10: what type of network is it?07:02
z3r0d3rpsupreeth, that is a forum on Reddit07:02
munimBen64, the Indian mirrors don't get that crowded really07:02
z3r0d3rplots of Linux gurus there07:02
ActionParsnipcdm10: is it a centrino wifi chi07:02
sacarlsonz3r0d3rp: tor for one this isn't in the repo's of Lubuntu but I assume I installed it correctly from the deb files I got07:02
P-CHANLets sing the Free Software song!07:02
cdm10DarwinSurvivor: 802.11n, WPA2-Enterprise, about 5 zillion APs (Seriously, according to the Intel tool, my computer sees 30+ right now.)07:03
cdm10ActionParsnip: It's a 4965AGN07:03
z3r0d3rpsacarlson, hmm I thought tor was in the repos07:03
z3r0d3rpdid you look for "vidalia"07:03
dr_willis!info tor07:03
ubottutor (source: tor): anonymizing overlay network for TCP. In component universe, is optional. Version (oneiric), package size 1064 kB, installed size 2216 kB07:03
cdm10ActionParsnip: It's probably best I don't try to troubleshoot this now, given that I'm not actually on Ubuntu... if I were, I wouldn't be able to get to this chatroom :)07:03
ActionParsnipcdm10: try disabling n speed, may give a stable connection07:03
DarwinSurvivorcdm10: you can always try wicd, i've had luck with that in the past for "non-standard" networks07:04
DarwinSurvivorcdm10: just make sure you have a wired connection first, installing wicd on ubuntu removes network-manager :(07:04
cdm10ActionParsnip: I'll try that, though I sure as heck won't be happy about connecting to my university's obscenely fast network with slow wireless :-/07:04
ActionParsnipcdm10: at 54mbps you'll be fine07:04
cdm10DarwinSurvivor: As a result of Research, my school has found out that something like 3% of students actually used the wired. They disconnected all our ports.07:04
supreethz3r0d3rp: I see that Reddit is some form of link ranking (from Wiki). I wasn't just posting a link; in case you missed my second line, I'm looking for those offset values for the Ubuntu 10.04 with kernel 2.6.32-33-generic.07:04
DarwinSurvivorcdm10: OUCH. if they have a physical IT help center, they might have a wired connection there07:05
cdm10ActionParsnip: But how will I download the latest Ubuntu image in approximately a minute??! It will be a sad, sad existence.07:05
DarwinSurvivorcdm10: or you could get someone with a laptop to make a bridge for you07:05
stripewould I be able to get write privalages on a seperate hard drive by edeiting the fstab file07:05
cdm10DarwinSurvivor: As it happens, one of my friends had to do that in order to use Lion Internet Recovery on his Mac, and they were helpful (He basically said techie stuff and convinced them he was techie-qualified.) I'm even better off, I work for a division of our IT, just not the part concerned with the network.07:06
ActionParsnipcdm10: just grab the daily now, then upgrade into the stable.07:07
z3r0d3rpsupreeth, if you don't know what reddit is... I highly doubt you will find the information you are looking for07:07
cdm10ActionParsnip: I was mostly joking :)07:07
z3r0d3rpsrsly that's just ridiculous07:07
sacarlsonz3r0d3rp: nope I see no tor package in synaptic in ubuntu  10.04 or Lubuntu 10.0407:08
supreethz3r0d3rp: Ha, well I'll have to take my chances then!07:08
P-CHANActionParsnip: go se07:08
z3r0d3rpthat's your problem right there07:08
cdm10DarwinSurvivor: The fun bit is that no ethernet means no wired phone lines (We've gone VoIP), and my dorm in the basement doesn't get much cell service. I would have actually wanted a landline...07:08
ActionParsnipcdm10: if you run: sudo lshw -C network    you will see the driver module driving the device and you can then see how to disable n speed using websearches07:09
DarwinSurvivorcdm10: ouch, voip over wifi?07:09
sacarlsonz3r0d3rp: In Lubuntu I installed the tor package deb direct for the tor group07:09
ActionParsnipP-CHAN: you lost me07:09
alphanumhi guys07:09
alphanumI'm looking into ec2 using ubuntu07:09
P-CHANActionParsnip: :(07:10
cdm10DarwinSurvivor: No, voip over wired, though presumably there are some wireless voip phones somewhere because there's a voice network. From what I've heard from my boss, replacing the analog PBX with IP-PBX went from a room of switching equipment to like 3 racks for the whole campus.07:10
ActionParsnipP-CHAN: 'go se' isn't a sentence07:10
z3r0d3rpsacarlson, try running vidalia07:11
z3r0d3rpthat should start your relay07:11
sacarlsonz3r0d3rp: yes it comes up fine in vidalia07:11
z3r0d3rpthen you want to use either torbutton in firefox07:11
cdm10ActionParsnip: I'll try disabling N, sounds like a reasonable if regrettable workaround. But, curious, why do you think that might work?07:11
BagelsHi, is there an app that would let me zoom in on my screen?  I used to have one called Zoom in/out but I can't find a package anymore.  It simply changed the resolution to something lower, so that my fat fingers could use the touchscreen07:11
z3r0d3rpor socks 5 on 9050 or 9051 in foxy proxy/manual07:11
z3r0d3rpopen vidalia and click on the advanced tab07:12
z3r0d3rpthis should show you where you are listening07:12
ActionParsnipcdm10: it's worked in the past. Some chips have issues with it.07:12
z3r0d3rpmine happens to be on 905107:12
z3r0d3rpusually it is 905007:12
vexaxvisnt ubuntu 12.04 or 10 whatever supposed to be out right now?07:13
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vexaxvor is the beta still on?07:13
DarwinSurvivor!outyet | vexaxv07:13
ubottuvexaxv: Nope! Ubuntu 12.04 is scheduled for release sometime on April 26th. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party while you're waiting!07:13
ActionParsnipcdm10: or use the lshw output to find guides which may allow you to keep n with other options07:14
xukunI'm thinking of buying a new workstation for mainly using with ubuntu. Can anybody advice me a motherboard and cpu?07:14
vexaxvjoin #ubuntu-release-party07:14
yuri__Question: Does 32-bit/64-bit really matter? I have 2 gigs of RAM and the 4 gig limit seems to be the only reason to go 64-bit so far.07:14
MechanisMwhen ubuntu going to be released?(I know today, I mean time)07:14
yuri__Or is it just a personal preference for the most part?07:14
ActionParsnipvexaxv: read the motd. Massive clue there, clear as day07:14
z3r0d3rpsupreeth, I told you where to find your answers07:15
yuri__Woops. How do I get the motd on here?07:15
cdm10yuri__: With 12.04, coming out today, 64-bit should have far fewer issues running older 32-bit software. As far as I'm aware, there's no reason to use 32-bit any more.07:15
z3r0d3rpbut since your web research skills are border line retarded07:15
z3r0d3rpI have no faith that you will find them07:15
ActionParsnipyuri__: do you intend to do audio and video encoding?07:15
yuri__No encoding. Just programming. Once I remember how. ;) Almost 16 years away from C++ might take me a week or two to remember it all. ;)07:16
vexaxvwhats the join command i forgot07:16
cdm10vexaxv: then how'd you get here? :P /join07:16
cdm10vexaxv: or /j for short07:17
ActionParsnipyuri__: i'd go 32bit unless 64bit benefits compilation07:17
yuri__That's my thing. I can't see a reason for 64bit. Yeah, my CPU is 64bit, but I have had more troubles with it even in Win7 64 than I don't know what. :)07:17
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cdm10yuri__: I'm just curious, what issues have you had with 64bit stuff?07:18
z3r0d3rppeople who use 32 bit systems on 64 bit processors should be kicked in the balls07:18
ActionParsnipyuri__: id go 32bit if it were me07:18
xranby_ac100z3r0d3rp: ouch.. well i do that to test ia32 bit compatiblity07:18
yuri__And in regards to programming, most of my code is 32-bit. As for issues, well, everything from general instabilities in windows to memory leaks in ubuntu. I compile the kernel and my system slows to a screeching halt for ever. I have to reboot to get it back into shape.07:18
yuri__If my code isn't 32-bit, it's 16-bit. I have a friend who still runs a 486 with win 95. ;)07:19
ukbeastis today the 12.04 final release?07:19
sacarlsonI think I just found out that the proxy switchy doesn't work in the Lubuntu version of chromium.  but there must be a method?07:19
iceroot_ukbeast: yes07:19
z3r0d3rpprotip: 32 bit architecture is obsolete07:19
ActionParsnipyuri__: i hope its a DX ;-)07:20
P-CHANz3r0d3rp: but there is few programs running in 64 bits07:20
yuri__Yeah. 486/100DX.07:20
* ukbeast waits excitedly for iso07:20
P-CHANukbeast: Me too because I am on 10.0407:20
z3r0d3rpin 5 years 32 bit everything will be gone07:20
ActionParsnipz3r0d3rp: 5 years != obsolete07:21
yuri__It's funny. I was playing with my thumb drive and assembler the other day and even after 16 years away from coding, I can still remember how to make a bootsector and rudimentary kernel from scratch. ;)07:21
P-CHANstop ethical discussion07:21
P-CHANstio the ethics or hipocrisie07:22
ukbeastP-CHAN: I'm using 12.04 Beta 2 and it runs great and it only had 2 program crashes which now are gone07:22
cdm10z3r0d3rp: Intel was making 386's until '0707:22
P-CHANukbeast:  good07:22
z3r0d3rpapparently some people still use them07:22
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ukbeastIntel 945 is OLD :'(07:22
P-CHANukbeast:  I am downloading Apodio linux but07:23
yuri__I ran on an old 386 until '96. Then I got a 486 and a Pii Pro dual processor back in 98. Then a P4 in 2000 and last year a AMD Phenom II triple core. ;)07:23
P-CHANthis is outdated to run in my usb stick07:23
z3r0d3rpthere is no real reason to install a 32 bit system on a 64 bit machine unless you absolutely cannot find hardware drivers07:23
z3r0d3rpit's a detriment to progress07:23
P-CHANz3r0d3rp: I linux word 64 bit in very unstable07:24
yuri__All my hardware, 'cept for the mobo and cpu, are 32-bit software still.07:24
ukbeast1st time unity came around was the ubuntu netbook remix07:24
P-CHANCanonical recommends 32 bits07:24
z3r0d3rpI have run 64 bit Linux systems for 4 years and no issues07:24
z3r0d3rpnot one07:24
P-CHANz3r0d3rp: you are lying07:24
z3r0d3rpno I am not07:24
ActionParsnipz3r0d3rp: or you want zsnes packaged and have limited space and are not confident with compilation07:24
P-CHANJAVA 64 Bits crashes every time07:25
yuri__Compiling other people's stuff is easier than writing my own.07:25
Dazed_75ditto, 64 bit ubuntu on 3 machines for years now07:25
z3r0d3rpP-CHAN, sounds like you have bad hardware07:25
z3r0d3rpor fail at Linux07:25
z3r0d3rpI've never had an issue07:25
ukbeastHow dare adobe remove hardware acceleration from flash 11, I still use 10,207:25
Bennlucky7lol..my sun java is fine07:25
MechanisMP-CHAN I have 64 and not crashes for java07:25
P-CHANz3r0d3rp: why WINDOWS works fine in all machines?07:25
z3r0d3rpukbeast, they removed it?07:26
P-CHANand linux not?07:26
cdm10P-CHAN: I certainly don't agree with z3r0d3rp and his bad manners, but I also want to mention that I haven't had any issues with 64-bit since I got a 64-bit machine.07:26
z3r0d3rpbecause you are installing the wrong distros07:26
ActionParsnipz3r0d3rp: my lappy is a dual core 32bit, runs fine. Not had an issue with 64bit either tbh07:26
z3r0d3rpor your video card is shit07:26
z3r0d3rpor some other such thing07:26
yuri__Heh. Want a heck of an LOL?! Win7 will install on a 486/100DX, takes a day thought just to install and like half-an-hour to boot. ;)07:26
P-CHANz3r0d3rp: Why canonical recommends 32 bits in download page?07:26
Bennlucky7windows 4 noob07:27
P-CHANcanonical is owner of ubuntu.07:27
ActionParsnipP-CHAN: simple07:27
ukbeast10.2 I get solid 25 fp/s on youtube, 11 it's half that07:27
yuri__Prolly so they don' have someone like me starting debates about 32-bit/64-bit. ;)07:27
z3r0d3rpbecause canonical knows that lots of people with old machines don't know what architecture they have07:27
z3r0d3rpand 32 bit will work on any07:27
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y0ugHi, Someone now the hour for the release?07:27
yuri__For now. Rumor has it that AMD is realing a 128-bit processor next year which won't run 32-bit anymore.07:27
ukbeastUnity has really came a LONG way07:28
Bagelsdoes unity interferewith compiz? I change things in compiz and nothing happens07:28
z3r0d3rpunity uses compiz07:28
ukbeastCompiz hates gnome and unity unless you do some hack work07:28
z3r0d3rpbut not in 2d mode07:28
ActionParsnipP-CHAN: 32bit will run on BOTH 64bit and 32bit. The target audience of Ubuntu is the average user. So if they are not sure, they can use the recommended and it will work07:28
chalcedonymy husband has a new brother printer  it can't find the file brlpdwrappermfcj6710dw on ubuntu 10.1007:29
yuri__Turboprint works wonders.07:29
joemppeyuri__, how much RAM can you stick in a 486DX :o\07:29
yuri__Mine only took 512MB.07:29
ActionParsnipchalcedony: maverick is eol07:29
yuri__I've seen a few 486s that take 1 gig.07:29
Bagelsukbeast: z3r0d3rp so what does that mean for me? I'm using unity 2D07:29
yuri__But they were usually server machines.07:30
joemppewell that should be enough to boot win707:30
z3r0d3rpbagels compiz won't work in unity 2d07:30
chalcedonyActionParsnip, sigh, we will upgrade him soon07:30
ukbeastUse Xcfe or another session07:30
ActionParsnipchalcedony: brother make 32bit Linux drivers. Try there07:30
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z3r0d3rppeople run unity in 2d? who knew?07:30
Bagelsz3r0d3rp: what does it work with then, I want to zoom and do alt+tab07:30
chalcedonyActionParsnip, oh - will it work on 64bit?07:30
z3r0d3rpsorry bagels no can do07:31
yuri__As far as printers, I have a Canon Pixma 250P, I hate the thing. I had to buy turboprint in order to get the ink level under linux.07:31
ActionParsnipz3r0d3rp: i do, i hate compiz07:31
yuri__Couldn't get the drivers for it to work under wine. :(07:31
chalcedonyyuri__, ouch sorry07:31
ukbeastWine does not run drivers07:31
Bagelsz3r0d3rp: what, can't use compiz at all in ubuntu? is that what you're saying? I doubt that very much, sir :(07:31
ActionParsnipchalcedony: could force the arch I guess07:31
chalcedonyActionParsnip, debian.07:31
yuri__Yeah, found that out the hard way, ukbeast. ;)07:31
chalcedonyActionParsnip, um how?07:32
ukbeastBecause It does not go near the kernal files07:32
tarzeauit's not released yet?07:32
z3r0d3rpbagels 2d = no effects07:32
ActionParsnipchalcedony: what of Debian?07:32
Bagelsz3r0d3rp: so if I switch to unity 3D can I have effects? I can log out and change my interface07:32
z3r0d3rp3d even works on my old p4 box from 200407:32
chalcedonyoh you said you don't like compiz, not unity07:33
ActionParsnipBagels: 2D = no dumb compiz glitches07:33
z3r0d3rpyou have to install gpu drivers07:33
yuri__*sigh* It is taking sooooo long to tar and compress my home directory. It's only 18gb. :(07:33
z3r0d3rpotherwise you are stuck07:33
tarzeauyuri__: compress using gzip or something else?07:33
z3r0d3rpunity 2d is meant to support ancient hardware07:33
ActionParsnipchalcedony: check man dpkg07:33
P-CHANz3r0d3rp: no reason for desktop 3d07:34
P-CHANeyecandy sux07:34
tarzeauz3r0d3rp: ubuntu doesn't support ancient hardware07:34
ukbeastUnity 3d has a weakness, under Driconf, enable Enable_stub ARB07:34
ActionParsnipz3r0d3rp: not strictly07:34
z3r0d3rpsure it does07:34
P-CHANI prefer Kde07:34
z3r0d3rp10.04 will run on anything practically07:34
tarzeauz3r0d3rp: certainly it does not07:34
cdm10z3r0d3rp: I have hardware from not that long ago which runs Compiz very slowly. You're simply wrong about this -- some older but not ANCIENT systems DO work better without compiz.07:34
chalcedonyActionParsnip, ty07:34
BagelsActionParsnip: z3r0d3rp So even if I log in with Unity 3D I still have to do some fiddling to get things like alt+tab working again?07:34
tarzeauz3r0d3rp: no you can't run it on hardware that's ancient07:34
z3r0d3rpI didn't say work well07:34
yuri__I haven't tried unity yet. Tried just about all flavors of linux back in the 90s, though. ;)07:34
ukbeastWould you say Intel 945GME is ancient?07:34
tarzeauz3r0d3rp: yes i know, it will not work at all on ancient hardware07:35
z3r0d3rpI said 2d is meant for ancient07:35
tarzeauz3r0d3rp: simply because linux dropped support for 386 machines07:35
ActionParsnipz3r0d3rp: even if I had the most graphically powerful PC I STILL wound use 2D07:35
P-CHANintel945 isnt ancient07:35
tarzeauz3r0d3rp: and there's some old machines which can't have more than 32 or 64 mb memory07:35
P-CHANKDE 4 runs fine07:35
z3r0d3rpI define anything older that a pentium 3 ancient07:35
ukbeastKDE?, Boo!07:35
z3r0d3rpso not that ancient07:36
z3r0d3rpbut I also consider a pentium 3 ancient07:36
P-CHANukbeast: boo? Mark Shuttlerwork uses KDE07:36
P-CHANLinus Torvalds prefer KDE07:36
ActionParsnipz3r0d3rp: you can run Lubuntu well on a P207:36
hnsz P-CHAN not anymore he came back on that07:36
ukbeastIt just looks over complicated07:36
z3r0d3rpLubuntu is as resource intensive as unity07:37
ActionParsnipP-CHAN: yeah, well the Linux standard base species RPM, not DEB....07:37
P-CHANActionParsnip: ???????07:37
ukbeastDebian, I <307:37
z3r0d3rpRPM is standard because of Red Hat?07:38
z3r0d3rplol no07:38
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ActionParsnipz3r0d3rp: its really not. I have P2 systems and Unit07:38
z3r0d3rplikely more installs using .deb07:38
ActionParsnipz3r0d3rp: kills it dead07:38
yuri__RH has been around since 1990. It went proprietary-ish back in 99, I believe.07:38
ukbeastAlien works a treat for those non .Deb files07:39
yuri__I remember my first experience with Debian. Scared me. Lost my RH disc and couldn't download RH no more. Even tried FreeBSD, that lasted all fo one day. Couldn't even get my mouse to work. ;)07:39
z3r0d3rpI dislike red hat based distros07:39
P-CHANLinux haves very very interfaces but few programs07:39
P-CHANor gimp or krita for example07:39
ukbeastOpenShot :) kicks windows movie makers BUTT07:40
yuri__*hides at the mention of the W word* How dare you cuss in public like that, ukbeast. ;)07:40
z3r0d3rpevery time I go back to test the latest Fedora... I last about a day and then remember why I hate it07:40
P-CHANukbeast: Torrents >>>>>>> OpenShot07:40
P-CHANKeygen, crack uhul07:40
SunTsuWouldn't that be topics for -offtopic?07:40
yuri__Old redhat was awesome. Before it went proprietary and Fedora I agree is a scary experience.07:40
sajugetting error mknod: missing operand after `10'07:41
sajuwhen executing # mknod /dev/kvm c 10 `grep '\<kvm\>' /proc/misc | cut -f 1 -d\ `07:41
ukbeastAlso Blender, I wish I have a proper tower for that, *Is on SAMSUNG N13007:41
ikoniasaju: what arey ou doing ?07:42
* ActionParsnip misses Mandrake 7. Great days07:42
z3r0d3rpthe real problem is that once you get spoiled by the way Ubuntu handles permission and by apt - going back makes you feel like someone just made your life difficult for no reason07:42
z3r0d3rpit makes sense in a corporate environment I suppose07:42
l3dso lost on how to get a downloaded theme to worl?07:42
z3r0d3rpbut no being able to change printers without root is dumb07:42
sajui want to create /dev/kvm07:42
yuri__I had a Fedora server for a year. Hated everyday. It kept breaking constantly.07:42
stripe# sdb1 backup drive07:42
stripeUUID=5bcedfb4-6c9c-4da6-9bf0-ce2a3a7e4a37 /media/backup ext4 defaults 0 1 does this look about right to add to fstab so that I can make another hard drive writable07:42
SunTsusaju: you don't need to mknod anymore, /dev is taken care by udev now07:43
z3r0d3rpI always run Debian for servers, but I always have07:43
ActionParsnipsaju: i'd ask in #bash too.07:43
z3r0d3rpold habits I suppose07:43
sajui got that command from http://forum.soft32.com/linux/open-dev-kvm-file-directory-ftopict337826.html07:43
ikoniasaju: why do you want to create that ?07:43
P-CHANyuri__:  who cares. Ubuntu haves better support in google07:43
P-CHANMint oin first07:43
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:43
ikoniasaju: what are you trying to do and why ?07:43
ikoniaguys, can we stop with the tedious distro memories please.07:43
yuri__And I was having such fun while waiting for my hard drive to backup. I hate IDE. ;)07:44
sajugetting error when strating VM07:44
saju/dev/kvm: No such file or directory\nCould not initialize KVM,07:44
ukbeastI never touched system files before (Back on Win****) I have a great confidence in tinkering with modprobe to blacklist a wlan driver which was buggy on 11.1007:44
ikoniasaju: right, what version of ubuntu are you using ?07:44
SunTsusaju: then you don't have kvm support in your kernel07:44
P-CHANpega na minha benga cambada de feladaputa07:45
ikoniaP-CHAN: stop07:45
P-CHANikonia: ok07:45
SunTsu!pt | P-CHAN07:45
ubottuP-CHAN: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.07:45
Guest82801the wireless mouse keeps freezing on my laptop when running on battery only07:45
scienteshow do i use the linux2.6 personliaty?07:45
scientesi only see linux32 linux6407:45
skramer_how do I set up forked-daapd properly? I can see the tracks, but when I try to play there´s no sound in Banshee nor in Rhythmbox...07:45
ikoniasaju: is the kvm module loaded ?07:46
ukbeastBanshee? Clementine is the ticket mate ;)07:46
z3r0d3rpGuest82801, I'm guessing that your usb ports are being powered down07:46
z3r0d3rpprobably ACPI issue07:46
z3r0d3rpcheck in bios07:46
P-CHANCANONICAL must support MATE with GTK307:46
skramer_ukbeast: you mean I install Clementine & then I should be able to listen to my music??07:46
ikoniaP-CHAN: STOP, now07:46
Guest82801z3r0d3rp, in bios? shouldn't this be in the OS?07:47
sajulsmod | grep kvm07:47
sajukvm                   305988  007:47
P-CHANikonia: why now?07:47
ukbeastAlso is ubuntu-restricted installed?07:47
ukbeastit gives you all the codecs you need07:47
ikoniaP-CHAN: do you need support yes/no ?07:47
schultzawhen will 12.4 be release?07:48
ikoniasaju: right, so udev should create that kvm node, you shouldn't have to manually create that07:48
skramer_yes, it is. In fact, it had mt-daapd working already. But after switching to forked-daapd I ran into problems...07:48
P-CHANikonia: yes man... My nokia 6111 hang on ubuntu07:48
ikoniasaju: the most common cause for it not getting created is your CPU does't properly support virtualisation07:48
ikoniaP-CHAN: what do you mean your phone hangs on ubuntu ?07:48
ukbeastHas anyone been region restricted when watching a dvd? Not happen to me I'm curios does it happen on ubuntu07:48
z3r0d3rpGuest0498, the settings for you your computer handles ACPI are in hardware... often times there are options such as powering down peripherals to save power07:49
yuri__You know, I never thought to play my doctor who dvd under linux. I thought the region stuff was firmware based in the dvd-drive itself.07:49
P-CHANikonia: WHen I use Nokia as modem with chrome, chromium or srware iron and closes ubuntu stops or when the SCREEN turn off07:50
P-CHAN[it only happen in uncle ubuntu07:50
morpheezedoes anybody have a rough idea when the final images will be available for download?07:50
ukbeastI had one scrambled trailer on my anime DVD, *tries to remember name07:50
z3r0d3rpsometimes laptops and netbooks that are shipped with Windows OEM have drivers to help out with these type of things... in linux it might not send the proper signal to wake them07:50
kaushalwhat is the exact time 12.04 will be released to public ?07:51
z3r0d3rpso you might be able to turn off ACPI control of your peripheral in BIOS07:51
z3r0d3rpthat would probably fix it07:51
ikoniaP-CHAN: I'm sorry, I don't understand what you are saying, chrome is a web browser, it has no relevence to a modem07:51
ikoniaukbeast: donesn't matter about the name07:51
P-CHANikonia: no are you sure?07:51
ikoniakaushal: no-one knows,07:51
ikoniaP-CHAN: positive07:51
P-CHANikonia:  Why it occurs only with my cell phone?07:52
schultzaare there any issues upgrading distros... not a complete reinstall?07:52
ikoniaP-CHAN: I don't know what you're actually asking07:52
z3r0d3rpiconia he is saying that he tethers to his phone and it crashes07:52
ikoniaschultza: upgrades are fully supported07:52
schultzathanks, ikonia07:52
ukbeastanyone get stuntrally working?07:52
P-CHANikonia: SOMETIMes i use nokia 6111 in ubuntu as modem07:53
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ikoniaz3r0d3rp: thank you07:53
schultzashould i wait to upgrade lts to lts or can i go closer right now?07:53
fidel_schultza: you can do both - so at the end its your decision07:53
yuri__Ah. I meant to ask that a little while ago. Can we go from final beta to lts or does it have to be lts to lts?07:53
ukbeastI installed it off playdeb and crashes after loading before race07:53
schultzawhich would be better? safer? (trying not to reinstall and loose data)07:54
jackbrownhfanyone available ? how can i set a plugin in xchat permanently ?07:54
ikoniaukbeast: contact playdeb then07:54
ikoniaukbeast: it's their package07:54
ukbeastI'm upgrading in update manager07:54
z3r0d3rpukbeast google is your friend... it's likely that someone else is probably having the same issue07:55
ikoniaukbeast: just contact playdeb, they build those packages, they support them, the same as this channel supports ubuntu's packages07:55
ukbeastOK thanks07:56
schultzai think ubuntu should have rolling release codebase imho07:56
ikoniaschultza: well it's not so thanks for that comment07:56
z3r0d3rpproblem with rolling releases is that they force people to update to potentially less stable packages07:57
z3r0d3rpsome people hate change07:57
ikoniawell, it's not a rolling release so no need for discussion07:57
schultzaouch... sorry for putting fuel in the fire07:57
ukbeastDon't go nuts for this comment, Which is a good recommended AV?07:59
z3r0d3rpfor Windows?07:59
z3r0d3rpdon't need one for Ubuntu07:59
ukbeastThey are possibilities, it's not 100% protected08:00
QueopsIf you are not careful08:00
QueopsIf you still insist there is ClamAV, but might be more useful to scan your windows partitions than anything lol.08:00
z3r0d3rpI work in netsec... and I can tell you with certainty that AV does not benefit linux08:01
yuri__Are there any DVD design programs for Linux similar to Sony DVD Architect? I tried DVD Styler, but it keeps freezing half way through the render process.08:01
z3r0d3rpif you are going to get hacked it will be by weak service exploit08:01
Dragos29who help me08:01
z3r0d3rpor rogue trojan that you willfully installed08:01
Dragos29i have a problem with ubuntu08:01
ukbeastI saw that Mac got hit with trojan08:02
iceroot_!details | Dragos2908:02
ubottuDragos29: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."08:02
ukbeastIs it unix based?08:02
z3r0d3rpukbeast, that was a hole in Java08:02
iceroot_ukbeast: yes and offtopic here08:02
ukbeastAH I see08:02
Dragos29i installed ubuntu 11.1008:02
Dragos29and i clicked on restart08:03
Rojubuntu have any dvd version?with most app for install like open suse dvd?08:03
iceroot_Roj: yes08:03
vexaxvcant waittttttt for ubuntu 12.0408:03
Dragos29Occur when loading ubuntu I do not get to write user and password08:03
iceroot_!download | Roj08:03
ubottuRoj: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Oneiric, and help keeping the servers' load low!08:03
yuri__GRRR! I want 1204.08:04
iceroot_yuri__: then get it08:04
Dragos29*stopping save kernel messages08:04
Dragos29*starting bluetooth08:05
Amdpc!enter Dragos2908:05
iceroot_Dragos29: no GUI comes up? just the boot-messages?08:05
vexaxvyuri__, i do too official though not beta08:05
Amdpc!enter | Dragos2908:05
ubottuDragos29: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:05
MultiplyHi guys. I recently tried upgrading my ubuntu server, and it went fine with the first upgrade. And the next one didn't reboot, so I forced the machine off, and back on. Now I'm stuck at grub. How do I get into the system now?08:05
Roji need dvd version it is cd version  :-)08:05
iceroot_Multiply: grub is offering you different kernel-version to boot?08:05
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yuri__That's my question though, is this like win where you can not go from beta to final or can I do that? Beta to final. Upgrading.08:06
iceroot_Roj: look at the links there is the dvd also08:06
Multiplyiceroot_: It's more like cmdline only08:06
iceroot_Roj: imo on "alternate download locations"08:06
vexaxvyuri__, official will be out today just wait lol08:06
Amdpc@Roj : May I pm you ?08:06
iceroot_Multiply: some text about "busybox"?08:06
Ben64yuri__: yes you can update from beta to final08:06
z3r0d3rphe's dropped into grub rescue08:06
iceroot_!final | yuri__08:06
ubottuyuri__: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.08:06
Multiplyiceroot_: All it says is Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported. And then GRUB version 1.98-1ubuntu1308:07
StarminnHow can I backup my GPG/SSH data so I can use it still once I make a fresh install of Ubuntu 12.04?08:07
z3r0d3rpyeah it can't find your kernel08:07
yuri__I'm only anxious because my system is running in RAM only right now. I went to switch for MAWK to GAWK and lost a lot of core files for ubuntu. :(08:07
yuri__I know, it makes no sense to me either.08:07
iceroot_yuri__: i asked you about some output still no response so we can not solve your issue08:08
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z3r0d3rplol yuri__  at least you have a reason for a full new install08:08
z3r0d3rpI am going to stick with 11.10 until the initial bugs are worked out08:08
yuri__I gave output. Must have gotten lost in all the chatter.08:08
yuri__Lemme grab it again real quick.08:08
iceroot_yuri__: fine, any output of "dpkg -l | grep -v ^ii | grep -v ^rc"?08:08
yuri__iF  install-info                          4.13a.dfsg.1-8ubuntu1                   Manage installed documentation in info format08:09
Multiplyiceroot_: I've tried a few tips from google, but I can't seem to get my root right. I know (hd0,1) and (lb1-root) have content.08:09
theotixWhat news about the LTS version ?08:09
Multiplyiceroot_: Where it seems (lb1-root) is having most of my files.08:09
iceroot_yuri__: that is the only output?08:10
yuri__Besides the key above that eplaining about the captial text and errors.08:10
KeithWeissharwhen will ubuntu 12.04 be released08:11
z3r0d3rpmultiply can you boot into a live dist to see what's actually where?08:11
z3r0d3rpbecause the fastest way might be to chroot into your box and reinstall grub08:12
StarminnHow can I backup my GPG/SSH data so I can use it still once I make a fresh install of Ubuntu 12.04?08:12
Multiplyz3r0d3rp: It's a virtual machine, and I can't seem to get it to boot from any of my iso files.08:12
z3r0d3rpif that doesn't work you might need to fix other things via chroot08:12
_r00t_Happy Ubuntu Day08:12
iceroot_yuri__: "sudo dpkg --configure -a"08:12
z3r0d3rpmultiply if it's vmware you can boot a live dist and mount the image as a drive08:13
dArKd3ViLis it out yet?08:13
KeithWeissharwill 12.04 be released later today?08:13
z3r0d3rpI'm not sure if you can do that in virtualbox08:13
ikoniadArKd3ViL: no, or it would be on the web page, think it through08:13
Multiplyz3r0d3rp: It is. Can I do that from the webinterface?08:13
yuri__exit status 127.08:13
z3r0d3rpnot sure08:13
z3r0d3rpyou might have to do it in vmware workstation08:14
pawdro@OPS - i suggest placing some note about release moment of Pangolin :) users' flood is coming ;]08:14
dArKd3ViLi am just playing with irc bots here, if there are any :P08:14
z3r0d3rpand use a network connection to mount the drive08:14
ikoniadArKd3ViL: well don't08:14
Multiplyz3r0d3rp: It's a vSphere instance I assume08:14
MultiplyIs there no way, I can solve it from the bash-line to just get in?08:15
z3r0d3rphmm I haven't actually had to do what you are doing08:15
MultiplyAnd then run the grub installer08:15
z3r0d3rpyou don't have a bash prompt08:15
MultiplyI do.08:15
z3r0d3rpthat is a grub rescue prompt08:15
z3r0d3rpyou have bash?08:15
MultiplyWell, grub's simple one08:15
yuri__My bash disappeared along with the rest of my core files.08:15
z3r0d3rpwell the problem is that it's not finding your kernel image08:15
z3r0d3rpso either it's not there08:15
z3r0d3rpwhich is probably the problem08:15
MultiplyI think I'm setting the root wrong.08:15
z3r0d3rpor the cfg is wrong08:15
BagelsHow can I attach a script to my Unity bar?08:16
xuserxwhen will be ubuntu 12.04 relased?08:16
yuri__All my kernel stuff is still in my boot directory.08:16
ikoniaxuserx: at some point during the day08:16
ikoniayuri__: your kernel should be in /boot08:16
Multiplyz3r0d3rp: Can I change the config from here?08:16
yuri__ikonia: All of it is. the initrd, the config and the vmlinuz.08:16
ikoniayuri__: correct, that's where it should be08:17
z3r0d3rpI dunno Multiply unless you can figure out a way to mount the drive in vmware and access it from another vm I don't know how to help08:17
z3r0d3rpperhaps someone else is better with a rescue prompt08:17
Dragos29who is from romania??08:17
xuserxim from romania08:18
BagelsI have a script I can run by double-clicking, but how can I make it so I can just run it from my Unity bar?08:18
Multiplyz3r0d3rp: It's okay. :) Well, I get it to sorta boot. It says it tries to mount /dev/ to /root/dev but fails. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing tho08:18
z3r0d3rpI know that it's possible in vmware workstation but I am not sure of the specifics08:18
Dragos29poti sa ma ajuti?08:18
MultiplyIt should be possible, but it didn't seem to work earlier.08:18
MultiplyAnyone else familiar with grubs resque prompt?08:19
z3r0d3rpwhat version did you update?08:19
MultiplyFrom 10.4 I assume, and up.08:20
MultiplyFirst update went fine, tho.08:20
goschtlhi need help in configuering my network in a ubuntu server.... i have two network cards the first is configured via the install process in works fine.... now i try to configure my second08:20
goschtlbut it does not work08:20
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goschtlcan i paste my /etc/network/interfaces08:21
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yuri__Well, I'm going to assume that my system is a lost cause and take off for the night. Hopefully later today I can get 1204 LTS and in the meantime I will hope the power doesn't go out here. ;) Night.08:21
z3r0d3rpyeah I gotta call it a night08:21
nicon`Hello :-) Is there any informations when can I expect new ubuntu 12.04 in download?08:21
ikonianicon`: no08:22
ubottuNope! Ubuntu 12.04 is scheduled for release sometime on April 26th. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party while you're waiting!08:22
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z3r0d3rpgood luck Multiply, if you have vmware workstation installed look up the procedure for mounting a network drive08:22
schultzareally? today!?08:22
z3r0d3rpfirst create a new vm locally, then mount the network image08:22
z3r0d3rpthen chroot and troubleshoot from there08:23
* z3r0d3rp winks, this is why you always make backups right?08:23
Multiplyz3r0d3rp: Thanks.08:24
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gobloghallo all .. is there a new i915 driver?08:27
goblogI think the old one is minting my laptop badly08:28
goblogit's so so hot08:28
vak123am I going to be kicked from channel is ask "when?"08:29
ikoniavak123: no, but the answer is "no set time"08:29
nicon`ikonia: you've got some serious complexes :-)08:29
vak123ikonia: oah...08:29
SunTsuMaybe somebody should mention !outyet in /topic08:29
ikoniaSunTsu: no-one reads the topic,08:29
vak123ikonia: i do!08:30
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ikoniavak123: clearly you do'nt as it says "12.04 questions in the ubuntu+1 channel, not here"08:30
paulus68nicon`: Ikonia doesn't have complexes he's one of the backbones of Ubuntu support over the years that I use ubuntu08:30
SunTsuikonia: then we're not off worse if it's mentioned there ;)08:30
nicon`paulus68: as I use Ubuntu over the years I didn't need support, so I don't care, sorry :-)08:31
nicon`(so I don't care who he is)*08:31
n1gzbacktrack is where its at08:31
schultzano we dont... we just want to talk to all these fine ppl here and ask all kinds of questions.... im kidding/playing08:31
vak123ikonia: this is true, but this channel should know when it "dies" better :)08:32
ikonian1gz: that's offtopic here, so please keep to Ubuntu support08:32
SunTsunicon`: you were told that you're being rude. There are two ways to react to that: apologize or keep on being rude. You chose to do the latter and now complain about the consequences in a different channel you were told to discuss it. Well...08:32
ikoniaSunTsu: let it go please, it's pointless.08:32
paulus68nicon`: if you don't need support why are you here then ?08:32
nicon`paulus68: to ask about release? :-)08:32
nicon`Because it's kinda important for me can I except it in one hour, or ten hours? :-)08:33
ikonianicon`: great, you've got your answer, so problem solved.08:33
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+108:33
paulus68nicon`: no need to ask about the release as akonia mentioned previously it will come out sometime today08:33
ikoniapaulus68: he's got the answer, so it's all sorted, lets not drag it on08:33
paulus68nicon`: 26/04/201208:33
paulus68ikonia: got you08:33
ikoniapaulus68: thank you08:33
nicon`paulus68: did you read what I wrote? I know it's today, thanks for informations.08:34
dataviruset12:04 today, I hope :D08:34
nicon`dataviruset: the question is: which time zone ;-)08:34
ikoniathere is no question as there is no set time08:34
datavirusetnicon`: Ah, yes :D08:35
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adityaubuntu is released when everything is verified to be working, There is no set time08:36
alex--I did sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cooperjona/nitrotasks && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install nitrotasks08:37
mathewsgo to www.ubuntu.com and keep pressing f5!!!!08:38
_r00t_Last day to support 11.10 ! No more palming off questions to #ubuntu+1 :)08:38
alex--but when i do apt-get update i get:            W: Ophalen van http://ppa.launchpad.net/cooperjona/nitrotasks/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/source/Sources is mislukt  404  Not Found                  W: Ophalen van http://ppa.launchpad.net/cooperjona/nitrotasks/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/binary-i386/Packages is mislukt  404  Not Found                    E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.08:38
adityainsted of ubuntu.com try http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/12.04/08:38
MultiplyI'm stuck at grub bash-like line editing prompt.. I'm on a virtual server, and I think I got it to include my iso as a CD. How do I boot on the CD?08:39
ikoniaaditya: no, do NOT post that08:39
TanvirWhen 12.04 will be available to download?08:40
pengwI want to ask the same question08:41
TanvirIt's already 14:04 here. :-P08:41
pengwit is 20:41 here08:41
mathewsTanvir, after it get uploaded!08:41
dataviruset10:41 here :)08:41
aditya14:11 here08:41
TanvirI know it's still 22:41 of 25th in Tahiti. LOL08:41
TanvirBut we are not counting on Tahiti I think.. :-P08:41
pengw20:41 in New Zealand :-P08:42
=== Jacky is now known as JackyAlcine
mathewsI am from Qatar and the time is 11:42:2108:42
fl1bbl3I am from somewhere that can use www.timeanddate.com08:42
TanvirPengw, you are about to say goodbye to 26th! o.O08:42
Ztanehehe new zealanders likely to have to wait until tomorrow?08:42
waitingwow, it's only 10:45 here08:42
killfoo_where do i get a torrent to download it?08:42
mathewslet us readjust the cushion and sit back08:43
pengwso  they count on which time ???08:43
mathewsU S time I think...they are sleeping there?08:43
fl1bbl3its like 04:43 in the US08:44
TanvirMathews, whatever.. geeks don't sleep much. :-P08:44
ikonialook - there is no set time, it doesn't matter what time it is for you - there is no set time, so just wait08:44
fl1bbl3whats the rush?08:44
pengwSouth Africa ?08:44
ikoniaif you miss the release by 5 minutes, the world will not end08:44
fl1bbl3it will be like the beta with some minor changes08:44
fl1bbl3big deal08:44
waiting5 minutes! Noooooo!08:44
TanvirIkonia, no one is worrying. :-)08:45
TanvirDon't spoil the fun. :-P08:45
ikoniawhen it is released there will be an announcment, please just sit tight and wait for the anouncment08:45
pengwhow about they just name the bate 2 as final and release it08:45
ikoniaTanvir: it's a support channel, this stuff is of no value08:45
adityaa lot has changed since beta 208:45
mathewsIts amazing that people loves Ubuntu the most! Even they couldn't wait.08:45
adityaso just walt and relax08:45
pawdrolets have positive attitude, clock is ticking and on distrowatch there is no ubuntu "12.04 LTS beta", but 'ubuntu 12.04 LTS', so maybe things going right way ;]08:45
ArnoldAs soon as it IS out, #ubuntu will be supporting 12.04 too.08:46
alvesjnrhi all. My Ubuntu is with a problem. I cannot login, it shows an error about .ICEauthority08:46
hudekiCan I just upgrade from beta with dist-upgrade?08:46
alvesjnrany Idea?08:46
ikoniahudeki: sure08:46
_r00t_hudeki: apparently yes08:46
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mathewsalvesjnr, post it clearly and with details08:46
TanvirIkonia, I aware of that. :-) *expects flexibility*08:47
alex--but when i do apt-get update i get:            W: Ophalen van http://ppa.launchpad.net/cooperjona/nitrotasks/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/source/Sources is mislukt  404  Not Found                  W: Ophalen van http://ppa.launchpad.net/cooperjona/nitrotasks/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/binary-i386/Packages is mislukt  404  Not Found                    E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.08:47
pawdroalvesjnr, join #ubuntu+1 for Pangolin help08:47
ikoniaalex--: that PPA is not found/no-longer exists08:47
alex--omgubuntu.co.uk says08:47
pengwPPA was down08:47
alex--was or is?08:47
alvesjnrWhen I try to log int it pops-up: "Error: could not update .ICEauthority"08:47
ikoniaalex--: omgubuntu does not monitor or control PPA's08:48
ikoniaalex--: there is no natty package in that repo08:48
mathewsPls dont just add PPAs with your eyes closed. Once I did from OMG then I lost the system.08:49
mathewsHe just wants to fill up his blogs with something.08:49
ilfis there a release channel?08:50
alex--ikonia: so how to fix it?08:50
mathewsilf, #ubuntu+108:50
DJones!party > ilf08:50
ubottuilf, please see my private message08:50
ikoniaalex--: contact the person who owns that PPA and ask him to put a natty package together08:50
VergudoHi!  I  want to design a fork of Ubuntu that discourages negros from  using it08:51
alex--how can i remove the ppa?08:51
Vergudois this allowed?08:51
mathewsVergudo, racism not allowed here.Pls mind your words.08:51
SunTsuyay, k-line active, thanks Freenode staff!08:52
holmescnalex:remove list in /etc/apt/source.list08:52
Vergudosorry mathews08:53
kjs_when is ubuntu out?08:53
Vergudothat is why I said negros and not niggers08:53
VergudoI won't do it again08:53
kjs_Vergudo: not cool08:53
Vergudonegro means black08:53
Vergudoit is not a racial slur08:53
mathewsUbuntu has no race and it is for the entire world!08:54
SlartibartI'm using (trying to) Gnome and the 12.04 beta after upgrading yesterday. But now nothing from my ~/Desktop(local language equivalent) is showing anymore =[. The local lang Desktop folder that was working for 11.10 is still there, so I'm wondering if anyone can tell me what has changed?08:54
pengwyes Ubuntu is no race08:54
Valtammathews]$ hes trolling pay no attention08:54
Valtamhe wants a reply08:54
kjs_Vergudo don't be facetious08:54
mathewssilence makes nothing!08:55
traskparty time in here?08:55
ikoniatrask: no08:55
DJonesThey've been klined a 2nd time, just ignore it08:55
killfoo_trask: no08:55
* elijah is getting his party time on!08:55
* elijah just checked for updates like a kid on Christmas08:56
mathewsSlartibart, there are issues with upgrading....mostly the community not suggests it.Wait to release the 12.04 and do some updates and see.08:56
traskso no release today?08:57
Moon_Doggyisn't the word "ubuntu" a african word, and since most of Africa is black wouldn't that mean that ubuntu is aswell?08:57
ikoniaMoon_Doggy: drop it please.08:57
GhostWolf :)08:57
anon^_^strange issue, anyone on 10.04 and started to experience random freezes in the past 10 days08:57
Moon_Doggyit was just a joke08:57
ikoniaMoon_Doggy: ok, then please don't08:57
llutzMoon_Doggy: where the funny part?08:58
anon^_^wonder if there was a bad kernel update, or something else08:58
ikoniaanon^_^: nope08:58
Slartibartmathews: Ok, will do. Thanks.08:58
mathewsMoon_Doggy, even the login sound too from their favorite instrument.08:58
bobbyaldolHey I wonder what the heck is grub08:58
llutzbobbyaldol: a bootmanager08:58
ilagrand unified boot loader08:58
elijahMoon_Doggy: quick tip I learned a while ago - Use 'a' preceding words that start with a consonant and 'an' preceding words that start with a vowel!08:58
kjs_is ubuntu out today still ?08:58
llutzgrand "unfinished" ...08:59
bobbyaldolok. That makes sense . But will it ever stop to work08:59
* elijah hopes Ubuntu release is delayed, needs some more fine tuning imo.08:59
bobbyaldolbecause I have a message saying that it failed08:59
Hatrix76I need a fart as a login sound08:59
ikoniakjs_: yeah, it will be out at some point today09:00
ikoniaHatrix76: find one and set it up then09:00
muesleewill 12.4 final be released today?09:00
mathewsgo to www.ubuntu.com and keep your finger on F509:00
ikoniaMoon_Doggy: yes09:00
bobbyaldol<Hatrix76> you have a strange taste for music09:00
Hatrix76ikonia, better yet, I should record one ... than it's really personal and I don't follow the crowd09:00
ikoniaHatrix76: don't really care, it's not a support question, do what you want09:01
Moon_Doggyikonia, ?09:01
ikoniaMoon_Doggy: sorry, that was for mueslee09:01
muesleewhen? :)09:02
Moon_Doggyikonia, speaking of support questions, have you ever use xmodmap?09:02
muesleemy old harddisk just died09:02
muesleebest time for a new system09:02
ikoniaMoon_Doggy: very rarley, I don't have cause to normally09:02
SteveBellhi all, can I already update to ubuntu 12? not seeing anything in software updates...09:02
ikoniaSteveBell: then no, wait for the updates to be available09:02
SteveBellok, should they be available today? if so about what time?09:03
ikoniaSteveBell: no set time09:03
walidvbhi guys! i am told by a friend that my xorg.conf has the correct graphic card, but that "nvidia settings identifies as" another card.09:03
WomkesNew ubuntu coming today right?09:04
SteveBellkk, will try to be more patient :)09:04
WomkesI hope it is released when I get home from work09:04
WomkesWill launch up a vbox and try it out :)09:04
Moon_Doggywell I remapped capslock to be the left "alt" key and I succeed but I can't use my newly mapped key in combination with another key like alt-tab09:04
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:05
walidvbwhat does that mean, how can i check, and how do i change that?09:08
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lxgrxwhy are so many mirrors on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors a week behind? is that normal?09:10
makarawhat time today Pangolin available?09:10
xslguys how can i correct the problem with JAVA ?09:11
xslfirefox disables java09:11
weoxhello .. how can i monitor http connection on our machine ?? (i want see detial what send and what get it !!)09:12
ikoniaweox: view the http logs09:12
weoxikonia : http logs ?? i want monitor all possible data .. like post method get method and ... !!09:13
ikoniaweox: yes, so you can see that in the httpd logs09:14
weoxikonia : where is that log ?09:14
ikoniaweox: your apache logs09:16
MayazcherquoiUmm, I know this may sound stupid or something but it's really all I can think of at the moment. How can I force Linux to send power through my VGA port on my computer, so it recognises that my second monitor is actually connected?09:17
walidvbhi guys! i am told by a friend that my xorg.conf has the correct graphic card, but that "nvidia settings identifies as" another card.09:17
walidvbwhat does that mean, how can i check, and how do i change that?09:17
WomkesI have a strange problem with my work PC running @ Ubuntu. Whenever I want to copy & paste something from NetBeans to Google Chrome nothing happen. It works fine from Kate to Chrome or NetBeans to rekonq. But not from NetBeans to Chrome. Anybody got any ideas what is the matter?09:17
somsipWomkes: Where are you copying it to? Address bar? Document in Google Docs?09:19
Womkessomsip, into a from, copying to address bar works fine09:19
alvesjnrfor an unknow reason, after a reboot my user loses the permission to write on his own home directory (???). It was quite easy to fixe, but any of you have some Idea about why did it happen?09:19
ammar__my question is that, that I am currently on ubuntu 11.10 (current main OS) and I want to update to 12.04. I have installed virtual box for 11.10. So will my virtual box still work if I upgrade my OS to 12.04?09:20
somsipWomkes: ah - not had, but unable to copy from Google Docs as easy as I would like. Probably not related to your issue09:20
pengwammar good question , it should work i think09:20
WomkesI think it happened after one of the Chrome updates about 2 weeks ago09:20
Womkessuddenly cannot copy&paste from NetBeans to Chrome anymore09:21
Womkesreally strange09:21
ammar__so can I update it manually?09:21
ammar__if it doesn't work?09:21
Womkesammar__, it will work fine09:21
a_b0ywhy don't they just release Ubuntu tomorrow since it is not even ready yet today09:21
antnash_Alrght guys. I'm trying to set a scheduled reboot for 6am. I've done sudo crontab -e, then added 0 6 * * * reboot. It's not working, what am I doing wrong?09:21
pengwthere is no guarantee09:21
ammar__great :)09:21
ammar__also one more question09:22
Womkesah, sorry ammar__ I read it wrong09:22
RiMMERwhy do you guys think it's not ready?09:22
LorD_DDooMammar__: Your VirtualBox VM should work, if they are stored in /home partition (.virtualboxVM).09:22
WomkesI thought you had 11.04 in vbox environment09:22
Womkesand you want to pdate that one09:22
Womkesyeah I dont know about question09:22
Womkesthat is somethign you have to test yeah09:22
ammar__ah alright.09:22
shookeesHoi everyone09:23
WomkesI am currently running the latest beta for 12.04 in a vbox environment on my windows7 pc09:23
Womkesthat works fine09:23
ammar__my other question is what is LTS? and when is Ubuntu 12.04 going to be released I mean out of beta.09:23
LorD_DDooMBut only if you run in normal (user mode), VMs with root priviliges are stored elsewhere and mioght be deleted with the update (this is assuming /home is ona  different partition)09:23
a_b0yin the global world of computers and the internet when they say April 26 most would think April 26 midnight at their headquarter's time09:24
WomkesLTS = Long Term Support09:24
Womkesmeans that version will be supported for 18 months09:24
Womkesbut for 12.04 that has been increased to 5 years09:24
ammar__@Womkes. I mean to say that I am on ubuntu. (it is my primary OS) and I am running virtualbox to run XP in it09:24
ammar__thats cool09:24
WomkesUsually businesses use the LTS version in their organizations09:25
ammar__so when is it ganna be released? I mean when is it ganna be out of beta stage?09:25
Womkese.g. in the company I work for we only upgrade from LTS to LTS09:25
Womkesnothing in between09:25
WomkesToday ammar__09:25
Womkes12.04 will be released somewhere today09:25
ammar__:D thats awesome!09:25
textkubuntu canonical team is on UTC - 7 ?09:25
ammar__one more question.09:26
WomkesAs far as virtual box goes, just check the vbox website/community for any issues relating 12.04 support09:26
hayden_ru_well they never give you exact time do they09:26
RiMMERor so09:26
ammar__if I update to ubuntu LTS. will I be able to update again to other non LTS versions?09:26
Womkesyeah sure09:26
hayden_ru_mirrors are probably syncing now09:26
Womkesyou can do a dist_upgrade whenever you want09:26
ammar__this is awesome!09:27
WomkesThe easiest way to look at it that LTS versions are like major versions and non-LTS minor version like service packs for windows09:27
Womkesnot exactly but the general idea09:27
SunTsuammar__: you can, of course, LTS just means that you a) don't need to upgrade to every release because you'll receive bugfixes for a longer time and b) you can upgrade to the next LTS directly09:28
Womkesfor businesses with more long term planning for their IT infrastructure it is better to use the LTS09:28
ammar__so do u guys know the release time?09:29
WomkesYou can plan a bit more, provides stability that you know that the version you will use is being supported for hte next 5 years09:29
a_b0yso lunbuntu doesn't have ltr?09:29
WomkesDunno ammar__ somewhere today, think should be somewhere in the next couple of hours09:29
Womkesmirrors are ready09:29
nina666hi... i've installed vmware player on my machine, but i cannot run it... when I click on the icon, it says several modules need to be compiled and loaded into the kernel, then when i click on install, after asking for the root pass, it tries these modules: 1.Virtual Machine Monitor, 2.Virtual Network Device, 3.Vmware Blocking Filesystem, 4. Virtual Machine Communication Interface, 5.VMCI Sockets. and numbers 2,4 and 5 fail, and it displays this error: Un09:29
nina666able to start services: See log for file.... any clues whats the problem?09:29
Womkesin the netherlands we have a company that has set up a 3.2 Gbit/sec mirror09:29
SunTsuWomkes: my parents get LTS, too, less work for me, less need to visit them for upgrades ;)09:29
Womkesits in dutch09:30
Hoytnina666: did you install the kernel headers09:30
Womkesbut they will host one of the major ubuntu mirrors :)09:30
nina666Hoyt: how should I look for them?09:30
Hoytnina666: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`09:31
a_b0yhow do i make a windows boot usb in linux?09:32
Hoyta_b0y: use grub4dos09:32
a_b0yok i'll search for it09:32
Hoyta_b0y: no , sorry i misunderstand your question , it can only boot some DOS images and linux09:33
gorskiwill i be able to upgrade from lucid to precise today?09:33
nina666Hoyt: this is what i get: http://pastebin.com/wsWDZJDE09:33
ammar__@gorski yes you will09:33
Hoyta_b0y: use VMware / VIrtualbox , and install windows inside , make your bootable usb09:33
gorskiok, tnx09:33
nina666Hoyt: which apparently the headers are there...09:34
a_b0yhoyt, i have an iso image of windows and i want to make a bootable usb with it09:34
Hoyta_b0y: i never tried to make a bootable windows installer , usually I use winpe + ghost09:35
ammar__would I require a CD to burn the image? or can I like directly update?09:35
nina666Hoyt: and this is what vmware log shows me: http://pastebin.com/upteF7QH09:35
Hoytnina666: sudo apt-get install monodoc-browser09:35
yuniI m using 11.10 ubuntu, after a power failure, I am seeing this, BusyBox V1.18.4 (Ubuntu 1:1.18.4-2ubuntu2) built in shell(ash) enter help for a list of commands (initramfs)09:35
yuniplease help09:36
ammar__boot into your windows09:37
ammar__open it fully and then restart your computer09:37
tiago_alvesHi everyone09:37
ammar__this will fix the issue09:37
tiago_alvesDoes anyone know when 12.04 will be released?09:37
yunihow i will, open it09:37
ammar__open what?09:38
yuni<yuni> I m using 11.10 ubuntu, after a power failure, I am seeing this, BusyBox V1.18.4 (Ubuntu 1:1.18.4-2ubuntu2) built in shell(ash) enter help for a list of commands (initramfs)09:38
Hoytnina666: does VMware provide you a compile log file ?09:38
ammar__@yuni boot into your windows OS and run chkdsk09:39
ammar__after that restart your computer09:39
bindiammar__: you are falsely assuming he has windows09:39
ammar__and run ubuntu09:39
walidvbhow can i check if dri is loaded? or check the gpu usage?09:39
yunidear I m not using windows09:39
Hoytyuni: do you have any other bootable media09:39
yunilive cd09:39
Hoytyuni: try boot with recover mode , and see what you can get09:40
Hoytyuni: and fix it laterly with your live cd09:40
MACscri have a headless ubuntu system that im running as a home server. Im intermittedly getting having issues access it on the lan for 15 to 30 seconds at a time every hour or so. Im running version 11.10. Suggestions on where i should start looking? Could some sort of power management setting be affecting things?09:41
nydeli am using a laptop & an hdmi out -- is there a way to make them behave as two separate workspaces?09:41
HoytMACscr: what service do you run remotely ?09:41
MACscrwell im connected to it through a web interface for deluge, ssh, and samba09:42
MACscrduring these short outages, its not even responding to ping09:42
shomonhi, I have a laptop which for days now has given very strange errors: seems it could be hardware but I can't figure out what. It boots from live usb, but with crazy graphics artefacts, even in the bios screen09:42
shomonif I plug in something to a USB slot I also get errors09:42
shomonand if I go to an external monitor, the graphics mess doesn't change09:43
a_b0yhoyt do you know a program like "make startup disk" that works for making a windows install usb?09:43
Hoyta_b0y: definitely not working09:43
MonkeyDustMACscr  a wireless remote connection?09:43
MACscrMonkeyDust: gbit lan09:43
Hoyta_b0y: if you really want a bootable usb installer of windows , you should consider winpe , but I never tried that09:43
fsgxdroid0hello, i have problems getting 3d to work with ubuntu 12.04, glxgears outputs following error:09:43
fsgxdroid0X Error of failed request:  BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)09:43
fsgxdroid0how can i reconfigure my graphics card?09:43
diimdeephello, i have permission configuration issue http://serverfault.com/questions/382958/proftpd-configuration-mod-auth-file-cross-folders-with-different-rights-in-group/38296809:44
Hoytfsgxdroid0: what cards do you have ?09:44
fsgxdroid0intel 300009:44
a_b0ythere are over 10 times more people on here than on the Linux Mint help, but there are more people helping in the mint chat09:45
fsgxdroid0Hoyt: i think the problem is that i swapped my hdd to another machine which had radeon card09:45
fsgxdroid0and now, in my main machine the 3d won't work anymore09:45
Hoytfsgxdroid0: maybe sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?09:46
fsgxdroid0Hoyt: i'm thinking that is there someway to start graphics driver detection again?09:46
* xzcvczx wonders how long before one would get banned for making a script asking "is it out yet" every minute in here :P09:47
fsgxdroid0Hoyt: ok, i tried that command but it won't return nothing... should it popup some kind of dialog screen?09:47
nina666Hoyt: yes, here: http://pastebin.com/upteF7QH09:48
Hoytfsgxdroid0: logout and login again09:48
Hoytfsgxdroid0: maybe reboot09:48
xzcvczxor ctrl-alt-backspace09:48
Ben64xzcvczx: that doesn't work09:49
fsgxdroid0Hoyt: it didn't help09:49
xzcvczxwow, i am out of date09:49
fsgxdroid0same thing...09:49
Ben64fsgxdroid0: what gpu09:49
fsgxdroid0one moment09:49
xzcvczxsudo service lightdm restart?09:49
Hoytrestarting lightdm will restart X as well ?09:50
shomonif I upgrade my ubuntu, my laptop won't even work...09:50
shomonso I'll just have to watch screen captures of other people's new ubuntu versions09:50
f0xreleased everbyody09:50
shomon"unable to enumerate usb bla bla" - what could be broken?09:50
xzcvczxHoyt: err, should do?09:50
Hoytxzcvczx: i don't knwo , that's why i'm asking09:50
lost-man12.04 released?09:51
xzcvczxHoyt: well thats the parent process that x is running under (well was back in the gdm/xdm/kdm days09:51
fsgxdroid0Hoyt: http://pastebin.com/z241a77209:51
MultiplyAfter reinstalling grub, and rebooting, I can no longer use the server console.. It just sits there, flashing an underscore. I can however, ssh in, and stuff. Why is this?09:52
lost-manI don't see the 12.04 on the download page: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download09:52
LordSputnikit's not released yet :P09:52
Ben64fsgxdroid0: looks like you have the correct driver already on09:52
xzcvczxMultiply: have you messed with the crontab?09:52
Hoytfsgxdroid0: can you try *sudo service lightdm restart*09:52
nitzsso it's out on the mirrors yet?09:52
xzcvczxMultiply: err. not crontab09:53
fsgxdroid0yes, moment09:53
Multiplyxzcvczx: I was about to say no xD09:53
xzcvczxMultiply: the thing that lists where to start a virtual terminal09:53
xzcvczxconfig file09:53
LordSputnikf0x: those iso images are from yesterday09:53
Multiplyxzcvczx: I tried upgrading the system, but it failed at setting up grub, I assume. So I tried for 2 hours now, getting in, and when I finally got it right, I followed some instructions telling me to uninstall grub, and reinstall it. So I did.09:54
LordSputnik"25-Apr-2012 16:13"09:54
xzcvczxMultiply: although i assume you have tried alt-f1 through alt-f409:54
MultiplyNow it boots, but there's no server console09:54
f0xsome of are from 2609:54
Multiplyxzcvczx: I'll quitely go away, ashamed.09:54
LordSputnikyeah but they'll probably just be different versions of yesterday's daily09:54
xzcvczxMultiply: you do that :P09:54
xzcvczxMultiply: all good09:54
LordSputnikthey'll announce the release when its out09:54
Multiplyxzcvczx: Damn I feel stupid. Thanks.09:55
xzcvczxnah its a trap for those who don't know09:55
Hoytnina666: you seems to be missing one package09:55
MultiplyIt sure is. xD09:55
MultiplyBut I guess most people getting to the server console knows?09:55
jschalltorrents are working09:55
hugolhi i tried to install 12.04 but on boot computer freezes apparently after loading of nouveau drivers, what to do?09:55
MultiplyExcept, well, me. >_<09:55
jschallget on them and unlimit your upload09:55
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xzcvczxMultiply: anyone who cares for multitasking does :P09:55
nina666Hoyt: yea and how I can figure out what is it...?09:55
Multiplyxzcvczx: Oh well, I am forever happy for the help! :D09:56
shani0610hello guys, I have freshly intalled ubuntu 11.04 and I have installed VLC on it, but when I have a movie loaded, the system logs off automatically... why so?09:56
Multiplyxzcvczx: Can't believe I spent 2 hours getting thru grub bash tho >_<09:56
nitzsjschall: i get a 404 on that link.09:56
xzcvczxMultiply: yeah grub can be fun09:56
Hoytnina666: can you list the dpkg -l | grep linux- | grep `uname -r`09:56
jschallnitzs: oops09:57
Multiplyxzcvczx: I ended up trying 3 different live CDs, to get in, and see what the /dev/sda was supposed to be.09:57
peter32Hi guys, I come from windows using excell and I would like to have a more automisable and costumisable setup for entering and retreiving data using ubuntu. What setup do you suggest I use? (I can also do some basic coding in python)09:57
Hoytnina666: when you install kernel header for e.g 3.2.0-20 , you must install both linux-headers-3.2.0-20 and linux-headers-3.2.0-20-generic09:57
Multiplyxzcvczx: When I finally got that, it took me 10 seconds to boot, from grub. >_<09:57
Hoytnina666: otherwise you'll be missing some generated files09:57
jschallnitzs: slow to get started because it's not authorized on tracker yet09:57
jschallnitzs: but it works09:57
xzcvczxmatt0572: it is a bit of a pity that the popular distros these days do not do well for teaching people the low level linux stuff09:57
xzcvczxMultiply: rather09:58
LordSputnikpeter32: have you tried LibreOfficeCalc?09:58
lost-manSo i can download the final from http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso ?09:58
nitzsjschall: a 404 on that as well.09:58
nina666Hoyt: oh... didnt know that, ok let me try first... thanks09:58
jschallnitzs: i tested that one09:58
Shapexzcvczx: What do you mean teaching people? What's keeping the people from learning?09:58
peter32Can I use the terminal to input data in office calc?09:58
ichiltonI just downloaded that one, but there doesn't seem to be an amd64 yet..09:58
peter32the shell i mean09:58
Multiplyxzcvczx: I've been using debian/ubuntu for years, but stuff like this... never. >_<09:58
xzcvczxShape: as opposed to something nutty like gentoo :P09:59
LordSputnikIt would suprise me if they're the final, they were only modified at 9:28, which is about half an hour after people officially start work...09:59
mathewsshani0610, see this thread http://askubuntu.com/search?q=system+logs+off+loading+VLC09:59
Hoytwhy people don't just grab the daily build ? It's almost the same09:59
xzcvczxShape: you start off up a kind of creek without a paddle :P09:59
lost-mannone care09:59
Hoytbefore official release of precise09:59
* ManDay mumbles "So, it has begun..."09:59
peter32LordSputnik: Can I use the shell to input data in office calc?09:59
shani0610@mathews thanks mate...09:59
Hoytpeter32: what's the office calc ?09:59
lost-manHoyt, you Talking me ?10:00
Shapexzcvczx: If people want to learn nothing is stopping them to do so. But expecting a total noob who just installed linux to start from scratch without being able to even surf the internet or play media is a bit too elitist.10:00
xzcvczxpeter32: enter in csv import into application of choice?10:00
Hoytlost-man: i'm more like broadcasting ...10:00
LordSputnikuh not that i know of (LibreOffice Calc)10:00
nina666Hoyt: ok so this is what i get: http://pastebin.com/TGD3hgTt10:00
xzcvczxShape: thats how i learnt it.... and it taught me a lot (a lot of which admittedly i have forgotten)10:00
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peter32i mean libreoffice calc10:00
lost-manHoyt, So http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso for standard?10:01
xzcvczxShape: and i am more stating a fact... with gui's for everything people are less likely to dive deeper10:01
Hoytlost-man: i guess10:01
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Shapexzcvczx: Of course you will learn a lot. But the general elitist/linux view is that you have to be a car engineer to be allowed to drive a car.10:01
LordSputnikpeter32: what are you trying to do with your data, and what format is it in?10:01
xzcvczxShape: and i am not saying thats universal10:01
mathewslost-man, Pls dont post fake links and divert people from here.10:01
xzcvczxShape: it couldn't hurt when you see someone who doesn't know how to change a tyre :P10:01
peter32Actually, I am applying for a job where I need to input data in excell. But I'd like to automise the input as much as possible10:02
lost-manmathews, Fake link? Is that fake link?10:02
nimesh_accenturei'm wondering , if I allocate memory using PMEM in Android , would i be able to access it in chrooted ubuntu?10:02
mathewslost-man, try it and see!10:02
Ben64lost-man: it 404's, so yes10:02
xzcvczxpeter32: well what form is the data in?10:03
Ben64or ... it did 404, works for me now10:03
ShapeYeah, but that's what makes society go. No person on this planet knows everything so that's why we specialize in things. If someone is a business man and does his job it would be silly to expect from him he knows what's going on in the system. He takes it for granted that others have done the checks just like when you go into an airplane you don't know anything of what's actually going on.10:03
Hoytnina666: here's some crazy idea ,10:03
Lintben64 it´s not 404, it´s 701MB ISO file10:03
peter32<xzcvczx> :It can be in any format that excell can export10:03
Ben64it was 40410:03
hayden_ru_it isn't for me10:03
lost-manmathews, Ben64 i worked for me http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso10:03
mathewslost-man, Ubuntu 12.04 not yet released.Pls wait!10:03
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Hoytnina666: you compile the vmware module yourself , and copy the .ko files to the right path, and do the depmod -a , and tell me what errors you see10:04
Hoytit's out !10:04
Ben64yep, its out now10:04
tarzeau_downloading... what's the md5sum?10:04
lost-manmathews, Yeah waiting for it to see on the download page..... Dunno when10:04
HoytI've been waiting this for hours10:04
tarzeau_Hoyt: get a life10:04
ShapeThe main page says it's still beta.10:05
HoytNo , checkout the schedule10:05
fsgxdroid0Hoyt: i'm back... that "service lightdm restart" command caused crash, and desktop didn't appared .... i managed to restart my system by goint to another termina l(CTRL+ALT+F1) and restart my system manually10:05
lost-manShape, Yeah10:05
Hoytfeatures are already freezed10:05
mathewslost-man, Yeah, we all waiting to download it but dont like to see the 404 error!10:05
xzcvczxShape: meh i give up arguing with you as i agree with what you are saying. but as they say "a little knowledge can be dangerous" esspecially when you do "r{insert corect character here} -rf /" when you meant to do "r{insert correct character here} -rf ." (which i have done once by accident)10:05
Hoytfsgxdroid0: so your desktop doesn't start anymore ?10:05
hayden_ru_there is no release on russian mirror though10:06
fsgxdroid0after restarting machine the desktop appared10:06
lost-manWhen you brows http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso you get 404 ?10:06
Hoytfsgxdroid0: how about glxgears ?10:06
vuth_i thought ubuntu 12.10 is being released today10:06
vuth_i go to website and shows only 12.04 Beta10:06
tarzeau_vuth_: that'll happen 6 months later10:06
xzcvczxvuth_: thats october10:06
l3dhow would i get  a theme i downloaded to work?10:06
xzcvczxvuth_: 12 = year 04 = month10:06
fsgxdroid0Hoyt: glxgears -> http://pastebin.com/NBr233gK10:07
xzcvczxhence 12.04 = april 201210:07
vuth_ohh..wow i never knewthat lol10:07
xzcvczxand 12.10 = october 201210:07
vuth_thats awesome..but 12.04 is only beta?10:07
RiMMER12.04 OUT10:07
hayden_ru_US mirror has it10:07
Myrttiplease don't post links, it's not out yet.10:07
LordSputnikvuth_: i only realised it yesterday10:07
MyrttiRiMMER: that includes you10:07
walidvb_hi, i'm having a hard time activating direct rendering for my nvidia gt430. I edited xorg.conf with load "dri"10:07
vuth_thanks rimmer10:07
Hoytfsgxdroid0: let's check the log in /var/log/Xorg.0.log10:07
yaroyaroit will be out when the irc topic changes and the md5 are released10:07
mathewsl3d, simply drag and drop the theme file to the theme window or follow the "how to install" file inside the theme folder.10:07
irenicus09hi when I make search google always shows me the localized version of google instead of english..how can I permanently make google english as default preferences?10:07
lpqhi, hopefully someone can help me10:08
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Precise release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/1598/detail/10:08
teroirenicus09 www.google.com/ncr10:08
lpqi have a broken ubuntu installation10:08
shomonirenicus09, you can use duckduckgo to get a non filterbubbled internet10:08
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+110:08
xzcvczxlpq: what happend that caused the broken installation?10:08
lpquninstalled nvidia drivers10:08
vuth_if i installed 1204 final beta and when the final release is out will i have to download again? or will it update to final release for me?10:08
lpqthen it hosed the system10:09
xzcvczxlpq: #define hosed10:09
fsgxdroid0Hoyt: http://pastebin.com/7AcG8eJZ10:09
shomonI asked before but got cut off: I have a laptop that shows lots of random graphics artefacts on boot and in the bios, on external monitors and if you bend the keyboard even...10:09
lpqi boot into ubuntu, the os immediately goes into powersave mode10:09
Hoythey , why no one read the release schedule ? in the last few days , only things like kernel / translation can suffer to change a lot10:09
shomonand if Iplug in usb it can't numerate it.10:09
lpqif i attempt to boot using recovery mode, the same result10:09
mathewsirenicus09, there is an option below the search box as Google.com in English"10:09
xzcvczxlpq: laptop or?10:09
shomonwhat could be wrong with it? is it time for a new graphics card, or could it be some kind of other thing?10:09
lpqubuntu boots in recovery, immediately goes into power save10:10
lpqxzcvczx, no, not a laptop10:10
xzcvczxlpq: and i assume its not wakable?10:10
Hoytfsgxdroid0: here (EE) GLX error: Can not get required symbols.10:10
Hoytfsgxdroid0: your opengl library is corrupted , i guess10:10
yvy<yassu> hi10:11
mathewslpq, include as many details as possible in ur post10:11
xzcvczxlpq: or do you man that the monitor goes into powersave?10:11
yassuwat time is 12.04 comin out?10:11
Ben64fsgxdroid0: start up "jockey-gtk"10:11
fsgxdroid0Hoyt: do i need to recompile it or just using apt-get to reinstall?10:11
lpqxzcvczx, no user input will wake the screen10:11
xzcvczxyassu: when its ready10:11
Myrttiyassu: "today"10:11
Shapeyassu http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/10:11
lpqmouse, keyboard, nothing10:11
shomonmaybe something shuold go in the topic about that10:11
fsgxdroid0Ben64: it says no drivers available for my system10:11
xzcvczxlpq: have you got a ubuntu cd handy?10:12
Hoytfsgxdroid0: i don't know , did you installed any binary driver , e.g fglrx (ATI's) or nvidia's ?10:12
nitzsshomon: what do you mean by numerate?10:12
fsgxdroid0Hoyt: yes10:12
mathewsshomon, ur post missing many details....describe it well with version too10:13
fsgxdroid0Hoyt: probably, i need to get rid of those drivers from my system, but i don't know how10:13
xzcvczxMultiply: another hint if you didn't know for using the multiterm... from your gui you can use ctrl-alt-f1 through f6 typically and f7 will take you abck to your gui, if not keep trying higher f keys until you return to gui10:13
Hoytfsgxdroid0: remove it , that's what caused your opengl library mismatch10:13
Hoytfsgxdroid0: you don't have cards other than intel's right?10:13
fsgxdroid0Hoyt: yep10:13
Ben64fsgxdroid0: what card did you have before10:13
MonkeyDustMultiply  or uee ctrl arrow left to return to the gui10:14
yvy<yassu> hi10:14
DYSWAny ideas on how lts will be released ?10:14
fsgxdroid0ATI radeon10:14
Hoytfsgxdroid0: apt-get purge fglrx-*10:14
Ben64DYSW: already is10:14
xzcvczxMonkeyDust: or ctrl-arrow right (multiple times) :P10:14
MonkeyDustDYSW  it's not out yet10:14
xzcvczxDYSW: when its ready10:14
yvy<yassu> do you have a questions?10:14
fsgxdroid0The following packages will be REMOVED:  fglrx* fglrx-amdcccle* fglrx-updates*10:14
lpqxzcvczx, yes i have a lived cd10:14
fsgxdroid0Hoyt: ill try restart now : )10:15
DYSWxzcvczx: Sure, but since the date is set for today, i kind of figured they had a hourly target as well.10:15
MACscris autostart not available in ubuntu anymore? want a very simple way to run a particular command on boot that will run as the user10:15
MACscrrc.local runs as root10:15
xzcvczxDYSW: well today actually has almost 48 hours so by the 48th hour :)10:15
yassuyvy: yes10:15
MonkeyDustxzcvczx  may depend on the timezone ;)10:16
Shapeif it's not out then what the hell is this? releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso10:16
yvy<yassu> let`s start!10:16
fsgxdroid0Hoyt: THANK YOU!!! : )10:16
nina666Hoyt: ok... im afraid i need a little more help on how to do that...10:16
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pawdrogreat release timing: 12:04 :)10:16
DYSWxzcvczx: LoL Only 24 hours here. No rush so lets see what happens. Using arch mainly so its mostly just for fun10:16
xzcvczxMonkeyDust: yeah but thats the typical response by most open source thinks i believe, that will just be vague as to what timezone its in10:16
DYSWpawdro: That would make sense10:17
Hoytnina666: i'll try give you a script , did you use Vmware workstation 8 ?10:17
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xzcvczxDYSW: well theres only 1hr and 43mins of the 26th left here but i doubt it will be out before out 27th10:17
Hoytfsgxdroid0: worked ?10:17
tarzeau_are these right? 128f0c16f4734c420b0185a492d92e52  ubuntu-12.04-desktop-amd64.iso and d791352694374f1c478779f7f4447a3f  ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso ?10:17
nina666Hoyt: thanks, and no, its vmware player..10:17
Ben64xzcvczx: its out already10:17
Hoytnina666: what version ?10:17
MyrttiBen64: it's not.10:17
m0rtalis it out10:17
Ben64it is.10:17
adityait's not officially out the servers are being updated so be patient10:17
fsgxdroid0Hoyt: indeed - it works perfectly now :)10:18
xzcvczxBen64: i will wait for the topic and md5sums to be released10:18
Hoytfsgxdroid0: glad to hear10:18
DYSWBen64: We are talking 12.04 not 10.0410:18
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HoytYeah , it's so slow out of US10:18
xzcvczxBen64: as you get a free gift if you wait until its official10:18
Ben64irc topic is not indicative of a release10:18
MonkeyDustBen64  use sudo d-release-upgrade to find out if it's out or not10:18
MyrttiBen64: actually, there is no email on the release mailing list, so it's not. Stop saying it is.10:18
vuth_hi...does Gnome, Unity, KDE...do the same this? they are all launcher application? you can have one or the other only installed?10:18
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MonkeyDustBen64  use sudo do-release-upgrade to find out if it's out or not10:18
HoytI had to wait for the mirror10:18
Ben64i'm seeding it on my server.10:18
vuth_*this = thing10:18
Ben64it is out.10:18
yassuyvy: when is 12.04 comig out?10:18
MyrttiBen64: so, it's not out, stop saying it is.10:18
Ben64it's out10:18
tarzeau_vuth_: you can have all installed10:18
nina666Hoyt: VMware-Player-4.0.2-591240.x86_64.bundle10:18
SunTsuI really don't understand the rush for 12.04 - either wait or install current pre-release and update to release10:18
adityait is more prudent to wait for the md510:18
Shapexzcvczx: What free gift??!10:18
tarzeau_vuth_: but usually just run one of them10:19
Ben64it is out10:19
vega-always the same ridiculous "it is out!" "no it's not" "yes, it is" debate :)10:19
xzcvczxShape: you will have to wait and see :)10:19
Ben64kick me all you want10:19
DYSWyassu: within 48 hours apperently10:19
vuth_they are all Launchers correct?10:19
ikoniaBen64: please, come on, stop it10:19
tarzeau_SunTsu: upgrades are messy, if you need to do 10+10:19
MyrttiBen64: next one will be with a ban, since it's not out yet.10:19
datavirusetit's out :DD10:19
nitzsBen64: yes. i'm downloading it right now.10:19
Ben64read the page i linked10:19
=== LjL changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: http://ubottu.com/y/gl | IRC info: http://ubottu.com/y/irc | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ | Release Notes: http://ubottu.com/y/rn | Download: http://ubottu.com/y/dl | Currently supporting 10.04 LTS, 11.04 and 11.10 | Party in #ubuntu-release-party | 12.04 support in #ubuntu+1
DYSWWell he is right.10:19
LjLBen64: it's not been announced, and anyway take this to #ubuntu-release-party, it doesn't belong here10:19
m0rtalin my country its nearly the 27th10:20
Ben64its on ubuntu.com!10:20
vuth_yassu= 12.04 is in Final Beta10:20
Shapexzcvczx: free gift if you buy it? or just download?10:20
fsgxdroid0Hoyt: as a user, i was just expecting that software figures out which hardware is currently used in my system... dude, ty again : )10:20
Stanley00not now Ben6410:20
yassuvuth_, its out its out! :) see http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/10:20
lost-manwget -c http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso10:20
LjLnext one who says it's out or posts a link gets a ban10:20
m0rtalwhen will 12.10 be out?10:20
vuth_thank u!!10:20
yassum0rtal, lolz10:20
Ben64whats with the power tripping and ignorance10:21
xzcvczxShape: download it10:21
yassuLjL, why?10:21
vuth_but i need the usb installation :(10:21
nitzsBen64: if you think it's out, just go and download it. people would download when they want to.10:21
SunTsutarzeau_: I'm talking fresh installation, doing it with current pre-release and upgrade it to release should go quite smooth10:21
LjL#UBUNTU IS A SUPPORT CHANNEL - take this to #ubuntu-release-party or #ubuntu-offtopic - anything that's not Ubuntu technical support doesn't belong here. clear enough?10:21
yassucan't find my fav lubuntu :(10:22
ezoem0rtal: planned Oct 18th according to this. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseSchedule?action=show&redirect=QReleaseSchedul10:22
m0rtalezoe, thanx10:22
mathewslost-man, it works it terminal but not sure about is it beta or the release.10:22
ThePendulumI am running Ubuntu 12.04 on a dualscreen set-up. I was wondering if it's possible to have the panel items (notifications, time, auth, etc.) only on one screen, rather than both10:23
MyrttiThePendulum: you're on the wrong channel for that10:23
xzcvczxThePendulum: #ubuntu+110:23
ThePendulumOh, oke10:24
ThePendulumIt's not really a specific 12.04 issue though, but okay10:24
lost-manmathews, That is why i am also worry to download it... But If it is beta then should name ubuntu-beta or like that... anyway10:24
paulus68ThePendulum: when you run on 12.04 it is10:25
Ben64ThePendulum: don't talk about 12.04 in here until the topic changes or people get mad at you10:25
ThePendulumOkay, okay, calm10:25
bububuntu1 Q? if i have installed ubuntu can i use aptitude  install xubuntu-desktop and all sys settings stil are same ?10:25
LjLBen64: no need to jump at them, they've been informed, they know now, they said "ok". if you have grudges with the rules, take them to #ubuntu-ops10:25
Ben64what rules? 12.04 is out but a few people don't want to acknowledge that fact10:26
lccis there an ubuntu thai flavor I can download?10:26
lccwith all text in thai.10:26
djbennylcc: http://www.ubuntu.com/support/community/locallanguage10:27
MonkeyDustlcc  try the language package10:27
vuth_please dont ban ben64..he is actually very helpful10:27
elkyben64_, there have been several occurrances of respins on release day at a later stage in the day than this.10:27
paulus68!es |peto_10:28
ubottupeto_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.10:28
peto_ubottu, I see, I will stay here too, thks10:29
ubottupeto_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:29
LjLvuth_: i'm sure, but he's not helpful when he fills the channel with "it's out". it's up to him now whether or not he'll be unbanned shortly.10:29
peto_ubottu, hehe10:29
sindhiBhaiwhat is the expected release date of ubuntu 12.04.. ?10:29
killer26 april10:29
peto_sindhiBhai, today10:29
killerutc time10:29
sindhiBhaik.. thx :)10:29
peto_today at 21:30 UTC10:30
bububuntuhow much hdd use ubuntu default install ?10:30
sindhiBhaieagerly waiting :)10:30
=== klaas- is now known as klaas
djbennybububuntu, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements10:30
vuth_thnx u u djbenny i was seraching for that10:30
djbennyvuth_,  no problem10:31
lpqxzcvczx, ?10:32
bububuntu"15 GB of hard-drive space " shaise i hve only 10 GB10:32
sindhiBhaiwell u could do well with 5-10gb10:32
djbennybububuntu, it wont require 15gb to be honest...10:32
ciasteksindhiBhai: http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/10:32
lpqanyone able to help with repairing a broken ubuntu install10:33
bububuntudjbenny: thats why i ask how much is default install ? :)10:33
sindhiBhaithx ciastek :)10:33
=== m0rtal is now known as mortalkombat
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aciculabububuntu: it depends, the minimal is about 1GB, the default is a few GB at best10:33
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bububuntu15 gigs are for all packages10:33
staaffyyeahy, Thats the final release?10:34
aciculabububuntu: well you need space to put things and games like nexuiz or other graphical things can take quite some space, but those do not get installed by default10:34
nitzsbububuntu: i've installed ubuntu in 3gb partitions on numerous occasions.10:35
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Precise release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/1598/detail/10:35
Myrtticiastek: please don't post links as it's not released yet and it's not final until the release manager sends out an email.10:35
bububuntunitzs: thxx i make one 8 gigs partition and run !10:35
nitzsbububuntu: yes. an 8gb partition will be quite enough if you won't install many games and stuff.10:36
djbennyhow do i force a distribution upgrade?10:36
ikoniadjbenny: to what ?10:37
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+110:37
djbennyfrom 12.04 Beta to final?10:37
bububuntunitzs: no games nothing extra by default . system only for surfing !10:37
ikoniadjbenny: when final is released updates will filter down like normal10:37
aciculadjbenny: apt-get dist-upgrade should do it10:37
DJones!final | djbenny10:37
ubottudjbenny: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.10:37
jiltdilWhat is the exact time for release of ubuntu 12.0410:37
ikoniajiltdil: there isn't one10:37
djbennyikonia, acicula cheers10:37
ikoniadjbenny: just hang on for the release, and then you'll see updates offered, and that's how you'll get updated10:38
jiltdilikonia,  Any guess ?? After one hour?10:38
ikoniadjbenny: just like a normal day "10 updates to download etc"10:38
ikoniajiltdil: there is no set time so you can't guess10:38
jiltdilikonia, ok10:38
ikoniajiltdil: just wait patiently10:38
djbennyikonia, ok cheers thats what i thought but just wanted to check10:38
nitzsjiltdil: some guys are mentioning that it has already been released. so check it out yourself.10:38
ikonianitzs: it's not out10:38
keniiiiihi guys supp10:39
ikoniajiltdil: please wait for the release announcment10:39
vuth_hi hi hi10:39
aciculanitzs: yeah dist-upgrade set my release to precise instead of experimental yesterday10:39
ikoniajiltdil: that way you will get a confirmed solid released product10:39
jiltdilikonia,ok i am tryiong to be in patient, so much excited10:39
ikoniajiltdil: I understand, but if you want the right software, wait for the release to be announced so you can be confident10:40
nitzsikonia: they probabaly are waiting for all the mirrors to sync. the release annocement will be after that.10:40
djbennyalso, is there a way to find out redundant packages and sweep them away?10:40
ikonianitzs: waiting for many things to be setup10:40
jiltdilikonia, Thanks10:40
ikoniadjbenny: that should happen on it's own10:40
djbennyikonia, but i upgraded the kernel recently and the old one remained on the system10:40
ikoniadjbenny: yes, you will always have at least current -110:41
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ikoniadjbenny: a fall back kernel is part of the upgrade process on the kernel10:41
ZenyIs there any expected release time? Maybe based on previously releases..10:41
djbennyikonia, ok makes sense10:41
ikoniaZeny: no, there is not10:41
Zenyokay ty10:41
=== tarzeau_ is now known as tarzeau
terothis is not an ubuntu question but, is it possible from windows to acces a hdd with ubuntu installed?10:43
sindhiBhaitero yes..10:44
Queopstero, pratical answer is no10:44
jiltdilHere is the the download link http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/10:44
ikoniatero: the guys in ##windows can help10:44
Yaklyantero: http://www.fs-driver.org/10:44
neLtero: there are softwares which can access ext2/ext4 filesystems10:44
QueopsYeh i was gonna say I only saw ext2 one.10:45
nitzsneL: are the ext4 drivers stable?10:45
Yaklyanext2 reading software works on ext310:45
YaklyanHaven't seen ext4 for windows though10:45
neLnitzs: I am not sure but the last time I checked, it wasn't10:45
munim__Ubuntu 12.04? Are we there yet?10:45
ikoniamunim__: no10:46
neLnitzs: There have been numerous reports of data loss or corruption10:46
AndyUbuntuMorning Ubuntu users10:46
nitzstero: you proabably should write stuff meant to be shared between windows and uuntu on a NTFS partition.10:46
AndyUbuntusure this question has been asked many times today10:46
ikoniaAndyUbuntu: then don't ask it10:46
AndyUbuntulol, the legendary ikonia :p10:47
mwally_does anyone have any idea what time 12.04 will release?10:47
ikoniamwally_: there is no set time10:47
neLtero: what nitzs said! ntfs-3g is really stable now10:47
mwally_ikonia: i take it youve been getting this question a lot.  Thanks :)10:47
AndyUbuntulol, knew the answer would be soon10:47
ikoniaguys, visit www.ubuntu.com - when it's release, you'll see it on the main web page10:48
ikoniaapply some common sense10:48
mwally_but I want it now!  <g>  (sorry)10:48
MonkeyDustor use do-release-upgrade in a terminal and see what it return10:48
AndyUbuntuprob best wait till tomorrow10:48
jiltdilikonia: why u banned me?10:48
ikoniaMonkeyDust: NO10:48
AndyUbuntusays its out today, will take a while though, always does10:49
neLMonkeyDust: it will break things horribly. You can downgrade OS once the upgrade process has started10:49
neL*can't downgrade10:49
ikoniaIt will get released at some point today, just wait10:49
MonkeyDustneL  ikonia tnx for the warning, glad nothing irreversible happened10:50
AndyUbuntuhas anyone started using 12.04 yet and if so would it be stable to use consistently?10:50
munim_http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/ shows the downloads.. its not saying beta there.10:50
Guest8793Yes I use it everyday for a few weeks now10:50
munim_does is mean its out?10:50
ikoniaAndyUbuntu: the feedback from the beta released has been positive.10:50
nitzsneL: you sound like it's updating to skynet. ;)10:50
AndyUbuntuexcellent, great to hear thanks :) Always causious about the day of release10:51
vuth_sorry ikonia i sent the PM to wrong person10:52
Zwiebelmusikonia seems to have sand in his/her vagina :-D10:52
ikoniaZwiebelmus: unacceptable - stop now, this is your only warning10:52
yellabs-r2hi there10:52
neLZwiebelmus:  This sure doesn't look like ubuntu talk10:52
yellabs-r2is there an package for java runtime on 12.04 ?10:53
munim_wow. sorry man. you didn't need to kick me. just clarifying why its on the releases page10:53
vuth_can someone send me the offical Ubuntu - Low system requirement version link10:53
vuth_i know there is one..i think it is the LIGHT version10:53
christhisisgoolyellabs-r2: do apt-cache search <package name>10:53
mvineetmenonwhich is release party channel?10:53
christhisisgoolmvineetmenon: #ubuntu+110:54
fairuzmvineetmenon: #ubuntu-release-party10:54
mvineetmenonfairuz thx10:54
christhisisgooldidnt realize there was an actual release party channel10:54
IWorldI've a quick questoion: when does release Ubuntu 12.04 LTS? 12:00 UTC?10:55
ikoniaIWorld: no set time10:55
IWorldbut today?10:55
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Precise release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/1598/detail/10:55
neLCan channel OP please change the channel title to accommodate the release time ?10:56
ikonianeL: there isn't a release time10:56
IWorldI love Ubuntu :-)10:56
neLThen put a "please don't panic. It will come soon"10:56
neLsomething of that sort10:56
nitzsthe announcement will be put up any moment now.10:56
ikoniano-one reads the topic as you can see,10:56
ikonianitzs: final warning - you don't know when it will be released, so don't suggest it will be any moment10:57
* IWorld is excited10:57
sk1specialis the plus one channel dead? cant get to it10:57
ikoniask1special: nope, still there and working10:57
neLI see. Whenever the person doing ubuntu.com finishes with homepage, it will be released :D10:57
sk1specialdamn it. so. i was using xwinwrap to run a screensaver as my background..10:58
sk1specialand there was this random box named dnd file i think..so of course i just close it.. was like eh whatever..10:58
sk1specialthen it force restarted me and now my menus look like there from windows 98 and my admin password to change settings doesnt work..10:59
sk1specialand im getting this message in the terminal xlib extension RANDR missing10:59
slyLeast it looks like one of the bettwe windows releases :)10:59
AndyUbuntuok, so thought I would ask a poll. What is your preferred way to upgrade? 1. From repo 2. From iso as upgrade or 3. Fresh install ?11:00
ikoniaplease don't take a poll11:00
lpqanyone able to help with repairing a broken ubuntu install?11:00
Duke_13poll spam11:00
AndyUbuntujust curious11:00
ShapeThis is a support channel.11:00
ikoniaAndyUbuntu: it doesn't matter what the poll output is11:00
christhisisgoollpq: what is the problem?11:00
AndyUbuntuok, doesnt matter. would just be interesting11:01
NaemdarAnyone know where to get drivers for a my passport drive?11:01
lpqchristhisisgool, uninstalled nvidia drivers, rebooted, now the system immediately enters into powersave mode for the monitor after entering a passphrase11:02
ikoniaNaemdar: shouldn't need any11:02
neLNaemdar: it should not need any11:02
lpqi've tried booting into recovery mode through grub, makes no difference11:02
neLall the filesystems are rw on linux11:02
NaemdarIt won't mount for some reason.  and its in fat32 perhaps changing the file format?11:03
christhisisgoollpq: while i will admit that nvidia drivers are not my specialty, maybe either adding a user that is in a different group or upgrading the kernel would help?11:03
lpqi've tried using a live-cd, swapped xorg.conf with xorg.conf.failsafe, reboot and the os still enters into a powersave mode11:03
lpqupgrading the kernel might have caused this mess to begin with, that or the recent nvidia update about 10 days ago11:04
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=== tc_ is now known as tc_busy
tc_busycan any one tell how to configure gui in tinycore11:05
NaemdarOr would ntfs be better, I see the ntfs volumes when I go looking for hard drives.  Just not going to torrent files to it as its my windows and game drive.11:05
slyNaemdar , why would you want in it fat32 anyway ? Ntfs is pretty widely supported........11:06
nitzsNaemdar: NTFS is the best option if you want r/w support in both linux and windows.11:07
tc_busycan any one tell how to configure gui in tinycore11:07
NaemdarLast linux I used was lindows and it didn't support ntfs.11:07
NaemdarSo will redo the volume under windows as ntfs my thanks.11:07
ArnoldNaemdar, I think that distro is quite old. I mean back then sure, NTFS support for Linux wasn't complete, and above all, it was read-only11:08
ArnoldThanks to NTFS-3G, you can mount your NTFS partition with read and write support and get it working just fine11:08
NaemdarI appreciate it.  learned something new today.  Linux isn't as scary as it used to be.11:10
NaemdarI decided to go dual boot and use linux as my torrent os.11:10
ShapeNaemdar: You'd be surprized how much it changed and how much support it offers.11:10
tc_busyi booted from my live usb tinycore4.4 but is like terminal can anyone help me to configure it to gui mode11:11
MonkeyDustNaemdar  a friend of mine is more at ease with pcs, now i repaired his win pc with linux11:11
ShapeNaemdar: I installed Red Hat loooong time ago and couldn't do anything in it. And now I don't even need Windows at all.11:11
Rurd2diso when will 12 be on mirrors11:11
tc_busyi booted from my live usb tinycore4.4 but is like terminal can anyone help me to configure it to gui mode11:11
NaemdarUnity reminds me a lot of osx which I am very comfortable with.  I still need windows for gaming and such but I think I will stick to ubuntu for browsing and such.11:12
nitzstc_busy: this isn't a support channel for Tiny Core Linux.11:12
salmankhanis ubuntu 12.04 released yet?11:12
tc_busynitzs: can guide me to one11:12
Rurd2disalmankhan: seems so11:13
Rurd2diits on nz ftp11:13
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SteveBell@Rurd2di, how can I update from with 11.10?11:13
NaemdarWill probably be in here a lot when I start sorting the ati 5770 driver issue but that was back burner to the usb hd.11:13
tc_busynitzs: Rurd2di like???i dont understand11:13
ubottusalmankhan: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases11:13
Rurd2diSteveBell: i dont think they have enabled that yet11:14
Rurd2dithat will be tomorrow sometime11:14
nitzstc_busy: try #tinycorelinux11:14
SteveBellah ok...11:14
Rurd2dii havent been notifed on any of my boxes yet11:14
tc_busythanks nitzs11:14
subdesignso no 12.04 is out?11:15
tc_busynitzs: no ones responding but thanks a lot11:15
Rurd2diim leechin all the new iso's11:16
subdesignRurd2di, is out?11:16
Rurd2diit is here11:17
Rurd2diits on the nz ftp mirror11:17
subdesignok i check ftp11:17
Rurd2diUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin)11:17
Rurd2didont use nz11:17
vuth_what do you mean Rurd2di11:17
Rurd2diim using it11:17
tc_busyRurd2di: can you help me to get there nz ftp mirror i dont how to11:18
nitzshere is a list of mirrors: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+cdmirrors11:18
bhaisahabguys I'm eagerly waiting to do a dist-upgrade.... when is it going live?11:18
Rurd2dibhaisahab:next few hours i guess11:19
tc_busybhaisahab i booted from my live usb tinycore4.4 but is like terminal can anyone help me to configure it to gui mode11:19
Rurd2diisos are out11:19
cba123Don't they push it back 20 minutes everytime someone asks?  Or is that not done anymore?11:19
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SteveBell@Rurd2di how would I update my existing 11.10 virtual machine from the isos?11:19
Rurd2divuth_: im getting of the nz ftp mirror11:19
Rurd2diSteveBell: you cant yet11:19
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Rurd2diwait till the release the dist-upgrade11:20
bhaisahabtc_busy: no idea man11:20
Rurd2dishould be out next few hours11:20
bhaisahabcool Rurd2di11:20
Rurd2diim getting so many messages11:21
Rurd2diif u want the ftp11:21
Rurd2dipm me11:21
subdesignnice link: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/216/builds11:21
FloodBot1Rurd2di: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:21
Tm_TRurd2di: please watch your language11:21
bindidoes ubuntu use that replacement to X server yet? can't remember it's name11:21
bindiwayland maybe11:21
tc_busybhaisahab: big brother right na11:21
tc_busybhaisahab: you saw that movie right mbkd11:21
pedzagrr when will it come out11:21
Tm_Tbindi: no not yet11:21
MonkeyDustbindi  wayland11:21
bhaisahabtc_busy: +111:22
Rurd2dipedza: its out11:22
Rurd2dion ftps11:22
Tm_TRurd2di: no it is not11:22
Rurd2diits on citylink mirror11:22
ferniit is out11:22
subdesignwait for the final!!11:22
Marzata12.04 download url?11:22
Tm_TRurd2di it's not released yet11:22
tc_busybhaisahab: whats this nz ftp thing11:22
bhaisahabyeah not yet11:22
pedzathar it is11:22
Rurd2diTm_T: well why is it on the citylink mirror11:22
pedzahow about xubuntu11:23
pedzai need to install it on a netbook...11:23
Tm_TRurd2di: it's released when it's announced, mirrors might have precopy to ease the final sync11:23
tc_busyTm_T: what is this ftp thing nz....11:23
bhaisahabtc_busy: what do you want to know about ftp?11:23
peter32what about lubuntu11:23
Tm_Tno releases yet, and continue on #ubuntu-release-party about the release please11:24
tc_busybhaisahab: what is this thing going on here ftp thing how to get into it11:24
Tm_Ttc_busy: see my message above11:24
nannesimpossibile situation!! I've just found the only PC in the world where Lubuntu+Chromium go jerkily!! !!! AAAAAAAARGHHH11:25
tc_busythere are 7872 channels my god this is huge11:25
bhaisahabtc_busy: I've no idea ask whoever is offering you downloads via ftp... ftp is just another protocol but for file transfers, I prefer rsync though11:25
nannesDo you think that a kernel-recompilation would change the situation?11:25
tc_busybhaisahab: ok thanks i am  new here11:25
subdesignif you check my above link you can read "testing" status currently11:26
pedzaoh btw here's the download for lubuntu11:26
subdesignbut who knows..11:26
pedzastill cant find xubuntu ;/11:26
Didoupedza, lubuntu ?11:27
pedza@didou, yes the link is for lubuntu11:28
bhaisahabtc_busy: hey bro chill, feel free to ask; ask away anything... you use ubuntu as your default box?11:28
W2764687I need linux driver for Atheros AR5B95 and I cant seem to find11:29
nannesimpossibile situation!! I've just found the only PC in the world where Lubuntu+Chromium go jerkily!! !!! AAAAAAAARGHHH11:29
nannesDo you think that a kernel-recompilation would change the situation?11:29
angel282Hello, can someone please recommend me on good server adminstration panel for Ubuntu? so I can manage all my domains, bandwidth etc...11:30
smittixangel282: webmin11:30
MonkeyDustnannes  please don't 'aaa...'11:30
tc_busybhaisahab: no i temporarily use mint 12 live but i have ubuntu 11.04 iso but my dvd burner went crashing and dont know how to make live usb11:30
tokinwhitemantc_busy: you can download unetbootin11:31
tokinwhitemanor from a windows box use pendrivelinux11:31
tc_busybhaisahab: also i downloaded tinycore 11.9 mb only for fun but now i want to set it to GUI mode and dont know how11:31
NaemdarI did a reformat of the usb drive to ntfs. is there a command I need to run to get it to recognize?11:31
angel282smittix: great, do you know some guide how to install webmin?11:32
bhaisahabtc_busy: easy one, use netbootin or startup disk creator... esaiest way : dd if=path-to-iso of=/dev/sdx where sdx is your pen drive11:32
tc_busytokinwhiteman: as of now I have decided to completely turn to linux  i want to do it on linux11:32
tc_busybhaisahab: thanks11:32
tc_busythat seems great11:33
tc_busyi will try11:33
W2764687I need linux driver for Atheros AR5B95 and I cant seem to find11:33
bhaisahabtc_busy: alternatively go to ubuntu.com's download page and selecte how to install using usb or something like that IIRC11:34
smittixangel282: There will be plenty out there. I would go directly to their website and check what they have first. http://www.webmin.com/deb.html11:34
Didoupedza, release yet :)11:34
MonkeyDust!bcm| W2764687 start here11:34
ubottuW2764687 start here: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:34
tc_busyok bhaisahab11:34
wcchandlerdid 12.04 drop yet?11:34
wcchandleri know it's scheduled for today11:34
babaiwcchandler: releases.ubuntu.com/precise11:34
x010100xlet's try new 12.04 !!11:35
pedzayeah it did11:35
bhaisahabdamn i should fallback on arch linux, just ubuntu makes stuff easier and brain dead11:36
tc_busybhaisahab: i tried but how to give the path of my iso its on the ntfs partition11:36
babaiI think we should wait for it to be official, that link might not be pointing to the correct iso http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=196572311:36
tc_busybhaisahab: i tried but how to give the path of my iso its on the ntfs partition11:36
Lintbabai, it is dated 26.0411:37
wcchandlerbabai: yeah, that's why i didn't get it yet..  figured it was just a nightly build11:37
bhaisahabtc_busy: examepl: sudo dd if=/media/mydrive/ubuntusss.iso of=/dev/sdxx11:37
tc_busybhaisahab: can you suggest me some books on linux11:37
babaiwcchandler: also the trackers for torrents are not synced11:37
tc_busybhaisahab: can you suggest me some books on linux11:37
bhaisahabtc_busy: sudo fdisk -l to identify what  /dev/sdxx is your usb drive11:37
wcchandlerbabai: yeah, the ML said the mirrors are all synced11:38
bhaisahabtc_busy: google.com, staart with kernelcommand.org or was it .com if you're completely new to all this stuff11:38
babaibhaisahab: last time i checked the dd method didn't worked for ubuntu11:38
tc_busythanks bhaisahab11:39
Rurd2diwcchandler: so thats final11:39
Rurd2diand can be downloaded11:39
bhaisahabtc_busy: your welcome hope it works for you11:39
MonkeyDusttc_busy  get to master the command line11:39
GiveUbuntuNOWi doubt you will look any better seteh11:39
tc_busyMonkeyDust: thank you11:40
Ztanehow do I make ubuntu cleanly get rid of my old kernels, ramdisks in /boot11:41
MonkeyDustZtane  I use the 3rd party app ubuntu-tweak to that end11:41
tc_busybhaisahab: such a site doesnt exist11:42
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tc_busycan you suggest some pdfs for it11:43
ZtaneMonkeyDust: ok will try11:43
tc_busybhaisahab: ^11:43
* _r00t_ wonders how you check if an ugrade is available without doing a do-release-upgrade11:43
bhaisahabtc_busy: google, okay I did not tell you this... get all the good stuff off flazx.us11:44
tc_busyok bhaisahab11:44
gribouillewhen will 12.04 be released?11:44
pedzait was11:45
gribouillepedza, when?11:45
nitzsgribouille: only the guys at ubuntu know that.11:45
bhaisahabtc_busy: yeah man typo on my part, it is linuxcommand.org/11:45
bhaisahabit's a really good place to start learning some basic commands11:45
Rurd2dipedza: isos are on mirrors11:46
tc_busybhaisahab: thankyou I will check11:46
Rurd2dibut they havent done final sync yet11:46
gribouilleI thought it would be released on the 28th11:46
Rurd2difrom what i have been told11:46
pedzanope, today11:46
Myrttipedza: it's not out yet, there is no release announcement. Please don't paste links.11:46
gribouillepedza, that's not what https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule says11:47
pedzawell it is the official release date and that is a page on their website11:47
* bhaisahab going to dist-upgrade now, seems like files are showing up11:47
pedza26th of april is the release date as far as i know11:47
tc_busybhaisahab: flazx.us site is great really11:47
Myrttipedza: but it's not announced released yet, so it's not out yet.11:47
pedzabut it is11:47
GiveUbuntuNOWI ANNOUNCE UBUNTU IS OUT. there we go its official now YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAH11:48
pedzait is out but an announcement hasnt  been released yet11:48
nitzsGiveUbuntuNOW: are you trolling?11:48
Kriss3dHas 12.04 gotten released yet ?11:48
Myrttipedza: no, it's not. and this discussion is something that you can't win.11:48
MyrttiKriss3d: no.11:49
nitzspedza: you'll prolly get banned if you start arguing.11:49
Kriss3dah ok.. but its today right ?11:49
smittixIt's not out until it's out.11:49
tc_busyyes released11:49
MyrttiKriss3d: probably11:49
pedzaim not arguing im stating the obvious..11:49
Myrttitc_busy: no.11:49
smittixJust because you can see the ISO doesn't mean its out.11:49
Kriss3dOh i thought today was the big release date11:49
pedzait is11:50
Myrttipedza: there still might be respins and resyncs into the mirrors11:50
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pedzabut they havent made the announcement yet11:50
smittixKriss3d: It is, but it's not officially out yet.11:50
Myrttipedza: so keeping that in mind, it's not out until the announcement is done.11:50
smittixYou risk using unsynched mirrors etc.11:50
Kriss3dah ok.. ill try to sit on my thumb then11:50
tc_busyMyrtti: if this is the popularity of ubuntu, no offence I am kinda new to linux trying to learn, wont the server be overly crowded11:50
tc_busyMyrtti: if this is the popularity of ubuntu, no offence I am kinda new to linux trying to learn, wont the server be overly crowded11:50
nitzstc_busy: yes. so you should use the torrents.11:51
blezubuntu 12 today?11:51
Myrttitc_busy: mirrors and torrents will be in action11:51
Kriss3dits suppsoed to yes.11:51
Myrttiblez: yes, but not yet.11:51
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Precise release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/1598/detail/11:51
tc_busyok Myrtti  and nitzs11:51
tc_busyare there partys arranged11:51
tc_busyMyrtti: my ?11:52
nitzsthe release announcement is out.11:52
tc_busyMyrtti: my ?11:52
Kriss3dim mostly concerned if 12.04 will still have unity or if they finally ditched it11:52
nitzscheck out ubuntu.com11:52
caeliatit is11:52
zvacetKriss3d: unity stay11:52
ikoniaKriss3d: unity is ubuntus default shell for the future11:52
Kriss3durg.. major setback.. oh well.. its linux.. i get to decide how my x looks..11:53
tc_busyin ubuntu everything is preloaded right then fow to set up things in arch linux or puppylinux11:53
pedzaand so11:53
nitzsSo everyone Ubuntu 12.04 LTS is officially out.11:53
pedzait has been released11:53
FloodBot1pedza: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:53
ikoniatc_busy: sorry what ?11:53
Myrttinitzs: still no email on the mailing list, so it's not.11:53
* pedza seeds the torrent11:54
wolfmitchellHello, for some reason, last night my computer was turning off after running for about 5 minutes...11:54
zvacetKriss3d: you have many choices berween de or wm11:54
Kriss3dde ? wm ?11:54
tc_busylike i downloaded tinycore can i setup GUI in it its really light only trying to know things ikonia11:54
tc_busylike i downloaded tinycore can i setup GUI in it its really light only trying to know things ikonia11:55
zvacetKriss3d: desktop environment window manager11:55
ikoniatc_busy: not sure how that has any relevence,11:55
urlwolfwill kubuntu be released at the same time as ubuntu today?11:55
tokinwhitemanask #kubuntu11:55
Kriss3dah.. zvacet yeah.. im used to gnome so i configured 11.10 to look like gnome211:55
Kriss3dworks just fine for me.. but i might try somthing more daring in that direction11:56
tc_busyikonia i mean how to setup wireless graphics gui in light weight distributions11:56
zvacettc_busy: if you want to custumize your ubuntu you can try ubuntu minimal11:56
ikoniawireless graphics ?11:56
ikoniayou don't need "minimal"11:56
ikoniajust change what you want11:56
IWorldhttp://www.ubuntu.com/start-download?distro=desktop&bits=32&release=lts ?11:56
pedzaI haz it.11:56
IWorldSite off-line11:56
ikoniathere is no need for special installs11:56
tc_busyikonia look in tiny core in ifconfig command there is no wlan0 but i have wifi device so11:57
ikoniatc_busy: so ?11:57
zvacetKriss3d: like ikonia said unity is ubuntu shell for future but you can install some other de if you like11:57
tc_busyikonia so how to set it up to make my wifi device run11:57
ikoniatc_busy: you just said you had wireless11:58
delusr_Is this for a PC or a Mac http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/12.04/release/ubuntu-12.04-alternate-amd64+mac.iso ??11:58
ikoniaCyberWorld: 64bit mac11:58
ikoniadelusr_: 64bit mac11:58
urlwolfis there a big difference between installing the beta 2 + upgrading, vs installing the release when it comes out today?11:58
delusr_Wheres the PC version?11:58
pixaalanyone know why banshee isn't playing anything for me? I get the error "GStreamer resource error: NotFound"11:58
tc_busyikonia right now i am using cable connection11:58
nitzsurlwolf: no11:58
Kriss3dzvacet yeah.11:58
urlwolf: nitzs: thanks11:59
P0baileyurlwolf, upgrading from the beta2 is almost the same11:59
ikoniadelusr_: not been released yet, that's why all the people screaming "it's out" look foolish11:59
urlwolfbig difference between installing kubuntu vs ubuntu + kde-full?11:59
ikoniaurlwolf: ubuntu = gnome kubuntu = kde12:00
zvaceturlwolf: beta with all updates will get you to final release12:00
urlwolfyes, I want kde12:00
ikoniaNICBM: no12:00
urlwolfbut kubuntu has removed the beta isos12:00
nitzsurlwolf: you'd be better off installing kubuntu than going the longer route.12:00
NICBMikonia: why?12:00
urlwolfso I'm thinking go ubuntu + kde12:00
urlwolfno idea why12:00
ikoniaNICBM: because nothing has changed12:00
ikoniaurlwolf: ????? just install kubuntu12:00
somyaHi I have performed a ubuntu upgrade to 11.04 but my wi-fi connection is not working properly "wlan0" device is not showing among the network devices12:00
urlwolfthere are no kubuntu isos that I can find12:01
urlwolfright now12:01
ikoniaurlwolf: wait for the release.12:01
delusr_ikonia I think your a fool have you not seen there homepage??12:01
ZenyDoh, download site is down..12:01
ikoniadelusr_: I have seen the home page12:01
NICBMikonia: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/12:01
smittixdelusr_: It _hasn'nt_ been released until the release email has been sent!12:01
ikoniadelusr_: have you seen the links it links to.....oh wait, it's broken because IT's NOT OUT12:01
subdesignhehe Downloading ubuntu i get error : site offline12:01
ikoniaNICBM: yeah, and ?12:01
MonkeyDustok, the ubuntu home page is updated12:01
dr-willisits the same in here every new release day..  stay calm...12:02
subdesignlots of dling12:02
smittixsubdesign: That's because it's not out yet.12:02
Rurd2diits offical now12:02
subdesignhehe yes its out12:02
ikoniaRurd2di: no it's not12:02
ikoniasubdesign: no it's not12:02
subdesignrefresh mate12:02
NICBMIs Unity usable in 12.04??12:02
subdesigndo you need a screenshot ?12:02
ikoniaNICBM: try it, see how you like it12:02
zvaceturlwolf: if you don't want to wait for new kubuntu release you can do this http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde12:02
yaroyarohttp://www.ubuntu.com/ officially released! :)12:02
dr-willisNICBM:  i found it useable in 11.1012:03
smittixsubdesign: go to ubuntu.com and use the link to download. and you will find that it 404's12:03
smittixjust chill it wont be long now.12:03
ikoniathe channel is now muted12:03
ikoniathe ubuntu servers are being updated and prepared for the release. it is NOT out until the release manager states so12:03
ikoniaanyone posting links or suggesting it's out when it's not - will be removed12:03
subdesignsmittix, site is overloaded , not about not released12:03
smittixsubdesign: Please read ikonia's statement.12:04
munikarrelease time?12:04
tc_busywhats muted?12:04
smittixsubdesign: a 404 does not mean an overload..12:04
dr-willisany actual support issues?12:04
ikoniatc_busy: it means can't talk in the channel12:04
subdesignsmittix, for me not 404, i have Drupal error site off-line12:05
ferniikonia: well ubuntu.com says its out12:05
smittixsubdesign: well duh...12:05
subdesignwe wait12:05
Marzata12.04 stable?12:05
tc_busythanks ikonia we've met second time12:05
Zenyarg, how do i disable entered and leave notifications in pidgin?12:05
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dr-willisZeny:  its a plugin you enable i think12:06
dr-willisZeny:  you may want to try xchat instead12:06
smittixPlease see - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2012-April/000159.html12:06
Zenyhmm arrrha, sounds like it should be a setting, (which i cant find x)12:06
lccubuntu 12.04 is released12:07
ikoniathere you go, release mail 2 minutes ago12:07
ZenyYah okay, just seam redundant to have 10x software with the same functionality.12:07
dr-willispidgin in not a great irc client12:07
poglavicagribouille, #ubuntu-release-party * ChanServ has changed the topic to: Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) is released!12:07
Zenyi know now =)12:07
lxgrxbut why isn't it included in http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release ?12:07
celso_when it got released?12:07
Rurd2dimy irssi just died dr-willis12:07
lccthe site is down though.12:08
dr-willisRurd2di:  i use weechat12:08
tc_busyikonia did it release?12:08
MultiplyIs there a way to automatically set file permissions to 770, when I create a new file, on NFS?12:08
ikoniatc_busy: according to that email12:08
tc_busyparty hurray12:08
celso_fortunly i got my torrent file just moments before the ubuntu site went down :D12:08
ikoniaMultiply: look at file creation mask12:08
rapidx_Download worked :)12:08
Multiplyikonia: I'll look it up, thanks.12:09
tc_busylike i said overcrowded12:09
tc_busycan ubuntu get leaked before being officially launched12:09
bazhangtc_busy, its out12:10
celso_think not. why?12:10
tc_busyhi bazhang12:10
Rurd2dinz ftp on citylink is holding up ok12:10
lxgrxwhen will update manager offer 12.04?12:10
jeinorShould/can PC users the image ubuntu-12.04-desktop-amd64+mac.iso? Or is it only for mac?12:10
dr-willistc_busy:  if you updated and upgraded earlier today it would been same as the released12:10
bazhanglxgrx, when your mirrors are synced, I'd imagine12:10
ikonialxgrx: when the servers can handle it12:10
nitzstc_busy: the development of ubuntu is not behind closed doors. so it can never get 'leaked'.12:10
tc_busydr-willis: thanks12:10
ikonialxgrx: I'd advise not updating for a day or so as if the servers lose connection during the upgrade (while it's busy) you'll be in a mess12:11
bazhangjeinor, its fine for PCs12:11
tc_busynitzs: thats deep12:11
dr-willisthats how i normally do a new release12:11
Christoph_vWI tried to report a bug in ubuntu 12.04 but I think I messed it up (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apache2/+bug/988819)12:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 988819 in apache2 (Ubuntu) "wrong path to libxml2.so.2 in mod_security" [Undecided,New]12:11
lxgrxikonia, does that mean when https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors shows most/all of the servers green?12:11
Christoph_vWcan anyone give me a hint how to target the bug report to ubuntu 12.04?12:11
jeinorbazhang, ok, thanks. Whats the difference between ubuntu-12.04-desktop-amd64+mac.iso and ubuntu-12.04-dvd-amd64.iso then?12:11
tc_busyikonia but it says that nothing affects linux even while udating12:11
ikonialxgrx: that means they are synced, however I'd advise against upgrading today12:11
smittixIts up and working now.12:11
ikoniatc_busy: what is "it"12:12
smittixCan everyone hold off until I have downloaded the ISO. :)12:12
lxgrxikonia, i'll try and resist :) thanks12:12
Death_Synooh, front page has 12.04 on downloads12:12
ikonialxgrx: is up to you, it's just advise from experience12:12
* Death_Syn snags torrents12:12
dr-willissmittix:  use torrents12:12
tc_busyi read a pdf linux vs windows12:12
bazhangjeinor, more language packs and a bit more I suppose12:12
fl1bbl3tc_busy: doesn't affect it, but to take advantage of a new kernel you need to boot it12:12
jeinorbazhang: thanks for the info. Only me who is missing an i386 release on http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/12.04/release/?12:13
fl1bbl3upgrading the kernel doesn't necessitate a reboot though12:13
tc_busyok fl1bbl312:13
ikoniatc_busy: then that pdf is wrong12:13
Millenairetc_busy, Do you have a link to that PDF?12:13
ikoniafl1bbl3: yes it does12:13
fl1bbl3no it doesn't12:13
tc_busywell i think i can send one12:13
ikoniafl1bbl3: yes it does12:13
MillenaireYes plz12:13
bazhangjeinor, may take a few minutes, it's been like 5 mins since release, after all12:13
tc_busyMillenaire: ^12:13
ikoniaDeath_Syn: why are you posting that ?12:13
fl1bbl3so I can't have two entries in grub pointing to different kernel levels then?12:13
ikoniafl1bbl3: of course you can12:14
celso_people, for the download, use the torrent file!12:14
jeinorbazhang: ah, I didn't know. thought it was released earlier today :)12:14
Death_Synsomebody couldn't find the image he needed on the cdimage12:14
ikoniafl1bbl3: you can have as many kernels installed as you want12:14
Death_Syni was showing the link for the torrents12:14
Death_Synthough it doesn't look like anyone is seeding yet12:14
fl1bbl3ikonia: I know12:14
celso_thanks :)12:14
Death_Synamd64 desktop is coming down12:14
ikoniafl1bbl3: so why did you just ask if you could do that ?12:15
fl1bbl3ikonia: I can install new kernel files without rebooting, but I can't use that new kernel without a reboot12:15
ikoniafl1bbl3: apologies if I'm missing the question12:15
celso_it is. at least i am downloading amd64 and is doing good.12:15
tehoweOh look the site just went back up12:15
ikoniafl1bbl3: yes, so updating the kernel does need a reboot12:15
fl1bbl3ikonia: no, _using_ the new kernel needs a reboot12:15
celso_always having an average of 150 kbs12:15
ikoniaoh dear, pointless word play12:15
Lintubuntu tried to hotswap the kernels two years ago or so12:16
urlwolfI'm going to install kubuntu from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/dvd/current/12:16
urlwolfplease stop me if this is a bad idea12:16
fl1bbl3ikonia: its not pointless, tc_busy was referring to comparison with windows, where a service pack install needs a full reboot always12:16
dr-willisurlwolf:  why use dvd12:16
Gneaurlwolf: why would it be a bad idea?12:16
ikoniafl1bbl3: yes and a kernel install needs a reboot12:16
ikoniaor it's a pointless task, it's just a file on the machine that's not being used with none of the updates12:16
fl1bbl3I was pointing out that if you choose to update the files, you have a choice whether to reboot or not depending on when you want to use the new functionality of the new kernel12:17
ikoniaas you do with windows you can chose when you reboot after a service pack install12:17
dr-willisnew apps may not work untill new kernel is used....12:17
dodahttps://www.facebook.com/ubuntulinux/posts/441913515834848 is this a fake page ?12:18
zeny_Here we go, one gig dormitory upload added to torrent pool :)12:18
dodai mean the facebook one12:18
ikoniadoda: who cares,12:18
celso_yeah! thanks!12:18
MrKeunerhello, is this precise now?12:18
neLso it is released12:18
Kriss3dITS here!12:18
neLfacebook typo is lulz (ubuntu official page)12:18
tc_busyikonia accept my request12:18
MrKeunerhow do you add applications to autostart in Gnome3?12:19
Gneaheh, the FB announcement...12:19
drussellcan an op change the topic12:19
ikoniatc_busy: what request ?12:19
GneaneL: yeah, just saw that... someone hasn't had enough coffee12:19
ikoniadrussell: sure12:19
drussellwe're supporting 12.04 here now12:19
tc_busyfl1bbl3: i am sending u a file12:19
fl1bbl3pretty sure you aren't12:19
tc_busyikonia i am trying to send u a file12:19
GneaUbuntu 12.04 is LAUNCHED!!! Get it here: www.ubunut.com  <-- oops12:19
tc_busyfl1 1 min please12:19
ikoniatc_busy: I don't want a file thanks12:19
MrKeunerdr-willis, not sure if autorun == autostart12:19
Wolfsherzsorry for this question, but is my 12.04 beta automatically updated to full release, or do i need to do it manually?12:20
nitzssending a file?12:20
=== Spliffy is now known as Spliffster
neLGnea: for some strange reason, I thought it was intentional12:20
=== hugo is now known as Guest98437
dodathe fb announcment is on a page named ubuntulinux, which seems fake12:20
bazhangWolfsherz, just keep update/upgrade, and you'll be there12:20
=== Spliffster is now known as Spliffy056
GneaWolfsherz: the latest updates ought to bring it up to speed12:20
fl1bbl3a pdf file?  seriously, how dumb do you think I am?12:20
dodaWolfsherz: it will ask you to upgrade to a new version of the distro12:20
tc_busyfl1bbl3: i am using xchat its showing waiting12:20
=== ikonia changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: http://ubottu.com/y/gl | IRC info: http://ubottu.com/y/irc | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ | Release Notes: http://ubottu.com/y/rn | Download: http://ubottu.com/y/dl | Currently supporting 10.04 LTS, 11.04, 11.10 and 12.04 LTS.
tc_busyok ikonia12:20
zvacetWolfsherz: update manager will do it  :)12:21
drusselltc_busy: nice ;o)12:21
nitzstc_busy: upload it somewhere12:21
Wolfsherzthank you bazhang, Gnea, doda and zvacet =)12:21
Gnea!pastebin | tc_busy12:21
ubottutc_busy: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:21
fl1bbl3I'm not reading a PDF from an unknown host immaterial of where you put it12:21
Gneafl1bbl3: you could always use clamscan on it12:21
fl1bbl3Gnea: lol, very funny12:22
a7xyeah "ubunut" was a long shot guys :D12:22
dodahttps://www.facebook.com/ubuntulinux should i report this page ?12:22
fl1bbl3because AV is awesome and always finds nasty stuff in pdf's12:22
nitzstc_busy: please upload it somewhere if you are so desparate to send it to someone.12:22
Gneadoda: no, someone just made a typo12:22
=== UFan is now known as UFan_Downloading
a7xhttp://www.ubunut.com/ <- is this a fake website or what?12:22
tc_busynitzs no i said a failed update wont afect linux only that12:23
MrKeunerhow do you add applications to autostart in precise?12:23
a7xand that typo actually exists.12:23
dodaGnea: ok12:23
dodawhat is the official fb page ?12:23
zvaceta7x: download from http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/12:23
tehoweThe torrents just kicked in for me12:23
zvaceta7x:   and use torrent if you can,please12:24
Millenairetc_busy, If you could upload the file somewhere, I'd like the PDF12:24
Kriss3dUrg.. ubuntu.com is down.. or at least very slow12:24
a7xzvacet, gonna run the update, i'm not gonna download the whole thing.12:24
joemppewhy aren't there any md5 hashes on the official download page?12:24
x43L0Pr7Kriss3d: Ubuntu.com is SLOW.12:24
x43L0Pr7I think torrent is the best soloution.12:24
zvaceta7x: ok good luck12:24
zeny_Is there any way to see how much you have uploaded via torrent? (Online, not in client)12:24
Kriss3dim at work. cant do torrents12:24
dr-willisupdateing basucally does download the wjole thing12:25
x43L0Pr7Well , there are mirrors.12:25
tc_busyam i in12:25
stonemanprobably you answered this question... but someone please tell me12:25
dr-willisin an hr or so tirrents will be blazeing fast.12:26
zvaceta7x:np  :)12:26
stonemanwhy download12:26
stonemanlink don't work12:26
lestusim on xubuntu, do i still count as ubuntu user? :P12:26
stonemanfor ubuntu 12.04 :)12:26
dr-willisstoneman: server overload12:26
stonemanaa clear now :)12:26
Gneastoneman: get a torrent or wait12:26
dodalestus: yeah :D12:26
stonemancan't wait12:26
tehowePeople, if I've downloaded the dailies from yesterday (actually dated 12/04/23 for the most part) are we 99.9% sure the ISOs are the same? I want to do a mini-install party at the local cafe but don't want to wait to download them again today if I don't have to12:26
stonemantorret >>>>12:26
dodaeverybody should use torrents12:27
zvacetlestus: well, it is hard to say  ;)12:27
lestushehe kewl12:27
samfisherhi. I want to install ubuntu on 5 pcs and I need to do it simoultaneously. I don't want to burn 5CDs. how could i do that?12:27
dr-willissamfisher:  netboot install12:27
dr-willisfrom one pc on the lan12:27
bountysomeone can tell me the difference between ubuntu and kubuntu ? which is the best ?12:28
stonemanhey Gnea can you give me link for 64 bit ubuntu 12.04 torrent?12:28
=== Lebby1 is now known as Lebby
dr-willisbounty:  use both. you decide12:28
zvacetbounty: same os but different desktop environments12:28
Lebbybounty:  they have same core but different windows environment12:29
samfisherdr-willis: do I need a server?12:29
bountyi can install both ?12:29
zvacetstoneman: http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/12:29
samfisherdr-willis: and can I preconfigure the Ubuntu? so it will install the same config on all?12:29
Lebbybounty:  K-ubuntu use Kde. Ubuntu use gnome12:29
dr-willissamfisher:  with some work.. yes12:29
pwasekWHat is a good backup program to use on ubuntu servers?12:30
stonemani thought that is corrent just to check is it a final version... :)12:30
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate12:30
dodabounty: ubuntu uses unity windows shell (the look and feel of the desktop + gnome apps), while kubuntu uses plasma shell + kde apps, they are only the toppings of a common base and you can use them both on a same system12:30
pietro10Hi. I downloaded the .deb for an alternate broadcom driver after checking the error message from being unable to connect. How do I place it so that additional drivers installs from that deb instead of trying to download? Thanks.12:31
bountyso i can install ubuntu and then decide to use kde or gnome ?12:31
dr-willispietro10:  you dont as far as i know.12:31
dr-willispietro10:  install the deb. hope it works12:32
NarsilHi, I have 12.04 beta 2, do I need to upgrade it? if yes, how?12:32
dr-willisor use its ppa if it exists12:32
pietro10dr-willis: so what can I do? before I could only get online if I booted into windows first, but thanks to a file somehow magically corrupting (???) I'll have to wait until I can get a working CD drive...12:32
Kriss3dbounty ofcourse.. you can pick anything you like.. i removed unity in 11.10 and installed gnome 3 to make it look like gnome212:32
arnsagogo update ubuntu12:32
dodabounty: yeah, you can install it12:32
dr-willisNarsil:  id wait a day or two12:32
neLbounty: yes, you can always do that. sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop will install kde and sudo apt-get install gnome-shell will install gnome shell12:33
zvacetbounty: install ubunut and then you can add kde witch is desktop environment for kubuntu see http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/kde12:33
pietro10is there a database of what commands jockey will run when I choose to install the driver?12:33
dr-willispietro10:  boot from usb perhaps12:33
bountyok i try , tnx12:33
MultiplyIs there a way to check which version a specific package in 12.04 is, without running 12.04?12:34
Narsildr-willis, ok, thanks.12:34
pietro10I can't right now; this is a connectivity issue anyway12:34
dr-willispietro10:  i imagine it does a simple apt-get install whatwver12:34
DrManhattanlook at you guys rolling out ahead of schedule. Good job.12:34
Ztaneis there a separate channel for UEC?12:35
dr-williswonder what uec is12:35
SteevcaIs ubuntu 12.04 supported here now?12:35
PiciZtane: #ubuntu-server12:35
Gorilla_No_Bakahello there..12:36
ShapeMultiply: Of course12:36
steveccchi all - I have 10.04 installed now and am hoping to install 12.04 by overwriting the / and other partitions but leave /home alone so keep the data - is this ok or should it be done a different way?12:36
ShapeSteevca: Of course. Read the topic.12:36
SteevcaOh,i missed that.12:36
MultiplyShape: Well, how? :P12:36
whoever_hi all is there an av that will activly watch and scan a directory avast apears to be manual12:36
Gorilla_No_Bakai got a problem with libquvi.. Namely  is 0.2.15 and i need 0.4.012:36
dr-willisSteevca:  your home is on its own partition?12:36
Gorilla_No_Bakaany ideas?12:36
avijhi, does someone have a torrent for ubuntu-12.04-dvd-amd64.iso ? can't find that anywhere.12:36
stevecccdr-willis: yes its separate partition - basically 20gb for / and swap..... and then the rest of the disk /home12:37
Gorilla_No_Bakaavij:  why bovver? a lot faster to download the iso image from the ubuntu site12:37
dr-willissteveccc:  thats doable then12:37
jas4711ubuntu site doesn't work for me...12:37
Gorilla_No_Bakawhy not?12:37
zvacetsteveccc: then you can do want you asked12:38
stevecccdr-willis: is ext4 the standard partition now?12:38
SteevcaOk,so i have 11.10 now,and when i used the live cd i couldn't connect to the internet,network manager couldn't detect the netwrok.So,can i install wicd on 11.10 and the upadte to 12.04 with upate manager,without going back to network manager?12:38
dr-willisfaster to use torrents12:38
Gorilla_No_Bakadr-willis:  lol12:38
flipp_anybody got a mirror for the 64 bit live cd iso?12:38
jas4711i just get 'waiting for www.ubuntu.com...' in my browser...12:38
tehoweMD5s, for whoever asked: http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/MD5SUMS12:38
dr-willissteveccc:  has been for sime time12:38
zvacetjas4711: doyou want to download?12:38
MonkeyDustrunning do-release-upgrade here12:38
avijGorilla_No_Baka: I'd need the torrent for my torrent seedbox. I'm not planning to install it.12:39
neLthey should scale ubuntu.com instead of fixing bugs12:39
x43L0Pr7Oh man.12:39
jas4711zvacet, yes. any link to some usable site will be appreciated :-)12:39
stevecccdr-willis: I think my 10.04 is ext3 - is there a convenient way to upgrade or is it a matter of backing up data, formatting and then restoring?12:39
ShapeMultiply: http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/12:39
x43L0Pr7Somebody can paste me the torrent link from their site ?12:39
x43L0Pr7It's stuck for me.12:39
ShapeMultiply: All I had to do was google "ubuntu packages" :) Google is your friend.12:39
zvacetjas4711: http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/   and use torrent please12:39
wcchandlerdoes anybody have a magnet link for the 12.04 images?12:39
jas4711i thought they were going to recommend 64-bit for desktops, but when I managed to access www.ubuntu.com it preferred 32-bit.  is 32-bit preferred for desktops?12:40
wcchandlerbuzzkill: thanks :)12:40
whoever_anyone , or are they all manual12:40
icerootjas4711: normally it should changed to amd64, yes12:40
papachani dont have enough space on my disk to update Ubuntu precise pengolin12:40
SteevcaWhen i want to run wicd i get : rename failed.12:40
buzzkillnot sure if it is what you were looking for wcchandler. but it is direct12:40
papachando i must reinstall it?12:40
icerootjas4711: that was my last info i got12:40
pietro10...and now I'm not seeing *any* connections?12:40
zvacetjas4711: depends of your comp12:40
x43L0Pr7Well, should I run 32 bit or 64 bit ?12:40
papachanor just run gparted to try to resize partition?12:40
icerootx43L0Pr7: 64bit if your cpu can do it12:41
tokinwhitemanhey if i have the 12.04 final beta installed, do i need to do any updates? the software center says up to date12:41
x43L0Pr7iceroot: OK.12:41
MonkeyDustx43L0Pr7  if you have 64 bit hardware, you can use 64bit12:41
x43L0Pr7I will.12:41
iceroottokinwhiteman: then you have 12.04 final12:41
x43L0Pr7can somebody paste me the torrent link for 64 bit ?12:41
pietro10ok let's try again12:41
x43L0Pr7I can't enter Ubuntu.co12:41
iceroot!torrents | x43L0Pr712:41
ubottux43L0Pr7: Precise can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/precise/desktop/ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/precise/server/ubuntu-12.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your needs. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com/12:41
pietro10My wireless - BCM4312 - will not work unless I boot into Windows first. How do I fix it? Thanks.12:41
paullenassWhat servers are for CS 1.6 GTH's?12:41
x43L0Pr7thanks :)12:41
zvacettokinwhiteman: use updates to get final release12:41
x43L0Pr7Oh YEAHH !12:42
freakabcdhi all.. is there something wrong with the installer? I have reached the final stage: "Any questions?" and it seems to be downloading some stuff from the internet as i can see the wireless light blinking on my laptop12:42
freakabcdi don;t really see any activity: neither on the usb stick with the live iso nor on the hdd of the laptop12:42
stevecccif i have a copy of 12.04 release candidate from a week ago downloaded - is there any point getting the full iso now or should i just use that and upgrade?12:43
freakabcdalmost feels like it is simply downloading the twitter feed and making me wait for no reason12:43
stevecccupgrade / update12:43
neLIs everybody doing a fresh install since everybody is downloading ISO. People don't have faith on dist-upgrade o_O12:43
tokinwhitemansteveccc: the apt-get update/upgrade says im up to date12:43
zvacetsteveccc:  just do updates and you will be fine12:43
derspanksterI have little faith in the upgrade process12:43
icerootsteveccc: redownload the full iso or use the beta iso and dist-upgrade12:44
yassuwhen can we expect Lubuntu? Ubuntu is out12:44
papachanguys, I dont have enough space to install Precise Pengolin, do i must reinstall all from zero? or just use Gpartition to enable more disk space? which solution do you suggest me?12:44
icerootyassu: lubuntu is out too12:44
ubottuPrecise can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/precise/desktop/ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/precise/server/ubuntu-12.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your needs. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696912:44
neLderspankster: why ? I curious. Does it break various packages  ?12:44
Bennlucky7guys, so  i must download the iso if my beta can be final release??12:44
icerootyassu: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/12.04/release/12:44
ShapeneL: Or some people want to start all over because the system is all cluttered with stuff from experimenting.12:44
somsip neL: last three upgrades I've don have been do-release-upgrade with no real problems but I'll be waiting a few days this time12:45
NarsilI just installed the beta 2, and did some configs, I wouldn't install it again...12:45
neLShape: That sounds like a fair reason12:45
Bennlucky7how my beta can be final release  guys?12:45
yassuiceroot, thanks12:45
Pici!final | Bennlucky712:46
ubottuBennlucky7: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.12:46
neLsomsip: I too wait for sometime always. somehow breaking production or developments environments is not a good thing12:46
zvacetNarsil: jusy update your system12:46
dr-willisBennlucky7:  update magic12:46
Raydiationdamn people keep ddosing ubuntu.com :D12:46
ShapeneL: But yeah, I do agree that I would prefer a fresh install even if it wasn't cluttered. The reason is if something doesn't work or something goes weird, I can always rule out some bug caused by the upgrade.12:46
pietro10My wireless - BCM4312 - will not work unless I boot into Windows first. The OpenWRT 4312mod thing won't let me connect to anything; the official Broadcom drivers show no connections at all.How do I fix it? Thanks.12:46
Bennlucky7okay yhx12:46
somsipneL: zactly - I have a long weekend this weekend so I'm happy to try it then and watch the forums for a while first to look for issues12:46
Narsilzvacet, I did. So is it final now?12:46
zvacetNarsil: yes it is  :)12:47
derspanksterneL: I have had issues in the past - yes broken packages, incomplete installation etc. I've been with Ubuntu a long time, perhaps that's all fixed bu I'm leery.12:47
black_i have a .run file, and i want to run it as root, is there a way from terminal12:47
neLShape: but if you make lot of changes in /etc and other places then ?12:47
neLShape: do you use etckeeper ?12:47
action09hi all12:47
decksmasherHi...ive just put my XP disc in to my Ubuntu machine to download it to V-Box and it sais the disc is blank.?12:47
metacoderhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+cdmirrors  Official CD Mirrors for Ubuntu12:48
davis776hello, is safe to upgrade ubuntu server 11.10 to 12.04?12:48
kjs_lol the site is down, i guess they are updating it?12:48
ShapeneL: No, i'm actually very noob and just learning linux, and I've already messed with many things. Also, I personalized it in many ways and I just wrote a notepad with things I did, so I can always redo them. Again another reason is just in case some packages break so I won't have to worry about that and rule that possibility out.12:48
joemppedavis776, well, it won't explode in your face into thousands of burning chunks of PCB12:49
ShapeneL: Rather than just bumping into a problem and then some Captain Obvious telling me "Have you done a fresh install?"12:49
dskwi didnt realise ubuntu.com uses drupal. heh12:49
cvrdavis776, not recommended to upgrade a server on release day12:49
derspanksterWhy is everyone in such a hurry to upgrade?12:49
kjs_Haha very pro ;)12:49
black_i have a .run file, and i want to run it as root, is there a way from terminal12:49
neLShape: in that case, that is indeed the best approach. we have all been there12:49
neLMan! it makes me sad to notice that sad drupal face on ubuntu.com12:49
nitzsblack_: sudo ./yourfile.run12:49
somyawlan0 device is not showing up in network devices. I am not able to connect to my wireless network. Can anyone please help me out how to repair this I am using ubuntu 11.04 Thanks in advance for you help :)12:49
buzzkillblack_:  sudo ./<whatever>.run12:49
MonkeyDustderspankster  the thrill of a new beginning, maybe?12:50
dr-willisblack_:  what is that .run file12:50
action09as the ubuntu website seems heavy loaded i presume 12.04 is out..12:50
black_thank you nitzs and buzzkill12:50
ShapeneL: But keep in mind I have no detailed technical reasons to give you because I'm just learning linux. :)12:50
aemaethi get a page saying technical error12:50
action09do you ned some bandwitdth ? i'm going to search for a torrent to seed12:50
derspanksterMonkeyDust: Yeah, I understand but I'll wait till the smoke clears myself.12:50
liquidataction09: Yes, for a couple of seconds I glimpsed the release banner, it is out ;)12:50
nitzsaemaeth: the site is overloaded. try later.12:50
ManDayIs it me or is ubuntu.com down?12:50
Narsilugh, apt-get update is not working too.12:50
NarsilMadDay, its down12:51
black_dr-willis ,  metasploit12:51
ManDaynitzs: ah ok12:51
liquidatManDay: Its down for everyone - 12.04 is out.12:51
decksmasherHi...ive just put my XP disc in to my Ubuntu machine to download it to Virtual-Box and it sais the disc is blank.? Thanks12:51
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Precise, and help keeping the servers' load low!12:51
davis776http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/ works ok12:51
neLShape: As i said we have all been there. Even I used to sit years ago with the live CD. Mess up, wipe out, reinstall. Somehow that cycle is very fast in linux -- totally scary in windows12:51
ManDayAnyone know how long it takes for Kubuntu then?12:51
nitzsdecksmasher: can you boot from that disc?12:51
stevecccmy i386 download isnt that quick - are most people using the 64bit nowadays?12:51
steveccctorrent that is12:51
ubottuPrecise can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/precise/desktop/ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/precise/server/ubuntu-12.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your needs. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696912:52
lexxmt12.04 is really out?12:52
decksmasherI have used it to download xp on my desktop12:52
joemppesteveccc, probably, yeah12:52
buzzkillsteveccc:  if the processor supports it, yes.12:52
pietro10is there a better channel for my question12:52
dr-willisdecksmasher:  configure vbox to use the real cd drive. or make an iso file of it12:52
lexxmtI still see in testing on web12:52
decksmasherbut it is a copy?12:52
liquidatdecksmasher: What do you mean by "download"? And who gives an error message telling "the disc is blank"?12:52
davis776joemppe: and what about HDD space, it is gonna be circa the same?12:52
decksmasherON the desktop it sais a blank disc12:53
stevecccis there an upgrade process from ext3 to ext4 or does it have to be a reformat and restore?12:53
Zontaxhi, i installed Ubuntu 12.04 on my vm but the Vmtools couldn't be installed, <unable to mout the disk> ?12:53
ShapeneL: In Windows you have to do it anyway because it just works slower by the day no matter how much you defrag or uninstall programs. I'm glad I found out about Linux.12:53
joemppedavis776, it's going to download a whole bunch of packages so make sure you have some free space12:53
joemppedavis776, what does "df -h" say?12:53
lexxmtZontax you can upgrade to ext4 and keep all data12:53
decksmasherDR_willis Thanks.make an iso.12:54
davis776joemppe: I have 13G free, but it will clean after upgrade right?12:54
MonkeyDustdavis776  here too, installer removes some obsolete packages12:54
liquidatdecksmasher: I have no idea what you used to "download" the disc image to your desktop, but most likely you just created a link. As dr-willis said, just configure vbox to use the real cd drive, and put in the real disc there.12:54
Zontaxlexxmt, how ? apt-get upgrade ?12:54
joemppeyeah, it will12:54
neLShape: yeah, something everything manages to become bloated no matter how much you fix it in windows. I am glad that you found linux12:54
neL*yeah, somehow everything12:54
lexxmtZontax: http://maketecheasier.com/how-to-upgrade-from-ext3-to-ext4-without-formatting-the-hard-disk/2009/04/2112:55
VozivHello, I'm getting an "ambiguous redirect" error on a script I wrote, but only when it's called from a cron job. If I call it myself it works just fine. It's ever since I added hours, minutes, and seconds to the filename. Any ideas? Here is a paste of a working line and an invalid line along with the error12:55
DamienCassouhi, is there a torrent url?12:55
flipp_anybody got a direct link to the wubi.exe fpr 12.04?12:55
Zontaxlexxmt, thnx mate, gonna take a look12:55
joemppedavis776, if it does install extraneous packages, you can try to remove some manually12:55
aemaethDamienCassou: http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/12:55
buzzkillflipp_:  ftp://mirrors.supsec.org/pub/linux/ubuntu-releases/12.0412:55
joemppebut I'm sure there won't be much of a differnece12:55
flipp_thanks buzzkill12:55
davis776joemppe: : I have installed PHP from other repository that ubuntu's and looks like it going to overwrite it, any way to disable this?12:56
ubottuPrecise can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/precise/desktop/ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/precise/server/ubuntu-12.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your needs. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696912:56
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
joemppedavis776, you should disable the other repository before upgrading12:56
DamienCassouaemaeth: thank you12:56
`zso hello12:56
`zdoes anyone have any idea12:56
joemppedavis776, install the ubuntu version or just remove php altogether12:56
`zhow to use a htc touch2 running wm6.5.5 as a sms gateway?12:57
joemppethen upgrade and reinstall after that12:57
`zplanning to do a small project12:57
anomalieshi all12:57
davis776joemppe: ok, thanks :)12:57
joemppedavis776, np12:57
joemppein general, it's best to disable anu unofficial repos12:57
joemppethey tend to break your upgrades12:57
anomaliesjust wanna help another fellow.. if you had problem download with torrent.. you guys can go to http://allyourbasebelongto.us & don't forget to check md5 sum12:57
metacoderWhat's more in the DVD? ubuntu-12.04-dvd-i386.iso12:58
Pessimistubuntu.com down?12:58
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Precise, and help keeping the servers' load low!12:58
ubottuPrecise can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/precise/desktop/ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/precise/server/ubuntu-12.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your needs. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696912:59
Pessimistyeah thank you12:59
tehoweWhat can you use to burn to multiple drives? Brasero just burtnt to one drive for me13:00
MonkeyDustok, 64 bit iso is in13:00
anomalieshttp://allyourbasebelongto.us/~iso/ < prefer dl-ed by indonesian.. got local backbone speed 100Mbps :)13:00
_r00t_What chance do I have of downgrading 12.04 -> 10.04 using this guide ? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DowngradeHowto *serious face*13:00
lestusIs Ubuntu the exact same thing as Debian, but with a pretty interface?13:00
en1gmai see ubuntu site is down. ubuntu 12.04 was released or is it getting ready to be released?13:00
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Precise, and help keeping the servers' load low!13:00
Shapelestus: Look up the word "fork"13:00
=== amir__ is now known as Guest24955
Picien1gma: its being hammered. The release is out.13:01
satyanash_lol ubuntu site went offline13:01
Solverhttp://www.ubuntu.com/ is looking a bit sick to me13:01
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.13:01
aemaethit took almost five minutes to download, i think i want my money back13:01
zykotick9_r00t_: apt scripts are one way - attempting to downgrade is a BAD idea13:01
metacoderXubuntu torrent out --> http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/13:02
MonkeyDustlestus  ubuntu and debian packages are not compatible13:02
Kriss3dif they had just squeezed it 15 megs more it woulld fit on a cd13:02
MultiplyI guess alot people install from USB? :P13:02
black_i want to remove metasploit from ubuntu but i can find any thing related to metasploit, what should i do ?13:02
Zontaxi got this, Unable to mount VMware Tools , Not Authorized13:02
Zontaxhow to fix it ?13:03
=== MartinS is now known as Guest34683
zykotick9lestus: debian and ubuntu are related, but VERY VERY different13:03
alienauthello, i am using beta version can update to new version via update manager13:03
_r00t_yes very bad idea :(13:03
Pici!final | alienaut13:03
ubottualienaut: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.13:03
Guest34683statik do we have a dail in for the call13:03
_r00t_Think I'll boot from the 10.04 and check if my raid works before installing 10.04 over 12.0413:04
alienautthank you13:04
Pessimisttoo bad AMD doesn't give proper support to their gpus on linux :/13:04
aemaethPessimist: they will probably add more cores if you mention it13:04
* _r00t_ ha a busted install - guess I've try both the cds and see how far I get13:04
ubottuPrecise can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/precise/desktop/ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/precise/server/ubuntu-12.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your needs. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696913:04
nealmcbI'm puzzled that the torrents still aren't mentioned in the announcement email.  That could offload the site a lot during releases.13:06
black_any one used metasploit in ubuntu before ?13:07
metacoderHTTP reply from privet.canonical.com (squid/2.7.STABLE7)  when GETting www.ubuntu.com13:07
metacoder"    Unable to forward this request at this time.13:07
neL#ubuntu is the topmost topic in G+ :)13:07
Pessimistnealmcb: I agree. Also they should add download links to the offline page13:07
papachandownloading from http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/13:07
metacoderhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+cdmirrors  <-- complete list of official mirrors13:08
aemaethneL: i see "avengers"13:08
alxsI'm having problems booting 12.04 from usb any suggestions?13:08
PessimistAnd it's the only way of the future as the userbase becomes huger13:08
neLaemaeth: ah, well second top-most. My bad :)13:08
chaospsychexubuntu.com is down?13:08
ogra_being worked on13:09
munimso cool. i didn't know ubuntu.com was made in drupal.13:09
joemppe!down | chaospsychex13:09
chaospsychexmass exodus of window os users trying to grab the site in hopes of migrating to 12.04 ?13:09
dschuettubuntu.com = pwned13:09
munimmaybe i should give drupal another shot13:09
saryalxs: hae you checked the iso hashes !13:10
alienautwhen i write sudo apt-get dist-upgrade it give me error message "E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)"13:10
digim0nkDoes 12.04 have classic gnome / gnome shell support13:10
sary!Md5sum > alxs13:10
ubottualxs, please see my private message13:10
MonkeyDustchaospsychex  obviously13:10
nitzsalienaut: the server is down probably.13:10
grntCan I upgrade Ubuntu just by changing repos in sources.list? update-manager-core pulls tons of garbage back13:11
Arnolddigim0nk, yes, by installing either "gnome-panel" or the "gnome-shell" package13:11
Jonathan___apt-get update is failing too13:11
jribgrnt: not supported, no13:11
alienautah. but i am updating other computer but not distro upgrade13:11
MonkeyDustJonathan___  do-release-upgrade running here13:11
tehoweHow do I burn to multiple drives in Ubuntu??13:11
nitzsgrnt: you can. but not having the garbage might break you new system.13:11
grntjrib: what (or how) exactly will be broken?13:12
joemppegrnt, I did that once when the official updater pooped out13:12
joemppebroke everything though13:12
kjs_if anyone needs 12.04 download links while the site is down http://linuxmoz.com/ubuntu-12-04-download/13:12
jribgrnt: if you're fairly experienced then you can try but do not be surprised if you need to use a hammer once in a while13:12
digim0nkArnold, thanks .. so after the install just install gnome 3 and set as default13:12
jribgrnt: (i.e. upgrades may fail and you need to resolve dependencies and issues to continue)13:13
grntok, I'll jut try and let you know. I'm running from usb install created specifically to play around )13:13
Arnolddigim0nk, once you installed either of the packages, you'll have more desktop manager options during login: the "default" will be the last used13:13
Arthur_Dhi, I have a netbook with Ubuntu 10.04 Netbook Edition, and I have not been offered to upgrade to 12.04. Since the netbook edition was put in the normal distribution, does this mean I'll have to do a clean install of vanilla Ubuntu?13:14
GG111can somebody here confirm that they can get to ubuntu.com ?13:14
zykotick9GG111: it's down...13:15
ogra_GG111, its down and being fixed currently13:15
alienautOMG! what happened to servers13:15
MonkeyDustGG111  that's how popular it is13:15
digim0nkArnold, cool .. thanks13:15
GG111wow... what's up with that..13:15
GG111MonkeyDust: one should be ready for this13:15
ArnoldYou're welcome digim0nk13:15
tyteen4a03is it just me or is the ubuntu website overloaded?13:15
tarzeauhttp://uptime.netcraft.com/up/graph?site=www.ubuntu.com ah they're still on apache213:15
ububuntuwhen commes on distrowawtch is every time down ;)13:15
GG111I'm all for Ubuntu. but were the sys-admins there napping or something ?13:15
blezubuntu.com doesn't work?13:16
PiciGG111: They're hard at work.13:16
Jonathan___the server is busy13:16
tarzeauthey should switch to nginx13:16
DNXis ubuntu.com down?13:16
nitzstarzeau: what makes you say that?13:16
=== miguel is now known as Guest58543
halanyone know about oprofile on precise? Like why it's gone?13:16
tyteen4a03DNX: yes13:17
joemppewe really need a !down keyword13:17
alienautis it because so many client on the server? or is it attacked?13:17
zykotick9joemppe: +113:17
tyteen4a03and probably somebody should put that on topic13:17
GG111Pici: they should be, people get fired for this kind of things, I don't need to be mean.13:17
tyteen4a03alienaut: I would guess 12.0413:17
tarzeaunitzs: experience13:17
SjimmieI just did an upgrade from ubuntu server 10.04 to 12.04 and it crashed. Now I'm stuck with this message http://pastebin.com/bGecwns513:17
kjs_DB can't take requests i suspect...13:17
Sjimmieanyone any suggestions? I did an LTS -> LTS upgrade13:17
designbybecktarzeau:  i've never tried nginx...but i saw they had an update.... what makes it better?13:17
=== Guest58543 is now known as TronThor
_norhi, can anyone tell me where i can find logs for init.d scripts?13:18
kjs_Sjimmie: http://linuxmoz.com/how-to-upgrade-to-ubuntu-12-04/ ?13:18
Picihal: Looks like it was removed from debian, and thus removed from Ubuntu. See http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=65316813:18
ubottuDebian bug 653168 in ftp.debian.org "RM: oprofile - unmaintained, replacements exist, buggy, low popcon" [Normal,Open]13:18
icerootgreat now everyone is using the torrents and the torrent-tracker is so much under fire.. :)13:18
tarzeaudesignbybeck: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nginx13:18
GG111Pici: Do you use the envelpoe  in Unity for mail notification ?13:18
PiciGG111: I don't use unity.13:18
kjs_tarzeau: got a link for the torrent ?13:18
=== gh0506 is now known as china_guang
GG111I see, well, I started lately. one last thing left before I call it perfect for me.13:19
Sjimmiekjs_: that is what i did but during the do-release-upgrade it crashed13:19
zykotick9!torrents | kjs_13:19
ubottukjs_: Precise can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/precise/desktop/ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/precise/server/ubuntu-12.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your needs. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696913:19
alienauti hope i will be ok soon i was planning to go out after i upgrade my system :/13:19
MonkeyDustSjimmie  i'm doing it the same way, all looks fine for now13:19
KonataI want my precise download.13:19
SjimmieIt crashed here during the gcc upgrades13:19
GG111I'm getting a full blown  "unable to connet" now :)13:20
halPici: Thanks!13:20
joemppeSjimmie, can you remove the offending packages?13:20
anomalieshttp://allyourbasebelongto.us/~iso/ | Ubuntu 12.04 LTS | Indonesia Mirror local backbone 100Mbps13:20
albechubuntu.com down for everyone?13:20
MonkeyDustthe rumble in the ubuntu jungle, i love it13:20
zykotick9albech: yes, it's not just you.13:20
meadhikarialbech, down for me13:20
heckmanhttp://releases.ubuntu.com/ <-- use this13:20
wer0ckzhi guys. need help. im using an asus laptop. everytime i push the power button to sleep / the screen still on but its black.u know what i mean? but in the past using win7 works just fine. but this ubuntu 12 it doest sleep when i push the power button. the battery drains13:20
dskwseems like canonical.com is down too..13:21
=== GirlyGirl_ is now known as GirlyGirl
MultiplyWell, seems like one of my servers finally finished upgrading. And it works decently so far :)13:21
GG111honsestly, I'm kind of angry at them, they can at least have " down, be back soon" , you can have this on a PC on the other side of the world and do a quick DNS divert.13:21
aemaethwer0ckz: i'm on an asus, let me test that, brb13:21
alienautwhere can i get torrent for ubuntu 12.0413:21
grntpackages.ubuntu.com is up13:21
blezI guess they did something wrong with the 12.13:21
Marzatawer0ckz: sell it out13:21
zykotick9!torrents | alienaut13:22
ubottualienaut: Precise can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/precise/desktop/ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/precise/server/ubuntu-12.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your needs. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696913:22
alienautthank you again13:22
pipikaHI, iam building a new kernel and i get this error message " *** Configuration file ".config" not found!         make[2]: *** [silentoldconfig] Error 1 make[1]: ."13:22
grntlaunchpad is up too13:22
aemaethwer0ckz: worked for me, i'm in an older version though, and laptop is old.13:22
bountyi just have a question , about install ubuntu on windows or not , which are the differences ?13:23
teroso www.ubuntu.com si down. That means that ubuntu server should not be used in most popular sites woth a lot of traffic?13:23
anomalieshttp://allyourbasebelongto.us/~iso/ | Ubuntu 12.04 LTS | Indonesia Mirror local backbone 100Mbps "don't forget to check the md5 sum"13:23
GG111bounty: do you mean as dual boot ? or as a virtual machine ?13:23
elspuddyhi will 12.04 be availble from the update manger or do i have to download a cd ?13:24
kjs_what is stable release called?13:24
kjs_final release ?13:24
heckmanelspuddy: I would wait a day or so before upgrading.13:24
jrib!upgrade | elspuddy13:24
ubottuelspuddy: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade13:24
heckmanelspuddy: mirrors are going to be under heavy use. :P13:24
bountydual boot inside windows13:24
_norhi, can anyone tell me where i can find logs for init.d scripts?13:24
alienautand last question i have 32 bit version on my netbook if i upgrade it to 64 bit version will i lose my data on hdd(files, documents, programs etc.).13:24
jribelspuddy: yes make sure you're using a local mirror if you choose to update today13:24
heckmanalienaut: you need to reinstall OS if you are changing from 32=>64-bit13:24
anomaliesalienaut; before it do anything.. the installer will reject13:24
elspuddythanks :)13:25
zykotick9alienaut: 32bit->64bit requires a reinstall (do you have separate /home partition)13:25
pipikaHI, iam building a new kernel and i get this error message " *** Configuration file ".config" not found!         make[2]: *** [silentoldconfig] Error 1 make[1]: ."13:25
hal"Alternatives exist (perf)" apt-cache show perf is nothing. apt-cache search perf returns a bajillion packages none of which seems to do what oprofile does. Am I missing something or is this just seriously weird? People profile their code right? How?13:25
GG111bounty: It can't be inside of windows , I'll be clearer : do you mean to have a menu right after you power up the system, that asks you which OS to load ?13:25
anomaliesmost if not all netbook only 32bit arch13:25
papachancan i resize the partition size before installing the new ubuntu with gparted?13:25
alienautoh! thank you guys13:25
zykotick9anomalies: my EEEpc is 64bit...13:25
trav1shey guys... hoping someone can help me with vsftp quickly... I have a friend that needs to send a friend of hers  a large movie (about 150MB) email cant handle that obviously...  I set up an FTP server (vsftpd), i have edited the .conf to allow for anonymous login as well as anonymous write... however when i try to write a file to the ftp server it doesnt work... any ideas?13:25
anomaliesmost < :)13:26
GG111trav1s: what errors are you getting13:26
alienauthave a nice day, thanks a lot again13:26
bountyi'm i mean use the windows installer , or make a partition separately and reboot the system to install it13:26
joemppenetbooks circa late 2008 and up tend to be 64 bit13:26
heloi'm getting an error trying to upgrade: "E: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'libjpeg-dev'."13:26
Vortexianerhi. i got the ubuntu 12.04 beta 2 installed. is my ubuntu automatically changed to the final version?13:26
iceroot!final | Vortexianer13:27
ubottuVortexianer: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.13:27
MonkeyDustVortexianer  yes13:27
OccupyDemonoidSite is finally up. :)13:27
anomaliesjoemppe; i guess i'm old skool then.. :P13:27
GG111bounty: please use my nick when you reply, the'res noise in the room. Install windows, after that's done, install Ubuntu, Ubuntu will take care of the menu after you boot and let you choose with operting system to load.13:27
anomalieslast netbook i touch is still running atom13:27
Vortexianerok. thank you !!13:27
trav1sGG111 i'm using Internet Explorer in Windows... I get the error:  "An error occured copying a file to the FTP Server. Make sure you have permission to put files on the server.   553 Could not create file"13:27
kjs_Ok if anyone needs a page to point people for final release mirrors of Ubuntu 12.04 http://linuxmoz.com/ubuntu-12-04-download/13:27
heloshould i abandon attempting to upgrade, and just do a fresh install?13:27
joemppeanomalies, the newer atom models are 64 bit13:27
kjs_(while the ubuntu.com is down).13:27
trav1sGG1111: 553 is a permission denied message from my research13:27
OccupyDemonoidkjs_, ubuntu.com is up again. :)13:28
GG111trav1s: you hane annonyoms login, but can annonymus put files on your site ?13:28
Keo-wyea ubuntu works for me as well13:28
anomaliesjoemppe; i guess i need to update my knowledge about netbook.. never touch one again since late 200613:28
anomaliesi simply give up.. too slow for my work nature13:28
ric8cruzjoemppe, do you recommend installing the 64-bit version?13:28
trav1sGG111: i do have anonymous login, but cant put files on the site13:29
anomalieshttp://allyourbasebelongto.us/~iso/ | Ubuntu 12.04 LTS | Indonesia Mirror local backbone 100Mbps "don't forget to check the md5 sum"13:29
joemppethis might help: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Intel_Atom_microprocessors#Netbook_processors_.28sub-notebook.2913:29
davis776joemppe: so, upgrade completed, free space is same as before, only "problem" is just reinstalled php to ubuntu's version :) thank you again13:29
GG111trav1s: do know how to use putty ?13:29
anomaliesjoemppe; thanks dude ;)13:29
trav1sGG111: lol yes i am sshed in now looking at my config13:29
ric8cruzjoemppe, I was told 64-bit applications requires more memory because pointers are 64-bits13:29
ric8cruzis there truth to that?13:30
trav1si'm about to create a whole new one in fact13:30
GG111so, you can just sftp to the server and put the file there13:30
ric8cruzwhat are the advantages of 64-bit? is it any faster?13:30
GG111trav1s: so, you can just sftp to the server and put the file there13:30
imetallicaric8cruz, not exactly but 64bit systems then to be more fat in resources...13:30
trav1sGG111: yes I can, but the non tech saavy person who needs it is not gonna know how to do all that13:30
tarzeauric8cruz: partly, yes, and you can address more memoyr13:30
Morpheus93Hello evrybody13:30
GG111what are the premission on the directory ?13:30
zykotick9ric8cruz: depends what you are doing, for general day-to-day NO.  For encoding media / big number crunching - YES.13:30
GG111ls -l $sftp directry13:31
trav1sGG111: i'm trying to figure out where the default FTP directory is13:31
joempperic8cruz, if you're short on memory then you may prefer to use the 32 bit version13:31
ric8cruztarzeau, but my notebook only has 1Gb, so there isn't any benefit to the increased scope of pointers13:31
zykotick9ric8cruz: if you have less then 4GB RAM use 32bit13:31
GG111trav1s: mmm. I see, I don't know that .13:31
ric8cruzok, thanks guys13:31
tarzeauric8cruz: i don't think so13:31
GG111trav1s: qucik google will tell you that.13:31
lineoxI only trust the url direct from ubuntu13:31
tarzeauric8cruz: 1 GB memory?13:31
anomalieslineox; that's the point of md5 checksum13:32
rawhitehi im trying to save/resume a libvirt / kvm machine guest while i reboot my host13:32
lineoxchecksum can be faked13:32
ric8cruzI will update my 32-bit ubuntu, so I guess I would have to do a clean install for the 64-bit version anyhow13:32
rawhitehow could i do this ?13:32
tottto-drummondubuntu website back in service13:32
ric8cruztarzeau, sure, 1GB. it is a cheap notebook13:32
anomalieslineox; oh is it? :)13:32
rawhiteric8cruz: then dont install 64bit :P13:32
tarzeauric8cruz: how much GB harddisk?13:32
ric8cruztarzeau, I bought it recently. here in Portugal, most Eee PC notebook only have 1GB13:32
rawhiteric8cruz: if you dont have at least 3G+ there isnt any benefit of using 64bit13:33
ric8cruzok, thx13:33
imetallicaEee PC uses Atom processor right?13:33
rawhiteimetallica: yes13:33
ric8cruzat least mine does13:33
imetallicawon't work 64bits13:33
rawhiteimetallica: it has the lm flag13:33
zykotick9imetallica: some Atoms are 64bit...13:33
tarzeauzykotick9: most aren't13:34
imetallicamine's a dual core Atom and it does not work the 64 bits13:34
rawhiteimetallica: at least a netbook that i encountered had that , but it had only 2gb of ram , and it was dualcore with sse3 ssse3 and lm flag13:34
rawhitetarzeau: do you have the lm flag in the /proc/cpuinfo ?13:34
UICTamalelet me just say that www.ubuntu.com/tour is brilliant.  Well done to all those responsible for that gem.13:34
munimyay its here13:35
tarzeaurawhite: yes, what's the lm flag good for?13:35
joemppeN2xx 32 bit, N4xx, N5xx, N2xxx 54 bit13:35
OccupyDemonoidOh, I cannot wait till this torrent is done.13:35
tarzeaurawhite: wait so all the atom boxes i have here (100+) can do 64bit linux?13:35
rawhitetarzeau: lm shoudl be the 64bit option13:35
lineoxwhy md5 can't be trusted enough to download from any source. http://www.win.tue.nl/hashclash/SoftIntCodeSign/13:35
Yud_ZrocIf I add user or make a new profile for a person on my Ubuntu laptop do the drivers and packages I have installed work on the new profile?13:35
rawhitetarzeau: try to boot one and see for yourself , i didnt tryed :P13:35
tarzeaurawhite: i guess i'll create 64-bit ltsp chroots now...13:36
bubuscan´t boot into 12.04 i think nouveau freezes my boot, how i boot with old nvidia drivers?13:36
trav1sGG111: i found the default anon_root directory for vsftpd13:36
zykotick9Yud_Zroc: drivers would yes13:36
rawhitetarzeau: not sure :) try it and tell me also please :) i dont have the netbook anymore it was not mine13:36
trav1sGG111: it's /var/ftp13:36
tarzeauit says all these: flags: fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic mtrr pge mca cmov pat clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe nx lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts aperfmperf pni dtes64 monitor ds_cpl tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr pdcm movbe lahf_lm dts13:36
halapt-get install linux-tools for perf in case anyone actually cares.13:36
joemppejeez, just read intel's product specs13:36
rawhitetarzeau: but whats the point on booting 64bit if you dont have ram to use ?13:36
designbybecktarzeau: you use ltsp in an educational setting?13:36
GG111trav1s: ls -l /var |grep ftp13:36
Yud_Zroczykotick9: thankyou....and the packages (such as flash and MP3 etc)?13:36
tarzeaurawhite: the point is that the ltsp server is running in 64bit13:36
rawhiteltsp is very nice not just in edu :P in enterprise also :D13:37
joemppeyou're being too linuxy about this13:37
rawhitetarzeau: oh only 64bit ?13:37
tarzeaurawhite: and we run condor (wisconsin)13:37
anomaliesjoemppe; only "Pineview" & "Cedar-Trail M" are 64bit13:37
designbybeckin what ways rawhite?13:37
lineoxthank you for your hard work everybody!13:37
zykotick9Yud_Zroc: any packages, will apply to all users as well (that's both system wide installed stuff)13:37
tarzeaurawhite: so when ALL hosts are 64bit, people only compile their code to run on all hosts ONCE instead of once for 64-bit hosts and once for 32-bit hosts13:37
Yud_Zroczykotick9: thankyou so much13:37
joemppeanomalies, yeah, what I said13:37
rawhitehow do i tell my kvm guests to save when the host is shut down and resume when the host is booted ?13:37
joemppeI was looking at nettop atoms earlier when I said late 200913:37
joemppe2008 sorry13:38
anomaliesonly Asus use it or there is another vendor?13:38
joemppethere are plenty13:38
joemppesamsung is a big one13:38
ric8cruzUICTamale, thx for the link. the ubuntu tour is really cool indeed. my hat off to those responsible for it.13:38
Mahmoud20070I can't download ubuntu 12 why???13:38
anomalieshmm.. might consider buy one.. just to toy with it13:38
OccupyDemonoidI already seeded 1.0 and I am still downloading 12.04 LTS. That is amazing.13:38
Yud_ZrocHow does one get the "dell dock" or that apple graphical menu mod? i see it in videos all the time, I just dont know what it is called13:38
anomaliesMahmoud20070; ubuntu got hammered!!13:39
tyteen4a03Mahmoud20070: make sure you are using a local mirror, the main server are very busy right now13:39
imetallicaMahmoud20070, try the torrents, they work fine.13:39
ric8cruzMahmoud20070, maybe a problem with the mirror13:39
anomalieshttp://allyourbasebelongto.us/~iso/ | Ubuntu 12.04 LTS | Indonesia Mirror local backbone 100Mbps "don't forget to check the md5 sum"13:39
china_guangCan debian 6.0  get wireless card dress from Ubuntu ?13:39
joemppeI, personally, am drooling for the ultra thin i7s with SSDs and 8GB of ram ;)13:39
zykotick9rawhite: libvirt/virt-manager support is #virt on irc.oftc.net13:39
trav1sGG111: drwxr-xr-x  2 root root  4096 2012-04-26 09:32 ftp13:39
Mahmoud20070i don't like torrents i will wait to night becuase i like to download from http13:39
tarzeaujoemppe: you mean the one with a bitten fruit on it?13:40
lineoxThis is the latest 12.04 torrent? www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/alternative-downloads Why doesn't the download file have LTS?13:40
trav1sclearly that is wrong13:40
yunoshany idea why the update manager is going to remove git when upgrading to precise?13:40
Yud_Zrocchina_guang: you would have to set up the repos in the package manager, but its not 100% to work13:40
anomaliesjoemppe; i'm currently use i5 2nd gen with ssd and 8gb of ram  :)13:40
joemppetarzeau, that's just one OEM13:40
lineoxI like Torrents because md5 is built in and the torrent link was from Ubuntu. Isn't that the most secure thing ever?13:40
KeithWeissharI'm having trouble staring the ubuntu 12.04 download from the ubuntu website13:40
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GG111trav1s: well, that's fine.13:40
imetallicaKeithWeisshar, try the torrents13:40
joemppeanomalies, sounds good13:40
KeithWeisshari tried to start the download but it won't even start13:40
anomaliesi don't think for notebook it will much give any significant improvement for i713:40
GG111it's not Linux permmisions, most likely with you server permissions.. did you follow a step by step guide ?13:41
imetallicaKeithWeisshar, go to the alternatives page and get the torrent13:41
anomaliesjoemppe; well.. it's a thinkpad. :)13:41
lineoxKeithWeisshar: you are not honoring distrubuted computing and overloading the server.13:41
trav1sGG111: brb gotta do something really quick13:41
OccupyDemonoidKeithWeisshar, Have you tried downloading it via bittorrent? I have no problem with it that way.13:41
KeithWeisshari don't have bittorrent installed13:42
joemppeI've learned not to skimp on CPU purchases13:42
KeithWeissharthe isp throttles it13:42
lineoxI got it coming down fast at 1 meg per second my top speed thanks to torrent. even throttled.13:42
Jeff123Can anyone advise on if its worth installing 64-bit Ubuntu?13:42
KeithWeissharis there a usa mirror13:42
OccupyDemonoidKeithWeisshar, You could download the .iso though the alternative page. I also had success with that.13:42
anomaliesi5 + ssd + 8gb memory already awesome, why the need of i7? :)13:42
MultiplyI got it down at almost 19mb a sec, lol13:42
imetallicaJeff123, how much RAM you have?13:42
designbybecktarzeau:  and rawhite have you used iTALC for enterprise management? maybe traning room labs or the like?13:43
KeithWeisshardoes the web download use the nearest server based on ip address13:43
tarzeaudesignbybeck: nope, never heard of it. url?13:43
KeithWeisshardoes it use the random mirror13:43
Jeff123I note 32 bit is recommended. Any idea why?13:43
designbybecktarzeau: http://sourceforge.net/projects/italc/13:43
tarzeaudesignbybeck: we're using dphys-config though (since we developed it)13:43
Yud_Zrocjoemppe: ya, if i dont spend at least....minimal 100 on mine and it must have at least 4 cores...i kind of get finiky13:43
joemppeso you have bragging rights over a greater number of people? :)13:43
designbybeckor this tarzeau http://italc.sourceforge.net/13:43
tehoweHow do I burn to multiple drives in Ubuntu?13:43
lineoxKeithWeisshar: this was posted a few minutes ago here ftp://mirrors.supsec.org/pub/linux/ubuntu-releases/12.0413:43
odinsbaneI hope to d/load and install this afternoon. Is gnome-shell in the default repos?13:43
tehoweI'm doing an install party so it would be nice to know13:44
KeithWeissharcan i use the link on distrowatch13:44
lineoxKeithWeisshar: maybe suspec.org is trustable?13:44
imetallicaJeff123, many people don't have PCs with more than 4Gb RAM (my guess) and 32bit versions works on any PC13:44
tarzeaudesignbybeck: nice tip thank you13:44
MultiplyTime for me to go! Happy upgrading, guys. :D13:44
tehoweBrasero has a bug and won't even burn to the next sequential CD without killing the process13:44
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anomaliesjoemppe; lol.. this thinkpad i use for work only.. have bad design aesthetically ugly13:45
Jeff123imetallica: Thanks. Just to ease my last worry, are there any known issues with 64 bit versions?13:45
designbybeckno prob tarzeau, I'm hoping to deploy LTSP or iTALC in our classrooms soon for a mixed Windows/Linux environment, but i'm new to them both13:45
imetallicaJeff123, but you can have the 64bit version without trouble.13:45
anomaliescan't brag with it13:45
imetallicaJeff123, don't think so, nowadays these are well tested. They share the same love and care as the 32bit ones.13:45
rawhitetarzeau: did you try to boot one ?13:45
joemppenonsense, they're just solidly built for extra reliability13:46
tarzeaurawhite: nooo not yet, i'm busy creating the netboot images for the normal workstations13:46
Jeff123imetallica: Thanks mate. *Downloading*13:46
tarzeaurawhite: i'll try it some time, but certainly not today13:46
ric8cruzdoes the new ubuntu use the new HUD menu? :)13:46
tc_busyhow to change the grub when your windows option doesnt appear13:46
imetallicaJeff123, have fun. :-)13:46
rawhitetarzeau: but well dont blame it on me if it doesnt boots 64bit kernels :P13:47
tarzeaurawhite: heh, no worries :)13:47
tc_busydual boot isnt working, windows option doesnt show up13:47
imetallicaric8cruz, 12.04 ships with Unity 5.x, so yeah13:47
ric8cruzimetallica, way cool ()13:47
Mennotime to set up a working squid cacheing proxy13:47
ric8cruz* 8)13:47
lineoxhopefully this handles dual screen better than 12.04--13:47
Mennoand *then* apt-get update13:47
tc_busydual boot isnt working, windows option doesnt show up, how to edit grub13:48
anomaliesjoemppe; ahahaha.. it's beast actually.. behind that ugly design, this one if a hell of a beast =))13:48
muzzolany decent 12.04 mirror?13:48
Mennoedit files in /etc/grub.d13:48
tarzeauit's so nice to have gigabit internet13:48
Pitelmuzzol: torrent...13:48
imetallicamuzzol, try the torrents.13:48
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aemaethwhere's the buglist at?13:48
joemppeanomalies, yeah I had a thinkpad once from work13:48
joemppeloved it13:48
_r00t_Is there a vmware tools repo for precise ?13:48
tc_busyMenno: like can you tell me how to13:49
Mennotc_busy: I'd be glad to share my setup with you.13:49
anomaliesmine is x22013:49
PinkHat91hello, i have pentium 4, 3gh, 1 gb ram, onboard graphic 64 mb, can i use 12.04? of course without unity13:49
tc_busyMenno: pm me13:49
Mennotc_busy: better to talk in the main channel - then others can also learn.13:49
anomaliesPinkHat91; yes, you can13:49
tc_busyPinkHat91: yup13:49
SkaagHaving trouble installing ubuntu 11.10 from a USB stick on an asus u46e13:50
tc_busyMenno: thanks for the thought i am new here so kinda .....13:50
imetallicaPinkHat91, yes, but I would suggest you to use it without effects... Compiz eats around 300Mb RAM13:50
joemppeanomalies, t61 maybe?13:50
SkaagI get the initial menu to try or install, then the screen blanks13:50
tc_busySkaag it should have been easy13:50
tc_busySkaag: i have13:50
_r00t_will try open vm in the meantime13:50
compdocso 12.04 is released?13:50
SkaagI tried turning off acpi, and adding nomodeset13:51
_r00t_imetallica: Compiz on which release ?13:51
tc_busycompdoc yes13:51
anomaliesjoemppe; mine is thinkpad x22013:51
PinkHat91ok, tnx13:51
anomaliesblazing fast13:51
joempperight :)13:51
imetallica_r00t_, 11.1013:51
Mennotc_busy: so, what partitions are your Windows and Linux on.13:51
anomaliest61 is a very durable one13:51
Skaagtc_busy: How did you install? From CDROM or USB?13:51
_r00t_imetallica: thanks .... I'm looking for feedback on compiz for 12.0413:51
MennoWindows 7 is detected automagically by GRUB, as should WinXP.13:52
tc_busywell Menno i dont get it but i choose 50-50 space in it ,Skaag usb13:52
SkaagUbuntu.com seems to be having some issues this morning, with their reverse proxies13:52
anomaliesmy boss still have a t61, running nicely but never use it for work anymore.. since we all using x220 for the standard :)13:52
Mennois dist-upgrade still ill-advised?13:52
tc_busyMenno it used to but since my sister had a wagic touch on my laptop13:52
anomalieshttp://allyourbasebelongto.us/~iso/ | Ubuntu 12.04 LTS | Indonesia Mirror local backbone 100Mbps "don't forget to check the md5 sum"13:53
indystormHey why is ubuntu.com running so slow?13:53
Skaagtc_busy: How did you boot it from USB? Special kernel settings?13:53
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imetallicaindystorm, too many people accessing it at same time13:53
joemppeanomalies, it ought to be13:53
odinsbaneindystorm: everybody is using it right now.13:53
mohdsary: hi sary13:53
joemppeconsidering it feels like a slab of steel13:53
Skaagindystorm: Trouble with their reverse proxies13:53
tc_busySkaag used unetbootin to do the job13:53
captinehi all.  anyone here have issues with 12.04  wifi range?   my wifi is very poor and although says connected, does not even ping google when i am away from router.  11.10 worked fine at similar distance13:53
indystorm:( I want to download the new 12.04 distro....13:53
anomaliesjoemppe; lol!13:53
imetallicaindystorm, if you want to download it, try downloading from torrents13:53
heckmanindystorm: http://releases.ubuntu.com/13:54
odinsbaneindystorm: use a torrent.13:54
heckmanYou're welcome13:54
indystormok cool I'll try13:54
tc_busyMenno your grub13:54
Stanley00captine: I think you should pastebin the follow info, lspci -kv and lsmod, use pastebin tou paste the result13:55
tc_busySkaag in BIOS I set the proirity to USB HDD13:55
MennoI have Win7 and WinXP sharing the same boot partition,13:55
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GhostWolfanyone have installed 12.04?13:55
Mennoso my 40_custom looks like this: menuentry "blah blah" --class windows --class os { \n insmod part_msdos \n insmod ntfs \n set root="9/dev/sda,msdos1)' \n search --fs-uiid --set=root blahblahblah \n ntldr /NTLDR \n }13:55
tc_busyMenno winxp in ntfs but linux in etx thing13:55
Skaagtc_busy: I manage to boot the USB stick13:55
MennoGhostWolf: updating the beta right now13:55
Mennotc_busy: I"m really sorry dude but I don't understand you.13:56
mohdi like ubuntu :)13:56
tc_busySkaag i did it myself my but grub file has been damaged somehow13:56
tc_busyMenno see my grub settings got changed somehow is it possibe to include winxp option in it again13:57
jiltdilSite is down :(13:57
fuskIs it a known problem, when you open your screen up after sleep that most of the times, the login box never shows up, or does show up but mouse and keyboard stopped working?13:58
Menno436 pkgs to upgrade13:59
* Menno ponders if this is a good idea before boarding flight @ 3pm13:59
Mennotc_busy: if you re-run update-grub, it *should* automagically pick up WinXP.13:59
mohdsary: Assalamu Alykum13:59
Mennoif you could pastebin fdisk -l -u, it'd help14:00
tc_busyMenno how to what command14:00
_r00t_Anyone have live bandwidth stats from gb archive ?14:00
jiltdilMenno,  If you have fast speed then you can upgrade  in short time, if not then it takes longer time14:00
Mennoand pastebin mount and your /etc/fstab14:00
Mennojiltdil: I'm more concerned with stuff breaking14:00
pawsIs installing to usb okay or should go with CD?14:00
bobbyaldolwhat the heck is 'wuilbr' error14:00
jiltdilMenno, Never had issue in past while upgrading14:00
bobbyaldolhappened when I dual booted windows with ubuntu14:00
BadCodSmellubuntu download mirrors?14:01
SkaagIt's time for ubuntu.com to switch to varnish for their caching...14:01
geekbrianybody know if there is a torrent up for ubuntu server 12.04 isos ?14:01
mohdsary: Assalam alykum14:01
meadhikariBadCodSmell, http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/14:01
BadCodSmellThanks :)14:01
meadhikarigeekbri, http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/14:01
pawswill universal usb installer work with this version of 12.04?14:01
tc_busypaws yes14:02
geekbrimeadhikari: ah yes, there it is, at the bottom :14:02
pawstc_busy: even older version of usb installer than this version of 12.04?14:02
mohdsary: Assalamu alykum14:02
Mennojiltdil: I've got some funky setups with my 3G and WiMAX cards.14:02
pawsis Universal USB Installer okay for 12.04 or does it need upgrade.14:03
jiltdilMenno, ok14:03
tc_busyyes it should select try some other distro at bottom14:03
AprecheDoes anyone know when the AMIs will be updated? http://cloud.ubuntu.com/ami/14:03
Mennoand my boot loader can be a tad fragile (have WinXP and Win7 on the machine, plus OS X.)14:03
MennoI wish apt-get could use torrents.14:03
kgeeI've noticed lately that I cannot access the hosted services of my ubuntu servers from a fresh install lately (specifically http and ssh) from a remote machine even on the same LAN/Subnet. Are there default firewall rules on the OS that are preventing me from accessing my services through anything farther away than 'localhost'?14:04
meadhikariMenno, You can download the alternate cd to upgrade14:04
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Mennomeadhikari: Probably wouldn't help, since the lion's share of my packages aren't on the alt CD instlal14:04
Mennoand I'd like to seed my cache anyway14:05
PiciApreche: They're working on it, you may want to hang out in #ubuntu-server if you are waiting on an update.14:05
AprechePici: Thanks!14:05
eHAPPYis there a torrent link for the new OS? i dont want to eat up canonicals bw14:06
meadhikarieHAPPY, http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/14:06
eHAPPYty :)14:06
Pici!torrents > eHAPPY14:06
ubottueHAPPY, please see my private message14:06
BadCodSmellbandwidth is cheap just download it14:06
tc_busy!bandwith >tc_busy14:07
simtsithi people! I'd love to move to Linux but does Ubuntu include drivers for USB modem?14:07
alien64i just tried the torrent link was a no go for me14:07
MennoDepends on the modem.14:07
MennoWhat modem do you have?14:07
tc_busywho is ubottu14:07
celso_depends of what modem you use14:07
hayden_rusimtsit: mostly14:07
simtsitMenno: Sagem family14:07
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots14:07
tc_busywho is ubottu14:07
jiltdiltc_busy,  bot14:07
MennoIs that like a CDMA or a UMTS modem?14:08
MennoMost popular modems work.14:08
MennoJust boot up an Ubuntu live CD or USB flash drive, plug in the modem, and see if it's automagically recognised.14:08
simtsitMenon I think UMTS. how can i know for sure?14:08
tc_busyjiltdil: thanks quite interesting bot handy one14:08
MennoYou *might* need to enter in your carrier details, depending on from whom you get your service14:08
Mennosimtsit: I'd check out the plan you have and check out how you connect on Windows.14:08
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celso_simtsit: name and details of the modem?14:09
celso_but not private details :P14:10
alien64so i take it you cant upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04?14:10
designbybeckwhy couldn't you alien64?14:10
tc_busyalien64 we can14:10
tc_busydesignbybeck: show him some light14:11
designbybecklol i'm not to sure myself tc_busy mine was more a question ;)14:11
tc_busylol designbybeck i said as you can tell him and i too get to know it lol14:12
MillenaireDoes anyone know if the hid-logitech-dj affects the Logitech G700 Wireless Gaming mouse?14:12
alien64tc_busy: is there an upgrade button in the update manager or just do distupgrade from apt-get?14:12
sftcrhi guys. i recently updated to 11.10 having a geforce 7300LE in a dual head setup and unity doesnt seem to run properly. i plan to replace the card with a newer one. can anybody reccommend a cheap video card with full unity support out of the box?14:12
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade14:12
blezmy 12.04 installlation stucked on Almost finished copying files...14:13
sftcrbtw. i don't need the card for gaming14:13
tc_busyalien64: no idea dude i am pretty much new to linux a newbie14:13
napsterIf I'm using 10.04-LTS and I want to upgrade to 12.04-LTS directly, what is the best suggested option?14:13
Duke_celso_: Sagem F@st 800.14:13
alien64stefg: ty14:13
tc_busynapster do update and take a nap lol14:13
stefgnapster: to be honest.... backup your files and reinstall.14:13
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napstertc_busy: :)14:13
tc_busylol napster14:13
tc_busyblez do it again14:14
davis776napster: sudo do-release-upgrade14:14
tc_busymight be lucky this time blez14:14
phoobarhmm I recently upgraded from 11.10 to 12.04 and wanted to test the fancy HUD but it won't show?14:14
phoobarand by recently i mean 10 minutes ago :D14:14
Mauhdeebsftcr: I have a Radeon dual DVI that works great dual monitor on 11.10. Won't be trying out 12.04 until tonight though. If you get a decent card with two DVI interfaces it should work fine.14:14
Daekdroomphoobar, press Alt14:14
designbybecklol phoobar14:14
napstertc_busy: stefg davis776  I wish if LTS to LTS dist-upgrades were kind of stable process.14:15
bleztc_busy I wonder if I restart, will it continue the installation14:15
stefgnapster: but *do* a backup first. There had been tons of changes from 10.04 to 12.04 so breakage is to be expected14:15
phoobarI tried alt. Won't show14:15
tc_busyblez it should14:15
Mennoprior-releast to new LTS is generally smoother than last-LTS to current LTS. :\14:15
designbybeckand I wasn't making fun phoobar, just laughing at your "recently" statment14:15
X-tonicwhen will ubuntu shift 64 bit to recommended?14:16
sftcrmauhdeeb: thanks, which radeon model are you running?14:16
stefgnapster: Canonical is trying to get that right sinc 6.06 ..... and still trying :-)14:16
tc_busynapster better to ask a pro i am kinda new to this but i think it should work fine14:16
phoobarif i press alt I just can hotkey the menubar, as it has always been14:16
Stanley00phoobar: did you reboot your system? if you did, try log in as guest14:16
AceKingIs there a torrent link to 12.04 32 bit?14:16
X-tonicFlash is more or less dead now with no linux support14:16
tensorpuddingno release announcement in the topic?14:16
napsterthanks everyone14:16
Mauhdeeb5800 model I believe - am at work now so hard to recall14:16
PessimistX-tonic: it's not dead on google chrome14:16
Stanley00!torrent | AceKing14:16
ubottuAceKing: Some torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus/Vuse (Java), !Frostwire (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/help/faq - See also !P2P14:16
phoobardesignbybeck: You're welcome ;-)14:16
tensorpuddingAceKing, http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/14:16
tensorpuddingAceKing, all the torrents are there14:17
AceKingtensorpudding: Thank you14:17
AceKingStanley00: Thank you14:17
Stanley00AceKing: :)14:18
dreksThe MD5 found in http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/MD5SUMS does not match the actual MD5 of the iso found at http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/ubuntu-12.04-desktop-amd64.iso14:18
auronandace!torrents | Stanley0014:18
ubottuStanley00: Precise can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/precise/desktop/ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/precise/server/ubuntu-12.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your needs. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696914:18
Stanley00auronandace: yep, got cha :D14:18
auronandaceStanley00: just 1 letter out you were14:19
TobiasTheCommiesoo, am i the only one getting "need 6.9G free space to upgrade to 12.04, free 5.2G more", even though i have 7.3gigs free?14:19
TobiasTheCommiejust doing a normal standard upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04, never had this issue befure. really seems like a windows issue14:19
bountyi can install windows after linux ?14:19
TobiasTheCommiefound nothing on google :/14:20
dreksbad MD5 sum in the file posted on ubuntu.com14:20
TobiasTheCommiebounty: sure, but it will destroy your MBR, so you will have to fix your MBR to make linux bootable again14:20
auronandacebounty: yes, but windows will overwrite the mbr14:20
TobiasTheCommiebounty: windows first, then linux, will just work(tm)14:20
TobiasTheCommiecould someone in here give me a "i have succesfully upgraded to 12.04"14:21
wiherekhi, I am trying to install iredmail but am getting info that the postfix-policyd package has no installation candidate14:21
TobiasTheCommieif they have i mean :)14:21
compdocgood luck d/l it14:21
meadhikaria_b0y, http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/14:21
a_b0ybut where can i download Lubuntu?14:21
wiherekI updated my sources to universe etc (even though it isnt exactly needed on 10.0414:21
MonkeyDustbounty  first windows, or you will have to repair the grub menu afterwards14:21
PiciTobiasTheCommie: Are you sure you have that much space free on / ?14:21
limpchi, why did ubuntu remove their alternative-download page?14:22
limpci wanted to grab 12.04 via torrent14:22
klaasdoes ubuntu support full disc encryption with the desktop installation disc or do I still need alternate installer disc?14:22
TobiasTheCommiePici: df -h /14:22
TobiasTheCommieFilesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on14:22
TobiasTheCommie/dev/sda5              12G  7.5G  1.6G  83% /14:22
TobiasTheCommieapparanly not :)14:22
TobiasTheCommiei looked at the size and used, not avail. wtf i'll investigate14:23
stefgTobiasTheCommie: there's always some space reserved for root on a default ext2/3/4 file system (like 5%) . you could tune that down to a smaller value with sudo tune2fs /dev/your_device -m 214:23
aemaethfirst error i notice, dvorak is not the default keyboard layout14:23
PiciTobiasTheCommie: Try cleaning out your apt cache: sudo apt-get clean14:23
TobiasTheCommiePici: done that. it is the home folder encryption14:23
zardoxWhen installing new files it "do you want to overwrite 12.04 lts with 12.04 lts"  Are we just copying the same install? Why is it called the same thing 12.04 LTS?14:23
irvoh shit! i thought rls was on 28!!! :D14:23
TobiasTheCommieif i do df -h . i get 7.3gigs free14:23
TobiasTheCommieif i do df -h / i get 1.3 gigs free14:23
zardoxWhat is different about the 12.04 LTS files yesterday than today?14:23
TobiasTheCommiesame partition, and i have done a reboot since cleaning. still, this is obviously the encfs, i shoudl be able to find something on google now. i hope14:24
irvmany downsides to running 64 bit ubuntu ?14:24
TobiasTheCommiePici: but thanks, i wouldn't have found this issue without your question :)14:24
zardoxirv: 1 bit takes 4 bytes14:24
limpcTobiasTheCommie, probably. is mounted14:24
PiciTobiasTheCommie: sure, np.14:24
irvin mem? heh14:24
MonkeyDustirv  is your hardware 64bit capable?14:24
TobiasTheCommielimpc: wouldn't a reboot fix that?14:25
irvMonkeyDust: i run win 7 amd64 right now14:25
irvso yes14:25
limpcfix what?14:25
zardoxIf you already had 12.04 LTS will the new download have anything different?14:25
MonkeyDustirv  then you can use ubuntu 64bit, ok14:25
TobiasTheCommielimpc: the free space issue i'm having with encfs14:25
limpcif its a mounted folder that you didnt manually mount, its probably in your fstab and will remount when you reboot14:25
limpcTobiasTheCommie, idk about that i joined towards the end of your issue14:25
Guest8383Hi, I'm trying to write a script that knows how many new mails come in while I'm away. I think newmail will be a good place to start but can't work out what it wants as far as a mailbox goes? Does it only work for local mailboxes or can I get it to work with IMAP?14:26
TobiasTheCommielimpc: encfs home folder, mounted on login(ie, after x and lightdm is up and running)14:26
irvyeah i know i can, but i'm just wondering if there's any reason i should consider running 32bit aside from the assumed additional support for 32 bit applications, etc14:26
TobiasTheCommieah, oki. was just the 16:24:55 <limpc> TobiasTheCommie, probably. is mounted14:26
irvlike most common stuff you can get a 64 bit package for yes?14:26
Mauhdeebirv: No real downsides. Were some Adobe issues at first but it all works fairly clean these days14:26
TobiasTheCommiei wanted to make sure i hadn't missed something stupid... again..14:26
irvawesome. 64bit it is ;]14:26
limpcTobiasTheCommie, yeah you mentioned the difference in df with . and /14:26
zardoxirv: I have a win7 machine and am putting 32 bit on. there is no clear benefit for 64 and when looking into it "programs must be coded to use it etc..." if ther OS does how does it help? memory access? speed?14:26
limpcif the current folder is a mounted folder (e.g. of another partition), then it'll of course show a different size14:27
limpcTobiasTheCommie, i believe the installer allows you to set up home as a separate partition by default14:27
TobiasTheCommielimpc: yeah, with the . being /home/<user>/ encfs. but i guess that wasn't obvious14:27
zardoxis there a page explaining what 12.04 LTS today is vs. 12.04 LTS a few days ago?14:28
zardoxjust could not make it 12.05?14:28
TobiasTheCommiei didn't. but, i've locked down the issue enough that i can find a solution on google now.14:28
TobiasTheCommieso, thanks all14:28
limpca few days ago 12.04 was beta, zardox14:28
MonkeyDustzardox  happened once, 6.04 became 6.0614:28
wiherekso how can i install postfix-policyd on ubuntu 11.04?14:28
irvzardox: wouldn't tehre still be issues accessing > 3.2gb memory in 32 bit?14:29
zardoxlimpc: so it is a status not a different download? is the rush to update from people with pre-12.04?14:29
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zardoxlimpc: 12.04 crashes all the time, isn't working with my dual display right etc... was hoping this 4 hours downloading and installing was getting something new.14:29
stefg!info postfix-policyd natty14:29
=== keniiiii is now known as jOKA
ubottupostfix-policyd (source: postfix-policyd): anti-spam plugin for Postfix. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.82-2ubuntu5 (natty), package size 60 kB, installed size 316 kB14:30
limpczardox, idk, im not part of the ubuntu build team. i dont know how often they update the final beta image.. its entirely likely they have updated it since you downloaded your image14:30
tc_busyso did anyone try ubuntu 12.0414:30
=== jOKA is now known as Raki1
zardoxlimpc: thanks14:30
blezI'm still trying to install it.14:30
MonkeyDusttc_busy  yes, running it now14:30
KeithWeissharwhy can't i use wubu.exe on the root directory of the desktop cd to install from windows?14:30
irveasiest way is to checksum the files14:30
Raki1does anyone have wubi error saying "prefix is not set" ??14:30
nimesh_accentureI'm trying to share memory between Android and chrooted ubuntu on the same kernel. any idea how to proceed?14:30
stefgwiherek: Saw ubottus response? should be in the repos14:30
Mauhdeebsomeone earlier was stating the checksums were wrong?14:30
tc_busyMonkeyDust: congratulations14:30
KeithWeissharwhen i run wubi from the cd it only gives the option to reboot, not install from windows14:31
MonkeyDusttc_busy  having issues upgrading?14:31
tc_busyMonkeyDust: yup14:31
KeithWeissharin the previous version i was able to install using wubi.exe on the cd14:31
Raki1it seems also tthati cannot install from wubi14:32
Raki1getting only errors14:32
zardoxdoes anyone have a mac and ubuntu machine?14:32
tc_busyMonkeyDust: why are people saying it is crashing, what is the minimum requirement for it to work14:32
KeithWeissharwhy can't i use wubi.exe on the 12.04 cd to install?14:32
ikoniazardox: yes14:32
rtcHi! How can I do a do-release-upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04? it says Checking for a new ubuntu release No new release found14:32
zardoxikonia: which are you using now?14:32
ikoniaKeithWeisshar: mirrors are probably busy14:32
tc_busyrtc same here14:32
stefg!upgrade > rtc14:32
ubotturtc, please see my private message14:32
ikoniazardox: which what ?14:32
Christoph_vWrtc- try do-release-upgrade -d14:32
blezthird time I restart14:32
zardoxikonia: which computer?14:33
ikoniartc: Christoph_vW no14:33
MonkeyDusttc_busy  what is crashing? how do you try to upgrade?14:33
KeithWeissharthe wubi.exe on the cd itself only gives option to reboot14:33
ikoniartc: do not do that14:33
ikoniazardox: a macbook pro14:33
stefgrtc: and do a backup first... upgrades are potentially dangerous14:33
zardoxikonia: you are using on irc?14:33
ikoniartc: do not do do-release-upgrade -d14:33
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ikoniazardox: I'm not using it at this moment, no14:33
tc_busyMonkeydust it hangs after sometime, do-release-upgrade -d14:33
rtcikonia: Yes, I know about -d... I don't want to do that... ;)14:33
Picitc_busy: do not use the -d swtich14:33
ikoniatc_busy: you should not do that !14:33
zardoxikonia: is it worth it if you hate windows and hatee command lines?14:33
chrisgeorgeHow does one reenable the sources upgrade disabled without manually editing each file?14:34
zardoxikonia: to use a mac.14:34
ikoniazardox: what ?14:34
tc_busyupgrade then how to ikonia Pici14:34
MonkeyDusttc_busy  it finished without flaw here, i did not use the -d option14:34
mohdhow can i upgrade ?14:34
tc_busywithout -d it says no new release found14:34
zardoxikonia: which computer do you spend more time configuring the Mac or Linux?14:34
ikoniatc_busy: what version of ubuntu are you using ?14:34
tc_busy!upgrade >tc_busy14:34
ubottutc_busy, please see my private message14:34
KeithWeissharwhy is the ability to install using wubi.exe on the cd disabled14:34
Picitc_busy: then you need to make sure that your computer is up to date with apt-get update/upgrade/dist-upgrade first14:35
tc_busyikonia 10.1014:35
ikoniazardox: on my mac I normally use Mac OS, as that's one of there reasons I bought a Maciej_W14:35
ikoniabought a mac sorry14:35
ikoniatc_busy: ok, so that's why it's not working14:35
tc_busyPici ok14:35
wiherekstefg: tx for pointing that out14:35
ikoniatc_busy: that is a non-LTS release.14:35
tc_busyok ikonia14:35
Picitc_busy: You can't upgrade from 10.10 to 12.04. You'd need to go through 11.04 and 11.10 first.14:35
tc_busyso then what to do ikonia14:35
BlouBlousudo do-release-upgrade -d << does this command work fine? I mean, it won't crash kubuntu, right=14:35
ikonia!upgrade | tc_busy14:35
ubottutc_busy: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade14:35
ikoniatc_busy: READ the link ubottu gave you14:35
PiciBlouBlou: do not use the -d switch.14:35
wiherek!info postfix-policyd oneiric14:36
ubottuPackage postfix-policyd does not exist in oneiric14:36
zardoxikoniaL: it is looking to me that I may be happier with a mac than Win7 or Ubuntu. Just want to code and the OS overhead is too much.14:36
xpistosHello All.14:36
BlouBlouPici: all right.14:36
ikoniazardox: up to you14:36
tc_busythanks ikonia14:36
rtcso there is no way to upgrade to 10.04 to 12.04?14:36
stefgwiherek: np... BTW there'S #ubuntu-server (seems that someone asking for a postfix spam filter might be interested in taht channel :-) )14:36
ikoniartc: yes there is14:36
xpistosIs there a reason why sometimes I see a "%" prompt in the command line and others I see a "#" prompt?14:36
rtcI have to upgrade to 11.10 first?14:36
mohdwhene is the indian language is done translated ?14:36
ikoniartc: no, you don't14:36
ikoniartc: you are using 10.04 which is LTS14:36
BlouBlouPici: I'm thing about upgrading trought a tty, it should work, right'14:36
stefg!bash | xpistos14:37
ubottuxpistos: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal14:37
peto__bye for now14:37
stefgxpistos: root vs. unprivileged user14:37
grafton touchpad not working on samsung series 3 300v5a14:37
rtcright, ikonia... But then how do I upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04? http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/upgrade describes only updating from 11.10...14:37
PiciBlouBlou: Yes, just don't use the -d switch blindly.14:37
mohdis it out yet ?14:37
tc_busyright rtc14:37
tc_busyikonia you need to help14:38
Mennomohd: which Indian language14:38
tc_busyrtc read upgrade notes14:38
feydrmto upgrade from beta2 to release do i just do "update-manager -d"?14:38
Mennothere are like a dozen of them14:38
ikoniartc: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes14:38
jrib!final | feydrm14:38
ubottufeydrm: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.14:38
ikoniatc_busy: what ?14:38
ikoniartc: I don't need any help, I've not asked a question14:39
feydrmubottu: tyvm14:39
ikoniartc: sorry that was for tc_busy14:39
ikoniartc: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes14:39
tc_busyikonia sorry i got it from upgrade notes sorry for the bother14:39
feydrmthanks jrib14:39
rtcikonia: that page has no info on upgrading from 10.04 to 12.0414:39
xpistosstefg: # = un privelged and % =  root?14:39
mohdMenno: the language package for the interface.14:39
jribrtc: it does14:39
rtcjrib: this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes does not contain the string 12.0414:40
stefgxpistos: ususally the other way round... bat that depends on your .profile14:40
rtcjrib: this page: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/upgrade has only info for upgrading from 11.10 to 12.0414:40
rtcjrib: So I'm asking again: do I need to upgrade to 11.10 first?14:41
tc_busyrtc its step by step14:41
Christoph_vWit will be offered on 10.04 LTS when 12.04 has reached the first point release afaik14:41
sary!outyet mohd14:41
tc_busyrtc yeah but try it out play a hunch14:41
tc_busyoops server error14:41
rtcjrib: Is there any way whatsoever to do an upgrade from 10.04 LTS to 12.04 LTS without upgrading to any intermediate release?14:41
xpistosthat you stefg14:41
sary!outyet > mohd14:41
ubottumohd, please see my private message14:41
xpistosstefg: Or thank you rather!14:41
jribrtc: of course.  One second while I load that page.  That page certainly contained the information a few hours ago14:42
hnszI'm guessing it would be faster to install 12.04 than to do three upgrades14:42
tormenthi! do I'm on 11.04.  do I have to update to 11.10 before i update to 12.04?14:43
jribtorment: yes14:43
jpichi all, when i click the date widget in the top bar, the calendar pops up. In the calendar, i can click to select a day. Question: how to add an event and eventually have reminders ?14:43
jribrtc: use this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuDesktop14:43
tormentwhat if I have a 10.04 LTS server, can it go directly to 12.04 ?14:43
jribtorment: yes see the link I just gave rtc14:43
tormentthanks jrib!14:43
grafton touchpad not working on samsung series 3 300v5a14:44
jribtorment: erm, except that's desktop instructions.  Here's server: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuServer14:44
domedagenMy ubuntu computer started lagging what do I do?14:46
MonkeyDust!details| domedagen14:47
ubottudomedagen: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:47
cliftontsany chance anyone here could help me with setting up a chron job to download a file from a website?14:47
rtcikonia: I tried the instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuDesktop and they don#t work14:47
rtcikonia: It claims "A message will appear informing you of the availability of the new release" but this is not the case14:47
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rtcikonia: I suppose this is for the same reason that do-release-upgrade doesn't work14:48
buzzkillcliftonts:  like what?14:48
rtcikonia: since they probably use the same method to deteermine if a new release is avaiable14:48
domedagenI don't really know much details. It is 11.04 and has been running great until now. I can start applications but to move windows around causes a freeze14:48
bobweaverwhere should I go to talk to members of canonical ? thanks14:48
Lintwhat should I do to enable gnome-shell in Precise? I installed gnome-shell package but it segfaults14:49
RxDxI just installed the new 12.04... its kind of bugging.. Im running on a Dell Notebook with nVidia OPTIMUS.. I mean... there are two graphic cards, onboard (intel) and nvidia (gt 540m).. is there anyone with the same problem?14:49
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AgaHi All! Congrats with the 12.04 release! I installed 12.04 Beta 2 a week ago. Will I need to upgrade this to the final 12.04 or is it the same?14:49
Mennomy D/L speedsa re down to 4.5kB14:49
marek_Hi all, I have a quick question. Is there a document somewhere that talks about the differences between Ubuntu Desktop and Server? I assume it's manily differences in pre-installed packages, but it would be good to know for sure.14:49
Stanley00Aga: I think you should upgrade14:49
stefgRxDx: look at bumblebee https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee14:49
saryrtc: from the update manager > settings , change the release type to any release , then check again for an upgrade.14:49
bobweaver!wiki |marek14:49
ubottumarek: http://wiki.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu development documentation wiki. If you are looking for system help, please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community - the Ubuntu community documentation.14:49
sameee_quick question - how do I sign into freenode using xchat irc?14:50
Lintalso, is it possible to use the Gnome Network Manager in precise?14:50
bobweavermarek_,  there is a server section and also a desktop section hope that that helps14:50
Lintsameee_, freenode is in default network list14:50
rtcsary: Now it says "New Ubuntu release 10.10 is available", but not 12.0414:50
sarysameee_: from the nework lis , find freenode and connect to it.14:50
RxDxstefg, thanks.. but now its not identifying my onboard intel graphics.. its saying UNKOWN =\14:50
RxDxstefg, them i think im running unity 2D... how can i know if my Unity is 2D or 3D?14:51
soulnafeinHi guys, I have a Macbook Air. Do you reckon I should use Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit? Or should I got for the 32 bit? Is the 64 bit stable enough nowadays, is the performance improvement worth the hassle?14:51
marek_cool, thanks!14:51
bobweaverRxDx,  pick the one at login aka lightdm screen press the ubuntu button next to your password box14:52
AgaStanley00: Should I upgrade by waiting for the automatical upgrade via the update manager, or should I reinstall?14:52
RxDxbobweaver, k.. ill try.. thanks14:52
bobweavernp lets us know if you have issues at all14:52
bobweaverRxDx,  ^^14:52
soulnafein64bit o 32bit?14:52
habananytrying to install ubuntu on 8gb usb using universal usb installer but only get 4gb space ....how can i fix that?14:53
reaperI guess its just  " sudo apt-get update && dist-upgrade " to upgrade to 12.04 right?14:53
saryrtc: right , you must upgrade to 10.10 and the next one until you get the option for 12.04 , but first make sure you update any packages that is shown in the updae manager , then go for the upgrade14:53
chrisgeorgeHow does one reenable the sources upgrade disabled without manually editing each file?14:53
ppyhdAga: just use update manager or apt.  No need to reinstall from beta.14:53
Stanley00Aga: I think just upgrade is good enough,14:53
Christoph_vWsary: no14:53
Agathanks guys14:54
RyuGunsHey, stupid question: Why doesn't ubuntu offer me to upgrade as soon as I log in like it did for Natty?14:54
Agareaper: cool I didn't know about the dist-upgrade command14:54
Ammar_anyone updates to ubuntu 12.04 LTS yet?14:54
saryChristoph_vW: no !14:54
Ammar_*anyone updated to ubuntu 12.04 yet?14:54
rtcsary: But I was told above that I can to an upgrade to 12.04 directly, and I  specifically asked if that  was correct.... and if I needed to upgrade to some intermediate release first14:55
RhaedasDLing 12.04 right now...very slowly14:55
rtcsary: So do I get it right, is an upgrade from 10.04 LTS to 12.04 LTS definitely impossible?14:55
RyuGunsHow slow?14:55
NurseDadi upgraded from the beta14:55
AgaRhaedas: via torrent or direct dl?14:55
Rhaedasif you go to 10.10, then you'd have to step through the rest14:55
RyuGunsWhat are your specs, Rhaedas?14:55
eutheriai am not going to upgrade for a week or more,14:56
bazhangrtc, lts to lts, one step14:56
Ammar_the current updates are also taking a lot of time to download14:56
eutheriain fact i will only upgrade when i buy a new laptop14:56
grafton touchpad not working on samsung series 3 300v5a14:56
Rhaedasthrough update manager14:56
rtcbazhang: Yes, but how?!14:56
Christoph_vW"If currently running lucid, we'll not prompt them for LTS to LTS upgrade until the point release comes out. (12.04.1)."14:56
a_b0yi can't wait till windows 814:56
bazhang!ot | a_b0y14:56
ubottua_b0y: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:56
saryrtc: oh , right it's in your case since you're running an LTS. so yes14:56
rtcsary: But it does not work... I guess it is because of what Christoph_vW quoted?14:57
rtcsary: I have to wait for the point release?14:57
saryChristoph_vW: ah , i was not aware of that .14:57
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assurbanipalhi guys, i installed ubuntu 12.04 and gnome-shell but cannot get any extensions work. i try through extensions.gnome.org with no luck so far... what should i do?14:58
saryrtc: if not , then yes as Christoph_vW mentioned above.14:59
DeithrianCan someone fix the torrent link for Kubuntu please? It's no fun downloading 600mb with 150k/s from the server >-> http://torrent.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/simple/precise/desktop/kubuntu-12.04-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent14:59
saryhey assurbanipal gnome-shell extensions working fine here.15:00
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antixI've installed gnome-panel in 12.04 but the graphics is very slow. how do I loose the fading of menus etc?15:00
assurbanipalsary, what can i do mate?i tried removing and reinstalling all gnome-shell related packages (i think all) but still no luck15:01
linqeringj #java15:01
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NurseDadso what is the topic on ubuntu+1 now?15:02
TheBigRedOnehello, anyone here?15:03
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mohdHow are you guich15:03
TheBigRedOnequestion about upgrade to 12.0415:03
saryassurbanipal: what happens when you try to apply an extension from extensions.gnome.org !15:03
TheBigRedOnetrough update-manager? or via Live USB? (clean install /upgrade?)15:03
tc_busyTheBigRedOne: read the upgrade notes15:03
assurbanipalsary, the indication on/off switches, but nothing else happens, not even an error15:04
tc_busy!upgrade >TheBigRedOne15:04
ubottuTheBigRedOne, please see my private message15:04
TheBigRedOnecool bot :)15:04
tc_busyTheBigRedOne: got it15:05
hroiI want the standard commandline svn client, but I'm completely confused by the multitude of options under aptitude search svn15:05
TheBigRedOneyeh i did, how is the 64Bit version with 12.04? i have 32bit now cause it has been "recommended"15:05
tc_busyTheBigRedOne: well i havent tried it yet but you can try as it is LTS15:06
saryassurbanipal: wich version of gnome-shell you're running ...15:06
arakneewhat about 12.04 lts final ?15:06
jribhroi: subversion15:06
assurbanipalsary, 3.4.115:06
TheBigRedOnehmm, but to move from 32 -> 64 is clean install right?15:07
buzzkillmost probably,15:07
assurbanipalsary, on ubuntu 12.04 64bit15:07
bobweaveranyone know where I can file a bug for 12.04 and debian documentation browser the icons are not working15:07
tc_busywait TheBigRedOne  ask a pro15:07
jrib!bugs | bobweaver15:07
ubottubobweaver: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.15:07
bobweaverthansk jrib15:07
technovikingwhat is the HUD keybinding15:08
hroijrib: thanks15:08
saryassurbanipal:did  you installed gnoe-shell from a ppa ?15:08
bobweavertechnoviking,  you can press super+fn to ssee all bindings of short cuts15:08
bobweavernot sure if that is what you are after or not technoviking15:09
bourkeare people getting an upgrade notice for 12.04 in apt yet?15:09
assurbanipalsary, i have tried several stuff and i might have messed with tha ppa's... if I remove all extra ppa's and reinstall gnome shell, shouldn't it be fine?15:10
antixgnome-panel is painfully slow... any idea what can be done about it?15:10
BrixSatHello :D how do i put pidgin minimized in thecesarcasio15:10
bourkeBrixSat: gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Panel systray-whitelist "['JavaEmbeddedFrame', 'Wine', 'scp-dbus-service', 'Update-notifier', 'Pidgin']"15:11
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whoever_will clonezilla image a logical drive15:11
bourkeBrixSat: alt-f2 and type unity --replace15:11
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BrixSatbourke:  im on the gnome-session-fallback15:11
bourkeBrixSat: then i think you should be able to just turn on the notification icon in the pidgin prefs?15:12
saryassurbanipal: yeah i would do that , perhaps youve installed the shell + shell-extensions from a ppa wich might be out of date.15:12
BrixSatbourke:  but when i close pidgin it should stay running, not quit, it should be in the "envelope icon" in the taskbar15:12
assurbanipalsary, how do i switch to the original ppas only?15:13
saryassurbanipal: also , check if" GSettings " is installed.15:13
SkaagNow when I boot 12.04 on this asus u46e I get grub and not the standard install menu15:14
bourkeBrixSat: sorry not sure then15:14
bourkeanyone know how can I kick the update notifier into letting me download 12.04?15:15
Ammar_just starting my update to the new version :D15:15
whoever_having trouble making an image of a logical partion can someon assist15:16
assurbanipalsary, which gnome-shell u have?i have gsettings already installed15:16
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saryassurbanipal: Disable any ppa other than the official 1's.15:17
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whoever_when i select a partion , it seems to mout the entire physical drive15:18
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saryassurbanipal: gnome-shell 3.4.1 .15:19
assurbanipalsary, could it be old conf files?because i had gnome shell with mint before trying it on ubuntu15:20
saryassurbanipal: the qustion is what's the version of gnome-shell-extensions you got installed.15:20
GG111It's good to see that ubuntu.com is back :)15:20
saryGG111: :)15:20
NurseDadGG1111: did it go down15:20
SlyferHi everybody !15:21
JenHi Dr. Nick!15:21
tc_busyhi everyonfe15:21
DigitalDKI'm having trouble installing 12.04 as a dual boot on my 64bit machine. Can anyone help?15:21
GG111DigitalDK: what's the problem ?15:21
WhiskeyA bit of help15:21
assurbanipalsary, when i look for gnome-shell-extensions packege in synaptic, it brings up nautilus-extension1a as installed, and only that15:21
WhiskeyThats the latest release of Ubuntu right15:21
DigitalDKIt copy's all files then hangs once I select a time zone?15:21
saryassurbanipal: am not sure what you mean by that!15:21
Whiskeyits was not added to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD but i guss its that one15:21
tc_busyDiditalDK make a fresh install and then just update the grub simple15:22
DJWhiskey, the latest one is 12.10 image15:22
whoever_what clonezilla does not offer compression on partion imaging only on phyical disk15:22
GG111NurseDad: yes, the site was down, for a while.15:22
Whiskeyi do know that, but i asked if it was the version i found on the ftp but not listen on the help yet15:22
DJWhiskey, we do support it now,15:22
assurbanipalsary, i search for gnome-shell-extension package through synaptic. as a result it brings up libnautilus-extension1a15:22
DJsince it was release today15:22
WhiskeyYeh i do know that two15:23
assurbanipalsary, no other than that15:23
Whiskey12.10 its not listed there right15:23
NurseDadGG111L thats great probably downloads of 12.0415:23
saryassurbanipal: ah , so gnome-shell extensions is not installed .15:23
DJWhiskey, the latest www.ubuntu.com/start-download?distro=desktop&bits=64&release=lts15:23
GG111DigitalDK: any other details you can tell ?15:23
assurbanipalsary, yes, and not available in my packages... how come?15:23
Whiskeywhat idiots its is here15:23
WhiskeyWhy do you think i wanne have the desktop?15:23
DJWhiskey, be nice with that attitude you won't get help and in fact  you might get remove from the channel, so please keep your comments to your self thank you15:24
NurseDadDigitalDK: the site is very busy maybe wait a little while. Not sure that's it but could be15:24
DigitalDKGG111 what else do you need? I'm using a vustom built desktop with 8GB of RAM a quad core processor and it's just hanging on select time zone. I click continue and it just sits there with the busy icon for the mouse.15:25
WhiskeyDJ i show exactly what i want, i does exactly say what i need, And you show me something completly else why?15:25
whoever_anyone clonzilla help15:25
GG111DigitalDK: the other OS is windows ?15:25
bazhangWhiskey, lose the attitude15:25
assurbanipalsary, are u here mate?15:25
DigitalDKNurseDad it was doing the same thing ast night when I was trying to install the beta I let it sit for an hour ad nothing.15:25
DJWhiskey, what type of installation are you looking for be specific15:25
mfilipehi! I want update the lucid laptop of my mother to precise. Is the process smooth or I need make backup and pray to don't get fatal bugs?15:25
Slyfercalme down buddies15:25
Whiskeybazhang: Whats wrong know? It was a questiono15:25
DigitalDKGG111 yeah it's a dual boot with win715:26
Whiskeywell the third time https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD15:26
GG111DigitalDK: did you ever have a dual boot on that system ?15:26
NurseDadDigitalDK: i am on a new duel boot of win 7 and 12.0415:26
bazhangWhiskey, the servers are still syncing.15:26
bazhangWhiskey, and 12.10 is not out for 6 months15:26
DigitalDKGG111 a long time ago but I had to do a fresh install of windows because the updates corrupted my system.15:27
WhiskeyYeh i did notice15:27
DigitalDKGG111 so I formatted everything and started new.15:27
WhiskeyMy bad15:27
Whiskeybut we try again, the 12.04 is not on that page anyways15:27
bazhangWhiskey, so be patient while they sync15:27
WhiskeyBut i guss http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/quantal/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ is that one i search for15:27
DigitalDKNurseDad yeah I figured a lot of people are doing it, but this is the second time it's hung like this on me.15:27
GG111DigitalDK: mm.. so the answer is no, well, that's a very nasty stage to be stuck at, so, Ubuntu copies the files OK, but never starts installing, correct ?15:27
bazhangWhiskey, thats quantal. 12.1015:28
Whiskeykk what was 12.04 called?15:28
DigitalDKGG111 that's correct. I click continue before it finishes copying and just gets stuck with the busy icon for the mouse even though the copying continues.15:28
* Slyfer slaps Whiskey around a bit with a large trout15:28
koocan someone help me?  upgrading to 12.04 i get an "error: no such partition" for all OSes15:28
bazhangWhiskey, precise pangolin15:28
DigitalDKGG111 after it copies though it just sits and sits and sits.15:28
* Slyfer slaps Whiskey around a bit with a large trout15:28
koois it grub or something?15:28
bazhangSlyfer, stop that15:29
saryassurbanipal: you need to install the gnome-shell-extensions , since you have gnome-shell 3.4.1 .. the last version of gnome-shell-extensions is 3.4.0 .15:29
GG111DigitalDK: nasty stuff, mm.. anything in your Bios that can prevent dual boot ?15:29
WhiskeyDJ: Im affraid i own you an excuse15:29
jattI'm running 11.10 how do I upgrade to 12.04 LTS?15:29
assurbanipalsary, yes but is not available in my repos!15:29
SidewinderWhiskey, Perhaps this is what you're looking for? http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/15:29
jattwith update-manager?15:29
DigitalDKGG111 not that I can think of, I was doing it just fine like 6 months ago. Everything is the same as it was then.15:29
Rhaedasyes jatt15:29
GirlyGirljatt: sudo do-release-upgrade -d15:29
saryassurbanipal: ive just made a system update , and the shell-extensions broked!15:30
naerok|outhi, anyone have access to a torrent to 12.04 64bit?15:30
naerok|out10 hour eta on download :(15:30
bazhangGirlyGirl, thats not correct15:30
saryassurbanipal: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-shell-extensions15:30
assurbanipalsary, whf?what dioes that mean?15:30
Whiskeyso this one "http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/"15:30
bazhangGirlyGirl, it's been released, and the -d switch is for development not released15:30
ardianHi I need to know where this is \admin_tools\theming\static\admin_tools\images\django.png how do I search ?15:31
GirlyGirlbazhang: Ah yes forgot about that15:31
GG111DigitalDK: OK, can't nail this one directly, here's what I would have gone for, had it been my problem : 1. Is the Media OK ? 2. Bios settings 3. Is the Hard drive write proteced in any way15:31
assurbanipalsary, what am i supposed to do there mate? :P15:31
assurbanipalsary, commit some code myself/? :D15:31
saryassurbanipal: i think it might means tha both the shell and the shell-extensions version must match !15:32
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GG111DigitalDK: also, is you HD partitoned, or you're going for Dual boot on the same partitions witn W7 ?15:32
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cryptedanyone: thoughts on why 3 computers saw the LTS upgrade and are upgrading, yet 1 says no updates are available?  all have the same settings.15:32
SidewinderWhiskey, That would be for 64 bit. Is that what you need?15:32
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bazhangcrypted, from which version15:32
assurbanipalsary, so...? what am i supposed to do?this still doesn;t answer why i don;t have that package available, i think15:32
jattGirlyGirl: so do-release-upgrade -d will upgrade to a development version?15:33
cryptedokay this is strange.15:33
cryptedbazhang: it shows it now if i remove only show LTS15:33
bazhangjatt, dont use the -d switch15:33
cryptedit shows 12.04 LTS after i say any version instaed of just LTS15:33
jatttoo late lol15:33
cryptedmakes no sense to me15:33
DigitalDKGG111 well the disc I just finished downloading the ISO from torrent linked from the ubuntu site. I haven't changed anything in the BIOS since I last dual booted besides some clock frequencies. As for the HDD I've done a dual boot partition several times before so as far as I can tell it's not write protected it's just being a pain in the ass. Maybe I should try writing the file to a disc at a slower speed?15:33
kooanyone - please, after my update to 12.04 i got an "error: no such partition" while booting15:33
jattthe fetching looks correct though:15:33
jattGet:83 http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise/main vim-common i386 2:7.3.429-2ubuntu2 [86.3 kB]15:33
LearningXPMan, I picked the wrong time to get into Ubuntu, haha15:33
jattprecise pangolin, no?15:33
GirlyGirljatt: For now -d is ok as 12.10 repos do not exist yet but best not to use it in future15:34
jattok thanks15:34
ghabitHello. Help! I'm looking for good and easy-to-use DLNA server (for TV connectiong) based on GUI or at least with good front-end. Thanks!15:34
Rhaedasyour update manager should show it available too if your settings allow it15:34
bazhangjatt, yes 12.0415:34
saryassurbanipal: i wounder myself , hold up ..15:35
Fyodorovnaghabit, this is ubuntu support.15:35
WhiskeyAre it someone that is relly smart in here15:35
GG111DigitalDK: maybe, I guess anything goes at this stage, I have my share of bad luck in the past with installs, and I learned that it reaaly depends on *excactly* where the install gets stuck to know - what's causing it.15:35
bazhangWhiskey, pardon?15:35
WhiskeyAll Linux Distos no matter what it is i think come else as x8615:36
WhiskeyOr AMDx6415:36
WhiskeyAnd why in the hell is it named AMD? i mean Intel also has x64 i relly don´t get that :D15:36
DigitalDKGG111 and getting stuck after making the partition and copying files isn't one you're used too? :P15:36
bazhangWhiskey, thats offtopic for here15:36
GG111DigitalDK: also, I'm not sure if ubuntu keeps an install log anywhere, that would have been a dead giveaway to your problem.15:36
bazhangWhiskey, that info is easily searchable on the internet15:36
assurbanipalWhiskey, i think u just need to do some homework before coming and calling people names in public15:36
DJGG111, look in /var/log15:37
GG111DigitalDK: well, yes, happend, it was bad Media.15:37
WhiskeyGive it a break :=) it can´t be we still talk about Ubuntu dirsto or can do atlest15:37
bazhang!ot | Whiskey15:37
ubottuWhiskey: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:37
EthekQuestion, I upgraded from 12.04 Beta and my Privacy Manager feature seems to be missing from System Settings15:37
GG111DJ: will there be a /var/log for an install that did not finish ?15:37
woozlyafter upgrading and rebooting... I can't see any panels15:37
woozlyonly desktop with icons15:37
woozlyno unity, no top panel15:37
FloodBot1woozly: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:37
idhenkmy bluetooth dongle cannot find any devices15:38
DigitalDKGG111 I'll just try writing the disc at a slower rate I guess. It's still stuck on that screen so I'll reset, reformat, and try to reinstall.15:39
ardianhow can I search for this  \admin_tools\theming\static\admin_tools\images\django.png how do I search ?15:39
wiherekwhen I compile a program from source, do I need to move it somewhere afterwards (the folder I mean)15:39
ghabitFyodorovna, yeah, I am just installed ubuntu and looking for software for ubuntu.15:39
blob4000hey, congrats everyone on 12.04. quick question, if i have 12.04 beta2 installed, should i just run updates to get the final 12.04, or should i reinstall completely from the 12.04 disc?15:39
bazhangblob4000, yes15:39
GG111DigitalDK: sucks that you use Windows, if you have a machine that you can try and use this media on, you could see if the media is bad.15:39
bazhang!final | blob400015:40
ubottublob4000: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.15:40
Fyodorovnaghabit, cool.15:40
vespakoenHey guys! =) I thought, lets install the nvidia drivers for my macbook, but that fucked things up =), does anyone know how to go back to "default" ?15:40
vespakoenor autoconfigure it the ubuntu way?15:40
GG111DigitalDK: also, if you're going the "bad media" router, did you verify the MD5 on this download ?15:40
bazhangvespakoen, no cursing here15:40
Etheknm, I found it in software center. I thought Privacy Manager was a default App15:40
ghabitFyodorovna, lu4she bi podskazal.15:40
GG111DigitalDK: route=router15:40
vespakoenhehe =D15:41
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noobie_I need help with ubuntu15:41
DigitalDKGG111 I didn't verify unfortunately but I figured getting a torrent right from the ubuntu DL page I wouldn't need too >.<15:41
wiherekI am getting an error for a Varnish repo NOT FOUND on Ubuntu 11.10 but I cant find it in my sources.list15:41
noobie_I just installed ubuntu15:41
wiherekhow can i remove it?15:41
noobie_how can i access my windows files?15:41
GG111DigitalDK: Ubuntu.com is back up, you can grab a coppy from there.15:41
noobie_abny help15:42
noobie_i need help15:42
DigitalDKGG111 thanks for all the help, I hopefully won't be back.15:42
GG111DigitalDK: at least you'll know it the system, for sure, if a brand new download and CD burs gives you the same error.15:42
noobie_ow to access windows files15:42
bazhang!helpme | noobie_15:42
ubottunoobie_: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude15:42
SteveBellgreat work with 12.04. flawless update so far :)15:42
bazhangpatience noobie_15:42
Rhaedasdid you install Ubuntu in a separate partition?15:43
GG111man, wha'ts up with my typos.15:43
blob4000thanks bazhang15:43
ghabitHello. Help! I'm looking for good and easy-to-use DLNA server (for TV connectiong) based on GUI or at least with good front-end. Thanks!15:43
noobie_!helpme plz, I really need to access my windows files15:43
ubottunoobie_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:43
GG111well, I know what's up, I'm in Starbucks, and 5 people talking sound line 5000, why shout ?15:43
Rhaedasnoobie: did you install Ubuntu in a separate partition or drive?15:44
bazhangnoobie_, stop repeating every five seconds15:44
noobie_a partition?15:44
noobie_what's one of them15:44
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noobie_I told it to overwrite windows15:44
noobie_I assume it keep files right?15:44
GG111noobie_: no15:45
noobie_what kind of stupidd installer is it then15:45
noobie_if it can't even keep files15:45
GG111noobie_: if you told the installed to run over the previous OS, the files are gone.15:45
Rhaedasit did ask you if you wanted to overwrite WIndows15:45
noobie_not user data15:45
GG111noobie_: if user date is on the same partition , then it's gone.15:45
GG111if you had a C: and D: drive, C: is gone, D: is there.15:45
bliffle_noobie: usually you can find Win files through "Nautilus", which starts when you select 'places' from the top bar or the icon of the filefolder when you popout icons along the left margin.15:46
noobie_GG111: is there any way I can recover files?15:46
noobie_some sort of undelete tool for linux?15:46
babainoobie_: this is not a windows upgrade, ubuntu deletes all data in the c drive(or whatever drive it was installed in)15:46
GG111noobie_: how important were they ?15:46
noobie_some of them were important15:47
a_b0ynoobie_ maybe your windows files are encrypted?15:47
noobie_I think I ahve backups15:47
atsiκαλησπερα θελω να κανω μια ερωτηση καθως και νεος στο linux και στο ubuntu... Εχω αναβαθμισει την διανομη 12.04 απο 11.10 και θα ηθελα να ρωτησω αν χρειαζεται να κανω καθαρη εγκατασταση την final εκδοση η αν θα ενημερωθει αυτοματα η beta εκδοση 12.04 μεσω ενημερωσε15:47
atsiων και πως θα το καταλαβω αυτο15:47
bazhang!gr | atsi15:47
ubottuatsi: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes15:47
JuJuBeeI use rhythmbox on kubuntu for music. Anyone know why the repeat and shuffle icons are missing? tried finding info online but nothing I found seemed to work.15:47
MrKeunerhello, having trouble mounting the ecryptfs encrypted home directory on an external hard drive (formerly internal). Problem is the /media/s7ds6g87fdf8g6d8fg/.ecryptfs directory is linked to /home/.ecryptfs which does not exist! Can someone help please?15:47
GG111noobie_: every one who ever dealt with linux ended up nuking all their files, at least once.15:47
BaribalHi. I'm missing locale information, it seems. I tried dpkg-reconfigure locales, but that only rebuilt existing locale info and didn't allow me to add new ones. What do I have to do?15:47
bliffle_noobie: you TOLD the installer to replace windows, so it did.15:47
a_b0ynoobie_ maybe try to take the hard drive and install it on a computer with windows to see if it recognizes it15:48
noobie_I backup my important stuff on google dodcs15:48
GirlyGirlGG111: I'm sure not everyone did that15:48
noobie_so my most important tuff is there]15:48
GG111noobie_: so , no worries, you are actually in a better place, you got rid of Windows .15:48
noobie_ALL MAH GAMES15:48
FloodBot1noobie_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:49
GG111GirlyGirl: I did, so does everybody I know. computer sciecse grads included.15:49
noobie_ALL 100GB OF THEM15:49
a_b0ynoobie_ if you are a noob, maybe your files are still on the computer you just don't know where to find it because linux doesn't have drives like C: B: D:... etc15:49
GG111when I installed my first asterisk server, I nuked a 250 GB drive, full with good stuff.15:49
GG111and this was a time that 250GB was a *lot* of data.15:50
a_b0ynoobie_ did you mount the drive?15:50
MrKeunerI have precice pangolin beta installed a week ago, I don't need to do anything, correct? I am LTS now?15:50
GirlyGirlGG111: Luckily since I've used the really old versions of Windows like 3.1 where everything was manual, I never did that. I did put the bootloader on wrong drives though15:50
blob4000ubuntu's ftp / apt-get servers seem slow :) or is it just me?15:50
GG111GirlyGirl: cool for you then.15:51
GirlyGirlMrKeuner: with sudo apt-get dist-upgrade , yes15:51
jatt889 kB/s here15:51
bazhangblob4000, its the first day of release, thats normal15:51
MrKeunerGirlyGirl, thanks15:51
GG111blob4000: the whole world is getting 12.04 now, yes, slow.15:51
bazhangblob4000, torrents are a better option at this point in time15:51
blob4000is it just me, or is Linux really taking off this year?15:52
BaribalGG111, the reverse is true for me, I'm still lugging around files from my pre-Linux days.15:52
jattlinux took off years ago15:52
bazhangblob4000, thats a good topic for #ubuntu-offtopic15:52
blob4000just excited for ubuntu, considering the lackluster release Windows 8 might be15:53
Sidewinderblob4000, For a faster d/l using a bit-torrent, please see here: http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/15:53
GG111Baribal: files are crap, I try and be the leaset dependent on files. there's only one computer I own that has important files, and backed to so many place that I can't tell them without reading the script. all the other computer, can be nuked on the dime. no tears.15:53
martin_tscMy wifi dies after upgrading from 11.04 ->11.10.  How can that be fixed?15:53
blob4000Sidewinder: thanks15:53
Sidewinderblob4000, My pleasure. :-)15:53
BaribalGG111, good to know, but I don't think that has to do with me never nuking all my files because of Linux. :)15:54
Andy80hi, I've this xorg.conf http://pastebin.com/N8SacSFW but on each boot I always get 1024x768 by default. I need to go to System Settings->Display and choose 1680x1050 from the available one and then click Apply. Then it works. Maybe there is something wrong in my xorg.conf, how can I fix it? Thanks! p.s: I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 and Nouveau driver.15:54
GG111martin_tsc: run apt-get update && apt-get upgrade , reboot , see if Wifi is back15:54
Roji finde  precise-dvd-i386.iso        23-Apr-2012 15:00  1.5G  Install/live DVD for PC (Intel x86) computers (standard download) in  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/dvd/current/ .it is 12.4 dvd version?15:54
Rojbut it is for 23 april15:54
k4f1rguys having a problem upgrading from beta2 to release.....i tried dist-upgrade , upgrade, update, nada says I'm updated15:54
david_rAndy80, post /var/log/Xorg.0.log to another pastebin, it probably shows what your problem is15:54
GG111Baribal: I didnot loose importnat files my self, I nuked them yes, but what was needed, I still have.15:54
martin_tscGG111, thanks i'll try that15:55
bazhangk4f1r, what does lsb_release -a   say in the terminal15:55
roastedQuestion - Does Ubuntu One delete files at all? Reason I ask is, let's say I have Ubuntu One set up on my Android to sync my pictures to Ub1. If I delete pictures on my phone, would that "delete" change filter upt hrough Ubuntu One and to my computers? Or does it not delete anything?15:56
n0ydhey guys, kind of my first go around with a ATI card (deffinitely not new to linux, been using for 10 years or so).  I got a T60 with a x1300 mobility.  According to thinkwiki, radeon and radeonhd support this card, and even do 3d with newer mesa versions (i believe this was written a few years ago).  It also says the blob fglrx supports it, and from what I have read this will give the best performance, but I tried installing catalyst drivers, and it says15:56
n0yd I dont have a supported device.  Any ideas?15:56
bazhangRoj, perhaps wait for the servers to by synced.15:56
Andy80david_r: here you have my /var/log/Xorg.0.log --> http://pastebin.com/YxBxaA4t15:56
bazhangroasted, try #ubuntuone15:56
k4f1rNo LSB modules are available.15:56
k4f1rDistributor ID:Ubuntu15:56
k4f1rDescription:Ubuntu 12.04 LTS15:56
FloodBot1k4f1r: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:56
bazhangk4f1r, then you are at final15:56
roastedbazhang: didn't know it existed. thanks!15:57
k4f1rhow do I get the latest kernel then?15:57
mouth1i have a core i3 cpu, should i download the 32 bit or 64 bit ubuntu 12.04?15:57
wadI'm trying to troubleshoot a VPN issue. Which logs should I tail so I can see why it keeps dropping?15:57
bazhangk4f1r, latest being what15:57
GG111k4f1r: ouch, http://paste.ubuntu.com/15:57
mac_Hey, questions15:57
GG111and paste the link back here15:57
bazhangmouth1, is that 32 or 64 bit15:57
mouth1core i3 is 64 bit15:57
bazhangmouth1, then use 6415:58
jattnewer cpus are all 64bit15:58
mouth1will apps be supported on 64 bit?15:58
mac_How do I find themes for Ubuntu 12.04. how do i set up my wireless printer, and why is my bluetooth so wishy washy?15:58
k4f1rlatest being 3.2.1-24 or 3.2.0-24 instead of 2315:58
bazhangmouth1, yes15:58
mouth1ok thanks15:58
ghabitHello. Help! I'm looking for good and easy-to-use DLNA server (for TV connectiong) based on GUI or at least with good front-end. Thanks!15:58
BaribalGentlemen... How do I add/install locales?15:58
colon_Dis there some lag time before do-release-upgrade is available from 10.04 to 12?15:58
bazhangmac_, check printer at linuxprinting.org  and give more info than "wishy-washy"15:58
mac_Well, I have a sound bar, it rarely connects. only off a freshboot like starting up15:59
bazhangcolon_D, is your package manager checked to look only for lts?15:59
mac_it never can reconnect after being with one device or after going to sleep. It's really weird and Thanks15:59
bazhangk4f1r, here, not via PM please16:00
colon_Dbazhang: yeah, prompt=normal does the regular maverick upgrade, but prompt-lts gives me no new release found.  this is for a server.16:00
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bazhangcolon_D, which servers are you pointed at in sources.list16:00
yaccAny hints how to decrypt a home filesystem via ecryptfs manually (I do know the passphrase, I'm just trying to restore some files from a backup)16:01
Andy80david_r: you got any idea from my log file?16:01
=== el-seano_ is now known as el-seano
david_rAndy80, your xorg.conf lacks a "screen" section, in the logfile it says No monitor specified for screen "Default Screen Section".  Using a default monitor configuration.16:01
beandogyacc: cryptsetup luksOpen something someting16:01
Fat-Thingwhere can i post a screenshot? like a text field in ubuntu.paste.com something right?16:01
colon_Dbazhang: the typical us.archive.ubuntu.com: http://paste.ubuntu.com/947558/16:02
bazhang!paste | Fat-Thing16:02
ubottuFat-Thing: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:02
Andy80david_r: oh... where can I find a xorg.conf example so I can adapt it to my needs?16:02
david_rlet me paste mine16:02
bazhangcolon_D, thats odd. they should be synced by now. perhaps wait a bit, or switch servers and try again16:02
yaccbeandog, encrypted home filesystem => that's not block-level encryption.16:02
Andy80david_r: thanks :)16:02
n0ydhmm, no one hear can offer me any help? it seems whenever i come here my questions are ignored, as if they are too advanced or something16:03
bazhangn0yd, whats the issue16:04
sacarlsonAndy80: If I recall there is a command that will create the xorg.conf file that you system uses as it's default if none is found and you can edit that16:04
n0ydbazhang, its above but i will posty16:04
n0ydhey guys, kind of my first go around with a ATI card (deffinitely not new to linux, been using for 10 years or so).  I got a T60 with a x1300 mobility.  According to thinkwiki, radeon and radeonhd support this card, and even do 3d with newer mesa versions (i believe this was written a few years ago).  It also says the blob fglrx supports it, and from what I have read this will give the best performance, but I tried installing catalyst drivers, and it says16:04
n0yd I dont have a supported device.  Any ideas?16:04
bazhangn0yd, tried installing from where16:05
Matan[M]hi, where i can find list of changes in Ubuntu 12.04?16:05
david_rokay here's mine: http://pastebin.com/ZuHzwmBn - I'm using two monitors and the nvidia driver, if you're using one monitor you should adjust that, also you're using the open source driver so change that under "device" or install the nvidia binaries.  If you install the nvidia driver you can use the nvidia-settings tool to generate this file.16:05
Fat-Thingthanx ubottu16:05
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bazhangMatan[M], check the topic here16:06
Andy80david_r: I wish I could use the Nvidia driver, but it crashes my Xorg so many times! I get something like 7-8 crashes per day and I really cannot stand it.16:06
Matan[M]bazhang: sorry16:06
beandogAndy80: sounds like crappy hardware.16:06
colon_Dbazhang: thanks, I'll wait I suppose.  I tried mirrors.mit.edu with the same result.16:06
calculonwho's here?16:07
Andy80david_r: mmm.... no I can't use it, it's pretty the same I was using when I used Nvidia driver, but too many things change16:07
bazhangcalculon, ubuntu support16:07
david_rSorry to hear that. Another alternative to the xorg.conf changes is to figure out how to change the resolution with xrandr and then put the command in your ~/.xprofile file.16:07
calculonI like xubuntu 12.0416:07
mouth1what is the checksum for ubuntu 12.04 desktop amd64 ?16:08
sacarlsonAndy80: maybe this command? http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man1/dexconf.1.html16:08
Jordan_U!md5sums | mouth116:08
ubottumouth1: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.16:08
mouth1Jordan_U, there is no 12.0416:09
bazhang!hashes | mouth116:09
ubottumouth1: See http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs/12.04/MD5SUMS for the md5sums of the latest Ubuntu release16:09
egelor_david_r: you have right xrandr is the alternate. but as i had problems with nvidia drivers the best place is the ubuntu forum. And if you want to run your nvidia write you need to read a lot16:09
Monotokohey guys... if I have the beta of 12.04... am I right in thinking I just need to run "apt-get upgrade" to get the final?16:10
bazhang!final | Monotoko16:10
ubottuMonotoko: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.16:10
Monotokothank you :)16:11
nitzshello everyone. how did you find the new release?16:11
DarkAceZAre things broken in 12 or what?16:11
bazhangDarkAceZ, no16:11
MonkeyDustnitzs  works fine here, 'classic' gui16:11
nannesHi! Which is the right place to suggest new useful features to Ubu.developers ?16:12
bazhang!brainstorm | nannes16:12
ubottunannes: Post your ideas for Ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!16:12
DarkAceZYou being serious?16:12
bazhangDarkAceZ, ubuntu support question?16:13
Andy80david_r: do you think that this new xorg.conf will fix my problem http://pastebin.com/nC9dGmqf ?16:13
DarkAceZIsn't it?16:13
nannesbazhang: what if my english is not very well? I try there, or there is an italian channel?16:13
bobweaverwhat is the correct icon dir for makefiles ? example http://paste.ubuntu.com/947578/ thanks16:13
bazhangDarkAceZ, whats the issue: ask all on one line16:13
david_rIt shouldn't hurt, try it and if it doesn't change anything post your new Xorg.0.log file.16:13
bazhang!it | nannes16:13
ubottunannes: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:13
awisepilotWhen I do a release upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04 it says: No New Release Found.16:14
DarkAceZI'm just wondering if things are broken.16:14
nanneslol..ok I go to that english page16:14
bazhangDarkAceZ, thats not a support question16:14
bazhangDarkAceZ, chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic please16:14
Fat-Thinghttp://imagebin.org/209846 <---- anyone? seems i got a very very low connection :(16:14
ssfdre38hey would Intel Dual Core (not 2) still be able to use the 64 bit of 12.0416:15
DeadMeat67on both of my 11.10 on desktop one server I am getting no new release found when I do a sudo do-release-upgrade16:15
awisepilotWhen I do a release upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04 it says: No New Release Found.  Why isnt the upgrade working?16:16
Andy80david_r: ok, I try16:16
trismbobweaver: I would say /usr/share/pixmaps/ if you are just copying that single icon, /usr/share/icons/ is more for icon themes (although it looks like cabextract decided to go the other way...)16:16
deithrianWhich option to choose in the additional drivers for the most up to date drivers? The post release or current?16:16
DeadMeat67i've done a apt-get update && apt-get upgrade16:16
dogmatic69I have a plotter that has stopped working, I have been running 12.04 since b2 and it was fine. Since updating it no longer works16:16
dogmatic69it is just a usb->serial connection16:16
bobweavertrism, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dwww/+bug/98893716:17
dogmatic69anyone know what has happened or how I could fix it?16:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 988937 in dwww (Ubuntu) "Icon is not there for unity." [Undecided,New]16:17
sacarlsonFat-Thing: low connection?  you mean slow Internet?16:17
bobweavertrism,  I am trying to fix that bug16:17
awisepilotI've done the apt-get update, apt-get upgrade and now the upgrade is not fround16:17
rymate1234this is gonna be fun16:17
rymate1234updating from 12.04 beta 2 to the full release16:17
ghabitHello. Help! I'm looking for good and easy-to-use DLNA server (for TV connectiong) based on GUI or at least with good front-end. Thanks!16:17
bobweaverghabit,  you have seen ubuntu tv >?16:18
rymate1234I assume i just use "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade"16:18
Fat-Thingsacarlson, yes!16:18
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david_ryes rymate16:18
awisepilotWhen I do a release upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04 it says: No New Release Found.  Why isnt the upgrade working? I followed instruction verbatim.  What's the deal here16:18
bobweaverghabit,  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jq_WaOLjdyQ16:19
ghabitbobweaver, nope, just installed ubuntu and don't know any software16:19
sacarlsonFat-Thing: wifi or wired?16:19
DeadMeat67i've also tried sudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:19
MonkeyDustawisepilot  try do-release-upgrade16:19
bobweaverghabit,  you might also like this http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/01/how-to-install-ubuntu-tv-right-now-via-ppa/16:19
ghabitbobweaver, wow, but how to use it? ^) On TV16:19
alien64welp here goes nothin upgrading from 11.10 to 12.0416:19
mouth1can i use unetbootin with ubuntu 12.04 even though it's not officially supported yet?16:20
awisepilotI did sudo do-release-upgrade and it says No New Release16:20
JuJuBeeAny ideas why postfix seems to stop running by itself?  I have to restart it every couple of weeks16:20
ghabitone more question - is there some difference between ubuntu updated to 12.04 and fresh install of 12.04?16:20
trismbobweaver: he probably just doesn't have gnome-desktop-data installed, it is installed here and the icon is in /usr/share/pixmaps (and a desktop file finds it when I make a test one)16:21
Fat-Thingsacarlson, wired connection!16:21
awisepilotYou cant upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04 so do a fresh install16:21
awisepilotIt doesn't work16:21
bobweavertrism,  that he is me and should that not install via control file ?16:21
bobweaverif it depends on it that is16:22
Flannelawisepilot: yes you can.  LTS to LTS.16:22
sacarlsonfat-thing: when did it change?  maybe mtu settings?  http://compnetworking.about.com/od/networkprotocols/g/mtu-maximum.htm16:22
Andy80david_r: once I login my resolution is set to 1680x1050, but on LightDM screen I still have 1024x768, now I'll paste you the new log, wait...16:22
nathan_hey guys my logitech mic is freezing ubuntu16:22
* Menno wonders what's ch anged from 3.2.0-22 to -2316:22
dpaigenHello.  I am having an install problem: my usb stick freezes on an acer aspire one16:22
awisepilotNope, I did a fresh install last night 10.04 and now today I am trying to upgrade to 12.04 and it says No new Release16:22
mouth1can i use unetbootin with ubuntu 12.04 even though it's not officially supported yet?16:22
Mennomouth1: yes16:22
ntadej_Hi everyone!16:23
ntadej_Can anyone help me with python-sip problems with 12.04? (Google and Launchpad aren't helpful)16:23
awisepilotI should have waited a few more hours before wasting my time installing 10.04 since now I have to blow away 10.04 to get to 12.04.  I just wish this stuff worked as printed.16:23
Flannelawisepilot: Yeah, the LTS releases will wait a week or two before having 'everyone' upgrade.16:23
Andy80david_r: here it is http://pastebin.com/8Y6qBg6m16:23
Flannelawisepilot: For stability, but also for the fact that the upgrade servers are going to be molasses for a few days.16:24
ntadej_/build/buildd/sip4-4.13.2/siplib/siplib.c:10938: sipEnumType_alloc: Assertion `( ( ( currentType )->td_flags & 0x0007 ) == 0x0003 )' failed.16:24
ntadej_Aborted ( core dumped )16:24
saryFlannel: i thought thats the way to do i before , but i was told today that you have to wait for 12.04.1 to be released to upgrade from an LTS to the next.16:24
deithrianWhich version of Nvidia drivers are we installing with the Additional drivers thing on 12.04?16:24
deithrianIs it so bloody hard to display the version of the driver in that application?!16:25
Flannelsary: I've never heard that as policy.16:25
sarydpaigen: you mean i freezes when you boot from it to try ubuntu !16:25
mouth1ok Menno thanks16:25
bobweavertrism,  thanks ! you are awesome16:25
nathan_can anyone help me figure out why my mic is freezing my computer16:25
awisepilotThey should have not printed this link: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuServer  if they never intended for it to work until next week.16:25
dpaigensary if I don't touch it the live system boots, if I try to arrow down it freezes16:25
awisepilotThe instruction are simple and easy but the delivery is bad!16:26
mouth1Menno, what ubuntu version should i choose in unetbootin?16:26
MonkeyDustMenno  OT: maybe this link is helpful https://www.linux.com/news/software/linux-kernel16:26
mouth111.10 or daily live x64 ?16:26
=== mrJack is now known as mrjack
osseIf I install 12.04 from scratch and specify a certain partition as /home, can I avoid formatting it and keep my data in place?16:27
ossePerhaps move dotfiles and such out of the way first16:27
Flannelawisepilot: I'm not going to argue with you there.  But Some people won't see it for a few days anyway just due to the nature of their mirror.  I'm sure there's a way to insist right now, lets just figure out what it is.16:27
sarydpaigen: so the issue comes from the usb stick itself , i thought youre having an issue booing to the live CD .. in that case it might a grahpic card issue but then you might be able to pass that with some boot-options.16:28
trismbobweaver: no problem16:28
awisepilotA simple Oh the way, upgrading from 10.04 to 12.04 will be available next week.  There should be a way Flannel, someone is just not telling us.16:28
DTShi ppl16:29
Andy80david_r: I can't find any "not found" this time and the resolution is parsed and added (else I could not have it right now) the problem is still that is not used by default....16:29
MennoMonkeyDust: -22 -23 are Ubuntu things16:29
Mennonot upstream16:29
buzzkillosse:  if the exsting box has /home partitioned separately, yes. If not, then no.16:29
mouth1can i use startup disk creator that comes with ubuntu 11.10 to create an ubuntu 12.04 usb drive?16:29
Jordan_Umouth1: What OS are you using to create the USB drive?16:29
mouth1ubuntu 11.1016:30
Mennois there a way to see the changelog.Debian without downloading the entire .deb?16:30
david_rAndy80 in your paste around 16.282 it says Virtual size is 1024x768 (pitch 0)16:30
a_b0ymouth1 i use Unetbootin16:30
mouth1Jordan_U, ubuntu 11.1016:30
vitihoHi, I'm trying to do an automated install on ubuntu 12.04 over the network and every time I get a message: Warning.. restricted/binary-amd64/Packages was corrupt16:30
Jordan_Umouth1: Yes: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/create-a-usb-stick-on-ubuntu16:30
dpaigensary this is an Acer laptop, an Asprire One 722.  Radeon HD 6290 graphics.  Any suggestions for boot options to change?16:30
Jordan_Umouth1: You're welcome.16:30
DeadMeat67is there any reason that on both of my 11.10 boxes (one server and one desktop) that I get no new release found when I do-release-upgrade?16:31
vitihoI've tried to apply solution of unzipping packages file, but then I get message: Couldn't retrieve Packages. This may be a network issue...16:31
DeadMeat67i've done an apt-get update16:31
Flannelawisepilot: So, lets try the normal ones, are you fully up to date with 10.04?16:31
Andy80david_r: maybe there is an option to specify the "virtual size" ?16:31
nosborDeadMeat67  ive had that a couple of times today even after doing apt-get update. i think it's just timing out when connecting to the server16:31
dpaigen Are there general issues booting older USB sticks on newer motherboards?16:31
DeadMeat67oh, OK, I'm not on the fastest of links to start with16:32
awisepilotFlannel: To the tee, I follow instruction precisely16:32
ossebuzzkill, yes the partition in question is my actual /home partition as we speak. I'd like to to a clean install because I have upgraded twice on this install and since I grew up with Windows I just assume at one point everything will break :P16:32
david_rAndy80 yes, try this: http://pastebin.com/XYdJfn4C16:32
awisepilotEverything is up to date16:32
Flannelawisepilot: alright.  And this is a server? or do you prefer the GUI?16:32
ripthejackersomeone please help me16:33
ripthejackeri am getting this message16:33
ripthejackerCCP terminated by peer (No compression negotiated^@)16:33
ripthejackerCompression disabled by peer.16:33
awisepilotEven check the file release-upgrades and set Prompt=lts.16:33
awisepilotThis is a server16:33
Raimondi_Hi there. I installed ubuntu via wubi and i've been waiting for half an hour at the "Preparing to run Ubuntu for the first time..." screen. SHould I keep waiting or do something else?16:33
ogra_awisepilot, LTS to LTS upgrades will only be offered for 12.04.116:33
Andy80david_r: done, I'll reboot again. Thanks.16:33
mouth1Jordan_U, i use AHCI, HPET 64 bit and Power Mode S3, does that work stable with ubuntu or should i revert back to default BIOS settings?16:33
ssfdre38where is the MD5 string located at on the site?16:34
awisepilotogra: not according to this link: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuServer16:34
ripthejackerCCP terminated by peer (No compression negotiated^@)16:34
ripthejackerCompression disabled by peer.16:34
BFranksIs gparted the best/only format recovery util I can try? .. It sees the drive and then says it can't make a read-only view of the disk due to locking issues (swap?) ..16:34
ripthejackerplease help me16:34
ogra_awisepilot, well, then the policy has changed, we never offered LTS to LTS before .116:34
ogra_would be a novum16:35
buzzkillosse:  just make sure you document the existing partition (/dev/sd[a-z][0-9]) and choose manual partitioning. I would _always_ recommend a backup anyway, but I have done this without issue for many releases.16:35
awisepilotorgra: if the that is the case, the website needs to reflect that information16:35
caleresshey guys, any1 ever tried to boot ubuntu live from htc android phone via usb cable?16:35
Flannelawisepilot: Give `do-release-upgrade -d` a try16:36
awisepilotFlannel: trying now16:36
caleresslike install it on the sd card and then boot16:37
FulciI have an install of Ubuntu 12.04 Beta 2 and today it did an update via the update manager. Does that mean I know have the "final" version or do I have to do something special to go from Beta 2 to "final" version?16:37
awisepilotFlannel: U da man, it is working.  Ogra: It is available, Flannel figured it out.  Now someone needs to update the website to tell everyone the -d option.16:37
smittixAnyone know how to fix this? GPG error: http://archive.canonical.com precise Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>16:38
=== milind is now known as abyss42
MonkeyDustawisepilot  worked for me, without the -d option16:38
jamespriceI downloaded the 12.04-desktop-amd64 torrent a few hours ago; Is it the beta2 or final?  How can I tell?16:38
danopia_beta2 has beta2 in hte name16:38
Flanneljamesprice: hash it, then check against the md5 of the final (which you can get from the blagonets)16:38
awisepilotMonkeyDust: What was your prior version?16:38
sarydpaigen: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions16:38
chz|baconcheers for ubuntu!16:38
MonkeyDustawisepilot  it was 11.10, you have another?16:38
ogra_awisepilot, oh, indeed if you force it to -d or --development that will always work :)16:39
chz|baconso glad the LTS is finally here, kudos to those working on the project.16:39
ossebuzzkill, backups are not a problem :) Do you do anything else before installing? I have a feeling that moving everything to a temporary dir and moving it back afterwards would be a good idea (at least move hidden conf files and stuff in the "standard" directories, XDG-something?=16:39
ogra_awisepilot, i pinged the relevant people to fix the release notes to not give the impression it is available nefore .116:39
awisepilotMonkeyDust: I am on 10.04 following the instructions for 10.04 to 12.04 and it does work as instructed by the website.  You need the -d option as Flannel discovered.16:40
abiss27by chance can someone tell me where can I get, an ubuntu minimal final release 12.04 ISO.16:40
ronhow do I upgrade to 12.04 from console?16:40
MonkeyDustawisepilot  learned something new then16:40
ripthejackerCCP terminated by peer (No compression negotiated^@)16:40
ripthejackerCompression disabled by peer.16:40
nosborsudo do-release-upgrade16:40
MonkeyDustron  do-release-upgrade16:40
awisepilotOrga: It is available with the -d option.16:40
SkaagWhat's a nice i7 laptop that isn't expensive and will run ubuntu very well?16:40
rondanke :)16:41
buzzkillosse:  I just do a 'mount' and note, that on my computer, /dev/sda3 is my /home partition. From there, It is a manual partitioning option (and choose the right filesystem, and not to format) that's all.16:41
SkaagI bought this asus u46e yesterday from best buy but it doesn't even boot the USB stick I prepared16:41
dpaigensary: I will investigate.  Thanks for the pointer.16:41
ripthejackercan someone help me i am getting this message16:41
ronhave a great <time of day>!16:41
ripthejackerCCP terminated by peer (No compression negotiated^@)16:41
ripthejackerCompression disabled by peer.16:41
Andy80david_r: I still have the same problem, and this is the new log: http://pastebin.com/pTpf2WrJ - please note another problem (don't know if they're related or not) from the moment I enter my password and press enter and the moment I get Unity fully loaded, it takes about 20-30 seconds :\ (I've an Intel Core 2 3Ghx and 4Gb RAM, not a so slow PC...)16:41
awisepilotFlannel: How did you figure the -d option out?16:41
belgianguyI can't upgrade16:41
belgianguysays it has problems veryfying packets Flash and Skype16:42
MonkeyDustbelgianguy  what goes wrong?16:42
acalbazaanyone having trouble with eclipse context menus in 12.04?16:42
FulciWill the UPDATE MANAGER automatically update 12.04 Beta 2 to the FINAL version or do I have to do something special?16:42
ossebuzzkill, sure, no problem. I just don't want it to overwrite my .bashrc or delete my Shotwell database16:42
rymate1234Fulci, seems to be16:42
Skaagacalbaza: Maybe try the regular java from sun instead of openjdk16:42
rymate1234its taking a while to download16:42
belgianguyadobe-flash-properties-gtk | adobe-flashplugin | skype | skype-bin:i38616:42
Skaagacalbaza: Just a guess16:42
zrtschDoes anyone know what causes the error mountall: Plymouth command failed, mountall: Disconnected from plymouth ? This is happening on first install on several machines lately16:43
MonkeyDustbelgianguy  how do you upgrade, gui, terminal?16:43
belgianguyMonkeyDust: gui16:43
Andy80Fulci: yes it should... if you don't have any upgrades available, you already have latest version16:43
buzzkillosse:  those are in /home/osse (or what ever your username is) and should not be touched at all.16:43
Flannelawisepilot: Uh... -d is standard for upgrading to development releases, which is what 10.04 is going to treat 12.04 as (for purposes of update manager) before the "ok, its time to upgrade" is pushed out.16:44
alien64holy crap 1510 packages to upgrade from 11.10 to 12.0416:44
acalbazaSkaag: sorry about that, running hotspot at the moment16:44
rhizmoei can't find any place where "ubuntu alternate" is explained16:44
FulciThanks all for anwersing my questions. Have a nice day!16:44
buzzkillosse:  you could of course always tar them up, if space and time are not issues.16:44
Flannelrhizmoe: What about it do you want to know?16:44
Skaagacalbaza: im not familiar with hotspot16:44
disrageousHelp me get rid of this Unity UI and go back to the old way!16:44
MonkeyDustalien64  yes, took more than 60 miutes here16:44
acalbazaSkaag: "Sun's" jdk16:44
gizeroHi. How do I get my Google Calendar events integrated into the stock calendar widget in Ubuntu?16:44
SkaagI see16:44
SkaagStrange then16:45
rhizmoeFlannel: what it is!16:45
ossebuzzkill, but new users (including on a fresh install) get their own .bashrc and so on. So what if there is one there already?16:45
tehowe_disrageous: install gnome. log out. log back in using gnome-classic16:45
ogra_awisepilot, -d just means upgrade to the next version regardless (-d means developpment version)16:45
osseWell, it's actually pretty easy. I back it up and see what happens! :)16:45
ogra_awisepilot, its documented in the manpage16:45
acalbazaSkaag: i'm not sure if its 12.04 mouse handling or if its eclipse.16:46
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Flannelrhizmoe: So, the Desktop CD is a LiveCD, that you can install from.  The alternate CD is an install CD (no LiveCD) its text-based (text menus) and installs from packages contained on the CD.  It gives you more flexibility with what to install,16:46
action09hi on a Giada n20 i install 12.04 but during copy of installation files i've no progress bar increasing and a lot of "ata1.00: status error, configured for UDMA/133 and error [{ UNC } ..any clue please ?16:46
awisepilotorga: -d option is the development version of 12.04?16:46
ogra_awisepilot, as i said, i notified the right people to fix the releaswe notes to mention its only enabled at .1 time16:46
abiss27by chance can someone tell me where can I get, an ubuntu minimal final release 12.04 ISO.16:46
tehowe_Flannel: Are the amd64-uefi-mac and powerpc desktop ISOs Live CDs as well?16:46
rhizmoeand for what it's worth, the explanation of alternate here seems overly terse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation16:46
Flannelrhizmoe: It's the same installer "experience" as the server CD, and the minimal CD is the alternate CD without the packages.16:46
Flanneltehowe_: Any "Desktop" CD is a LiveCD16:47
ogra_awisepilot, no, it just tells do-release-upgrade "use the next available version" (which is usually the development version)16:47
belgianguynowadays opting for a LiveUSB is even more fun16:47
rymate1234how would I check what version of ubuntu I'm running16:47
belgianguyyou can save files then16:47
rhizmoeFlannel: not sure i understand it, but on a day like today this is just a curious quibble on my part. not important. :)16:47
MonkeyDustrymate1234  lsb_release -sd16:47
rymate1234so i can see whether I'm on the final version or the beta16:47
david_rAndy80 add this to your "Monitor" section: Option      "PreferredMode" "1680x1050"16:47
rymate1234thx MonkeyDust16:47
awisepilotorga: What is development version then?16:48
Flannelrhizmoe: The desktop CD installs by copying the LiveCD image onto your computer (so it has very little flexibility on what packages ot install), with the alternate CD, youcan install a GUI, textmode only, only certain packages, etc, etc.16:48
ogra_awisepilot, since there are thousands of commercial users of ubuntu server, LTS to LTS is always only enabled once the .1 version is out16:48
disrageoustehowe, Literally the "gnome" package, and all its 275 dependencies?16:48
SteevcaI have just upgraded to 12.04 and the launcher won't hide.What should i do?16:48
david_rAndy80 and you can probably remove the virtual screen size.16:48
yannickis 12.04 available in software update? couldn't find it atm :(16:48
Andy80david_r: I remove the whole SubSection?16:48
ogra_awisepilot, there is no development version on release day :) (next week there will be the Q version, open for development)16:48
nosborrymate1234  I use the nice tool called sysinfo  you can get it from the repositories16:48
disrageoustehowe_,  Literally the "gnome" package, and all its 275 dependencies?16:49
david_ryeah you probably dont need it any more16:49
david_rif the preferredmode thing works16:49
rhizmoeFlannel: ah, so like "advanced mode," thanks!16:49
n8ofsp8dscan someone please help me16:49
Andy80david_r: ok, let me try again, thanks :)16:49
rhizmoen8ofsp8ds: only if you ask a question16:50
awisepilotOrga:  I just did the -d option and now I am at the point where it download 312 M of data and asking me if I want to Continue or not.  What is it trying to install?16:50
teicahhow do I zoom desktop in brand new installed precise?16:50
Flannelrhizmoe: Sure, but it can also be simple (asking the same questions as the LiveCD), it just gives you the option of asking more questions16:50
n8ofsp8dsok my mic freezes ubuntu16:50
ogra_awisepilot, 12.0416:50
sarydpaigen: you're most welcom , i think there is a specific kernel boot option to pass your AMD/ATI card , but i can't quite remember !16:50
ogra_awisepilot, with 12.04.1 you will not need -d16:51
beachkidNew here so please bear with me.  Does anyone know the md5sum number for 'ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso'?16:51
nitzswhy doesn't the dash cover the entire screen?16:51
awisepilotOgra: I am confussed.  You said it was not available until verion
bazhang!hashes | beachkid16:52
ubottubeachkid: See http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs/12.04/MD5SUMS for the md5sums of the latest Ubuntu release16:52
llutzbeachkid: http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/MD5SUMS16:52
ogra_awisepilot, yes, with -d you force the upgrade16:52
teicahhow do I zoom desktop in brand new installed precise? 10x16:52
RobinJ1995How long is it supposed to take GParted to resize a partition? :/16:52
Dr_willisRobinJ1995,  depends on a lot of things16:52
RobinJ1995Dr_willis, like..? :p16:52
beandogRobinJ1995: a looooooong time usually16:53
n8ofsp8dsis there something i need to change so my logitech wont freeze ubuntu ?16:53
awisepilotOgra_: Is there a problem using he forces upgrade?16:53
awisepilotOgra_: Is there a problem using the forces upgrade?16:53
beandogRobinJ1995: don't stop it or you'll really bork everything16:53
capI'm hoping to use a Libertas 802.11b/g Wireless network interface and was trying to follow some instructions at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/mrv8k  and doesn't seem to work for me.  Maybe there are some updated instructions.  (OS=10.04.4 LTS)16:53
awisepilotOgra_: Is there a problem using the forced upgrade?16:53
RobinJ1995Dr_willis, it's a 6-core 3.3 Ghz with 8GB of RAM, and a 2TB hard drive :p16:53
belgianguyhow much of a liability is it to be on xchat while upgrading?16:53
RobinJ1995beandog, i know16:53
beandogbelgianguy: none16:53
matc21I can't login anymore after installing 12.04 and keeping my /home partition. anyone has a clue how to fix this?16:53
belgianguybeandog: great16:53
ogra_awisepilot, no, but the official upgrade will only be enabled on .1 ... i wouldnt suggest to use -d on a company server though16:54
RobinJ1995belgianguy, zou ni uit moge make :p16:54
* cousin_luigi upgraded from cd and now he's receiving a bad sig error from apt: tried deleting and recreating /var/lib/apt/lists but nothing changed: any hints?16:54
Andy80david_r: it didn't work, but a question... maybe it should be Option      "PreferredMode" "1680x1050R" ? please note the "R" since I've Modeline "1680x1050R"  119.00  1680 1728 1760 1840  1050 1053 1059 1080 +hsync -vsync16:55
RobinJ1995Why didn't I just create a seperate partition for data from the start >.< now i have to spend hours to move everything over16:55
capmatc21: What kind of error do you see?16:55
beandogDoes anyone know any good cloud storage options that have linux tools?16:55
zrtschDoes anyone know what causes the error mountall: Plymouth command failed, mountall: Disconnected from plymouth ? This is happening on first install on several machines lately16:55
RobinJ1995beandog, ubuntu one16:55
david_rAndy80: That makes sense but I don't know the answer16:55
matc21cap can't see any errors, they are disappearing instantly16:56
zrtschI've fixed it before by editing the grub line, but I forget what it was that I changed16:56
Andy80david_r: I'll just try :)16:56
beandogRobinJ1995: oh yah, derp ... why didnt I think of that.16:56
matc21cap: login into guest account works fine16:56
belgianguyRobinJ1995: dan ga ik het riskeren ;)16:56
zrtschPeople online are referring to nvidia drivers, but I just installed ubuntu minimal. I don't have any nvidia drivers installed.16:56
SteevcaI have just upgraded to 12.04 and the launcher won't hide.What should i do? Can anyone help me with this? The launcher won't auto hide,it's stuck on the left side on of the screen and won't move when i open an folder or some software.16:56
belgianguyI'll keep the rest in English :p16:56
capmatc21: Do you have a user set up for /home/matc21  (with same name?)16:56
matc21cap: yes same name, even the same password16:56
teicahhow do I zoom desktop in brand new installed precise? 10x16:56
beandogRobinJ1995: do you know if they have some good cli tools?  that's what I need16:57
RobinJ1995beandog, cli tools for what?16:57
capmatc21: What happens when you boot the system?  What do you see on the screen?16:57
beandogRobinJ1995: uploading stuff16:57
RobinJ1995just dump it in your ubuntu one folder? :p16:57
RobinJ1995then it gets uploaded automatically16:57
elkingreyI've just run the sudo apt-get update command in order to begin the upgrade process to 12.04 and received this error: http://pastebin.com/L7u90hCw Anybody know what that's all about?16:57
matc21cap: booting is perfectly fine, it just goes back to lightDM16:57
beandogRobinJ1995: hmm okay16:57
RobinJ1995so cp ./file ~/Ubuntu\ One/file16:57
cousin_luigiW: GPG error: http://archive.canonical.com precise Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B516:57
capmatc21: what is "lightDM"16:58
matc21the login manager16:58
RobinJ1995hahah updates are going just as crappy as always? :p16:58
capmatc21: So can you type in the name of the user?16:58
matc21cap: yes, even the password...then I press login, screen goes black and back to login again16:59
cap!password | matc2116:59
ubottumatc21: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords16:59
matc21cap: its definitely not a wrong password16:59
RobinJ1995matc21, yay, you've got a crashing lightdm =D16:59
RobinJ1995honestly, beta 2 was more bugfree than the release xD17:00
capmatc21: Ctrl-ALt-F6   and login17:00
matc21lemme try17:00
RobinJ19952 crashes and 2 bugs so far17:00
RobinJ1995none with beta 217:00
RobinJ1995appart from pulseaudio17:00
matc21F6 mode works fine17:00
gizeroIn the Dash, how do I switch from one "tab" (the bottom ones) to another using the keyboard?17:01
matc21can login without problems17:01
RobinJ1995gizero, ctrl+tab17:01
Andy80david_r: this time it worked :) thank you so much!17:01
gizeroRobinJ1995, Thank you17:01
david_rInternet high five!17:02
juhyhello everybody17:02
nosbor(18:01:24) nosbor: i'm sure it's been asked before but does anyone know where the md5sum check sums can be found for 12.04 ?17:03
llutznosbor:  http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/MD5SUMS17:03
GriGiHi, I just updated 11.10 to 12.04 and got little problem with Unity :/. In 11.10 bar on the left was "fixed" but it was hiding when I maximalized something or drag some window over that bar. But now it doesn't hide :/. I found option in Settings -> Apperance, called "autohide", but then bar hide even when nothing is maximised.17:03
nosborthanks :)17:03
Dan-The-Mannosbor, is it bad that I never check the md5 when installing ubuntu17:03
gizeroYou're supposed to be able to configure Unity in the Appearence section of system settings I've read, but you can only change like 3-4 things there. That's it?17:03
DTSJesus is alive amin!17:03
GriGiI want it to hide when some window is maximalised, but when everything is minimalised it shouldn't hide :/. Can I do that? I was trying MyUnity, but it have only the same option like Settings -> Apperance.17:04
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Dan-The-ManGriGi, i think that feature was called window dodge and i beleive its been removed17:04
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krababbelteicah: don't you have the icon in the menu bar at the top?17:05
nosborDan-the-man     no i normally don't but this time i've done it via a torrent and want to make sure on before installing on my main machine17:05
pwasekI am looking for a crm solution any suggestions?17:05
capmatc21: Well, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/902698 or https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/903299 or  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/97318417:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 902698 in lightdm (Ubuntu Precise) "lightdm crashed with SIGSEGV in check_stopped()" [High,Triaged]17:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 902698 in lightdm (Ubuntu Precise) "duplicate for #903299 lightdm crashed with SIGSEGV in check_stopped()" [High,Triaged]17:05
Dan-The-Mannosbor, ah i see, makes sense17:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 973184 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "lightdm crashed with SIGSEGV in check_stopped()" [Medium,New]17:05
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GriGiDan-The-Man, Yes, it was window dodge :/. Im afraid that you're right, it's not a bug it's a feature -,-.17:05
testiI have Ubuntu 10.04. How do I update to 12.04? I expected the update management to notify me, but it doesn't17:06
RobinJ1995testi, update-manager -g (i think)17:06
nosborDan-The-Man   as it turns out i've just checked it and all is fine. of i go to create the cd from ISO   :)17:06
r4yI want to know when 12.04.01 will come out and if I should wait for it to come out?, I want to back up my files from my other hard drive. I just had hard drive troubles, but I used dban then spinrite so I am ready to back up.17:07
RobinJ1995GriGi, in Unity 2D you can get that beheaviour back using my (unfinished) tool: http://www.robinj.be/unity-2d-config-util/17:07
testiRobinJ1995, "man update-manager" doesn't list the -g option.17:07
RobinJ1995testi, just try, i dunno17:08
openvoid_testi do-releade-update -d17:08
RobinJ1995testi, my bad, it's -d17:08
Piciopenvoid_: RobinJ1995, testi: do not use -d17:08
GriGiRobinJ1995, but it doesn't work in normal Unity, only 2D? Thanks anyway, I'll try it :).17:08
testiRobinJ1995, but -d is for devel-releases17:08
RobinJ1995i thought devel-release just meant release >.<17:09
openvoid_but its not recommended on companys servers17:09
RobinJ1995testi, in that case, do what openvoid says17:09
capmatc21: Do permissions look ok in your /home/matc21 directory?17:09
RobinJ1995GriGi, dunno for sure about unity 3d17:09
Artemis3RobinJ1995, -d is for the next version in development, 12.1017:09
dimitrisi just installed ubuntu 12.04 but i have a bug17:09
openvoid_there no next development version until next week17:10
oglavasHello. Anyone here with 12.04 and Cinnamon ?17:10
Guest34418Why Ubuntu changed to using Empathy? I liked Pidgin better.17:10
henaaquehow do i install drivers to inte gma 4500?  (ubuntu 12.04)17:10
GriGiRobinJ1995, can you tell me how to install it? I've hever installed anything from launchpad17:10
Artemis3Guest34418, just install pidgin ;)17:10
Guest34418Empathy does have better conversation dialog appearance though.17:10
Monotokohey guys... why is my update keeping some back? http://pastebin.com/unjQWNkX17:10
tehcasemanback. using xchat. easy enough17:11
dimitristhe screen is too dark to see what is there ! but screen still works ( tested on windows)17:11
Guest34418Artemis3: YEa... But I would rather my chat client to be better integreated with Unity.17:11
Dan-The-ManGuest34418, just install pidgin, go to system settings, then details, then prefered apps and change it to pidgin17:11
belgianguyGuest34418: xchat?17:11
RobinJ1995GriGi, it doesn't have a deb package yet. just download the exe here (yes, it's an exe, and yes, it's for linux): http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~robinj/unity-2d-config-util/trunk/files/head:/bin/Debug/17:11
RobinJ1995GriGi, sudo apt-get install mono17:12
RobinJ1995GriGi, and then you should be able to run it17:12
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Artemis3belgianguy, xchat is an irc client17:12
GriGiOkay, thanks. I'll try :).17:12
belgianguyI wasn't paying attention17:12
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belgianguydisregard that17:12
testido-release-upgrade says: Checking for a new ubuntu release17:12
testiNo new release found17:12
oglavasI have been using Cinnamon for a couple of weeks now, but just this noon, it gave me an empty desktop with no icons/bars/menus. Does anyone have an idea on what's going on?17:12
Monotokohmm... why is my update keeping some back?  :( I would quite like those wallpapers, I'm on beta2 http://pastebin.com/unjQWNkX17:12
testiWhat can I do about that?17:12
Dan-The-Manthis channel is moving hella fast right now lol17:12
testiMaybe it's not yet on my mirror?17:13
RobinJ1995GriGi, it's my first linux application, and it's unfinished, but the basic features work well enough.17:13
openvoid_testi with -d ?17:13
Piciopenvoid_: please stop suggesting -d.17:13
Guest34418belgianguy: Ewww no. Lol, but thanks for the suggestion though. I like Konversation IRC better. The thing with Xchat is that quite a few of their stuff is not documented and I do not like how I can not DO server notices and have /WHOIS appear in the same chat window I am currently looking at.17:13
testiopenvoid_ it says -d is for development releases17:13
Piciopenvoid_: That is only for upgrading to development releases. 12.04 is no longer the development release.17:13
ogra_Pici, well, its ok, but should be suggested with a warning17:13
openvoid_-d is safe until nex week17:13
GriGiRobinJ1995, "sudo apt-get install mono" -> "Can't find package called mono" :/17:13
testiCould it be that my local mirror doesn't have it yet?17:13
trismMonotoko: you need to: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade; (the ubuntu-wallpapers were split out into ubuntu-wallpapers-precise, so it needs to install a new package)17:13
dimitristhe laptop's  screen is too dark to see what is there ! but screen still works ( tested on windows) ubuntu works correctly from external monitor ! any sugestions ?17:13
RobinJ1995GriGi, er... what? >.< don't tell me they removed it from the repos...17:14
ogra_Pici, -d is exactly what you need until 12.04.1 enables the automatic upgrades17:14
Monotokotrism, that did it! Thank you17:14
Piciogra_: really? Is this documented anywhere?17:14
Dan-The-Mandimitris, what laptop17:14
openvoid_the 10.04 will not updated until .1 is out17:14
dimitrisemachine e52517:14
nitzsDan-The-Man: this moment doesn't occur everyday.17:14
dimitrisemachines e52517:14
Artemis3dimitris, did you try using the laptop keys for brightness? usually fn - something17:14
RobinJ1995GriGi, it's been renamed mono-runtime17:14
Monotokohmmm... I think the GB repo is being hammered :/17:15
JohhnMy brother trolled my and removed unity from ubuntu 12.04.How do i get it back?17:15
dimitrisi have full brightness and software and hardware ;)17:15
JohhnI am stuck with unity-2d17:15
RobinJ1995Johhn, by torturing him :')17:15
intraderWhere does tomboy store files in 11.10. In 10.10 I could find a folder .tomboy (hidden)17:15
RobinJ1995Johhn, sudo apt-get install unity17:15
JohhnRobinJ1995: That is for sure.17:15
Dan-The-Mandimitris, please type my name when talking so i can see the comment easier.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1964814 try the section about fixing screen brightness (I realize its a different laptop but its worth a shot)17:16
openvoid_the 10.04 will not be updated until .1 is out, testi -d will force it, but ok only until next week and not good for valuable servers17:16
Artemis3dimitris, is it working fine with another OS; live cd?17:16
JohhnRobinJ1995: I did that.I can log out and click the unity but when it enteres there is nothing.Just a wallpaper.17:16
JohhnHe tolled me that he had remove compiz package.17:16
RobinJ1995ouch, er...17:16
Piciopenvoid_: sorry, my mistake.17:16
JohhnUnity,unity-desktop or something.17:16
RobinJ1995Johhn, would explain it. sudo apt-get install ompiz17:16
JohhnIdiot.I am going to kill him.17:17
RobinJ1995can't type xd17:17
testiopenvoid, so how would you update after next week and before .1 is out?17:17
ogra_openvoid, even after next week -d will get you to 12.04 ... (do-release-upgrade wont skip a version)17:17
GriGiRobinJ1995, Okay it shows that I already got mono-runtime. I clicked RMB on that .exe, and choose "run in mono-runtime" and nothing happens. When I choose "run in mono-runtime in console" console just apperars and disappear after one second17:17
testiogra_, okay - thanks!17:17
RobinJ1995GriGi, derp17:17
auronandaceogra_: doesn't -d imply development?17:17
RobinJ1995GriGi, er.... open a terminal and go to the folder where the exe is stored. then run it from a terminal17:17
ogra_auronandace, yes, but if the next release isnt a development release it will just force the upgrade to the next available17:18
RobinJ1995GriGi, that way you can see what the problem is, and i can try to fix it now or in a future version :p17:18
Dan-The-ManRobinJ1995, exe for linux!?17:18
dimitrisArtemis3 it works fine on windows but i has the same problem and on backtrak :S17:18
RobinJ1995Dan-The-Man, yes17:18
auronandaceogra_: thanks for the info17:18
RobinJ1995Dan-The-Man, gnome do, docky, ... are all exe's17:18
RobinJ1995even tomboy17:18
ogra_-d just means "do it even if its not enabled yet"17:19
GriGiRobinJ1995, I should type ./filename.exe ?17:19
Dan-The-Mandimitris, did u try my suggestion?17:19
RobinJ1995GriGi, think so, works for mze17:19
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anomalieserr.. no aircrack-ng at 12.0417:19
dlentzDan-The-Man, mono programs use exe17:19
RobinJ1995anomalies, airecrack-ng17:19
belgianguymono = C# wrapper, right?17:19
RobinJ1995belgianguy, yeah17:20
GriGiRobinJ1995, it needed "chmod 777 filename.exe". But when I did that, and then did ./filename.exe it show me a lot of errors :P17:20
=== DarthVader is now known as LukeNukem
Dan-The-Mandimitris, ?!?!?17:20
dimitrisDan-The-Man i am sorry i didn't knew it (about the name) i am reading the solution in order to see if it will work !17:20
RobinJ1995GriGi, please pastebin the errors and gimme a link :p17:20
RobinJ1995should've thought of chmod :p17:20
Dan-The-Mandimitris, haha alright17:20
GriGiRobinJ1995, http://pastebin.com/WsEU3VA217:20
Dan-The-Mandimitris, only the section about the screen brightness obviously17:20
roddHi folks, I'd love to update my 10.04 lts to 12.04 lts however it isn't showing in the update manager, am I missing something?17:20
fsgxdroidwhich version do you prefere for desktop ubuntu, 32bit(with PAE) or 64bit?17:21
dimitrisDan-The-Man i know ;) section 3 !17:21
Dan-The-Mandimitris, just checkin ;)17:21
RobinJ1995GriGi, can you make an archive of your /usr/share/unity-2d/ folder and pass it on to me? there's somethiung it doesn't recognise in your QML files17:21
Church-fsgxdroid: i'd choose depending on ram amount. and between 32bit or 64bit, leaving PAE out.17:22
razlazHi, someone just asked me to send them my ssh key so I can have access to their server - how do i do this?17:22
razlazi've made a key with ssh-keygen17:22
fsgxdroidChurch-: ok, i have 8gigs of ram, so 64 bit is the way to go? not even considering 32bit + PAE?17:22
Artemis3rodd, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuDesktop#Upgrading_from_Ubuntu_10.04_LTS_to_Ubuntu_12.04_LTS17:22
vooblesanybody knows how to completely remove policykit-1 from 10.04 desktop and if it is at all possible?17:22
razlazdo i just send them my ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub file?17:23
Monotokorazlaz, send them the .pub file in your .ssh folder17:23
Church-fsgxdroid: indeed. just go for normal 64bit.17:23
RobinJ1995voobles, wouldn't recommend it. last time i tried i ruined everything xd17:23
razlazMonotoko: okay, thanks!17:23
Monotokorazlaz, no problem :)17:23
RobinJ1995fsgxdroid, PAE is always slower17:23
acalbazaquick question... i updated to final beta, do i need to perform another update to get to 12.05 LTS?17:23
fsgxdroidRobinJ1995: didn't know that, ty17:23
Church-+even with PAE ram for single app is limited to 2GB17:23
acalbaza12.04 rather17:23
RobinJ1995GriGi, you still there? :p17:23
Monotokoacalbaza, I came in with that same question :) just run apt-get dist-upgrade17:24
acalbazaMonotoko: thanks17:24
Monotokoand it'll fetch the new packages17:24
Monotokono problem :)17:24
GriGiRobinJ1995, Yes, here you go :). http://speedy.sh/tP2Kv/unity-2d.tar.gz17:24
dimitrisDan-The-Man on the link you send me : i have to add : splash acpi_backlight=vendor or splash acpi_backlight=emachines ???17:24
capacalbaza: Go to the update manager, click settings and choose LTS, or make sure it is chosen.17:24
GriGiRobinJ1995,  but Im on Unity 3D, not 2D, maybe it's because of that? I should be logged into Unity 2D?17:24
dimitrisDan-The-Man is it a varaible ??? :S (not sure :( )17:25
escottChurch-, 4GB for a single app, which is more than sufficient for most applications out there17:25
Dan-The-Mandimitris, vendor should do the trick17:25
roddArtemis3, got an error GPG error: http://archive.canonical.com lucid Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B517:25
RobinJ1995GriGi, thanks, I'll examine that and hopefully I'll have a fix ready within a week :p17:25
Gary_inNYCcould i run precise pangolin in an older laptop like my thinkpad t40 if I run it with Unity 2d?  I've been using lucid for years and just don't know17:25
dimitrisDan-The-Man ok ;)17:25
Church-escott: on 32bit with pae? you get increased total ammount of ram. NOT for single app.17:25
RobinJ1995probably won't have much time this weekend17:25
escottChurch-, you said the limit is 2GB, but its not its 4GB17:26
Dan-The-Mandimitris, u have to restart for it to take effect as well17:26
razlazMonotoko: then when I've sent it and they've done whatever they need to do, I can just ssh into the server without any specified options?17:26
RobinJ1995escott, 3.2GB17:26
Church-escott: ok, i'll recheck, as i'm 90% sure it's 2gb17:26
Monotokorazlaz, did you put a passphrase on the key?17:26
razlazMonotoko: I didn't17:26
dimitrisDan-The-Man "You do not have the permissions necessary to save the file. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again."17:26
Artemis3rodd, try to update again software sources17:27
escottChurch-, 2^32=4096 MB=4GB17:27
Artemis3rodd, or change mirror17:27
Guest34418Artemis3: I do see an option to make pidgin default messenger.17:27
Monotokorazlaz, strongly advise you had but it's okay... your key file acts as the password, just run "ssh <user>@<host>" and it will try your keys with the machine you're logging into17:27
B|tchXyeahhhh bches17:27
Dan-The-Mandimitris, gksu gedit /etc/default/grub17:28
Guest34418But I do see "Gedit" as default calendar. o_O17:28
roddArtemis3, alright, will try thanks17:28
RobinJ1995escott, 2^32=429496729617:28
Dan-The-Mandimitris, this will open the file in gedit as root17:28
Guest34418Hey B|tchX, having fun?17:28
razlazMonotoko: awesome, thanks!17:28
ZermannHi, how do i try HUD?17:28
MkaysiGuest34418: I was wondering that too. Gedit is text editor, not calendar.17:28
escottRobinJ1995, im not sure what you are trying to say to me. I know what 2^32 is.17:28
MonotokoZermann, the HUD is unity17:28
B|tchXGuest34418, I don't want it yet17:29
ZermannMonotoko, ok what is the key to use it?17:29
Dan-The-ManZermann, alt17:29
dimitrisDan-The-Man it opened and saved it corectly !17:29
ZermannMonotoko, tnx!17:30
ojiiI'm getting this error http://ubuntuone.com/0YGbfhrp5NaguPAVZBdvIi when trying to upgrade, do i just try later or should I just uninstall those packages?17:30
dimitrisDan-The-Man i am rebooting and i"ll be back !17:31
GriGiOkay, I have to go. Thanks for help RobinJ1995. Maybe I'll come back here, and I will try you program when you will fix it :).17:31
Dan-The-Mandimitris, kk!17:31
danel__linux mint x chat seems different then the irc for ubuntu17:31
Dan-The-ManZermann, hey i answered you lol17:31
upsetHello y'all. Got the alternative iso, ran defect check, getting an error about my md5 checksum. I'm not familiar with this issue. What can I do?17:31
B|tchXwhat danel__ ?17:31
MonotokoZermann, indeed... Dan-The-Man gets the credit there :P17:31
ZermannDan-The-Man, arg i missed you, thank you too17:31
TriesteHi, I'm using 11.04, and now that 12.04 has been released, I'd like to upgrade to it, but I only get an "upgrade to 11.10" button in the update manager, what should I do?17:31
Triesteupset: redownload, probably17:32
SteevcaI am using ubuntu 12.04 and i can't get the unity launcher to autohide when using some program.17:32
upsetTrieste: Same place? It was actually the ubuntu website....17:32
MonotokoTrieste, you will have to do an upgrade to 11.10 then to 12.04...17:32
SteevcaI am using unity-2d17:32
Monotokoa clean install would probably be easiest17:32
Triesteupset: or check the md5 checksum of the iso and burn it again17:32
cargo23In 'Terminal' I need to use the F10 key for htop.  However, that brings up a menu instead of being sent to htop.  I go to Edit -> Keyboard shortcuts, and it has a checkbox to Enable "Menu Shortcut Keys (F10 by default)".   I uncheck the box, but F10 still opens the menu.  What to do?17:32
upsetTrieste: You should back up for files and do a clean install.17:32
TriesteMonotoko: hrm, I was told I could update straight to 12.0417:33
Dan-The-ManMonotoko, Zermann, haha17:33
upsetUpset: Or? Isn't that what I just did?17:33
danel__yes ctrl alt +f10 brings me to a terminal prompt17:33
MonotokoTrieste, only if you have 10.04... you can then do the LTS upgrade17:33
danel__what is the problem that a clean install is needed?17:33
Monotokonot with non-LTS versions17:33
dimitrisDan-The-Man didn't work :(17:33
danel__can you copy and paste your files to an external drive?17:33
upsetUpset: I don't know how to check the md5 checksum before I write it to the usb drive.17:33
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:34
upsetDr_Willis ubottu: wonderful17:34
Dan-The-Mandimitris, sorry man, thats all i got17:34
openvoid_lts to lts update will be available when .1 is out17:34
intraderI have not been able to find out where does tomboy store files in 11.10. In 10.10 I could find a folder .tomboy (hidden)17:34
TriesteMonotoko: oh dammit, I did say I was using 10.04 (accidentally), so that would explain it17:34
pawan_tejwaniIs there any other source to download ubuntu 12.04 LTS other than ubuntu.com ? It's not getting downloaded ... :(17:34
Triestepawan_tejwani: torrents17:34
markssToday two of my Ubuntu 10.04/lucid machines now give an error on apt-get update saying "GPG error: http://archive.canonical.com lucid Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>". Has something changed?17:34
Dan-The-Manpawan_tejwani, torrent17:34
Dr_willispawan_tejwani,  best to use the torrents at this time17:35
MonotokoTrieste, that makes sense :) best to do a clean install17:35
kuanoxhave a problem with ubuntu 12, can update my 11.10 to 12  with skype =/17:35
TriesteMonotoko: so a clean install (I have a separate /home) is best, you say?17:35
TriesteMonotoko: alright :)17:35
dimitrisDan-The-Man it must be a kernel bug because it did the same also on backtrack !    anyway ! honestly thank you  for your time !17:35
danel__can or can't update 11.10 to 12 with skype17:35
danel__be more clear17:35
danel__you mean you can upgrade but skype is now uninstalled?17:35
rymate1234pawan_tejwani, use the torrent ;)17:35
danel__I didn't know 12 was anywhere past beta17:35
pankaji cant download ubuntu 12.04.. what the heck is going on?17:35
danel__easiest thing re install skype17:36
danel__oh you can't upgrade?17:36
daadaaanyone can help with installing fakeraid (raid 0) in 12.04? ubiquity won't install grub17:36
danel__well is 12 a full release yet?17:36
Dan-The-Mandimitris, yea anytime17:36
pankajThe requested URL /ubuntureleases//precise/ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso was not found on this server.17:36
Dan-The-Mandanel__, yes17:36
cousin_luigimarkss: Same here, it's a disgrace.17:36
danel__oh indeed didn't know 12 was a full release17:36
Monotokopawan_tejwani, here: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/alternative-downloads17:36
marksscousin_luigi: Did something break on the servers then?17:36
Monotokorelease was today... the Ubuntu servers will be being hammered17:36
upsetDr_Willis: Gack! Where is  Precise's checksum?17:36
dimitrisDoes anyone have some sugestions about too dark screen on laptop ???17:37
danel__usually when an upgrade distro comes out past beta mode a message pops up on my screen asking if I'd like to fully upgrade at this point17:37
pawan_tejwaniMonotoko: Hey thanks for that :)17:37
cousin_luigimarkss: Dunno, I'm back on my alternate installation.17:37
Skaag12.04 is being released today?17:37
marksscousin_luigi: (or maybe the servers are just so overloaded they aren't communicating with my systems correctly maybe)17:37
acalbazawonders if my eclipse context menu problem is fixed in LTS.17:37
upsetMonotoko: Download was pretty fast earlier, even though the front page was down17:37
reaperJust upgraded a Ubuntu to 12.04. Getting a "BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5" when I update.17:37
cousin_luigimarkss: they are indeed overloaded and slow, but signatures shouldn't fail17:37
danel__too dark of a screen depending on your type of lap top probably a button to raise screen brightness is available17:37
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SteevcaI need help wtih this. xD17:37
Monotokoupset, I'm trying to download some stuff from the repo... the UK servers aren't doing anything very quickly :)17:37
Dr_willisupset,  no idea really. some file  has them all.. i use torrents so they normally check/verify the iso anyway17:37
SkaagThe ubuntu servers are failing under the load. I suggest all you upgrades wait a bit. Maybe tomorrow.17:37
pankajguys why cant i download this shT?17:37
herrtoddmy upgrade install has crapped out during the download of dropbox (lots of other packages have already upgraded.) it's been sitting at 53% for 15 minutes. How should I proceed? From the terminal: http://pastebin.com/qPaapnA917:38
Dr_willispankaj,  server overload....17:38
danel__like with an old t.v., you can raise the screen brightness by pressing up on what for a t.v. was called picture17:38
danel__server over load?17:38
danel__what is the error17:38
herrtoddctrl-c seems like a very scary solution.17:38
dimitrisdanel__ no i am not that noob :P !!! there must be something else :S17:38
upsetDr_Willis: Who is they? The original seeder?17:38
Monotokopankaj, use the torrents: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/alternative-downloads17:38
pankajDr_willis,  what OMG17:38
Dr_willisupset,  theres some md5 file at the download site that has them all.17:38
reaperChange your repos to one in Sweden or someplace if you cant dl.17:38
Dr_willispankaj,  what do you expect when 10000's of people are trying to download  from the same server. :)17:39
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:39
Dr_willispankaj,  happend every new release.17:39
JenI'm just uploading ^_^17:39
upsetDr_Willis: Well, got a recommended torrent?17:39
benccis it possible to preview open applications in the launcher similar to how it works in win7?17:39
ubottuSome torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus/Vuse (Java), !Frostwire (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/help/faq - See also !P2P17:39
Dan-The-Manwhile its bad, its also kind of awesome that the servers are overloaded :D17:39
upsetopenvoid_: Yo, I looked at that17:39
danel__click the icon at the very right of the panel and select system settings17:39
johnIf I have been running 12.04 Beta and installing upgrades regularly do I still need to "upgrade" to 12.0417:39
danel__in the hardware section, click power management17:39
Dr_willissomeone has a url to the torrent i imagine. ;)17:39
Dan-The-Manubuntu FTW!17:39
upsetDr_willis: I know what torrents are, dude.17:39
pankajDr_willis, why cant they upload on multiple servers?17:39
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danel__don't know the answer is there an option to upgrade?17:40
danel__a beta is not a full release17:40
Dr_willispankaj,  they do and the servers are all getting overloaded.17:40
Monotokoit is a full release17:40
danel__any to change screen bright ness17:40
danel__oh so you don't have the beta installed but the full release?17:40
pankajDr_willis, how many server do they have?17:40
dimitrisdanel full release17:40
upsetYay, I found the official one17:40
danel__anyway in power management you can adjust the brightness slider17:41
Dr_willisif you update/upgrade the beta today or recently - you should have the same setup as the released version17:41
Bearnikhi all17:41
Monotokodanel__, I just ran a quick dist-upgrade earlier17:41
upsetBearnik: Howdy17:41
danel__at least with the gnome interface you could but the interface for unity compiz plug in isn't too different17:41
Dr_willismd5 sum files are also at http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/17:41
danel__ok you ran a quick dist upgrade?17:41
danel__and errors with skype?17:41
danel__try uninstalling skype17:41
dimitrisdanel__ and i have check out the power options and all settings from the menus17:41
shazbotm1nastyHello. I'm looking for a distro to use as the OS for iCafe machines that are going to be in the waiting rooms in my mechanic shops17:41
pankajDr_willis, i am using 10.04 so i cant upgrade :(17:41
danel__ok does this not work for you?17:41
ki4roDr_willis: Thanks.  That's what I suspected17:41
newtoarchIf I want to set up dm-crypt LUKS, is it possible to encrypt the swap using the alternate installer and still have the ability to sleep/hibernate?17:41
shazbotm1nastyI've tried ubuntu, slax, chromeOs (couldn't get it to work)17:41
kuanoxthis is the problem with me / error sithentication some packages skype-bin:i386 and skype:i386, but i have x64 bit17:42
Monotokopankaj, why can't you upgrade?17:42
shazbotm1nastyI was hoping for something that is easily "freezable"17:42
tec-jocHi ther17:42
shazbotm1nastyanyone know of some weird ubuntu offshoot that would work?17:42
danel__ok i386 is not the 64 bit versions17:42
intraderI have not been able to find out where does tomboy store files in 11.10. In 10.10 I could find a folder .tomboy (hidden)17:42
reaperWhy do I have a bad signature after upgrading to 12.04. See it when I do a "apt-get update" etc17:42
dragly2Is suspending during an upgrade to 12.04 a bad idea?17:42
upsetDr_willis: Ooh, great. That's where they are.17:42
Dr_willispankaj,   I thought you could do a LTS to LTS upgrade.. but i rarely upgrade. i do clean installs..17:42
pankajMonotoko, there is no such option of upgradation  .. there is ony one update option17:42
reaperGPG error: http://archive.canonical.com precise Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>17:43
cousin_luigisame for everyone17:43
Flanneldragly2: during the download portion -- doesn't matter, during the actual installation portion -- I wouldnt try it.17:43
tec-jocHow can I do for obtain ubuntu 11.10 LTS servers?17:43
Monotokopankaj, you should be able to do the upgrade... it just hasn't reached your mirror yet17:43
cousin_luigiprecise pangoling is a gigantic fail so far17:43
eutheriawelcome to server download overload!17:43
reapercousin_luigi have the same signature error?17:43
naerok|outhello can someone provide the md5sum for 64bit 12.04 iso file?17:43
Picipankaj: you'll need to use do-release-upgrade -d to upgrade to 12.04 from 10.04.17:43
dragly2Flannel: Thanks. I guess I'll try to disable suspend on laptop lid close before I pack down my laptop then.17:43
MonotokoPici got it! I was looking for that command :)17:43
Dr_willishttp://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/MD5SUMS <--- the md5sum file17:44
Bearnikyeahoo, I got 38Kb/sec now download from official XD17:44
upsetDr_willis: Oh, well now I feel like an idiot. They have the md5 checksums in the stupid iso.17:44
naerok|outDr_willis: thank you17:44
markssreaper: i have a BAGSIG error in two ubuntu 10.04/lucid boxes that looks the same as your error. Happened this morning.17:44
cousin_luigireaper: yes17:44
newtoarchIf I want to set up dm-crypt LUKS, is it possible to encrypt the swap using the alternate installer and still have the ability to sleep/hibernate?17:44
Dr_willisupset,  those verify each file.. not the iso. i belive.17:44
markssnewtoarch: yes17:44
dimitrisdanel__ i have already try them17:44
pankajPici, is it ok to upgrade.. means os wont break.. ?17:44
roddreaper, getting the same error here17:44
Dr_willisupset,  i thought the cd had some verify option. :)17:44
upsetDr_willis: Oh. Okay. Well, at least I found it online.17:44
alien64screw the upgrade think ill wait17:44
danel__ok I think this is what you were looking for17:44
Picipankaj: there is always a risk of breakage. You should make sure you have backups before doing any upgrades.17:44
WoosterB2I'm @ "Who are you?" in the installer and no matter what I enter or do I cannot get the 'Continue" button to light up \ activate anything.  Using either mouse or keyboard.17:44
Bearnikafter an hour, hopefully , I will try to install it om my vm17:44
markssnewtoarch: I don't know if the alt installer will set that up for you automatically, but you can do it. There are internet guides to help get it all encrypted17:45
upsetDr_willis: It does, that's why I'm here in the first place17:45
bobweaveris it true that nothing has been updated sense 2012-Apr-25 12:07:54  on amd64 iso17:45
danel__ubuntu bad signature problems prevent apt-get update from working17:45
pankajPici, no i dont want to take risk17:45
danel__sudo apt-get update17:45
newtoarchmarkss: Because I did that on vbox, and now I have no option to suspend/hibernate.17:45
TheBigRedOnewhy is the 64bit image called AMD64? Does it work with Intel CPUs?17:45
upsetDr_willis: Oh, but only the alternative ones17:45
danel__w: a error occurred during the signature verification17:45
tec-jocI  need ubuntu 11.10 server, but on the web site not there17:45
upsetDr_willis: I don't think the others check17:45
ogra_TheBigRedOne, yes17:45
newtoarchmarkss: Oh I see I think I will have to follow the guides then.17:45
MonotokoTheBigRedOne, yes it works with intel17:45
dragly2Where is the setting to disable suspend when closing laptop lid in Ubuntu 11.10 -- I can't find it17:45
Dr_willisTheBigRedOne,  historical reasons... it does work on intel17:45
TheBigRedOneThanks all :)17:45
roddI have tried apt-everything and still am getting the error msg17:45
markssTheBigRedOne: amd64 will work on 64-bit intel cpus yes17:45
danel__the repository is not updated and the previous uinex files will be used gpg error etc. etc.etc.17:45
fsgxdroidTheBigRedOne: yes, it will, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86-6417:45
danel__well let's take it slowly17:45
danel__now try this17:46
bobweaveror is this behind ? http://mirrors.rit.edu/ubuntu-releases/12.04/17:46
danel__log in as super user17:46
danel__sudo su17:46
danel__now type17:46
FloodBot1danel__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:46
Dr_willisand normally you dont want to use 'sudo su'17:46
danel__floodbot 1 huh? didn't know I was flooding17:46
colon_Dbazhang: FYI, I found the culprit here: http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release and http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-lts  -- the LTS file hasn't been updated yet to show precise17:46
danel__don't use sudo su?17:46
danel__what is wrong with being root?17:46
Dr_willisuse sudo -i17:46
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upsetdanel__: It is better to write a longer set of instructions or pastebin it17:47
bobweaverDr_willis, +1 with sudo -i17:47
Dr_willissudo su - can cause issues.17:47
roddsuch as?17:47
Dr_willisplus its redundant17:47
danel__sudo -i doesn't cause issues?17:47
dforthmanHi. I installed 12.04 and whenever I use my PCI-E graphics card, I get a flashing screen. It works fine on the built-in graphics adapter. PCI-E card is EVGA GTX 550 Ti.17:47
danel__weird I've been using sudo su for years17:47
upsetdanel__: It is flooding if you post without being concise17:47
bobweaverman sudo too find out what the difference is17:47
upsetdanel__ really? Ew.17:47
danel__anyway back to the problem of the bad signature when upgrading17:47
pankaji am just curious. i just want know how can i check the number of hits on the sites . means how many people are downloading it right now?17:47
WoosterB2I should add that I can go back to the previous installer step and then proceed again to "Who are you?"  Machine isn't hung etc.  Button just refuses to work.  Seems to be the only problem.  Am I alone in experiencing this?17:47
L3topsudo su is not desirable. It does not carry over several env variables, as well as several other behaviors which CAN cause problems. sudo -i or -s is a better idea in general.17:47
Dr_willisrodd,  theres some site you can find if you google for 'root shell ubuntu the right way' that gives details17:47
Bearnik@ tec-joc : http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/17:47
danel__hard to post and be concise with so much CONVERSATION IN THE ROOM!17:47
danel__Just give me a second I haven't finished what I'm saying17:48
upsetdanel__: Hard to address someone when you don't address theme17:48
rodddanel__, type everything in a sentenc17:48
tec-jocBearnik: thanks17:48
Monotokodanel__, it's release day... just put it in a pastebin17:48
Bearniktec-joc: np :) cheerz17:48
L3topThe less concise you are the more conversation is in the room. That is the point of not breaking up your thoughts over several lines.17:48
ogra_danel__, sudo su preserves your environment, so if you run something using caches it will write as root into your users .cache etc etc ... sudo -i fires upa fresh shell with environment of the root user17:48
Monotokoespecially today of all days17:49
=== enchilad1 is now known as enchilado
upsetdanel__: Look man, this is a support channel. People grab a smart buddy and talk to them extensively about a problem. We're not all reading everyone else's conversation17:49
ghabitone more question - is there some difference between ubuntu updated to 12.04 and fresh install of 12.04?17:49
reapermarkss cousin_luigi Good to know. Not like I trust the Ubuntu repos with all the blobs in the kernel, just feels better know I'm not the only one get boned.17:49
danel__ogra!: indeed I rarely write to the cache when in sudo su mode17:49
ntadej_Hi, anybody having problems with software-properties-kde and apport together with python-sip?17:49
kuanoxhehehehehhe start the update to 12.04 =]17:49
Monotokoghabit, not at the core... it's a bit of an open ended question17:49
danel__ogra: didn't realize this, so sudo -i is better?17:49
dforthmanHi. I installed 12.04 and whenever I use my PCI-E graphics card, I get a flashing purple screen. I am able to boot in to 12.04 with no problems using the onboard graphics. PCI-E card is EVGA GTX 550 Ti. Anyone else having this issue?17:49
ogra_danel__, right, but someone you suggest sudo su to might run an X app or whatnot under that17:50
ogra_danel__, yeah, sudo -i is like a fresh login17:50
ogra_(as root)17:50
danel__ogra: ok so sudo su if you need to write to the cache, sudo -i to be safe17:50
danel__ogra: indeed17:50
Monotokodanel__, no17:50
danel__ogra_ like this?17:50
herrtoddre: my earlier dropbox problem, i'm following the instructions here: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+question/17516017:50
Monotokodanel__, you don't want to write to your own cache as root at all under any circumstances17:51
ogra_danel__, just suggest sudo -i17:51
pankajdforthman, how can one resolve your issue right now?17:51
ghabitMonotoko, sorry, cannot understand it.17:51
intraderAll, where does tomboy store its files in unity - ubuntu 11.1017:51
Dr_willisdanel__,  i think theres never a need for 'sudo su'17:51
ghabitJust installed ubuntu - I'm looking for good and easy-to-use DLNA server (for TV connectiong) based on GUI or at least with good front-end. Thanks!17:51
belgianguybtw when installing libc my install halted17:51
belgianguyit was only when I expanded details17:51
belgianguythat I saw it was waiting for input17:51
danel__Dr_willis: ok well I didn't write the os17:52
dforthmanpankaj, I've tried searching for a resolution, but have not been successful. Are there known issues with nVidia cards in 12.04?17:52
belgianguyabout rsync with cups and mysql etc17:52
belgianguynot very clear17:52
Monotokoghabit, the only differences between upgrading and installing anew is that when you upgrade, everything including your packages is preserved... but it can go wrong because of packages colliding17:52
danel__Dr_Willis: I'll try and use sudo -l from now on been recommended sudo su by a billion people now is the only reason I use it17:52
moahcongratulations, #ubuntu on 12.04. I bought a new laptop just to install 12.04 on it, and everything works unbelieveably flawlessly. if anyone is here who worked on it, thanks very much.17:52
upsetdanel__: Yeah, but it's your responsibility to not throw around sudo su like it's a great idea17:53
markssmoah: Great :)17:53
cousin_luigimoah: do updates work as well?17:53
=== nikolja is now known as nikolja|odsutan
SafariMonkeyI would like to ask about installation. Can anyone provide a valid reason why there could not be n option implemented whereby any packages which throw up dialog boxes would be stopped/frozen/ignored and install the next package untill all dialog-less packages have been installed?  Am I unaware of such an option?17:53
danel__upset: roger then17:53
upsetdanel__: Ok17:53
danel__upset_: like this you write it?17:53
pankajdforthman, i dont know that ..may be some other guy will help u out17:54
upsetdanel__: Huh?17:54
Dr_willisdanel__,  if a billion peopel are wrong because they have learned a bad habbit.. its still bad...17:54
moahcousin_luigi: i dont know, i didnt update, its a flawless fresh install.17:54
pankajdforthman, i am still waiting for my 12.04 to download17:54
upsetdanel__: Blame other distros. Or gentoo users. Let's blame gentoo users.17:54
L3topdanel__: sudo -i not -l. lol upset17:54
Flanneldanel__: That's a lowercase I not a lowercase L17:54
dzocrnanulais it wise to install amd64 system on laptop with intel p6200 processor?17:54
GirlyGirlSafariMonkey: That made no sense17:54
intradercousin_luigi, when I upgraded to 9.04 to 10.10, I experienced many problems - I had to install.17:55
dforthmanpankaj, Good luck to you. I hope your installation goes flawlessly :D17:55
cousin_luigimoah: could you try an update?17:55
danel__Dr_willis: indeed, look, I write some c and c++ code, not constantly full time. For me addressing the kernel, and not being a normal user, would in any situation I need to use sudo su instead of sudo -i or do you never ever want to write directly to the cache in terminal prompt mode?17:55
Monotokodzocrnanula, AMD64 is the naming standard for 64bit - it's historical17:55
Monotokoit will work on any 64 bit processor17:55
wylde!backup ........just sayin' :)17:55
ubottuwylde: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:55
SafariMonkeyGirlyGirl, I mean just to put dialogs aside in *update (sorry) and continue updating.17:55
upsetubottu: But you ARE intelligent17:55
ubottuupset: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:56
SafariMonkeyI'm not a great writer17:56
upsetubottu: I love you, ubottu17:56
ubottuupset: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:56
ogra_danel__, the cache was only an example ... if you fire up thunderbird your mildir would be owned by root after you close TB17:56
upsetSo cold ;_;17:56
danel__Anyway room, I got to be out: here is a pastebin of the most likely solution to the bad signature at apt-get update or apt-get upgrade when it fails: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/947812/17:56
danel__anyway once again:17:56
FloodBot1danel__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:56
dzocrnanulaMonotoko: and ubuntu 64 is good as 386?17:56
dk-taTransmission n'arrête pas de me signaler des parties corrompues.... j'espère que je ne les seede pas....?17:57
Monotokodzocrnanula, in terms of stability? Yeah it's been mainline for years17:57
Fat-Thinghttp://paste.ubuntu.com/947814/ <---- can someone explain why i got this FOUND upon scanning rkhunter? i just don't understand what it means :'(17:57
upsetdanel__: Again, you are not talking to the room. You ask your question, someone grabs you, and you talk to them. We will not all work to solve your issue, only one or two volunteer to help17:57
wylde!fr | dk-ta17:57
dforthmanHi. I installed 12.04 (64-bit) and whenever I use my PCI-E graphics card, I get a flashing purple screen. I am able to boot in to 12.04 with no problems using the onboard graphics. PCI-E card is EVGA GTX 550 Ti. Anyone else having this issue?17:57
ubottudk-ta: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.17:57
dzocrnanulaMonotoko: Yes, in terms of stability. Than you.17:57
convictI just installed ubuntu last night, woke up this morning and rebooted. At boot it gets a message 'error: couldn't load file'. Dont really know what file it's talking about. No kernel was upgraded from what I can see unless ubuntu doesn't keep old kernels in grub, already ran fsck on boot partition everything looks fine17:57
ogra_upset, i think he is gone17:58
upsetogra_: Feh, okay.17:58
convictunless it's a problem with LVM?17:58
SafariMonkeydoes anyone here know what I mean?17:58
MonotokoFat-Thing, don't worry about that... it's just updating it's records because those hidden files weren't there last time17:58
fsgxdroidi have SSD and i'm planning 12.04 install, should i go with brtfs or ext4?17:58
Monotokoas long as no rootkits were found you're okay :)17:58
intraderAll, where does tomboy store its files in unity - ubuntu 11.10. I need to restore my tomboy notes from backup.17:59
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: http://ubottu.com/y/gl | IRC info: http://ubottu.com/y/irc | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ | Release Notes: http://ubottu.com/y/rn | Download: http://ubottu.com/y/dl | Currently supported versions 8.04 LTS (server only), 10.04 LTS, 11.04, 11.10 and 12.04 LTS.
ogra_SafariMonkey, i think i do, its not possible to cache all dislogs and ask the questions in the end because soemtimes a package needs to be configured before another one gets installed18:00
ki4rois there a separate channel here for 12.04 upgrade?18:00
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stefgFat-Thing: everything alright... no need to worry. the warnings have plausible causes...18:00
Monotokoki4ro, no sorry... what's the problem though and we'll give it a shot :P18:00
convictideas anyone?18:00
samster34hi, my launcher bar thingy in ubuntu 12.04 suddenly turned bright purple, I have no clue why :/18:01
intraderwhere does tomboy store its files in unity - ubuntu 11.10. I need to restore my tomboy notes from backup. In the backup I find a .tomboy folder with all the notes and subfolders18:01
Monotokoconvict, can you boot into single user mode? (Recovery)18:01
nitzssamster34: because you changed the wallpaper?18:01
nosborthe servers must be getting a hammering, i've just had a upgrade install to 12.04 fail for the 3rd time !18:01
convictMonotoko, nope18:01
upsetconvict: Where are you seeing this?18:01
BadCodSmellWhen installing ubuntu in expert mode, how do I partition? As in something like cfdisk? IT wont let me do anything to the partitions that it auto generates or that are already there18:01
convictupset, after I select the kernel in grub. in your fancy bootloader :P18:01
Monotokoconvict, sounds like grub has borked18:01
roddguess today isnt the best day to upgrade ubuntu18:01
ki4roMonotoko: No problem just wondering if I have kept up with my upgrades under Beta do I need to upgrade to the new 12.0418:02
=== bruno is now known as Guest84128
Monotokoyou need a live CD and then in the terminal do a "sudo grub-install"18:02
nitzsBadCodSmell: you'll need to write the partition table after you make changes.18:02
upsetconvict: I agree with Monotoko. Grab the alternative iso, put it on a usb, and run checks18:02
nitzsand then format it as ext418:02
Monotokoki4ro, just a "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" should do the trick18:02
upsetconvict: I think that's the easiest way to figure it out18:02
=== ubuntu is now known as ManuelSantana
ki4roMonotoko: thanks!18:03
BadCodSmellnitzs: I don't have thoise options, I just have weirdness such as guided partition that insists on using all of the space18:03
Monotokoki4ro, no problem... it might be best to hold off for tonight though, the servers are getting hammered18:03
B|tchXAnd they're off!18:03
pankajmods plz include this link http://mirrors.rit.edu/ubuntu-releases/12.04/  as well into the topic.18:03
amanATdeskI'm upgrading from 11.10 to 12.04 and it's going insanely slowly - transfer rates of 52.7 kB/s - at the moment I'm still "getting new packages", is it too late to cancel? would I be better off waiting a few hours and trying again once the initial rush is over?18:03
fsgxdroidbtrfs or ext4 - which one you would choose for SSD drive in 12.04 installation?18:04
samster34I don't think it's the wallpaper.... http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21007284/purple.png18:04
ManuelSantanaupset, is this the official ubuntu irc channel?18:04
upsetamanATdesk: Dude, just wait until tonight or tomorrow18:04
BadCodSmellah dont worry I figured it out, the interface just isnt very intuitive compared to traditional tools such as windows fdisk18:04
intraderI used tomboy notes heavily in 10.10. Now I need to know where does tomboy store its files in unity - ubuntu 11.10. I need to restore my tomboy notes from backup. In the backup I find a .tomboy folder with all the notes and subfolders18:04
upsetManuelSantana: Yep18:04
MonotokoamanATdesk, if it's just getting the packages it isn't too late to cancel18:04
viecornhai hai18:04
krababbelamanATdesk: cancel it, no problem during download18:04
upsetintrader: Then you should be good, right?18:04
Monotokoviecorn, hey18:05
* B|tchX backing up hard drive in case she gets too happy18:05
ManuelSantanais it on freenode network or is it standalone network from ubuntu?18:05
pankajamanATdesk, haan wait18:05
ZermannHi, where can i fill a bug?18:05
L3topamanATdesk: If it takes a long time, or you wait a long time... what exactly is the difference? The ability to reboot?18:05
ManuelSantanais it on freenode network or is it standalone network from ubuntu? upset18:05
amanATdeskhmm, I think it heard you guys - the transfer rate's shot up to 108 kB/s18:05
SafariMonkeyogra_, thanks for the reply. I am just frustrated because it stopped on a dialog near the start and I had been expecting it to be finished when I got back. Nope, many hours left. :/  I wonder if dependent packages could be stalled also? not perfect, but it would mean something would be done by the time I got back.18:05
MonotokoManuelSantana, we're in freenode18:05
nitzsBadCodSmell: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/minimal18:05
upsetintrader: It should be in the same place. If you don't know where, just write some new notes and look for the file it creates so you can replace it18:05
samster34anyone have a clue why my launcher bar would turn purple? http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21007284/purple.png18:05
upsetsamster34: For fun18:06
ogra_SafariMonkey, you could file a whishlist bug on launchpad ... not sure thats solvable easily though18:06
WoosterB2I don't know why it would, but I quite like it18:06
samster34upset: I'm amused. it can stop now though :/18:06
upsetsamster34: Woah, that is extremely weird18:06
amanATdeskL3top, it's taking an inordinately long time to download the software, so I can't see it installing before the night is out. I upgraded another Ubuntu to 12.04 beta, two days ago, and that only took 2hrs18:06
upsetsamster34: One of those unity tweaking tools can do the trick18:06
Monotokosamster34, MyUnity should be able to fix it (I think)18:06
samster34upset: it's running in a VM in virtualbox, could it be a video driver thingy...?18:07
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amanATdeskI'm just looking to get back to using this machine again18:07
h2pHas anyone here ever done stuff with VOIP?  I am a computer science student looking for an internship, and got contacted by a company that says they are a VOIP company that makes configurations for phones, uses spreadsheets and visio to make designs, and talks to customers sets up phone systems forthem. Is this a good internship for a CS student or is it a waste of time?18:07
upsetsamster34: Nah, probably not18:07
SafariMonkeyogra_, not easily, but it would really improve update experience. Would you agree, or is it too minor?18:07
L3topamanATdesk: It was released a few hours ago. you can expect some high volume... and why cant you use your machine while it is upgrading?18:07
upsetsamster34: But it's not a big detail, and in a VM you shouldn't be surprised18:07
ogra_SafariMonkey, i surely would agree18:07
samster34Monotoko: thanks I'll check that out18:08
pankajh2p, lol18:08
HieberrrIs there any way to permanently change the Unity launcher colour? Every time I change it with MyUnity, it never takes and changes colour by itself to match my wallpaper.18:08
amanATdeskL3top, I'm trying to give it my full bandwidth, not using the internet heavily at all.18:08
upsetHieberrr: Sounds like a bug. Google it, see if it's happening to anyone else18:08
L3topamanATdesk: you are not the choke. The rest of the world trying to get the same thing would be the load.18:08
SafariMonkeyogra_, now, as I don't reallly know aboyt bug reporting on here (some reason) could you direct me to the appropriate place for such things as this?18:09
upsetHieberrr: Also contribute to the bug report or create one if it doesn't exist18:09
MonotokoamanATdesk, it's not your bandwidth... it's the fact the servers are getting hammered18:09
Hieberrrthanks guys, ill send a report now18:09
L3topamanATdesk: Use the internet as much as you want, you are not likely to impact the dl speed.18:09
MonotokoamanATdesk, it will stabilise by tomorrow18:09
limpcanyone here use sshfs?18:09
limpchaving trouble establishing an sshfs map after upgrading to ubuntu 12.0418:09
limpcshows owner as ??? ???18:09
limpci am using uid=1000,gid=1000 (which are correct)18:10
ogra_SafariMonkey, use "ubuntu-bug" from a terminal18:10
satch5150i'm fairly certain I'm having hardware issues but not sure where to ask this question so here goes - My computer seems to lock up with my soundcard in it, which is an x-fi elite pro pci (not pcie) card, my mobo is an asus sabertooth with uefi bios and my cpu is an zambezi am3+ ..... im using xubuntu 12.04 bets 2 (ok, yea, I didnt think of it before asking but that could be the problem), but assuming the beta is not the prob, what could18:10
satch5150 it be ?18:10
upsetlimpc: Be concise, it is more clear to us that way18:10
RobinJ1995I know it can take a while to resize a partition, but it's been working for 2 hours now, and I don't see any progress yet18:10
L3topIts a few hours... and again... if you are willing to wait till tomorrow, what does the amount of time it takes matter?18:10
amanATdeskL3top, Monotoko - I don't think I explained myself too clearly, I wanted to let it download at fullspeed - but it isn't, which is why I'm here ...18:10
samster34Monotoko: thanks, that worked.18:10
Monotokolimpc, you might be best asking in #ubuntu-server18:10
upsetsatch5150: Go to the xubuntu channel18:10
SafariMonkeyogra_, other?18:10
satch5150ook, thanks18:10
L3topamanATdesk: again... it was released a few hours ago. There is likely to be a heavy strain on the servers because everyone wants it now.18:10
MonotokoamanATdesk, you explained yourself okay... the fact is that the ubuntu servers will only give you a speed of 50kb or less at the moment18:11
upsetsatch5150: I don't even think canonical maintains their channel anymore18:11
amanATdeskAnyway, I will cancel and upgrade tomorrow18:11
ogra_SafariMonkey, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/18:11
upsetsatch5150: They're kind of a separate deal now18:11
SafariMonkeyogra_, I mean what category18:11
Piciupset: Canonical doesn't "maintain" any of these channels. This is all volunteer support.18:11
* L3top does not understand "I am so impatient, I have to wait longer" but.. meh.18:11
smulcahyhi, ubuntu 12.04 tells me my printer is out of toner but windows tells me its fine. So does the printers web interface.18:11
smulcahyIs this a problem anyone else is having?18:11
satch5150upset: ok, I will, but as I said, I think its really hardware, im just wondering specifically what though18:11
upsetPici: Well, yeah. But they set up the bots and own the channel18:11
upsetPici: Or am I wrong?18:12
ogra_SafariMonkey, oh, no idea other is probably ok18:12
RobinJ1995I know it can take a while to resize a partition, but it's been working for 2 hours now, and I don't see any progress yet... Normal?18:12
wyldeSafariMonkey: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/UnattendedCD <-- there's one way to do it. Sems a bit old but should work.18:12
Piciupset: No, us volunteers do that.18:12
HieberrrI guess the "chameleon" thing isn't really a bug18:12
Hieberrrbut a feature18:12
upsetPici: Oh, wow. I did not know18:12
SafariMonkeyit says i need to specify a package18:12
upsetsatch5150: Sorry buddy, I am evidentally full of it18:12
ogra_SafariMonkey, update-manager or even apt18:12
ogra_SafariMonkey, it will be sorted to the right package by a bug triager, dont worry about it to much18:13
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upsetsatch5150: You should still go to their channel though. Even if it's a hardware issue, I think they'll be better equipped to help you out18:13
gord_how do I get an install image of 12.04 onto a USB stick and then install it? Unetbootin - fails to boot with "missing operating system". i don;t have windows or ubuntu already, and no machines at any of our sites have optical drives18:13
=== Guest61682 is now known as [Toto]
upsetsatch5150: Specially since we're kind of being flooded in this channel18:13
satch5150upset: yea, I did, awaiting a response from them :)18:13
=== pankaj is now known as BOOBILICIOUS_BOO
upsetgord_: What os are you using?18:13
JenBOOBILICIOUS_BOO: sure you want to stick with that nick?18:14
llutzgord_: "cat 1204.iso >/dev/sdX "  where sdX is your usb-stick18:14
upsetsatch5150: I'm sorry. :\ Maybe forums?18:14
gord_FreeBSD, Debians, etc18:14
openvoid_RobinJ1995, you can estimate time to move partition by multiplying size of date being moved by about 15mb/sec (typical speed)18:14
intraderI used tomboy notes heavily in 10.10.  I need to restore my tomboy notes from a 10.10 backup. In the backup I find a .tomboy folder with all the notes and subfolders18:14
upsetgord_: Tag me18:14
RobinJ1995openvoid, the point is, it isn't MOVING anything18:14
gord_llutz: ah ok thanks, haven't tried catting it yet18:14
RobinJ1995openvoid, just shrinking18:14
upsetgord_: Nvm18:14
llutzgord_: "dd" also would do18:15
upsetBOOBILICIOUS_BOO: God help us18:15
upsetgord_: I like dd. dd if=blah.iso of=usblocation is a great one18:15
[Toto]anyone know this error ?18:15
[Toto]../include/Network.h:772:26: error: ISO C++ prohíbe la declaración de ‘type name’ sin tipo [-fpermissive]18:15
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upsetToto: Where are you reading this?18:16
RobinJ1995openvoid, starting to get anxious for my data here.... ntfsresize is taking up 0% of CPU and RAM18:16
[Toto]en my console18:16
[Toto]gmake error18:16
gord_llutz: upset: I thought there'd be some instructions somewhere for non-Ubuntu USB-ing, but none exist. I got very confused lol. Many thanks both18:17
CharlieSuIs it possible to create a Bootable USB disk w/ Ubuntu on it that is compatible with a MacBookPro?  If so could anyone point me to documentation on this?18:17
=== magentar_ is now known as magentar
L3topWhat are you trying to compile [Toto]18:17
mystblade9I remember Wubi being inherently buggy with earlier versions of Ubuntu. Is it a viable option now? Does everything work as it's supposed to, including software and driver installation?18:17
Monotoko[Toto], why are you using gmake? Just use make18:17
[Toto]Monotoko,  : same error18:18
[Toto]make or gmake18:18
upset[Toto]: Woah. I can't help you. L3top is smart, he probably can, or maybe go to the spanish ubuntu irc18:18
Monotoko[Toto], what's the rror?18:18
scienteswhat happened to release party?18:18
scientesi thought that was a thing? when was that dropped?18:18
RobinJ1995openvoid, still there...?18:18
scienteslike when you tried to you #ubuntu+118:18
upsetscientes: What?18:18
smulcahyis forcing a purge of all printing related packages worth a shot?18:18
openvoid_[Toto], sudo apt-get install build-essential, then use make18:18
upsetscientes: So many support requests... there isn't really room for a party except in ubuntu offtopic18:18
Monotokoscientes, the individual local teams organize those18:18
smulcahyassuming something has bad state18:19
BOOBILICIOUS_BOOupset, God is on Vacation, cant help u18:19
[Toto]openvoid,  : i already installed18:19
mystblade9I remember Wubi being inherently buggy with earlier versions of Ubuntu. Is it a viable option now? Does everything work as it's supposed to, including software and driver installation?18:19
RobinJ1995openvoid_, still there...?18:19
syrinx_priestAnyone know how to Enable the new login sound?  Running 12.04 in a Vbox and it's not there.  I went to add it to startup apps but I'm not sure what the command is.18:19
ogra_scientes, you mean the channel ?18:19
[Toto]and all updates18:19
scientes<upset> scientes: So many support requests... there isn't really room for a party except in ubuntu offtopic18:19
upsetBOOBILICIOUS_BOO: Probably at an upgrade party somewhere18:19
openvoid_yes, RobinJ199518:19
scientesogra_, yeah #ubuntu+1 use to redirect one day before18:19
ogra_scientes, #ubuntu-release-party has 180+ people in it18:19
L3topCharlieSu: I believe you can use unetbootin and the mac version of the ubuntu iso (so declared in daily build list)18:20
samster34the software center crashes all the time for me :/18:20
RobinJ1995openvoid, it's only shrinking /dev/sda1, not moving any data. nytfsresize is taking up 0% of RAM and CPU :/18:20
ProfessorBaconmy windows 95 install stopped at disk 14: help18:20
samster34at least, it says it crashed, but doesnt18:20
[Toto]make[1]: *** [libgnuworldcore_la-Channel.lo] Error 118:20
[Toto]make[1]: se sale del directorio «/home/gnuworld/gnuworld/src»18:20
[Toto]make: *** [all-recursive] Error 118:20
RobinJ1995openvoid_, it's only shrinking /dev/sda1, not moving any data. nytfsresize is taking up 0% of RAM and CPU :/ (why the underscore behind your name?)18:20
syrinx_priestCould someone whose login sound DOES work copy and past the command from their Startup Application menu?18:21
BOOBILICIOUS_BOOi am getting 60kbps while downloading it from alternate server :(18:21
yellabs-r2good day you all18:21
L3top!es | [Toto]18:21
ubottu[Toto]: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.18:21
upsetI'm outtie, gonna go clean install Pangolin like a bosss18:21
yellabs-r2is there some software with wich i can see the powerconsumption of my pc ?18:22
[Toto]L3top,  : i m there too18:22
natmanhey, i am running ubuntu 12.04 live, from usb stick - it runs quiet well. when i go for full install to HDD will it be much slower? ( the pc is old'ish, 1,6ghz centrino dual core, 2gb ram, tiny nvidia card )18:22
upsetThanks for the help the other day, L3top18:22
RylandAlmanzaHi, I'm trying to make it so the grub menu only shows if I hold shift. I've looked through various answers on google, and nothing has worked. Currently, when I press shift, it says "grub loading" and then boots the os before it shows the menu. Anyone know how to fix this?18:22
L3topnp upset... see ya18:22
openvoid_RobinJ1995, dunno if it stalled or not but with your 2 tb hdd it can take really long time, shrinking by half may take up to 6 hours, i think. and its unsafe to cancel, uoy can loss data18:22
L3topDid you install build-essential yet [Toto]?18:23
TheBigRedOnemeh still cant create Live USBs that work on my laptop...18:23
[Toto]of course18:23
MonotokoL3top, he already has it... it's erroring out in the make18:23
RobinJ1995openvoid_, is it normal that the progressbar in gparted just keeps going left and right, in stead of actually indicating a progress?  i'm really getting anxiopus for my data here... and i don"'t have 6 hours >.> the usb drive i'm running it from probably wont survive that long either >.<18:23
Monotoko[Toto], and you've done the ./configure ?18:23
yellabs-r2cloning an 500 Gig drive took 8 hours , so do the math18:23
belgianguyany opinions on the Oracle v Google lawsuit here?18:23
MonotokoRobinJ, yes that's normal18:23
Monotokoyou'll just have to leave it18:24
L3topdoh... duh.18:24
john38Hello does the precise 32 bit version support 8GB Ram?18:24
RobinJ1995john38, just choose x6418:24
Monotokobelgianguy, #ubuntu-offtopic please18:24
belgianguyMonotoko: kk18:24
Monotoko[Toto], and it brought back no errors?18:24
[Toto]Monotoko, : ./configure  its ok18:24
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RobinJ1995openvoid_, the simulation only took half a minute18:24
dforthmanHi there. I just did a fresh install of 12.04 (64-bit) and I'm having issues getting my GTX 550 ti graphics adapter to work. It worked fine in 10.04. I've tried searching google but I can't find anything relevant. Where should I start?18:25
Monotoko[Toto], hmmm... I found a topic with the same problem on the undernet forums but it was never answered18:25
RobinJ1995seriously, ubuntu 12.04 is starting to lok like just another flop for the collection18:25
c3l_how hard is it to use multiple graphics cards? (I need more screen outputs.) are there any requirements on the graphics cards, or can I pick two arbitrarily? ie. will an ati card work with a nvidia card?18:25
RobinJ1995c3l_, ati + nvidia = no go18:25
openvoid_RobinJ1995, never tried with ntfs, but i think tool hve n output of progress. look in io wait on top utillity, if it have value larger than 5 - something is actually happening18:25
RobinJ1995c3l_, even only ati is a no-go :')18:25
Barack_Obamasome one plz help dforthman .. this is the third time he asked the same question.18:25
[Toto]i search google and nothing18:25
c3l_RobinJ1995: so what is required to use several graphics cards?18:26
MonotokoRobinJ, it's always done that... if you told any version of Linux or Windows to do the same, it'd take just as long18:26
mouth1i wanted to ask who the developer of the ubuntu restricted extras is18:27
convictMonotoko, boot-repair usually take 4 hours? :P18:27
mouth1it says "license unknown"18:27
RobinJ199575% coming from ntfsresize, openvoid_. writing 35MB/s, so i'm ok? another 90% comes from flush it says18:27
Monotokoconvict, why are you using boot repair? You should have just gone for "grub-install" and rewrote the MBR18:27
Monotokoboot repair is the next thing18:27
natmanhey, i am running ubuntu 12.04 live, from usb stick - it runs quiet well. when i go for full install to HDD will it be much slower? ( the pc is old'ish, 1,6ghz centrino dual core, 2gb ram, tiny nvidia card )18:28
Picimouth1: ubuntu-restricted-extras is a metapackage, it contains nothing, but depends on a number of other packages.18:28
openvoid_RobinJ1995, its working, just wait until complete, i calculated - about 10 hours per 1 tb18:28
RobinJ1995openvoid_, thanks =D18:28
Silverfishnatman, it will be faster when installed.18:28
TheBigRedOnemy live USB won't boot, the screen remains black with a white blinking text cursor...18:28
SafariMonkeyhello people! just wondering, does compiz not work on 12.04 default or is there another reason it crashes? I just updated, restarted and got the message that compiz crashed. if I thy to relaunch it it crashes again. :/18:28
dforthmanTheBigRedOne, nVidia card?18:29
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TheBigRedOneno, it is a HP laptop with Intel CPU and integrated intel graphics18:29
natmanTheBigRedOne: Try F6 on boot screen and use nodem (?? cant spell it ) as a boot option18:29
mouth1hi i wanted to ask who the developer/maintainer of the ubuntu restricted extras package is18:29
mouth1is this a safe thing to download or should i better install the codecs on my own?18:29
chiluknatman from what I've found usb sticks give relatively slow transactions per second.  Even less than a hard drive  *(unless you are spending >$3 /gb for your stick)18:29
chiluknatman, so it should be faster18:30
mouth1it says "license unknown" in the ubuntu software center18:30
natmanchiluk: cool mom will find out later18:30
TheBigRedOnenatman: ive had this before with 11.10 then i created the USB with a terminal command (very simple) i just don't remember it and cant find it anywhere18:30
Picimouth1: ubuntu-restricted-extras is a metapackage, it contains nothing, but depends on a number of other packages. It doesn't have a license of its own.18:30
mouth1ah ok thanks Pici, what did you install?18:31
mouth1it comes with java and i don't want java18:31
natmanTheBigRedOne: Sorry, dont know about that, that boot option solved a simlar issue for me yesterday18:31
Picimouth1: Then look at what the package depends on and install those individually.18:31
TheBigRedOnenatman: okay ill try to catch the right moment for F6 what is the option that i need to enter?18:31
mouth1Pici, i want to play mp3, flash and wmv/avi18:32
mouth1can you please tell me what i need?18:32
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Picimouth1: ubuntu-restricted-extras will only install the icedtea plugin, that isn't Oracle's java.18:33
leagrisPlease in 12.04 gnome3 desktop, how to I prevent top and botom bars from overlapping full screen windows?18:33
mouth1Pici, di you have ubuntu restricted extras installed or do you install codecs on your own?18:33
kuanoxgo and back18:33
TheBigRedOnenatman: just hititng F6 seems to have made progress xD thanks18:33
l_risnt there the dvd iso? i got an iso for cd, i dont think i can burn it on a cd18:33
Picimouth1: I use ubuntu restricted extras on my systems.18:33
natmanTheBigRedOne: Okay turn machine on, you see that tiny icon with " keyboard = stick man" at that point hit any button, you then see the "old installer", pick english ( i assume for you ), then press F6, you see a small list pick "nodem( i cant spell it totally forget it, i thinik its the last one ) hit enter, then ESC then "try/install"18:33
leagrisPlease in 12.04 gnome3 desktop, how do I get by the volume control icon in the top right bar?18:34
l_r*on a dvd18:34
TheBigRedOnenatman: thanks if this fails i will try that18:34
Picil_r: you can burn it on a dvd, but we do also have a larger dvd image if you prefer that... let me get you a link.18:34
upsetYou guys, I checked the iso I torrented with md5sum, it looked the same as the official one, and then I ran a defect check with it and it still says the md5 checksum is wrong18:34
l_rPici, thx, 64 bit x86 , thx18:35
dforthmanHi there. I just did a fresh install of 12.04 (64-bit) and I'm having issues getting my GTX 550 ti graphics adapter to work. It worked fine in 10.04. I've tried searching google but I can't find anything relevant. It works when I switch the main adapter to onboard in bios and use the onboard adapter.18:35
Piciupset: try burning it at the slowest speed your drive supports.18:35
SafariMonkeyguys, does compiz work on 12.04 with unity?18:35
upsetPici: I'm not burning it18:35
enigma2009hi all18:35
xtjacobjust a quick question, I downloaded the final beta and installed it last night. It should update to the release version right?18:35
nadsys1hello, have an image we use which was made on a machine with an nvidia G-card, new models now have ati cards, from terminal, what drivers must i uninstall and what drivers do i need to install to get it to work? ty18:35
upsetPici: I don't have a disk drive18:35
upsetPici: USB18:35
KircleI keep getting errors when trying to update to 12.04 saying it failed to retrieve this and that package. Would I be better upgrading from the 12.04 disc?18:35
Picil_r: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/12.04/release/ubuntu-12.04-dvd-i386.iso or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/12.04/release/ubuntu-12.04-dvd-amd64.iso18:36
Fat-Thinghttp://paste.ubuntu.com/947905/ <--- i just don't get it! :(18:36
enigma2009i'm buildind a preseed install of 12.04,it seems d-i does not run the late_command script,did anyone get the same problem?18:36
l_rPici, is the dvd version also live?18:37
SafariMonkeyxtjacob, from what I heard yesterday, it should be ale to install without overwriting things that are the same.18:37
alien64upset: if md5 is bad then ypu have a bad iso get it from a diff mirror18:37
SafariMonkeyso should compiz work?18:37
upsetalien64: My first one was from the main download page, my second one was from the official torrent18:38
xtjacobWill it work via apt-get upgrade?18:38
upsetalien64: How are they even wrong?18:38
Picil_r: yes18:38
SafariMonkeyxtjacob, probably. why not try?18:38
upsetopenbees: Yes?18:38
SafariMonkeyhas anyone got compiz working?18:39
SafariMonkeyon 12.0418:39
enigma2009no idea?18:39
ogra_SafariMonkey, since unity is a compiz plugin i would say everyone who uses unity does :)18:41
bob____When upgrading to 12.04 I get an error in authenticating some packages:  adobe-flash-properties-gtk adobe-flashplugin skype skype-bin18:41
dforthmanWould installing the latest nvidia driver help with my problem with a GTX 550ti giving a blank purple screen?18:41
enigma2009noone tested late_command on 12.04?18:41
bob____How do you solve this? Simply uninstall packages?18:42
upsetWhy do all the official ubuntu iso's give me bad checksums18:42
dforthmanbob____, i did a fresh install and skype installed fine. try reinstalling the packages.18:42
l_rwhat is the head-up display? what does it mean18:42
rahulwadhThere is some problem with my computer. As soon as I open any window it takes around 10-15 minutes to open and everything is very slow.18:42
rahulwadhWhen I tried to upgrade it to 12.04 it was taking ages to copy the files. What should I do to fix it?18:42
gord_after DD'ing the 12.04 ISO to a USB stick, I now get "isolinux.bin missing or corrupt. OS not found" any ideas?18:43
varikonniemii cannot express myself in english how idiotic it was to still recommend the 32 bit version as default18:43
varikonniemiin 12.0418:43
zykotick9gord_: "technically" you should be using cat not dd to move it to USB - but that's probably unrelated to your issue.18:43
gord_zykotick9: same error both ways :(18:44
B|tchXmv to move files18:44
gord_on several different machines too18:44
L3topwhy would that be idiotic varikonniemi? rahulwadh type top   in a terminal and see if anything stands out as wrong.18:45
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Fat-Thinghttp://paste.ubuntu.com/947905/ <--- i just don't get it! :(18:45
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mouth1Pici, can you actually see the "source" from ubuntu-restricted-extras18:45
mouth1i want to be double sure i download only the things i want and not malware or anyhting18:46
mouth1coming from windows...18:46
varikonniemisince 32 bit is slower, less secure, and will be severely restricted in capabilities when the 5y cycle of LTS is out18:46
ogra_less secure ???18:46
* samster34 is downloading 64 bit right now, hoping it will run just a teeny bit faster on my laptop in a VM18:46
varikonniemibudget computers will have 16 gigs of ram and userspace runnign directly on ram etc18:46
zykotick9varikonniemi: "32 bit is slower" doesn't make sense, in many cases it can be faster...18:46
L3topThere is not enough information there Fat-Thing. What are you running to produce that output? rk hunter?18:47
varikonniemiafaik 64bit version uses some protection mechanisms in 64 bit version18:47
varikonniemiso some attacks are harder18:47
varikonniemiPhoronix did extensive testing and it was WAY slower18:47
syst3mfailur3hey all, does anyone know how to recover files from an external hard drive?18:47
ogra_varikonniemi, there was a survey before that decision was made ... more than a third of the ubuntu users used HW that wasnt 64bit capable18:47
CalicoJackHey folks, was looking for some anecdotal feedback on upgrading from 11.10.  Any big problems or hiccups?18:47
Picimouth1: Packages in the Ubuntu repositories are not malware.  You can look at apt-cache show ubuntu-restricted-extras for what it depends on, and if you really want to get the source you can use apt-get source ubuntu-restricted-extras18:47
tzemljaki have no menu bar in my xchat/smuxi chat :( any tips ?18:47
syst3mfailur3just accidentally wiped it completely18:47
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mouth1is everyone here using ubuntu-restricted-extras?18:48
dforthmantzemljak, it's along the top bar. that says "XChat: etc etc". Just put your mouse over it.18:48
zykotick9!info testdisk | stefg syst3mfailur318:48
ubottustefg syst3mfailur3: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.13-1 (precise), package size 516 kB, installed size 1209 kB18:48
ogra_varikonniemi, it will be discussed at UDS, feel free to participate in the discussion18:48
ogra_(for 12.10 that is)18:48
alien64mouth1: i am18:48
varikonniemii am not that into takint this a problem upon my shoulders18:48
heloman... what a bad decision to try btrfs on /18:49
bob____CalicoJack. I've had problems with an error authenticating some packages on upgrade18:49
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helothere should be some kind of warning18:49
stefgsyst3mfailur3: i'd rather use some specialized distro like SysResCD for that18:49
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dforthmanHi there. I just did a fresh install of 12.04 (64-bit) and I'm having issues getting my GTX 550 ti graphics adapter to work. It worked fine in 10.04. I've tried searching google but I can't find anything relevant. It works when I switch the main adapter to onboard in bios and use the onboard adapter. What do you need to be able to help me get the graphics card working?18:49
mouth1alien64, but for example it includes the gstreamer-bad plugins, they might be not stable though18:49
varikonniemithere are other distros out there, if ubuntu continues the stride towards where it is headed18:49
zykotick9helo: using non-completed/testing filesystems always seems silly to me.18:49
CalicoJackbob____, which packages specifically, if you don't mind my asking?18:49
helozykotick9: i don't understand why it is even an option, particularly for an LTS release18:50
bob____CalicoJack, adobe-flash-properties-gtk adobe-flashplugin skype skype-bin18:50
alien64mouth1: yeah not sure on that one not using it18:50
heloi assumed "this is LTS; btrfs must be ready for prime time"18:50
zykotick9helo: in the default install?18:50
kbanmanIs it possible to run a VNC server without X?18:50
L3topyes varikonniemi... you can't be bothered to take on the burden of a discussion in the proper forum... Just complaining about it in open chat... without any experience, just heresay.18:50
stefgdforthman: is that some kind of optimus setup (switching Graphic Adapters on the fly) ?18:50
ogra_varikonniemi, well, you are free to change but you are also free to participate in public discussions and tell ubuntu devs why you thingk 32bit is less safe than 6418:50
varikonniemithe fact that some % of ubuntu users have some netbook with 32bit atom or some ancient setup does not mean the recommendation would be 64bit18:50
CalicoJackbob____, thanks for that, I will keep an eye on those18:50
varikonniemiwell thats what i am doing here18:50
syst3mfailur3stefg: so testdisk or SysResCD?18:50
helozykotick9: it's offered as an option... there are no filesystem options for a fully default install ofc18:50
ogra_varikonniemi, a huge amount of ubuntu users lives in 3rd world countries18:50
dforthmanstefg, No. I disabled the PCI-E adapter in bios and am using the onboard adapter.18:51
ogra_varikonniemi, thats one of the reasons ubuntu still defaults to CDs for example18:51
samster34hey, does anyone know a gui tool that allows you to make new/modify old keyboard layouts?18:51
bnvCan anyone please help me? I have a dual monitor setup with two 22" FullHD monitors (3840 x 1080 pixel resolution) and I have an ati radeon HD5770 too, but I can't set that option nowhere to be the desktop extended like in Windows18:51
rahulwadhL3top ubuntu has stopped booting :(18:51
L3top32 is the MOST compatable across MOST systems in MOST of the world. Of course it is recommended for new users.18:51
zykotick9varikonniemi: 64bit's advantages are very small in number, and it's major advantage (using more then 4GB memory properly) is probably a minority of systems.18:51
varikonniemihow on earth are you gonna run unity, if not 64bit?18:51
stefgsyst3mfailur3: sysrescd has testdisk, and other specialized tools.... it's complete recovery environment18:51
yetr2/usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: Your embedding area is unusually small.  core.img won't fit in it..18:51
beersellerС праздником, товарищи!18:51
yetr2updated my system. now I get that18:52
CalicoJackvarikonniemi, unity runs just fine in 32 bit18:52
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.18:52
ogra_varikonniemi, i have only one 64bit machine here out of 20 i run ... and thats a server ... all otrhers run 32bit and run unity just fine18:52
varikonniemiyes, but 32bit hw is not powerfull enough18:52
zykotick9helo: ok just checking, i don't remember seeing btrfs offered in 12.04 (but wasn't sure, didn't check for it)18:52
ogra_huh ?18:52
mystblade9zykotick9: I've always wondered why somebody would want more than 4GB ram, but now I know why. Running servers, using Digital Audio Workstations, copying files, browsing, and playing a game at the same time is very taxing :P18:52
zykotick9helo: brtfs should be avoided in my opinion, same for zfs on ubuntu18:52
CalicoJackvarikonniemi, i don't think you understand the difference between 32bit and 64bit.18:52
* ogra_ agrees18:52
varikonniemimy last 32bit machine was a p418:52
zykotick9mystblade9: i WISH i had way more RAM (only have 4GB)18:53
helozykotick9: no stability problems that i've notices do far, but performance with dpkg/apt is terrible18:53
L3topvarikonniemi: I am quite sure you could not detect a difference between 64 and 32 on identical hw.18:53
varikonniemithe amd3000+ i replaced it with was glorious 64bit18:53
heloabysmally slow18:53
samster34I have 5 pcs here, and not a single one has 32 bit hardware or software :p18:53
varikonniemiand i would not run 12.04 on that18:53
bnvso I have two separate monitors with unity and I cant set the windows like form of extended desktop. I used eyefinity technology to extend my desktop18:53
desprHi, had a problem after an update. Wireless mouse and keyboard stopt working, I can access the box from ssh and the system seems to recognize it in /var/log /kern.log  any1 knows a fix or workaround to this?? seems to be a known issue....18:53
varikonniemisince ubuntu would choke18:53
Fat-Thinghttp://paste.ubuntu.com/947814/  L3top this is the full output of rkhunter :'(18:53
ogra_varikonniemi, to make full use of 64bit your app needs to actually be written for using the extra registers18:53
CalicoJackvarikonniemi, they are still making current hardware with 32 bit processors which are much faster than P4s18:53
bnvbut I dont find an alternative for ubuntu18:53
mystblade9varikonniemi: There are plenty of newer processors that are not 64-bit. Also, 32-bit Ubuntu does run on 64-bit computers, it is just slower.18:53
ogra_varikonniemi, i doubt more than 10% of the apps in the ubuntu archive actually do that18:53
varikonniemisome atoms is all i know, embedded stuff18:53
syst3mfailur3stefg: thanks, I'll give it a shot18:53
Dr_willis_Most arm processors are 32bit.  I think 64bit ones are just now comming out.18:54
Dr_willis_newer atoms are also 64bit.18:54
varikonniemi64 bit has been desktop standard for 10 years18:54
zykotick9mystblade9: only if that 32bit cpu supports virtualization can it run 64bit even CLOSE to native.18:54
CalicoJackvarikonniemi, atom processors outperform P4s pretty handily18:54
ogra_varikonniemi, tell that rto the app devs :)18:54
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DebolazIs booting with an encrypted disk and btrfs filesystem supported again in 12.04?18:54
mystblade9zykotick9: I said a 64-bit CPU can run 32-bit Operating Systems, not the other way around :P18:55
ogra_the only two non server apps that currently come to my mind that make actual use of 64bit are gimp and inkscape18:55
varikonniemiwhen i was still in windows camp, i expected them to drop x86 in vistas successor18:55
heloDebolaz: encrypted /home is, and btrfs is... not sure about together, but i'd assume yes18:55
varikonniemiand thats a long time ago18:55
desprHi, had a problem after an update. Wireless mouse and keyboard stopt working, I can access the box from ssh and the system seems to recognize it in /var/log /kern.log  any1 knows a fix or workaround to this?? seems to be a known issue....18:55
zykotick9mystblade9: "Also, 32-bit Ubuntu does run on 64-bit computers"18:55
Debolazhelo: I'll have a try and see. I used to work in ubuntu, then some random changes fibered it.18:55
zykotick9mystblade9: sorry!18:55
heloDebolaz: btrfs for / sucks though, performance is baaad18:55
Debolaz*fubared it18:55
* itaylor57 prefers zfs18:56
belgianguyseems my installation is stuck on cleanup :/18:56
varikonniemii am running fastest c2d with gts250 gfx18:56
varikonniemiand this is probably the minimum setup for smooth usage18:56
mystblade9zykes-_: np :P18:56
mystblade9i mean zykotick918:56
designbybeckAnyone else having Hangs on 12.04 install?18:56
varikonniemi11.04 unity was unbearable sluggish18:56
belgianguyit's been saying "Looking for unused software"18:57
belgianguyfor an hour now18:57
varikonniemiso i used gnome shell18:57
Dr_willis_designbybeck,  servers are overloaded.. so downloading updates can be slow.18:57
varikonnieminow in 12.04 i can stand the unity responsiveness18:57
varikonniemibut try running it on any non 32 bit HW and you suffer18:57
Debolazitaylor57: I would not mind a ZFS root filesystem if that was possible in an easy way. :)18:57
upsetmd5sum gives me the correct (according to http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/MD5SUMS) checksum for alternative i386, but the check on the iso itself says it's wrong.18:57
ogra_varikonniemi, and how does that relate to 64bit ?18:57
convictMonotoko, still no joy. Getting the same message18:57
dforthmanHi there. I just did a fresh install of 12.04 (64-bit) and I'm having issues getting my GTX 550 ti graphics adapter to work. It worked fine in 10.04. I've tried searching google but I can't find anything relevant. I am able to boot after disabling PCI-E graphics in bios and use the onboard adapter. What do you need to be able to help me get the graphics card working?18:57
Debolazvarikonniemi: Unity is even quick and snappy inside a virtual machine.18:57
upsetWhat is even happening?18:57
zykotick9ogra_: it doesn't18:57
varikonniemisince all new hw is 64bit18:57
varikonniemiin no other way18:57
desprHi, had a problem after an update. Wireless mouse and keyboard stopt working, I can access the box from ssh and the system seems to recognize it in /var/log /kern.log  any1 knows a fix or workaround to this?? seems to be a known issue....18:58
ronhmm, can I do a clean install of ubuntu, but keep a couple of apps? not sure that even makes sense.18:58
ogra_varikonniemi, thats not true18:58
sebsebseb 18:58
varikonniemisrsly, its over 10 years since 64bit came to mainstream18:58
Dr_willis_ron,  what apps?18:58
ronDr_willis_: xbmc, znc18:58
samster34even the torrent is slow to download....18:58
belgianguynm, it just kicked in again18:58
upsetvarikonniemi: And yet it still isn't 'mainstream'18:58
Fyodorovnaupset, check the download with the torrent it may clean it up the torrents seem to be running pretty fast right now.18:58
ogra_varikonniemi, and 32 vs 64 has nothing to do with unity speed (as you just said yourself, the code simply got more performant between two releases, nit related to 32 vs 64)18:58
Dr_willis_ron,  just save your configs and reinstall them.18:58
kbanmanIs it possible to run a VNC server without installing X11?18:58
varikonniemii am not saying that18:59
upsetsamster34: That doesn't make sense. If a lot of people are leeching it should be fast18:59
Bearnikanyone test new ubuntu on vmware worksation ?18:59
Dr_willis_samster34,  i got the iso in under 10 min.18:59
samster34I'm getting 250KB/s out of the desktop-amd64 torrent :/18:59
upsetFyodorovna: What?18:59
dforthmanCan you take the 32 vs 64 debate to #ubuntu-offtopic so people can focus on resolving issues?18:59
=== Phr3d13_ is now known as Phr3d13
varikonniemijust that no system with a 32bit processor is probably able to run 1204 sufficiently18:59
varikonniemieven with a good gfx card18:59
guveHey guys, do you want a good fps on Ubuntu? Let your voice be heard hear http://ravaged.ideascale.com/a/dtd/Linux-Client/122391-1895118:59
Fyodorovnaupset, what is your best answer?18:59
upsetFyodorovna: Best answer to what?18:59
Dr_willis_kbanman,  im not sure what you would do with such a vnc server. :) but i do recall some framebuffer-vnc servers that served up the console..18:59
samster34upset: yea, I know. but it isn't :/18:59
desprHi, had a problem after an update. Wireless mouse and keyboard stopt working, I can access the box from ssh and the system seems to recognize it in /var/log /kern.log  any1 knows a fix or workaround to this?? seems to be a known issue....18:59
dforthmanHi there. I just did a fresh install of 12.04 (64-bit) and I'm having issues getting my GTX 550 ti graphics adapter to work. It worked fine in 10.04. I've tried searching google but I can't find anything relevant. I am able to boot after disabling PCI-E graphics in bios and use the onboard adapter. What do you need to be able to help me get the graphics card working?19:00
kbanmanDr_willis_: To remotely debug font sizes, etc19:00
ronDr_willis_: perhaps a fresh installation of xbmc would also be good. I think the major problem is that I'm too lazy :)19:00
ogra_varikonniemi, unity runs just fine on an OMAP4 ARM cpu with 1G of ram (in 32bit)19:00
varikonniemiidk if some fast 32bit atom with pci-e gfx would suffice, i don't know19:00
upsetsamster34: The one I used was very fast. Maybe your connection is bad.19:00
gorskiwhen will the upgrade from lucid to precise be avaiable?19:00
varikonniemiall i have seen unity on arm is a HUGE LAGFEST'19:00
varikonniemiso please link video?19:00
ogra_varikonniemi, where exactly did you see unity on arm yet ?19:00
Fyodorovnaupset, you have a bad md5sum, a torrent app will check the iso for finish or needed stuff.19:01
ogra_(note that i uploaded the final fix to make it work today to the ubuntu archive)19:01
samster34upset: not that I can tell. direct downloads go as fast as 3MB/s19:01
varikonniemisome demos19:01
varikonniemion yt19:01
upsetFyodorovna: I finished it a while ago. I'm seeding now.19:01
marwany tips on enabling gnome support for chrome? "experimental GNOME menu bar support" is not listed in about: flags.19:01
slikts_every day I'm shocked how hard it is to resize windows and that it's not fixed19:01
desprHi, had a problem after an update. Wireless mouse and keyboard stopt working, I can access the box from ssh and the system seems to recognize it in /var/log /kern.log  any1 knows a fix or workaround to this?? seems to be a known issue....19:01
Bearnikanyone test new ubuntu in vmware with 3d support ?19:01
varikonniemislikts, it is since you are not supposed to19:01
QuantumQuantaHow can I make notification messages go away faster?19:01
desprplez hlp19:01
roncan I trigger a fresh installation of 12.04 from 12.04 without burning the iso and running it from disc?19:02
varikonniemileft/right snap and workspace switcher should cover all your needs19:02
upsetFyodorovna: Do you know why md5sum would give me a correct hash, but the live drive's check would not?19:02
Fyodorovnaslikts, windows is an easy resize you need to move all the data to the front of its partition  at times though.19:02
Picigorski: you can upgrade now by using the -d switch with do-release-upgrade, but for saftey's sake it won't prompt you until we release 12.04.119:02
Fyodorovnaupset, yes the iso is incorrect it seems from your description19:02
upsetFyodorovna: md5sum says otherwise19:03
upsetFyodorovna: It's the exact value on the website19:03
alien64upset: get a new iso like i said19:03
alien64yours is bad19:03
gbs_workCan someone point me out for torrent download of 12.04 ubuntu?19:03
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
Fyodorovnaupset, then I miss understood that the sites md5 is correct but the iso is not.19:03
Dr_willis_http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise  gbs_work19:03
samster34gbs_work: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/alternative-downloads19:03
gorskiPici: ok, tnx19:04
desprHi, had a problem after an update. Wireless mouse and keyboard stopt working, I can access the box from ssh and the system seems to recognize it in /var/log /kern.log  any1 knows a fix or workaround to this?? seems to be a known issue....the google didnt hlp19:04
upsetFyodorovna: The iso is correct, according to md5sum. When I boot the iso and do a check, it says it is wrong but does not print the incorrect checksum.19:04
rfmuh, is upgrading lucid>precise not even supposed to work yet?  having terrible troubles upgrading with the alternate cd..19:04
upsetalien64: I'm very confused though. Why are two of the official ubuntu downloads wrong, especially the torrent one?19:05
slikts_does anyone else have a problem that alt-tab stops working and just shakes the icons? I need to click the dock with my mouse to change focus!19:05
slikts_it happens all the time! this is on top of resizing being broken! WTF!19:05
upsetslikts_: You can force the icons to wiggle? That's really cute.19:05
Dr_willis_Wiggle that Icon Baby! ;)19:05
Fyodorovnaupset,  So what brings you to the channel?19:05
alien64upset: does it boot?19:06
SafariMonkeyI'm sorry if someone has already answered this, but does compiz work on 12.04?19:06
slikts_in unity 2d the dock icons just shake instead of focusing the window if I'm currently in chromium19:06
Dr_willis_SafariMonkey,  works fine for most people i imagine.. works for me.19:06
slikts_I've lived through 11.04, daily crashes etc, but this is effing TOO MUCH19:06
FyodorovnaSafariMonkey, Yes, the uunity desktop is a plugin in compiz.19:06
desprHi, had a problem after an update. Wireless mouse and keyboard stopt working, I can access the box from ssh and the system seems to recognize it in /var/log /kern.log  any1 knows a fix or workaround to this?? seems to be a known issue....the google didnt hlp, pleez any119:06
ogra_SafariMonkey, as i said above, unity is a compiz plugin ... so it would be heavily noticed if compiz wouldnt work19:06
slikts_canonical are basically cretins19:07
upsetalien64: Well, not to the desktop. There's no option to do that on the alternative. I'm just talking about the check they have from the initial menu, alongside disk recovery stuff and memtest19:07
upsetslikts_ Why do you say this19:07
SafariMonkeyhello people! just wondering, does compiz not work on 12.04 default or is there another reason it crashes? I just updated, restarted and got the message that compiz crashed. if I thy to relaunch it it crashes again. :/19:07
upsetslikts_ Get out if you hate Ubuntu19:07
CKyle22So if I'm running Lucid, I won't get an upgrade notification until 2.04.01?19:07
Dan-The-ManSafariMonkey, it works fine for me19:07
QuantumQuantaIs there a way to change notification settings (those text on black boxes that overlay the screen in the upper-right corner for a few seconds)? I can 't seem to find it in the system settings menu.19:07
slikts_upset: because I'm upset, and eff you19:07
dforthman I just did a fresh install of 12.04 (64-bit) and I'm having issues getting my GTX 550 ti graphics adapter to work. It worked fine in 10.04. I've tried searching google but I can't find anything relevant. I am able to boot after disabling PCI-E graphics in bios and use the onboard adapter. What do you need to be able to help me get the graphics card working?19:07
Dan-The-ManSafariMonkey, must be a driver issue19:07
Logan_!language | slikts_19:07
ubottuslikts_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.19:07
upsetslikts_: Cry me a river, buddy. Use another os.19:08
Logan_upset: That's not helpful, either.19:08
upsetLogan_: He doesn't have to use Ubuntu, and I don19:08
Dan-The-Manslikts, very constructive criticism19:08
upset*t think he understands that19:08
SafariMonkeythanks. I felt all but ignored the last 5 last times I posted.19:08
Logan_upset: Yes, but we're supposed to be helping him, not pushing him to another operating system.19:08
dforthmanSafariMonkey, I feel your pain, sir.19:09
Dan-The-ManSafariMonkey, haha yea the channel is crazy crowded right now19:09
ZenGuy311why am i unable to add-apt-repository on my natty server vps19:09
SafariMonkeyand will someone answer dforthman?19:09
upsetLogan_: We aren't Canonical employees, and there isn't a competive FOSS market19:09
PiciZenGuy311: you need the python-software-properties package first.19:09
Logan_ZenGuy311: Do you receive an error message?19:09
desprHi, had a problem after an update. Wireless mouse and keyboard stopt working, I can access the box from ssh and the system seems to recognize it in /var/log /kern.log  any1 knows a fix or workaround to this?? seems to be a known issue....the google didnt hlp, pleez any119:09
slikts_upset: *competitive19:09
Dan-The-Mandforthman, ill look it to ur issue19:09
dforthmanDan-The-Man, thanks.19:09
slikts_upset: what has given you the impression that you can tell me what to do?19:09
Logan_upset: If you're not here to help other users, then please don't interact with them.19:09
upsetLogan_: If he doesn't like ubuntu, he can be friendly or leave19:09
ZenGuy311Pici:  ok19:09
alien64upset: feeding him with insults will only make it worse19:09
belgianguybest way to get flash back?19:10
SafariMonkeydforthman, I've seen that post so many times. I feel for you.19:10
craigbass1976I just got an email...  In trying to debug a java app, the folks are telling me to stick a log file in ~/me (no problem) then "modify the environment to add this environment variable"   What environment?  Does this involve the java path you suppose?19:10
upsetslikts_: Dude, if you do not enjoy being here don't stay. It's not complicated at all. You're only being obnoxious and disrupting everyone.19:10
LjLslikts_, upset: stop bickering now. this is a support channel19:10
L3topdforthman: apt-get install nvidia-current19:10
slikts_upset: thanks for explaining it, genius19:10
L3topdforthman: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current19:11
desprHi, had a problem after an update. Wireless mouse and keyboard stopt working, I can access the box from ssh and the system seems to recognize it in /var/log /kern.log  any1 knows a fix or workaround to this?? seems to be a known issue....the google didnt hlp, pleez any119:11
alien64upset: enough19:11
dforthmanL3top, so you think it's an issue with the default driver?19:11
Dan-The-Mandforthman, as of now what driver are u using19:11
hudekiI'm on 12.04 from beta 1. I was updating all the time. I did not have big updates today, larger then 10MB, how to now that I'm using the latest release?19:11
despram i invisible?19:11
upsetalien64: I thought it was good to be constructive19:11
dforthmanDan-The-Man, the default one. I'm installing nvidia-current now19:11
Logan_!patience | despr19:11
ubottudespr: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:11
upsetdespr: What's your query19:11
mouth1does the ubuntu software center automatically install 64 bit versions of apps when you are on amd64?19:11
Dan-The-Mandforthman, yea use the proprietary19:12
upsetFyodorovna:  You still there?19:12
Logan_mouth1: Yes, it does.19:12
Fyodorovnaupset, yes.19:12
Dan-The-Manmouth1, why yes, yes it does19:12
dforthmanOk, I'll reboot and if I don't return thanks to Dan-The-Man and L3top for your help. Otherwise I'll be back :D19:12
mouth1Logan_, so i can install flash player from the ubuntu software center or from adobe?19:12
upsetFyodorovna: Know anything that may help me or are you out of ideas besides finding another iso?19:12
mouth1what's better?19:12
L3topdforthman you might also want to do the reverse of what you have done, and disable the onboard video and  run19:12
zykotick9CKyle22: i've been searching for 10.04->12.04 upgrade info, but can't find anything... i think you might be right about the LTS upgrade not happening until the .1 release - but have no proof.  man, good luck with that upgrade - HUGE changes.19:12
Logan_mouth1: The Software Center is a better solution for Flash.19:13
mouth1ok thanks Logan_ ! but why? :D19:13
L3toprahulwadh: I do not remember your issue. Remind me19:13
Dan-The-Manmouth1, I would suggest ubuntu-restricted-extras package19:13
marwmouth1, there's a good plugin for flash installation.19:13
Logan_mouth1: Adobe doesn't provide a .deb file for Flash, and Ubuntu has it packaged.19:13
Fyodorovnaupset, not sure really I have never heard of checking the md5 from the alternate, it is a bit confusing the way it looks to me.19:13
rahulwadheverything on my laptop is very slow. I am not able to install 12.04 nor I am able to boot 10.04 L3top19:14
Logan_mouth1: So I would recommend just getting it from the Sofware Center, or from Terminal with sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer.19:14
mouth1Dan-The-Man, I don't want that because it installs bad plugins and java!19:14
L3topFyodorovna: check md5s from ANYTHING.19:14
momopistachioUBUNTU FRENCH ??19:14
Logan_mouth1: No problem. :-)19:14
Logan_!fr | momopistachio19:14
ubottumomopistachio: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.19:14
upsetFyodorovna: Really? It's an option that appears to check the cd-rom, which I assume refers to the iso since I don't have a cd drive. It gave me an md5 checksum error.19:14
marwi have problems with 12.04 and google-chrome: it's not show in dash, alt+tab window, etc. any tips?19:14
Dan-The-Manmarw, have u tried chromium from the repos19:15
roddweird, my update manager says there isn't any update available19:15
upsetFyodorovna: It also gave the end of an address which looked like something from the boot drive. Am I misidentifying it?19:15
Fyodorovnaupset, is it a usb or a loop boot?19:15
marwDan-The-Man, i really want chrome19:15
upsetFyodorovna: USB19:15
rahulwadhit takes around 15 minutes to boot from the LiveUSB L3top19:15
upsetFyodorovna: Although I'm not sure I know what a loop boot is19:15
Skaag_how do I stop the videotext in grub?19:15
Dan-The-Manmarw, chromium and chrome at this point have no distinguishable differences19:15
L3toprahulwadh: what does top reveal?19:15
numbertoubuntu does not start after upgrade to 12.04.   Get an "[drm:intel_dsm_platform_mux_info]  *ERROR* MUX INFO call failed"  error and a black screen. Never gets to login screen. (The way I entered now is by going "load old linux")19:16
upsetrahulwadh: Less on a good computer!19:16
L3toprahulwadh: that sounds like a hardware problem. use live disk to check ram19:16
Dan-The-Manmarw, i would suggest chromium it will work19:16
uchihawhats up19:16
upsetL3top: Load old linux?19:16
upsetL3top: Woops19:16
rahulwadhL3top I am not able to understand anything after executing that command19:16
upsetL3top: Disregard me19:16
Ch4rAsshello, I have ubuntu 11.10 32bit server version and I installed alsa. System recognize my sound card and mplayer is also playing music, but it is rattling. Do I have to install also pulseaudio or what could be a problem. I had normal desktop installation before and sound was just fine.19:17
rahulwadhupset what do you mean by that statement. I didn't get you properly19:17
uchihaجاي تجون19:17
upsetnumberto: Load old linux? I guess use the alternate iso and try a recovery. That's a pretty intense error19:17
FloodBot1uchiha: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:17
tensorpudding!arabic | uchiha19:17
Logan_!ar | uchiha19:17
numbertoupset: I am using older kernel19:17
Dan-The-ManCh4rAss, dont want 12.04?19:17
pandeiroanyone know if it's possible to create a usb boot with both 686 and 64bit architectures?19:17
Fyodorovnaupset, I have never really had a problem in this area with 100's of installs I can only guess really.19:17
ubottuuchiha: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية19:17
ubottuuchiha: La comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe19:17
upsetrahulwadh: Nothing important, please ignore me19:18
tensorpuddingtoo late19:18
L3toptop reveals what processes are running, how many resources they are using etc... but that sounds like you have a hardware problem if both 1004 1204 and usb live disk are problematic. I suspect your RAM is not happy. Use the live disks checkram function to look for a problem.19:18
Logan_tensorpudding: I fail. :-(19:18
upsetnumberto: Woah. I am not equipped to help19:18
BrianHHey guys, I have a slight problem.  I installed likewise-open and connected my system to my Windows Domain successfully, but when I log out I can't enter a username to enter the domain user account.19:18
tensorpuddingi don't know where there is a special channel for argentina19:18
Dr_willis_pandeiro,  you could set up grub2 to boot differnt ISO files and do it that way.19:18
zykotick9pandeiro: debian has a 32/64 combo install, ubuntu doesn't by default.  it could be done somehow...19:18
Ch4rAssDan-The-Man: it's old Pentium 4 and I would like to use it just for playing videos and mp3s19:18
rahulwadhupset : okay19:18
numbertowhat is ubuntu developer channel?19:18
Dr_willis_pandeiro,  pendrivelinux has tools./guides on that.19:18
upsetFyodorovna: 100s of installs?19:18
samster34so, by the way...I have this prebuilt intel box, and I've been unable to run or install any kind of linux. ubuntu just crashes freezes on a purple screen with stack/call trace messages...19:19
BrianHDoes LightDM provide any way to allow manual entry of usernames?19:19
L3top /join #ubuntu-devel19:19
Dan-The-ManCh4rAss, 11.10 isnt any better for old hardware then 12.04. in fact you will probably see better performance with 12.0419:19
Fyodorovnaupset, I install often I have a the least 4 OS on my HD generally.19:19
tiagoRUNNING 12.04 ALREADY19:19
upsetFyodorovna: Do you ever use the alternate?19:19
Dan-The-Mantiago, CONGRATS19:19
Logan_numberto: What do you mean by that?19:20
Ch4rAssDan-The-Man: do you think that installation of 12.04 should solve my problem?19:20
Fyodorovnaupset, I have but not for a long time all my computers will boot to a live desktop.19:20
numbertoLogan_:  by what?19:20
upsetFyodorovna: Am I high or something? It really looks like a checksum paradox. I don't understand how this could be, and I can't find any other mirrors.19:20
desprgot a logitec wireless keyboard/mouse usb stick that stopped working under 11.10 after an update some time ago, keyboard seems to work but just when gdm loads mouse and keyboard stops working... any1 got a clue19:20
z3r0d3rpupdate 4 hours remaining19:20
arianitanybody knows why I'm not getting new release notification in update manager19:20
Dan-The-ManCh4rAss, it wouldnt surprise me19:20
Logan_numberto: What type of developers? App developers?19:20
rahulwadhl3top : what should I do?19:20
Fyodorovnaupset, what client did you load the usb with?19:20
z3r0d3rparianit you have to enable it in preferences19:20
numbertoLogan_: never mind, I already got what I needed19:20
upsetFyodorovna: I'm not saying mine won't boot to live. I simply don't have the option with the alternative19:20
arianitz3r0d3rp, how do I do that, any link?19:20
Logan_numberto: Okay. :-)19:21
z3r0d3rpopen update manager19:21
upsetFyodorovna: startup disk creator19:21
Dan-The-ManCh4rAss, also why server edition?19:21
z3r0d3rpselect preferences19:21
z3r0d3rpthen show distribution upgrades19:21
Fyodorovnaupset, sometimes a different client works try unetbootin.19:21
z3r0d3rpthen check for updates19:21
L3toprahulwadh: I have told you three times now. Load the live disk, use the memcheck utility on the live disk to check your RAM. It sounds, to me, like a hardware problem.19:21
z3r0d3rpbe warned that mine is taking 4 hours19:21
upsetFyodorovna: Okay.19:21
z3r0d3rpso you might want to wait19:21
Logan_!enter | z3r0d3rp19:21
ubottuz3r0d3rp: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:21
Fyodorovnaupset, hope that works. :)19:21
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Ch4rAssDan-The-Man: I just like to use X11 with fluxbox to have max. performance.19:22
rahulwadhL3top : my RAM is working perfectly fine19:22
samster34I have this prebuilt intel box,(Q8300, 4GB DDR2, nvidia GT420/220) and I've been unable to run or install any kind of linux. ubuntu just crashes/freezes on a purple screen with stack/call trace messages...19:22
upsetz3r0d3rp: Anon, tag the guy you're talking to. Makes conversation easier.19:22
upsetz3r0d3rp: As in every single time you say something19:22
LABcrabHey people!  Happy Ubuntu day!  i can't make Unity auto-hide in 12.04 LTS though.  How is this done?19:22
rahulwadhL3top : and ubuntu 12.04 installer has stopped responding19:22
upsetFyodorovna: Me too, friend. Trying19:22
DebolazWoohoo, full disk encryption + btrfs works again in Ubuntu. :)19:22
zykotick9!nomodeset | samster34 tried this? it's common with nvidia19:22
ubottusamster34 tried this? it's common with nvidia: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter19:22
Logan_!ccsm | LABcrab19:23
ubottuLABcrab: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' (or 'simple-ccsm' for pre-Oneiric). If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz19:23
Dan-The-ManLABcrab, install myunity from software center19:23
samster34ubottu: I've tried nomodeset, not sure if I did it properly though19:24
ubottusamster34: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:24
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.19:24
xanguawhere can i get ubuntu from torrent¿ i went to alternative downloads and it says 'Page not found'19:24
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal19:24
Pici!torrents | xangua19:24
tiago<Dan-The-Man> thanks!19:24
ubottuxangua: Precise can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/precise/desktop/ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/precise/server/ubuntu-12.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your needs. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696919:24
upsetFyodorovna: Oh, whoops. Should I have cleaned out the drive before writing the iso to it?19:24
arianitz3r0d3rp, that button is not working. I think there are issues with the update manager. I'm running 11.10 btw. any way to enable release update via file editing19:24
Dan-The-Mantiago, anytime!19:25
dforthmanOk, so now my graphics card works, but there's a black bar on the right hand side. I'm looking for a solution now, but if anyone knows what's happening before I find out, please feel free to tell me.19:25
LABcrabLogan_ Dan-The-Man Which driver do i select for my laptop?  It gives me two choices.19:25
tiagoI'm running with GNOME, didn't like Unity very much..19:25
IamKaiserSame here tiago19:25
Logan_LABcrab: Driver? What are the choices?19:25
z3r0d3rparianit, the preferences dialog is hidden in the menus in your panel19:25
L3toprahulwadh: How do you know the ram is fine?19:25
xanguatiago: nonsense, unity uses gnome ;)19:25
LABcrabLogan_ One with posterior upgrades, the other without.19:25
Fyodorovnaupset, Not sure if either clients build partitions, but a clean one is needed.19:25
Logan_LABcrab: Oh, for your AMD card in Additional Drivers?19:26
Dan-The-ManLABcrab, do the post release19:26
upsetFyodorobna: Okay. Redoing19:26
rahulwadhl3top when I entered the command "top" everything was fine19:26
LABcrabLogan_ Dan-The-Man Will this fix the Unity dock not hiding?19:26
upsetFyodorobna: Oh geez, there's no cancel button. Redoing in a while, I guess...19:26
Dan-The-ManLABcrab, wait what lol.  Just install myunity for that19:27
DebolazI want to replace a specific file in ubuntu, and ensure that packages ignore it. Is that possible?19:27
Dan-The-ManDebolaz, yes19:27
despranyway u can reconfigure xorg mouse and keyboard shizzle?19:27
Logan_LABcrab: No, that's different. Install CCSM or MyUnity, and then you can change the auto-hiding preferences.19:27
L3toprahulwadh: that does not mean your ram is functioning correctly, which is why the install menu has a specific utility to check the consistency of your RAM operation. TOP just tells you what is trying to be used by what, not how well, or efficiently it is doing it.19:27
Dan-The-ManDebolaz, just install what ever package and lock it with synaptic19:27
jackbrownhf Does gogo6 IPv6 directly incapsulate IPv4 to IPv6 so client outside internet with IPv4 protocol can see me anyway?19:27
rahulwadhl3top what is the name of that utility?19:28
LABcrabDan-The-Man Logan_: That wasn't necessary in 11.10 version.19:29
L3top!memtest86+ | rahulwadh19:29
domedagenIs there a way to check if 3D acceleration works?19:29
Dan-The-ManLABcrab, well this isnt 11.1019:29
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Dan-The-ManLABcrab, haha19:29
Logan_LABcrab: Yes, it was a Canonical decision to make auto-hiding disabled by default in 12.04.19:29
LABcrabLogan_ And take up more screen real estate?19:29
L3topmemtest86+  again... if you boot a live disk, it should be one of the options...19:30
alphanumin mirc, how do i open multiple channels with a single cmd?19:30
z3r0d3rpdo unified menus disable hud or can they work together?19:30
LABcrabAt the very least, let me right-click and auto-hide.  Windows has it, Mac has it...19:30
hypn0domedagen, install a 3d game :-/ like foobilliard19:30
alphanumis it /j ##aws && ##ubuntu19:30
LABcrabWon't it cause screen burn-in to see the dock all the time anyway?19:30
Logan_LABcrab: If you want a more extensible "dock," you can try Docky, for example.19:30
goddardhow go the upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04?19:30
goddardLogan_: or awn19:31
* alphanum is looking for vpn ami19:31
goddardawn has more features19:31
dforthmandomedagen, glxgears will test your 3d acceleration19:31
alphanumubuntu vpn ami19:31
z3r0d3rpscreen burn is almost not possible with modern displays19:31
donavan01I was wondering if someone knew how to fix this issue... I use mutiple networks and for one of the networks I have to manually set the MTU to 1492 rather than auto.... the other networks seem to work fine with the auto setting... I can use the network manager to do this as it doesnt seem to actually change the MTU if I do a sudo ifconfig wlan0 mtu 1492 then it changes ... but if im not mistaken doesnt this change it for all co19:31
z3r0d3rptakes years and years19:31
alphanumwhat's awn?19:31
hudekiI don't have sound on flash? I can see application running in sound menu, but there is no sound. What to do?19:31
tiago<xangua> but it is not so neat.19:31
mystblade9Does setting up a dual boot do any damage to my hard disk? I've been dual-booting for years now but never stood still on whether it was safe or not.19:32
z3r0d3rphudeki check mute?19:32
alphanumanyone keen on ec2?19:32
Dan-The-Manmystblade9, no of course not19:32
Picialphanum: The folks in #ubuntu-server are19:32
hudekiIt's not on mute19:32
InferiorHumanOrgmystblade9: what made you think that was even possible ?19:32
mystblade9InferiorHumanOrg: I remember some minor damage from dual-booting but I think that was on a mac.19:33
SafariMonkeymystblade9, no mechanism I know of could cause that, except maybe double usage. :P19:33
intraderAt the end of my rope - I used tomboy notes heavily in 10.10.  I need to restore my tomboy notes from a 10.10 backup. In the backup I find a .tomboy folder with all the notes and subfolders19:33
mystblade9How about not using Windows for a long time because you're constantly in Linux? Would that damage the Windows installation?19:33
goddardhow go the upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04?19:33
LABcrabWho gets to vote on things like the Tomboy, the Dock, Banshee versus Rhythmbox, etc.19:33
LABcrabgoddard: The only thing that changed is they force you to look at the dock all the time.19:34
PiciLABcrab: They're decided at UDS usually.19:34
InferiorHumanOrgit's not possible for dual booting to hurt a hard drive *physically* in any way19:34
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:34
BrianHAnyone know how to bring back the "Other user" option in LightDM?19:35
BrianHI'm on 12.0419:35
ojiiwhat can i do if my super key doesn't open the dash anymore?19:35
mrapplehello, i just rebooted my system and it's still not listening on my 4 other IPs. here's /etc/network/interfaces pastebin.com/dS0pw7Fk19:35
mrappleany clue what's going on?19:35
goddardLABcrab: its called MyUnity brotha19:36
mystblade9Pici: I am seriously impressed by Unity 5, but I have one question: Why did the team opt to go with Compiz? Isn't Compiz-Fusion unstable?19:37
trismBrianH: in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf add: greeter-show-manual-login=true19:37
DanielConvissorhi.  been using lucid for a while.  made a vm of precise for testing.  in precise, add-apt-repository does not exist.  should it be there by default or is there a utilities packge that needs installing?19:38
Picimystblade9: Because Unity is built on compiz and we've been running with compiz-by-default on desktop installs for a while, its been rather stable for us.19:38
DebolazDan-The-Man: Thanks for the tip, it worked.19:38
TheBlackDazedDanielConvissor apt-add-repository19:38
rafaelementohey guys.On my new 12.04 installation i want to install apps that reside on my 11.10 installation without having to download them.is that possible?19:38
PiciDanielConvissor: Make sure that you have the python-software-properties package installed.19:38
Logan_TheBlackDazed: One's an alias for the other.19:38
BrianHtrism, awesome, thank you much! :)19:39
lindowswere can i get rss feed news about ubuntu and put them on my bot ?19:39
DebolazCompiz seems fairly stable now, my main problem with it the last few versions has mostly been memory leaks.19:39
mystblade9Pici: I thought Compiz was better to be left off if you wanted a truly stable system.19:39
DebolazAnd it has been gradually improving.19:39
Logan_DanielConvissor: sudo apt-get install python-software-properties19:39
retishi i am a new ubuntu user,suddenly i change my gnome login to xtream ,now i dont have any desktop or anything can anyone please help me how can i go back to genome normal login and desktop,suffering a lot...19:39
DanielConvissorTheBlackDazed: in lucid, they're add* and apt* are synonyms19:39
TheBlackDazedDanielConvissor: ah ok :)19:40
DanielConvissornp had to do a double take/check on that too19:40
lindowsPici were can i get rss feed news about ubuntu and put them on my bot ?19:40
inashdeenhi there, need help. i can run my HUD on 12.04, but it wont search anything19:40
rahulwadhl3top memtest84 is not present on the liveUSB19:40
softcoderhi, can anyone help with software-center writing reviews?19:40
intraderWhy on earth Unity changes stuff?. I can' find a way to synchronize with ubuntu one. There is no edit menu in tomboy on unity.19:40
softcoderisong precise and it pops up with signing in and sits there forever19:41
ambro718Pidgin normally has a tray icon, but why don't I see it in Ubuntu? All there is is the "Messages" thing that has a "Pidgin" entry, which I can only click to bring up the main Pidgin window. With a tray icon, I can do stuff with two clicks less than by going through this messages thing.19:41
arianitz3r0d3rp, there are no menus on top for the update manager19:41
L3topwhat live usb rahulwadh19:41
rahulwadhl3top ubuntu 12.0419:42
L3topwhat release*19:42
L3topone moment... let me load one.19:42
ubuntul3top precise19:42
retiscan anyone please help me,i change my gnome to xtream, i am new linux user,i want to get back my gnome without reinstalling ubuntu again19:42
DanielConvissorLogan_, Pici: ding! thanks.19:42
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
DanielConvissorseems like a good package to have installed by default.19:42
inashdeen hi there, need help. i can run my HUD on 12.04, but it wont search anything19:43
Logan_DanielConvissor: No problem. :-)19:43
ubuntuis the searchj lens loaded19:43
ghabithow to switch off ubuntu automatically?19:43
retiscan anyone please help me,i change my gnome to xtream, i am new linux user,i want to get back my gnome without reinstalling ubuntu again19:44
=== root is now known as aCookie
samster34don't suppose it would be as easy as "wait(3000); shutdown;" ?19:44
ambro718How do I prevent Ubuntu from overwriting my bootloader whenever it updates Grub or something?19:44
upsetFyodorobna: Oh God, I accidentally tried to write to a nonexistent drive.19:44
samster34upset: what happened19:44
=== danmackay_ is now known as danmackay
Fyodorovnaupset, lol it happens.19:44
roddI'm running 10.04 lts and I see no "An upgrade is available" message in the update manager, any ideas on what's going on? Maybe I should wait a bit more?19:44
Fyodorovnaambro718, why?19:45
L3topffs rahulwadh. Third option. "Test memory"19:45
ambro718I use Grub2 installed from Gentoo as my bootloaded, and boot Ubuntu by loading its menu using the configfile grub2 command.19:45
rahulwadhl3top how to do that?19:45
=== guest836221 is now known as microp11U
L3topinsert live disk.19:45
DanielConvissorretis: using desktop?  on my machine on the password screen (when i pick the user / enter the user name and hit enter) the bottom of the screen offers a choice of which windows manager to use.19:45
intraderwhere on earth is the edit-->preferences in tomboy on unity?19:45
softcodercan nayone help me?19:45
upsetsamster34 Fyodorovna: I did dd to a drive that doesn't exist. It said it 0 bytes written, but then I got a notification about an upgrade drive I had!19:45
Fyodorovnaambro718, is gentoo grub legacy?19:45
retisrodd, you can try apt-get update from terminal it may help you19:46
softcodersoftware-center, writing reviews signing in just sits there forever19:46
yeikretis, rodd, i believe apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade work19:46
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
roddretis, yeik, tried both still nothing19:47
ActionParsnipwow, only 1800 users, not bad19:47
L3topinsert live disk. Turn on machine, choose test memory... I mean... all I have in front of me is a kubuntu 1204, but it can't be that different. I have never seen an ubuntu startup disk where it wasn't an option rahulwadh.19:47
rodd"Your system is up to date"19:47
intraderwhere on earth is the edit-->preferences in tomboy on unity? - man this is unintuitive. The edit menu appears when the tomboy window is maximized19:47
alkisgWhat does this part of the 12.04 changelog mean? Any specific links/references?  "networking improvements for congested networks"19:47
=== Lamda is now known as hats
retisDanielConvissor, actually i changed the login option and put xtream just to experiment and having this....19:47
ronany idea why when I ctrl+alt+f2 to a different console window, I see.. well, nothing?19:47
simonpe^^Any bash guru? I need to run a script every N second until a certain time of day, i.e 14:08. How can I test for this{19:48
ambro718Fyodorovna: I use gentoo grub2, so it all works fine. I just added a menu entry that shows up Ubuntu's boot menu (configfile command); this means that in the boot menu, I have an "Ubuntu" entry which brings me to the Ubuntu boot menu; it works because Ubuntu uses grub2 too. The only problem is whenever Ubuntu updates, it overwrites the MBR, so it goes straight to the Ubuntu boot menu and I can't boot Gentoo.19:48
ActionParsnipintrader: report a bug then. Is it not in the right click menu on the icon i the system tray (if it has one)19:48
retisrodd, try with sudo apt-get install19:48
MonkeyDustretis  don't have to mind if you don't need it19:48
EnalichoUnity? Unintuitive? Impossible, it's perfect. :P19:48
retisMonkeyDust, i dont know how to go back now19:48
rahulwadhl3top my compter's CD drive doesn't work19:49
kernelqubitis there a magnifier included in the 12.04 live cd? Ubuntu/gnome/orca/gnome-mag docs aren't clear19:49
retisMonkeyDust, i have only one terminal in my desktop and nothing,i want gnome back,can you please help me19:49
Fyodorovnaambro718, I wondered if there was a conflict with the grub 2 in ubuntu not booting gentoo, grub can probably be locked down in synaptic to not upgrade.19:49
softcoderis this the place for ubuntu precise help???19:49
ox1d3i get this error on boot: No init found. try passing init= bootarg.19:49
ox1d3busybox v1.13.3 (ubuntu 1:1.13.3-ubuntu11) built in shell (ash)19:49
ox1d3enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.19:49
ox1d3(initramfs) [  3.060259 ieee1394: host added: id:bus[0-00:1023] GUID[000ae4aaaa27c398]19:49
FloodBot1ox1d3: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:49
ox1d3someone said i need to reinstall from a livecd19:49
urgodfathercan someone help me figure out why windows is missing on grub all of a sudden19:49
ox1d3how do i do that?19:49
Fyodorovnaambro718, you just have to install synaptic now.19:50
L3toprahulwadh: I can't help you if your machine is just 10 shades of busted. My guess is your RAM is bad. If you have some more laying around, swap it out.19:50
alphanumSorry guys, but I have to ask.19:50
kvmI dont suppose I can ditch the unity launcher in favor of another dock without giving up dash/hud?19:50
alphanumWhere can I get more help with ec2?19:50
bigdotsthis community is full of whore and ass-holes stuck up19:50
alphanumubuntu-server isn't alive.19:50
ambro718Fyodorovna: thanks, will try19:50
Fyodorovnakvm, have you looked at gnome 3?19:50
zeta-I can't upgrade to 12.04 :-( -- Is the server a bit busy?19:51
bigdotsubuntu is for bitches. long live windows19:51
alphanum!kb bigdots19:51
Logan_alphanum: #ubuntu-server19:51
Logan_!ops | bigdots19:51
ubottubigdots: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!19:51
kvmFyodorovna: yeah, its actually my usual.. thought I'd give unity a whirl since the hud is rather unique19:51
hudekiI'm having lenovo laptop.  Simple question is 64 od 32 bit? is there a difference in therms of battery?19:52
alphanumUbuntu-server is dead :(((19:52
goddardhow go the upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04?19:52
DanielConvissorhudeki: shouldn't be difference.  i'm running ubuntu 64 laptop np.19:52
L3topNo hudeki.19:52
yanohudeki: you'd have to check the specs of the processor to find out if it is 64 bit or 32 bit19:52
Logan_hudeki: I'd recommend installing what's marked as recommended at http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop.19:52
retiscan any one please tell me how can i set up genome desktop from terminal,accidentally i changed it to xtream and now want to get back gnome,i am new in ubuntu19:52
hudekiit's 64 bit processor19:53
L3tophudeki: I should say there shouldn't be19:53
Logan_Although, oddly enough, it recommends 32-bit for me.19:53
khmerogubuntu is 11.10 is draining my atom N450 battery faster than windows 7 starter19:53
khmerogmy netbook19:53
Logan_khmerog: Try upgrading to 12.04.19:53
samster34what does "2 beeps" mean in non-descript generic prebuilt motherboard language?19:54
khmerog12.04 not out until next week  i heard19:55
_rubencame out today19:55
hudekiOMG after upgrading ould not open file /var/lib/dpkg/ is gone :)19:55
Picisamster34: Try ##hardware for questions about hardware19:55
khmerogohh cool!!19:55
khmerogthanks ruben19:55
retiscan any one please tell me how can i set up genome desktop from terminal,accidentally i changed it to xtream and now want to get back gnome,i am new in ubuntu19:55
L3topsamster34: short beeps or long beeps19:55
airlynxhow do I collect a backtrace if apport crashes along with xfce?  ps x displays almost nothing after the crash but I am able to operate in tty mode.  There is nothing listed in /var/crash.  I am using 12.0419:56
samster34L3top: short, I think19:56
khmerogis there a way tp update to 1204? or do i have to dowload and partition and install all over again?19:56
samster34my guess would be it relates to VGA issues, since I get no picture...the card used to work fine though19:56
khmerogi am using 11.1019:56
Logan_khmerog: Just open up Update Manager.19:56
Ubun2toWhy is the 12.04 live DVD download not online?19:57
L3topeither parity short or memory problem samster34. I mean... depends on the bios... but typically it is memory19:57
PiciUbun2to: it is.19:57
Ubun2toNot for me.19:57
zeta-samster34: Have you tried just reseating the card?19:57
IsharaComixHey all: I've installed 11.04, but now it's hanging on bootup. I turned off "quiet splash" so I could see where it's hanging. It refuses to boot, hanging on the error "b43-phy0 ERROR: Firmware file "b43/ucode5.fw" not found. Any ideas on how to get grub to ignore this error?19:57
samster34zeta-: once19:57
L3top*generic memory problem19:57
urgodfathernevermind i got it19:57
naftilos76hi everyone, i am on ubuntu 10.10 and having a slight issue with thunderbird while using IMAP. A non-existant folder appears in thunderbird when i create an account. I try to delete it and i get a msg that this folder does not exist on the server side. If i delete it in the local file tree under .thunderbird/...... it appears again after a restart of thunderbird. Can anybody help?19:57
Logan_Ubun2to: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop19:57
TheBlackDazedHi Guys? Post-Upgrade my alt-key is gone. No events from the Window Manager under KDE. Any ideas how to fix that problem?19:57
samster34L3top: I just ran a complete RAM test a while ago19:58
PiciUbun2to: see cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/12.04/release/ or http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696919:58
zeta-samster34: I have found that can fix a card that has moved19:58
Ubun2toPici: not working for me http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/DVDs/ubuntu/12.04/release/   http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/DVDs/ubuntu/12.04/release/ubuntu-12.04-dvd-i386.iso19:58
samster34zeta-: well I only just out it in this box to begin with19:58
LABcrabHey Ubuntu!  Whoever told me to use MyUnity, it's not launching!  i also don't see the point.  Why not just have an auto-hide setting from the command line or something?19:59
L3topMemory error will not display anything samster34... though it could be a VGA no output error depending on bios also19:59
Logan_LABcrab: I recommended CCSM. Install CompizConfig Settings Manager from Ubuntu Software Center.19:59
samster34why would there be a memory error all of a sudden when it worked a few weeks ago, and hasn't been touched since20:00
L3topsamster34: typically a vga bad beep is one long two short iirc20:00
spikebikeis the 12.04 release identical to beta2?  I ran apt-get update, apt-get upgrade, as well as do-release-upgrade -d with nothing new offered20:00
khmerogthanks LOGAN_20:00
xangua!beta | spikebike20:01
ubottuspikebike: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.20:01
Logan_No problem, khmerog.20:01
spikebikexangua: heh, yeah, as I mentioned I did all that20:01
spikebikexangua: and the release is out and I got zilch20:01
intraderIs there a channel specific to unity, or to tomboy - I am not getting anywhere here, Pissed!20:02
khmerogis the creator of ubuntu also made lubuntu?20:02
assurbanipalhi guys i m having problems with installing gnome-shell extensions all day, just doesn't work.can someone help?20:02
Logan_intrader: #ubuntu-unity20:02
saschakbintrader: #ubuntu-unity20:02
airlynxI'm having a problem with XFCE crashing when I plug in certain USB devices, but I can't seem to find a crash log or backtrace anywhere in 12.04, can anyone help me?20:03
thebigbangi am  thebigbang20:03
=== thebigbang is now known as thebigbangas
nicon`Is here anyone using GTS450 NVIDIA on new Kubuntu?20:03
=== Ben__ is now known as b3nw
LABcrabLogan_: That is a scary tool for an average user like some of my friends, but thanks!  :)20:04
nicon`On 11.10 it was working fine, on nvidia drivers and nouveau.20:04
ox1d3how do i reinstall from thie boot message: No init found. try passing init= bootarg.20:04
ox1d3busybox v1.13.3 (ubuntu 1:1.13.3-ubuntu11) built in shell (ash)20:04
ox1d3enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.20:04
ox1d3(initramfs) [  3.060259 ieee1394: host added: id:bus[0-00:1023] GUID[000ae4aaaa27c398]20:04
FloodBot1ox1d3: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:04
tiagoA question, there's no problem in installing KDE AND XFCE in Ubuntu 12.04? I'm running it with GNOME 3.4.20:04
samster34reseated vga, and ram, still two beeps20:04
nicon`On 12.04 I've got resolution 640x480 on nvidia drivers, 1024x768 on nouveau.20:04
indermuehlei'm trying to mount mac smb shares to ubuntu server and its giving me "mount error(22): Invalid argument"; can anyone help?20:04
Logan_tiago: Should be fine. sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop for KDE and sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop for XFCE.20:04
benquanyone knows about adio ?20:05
Logan_!anyone | benqu20:05
ubottubenqu: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.20:05
thebigbangassanybody there20:05
thebigbangassfor helping me20:05
=== bubulle_ is now known as leagris
Logan_!ask | thebigbangass20:05
ubottuthebigbangass: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:05
irenicus09thebigbangass: im there whats the problem :P20:05
thebigbangassi burned ubuntu 11.10 iso on CD20:05
RovanionWhen I log in after my recent upgrade to 12.04 I get: System tray is unavavailable, quitting. And then the session is stuck at a blue screen.20:06
finish06has anyone upgraded from 11.11 to 12.04 via terminal?  if so, did anything break?20:06
leagrisHello, how to I make compiz ezoom zoming the unity launcher?20:06
thebigbangassAnd now want to install but does not work20:06
thebigbangassi burned ubuntu 11.11 iso on CD20:06
irenicus09Rovanion: blue screen of death?20:06
thebigbangassAnd now want to install but does not work20:06
samster34wow, I forgot the extra pci-e power plug. this hasnt happened to me before20:06
Rovanionirenicus09: No, a blue background20:06
leagrisHello, how do I make the app menu properly zomed in compiz ezoom ?20:06
thebigbangassmeeeeeeee no help20:06
thebigbangassbut why???20:06
scar3crowif I choose to install the server edition it will give me no GIU, right? and to get one I type: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop. am I correct?20:06
benquhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1965562 here is my problem.20:06
irenicus09thebigbangass: have patience man.20:06
leagrisHow do I get ride of Unity alltogather ?20:07
intraderthebigbangass, I think they will ignore you if you are not specific.20:07
indermuehlewhat am i doing wrong when I mount mac smb shares to ubuntu server with cifs and its giving me "mount error(22): Invalid argument"20:07
Scott99Why can't I speak in #oracle, the mode is set to +nt20:07
Rovanionscar3crow: Yes.20:07
thebigbangassi burned ubuntu 11.11 iso on CD20:07
thebigbangassAnd now want to install but does not work20:07
irenicus09thebigbangass: I understand u burned the cd but did u choose the slowest write speed?20:07
intraderthebigbangass, I think they will ignore you if you are not specific. What does not work20:07
thebigbangassif i am doing restart20:07
thebigbangassit tells me please insert a cd20:07
zeta-samster34: fixed it ?20:08
thebigbangassfrom my bio20:08
FloodBot1thebigbangass: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:08
ActionParsnipleagris: install a different shell, or a different DE like XFCE or KDE etc20:08
tiago<Logan_> thanks! I'll try it!20:08
thebigbangassit tells me please insert a cd from my BIOS!20:08
irenicus09thebigbangass: did u change the bios settings to boot dvd/cd first?20:08
scar3crowRovanion: will I get ythe actual server kernel/image if I install server?20:08
thebigbangassyes sure20:08
thebigbangassit checks cd but says no cd in there!20:08
Logan_tiago: No problem. :-)20:09
thebigbangassNo it isnt. the cd lays on my table next to me20:09
irenicus09thebigbangass: did u check the md5sum of the downloaded iso?20:09
thebigbangassyes sure i di20:09
ActionParsnipthebigbangass: did you MD5 test the ISO you burned? Did you burn as slow as possible? Does the CD drive get detected in BIOS?20:09
thebigbangassCD drive is detected and MD5 is right20:09
thebigbangassI burne slowest (8x)20:09
ActionParsnipthebigbangass: do you have multiple CD drives?20:09
Rovanionscar3crow: I have no idea if there is a difference in kernel between the two, so I wouldn't know.20:09
thebigbangassno only one20:09
thebigbangassi meant 4x20:09
RovanionWhen I log in after my recent upgrade to 12.04 I get: System tray is unavavailable, quitting. And then the session is stuck at a blue screen.20:10
ActionParsnipthebigbangass: does the CD spin up when you put it in?20:10
scar3crowRondom: k ty20:10
Dark_ApostropheHello, I just upgraded to 12.04. My keyboard layout has been reset to enUS20:10
thebigbangassActionParsnip: but it in? where in? what do you mean by that20:10
Dark_ApostropheI changed it back to what it should be in System Settings, yet apps start in enUS anyway20:10
ActionParsnipthebigbangass: when you put the CD in the tray, does the CD spin up?20:10
irenicus09thebigbangass: well...why dont u try burning another one  :P20:10
thebigbangassActionParsnip where putting in??20:11
thebigbangassActionParsnip  the cd lays near me as i told before: [22:09] <thebigbangass> No it isnt. the cd lays on my table next to me20:11
ActionParsnipthebigbangass: to boot the CD you need to putit in the CD drive...20:11
scar3crowspeaking of which.... how to burn @ 2X?20:11
irenicus09thebigbangass: or u could burn iso into your usb if u have one..20:11
thebigbangasshas the CD to be in the dvd drive ??20:11
=== xangua1 is now known as xangua
flipp_does wubi works well with windows 7 and ubuntu 12.04 or are there some boot problems still like in 10.10?20:12
irenicus09L3top: smells like troll lol.20:12
thebigbangasshas the CD to be in the dvd drive ??20:12
leagrisHow would you rate accessibility within ubuntu?20:12
tehowe_Hmn, if anyone's in Toronto I've burned a bunch of copies at the Linux Caffe (Grace/Harbord). Nobody's shown up in response to postering so I'm sure there'll be lots of copies here for the taking.20:12
intraderActionParsnip, what are your dealing with here - insering CD LOL20:13
samster34"BusyBox v1.18.5 (Buntu 1:1.18.5-1ubuntu4) built-in shell (ash)"  this means nomodeset worked, right?20:13
irenicus09ActionParsnip: insert n eject cd20:13
thebigbangassplease tell me have i put in the cd or not???20:13
JessicaWlooking for help with mounting a windows share on linux... Need someone with magic fingers. Was working now isn't. Getting Status code returned 0xc000006d NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE. was working now isn't. Nothing has changed.20:13
leagrisHow would you consider accessibility issues with compiz eZoom and Unity getting no answer and no help for more than a year now?20:13
donavan01I have a bug with the network manager ... it wont actually change the ifconfig information ... anyone else have this problem20:13
thebigbangassI thought it was burned the iso on HDD !!!20:13
Dark_ApostropheI've upgraded to 12.04 and my keyboard layout has been changed to enUS. I use a Norwegian keyboard. In System Settings, it says it is Norwegian, yet all programs that start do so with the enUS layout20:14
Dark_ApostropheCan anyone please help me?20:14
zeta-thebigbangass: only the hole from the middle of your CD should be in the drive20:14
LjLthebigbangass: this is not the place for trolling20:14
leagrisWhat other more visually impaired friendly distribution would you recommend rather than Ubuntu where nobody cares?20:14
thebigbangassi thought ISO is burned on hDD20:14
benquDoes anyone has time to help me whit audio problem?20:14
ziyadbIs the FF12 package available yet?20:14
thebigbangassso  i do not need inserting cd20:14
LjLthebigbangass: well, you were wrong. if you burn an ISO to a CD, it gets burned to the CD. now insert the CD and install.20:14
ambro718how do I update Chromium to the latest version (18.0.1025.162)? Currently it's stuck on .151.20:15
L3topNo... 12.04 installs by osmosis. It must simply be near by. If your bed is more than 4 ft away try putting it closer.20:15
thebigbangassLjL and why i downloaded the iso if i have got a cd ??20:15
LjLthebigbangass: i don't know, why did you?20:15
samster34"BusyBox v1.18.5 (Buntu 1:1.18.5-1ubuntu4) built-in shell (ash)"  this means nomodeset worked, right?20:15
irenicus09L3top: nice one lol20:15
flipp_!wubi windows7 12.0420:15
ubottuflipp_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:15
thebigbangassI downloaded and burned it on free CD20:15
MonkeyDustthebigbangass  very good, now reboot from the cd20:16
Logan_ambro718: .151 is the current version in the repository. You'll have to wait for .162 to be packaged for Ubuntu, or you can compile it yourself. ;-)20:16
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Oneiric/11.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/oneiric/wubi.exe20:16
ActionParsnipambro718: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc20:16
thebigbangassMonkeyDust: has the cd to be in the disk drive when booting from it ???20:16
L3topthebigbangass: an iso is a CD image. You burn the image to the cd, and then boot to it.20:16
flipp_alien64 does wubi worls well with w7 and 12.04?20:16
rogstWhen I turn the blur setting to off in the myunity dash options the background of the window switcher is missing, and the keyboard shortcut helper that shows when holding down the super key is also missing its background20:16
alien64flipp: no clue never tried20:17
MonkeyDustthebigbangass  yes, obviously20:17
ziyadbIs the FF12 package available yet?20:17
flipp_k thx20:17
samster34my keyboard doesn't work in the built-in shell..."device not accepting address 8, 9, 10", "unable to enumerate usb device on port 10"20:17
ActionParsnipziyadb: via PPA, probably20:17
flipp_btw http://wubi-installer.org/support.php from !wubi is 40420:17
qEssenceWell.. new user here, having a issue with insallation: In the first screen of the proccess, where the top bar loads and you see the desktop, no dialog is being showed, instead of this the circle mouse pointer of loading is frozen, and, although i can move the mouse, nothing at all hapens, tested this for hours.20:17
qEssenceanyone having theese issues?20:17
ziyadbActionParsnip: yeah. makes sense.20:17
qEssenceOr, knows how to hndle it?20:18
ziyadbthank you.20:18
ActionParsnipqEssence: what GPU do you use?20:18
alien64flipp: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wubi20:18
qEssencenVidia, but it does not seems to be a GPU problem.20:18
samster34help :( my keyboard doesn't work in the built-in shell..."device not accepting address 8, 9, 10", "unable to enumerate usb device on port 10"20:18
L3topqEssence: You might have a bad burn on the cd image. Check the md5 sum against the one listed for your image.20:18
FlimFlamManwould it be faster for me to upgrade from the last pangolin beta and then update with apt?  i'm showing about 9 hours remaining on my download.20:19
ActionParsnipqEssence: add the boot option:  nouveau.blacklist=1    should help20:19
jribFlimFlamMan: use a local miror20:19
NurseDadqEssence: did you run it a s live session first20:19
qEssenceYes, forbog to mention it, i've already tested that, md5 is ok, and i have burned it twice at 4x.20:19
jribmirror even20:19
ActionParsnipambro718: if you can give the output of the command, I can advise20:19
L3topqEssence: take ActionParsnip's advice over mine20:19
qEssenceno NurseDad .20:19
ambro718ActionParsnip: precise; I guess I'll just have to wait20:19
Untouchab1eanyone know how the guest account feature in ubuntu is implemented?20:19
KircleGuys I'm still downloading the updates for 12.04. If I cancel the update will I be able to resume downloading the fies when I next try to update?20:19
ActionParsnipambro718: not at all ;)20:19
alien64FlimFlamMan thats less than 30kbs20:20
qEssenceOk, i'll test that, thanks for the tip guys. :)20:20
assurbanipalhi guys i m having problems with installing gnome-shell extensions all day, just doesn't work.can someone help?20:20
ActionParsnipambro718: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chromium-daily/stable; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade20:20
L3topWhat is your specific question Untouchab1e20:20
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Untouchab1eIm trying to get the same thing in OpenSUSE.. for now Ive just discovered that the guest account in ubuntu is has its home directory created in the /tmp/ folder. which is easy to get working, but not sure how to implementing deletion of the home folder upon logout (or login)20:20
ActionParsnipambro718: works here ;)20:20
Musaabwould there be any reason I am not getting the shortcut overlay20:21
FlimFlamManalien64: i'm connected via a university network, i imagine the bottleneck is upstream...20:21
MonkeyDustambro718  the chromium daily build ruined my system, some ubuntu versions ago, hope you know what you're doing20:21
ActionParsnipMusaab: do you mean the unity bar, on theleft?20:21
Untouchab1eL3top: Ubuntu does it perfectly, but there is no such feature in OpenSUSE, so I would have to make it myself somehow20:21
Musaabthe big overlay that has all the shortcuts listed20:21
ActionParsnipMusaab: what happens when you press SuperL (aka 'windows key')20:21
ambro718ActionParsnip: thanks, it's updating.20:22
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust: just for a browser, very weird20:22
alien64FlimFlamMan: humm yeah at the ubuntu servers lol20:22
MusaabActionParsnip, the unity launcher comes out and the numbers appear20:22
ActionParsnipambro718: if you read the text, you can see the version number ;)20:22
Hubarzcan someone give me the original md5sum for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64 bit desktop?20:22
intraderIs there a channel specific to unity, or to tomboy - I am not getting anywhere here, Pissed!20:22
ambro718MonkeyDust: ruined your system? that's hard to believe20:22
Logan_intrader: You asked that already. It's #ubuntu-unity.20:23
irenicus09Hubarz: it is available on the download site itself20:23
MonkeyDustambro718  had to reinstall ubuntu, due to that PPA20:23
jschallhow are the update servers doing?20:23
JessicaWlooking for help with mounting a windows share on linux... Was working now isn't. Getting Status code returned 0xc000006d NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE.20:23
scar3crowservers arre slooooooooooooooooow20:23
ActionParsnipHubarz: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/precise/release/MD5SUMS20:23
jschallthey need better servers :(20:23
MonkeyDustscar3crow  ubuntu is very popular, the servers are very busy20:24
ActionParsnipscar3crow: try using apt-fast ;)20:24
LjL... or fewer people frantically downloading on release day :P20:24
L3topI think I misunderstood your question Untouchab1e. I thought you were looking for how the temporary users work on live disks20:24
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Hubarzmy .iso is corrupted :(20:24
scar3crowty action20:24
ActionParsnipJessicaW: are you connecting using nautilus?20:24
ActionParsnipHubarz: use torrents20:24
Untouchab1eL3top: Im just trying to get the same functionality in OpenSUSE :)20:24
jschallthere should be an apt-get based on torrents20:24
jschallthat'd be cool20:24
FlimFlamManis it possible to upgrade from the 12.04 beta cd, then update packages later to get fully upgraded without downloading a bunch of stuff?20:24
JessicaWActionParsnip: this is from the command line.20:24
jschallprobably too much overhead for small packages, though20:24
ActionParsnipjschall: apt-fast uses 3 sources20:25
Estragoncan I easily upgrade from a 32 to a 64 bits ubuntu without losing data ?20:25
L3topscar3crow: jschall: the servers have been throttled purposefully because of the volume of traffic on release day. If you can wait a day or two it will not be this way.20:25
ActionParsnipJessicaW: do you have a desktop UI?20:25
MonkeyDustEstragon  backup and fresh install20:25
zeta-can I upgrade while chatting on irc?20:25
ox1deon boot I get this message: No init found. try passing init= bootarg.20:25
ox1debusybox v1.13.3 (ubuntu 1:1.13.3-ubuntu11) built in shell (ash)20:25
ox1deenter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.20:25
ox1de(initramfs) [  3.060259 ieee1394: host added: id:bus[0-00:1023] GUID[000ae4aaaa27c398]20:25
FloodBot1ox1de: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:25
ox1dehow do i reinstall or fix it?20:25
ActionParsnipEstragon: you'll need to reinstall.20:25
Bennlucky7128f0c16f4734c420b0185a492d92e52 *ubuntu-12.04-desktop-amd64.iso20:25
Estragonthanks MonkeyDust & ActionParsnip20:25
ActionParsnipEstragon: its not an upgrade to change architecture20:25
jschallActionParsnip: i'd rather not use anything that could mess it up20:25
ActionParsnipEstragon: you should have a backup if your data is important20:25
alien64getting alot of corrupt iso's and wasted dload time someone needs to fix that :) hint hint ...20:26
ActionParsnipjschall: it's just apt-get + axel20:26
heckmanalien64: use torrents20:26
L3topUntouchab1e: if you are indeed talking about the temporary users, I do not believe that a folder is created in Home, firstly. Nor am I familiar with Suse enough to know if it can set a single session nopass user like ubuntu does.20:26
Hubarzis there a list of all aviavible mirrors?20:26
ActionParsnipalien64: use torrents20:26
JessicaWActionParsnip: yes but I've only rarely used it.20:26
scar3crowok thanks for the fyi.... I'm backing up my data from a wubi install for a direct install.... very impressed with the release, btw (ty devs)20:26
samster34help, I can't run the live version or install ubuntu, seems like a video problem, but when I try to boot into the shell with nomodeset, my keyboard doesn't work and I can't do anything20:26
heckmanIs there an echo in here?20:26
JessicaWActionParsnip: it's been mounting fine with sudo mount -t smbfs //server/D$ /mount -o user=samba,pass=password,dir_mode=0775,gid=1009,noperm20:26
borillionActionParsnip, In a bit of a pickle http://www.adobe.com/svg/viewer/install/svgtest.html#sidenavend20:26
EstragonI have backup of important data, but reinstalling every software and configuration will be painful20:26
Untouchab1eL3top: the home folder is placed in /tmp indeed, or at least thats what Ive read20:26
FyodorovnaHubarz, software sources has a mirror list20:26
ActionParsnipJessicaW: in nautilus you can connect to servers and specify usernames and paswords there20:26
L3topahh... yes sorry. this is correct Untouchab1e20:26
Bennlucky7Hubarz: http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/MD5SUMS20:27
JessicaWActionParsnip: I ran a security update last night and rebooted and now can't connect.20:27
Untouchab1eL3top: phew, haha20:27
alien64im not upgrading just yet but torrent info is good for those who are20:27
FlimFlamManif i cancel the upgrade, will the downloads i've gotten so far be kept for when i run it again?20:27
JessicaWActionParsnip: nautilus. is that like a graphical explorer or something?20:27
L3topUntouchab1e: The /tmp dir is cleared every time a boot happens.20:27
NurseDadqEssence: is the live dvd working20:27
samster34my keyboard doesn't work when I boot into the shell, what do I do?20:27
alien64the real problem is ubuntu needs to fix what they didnt get right :)20:28
ox1decan anybody help?20:28
Untouchab1eL3top: oh, really? Thought it was on reboot only... woulndt that mean that if my guest user's home folder is in /tmp/, then it would clear out on logoff automatically?20:28
qEssencei have not tried that NurseDad, sorry, im going to test the nouveau.blacklist=1 option, and see what happens.20:28
Untouchab1eL3top: oops, misread you20:28
borillioncan anyone see this http://www.adobe.com/svg/viewer/install/svgtest.html#sidenavendv ?20:28
Untouchab1eyou cleary said boot, not login :P20:28
Untouchab1eor logout, haha20:28
intraderIs there a channel specific to unity, or to tomboy - I am not getting anywhere here, Pissed!20:28
alien64spend 9 hrs dloading a bad iso is bull20:28
bc``i just popped in a usb drive20:28
bc``where on earth would i find that mounted?20:28
NurseDadbc: /media20:29
NurseDadi think20:29
ambro718JessicaW: it's a file manager + draws the desktop and desktop icons (the latter can be disabled after some googling)20:29
L3topbc``:  checl /media20:29
bc``i love you20:29
bc``i think20:29
bc``only thing showing there is /cdrom20:29
Bennlucky7FlimFlamMan its okay u dont have to worry it will continue update again last file20:29
JessicaWActionParsnip: I"m running 10.04. I think it's thunar file manager or something20:30
alien64bc``:  open file manager see if its there20:30
ActionParsnipalien64: could add the torrent, then kil the torrent client. Copy in the file you have then rerun the client. It may repair the file (or delete it and redownload). Torrents will go faster as it uses the user base and not the Ubuntu servers which are VERY busy20:30
FlimFlamManBennlucky7: thanks20:30
atsihi i cant update (Failed to fetch http://gr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/u/utouch-geis/libutouch-geis1_2.2.9-0ubuntu2_i386.deb 404  Not Found20:30
ox1destill need help20:30
paddysteedXorg is using 1.5 gigs of ram and firefox is scrolling really slow through reddit; problem?20:30
ActionParsnipJessicaW: I beleive thunar can do it, not used thunar in aaaages20:30
L3topbc``:  then  it is not likely mounted.20:30
ActionParsnipatsi: try:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade20:30
* scar3crow nods got the image via torrent in 7 mins ;)20:30
JessicaWActionParsnip: why wouldn't command line work? it's worked in the past. Till I ran an update.20:31
ActionParsnipwhy are people NOT using torrents is the main question....20:31
JessicaWActionParsnip: sudo mount -t smbfs //server/D$ /mount -o user=samba,pass=password,dir_mode=0775,gid=1009,noperm20:31
bc``nope-- i don't see it in the filesystem20:31
finish06ActionParsnip, that is a good question!  the torrent is so much faster!!20:31
JessicaWActionParsnip: cifs doesn't work either.20:31
ActionParsnipfinish06: and more reliable20:31
MusaabActionParsnip, I found out it doesn't show up on netbooks, that's why :)  (cuz of lower resolution)20:31
softcoderneed help with the software center20:32
ActionParsnipJessicaW: are there bugs reported?20:32
alien64ActionParsnip not upgrading here so no need for all that just bitching cuz ubuntu wonts ppl to download there defective iso's:)20:32
L3topox1de: reviving from busybox is often an involved process, things are busy... you picked a terrible day to have a time intensive problem. Flooding the chat will not get you helped quicker.20:32
t0ntinHi, all. I installed 12.04, updated it, restarted, got to the part where I choose either windows or ubuntu, I chose Ubuntu and the computer reboots every time. Any ideas?20:32
softcoderwhen i try to enter a review the singing n popup windows hangs20:32
softcoderusing precise with latest updates20:32
ActionParsnipalien64: never had a bad ISO here, always used torrents.20:32
ox1dei didnt flood i was just pasting the boot error message20:32
ox1dewhat is busy box?20:32
JessicaWActionParsnip: I know there's got to be a place to check that but don't know where.20:32
heckmanalien64: torrents20:32
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:32
alien64ActionParsnip: you part of the dev team20:33
L3top!pm | ox1de20:33
ubottuox1de: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.20:33
heckmanalien64: I downloaded the Server ISOs (amd64 and i686) in about 15 minutes using torrents.20:33
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heckmanalien64: it's expected that the web servers will be under heavy load, so use a protocol designed to handle such requirements (BitTorrent)20:33
Motafocaguys, im using network managed for my wireless config, i have 20 access points on my device, when i move around, the network-manager connects to the device with more signal, so far so good, but this "scan time" takes about 2min to accour, i needed it to be faster, any ideas how? i tried wicd also, but its worse and bugged20:34
samster34my keyboard doesn't work in the built-in shell, what can I do?20:34
rahulwadhhow can i update ubuntu 10.04 to 12.04 directly?20:34
alien64heckman: dude i aint upgraiding and heavy load aint got nothing to do with them putting bad iso's up lol20:34
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finish06rahulwadh, was 10.04 the last LTS?20:35
heckmanrahulwadh: apt-get install release-manager-core -y && do-release-upgrade20:35
Hubarzrahulwadh: sudo do-release-upgrade20:35
Fyodorovnafinish06, yes.20:35
scar3crowrahulwadh: backup /home and reinstall.... it's the BEST way20:35
JessicaWActionParsnip: if thunar can do it I can't figure out how....20:35
rahulwadhscar3crow why shouldn't i update?20:35
finish06Fyodorovna, thanks!  :)20:35
dforthmanI read somewhere there were issues upgrading to 12.04 from 10.04.20:35
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scar3crowI am updating atm and getting errors :-/20:36
heckmandforthman: there always is20:36
ManuelSantanahas the new version of buntu been released yet?20:36
heckmanManuelSantana: yes, about 8 hours ago20:36
ManuelSantanathe official?20:36
dforthmanManuelSantana, yes.20:36
samster34anyone? my keyboard won't work when I boot into the shell, but I can't boot otherwise because of video driver issues20:36
heckmanManuelSantana: why not check ubuntu.com?20:36
heckmansamster34: are you trying to install Ubuntu?20:36
ManuelSantanais it available on bittorrent?20:36
ManuelSantanaok heckman20:37
samster34heckman: yes20:37
Logan_MannerMan: Yes.20:37
heckmanManuelSantana: as with every other Ubuntu release, yes. http://releases.ubuntu.com20:37
heckmansamster34: why not try using alternative install ISO?20:37
ManuelSantanathanks heckman20:37
finish06 using the upgrade tool, it said it will take 4 hours to d/l the updates!  WOW.... I have a 16megb d/l20:37
heckmanManuelSantana: np20:37
DanielConvissorManuelSantana: it's all over the home page20:37
jribfinish06: use a local mirror for your repositories20:37
Logan_ManuelSantana: The torrents are on this page: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/alternative-downloads20:38
finish06jrib, you wanna give me a link that shows me how to do such?  and THANKS (i am googling ATM)20:38
samster34heckman: because even if I could get it installed, I still couldn't boot it20:38
ManuelSantanathanks logan20:38
upsetI have tried both alternative i386 isos, written them to a drive with startup disk creator, unetbootin, and dd, and they look fine with md5sum but do not pass their own disk checks.20:38
vexaxvhey guys does 12.04 have an option to install as an upgrade  FROM A USB20:38
heckmansamster34: In the past I've had issues with install ISOs, when booting to the distro worked.20:38
jribfinish06: in software properties there should be a tab that lets you configure your repositories/sources20:38
ManuelSantanathanks Logan_20:38
heckmansamster34: specifically with an ATi/AMD video card.20:38
upsetWhat on earth do I do20:38
L3topox1de: A reinstall would be a grand idea, if you are open to it. Backup your home folder onto something from a live disk... and as 1204 was JUST released (why it is so busy in here), you might just try that.20:38
Logan_ManuelSantana: No problem.20:38
samster34heckman: its nvidia, and I can't boot ANY linux20:38
ox1dei cant get into the home folder20:39
heckmansamster34: well, you could install using alternative ISO then install your drivers via command-line.20:39
ox1dehow do i get the live cd to load from a bad boot?20:39
samster34heckman: but my keyboard doesn't work when I boot into the shell :/20:39
vexaxvanyone install 12.04 via usb??20:40
heckmansamster34: so you installed using alternative ISO, booted to your distro, and then hit: CTRL+ALT+F1 ?20:40
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D|nAvexaxv, yes me20:40
JessicaWlooking for help mounting a windows share. getting "Status code returned 0xc000006d NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE"20:40
vexaxvD|nA, is there an option for upgrade?20:40
Bennlucky7rahulwadh: open your update manager every new ubuntu release should tell u if u wanna upgrade the 12.04 new realease20:40
dforthmanJessicaW, it means the username/password required to access the share is incorrect.20:40
JessicaWhow do you check which updates were last installed?20:40
D|nAif you have installed an older version of ubuntu yes20:41
heckmanJessicaW: I think there are some logs under /var/log/apt20:41
finish06jrib, thanks for the recommendation mate! ... the new d/l time is 8 minutes\20:41
samster34heckman: no, but would I have the same problem of not being able to boot the distro in the first place?20:41
jribfinish06: :)20:41
vexaxvD|nA, so ive got 11.10 so i can "upgrade" to 12.04 via usb?20:41
intraderIs there a channel specific to unity, or to tomboy - I am not getting anywhere here, Pissed!20:41
D|nAyeap, installer is the same20:41
Logan_intrader: Please stop asking that. I've answered you twice now.20:42
heckmansamster34: hard to say.  Might, might not.20:42
JessicaWdforthman: but they are correct. they've been working for months20:42
finish06jrib, lol, went from 46kB/s to 2,254kB/s @ the moment20:42
vexaxvD|nA, sweet thanks it wont delete any of my files will it? documents? home folder?20:42
paddysteedXorg is using 1.5 gigs of ram and firefox is scrolling really slow through reddit; problem?20:42
ManuelSantanaWhat is the easiest backup app for ubuntu20:42
D|nAvexaxv, 10.10>11.04>11.10 in a netbook with upgrades20:42
Logan_ManuelSantana: It comes with one.20:42
D|nAvexaxv, no, it's an upgrade not a clean install20:42
samster34heckman: to clarify, I've tried anything from debian to gentoo, mint, suse, older ubuntus...20:42
Scott99MannerMan, tar20:42
iHarpAnyone having hangs or decrease in speed Internet-wise with 12.04?20:42
intraderLogan_, where is your answer - I have not seen it. Would mind repeating your answer?20:42
atsiφάλμα http://gr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-proposed/main libutouch-geis1 i386 2.2.9-0ubuntu220:43
atsi  404  Not Found20:43
atsiΑποτυχία ανάκτησης του http://gr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/u/utouch-geis/libutouch-geis1_2.2.9-0ubuntu2_i386.deb   404  Not Found20:43
Logan_intrader: It's #ubuntu-unity.20:43
upsetWhat's the protocol for when you have a query and no one answers? Do I just leave?20:43
ManuelSantanawhich one?20:43
atsiςηατ ισ τηισ20:43
heckmansamster34: And all are busted?  Seems you hit the lottery, heh20:43
FloodBot1atsi: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:43
dforthmanJessicaW, depending on how your Windows environment is set up, the password may be/need to be changed. Can you verify the username/password is correct and the account is not locked?20:43
Logan_!patience | upset20:43
ubottuupset: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/20:43
samster34heckman: and only in mint was I able to boot into shell, start X from there and sucessfully have a desktop running off a live disk...but the install failed...20:43
D|nAvexaxv, you can also upgrade from ubuntu updates, you'll get a notify that's a new distro version is out.20:43
Logan_!hebrew | atsi20:43
ubottuatsi: לשיחות בשפה העברית ולגישה לקהילת המשתמשים העברית אנא הקלד:20:43
ubottu/join #ubuntu-il20:43
vexaxvD|nA, ah thats what i thought, sorry for all the questions but the universal usb installer is a good software to use for this right?20:43
JessicaWdforthman: yes. It's a local account on the machine. We created a second account just to verify.20:43
Scott99ManuelSantana: tar is the easiest backup app20:43
upsetLogan_: Yeah, but that assumes I will wait for eternity, when in all likelihood no one will answer. Should I leave, or query again?20:44
qm12dhi guys, i've just upgraded to ubuntu, and there is no session menu on the top panel20:44
vexaxvD|nA, k thanks man, cya20:44
paddysteedScott99, dont be a dick20:44
intraderLogan_, thank you, I hope it will be better there. I have issues with restoring tomboy, synchrnization , etc20:44
iHarpAnyone having hangs or decrease in speed Internet-wise with 12.04?20:44
atsiok sorry im new20:44
ManuelSantanascheduled backups?20:44
borillion guys is there a way to decompile *.so files from abandoned programs?20:44
roddI get "10.10 is available" instead of 12.0420:44
samster34what do you know, the alternate iso torrent is much faster than the regular one20:44
qm12ddoes anybody know how to make session many appear on the top panel20:44
Logan_upset: If it's been a while since you asked with no response, then you can repeat the question. However, if people continue not to answer, it may be a question that would be better for the forums/another place online.,20:44
paddysteedManuelSantana, deja dup20:44
borillionrodd check your sources20:45
upsetLogan_: Fair enough20:45
countfuzzballrsync might be good for backups, maybe?20:45
Logan_rodd: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuDesktop#Upgrading_from_Ubuntu_10.04_LTS_to_Ubuntu_12.04_LTS20:45
L3topcountfuzzball: rsync is great for backups.20:45
roddthanks borillion Logan_20:45
spartan2276How can I fix my current Upgrade issues, Ubiquity is just sitting there and it wont finish the upgrade?20:45
Logan_rodd: No problem. :-)20:45
marcuskcountfuzzball: it's great for synchronization but not backups20:46
L3topcountfuzzball: to backup an entire partition or hd I recommend clonezilla20:46
samster344 minutes to download the 12.04-alternate-amd64.iso via torrent. neat.20:46
ox1dehow do i reinstall the ubuntu live CD from a bad boot?20:46
Scott99paddysteed, i'm not being a dick. i do all my backups with tar. simple and lets you control what you want backing up20:46
ox1dei'm downloading teh version1220:46
caytchenhey, i'm using xubuntu 12.04 and after booting and login I just get an empty screen with the wallpaper20:46
countfuzzballL3top: how about dd? or does that require the resulting image size exactly fit the target hdd size?20:46
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paddysteedScott99, but can you honestly say it is the simplest solution for a noob?20:47
softcoderwhat is the text file storing all software sources in precise (and location) ?20:47
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spartan2276the Install screen is just frozen, please help20:47
L3topcountfuzzball: dd works, but can very easily blow things up. I strongly recommend clonezilla, which will backup over networks or physical devices, with any number of options20:47
Logan_softcoder: /etc/apt/sources.list20:48
countfuzzballAh right, cool!20:48
marcuskNice, took just 8 seconds to download ubuntu-12.04-alternate-amd64.iso with wget.20:48
Logan_softcoder: np20:48
L3topox1de: You burn the image to a CD or USB drive, and boot to IT.20:48
samster34so, uh, how do I make a bootable usb flash drive for the alternate iso? the tool recommended only wants isos called desktop or server...should I just rename it?20:48
ox1dehow do i boot the CD? bios??20:49
caytchensamster34: I used unetbootin, worked fine20:49
upsetI have tried both alternative i386 isos, written them to a drive with startup disk creator, unetbootin, and dd, and they look fine with md5sum but do not pass their own disk checks.20:49
marcusksamster34: dd if=ubuntu-iso of=/dev/<usb device> bs=1M20:49
upsetWhat can I do?20:49
samster34marcusk: I'm on windows20:49
rodd"10.04 to 12.04 upgrades don't get turned on until the point release, 12.04.1." does that information proceeds?20:49
L3topox1de: yes. Typically CD is an earlier boot option than hd unless you have specifically changed it, in which case... obviously that is how you change it back.20:50
Bennlucky7ox1de:  change the 1st startup in bios from hrdsk to cdrom20:50
marcusksamster34: I'm sure there is a port or similiar tool available20:50
samster34caytchen: that tool doesn't have 12.04 available in the menus :/20:51
=== fapfapfapfapfap is now known as tartine_speculos
saimon777holy fucc, it's the release day and yet there is a kernel upgrade20:51
caytchensamster34: doesn't need to, just choose the ISO image20:51
Logan_!language | saimon77720:51
DanielConvissorcountfuzzball: for backups, i have shell scripts that call rsync the way i want it.20:51
ubottusaimon777: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.20:51
L3topsamster34: is the tool unetbootin? because you can specify an iso, rather than choosing one of the predefined options which will download whatever you specify20:51
Logan_saimon777: But, yes, odd timing.20:51
Bennlucky7rodd: ucan upgrade it from iso too20:51
samster34caytchen: L3top: ah, right..I thought I had to select both, sorry20:51
L3top;) samster3420:52
mystblade9My Ubuntu LiveCD is hanging at the purple screen where it shows the accessibility sign. What gives?20:52
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caytchenis there a reason xubuntu would work with the guest account but not the main account created on setup? :(20:52
DanielConvissorcountfuzzball: dd can make images, but that's for when your system is off line.  the destination drive needs to have room >= drive copying from.20:52
saimon777anyone had problems on first boot with nvidia card and nouveau?20:52
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samster34saimon777: well I haven't even gotten to the part where I can boot yet, but I'd say yes20:53
mystblade9saimon777: I have an nVidia card and the liveCD isn't booting for me.20:53
saimon777i solved with non graphical install20:53
saimon777then from root installed nvidia drivers20:53
samster34saimon777: how do I get the nvidia drivers?20:53
Bennlucky7mystblade9: have u check md5 the file20:53
mystblade9how did that bug get through testing? o.O20:53
saimon777root terminal20:53
samster34saimon777: yeah, but what do I type :p20:54
corebvmware play 4, ubuntu 12.04, norwegian layoit keyboard doesn't work - suggestions?20:54
diakiteneed help am newcomer20:54
saimon777apt-get install nvidia-current20:54
L3topsamster34: apt-get install nvidia-current   assuming your card isnt 300 years old20:54
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L3topsamster34: precede that with sudo20:54
mystblade9saimon777: So the installed system WAS bootable?20:54
samster34saimon777: L3top: thanks20:54
tottto-drummondwhat is your pblem diakite20:55
samster34L3top: it's a 9800 GT....20:55
L3topthat will work then.20:55
samster34L3top: phew20:55
mystblade9samster34: Same here. Seems we're in the same boat.20:55
diakiteI've been installing ubuntu-desktop on  my laptop . now *I wanna now if is it correct?20:55
samster34mystblade9: "burning" the alternate install right now, hoping for the best20:55
saimon777this recent kernel upgrade is related to that driver problem or what?20:56
ejvguinea pigs, unleashed! :)20:56
samster34diakite: there is no laptop version, if that's what youre asking20:56
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samster34so yes, desktop is fine20:56
alien64diakite: yes20:56
L3topcorrect samster34 and diakite20:56
bc``anyone know what might be causing this?20:57
bc``media@xbmc:~$ sudo fdisk /dev/sde20:57
bc``fdisk: unable to read /dev/sde: Input/output error20:57
skramblehi all20:57
bc``it's the usb drive i'm working on20:57
diakiteor which version I'm supposed to use?20:57
saimon777mystblade9:  it was not20:57
intraderThere is hardly a soul in #ubuntu-unity. Useless to go there, Useless to stay here?20:57
samster34diakite: desktop's fine. there really isn't much else, unless you want to run the server version? :p20:57
borillionis there a way to filter wine apps with these lens things on unity?20:57
ejvit's unable to read the disk for various reasons, loose cable, drive failure, etc.20:58
saimon777i started in fallback mode or something like that20:58
datruthHow can I destroy the kde wallet service? everytime I boot up it comes up in 12.04 kubuntu?20:58
samster34saimon777: that's what I'm trying with the livecd, but then my keyboard won't work and I can't do anything20:58
jlsjonashey; just did auto upgrade from ubuntu11.10 => 12.04 (amd64) & now I'm stuck at the plain purple loading screen20:58
alien64samster34 think he wonts 64bit or 32bit20:58
|Anthony|why doesn't apt do simultaneous downloads?20:58
jlsjonasany ideas for a workaround?20:58
samster34alien64: oh.20:58
saimon777destroy live cd20:58
mystblade9Wow, how did a bug like THIS get through testing20:59
samster34diakite: in that case, if it installs and runs, it's fine :p20:59
mystblade9jlsjonas: You seem to be having the same problem as us. Do you have an nVidia video card?20:59
saimon777then download alternate install iso20:59
diakiteok, I'll still stay on it20:59
jlsjonasno nvidia drivers tough20:59
saimon777do a non graphical install20:59
alien64samster34 but i might be wrong:)20:59
saimon777start in fallback mode20:59
mystblade9jlsjonas: Yeah, the nVidia card/drivers (I think it's nouvou) are the culprit.21:00
intraderI am browsing a document on firebox - it appears that the down arrow key does not cause scroll.21:00
saimon777from root terminal install dat drivers21:00
samster34mystblade9: the weird thing is....on my desktop system it works flawlessly with the same video card21:00
jlsjonasis there a workaroung id mystblade9 ?21:00
samster34mystblade9: in fact, with a whole bunch of other nvidia cards21:00
mystblade9samster34: weird o.O21:00
jlsjonas(without doing a clean install)21:00
mystblade9samster34: Propietary drivers though, right?21:00
ejv|Anthony|: https://github.com/tatsuhiro-t/apt-metalink21:01
samster34mystblade9: unless they ship with ubuntu, no21:01
mystblade9jlsjonas: Without doing a clean install.. Well, try booting into recovery mode and type: apt-get install nvidia-current21:01
ThePendulumIs there anyway to tell what workspace I'm on when switching with the compiz cube?21:01
alien64ive had bad luck with Propietary drivers with ati21:01
samster34mystblade9: just pop the live cd in, boots, works, no issue at all.21:01
Logan_alien64: Same here. The open source driver works fine for me.21:01
alien64yup same21:02
jlsjonascan't, not getting grub21:02
mystblade9samster34: Weird. Maybe it's specific to the 9800GT?21:02
samster34I also tried an ati card, but then the PC won't even post, despite the card working in two other PCs...21:02
jlsjonasdirectly going into normal ubuntu apperently21:02
Logan_alien64: After installing the proprietary driver, it gave me an error and then booted into Unity 2D. :-P21:02
samster34mystblade9: nope, I also popped in the GT420/220 and same thing21:02
mystblade9jlsjonas: hold SHIFT while booting.21:02
alien64the ati driver is corrupt the first one in the list lol just to be expected21:02
intraderI am browsing a document on firebox - it appears that the down arrow key does not cause scroll.21:02
Fyodorovnajlsjonas, you have one OS?21:02
jlsjonasohh, wasn't it esc ><21:02
jlsjonasye Fyodorovna21:02
intraderI am browsing a document on firebox - it appears that the down arrow key does not cause scroll.21:03
decksmasherHI..im putting a cd in my drive wich has ubuntu on it, butr sais the disc is blank.? but if i put it in my windows machine it shows all the pictures ive downloaded on it.but in the ubuntu machine its not reconized,just sais the disc is blank wich its not.?21:03
Fyodorovnajlsjonas, esc or shift not sure what your running.21:03
Logan_!repeat | intrader21:03
ubottuintrader: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:03
jlsjonasshift :)21:03
jlsjonascombination maybe...21:03
vexaxvhow do i find out what drive my usb is connected too??21:03
alien64i like it they wont use to check md5 sums but it appears they dont for drivers or iso's21:03
mystblade9I guess i'll just wait for a fixed LiveCD21:03
jlsjonasjep, combination ><21:04
samster34mystblade9: of course, win7 runs fine on the pc.21:04
ejvthe livecd is broken? ha21:04
Fyodorovnavexaxv, what drive?21:04
intraderLogan_, thanks, and I am doing as you suggested since day before yesterday.21:04
jlsjonasnote to self: don't do upgrade anymore >.<21:04
samster34mystblade9: but any kind of linux, even the DBAN tool, won't work21:04
mystblade9ejv: Yep. It's not booting for specific nVidia cards.21:04
mystblade9samster34: :o all linuxes?21:04
hnszvexaxv: What device is connected to usb?21:04
mystblade9samster34: Arch Linux worked fine for me.21:04
ejvwell that's odd :)21:04
vexaxvFyodorovna, ive got a usb connected into my laptop, i want to know which drive it is in (im installing 12.04 via usb)21:04
softcoderother than sources.lst where else does the update-manager look for software source (like google chrome) ?21:04
samster34mystblade9: all I've tried. gentoo, debian, suse, mint, I'm forgetting some I tried21:05
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Fyodorovnavexaxv, sudo fdisk -l21:05
vexaxvim trying to find out which drive my usb is connected too im installing 12.04 via usb21:05
walterwojhow do I set my IRC client up so it's not @root, there is a channel I want to get into that bans @root21:05
zicadawhats the preferred method of changing fontsize in ubuntu 12.04 ?21:05
Bennlucky7vexaxv: check ur folder and see that usb location21:05
vexaxv12.04 isnt broken is it?21:05
zicadai noticed it said while installing that you can do it, but i dont see any obvious ways of doing so21:05
jribwalterwoj: why don't you not run your client as root?21:05
alien64walterwoj not a question for here21:06
L3topthe first day an OS is released a handful of gpu's don't display right on an opensource driver? Say it isn't so!     So... which of those complaining are opening a bug file?21:06
Fyodorovnawalterwoj, not run your computer in root will do it.21:06
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Logan_!rootirc | walterwoj21:06
ubottuwalterwoj: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.21:06
mystblade9L3top: Unfortunately, it is as such. I'm not the only one complaining about it.21:06
walterwojduh! ok, I got stuff to do then, thanks21:06
zombie_i need help with ntfsfix. It has messed up my partitions. All the partitions mount automatically on boot and i am unable to unmount the partitions.21:06
softcoderother than sources.lst where else does the update-manager look for software source (like google chrome) ?21:07
* L3top was being sarcastic. Such things are to be expected... who is filing a bug?21:07
Bennlucky7softcoder:  synaptic manager maybe21:07
vexaxvokay im lost21:07
goddardhow go the upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04?21:07
softcoderis there a file i can edit?21:08
softcoderto remove dups etc?21:08
zombie_i need help with ntfsfix. It has messed up my partitions. All the partitions mount automatically on boot and i am unable to unmount the partitions.21:08
Fyodorovnasoftcoder, soures.list.d21:08
vexaxvim using universal usb creator and it says select which drive to install on the usb it gives me z or c21:08
vexaxvi dont know how to find out which one im connected too21:08
* jlsjonas hopes installing nvidia-current will fix it, it's my main pc >.<21:08
samster34ok, I'm trying the alternate install's commandline install option...it asked me to select a language, and then my keyboard stopped working.21:08
MonkeyDust!upgrade| goddard21:08
ubottugoddard: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade21:08
Bennlucky7softcoder: yes but u search what u wanna look for because is too many there21:08
Fyodorovnavexaxv, in the terminal run sudo fdisk -l it will list the partitikons21:09
zombie_please i need help21:09
softcoderso what file?21:09
Ammar_After installing ubuntu 12.04 I still see banshee in the menu21:09
Ammar_why is that?21:09
lashahello guys, I just logged in on new one, how do you like new 12.04?21:09
vexaxvFyodorovna, i did but it doesent mention anywhere "c" or "z"21:09
lindowswich one is the best version for laptop ?21:09
Bennlucky7softcoder: what file u wanna look21:09
Logan_Ammar_: Banshee still works in Ubuntu. It's just that Rhythmbox is now the default player.21:09
DebolazWhen setting up encryption with the alternate installer, is there a strong reason why I should use lvm if I only want one partition?21:09
softcodersoftware sources foir things like google chrome21:09
Fyodorovnavexaxv, is the usb mounted?21:09
softcoderthe main sources.lst does not have them21:09
jlsjonas\o/ login screen21:09
softcoderin etc/apt21:10
booido i have to do anything special to go from beta2 to final?21:10
vexaxvFyodorovna, its in my laptop and i can view files on it so yeah21:10
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Logan_Ammar_: If you upgraded, then you'll still have Banshee.21:10
Ammar_oh alright21:10
Logan_booi: Nope.21:10
samster34I can't even install using the alternate .iso! grrr21:10
Ammar_yeah I have upgraded21:10
mystblade9jlsjonas: Did you use the alternate install?21:10
lashawasnt this one supposed to come with gnome shell preinstalled ? ubuntu is causing questions ;)21:10
jlsjonas\o/ nvidia drier errors = back21:10
endraMaybe I misunderstan this whole Dash thing, but is it supposed to be like spotlight for OS X? I ask because it doesn't detect a lot of apps that I install.. for example, dropbox or sublime text 2 or anything, actually.21:10
smoothhoundGreat, my 11.10->12.04 failed when upgrading gforge-web-apache2...21:10
jlsjonasno mystblade9, did upgrade from 11.10 trough update manager21:10
Debolazendra: It detects sublime for me.21:10
Fyodorovnavexaxv, the disk utility or gparted wil show drive and partitions.21:10
smoothhoundpackage gforge-web-apache2 5.1-5 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: trying to overwrite directory '/etc/logrotate.d/gforge-web-apache2' in package gforge-web-apache2-vhosts 5.1-5 with nondirecto21:11
jlsjonasback to desktop \o/21:11
mystblade9jlsjonas: ahh21:11
lindowswich one is the best version for laptop ?21:11
jlsjonasback to 1 monitor :<21:11
Bennlucky7softcoder: u have synaptic manager already installed?21:11
jlsjonas& errors on load >.>21:11
samster34lindows: the desktop version21:11
Logan_lasha: Nope. Unity is the default desktop environment. You can do sudo apt-get install gnome-shell if you want the Gnome 3 shell.21:11
vexaxvFyodorovna, k ill try thanks21:11
Logan_smoothhound: Were you able to report it?21:11
Ammar_I was actually facking a small issue after restarting my system21:11
softcoderis that the same as update-manager ??21:11
smoothhoundthis is a server system21:11
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tom_Hi. Am I right in thinking that the only installer that support encrypted disks is the Alternative installer (as opposed to the desktop isntaller)?21:11
endraDebolaz: is there a place I can configure it to find only what I want it to find? Right now it finds unrelated things.. "dash" gives me "shut down computer", for example21:11
Logan_smoothhound: Ah.21:11
lashaLogan_ which one do you prefer personally ? I am trying to collect statistical information :D21:12
smoothhoundI have kept the logs to report21:12
booiLogan_, thanks!.21:12
jlsjonasanyoneknows how to remove/reset the mode errors (at boot: could not apply the stored configuration for monitors) => only with nvidia21:12
Ammar_some music daemon error21:12
samster34what do I do when my keyboard just stops working during the commandline setup? I can't even tell if the setup is frozen or not because I can't do anything21:12
Logan_lasha: I personally use MOG and Google Music for streaming. :-P21:12
Debolazendra: That almost sounds like you are looking at the new dash-like menu instead of the actual dash.21:12
smoothhoundIt looks like a package conflict.21:12
softcoderBennlucky7,  is that the same as update-manager ??21:12
Ammar_anyone else facing that same issue?21:12
decksmasheri have a cd with pictures on it.! i put it in my windows machine i see them. but when i put it in to my laptop wich has ubuntu 10.10 it sais the disc is blank..?21:12
smoothhoundIt's running dpkg --configure -a now21:12
Debolazendra: Did you install sublime from a pap, or did you manually install it?21:13
jlsjonas(X config should be fine already)21:13
endradebolaz: from a pap21:13
smoothhoundbut yes, i'll report it21:13
Artemis3I got this error when attempting to upgrade 11.10 to 12.04: 'E:Couldn't configure pre-depend libtinfo5 for libncurses5, probably a dependency cycle.'21:13
Logan_smoothhound: Is it trying to fix itself?21:13
Bennlucky7softcoder: yeah u can update every package and remove it again and there is an information about it21:13
zicadatrying again: what is the preferred way of changing fontsize in ubuntu 12.04 ?21:13
samster34help :( my keyboard stops working in the command line install language selection.....21:13
zicadait says right in the installer you can do it21:13
zicadawat do21:13
Striking71 free Internet hi-five to whoever can find a non-dead link for this icon theme:21:13
ejvit's probably best to wait until July 19th, for the conservatives among us21:13
datruthHow can I destroy the kde wallet service? everytime I boot up it comes up in 12.04 kubuntu?21:13
smoothhoundvia dpkg --configure -a, yes21:13
Striking7'cause it's neato and I miss it21:13
jlsjonasohh... great >.<21:14
walterwojIs there a way to run a command as non-root while logged into root?21:14
zicadafuck this retarded shit21:14
smoothhoundwalterwoj, sudo -u user cmd21:14
jlsjonas"Sorry, Ubuntu 12.04 has experienced an internal error" 3 in the time it took to write this21:14
vexaxvFyodorovna, its a fat32 and yes its mounted but no it doesent say which drive21:14
endraMy dropbox menu doesn't refresh to show speed, progress, etc. Is anyone else experiencing this?21:14
vexaxvFyodorovna, it just said mounted on media21:14
walterwojsmoothhound: thanks awsome21:14
vexaxvFyodorovna, mount point media/lexar21:15
samster34why does nobody know what to do when they keyboard stops working :(21:15
ejvi usually restart21:15
Fyodorovnavexaxv, look for the size of the usb in the data you see.21:15
samster34ejv: ...during setup21:15
diverdudeif i do find . -iname "*.sh"  i can find all .sh files recursively. But is it possible to do a "except filenames containing *something*"  somehow?21:15
Timboso I upgraded to 12.04, and now my sound indicator won't let me change volume, and the sound settings dialog doesn't let me change anything21:15
vexaxvFyodorovna, i found where it was but it doesent say which drive letter21:16
Timboalthough ostensibly sound seems to work21:16
Fyodorovnavexaxv, is this a usb that is mounted by fstab>21:16
saschakbendra: yep - that was the whole time within the last 8 weeks the case - no speed. You can use dropbox status on a terminal.21:16
Timboany clues?21:16
Striking7Nobody wants my free Internet hi-five?21:16
vexaxvFyodorovna, no idea lol21:16
* Timbo hi5's Striking721:16
ejvthat's a fancy syntax, $a; that unique to services here on freenode?21:16
Striking7Noooooo, Timbo!! I was saving that hi-five for whoever found a working link to this icon theme: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Glossy-Glass?content=2716621:16
Striking7Now you gone and took it.21:17
Striking7... nice high-five though21:17
ejvduring setup the kb freezes? i'd try an older LTS and see if you can reproduce the rror21:17
=== Ade is now known as Guest32625
smoothhoundI just have a question.21:18
samster34ejv: :/21:18
samster34ejv: it freezes during commandline install21:18
smoothhoundIf I manage to fix the conflict, could I (ideally) upgrade the system?21:18
Bennlucky7samster34:  try booting without keyboard not connected and then after in ubuntu plug in the keyboard i hope that works21:18
endraStriking7: Timbo hi-five is awesome. He made Tremulous. I used to play it :P21:18
smoothhoundpick it up21:18
jlsjonas'vino' seems to be broken aswell21:18
ThePendulum+1 for Tremulous21:18
spcm0012Anyone able to help a fellow out with an ubuntu 12.04 installation? Freezing on boot from usb-hdd whether i choose to live boot or install to a hdd21:18
=== endra is now known as amine
ThePendulumPity I never understood how to play it :(21:19
Striking7Oooh, nice. I like Tremulous. Played it once or twice.21:19
samster34Bennlucky7: I can't get into ubuntu without installing it21:19
jlsjonasinternal error after a bit21:19
Striking7I hereby counter-five.21:19
* Striking7 hi-fives Timbo21:19
Striking7Good job and thanks for your work :)21:19
ejvscientific method samster34, keep everything else the same, adjust one variable, observe, record results, analyze. rinse and repeat.21:19
lyerraAnyone else having problem with the firefow update ?21:19
samster34ejv: do you know how many ubuntu's I've downloaded today?21:20
ejvsamster34: of course I don't; but don't that impede the scientific method :)21:20
decksmasheri have a cd with pictures on it what i made on a windows machine,.! i put it in my windows machine i see them. but when i put the same disc in to my laptop, wich has ubuntu 10.10 it says the disc is blank..?21:20
ejvs/that/let that/21:20
Ammar_hey after upgrading to ubuntu 12.04, I don't have any startup sound anymore21:20
Ammar_how do I fix that?21:20
samster34ejv: It doesn't happen in mint 12.04, does that help?21:20
marcuskAmmar_: Do you have sound at all?21:20
Ammar_yes I do21:20
bobo123is there a possibility to switch between apps without pressing enter, in order to change the app (unity)?21:21
ejvsamster34: indeed, it means there's a regression somewhere, use mint instead21:21
Bennlucky7samster34: is there on screen keyboard when u install ubuntu?21:21
samster34ejv: I can't install mint21:21
samster34Bennlucky7: it's a text only installer, so no21:21
whonsHi, i'm trying the new ubuntu 12.04... but when i bood from my usb install... the unity bar does not appear at all!21:21
ejvsamster34: oh? why not?21:21
whonsis this a known bug?21:21
Fyodorovnadecksmasher, pull them off the disc and open the windows partition and drag them to ubuntu. Why they are not seen is a long wait really, if everything else is seen in general.21:21
ThePendulumThere's "killall", but is there something that immediatly restarts the program as well?21:22
Ammar_any way to restore my sound back?21:22
samster34ejv: because of video driver issues. I can do "nomodeset" and boot into shell, start X from there, then proceed with the install, but the install freezes down the line and doesn't complete21:22
LtHummusdoes ubuntu support burning blu-ray isos?21:22
ThePendulumLtHummus: I don't see why not? If your hardware supports it, obviously21:22
LtHummusThePendulum: just making sure there's nothing special about it...google seems conflicted21:22
Fyodorovnadecksmasher, 10.10 is eol, but you probably know that.21:22
ejvsamster34: sounds like 12.04 may simply not be ready21:23
samster34ejv: 10.04 doesn't work either21:23
samster34ejv: or debian or gentoo or suse21:23
decksmasheryes i do, but i just really like it.21:23
samster34ejv: or even the live linux based DBAN tool21:23
EvilResistancesamster34, sounds like a problem at your computer, are you sure it freezes and never continues?21:23
EvilResistancethere are segments of installing which can take time21:23
Bennlucky7whons: have u check md5sums of the iso installer?21:23
ejvah, yea sounds like hardware issue21:23
ThePendulumHow do I kill/restart the panel in 12.04?21:23
=== Ade89 is now known as ade891
BlouBlouMy upgrade just finished and I have 148 updates, meh21:24
Ammar_my desktop on login screen is not being shown.21:24
ejvif old isos don't work and other distros don't even, gotta be something else going on heheh21:24
TintiI think unity --replace & will restart unity21:24
whonsBennlucky7: no. how do I do that? is it the same as checking the CD option during the boot?21:24
Ammar_desktop wallpaper21:24
ejvBlouBlou: get started!21:24
Tintior at least compiz --replace21:24
lashadid anyone test gnome shell on 12.04 yet ? any annoyingness yet ? I wanna install but not until i am sure e :D21:24
ejvim sure an army of developers tested it lasha21:24
samster34EvilResistance: the mouse stopped working, and it didn't do anything for half an hour.21:24
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samster34ejv: yeah, windows runs fine on the box, but no linux I've tried...21:25
EvilResistancesamster34, sounds like you might have a hardware conflict, somewhere21:25
datruthdamn I wish I had a google page that could answer my q's21:25
EvilResistancesamster34, does the live environment work (without installing)?21:25
FyodorovnaThePendulum, alt-f2 compiz --replace21:25
samster34EvilResistance: No21:25
Ammar_my login screen wallpaper is not showing21:25
ox1deOK, i burned teh version 12 live CD, and am attempting to reinstall... how do i load the CD?21:25
ejveveryone else should wait until July 19th, for 12.04.121:25
EvilResistancesamster34, then your computer might not be compatible21:25
ThePendulumFyodorovna: I'm not quite sure if that restarts the panel or just reconfigs something21:26
ejv(that is, if you can't afford to troubleshoot)21:26
buzzkillsounds like samster34 has the BIOS Setting for 'only MS' set.21:26
samster34EvilResistance: in fact, NO live cd of any distro seems to work21:26
Bennlucky7whons: its checkin if all the file already downloaded21:26
FyodorovnaThePendulum, restarts compiz this is unity right?21:26
samster34buzzkill: the bios has like 5 settings, none of them are that one :p21:26
marcuskox1de: Depends on your computer, many of them have some form of boot menu when you launch them21:26
ThePendulumFyodorovna: Touché, forgot about the Unity part21:26
EvilResistancesamster34, then your computer may either (1) have hardware breakage, or (2) global incompatibility21:26
ox1dei cant seem to load teh CD21:26
ox1deNo init found. try passing init= bootarg.21:26
ox1debusybox v1.13.3 (ubuntu 1:1.13.3-ubuntu11) built in shell (ash)21:26
ox1deenter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.21:26
ox1de(initramfs) [  3.060259 ieee1394: host added: id:bus[0-00:1023] GUID[000ae4aaaa27c398]21:26
FloodBot1ox1de: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:26
buzzkill'twas a joke samster3421:26
ox1dethats what i see on boot21:26
Bennlucky7whons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM21:26
samster34the only time I was able to boot a live CD was mint, booting into the shell, deleting the X11 config, starting X...but as I said the install wouldn't complete21:27
bantuHey. I'm getting "Hash Sum mismatch" on do-release-upgrade for a few packages.21:27
lindowsdoes ubuntu have support for 3g modems ?21:27
munkbusinesslol Ubuntu 12.04 has bugged out and is unable to run Opera21:28
decksmasherMy laptop isn't partitioned it just has Ubuntu 10.10 on it,its weird why the cd works in xp but wont show up in ubuntu.?21:28
MonkeyDustlindows  you may need usb-modeswitch21:28
wang_I upgraded from 11.10 to 12.04.... I saw an error when it tried to upgrade the kernel (space issue, init-rd failed)21:28
thephantomCan I copy the drive that my current Ubuntu OS is running on? Or do I need to do it of a live cd?21:28
wang_How do If ix it before I reboot? otherwise I am afraid my system won't boot21:28
ejvthephantom: you can use 'dd' to perform a copy of a partition21:30
munkbusinessCan anyone help me with this I cannot run Opera on Ubuntu 12.04 it could the first time I launched it but after closing it down I am now unable to run it21:30
Logan_wang_: It always keeps the old kernel.21:30
cute_bettongubuntu rocks! XD21:30
wang_Logan_: even when you upgrade?21:30
samster34what are the chances of this working: install ubuntu on pc #1, move disk to pc #2? hardware is similar, both intel chipsets, both intel cpus, both nvidia gfx21:30
L3topwang_: are you out of space?21:30
ejvexample from docs: dd if=/dev/hda1 of=/home/hda1.bin bs=102421:30
Fyodorovnathephantom, copy meaning the whole OS or just specifics?21:31
airlynxI recently installed 12.04 on my Toshiba Satellite A205, and when I plug in my USB headset XFCE closes to a terminal screen, last message is Stopping System V runlevel, I don't get any crash reports in /var/crash, can anyone help me figure out what is causing it to crash so that I can either fix it or submit a bug report?21:31
thephantomSorry, I mean can I use ddrescue to copy the drive that my installations of Ubuntu is running from or should I do it from a live cd?21:31
rymate1234imma download 12.0421:31
InferiorHumanOrgsamster34: ubuntu might adjust for the h/w changes. it may also fail.21:31
rymate1234why? so I can seed21:31
wang_L3top, yes it ran out of space.. then it proceeded to delete some old kernels so its better now.. but I want to make sure the kernel boots iwth no issues.. is there a way?21:31
wang_the new kernel21:31
samster34InferiorHumanOrg: it can't fail worse than not installing in the first place. Imma give it a shot...21:31
Bennlucky7samster34:  i think that will work21:31
L3topoh no...21:31
decksmasherI also have a copy of xp wich i want to put in to a virtual machine, but it says this disc is blank too.? but the actual cd drive works perfectly with other discs21:31
Fyodorovnathephantom, you can't dd your os while using it as far as I know.21:32
ejvFyodorovna: you can, the important parts anyways, like /etc/ /home/ /var/log; just not stuff like /proc :)21:32
upsetI checked the iso before and after I wrote it to usb. The disk check error I have says there's a bad checksum for ./install/netboot/ubuntu-installer/i386/pxelinux.cfg/default    What can I do?21:32
EvilResistanceupset, redownload the image and rewrite it to the USB stick21:33
Bennlucky7upset: redownload :-D21:33
ejvdd-ing /dev and /proc during use would probably return some interesting results21:33
upsetEvilResistance: I have done that over and over all day21:33
ds_If anyone can help me, I'm stumped on this embarrassing little problem. I seem to be unable to install BitchX. I've unpacked the tarball and ./BitchX gives "no such file or directory".21:33
Fyodorovna!cookie | ejv21:33
ubottuejv: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!21:33
ThePendulumHow do I hide the indicator panel on the top?21:33
ox1dearg; still stuck over hre21:34
* ejv noms21:34
upsetEvilResistance: I have used all the downloads available, dd, unetbootin, and startup disk creator to write it, and checked the md5 checksum four different ways (it's good right until I try the disk integrity check from the live drive itself)21:35
decksmasherds_ is that a theme for irssi?21:35
bantuApparently my problem is caused by apt-cacher-ng. WTF.21:35
alien64Striking7: yeah no go here for Glossy-Glass 0.5.121:35
upsetBennlucky7:I have used all the downloads available, dd, unetbootin, and startup disk creator to write it, and checked the md5 checksum four different ways (it's good right until I try the disk integrity check from the live drive itself)21:35
alien64i did look :P21:35
auronandacedecksmasher: bitchx is an abandoned irc client21:35
upsetSorry to repeat, shoulda tagged you in the first place21:35
auronandaceds_: why not use irssi or weechat?21:36
kwehmucdee+1 for irssi21:36
FyodorovnaThePendulum, unity, gnome 3, and ubuntu classic have set top panels, you might try xubuntu if you want easier desktop tweaking, any of many others like fluxbox.21:36
ox1dekonversation is the best linux irc client imo21:36
Bennlucky7upset: what integrity check?21:36
auronandaceox1de: best is subjective21:36
ejvwhy couldn't they call it kahn-versation21:36
ox1dei'm still stuck here.... i need to get the liveCD to load for reinstall21:36
* ejv facepalms21:36
decksmasherauronandace..ok becouse i downloaded bitchx has a theme foe irssi.;)21:36
upsetBennlucky7: The one on alternative iso.21:36
ds_auronandace: yeah, I can try something else... still weird I couldn't install this, but. I just need something really oldschool.21:36
ejvkonversation reminds me of xchat21:37
Fyodorovnaox1de, do you need the torent link?21:37
ejvdoesn't hold a candle to irssi though21:37
ox1dewhat torrent?21:37
Bennlucky7ThePendulum: try search indicator in software center21:37
tehowe_Hmmmn some guy said #ubuntu is trending on the twitters but not from where I sit... ppl should start hammering it though21:37
auronandaceds_: irssi should suit you, bitchx is no longer developed, thats why it isn't in the repos21:37
diverdudeif i do find . -iname "*.sh"  i can find all .sh files recursively. But is it possible to do a "except filenames containing *something*"  somehow?21:37
upsetBennlucky7: It's the only thing complaining. It says the ./install/netboot/ubuntu-installer/i386/pxelinux.cfg/default md5 checksum is bad, but everything else says it is corrected and I've exhausted most methods of writing and checking.21:38
Fyodorovnaox1de, "i'm still stuck here.... i need to get the liveCD to load for reinstall" unquote21:38
xlREDlxhey guys i got a little problem http://paste.ubuntu.com/948314/21:38
ox1dei burnt the iso already... but i need it to load for reinstall..21:38
xlREDlxgot a bad package21:38
ox1dehow do i make it load?21:38
ds_auronandace: alright. I'll give irssi I try. But even though bitchx isn't in repos, the unpacked tarball shouldn't give no such file or directory?21:38
xlREDlxcan some one tell me how to remove it21:38
xlREDlxsudo apt-get remove/purge wont work21:38
upsetox1de: Put disk in tray, close tray, change bios to boot from cd21:39
Striking7alien64: Thanks for looking!21:39
auronandaceds_: where did you unpack it to? remember its case sensitive too21:39
ox1dei did that and it still didnt load21:39
Striking7I really miss that icon theme.21:39
numbertoHi guys, my screen resolution stuck at 800X640 (Ubuntu 12.04  - installed nvidia and then did "nvidia-xconfig")21:39
numbertoafter restart21:39
samster34_um..can I install the alternate iso without a network connection?21:39
upsetox1de:  I dunno. Use a different program to burn it.21:39
ds_auronandace: just home/downloads, and I used tab-completion, so...21:39
Fyodorovnaox1de, so you have a cd  that errors right? Have you then checked the md5sum, and was it burned as an image?21:39
Striking7It went perfect with the Black Knight GTK2 theme (which is also really hard to find)21:39
upsetox1de: Or try another iso21:39
marcusksamster34_: yes21:39
ox1dei tried 2 isos21:40
ox1deno luck yet21:40
marcusksamster34_: just skip that part of it21:40
upsetox1de: Use a mirror21:40
samster34_marcusk: how do I ttell it to stop asking me for an archive mirror21:40
Fyodorovnaox1de, burn at slowest speed as well, or use a usb flash.21:40
auronandaceds_: well, its a lot better sticking to the repos anyway, installing stuff from source isn't really recommended unless you know what you are doing21:40
upsetox1de: Maybe check the md5 checksum as well21:40
xlREDlxback package any help? http://paste.ubuntu.com/948314/21:40
ds_auronandace: hehe...21:41
ox1dewhat is md5 checksum?21:41
upsetBennlucky7: Still there dude?21:41
Bennlucky7upset:  maybe there is somthing wrong with ur burner21:41
decksmashersudo apt-get install irssi21:41
ds_auronandace: I hear ya, I thought I knew what I was doing, but obviously not.21:41
upsetBennlucky7: I don't have a burner.21:41
alien64Striking7: ill keep looking for ya , you be in here?21:41
upsetBennlucky7: USB is my method21:41
marcusksamster34_: could be that the standard installer does that, if I remember correct you can at least skip it if you select expert install but now I'm not really sure21:41
ejvmd5 is a crypto hash function my friend21:41
Striking7alien64: Sure thing. You can always PM me too if you'd like21:41
ox1deexplain? how do i access md5?21:41
Fyodorovna!md5sum | ox1de21:41
ubottuox1de: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows21:41
alien64Striking7: will do21:42
ox1deoh isee what u mean21:42
Fyodorovnaox1de, ^^^^^^21:42
ox1dei'll try burning the iso again21:42
auronandaceds_: if you do insist on installing from source then there is a good link21:42
upsetox1de: Also, tag someone you're talking to21:42
Bennlucky7upset: can it install ubuntu without check it?21:42
Striking7alien64: You may enjoy the Black Knight theme, too... I'll upload it somewhere real fast in case you're curious.21:42
auronandace!checkinstall | ds_21:42
ubottuds_: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!21:42
rymate1234why are the repo's so slooooow21:42
samster34_marcusk: I can "select the next in the install process"...but none of the options are "just install it already!"21:42
upsetBennlucky7: Yeah, but that sounds like a really bad idea.21:42
Timboturns out the upgrade screwed up the permissions on my nfs mounted /home21:42
ox1deok bbiab21:42
auronandacerymate1234: because 12.04 was released today21:42
Fyodorovnarymate1234, guess21:43
upsetBennlucky7: I don't really think I can ignore a bad checksum on something in the ubuntu-installer folder.21:43
rymate1234meh lol21:43
rymate12348.04 is still supported?21:43
Ntemisi have 10.04.4 64bit, any benefits going to 12.04?21:43
Bennlucky7upset: but the iso check md5 is same?21:43
auronandacerymate1234: on server but not for long21:43
Fyodorovnarymate1234, the server yes21:44
ds_auronandace: ah thanks. But this was actually a binary.  http://www.bitchx.com/download.php21:44
vespakoenHey guys, when i open the launcher, and on the login screen, the topbar looks awesome! is there a way to have it enabled all the time ?21:44
upsetBennlucky7: It doesn't tell me what the bad value is. It just says it's wrong. Everything else gives me 'okay' or the correct overall checksum21:44
xtjacobhello, is there anyway to change the resolution of the ubuntu boot up screen?21:44
MSUmsg /NickServer login21:44
kwehmucdeelol MSU21:44
MSUirc fail21:45
Bennlucky7upset: maybe u shld try it redownload again, dont rest ur pc during the download for safety21:45
samster34_argh, how the hell do I install from the alternate iso? the expert mode gives me a bunch of to conigure, but how do I START the install?!21:45
upsetBennlucky7: I have done that ALL DAY21:45
SysssHi how to know what program uses my internet bandwidth?21:46
upsetsamster34_: Expert mode?21:46
Striking7alien64: In case you want to check out my favorite GTK theme :) znatd.com/bk.tar.gz21:46
decksmashersysss try using htop21:46
samster34_same as regular mod except you can choose in what order you do thesteps :p21:46
upsetsamster34_: Install is the default item, the rest are pretty much safety checks and recovery tools....21:46
MSUerm, silly question, how does one "log in" their irc account, Ruby on Rails channel requires me be registered...21:46
Sysssdecksmasher: ok i try now21:46
kwehmucdeeupset: Did you download from torrent? Downloading from torrents will assure you no corrupted iso21:46
Logan_!identify | MSU21:46
ubottuMSU: You can identify automatically by using your NickServ password as the server password in your IRC client. When identifying manually, do NOT send the command from a channel's tab, or a typo may give away your password. If that happened, type « /msg NickServ set password <new-password> » in the server tab as soon as possible.21:46
auronandace!register | MSU21:47
ubottuMSU: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode21:47
upsetkwehmucdee: I did.21:47
=== BaconAttack__ is now known as BaconAttack_
samster34_upset:  I am stuck on the "choose ubuntu archive mirror" menu, because...well I dnt have a netwok connection.21:47
Bennlucky7upset: yeah i know that it kind upset me too to hear that21:47
MSU!identify | MSU21:47
=== zaphod is now known as Guest37162
ubottuMSU, please see my private message21:47
kwehmucdeeAnd yet you have a corrupted iso?21:47
samster34_upset: it wnt let me proceed21:47
Logan_MSU: /msg nickserv identify <password>21:47
upsetBennlucky7: What are you referring to?21:47
alien64Striking7: ty21:47
iHarp12.04 doesn't like the only two propriatary drivers I have listed.. I can't game so what do I do?21:48
jschallso, if i want to use empathy to make calls, how can i set that up? it's a voip client, right?21:48
MSUcool, thank you21:48
upsetsamster34_: I don't know what you've got going on. You're not supposed to need a network connection and that's not a menu I've reached.21:48
kwehmucdeeI thought torrent automatically checks integrity of every chunk and if it's corrupted it just redownload it (waaay better than redownload an entire iso!)21:48
sun_devilNot sure why Ubuntu does not recognize my cdrom drive?21:48
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upsetkwehmucdee: All my downloads have been pretty fast, but I have no clue what is actually happening.21:49
Bennlucky7upset: i once install it from LinuxLive USB Creator21:49
=== decksmasher is now known as Dex
wolfmitchellUgh, I hate how some people call Ubuntu "Noobuntu"....21:49
samster34_upset: first it asks me to select the primary netwok adapter, then it tries to conect to an archive mirror...and when it cant connect, it goes back to select archive mirror....21:49
Sysssdecksmasher: how to use htop21:49
=== Dex is now known as Guest47796
progre55hi guys. I have an encrypted /home partition, but it doesnt mount automatically on logon. I have to manually mount it from tty before I can login. Any suggestions, please?21:49
samster34_upset: but Im OFFLINE, and I can't skip the step21:49
upsetwolfmitchell: Yeah, us elite H@XXORZ have it tough.21:49
cute_bettongthats lame21:50
upsetsamster34_: I think you need to use something better to burn the iso.21:50
samster34_upset: ???21:50
cute_bettongupset, i reccomend K3b21:50
upsetsamster34_: I think that's where this weird menu is coming from21:50
iHarpanyone else having trouble with nvidia drivers in 12.04?21:50
wolfmitchellupset- You should see #powder. They flame Ubuntu21:50
upsetcute_bettong: You recommend what now?21:50
jschalldoes the software center protect the system from being shut down when its installing updates? i've had a kubuntu system get totally hosed because of that21:51
cute_bettongupset, K3b21:51
kwehmucdeeiHarp: not me21:51
cute_bettongupset, it's a awesome disk burning app the best i've ever used21:51
kwehmucdeethey works well21:51
upsetcute_bettong: I don't have a disk.21:51
IbyssIs there an uptodate "How to install ubuntu/full disk encryption" tutorial that I can use? I can not use an old one as it does not work with ubuntu 12.04 for some weird reason. I keep getting this stupid "evms_activate is not available" error and google is no help.21:51
qEssenceIm having some troubles installing ubuntu, maybe im missing something. I have four HDDS, First one is a SSD INTEL, and the others are identical Barracuda ST 3TB. Ubuntu installation only recognize the SSD, and one of the 3TB hdd, but i need to install Ubuntu in one of the others, not being recognized.21:51
cute_bettongupset, oh O_o21:51
cute_bettongsudo apt-get install k3b21:52
upsetcute_bettong: Nah, I'm good. I have no cd drive.21:52
qEssenceWeird, i think it can be something related to 3gb/6gb ports, just wondering.21:52
sun_devilI did a cd /media/cdrom   My system shows a floppy drive, but I do not have a floppy, maybe my system is imagining things how they used to me?21:52
qEssenceAnyone has handled this before?21:52
samster34_upset: the options I have in he beginning are: Default, Install, Command-line  Install, Expert Install, Command-line Expert Install, Rescue mode, Install Ubunt, and then the memtest etc tools21:52
Fyodorovna qEssence 3 tb is a gpt setup most likely, not familiar with the install though.21:53
iHarpkwehmucdee:  When I install either of the Proprietary Drivers I log back in to a lagged out screen with no interface..21:53
xlREDlxcan some one help me http://paste.ubuntu.com/948314/21:53
jschallservers are so slow... will apt-fast speed up the software center or do you have to use it manually?21:53
xlREDlxjava bugged out on install and I can't remove the bad packages21:53
xlREDlxcan some one help me21:53
qEssenceFyodorovna: But it does recognize one of them why not the others?21:53
qEssenceFyodorovna: Im not familiar with "gpt", sorry, newbie on this side :)21:54
FyodorovnaqEssence, I would guess broken partition tables, but that is a guess.21:54
upsetDoes anyone know what I can do? Can I replace ./install/netboot/ubuntu-installer/i386/pxelinux.cfg/default?21:54
chris_ware there any recommendations which local apt cache to use? i found apt-cacher-ng and squid-deb-proxy.21:54
jschallqEssence: you might try gparted to see what it sees21:54
finish06unity launcher is on both monitors... how do I take if off of one21:54
xlREDlxcan I get some help21:54
qEssencejschall: Im on "Utility Disk" i do not see the HHDs mentioned, just two of them.21:54
sun_devilBe patient21:55
FyodorovnaqEssence, if you read this you will probably know more then me I have not had to mess with it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GUID_Partition_Table21:55
qEssenceFyodorovna: Thanks.21:55
upsetOh my God21:55
semitones_teathis is also a good place to go and look / ask for help, especially if you have a specific issue and no one here is able to help now: http://ubuntuforums.org/21:56
jschallqEssence: well, try gparted maybe? it should see the disks with or without a bad partition table21:56
xlREDlxany one know how to remove bad packages21:56
upsetI can't believe I waisted so many hours on this. PXELINUX is for booting ubuntu from a server.21:56
jschallqEssence: are the drives visible from other OSes?21:56
sun_devilUse rm21:56
upsetSomebody run me over with a truck, I'm so frustrated21:56
qEssencejschall: Running Gparted now.21:56
Fyodorovnajschall, not true a broken table will block it showing.21:56
jschallxlREDlx: is your package manager hosed?21:56
xlREDlxsigh I do not wish to delete my harddrive sun_devil21:56
samster34_upset: I know the feeling. been trying to install ANY linux for weeks now...21:57
qEssencejschall: Only two HDDS being showed-21:57
xlREDlxyea java fd it a bit jschall21:57
jschallqEssence: are they shown in other OSes?21:57
saimon777can someone suggest me a valid guide to configure mpd properly? i already done it, but mpd don't find music in my external drive21:57
upsetsamster34_: Why are you having problems? Have you never used it before?21:57
qEssencejschall: Yep, I use them on Win721:57
sun_devilIf you installed it, you can remove it21:57
xlREDlxjschall how do I remove it (i allready used apt-get remove/purge and clean21:57
InferiorHumanOrgsaimon777: is the user who owns the folder your music is in, the same user you configured mpd to run as? in the /etc/mpd.conf file ?21:57
finish06unity launcher is on both monitors... how do I take if off of one21:58
InferiorHumanOrgsaimon777: probably a permissions issue21:58
saimon777i think no21:58
munkbusinesswhy does ubuntu dicatate which browsers i can use?21:58
samster34_upset: no, I have, but apparently the video drivers wont work on this computer, and nomodeset someho leavesmy keyboard nonfunctional21:58
sun_devilsigh     a package21:58
upsetfinish06: Technically that's how it's supposed to be21:58
saimon777but mpd if daemon can acces like root?21:58
InferiorHumanOrgsaimon777: make sure the mpd user owns the folder your music is in, I have mpd run as my user since I own my music folders....21:58
finish06upset, WHAT!!!!!  crappy.  i thought we had the open to change it21:58
upsetsamster34_: Er, compile it yourself?21:58
jschallxlREDlx: what happens when you use apt-get remove?21:58
InferiorHumanOrgsaimon777: it's not needed or advised to run mpd as root I believe certainly not needed21:58
jschallgod empathy is the most annoying irc client i've ever used21:59
xlREDlxnothing jschall I get no package same with purge21:59
upsetfinish06: Canonical is all about no options now. Also, watch your language. This channel is business casual21:59
upsetjschall: You have terrible tastes!21:59
samster34_upset: uh, wha? I cant install any linux, I cant boot into shell, I cant do anthing,21:59
chelzsamster34_: try the alternate installer21:59
upsetI'm outtie.22:00
upsetBe good kids and check you checksums.22:00
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chelzupset: checksums is lies22:00
samster34_chelz: I have. it wont lett me proceed without an internet connection22:00
upset.... And check whether you care about your bad checksums22:00
jschallxlREDlx: what do you mean by "no package?" tell me exactly what it says.22:00
chelzsamster34_: what part do you get to?22:00
xlREDlxjschall E: Unable to locate package oracle-java-installer22:00
xlREDlxand when ever I try to sudo apt-get install i get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/948314/22:01
Striking7finish06: I'm with you on that. I still recommend ubuntu to friends, but I switched to PinguyOS to keep my options open.22:01
sun_devilmy 10.4 version does not recognize my cdrom drive, has not worked since Ubuntu was installed22:01
samster34_chelz: choose language, kyboard layut, primary network adapter, choose ubuntu archive mirror, download installer components (but I'M offline, that can't work)22:01
finish06Striking7, thank you, i will have to look @ OS22:01
jschallxlREDlx: output of apt-cache policy oracle-java-installer?22:01
Striking7finish06: There's always KDE too - if you're not used to it it will take a little time getting used to it, but it's very configurable.22:01
finish06Striking7, never liked kde personally22:01
chelzsamster34_: you sure you're using the alternate cd and not minimal?22:02
Striking7finish06: It's based on Ubuntu 11.04 and is pretty snazzy.22:02
jschallxlREDlx: you can summarize or post to pastebin22:02
samster34_chelz: yes22:02
xlREDlxwill do jschall22:02
noeltoriousso im on the livecd choosing install ubuntu alongside windows 7 and it brings me to a screen to allocate drive space but the two sizes im allocating arent labeled with ubuntu or windows. does anyone know which is which?22:02
Striking7finish06: I tend to toggle back and forth between KDE and Gnome now and again. I usually prefer Gnome, but Gnome3, Gnome-Shell, and Unity don't really do it for me.22:03
chelzsamster34_: sounds like the netboot cd22:03
semitones_teai think the first one is windows noeltorious but i don't know22:03
chelzsamster34_: what's the name of the iso file you're using?22:03
IbyssWhy doesn't Ubuntu installer offer full disk encryption?22:03
schultzaim not getting the LTS to LTS upgrade notification22:03
finish06I like ubuntu when the launcher is on a single screen, as if was in 11.10 for me, now it isn't doing as such again... was this both screens change recent?22:03
drecutedoes sudo postconf -e 'home_mailbox = Maildir/' mean that Maildir is chosen as default mailbox format or it just specifies a directory?22:03
Striking7finish06: PinguyOS is Gnome2, much more what you're probably used it.22:03
Striking7*used to22:03
Bennlucky7noeltorious: i think its ur another drive beside file system from ubuntu and windows22:03
bc``i have a 2tb drive and i want to copy all of its contents to a new 3tb drive22:04
bc``is "cp" the best way to do that?22:04
semitones_teaprobably dd would be better22:04
drecutedoes sudo postconf -e 'home_mailbox = Maildir/' mean that Maildir is chosen as default mailbox format or it just specifies a directory?22:04
InferiorHumanOrgbc``: cp or rsync will be fine22:04
xlREDlxjschall http://paste.ubuntu.com/948367/22:04
simonpe^^I just did a very silly thing. A google calendar based task scheduler. Provide me with some use cases please! http://simonslinuxworld.blogspot.se/2012/04/google-command-line-tools-google.html22:04
hayden_ruSo, nvidia drivers still do this http://i.imgur.com/HQWXU.png with two monitors? Any way to fix it?22:05
samster34_chelz: it's ubuntu-12.04-alternate-amd64.iso22:05
ox1degot the message: This kernel requires the following features not present on the cpu: pae -- unable to boot-pleas use a kernel appropriate for your cpu.22:05
chelzsamster34_: right hm22:05
ox1dewhat do i do?22:05
bc``ty InferiorHumanOrg22:05
schultzaah.. disabled those... but still not get a distro update notification22:05
jschallxlREDlx: oh, so this is for any package you try to install?22:05
noeltoriousBennlucky7, semitones_tea weird I hit alt and printscrn to take a screenshot and the labels popped up, the first in ntfs and the 2nd is ubuntu (=22:06
bc``is there a way to check on the 'status' of "cp" once i begin the execution??22:06
chelzsamster34_: make sure any ethernet cords and stuff are unplugged22:06
jschallxlREDlx: you didn't include the output i asked for but never mind22:06
xlREDlxjschall I got it when I tried to install it now it pops up every time I install some thing22:06
xlREDlxI did22:06
InferiorHumanOrgbc``:  you can use cp -v for verbose so it will keep progress22:06
chelzsamster34_: also try skipping the "download installer components" part when you get to it22:06
saimon777InferiorHumanOrg: what if i set my music dir readable & writable by others?22:06
xlREDlxunable to locate thingy22:06
jeanpaul_o fish22:06
jschallxlREDlx: have you seen this? http://askubuntu.com/questions/121226/how-to-completely-remove-a-oracle-jdk-that-didnt-install-properly22:07
bc``thanks InferiorHumanOrg!!!22:07
InferiorHumanOrgsaimon777: I believe that would work also as long as the mpd user which is "mpd" by default can read the files22:07
samster34_chelz: I can't skip it. the only steps afte it I can skip to are "launch shell" or "abort the install"22:07
xlREDlxnope il check it out then come back22:07
ox1deim making progress22:07
sun_devilchelz, can I ask you a question?22:07
chelzsun_devil: sure22:07
chelzsamster34_: what happens if you try to load installer components then?22:08
samster34_chelz: nothing, because  have no network connetion22:08
saimon777InferiorHumanOrg: how to do that? from gnome properties won't let me change permissions, even as root22:08
schultzais 12.04 available yet?22:08
Bennlucky7noeltorious: do u remember the size of drive that is being used?22:08
sun_devilchelz, you sound busy, I did a cd /media and it only shows a floppy drive, when all I have is a cdrom, but the cdrom does not show up?22:09
InferiorHumanOrgsaimon777: from command line. sudo chmod 755 /path/folder22:09
schultzai keep checking for updates and i dont see the distro update button yet22:09
InferiorHumanOrgsaimon777: maybe chmod -r it might be -R for recursive22:09
semitones_teaschultza: try checking your software sources22:09
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schultzawhich ones?22:09
semitones_tea"software sources"22:09
saimon777what means recursive?22:09
schultzathey are all checked, cept the ppa's that are failing the gpg key check22:09
InferiorHumanOrgsaimon777: applying to all subfolders / files of the parent dir = recursive22:10
pmp6nlDang, I just downloaded 12.04 at 4.9 Mega Bytes Per Second... server is doing good22:10
semitones_teathere's a setting that says "alert me about distribution updates when ___"22:10
semitones_teayou have to make sure it doesn't say never22:10
schultzaset to LTS only22:10
chelzsun_devil: cdrom stuff won't show up unless you insert a cd22:10
semitones_teatry setting it to everything22:10
ox1deOK i got the boot menu22:10
samster34_darn you and you superior ISP22:10
ox1dewith install options22:10
ox1deso i'm making progress22:10
chelzsamster34_: is this a laptop or desktop?22:10
samster34_chelz: I'm typing on a laptop, i you are wonering abou my horrible speling22:11
pmp6nlsamster34_, it was pretty slick ;)22:11
samster34_chelz: but I'm installing on a dektop22:11
xlREDlxTHANKS jschall it worked :D thank you so much22:11
finish06Striking7, I was able to put the unity luancher bar on a single monitor... just use CCSM and then go under "ubuntu unity plugin" -> Experimental -> very bottom of the page "launcher monitors" ... change it to primary desktop ... set primary desktop via Nvidia X Server Settings....22:12
xlREDlxIm book marking that for any future things I bugger up22:12
chelzsamster34_: you leave the disk in right? since it might be saying "load installer components from cd"22:12
Striking7finish06: I'm glad to hear there's a way. Not surprised it's in CCSM, not something installed by default22:13
dim3dro1Could you help me with cyrillic logins (console)?22:13
samster34_chelz: yes, Im booting from us22:13
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finish06Striking7, yep :/  very unfortunate .... but it is all good now!!!  Just took me a while of sittign on it, and thinking to myself... HOW did I do that last time lol22:13
chelzsamster34_: you used unetbootin to put it on the usb?22:13
Striking7finish06: I'm loyal to Ubuntu but that doesn't mean I like where they're going UI-wise for myself.22:14
ActionParsnipStriking7: then use XFCE, or KDE....22:14
AthanasiusThe livecd doesn't appear to allow me to add keyboard layouts while in the "Try Ubuntu" mode :<22:14
chelzStriking7: yeah xubuntu is awesome22:14
schultzagoing from lts to everything helped.. thanks22:14
ox1degot the message: This kernel requires the following features not present on the cpu: pae -- unable to boot-pleas use a kernel appropriate for your cpu.22:14
ox1degot the cd to boot but says that22:14
ActionParsnipStriking7: Unity is only in ONE of the 4 official variants....22:14
ox1detrying to install now22:14
Striking7ActionParsnip: both good alternatives I agree. For now I'm sticking with Gnome2 though22:14
ox1dewhat do i do?22:14
finish06Striking7, I think it is a good move, however it is just a slow move.  It isn't polished as I woudl like22:14
ActionParsnipStriking7: Gnome2 is dead22:14
pmp6nlWhats the best way to seed the 12.04 torrent?22:15
finish06ActionParsnip, what are the four 'official' variants?22:15
schultzawhat? "Upgrading to a no longer supported version"... ????22:15
Athanasiusox1de: Are you using ancient CPUs? :<22:15
chelzsamster34_: well could be a bug if the installer thinks you have an internet connection when you don't. i'd verify stuff like ethernet cables are unplugged, there might be some shell thing you can run22:15
ActionParsnipfinish06: Ubuntu, Lubuntu, xubuntu, KUbuntu22:15
chelzsamster34_: something like ifdown eth022:15
ox1deits an older machine i guess22:15
finish06ActionParsnip, I was under the impression that Ubuntu and Kubuntu were oficial and they recently stated they were done with kubuntu22:15
ox1destill functional though22:15
Striking7ActionParsnip: that's both the strength and weakness of open source stuff: nothing is ever truly dead22:15
schultza10.10 ? hang on.. switching back to lts only22:15
ActionParsnipStriking7: true but the Gnome2 forks are not suported here22:15
chelzfinish06: the most 'official' is ubuntu. the other distros are given free stuff like hosting and other resources. the 'quitting' of kubuntu was canonical no longer hiring a kubuntu dev22:16
saimon777InferiorHumanOrg: tried sudo chmod 777 from terminal, command seem successful, no errors but permissions never changed. it's a ntfs drive does it mean something?22:16
finish06chelz, so they are only 'official'22:16
samster34_chelz: somethin must have goe wrong. I re-"burned" the flash drive, an d now I dont have haf of the options in the initial meu22:16
schultzakubuntu is being picked up by another financial group22:16
Athanasiuskubuntu and the kde project in its entirety needs to die :/22:16
jwrigley12.04 is buggy... in the 10 mins I've had it installed, I have already been prompted 3 times to submit 3 different bugs. ....22:16
finish06chelz, because canonical will host for them... kk thanks22:16
ActionParsnip saimon777 you need to set the access at mount with NTFS22:17
InferiorHumanOrgsaimon777: oh yea, you are going to need to edit /etc/fstab then I think22:17
Striking7I know that, ActionParsnip.  And I'm ok with that. I'm not trying to change anyone's mind, just voicing my opinion.22:17
chelzfinish06: yeah and link to them22:17
trismox1de: 12.04 uses the pae kernel by default, I believe the xubuntu isos use the non-pae kernel if you wanted to try that though22:17
AchyllesI 've just downloaded Precise pangolin live cd, but when I fire it up it says that I my internet cable is disconnect and do not connect to the internet. I tried to add ip,gw,dns, but the save configuration button is grey out so I am blocked. suggestions?22:17
ActionParsnipjwrigley: its less than 1 day old, what did you expect22:17
chelzsamster34_: you might use gparted to wipe partitions on the drive. also could try a burned cd22:17
ActionParsnipAchylles: just get the OS installed, worry about the web later22:17
finish06chelz, ok.  well i guess I will say that is pseudo-official :)  part of the reason I do like ubuntu is that it is backed by a billionaire lol22:17
sk1specialmmk. chello. how do i fix this Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0".22:17
Striking7jwrigley: Anything specific we may be able to help with?22:18
InferiorHumanOrgsaimon777: /media/sdcard vfat defaults,user something like tha22:18
InferiorHumanOrgsaimon777: adjust for ntfs etc22:18
ox1dewhat is the difference between xubuntu and ubuntu? is there anyway to load another kernel?22:18
sun_devilchelz, Inserted a music cd  and did a cd /media....not their.  A few months back I tried to install Vitualbox from a cd and did not recognize it then also22:18
jwrigleyActionParsnip: Not complaining, just saying... Though to answer your question: it's a _release_, not an alpha or beta, so I would expect it to not be that buggy... :)22:18
AchyllesActionParsnip, But, what if I install it to my HD and does not detect the network through DHCP?22:18
Striking7ox1de: The difference between xubuntu and ubuntu is the user interface/desktop environment.22:19
Striking7They both should be using the same kernel22:19
saimon777InferiorHumanOrg this rustle my jimmies, i think that change that user "mpd" to my account name then reboot & see what happen22:19
Striking7There are many ways of using different kernels though22:19
Striking7What in specific would you like to be different?22:19
InferiorHumanOrgsaimon777: idk I think you need to set the user flag in /etc/fstab22:19
jwrigleyStriking7: sorry, no, was just setting up my favourite IRC-client with my favourite channels :)22:19
ActionParsnipox1de: ubuntu uses Unity+Gnome+Compiz by default. Xubuntu uses lighter apps, xfce and xfwm4 as the WM22:20
saimon777itś an usb drive22:20
AchyllesActionParsnip, when I use other live distros they detect the network, but ubuntu live does not :(22:20
ox1deis xubuntu the only option?22:20
chelzsun_devil: you can check the status of stuff like that in the logfiles. /var/log/messages and /var/log/syslog22:20
sun_devilAlthough when I put in a cd, a box came up asking what I wanted to do with it, but command line option does not work22:20
ActionParsnipAchylles: then you have a bug and will need to do a little legwork22:20
Striking7jwrigley: K. Let me know if you need help troubleshooting any of that stuff or need a sounding board.22:20
ActionParsnipox1de: or Kubuntu, using kde22:20
ActionParsnipox1de: or Lubuntu, using LXDE22:20
bc``InferiorHumanOrg: "cp" doesn't have a -v parameter that I  can figure out how to use-- any other suggestions, or do i have the syntax wrong?22:20
sun_devilchelz, what would I look for in a log file for media?22:20
Striking7I'm still using an 11.04 derivative so I can't help from personal experience, but I'm willing to help with anything I can!22:20
samster34_chelz: no, Imean something must have gone wrong the first time, setup is runnin now22:20
ox1deis there a way to load ubuntu12? from this screen?22:20
ox1deor do i need a new iso?22:21
new_ubuntui have install backtrack on a partition for dual boot with win 7. i'm downloading ubunt at the moment...when i try to install it would it reconize the partition that backtrack is installed? my hard disk is 300 gb 100 gb for win7 100 gb for saving staff and 100 for backtrack..so in the 3rd partition will be reconizes as linux system and install on it?22:21
chelzsun_devil: stuff related to 'scd"22:21
AchyllesActionParsnip,  It really seam a bug22:21
chelzsamster34_: oh, nice. good to hear22:21
Striking7ox1de: What OS are you running now?22:21
sun_devilchelz, I will give it a try, thanks22:21
InferiorHumanOrgbc``: cp -v /old/folder /new/folder22:21
AchyllesActionParsnip, I think I will wait for the final version. Perhaps the Devs correct this bug22:21
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InferiorHumanOrgbc``: cp -vr /old/folder /new/folder22:22
ActionParsnipAchylles: 12.04 is officially released....22:22
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jwrigleyStriking7: thanks :)22:22
ox1deit WAS ubuntu10.. now i loaded the ubuntu12 iso and got to the install menu but it says: this kernel requires the following features not present on the cpu: pae -- unable to boot - please use a kernel appropriate for your cpu22:22
ox1dewhen i select install22:23
AchyllesActionParsnip, today I downloaded beta2 in the morning. Where is the final release then?22:23
agnulcare to help fixing a broken update? after upgrading to 12.04 system wont boot with grub complaining about "no such partition"...22:23
whoever_samba ? anyone, how do i prevent file execution from server22:23
bc``InferiorHumanOrg when i do that, i get this: media@xbmc:~/media/tv$ cp -v "30 Rock" "/home/media/media/videos/30 Rock"22:23
bc``cp: omitting directory `30 Rock'22:23
agnul(partitions are there, and I can read using a rescue cd)22:24
InferiorHumanOrgbc``: are you using " in the command? you don't need those22:24
InferiorHumanOrgbc``: also use cp -vr22:24
ActionParsnipAchylles: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/precise/release/22:24
i9chey guys how do you install other themes on ubuntu 12/22:24
magmaalmost 2k users22:25
Striking7ox1de: Uh oh. Oldish CPU?22:25
schultzaannoying that i have to go through 10.10 to gert to 12.0422:25
bc``holy crap thats' perfect-- thanks InferiorHumanOrg!!!!22:25
Striking7Hm. I don't know if the 12 CD ships with alternative kernels.22:25
InferiorHumanOrgbc``: np22:25
Striking7I wouldn't be surprised if it did ship with alternatives though22:25
ox1dewhat should i do?22:26
Athanasiusschultza: Crap, do you? My MBP is on 10.04LTS22:26
new_ubuntuschultza why to do that?22:26
Striking7ox1de: I don't know your experience level, so let me know if I need to clarify stuff22:26
Striking7Do you get a grub menu at boot time?22:26
schultzai couldnt get tyhe distro upgrade to say 12.04 after going to everything then back to lts only22:26
schultzait stayedc on 10.1022:26
ox1dei can get grub by holding shift22:26
Striking7Ok. Do you have any alternative kernels to boot from?22:27
ox1dei'm not clear on what kernels are22:27
jpichi all, what's the command to enable/disable connections ?22:27
Striking7ox1de: If your computer is a car, the kernel is the software's "engine"22:27
schultzaifconfig [connection] up/down22:28
Striking7It makes sure all your programs know how to talk to the hardware.22:28
new_ubuntufor simple questions you can always ask google. he knows anything22:28
saimon777InferiorHumanOrg i commented that "user" line in mpd.conf & now seems working fine22:28
Striking7PAE is a feature on newerish CPUs that will allow you to access 4gigs+ of ram.22:28
InferiorHumanOrgsaimon777: oh ok. thats cool!22:28
jpicschultza: thanks, actually i'm looking for the command to control the network manager from a simple bash script22:28
saimon777now itś pulse audio the problem22:29
jpicnot enabling/disabling interfaces22:29
Striking7ox1de: If you have a list of kernels available to you in grub, choose the oldest. See if there are some that have -pae at the end of the name and others that don't.22:29
ox1deill load grub22:29
saimon777can't hear a flying tusk22:29
Klikinihow do I check if I have 12.04 beta or 12.04 released?22:29
escottjpic, nmcli22:29
jpicbrilliant, thanks22:30
ActionParsnipox1de: http://askubuntu.com/questions/117744/cannot-install-due-to-the-error-kernel-requires-features-not-present-on-the-cpu   says install Lubuntu or Xubuntu and then install the ubuntu-desktop if you still want gnome. I'd use the lighter distros to give you a more responsive OS22:30
schultzalsb_release -a?22:30
sun_devilchelz, I can play it on rhythembox, but cant see it by command line.  Looked at syslog and messages and it does not see it as a problem?22:30
ox1dei'm downloading xubuntu12.04.. will that work?22:30
ActionParsnipKlikini: are you fully updated?22:30
ox1dei'll burn the iso22:30
ActionParsnipox1de: should do22:30
IbyssIs there an upto date full encrypted drive tutorial for ubuntu 12.04 install>22:30
ox1deok i'll give it a shot22:30
Striking7ox1de: Most likely it has the same kernel as normal Ubuntu1222:30
Bennlucky7Klikini: go to system and go to details22:30
ActionParsnipKlikini: then its the full release22:30
KlikiniI never updated but update manager reports nothing22:30
Striking7Think different car, same engine22:31
samster34ok, so I moved the finished install to the other computer, trying to boot into recovery mode, I get to the shell, and again, my keyboard doesn't work so I can't do anything.....22:31
ActionParsnipKlikini: your OS has the same package versions as the released OS22:31
Klikiniin details.... do what?22:31
ActionParsnipKlikini: nothing, you have the new release, you upgraded seamlessly into it22:32
Bennlucky7Klikini: if there is no beta in ur logo then it fill realease22:32
ox1dethere is no mention of pae in teh grub menu22:32
KlikiniQuantal is available in beta? "(05:30:12 PM) Logan_ left the room (quit: Quit: Rebooting into Quantal. :-))."22:32
Striking7ox1de: ok. I'm doing some googling for you real fast.22:33
Logan_Klikini: If you come into #ubuntu+1, I'll explain. :-)22:33
i9chow do I install an old theme on ubuntu 12.04?22:33
sintrinsicHey guys. Using a console irc client for the first time. Is this readable?22:33
Striking7ox1de: http://www.bestubuntu.com/non-pae-kernel-wont-be-dropped-in-12-04-lts.html22:33
airlynxI recently installed 12.04 on my Toshiba Satellite A205, and when I plug in my USB headset XFCE closes to a terminal screen, last message is Stopping System V runlevel, I don't get any crash reports in /var/crash, can anyone help me figure out what is causing it to crash so that I can either fix it or submit a bug report?22:33
Striking7sintrinsic: Yes.22:33
=== Robert_ is now known as Guest36342
WaraudonI'm assuming that it's not possible to upgrade from 11.04->12.04 (server edition), would the recommended option be to do a fresh install, or to go 11.04->11.10->12.04 ?22:33
ActionParsnipairlynx: what if you boot with it plugged in?22:33
dlentzairlynx, when you get kicked to the terminal, look at dmesg and ~/.xsession-errors22:34
ActionParsnipWaraudon: you cannot go from Natty to Precise in one bound. You will need to do one of the other 2 options.22:34
sintrinsicAwesome. I just upgraded from 11.04 to 12.? and it's now telling me it cant detect my display/input settings, and kicks me to a tty prompt. Any ideas on how to fix?22:34
Logan_Waraudon: Backing up and then doing a fresh install is always a more recommended option.22:34
airlynxActionParsnip, it will show the boot splash then kick me to TTY122:34
ActionParsnipWaraudon: I'd go for a clean install of Precise, clean OS a intended with 5 years support22:34
HaiKaiDoin 12.04 is it still just unity? I still like Rosey. would it be hard to downgrade?22:35
WaraudonActionParsnip: I think I might just do a fresh install, it's a home gateway/server box that's also used for file backups. However, the backups are on a separate partition so I don't have to worry about that22:35
bastidrazorI upgraded from 11.10 and it appears to be doing well.22:35
ActionParsnipairlynx: are you connecting it to  a USB hub or direct to the system?22:35
Striking7sintrinsic: what kind of hardware do you have?22:35
jpicwhen i configured the 3G connection, Ubuntu asked for the pin code. After entering the pin code, checking "Remember the pin code" checkbox, and clicking OK, it works. The problem is that NetworkManager still pops up the dialog for the pin code - even thought it *does* enable the 3G connection properly which means that it used the pin code22:35
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ActionParsnipjpic: are there any bugs reported?22:36
sintrinsicinput devices are just usb keyboard/mouse. Displays are 2 dell monitors, and graphics card is radeon hd 9800 i believe22:36
jpici mean that now, Ubuntu asks for the pin, i close the window without entering the pin - which i forgot, trashed - and it works22:36
airlynxActionParsnip, I've tried both, same results22:36
ActionParsnipairlynx: have you tried setting the USB ports to legacy in BIOS?22:36
Striking7ox1de:  check it out!!! http://askubuntu.com/questions/122841/why-is-12-04-using-a-pae-dependent-kernel-by-default22:36
schultzagrr... i should jsut download the lts disk... thanks guys22:36
airlynxActionParsnip, I have not, I'll add that to my list of things to try22:36
Striking7ox1de: scroll most of the way down22:36
Striking7You'll see it say that Lubuntu and Xubuntu both have non-pae kernels by default22:37
Striking7ox1de: so you were right!22:37
hephhow do i get the gpg key id for a ppa i've already added?22:37
Striking7Download xubuntu and boot off that, you're probably goldten.22:37
beandoggpg --list-keys22:37
Striking7golden, even.22:37
hephbeandog: thanks22:37
schultza64 bit linux still not ready?22:37
beandogI think22:37
Striking7sintrinsic: the ATI card is probably your problem.22:37
jpicActionParsnip: apparently https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/704123 but the last comment is "How can I fix this problem on Ubuntu 11.04 (gnome desktop) without upgrading to 12.04 ?22:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 704123 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "PIN is asked despite it's configured into the system connection" [Medium,Fix committed]22:37
hephhm, not quite22:38
jpicwait, i did upgrade, so it should be fixed, but it's not ...22:38
sintrinsicStriking7: How would I fix it. All I know is that it says it can't find display :022:38
HaiKaiDois it hard in 12.04 to switch from unity to gnome 2?22:38
scwizardin xubuntu, I hid everything in the notification area. How can I bring up the notification area's properties dialog so that I can unhide things?22:38
hephbeandog: ah, apt-key list =]22:38
beandogheph: oh nice even better22:39
samster34I tried a different keyboard, but this one also doesn't work in the recovery mode / shell boot option....is there any way to boot without the nouveau drivers, but not into the shell?22:39
Striking7sintrinsic: I feel your pain. ATI cards are hard to get working in Linux. Also, I believe I remember someone saying earlier that the proprietary ATI drivers aren't shipped by default with Ubuntu12. Don't quote me on that.22:39
ox1deOK striking7; i'll load a xubuntu12 iso and see if that will load proper22:39
jpichow to check network manager version ?22:39
airlynxdmesg doesn't show anything when I plug the USB headset in22:39
Striking7sintrinsic: There is a default driver that you can use just to get your graphical environment up and running but its performance is bad, so just use it to troubleshoot and get the real drivers working22:39
Striking7Look up the "Framebuffer" driver22:40
beandogNetworkManager --version22:40
* jpic is sorry, real noob22:40
Striking7ox1de: I hope it works. It looks like it will from the research I did22:40
samster34striking: how do I get that running?22:40
sintrinsicStriking7: Would you happen to know the package name? Tough to google in console browsers.22:40
Striking7sintrinsic: I don't, but I'll look!22:40
sintrinsicStriking7: you're my hero.22:40
jpicthanks, it reports, so that *should* contain the fix that has claimed to be introduced in 0.9.222:40
* Striking7 bows22:40
samster34alien64: how do I change the boot options in grub so that ubuntu will start to the desktop with vesa drivers? if I use nomodeset to get to the shell, my keyboard doesnt work. no matter which keyboard I try.22:41
samster34and without keyboard, I can't tell it to do anything :/22:42
zenmasterWorong window. :)22:42
zenmasterHi! Anyways.22:42
airlynxafter it crashes I can type lsusb and see that it did in fact recognize the device as plantronics22:42
* beandog gives zenmaster a cookie22:42
NurseDadcan someone tell me where/how to get ubuntu tweak22:42
sun_devilQuestion, is normal for a sys not to recoginize a drive?22:43
Noko_Hi there ;-) I have this  entry in my grub boot menu "Found linux image: /boot/bzImage-" Has anyone a solution how i can get rid of this entry? Thank you22:43
airlynx.xsession-errors is not timestamped, so I'm not entirely sure where the problem starts22:43
gr4mm4rhello, i cannot find skype after i minimize it, running it from /home just starts another instance of it, and thats not hwat im looking for, anyone else have this issue?22:43
melvsterhi all any way to hide the sidebar in precise?22:43
Striking7btw sintrinsic: if you want to do your own research while I'm looking, there's a text-mode browser named lynx22:44
Striking7"q" quits, "g" (stands for "go") will let you enter a url to go ot22:44
jpichow to know in a script if "Enable wireless" is checked in nmapplet ?22:45
Striking7and the right arrow key "clicks" a link. Back arrow goes back22:45
zenmasterHi, I need apache to log more so I can see why it is not starting. :)22:45
zenmasterHow does one go about doing that? :D22:46
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jpicnvm, nmcli nm22:46
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alien64sintrinsic: change to vesa in xorg.conf is my guess22:46
diegoviolawhy would you use vesa?22:47
diegoviolasimplexi1: what card do you have?22:47
Striking7sintrinsic: alien64's suggestion is probably a good start. Do you know how to do that?22:47
diegoviolasintrinsic: what card do you have?22:48
Lintwhat should I do to enable gnome-shell in Precise? I installed gnome-shell package but it segfaults22:48
Lintalso, is it possible to use the Gnome Network Manager in precise?22:48
Striking7diegoviola: he has a radeon 9800 HD22:48
diegoviolaStriking7: why not use the radeon driver then?22:48
ox1debtw... the link for xubuntu PC desktop CD says 404 not found22:48
sintrinsicstrinking7: afraid not. sry. was in another tty22:49
ox1deso i went with the alternate22:49
airlynxI moved the .xsession-errors file to .xsessions-backup, then plugged in my USB headset, then tried to view the .xsession-errors file again but there was nothing there22:49
ox1dewill teh alternate work ok?22:49
Striking7diegoviola: I was just suggesting the most failsafe thing as a start.22:49
ubottumarti: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».22:49
dagadagadagais anyone suffering from very slow installation from usb?22:49
Striking7diegoviola: most likely the radeon driver works best long term.22:49
Striking7ox1de: Yes it will.22:49
Striking7ox1de: the only difference is that the installer is text-mode for alternate.22:49
samster34help, is there a way to boot ubuntu, so that X will start but it will not use the nouveau driver?22:49
diegoviolaStriking7: using the radeon driver is a good idea because it does support KMS (kernel mode setting) which happens to detect the resolution for you automatically so then xorg.conf is not needed anymore.22:49
ox1detext mode?22:49
Striking7ox1de: the normal liveCD puts you in a graphical environment22:50
samster34ox1de: my keyboard doesnt work in text mode, so that doesnt help :(22:50
ox1deu sure it will work?22:50
progre55hi guys. I have an encrypted /home partition, but it doesnt mount automatically on logon. I have to manually mount it from tty before I can login. Any suggestions, please?22:50
Striking7ox1de:  yeah. Not a big deal - it's just not "pretty" when it's in the installer22:50
Striking7Yeah, it installs the same thing.22:50
Striking7It just doesn't look as pretty while it's doing so22:51
alien64diegoviola: he should use the radeon driver in the repo not the propritery ones22:51
diegoviolasintrinsic: use the radeon driver22:51
Striking7diegoviola: You're right.22:51
Lintalso it has an expert mode22:51
samster34help, is there a way to boot ubuntu, so that X will start but it will not use the nouveau driver?22:51
diegoviolaalien64: sure22:51
Striking7diegoviola: do you think you could help sintrinsic through that process? It's been a while since I had an ATI card22:51
Striking7... I used the proprietary drivers when I did, too.22:51
diegoviolaStriking7: sure22:51
airlynxOff to try ActionParsnip's suggestion, setting USB to legacy mode in BIOS, wish me luck22:51
Striking7That was... 2005 I think :-p22:51
diegoviolasintrinsic: you just need to install xf86-video-ati or xf86-video-radeon22:52
diegoviolasintrinsic: that will hopefully pull the other dependencies22:52
diegoviolalike the kernel drivers, etc22:52
alien64tri ati first")22:52
sintrinsicdiegoviola: awesome. trying that now. brb22:52
diegoviolasintrinsic: then you don't need to do anything with the xorg.conf anymore. Actually, xorg.conf is not needed anymore if you have a KMS driver.22:53
Striking7samster34: why doesn't your keyboard work in text mode?22:53
Striking7Is it a usb keyboard?22:53
sarnoldThe most recent Firefox update to 12.0+build1-0ubuntu0.11.04.1 broke the ^W, ^U, keybindings in text edit widgets. Does anyone know what to edit to bring back their old behavior (kill word, kill line)?22:53
diegoviolasintrinsic: sure, let us know if you need more help.22:53
sw0rdfishhey guys, what desktop environment does ubuntu 12.04 have?22:53
Riddellsw0rdfish: unity22:53
sw0rdfishand 12.10?22:53
sw0rdfishalso unity?22:53
Arthur_Dprobably the same22:54
Riddell12.10 doesn't exist yet22:54
sw0rdfishArthur_D, don't ya have 12.1022:54
ubottumarti: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».22:54
sw0rdfishoh rlly Riddell.22:54
Striking7sw0rdfish: Most likely. Unity is still pretty young - it'll probably be much better when October rolls around than it is now (it's not terrible now, but not perfect)22:54
samster34Striking7: I don't know why. It says "unable to enumerate USB device on port 8"22:54
Arthur_Dsw0rdfish: 12.04 is the latest version22:54
sk1specialis there a way to reset/reinstall gnome-settings-daemon?22:54
sw0rdfishI dunno Riddell man I was with 10.10 till before yesterday man... but updates stopped so I was like "BuMMeR!"22:54
Striking7samster34: Sounds like something a bios setting can fix22:54
samster34Striking7: I've tried different keyboards, different ports, there are no other USB devices...22:54
Striking7samster34: Look through your bios for a setting called "emulate legacy usb keyboard"22:55
samster34Striking7: the only bios setting that relates is "Support keyboard and mouse ONLY", does that sound like a wordy way to describe the legacy support setting?22:55
Striking7samster34: Doesn't sound like it to me :(22:55
ActionParsnipStriking7: young, it's been around since Natty...22:56
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Arthur_Dfor software as complex as a desktop environment, that's pretty young22:57
samster34Striking7: well, I have no other settings relating to usb or keyboards22:57
sw0rdfishlol why did the OS freak out when I typed unity into a terminal.22:57
Striking7ActionParsnip: It has. And that is very young compared to Gnome, KDE, and even things like Enlightenment.22:57
samster34except choosing 1.1+2.0 or 1.122:57
ActionParsnipArthur_D: unity isn't a DE22:57
airlynxchanging BIOS settings had no effect, my system still crashes when I plug in my USB headset, nothing in dmesg, nothing in .xsession-errors, does anybody else have any ideas as to why it would do this?22:57
gr4mm4ranyone not able to restore skype in 12.04 after its minimized?22:57
alien64young and sucky :)22:57
Striking7samster34: shoot. Ok. There's probably a safe graphics mode option for Ubuntu's boot.22:58
Striking7I'll look around real quick.22:58
samster34Striking7: is there a way to boot into X without nouveau drivers, instead of booting to textmode?22:58
Arthur_DActionParsnip: still, it requires heavy integration with Gnome and other software, so it does take a while for things to settle22:58
samster34Striking7: ok, how do I find this option :P22:58
ActionParsnipArthur_D: i guess, but it's not as young as HUD etc22:58
Striking7samster34: I'm looking that up right now.22:59
samster34"usb 1-8: device not accepting addres 2, error -110"22:59
samster34same with address 3, 4, 5, then it says unable to enumerate device.23:00
Striking7samster34: Do you have a lot of usb devices plugged in?23:00
sw0rdfishhmmmm what can I do in tty2 to restart the GUI session of tty7?23:00
samster34Striking7: nothing except the keyboard.23:00
bobweaver!gnome >bobweaver23:01
ubottubobweaver, please see my private message23:01
alien64samster34: is your bios setting irq's or software?23:01
samster34alien64: ?23:01
sarnoldsw0rdfish: probably "sudo killall X" would do the job.23:01
Striking7Huh. I've seen a similar error a few times, but that was on some custom hardware that had really low maximum current on usb powered devices.23:01
=== Ibyss is now known as Birdything
samster34alien64: there are options for the IRQs...they are set to auto23:01
BirdythingThis link appears to be dead: http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/DVDs/ubuntu/precise/release/ubuntu-12.04-dvd-amd64.iso23:01
sw0rdfishis that ok to do sarnold? I don't have any open documents but it freaked out when I typed unity into a terminal.23:02
SteveBellhi all. maybe stupid question, but what keys are which when I'm on a mac, virtual box and then in ubuntu?23:02
sarnoldsw0rdfish: it'll kill your X server and that ought to kill all your X clients as a result; i _think_ tty7 ought to restart the display manager and allow you to log in again23:02
SteveBellfirefox shortcut for add-ons is supposed to be alt + ctrl + a23:03
SteveBellbut nothing happens.23:03
sw0rdfishsarnold, I see.23:03
alien64samster34: most bios have a place that lets the bios can choose irq settings if its on turn it off23:03
samster34alien64: still not sure what you mean23:03
samster34alien64: I have a bunch of options like: "PCI IRQ line 1: Auto Select"23:03
samster34alien64: disable all 8 of them?23:04
whoever_hi all is there a free antivirus that works23:04
Tintifor windows? avast?23:04
whoever_i tried avast clamav neither seem to work , can someone assist ?23:04
SteveBellnoone knows?23:04
alien64samster34:prolly the one for usb23:04
Sir_LetoIs there any way to make ubuntu ring my bluetooth headset  when I get a call? I know I can run commands from skype, but I don't know what command to use.23:05
samster34alien64: I don't see one for USB23:05
airlynxcan I run apport from tty1 to capture a crash that happens on tty7?23:05
whoever_Tinti: yes, but i am trin' to scan directly from ubuntu23:05
Sir_LetoI want it actually make ubuntu ring my bluetooth headphones.23:05
ActionParsnip!av | whoever_23:05
ubottuwhoever_: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus23:05
sarnoldwhoever_: microsoft security essentials is quite nice; bitdefender is my brother's favorite bootable CD. Be aware that you also have to run "antimalware" scanners too, as the AV people have apparently decided that if you decided to install the crap yourself, it's not a virus. :)23:05
halakarhey guise23:06
alien64samster34: can u pastbin the one u have and the settings23:06
halakari just switched from mageia (kde4) to ubuntu today, because i was sick and tired of my rig being slow.23:06
FyodorovnaTinti, http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=91145.0  there is tweak that needs to be done to have it load the updates though.23:06
halakari have a few questions - anyone available to answer?23:06
whoever_sarnold: don't i have to pay for bittdefender23:06
samster34alien64: pastebin what?23:06
sarnoldwhoever_: not their bootable CD, that's free23:06
alien64those 8 setting in ur bios23:06
dforthmanis the "Get Ubuntu" page erroring for anyone else?23:07
samster34they are all the same except the number23:07
halakaris there any kind of tool that i can use to mount another hard drive in a folder, or do i have to use the command line interface?23:07
whoever_and whoever is controlling ubuntu bot yes i am passing the files to windows23:07
halakarin settings, i don't see any kind of disk management tool23:07
whoever_well not directly making them available from the smb server23:07
monotokoalright people... I need to know if I can trust the QQ Linux client? I have a meeting with a chinese client and they will only use QQ >.>23:07
Striking7samster34: sorry, so far I've only been able to find solutions that involve using the terminal23:07
Fyodorovnasarnold, whoever_ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BitDefender23:07
samster34alien64 :PCI IRQ line # : Auto Select | Disabled | 5 | 7 | 10| 11 |23:08
samster34Striking7: darn.23:08
ActionParsnipwhoever_: there are AV solutions listed in the link...23:08
whoever_sarnold: but the application , i would have to pay for23:08
Striking7That doesn't mean that's all that there is, just all I've found.23:08
sarnoldFyodorovna: that's pretty cool, thanks.23:08
SteveBellactually the shortcut for firefox addons is plain wrong. it says alt + ctrl + a but it actually is ctrrl + shift + a23:08
monotokoit's all in chinese... but as long as I can navigate my way to chat I should be okay... however I just wanted to know if I can trust it23:08
Striking7If there's one thing I've learned about Linux, there's a way to do anything.23:08
whoever_ActionParsnip: what link i may have missed it23:08
ActionParsnip!av | whoever_23:08
samster34Striking7: I could attempt moving the disk back to the other computer, installing the nvidia drivers, then moving it to this one? do I need to uninstall the nouveau drivers?23:08
Striking7Including fly a herd of pygmy elephants into a rainbow.23:08
sarnoldwhoever_: maybe? My brother has always been content to run MS Security Essentials on his clients and use BitDefender for when they've broken something :)23:08
ActionParsnipwhoever_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus23:09
liberalmonotoko: you can't use a segregated VM that will be deleted immediately afterwards?23:09
halakaruh, is this #windows or #ubuntu ?23:09
liberalsimple solution if you're paranoid about it.23:09
Fyodorovnasarnold, both avast and bitdefender have free clients, they use the same windows av lists as the windows versions respectively.23:09
ActionParsnipwhoever_: does your IRC client not scroll up?23:09
Striking7samster34: it'd be wise to blacklist the nouveau drivers if you really don't want to use them.23:09
alien64samster34: how pastbin lsusb23:09
sinichirohalakar: #ubuntu .)23:09
whoever_ActionParsnip: im half blind so i can miss shit23:09
samster34alien64: what? sorry?23:09
samster34Striking7: how?23:09
monotokoliberal, I could but the hardware support isn't so good for a video call... I just don't trust a chinese company in a communist state with root access to my machine...23:09
alien64samster34: how about pastbin lsusb23:09
Striking7samster34: to blacklist the drivers, edit "/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf"23:10
halakarsinichiro, then can you help a newbie with a few questions?  with 1700 people in this chan, i'm surprised i can get any help23:10
whoever_ActionParsnip: but thanks for reposting te link23:10
Striking7(from the other computer obviously :)23:10
ActionParsnipwhoever_: np :023:10
sarnoldmonotoko: AppArmor profile the stupid thing :)23:10
monotokoliberal, from what I've heard... it wants root access every time it's run23:10
samster34alien64: lsusb? what is that?23:10
Striking7and add a line at the end saying just "nouveau"23:10
soulnafeinwtf is Nouveau driver?23:10
ActionParsnipStriking7: or run:   echo "blacklist nouveau" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf > /dev/null23:10
samster34foss nvidia driver23:10
monotokosarnold, ahhh good plan! Never thought of that :)23:10
ActionParsnipsoulnafein: open source nvidia driver23:10
Striking7samster34: lsusb is a command that tells you about the usb devices in your system.23:10
sinichirohalakar:  sure. I'm no expert though23:11
Striking7ActionParsnip has good advice there, samster3423:11
halakarwell, if you've been using it for more than one day you might be helpful23:11
samster34Striking7: alien64: I CAN'T TYPE ANYTHING in text mode. I can't run any commands. I can't boot into desktop because of video drivers23:11
sinichirohalakar: a bit more yeah .)23:11
Striking7samster34: I know that :)23:11
Striking7samster34: but you said you could hook the drive up in another computer23:11
samster34yeah, more directed at alien64 :)23:11
alien64samster34: not trying to be mean here but google some of this yourself not doing what is asked of you and asking another question will get you no where fast23:12
Striking7samster34: So you could potentially do it from the other computer, right?23:12
samster34yea...but how are the USB devices on another computer going to help23:12
soulnafeinActionParsnip, are they any good or they are good only for the warm fuzzy feeling that open source give?23:12
halakarsinichiro, my question is how to mount another device (i.e /dev/sdb1) to a folder under my home directory,23:12
ActionParsnipsoulnafein: they run my 6150LE pretty well, but so does the 1295 driver from nvidia23:12
craawlIs there a best practices guide to repartitioning a disk with an old Ubuntu install to free up space for a 12.04 install and dual-booting (temporarily)?23:12
samster34alien64: I can't do anything at the moment on the computer having the problems, so I physically CANT run lusb on it23:12
halakarsinichiro, my previous distro (mageia/mandriva) let me do this via the "control center" they had.  I don't see anything like that with ubuntu.23:12
=== gh0st][away is now known as gh0stn0te
sarnoldsamster34: no ssh? :(23:13
samster34sarnold: I can't even boot23:13
HebramHello.  I am interested in changing the icons on some folders to a custom icon.  Can some instruct me on how to do this?23:13
sarnoldsamster34: oh that sucks. :/ I thought it booted but just never let you type anything. Sorry.23:13
samster34I can get into text mode, and then I cant type anything23:13
Striking7samster34: Totally understand. But if you're able to use another computer and mess with the drive hopefully you can modify /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf23:13
Striking7samster34: Is that possible?23:14
samster34Striking7: yeah that's what I'm hoping. just have to log off here again to try....23:14
Striking7Ok. I may have to go soon though :\23:14
alien64im done have fun guys23:14
Striking7Later alien6423:14
samster34Striking7: ? is what possible? ssh-ing into text mode from another computer?23:14
Striking7alien64: Thanks for looking for that icon set :)23:14
samster34no idea.23:14
alien64still looking:P23:14
Striking7SSHing is a likely solution, samster3423:15
Striking7samster34: You'd have to start your SSH daemon on the computer with the problems though...23:15
halakarsinichiro, also, i am looking for a way to move the close/minimize/maximize button location to the right instead of the left.23:15
Striking7which would require console access... which...23:15
alien64let someone ssh into your box and fix it23:15
Striking7Well we know the issue there.23:15
sarnoldare you using init=/bin/sh or does it come up to a login: prompt?23:15
samster34alien64: gladly, if you can get it to a point where it has network connectivity and ssh running :)23:15
halakari mean i don't see jack as far as being able to customize the thing23:16
eftepedeI've tried my ubuntu-server from 11.10, but since it's OpenVZ guest with 2.18.x on the host, my glibc just broke and I can't finish upgrade.23:16
eftepedeWhat can I do?23:16
monotokosarnold, looks like the last release was in 2009... might have to install Windows to a partition -sighs-23:16
alien64screw it reinstall that crap23:16
eftepedeManually change sources back to oneiric and do aptitude update and aptitude upgrade?23:16
samster34sarnold: so far I used nomodeset to get to the built in shell23:16
Striking7samster34: If you have another computer handy and are able to move the drive over, awesome.23:16
Striking7That's your answer.23:16
monotokohalakar, change your theme23:16
sinichirohalakar, gconftool -s /apps/met>gconftool -s /apps/met>gconftool -s /apps/metacity/general/button_layout -t string menu:minimize,maximize,close23:16
samster34Striking7: yeah just writing down where that black list is so I can turn this computer off and get the drive in here :P23:16
Striking7samster34: If not I know there are answers, but I have to go now :\23:17
monotokosome other themes have it on the right23:17
samster34Striking7: thanks for the help23:17
stercorIs 11.10->12.04 a good move?23:17
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sinichirohalakar, just paste it into terminal23:17
samster34alien64: this is a fresh install23:17
samster34oh, you probably didn't mean me.23:17
Striking7Sure thing samster34. Best of luck.23:17
pndemc_what's wrong with ubuntu's servers?23:17
alien64so fresh it dont work:P23:17
Crowley2@halakar, sinichiro: Doesn't ubuntu-tweak allow re-ordering of the buttons?23:17
halakarsinichiro, WTF ?  are you serious?23:17
pndemc_this distribution upgrade is going at 66.5KB/sec..23:18
sinichirohalakar, I am. it works23:18
=== Striking7 is now known as Striking7|away
sinichiroCrowley2, yeah, it does. But if you don't have tweak installed, this'll do. .)23:18
Crowley2Sure :-)23:18
HebramI am interested in changing the icons of a few folders to custom icons.  Can someone please assist me?23:18
sinichirohalakar, It works only on non-maximized windows though.23:18
sarnoldsinichiro: I think your line was corrupted, "/apps/met>gconftool" doesn't look right :)23:18
halakarsinichiro, i did it - it worked - thanks.  hmm23:19
halakarsorry, i'm coming from the world of KDE23:19
halakarmaybe i'd be more at home with Kubuntu23:19
samster34on the laptop again23:19
samster34this time with proper keyboard. I can't type on that thing to save my life23:19
Crowley2@Hebram: Right-click on folder, options. There You can change the icon of the folder.23:20
Riddellhalakar: I recommend Kubuntu :)23:20
Striking7|awaysamster34: I'm headed out soon - PM me if you have any other issues and if I can help I'll PM you back next chance I get.23:20
halakarsinichiro, thanks for that - but is there no way to customize these sort of things via the gui? what about mounting another drive to a folder i.e /home/user/datafolder23:20
Striking7|awayox1de: Let me know if Xubuntu fixes things!23:20
* Striking7|away is out23:20
halakarthere's no gui tool for that - it has to be cli  ????23:20
rawfodog8 hours to upgrade to the new ubuntu ????23:20
HebramCrowley2:  Thank you!  I did not see that option earlier.  I will clean my glasses and look again.23:20
=== Striking7|away is now known as Striking7
=== Striking7 is now known as Striking7|Away
sarnoldhalakar: do you want the same drive on the same directory "for all time"? Or do you want it "once in a while"?23:21
AthanasiusWhat's the difference between OpenOffice and LibreOffice?23:21
halakarsarnold, well, i want this 1TB volume to always be accessible at /home/username/directory23:21
alien64open and libre:P23:21
RiddellAthanasius: quick answer OpenOffice was renamed to LibreOffice23:21
rawfodogAthanasius, libreoffice doesnt have trojans23:21
prodige94salut jsuis nouveau sur le chat23:21
pndemc_<rawfodog> I have the same issue23:21
pndemc_ubuntu's servers must be getting hammered23:21
bazhangAthanasius, try in #openoffice.org that is quite extensive to answer here23:22
bazhangrawfodog, thats enough23:22
rawfodogpndemc_, yeah. I wonder if I can cancel this download and try tomorrow or something23:22
ThePendulumHow do I display only one notification area?23:22
sarnoldhalakar: because it would be easy enough to add the drive's /dev/disk/by-id/ symlink to your /etc/fstab file and have the same drive on the same directory all the time.23:22
Athanasiuslol, alright.23:22
=== tensorpudding_ is now known as tensorpudding
ActionParsnipAthanasius: http://superuser.com/questions/240647/openoffice-vs-libreoffice-whats-the-difference#24065223:22
prodige94ya des français ??23:22
sinichirohalakar, It doesn't have to be cli. You need an external program though. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-tweak/0.7.x/0.7.0/+download/ubuntu-tweak_0.7.0-1~precise4_all.deb23:22
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.23:22
halakarsarnold, I know....I should be ashamed but it's been so damn long since i've messed with /etc/fstab23:22
HebramCrowley2:  I do not see "options" as an option.  I do have "properties", but I see no where in the tabs to point to an icon file.23:23
halakarsinichiro, can i get that through this little "software center" thing ?23:23
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Sir_LetoDoes anyone know how I could make a bash script that makes my bluetooth headset ring? http://www.digipedia.pl/usenet/thread/18069/10936/ this might help.23:23
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wyldeSir_Leto: I bet they'd have good answers over in #bash :)23:24
sarnoldno, I doubt they would.23:24
sinichirohalakar, you might. Search for a program called Advances settings.23:24
sinichiroAdvanced, rather23:24
* rawfodog cancels ubuntu update23:24
rawfodoglets try sunday lol23:24
ThePendulumI am running 12.04 on a dualscreen, and the notification panel is displayed on both screens. How does one disable one of them?23:24
natmanhello, on a fresh 12.04 install, how do i enter the Grub menu, i have it set to log in automatically and it is not a dual boot system23:24
halakarGNOME tweak tool ?23:25
samster34ok, now  nouveau wont even work on the desktop where its worked fine before...trying to run it in failsafe mode, and I get a window saing I'm running in low graphics mode....but I can't acknowledge. I have no mouse cursor.....AND the keyboard is dead. again...wtf23:25
sinichirohalakar, basically yeah23:25
pengwHi all23:25
ActionParsnipnatman: hold shift at boot23:25
halakarthanks for your help, gang.23:25
pndemc_is the best way to fix a windows grub listing to use the windows repair disk?23:25
sinichiroThePendulum, go to system settings and open "displays"23:25
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halakarafter i get my rig all tweaked to my liking, i'll have to worry about bringing up a virtual machine and vsftpd, that's about it23:26
wylde!grub | pndemc_23:26
ubottupndemc_: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)23:26
pengwwhen i try to upgrade it shows me that two app been back which include gummi and shutter. So I can I particularly upgrade these packet?23:26
halakarmaybe wine for when i like to play half life on steam..23:26
pengwBTW 12.04 is nice23:26
Fyodorovnapndemc_, what is the actual problem?23:27
benccwhat's the difference between gnome-session-fallback and gnome-panel?23:27
pndemc_after installing mint using wubi23:27
pndemc_the grub listing for windows no longer works23:27
halakarsarnold, so the best thing to do is just edit my /etc/fstab and put in the /dev/uid for my device and restart... ?23:27
wyldepndemc_: using windows disk will remove grub altogether.23:27
Fyodorovnapndemc_, you might run a chkdsk from the disc.23:28
ThePendulumbencc: gnome-panel is just the panel, where, afaik, gnome-session-fallback would be the entire gnome DE23:28
pndemc_the repair option would remove GRUB?23:28
halakari wonder if i can snag my virtual machine file and just open it with virtual box23:29
halakarthat would be nice23:29
natmanI am trying to enable a Kernel option, i am at the page for boot option, can someone help me?23:29
benccThePendulum: thanks23:29
=== smoothhound is now known as Uprising
sarnoldhalakar: If it were my problem, yeah, I'd edit fstab -- but there's no need to restart. If you add the 'user' option to the mount options, then you can just run "mount /path/to/mountpoint" and it'll mount it immediately.23:29
jerkface03Can someone help me please? Trying to install openjdk 7... here's the command I ran: sudo apt-get install openjdk-jre-723:29
jerkface03But it gives me an error saying that it's not able to locate the package23:29
Fyodorovnapndemc_, the bootloader you should be seeing with a wubi is the windows one, don't boot windows from the grub gui that you get from choosing ubuntu at the boot menu.23:29
jerkface03Using ubuntu server 12.04 lts23:29
krababbelpndemc_: I just did sudo grub-install /dev/sd.. to fix the menu23:29
halakarsarnold, do i have to specify options for fs type, etc?  it's an ext4 volume23:29
sarnoldjerkface03: doesn't look like 7 is packaged yet: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=openjdk-jre-723:30
jerkface03sarnold: so what do I do?23:30
NarcHello everyone, I'm using Precise on an Asus K53SD laptop and the brightness settings are forgotten with each reboot. Any idea on how to make them "stick" ? Thanks23:30
synackfinhow do I view all packages that are not part of any repository anymore (after ugprading to 12.04) ?23:30
quetzaljerkface03: It's openjdk-7-jre. :-P23:30
sarnoldquetzal: oh hell. :) nice.23:30
synackfinI want a list of packages still 'stuck' at 10.0423:31
jerkface03quetzal: nice.23:31
jerkface03thank you.23:31
pndemc_a little more information, the GRUB menu was for picking between two seperate drives, it's not just different partitions on the same drive23:31
quetzaljerkface03: No problem. :-)23:31
krababbelpndemc_: same for me23:31
sarnoldhalakar: I would specify ext4 if it is an ext4 system23:31
pndemc_the wubi was supposed to be on the same disk as windows23:31
halakarsigh, been so long since i've done this command line23:31
Fyodorovnapndemc_, bad use of a wubi, I'm not surprised your having problems.23:31
ManuelSantanajust installed ubuntu 12.0423:32
ManuelSantanawell not installed23:32
ManuelSantanalivecd testing23:32
krababbelpndemc_: OK, not sure about what wubi does, but my first drive with windows still has windows boot manager on it, the second has grub, and I boot from the second23:32
halakarwhat about taking ownership of files/directories with nautilus?  it doesn't seem possible - do i have to chown/chgrp with CLI on this too ?23:32
krababbelpndemc_: I didn't want to touch the boot manager of windows, when i boot from the first drive, windows boots normally23:33
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pndemc_yeah I now realize I should have done it manually23:33
Guest47545I need some help23:33
dforthmanIs there a way to downgrade from 12.04 to 11.10 without having to download and burn another cd?23:33
tbruff13Guest36342, whats up23:33
pndemc_okay, so what's the next step?23:33
tbruff13dforthman, I do not think so23:33
tbruff13lets google it23:33
sinichirohalakar, with apps like Gnomw tweak and Ubuntu tweak, you can add a right-click option for ownership I think.23:33
bazhangdforthman, use a usb stick23:33
krababbelpndemc_: ubuntu installes grub to the drive which is set to boot first.23:34
bazhang!unetbootin | tbruff13 dforthman23:34
ubottutbruff13 dforthman: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent23:34
Guest47545 in the process of upgrading to precise pangolin. then it seemed to have 'gotten stuck' after downloading the packages so I restarted the computer and now ubuntu won't boot23:34
halakarsinichiro, are those apps reliable?  do not want to break anything23:34
NarcHello everyone, I'm using Precise on an Asus K53SD laptop and the brightness settings are forgotten with each reboot. Any idea on how to make them "stick" ? Thanks23:34
pndemc_that would be the drive windows is installed on krababbel23:34
dforthmanbazhang, I don't have a USB stick. Thanks for the help, though.23:35
bazhangGuest47545, at what point was it at? configuring packages?23:35
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Guest47545yeah i think so23:35
tbruff13bazhang, I don't need that information23:35
ManuelSantanacan i install ubuntu 12.04 on a secondary partition to dual boot windows?23:35
wyldedforthman: no, you'll have to do a reinstall to downgrade.23:35
bazhangtbruff13, it's possible, you seemed not to know it23:35
tbruff13ManuelSantana, yes you can23:35
Guest47545it just says general error mounting filesystems. a maintenance shell will now be started23:35
ManuelSantanait's an extended partition...does it matter?23:36
tbruff13bazhang, what is possible downgrading without making a CD/USB23:36
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bazhangtbruff13, just the cd was what he asked23:36
Guest47545bazhang any ideas?23:36
dforthmantbruff13, i should have been more clear. instead of 'download and burn' i should have said 'fresh install'23:36
bazhangdforthman, fresh install is the only path for that23:37
dforthmanbazhang, thanks.23:37
Guest47545it says mountall: /ib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version GLIBC_2.14' not found23:38
krababbelpndemc_: then restore windows boot first, so grub can find it23:38
krababbelpndemc_: then set bios to boot from second and restore grub23:39
biobunsaiso how many bugs does Ubu 12.04 have?23:39
synackfinhow do I view all packages that are not part of any repository anymore (after ugprading to 12.04) ?  I want a list of packages 'stuck' on 10.04 or 8.0423:39
=== jdtm is now known as jdtm1
sarnoldGuest47545: do you have sash installed on that machine? sash is a statically linked administration shell, it might be able to run well enough to let you fix that problem23:39
Arthur_Dbiobunsai: hopefully fewer than the normal releases23:40
Guest47545i don't know if I have sash. never heard of it before23:40
Dan-The-Manhow can you stop unity from assuming the wallpaper23:40
Dan-The-Manaverage color23:40
krababbelpndemc_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=158109923:40
Guest47545how do I find sash?23:41
wylde!find sash23:41
ubottuFound: sash23:41
wylde!info sash23:41
ubottusash (source: sash): Stand-alone shell. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.7-10build1 (precise), package size 362 kB, installed size 812 kB23:41
sarnoldGuest47545: if you installed it, it'll be in /bin/sash -- just type /bin/sash and see if it starts23:42
bc``i will paypal someone $20 if they can help me fix my problem23:42
samster34"Gave up waiting for root device" <--- what?23:42
Jenbc``: not necessarily the best way to get an answer.23:42
pndemc_okay thanks <krababbel>,23:42
polardude1983Hello, I am having trouble deleting duplicate sources. I do have ubuntu tweak installed too23:42
JoseeAntonioRHi! I'd like to know how long should it take to restore previously installed packages?23:42
krababbelpndemc_: np :)23:42
pndemc_I'm gonna wait for my ubuntu 12.04 update to finish first23:42
pndemc_and then I'll pull out the repair disk23:43
Guest47545i dont have sash23:43
bc``i know, i'm just growing frusterated23:43
bc``im new and been working on this for 4 hours and its killing me23:43
krababbelpndemc_: yes, I think without the windows bootmanager intact, grub won't find it to put it in the menu23:43
bc``Command (m for help): w23:44
bc``The partition table has been altered!23:44
bc``Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.23:44
bc``Syncing disks.23:44
FloodBot1bc``: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:44
bc``i keep getting that when trying to format my disk23:44
pndemc_btw how do you message people like that? lol23:44
bc``pndemc: /msg23:44
wylde!tab | pndemc_23:44
ubottupndemc_: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.23:44
bc``pndemc_: msg [name] [message]23:44
dniMretsaMInstalled Ubuntu 12.04 minimal, but can't get X11 to run. When I run "sudo X -configure" I get this error: "Number of created screens does not match number of detected devices." Any help?23:45
krababbelpndemc_: I just used your nick autocomplete23:45
sarnoldbc``: what's the problem?23:45
daadaabye. bye free internet http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2012/04/house-passes-cispa/23:45
bc``sarnold: I have no idea.  each time i try to format, i choose "t", then "83" then "w", and when it goes to write, it craps out like that23:45
pndemc_krababbel, wait, like this?23:45
pndemc_that makes it red for you?23:45
krababbelpndemc_: yes23:46
polardude1983I am having trouble finding duplicate sources that the sudo apt-get update is giving me23:46
pndemc_krababbel, ohh, cool >_<23:46
krababbelpndemc_: depends on your irc client config though :)23:46
wyldepndemc_: for some it even makes noise! :)23:46
NarcHello everyone, I'm using Precise on an Asus K53SD laptop and the brightness settings are forgotten with each reboot. Any idea on how to make them "stick" ? Thanks23:46
Chaserbc``,  the message that you see is normal AFAIK23:46
sarnoldbc``: are you sure it _crapped out_? The w key is supposed to write and quit. Does fdisk -l /dev/whatever show the changes you made?23:47
zykotick9bc``: that looks like a sucessful fdisk outcome, to create a partition.  that's not the same as formatting!  that comes next.23:47
pndemc_krababbel, wylde, im on xchat, I'll edit mine so it makes noise lol23:47
bazhang!ot | daadaa23:47
ubottudaadaa: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:47
bc``it says: Partition number (1-4, default 2): ^Cmedia@xbmc:~$ fdisk -l /dev/sdc23:48
bc``Cannot open /dev/sdc23:48
zykotick9bc``: just try "sudo fdisk -l" to list all paritions23:48
JoseeAntonioRI think ubiquity got stuck while restoring previously installed packges.23:48
sarnoldbc``: you ran fdisk -l as a normal user, which will not have permission to list the partition on block devices; use sudo fdisk -l23:49
bc``it is showing there in fdisk -l23:49
=== quetzal is now known as lolgan
zykotick9bc``: so format it now.23:49
bc``sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdc ?23:50
zykotick9bc``: that's partitioning AGAIN.  what format do you want it ext or fat/ntfs?23:50
kfizzJust upgraded to 12.04. Getting black screen. F7 terminal shows "checking battery state" as last entry. Sudo X-configure errors because created screens doesn't match number of detected devices. Any ideas?23:50
Guest47545does anyone know how I can recover ubuntu? I was in the process of upgrading it when it froze and now ubuntu won't boot at all.23:51
=== xezekal is now known as SolarAquarion
bc``oops sorry23:51
wyldeGuest47545: how recent are your backups? heh.23:51
bc``ok.. does this make sense, then? sudo mkfs -t ext3 /dev/sdc23:51
Guest47545no idea23:52
zykotick9bc``: almost /dev/sdc1 (assuming 1 partiton)23:52
bc``ah yes23:52
sokakhi dudes, silly question - i messed up with getlibs trying to revive dofus sound on a 64 bit install, i guess i've installed a bunch of crap... How do i remove the 32 bits libraries installed by getlibs? :323:52
=== don262 is now known as Dawn262
psy_кто знает,как толком вов звпустить?23:52
wyldeGuest26174: does no idea mean you don't keep backups of your data outside your Ubuntu install?23:52
wylde!ru | psy_23:53
ubottupsy_: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.23:53
sacarlsonGuest47545: depending on if you installed a fresh copy of 12.04 to a fresh unused partition or if you tried to upgrade a system on it's original partition23:53
pndemc_for setting up a web-server, what would people suggest, debian, ubuntu-se, or something else?23:53
ThePendulumI'm either drunk or I hit my head badly, but I somehow had no issue reading those Russian sentences.23:53
Guest47545the latter23:53
wyldepndemc_: I run mine on Ubuntu server. But it's just a hobby site really, very little traffic.23:53
pmp6nlHello, if I have a separate home partition can I install 12.04 over 11.10 and it will keep all settings, etc?23:54
sacarlsonGuest47545: then my guess is you will have to reinstall as fresh from a live boot cd of usb flash23:54
pndemc_my server will be handeling about 20GB transfer a day,23:54
Guest47545thats what i was afraid of. so i'll lose all my data23:54
sacarlsonGuest47545: if you had anything of value on the disk you might want to try to recover it23:54
Guest47545how do i recover it?23:54
zykotick9pmp6nl: depending what you are installing over, some of those home directory setting could potentially cause issues... just something to watch out for.23:54
sokakGuest26174, just 7zip it on an external hdd.23:55
=== Guest26174 is now known as andygee
wyldeGuest47545:  Best answer I have for you is to use a live cd to backup your data and expect to have to reinstall, if someone would care to tell me I'm wrong please do, this is one of those times I like being wrong :)23:55
pndemc_wylde, lamp, and tf2 game servers. would ubuntu still be a good choice?23:55
sokakgood point zykotick9, better just backup personal data23:55
sacarlsonGuest47545: boot a live cd or usb flash, try to mount the /home partition and copy the valued data to usb flash or other media23:55
pmp6nlzykotick9, Ok.  I am mainly wanting installed program settings23:55
Guest47545ok thanks sacarlson23:56
dniMretsaMstill need some help configuring X1123:56
zykotick9pmp6nl: just test stuff against a different user account if you run into issues.23:56
pmp6nlzykotick9, ok thanks23:56
wyldepndemc_: my "home" server (just an OLD pc) is currently serving as an LTSP server for my thin client inj the garage, a backup server for all the machines on the network as well as a media server for streaming movies and music on the lan...so I guess so?23:57
kfizz(kfizz) Just upgraded to 12.04. Getting black screen. F7 terminal shows "checking battery state" as last entry. Sudo X-configure errors because created screens doesn't match number of detected devices. Any ideas?23:58
sokakno one knows how to undo getlibs installed libraries? o well, time to take the plunge and jump from maverick to pangolin23:58
wyldepndemc_: ..err on top of my home hobby LAMP server... :)23:58
pengwwho know how to upgrade a particularly packet for example gummi23:59
zykotick9sokak: maverick would require multiple upgrades would it not?23:59
pndemc_wylde, do you use a GUI, or command-line only?23:59
dniMretsaMkfizz: I have a similar problem. same error, but I'm doing an install from a minimal CD23:59
sokakzykotick9, i was just too lazy to update - also 80k adsl here - i guess this getlibs tragedy is a good input to take the plunge ^^23:59
pmp6nlzykotick9, What happens with PPAs if I go this route?23:59
wyldepndemc_: the machine itself is headless. It does have an xserver installed but that's only for serving the thin client in the garage.23:59
zykotick9sokak: getlibs does have an uninstall23:59

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