
=== Cristiano is now known as Guest42810
KennochasIs Xubuntu 12 actually out or is the website just being silly with us~01:09
ubottuNope! Ubuntu 12.04 is scheduled for release sometime on April 26th. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party while you're waiting!01:10
bazhangthe silly one01:10
bazhang!party | Kennochas01:11
ubottuKennochas: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Precise release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/1598/detail/01:11
Kennochaslol kk :)01:11
Kennochaswebsite being silly then :)01:11
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+101:13
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pleia2Kennochas: ah, I see what you mean, the countdown banner has flipped over to the new day :)01:42
Kennochasyea pleia2 :) I was so confused trying to find it lol02:02
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Unit193!isitout | outyet03:30
ubottuoutyet: Nope! Ubuntu 12.04 is scheduled for release sometime on April 26th. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party while you're waiting!03:30
Unit193By end of day UTC.03:30
k_szeHow do I completely wipe a HDD in Xubuntu?04:36
k_szeI don't mean having to zero or scramble the data. I only mean to delete partitions and maybe even the partition table.04:37
k_szeSo that it appears (logically) as a clean slate to any disk utility.04:37
chelzk_sze: gparted should work fine04:43
antiiWhat time is Xubuntu released?06:55
Unit193End of day UTC.06:55
xubuntu642how about Xubuntu release 12.04 ?07:24
Unit193Ubuntu will be released by the end of 26th, UTC.07:25
xubuntu642thank you07:26
xubuntu642can I install beta version Xubuntu07:27
Unit193Better off with a daily.07:32
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Xubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily-live/current/07:32
astraljavaMarzata: To what? Please try to find the energy for a few more words into your requests.07:45
Marzataurl to download 12.04?07:45
antiiMarzata: later.07:46
Marzatahttp://xubuntu.org/news/the-countdown-is-on/ says now07:46
ubottuNope! Ubuntu 12.04 is scheduled for release sometime on April 26th. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party while you're waiting!07:46
knomei'm working on fixing it.07:46
Sysi"Now" = today07:46
knomeit should read "soon", but the script is not working as it should.07:46
Marzatain Finnish now is today? :D07:47
Marzatashort days probably07:47
=== xubuntu163 is now known as maeks
maeksAnybody looking forward to the release? =)08:14
antiiGonna reinstall my laptop and workstation@work08:15
knomefor partying the release, please use #ubuntu-release-party or #xubuntu-offtopic, thanks :)08:15
maekswill do..08:16
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xubuntu474Hello everyone, when 12.04 will be available ? today?08:49
Unit193Ubuntu will be released by the end of 26th, UTC.08:50
=== knome changed the topic of #xubuntu to: Official Xubuntu Support Channel | Xubuntu 12.04 will be released by the end of 26th, UTC. Join #xubuntu-offtopic to party with us! | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | No one around? Use the mailing list at http://lists.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-users | Offtopic: #xubuntu-offtopic
xubuntu474Unit193 thx08:54
=== knome changed the topic of #xubuntu to: Official Xubuntu Support Channel | Xubuntu 12.04 will be released during the 26th, UTC. Join #xubuntu-offtopic to party with us! | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | No one around? Use the mailing list at http://lists.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-users | Offtopic: #xubuntu-offtopic
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LuisSHi everyone, is it ok to install the beta 2 version and keep it instead of reinstalling the final version?09:52
ochosiLuisS: i'd be inclined to say yes. but the release is today, you know that, right?09:53
LuisSI mean, will they be the smame in the end?09:53
LuisSYes I know, but i've allready intalled the beta 2 :)09:54
ochosiunless e.g. there are bugs in beta that pull extra packages09:54
LuisSGreat xubuntu, by the way!09:54
cousteauafaik the beta just updates to the final release with the normal software updates09:55
cousteauer, too slow09:55
f0xwill the next release hav efixed that bug when you open hope rite after boot and lags 30 seconds till it start09:59
* astraljava doesn't wanna hear about any exotic rites people perform while booting10:00
astraljavaUnless I've mistook something really badly.10:00
well_laid_lawnf0x: thunar is slow to start?10:01
well_laid_lawnhope == home ?10:01
bepebeare all editions of ubuntu (xubuntu, kubuntu, lubuntu etc) released synomously with the main edition ?10:03
knomebepebe, yes, all are released parallel10:03
KilluacbaHi... im new in all these... and ive a question... if anyone can helpme i will be gratefully :D10:12
well_laid_lawn!hi | Killuacba10:13
ubottuKilluacba: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!10:13
astraljavaUh oh, well now it begins to make sense again.10:13
Killuacbathx to all.. the question is... i ve a laptop... a Compaq NX6125 whit a Sempron and 256 DDR... and i dunno what ubuntu or xubuntu download ^^10:15
Killuacbaim 0 knowledge of linux code10:15
well_laid_lawn256mB will make things like web browsers slow in any os, xubuntu would be better than ubuntu with that tho10:16
Killuacbaim trying to install xubuntu whit the wubi but i guess is the last release and is very slowly the install (sory for my bad english, im from argentina)10:18
well_laid_lawnit will be slow because you don't have much memory I guess10:19
Killuacbaim thinking to download an older release... but i dunno if that will have sense... (be more fast ) or just wait to the install finish...10:21
Shayani am waiting for precise pangolin10:21
well_laid_lawnlots of ppl are10:21
Shayanhello anyone here10:21
ubottuNope! Ubuntu 12.04 is scheduled for release sometime on April 26th. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party while you're waiting!10:21
Shayanoh didn't see you there10:21
Shayanwhy is it late?10:22
Unit193It's not late at all.10:22
well_laid_lawnit's still the 26th10:22
Unit193Barely the 26th, I haven't even gone to sleep yet.10:23
Killuacbahere is 07.23 AM xD10:23
well_laid_lawn8:30pm here10:23
Shayani am from pakistan and the date and time is 25/04/2012 3:2310:24
well_laid_lawnnot even the 26th ?10:24
Shayanyou can check if you want10:24
well_laid_lawnbut you said the release was late ?10:25
Killuacbathats mean.... im from the future... (?) i can tell you that "tomorrow" atn 07.25 am you will be in my place and chatting here (?)10:25
Shayanyeah it said (Yesterday) 1 day to go10:25
Shayanand it is 25 here so i thought it was one day late10:26
well_laid_lawnyesterday utc10:26
Shayanwhat dows UTC mean?10:26
KilluacbaUniversal Time10:26
Killuacbaits the same that GMT010:27
Shayanok i am off to the party10:27
Killuacbaowww install crashes again T_T10:27
Killuacbacyas Shayan10:27
Shayanand what IRC client are you guys using?10:28
well_laid_lawnI use xchat10:28
Killuacbawebclient... right now10:28
Shayanme too(xchat)10:28
knomeShayan, well_laid_lawn, Killuacba: #xubuntu-offtopic please10:29
Killuacbainstall chrashed again... what do you think guys? i try to install an older release or just quit ?10:30
well_laid_lawnhow much memory is windows using when you try the wubi install ?10:31
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Oneiric/11.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/oneiric/wubi.exe10:31
Killuacbadunno.. when i try to install its says "you have 2xx mb, maeby will crash"10:32
well_laid_lawnthere you go then10:32
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot10:32
Killuacbai know... i dunno thought it will really crash ^^10:33
Killuacbathe weird thing is that freezes wen installing but after reboot the computer and when i choose "xubuntu" and install10:34
bububuntuwhy xubuntu is latest ? :(10:36
well_laid_lawnI'm going to go with10:37
ubottuNope! Ubuntu 12.04 is scheduled for release sometime on April 26th. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party while you're waiting!10:37
Killuacbathx a lot  <well_laid_lawn> for your help10:38
ngomeshello , im following the updates and i get this error10:56
ngomesThe action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources.10:56
ngomesand wont download the packages , does anyone have a clue how to resolve this ?10:57
well_laid_lawnwhat did you do to get that error?10:57
redact3dHi - i have installed compiz and notice that my fps has dropped by a bit. are there any tweaks out there that anyone knows of? (have a reasonable graphics card)11:36
Marzataxubuntu 12.04 delayed?11:57
bepebehope not :(11:58
f0xis released11:58
f0xcoz ubuntuis11:58
pedzastill not out :/12:01
dekkzyup ubuntu webby now showing 12.0412:01
dekkzno more beta12:01
pedzait should be coming out here12:01
bepebepedza: been like that for 3 hours... :(12:01
astraljavaYes, the admins are working on it. Please bear in mind that there are tens of images hosted on those servers, and half the world is downloading/refreshing the pages. There might be slowness in the servers. Have patience, please.12:02
dekkz.... although the linked DL fails on webby12:03
dekkzhalf the world..... as if12:03
Marzatalubuntu is out12:04
pedzai downloaded ubuntu 12.04 a couple of minutes ago via torrent successfully12:04
Marzatakubuntu is out12:05
MarzataX marks the spot?12:05
dekkzupdate manager doesnt find anything but its gonna be a long day ;)12:06
f0xis xubuntu release12:08
bepebeits because its the best :)12:08
f0xlink for downlaod12:08
flaxowhereisit wherisit :)12:08
dekkznowhere yet12:09
WizardIf you are so impatient - update-manager -d12:09
flaxona i need an image12:10
Wizardso wait a bit more ;]12:10
flaxoright now i am in a badly screwed up mint12 version...12:10
flaxodesperately needing an oschange :)12:10
MarzataKate is not sexy12:11
dekkzdid amd64 images for xubuntu get tested enough to be released?12:12
f0xnot yet12:13
flaxohehe so i am gonna test drive it :]12:14
dekkz12.04 lts officially announced 12.04pm uk time12:14
dekkzfunny eh ubuntu12:14
Wizardflaxo, install 11.10 or 10.04 if you are in hurry12:14
flaxoi am not in a hurry12:14
flaxoi am just impatiant :)12:15
flaxono worry12:15
flaxoi'll stick around...12:15
flaxothe day is already half over in "the east"12:15
Wizardit's 14:15 here12:16
dekkzwell get the beers out then12:16
Wizardso I guess 13:15 in London12:16
WizardUK is in GMT+1 now, right?12:16
flaxowhen is it gonna hit the shelfs?12:17
WizardST like Summer Time? :>12:17
dekkzubuntu PR links to xubuntu release PR which atm 404's so i guess we know xubuntu 12.04 is still in oven12:18
Killuacbahi ppl, ive a doubt, if i copypaste the content of the install cd to a usbdrive ill can install the xubuntu or i just need another thing??? (im trying to install 10.04 version)12:18
dekkzwell what passes for summer in uk wizard12:18
dekkznot an expert but u need a utility to create usb bootable12:20
dekkzi think12:20
koegsKilluacba: use unetbootin or the startup media creator in ubuntu itself12:20
Killuacbaive never use linux bfore ^^12:20
dekkzunetbootlin i believe12:21
koegsKilluacba: first of all, i would prefer to wait until the 12.04 iso is available today12:21
koegsthen you can use unetbootin in windows to create a bootable usb-stick12:21
Killuacbaive an old laptop12:21
Killuacbawhit a sempron and 256 DDR ram ^^12:22
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dekkzimo forget ubuntu get tiny core linux12:22
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dekkzfor that spec12:23
Killuacbathats why i dont try whit new xubuntu... ive allready try 11 but crashed when install12:23
dekkzit wont be any better12:23
dekkz could try bodhi linux which is ubuntu lts with enlightnment desktop12:24
f0xwhy didnt release amd64 yet12:24
Marzatabodhi sounds indian?12:24
flaxoKilluacba:  did you consider android for that :)12:25
dekkzno xubuntu is released yet, they where asking for amd64 testers as late as 2 days ago on xubuntu mailing list saying not enough testing done to be released12:25
Killuacbaandroid for my laptop???12:25
dekkzbodhi is a us distro i run it on a 256mb p2 333 laptop lol12:26
Alanwhat do i need to do to help with testing?12:26
Killuacbathe issue is that i need it in Spanish for my sister...12:27
Marzatashe is from Fuerte?12:28
Killuacbaim from argentina xD12:28
MarzataKilluacba: "Maradona by Kusturica" is a great movie.12:30
dekkzthe land of gaucho's big steak's and the hand of god ;)12:32
Killuacbayes it is12:34
dekkzand frey bentos lol12:35
Marzatahttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/12.04/ empty?12:36
dekkzif u say so12:39
bogdan_well no party here it seems12:49
ikoniano, the party is #ubuntu-release-party12:49
pmoi went to it last year.. didnt get the party part :P12:50
bogdan_no party for xubuntu yet i mean12:50
bogdan_ubuntu and kubuntu were released12:50
n2diyikonia, any eta on the xubuntu release?12:51
ikoniano idea12:52
ikoniaxubuntu and lubuntu don't seem to be prepped12:52
pmohehe some user said i better upgrade to the beta if i wanted to upgrade right away12:56
pmoupgrading now.. doesnt take 100 years lol12:56
pmodone soon12:57
Marzatalubuntu is out12:57
pmowe are in xubuntu :)12:58
n2diypmo, maybe they are releasing in alphabetical order?13:00
pmon2diy: what do you mean?13:00
pmoxubuntu is out too13:00
pmoi am upgrading13:00
n2diypmo, lubuntu comes before xubuntu.13:00
Marzatakubuntu is out too13:02
pmoarent they all out at once?13:02
pmoseems like ubuntu and xubuntu were at the same time :P13:02
astraljavaCD images != package archives. If you wanna talk about the new release, please take it to #xubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-release-party, this channel is for support.13:03
n2diyThere wasn't any chat here until we started discussing the release!13:03
astraljavan2diy: Yes, but you don't know when support discussion might initiate. Thanks for your understanding.13:04
Marzataastraljava: are you germa?13:04
SandJ@n2diy this channel is usually fairly quiet at this time of day, but the odd support question does come in.13:06
n2diySandi, yes I know, I've been coming here for years, seeking and giving support. ah, but I'm off topic again!13:08
n2diySandi, SandJ, sorry, can't read my own monitor.13:10
pedzawhere can i find xubuntu to download13:11
pedzathe iso i mean13:11
n2diypedza, 12.04? Not released yet.13:13
xubuntu401xubuntu have been changed download 12.04 to coming soon 12.04 without official date13:13
xubuntu401yes, i agree13:14
f0xi386 is avaialbe13:14
pedzathanks :)13:14
pedzai will be seeding13:14
f0xwaiting for amd6413:14
xubuntu401ant what about x64 ??13:15
NameErrorno http source yet?13:15
f0xwaiting :(13:15
NameErrorbehind a darn proxy. No torrents13:15
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Precise, and help keeping the servers' load low!13:16
Marzatahttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/precise/release/ ... nothing13:16
dekkzget the torrent13:18
n2diyIs Transmisson the torrent app?13:19
Supp3rMarioanyone knows when 12.04 will be available?13:21
dekkzwww.xubuntu.org down n out13:21
xubuntu401Supp > http://torrent.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/precise/release/desktop/13:22
xubuntu401only i38613:22
Marzatahttp://xubuntu.org/ is down13:22
xubuntu401web sites are changing of developers13:23
Supp3rMariook, but it's painfully slow :)13:23
xubuntu401use torrent13:23
Marzataprobably no electricity in .fi13:23
Supp3rMarioi am using torrent13:24
xubuntu401supp> torrent me going 1Mb/s13:25
xubuntu401no electricity in  Finland, realy13:25
koegshttp://xubuntu.org/news/12-04-release/ is up13:25
Supp3rMariocant get over 200 kb/s ...13:26
Marzatayes. they import from Russia.13:26
xubuntu401Marzata> Have you god info source13:28
Alanwhat idiot thought changing <Control> to <Primary> was a great idea?13:28
Alani'm assuming somebody self-involved in the X.org project?13:28
xubuntu401sorry good13:28
MarzataAlan: yes?13:28
Alanit's just such a stupid "break everything" decision to make13:29
Alannot like it was broken before...13:29
pedzatorrents going 100kib/s for me barely :/13:30
Supp3rMariosame here13:30
Supp3rMarioratio is already 2.05 and an hour to go :D13:31
Alani'll just have to patiently wait for the amd64 ISO13:31
Supp3rMariohow come that torrent was uploaded at morning but still no direct download?13:33
pedzathere is13:33
pleia2please be patient, release days are always a bit crazy with mirror syncing and such13:34
thermitake the torrent13:34
Supp3rMarioyeah no problem, just saying :)13:35
=== flaxo is now known as flaxoffline
podCan't wait for the release! As close as it's is now is as close that it's ever been!13:37
xubuntu810hello, what's the "approved" method of exporting xfce desktop settings across different computers (e.g. panel settings etc.) ?13:38
ruienI'm not sure if there's a better method, but the ~/.config directory doesn't seem to contain much absolute-path or user-specific information, and I've migrated it successfully in the path. You can grep for $HOME and $USER to see13:39
ruienerr s/in the path/in the past/13:39
Alanyou know what's awesome? having a local mirror of the repos13:41
Alanapt-mirror ftw13:41
podFunny thing happend with xubuntu 11.10 the other day. The touchpad right click button started working! Then after the netbook suspended it stopped working and was just another left click button again...13:42
Alani don't have to put up with the mirrors catching fire at a new release13:42
Supp3rMariowee! http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/12.04/release/13:42
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Supp3rMariodamn it!13:43
AlanSupp3rMario: you're mean13:43
Supp3rMariolol why?13:44
Alangetting my hopes up?13:44
Supp3rMarioyeah was banging my head against the wall too :P13:45
xubuntu810ruien: thanks, i grepped and there's no $USER present in any files13:45
Alanyou know what comes to mind right now? that awesome error page reddit has, with the "F5 hammer"13:46
ruienxubuntu810: yeah, between the same versions of xfce the main files should be portable, but you have to see where the theme and icon files are being pulled from and be sure they're present too. If there was a more official way to migrate, I'd be interested in that as well.13:46
ruienAlan: how much space does your apt-mirror take up? I have been considering that since downloads are slow from china, but I wasn't sure what sort of space requirements I'd run into13:47
flaxoso will you be my legal download today or will i have to look up some thing else?13:47
Alanruien: one sec, i'll find out for you13:48
xubuntu405Why Xubuntu 12.04 LTS is supported only for 3 years? Ubuntu 12.04 LTS is supported for 5 years.13:48
podUbuntu has more money perhaps?13:48
mimoidhow does the debian project handle it13:49
astraljavaxubuntu405: We have our own policies, different desktop environment upstream etc. This was under careful consideration.13:49
Alanxubuntu405: 5 years on server, 3 on desktop13:49
Alanor did ubuntu bump desktop support to 5 years?13:49
pod3 years is still very good i think13:49
ruienubuntu bumpted desktop support to 5 years for 12.04, although I personally don't see the point (for server it certainly makes sense)13:49
astraljavapod: So right-click on touchpad only worked once?13:50
mimoidruien: why don't you see the point? XP has been supported for a decade or so and people still use it. A lot of desktop users have Scientific Linux or CentOS for long term usae13:50
astraljavamimoid: Yes, community-supported projects vary. It happens.13:51
xubuntu405If I install Ubuntu 12.04 and then xfce-desktop package, will xfce-desktop -packebe be supported for 5 years?13:51
podyeah, or for a while at least. even the holding down leftclick with one finger and draging a file with another finger worked for a while.13:51
ruienhmm, I guess because the "core" which need the security patches would usually be available on the server edition anyway. If sshd needs an update, you'll still get it.13:51
mimoidI'm wondering what xubuntu405 is saying13:51
astraljavapod: Are you planning to upgrade to precise anytime soon?13:51
podto precies? i will upgrade to 12.04 as soon as i can :)13:52
astraljavaxubuntu405: No, it's not Canonical-supported.13:52
astraljavapod: Yes, 12.04 is code-named precise pangolin. Ok, then I won't try to triage your touchpad problem. Please report back after the upgrade.13:53
Alanruien: my apt-mirror is 182GB - that is {release}, {release}-updates and {release}-security for amd64 only, for every release from lucid to precise13:54
podAh, right. Thanks!13:54
xubuntu405I wish Xubuntu 12.04 LTS desktop support would be 5 years... 3 years is not enough for me :=)13:54
Alan6 months is too long :p13:54
ruienThanks Alan - my current "solution" is a shell script I threw together http://download.ryansanden.com/axel-get.sh13:54
pleia2xubuntu405: we could always use more volunteers to make 14.04 be an LTS :) (xubuntu is all volunteers)13:54
pleia2err, a 5 year LTS13:54
Alanruien: interesting13:55
Alanand yeah, a 5-year support cycle is great... if you want a half-decade-old desktop that competes with CentOS13:55
ruienfrom china a single update can literally go at 5k/sec, but with axel you can still get an acceptable 100k or so13:56
Alanbut having used CentOS, it's completely worthless as a desktop environment because everything is so unbelievably old13:56
Supp3rMarioI like the LMDE idea :)13:56
Alanruien: that doesn't sound fun...13:56
Alanruien: what is axel?13:56
ruiensort of a command-line download accelerator13:56
ruienworks well when you have high TCP latency but not high packet loss13:57
dekkz5 year support is good for bug fixes but can understand xubuntu position13:57
dekkzill just run xfce desktop package on top of ubuntu 12.0413:58
xubuntu056http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/12.04/release/ final iso images13:59
Alanruien: that sounds annoying to have to deal with13:59
donavan01how do I upgrade from beta to full LTS13:59
astraljavadonavan01: Nothing special, as you update your system any other day.14:00
=== flaxo is now known as flaxoffline
ruienAlan: yeah, the Internet in general is fine but maybe the china mirrors are just overloaded. Unfortunately there aren't any good command-line tools that I know of to help choose the best mirror. You have to use the GUI and I often run server edition14:00
donavan01didnt look like it updated ... how can I check to see if im still on beta?14:00
Alanruien: why not hit a different mirror? or is going through the Great Firewall even slower?14:01
astraljavadonavan01: You could try `lsb_release -a`, I think it may have said "Development release" or something while it was still non-final.14:01
ruienGreat Firewall doesn't hurt anything at all. I will experiement with different mirrors for 12.04. Usually I just use my shell script and everything is fine, so that's been my solution for the last 2 years14:01
astraljavadonavan01: But don't count on that. If you have up-to-date system today, it's final, no fear.14:01
ruienthis time I'll probably do an apt-mirror though. 182GB is big but not too bad14:02
ruieni could throw that on one of my singapore servers14:02
Alanruien: you don't need anywhere close to that amount14:02
astraljavaruien: Alan: Could you take that to -offtopic, please? Support questions will pick up now as people start installing from the final images. Thanks.14:02
Alanruien: like i said, 182GB is spread across 5 releases14:02
donavan01yep looks like im updated ... yay!!!14:03
astraljavaYep. :)14:03
Alanmost packages i'll have 5 separate versions of because of that14:03
Alanastraljava: what final images? :P14:03
* astraljava sighs14:03
Alanoh, there they are14:04
bepebeyay xubuntu is out :)14:04
Alanoh, haha, except 404 on the image itself14:04
bepebeAlan: :(14:05
ububuntubepebe: i cant find it ?14:05
nishttal2i still see Coming soon !!14:05
Supp3rMariook, going to install :P14:06
Alanpeople keep linking it14:06
MarzataXubuntu is out! http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/12.04/release/14:06
astraljavaYeah, please be patient. Half the world is waiting for these images. It'll take some time until everyone's served.14:06
Shayancan i download it14:07
Shayani talked to the devs but they said it is not synced yet14:07
astraljavaYes, so if you see them there, they're there. If not, then wait a little bit more.14:07
Shayanhey astraljava you were on the dev channel too14:09
=== sagaci_ is now known as sagaci
donavan01im have a really weird issue I asked in the ubuntu forms and also on #ubuntu channel and no one seems to be able to track down this issue, aside from maybe it might have something to do with the fact that I am on DSL and the packet shaping is wrong or some craziness... when I try to go to certain sites I get the web browser (firefox and chrome)  timing out or saying the server reset the connection or some such Internet issue 14:10
astraljavadonavan01: It happens occasionally. How often is this occurring on your system?14:11
dekkzthats the website hosting don, i get that too14:11
dekkztheir caching setup14:11
Alan0.5MB/s? disgracefully slow! :P14:13
Shayanpretty fast for me14:13
donavan01astraljava ... constantly for some sites almost never for other sites ... pastebin.com for instance I can go to the site but as soon as I hit the submit button it looks like its doing something then craps out ... other sites load up quickly with no issue... facebook is about 50/50 sometimes it works partway other times it craps out all together14:13
Alanon a good day it would take me a minute to download the image14:13
Alanunfortunately i'm inside a network where i can't torrent right now :(14:13
dekkzdo u get it on all diff websites or just off the big popular ones14:13
donavan01alan... I remember geting 5kbps and thinking I was screaming fast14:13
bepebeAlan: yeah bloody work!14:13
Shayanalan:i have the top speed of 400kbps14:14
Alani'm actually wondering if it would be faster to install deluge on my webserver, torrent the image, nand then download from there14:14
Alanyeah, i'm wondering if it's limited per-client14:14
Alanwhich would be awesome if it is14:14
Alanstop people like me killing the mirrors :P14:14
Shayanmine right now is 90 kbps14:14
astraljavaAlan: Again, please take that talk to -offtopic or somewhere else, the support discussion is drowning into release chat which does not belong here.14:15
ruieni limited my download speed to 50k/sec and I'll just let it run overnight.14:15
Alanastraljava: sorry :(14:15
donavan01dekkz if you were talking to me it depends I have noticed to be pretty random I just noticed it mostly on those two sites because I use them alot14:15
bepebe1.0MB/s a here ^_^14:15
astraljavadonavan01: Okay, let me come back to that a little later, I've gotta go do some laundry, so I'll be back within the next 2 hours or so. Will you have time until that?14:16
donavan01I may I will try to say on im at work so just ping me if you see me I will answer14:16
Shayanhow do i insert smileys(or sadies)14:17
dekkzdon: i only see it on big sites like bbc facebook the ones that use the big caching sites, techs said it happens sometimes when the caching systems are under heavy load14:17
donavan01dekkz ... I could go with that except I can go two feet away and pull the same site up on my windows machine and it works flawlessly14:18
Shayangtg gonna buy some empty CDs14:19
bepebehi guys, I want to install it on a work laptop behind a proxy, i use export http_proxy "url:port" and am able to ping externally, but cannot access anything on the web browser, and package manager doesn't work ?14:19
ruienbepebe: easy, what OS are you on? do you have access to an SSH server?14:20
dekkzdon: then its not same as me, i can rep across 3 machines/win + linux, mind u never come across an example like yours14:20
Sysibepebe: you need to have that export in ~/.xinitrc or something14:21
bepebebe using 12.04, but same would apply for 11.1014:21
Sysimaybe ~/.xsession14:22
bepebeso I'll edit that on the livecd, and that should install any package update, restricted extras (mp3 etc) on the install14:23
bepeberuien: i'll be installing from the livecd, no ssh server access14:24
ruieni'll pm you.14:24
dekkzlotsa support requests ;014:32
Sysiwell, reason for this channel to exist14:33
drcJe pense donc je suis....14:34
dekkzprolly pick up once the early adopters get their upgrades/DL's done14:37
drcnah, the real early adopters grabbed the daily from yesterday and just did a daily upgrade :)14:38
dekkz mean beta monkeys ;)14:39
dekkzis updatemanager usually slow to pick up the new version on lauch day?14:44
holsteindekkz: ater you having an issue? the answer to your current question depends on several factors.. maybe we can just skip to what you need? you want to upgrade?14:45
holsteinare you*14:45
dekkzim in no hurry was just wondering14:46
dekkzsomeone asked me on msn so i thought i would ask here14:47
holsteinif the update manager is not configured to "take" version upgrades, it'll never "pick up the new version"14:48
dekkzill get them to check14:48
holsteinmaybe http://ubuntulinuxtipstricks.blogspot.com/2010/02/dist-upgrade-misnomer-confusion.html will help14:50
dekkzset to check for lts upgrades only but ive forwarded that link14:51
holsteindekkz: 10.10 wont go to 12.04... 11.04 wouldnt either.. AFAIK, you'd need to go one by one til you get to 12.04...14:51
dekkztheyre on 11.1014:52
dekkztold em to change to every release14:53
holsteindekkz: the command line upgrade command will work... other thatn that, we need screen shots, or we need to speculate about what is going on in some GUI... i say, link the command line commands14:53
holsteinor wait, and do it for them14:53
holsteinOR, just suggest that they not upgrade...14:53
dekkzyeah will prob go and do it myself at weekend hands on14:54
holsteinbest case scenario, they go through a long process to get improvments they wont notice or care about... its the "if it aint broke" approach14:55
Joe89Hello, what time is available to download Xubuntu 12.04 LTS? Thanks you :)14:56
holsteinJoe89: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily-live/current/ might need to be patient as things "catch up"14:58
Joe89Hello, what time is available to download Xubuntu 12.04 LTS? Thanks you :)15:13
koegsJoe89: http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/12.04/release/15:13
Joe89thanks you!!! :)15:14
blackrisHmm... The x64 alternate torrent isn't working for me right now..15:16
blackrisNow it works, great!15:18
mneptokblackris: issue with the tracker, it seems15:18
xubuntu310did anyone has tried it in a netbook so far?15:25
Joe89This is the final version: http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/12.04/release/?15:25
Joe89also the Italian language installed?15:25
Joe89This is the final version: http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/12.04/release/?15:35
nishttal2wow the download is soooo sloww15:35
Supp3rMarioAnd xubuntu is installed :) How can i grant my name in here?15:35
blackrisnishttal2, Torrent?15:36
Joe89supp3rmario: This is the final version: http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/12.04/release/?15:36
Supp3rMarioJoe89: I know...15:37
nishttal2blackris, no downloading from http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/12.04/release/15:37
Joe89This link is not good? is the relase or beta? This is the final version: http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/12.04/release/?15:38
Supp3rMarioWhy dont u use torrent? Much faster than regular download right now ;)15:39
blackrisnishttal2, yep, there is the torrent version either. It could be faster. I get about 200 KiB/s with torrent.15:40
boboddywhen is the amd64 version going up?15:40
blackrisIt IS up15:40
nishttal2blackris, where do i find the torrent version15:40
blackrisLook at the link, regulary posted here. :)15:42
Marzataso, no xubuntu today... :(16:01
drcsays who?16:02
Supp3rMariocan i use awn in xubuntu too?16:03
blackrisIt won't run without compiz.16:04
blackrisBut when you enable that, AWN will do it.16:05
blackrisBut Xubuntu comes with a nice stock dock.16:05
Supp3rMariothat gray thing?16:06
astraljavaMarzata: The images are there, we've had this conversation many times already. Please move to the other channels for that topic if you're still unhappy about it. It's not relevant here.16:07
Marzataastraljava: thank you for the images.16:08
astraljavaI had nothing to do with them. :)16:09
Supp3rMarioSo if I install compiz, the awn works fine?16:11
Supp3rMariodamn ubuntu and gnome! :D16:11
blackrisSupp3rMario, I don't know if it works trouble-free. Never tried. Use some Google-Fu. ;)16:15
=== knome changed the topic of #xubuntu to: Official Xubuntu Support Channel | Xubuntu 12.04 is out! Download from http://xubuntu.org/getxubuntu | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | No one around? See the complete support methods list at http://xubuntu.org/help | Offtopic: #xubuntu-offtopic
k_szeStill waiting for my amd64 desktop torrent files. XD16:20
k_szeOr shall I do an online upgrade?16:20
donavan01whats a good packet sniffing tool I need to trace down a network issue16:20
astraljavadonavan01: wireshark, tcpdump16:21
ubottuXubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the current release of Xubuntu.  Download at http://xubuntu.org/getxubuntu  Release notes at http://xubuntu.org/news/12-04-release/16:22
xubuntu943hmmm CLICK HERE during install actually does work16:25
* xubuntu943 's not sure you are alive16:26
GridCubexubuntu943, it should :P16:26
* xubuntu943 doesn't trust his eyes16:27
Schrodinger`Catho i can move an windows to another virtual desktop with an netbook keyboard ? alt ctrl end, and alt ctrl home, i dont see it in my netbook keyboard... thanks by advance16:27
GridCubeyou "should" have a fn key16:28
Schrodinger`Catyes :)16:29
Schrodinger`Catand for to do changing this key assignation ?16:29
Schrodinger`Cati can change ?16:29
GridCubemmm no16:29
GridCubewell, google keymaping and you will get a few millon sites that explain you how to do that16:31
knomeGridCube, that little? :(16:31
GridCube:( yes, just a few16:31
astraljavaWell even so, googling isn't the method we advertise on support. I'll fire up the virtual machine in a minute, Schrodinger`Cat, so if you have a few minutes I'll walk you through.16:32
Schrodinger`Catim here16:33
Schrodinger`Catall the evening :)16:33
donavan01does anyone know if there is some issue with the ath9k drivers that would cause intermittent network issues?16:34
astraljavaSchrodinger`Cat: Ok, so you go to main menu, and select Settings > Settings Manager.16:37
astraljavaYou have a list of different things you can tweak. Select Window Manager.16:38
astraljavaOn there you have the Keyboard tab. That lists all the defaults. Scroll down until you see the one you want to change, then double-click on the "cell" that holds the explanation.16:39
astraljavaYou will be presented a dialog in which you can then press the desired combo.16:39
Schrodinger`Catthanks thanks :)p16:40
donavan01do I need to change my kernel to be able to capture packets on my computer it does xubuntu do this as a defualt16:41
astraljavadonavan01: I don't think you need to make any changes. Are you experiencing problems with the aforementioned apps?16:42
* Marzata seeding ... 16:42
donavan01still reading up on them ... getting ready to watch my wifi connection in hopes of figuring out why my computer keeps droping half my internet activity16:43
astraljavadonavan01: Right. LP might have bug reports for that driver, worth a shot.16:45
donavan01crap... wireshark tells me I have no device to capture on16:46
Sysidonavan01: please tell output of uname -a and your wifi chip model (check that from output of lspci)16:47
Sysiah, some atheros16:48
astraljavadonavan01: You may have to run wireshark with gksudo to make the devices visible.16:48
Sysiif you got new chip, drivers may just be bad16:50
donavan01astraljava ... thanks that did it16:56
AlexS_I,ve been having problems with beta 2 (ubuntu) not booting because of b43 firmware does this bug persist in the final release?17:01
saitaxi have a question i want to update my xubuntu to 12.04. but if i checked the packets which will be installed. but there is unity. i think it will upgrade to ubuntu. not xubuntu, how i want.17:01
saitaxhow can i do it?17:01
GridCubeif it wasnt reported before, probably yes AlexS_17:02
AlexS_it was reported https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/b43-fwcutter/+bug/90987117:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 909871 in b43-fwcutter (Ubuntu) "install failure b43 12.04 Precise Pangolin" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:02
GridCubesaitax, i would do a clean update17:02
knomesaitax, are you running ubuntu or xubuntu?17:02
saitaxyou boot from disk or usb17:02
saitaxund upgrade it17:02
Sysisaitax: have xubuntu-desktop installed and ubuntu-desktop not installed17:03
saitaxi work with xfce17:03
knomesaitax, have you installed the ubuntu-desktop package before?17:03
knomesaitax, alacarte?17:03
GridCubeits proably there yet AlexS_17:03
AlexS_ok thanx17:04
saitaxbut i dont know what you mean with alacarte?17:04
GridCubeits a menu editor17:04
knomesaitax, have you installed alacarte the menu editor?17:05
GridCubesaitax, last time i did a dist-upgrade it also upgraded me to ubuntu instead of only xubuntu, i dont know how that works17:05
GridCubeand i dont know if that ever got fixed or what17:05
saitaxno i havent17:05
saitaxi do install it now17:05
knomesaitax, don't17:05
knomesaitax, i was just asking because we had a bug that installed unity if you installed alacarte17:05
saitaxbut i think update by cd ist better solution17:05
knomeprobably, the mirrors are under heavy load today17:06
saitaxi have it17:06
knomewell, those too17:06
saitaxknome do you want to wich packets i have installed because of the unity bug17:07
knomesaitax, nah. i think the best idea would be to purge unity and try the upgrade again17:07
knomesaitax, i mean, if you don't need unity of course.17:08
saitaxi check it in a virutal machine now17:08
ububuntuim new to xubuntu , do i need separat partition for boot ?17:10
GridCubeif you wish so17:11
GridCubei do have separated /home though17:12
GridCubei think that should be a "must"17:12
Sysiyou don't need several partitions on any regular linuxdistro17:12
ububuntuwhat /home or boot ?17:12
SysiGridCube: I prefer partition for just data17:12
Sysiold settings mess up stuff17:13
knomeububuntu, you only need one partition if you are installing xubuntu only (no dual-boot or so)17:13
GridCube:P i have a partition for / and one for /home so when i reinstall my /home is safe17:13
ububuntuif i put / on sdb1 ,boot on sda1 and /home and swap on sda2 & 317:13
GridCubeububuntu, that should work :)17:13
knomeububuntu, no, you don't need another partition for /boot17:14
GridCubei think the keyword here is "need"17:14
Sysiit may be needed for some raid setups17:14
GridCubehe doesnt _needs_ it, but if he _wants_ it, that wouldnt harm17:15
ububuntuit wil be only xubuntu on hd ? i ask pga  i have 320hdd + 20gb ssd (hybrid) and ssd is on sdb17:15
ububuntuits acer aspire S317:16
Sysithere's not any need for separate partition for /boot17:16
ububuntucan i boot from sda and have / on sdb ?17:17
Artemis3yes but use uuid17:18
Artemis3its better17:18
ububuntuok thx17:19
Sysixubuntu uses uuid in fstab by default17:19
Artemis3the install process will do this automatically17:19
forestpiskiemy google fu has failed me - is there a way to get a wallpaper across 2 monitors - monitors all setup with arandr and working fine17:25
knomeforestpiskie, no, not one image to several monitors afaik17:33
forestpiskiek - thanks knome :)17:33
knomeforestpiskie, that's why the default wallpaper was shipped in two pieces17:33
forestpiskiethought so :)17:34
forestpiskiegood planning there17:34
knomeheh, thanks17:34
knomeastraljava, there's your answer ^17:34
astraljavaThankee. forestpiskie: Even the blind hen sometimes finds the grain. :)17:35
forestpiskieastraljava: indeed they do :)17:35
forestpiskieknome: once QQ is up I will come see you all in -dev to see what I can do to help, did some with pangolin - but not as much as I hoped - as long as it doesn't involve voodoo17:37
donavan01can somone tell me if there is a way to increase the the wait time that firefox waits for a packet ... im thinking I keep dropping connection to sites because its taking a little loner than it should17:52
knomedonavan01, if you are referring to the ubuntu servers, just be patient17:53
knomedonavan01, the servers are under huge loads17:53
donavan01no ... I am having a weird issue with ubuntu where it seems that about half of my network traffic dies a horrible death somewhere along the lines and cause a number of sites to crap out17:54
Artemis3donavan01, i belive so, let me remember17:54
Artemis3donavan01, see in about:config network17:56
Artemis3donavan01, there are some timeout settings17:56
donavan01well that did nothing ... guess that inst the problem17:58
donavan01how to I reset my wireless addresss I set it to manual and entered the addresses but it isnt using that address it is still using the dhcp address18:01
donavan01ok reboot it is then18:03
satch5150i'm fairly certain I'm having hardware issues but not sure where to ask this question so here goes - My computer seems to lock up with my soundcard in it, which is an x-fi elite pro pci (not pcie) card, my mobo is an asus sabertooth with uefi bios and my cpu is an zambezi am3+ ..... im using xubuntu 12.04 bets 2 (ok, yea, I didnt think of it before asking but that could be the problem), but assuming the beta is not the prob, what coul18:12
satch5150d it be ?18:12
satch5150any suggestions would be greatly appreciated ..... I would like to not buy additional hardware, at least not without some reasonable assurance that its going to work and i'm not going to get the same problems18:15
=== myrtti is now known as Myrtti
astraljavasatch5150: IRQ conflicts came to mind, but I am not sure whether they could completely lock up a whole computer.18:16
satch5150it actually doesn't technically lock up, when booting up in recovery mode, first thing it says is that cpu #n (it is different ones at different times) is stuck, something about a soft lockup, then it keeps repeating messages about udevd and trying to shutdown udisk process after it trys to modprobe some long pci hex address18:18
satch5150I can't really cut and paste the errors or I would18:18
f0xand amd64 2?18:20
satch5150its an 8core am3+ cpu18:21
satch5150and yes the xubuntu is the amd64 version18:21
satch5150other than those repeating messages the computer does appear to be unresponsive18:22
Artemis3satch5150, if you take out that sound card, everything works?18:23
satch5150that's with the x-fi in, take it and yes, it appears to be fine18:23
Artemis3satch5150, can you try this card in another machine? with a livecd perhaps?18:23
astraljavaArtemis3: Or another PCI card slot?18:24
astraljavaSorry, meant for satch5150 of course.18:24
Artemis3i doubt that would help much but it doesnt hurt trying18:24
Artemis3another machine would be better18:24
Artemis3eg with intel chipset, to discard faulty hardware18:24
Artemis3if it works it could be compatibility issue, which "might" be solved with a bios setting or update18:25
satch5150Artemis, no, unfortunately I dont have access to anything else to try it in at the moment18:25
Artemis3satch5150, there is a chance the card is bad... would be good if you can test it somewhere18:26
Artemis3unless it works perfecly in another os... then is a software issue18:27
satch5150well, I had it on a differnet board, it went bad (or so I thought, in retrospect, wonder now if it could have been the card) - but this was just like a month ago before I started having issues with the board18:28
satch5150I thought the card was working, but the symptoms were similar to what's going now18:29
satch5150so in retrospect, yea, bad soundcard maybe :)18:29
i__can someone send me their /etc/fonts/fonts.conf?18:30
i__for 12.0418:30
astraljavai__: http://astraljava.kapsi.fi/fonts.conf18:33
i__astraljava: thanks!18:35
=== flaxoffline is now known as flaxo
tnorriswhat's the cmd line option to upgrade to 12.04?19:13
mneptoktnorris: from what release?19:14
mneptoktnorris: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo do-release-upgrade19:14
tnorrishrm... do-release-upgrade says there's nothing to upgrade19:15
knomemneptok, dist-upgrade isn't needed19:15
mneptokknome: can't hurt.19:15
knomemneptok, and actually, it might install unity and such :(19:15
knomemneptok, well, can, in xubuntu19:15
mneptokknome: i dist-upgrade every single day.19:16
knomewell, that might pull in unity, but i don't care if it does on your machine ;]19:16
mneptokknome: that's the only way to get new kernels.19:16
knometnorris, try 'sudo do-release-upgrade -d' then19:16
tnorrisknome: same - "No new release found"19:17
tnorris(and I did update)19:17
knomedid you do upgrade too?19:17
knomeand dist-upgrade then? ;)19:17
tnorrisI was getting this strange BADSIG problem this morning, for which I had to run "apt-get update -o Acquire::http::No-Cache=True"19:18
tnorrisbug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/2406119:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 24061 in apt (Ubuntu Precise) "GPG error with apt-get/aptitude/update-manager behind proxy (BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5)" [High,Triaged]19:18
tnorrisbut don't know if that has anything to do with the problem19:19
r3dl0cI'm having a problem since upgrading to 12.04. xfdesktop, Thunar, and compiz will not run on users that authenticate through winbind.  Any ideas?19:25
tnorrisknome: might have an idea why. if the release hasn't been pushed to the US mirror yet, then it probably wouldn't show up if my sources were pointing to it, would it?19:28
donavan01I was wondering if someone knew how to fix this issue... I use mutiple networks and for one of the networks I have to manually set the MTU to 1492 rather than auto.... the other networks seem to work fine with the auto setting... I can use the network manager to do this as it doesnt seem to actually change the MTU if I do a sudo ifconfig wlan0 mtu 1492 then it changes ... but if im not mistaken doesnt this change it for all c19:32
berkeleyDoes anyone know where I can _securely_ (e.g. via https) download hashes for the latest 12.04 release?19:37
pleia2berkeley: I don't think we're serving via https at this time19:39
pleia2if you're uncertain, you can compare the hash you get from one mirror with another19:39
berkeleyalright, thanks19:39
berkeleyI'm pretty sure that it's okay19:39
berkeleyI'm just mildly security paranoid19:40
mneptokberkeley: we already knew. the monitors work.19:40
* mneptok pans and zooms19:40
Unit193Torrents should help that...19:42
drcJust because you're paranoid doesn't mean the bastards aren't out to get you...could you please look directly into the monitor please?19:42
airlynxhow do I collect a backtrace if apport crashes along with xfce?  ps x displays almost nothing after the crash but I am able to operate in tty mode.  There is nothing listed in /var/crash.  I am using 12.0419:55
=== jcfp is now known as Guest59330
=== jcfp` is now known as jcfp
magarwalhi i downdloaded the 64bit version of 12.04 and tried to install but the installer itself failed after 15-20 mins20:36
magarwali tried with the alternate install CD but same result.. (this time it went a little further)20:36
drcWFM (tm) :)20:36
knomemagarwal, any more information on the failures?20:36
magarwalin the alternate install version it failed at the Install software step (before the isntall grub loader)20:37
magarwali tried to bypass the install software to install grub loader but got the same error!20:37
drcCould you possibly tell us the error or must we play 20 questions?20:39
magarwaldrc, i am installing it again, and will tell the error once i see it again20:40
Max_whoops! was going to complain about not finding any download links to 12.04 (the banner thing still says coming soon)20:41
knomemagarwal, also, just to make sure, do you have a 64-bit processor?20:41
Max_guess I was wrong!20:41
knomeMax_, must be some caching somewhere along the way20:41
nmittalknome, yes.. (this is magarwal)20:41
knomenmittal, good20:42
nmittalknome, its a 65-bit machine that has been running Ubuntu 10.10 65-bit for more than 6 months no problem20:42
Max_Im really limited on net - can anyway tell me the size of the ISO?20:42
nmittalknome, 64-bit i mean :-p20:42
knomeMax_, it's about 700MB20:42
Max_sweet! Should fit on CD just fine!20:43
knomeMax_, yes, that's the idea... :)20:43
knomeMax_, any xubuntu image should fit a 700MB CD20:43
Max_right! Just that, y'know , what with Ubuntu moving on with Unity and I think I read someplace that Xubuntu was trying to get Unity compatible with this version - thought I'd ask20:44
P0baileygreat job guys!!!!!!!20:44
Max_since Unity is a monster on my poor p420:44
Max_last question before I'm out of your hair - is there a way to get this thing booting off of USB? An instruction page perhaps for Xubuntu?20:45
nmittalknome.. the weird thing is that even "try ubuntu20:45
nmittaldidnt work20:45
drcMax_: Booting as in installing or booting as in running off the USB?20:46
knomeP0bailey, thanks :)20:46
knomenmittal, weird. which version have you been using then?20:46
nmittali had ubuntu 10.10 64 bit before i dicided to wipe out my machine and install 12.04 Xubuntu :(20:47
Max_drc, bootinas in running off the USB? (well having the option to install would be sweet too - is that possible? like an Ubuntu LiveCD except off of a USB?)20:47
Max_sorry it's been a long day20:47
drcMax_: Yes it's possible, that's how I installed it20:48
knomenmittal, yeah, i'm afraid there might have been some driver changes meanwhile... maybe check what your graphics card + ubuntu says in google or so, and see if other people have had problems too and solved them20:49
nmittalknome.. i thought so too (bcoz i remember installing 10.10 wasnt easy either).. but alternate install is not graphical to start with ..rt?20:49
knomenmittal, yeah, alternate install avoids graphical installer, but it's not a good sign that you can't even use the live cd :/20:50
nmittalknome live cd would use the noveau driver.. rt?20:51
knomenmittal, i think that's it...20:51
nmittalyeah that wont work with my nvidia card20:52
nmittalknome, but again thats why i am doing alternate install20:52
knomenmittal, yeah. once you get to the error (or, let's hope you don't!), just tell us what it is and we can try to troubleshoot20:52
nmittalknome thanks will appreciate that20:53
nmittalknome, although looks like its gone further this time20:53
knomeyeah, let's hope it installs20:53
nmittalknome the only difference is that i manually partitioned this time20:53
knomemmh, sounds weird though that it would make the system installable20:54
nmittalknome, it installed !!!!20:54
knomegreat :) have fun20:55
nmittalknome, now how do I install my propreitory NVIDIA driver?20:55
knomenmittal, use jockey20:55
nmittalknome, before i reboot?20:55
knomenmittal, or after20:55
knomenmittal, jockey-text if you only get to console at all20:56
nmittalknome, whats jockey20:56
knomenmittal, otherwise i think it should give you a notification to start the jockey GUI20:56
nmittalknome, i am at the last installation screen rt now.. "Installation complete" what should i do now20:56
knomenmittal, jockey is the tool to install propietary drivers in ubuntu20:56
knomenmittal, try to boot and see what happens - even if the GPU driver fails, you should be able to get to console :)20:57
nmittalknome, but the nvidia driver requires that X is not running20:57
knomenmittal, jockey will be able to install it, you just need to reboot after that20:57
nmittali see20:58
nmittalknome, in absence of nvidia driver all i get is a blinking curser at the top left corner of the screen20:58
nmittaland it stays there forever20:58
knomenmittal, well, you can of course try to run jockey now, if you can.20:59
knomenmittal, when the cursor blinks, try to get to other tty's (ctrl+alt+f2 for example)20:59
nmittalknome.. after reboot... its not even loading grub.. sitting at the last step after bios21:00
nmittalknome, "Dell Inc MPT boot ROM successfully installed"21:00
nmittalknome,  and no disk activity21:00
knomenmittal, i had problems with wife's laptop and 12.04, updating bios worked wonders21:01
nmittalbut why woudl grub not load :-/21:03
tnorrisanyone know eta on when mirrors will sync to US?21:04
knometnorris, no idea, just have to wait21:04
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knomeIdleOne, he's back ! :)21:05
nmittalknome.. what do i do now.. stuck!21:06
knomenmittal, hmph. can you boot anything?21:06
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nmittalknome, no its not doing anything after the bios21:06
tioperehey ther21:11
knomenmittal, weird :/21:11
knomenmittal, i have to say i'm out of ideas at this point...21:11
knomenmittal, maybe a bios update would definitely help21:11
Unit193Was grub for sure installed?21:12
tioperewhat's wrong?21:12
nmittalUnit193, tiopere so the xubuntu 12.04 installation went fine (including installing the grub boot loader) but when i reboot.. i am stuck at the computer start screen and grub is not starting21:14
nmittalknome, the bios update i got from Dell is an .exe file!!!21:15
knomenmittal, mmh. i think the bios update i used was something similar, just had to "install" that to an usb drive or something..21:15
nmittalknome, ok worth a try21:16
panzon_I updated my nvidia driver and now I can not seen anything I mean... xubuntu starts I can get in with ctrl + alt  F421:18
tiopereMy old computer is downloading the new version 12.04.21:18
tioperehe's saying "1 hour and 12 minutes left"21:18
panzon_but I can not see my old xcfe21:18
tiopereAm I getting into a mess?21:18
tioperewith that version?21:18
panzon_do you know how can I uninstall my invidia driver?21:19
knomepanzon_, if you used the nvidia-settings too, it will have created Xorg.conf, you should be able to change the driver name there21:19
panzon_yes but I don't know the name of the last driver21:19
knometiopere, most installations/upgrades go well21:19
panzon_actually I also make an upgrade21:20
knomepanzon_, iirc, that's nv21:20
panzon_I thought that maybe an upgrade should resolve my problem21:20
panzon_do you know if exist a form to reinstall all xcfe21:21
panzon_or my problem is other?21:21
tiopereI hope so, I can not wait to try it21:21
knomepanzon_, as i said, edit Xorg.conf21:22
panzon_but what do I have to write there?21:25
knomechange the driver to "nv"21:25
nmittalknome, Unit193 ,tiopere... so i have manged to get a live session going.. is there a way i can now fix GRUB?21:27
panzon_now I have "nvidia"21:28
knomepanzon_, yeah, that's the propietary driver. nv is the basic 2d driver, nouveau is the 3d open source driver with some acceleration.21:29
panzon_and then I should reboot?21:29
knomepanzon_, yeah21:30
knome!grub | nmittal21:30
ubottunmittal: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)21:30
knomenmittal, that should give you some insight on how to fix it, *if* it's installed...21:30
nmittalknome.. i am going to try the repair option from the installer.. hopefully that'll fix21:37
knomenmittal, fingers crossed21:37
nmittalyeah.. this is my work machine.. and i cant be offline like this :(21:38
tioperepanzon_ I've found that "$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg"21:40
tiopereit seems it will restore x.org file21:40
xubuntu570hi xubuntu21:45
xubuntu570has anyone had issues upgrading to 12.04 (pkgProblemResolver errors)?21:45
nmittalknome/.. that fixed it... so now i have a desktop21:48
nmittalknome but jockey-gtk is not running21:49
knomenmittal, great! :)21:49
knomenmittal, try running jockey-text from a terminal21:49
nmittalknome, same error.. Downloading package indexes failed.. please check your network status.. Most drivers will not be available21:50
nmittalknome.. but i am online.. can browse yahoo for example21:50
knomenmittal, hmm. probably errors in loading the packages21:50
knomenmittal, try sudo apt-get update and then retry21:51
knomexubuntu570, can you elaborate on the issue, when do you get the error, does it stop you from doing something, what, etc.21:51
nmittalknome, ..when i try sudo apt-get update.. it throws a bunch of errors and advises to run apt-get update to fix :).. cyclical21:52
nmittalknome.. Ign cdrom://Xubuntu 12.04....21:52
nmittalW: Duplicate sources....21:53
xubuntu570thanks knome, sure thing: when i do a do-release-upgrade (im on 11.10 atm) it runs through some stuff but eventually drops out with:21:53
xubuntu570An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade:  E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be  caused by held packages.21:53
knomenmittal, hmm, comment out the cdrom line in /etc/apt/sources.list21:53
xubuntu570ive removed all external ppas21:54
nmittalknome www.pastebin.com/XS4upvHi21:54
knomexubuntu570, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade ?21:54
nmittalknome thats all it has..  5 cdrom: lines21:54
panzon_tiopere: thank you but now I have no access to the terminal.... I changed many things21:55
panzon_I think that I should reinstall everything21:55
knomenmittal, huh. :)21:56
nmittalknome.. bug?21:56
xubuntu570knome, thanks ill give that a try ..21:56
knomenmittal, you probably had no internet during installation21:56
nmittalknome.. i did21:56
nmittalknome.. is this fixable?21:57
knomenmittal, well, the installer thought i didn't, i suppose21:57
knomenmittal, yeah, just a sec21:57
knomenmittal, try this tool: http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/21:58
knomenmittal, or enable the repositories via a package manager, like synaptic, if you can run one21:58
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knomepanzon_, after what you have no access to terminal?21:59
nmittalknome yeah that did it22:00
xubuntu570knome - thanks! looks good -- gonna shut everything else down and continue22:00
knomexubuntu570, good luck :)22:01
knomenmittal, great22:01
nmittalknome apt-get updating now22:01
nmittalknome nvidia driver is next22:01
nmittalknome.. wow that was tricky.. thanks a lot22:01
knomenmittal, :)22:01
knomenmittal, no problem22:01
xubuntu520switched from ubuntu 10.04 to xubuntu 12.04 today, totally worth it! \o/22:04
knomexubuntu520, good to hear it, enjoy22:05
tioperebad, the installation has failed. It is saying: error fetching files "..... and the file" A lot of errors like this I'm sad22:12
tiopereI'll try again tomorrow22:13
knometiopere, can you pastebin the errors?22:13
knomeright, good luck then :)22:13
tioperesorry, not22:13
tioperethey are in other PC22:13
knomeyeah, np22:14
tioperebut if you want I can try it now22:14
knomehope you'll get it installed22:14
knomesure, i can try to troubleshoot with you :)22:14
tioperei've started the installation again22:15
tioperedownloading packages22:18
tiopereok, i've got the same error22:19
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:19
knomestart from the *first* error, that's most important usually22:19
tioperefailed to fetch http//es.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/e/enchant/enchant_1..6.0-7_i386.deb22:21
tiopereI will try it in the other PC (I will join there)22:21
knometiopere, a-ha22:22
knometiopere, you are upgrading?22:29
knometiopere, okay22:32
knometiopere, run synaptic package manager22:32
tiopere_2I've posted screenshoot22:32
tiopere_2in imgebin22:33
knometiopere, i suppose i know what the issue is - let's change your archive mirror :)22:33
tiopere_2synapctic started22:34
knometiopere, now go to settings -> repositories22:35
tiopere_2I'm there22:36
knometiopere, there is a setting "download from" along with a dropdown box22:36
knometiopere, select "main server"22:36
knomethen close the dialog and synaptic22:36
knomeand run 'sudo apt-get update'22:36
knomethen retry upgrading22:37
tiopere_2sudo stoped with this las line:22:40
tiopere_290% [Conectando a es.archive.ubuntu.com (]22:40
tiopere_2now I've more messages22:40
knometiopere, can you pastebin again :)22:42
slavik262are other people seeing a white font on a light gray background in GTK apps when using the Albatross theme in today's 12.04 release?22:42
knomeslavik262, that's possible, albatross isn't really optimized for gtk3 :/22:42
knometiopere, did you close synaptic? you should22:43
slavik262knome: is there any currently known fix? I'm encountering the similar issues to this: http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/5118/screenshot0419201207002.png22:43
knomeslavik262, no, not really except "use another theme"22:44
tiopere_2ah, ah, nope, sorry22:44
knometiopere, np :)22:44
slavik262knome: but I like that one :P Is there anywhere I should submit a ticket to try to resolve the issue?22:45
knomeslavik262, unfortunately, it's known22:45
knomeslavik262, a gtk3 update will probably hit precise via some SRU22:46
knomeslavik262, well, maybe not even "probably", but maybe, we're working on it22:46
slavik262thanks much22:46
knomeslavik262, portning greybird to work with gtk3 was more work we expected22:46
knomeslavik262, np22:46
knomeslavik262, follow  https://github.com/shimmerproject/Albatross22:47
knomeslavik262, and you'll get the latest updates directly22:47
slavik262excellent. Thanks again22:47
knomeno problem :)22:47
knometiopere, now that you closed synaptic, how does it look?22:49
tiopere_2fewer errors than before22:50
knometiopere, okay, now press alt+f222:50
knometiopere, and run 'gksudo mousepad /etc/apt/sources.list'22:50
knometiopere, in the file comment out the lines with urls with es.archive...22:51
knometiopere, commenting works by adding a # in the beginning of a lint22:52
knomethen, save the file22:52
knomeand run 'sudo apt-get update' again22:52
tiopere_2the original file22:57
knometiopere, yeah, comment lines 36 and 3722:58
knometiopere, ...and 26-2922:58
knometiopere, oh no, this is the ORIGINAL original file :)22:58
tiopere_2the modified one22:59
tiopere_2seems correct to you now?22:59
knomeactually not :/23:00
knomeseems like the change you did in synaptic didn't take effect23:00
knomejust a sec23:00
knometiopere, take a backup of your sources.list to be sure, then replace it with this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/948496/23:03
knometiopere, yeah, but that didn't for some reason work :/23:03
knometiopere, should be more like the paste23:03
knomeyou can alternatively23:03
knomereplace es.archive.ubuntu.com with archive.ubuntu.com23:03
knomethat works too :)23:03
tiopere_2sorry mate, I can't modify the file23:09
tiopere_2no permission23:10
knomedid you run mousepad with gksudo ?23:10
knomealt+f2 -> gksudo mousepad /etc/apt/sources.list23:10
knomeit will ask your password to give you the permissions to edit the file23:10
tiopere_2I run23:17
knome? :)23:17
tiopere_2gksudo mousepad /etc/apt/sources.list23:17
tiopere_2it ask me for a password23:17
tiopere_2I gave it23:17
tiopere_2I can see the file source.list23:17
tiopere_2but I don't know how I can edit it23:18
knomeopen a terminal and un23:18
knomesudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list23:19
knometiopere, to save, ctrl+o, to exit, ctrl+x :)23:19
Britzel_Hi. Just installed 12.04 on a Lenovo T500. I am *a*m*a*z*e*d*! Everything runs out of the box. Great job!23:20
tiopere_2I'm in23:21
knomeBritzel_, thanks :)23:21
knometiopere, now, replace anything with es.archive.ubuntu.com with archive.ubuntu.com23:21
tiopere_2ok, I'm going23:22
knometiopere, after you've done that, press alt+o (the letter o) and hit enter :)23:23
tiopere_2I think it is modified23:24
knomedid you save with ctrl+o? :)23:24
knomeyes, that looks right!23:25
knomenow run 'sudo apt-get update'23:25
tiopere_2brb ????23:26
knome"be right back", and here i am :)23:27
tiopere_2I am a newbie23:28
knomeno problem at all23:28
knomewe all have to start somewhere23:29
tiopere_2no errors23:30
knomenow try retrying the upgrading to 12.0423:30
knomei'll be lurking here for a while more at least, so if it works or errors arise... just shout out :)23:33
tiopere_218 minutews left (it says)23:34
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