
astraljavaEhh... after a while, I just saw the all-gray terminal of Xubuntu.01:25
GridCubeits awesome01:25
GridCubeyou open it and go... oooooh01:26
astraljavaoooohh... where did all the colors go from my monitor?!01:28
GridCube:P no, more like oooooh... thats nice!01:29
GridCubei have made all the interfaces i can "all grey"01:30
astraljavaI use gray too, but lots of shades of it. :)01:30
GridCubeastraljava, http://imagebin.org/20976101:34
astraljavaWell that really is quite... gray.01:35
pleia2knome: http://people.ubuntu.com/~lyz/xubuntu/precise/ the precise_ images are for our screenshots page which we should publish soon, the x.png files are numbered similiarly but are shrunk versions of the precise_ ones for the front page01:39
pleia2or whatever you want to do :)01:39
pleia2ah, I see what the person was saying about the website lying, the last page of our countdown banner is showing which says "Download Xubuntu 12.04 now!"01:41
pleia2er "being silly"01:42
astraljavaWell, it's not strictly lying, it's not saying 12.04 Final. :D01:42
Unit193Ah, I see.01:42
pleia2ok, I snagged a screenshot for http://xubuntu.org/help/01:50
pleia2I think then we'll have http://xubuntu.org/tour/ to do01:50
pleia2and we should put together some new FAQ01:50
pleia2(same 10, review answers?)01:50
GridCubewe have a few new ones01:50
GridCubemostly samba shares, use gigolo01:51
pleia2ok, uploaded http://people.ubuntu.com/~lyz/xubuntu/precise/open_xchat-p.png for /help01:54
GridCubei found the other thing that had to go to faq and was the resize thing, but ochosi already did an awesome faq for it02:00
GridCubeanother thing we could add is the anoying thunar issue, the workaround works pretty well02:01
GridCubeeverytime i plug the headphones a crash report pops up indicating blueman crashed02:55
GridCubebut i dont have bluthooth stuff02:56
micahgGridCube: please file a bug02:57
GridCubei get a "know issue" from the crash reports handler and nothing more02:58
GridCubenot even a link to the known isue isue02:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 988656 in blueman (Ubuntu) "blueman-applet fails in xubuntu 12.04 everytime a headphone jack is plugged in" [Undecided,New]03:07
Unit193GridCube: There should be a button for "Details"03:08
GridCubeUnit193, yes, thats how i know its the blueman-applet03:09
Unit193It gave me the bug number when I did it, but it was one digit off. :P03:09
GridCubeits funny how consistent it is :P03:10
micahghe filed 2 bugs03:18
Unit193Really weird...03:21
Unit193"appending screenshot of the report and a dump of lshw. please inform me if you need extra information" That's the addition, you think he may have hit the back button?03:23
knomedamn, my intelligent script didn't work then ;)07:40
knomenope, it's not an intelligence script :P07:41
knomei just updated the frontpage to at least serve the "soon" image07:45
astraljavaIt's a script, please don't think it's intelligent.07:50
astraljavaRight, Unit193?07:50
Unit193astraljava: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:51
knomethe slideshow script is working as expected08:20
knomepleia2, thanks for the screenshots. they are up! 08:26
knomeokay, the countdown banners should now say "soon" !! \o/08:28
ochosihi everyone08:29
ochosihehe, clever hiding abiword behind gnumeric in the slideshow :p08:31
knomerelease notes at xubuntu.org are in line with the ones in the wiki08:33
knomeIF YOU DO ANY CHANGES, please make sure it's going in both.08:33
ochosihaven't taken a look at the release notes yet08:35
knomewhy you little...!08:36
ochosibut i guess i can say everytime: with $release, artwork has improved a lot, the look is more polished and everything's perrty!08:36
ochosiand anyway, i spent more energy on trying to blog stuff lately08:37
ochosiwhich reminds me, what do you think of showing the post-author?08:37
ochosi(i'm looking at the release-notes now, but really, i don't think there's anything for me to add)08:38
knomeauthor worksforme08:40
ochosithe question is whether it'll also be visible on the planet (where most of our readers are probably)08:40
knomeuntil you either type it in the post08:42
knomeor add a plugin which does that for you08:42
knomesomething like "The author of this post is Simon Steinbeiß who is the Xubuntu Artwork Lead. In addition to Xubuntu, he works extensively on the Shimmer Project and Xfce. ..."08:43
ochosiyeah, something like that would be useful08:43
ochosii guess something like a custom field or a tag could work?08:44
knomemmh, those aren't pulled to planet08:44
knomethat's why it needs to be technically *in the post*08:44
ochosiyeah, i see08:45
ochosiwell i can add my "signature" to all my posts by hand...08:45
ochosior we make a signature-plugin08:45
ochosiand add a field to the profile08:45
knomewe could definitely write one08:45
ochosii mean the user-profile08:45
knomeand you could even show that in the post page08:46
knomeand if you wanted, you could edit that per-post08:46
knomesay, you wanted to tell you just got a new puppy08:46
ochosiyeah, but the simple way of auto-adding the signature to the post would be sufficient imo08:46
ochosiin fact it would only have to autoadd --sig to every new post you create. so you could edit it by hand anyway08:47
knomethat would work probably08:47
ochosiif i add that now to my posts, will that re-feed them to the planet?08:48
knomeit shouldn't, since we switched back to the better rss2 feed08:48
knome(rather than atom, which refeeded because there was only one date-field)08:48
knometry with the newest post first08:48
ochosi(whoa, being able to work with wordpress instead of drupal is such a blessing...)08:49
ochosiok, i added a signature now08:51
knomeyou *could* do such things in drupal, but it would be a world war every time ;)08:51
ochosii guess for the style of it, italic font is fine?08:52
ochosiwell even just the user-interface of wordpress is solid gold08:52
knomeyeah, italic08:53
knomeit would be cool to integrate the author gravatar to the sig too.08:54
ochosigood idea08:54
knomeand maybe style it that it stands out a bit more08:54
knomebut that's for later08:54
ochosiyes, a box or something08:54
knomemaybe not a box box, but yeah08:54
ochosidoesn't seem like the planet got updated08:54
ochosii mean the post is still old there08:55
knomeyeah, shouldn't have08:55
knomebut the planet updates like every 10mins08:55
knomeso maybe wait for 1508:55
ochosiyesterday night i had a few ideas for 12.1008:55
knomedid you add them to the roadmap?08:55
ochosino, i'll tell you first and then you'll tell me that's bs :)08:56
knomewell, the community should decide that, but... ;)08:56
ochosi1) replace the menu by fullscreen appfinder with dark style (kinda like the gnome-shell activities launcher)08:56
ochosi2) write a small programm that displays our keyboard-shortcuts when holding the super-key (like in ubuntu atm, i think that's a valuable thing)08:57
knome1) possible, but that will need extensive testing and we should still provide the menu as an alternative 08:57
knome2) yeah, but who's gonna write that? ;)08:57
ochosii dunno, it doesn't sound very hard08:57
ochosiand i think i know someone who might do that08:57
knomeyeah, it's probably rather trivial, but still somebody should do that08:58
ochosii recently contacted sean davis (the guy who submitted so many bugreports for P on LP)08:58
ochosihe does simple pygtk apps from what i saw on g+08:58
ochosii'll ask him about it08:58
ochosi(he already said he wants to contribute in Q via email)08:59
madnickTo me, an app such as that sounds like, what I often call "X Hell"08:59
ochosimadnick: why's that?08:59
madnickBut I'm not sure what you mean. But I suspect you mean something global08:59
knomestochastic, hai08:59
madnickXlib, or if you are lucky, some VM tricks08:59
stochasticknome, hi09:00
ochosimadnick: i have no clue how ubuntu did it, i'd just fork whatever they did for the holding-superkey implementation09:00
knomewhat if that was just a keybind that ran a script that printed a notify-box? :P09:00
knomestochastic, did you know you're join/quit/joining?09:00
knome11:59 » stochastic [~stochasti@d207-81-38-154.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #xubuntu-devel09:00
madnickknome: cloak09:00
knome11:59 » stochastic [~stochasti@d207-81-38-154.bchsia.telus.net] has quit [Changing host]09:00
knome11:59 » stochastic [~stochasti@pdpc/supporter/bronze/stochastic] has joined #xubuntu-devel09:00
ochosiknome: yes, but then it would have to be a more complex keybinding than "hold super-key for 5sec)09:00
knomemadnick, yes, but that's avoidable...09:00
knomestochastic, try setting your nickserv pass as the server password :)09:00
ochosiknome: i like the fact that you're our irc evangelist :)09:01
Unit193knome: Trying to set them all right? I like that.09:01
stochasticknome, this was just now?  I'll check into that.09:01
knomeochosi, maybe, unless the keybind was super, and the script sleeped for 5secs and checked if super was still pressed ;)09:01
knomeochosi, but yeah, i can see a bumpy road that way...09:02
ochosiknome: yeah, possibly, i'll try to investigate that a bit (if we really want it)09:02
knomeUnit193, well, when i have time to notice the users, i will ;)09:02
knomeUnit193, especially in -devel, since i want as short logs as possible09:03
astraljavaknome: While I do understand the policy of telling them the release is at the end of 26th, UTC, I also don't like misleading them.09:06
knomeastraljava, what do you suggest then09:06
Unit193Says "By the end"09:06
astraljavaTelling that it'll be released somtime during the 26th UTC.09:07
knomethat's a subtle difference :)09:07
Unit193But, mien is more technically correct.09:07
knomeUnit193, actually not09:08
knomeat least not more correct09:08
knomebut might be misunderstood to say it's released at the end09:08
astraljavaCause my current understanding is that it's not that long anymore, so people will get pi*... angry if they find out it's been out for several hours already, thus rendering them useless in clogging Canonical's pipes.09:08
Unit193Now I have to reset the alias.....09:08
knomeoh my :)09:08
knomeastraljava, hehe09:09
ochosiknome: ok, the planet shows the post correctly now09:10
knomeochosi, good09:10
ochosii'll add the signature to the resize-window post as well for consistency09:10
ochosiknome: i think the least we should do now is add a signature-css09:11
knomeochosi, site-update-wise, that's as "hard" as just writing the plugin and pushing that :)09:12
ochosioh, i forgot about that...09:12
knomehehe :)09:12
knomeif we had ssh access to the server, that would probably be in already09:13
knomeyou can add inline css yourself though09:13
knomejust edit in the html mode09:13
knome<p style="css: here;">text</p>09:13
ochosihmyeah, of course09:13
ochosibut then we'd have to settle on a css style first ;)09:14
ochosiinteresting, gthumb 3.0 is out09:14
knomewell, once we push the css/plugin, we will need to fix those paragraphs anyway09:14
knomeso it doesn't matter if you added something that isn't final09:14
ochosiknome: sry, don't have time (and creativity) to think of a nice signature-css-style now, if you have ideas feel free to make it09:53
knomeochosi, i will think of that some time later09:53
knomewhether that was with the plugin code or just css ;)09:53
knomeablomen, merge request accepted, added you to credits :)09:54
knomeablomen, thanks!09:54
ablomenknome, Cool, no problem! I'll go over the other javascript code in the coming days whenever I'm bored at work :)10:04
knomeablomen, great :)10:04
ochosiknome: any opinion on bug #98282010:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 982820 in shimmer-themes (Ubuntu) "Greybird metacity window title off-centre" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98282010:04
knomeochosi, it's off centre even with xfwm.10:05
ochosiyes, that's because of the uneven number of elements10:05
ochosii think it would have to be fixed in xfwm4 itself10:05
knomei don't know metacity well enough to have a specific opinion or insight on that10:05
knomemaybe ask for a shot without the fix and with the fix10:06
knomeand if it proves to be as he says, then i'm all in for dropping the fix in.10:06
ochosii already did that10:07
ochosiread my comment ;)10:07
ochosiunfortunately my second comment was dumped by LP10:07
knomeyeah, i actually read it, but missed the last comment in the comment ;)10:07
ochosithe centering works in metacity as it does in xfwm410:07
ochosiso centering is always based on the window-buttons10:07
ochosiif you have them on the left (like ubuntu does by default) you'll need the -36 to have the title centered10:08
knomei mean, go for it if it fixes it10:08
knomeis there any possibility the buttons and the text could overlap?10:08
ochosino, the point is that there is no fixing it10:09
ochosiyou can either optimize it for min,max,close buttons on the left or on the right10:09
ochosisetting the value to 0 doesn't center the title, it's just the value between those two options10:10
knomepleia2, can we maybe set up an email list for the twitter account?10:11
knomepleia2, i mean, then we'd all get notifications10:12
knomepleia2, i'm also thinking if there is some notifications for the g+ account, we could use the list for that too10:12
ochosiknome: the title is always centered relative to the title-element, not window-width10:12
knomeochosi, right10:12
knomeochosi, in xfwm and metacity10:12
knomethen i'd say center it in the title-element10:13
knomein both10:13
ochosiin xfwm4 it is centered in the title element already10:14
knomei know10:14
ochosii guess in metacity it was set-up like this because i didn't originally write the theme myself10:14
ochosiknome: the release notes look fine from my pov10:29
knomeochosi, yeah, they should10:29
knomeochosi, what's your schedule today?10:51
knomepleia2, you too ^ ?10:51
ochosilunch > now :)10:51
ochosithen i'll have to grade papers from a course i gave this semester10:51
ochosii'll probably be back sometime in the afternoon, then i'll be away again from 6-9pm10:51
ochosinot sure i'll return today10:51
knomeokay well10:51
knomeif i'm not here when ubuntu is released10:51
knomemay i give you short instructions what to do10:52
knomecreate a file named released.txt10:52
knomein the file, type released10:52
knomethen upload it as attachment to the "12.04 is released" article10:52
knomeand the countdown banners should say "download it now"10:52
ochosisounds complicated ;)10:52
knomeyeah, really!10:52
ochosiok, and then publish the article?10:53
ochosiif i'm around i can do it10:53
knomefor the Q cycle10:53
knomei will do a simple site with basic_auth10:53
knometo set the release date and name10:53
knomeand to change the "released" bit10:53
knomeso we don't need to fall back on IS, or wordpress10:54
knome(we did both today)10:54
ochosilunch ->10:55
knomebon appetit10:55
* knome bbl10:59
madnickI bought awesome food this morning, but I forgot the main ingredient :(11:10
madnickoh, this is not -offtopic, sorry heh11:11
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ochosiubuntu has reportedly been released, what about us?12:19
davmor2ochosi: Xubuntu is listed in the release notice12:20
PopeJobbut the link is dead12:20
Shayananyone here?13:02
* pleia2 rubs eyes13:10
Shayansorry didn't see you there13:11
pleia2ok, now to figure out where he put the info13:11
Shayanok so i wanted to know that what programming language is xubuntu made in?13:11
Shayanand when is it coming out13:11
astraljavaXubuntu is a compilation of various packages. Each application could be programmed in a different language. I suggest you read more into how distributions are compiled. It's going to be out during today, Thursday 26th of April. Also, please have a little more patiance.13:15
pleia2it's out13:16
pleia2came out about an hour ago :)13:16
pleia2not sure why our front page isn't updating, and I uploaded the released.txt like knome said13:17
PjotrHello, I'm eager for Xubuntu 12.04. Hasn't it been released yet?13:18
pleia2...and now our site is down (but so is ubuntu.com)13:20
pleia2Pjotr: release day is always crazy, it was released an hour ago but mirrors and things haven't finished updating13:21
Shayani am so happy now i can leave this *BEEP* windows13:21
pleia2Shayan: this isn't the place for that13:22
Pjotrpleia2: OK.... do you have a link to a working mirror for me?13:22
pleia2Pjotr: no, sorry13:22
Shayansorry i promise i wont do that again13:22
pleia2ubuntu.com isn't even loading for me at the moment ;)13:22
Shayanplease don't ban me13:22
Shayanme niether13:22
astraljavaknome: Who do we have with ops on #xubuntu? I'm getting real tired of the cruft there.13:30
pleia2astraljava: /msg chanserv access #xubuntu list13:31
astraljavaAhh thanks.13:31
Shayanwhere do i download xubuntu it isn't available a GET XUBUNTU13:34
pleia2Shayan: please be patient13:35
Shayani am trying to figure it out13:35
Shayani found it13:35
Shayanhere you go13:35
pleia2the mirrors haven't all synced, we don't have a full listing to update the download page with13:35
pleia2ok, I updated /getxubuntu with a note so hopefully people will calm down13:38
Shayanwho are you and how do you have the acces to the website13:39
pleia2Shayan: I'm the team website lead13:40
astraljavaShayan: Have you noticed that you're on -devel channel? It's likely that people who develop the project hang out in here.13:40
pleia2you're in the development channel13:40
Shayani know i just wanted to join and check it out13:40
Shayani also joined the mailing list13:40
Shayani am a huge GNU/Linux fan13:41
Shayanhow can i help?13:43
Shayanand is Python involved13:43
madnickShayan: Hi13:44
madnickTesting is always welcome, and Python is involved, but I am not sure about anything that needs attention that is written in Python13:44
madnickatm anyway13:44
pleia2ok http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/precise/release/ is starting to populate properly13:44
Shayannow please update the Get Xubuntu Page So others can download13:45
pleia2Shayan: please be patient, the mirrors haven't finished syncing and not all the images are up yet13:46
Shayanand what about the torrents?13:47
ShayanI am very impatient LOL13:47
* madnick is on old images13:48
pleia2sigh, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/precise/release/ is empty again :\13:50
pleia2I don't know how the magic behind this iso generation all happens13:50
pleia2Shayan: please stop :(13:53
pleia2yelling at us won't make it happen faster, you're just being mean13:53
Shayanwhat about torrents*sad face* i will never type in capital letters again13:55
pleia2asking over and over again won't help either13:55
pleia2stop it13:55
Shayanok sorry13:55
Shayani won't ask again13:55
astraljavaWell, that topic is not development-related at all, so please join #xubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-release-party for anxious release queries.13:57
pleia2knome: I put a note on http://xubuntu.org/getxubuntu/ for now while we wait for everything to get settled image and mirror-wise, and the released.txt didn't seem to work (or the server is full of wonky caching)14:10
pleia2I need to go get another hour of sleep, long work day today + release party tonight14:11
pleia2(sorry astraljava, hate to leave you)14:11
astraljavapleia2: It's alright, someone's gotta play the shepherd. :)14:11
* pleia2 hugs14:11
astraljavaBut I'm going to be gone soon anyway. :D14:11
astraljavaAt least for a while.14:11
pleia2hopefully knome will come back soon :)14:11
astraljavaHe's on much-needed vacation. *smirk*14:13
knomepleia2, the frontpage used a static link. i fixed the page, but it seems there definitely is some caching going on14:58
knomeah, the cache was refreshed :)15:08
baizonwell done guys. Thank you for your hard work :)15:14
* knome is away again, when the mirrors seem to be (mostly) working, can somebody update the download page finally? thanks15:25
knomeastraljava, just added you to -website, you are able to edit pages too.15:26
astraljavaThat's good and all, but I wouldn't know how... *grin*15:38
astraljavaknome: Could you now change /topic to point to the download page? Also if there's a quick info command for the bot, that'd rule. We're getting hammered on the support chan.15:41
pleia2browsing mirrors now to update the site15:48
astraljavaYeah that will help as well, thanks!15:48
astraljavaAhh... he's gone again.15:49
GridCube:) lottawork in here it seems15:49
GridCubekeep the woodworks 15:49
astraljavaI think we need to ask permissions for a bigger dev crowd, it's times like these when the current system "breaks". :)15:50
astraljavapleia2: Feel free to give me a brief lesson for updating the site, I'm in the group now.15:50
pjotrHello, I'm getting some complaints on the Dutch Ubuntu forum, about the Xubuntu website16:00
pjotrThey want to download Xubuntu 12.04, and can't from the get page:http://xubuntu.org/getxubuntu/16:01
pjotrI propose an 'intermediate' solution: please remove all references to 11.10 and 10.04, and place a link to the cdimage server: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/precise/release/16:01
pjotrWhat do you think?16:02
Supp3rMarioI belive they are still syncing mirrors...16:02
pjotrYes, so I propose an intermediate temporary solution...16:02
astraljavapjotr: Yes, thank you. The situation is under review, so some action will be taken soon.16:05
pleia2pjotr: it's been updated with the current mirrors, people are probably just being stuck in the cache16:05
pleia2if they are still getting the page with 11.10 and 10.04 it does have a note at the top explaining "Note: Xubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) images are currently syncing to mirrors, we will update when they are available."16:06
pleia2unfortunately due to the load IS has had to take advantage of pretty heavy caching, so it may take a few minutes to show up16:07
pjotrOK, I suppose it's more a matter of minutes than hours then, before it'll be allright.  :-)16:07
pleia2I assure you, we've been working hard for a few hours to get this all sorted16:08
pleia2it took a while for the images to become largely available at all, and we've had some hard downtime16:08
pjotrI know you guys work hard.... And you made the best Xubuntu yet!  12.04 is really a winner.16:10
astraljavaThanks, the devs will appreciate that! :)16:10
pleia2sweet, I misspelled pangolin on the download page16:11
* pleia2 fixes16:11
GridCubepagnolin? sarahpalin?16:11
pleia2Pangloin :P16:12
pleia2I'm tired :)16:12
astraljavaWhat?! It's only morning there. :D16:12
GridCube:P rest16:12
pleia2I got up at 6AM, took a nap between 7:30 and 8:30, now back :D16:12
pjotrWell, the nicknames of Ubuntu are notorious.  :P Have a couple of beers on me, and relax. You well deserve your recreation. :-)16:13
pleia2the release party here isn't for another 10 hours, I'll have a beer then :)16:14
astraljavapleia2: Damn, he left? I'd love to have a few brewskies on someone else, too. :D16:17
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the current release of Ubuntu.  Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/120416:19
knome!-precise 16:20
ubottuprecise aliases: pangolin, 12.04 - added by Pici on 2011-10-05 19:38:43 - last edited by Pici on 2012-04-26 12:25:3016:20
ubottu12.04 is <alias> precise - added by Pici on 2011-10-05 19:39:09 - last edited by Pici on 2012-04-26 12:24:4316:20
pleia2knome: btw, twitter only sends you email when someone you're following mentions/replies to you, and we don't follow anyone16:21
pleia2I don't think it should be like this, but twitter kind of sucks :\16:22
knomewell, mentions would be good16:22
pleia2(in the preferences it doesn't seem like this would be the case)16:22
knomewouldn't have to check via web16:22
pleia2but I only get emails when people follow us16:22
knometwitter had rss feeds until recently16:22
knomebut the disabled them16:22
pleia2btw, we don't have 64-bit torrents16:22
pleia2I don't know16:23
knomeasked at -release16:23
pleia2hmm, I guess we have them on our regular download page but not on torrent.ubuntu16:24
knomepleia2, maybe join -release for coordination :)16:24
astraljavaHmm? I see them, and it appears to offer downloading them.16:25
GridCubethey are there :/16:25
pleia2GridCube: yeah, as I said, they aren't on torrent.ubuntu.com (the link we give people who want the torrents)16:25
astraljavaAhh... so just missing from the torrent.u.c? Nice.16:25
knomethere seems to be some heavy caching, but i update the "released" post on the website to link to the download page as well as the complete release notes at the ubuntu wiki16:27
knomeprobably up in ten or so mins16:28
knometrying to reply to people who have problems in twitter, but answer in a general way to give insight to others too16:31
pleia2thanks knome 16:33
pleia2btw, another "feature" of twitter is if you're not following someone who is replied to, it won't show up in your feed16:35
pleia2so only people looking directly at the xubuntulinux page will see your replies to random people they don't follow16:35
knomethat's not too bad really16:35
pleia2it used to be an option to turn on/off16:35
knomewell, it's rather bad, but not horrible16:35
knomethe caching is really heavy today16:37
pleia2yeah :\16:37
pleia2woo, one more mirror up16:40
knomeah, finally16:43
knomehttp://xubuntu.org/news/12-04-release/ is updated! 16:43
knomebleh, yeah, seems like the amd64 torrents do not work :(16:48
knomeactually, the work, but throw an error nevertheless16:54
knomei seem to be able to download and upload too16:55
pleia2this is a lousy time zone to help with a release in :)17:10
knomehow so?17:10
pleia2it was released at 5AM!17:10
knomewell, aren't you still up at that time?17:11
astraljavapleia2: Wanna switch?17:11
pleia2knome: nah, I got to bed at 1 in anticipation of getting up early ;)17:11
* knome slept long without worrying too much anyway17:11
knomethings either work or not17:11
* astraljava also slept like 3 hours, but mostly due to Caps @ Bruins game. And we lost...17:12
pleia2astraljava: doh :)17:12
knome^ and that's not because i don't care about QA, that's just because that's it17:12
knomeastraljava, so what are you doing on friday?17:12
pleia2I miss the east coast time zone, I didn't realize the world revolved around New York until after I moved ;)17:12
astraljavaknome: No, you don't care about QA cause you have me! :D17:12
knomeastraljava, i mean, tomorrow:)17:12
knomeastraljava, well that too, but that's different to this issue ;)17:12
astraljavaknome: Probably trying to organize the moving, and I fear I also have to sit in a completely pointless business meeting with an aussie and his friend... *grin*17:13
knomecongrats :P17:14
knomesounds boring.17:14
astraljavaI'm yawning already.17:15
knomei can imagine.17:15
astraljavaBut two weeks from that, we need to come up with something cool.17:15
astraljavaI'll be totally exhausted, though. But still.17:15
knomehaha :)17:16
knomemaybe try to set up some kind of FOSS meeting?17:16
knomei was thinking of registering commit.fi, but that was taken by some healthcare solutions company17:17
astraljavaYeah, something like that.17:17
knomei'd love a homer server somewhere tied to a domain.17:18
knomei mean, with ssh/website capabilities17:18
knomesome kind of collaborative effort to achieve something17:18
knomeworld peace or sth.17:18
knomeif it can be reliable, and with a decent internet connection, why not for irc clients too.17:19
knomei mean, with an i-line to a few networks...17:19
astraljavaI have dyndns setup for one machine, we could utilize that.17:20
knomedyndns :|17:20
astraljavaOf course the machine is not connected now.17:20
knomewell yeah.17:20
astraljavaWell, it's better than nothing, for starters.17:21
knomei was thinking of something that is as stable as kapsi17:21
astraljavaIt can be used for testing and development.17:21
astraljavaWell of course.17:21
astraljavaBut at first stages.17:21
knome(i know i've learnt to like 'too good')17:21
astraljavaI don't think the dyndns is too unstable, though.17:21
astraljavaIt's a beefy 100/10 line.17:21
knomewell of course you can point domains there too.17:21
astraljavaBut of course they'll take it down if we really start to utilize it much.17:22
knomeespecially non fi-domains, since joker offers dns servers17:22
knomeyes, of course.17:22
knomethat's the problem :D17:22
astraljavaBut in all fairness, I'd only really use it during development.17:22
astraljavaI am not interested in setting up reliable hosting in my apartment.17:23
knomei can't think of any case where i'd need any other server than what launchpad and github can offer me17:23
knomeexcept some private repositories, but on the other hand, i don't want them to be visible to others anyway17:23
astraljavaYeah, and virtual hosting is so easy these days.17:23
pleia2knome: btw, if you want to get the following emails for twitter I can forward them to you (I already filter them, easy enough to add a forward address too)17:26
pleia2we got like 25 followers today :)17:27
knomeyeah, a good bunch.17:31
knomewe hit 500 three days ago17:31
astraljavaknome: support question on support channel, and one that I'm interested about, too. So please answer. :)17:33
knomeamd64 torrents are at torrent.ubuntu.com now too.17:38
knomeand at least i didn't get any errors now17:38
knomepleia2, want to write a "it's out" mail to xubuntu-users ? :)17:41
pleia2linked up http://xubuntu.org/press/precise/ (I created the page last night)17:41
pleia2added the first link to it!17:41
knomei think forwarding the mail from ubuntu-announce with a small message is fine i think17:41
knomeoh, i have an another17:41
knomefrom twitter17:41
knomei'll update17:42
knomewarning! a princess is editing the page17:42
pleia2sorry, out17:43
knomenp ;)17:43
knomehoho, seems like there was no cache or the caching is tuned down a bit17:44
knomethe torrents seem to be fully operating now17:46
knomei double-checked, and torrent.ubuntu.com have all the .torrent and .iso files17:47
* knome is seeding all the images, amd64 images are 100% finished, others 92% and 35%17:48
knome(i have least of the i386 desktop, and i suppose that's good because it probably has the best seeding anyway)17:48
knomeat least most peers17:48
knomeby far17:48
knomealternate amd64 has 8 peers :D17:49
knomealternate i386 done!17:50
pleia2working on the post to -users but my boss keeps wanting me to do work17:52
knomeawwh, crap17:52
pleia2knome: on 10.04 will the update manager let them know they can upgrade?17:56
pleia2oh wait, I have a 10.04 system17:56
* pleia2 goes to check17:57
knomepleia2, according to -release, not before .117:57
knomepleia2, withtout -d17:57
* knome is now seeding all images18:02
pleia2knome: yeah, I saw the do-release-upgrade -d thing, wasn't sure if the update manager would pop up a thing saying "12.04 is here!"18:06
pleia2like it does on 11.1018:06
knomepleia2, no, it won't until .118:06
knomebut i can't personally confirm that18:07
knomeif you can, i can tweet that18:07
pleia2that's too many words, I won't mention 10.04 in the -users announcement18:07
pleia2if someone asks I'll think about it then ;)18:07
knomei can try to tweet that if you think it's useful ;)18:08
knomeUpgraders from 10.04 to 12.04: Please use 'sudo do-release-upgrade -d', notification for the distribution upgrade won't pop up until 12.04.118:09
knomethat's exactly the tweet length18:09
pleia2and I already hit send18:09
knomewant me to tweet that? ;)18:09
pleia2everything is too slow for me to do tests of this stuff yet18:09
pleia2half my downloads are failing, it's just annoying18:09
astraljavaknome: Oh yes it does, from 11.10. From 10.04, it needs the -d switch.18:10
knomeastraljava, yes18:10
knomeastraljava, that's why the tweet says "Upgraders from 10.04 to 12.04"18:10
astraljavaOh sorry, missed a few lines.18:10
pleia2ok, replied to my own email with that line18:11
astraljavaSo we're actively encouraging the LTS-to-LTS upgrade?18:15
astraljava...before the first point release?18:15
pleia2I don't know about "actively encouraging" but it is technically is a supported option and we should let people know how to do it if they want18:15
knomeno, we are not18:15
knomemany people do want to do that18:16
* pleia2 will wait for .1 ;)18:17
astraljavaYeah well, elaborating on the issue sounds like that to me. :)18:18
astraljavaBut ok, I am just preparing myself for the myriad of issues bound to that procedure. :)18:19
knomeastraljava, https://twitter.com/#!/XubuntuLinux/status/19557826910867456118:21
knome" ¡Yo ya bajé xubuntu 12.04 x torrent! Ahora estoy compartiendo... ¿vos que estás esperando para bajarlo? "18:21
knome^ ideas what that means? ;)18:22
astraljavaOh yeah, I speak esperanto fluently.18:23
knomei knew it!18:38
pleia217 twitter followers in the past hour, we're over 600 :)18:51
knomeyeah :)18:51
* knome has the "connect" page open in firefox too18:51
knomealong with transmission and irc18:52
pleia2we have ruined you18:52
knomeyeah :(18:52
knomei've thought of starting to tweet personally too18:52
* astraljava hangs head in shame18:52
astraljavaLook at what they've done to you, man!18:52
knomebut i figured out most of the tweets i'd send is about xubuntu anyway, so no reason to.18:52
knomepleia2, why does twitter.com say 589 followers? :(18:54
knomeand on some pages, 59418:54
pleia2I dunno, it tells me 61218:54
knomeah, did a hard refresh and there it is, 61218:55
knomeoff for a walk, bbl19:24
Unit193jono: I think you have a connection issue, or I'm having a screen issue.21:04
jonoUnit193, I am on a plane, connection keeps dropping21:04
Unit193Heh, that'd do it.21:05

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