
zykotick9pmp6nl: expect issues ;)00:00
sokakzykotick9, thats the point, when i try to get the manpage of getlibs, it points me to man 7 undocumented00:00
zykotick9pmp6nl: best to disable all PPAs, upgrade, and then readd the PPAs (i think the install does that automatically though ;)00:00
sokakalso no luck googling00:00
pmp6nlzykotick9, ok ill try, or maybe i will just reinstall everything00:00
trismsynackfin: aptitude search ~o00:01
wyldepndemc_: so basically it's controlled completely remotely, using ssh and sftp for the most part.00:01
pndemc_wylde, I plan on using a GUI on mine, will this have much of a performance impact? I seriously doubt I could do it all command-line only00:01
zykotick9sokak: i wouldn't be surprise if getlibs doesn't have a man page - check online or something?  i haven't used getlibs in a while, don't have it install currently so can't really test.00:01
wyldepndemc_: that honestly depends on the DE and if you're going to run things like compiz or any other compositing on it.00:02
sokakzykotick9, so i guess its time to nuke everything, purge my home from all config data, and start a fresh pangoline. Many forums have still opened threads about getlibs uninstall pointing to nil - im just too lazy to manually clean everything00:02
pndemc_wylde, it's currently a windows server, that we have VNC access to00:02
pndemc_wylde, so theres explorer running00:02
zykotick9sokak: fresh install (with data backups) is the cleanest route00:02
sokakzykotick9, i have no probs on that - my home sits on its own 4 tb hdd ;o00:03
wyldepndemc_: potentially, it CAN cause a fair bit more load. However a minimal GUI can give you very little overhead.(LXDE for example)00:03
pndemc_wylde, would I be able to disable/reenable the GUI at the ease of a command?00:03
=== jon__ is now known as three18ti_
AndChat311001Anybody knows the default username and password of ubuntu 12.04...I can't login00:03
wyldepndemc_: yep, just kill the xserver.00:03
sokaki have just been too damn lazy and forgot to ddump my system partition before messing00:03
three18ti_AndChat311001, you set it when you install the OS.  you can boot into safe mode and reset the PW.00:04
FyodorovnaAndChat311001, the live cd?00:04
pndemc_wylde, okay, if I go Debian Squeeze, it's just Gnome 2.3, that minimal enough?00:04
sokakthat will be my first step after reinstalling and updating pangoline.00:04
three18ti_trying to update and I keep getting Failed to fetch bzip2:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_precise-updates_main_binary-amd64_Packages  Hash Sum mismatch  after an apt-get update.  Anyone else?00:04
=== XuMuK is now known as XuMuK|znc
kfizzAnyone know how to connect to a wireless network via command line?00:05
ActionParsnipkfizz: iwconfig00:05
ActionParsnipkfizz: or use wicd-curses :)00:05
wyldepndemc_: when you install, if your don't install anything like gdm, lightdm, kdm etc., then you just type 'startx' when you want to use the gui, and kill the xserver when you're finished.00:05
dkaphi, i just upgraded to ubunntu 12.04 64 bit and tried to install chrome, but the libnss3-1d package was missing...00:06
zvacetAndChat311001: on live Cd there is no username or password00:06
dkaptryingg to install libnss3-1d gives00:06
kfizzWind-curses not installed. Reading man for iwconfig00:06
dkapConflicts: libnss3-1d but 3.13.1.with.ckbi.1.88-1ubuntu6 is to be installed00:06
pndemc_wylde, that's exactly what I'm looking for. this server will be hosting a few game servers so that will be perfect for performance00:06
pndemc_wylde, I've come to realize hosting game servers on windows is a pain00:07
wyldepndemc_:  lol, I'm not going to disagree with you!00:07
pndemc_wylde, a tf2 server update broke our server for half a week00:08
pndemc_wylde, only broke windows servers <_<00:08
wyldepndemc_: yikes... that's never good. So doing a test run in *nix or planning on a full swith?00:09
AndChat311001three18ti_ no I didn't set password00:09
three18ti_ok, think I found my answer, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=11593258&postcount=200:09
three18ti_AndChat311001, is it installed or live CD version?00:09
AndChat311001U s b00:10
pndemc_wylde, planning on a full switch (since we now also want to webhost on it), I want to do a test run first though so the actual switch goes smoothly00:10
pndemc_setting up srcds on linux is a little more complicated because of the differences between distros00:10
killownhow disable this feature on 12.04 for those who have multi monitors, if you move de mouse cursor slowly it will not allows it passes to the other monitor unless you move it fast?00:11
pndemc_wylde,  setting up srcds on linux is a little more complicated because of the differences between distros00:11
wyldepndemc_: ALWAYS a good idea :) Not to mention backups! which never seem to be thought about until people have a dead or dying system heh.00:11
DaniG2kguys I have Japanese and Korean language support installed but00:11
DaniG2kI'm not getting a keyboard icon00:11
DaniG2kto switch between inputs00:11
DaniG2khow can I fix this?00:11
OfficeITGuy149Hey #Ubuntu! This might be a really dumb question, but is it possible to install a windows driver in ubuntu? I have a Lenovo U300s trackpad which is awful in Ubuntu, and someone says they replaced their driver with a Dell one and it's great now.00:11
sokak_wild question. whats the more multithread friendly, secure and more efficient compression method i can pipe dd to?00:12
three18ti_AndChat311001, how did you create the liveCD?00:12
wyldepndemc_: being a bit more complicated can be resolved with a little extra reasearch, which beats broken servers by a mile, I think anyway :)00:12
bazhangDaniG2k, ibus-setup yet?00:12
pndemc_OfficeITGuy149, I think dell offers some ubuntu drivers because of their partnership00:12
OfficeITGuy149Interesing pndemc_, do you know where I can find those? I'm googling around now...00:13
vexaxvanyone having issues with the unity bar auto hide?00:13
kfizzIs there a way to boot Ubuntu without the extra startup programs, like a safe mode? I've tried recovery mode with no luck.00:13
AndChat311001three18ti_ I deleted a couple of application and did update and when i rebooted I was promted to username and password00:14
dkapif a package had errors installing, how do we remove it, so that next time when we try installing another package, ubuntu does not complain about the former?00:14
wyldedkap: 'sudo apt-get -f install'00:14
three18ti_AndChat311001, what applications did you remove?  Have you tried logging in using no password?00:15
zykotick9!info gnome-session-fallback00:15
ubottugnome-session-fallback (source: gnome-session): GNOME Session Manager - GNOME fallback session. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.1-0ubuntu8 (precise), package size 3 kB, installed size 157 kB00:15
frankbroHaving a weird issue with 12.04 on my acer iconia w500. After a while, mouse and keyboard inputs wont react with unity. I see my mouse moving, if I ctrl+alt+f1, I have access to tty, top shows nothing is hugging my CPU, yet I cant do anything.00:15
pndemc_OfficeITGuy149, sorry I don't, only know because of those ubuntu computers dell was selling awhile back00:15
OfficeITGuy149OK thanks.00:15
acalbazaanyone have a problem with eclipse context menus in 12.0400:15
zykotick9the gnome-session-fallback is very gnome 2 like.  the !notunity factoid should be updated.00:15
sarnoldkfizz: if you're in real trouble, if you boot with the kernel parameter init=/bin/sh, you'll be given an administrative shell immediately after root has been mounted -- nothing else gets mounted, no other scripts get run, so you've got a fairly plain system to work with.00:15
DaniG2kbazhang thanks that helped00:16
ox1dexubuntu installing.........00:16
dkapyes, but my 'sudo apt-get -f install' itself ends up with errrors!!00:16
IdleOnezykotick9: that isn't a factoid, that info is pulled from the repos00:16
pndemc_so what's new with unity in 12.04?00:16
prime_@search Logically Fallacious00:16
zykotick9IdleOne: but !notunity factoid should now reflect using gnome-session-fallback00:17
prime_oops sorry!00:17
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic00:17
prime_Hi all - Is this a good place to ask  a 12.04 question?00:17
three18ti_prime_, just ask00:17
wylde!ask | prime_00:17
ubottuprime_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:17
IdleOnezykotick9: /msg ubottu !notunity is <reply> add your edits :)00:18
AndChat311001three18ti_ I don't know how to login without password , I deleted office , mail and many other00:18
prime_i have recurrent 12.04 system errors, usually early in the session. Where are the logs I can look at to see what exactly is crashing?00:18
prime_I'm not quite a noob, but...00:18
zykotick9IdleOne: i'll suggest it in -irc, and hopefully someone will run with it.00:18
IdleOneprime_: /var/logs00:18
wyldeprime_: /var/log00:18
ActionParsnipAndChat311001: http://www.tuxgarage.com/2011/09/setting-lightdm-to-auto-login-oneiric.html00:19
prime_ok thank!00:19
FizzikHi guys, I have installed tightvncserver on my ubuntu 12.04 machine and the service has started but i cant connect it to it from my windows machine. I don't know what could be wrong but any suggestions on possibly solving the issue or trying something else?00:19
bc``my 3tv drive is only being read as a 2tb drive00:19
prime_any idea which log might be most useful?00:19
ActionParsnipFizzik: can you ping the name?00:19
FizzikActionParsnip yes because i am sshd into the machine00:20
vexaxvanyone having issues with unity bar auto hide??00:20
three18ti_AndChat311001, the reason I'm asking is I'm trying to figure out if you inadvertently removed the wrong package.  I'll ask again, how did you create the live cd?00:20
AndChat311001Ok ActionParsnip00:20
three18ti_thanks <ActionParsnip>00:21
virusuyhappy release day everyon !00:21
AndChat311001three18ti_ I used universal installer00:21
ActionParsnipFizzik: is the service running now?00:21
kfizzIn precise is the property way to start a gui startx or something like lightdm00:23
td123kfizz: use a dm00:23
AaronCampbellOn my laptop, post 12.04 update, ctrl+alt+up maximizes a window.  On my desktop it doesn't...instead alt+f10 does.  Holding Super shows this.  What's different?00:23
td123kfizz: startx poses a physical security risk if not properly configured00:24
naryfaHi, would anybody have any idea, why the two arrows in the weather applet never actually update? I don't know where to ask this question. Take a look please. http://picpaste.com/pics/Screenshot_from_2012-04-26_20_19_42-4jcYFUoy.1335486044.png00:25
pndemc_td123, "physical security risk" what do you mean?00:25
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td123pndemc_: if you lock your computer, alt+ctrl+f1 and ctrl+c :P00:25
Logan_aarcane: It's Ctrl-Super-Up00:26
pndemc_td123, so startx would not be a problem for server use?00:26
bc``i just reformatted a 3tb drive, and then mounted it, but it's only showing up as a 2tb drive-- does anyone know how to fix this? thanks!00:26
aarcaneLogan_, thanks.00:26
Logan_aarcane: :-(00:27
AaronCampbellLogan_: Sorry, you're right...on the laptop.  But not the desktop I'm on00:27
td123pndemc_: I don't know the situation, I guess if you only use startx for like 1 continuous session00:27
aarcaneLogan_, what?  I tried it and it worked :)00:27
ox1dexubuntu loaded! i'm back online!@!! thankz for the help!00:27
Logan_aarcane: I was trying to respond to AaronCampbell, though. :-P00:27
aarcaneLogan_, well, it worked for me.  Go fig~  Good luck!00:28
gogetawtf happond unity is not slow crashy and otherwie suck00:28
td123pndemc_: in the end it's your decision, it's just good that you know the possible problem00:28
Logan_gogeta: Is that a backhanded compliment?00:28
gogetawho finnly fired the artest and made a real window manager out of it00:28
FizzikHi guys, I have installed tightvncserver on my ubuntu 12.04 machine and the service has started but i cant connect it to it from my windows machine. I don't know what could be wrong but any suggestions on possibly solving the issue or trying something else? Yes, i can reach the machine because i am sshd into it00:28
gogetaLogan_: :)00:28
bazhanggogeta, thats not a support question. also watch the cursing00:29
pndemc_are there themes for unity?00:29
Logan_pndemc_: Well, not for the launcher.00:29
bazhangpndemc_, you mean a lens?00:30
pndemc_theres 2 for window colours, are there more sources for these?00:30
gogetaLogan_: i did hear something abought them coming00:30
krababbelgnome is nice too00:30
pndemc_I've always wanted to try Gnome300:31
naryfapndemc_: so what's stopping you?00:31
Logan_pndemc_: You can! Just do: sudo apt-get install gnome-shell00:31
celsohi all!00:31
Bennlucky7good morning all00:31
^MikeHow hard is it to get gnome-shell or gnome2 on a 12.04 install?00:31
pndemc_I'll give it a try after the 12.04 update00:31
bazhang!notunity | ^Mike00:32
ubottu^Mike: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic00:32
celsodoes someone can tell me if i should install the amd post updates install driver or it will broken my xserver again ?  (ubuntu 12.04)00:32
bazhang^Mike, gnome2 is gone, absent an unstable unsupported ppa00:32
Logan_celso: The post-release updates driver is very broken, I believe. It didn't work for me.00:32
krababbelit has usability, gnome300:33
^MikeI assume you mean "absent a stable, supported, ppa" :(00:33
Fizzikany recommend some remote desktop server apps for linux?00:33
Fizzikthat i can access via my windows machine00:33
bazhang^Mike, no, as there are not any supported PPA of any kind00:33
gogeta^Mike: look up the mate project its gnome 2 ported to gtk300:33
Logan_Fizzik: TeamViewer is very easy to set up.00:34
pndemc_I  believe Mint is using MATE00:34
Logan_!vnc | Fizzik, you may want to take a look at this also00:34
ubottuFizzik, you may want to take a look at this also: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX00:34
celsothat is the problem. cause it should be disabled. but i dont want to broken my entire OS.  but thanks for the help logan00:34
gogetapndemc_: mint uses everything lol00:34
Logan_celso: No problem. I find that the open source driver works fine with my card.00:34
pndemc_gogeta, mate on their main release ^^00:35
celsotrue, but i curently use fglrx because it controls better my fans( in my opinion) :D00:35
pndemc_how well would windows run in a virtualbox?00:35
pndemc_good enough for gaming?00:35
gogetapndemc_: umm no00:36
Logan_pndemc_: Probably not.00:36
^MikeCan you upgrade from an ISO? The alternate image, right?00:36
krababbeldosbox reliably00:36
bazhang^Mike, yes00:36
celsoLogan: and did you tried the hybrid graphics? (if you have) or still broken?00:36
gogetapndemc_: win will run many games just not all of them00:36
^Mikeexcellent, thanks00:36
ActionParsnip^Mike: yes, you don't even need to burn it, you can just loop mount it00:36
pndemc_I have steam running in wine00:36
Logan_celso: I have hybrid graphics in my laptop, and I just have the AMD card disabled since the Intel one doesn't use the fans as much and saves battery. I don't do gaming.00:37
pndemc_but game performance was unplayable00:37
^MikeActionParsnip: Yes, I remember doing that previously00:37
gogetapndemc_: steam is coming for linux first game will be left4dead 200:37
Fizzikok so i need to get x11vnc running but can i access it in windows00:37
pndemc_I heard, very excited :D00:37
ActionParsnipdoes nayone need more than tuxcart?00:37
pndemc_that's the article for anyone interested00:37
bazhang!ot | pndemc_00:38
ubottupndemc_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:38
gogetapndemc_: yea it got leaked a long time ago they just denied it this long00:38
celsoLogan: how? did you disabled on the bios?  sorry... maybe i am asking too much...00:38
bazhanggogeta, lets get back on topic00:38
celsoLogan: i am asking because i can't disable on bios and dont know how to disable on the OS.00:39
aarcaneSo has anyone tried Business Desktop Remix?  Far as I can tell it's not a lot different.00:39
Loonaticwhere they hidden the xorg.conf in 12.04 LTS ?00:40
gogetaaarcane: most remixes are not just a diffrent app set00:40
Logan_celso: No, no. Don't worry about asking. I personally have an Envy 14, and I was able to use these instructions to disable the discrete card: http://forum.notebookreview.com/hp-envy-hdx/498550-envy-14-linux-27.html#post801375600:40
zykotick9Loonatic: not there by default (hasn't been for a while)00:40
gogetaLoonatic: no its not used if you need it you have to genrate it00:40
gogetaLoonatic: all auto now00:40
Loonaticgogeta: ok.. so if i have an issue playing .mp4 they are choppy but not .mov or .mp300:41
aarcaneAha, I found the difference.  BUsiness Desktop is 32 bit only :(00:41
ManuelSantanawhy the ubuntu side bar doesn't hide in 12.0400:41
gogetaLoonatic: is it a old box or something h264 can use alot of cpu00:41
celsoLogan: wait.... that fixed your problem with hybrid graphics??? are you sure??? just that?00:42
Logan_ManuelSantana: It was a design decision. You can set it to autohide using CCSM.00:42
Logan_!ccsm | ManuelSantana00:42
ubottuManuelSantana: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' (or 'simple-ccsm' for pre-Oneiric). If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz00:42
LoonaticManuelSantana: SystemSettings --> Appearance --> Behavior --> On :)00:42
capgogeta: Loonatic Actually, it's been "all auto" for some time now. ButL: When you install proprietary drivers, the xorg.conf file is created a that time.00:42
Logan_celso: Yeah, the rc.local changes did it for me. You just comment out either the "echo DIGD" line or the "echo DDIS" line in the file, depending on which one you want the computer to use when booting.00:43
ManuelSantanathanks Loonatic00:43
Loonaticcap: ok i think this is what i need to do to enable my radeon card00:43
Logan_celso: (I'm referring to the "Fix Hybrid Graphics and Brightness at Startup" section of that post.)00:43
LintWhat should I do to enable gnome-shell?00:43
capLoonatic: Well, yea, maybe for some of the advanced features....00:43
kfizzHow can I edit the gateway four an eth0 connection? The route command failed to set it00:44
gogetaLogan_: well then you just genrate the xorg.conf and the system wile use it and you can pass oprions00:44
sokak_seems like i found an answer to mi previous question - just sharing for anyone's interested sake. Piping dd to tar, and then repacking the result to a 7z -mx9 -mmt backup.7z seems doing the magic of multithread compression AND permission saving.00:44
sokak_i guess i can do one liner from that.00:44
Logan_gogeta: It's deeper down than X, though.00:44
Lintsokak_, you don´t need tar00:44
gogetaLogan_: thats the file you need to mod rite00:44
capkfizz: edit /etc/network/interfaces00:44
Loonaticcap: i think i should be able to play goPRO video with a FireMV2250 plsu AMD64 3800+ 2.5GbRAM00:44
ryan-csokak_: you should modify tar to support a -7 option00:45
sokak_Lint, as far as i can remember 7zip could mess with permissions00:45
Logan_gogeta: No, /etc/rc.local.00:45
trevorso what exactly are the benefits of LTS?00:45
gogetaLogan_: thats still there00:45
=== trevor is now known as Guest82066
Lintsokak_, you get NO permissions from dd, it´s just random binary data00:45
celsoLogan: yes, yes, so, if i want to use the intel all the time, just need to remove my ATI driver and use the script that curently is written and its done! :D  oh man, you made my day! :D00:45
Logan_gogeta: Wait, I think we're talking about two different problems. :-P00:45
sokak_oh shi- thats right - im being airheaded there00:45
^MikeGuest82066: It is supported for longer, and tends to be more stable.00:45
celsoLogan: thanks  a lot!00:45
capkfizz: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-networking-configuration-using-command-line.html00:46
Guest82066I mean how much benefit will there be to upgrade from ocelot to pangolin?00:46
gogetacelso: what hua use a intel over a ati00:46
Logan_celso: No problem. :-)00:46
gogetaLogan_: didnt you say coppy mp400:46
^MikeGuest82066: It is very recommended for servers. Less so for desktops00:46
Logan_gogeta: Doesn't heat up as much, better battery life (I'm assuming this is a laptop).00:46
sokak_Lint, i guess i was focusing on the scale right in front of me without realizing i was sitting on a bigger scale00:46
krejHello. I just installed 12.04 amd64 on my desktop and it didn't automatically add Windows to grub. How can I fix that?00:46
Guest82066also what advantage is there for running a 64 bit os rather than 3200:46
Logan_gogeta: No...00:46
TiktalikI'm gonna make a starbound logo vector00:46
celsoLogan: But curently need to check if it will work on my acer 3820tg but will going to do it now :D  thanks again Logan!00:47
gogetaLogan_: mine is all ati it just goes real low power00:47
acalbazawhy is the login window resolution so large in 12.04?00:47
TiktalikGuest82066, you can use more ram00:47
Logan_gogeta: Ah.00:47
Tiktalik32 bit OSes have a limit of 4gb00:47
gogetaLogan_: same for my nibida gtx laptop00:47
Logan_celso: There's a way to check.00:47
zykotick9krej: from a terminal try "sudo update-grub" and see if it automatically adds it.00:47
^MikeGuest82066: It depends on what you need from your OS. Do you need newer versions of applications? Then you'll benefit.00:47
Tiktalik64 bit OSes have a ridiculously high limit00:47
celsoLogan: How?00:47
BrianHHey guys, just updated my Ubuntu 11.10 system to 12.04, and now all the font is white ... Any quick fixes?00:47
^MikeGuest82066: you should run an OS that matches your hardware's architecture00:47
LintWhat should I do to enable gnome-shell?00:47
sokak_i do agree Tiktalik, im running ridiculous amounts of vms alltogheter atm00:48
hashbrowncipherBrianH: I had that issue.  I went to the Appearance tab of the control center00:48
hashbrowncipherand changed the theme, and it worked out00:48
the-ermLint: I think you have to log out, and select a gnome 3 session.00:48
Tiktaliksokak_: I have 8 gb in here00:48
VvWolverinevVhello, i accidentally cancelled an upgrade from a live CD, after rebooting, i get (initramfs) prompt, is it possible to recover?00:48
Logan_celso: Er, actually, there isn't. I guess you just have to test it out.00:48
sokak_Tiktalik, i know the feeling bro00:48
LoonaticWow that Xorg turn out to be quite a project lol00:48
Guest82066^mike can you tell me more about making sure my os 'matches' my architecture?00:48
Lintit segfaults00:48
krejzykotick9, I ran that and it said it found a linux, initrd, and memtest86+ image, but it doesn't look like it found Windows.00:48
ManuelSantanaLint seach for it in the software center00:48
^MikeGuest82066: If you have 64 bit processor, you should use a 64 bit OS.00:49
celsoLogan: No problem.  I will check the batery life.  going to try it now! :D  thanks ;)00:49
zykotick9krej: sorry man, that's my only suggestion.  good luck.00:49
Guest82066ok how do i find out if i have a 64 bit processor?00:49
Logan_celso: But, once that script is added, you can run "cat /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch" upon boot to see which card is enabled.00:49
gogetaGuest82066: any intel core is 64bit00:49
Lintsearch for what? gnome-shell-which-doesn´t-segfaults?00:49
capGuest82066: cat /proc/cpuinfo00:49
krejDarn. Does anyone else know how I can add Windows to GRUB when Ubuntu 12.04 didn't do it itself?00:49
sokak_^Mike, i totally agree but i will still continue to keep a 32 bit usb stick - no more messing with getlibs just to have audio in adobe air games00:49
Logan_celso: You should hypothetically see IGD: Pwr and DIS: off00:49
^MikeGuest82066: Technically, you are probably okay to use either 32 or 64 bits with newer processors. In that case, you should use 64 bit if you have >4GB of RAM.00:50
BrianHhashbrowncipher, awesome, thanks :)00:50
^MikeGuest82066: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/32bit_and_64bit00:50
ManuelSantanaGuest82066: try lshw command, it will tell you everything about your machine00:50
gogetaGuest82066: intel core serise all amd x2 all 64bit00:50
gogetaand up00:50
FyodorovnaKreaz, try sudo update-grub in ubuntu00:50
arandkrej: does "sudo os-prober" find it?00:51
celsoLogan: ok. i will check :)  brb00:51
Fyodorovnakrej, try sudo update-grub in ubuntu00:51
krejarand: that showed no results at all00:51
VvWolverinevVhello, i accidentally cancelled an upgrade from a live CD. after rebooting, i get an (initramfs) prompt; is it possible to recover?00:51
mrpcan anyone help wth byobu and putty stacking accross the screen? see this picture http://i.imgur.com/NQrm2.jpg00:52
sokak_just curious - anyone here had the chance to try an amd bulldozer? is it worthy to switch from a phenom x6?00:52
krejFyodorovna, i tried that but it didn't find a windows image or anything00:52
LintWhat should I do to enable gnome-shell (i installed the package, but it´s useless)?00:52
bazhangsokak_, try in ##hardware00:52
Guest82066i just tried upgrading to pangolin which resulted in having to delete all partitions and reinstall ocelot. is there any reason why pangolin should have not completed installation?00:52
sokak_good point, ty bazhang00:52
Fyodorovnakrej, did you remove any windows partitions for this install?00:52
gogetamrp: type clear00:52
ManuelSantanaLint logout and select it as the default shell00:53
sokak_Lint, it doesnt show up as an option on login screen?00:53
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Fyodorovnakrej, like the boot partition for windows that is?00:53
bazhangLint, if you wish support then give some actual error messages/details00:53
zeenokrej, try update-grub2 then see if it's entered in the grub.cfg file00:53
bazhang!work | Lint00:53
ubottuLint: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.00:53
barxoolsokak_> I read several review before buying a new CPU and bulldozer was not worthy00:53
krejFyodorovna, I don't think I removed the boot partition. I installed Windows to its own partition, then made a new one for Ubuntu and installed it there. I don't think I removed anything00:53
sokak_ty barxool00:53
Lintbazhang, it just doesn´t run and segfaults when gnome-shell is started manually00:53
zeenoLint, after you apt-getted that, you'll have the  gnome-classic option on the gear icon (logon screen)00:54
barxoolsokak_> got a X6 1090T, works like a charm00:54
bazhangLint, give us the FULL details of your setup00:54
=== rjman_ is now known as rjman
krejzeeno: update-grub2 only found linux images again. no windows ones00:54
u-haulHey all - can anyone give me a little bit of help with networking in Ubuntu 11.10 Server? It is a HP Proliant Microserver, and the ethernet is /directly/ connected to a PS3. The ethernet works if the PS3 is on when the HP is switched on and if the PS3 is switched on after the HP is switched on. If the PS3 is switched off and then on again while the HP is on, the network goes down (understandably)00:54
u-haulbut then doesn't come back up when the PS3 comes back. A manual network restart is required.00:54
u-haulAny ideas?00:54
Lintbazhang, it´s plain kubuntu 12.0400:54
sokak_1100t here, so ill keep sticking with that barxool, just found a lovely way to dd > 7z partitions before messing00:55
u-haulMy Google-fu evades me on this one. :(00:55
gogetau-haul: network conflict00:55
zeenokrej, so make a custom rule for update-grub200:55
krejzeeno: how do you do that? Doing things manually with grub2 has always been hard for me.00:55
gogetau-haul: maybe the ps3 is not sending a dhcp request00:56
zeenokrej, you can probably make a copy of the rule from another edition, if you want to give up on that, you can try to edit grub.cfg directly and add the few lines needed..00:56
sokak_stupid question, with pangoline, there is actually a way to have a full hd login screen poking at grub2 with startup manager or do i have to get my hands dirty with config files manually?00:56
gogetau-haul: also if you put the ps3 on a diffrent subnet they will not conflict with both on at the same time00:56
zeenokrej, thing is update scripts would overwrite grub.cfg.. so thats why its better to have a custom rule somewhere in /etc/grub?/00:57
Fyodorovnakrej, easiest way for me to look at it is with the bootscript download from here and extract to the desktop and run the command and post in a pastebin.  http://sourceforge.net/projects/bootinfoscript/      sudo bash ~/Desktop/bootinfoscript00:57
u-haulgogeta: Yeah, I was thinking about putting the PS3 on another subnet.00:57
szal[02:57:14] <Helper> [Distrowatch] Distribution Release: Xubuntu 12.0400:57
naryfasokak_: isn't there an app for that in repos?00:58
mrpgogeta: makes no difference00:58
ManuelSantanaany good GUI frontend for ufw?00:58
Logan_ManuelSantana: I think there's one called gufw, but I could be wrong.00:58
gogetamrp: does it do it in unity 2d i wonder if its a compiz glitch or video driver00:58
u-haulThanks gogeta, I will have a bit more of a play with the network settings and see what I can come up with. :)00:58
Logan_!info gufw | ManuelSantana00:59
ubottuManuelSantana: gufw (source: gui-ufw): graphical user interface for ufw. In component universe, is optional. Version 12.04.1-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 218 kB, installed size 1136 kB00:59
Logan_I was right. :-P00:59
gogetau-haul: its probly a conflict as you said one goes down with the other on00:59
mrpgogeta: this is via ssh via putty on windows00:59
sokak_naryfa, im moving from maverick to pangoline right now (finishing the download) with maverick, i managed to have gdm working in full yhd, but the splash screen was still displaying an ugly terminal if you pressed down arrow while booting, or during shutdown (oversized fonts overlapping making everything difficult to read)00:59
krejFyodorovna, here is the results of that: http://pastebin.com/9hJVrT9Z00:59
mrpgogeta: don't have problem with byobu on putty on 10.0400:59
gogetamrp: oh that can be bit strange sometimes00:59
ManuelSantanaI'll try it Logan_00:59
ManuelSantana!info ufw | ManuelSantana01:00
ubottuManuelSantana: ufw (source: ufw): program for managing a Netfilter firewall. In component main, is standard. Version 0.31.1-1 (precise), package size 149 kB, installed size 678 kB01:00
ManuelSantanaA real robot!01:00
Logan_!bot | ManuelSantana01:00
ubottuManuelSantana: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots01:00
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots01:01
halakarwow, nice. virtual box works great01:01
gogetahalakar: shure does01:01
bazhangManuelSantana, /msg ubottu01:02
Logan_ManuelSantana: Please /msg ubottu to investiage her.01:02
Scarra3what periferals should I disconnect from my desktop when installing ubuntu 12.04 LTS?01:02
gogetaScarra3: umm not mutch unles you got a usbhdd with a os on it01:02
naryfasokak_: maybe there's a way of setting the kms driver to your screen's resolution at bootup, I know you can also adjust the values in grub config at /etc/default/grub, then just update grub. But maybe I'm misunderstanding your need.01:02
mrpgogeta: know any workarounds?01:02
the-ermhappy crash update day.01:02
sokak_Scarra3, i would detach anything unneeded, backup all the data (if your home isnt yet on its own partitoon/disk) then take the plunge01:02
krejFyodorovna, i just tried creating a custom rule and update-grub found that, so I'm going to go try and see if that worked. I'll be back01:02
gogetamrp maybe a new version of putty01:03
sokak_naryfa, you havent at all. I guess its time for manpages about grub.01:03
mrpgogeta: am running the latest :(01:03
the-ermupgrade-manager crashed, but apt-get dist-upgrade seems to be working odd ....01:03
gogetaScarra3: you whant it to see evrything to configure it01:03
Scarra3Sokak: I have a wireless keyboard / mouse / 1TB external / webcam / speakers01:04
gogetaScarra3: leave it all01:04
sokak_naryfa, i guess its just a matter to see if kms can see the max resolutin my screen can do.01:04
Scarra3And for an ATI Radeon HD 5770 I need to install fglrx right?01:04
Logan_Scarra3: You don't have to. There's an open source driver that's preinstalled that works well.01:04
gogetaScarra3: yes after install it should ask you01:04
gogetaLogan_: 5x he needs closed for 3601:05
naryfasokak_: what's the screen resolution? 1920?01:05
Logan_gogeta: Oh...01:05
Scarra3alright thanks everyone I am about to install it lol01:05
sokak_Scarra3, i do agree with gogeta then, seems nothing exotic is plugged in - go backup and then update heaven01:05
Logan_gogeta: I have a 6630M, so I wouldn't know. ;-P01:05
sokak_naryfa, bullseye01:05
gogetaLogan_: for better 3d you should to01:06
Logan_gogeta: I don't do gaming on Ubuntu, though. And Unity 3D works smoothly.01:06
gogetaLogan_: thats a hd 6630 rite01:06
Logan_gogeta: Correct.01:06
sokak_naryfa, my gpu is currently a 570 gtx, the monitor is attached to one of the dvi ports01:06
gogetaLogan_: must have been updated then :) but it will still be slower01:06
Sp][nEif you want the absolut best performance from your card you must install FGLRX, otherwise the default open source drivers work well enough...01:07
gogetaLogan_: forgot they relesed the oss driver for  the latest chipsets01:07
Logan_gogeta: Mmhm.01:07
naryfasokak_: wait, are your drivers, that are installed, from nvidia?01:07
gogetaLogan_: all i got is a old 920001:08
sokak_naryfa, again a bullseye. Cant do compiz or good 3d without.01:08
Logan_gogeta: Every piece of hardware has its merits. :-P01:08
vexaxvhas anyone compiled doom 3 yet?01:09
vexaxvi have a couple questions so01:09
sokak_i guess i shall give up and try higher resolutions until i find the max that it can mangle before starting x am i right?01:09
naryfasokak_: I know it might take you a while, but try looking at this. http://netsplit.com/2010/03/30/all-about-kernel-mode-setting/01:09
gogetasokak_: xrander01:09
naryfasokak_: I remember I had an nvidia card and set kms to 1920x1080, but that was in Arch linux.01:10
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sokak_naryfa, thats a really interesting lecture you gave me here. Evaded completely my google-fu. Im diggin01:10
gogetasokak_: you can change rez around with that01:10
alien64anoyone know what style of bot is >>> ubuntu01:11
gogetaalien64: a irc bot01:11
sokak_gogeta, xrandr can handle a lot of stuff *upon login*, what im needing here is to have a full resolution grub01:11
u-haulgogeta: Same thing happens when eth0 and PS3 is on a different subnet from WLAN0, and both have statically assigned IP addresses.01:11
u-haul(both, I mean PS3 and eth0)01:12
gogetau-haul: then the ip is in conflict01:12
alien64gogeta: yes i know infobot supybot etc...01:12
gogetau-haul: or the dns lol01:12
gogetau-haul: acully yea it could be the dns01:13
u-haulgogeta: But on the network there are only two devices, directly connected to eachother, on that subnet with statically assigned IP addresses. Everything else on another subnet, and works fine.01:13
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u-haulgogeta: I don't think it's DNS, I can ping IPs withotu a problem.01:13
gogetau-haul: then its relly the dns01:13
u-haulgogeta: Sorry - brain-melt. I /can't/ ping IPs.01:14
gogetau-haul: been so long sense i did cat 5 by hand01:14
Logan_!floodbot | ManuelSantana01:14
ubottuManuelSantana: FloodBot1,2,3, and 4 are all bots, please direct your questions to the channel.01:14
jamiejacksonhow do print to a mac-connected printer in ubuntu. i have the printer shared on the mac side, but can't figure out what to do on the ubuntu side01:14
gogetau-haul: in ubuntu you can simple say use this amchine as host and it does everythin for ya01:14
sokak_naryfa, i think i've found a direction to run :)01:14
alien64Logan_: pipe ubuntu to me01:15
naryfasokak_: okay then01:15
u-haulthanks gogeta. I'll keep hunting. :)01:15
naryfasokak_: I hope you get it to work01:15
gogetau-haul: but on a server i assume by hand01:15
ManuelSantanaHow do I find my ip in a simple ubuntu command01:15
Haywood|Jablomehttp://www.haxradio.com ~The Stream the FBI Listens too...01:15
sokak_thanks :)01:15
naryfasokak_: no prob01:15
Logan_alien64: Eh?01:15
jamiejacksonManuelSantana: ifconfig01:15
gogetau-haul: your ip range should also be diffrent01:16
alien64the bot make him tell me about it01:16
the-ermManuelSantana: ifconfig should give you the ip of the machine you're on, but not what the world considers your ip.01:16
sokak_naryfa, this will help me lots to convert more friends to linux ;) You wouldnt guess how many would just change by seeing a nice splash upon boot :)01:16
Logan_!ubuntu | alien6401:16
ubottualien64: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com01:16
u-haulgogeta: Yeah, running on eth0 and on WLAN0.01:16
ManuelSantanaAnd how do i change it?01:16
Logan_alien64: Happy? :-P01:16
gogetau-haul: thats the same01:16
naryfasokak_: true, first contact makes the impression01:16
gogetau-haul: thats both local ips01:17
u-haulgogeta: Umm...what?01:17
sokak_darn, now im eager to see what will be in queztal - and im still just at 70% downloading pangoline xD01:17
u-haulgogeta: Both need to be local IPs. I don't want routing between the two subnets.01:17
ManuelSantanaeasy way to change my ip on ubuntu01:17
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots01:17
jamiejacksontrying to print to a mac's printer from ubuntu. how to connect from the ubuntu side?01:17
jamiejacksonManuelSantana: from cli?01:17
ManuelSantana!ubottu die01:17
gogetau-haul: thats why they fail01:17
the-ermManuelSantana: I'm not sure you can assign a static ip with the network manager applet.01:18
ManuelSantanayes jamiejackson01:18
Logan_ManuelSantana: Don't do that, please.01:18
gogetau-haul:  the host needs to give it a ip like on a diffrent subnet01:18
gridbugHey guys.  Started the upgrade to 12.04... thought I'd cancel and download the alternative CD via torrent instead... fire up the cdromupgrade.. select no network... still wants to pull packages from the network.  What am I missing?01:18
gogetau-haul: with the dns of your isp on both machines01:18
jamiejacksonManuelSantana: i don't like setting up network interfaces from cli, but http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-networking-configuration-using-command-line.html01:18
Haywood|Jablomehttp://www.haxradio.com ~The Stream the FBI Listens too...  SHUT UP AND SUCK OUR COCKS01:19
IdleOne!language | Haywood|Jablome01:19
ubottuHaywood|Jablome: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.01:19
Vimanhi, I'm updating 11.10 to Precise from the NORMAL CD. The installation has hung at "restoring previously installed packages." Anyone know what to do here?01:19
u-haulgogeta: I don't want the PS3, nor eth0, to be goign near the internet.01:19
gogetau-haul: the gateway will be the ip of the host01:19
awwahi, what binary launches the HUD in unity2d?01:19
u-haulgogeta: It's purely for serving data to the PS3.01:19
ManuelSantanalet's see jamiejackson01:19
sokak_nite everyone, and thanks for the great tips :)01:19
Logan_Night sokak_. :-)01:19
gogetau-haul: then dont give it a dns01:19
naryfasokak_: g'nite01:19
BoyBlunder10 things to do after install 12.04. go!01:19
IdleOne!ot | BoyBlunder01:20
ubottuBoyBlunder: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:20
gogetau-haul: with with that setup they should get along01:20
BoyBlunderthanks IdleOne01:20
schultzaoh lovely.... installed 12.04 and now have a error: no such partition..... at grub rescue> prompt01:20
Bennlucky71 thing to do before install 12.0401:20
LintViman, just cancel this step and install the grub manually01:20
gogetau-haul: on the host the gateway will just be the local ip01:20
Bennlucky7uninstall other os01:21
VimanLint - Just like that?01:21
BoyBlunderschultza, can you boot to live cd?01:21
VimanBennlucky7: I've got no other OS innit01:21
schultzahang on01:21
BoyBlunderschultza, what does gparted say?01:21
Bennlucky7Viman:  me too :-D01:21
schultzahang on01:21
ManuelSantanavery nice jamiejackson01:22
VimanLint: I can't cancel the installation, unless I hard reset. Is this it?01:22
the-ermManuelSantana: http://bit.ly/NbDsj apparently you need to edit /etc/network/interfaces and restart the network via /etc/init.d/networking restart01:22
gogetau-haul: the easy way is to set it up like any shared host then tell ufw the ip from the ps3 it not allowed outside the network that will effectly block it from the net01:22
ManuelSantanaThere's nothing like to chat on IRC on a cold rainy night01:22
LintViman, if it HARD locked, and you cannot access the consoles, then reboot01:22
ManuelSantanathanks the-erm01:23
VimanLint: how should I install grub afterwards?01:23
ManuelSantanaIt's raining a lot in here: La Romana, Dominican Republic.01:23
ManuelSantanasudo etc/hostname myhost : should change my hostname?01:24
itaylor57i love bonao01:24
ManuelSantanasudo /etc/hostname myhost : should change my hostname?01:24
terry_mathDominican Republic,in central America??01:24
LintViman, it should be already installed, just dpkg-reconfigure the latest kernel you have installed01:24
ManuelSantanaor do I have to become too before?01:24
BoyBlunderManuelSantana, sudo nano /etc/hostname01:24
BoyBlunderor gedit01:24
BoyBlunderif you're at gui01:24
ManuelSantanaterry_math: Caribbean01:24
VimanLint: thanks01:25
ManuelSantanaBoyBlunder: but isn't there a command?01:25
terry_mathare you a pirate??haha01:25
the-ermManuelSantana: if you edit /etc/hostname I believe that will change the hostname.  you can also sudo hostname <new-name>01:25
bc``does anyone know how to use gpt partitioning?  my 3tb drive is only showing up as 2tb, and I was told to look there, but I can't find any good reference sites on how to go about doing it01:25
ManuelSantanaAhh sudo hostname !!01:26
BoyBlunderbc``, gparted?01:26
ManuelSantanaI'm not a pirate but I do pirate software and other stuff sometimes :)01:26
ActionParsnipManuelSantana: you will aso need to edit /etc/hosts   so that the system can resolve its hostname to
ludwin01i want to upgrade from 10.04 to 12.0401:27
ActionParsnipManuelSantana: or sudo will not work anymore01:27
ActionParsnip!upgrade | ludwin0101:27
ubottuludwin01: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade01:27
BoyBlunderludwin01, sudo apt-get install dist-upgrade01:28
the-ermI've never heard of gpt.01:28
ludwin01thanks @ubottu01:28
Logan_!thanks | ludwin0101:28
ubottuludwin01: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)01:28
Logan_deadmund: No bots in here, please.01:28
ManuelSantanaActionParsnip: I dont understand what you meant01:28
ActionParsnipManuelSantana: both /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts need changing together01:29
VimanLint: I cannot boot my operating system.01:29
ManuelSantanaSo i just can't "sudo hostname <new hostname>"?01:30
VimanLint: I don't think grub is installed01:30
ActionParsnipManuelSantana: open both /etc/hosts and /etc/hosts    and then make the change01:30
Vimanany thoughts on how I can do so?01:30
schultzaok... gparted says ... /dev/sda3 ext401:30
* ManuelSantana says: I just wanted to avoid the editing!!01:30
marcmhas suhosin finally been removed from Ubuntu 12.04?01:31
gogetaViman: you can try to reinstall it threw the live cd01:31
Vimangogeta: fascinating - how?01:31
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ManuelSantanaBTW Opera's built-in IRC client rocks...it is what I'm using.01:31
ManuelSantanaThank you anyway ActionParsnip01:32
gridbugHey guys - trying to do a cdromupgrade via alternative CD w/ no network and it's insisting on pulling packages from the network - any ideas why?01:32
gogetaViman: !grub01:32
nina666hi... im trying to setup vmware on my machine, but i get errors on compiling modules and this is the vmware log: http://pastebin.com/xsBPmbmn01:32
Fyodorovna!grub | Viman01:32
ubottuViman: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)01:32
nina666any ideas how to solve this issue?01:32
gogetai fail at formating01:32
gridbugnina666: in the past, I've had to run the vmware patch.... eventually I just moved to vbox.01:33
sk1specialokay. im having 3 issues. and im assuming theyre all tied together. im getting this error message > Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0"  ; all of window menus have that windows 98 look. ie flat grey blocky ; and when i hit the workspace button while i can change workspaces i can not drap and drop windows from one to the other.01:33
nina666gridbug: is vbox more compatible you mean than vmware?01:33
gogetanina666: virtualbox these days is faster then vmware anyways01:33
schultzagrub rescue issue -... i do have a /dev/sda3 for ext401:34
lystra_Installing 12.04 on a server. The server has two disks, sda and sdb. 11.10 is already installed on sdb in VG trunks. Booted the -server ISO and selected Guided LVM setup: http://www.lystra.org/1.png. Then selected sda disk http://www.lystra.org/2.png. Why does the next screen say it will format a partition on hdb if I selected sda: http://www.lystra.org/3.png?01:34
celthundernina666: virtualbox and vmware are meant for 2 different user bases01:34
gridbugnina666: yeah... vbox is in the repo so it doesn't require patches to keep up with the latest / greatest kernal image01:34
zoombuggyunity-music-daemon keeps dying with SIGSEVs, apparently it's a known bug. Should I remove it for the moment?01:34
gridbugnina666: vbox worked well for my uses and I didn't go back to vmware... but YMMV.01:34
nina666celthunder: i only need to setup virtual machines... the job that vmware player does01:35
gogetanina666: just rember the one in the repo does lack d3d and usb support if you need those get it from the website01:35
nina666gridbug: i see... thanks :)01:35
nina666gogeta: noted. thanks alot :)01:35
AthanasiusIs there a hotkey for rotating the screen 90 degrees?01:36
cute_bettonghow do you kill a zombie process?01:37
gogetaAthanasius: i dont think so but why01:37
zoombuggycute: reboot, I suspect01:37
cute_bettongdarn i was hopeing to avoid that01:37
gogetacute_bettong: lots of ways but sudo killall prossesname01:38
Athanasiusgogeta: because I'm using a netbook and it'd be nice to easily rotate the screen for if I want to say, have it on its side to easily display a recipe or something01:38
arandcute_bettong: There's often ways around it.01:38
zoombuggythere isn't really a way to avoid it if it's already under init's care.01:38
cute_bettonggogeta, would that be like sudo killall <pid>?01:39
gogetacute_bettong: pid is just kill01:40
aaasAthanasius i dont suppose you have nvidia or ati in that netbook01:40
bsmith093can i go from lucid to the new one straight?01:40
gogetacute_bettong: like kill 1926501:40
Athanasiusnope, no fancy drivers :(01:40
szalbsmith093: that is supported, yes.. no idea on the success rate though01:40
gogetacute_bettong: if you did killall firefox it would kill all firefox prosses01:41
cute_bettonggogeta, yea thats what i did but the process still remains01:41
szal!upgrade | bsmith09301:41
ubottubsmith093: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade01:41
ManuelSantanagood night to you all!01:41
aaasAthanasius yeah this is usually acomplished at the video driver level, get a tablet? ;)01:41
rinzlerinstalling from a tarball, and make isn't doing anything...01:41
cute_bettongoh never mind01:41
cute_bettongtop diden't update XD01:41
bsmith093the update manager doesnt see the new version it just sees 10.1001:41
ManuelSantanasee you later and thanks for your help01:41
gogetacute_bettong: you try killing it with the id?01:41
cute_bettonggogeta, yea the process is dead now thank you ^_^01:41
szalbsmith093: does your mirror already carry Precise? if not, just wait a day or two01:42
ApocGoDMine does, but i'm wondering if I should upgrade yet.01:42
gogetacute_bettong: oh and if its a gui app you can do it with xkill and just click the frozen app01:42
cute_bettonggogeta, how do i use xkill? never knew about that function01:43
gogetaalt f2 then xkill01:43
szalbtw, any info yet as to when Maverick support will terminate?01:43
ManuelSantanahi terry_math01:44
zoombuggycute_bettong: glad to know you got your process killed, i've not been successful with that.01:44
yuri__Does anyone know of a good dvd authoring program for kubuntu?! :( I tried DVD Styler and it freezes half way through the render process, always. I tried that 'q'dvdauthor goodie and it wouldn't compile, I tried dvdauthor and got lost treying to make a dvd through the console. :(01:44
zoombuggyanyhow, bye...01:45
sk1specialanyone know how to manually cut off xinerama in nvidia settings? instead of just using the nvidia control panel..because it doesnt actually save01:46
rinzlertrying to install from a tarball, and make says No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop. Any Ideas?01:46
aaasrinzler is there  Makefile in the directory01:47
hnsztry running it with sudo01:47
nina666ok.. i downloaded the vbox from the website, run it with package installer. shows this: Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: lipython2.7...01:47
the-ermsk1special: I think if you run the nvidia control panel as root it will save, but I'm not sure.01:47
rinzleraaas: two different ones. different extentions...01:47
sk1specialhow do i do that? new to linux01:48
gogetanina666: sounds like its not updated for 12.04 yet01:48
nina666actually mine is 10.0401:48
Athanasiusaaas: If you'd like to contribute to my tablet fund, feel free to paypal money over to william.heimbigner@gmail.com ;)01:48
aaasrinzler shouldn't have an extention...read the README or the INSTALL file the process may be different01:48
arandcute_bettong: Normal kill might work, but the last resort is normally to attch to the parent (e.g. via gdb) and call waitpid on the child01:48
aaasAthanasius ahah you wish01:48
Athanasiusalso, ubuntu 12.04 on asus transformer prime would be amazing01:48
gogetanina666: oh01:48
nina666gogeta: and i did download the one for 10.0401:48
the-ermsk1special: I wish I could tell you try going to a terminal and typing sudo nvidia<tab><tab> and see if something comes up.01:49
rinzleraaas: install file says "./configure, make, make install" should do it.01:49
Pintballr9003has anybody seen "E: could not perform immediate configuration on 'python-minimal' during the 12.04 upgrade?  I'm coming up from lucid01:49
nina666gogeta: i think the lack is from my side, not vbox... how should i check my libpython01:49
aaasrinzler and configure finishes without hitches01:49
aaasrinzler what program is this01:49
gogetanina666: the package manager should grait if its avable01:50
aaasrinzler can you send me a link to the download01:50
rinzleraaas: TLP II for TI calc connection...01:50
xanguacan't get the notification in the Update Manager for upgrade to pangolin from lucid, any thing i should do¿ using main the server repository01:50
Athanasiusmeep. mkfs.ntfs on my sd card and pretty much the whole desktop locks up :<01:50
nina666gogeta: and it didnt... seems like im stock in no where... :(01:50
rinzleraaas: http://www.ticalc.org/archives/files/fileinfo/374/37480.html01:50
gogetanina666: normaly that means its looking for something not in the repos you got all of them on correect01:50
sk1specialyeah just says command not found. hmm01:50
nina666downloaded from website... could that be the reason?01:51
nina666gogeta: downloaded from website... could that be the reason?01:51
gogetanina666: yea i think it is it should work if it said for 10.1001:52
yuri__Does anyone know of a good dvd authoring program for kubuntu?! :( I tried DVD Styler and it freezes half way through the render process, always. I tried that 'q'dvdauthor goodie and it wouldn't compile, I tried dvdauthor and got lost treying to make a dvd through the console. :(01:52
nina666gogeta, ok im downloading libpython 3.1 using kpackagekit...01:52
aaasrinzler did you get something at the end that sid 'no package...found'01:53
ruffleSguys there's this bug on unity where mouse cursor doesn't follow window accordingly when dragging a window out of "aerosnap maximization". i can't find the bug report on launchpad so i can +1 it01:53
rinzleraaas: at the end of....?01:53
gogetanina666: oh it seems as for 4.0 they moved to non-free01:53
aaasrinzler configure01:53
gogetanina666: so th one in the repos will be the same so just apt-get it :)01:53
nina666gogeta: oh... still same thing... looks like it cannot handle higher versions actually01:54
nina666gogeta: oki thanks ;)01:54
jasonbournehave a question if anyone can help....01:54
gogetanina666: even better they have there own repo you can add01:54
rinzleraaas: ahhh... this might do it: "configure: error: Package requirements (ticables2 >= 1.3.0) were not met"01:54
sk1specialokay. sudo nvidia-xconfig gives me a list that lists the config backup and new x file01:54
atealthaanyone who is familiar with amazon AWS: the AMI for Pangolin says released two days ago before the official release date. Should I assume these are still beta and that I should wait it out?01:55
nina666gogeta: where01:55
aaasrinzler yes try apt-get install libticables-dev01:55
sk1speciallike New X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'01:55
gogetanina666: wget -q http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian/oracle_vbox.asc -O- | sudo apt-key add -01:55
gogetanina666: then just apt-get update01:55
nina666gogeta: thanks! ;)01:55
Jenjasonbourne: try just asking your question, and if people are around who can answer it, you'll generally get an answer01:55
WaraudonI'm guessing the repository mirrors are getting hit pretty hard right now01:56
rinzleraaas: see if that works out. Thanks!01:56
jasonbournedoes anyone know how to hide the sidebar in 12.04LTS?01:56
cordovalhi i just messed up my install of ubuntu 11.1001:56
jasonbourneit used to hide automatically...now it doesn't...01:56
aaasrinzler yeah just keep goign through installing the libraries the config script asks...alternatively larn about auto-apt run ./configure01:56
sinichiroIs anyone here using Gameranger?01:56
cordovalthe graphics failed and i had tu turn machine off01:56
gogetanina666: then you should be able to grab the latest version :)01:56
cordovalwhat can i do now, everytime i try to turn on the machine it failed with a message like git id unknown01:56
rinzleraaas: cool. Thanks!01:57
yuri__exorcise it, cordoval. Worked for mine. ;)01:57
cordovalit did downloaded the whole thing but it did not finish i think01:57
nina666gogeta: thx for the instructions... :)01:57
cordovalplease tell me the steps01:57
cordovalI am in a try CD01:57
sinichirojasonbourne, Ubuntu Tweak allows to do that among everything else01:58
ruffleScan anyone help me out here? i'd like to know whether or not this bug's been reported already. when you "aerosnap" a window to the sides and then try to move it out of its position window goes way bellow mouse cursor. (on ubuntu 12.04 unity)01:58
jasonbourneis that an add-on, sinichiro??01:58
cordovalplease beg you help me01:58
WaraudonIs it possible to change repository mirrors after installation?01:58
gogetajasonbourne: i think the myunity app can tweak all the settings01:58
gogetaWaraudon: shure01:58
sinichirono, it's a separate problem for advanced Ubuntu settings, jasonbourne01:58
schultzahow do i fix my ubuntu installation (grub not finding partition) it's there?01:58
Pintballr9003I'm in the middle of a 10.04 to 12.04 upgrade and got the same error on all four of my test machines: "Could not perform immediate configuration on 'python2.7-minimal'.  Please see man 5 apt.conf under APT::Immediate-configure for details (2)"  That section header doesn't exist.  Any ideas on where to look?01:59
AthanasiusThe Kernel OOM killer went apeshit >:(01:59
sinichirolol, separate "program" rather, jasonbourne01:59
WaraudonThe US mirror is really not working at all, so I'm going to have to use a different one during installation01:59
jasonbournewhere do I find it??01:59
cordovalplease help me my ubuntu 12.04 is not booting up01:59
xanguaCan't get the notification in the Update Manager for upgrade to pangolin from lucid, any thing i should do¿ using main the server repository01:59
gogetaPintballr9003: i dont think thats even in 12.04 does it kill your upgrade?01:59
Pintballr9003gogeta: Yes.02:00
ruffleScordoval: what's wrong?02:00
nina666gogeta: the package name should be virtualbox, right?02:00
gogetaPintballr9003: for me it was not installed untill i rmoved liber02:00
sinichiromyunity is in Software Center, jasonbourne. Ubuntu Tweak you can google and download.02:00
gogetanina666: yea02:00
jasonbourneok....domo arigato!!02:00
quickquestion232is the entire ubuntu community swamped by idiots like me that ruined their computers trying to install the new edition?02:00
cordovalruffleS: it does not boot02:00
gogetanina666: virtualbox-4.102:00
cordovalit says something like git id unknown02:01
szalquickquestion232: define 'ruined', and how you went about to do so02:01
ruffleScordoval: any error message appearing on your screen?02:01
PSR_B1057help me with hybrid graphic card - ATI and Intel02:01
cordovalis there a way to fix it I am currently typing on the CD try02:01
sinichiroSo no gameranger users at all?02:01
cordovalruffleS: yes02:01
cordovalwhat i just said, git id not recognized or unknown02:01
nina666gogeta: its weired.. it cannot find the package02:01
gogetanina666: its virtualbox-4.102:01
cordovalwhile bringing the services up02:01
quickquestion232szal: im working on it now, but i deleted a couple of old linux partitions and apparently one of them contained a dual boot screen that was more deeply rooted than i thought it was02:02
nina666gogeta: yea, apt-get install virtualbox-4.102:02
nina666gogeta: coudlnt find package....02:02
gogetanina666: didnt fine it?02:02
PSR_B1057Help needed with hybrid graphics on HP laptop - ATI and Intel02:02
gogetanina666: did you apt-get update02:02
gogetanina666: i say just try toinstall the deb again02:02
szalquickquestion232: the way you put it, that sounds like a severe case of PEBKAC ;)02:02
ruffleScordoval: have you checked your image md5? that might help02:02
nina666gogeta: ok :)02:03
gogetanina666: with the new repo it should grab what you need02:03
cordovalhow to do that ruffleS02:03
quickquestion232most likely02:03
ruffleScordoval: are you on linux now?02:03
cordovalyes on ubuntu 10.10 32 bit version though, the cD try02:03
quickquestion232it was my fault, but its messsed up regardless02:03
nina666gogeta: nope.. same problem..02:03
quickquestion232ive created a larger problem, so to speak :p02:03
cordovalthis is a 64 bit machine with 12.04 broken02:03
ruffleScordoval: the command is: md5sum imagefile.iso02:03
gogetanina666: humm02:04
Pintballr9003gogeta: removed what?  libre?02:04
ruffleScordoval: you can try it then compare with official md5 on the download page02:04
gogetaPintballr9003: yea python was not even installed untill i did that02:04
cordovalruffleS: that is on the hard disk right? wonder how to mount the disk to do such command and where do i find that iso image02:04
cordovaloh so your concern is if the file downloaded it ok02:05
WaraudonWhere is Ubuntu "loading additional components" from during installation?02:05
cordovalbecause i think the failure ruffleS  happened after that02:05
ruffleScordoval: vc é brasileiro, certo? vá pra o #ubuntu-br que a gente te ajuda02:05
szal!br | ruffleS02:05
ubotturuffleS: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.02:05
cordovalruffleS: i speak spanish and english, better english02:06
PSR_B1057any help with hybrid graphic card ?02:06
quickquestion232what should i use to make a boot usb for a windows on a mac?02:06
Pintballr9003Gogeta: It doesn't look like anything called libre is installed02:07
fizk_yaaaay, Ubuntu 12.04!02:08
Pintballr9003I'm running server edition02:08
gogetanina666: humm why are you missing python02:08
naryfaso what's up02:08
E3D3I was 'to brave' to upgrade to the Beta-version but couldn't work with it. So I waited for the RC. Will I have my good trustworthy Ubuntu back when I let Update-manager download another 700 MB ? Is that all I have to do ? 4.3-1ubuntu4 --> 4.3-1ubuntu5 ?02:08
xanguai can get the 10.10 notification aviable from Lucid, but when i change in Update Mnanager setting to upgrade only from LTS to LTS can't get the upgrade notification for Pangolin, whan can i do¿02:08
gogetanina666: oh you should be able to search virtualbox in your favret package manager now02:08
gogetanina666: that will find it heh02:08
nina666gogeta: ok maybe i should state this out here :D i am actually using backtrack as my OS... but the distro (/etc/lsb-release) is ubuntu 10.04 :D02:08
taxmanmy 12.04 works02:09
gogetanina666: heh02:09
WaraudonWelp, that answers my question. apparently it uses the package mirror if an Internet connection is available. Of course, I'm getting a read error from my USB drive :/02:09
nina666gogeta: :D02:09
CaptainKnotshey, I have both firefox and chromium installed on 12.04 and I'm not getting an indicator for either one on the unity launcher02:09
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Pintballr9003nina666: backtrack is hardened and customized, I would go to the remote-exploit IRC channel and ask there02:10
gogetaCaptainKnots: mine was incis untill reboot02:10
allurehi... I'm trying to update to 12.04, but I've set some packages to "hold" and can't remember which ones... I have to unset them before updating, but how do I find out which ones are on hold?02:10
nina666Pintballr9003: the problem is that channel is not active and i got no responses... since /etc/lsb-release gives ubuntu, figured i can ask here..02:11
naryfaallure: how about synaptic02:11
naryfaallure: it won't show?02:11
naryfaallure: under upgradable02:11
allurenaryfa: hmmm I never use synaptic, so I don't know. Normally use apt-get or aptitude.. will check, 1 min :)02:11
VimanHello I'm trying to reinstall grub as described in the documentation, but it doesn't seem to work. Can anybody help me?02:11
gogetaPintballr9003: i had libreoffice installed and when i removed it it installed python02:11
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gogetaPintballr9003: maybe your getting the same and its messing with the upgrader02:12
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iHarpok.. So how am I supposed to install video drivers if Xserver gets in the way?02:12
Pintballr9003gogeta: The only application installed on these boxes is paraview, they are part of a visualization cluster running 10.04 server edition.02:12
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gogetaPintballr9003: just odd its complaning abought a fackage it does not even include by defult02:13
VimanHello, I'm trying to run boot-repair (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair) but I keep getting the message to quit synaptic even though it's not running. Can anybody help me?02:13
PSR_B1057ATI drivers not being installed on hybrid graphic card on HP laptop.. Hybrid Cards - ATI and Intel. All that works is Intel and ATI does not. Any suggestions ?02:13
gogetaPSR_B1057: turn off intel in bios if possable if not you will need to blacklist it temp02:14
gogetaPSR_B1057: so it will only use the ati02:14
Paintballr9003gogeta: The Following packages will be upgraded: <snip> python-minimal <bunch of other python packages>02:15
gogetaPSR_B1057: hybred switching does not work yet02:15
schultzaapparently i should go back one edition until 12.04 works on install02:15
gogetaPaintballr9003: well if your using a diffrent miror maybe it lacks it02:15
taxmani am using 12.04. it's hot as a pizza02:15
PSR_B1057@gogeta: I had tried this on suse and debian. Now i have started using ubuntu but I am afraid it would end up like it did on other distros02:15
gogetaPaintballr9003: thats known to happon02:15
schultza taxman, yes... it's brand new02:16
gogetaPSR_B1057: if you blacklist the intel it hould load the ati02:16
schultzataxman: but im having problems installing it and having it boot right after02:16
FyodorovnaViman, what are you booted to now?02:16
Paintballr9003gogeta: Good Point, I think we are pointed at one of the other university's repo's thats on Internet2 for speed.  I'll try pointing one back at canonical02:16
PSR_B1057gogeta: should i first install ati catalyst or fglrx ?02:16
taxmanlol, i downloaded this baby as soon as it's released02:16
FyodorovnaViman, of? tell me exactly02:17
VimanThe PP LiveCD (12.04)02:17
gogetaPSR_B1057: they probly will not install02:17
gogetaPSR_B1057: the oss driver should get you up and running well enough02:17
PSR_B1057gogeta: without drivers how is ati suppose to work ?02:17
FyodorovnaViman, follow the chroot here it defaults to. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#ChRoot02:18
gogetaPSR_B1057: pretty mutch all ati cards have open source drivers now02:18
PSR_B10575xxx series02:18
gogetaPSR_B1057: defently02:18
gogetaPSR_B1057: once you on th ati cardthe driver should install02:19
PSR_B1057gogeta: so, the only thing i need to do is blacklist intel.02:19
gogetaPSR_B1057: switching will ned to be done by hand02:19
gogetaPSR_B1057: yea that should force it to load the ati in its place02:19
PSR_B1057gogeta: can you explain a little since i am pretty new to linux02:19
gogetaPSR_B1057: linux load the first card it sees02:20
Paintballr9003PSR_B1057: it'll be a setting in your BIOS02:20
Paintballr9003to disable the intel card02:20
gogetaPSR_B1057: yea if you can turn it off in bios you can skip all this02:20
gogetaPaintballr9003: dunno if those laptops let you do that02:21
cfeddewhere can I find iso's for old versions?  I need to update some abandon ware from systems as old as 8.0402:21
sinichiroOkay, should I uninstall an older version of wine before installing a newer one through ppa?02:21
gogetacfedde: why not just update em all02:21
rippsHas anyone written an extension for Gnome3 that intergrates Unity's HUD?02:21
cfeddegogeta: exactly.  I seem to need sources to do int.02:22
cfeddegogeta: or is there another way?02:22
gogetacfedde: well there is some legicy repos but upgrading them like that probly will fail02:22
SysssI want to sell a program !!!!02:23
WaraudonWhy do I keep failing the integrity test on the same file02:23
gogetacfedde: the alt cds can be used as upgrade cds02:23
gogetacfedde: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/02:23
cfeddegogeta: awesome!02:23
^MikeWhen I try to upgrade, I'm getting "pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages." Of the 3 causes listed, the most likely is probably "Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu" -- how can I get a list of such packages?02:24
delinquentmehow do AWK and SED differ?02:24
WaraudonI already verified that my ISO is not corrupt02:24
gogetacfedde: you can go from lts to lts02:24
Fyodorovnawhat is the hud keys02:24
gogetacfedde: so you dont need every ver up to 12.0402:24
cfeddegogeta: that seems like the best approach.02:24
vespakoenHey  guys, does anyone know the CLI command for the System Configuration ?02:25
iktFyodorovna, it's alt02:25
gogetacfedde: so those 8.04 can go to 10.04 to 12.0402:25
cfeddegogeta: thanks again.02:25
gogetacfedde: if they dont all blow up lol02:25
schultzaFyodorovna: thanks for the grub help... my installation is working now... not sure if viman got his working02:25
hashbrownciphervespakoen: are you talking about "gnome-control-center" ?02:25
cfeddegogeta: heh. at least these are all vms so I can snapshot easily.02:25
vespakoenHawsome! Hash =)02:26
archangelokchey I"m having a problem with my mouse in 12.0402:26
gogetacfedde: why not skip all that fresh install em all02:26
cfeddegogeta: fear mostly.02:26
vespakoeni am on xmonad, need figure this out again =P02:26
cfeddeand the apps they are running02:26
gogetacfedde: cant they be reinstalled02:26
Fyodorovnaschultza, no problem the gui helpers like bot repair are okay but but their idiosyncrasies.02:27
cfeddegogeta: sure.02:27
sinedevianceso is anyone using x/k/ubuntu 12.04 in a production environment yet?02:27
VimanFyodorovna: I'm not quite done, step 11 fails for me.02:27
cfeddegogeta: I suppose part of what I'm doing is procrastination.02:27
DeathTorrentis anyone else having a scrolling problem in 12.04?02:27
VimanFyodorovna: I cannot perform grub-install in the chrooted system02:27
gogetacfedde: or cheat if there vms02:28
dforthmanDeathTorrent, define 'scrolling problem'02:28
gogetacfedde: just make a new vm and copy it over02:28
zykotick9Viman: did you mount proc and the other stuff before chrooting?02:28
schultzafor those with the ati/amd graphics card... do we install the fglrx driver or the fglrx (post-release updates)?02:28
gogetacfedde: with the apps02:28
DeathTorrentwell, my scrolling seems to somehow have become....inverted :/ I scroll the wheel down and the window scrolls up, and vice-cersa02:28
FyodorovnaViman, is this a standard mbr setup?02:28
VimanFyodorovna: step 7? yes02:28
gogetacfedde: you can make a custom installer with the apps you whant oem style02:28
dforthmanDeathTorrent, that's definately odd. I use a trackball with no scroll wheel, so I couldn't tell you if mine was acting up or not.02:29
cfeddegogeta: that might be the right approach.02:29
gogetacfedde: so your vm users will just need to set there user and pass02:29
VimanFyodorovna: no, what happened was that Precise's intallation hung in the last bits, forcing me to reboot. I cannot boot the system, and someone suggested me to reinstall grub02:29
DeathTorrentI've seen similar issues on the forums, but for scrolling right to left, not up and down02:29
WaraudonHas anyone manged to install 12.04 from a USB stick?02:29
gogetacfedde: with the oem install image just send it to all the vms one install multi vms02:30
sinedevianceWaraudon: that's easy. use the easy usb creator.02:30
dforthmanWaraudon, I've seen people say they were able to.02:30
hashbrowncipherDeathTorrent: I don't know why you are having that issue, but you can probably just change your X11 settings around and reverse it02:30
hashbrownciphercheck this article, maybe: http://onethingwell.org/post/8779215052/reverse-scrolling-x1102:30
DeathTorrentty hashbrowncipher02:30
cfeddegogeta: indeed.02:30
Waraudonsinedeviance, dforthman, no matter which utility I use, if I use the integrity check, it fails on the same file every time. I already hashed and verified the ISO02:30
jsubl2does the 64bit install support efi boot and gpt partitions02:31
sinedevianceWaraudon: download the .iso again.02:31
FyodorovnaViman, I wonder if it is more broken then just reinstalling grub will fix. With grub problems I defer to using the bootscript to see whats really going on with some stuff, wont confirm whether grub will actually work though.02:31
gogetacfedde: thats how i did it but with real boxes02:31
sinedevianceWaraudon: also, check your disk for errors afterward.02:31
PSR_B1057gogeta: i tried blacklisting the Intel card but still the Intel card is loaded02:31
gogetaPSR_B1057: you try in bios02:31
WaraudonHopefully my USB stick isn't dying, the server doesn't have an optical drive in it02:32
Loshkisinedeviance: personally, I'd wait a least 3 months after an LTS goes out before I'd even consider declaring it stable, depending on how the feedback goes....02:32
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PSR_B1057gogeta: I do not have any option in BIOS02:32
sinedevianceLoshki: any reason why in particular?02:32
gogetaLoshki: other then some upgrade isssue its pretty darn solid02:32
gogetaLoshki: nobody in hear going this is horribly wrong or broken02:32
zykotick9With an apt-cacher-ng proxy and the mini.iso (aka netinstall), I get "bad proxy" after entering the address.  from the busy box terminal the ip reports alive.02:33
sinedeviancei am evalutation ubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu 12.04 in VMs at the moment. we are currently running xubuntu 11.10 on all of our machines, and while it has worked pretty well, the experience hasn't been perfect02:33
szalgogeta: what do you expect not even 24 hours after release? wait a few days, and reports will pop up ;)02:33
dforthman14 hours after release*02:33
sinedeviancewe wouldn't be upgrading too. all of them would be clean reinstalls02:34
sinedeviancei never trust upgrades02:34
psusiis anyone else having trouble downloading with zsync?  I'm trying to update from the last daily build and zsync keeps aborting the download02:34
Waraudonsinedeviance: by checking the disk afterwards, do you mean like chkdsk?02:34
sinedevianceWaraudon: if it's a windows machine, yes. chkdsk /r02:34
VimanHello, my Update to Precise failed in the last step (removing previous packages) and now the system won't boot. Does anybody have a similar situation?02:34
sinedevianceWaraudon: if it's a linux machine, do fsck.ext4 (or whatever ext version you use) on your disk.02:35
gogetacfedde: heh thats why i say fressh02:35
x3oohi, how do i see which video driver is loaded?02:35
Loshkisinedeviance: gogeta: that's all great news so far, but sinedeviance asked about 'production', and that used to be a pretty high bar...02:35
Waraudonsinedeviance: it's Windows 7, and FAT3202:35
sinedevianceWaraudon: FAT32? wtf? why not NTFS?02:35
gogetaLoshki: its alot faster and not crash and unity does not make me sick02:35
Waraudonsinedeviance: Every utility formats the stick as FAT3202:35
gogetaLoshki: if thats the question02:35
cfeddegogeta: the group I joined has a pile of custom boxes installed with ubuntu de Jure over a period of say 6 years.02:36
sinedevianceWaraudon: wait, you mean your USB stick. it's the one that is not passing checksums? i thought the .iso wasn't?02:36
psusijsubl2, yes, efi and gpt are supported02:36
cfeddestep 1 p2v02:36
jsubl2thanks psusi02:36
sinedevianceLoshki, gogeta: well, i'm going to evaluate all three releases and we'll probably roll in whatever works best later this week02:36
gogetacfedde: i say custom installer in oem mode so your users can set there pass after with there apps set preinstalled02:36
FlimFlamManmy upgrade attempt was derailed by xmind, package description in /var/lib/dpkg/status and /var/lib/dpkg/available had blank lines.02:36
sinedevianceask me next month and i'll give you guys a field performance report :d02:36
Waraudonsinedeviance: I used the Universal USB Installer to put the 12.04 server i386 ISO onto the USB stick, then when I use the stick to install 12.04, it fails while retrieving additional packages. An integrity check shows one package fails to pass MD502:37
cfeddegogeta: I agree.02:37
gogetacfedde: then mass eatherboot em02:37
Loshkicfedde: may I pm you?02:37
cfeddegogeta: thanks for the advice02:37
cfeddeLoshki: why>02:37
sinedevianceWaraudon: ahhh, so it's failing from a downloaded package?02:37
PSR_B1057gogeta: I don't have any option in BIOS to disable Intel.02:37
Waraudonsinedeviance: From one on the stick, I assume, I don't have an Internet connection during install since it takes too long02:37
sinedevianceWaraudon: gotcha. this isn't the netinstall server image right02:38
gogetaPSR_B1057: :( i have seen this issue before and i forgot the setps02:38
Loshkicfedde: I have a grammar question, too boring to go into on the main channel...02:38
Waraudonsinedeviance: Nope, it's the full ISO02:38
cfeddeLoshki: sure02:38
sinedevianceWaraudon: okay. in that case, try re-downloading the iso image. chances are it could be a bad source media.02:38
rbikwhat python version should I use if I want to manipulate the terminal in Ubuntu 11.10??02:38
sinedevianceWaraudon: i recommend the torrent version.02:38
^MikeHow can I get a list of "Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu" (which seem to be blocking my upgrade path)?02:39
gogetaWaraudon: first week the main repo always goes down02:39
sinedeviancetorrents will almost always download a complete file correctly, regardless of internet problems. and even if a chunk is bad, it can re-download that chunk on the fly.02:39
PSR_B1057gogeta: sad man :| hope there is someone who can help me out with this isseu02:39
Waraudonsinedeviance: Could that even be possible? I hashed and verified the ISO already02:39
gogetaMikeN_: it should ask if you wanna remove them just say yes02:39
sinedevianceWaraudon: in that case it is unlikely, but not impossible. still, it's probably NOT the .iso at fault.02:39
killownany chance to clone the gnome shell behavior as super +  w does for unity? I'd like to bind super+w to work when the mouse cursor moves to the left edge02:39
sinedevianceWaraudon: you're positive the stick is good? have you tried re-creating the stick with univ. usb creator? does it fail on the same file every time?02:40
gogetaMikeN_: it just removes those repos not the packages themselfs02:40
^Mikegogeta: Were you talking to me? No, it doesn't ask if I'd like to remove them, there is just a close button, and then cdromupgrade exits02:40
gogetaMikeN_: :(02:40
^Mikegogeta: my exact reaction02:40
Waraudonsinedeviance: Yes and yes, it fails on the same file every time. ./pool/main/l/linux/fs-secondary-modules-3.2.0-23-generic-pae-di_3.2.0-23.36_i386.udeb02:41
Waraudonsinedeviance: It fails during the "Load installer components from CD" stage02:41
sinedeviancealready found one mark against xubuntu 12.04; it has the same annoying "The folder cannot be opened" bug that 11.10 had. yeah, xubuntu is not ready yet.02:41
Paintballr9003Gogeta: moving back to canonical's mirrors ends in the same error, but further research reveals that the servers are still running 2.6 and are trying to upgrade to 2.7 with the move to 12.0402:41
martianIs there any way to prevent yourself from accidentlly issuing the -r flag for crontab when you mean to issue -e?02:41
sinedevianceWaraudon: so you're running i386 on a 64-bit system?02:41
Waraudonsinedeviance: i386 on an older machine that isn't 64-bit02:41
gogetaPaintballr9003: yea mirror death02:42
sinedevianceWaraudon: then anything related to the PAE kernel should not be installed.02:42
xanguaI can't get the 'new release aviable' popup from Update Manager on Lucid to upgrade to Pangolin, i have installed all lucid updates and in the preferences is set to upgrade to LTS, whan can I do¿02:42
Waraudonsinedeviance: I'm not sure why it's loading that package, but it happens long before package selection02:42
sinedevianceWaraudon: PAE is for i368 systems to use more than 4GB of memory on x64 systems. it's also being phased out for this release.02:42
gogetaPaintballr9003: always a good idea to do this a week before hand many peopel dont relise they upgrade all beta to stabel in that time frame02:42
RenardHello there02:42
sinedevianceWaraudon: i have absolutely no clue. sorry man :(02:42
sinedeviancethat package should not be loaded02:43
RenardI'm trying to live stream my desktop from xvidcap to a rtmp:// stream02:43
psusisinedeviance, pae has nothing to do with x64, it was for 32 bit systems to use more than 4gb of ram... if your cpu is 64 bit capable, you may as well use the 64 bit build02:43
RenardAnyone knows how this work?02:43
ActionParsnipxangua: could grab the alternate Precuise ISO and upgrade using that.02:43
RenardAlso, xvidcap removed from 12.04 makes me a sad Renard02:44
Waraudonsinedeviance: I guess the only thing I can do is hook the Internet connection up and let it use the mirror, it's going to be so slow though02:44
sinedeviancepsusi: yes, i just said that. but he's running i386 server on i386 hardware. that's why it makes no sense; his system doesn't NEED pae.02:44
xanguaActionParsnip: then i'll have to wait untill tomorrow, don't have an cd's D: thanks02:44
TrelGot a question, I need to edit the grub menu to manually add an entry, in Ubuntu 11 server, where is that stored? I don't seem to have a /boot/grub/menu.lst02:44
ActionParsnipxangua: you don't need a CD, you can loop mount the ISO02:45
ActionParsnipRenard: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174612802:45
sfearsTrel: /etc/grub.d/40_custom & update-grub02:45
cordovalanyone can help me fixing my ubuntu 12.10 upgrade that failed without downloading it again?02:45
rinzler./config asking for 'glib-2.0' Not sure how to proceed. Tried installing all that I can think of. any ideas?02:46
hashsorry im new to ubuntu02:46
Trelsfears, where does it store it, I'd be more comfortable editing the file manually rather than using the script02:46
alusiony no support for Logitech G510 keyboard ?02:46
ActionParsnipalusion: logitech hates linux02:46
xanguaActionParsnip: really¿ but I need specific the alternat right¿02:46
gogetaActionParsnip: must not hate it to mutch all my stuff works02:46
ActionParsnipxangua: yes, you need the alternate ISO, you can then mount it using:  sudo mkdir /media/iso; sudo mount -o loop /path/to/file.iso /media/iso02:47
sfearsyou add custom entries to the 40_custom file.  you can edit the /boot/grub/grub.cfg, but it will be overwritten eveytime grub probes02:47
ActionParsnipgogeta: they refuse to support the OS, the community may have made drivers however02:47
TrelHow often does grub probe, just when I call update-grub?02:47
TrelI only need a one time entry02:48
trismrinzler: libglib2.0-dev02:48
gogetaActionParsnip: keybord mouse usb headset all work02:48
shaneois there a channel for photorec anywhere or can anyone assist me with a photorec wuestion02:48
RenardActionParsnip, thanks for the head up02:48
gogetaActionParsnip: but there nothing fancy so02:48
psusisinedeviance, if he has 4gb of ram he does02:48
FyodorovnaTrel, can't you add it to the kernel at grub?02:48
ActionParsnipgogeta: they have fancy buttons and such which sometimes won't work02:48
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TrelFyodorovna: remote system02:49
edinnyWent to download Precise, and it recommends the 32 bit version02:49
Renardunfortunately, no. VLC does not allow to only grab a part of the desktop, move that part when necessary, and stream to a rtmp server.02:49
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gogetaActionParsnip: mines pretty genraic in that sense probly why i have no issue02:49
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ActionParsnipedinny: its due to the target audience of Ubuntu02:49
rinzlertrism: thanks!02:49
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Renardxvidcap / gtk-recordmydesktop do not record live02:49
hashso i have a question im running ubuntu 11.10 and when i start up it give me the option for ubuntu 2d and ubuntu02:49
sinedeviancepsusi: it said it was older hardware so that's doubtful02:49
ActionParsnipgogeta: likely, one of the fancy ones with all the weird stuff probably won't have half the stuff working02:49
edinnyActionParsnip: so it does not look at my browser to determine how many bits my processor is?02:49
Waraudonsinedeviance: I think I found a problem02:50
Renardffmpeg / command line do not allow to resize the grabbed aera02:50
psusiedinny, no... you have to choose to download the 64 bit version if you want/need it02:50
uwjust came here to say: boooo ubuntu for not going back to Gnome02:50
ActionParsnipedinny: 32bit OS will run on 64bit CPU, so if you advise 32bit for those whom are not so PC literate it will be a hit each time :)02:50
gogetaedinny: if you dont have more then 3gb of ram its not relly going to matter02:50
hashwhen in ubuntu 2d i have a side bar and a power button wireless signal ect and in ubuntu i dont have any of that02:50
RenardWindows users are expected to use Adobe Media Encoder02:50
ActionParsnipedinny: you may not be downloading for the you are accessing the site with02:50
ActionParsniphash: because 2d rocks \m/02:51
gogetaedinny: but if you knoe what prosser it is we can tell you. eg all core are 64 but as well as all i serise02:51
hashyeah but i cant use cube in 2d02:51
edinnygogeta: I have 4 gigs, so it matters?02:51
Waraudonsinedeviance: ./pool/main/l/linux/fs-secondary-modules-3.2.0-23-generic-pae-di_3.2.0-23.36_i386.udeb is what the integrity check fails on. The file is named incorrectly in the ISO. It ends in *.ude, not *.udeb02:51
watersoni'm having trouble updating from us.archive.ubuntu.com; i'm guessing this is a server load issue because precise shipped?02:51
r3dhathi...I tried installing oracle java from a ppa. the install failed due to a bad tarball checksum, and now even when I remove the ppa, the package still errors every time I run an apt transaction. Even after I run autoclean and clean it still persists02:51
Waraudonsinedeviance: Renaming it fixes the failure during loading02:51
sinedevianceWaraudon: ahh... wow. i think the universal usb creator did something wrong02:51
enzotibhi, in LXTerminal (from 12.04), when I hit Shift-Ctrl-C it copies the selected region, but also interprets it as interrupt. It was not so in 11.10. Maybe a different configuration from my part, but where to look for?02:51
ki4roI've been using 12.04 Beta and applying all updates sent in my direction...do I still to upgrade to 12.04 or am I there?02:51
Waraudonsinedeviance: I dunno, it happened with every utility.02:52
Waraudonsinedeviance: I'll check the actual ISO02:52
gogetaedinny: if you do lshw and pastbin it we can tell you02:52
gogetaedinny: that will tell us aought all your hardware02:52
hashive also noticed a couple software differences02:52
gogetaedinny: sudo lshw02:52
Waraudonsinedeviance: It's wrong in the ISO too02:52
OerHeksr3dhat, use ppa-purge to undo the install02:52
usr13how do I tell the update manager not to update mozilla-firefox any more?02:52
jvegiardHi everyone. I'm looking to installing Grub2 as boot loader on my Macbook 2,1 to start installing 12.04. Why I want to do this, because my superdrive is broken and Apple doesn't allow to boot legacy Oses from external devices. Ant advice will be appreciated. :)02:53
Waraudonsinedeviance: firewire-core-modules also ends in *.ude02:53
psusiedinny, if the system is less than a few years old and has 4gb of ram, I would go with the 64 bit version... then again, I've been running 64 bit since 200602:53
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seeker3bjoin #ubuntu-ch02:53
sfearsjvegiard: use a liveCD to install to your main drive02:54
WaraudonI'm assuming this is some kind of mistake or bug02:54
enzotibin LXTerminal (from 12.04), when I hit Shift-Ctrl-C it copies the selected region, but also interprets it as interrupt. It was not so in 11.10. Maybe a different configuration from my part, but where to look for?02:54
sinedevianceWaraudon: most likely, yeah. i doubt your system has anything to do with it.02:54
ActionParsnipedinny: you can use PAE in 32bit and access up to 64Gb RAM in 32bit02:54
gogetaedinny: see i scrolled up around the top and it told me i have a  product: AMD Sempron(tm) Processor 3200+ thats 32bit02:54
ki4roI've been using 12.04 Beta and applying all updates sent in my direction...do I still to upgrade to 12.04 or am I there?02:54
jvegiardThks but I already tried and like I said, my superdrive is broken so i'm using and external firewire dvd02:55
Fyodorovnaki4ro, your there.02:55
sinedeviancehmm, so i'm thinking ubuntu with gnome classic. seems to work pretty good. i havent tested kubuntu yet though, so we'll see; still, i don't care much for kde 4.x so it'll probably be ubuntu.02:55
edinnygogeta: I have the same semporon02:55
gogetaedinny: your 32bit02:55
ki4roFyodorovna: Thanks...I thought I probably was...save the server some work tonight smile02:55
edinnygogeta: I have a 64 bit processor02:56
gogetaedinny: a 3200+ is not 64bit02:56
Waraudonsinedeviance: Seems like a pretty big problem though, maybe my system just exposed it for some reason. Is there any method to push out an updated ISO if necessary?02:56
sinedevianceWaraudon: i don't work on the ubuntu team so it's out of my hands. sorry :(02:56
sinedevianceWaraudon: the best you can do is file a bug report.02:56
Fyodorovnaki4ro, yeah, I'm seeding low pull rate though.02:56
delinquentmewhats the ubuntu tool to insert text at the end of a file?02:56
delinquentmecommand line command02:56
gogetaedinny: its not even dual core02:57
ki4roFyodorovna: Not my fault smile02:57
dr_willisdelinquentme: several ways. cat . echo. sed. awk02:57
Waraudonsinedeviance: I might have to if nobody else has discovered it yet. Is *.ude even a valid package extension? It seems there's either *.deb or *.udeb files02:57
jvegiardsfears: Thks but I already tried and like I said, my superdrive is broken so i'm using and external firewire dvd02:58
gogetaedinny: but with 4gb ram 32bit will work fine for you anything over would need some mods02:58
edinnythanks bye02:58
psusigogeta, edinny, according to this, it depends on which model you have: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_AMD_Sempron_microprocessors02:58
sinedevianceokay what the crap. gnome-classic looks messed up for some reason now :D02:58
ludlowHows is 12.04 everyone?02:59
sinedevianceludlow: just like 11.10 so far.02:59
plustaxludlow, im not a fan02:59
ki4roludlow: Good here in WV02:59
delinquentmedr_willis, i've seen cat used b efore .. whats the simple cat command to do that?02:59
plustax10.10 dtw02:59
plustaxftw I mean02:59
Endafyanybody else having issues with Unity02:59
ludlowWorth upgrading to 12.04?02:59
massiveholeI just installed 12.04 and my ethernet connection is not working out of the box!!!02:59
sinedeviancehmm so it's only gnome-classic with effects that looks messed up02:59
gogetapsusi: relly a 64 bit septron i didnt think that started untill the x2 serise03:00
plustaxtry installing gnome 3 Endafy03:00
Endafyludlow, in my experiences not yet03:00
ludlowEndafy, doh.03:00
Endafyplustax, ill just use Kubuntu03:00
dr_willisdelinquentme:  use it in combo with the output redirection. or make 2files and cat into a third03:00
ActionParsnipsinedeviance: did you MD5 test the ISO you used?03:00
Endafythe new unity is too broken03:00
ludlowwill apt-get dist-upgrade give me 12.04?03:00
psusigogeta, according to that link, there were two different sempron 3200+ part numbers, one supports 64 bit03:00
plustaxEndafy, 10.10 if you want effects. Most stable OS in existence.03:00
Waraudonsinedeviance: It seems the install is going to finish successfully, I'll reboot and make sure everything actually works. I also forgot to make a partition for Squid, so I'm going to have to reinstall anyway03:00
gogetapsusi: well yea the 3200 x203:00
ActionParsnipludlow: no, its more involved03:00
dr_williscat foo bar > foobar03:00
ActionParsnip!upgrade | ludlow03:00
ubottuludlow: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade03:00
Taar779_Hello, I'm having some issues with sftp. I looked over my sshd_config file and its enabled. ssh works fine ... any ideas on what might be wrong? Maybe some setting that I'm overing looking?03:01
ActionParsnippsusi: I have a sempron 3000+, runs awesome03:01
ludlowActionParsnip, thanks03:01
ActionParsnipTaar779_: can you ssh ok?03:01
plustaxI just got me a new laptop today. Asus. 8 gigs of ram and a 4400mb processor03:01
gogetaActionParsnip: heck yea forever old still goes03:01
Taar779_ActionParsnip, that is correct.03:02
psusiI guess those are getting fairly old now... I got an Athlon 64 3200+ back around when 6.06 came out03:02
ActionParsnipTaar779_: which clients have you tried?03:02
gogetapsusi: yea thats the 64 bit ones03:02
sinedevianceokay so ubuntu still sucks (thanks unity.)03:03
sinedeviancekubutnu time.03:03
gogetasinedeviance: hua03:03
sinedeviancekubuntu even.03:03
dr_willisno unity ussues here.03:04
gogetasinedeviance: how is it sucking03:04
gogetasinedeviance: its responsiv and snappy for me03:04
psusithen I went to athlon 64 x4 5000+, and now quad core core2 duo @ 3.4 GHz03:04
Taar779_ActionParsnip, filezilla (with a key and with a password) and on my laptop with the sftp command. both say the connection times out03:04
dr_willisgo old school with lubuntu. ;)03:04
erujolcin previous version of Ubuntu I have disable Nvidia Optimus at the BIOS level leaving my Acer i5 timeline to use integrated intel graphic chipset, I this for battery life and because of some reports of crashing, has things now improved with 12.04 that its a safe bet to re-enable (i dont play games or do video editing)?03:04
sinedeviancegogeta: unity sucks (still) and so does gnome-classic (there's not even a system tray ffs!)03:05
gogetadr_willis: unity use to choke and die on my little netbook now its fast didnt even put lubuntu back03:05
ActionParsnipTaar779_: how about if you allow password connection, is it ok?03:05
gogetasinedeviance: lo,l you just have to turn it on03:05
sinedeviancei'm sorry, but canonical did take a huge step back when they introduced unity. i dont like it, nobody in our company likes it, which is why we've been using xubuntu for the last two years03:05
sinedevianceat least xubuntu is sane.03:05
gogetasinedeviance: install the app called myunity03:05
dr_williserujolc:  try it and see.03:05
psusiUnity runs fine on my 1 GHz celleron netbook... my cell phone has a faster cpu03:05
ki4rosinedeviance: If you're so disappointed why do you use it?03:06
sinedeviancegogeta: i have to install this on 25 machines. i dont have time to do post-config, frankly, i shouldn't need to for a "world class operating system"03:06
erujolcdr_willis, fair point03:06
sinedevianceki4ro: we don't. that's exactly the point.03:06
gogetasinedeviance: fair point i xubuntu or lubuntu for you03:06
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate03:06
ki4rosinedeviance: So why are you here?  Just busting ubuntu's chops or ???03:06
sinedeviancegogeta: i turned unity off. how would myunity help?03:06
erujolcsinedeviance, you should have a way to do post-config, even if its as something as basic as fabric, especially if you manage 25 workstations03:07
Taar779_ActionParsnip, yeah turned that on since I'm trying to get my laptop setup with a key. Though now its saying: Recieved message to long (that's from the sftp command)03:07
project_tabwhenever i vnc into my ubuntu desktop the host machine asks me to enter a password to confirm/allow the connection.  it's a real pain in the butt, only i cant figure out where to allow it to connect without the password.03:07
sinedevianceki4ro: ubuntu is also kubuntu and xubuntu. those are fine in my opinion, if a little rough around the edges.03:07
gogetasinedeviance: myunity can change how unity works turn on desktop icons menubars and so on03:07
project_tabit means that i always have to have a monitor hooked up.  not very convienent.03:07
MiztaWHaven't tried yet, but just downloading right now... I'm excited. I love the workflow of unity03:07
project_tabcan anyone tell me where to disable that requirement for the password?03:07
gogetasinedeviance: tweak it to your likeing03:07
ki4roMYUNITY is very helpful and pretty straight forward03:07
sinedevianceki4ro: my company has been running on ubuntu derivatives (and servers) for the past two years. the only thing i have against ubuntu is unity.03:08
dforthmansorry. i went to the restroom. did we determine if gogeta's cpu was 64-bit?03:08
sinedeviancegogeta: i'll try that then, thanks03:08
ki4rosinedeviance: I see.  Can't use gnome?03:08
sinedevianceki4ro: i would if 2.x was still an option. that's why we're running xubuntu -- it sticks to the old ways, which actually did work fine03:09
gogetadforthman: some where yes but they where athlon64 not septrons03:09
erujolcis it possible to choose the monitor to mount the sidebar on unity yet? also if I mount the sidebar to external 2nd monitor, and then disconnect it, will it automatically shuffle back to other screen, in 12.04b1 it fail on nearly all scenarios03:09
kwtm2What's the channel to ask when 12.04 is coming out?  #plusoneUbuntu or something like that.03:09
dforthmangogeta, this will tell you if it's 32 or 64-bit: cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep clflush\ size03:09
ki4rosinedeviance: I see, well good luck with it...I'm you'll sort it out03:09
erujolcdownloading 12.04release now but if any experience eager to know03:09
sinedevianceki4ro: i would just go with xubuntu again but xubuntu 11.10 had some annoying bugs that still aren't fixed in 12.04. so that's no longer an option.03:09
psusikwtm2, it's out03:09
OerHekskwtm2, 12.04 is out03:10
gogetadforthman: not always my atom comes up 64 bit with that03:10
enzotibin LXTerminal (from 12.04), when I hit Shift-Ctrl-C it copies the selected region, but also interprets it as interrupt. It was not so in 11.10. Maybe a different configuration from my part, but where to look for?03:10
gogetadforthman: its not 64 it has some 64 support03:10
dr_williskwtm2:  i thought it showed up on both. and had some settings. but i havent tried multi mon. in ages03:10
sinedeviancegogeta: some atoms (mainly the ones after the first couple years) were 64-bit03:10
lauratikajust upgrade to 12.04  and dash seems bit unresponsive... when i place the mouse on the left side of the screen it wont show up... waht could be the problem?03:10
dforthmanI believe those older semprons should be accurate03:10
psusigogeta, huh?  "some" 64 bit support?  it's kind of either all or nothing03:10
socrates_johnsonerujolc: as fate would have it, my laptop is dying and i need a replacement asap. i'm looking at a laptop with a NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M with optimus. Is that going to be a problem?03:10
gogetapsusi: nope some atoms had 64 emu03:11
gogetaclflush size: 6403:11
gogetaand i knoe this is not 64bit03:11
project_tabi checked in desktop sharing preferences but i do not see anything pertaining to having the remote machine enter system pw to allow vnc connection03:11
gogetai tryed to install it once and it failed03:11
dr_willismy netbook can run 64 bit ubuntu. which suprised me..03:11
erujolcwill report back in about an 1hr just about to put the iso on CD and try it, private message your email if not about03:11
dforthmanthat's weird. i've never seen it report 64 if it's not a 64-bit processor03:12
gogetadforthman: the septron was made before 64 bit was thought of03:12
psusicache line size doesn't have anything to do with 32 bit vs 6403:12
WaraudonGah, I hate how Ubuntu always installs GRUB on the wrong disk when you're using a USB stick03:12
=== Afterraff` is now known as Afteraffekt
WaraudonIt overwrites the bootloader on the USB stick and blows that up03:13
psusiWaraudon, never seen it do that...03:13
EzeQLhi, if i run which APP , it returns the default release of APP. I want to use a nigthlie of APP located in another directory. how can i do it?03:13
dr_willisWaraudon:  never had that peoblem03:13
WaraudonIt happens every time I use a USB install03:13
dforthmangogeta, sorry, i was thinking of the wrong command. it's getconf LONG_BIT03:14
gogetapsusi: some prossers like the atom n270 are not true 6403:14
dr_willisEzeQL:  rearange your PATH order03:14
gogetadforthman: 32 on that03:14
ljsoftnetwhat does "Could not open /dev/mixer" mean, when i open gnome radio, by the way it has no sound, but can pick up FM signal03:14
sinedevianceerujolc: so earlier you mentioned fabric. is that good?03:15
psusigogeta, how is there a half way?  either it supports 64 bit instructions/addressing/registers, or not...03:15
WaraudonInteresting, for some reason it's using the pae kernel03:15
sfearsljsoftnet: maybe an alsa issue03:15
dforthmangogeta, this will tell you also: sudo lshw -C cpu | grep width03:15
gogetapsusi: some not all03:15
project_tabthx guys03:15
ljsoftnetsfears can i fix it?03:15
lauratikadoes any one has issues with dash bar not showing up or taking a lot of time?03:16
gogetadforthman: thats 6403:16
WaraudonIs 12.04 using the generic PAE kernel on a 32-bit system with 1GB of RAM normal? I think 11.04 did it too03:16
taxmanmy dash bar is ok so far03:16
erujolcfabric is basically a simple wrapper over ssh, so you can do fabric host1 host2 host3 -command rm -fr /  (cant remembre exact syntax), but most people will use it programatically from python to check conditions, executing different paths, collect more fine grain metric rather just throwing out commands at 25 machines03:16
dforthmangogeta, ha03:16
sfearsljsoftnet: what does "apt-cache policy alsa-base" say?03:17
erujolcpuppet and chef are big boy tools, but greater learning curve03:17
gogetadforthman: i have 2 like that my n270 and this 3200+03:17
sinedevianceerujolc: ahh, gotcha. i already do most of that stuff using ssh and cron03:17
gogetadforthman: i looked it up before and its some odd set they used when 64bit was starting up03:17
sinedeviancei have a cron setup where i can ssh in scripts to multiple machines and then cron will run them03:17
psusiWaraudon, I think the rule was if your cpu supported pae, it used it... iirc, for 12.04, non pae is no longer supported03:17
yeikwell, the laptop upgraded to 12.04 with very little issue so far.03:17
dforthmangogeta, gotcha. gotta love the emulations. messes everything up03:18
erujolcyeah with fabric it is push, your setup is pull (so is chef)03:18
Waraudonpsusi: That's probably fine then. It is quite old hardware, AMD Athlon XP 3200+, 1GB DDR RAM03:18
gogetadforthman: i think they where bad 64 bis rebranded 3203:18
WaraudonI would install more RAM if the HP BIOS would allow it, but it doesn't03:18
gogetadforthman: thats pretty normal fo prosser makers03:18
dforthmangogeta, yeah. that seems normal03:19
psusiWaraudon, time to upgrade? ;)03:19
naryfahow do I check which packages have I put on hold with apt-get?03:19
Waraudonpsusi: I've definitely been wanting to for a while. A little Mini-ITX system would be perfect03:19
Waraudonand probably use way less power03:19
sfearsnaryfa: maybe with aptitude?03:19
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ljsoftnetsfears http://pastebin.com/Av3zpZby03:19
naryfasfears: bingo, thanks03:20
socrates_johnsonerujolc: have you tried bumblebee?03:20
erujolcare gnome-do and launchy still the recommended launcher choices for lightweight desktops like xfce?03:20
sfearsljsoftnet: close radio and try "modprobe snd-mixer-oss" and reopen radio03:20
erujolcnope, what is it?03:20
Athanasiushow do I make a spec display at the top of the screen (12.04)? I have a system monitor thing on my 10.04 machine that displays cpu/ram/swap/system load, trying to figure out how to get that on this machine but the top bar doesn't respond to rightclicks03:21
psusiWaraudon, last year overhauled to a nice core2 sandybridge 3.4 GHz setup with 4gb of ram and was surprised by how little power it uses... only 120 watts when idle and the vast majority of that seems to be the old radeon video card I kept instead of getting a mobo with the integrated intel graphics03:21
gogetadforthman: i popped in my 64 cd my mastake once and it did not work so who knoes03:21
Waraudonpsusi: I think anything would be a welcome improvement over an old OEM HP box03:21
ljsoftnetsfears it says FATAL error03:21
psusiWaraudon, actually, it's only drawing 103 watts now that I have all of my old rotational disks sleeping03:21
gogetapsusi: i draw 3503:22
psusiWaraudon, indeed, hp is terribad03:22
erujolcreading on archwiki, seems more for big gfx systems, i just want smooth effects, with no dent to battery life03:22
Waraudonpsusi: IO03:22
gogetapsusi: gotta love the n27003:22
Waraudonpsusi: I'm not sure I even want to know how much power this thing is using *03:22
sfearssay's not found, don't be so dramatic ljsoftnet03:22
psusigogeta, on a desktop?  nice... yea, I probably would too if not for the damn radeon... it's a power hog03:22
socrates_johnsonerujolc: a fix for the optimus issue i think? http://www.bumblebee-project.org/  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=186120903:22
gogetapsusi: on a 900a eepc03:22
k014hello everyone!... i want to update to ubuntu 12.04 but i dont now what are the differences between updating via ubuntu updater, or making a fresh install...03:23
k014i always chose backup and make a fresh install..... but i am kind of tired about making backups of everything every 6 months, there is a better workflow for this?03:23
erujolci guessing bumblebee isnt part of 12.04 out the box?03:23
gogetapsusi: i is at work leeching wifi03:23
trismAthanasius: if you mean the system monitor applet for the gnome-panel, indicator-multiload is similar for unity, add it to startup applications03:23
psusik014, making a backup is still a good idea, but yea, you can just do the upgrade and unless something goes wrong, save yourself the trouble of reinstalling everything03:23
k014yes but upgrading, does not improve any visuals, i mean, new menus or login screens03:24
sinedeviancegogeta: myunity helps but it doesn't really do what i want (which is a system that is more like gnome 2.x)03:24
socrates_johnsonerujolc: i don't think so03:24
gogetasinedeviance: you will probly like xfce in that case03:25
gogetasinedeviance: or xubuntu03:25
sinedeviancegogeta: i've been using xubuntu for years. i said that just 30 lines ago. i already know everything about it.03:25
erujolci probably wont be trying that then, i had all my bastardization fun in archlinux im getting old now so i just want what works, install os, pull down dotfiles, adjust a few settings, reboot and go03:25
sfearsljsoftnet: try installing libsnack2-alsa or libsnack2 either or and see if it helps03:26
Athanasiustrism: excellent, that provided exactly what I was looking for thank you03:26
sinedeviancei want to be able to run apps from a dropdown menu or from the desktop. the unity dash wastes time and kinda sucks tbh.03:26
BlueClawLooking for "OpenCL drivers". I found OpenCL headers in synaptic, is that the same thing? Anyone know? :)03:26
WaraudonI'd also like to be able to get rid of the 4-partition limit of MBR on a new machine, without having to use extended partitions03:26
socrates_johnsonerujolc: so you basically just don't use the nvidia card in linux at all?03:27
AssDloded 12.04 yet?03:27
cordoval_mid way on installation process for ubuntu 12.04 upgrade graphics failed and i happened to reboot, now it gives error like git id unrecognized03:27
k014my workflow nowadays is to create several symbolic links to everything pointing to my home folder, this way i just backup the home folder, and then install any new version of ubuntu, and then just reset the links03:27
cordoval_how can i fix my install witohut loosing or moving my data around?03:27
cordoval_just need commands please begging03:27
ActionParsnipWaraudon: delete one and make it into an extended partition, then make logical partitions in that03:27
erujolcNo, in the BIOS you can disable it, but once this finishes copying to USB i'll install 12.04 and enable it for a try, but i wont be doing anything hacky, if any dent > 5% to battery its back to using integrated only, unless things fly like a rocket and its simply amazing03:28
cordoval_crying like a baby on my corner03:28
ActionParsnipcordoval_: use your backups if necessary03:28
k014i duno if thats is ok, or you masters of ubuntu have a bbeter workflow for mayor updates03:28
cordoval_what do you mean by use your backups03:28
erujolcWaraudon, with MBR you can't03:28
erujolcperhaps you can try GPT03:28
cordoval_i need some guidance03:28
cordoval_please i am not an expert03:28
Waraudonerujolc: That's the idea, but to boot a GPT disk I'd need a UEFI board03:28
Loopb4ckI have a toshiba satellite l775d and Kernel cmdline requires "i8042.reset=1 i8042.nomux=1" to be added every time the Kernel needs to be updated. is there a way to automate this?03:29
sinedevianceooh i just figured out how to fix the thunar bug in xubuntu. looks like xubuntu 12.04 is it :D03:29
socrates_johnsonerujolc: i'm not old but i don't want to mess around with stuff either. i'm just nervous about buying a new laptop if this optimus thing is a problem (and my current laptop is dying the week before finals). so the options are full-time integrated or full-time nvidia?03:29
xanguai believe my isp restricts my band usage, everytime I use specific torrents I got disconected several times D: whant can I do about it¿03:30
psusiWaraudon, what's wrong with extended partitions?03:30
psusiWaraudon, and you can get a bios machine to boot from gpt03:30
Waraudonpsusi: Nothing really, but I really need to just get everything off the disk and start over. it's a mess right now, / is on partition 303:30
psusiWaraudon, so?03:31
erujolcits not a problem, i disabled it in BIOS and it uses the intergrated gfx, i have native resolution, can run gimp, watch videos, movies/divx, connect an external monitor via hdmi. the only thing if there is a fantastic gfx inside id like to use if its doesnt kill battery of dent reliability, but I have a feeling we might have to wait till 3.4, 3.5 before all this stuff is seamless03:31
erujolcso perhaps you get the feeling your not getting everything you pay for, but the only laptops i could find with pure integrated intel only for too low end, so i went mid-range and disable to discrete gfx unit03:32
ibfrogsorry for just breaking into the conversation randomly, but anyone here an audio expert?  I can't seem to make my panther point  Intel hd audio make a noise03:32
ActionParsnipcordoval_: if your data is important to you, you will have made a duplicate copy on some external storage to your system, like a USB HDD03:32
cordoval_what do you mean03:32
cordoval_oh it is important but i did not do it03:32
ibfrogbrolman2, try /list03:32
cordoval_even if i did my backups, you are not answering my aux call03:33
cordoval_because i don{t know how to proceed03:33
erujolcWaraudon, are you sure you need EFI to boot to a GPT disk. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GUID_Partition_Table03:33
L3toperojulc you might try creating an xorg.conf and just setting the BusID03:34
L3toperujolc: but if you want to switch back and forth bumblebee is the way to go atm for intel/nvidia03:34
erujolcthanks, bullocks to that, i leave it disable in BIOS, one day i'll be able to use surely, but back on review in 6 months tag for now03:35
k014hello!, i want to know how do you deal with new ubuntu releases.... i mean.... do you use updater?, or backup and clean install?, i ise clean install but i am tired of backups every 6 months, there is a better way to do this? what are your workflows?03:35
ibfroglate to the conversation but trying to keep up ... whats bumblebee?03:35
RoeyHello, I have a PPA that overrides my main Oneiric installation.  How do I pin it so that I download the packages from the PPA by default?  apt-get is refusing to see past the package in the main installation.   https://launchpad.net/~lekensteyn/+archive/wacom-tablet?field.series_filter=oneiric03:35
zoeymarieIs it possible to hide network locations for a user on my system? I don't want them to be able to see the Places/Network at all, if possible... gconf? chmod?03:36
erujolcsome switcher, power management controller, early days project to enable full support for laptops with integrated and discrete ati/nvidia cards03:36
L3topIt is an application to switch back and forth between integrated and discreet gpus on intel/nvidia dual gpu laptops03:36
L3topI believe they are nvidia only.03:36
ibfroginteresting, thanks L3top03:36
ibfrogzoeymarie, what do you mean by hide network locations?03:37
L3topswitcheroo I think addresses the ati/ati cards... not particularly sure. We just force over the better gpu in all cases for our stuff.03:37
erujolcat the expense of battery life?03:38
zoeymarieibfrog, like, when you click "places," and the "network" folder, we have a bunch of different things to connect to--I'm pretty sure none of our clients would be able to connect to them anyways, but I don't even want them to know they are there (so they don't try...)03:38
L3topwe are graphics oriented. We don't care about your battery. We would prefer you not use laptops at all, but if you do, we force the big guns.03:38
L3topwe need compositing etc03:39
erujolcunderstandable scenario03:39
ActionParsnipcordoval_: try running:  apt-get -f install    in a root recovery console03:39
ActionParsnipcordoval_: I suggest you look into a backup system03:39
ibfrogzoeymarie, what version of ubuntu / gnome are you running?03:40
zoeymarieibfrog, 10.04 (Lucid) and GNOME203:40
cordoval_ActionParsnip: boot recovery console is my terminal from the cd live right?-03:41
ibfrogI'm on unity and 12.04... trying to remember what GNOME2 ended up looking like03:41
ActionParsnipcordoval_: no, just hold shift at boot, choose recovery mode, select root03:41
ibfrogmy other system is running gnome-shell and not helping03:41
cordoval_oh but what if i cannot get that far?03:41
ActionParsnipcordoval_: then you'll need to chroot from liveCD03:41
ibfrogzoeymarie, is the places->network a list of file shares?03:42
cordoval_hmm i am burning USB with 12.04 now03:42
cordoval_almost done, i guess from there i can do things right?03:42
zoeymarieibfrog, yes, I believe so.03:42
Athanasiusit'd be really nice if, for the first 2 weeks after a new version of ubuntu was released, they only allowed retrieving of isos via torrent. Prevent the mirrors from being overloaded to hell and back :(03:42
cpatrick08ibfrog, you can install mate it you want the look and feel of gnome 2 http://wiki.mate-desktop.org/download#ubuntu_precise_pangolin_1204_repository03:42
ActionParsnipcordoval_: yes in a chroot the commands will be runing on the installed OS.03:42
datruthin /etc/fstab I have an UUID how can I find the UUID of my other partitions?03:42
Kreazhi, i have a problem install ccsm, after I uninstalled GNOME 3. http://paste.ubuntu.com/948884/03:42
Kreazubuntu: 11.0403:42
ibfrogcpatrick08, thanks for the link... checking now03:42
ActionParsnipcpatrick08: or use xfce for a desktop that is supported here03:43
cpatrick08no problem03:43
cpatrick08ActionParsnip, true03:43
|Anthony|is there any benefit to having IPv6 enabled?03:43
erujolcdatruth, blkid03:43
aFeijohi guys03:43
ibfrogmate is a gnome2 compatability layer of sorts?03:43
Roeyhey anyone here know apt preference pinning?03:43
throwaway_rqIf I dont want to run unity, what's the best alternative for gnome interface?03:43
ActionParsnipibfrog: its an unofficial fork03:43
ActionParsnipthrowaway_rq: there is no 'best' anything03:44
aFeijocan I enable the app swapper effects (super+w, super+tab, etc.) without 3d graphic enabled?03:44
yeik|Anthony|, There can be, but it depends on what you want it for.03:44
erujolcthrowawa_rq, xfce imho03:44
ActionParsnipthrowaway_rq: install xfce4 package, log off, log in to xfce session and use that03:44
ibfroghrm... tempting... I've been trying to bend gnome-shell to my needs but its been a battle so far03:44
datrutherujolc: awesome thx03:44
throwaway_rqActionParsnip: i shall rephrase, i mean ANOTHER alternative, doesn't have to be best03:44
throwaway_rqxfce, thanks.03:44
cordoval_ActionParsnip: will the apt'get be destructive of my data?03:44
ActionParsnipcordoval_: no it just updates the package03:44
throwaway_rqdo i need to apt-get it, erujolc?03:44
Kreazhi, i have a problem install ccsm, after I uninstalled GNOME 3. http://paste.ubuntu.com/948884/, it said: Broken Package, (Ubuntu 11.04)03:44
ActionParsnipcordoval_: again, get a backup03:45
throwaway_rqbest way to make a bootable disc is dd if=iso of=/dev/sdx?03:45
throwaway_rqbootable usb*03:45
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ibfrogzoeymarie, why are you trying to restrict network->places again?03:45
Athanasiusit's always good to backup but apt-get will basically never destroy your data. If you foul something up like turning off your computer in the middle of installing packages bad things can happen but anything that's in /home should still remain intact03:45
erujolcunetbootin or startup disk creator03:45
Athanasiusthrowaway_rq: yes03:45
throwaway_rqerujolc: unetbootin doesn't support latest iso03:46
Athanasiusthrowaway_rq: just make absolutely sure you don't typo sdx03:46
socrates_johnsonL3top: if i may interject, so is it possible to run the nvidia card (in the optimus setup) at all times without a problem? my laptop is basically always plugged in so battery is not a huge concern of mine03:46
erujolcalthough unetbootin has just failed for me so trying03:46
erujolcah that would be why then03:46
throwaway_rqAthanasius: merci, yeah, i did that and i killed my macbook's efs a while ago03:46
throwaway_rqand it wont boot now03:46
throwaway_rqkilled /dev/rdisk003:46
|Anthony|yeik, well... it's enabled by default. Just wondering if it would be good for me to disable it. My ISP isn't providing me with IPv6 atm.03:46
erujolcwill startup disk creator work from ubuntu 11.10 to create a 12.04 iso? or should i cancel and do dd?03:46
ibfrogunetbootin worked to create a 12.04 image for me on a a usb stick03:47
ibfrogthats how I installed my current instance03:47
yeik|Anthony|, then the ipv6 is internal only unless you install software for ipv6 tunnelling. so then it doesn't matter.03:47
L3topsocrates_johnson: I don't have enough testers with the optimus chipset to tell you for sure that there is no problem, but we do this for other circumstances where an onboard cannot be shutoff.03:47
|Anthony|also read something yesterday about IPv6 has some security vulnerabilities still03:47
erujolchmmm I got 'No Default or UI configuration derivative found\n boot:03:47
erujolcprobably a fake usb stick to be fair seems super slow for a kingston03:48
ActionParsnipthrowaway_rq: I'd use unetbootin03:48
socrates_johnsonL3top: okay, and it just forces the better graphics configuration at all times?03:48
Athanasius|Anthony|: Uh. Every networking protocol has vulnerabilities. IPv4 is littered with vulnerabilities a la ARP03:48
yeik|Anthony|, i don't know if i heard any security vulnerabilities other than the fact that every ipv6 address is acceble externall, so not natted like people are use to.03:48
apiescan i connect fb with xchat ? iam newbie03:48
L3topsocrates_johnson: I handle all of the auto detection stuff... so basically if there are two cards, I install appropriate drivers for the second, we generate our own xorg from scratch and I set the BusID.03:49
Athanasiusapies: uh, no03:49
erujolcwhats fb?03:49
Athanasiusfacebook I assume03:49
Athanasiusspeaking of which, what's the unity thing that lets you get facebook notifications on the desktop03:49
erujolcyikes, hopefully not03:49
wyldeAthanasius: *shudder* you mean gwibber?03:49
ActionParsnipapies: you may be able to forward the chat using bitlbee03:49
SamEEEapies - if anyone would know it would be #xchat03:50
AthanasiusI think so03:50
apiesi get install pidgin but in applications list no pidgin there03:50
KreazAthanasius: do you mean the notification on taskbar/widget on desktop?03:50
ActionParsnipapies: try pressing ALT+F2 and type 'pidgin'03:50
yeikapies, unity? or something else, pidgin is under internet03:50
apiesubuntu 10.0403:50
socrates_johnsonL3top: okay. sorry, i'm not too great at this stuff. if i just install ubuntu without the proprietary nvidia drivers will it use the better card full-time by default?03:50
ibfrogAthanasius, smells like gwibber to me03:50
|Anthony|Athanasius, there will always be chinks in the armor so to speak. I was sleepy when i was reading and don't remember the particulars. But yeik makes an interesting statement03:51
Lambda3I am currently trying to install ubuntu, but apparently, I can't have more than 4 primary partitions on my hdd. I need some help in figuring out what partition I could get rid of. I am thinking about getting rid of the ntfs partition that is 200 mb large and has a boot flag. If I delete this partition, would I be unable to boot up windows, even after the ubuntu bootloader is installed?03:51
ActionParsnipLambda3: 200Mb isn't enoungh to hold Ubuntu03:51
cordoval_where are the md5 numbers for iso_03:51
cordoval_cannot find them on the website03:51
ibfrogLambda3, lots of questions on that ....03:51
cordoval_url anyone please?03:51
L3topsocrates_johnson: No. It will almost certainly use the integrated intel. Our project is not standard.03:51
erujolcsocreators_johnson, if enabled in the BIOS i presume it will use the open source nvidia drivers, you'll then get a prompt to install the closed faster drivers under 'Additioanl drivers' afaik03:51
|Anthony|Lambda3, consider extended partitions03:51
Lambda3No, I mean I would delete that partition and resize the one holding my windows files03:51
ibfrogthere are extended partitions you can use to hold additional data03:51
Kreazmake a logical partition maybe?03:52
yeik|Anthony|, you don't have anything to really worry about if your isp doesn't provide support. I wish mine did so I could get it set up with ipv6 and learn firewalls for it. should improve proper security instead of relying on NAT03:52
erujolci stand corrected03:52
ActionParsnipcordoval_: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/precise/release/03:52
dforthmanis there a way to make it so when i'm pressing alt to heal myself in wow, it doesn't think i'm pressing a key to do something with the window it's running in?03:52
ActionParsnipcordoval_: couldn't find that with websearches?03:52
Lambda3Yeah, I want to do that, but in order to do that, i have to first delete a partition because an extended partition is considered a primary partition03:52
L3topYou cannot disable the integrated card though, and it will likely install for and use it... installing the nvidia driver will not magically find the nvidia card. The nvidia works through the integrated, so integrated cannot be disabled03:52
ActionParsnipLambda3: I guess taht would fly, why not :)03:52
ibfrogI tend to use (1) boot (2) swap (3) root (4) extended (x1) windows (x2) home03:52
ibfrogI think.. .. been a while since I've dual booted03:53
apiesanyone use street os ?03:53
ibfrogactually... I think swap was in the extended the last time I tried this03:53
Lambda3My 3rd and 4th partitions are the windows recovery partition and a fat32 partition called "HP_TOOLS"03:53
Athanasiusheh. My laptop is 75GB /, 4GB swap.03:53
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m4they, is there a way to hide the MessagingMenu completely? sure, you can remove empathy/thunderbird03:53
m4tbut the whole thing?03:53
Lambda3I don't know what the last one does, so I don't want to delete it.03:53
* m4t doesn't use.03:54
Lambda3which leaves only the current boot partition03:54
* m4t uses irc03:54
Fyodorovnaibfrog, windows should be primary at least the OS, and no boot partition is needed on a mbr setup.03:54
ibfrogoh right right03:55
wyldeLambda3: just a quick question, did you back up all your data from windows before starting this? ;)03:55
ibfroglike I said... been a while03:55
Lambda3I suppose a better question would be does the ubuntu bootloader boot windows itself or does it defer to another partition to boot it up?03:55
socrates_johnsonerujolc: okay thanks. my laptop boots about 20% of the time, but i feel better about the upgrade now once it finishes dying. (the optimus issues is a little unnerving for me, but the i7/price is too good for a grad student to pass up)03:55
datruthcool got that going03:55
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Fyodorovnaibfrog, put windows on the first partition, easier to fix.03:55
apiesmy camera drivers not work in ubuntu 10.0403:55
Lambda3wyld, of course! :) I actually just got my laptop today, so I have everything backed up.03:55
ibfrogbtw: Fyodorovna when did the boot partition go away... used to be standard in gentoo and it seems like its all compressed to the root partition in ubuntu03:56
wyldeLambda3: I swear that's the first positive I've gotten to that question for a long while! *claps*03:56
cordoval_ActionParsnip: cannot find my file name there 128f0c16f4734c42....5203:56
Fyodorovnaibfrog, not sure really.03:56
cordoval_it does not match any name and nor checksum03:56
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WaraudonOkay I think I finally got everything working.03:56
throwaway_rqside question - does windows has somethign liek "sync" command in ubuntu (to flush buffer)03:56
* ibfrog hasn't dual booted in ages03:56
WaraudonWhat's the recommended way to save iptables rules in Ubuntu and restore them at boot?03:56
cordoval_mine was ubuntu 12'04 desktop amd6403:56
ibfrogbut the ubuntu method seems to work so far03:56
allureI'm having the same issue as this guy (http://askubuntu.com/questions/125500/upgrade-to-12-04-failed-due-to-held-back-packages) to update to 12.02 from 11.10. Does anyone have any idea on how to update then? :)03:57
Lambda3Haha, well, I'm not a complete noob. I've been using ubuntu for like 4-5 years now; although, I admit I don't know a lot about setting it up because I never had trouble with it before and had to learn all about it03:57
Fyodorovnaibfrog, the ubuntu and most linux will run in the extended.03:57
Fyodorovnaprobably all  linux just not sure ibfrog03:57
BlueClawIs there a program that can tell me what is currently running? I tried to open a program and think it might be running in the background.03:57
cordoval_ActionParsnip:  ok it matches with a friend03:57
cordoval_so i am rebooting and will try with usb03:57
throwaway_rqBlueClaw: htop03:58
AthanasiusIs there an ubuntu command for "automatically install everything I need to build this package from source"? like apt-something rtorrent; apt-get source rtorrent; cd rtorrent-whatever; ./configure03:58
socrates_johnsonL3top: thank you for the insight and for your patience03:58
sfearsBlueClaw: top03:58
xangua!compile | Athanasius03:58
ubottuAthanasius: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall03:58
sfearstop | grep <program name>03:58
BlueClawsfears: thanks!03:58
ibfrogyeah... I'm sure linux will run in extended... I just didn't follow the move to get rid of a boot partition.   Kinda seems like its an isolation method that ubuntu / canonical decided to get rid of more than anything else03:59
apieswhere can i find drivers camera ubuntu ?03:59
yeikBlueClaw, ps -aux | grep <program name> might work better03:59
Kreazapies: google03:59
throwaway_rqxfce doesnt' come bundled in the mainstream iso right?03:59
wyldeAthanasius: 'apt-get source packagename; sudo apt-get build-dep packagename;03:59
apieskreaz. i tried but not work03:59
Mango_Mani'm getting this when running a helloworld opengl program: freeglut (./Tut 01 Main): glXCreateContextAttribsARB not found03:59
Athanasiusdanke wylde03:59
Kreazapies: what cam drivers?03:59
f0xdoes gnome classic support transparency?04:00
apiesif on windows lenovo easy camera04:00
L3topsocrates_johnson: ok if I pm?04:00
len_throwaway, it's on the xubuntu iso04:00
ibfrogf0x, what do you mean by gnome classic?04:00
Fyodorovnaibfrog, you a conspiracy fan. :)04:00
throwaway_rqlen_: thanks. I guess i'll have to apt-get it then.04:00
ruffleScan anyone help me out here? i'd like to know whether or not this bug's been reported already. when you "aerosnap" a window to the sides and then try to move it out of its position window goes way bellow mouse cursor. (on ubuntu 12.04 unity)04:00
ibfrogFyodorovna, not intentionally... I've just been curious about the switch04:00
f0xibfrog, gnome-fallback-session in 12.0404:01
f0xbecause in 11.10 it doesn't04:01
Kreazapies: have you tried on lenovo site for linux support?04:01
Kreaz(official site)04:01
ActionParsnipibfrog: omgubuntu has a how o to make 12.04 look like Gnome204:01
ibfrogwow ruffleS thats new in 12.0404:02
ibfrog11.0X didn't have that issue04:02
ruffleSibfrog it does now and it is highly annoying04:02
ruffleSibfrog could you reproduce it?04:02
ibfrogjust tried it out and the aero move to the side does the height maximize04:02
socrates_johnsonL3top: yes04:02
ibfrogmoving away from that retains the porportions of the height maximize04:02
vicatcuhi all - i seem to have killed my computer by trying to upgrade to 12.04, can anyone help?04:03
wylde*shakes head* Bug #98937904:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 989379 in Ubuntu "There is no precise situation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98937904:03
ibfrogmoving the window down jumps the window far below the cursor and restores the original size before you did the aero-resize to the side of the screen04:03
Fyodorovnaibfrog, I picture shuttleworth and his honchos sitting around mark says take away their boot partition cackles a muhaha and the sinister organ music starts.04:03
cordoval_anyone with an assus g73jw do they can boot on usb stick?04:03
ibfrogFyodorovna, hahaha04:03
cordoval_it says like atheros agent, some weird names and options but it is not picking up usb04:03
vicatcupretty please?04:04
yeikcordoval_,  almost any newer computer should be able to boot usb04:04
* Kreaz is away (OFFLINE)04:04
ruffleSibfrog exactly04:04
wylde!details | vicatcu04:04
ubottuvicatcu: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."04:04
ibfrogI'm kinda new to the #ubuntu community but any theory that involves organ music and sinister themes is ok by me04:04
yeikcordoval_, usually there is an option, like f10, f8, or esq to get a boot menu04:04
ruffleSibfrog i've been trying to find this bug report on launchpad with no luck so far04:04
ibfrogit might not be there but I can replicate04:04
Athanasiusooooooooh checkinstall looks quite handy04:05
BlueClawthrowaway_rq: Thanks, that program looks like what I wanted.04:05
ibfrogruffleS, think this was fixed in 11.0x but I've been running gnome-shell there and it acts different04:05
wyldeAthanasius: checkinstall is VERY handy :)04:05
vicatcuwhen i try to start ubuntu i get the following error: mountall: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version 'GLIBC_2.14' not found (required by /lib/libply.so.2) General error mounting filesystems. A maintenance shell will now be started. CONTROL-D will terminate this shell and reboot the system.04:05
ruffleSibfrog i've tried this on gnome-shell and bug doesn't apply there..04:05
ruffleSonly on unity04:05
vicatcuthe installer crashed while updating from 11.10 to 12.04 and here we are04:06
ActionParsnipvicatcu: could use liveCD and chroot, then update the OS there?04:06
AthanasiusOf course first I have to wait for all the deps to download at 5KB/s04:06
wyldevicatcu: I all honesty, it's probably best if you use a live CD/USB to boot and backup your data. Then do a fresh install.04:06
SamEEEapies - google04:07
wyldevicatcu: or what ActionParsnip said04:07
cordoval_error is > Checking battery state... starting git'daemon[ unknown id [ git failure unknown id[ git04:07
yuri__Alright. I was burning a dvd to iso and had to access the control panel. Now bombono has decided to stop burning mid-stream. Is this normal?04:07
ruffleSibfrog could you please help me report that bug? as english isn't my first language i don't think i would be able to describe the scenario as i should04:07
kfizzI have a home partition and I'm trying to do manual partitioning, however idk if I should Mark my home or / as bootable. Any suggestions?04:07
cordoval_Action i am at gnu grub04:08
cordoval_i can see recover mode04:08
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cordoval_is that it? i was not able to boot from usb yet04:08
cordoval_it is just the ubuntu04:08
cordoval_will try recover mode04:08
ibfrogruffleS, I suppose I could ...  I've never lodged an ubuntu bug before and I wasn't planning on running unity for much longer04:08
vicatcuok i just threw in my 11.10 installation cd04:08
vicatcuwhat is chroot though04:09
cordoval_should i go to drop toroot shell prompt?04:09
ibfrogkfizz, bootable shoudl go to the partition that contains the bootloader... which is / unless you have a /boot partition04:09
sfearshello koffel04:10
koffelhow are ya04:10
BOYPTkoffel: hello04:11
kfizzIbfrog, I have an old / partition but I want to install a new / partition and copy the old data from / only as necessary. Should I create a new / partition, make it primary and bootable and change the old / to logical?04:11
cordoval_ActionParsnip: i am going to the dpkg04:11
koffeldoes ubuntu have zwave lighting drivers?04:11
BOYPTkfizz: in fact grub doesn't care about the bootable flag04:12
BOYPTkfizz: primary or not dsn't matter04:12
vicatcu<ActionParsnip> i've booted from a livecd...now what is this chroot business you speek of04:13
kfizzByopt, As long as it's mounted at / it will recognize it as such?04:13
Dougie187I'm having trouble installing 12.04. The installer is stalling close to the end (during "installing system") and my syslogs indicate it's an issue with getting the nvidia_current_updates package.04:13
sfearsvicatcu: what are you trying to do?04:13
BOYPTkfizz: yep04:13
vicatcuget my computer back to bootable04:13
vicatcuit crashed while i was upgrading from 11.10 to 12.0404:13
Dougie187To help, it seems like this bug report is my issue, but I don't understand what the resolution is. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/jockey/+bug/91760404:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 917604 in jockey (Ubuntu) "Installation locked cause downloading of propetary drivers." [Undecided,Invalid]04:14
vicatcusfears: can you help me?04:15
cordoval_it is running the dpkg04:15
sfearsdo you know how to mount partitions?04:15
sfearsdo you know how to mount partitions vicatcu?04:16
Trenchcoat_Guyhello world04:16
yuri__Alright. Never mind. It regained control of the data stream. Back to rendering. Bye. :)04:16
Roeysbrk() sbrk() sbrk()!!04:16
ibfrog btw:  anyone know how to debug alsa / pulseaudio issues?  I can't seem to get any audio out of my mother board04:16
datruthI have a partition I want to share between two OS's does the file system need to be fat32 or ntfs?04:17
vicatcusfears: i'm pretty good with unix in general, it's just the mount command right?04:17
sfearsibfrog, you probably have the wrong device selected in the sound control panel04:17
ibfrogsfears, I've tried all three04:17
cordoval_looks like i just needed dpkg04:17
cordoval_man this is so cool, i hope it fixes it04:17
sfearsyeah vicatcu, mount /dev/sd? (broken system) /mnt04:17
ibfrogtest sounds don't work with any of them selected04:17
cordoval_ubuntu ftw04:17
ibfrogdatruth, fat32 is the safest bet04:18
ActionParsnipcordoval_: sweet04:18
linuxuz3ris 12.04 out yet04:18
cordoval_ActionParsnip: i really hope this works man, ruffleS yeah man04:18
ibfrogI think you can write to ntfs but the last time I tried it, it wasn't exactly perfect04:18
datruthlinuxuz3r: yes04:18
linuxuz3rhow is it04:18
linuxuz3rgood spify fast04:18
vicatcusfears: mount /dev/sda7 /mnt04:18
datruthibfrog: great thanks I need to use gparted to format that parition on a live cd?04:18
ibfrogdatruth, what are you trying to do again?04:19
sfearsvicatcu: mount -t proc proc /mnt/proc04:20
sfearsand the same for sysfs and boot04:20
vicatcusfears: i'm getting "only root can do that"04:21
sfearsif boot is on a different partition you'll have to mount that as well and adjust the syntax04:21
vicatcuand i'm booted from a live cd04:21
sfearsyou need to be root for all this vicatcu04:21
sfearsjust sudo su04:21
sfearsshould make you root04:21
sfearsthere is no password04:22
vicatcusvears: ok mount -t proc proc /mnt/proc gives me04:22
vicatcumount point /mnt/proc does not exist04:22
datruthibfrog: share a partition with two os's04:22
marcuspbairdhey how do i get geekshed in xchat gnome04:22
sfearsvicatcu: try mount -o bind /proc /mnt/proc04:22
ruffleSibfrog: ok here's the bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/98938904:22
ibfrogdatruth, gparted will get you in the right direction but it kinda depends on how your drive is currently laid out04:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 989389 in unity "Unity behaves badly when moving windows out of "aerosnap" height maximized state" [Undecided,New]04:22
vicatcuno dice, same error /mnt/proc does not exist04:23
sfearsthen you have the wrong partition mounted to /mnt?04:23
ibfrogruffleS, responding to it now04:23
sfearswhat does ls /mnt say?04:23
ruffleSibfrog thank you04:24
vicatcusfears: there's nothing there..04:24
sfearsi'd say you have the wrong partition mounted04:24
sfearsumount /mnt04:24
vicatcumaybe what i'm doing is not a livecd04:25
sfearsfdisk -l to find your / partition04:25
vicatcui chose "try ubuntu" from the installer04:25
L3topdatruth: did anyone ever answer you?04:25
sfearsyeah, open a terminal vicatcu04:25
datruthL3top: on the partition question yes. ibfrog did04:25
vicatcuas in restart, or just open a terminal04:25
datruthibfrog: what do you mean laid out?04:25
sfearsjust open a terminal so you can type some commands04:25
vicatcubecause i've already got a terminal open and have sudo su'ed in it04:26
vicatcuyea i'm there04:26
sfearsfdisk -l vicatcu04:26
ibfrogdatruth, gparted will let you repartition your drive but you may have to use other tools to resize existing paritions unless you are starting from a clean drive04:26
Thrasher194oh yay 12.04 saved the day04:26
sfearsone of those is your / partition, do you know which one04:26
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vicatcusfears: well theres sda1 through sda704:27
vicatcusfears one has System = Linux04:28
datruthibfrog: hrmm the drive in question has a partiton on it that I formated to ext4 thinking it would be sharable across win7 and kubuntu so in theory I should be able to reformat that partion as ntfs or fat32 and the partition should be available via win7 and kubuntu yes?04:28
vicatcusfears; seems like a good bet04:28
sfearsonly one vicatcu?04:28
sfearsyeah, which one?04:28
vicatcusfears: sda6, and sda7 is Linux swap / Solaris04:28
sfearsokay, umount /mnt04:28
sfearsand mount /dev/sda6 /mnt04:28
vicatcusfears done04:29
ibfrogdatruth, yup as long as you don't care about any data already on that partition you should be able to reset the partition type and rebuild the filesystem (mkefs.fat32 I think is the command)04:29
sfearsls /mnt should have your / folders04:29
vicatcusfears right on, yes it does04:29
goddardhow go the upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04?04:30
* datruth is going to re-install kubuntu on the new image i just downloaded04:30
sfearsokay mount -t proc proc /mnt/proc04:30
vicatcusfears: done04:30
sfearsmount -t sysfs sys /mnt/sys04:30
vicatcusfears: done04:31
ruffleSibfrog did you see it?04:31
sfearsmount -t boot boot /mnt/boot04:31
sfearsdoes that mount correctally?04:31
L3topmount -t devpts /dev/pts04:32
vicatcusears: unknown filesystem type 'boot'04:32
sfearsmount -o bind /boot /mnt/boot04:32
vicatcusfears: ok done04:33
sfearssudo mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev04:33
uBUxUBuis 64bit ubuntu desktop faster than 32 bit...even if they both have the same amount of ram?04:34
vicatcusfears: ok done04:34
ibfrogruffleS, posted.  For what its worth your english is pretty good.  your description was accurate and to the point04:34
sfearscp -L /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/etc/resolv.conf04:34
L3topsome things will have a marginal increase in speed uBUxUBu04:34
sfearsmake sure your connected to the internet and then cp -L /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/etc/resolv.conf04:34
L3topunlikely to make a real impact on your life uBUxUBu04:35
vicatcusfears: ok done04:35
ruffleSibfrog thanks! i just hope this will get fixed in time for 12.10. thank you for taking your time to help me out. cheers!04:35
linuxuz3ruBUxUBu, i think it depends on the speed of your processor04:35
uBUxUBuhmmm, for some reasons, some tests claim its a lot faster, others say what you said L3top04:35
sfearsyou were connected to the net first vicatcu?04:35
uBUxUBumy processor on the machine in question is a 3.4 HT P404:36
uBUxUBu4 g ram04:36
linuxuz3ruBUxUBu, hi04:36
linuxuz3ri think that cant run 64bit04:36
vicatcusfears: yea i have network and can browse the web04:36
sfearsokay, chroot /mnt /bin/bash04:36
uBUxUBui noticed in the bios it says 64 bit though04:37
vicatcusfears: ok done04:37
biobunsaiOh let me guess..no screen saver again!!!!04:37
sfearsokay, your running on your crashed machine04:37
sfearsissue commands like apt-get update and apt-get upgrade04:37
rinzleranybody have any experience with tilp2, or know where to find someone who does?04:37
sfearsshould start downloading and updating everything vicatcu04:37
uBUxUBulinux4u, unless dell put a 64 bit mobo with a cpu that cant do 64 bit?04:38
ibfrogrinzler, what is tilp2?04:38
vicatcusfears: ok apt-get update running currently04:38
ibfrogrinzler, TI com program?04:38
rinzleribfrog: yep04:38
sfearsor maybe dist-upgrade or might have to dpkg something to recover where it lost it last time04:38
ibfrogneat tool but I haven't run it :/04:38
borillionanyone have any experience setting up web hosts that are secure?04:38
vicatculibc6 ?04:39
Fyodorovnasfears, maybe  sudo apt-get -f install   to unlock their original upgrade if locked04:39
goddardhow go the upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04?04:39
vicatcusfears: any ideas how to figure out what is b0rk3d?04:39
goddardwhat is the best way to upgrade?04:39
sfearsyeah, your in there as long as you don't reboot or exit from your terminal session04:39
sfearsvicatcu: just try apt-get upgrade and see if it errors04:40
vicatcusfears: ok will do04:40
ActionParsnipgoddard: there is no best, just options04:40
ActionParsnip!upgrade | goddard04:40
ubottugoddard: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade04:40
sfearsit should put you in a state to reboot into your system and dist upgrade from the gui when you get there04:40
vexaxvhey guys i need some programming help04:41
Thrasher194i got the full 12.04 64bit dvd. and did a clean install.04:41
jok1trouble using winusb http://pastebin.com/uGMRqLyF04:41
schultza_what java client should i get?04:42
anathema_hi guys, in my netbook i have some linux and one windows distro, im trying to setup ubuntu but in the installer it shows only /dev/sda and not the partitions. Is the partition table broken? Grub works correctly with the distros :(04:42
ian_everyone liste04:42
=== schultza_ is now known as schultza
ian_i just installed the 12.0404:42
ian_but it wont load and shows a black screen04:42
vicatcusfears: ok so apt-get upgrade instructed me that dpkg was interrupted and i must run sudo dpkg --configure -a, so i did04:42
ian_im here cuz i used a old version in the start up04:43
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.04:43
borillionian_ boot in vga mode04:43
vicatcusfears: subsequent to that, running apt-get upgrade fails with unmet dependencies04:43
sfearsyeah, sounds like video drivers ian_04:43
ian_k so you can help me with it?04:43
vicatcusfears: rerunning apt-get upgrade with -f optin04:43
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biobunsaiok how do I get my screen savers back?04:44
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sfearsyou may have to wait until kubuntu server traffic dies down, maybe some of the packages are unavailable becauase the servers are overloaded right now04:44
ian_Please? when i boot the 12.04, everying is fine until the sign up...  after i sign its blackout04:44
aarcanedoes anyone else actually answer FloodBot1 in #ubuntu-unregged?04:44
sfearsian_ do you have an external or alternate monitor to use04:45
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=== Jacky is now known as jacky
sfearsit may be your monitor refresh rate ian_.04:45
cemchi. I have 4GB of RAM in my laptop. is it worth installing 64bit 12.04 ?04:45
ian_nope my pc is on a HP  montior04:45
sfearslcd ian_?04:45
mcdonccemc: that's plenty04:45
ian_yeah i think04:45
ian_but im not sure04:45
mcdoncand 64 bit still runs flash and whatnot04:46
ian_everything was fine like 3-4 ans of use before the 12.0404:46
sfearsi have that problem with one of my lcd monitors, i have to hook up a crt monitor to change the refresh rate and then hook the lcd back up04:46
cemcmcdonc: I see. thanks04:46
ian_with the 12.04?04:46
L3topian_: what are the chances this is an nvidia gpu04:47
sfearsyou can boot into a live cd session and manually change the refresh rate in the xorg config, but i'm not exactally sure where the setting is ian_04:47
ian_yes lol its a nvidia car i think with amd motherboard04:47
ian_i don't have a live cd :(04:47
sfearsmaybe try the nomodeset option at grub boot ian_04:47
sfearsat the grub menu type c for command prompt to appear. then type nomodeset and hit enter04:48
ian_"nomodset" only?04:48
sfearsyeah, that will help if it's a driver issue, not if it's refresh rate though04:48
ian_ok sounds good04:48
ian_i'll be back04:48
aarcanecemc, it's always worth installing 64 bit if your CPU supports it.04:48
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chris215msg nickserv identify themarlboroman04:49
sfearschris, you forgot to / the msg04:49
chris215i know04:49
chris215lol changing pword now04:49
JayWalker__so I guess I'm not the only one having problems with 12.04. After installing nvidia drivers, unity/compiz crashes on login. And my sound doesnt work, when it did with 10.0404:50
chris215plz nobody be mean04:50
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=== Tester is now known as TesterBlah123
sfearsvicatcu: how's it going?04:50
vicatcusfears: upgrade still running04:50
chris215it was a nice password while it lasted...  not very crafty but fun to type04:50
halfiehi, i have installed ubuntu 12.04 but I can't hear any sound on headphones connected to SB XFI sound card. Should I file a bug?04:50
sfearssounds like it will work fine, after that finishes you should just be able to reboot vicatcu04:51
vicatcusfears: thanks you have been incredibly generous and helpful04:51
ItsMeLennyi'm sorry but the new unity is extremely buggy, very frustrating, almost unusable, and the gnome classic has its own share04:52
jok1trouble using winusb http://pastebin.com/uGMRqLyF04:52
sfearsdonate my share to your library04:52
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sfearsjok1: what are you trying to do?04:53
jok1sfears, trying to create a bootable win 7 usb04:53
chris215i was hoping i could free up some space on this computer, only 40 gb hd, by compressing my movie files when im not using them, but i am noticing that in tar.gz form its the same size as the file itself...  is there a compression format that will make the average 700mb movie file fit into a smaller file?04:53
chris215or is that not really what compression does04:54
A|i3NSo I just install 12.04 - Could someone tell me what package to install to get the Gnome classic interface? I can't seem to find it.04:54
ItsMeLennychris215, movie files are already compressed04:54
woochris, try 7zip04:54
sfearschris215: tar -c 904:54
sfearsmaybe increase the compression chris21504:54
roloncitoraven from mexico?04:54
ItsMeLennyA|i3N, the gnome classic interface is buggy you're probably better of getting http://mate-desktop.org04:54
halfiehi, i have installed ubuntu 12.04 but I can't hear any sound on headphones connected to SB XFI sound card. Any tips to get sound working?04:55
ItsMeLennynice 300mb package04:55
chris215i know how to put them into a compresed file in the terminal and with nautilus already04:55
zykotick9!info gnome-session-fallback | A|i3N04:55
ubottuA|i3N: gnome-session-fallback (source: gnome-session): GNOME Session Manager - GNOME fallback session. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.1-0ubuntu8 (precise), package size 3 kB, installed size 157 kB04:55
sfearshalfie: check each entry in the sound control panel and make sure the correct sound card is at the top of the list04:55
chris215sfears -c 9 will increase the compreession?04:55
sfearsi think so chris21504:55
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sfearsmaybe test it first, that may be a gzip flag04:56
redact3dis the magic lamp minimize animation for compiz broken for anyone else on 12.04?04:56
A|i3Nzykotick9 - That will allow to select gnome classic when I log on?04:57
wyldechris215: you will gain very little even with maximum compression settings. As someone already said, movies/music/lots of image files are already compressed.04:57
ItsMeLennyredact3d, everything is broken for me in 12.04, along with my heart04:57
chris215im reading tar --help now.....  thanks for the tim, i didnt now too much about compression lke that i could increase it...04:57
chris215oooh i see04:57
sfearsor that04:57
chris215thanks wylde04:57
zykotick9A|i3N: it has a gnome icon in lightdm or something, it seems pretty amazing - very gnome2 like.04:57
osmosisany major bugs found in 12.04 yet?04:58
redact3dItsMeLenny, my upgrade wen't very well actually first time it's ever worked. normally i need to hose and start fresh. just that one animation in compiz not working correctly from what i can see04:58
ItsMeLennyi did a full reinstall04:58
A|i3Nzykotick9 - I don't mind the unity thing, I just want my application menus at the top - is there a way to just get those back? Applications and system menus04:58
sfearsjok1: fdisk -l04:58
ian_lol sfears04:58
wyldechris215: np, I store my movies in a squashfs filesystem using xz compression and over 40 GB I gain less than 1GB of space.04:58
zykotick9A|i3N: i have no idea about unity.  good luck.04:58
ItsMeLennyand the unity interfaece is nothing but buggy buggy buggy, compared to 11.1004:58
ian_are you sure thats nomodset?04:58
sfearswhat ian_?04:58
sfearsno, nomodeset04:59
ian_and nomodeset04:59
sfearsyour forgetting the e04:59
sfearsthat's what i said that last time04:59
sfearsno mode set04:59
ian_these 2 dosent works04:59
redact3dItsMeLenny, yeah i use xfce so i wouldn't know lol04:59
ian_unknown command04:59
jcasewould anyone know how to remove the unity launcher off a second monitor?04:59
sfearshumm.. pause04:59
ljsoftnethow do i lower my cpu fan speed with thinkfan?04:59
A|i3NItsMeLenny - Do you have any idea? I just want my menu bar back. I don't mind using the default desktop, I just want the usual listing of installed applications and system settings, etc04:59
benpiccoI created a ppa and uploaded the files successfully with dput, but they are not showing up on my ppa website - what am I missing?04:59
chris215ko wylde ...i was hoping to dl a documentary torrent to watch tonite but it looks like id have to delete one of my favs to do it...  oh well getting a new screen in the mail tomorrow hopefully, then ill have my good laptop back :)04:59
=== aarcane_ is now known as aarcane
chris215at least theres xbmc for tonite05:00
chris215thanks guys05:00
wyldechris215:  :)05:00
sfearsian_: where are you typing that in?05:00
ian_in the command kernel05:00
ItsMeLennyA|i3N,  i dunno what you're talking about05:00
ian_as you requested05:00
sfearsfrom grub ian_?05:00
DerpadongQuestion, is there a netinstall iso for current ubuntu or no?05:01
woogoing from 10.04 desktop to 12.04 server.  any suggestions or comments?05:01
A|i3NOK then, anyone - you know how before Unity you had your regular application menus and system menus at the top of the screen on the left - Is there a way to either a: Get those back using Unity on 12.04 or b: install the gnome classic desktop05:02
ian___sdears yes?05:02
benpiccoA|i3N: install gnome-panel05:02
ian___it sucks man05:02
sfearsian___: nomodeset is in there somewhere05:02
ian___then why its unkown command?05:03
redact3dA|i3N, use xfce its similar to gnome2 (xubuntu)05:03
A|i3Nbenpicco: That'll bring the menu back? I hate having to search for an application using that stupid bar on the left lol I've hated it since they implemented it.05:03
benpiccoA|i3N: to edit the panel and add applets you have to keep alt & alt gr pressed now, seriously05:03
lystra_Any idea why I have only 3 files in /boot/grub? I installed 12.04 to a second disk.05:03
benpiccoA|i3N: it's the gnome 2 panel ported to gnome 305:03
benpiccoyou will get a 'Gnome Classic' session that you can select on login05:04
A|i3NOK then lol thank you benpicco that's what I was wanting05:04
A|i3NFrom what I've been reading I'm not the only one that hates the whole unity interface LOL05:06
ljsoftnethow do i lower my cpu fan speed with thinkfan?05:06
holmescnhelp list05:07
ian___Anybody can help me?05:07
benpiccowhat's your problem?05:07
=== loadid is now known as sfears
woolj, thats not in ur bios?05:07
ian___i have a problem with the 12.0405:07
sfearsian___: did e work?05:08
ian___when i sign up with the 12.04 it shows only a blak screen but it only shows the mouse pointor05:08
ian___sfears : no05:08
sfearsfrom the grub boot menu type e to edit the current boot string05:08
sfearsinstead of c for command prompt05:08
sfearsand add nomodeset to the end of the string05:09
wooian, gnome3 might be failing05:09
wooshould auto roll baxk05:10
sfearsHi tridentfish05:10
wooback x*05:10
uBUxUBuubuntu is offerning to install dsome friehaufer 3rd party software?? is this ok?05:11
sfearswhat is friehaufer 3rd party software?05:11
tridentfishIs there a way to become a better power user? I know it is off topic and all. I up set you sorry.05:12
sfearssure tridentfish, study more05:12
woobreak stuff05:13
wooand fix05:13
sfearsyup, break all the things05:13
sfearsand fix most of them05:13
tridentfishSfears is there any good books you would say I should use. Also do I need to learn python to be better off?05:13
sfearsfirst, english book05:14
sfearsare there any good book I would recomend, not sure... I usually use Google05:14
tridentfishI am sorry it is just that I have been up all night for the past week. Collage bites.05:15
GotestraPeople help.05:15
Grecootell me05:15
sfearsyou have things that bite in your collage?05:15
GotestraI need some help with Updating Ubuntu to 12.005:15
GotestraOr whatever version it is.05:15
Grecoowhats wrong?05:15
GotestraSee, I've got this really slow Internet.05:16
GotestraAnd uh05:16
GotestraMy download failed.05:16
GotestraNow I try again, it gives me a partial upgrade message.05:16
Dan-The-ManGotestra, buy the cd05:16
GotestraJust lemme finish05:16
taxmanhigher internet speed is not worth05:16
wooserver is under pressure at the moment05:16
GrecooGotestra, have you tried downloading from a mirror?05:16
taxmanthey always steal your bandwidth05:16
woogive it a few days05:16
GotestraUm just a second05:17
GotestraIts not the slow Internet.05:17
GotestraMy download failed, because my Internet failed.05:17
GotestraStupid ISP.05:17
goddardActionParsnip: thats an interesting way of looking at things05:17
sfearsbandwidth like the drive through like the cell phone05:17
GotestraWell when I try to resume it by clicking partial upgrade05:17
GotestraIt gives me an error message05:17
sfearswhat error message Gotestra?05:18
GotestraSaying another package manager like apt-get or something is running.05:18
Grecoowell, you shuld close that process05:18
sfearsohhh, and I assume if you reboot from where you are it won't boot?05:18
Grecooor kill it05:18
wooGot, delete the temp?05:18
wooor top kill05:18
GotestraI'm a n00b and didn't understand any of it?05:18
GotestraKill the process?05:19
Grecoook, ok, no problem05:19
tridentfishI got ubuntu beta final and I am wondering is it in the public release state yeat.05:19
Grecoosudo killall nameoftheprocess05:19
sfearsdo you have an upgrade windows open somewhere Gotestra?05:19
GotestraYeah open right now05:19
sfearsyour last upgrade didn't close oout properly05:19
sfearsclose out all of them and click on partial upgrade again05:19
=== XuMuK is now known as XuMuK|znc
GotestraLemme try05:19
sfearsyou can only initiate one upgrade at a time05:20
=== XuMuK|znc is now known as XuMuK
Gotestrak killed the bitches05:20
sfearsshould work for you now05:20
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
tridentfishLast question how is Ubuntu on the terms of being a way to become good with linux in general. I have a freind who told me to ditch Ubuntu for open suse. What bases would you about it?05:21
Gotestrayay it worked05:21
GotestraUbuntu is not that annoying when you know how to use it lol05:22
GotestraThanks a lot people :)05:22
sfearsGotestra: you tried to start an upgrade on top of an already running upgrade, if it allowed you to do that it would break things05:22
wooGot, ya it is :)05:22
holmescncould somebody help me? One of my partitions could not automount, it appears in /dev/disk/by-label, but not mount /media05:23
GotestraShould have shown the open window instead of a background process :|05:23
GotestraUbuntu is meant to be n00b friendly :|05:23
GotestraOh hol reminded me of another problem.05:23
uBUxUBuim installing it now!05:23
Grecoogood luck05:24
uBUxUBuguess ill try 64 bit...05:24
GotestraYeah use 64 bit.05:24
GotestraDon't risk 32 bit.05:24
GotestraBtw people05:24
GotestraI got like another problem.05:24
holmescncould somebody help me? One of my partitions could not automount, it appears in /dev/disk/by-label, but not mount /media. I have googled but get nothing. could somebody give a hint?05:24
ian_sfears u here?05:24
Gotestra!nickalert sfears05:25
ian_it doesnt do any shit man05:25
GotestraListen man05:25
schultzahow do i install gnome keyring?05:25
GotestraI got this Z drive on my internet HDD.05:25
sfearsi think you have a refresh rate problem ian_.05:25
GotestraI use it for movies, music and everything.05:25
schultzapm me...be right back05:25
ian_and then how to slove it?05:25
GotestraIts a 111 GB partition.05:25
sfearsyou need another monitor ian_05:26
stuntman_danhey just a quick question, if I was using the beta of 12.04, is there anything special I have to do aside from installing updates to get to the real thing? I don't have to reinstall do I?05:26
GotestraBut I can't access it on Ubuntu.05:26
ian_the fuck05:26
ian_listen im on the same computer05:26
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.05:26
ian_the 12.04 dosent works05:26
sfearsummm.. i need more info Gotestra05:26
ian_but olders do05:26
holmescnstuntman_dan: no, you just update05:26
GotestraIts letter is Z.05:26
stuntman_danholmescn, awesome thanks :)05:26
Gotestra111 GB partition.05:26
GotestraIt shows an error05:26
ian_i booted a older kernel with the same pc05:27
GotestraWhen I double click on it and try to mount it05:27
sfearsyeah ian, it stopped working at 11.04 for me05:27
sfearsthey changed the default refresh rate05:27
ian_what the fuck is wrong with 12.0405:27
ian_lol fuck05:27
FloodBot1ian_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:27
Gotestra"Unable to mount My Stuff"05:27
sfearsit's running in the background ian_, you just can't see it05:27
Gotestra"Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 12: Failed to read last sector (234811391): Invalid argument"05:27
ian_is there any solution than changinh the screen? lol05:27
sfearsyeah, but i'm not sure where the setting is05:28
ian_anybody here knows it?05:28
Gotestra"HINTS: Either the volume is a RAID/LDM but it wasn't setup yet,05:28
Gotestra   or it was not setup correctly (e.g. by not using mdadm --build ...),05:28
Gotestra   or a wrong device is tried to be mounted"05:28
holmescnGotestra: did you run fsck?05:28
GotestraWhat's that?05:28
Grecoohey do you know how to "auto hide" the panel?05:28
sfearsyou need to change the refresh rate in /etc/X11/xorg.conf which is probably not created yet so you need to create an entire xorg.conf file and add a 60hz mode05:29
Gotestrasfears, as I said, I'm a total n00b.05:29
wylde!res | ian_05:29
ubottuian_: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution05:29
ian_eeeh whats the commands?05:29
GotestraSo no, I didn't.05:29
ian_thanks ubottu05:29
sfearsGrecoo: right click/panel settings/extra auto hide05:29
holmescnGotestra: try it.05:29
holmescnrun fsck on the partition you mount wrong.05:30
holmescnfsck is a command05:30
Grecoosfears, thanks05:30
GotestraHow do I use it?05:30
GotestraExample of input?05:30
ian_Rather than invoking init scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service(8)05:30
ian_utility, e.g. service gdm /etc/init.d/kdm05:30
ian_The script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an Upstart05:30
ian_job, but /etc/init.d/kdm is not supported for Upstart jobs.05:30
ian_lol wtf05:30
FloodBot1ian_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:30
sfearsGotestra: is it maybe a proprietary partition that you need special software (windows software) to access?05:30
holmescnfsck /dev/sda?05:31
GotestraIts sda7, the error says.05:31
sfearsdoes it show in your fdisk -l05:31
GotestraIma try it.05:31
jschallwhy is there a whitelist on the system tray? that's so stupid... if skype gets minimized it literally disappears while still running (blocking other instances of skype from connecting)05:31
Tm_T!language | ian_05:31
ubottuian_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.05:31
waxstone!ops ian_ language, & flooding multiple warnings05:31
wookienzhi, i am running a media server on ubuntu but each time i run it it causes a segfault and an entry in dmesg. Where do i even start to figure out why?05:31
ubottuwaxstone: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:31
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!05:32
ian_lol and you can help me please sir?05:32
GotestraPermission denied.05:32
GotestraYou must have r/w access to the filesystem or be root.05:32
zenmasterI just got the nicest server I have ever had hard ware wise for personal use. :)05:32
wylde!fsck | Gotestra05:33
ubottuGotestra: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot05:33
elkyian_, don't flood us with pastes, and don't swear at us05:33
holmescnGotestra: add 'sudo' in front of that command05:33
zenmasterDell Power Edge 2800. Sounds like a 747, but I'm not near it so I don't care.05:33
ian_check http://paste.ubuntu.com/949002/05:33
_kive tried upgrading and clean install... 12.04 crashes when i plugin 2nd monitor. any ideas?05:33
ian_hey relax dude i didnt swaer at you guys05:33
_kATI tried open src and fglrx ... no luck. 11.10 works fine05:33
sfearsian_: sudo restart kdm05:33
holmescncould somebody help me? One of my partitions could not automount, it appears in /dev/disk/by-label, but not mount /media. I have googled but get nothing. could somebody give a hint?05:33
=== XuMuK is now known as XuMuK|znc
ian_just at myself and this BS, not at you guys okay? you guys are doing excellent jobs05:34
GotestraError 2 while mounting fsck.ntfs for /dev/sda705:34
wyldeian_: just keep the language PG. If an op sees that you'll be kicked and banned. Just sayin'05:34
sfearsholmescn: add entry to /etc/fstab05:35
ian_and i didn't know that i cant paste so is everything fine, my kind sir?05:35
wylde!pastebin | ian_05:35
ubottuian_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:35
sfears_k do you have proprietary drivers installed if necessary? and try disabeling desktop effects & compiz05:35
Gotestrasfears, holmescn, "Error 2 while mounting fsck.ntfs for dev/sda7"05:35
ian_yes thanks you kind sir05:35
ian_and sfears: it doesn't works05:36
holmescnsfears: it is a USB harddisk, i don't want to add it in fstab.05:36
_kyes.... i tried additional drivers and that was worse. will try with desktop effects & compiz - but do you think this is a bug?05:36
holmescnGotestra: is there more infos?05:36
sfearsholmescn: does it show in fdisk pl05:36
sfearsfdisk -l05:36
Gotestrasfears: Not really, no.05:37
sfearsGotestra: you said it's an internet drive?05:37
GotestraNo internal drive.05:37
GotestraAs in, its a partition of my laptop's HDD.05:37
sfearsdoesn't sound like a bug _k05:37
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount05:37
zenmasterEhehe, community mount.05:38
sfearsand your sure your mounting the correct partition Gotestra? why did you call it Z?05:38
roger_blackhow can we remove wine related icons, all of them05:38
thisisjethello, I just updated to 12.04 and have noticed that when I adjust the brightness of my laptop lcd it now only has 3 levels (dim medium and bright), whereas in 11.10 I had 4 levels to choose from, and in windows theres about 10 levels between the brightest and dimmest.05:38
thisisjetanyone know where I can tweak this?05:38
GotestraThe drive letter is Z.05:39
sfearssounds like a windows mapping calling it Z.05:39
GotestraNo wait...05:39
=== misha is now known as Guest576
wyldeGotestra: linux doesn't use drive letters....05:39
GotestraI was gonna say that.05:39
GotestraI'm like wait wut05:39
GotestraIts My Stuff then.05:39
sfearsGotestra: fdisk -l05:39
sfearsyou need to figure out which partition it is05:39
wyldeGotestra: 'sudo fdisk -l' < the command needs root privs05:39
Thedemon007Hi how to i install netcfg in ubuntu??05:40
_kif not a bug, then why does 11.10 work? last question - should i just wait a few months before re-attempting this?05:40
=== Guest576 is now known as midkhatik
ronsonolIs there any need to upgrade from 12.04 Beta to 12.04 final, or does just happen automagically with update manager?05:40
sfearssounds like a driver issue _k05:40
GotestraAs, I need to find if its sda1, or 2 or 3 or something?05:40
holmescnronsonol: just update is ok.05:40
ronsonolholmescn: thanks.05:41
wyldeGotestra: yes05:41
GotestraI think its sda7.05:41
ian_anybody can help me?05:41
sfearsyeah Gotestra, if you use it in windows it will say ntfs or fat in one of the lines05:41
GotestraThe error said so.05:41
GotestraNTFS, yes.05:41
sfearstry "sudo mount /dev/sd?? /mnt"05:41
sfearsreplace ?? with the proper info05:42
wyldeGotestra: you may need some packages to mount it, and definatley to write to it.05:42
wylde!ntfs | Gotestra05:42
ubottuGotestra: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE05:42
jschallthisisjet: oh wow, i have a similar problem. i think i have 4 levels to choose from, and my display driver has like 8 available levels i think?05:42
Thedemon007netcfg is in the repositories?05:42
GotestraBut wait, there's this one partition.05:42
wylde!info netcfg05:42
ubottuPackage netcfg does not exist in precise05:42
GotestraInstallation Drive05:42
sfearsian_: you'll need another monitor05:42
holmescnI think ntfs is supported by default05:42
GotestraIts NTFS, but I can access it.05:42
ian_and the command?05:42
sfearswhat command ian_?05:43
ian_is theres any command that could reslove the problem?05:43
_kim going to try rolling back the driver :305:43
GotestraUm sfears05:43
sfearsedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf ian_05:43
Thedemon007wylde: http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/precise/netcfg05:43
sfearsyeah Gotestra?05:43
GotestraI tried the sudo mount command.05:43
GotestraIt gave the exact same error I got when using Explorer.05:44
GotestraOr whatever you call it in WIndows.05:44
wyldeThedemon007: lol tell the bot that! :)05:44
sfearswhat error again?05:44
holmescnmaybe you disk is physically wrong.05:44
scwizarddoes xubuntu come with an askpass program?05:44
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:44
uBUxUBuwow the side bar icon launcher is fixed-doesnt move in 12.0405:44
scwizard(a grapical one)05:44
GotestraThe device dev/sda7 doesn't seem to have a valid NTFS.05:44
sfearsyeah, sounds like a hardware issue05:44
sfearscrashed hard drive05:45
ian_sfears : http://paste.ubuntu.com/949023/05:45
GotestraBut I can access it and use it properly in Windows 7.05:45
GotestraI'm dual booting so..05:45
Thedemon007no can install no show in synaptics :S05:45
evildaemonHow do you resize the tty?05:45
holmescnGotestra: use the disktool in windows 705:45
wyldeThedemon007: because wht you found was a source package.05:45
GotestraThen do what?05:45
holmescncheck and repair the partition.05:45
GotestraBut I checked it today morning..05:46
GotestraIt says its healthy.05:46
evildaemonBecause I have an odd monitor size so y TTY won't fully display the screen.05:46
kaushalwhat are the new prominent features available in 12.0405:46
sfearsmaybe again is the wrong partition. Gotestra pastebin your fdisk -l output05:46
ian_sfears: http://paste.ubuntu.com/949023/05:46
thisisjetjschall, hmmm... do you have any idea how to fix it?05:46
ActionParsnipkaushal: HUD is one05:46
holmescnkaushal: the new and more stable unity.05:46
kaushalholmescn: is it gnome3 ?05:47
kaushaland unity305:47
wylde!patience | ian_05:47
ubottuian_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/05:47
sfearsyou need root privledges to modify files in / ian_05:47
ian_im the admin lol05:48
kaushalholmescn: ?05:48
GotestraWould using Gparted help?05:48
wylde!ntfs | Gotestra05:48
holmescnkaushal: no, it is not gnome 3, it is unity 505:48
ubottuGotestra: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE05:48
sfearsand you need to modify the /etc/X11/xorg.conf on the display that you can't see, so you need to livecd in, mount the partition with the borked xorg, edit the correct modeline with the proper refresh rate.05:48
kaushalholmescn: what is unity5 and gnome 3 ?05:49
kaushalare there related to each other ?05:49
sfearskaushal: it's the gui05:49
ActionParsnipkaushal: unity is a shell for Gnome305:49
uBUxUBuif the icon launcher supposed to be fixed in 12.04?05:49
uBUxUBulike immovable05:50
holmescnkaushal: it seams that unity 5 is based on gnome3 (or you can say based on gtk3)05:50
ActionParsnipkaushal: Oneiric also uses Gnome3 and Unity, just that Precise uses a newer version05:50
kaushalso gnome3 is not available on 12.0405:50
ActionParsnipkaushal: yes it's the default desktop if you install Ubuntu05:50
holmescnkaushal: no, you can use gnome 3 as you wish.05:50
GotestraI got to wait for Update Manager to exit.05:50
GotestraI'm installing NTFS Config tool.05:50
Gotestrak I'll go study now05:51
kaushalActionParsnip: you said unity is the shell not sure i understand that05:51
GotestraBai people05:51
sfearsGotestra: pastebin your fdisk -l output05:51
holmescnkaushal: you need to install gnome 3 by yourself.05:51
GotestraIts so hard to copy paste with my trackpad...05:51
kaushalholmescn: so if i i install 12.04 it doesnot install gnome 3 by default ?05:51
holmescnkaushal: yes05:52
GotestraHow do I copy from kernel?05:52
kaushalwhats the default then ?05:52
fidel_kaushal: installing gnome3 afterwards is a 1-liner - so not a real problem05:52
holmescnkaushal: unity05:52
sfearsyou said you got the same error in explorer right?05:52
kaushalholmescn: so unity5 as default when you install 12.04 desktop ?05:53
holmescnkaushal: yup.05:53
sfearsi'd say you have a crashed partition.05:53
GotestraWait wut05:53
GotestraThe drive has disappeared.05:53
sfearsYour Z: drive is crashed05:53
GotestraFrom explorer.05:53
GotestraSo, is the data unusable now?05:53
ActionParsnipkaushal: it will come with unity, compiz and gnome by default05:54
sfearsyou can try to rebuild the partition table, but i'm not sure how to do that05:54
kaushalActionParsnip: ok05:54
GotestraUh never mind.05:54
GotestraI'll look into this later man05:54
sfearsperhaps dd the entire partition and try to mount the image with isomount, but i doubt that would work05:54
GotestraThanks a lot for the help though.05:54
kaushalalso so all unity, compiz and gnome are different desktop environment ?05:54
sfearsmaybe make a loopback device if we can figure out the proper starting block location05:55
sfearsGotestra: i need to see your fdisk -l output05:55
Striking7|Awaysfears: Hey. I just popped back into the channel. Who's rebuilding a partition table?05:55
sfearsGotestra: is Striking7|Away05:55
=== Striking7|Away is now known as Striking7
zenmasterHi, does anyone have expierance installing iredmail?05:56
GotestraOH another thing.05:56
GotestraIf I reboot now05:56
Striking7Ok. I've done this before with success, hopefully this is what Gotestra needs.05:56
Striking7Is it on a normal disk? Not raid or the like?05:56
GotestraI dunno what RAID is.05:56
GotestraSo no, I don't think so.05:56
sfearsi don't think so, i havn't seen the fdisk output but i think it's a standard extended partition05:56
Striking7Gotestra: Good, that means we're probably in familiar territory.05:56
oscalationcan someone help me with a wpa_supplicant conf file? I cant get mine to work05:57
Striking7I had a friend that had accidentally nuked his partition table05:57
Striking7He had a bunch of data that he wanted back05:57
Striking7We crossed our fingers and prayed :-p05:57
Gotestrak now I'm seriously scared05:57
Striking7Jumped into an Ubuntu liveCD and fired up Gparted05:57
GotestraI got like 111 GB of data on that thing.05:57
GotestraCan I access it on Windows?05:57
Striking7Partitioned it the way it was partitioned before - luckily we remembered the partition sizes05:58
Striking7and *here's the key* make sure to uncheck the "format" checkbox for each partition05:58
Striking7Worked flawlessly.05:58
GotestraGoodness me.05:58
sfearsi could see that working as long as it's not formatted05:58
Striking7Gotestra: This was a Windows install that we did it on yes.05:58
GotestraSO, before I used Ubuntu05:59
GotestraThat is, tell ysterday night,05:59
GotestraMy Z drive worked fine.05:59
GotestraBut now,05:59
GotestraI can't access its data ?!?!05:59
Striking7Is it NTFS?05:59
Striking7K. Same with my situation05:59
Striking7Did you partition it from Linux or from Windows?06:00
GotestraWindows omg06:00
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GotestraWindows 7.06:00
Striking7Ok. I don't know for sure this would work then.06:00
bartos01hi folks06:00
GotestraI don't wanna lose my data.06:00
Striking7Every partition tool is going to estimate partition boundaries a little differently.06:00
GotestraIts like my life06:00
=== corey_ is now known as Guest91514
Striking7 My method may not work for you then.06:01
GotestraI got my music, movies, and almost EVERYTHING on that thing.06:01
Guest91514how do i change my nick06:01
Guest91514i forgot06:01
sm0kec00ledGotestra, is the drive encrypted with bitlocker?06:01
GotestraNothing at all.06:01
oscalationGuest79567,  type in /nick newnick06:01
GotestraIts an ordinary drive06:01
Striking7So I'm not going to recommend it, but I'll let you know what I did in case it's handy info that helps you figure out your solution06:01
oscalationGuest91514, sorry /nick newnick06:01
LazikGotestra: and you want to access it from windows or ubuntu?06:01
Striking7I don't know how Windows partition managers work - I haven't used Windows much for almost half a decade.06:02
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LazikIn which OS are you right now?06:02
Striking7But here's the idea... a partition table is pretty much like a library's card catalog.06:02
sfearsGotestra: i need to see your fdisk output06:02
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oscalationGotestra, This wont  help any now, but its always a good rule of thumb to have a backup of your data prior to making even the smallest of changes. Do you by chance have any backups ?06:02
Guest98022why did my name06:02
Striking7It just tells the OS where to look for what data. Where does a partition start, what type is it (NTFS in this case), and how big is it.06:02
GotestraSome stuff, yeah.06:02
bartos01I have dual monitors with Nvidia drivers. how do I get a different wallpaper on each monitor. z06:02
GotestraBut not all :(06:02
MrBusinessIs the background for the 12.04 greeter still defined in /etc/lightdm/unity-greeter.conf?06:02
Guest98022change back06:02
sfearssudo /sbin/losetup -fs /dev/sd?? -o $((512*<starting_block>))06:02
Striking7So if you can overwrite the partition table with the same data, you get your stuff back06:03
bartos01on unity 12.0406:03
GotestraWow I'm starting to lose grasp here.06:03
GotestraI can't reboot since Ubuntu is upgrading.06:03
MrBusinessooh, the background is user-specific now06:03
sfearsreplace sd?? with the correct partition and <starting_block> with the correct output from fdisk -l Gotestra06:03
GotestraAnd so I can't boot into Windows and check.06:03
GotestraScrew me.06:03
Striking7Sorry Gotestra - didn't mean to overinform :-p06:03
Gotestralol no its k06:04
GotestraI'll just go take a glass of water or something06:04
sfearsGotestra: ((512*63))06:04
Gotestraand sit down to study.06:04
Striking7I recommend scotch.06:04
GotestraI'm 13.06:04
Striking7I do NOT recommend scotch in that case.06:04
* sfears still recomends scotch06:04
goddardwhats the fastest easiest way to make an exact copy of my disk just in case 12.04 blows up my box?06:04
Striking7Lol sfears06:04
GotestraMy legs feel weak.06:05
Guest98022i wonder if this will stay06:05
sfearsgoddard: partclone06:05
GotestraDamn Oxatocin06:05
oscalationgoddard, what OS are you using now?06:05
Striking7sfears: Is your first name Luke? I have a friend that adopts a similar nickname.06:05
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Lazikgoddard: man dd06:05
ImTheDudewill this stay06:05
taxmani won't use clonezilla06:05
sfearsNo, I am not Luke.06:05
oscalationWould rync work ?06:05
oscalationrsync .. sorry06:05
Striking7Ok Gotestra, let your upgrade finish and then worry about the partitioning.06:05
uBUxUBuis the icon launcher supposed to be "fixed" or immovable in 12.04?06:06
GotestraThanks a lot for the support06:06
ImTheDudei have a question06:06
LazikGotestra: you have 2 drives? One C: and one Z:?06:06
sfearsdd is not a fast way, it copys empty sectors06:06
GotestraNo many more.06:06
FloodBot1Gotestra: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:06
Striking7It sure is accurate though sfears06:06
sfearsGotestra: do you have your fdisk output yet?06:06
fl1bbl3oscalation: try gparted06:06
goddardcan i do it inside my OS without booting up a live cd?06:07
GotestraI can't copy paste with my trackpad :(06:07
ajinhi all, does ubuntu12.04 support power VR SGX545 3D driver?06:07
ImTheDudedoes anyone like 10.10 netbook edition of ubuntu or am i wasting my time?06:07
sfearstake a screen shot and paste it somewhere06:07
GotestraOyeah good idea06:07
LazikGotestra: might not be a partition issue, rather a not-mounting-the-disk issue06:07
ubottuUbuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details.06:07
sfears10.10 was a good release06:07
Gotestrak Ima screenshot06:07
BlendedByIAny thoughts on NFS vs GFS2 for a master/master FS?06:07
sourfrogHas anyone used ubuntu on Lenovo IdeaPad y570 ???  Curious if everything works06:07
LazikGotestra: in a terminal write : sudo fdisk -l06:08
GotestraYeah I remember.06:08
goddardi heard when you upgrade 12.04 reinstalls programs will the programs i compiled be broken?06:08
GotestraThanks :)06:08
ImTheDudeor is 10.4 better on my netbook as far as speed goes i hear 10.10 ubuntu has alot of bugs is this information true06:08
LazikGotestra: paste the output here and we might be able to help you06:08
ImTheDudeim happy with 10.4 i dont want to downgrade06:09
ajinit seems that there's no linux 3d driver for power vr sgx545 graphic card06:09
AmdpcHI..How to quit cmus in terminal?06:09
sk1speciali have a audio related question..06:09
goddardgpart doesn't copy a drive06:09
goddardit partitions a drive from what i can see06:10
taxman10.04 = end-of-life soon?06:10
sfearsgoddard: partclone06:10
three18ti_wow, the ubuntu servers must be getting -hammered- today...  247kB/s  updating apt... haha 86 kB/s now.  Gotta love release day.06:10
oscalationwhy part a drive, just rysnc what you want to backup and be done06:10
oscalationi mean image06:11
goddardsfears: to use that i gotta boot into a live cd?06:11
sfearsoscalation: compression for storage06:11
sfearsyes goddard06:11
Gotestrasfears : http://i.imgur.com/V7ExQ.png06:11
ajinhello?anyone knows about power vr stuff?06:11
oscalationsfears, wouldnt you save more space by only backing up files you need and not system files06:11
Striking7goddard: You'll likely need to recompile :(06:11
sfearssfs is your problem Gotestra.  what is sfs?06:12
rymate1234TIL chrome has a menubar06:12
goddardbah im not gonna upgrade then06:12
GotestraI dunno?06:12
Gotestrawut sfs06:12
Lazikyou screw up big time06:12
goddarduse Mozilla06:12
Laziktell us what you did, you obviously only have one drive06:12
GotestraI have one drive06:12
GotestraVarious partitions.06:13
sfearsGotestra: try sudo mount -t xfs /dev/sda4 /mnt06:13
GotestraYou're scaring me now.06:13
sfearsGotestra: try sudo mount -t sfs /dev/sda4 /mnt06:13
elslunkoAnyone use dejadup for backing up 2tb+ worth of data?06:13
Lazikhe said it was ntfs06:13
sfearsyeah, he said06:14
Lazikhe probably overwrote the windows partition when he installed ubuntu06:14
GotestraGoodness me, I'll leave now.06:14
goddardelslunko: the first back up will suck but after that it isnt to bad06:14
sfearsLazik: http://i.imgur.com/V7ExQ.png06:14
GotestraI'll come on later.06:14
GotestraI need to study06:14
bartos01anyone using dual monitors?06:15
Lazikyea i saw06:15
oscalationhey, i have an idea for the guy that formated/repartitioned his drive ... data recovery06:15
GotestraAnd my heartbeats racing from fear, so...06:15
sfearswe're proably close to helping Gotestra06:15
GotestraGo ahead.06:15
ActionParsniposcalation: try foremost, your backups wil be the easiest way06:15
sfearsi need to find something about sfs, you see where your fdisk says sfs06:15
sfearsif that said ntfs it would be working06:15
elslunkogoddard, Yeah going through that right now. I used BIT before but trying out DD this time around. Just worried about compressing all that data.06:16
LazikGotestra: are you running ubuntu from the cd (as in livecd) or did you install ubuntu to your disk?06:16
oscalationActionParsnip, not for me, for Gotestra06:16
GotestraFor info, I used Wubi to install Ubuntu.06:16
GotestraYeah to disk.06:16
oscalationGotestra, you used Wubi????06:16
sfearssudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /mnt -o force Gotestra06:17
Lazikand when it asked you about partition, what did you do?06:17
uchihame to06:17
sfearswait Gotestra06:17
sfearssudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda4 /mnt -o force Gotestra06:17
GotestraExactly what does that do?06:17
kfizz1Anyone having issues with flash not working in chrome after upgrade?06:17
wyldeGotestra: http://askubuntu.com/questions/41667/how-is-sfs-partition-different-than-other06:18
sfearsit mount's the dev/sda4 partition to the /mnt folder as type ntfs-3g and if it gives any errors it tries to force it to mount anyway Gotestra06:18
Lazikkfizz1: yea always does, I reinstall the flash libs06:18
kfizz1Via a deb or apt-get?06:18
rodayoHow do I update from the beta 2 to the final release?06:19
matthewLrodayo: good question.06:19
GotestraMount is denied because the NTFS volume is already exclusively opened.06:20
sfearsthat's a new one Gotestra06:20
matthewLI'm downloading the iso, burning to disk, and there should be an upgrade option.06:21
sfearssfs = secure file system = it's encrypted from anywhere outside of the windows that encrypted it06:21
oscalationGotestra, do you have any backups of this data?06:21
glebihanrodayo, matthewL : there's nothing to do apart from installing all package updates06:21
NaemdarWell my external hd project didn't go so well.  may have bricked a 1t usb 3.0 drive lol06:21
GotestraIts not sensitive stuff06:21
GotestraOnly  music and movies and stuff06:22
oscalationGotestra, is it stuff you wished you backed up?06:22
GotestraSO I didn't think I'd need it.06:22
rodayoglebihan, so how about these "crash reports" that pop up occasionally will those disappear?06:22
zenmasterI am having the hardest time getting any kind of mail server installed on a fresh install of Ubuntu-Linux-Server-11.10.06:22
zykotick9!final > rodayo06:22
ubotturodayo, please see my private message06:22
zenmasterI have tried several Postfix tutorials.06:22
GotestraCUz it'll take me ages to redownload this stuff lol06:22
sfearsGotestra: you should be able to backup everything from inside windows.06:22
GotestraI'm a poor guy lmao06:22
NaemdarDoes anyone know how to make unity go 3d cube? or sphere mode?06:22
GotestraI'm saving up to buy an HDD06:23
zenmasterI recently discovered iRedMail. Tried that twice now and still to no avail. The first time after trying other mail installations. This time on a fresh Ubuntu install.06:23
syki am having a problem installing ubuntu 12.04, everytime i try to install from a usb/cd-rom it always shows error "error prefix not set" and just hangs when i click an option.06:23
GotestraAn external HDD06:23
oscalationhave we concluded that Gotestra chose his windows partition to be reformated to install Ubuntu?06:23
sfearsyou've encrypted the Z: drive, so you can't see it unless you unencrypt it first, which is booting into windows so you can see the Z: drive06:23
matthewLCompiz for 3d06:23
GotestraI didn't reformat LOL06:23
Naemdaris that an easy setup?06:23
GotestraI would be absolutely mad to do that.06:23
GotestraI just used Wubi06:23
Gotestraand gave the Ubuntu install 10 GB.06:24
matthewLYes, very easy. In synaptic.06:24
oscalationGotestra, have you attempted to boot back into windows?06:24
GotestraUbuntu is ugrading itself.06:24
GotestraSo I can't atm.06:24
oscalationah, that would be my first option. let that finish, then the pc should restart06:24
clarkhello, i have a thinkpad 420s and my internet connection is randomly bogged down.  i just installed 12.0406:25
oscalationif not restart it and cross your fingers06:25
clarki tried the first two unixmen.com fixes and it did not work =(06:25
GotestraThere's a different feeling to all this stuff.06:25
sfearsGotestra: where is sda7?06:25
GotestraI dunno.06:25
sfearsit's not shown in your screen shot, you're drive is unplugged06:25
clarki do not have an ath9k.conf file06:25
GotestraI'm sure it was sda7 when My Stuff had appeared in Explorer.06:26
Gotestra877/1420 files done.06:26
sfearsdid you try sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda4 /mnt -o force Gotestra06:26
GotestraSays already open.06:26
sfearstry sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda3 /mnt -o force Gotestra06:27
GotestraNot even an error lol06:28
sfearsls /mnt06:28
midkhatik<Gotestra> try boot whis multiboot compact disk or flash-usb, and copy your "gold" files06:28
sk1special  okay. im running. TV 0 < Rear PC In ; Rear PC Out to TV 1 In ; PC Headphone Jack to Headset ; and TV 2 Out to Speakers.  and my computer sees everything..shows the jacks and the sound bar bumpin while audios on. but im only getting sound in my headset..is it just only capable of actually out putting to one source?06:28
Guest80665Anyone thinking about oracle database.06:28
sfearsdoes it display anything Gotestra?06:28
GotestraNothing at all.06:28
GotestraKill me nao.06:28
syki am having a problem installing ubuntu 12.04, everytime i try to install from a usb/cd-rom it always shows error "error prefix not set" and just hangs when i click an option.06:28
sfearsyou typed ls /mnt?06:28
matthewLWhat about it  guest?06:29
sfearsno error, just blank?06:29
Guest80665Ubuntu, did you think about install oracle database on Ubuntu, hard06:29
oscalationis there anything in ls /media  by chance?06:29
GotestraThe drive?06:29
sfearsok sudo umount /mnt06:29
Guest80665Web traffic,06:29
Guest80665Enterprise Manager06:30
matthewLGuest: have you worked with another free DB, like mySQL or post gres?06:30
oscalationwhois Guest8066506:30
sfearstry sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda2 /mnt Gotestra06:30
matthewLMySQL it's really easy.06:30
GotestraAlready opened error/06:31
GotestraCant wait to boot back into Windows now.06:31
Guest80665Use little memory, small, meet hardware, small resources.06:31
GotestraIts downloading at 48 KBPS06:32
taxmanindeed. it won't take more ram than a copy-to-ram linux06:32
Guest80665Developer Tools, I think Oracle had some middleware, I don't know those.06:32
GotestraAlmost there.06:32
GotestraAbout 509 more files to go.06:33
Guest80665We know some Java, may Java develop can help MySQL install, and run some codes, little ubuntu OS06:33
clarkhello, can someone help me get wireless connection to not be so slow on 12.04? i tried the stuff listed on www.unixmen.com/resolve-slow-connexion-when-using-wifi-in-ubuntu-1104-natty-narwhal/06:34
matthewLI know a bit of Java and SQL and mySQL, etc06:34
matthewLUbuntu is perfect for these apps06:34
clarknone of these three things fixed my problem06:34
oscalationclark, your issue is just that your internet is slower in 12.04 ?06:35
clarkyes much slower except irc seems to be okay. its just when im surfing the web06:36
clarki had the same problem with the last 2 releases though06:36
oscalationclark, laptop or desktop06:36
clarkthinkpad 420s laptop06:36
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oscalationusing built in wifi card or usb ?06:36
Guest80665Oracle E-Business Suite, a lot of solutions, but we can't afford, may be use Java, and MySQL06:36
=== Guest28769 is now known as thotti-x
Artemis3Gotestra, do tell if you get an error right after the downloads finish, i'm unable to upgrade because it fails at that point.06:37
GotestraWhat error do you get06:37
clarkoscalation, built in wifi06:38
clarkit works fine with windows06:38
matthewLInteresting, 665.  For the price of libre office base, mySQL, and Java, you can't go wrong.06:38
Artemis3Gotestra, 'E:Couldn't configure pre-depend libtinfo5 for libncurses5, probably a dependency cycle.'06:38
oscalationclark, are you using Firefox in ubuntu ?06:38
GotestraDidn't get that message so far,06:38
Artemis3Gotestra, its after the packages finish downloading06:38
GotestraI'm at 956 files.06:38
clarkits really strange. google search works pretty quickly, but as soon as i try to go to any link from google search, it usually times out06:38
GotestraOut of 142006:39
GotestraSo it'll take a while.06:39
clarkfirefox. just updated it as well06:39
Artemis3Gotestra, its ok, i'm lurking here ;)06:39
oscalationclark, what does speed test put you at ?06:39
taxmanlol, my 12.04 has ff 12.006:39
taxmanhtml5 html5 html506:40
GotestraI need to figure out how to utilize my 4 GB of RAM in Ubuntu.06:40
oscalationclark, speedtest.net that is06:40
Guest80665Linux, Servers, Storage, the only one thing, how we configure clients, servers, and how we manage them, these cause the failure.06:40
GotestraI made a RAMDisk for Chrome in Windows06:40
Gotestrabut Ubuntu barely uses over 1.5 GB.....06:40
Artemis3Gotestra, chrome can eat memory very easily, just open like 40 tabs06:40
taxmani will give each vm 4gb of ram06:40
matthewLAh, so cloud, then?06:41
taxmanno matter it's 32-bit or 64-bit06:41
taxmani have 16gb of ram06:41
GotestraI'm at like 11 tabs open.06:41
Artemis3to few~06:41
taxmanyes, i just downloaded 12.0406:41
matthewLLinux power@Gotestra06:41
Guest80665We don't familiar to ubuntu, then chance to success or lose06:42
SomyaAnyone please help me out I have recently upgradedt my ubuntu to 11.04 and after the upgrade my wifi is not working and wlan0 driver is not showing up06:42
clarkoscalation, speedtest only half loads, banners and links at the bottom06:42
matthewL665, are there Abby Linux admins, there?06:42
matthewLAny, I mean.06:42
Guest80665Many companies, communications, universities, retail, utilities use ubuntu, but we really lack of Linux admin06:43
clarkoscalation, it just finished loading. DL 3.28 Mbps, UL 0.07 Mbps06:43
oscalationSomya, if you open terminal by pressing CTRL + ALT +T and run infconfig -a what is listed?06:43
oscalationifconfig -a06:44
matthewL665, what do you make use of on servers?06:44
oscalationclark, and that page loaded very slowly hu?06:44
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
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clarkoscalation, yes.06:44
lotuspsychjeis it safe to install precise now?06:45
Somyaoscalation: its showing eth0 and lo06:45
clarkoscalation, it seems more like it partially loaded and then paused for a long time06:45
matthewLI'll let you know lotus. I'm sure it is.06:45
taxmanyeah, it's possible06:45
matthewLLotus: i'm upgrading now.06:46
=== J2|QK is now known as J2
lotuspsychjeok tnx06:46
taxmanubuntu is not very useable by default06:47
taxmanyou have to tweak06:47
matthewLSoftware center is good., tax06:47
clarksometimes you get unlucky with hardward specs06:48
oscalationSomya, clark can you give the output of this command please .. sudo apt-get install pastebinit && nm-tool | pastebinit06:48
clarkor compatibility and proprietary shit, it seems like06:48
oscalationor just run nm-tool and put it up on pastebin06:48
sk1speciali got it. installed gnome alsa mixer. ltr06:49
matthewLWhy, Clark?06:49
diimdeepplease help with configuration http://serverfault.com/questions/382958/proftpd-configuration-mod-auth-file-cross-folders-with-different-rights-in-group06:49
holmesjoin #ubuntu-cn06:50
clarkoscalation, http://paste.ubuntu.com/949113/06:50
Somyaoscalation, 1st command sudo apt-get install pastebinit- installed pastebinit and the second command give output NetworkManager Tool  State: connected  - Device: eth0  [Auto eth0] ----------------------------------------------------   Type:              Wired   Driver:            r8169   State:             connected   Default:           yes   HW Address:        18:03:73:73:A7:90    Capabilities:     Carrier Detect:  yes     Speed:    06:51
=== Go is now known as Guest13619
=== Guest13619 is now known as Go_Implementatio
clarki think i have bad luck with hardware.06:51
Go_ImplementatioWe never think a lot of things on server, consider the server running the system well or not.06:52
abhi_69i just installed ubuntu 12.0406:52
matthewLWell, mainstream Dell had gotten everything working well enough.06:52
abhi_69everything looking good, but facing problem with nautilus06:52
gaelfxclone1018: what's wrong with it?06:52
m00sewell clone1018 - the first thing you do is not get banned LOL06:52
abhi_69nautilus crashes frequently while trying to access my NTFS partitions06:53
abhi_69any solution?06:53
Go_ImplementatioUsually we use old computers instead of large companies using new equipment06:53
gaelfxabhi_69: ntfs partitions on your machine or on another machine?06:53
matthewL69, can you use a different file manager?06:53
abhi_69gaelfx, my machine06:53
abhi_69i have two NTFS partitions, auto mounted via NTFS-config06:54
surtHello, I've got (probably) an easy one. When using the terminal I noticed when I hit tab, it puts a space after files/folders. Can this be changed?06:54
Go_ImplementatioSomething always happen, ubuntu self develop programs not meet old computers, always have some small problems.06:54
abhi_69when i try to open them via nautilus (file manager/files) it craches06:54
abhi_69i can open them but can't access them :(06:55
abhi_69everything ok for ubuntu's partition though06:55
abhi_69how to fix this?06:55
gaelfxabhi_69: well, the easiest solution I can think of is to make them not be NTFS, but I'm assuming you don't want to do that?06:55
Go_ImplementatioWe don't know the exact problem is, then we consider, backup, save info, if information in the hard disk can remain, everything fine.06:56
abhi_69gaelfx, yes, i have lot of data in those partitions06:56
matthewLXfce uses thunder , and kde uses dolphin, how do these react?06:56
abhi_69matthewL, i'm using gnome-shell, using nautilus06:56
abhi_69do i upload error messages while i'm trying to access them?06:57
Go_ImplementatioWe can't promise data from thunder can transfer to dolphin without mistakes. only possible way is save them to hard disk, maybe no errors and got a copy.06:57
gaelfxabhi_69: that might help06:57
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matthewL69, yes06:57
abhi_69gaelfx, okey, uploading to pastebin06:58
surtFYI: Found issue for trailing space in console: "rm /etc/bash_completion.d/acroread.sh"06:58
Go_ImplementatioIf we can promise data right, no errors, this is very successful ubuntu, backup the data, then try to think thunder, dolphin.06:58
Go_ImplementatioBut on servers we always thinking about what we will implement. We usually thinking about MySQL.06:59
woqhi, did somebody checked if snx (vpn) is working fine with ubu 12.4 amd64?07:01
ikoniawoq: why would it not be ?07:02
mbalmerhello.  is it possible to specify a timeout for automatic login during which other uses can interrupt the timeout and login themselves (as does gdm3 on Debian squeeze)?07:02
woqikonia, i found snx very buggy ;P, got many problems with it on ie fedora 6407:02
NaemdarI am curious is there a open gl port of system shock 1 or 2 for linux?07:02
ikoniawoq: so either a.) fedora's build is bad, which is not an ubuntu relevence b.) the software has problems in which case ubuntu can't fix it07:03
abhi_69gaelfx, there? here is the error- http://pastebin.com/Khgx2vT807:04
woqikonia, i know that, LOL :) i was just asking is it working fine, if somebody checked it i will switch to new ubuntu, if nobody checked - i will check it on vm07:04
Go_ImplementatioMySQL can promise data, ubuntu can work hard to maintain MySQL data backup.07:04
ikoniawoq: just try it07:04
abhi_69any idea?07:04
Go_ImplementatioOracle Database can enhance the work on ubuntu, base on open source, and Oracle Database can promise some enhance data works.07:05
ikoniaGo_Implementatio: who are you talking to ?07:05
taxmanit's a commercial?07:05
ikoniaI hope not07:05
Go_ImplementatioJust according to thoughts, I don't know right or false.07:06
Hebramiconia:  Anyone who will listen.07:06
ikoniaGo_Implementatio: who are you talking to ?07:06
abhi_69i'm having problem while accessing NTFS partitions from nautilus, it crashes frequently07:06
Go_ImplementatioAnyone use ubuntu07:06
abhi_69plz any solution guys07:06
ikoniaGo_Implementatio: ok, please stop, it's a support channel if you need help, ask a question.07:06
abhi_69here is the error message- http://pastebin.com/Khgx2vT807:06
gaelfxwhat's the command to ask apt-get what packages are available matching a string?07:06
ikoniaabhi_69: can you not see the error in that paste ?07:07
abhi_69ikonia, yes, i can see, but can't understand what to do?07:08
ikoniaabhi_69: what have you done ?07:08
greenithi, i wanted to update to ubuntu 12.04, but the server are veeery slow.... i am from austria, the austrian server has a dl-rate from ~20kb/s, the swiss one has a dl-rate form ~50kb/s and the main-server has a dl-rate from ~3kb/s for me... does any1 know a fast server to upgrade?07:08
abhi_69just a fresh installation of ubuntu 12.0407:08
ikoniaabhi_69: ok, so the error is "no such file or directory" what's the first thing that's worth checking ?07:08
gaelfxabhi_69: whoa, dude, why are you using samba share for a partition that's already on your machine?07:08
Naemdarshould I or should I not go to 12.04?07:08
ikoniaNaemdar: your choice07:08
abhi_69i'm not using any share07:08
Naemdargoing to get used to 1110 before I make that jump07:09
abhi_69this partition is not shared parition07:09
mbalmerso anyone knows how to set a timeout for automatic logins?  or rather, a wating time before autologin happens?07:09
jham_who know codeigniter?07:09
NaemdarThis is going to become my favorite os for just messing around on the net and such07:09
=== X__ is now known as XDESIGN
gaelfxabhi_69: the file address in your error looks like you're trying to use samba to access it07:10
uBUxUBuis the icon launcher in 12.04 supposed to fixed-immovable? when i had 11.10 it always moved ion and out of sight? was this a purposeful change or am i using it wrong?07:10
abhi_69gaelfx, not at all, i don't have any shared partitions07:10
abhi_69i'm trying to access them via nautilus07:10
NaemdarIf I asked on a windows forum if I should go to windows 8  or stay with 7 they would have flayed me alive for even wanting to stay with 7. lol07:11
ikoniaabhi_69: think about it, the error is no such file......what do you need to check07:11
greenitdoes any1 know if i can see the server-load of the repo-servers anywhere on the net?07:11
ikoniagreenit: you can't07:11
abhi_69ikonia, okey, here it is, i can access file/folders from nautilus when i open them via 'open with files' menu option07:12
ikoniaabhi_69: not what I asked07:12
abhi_69but can't access them while double clicking them or open07:12
Go_ImplementatioUbuntu may be can provide some applications, we call basic, and ubuntu intall database and tests, I am planning install MySQL in ubuntu, may be a cluster, keep data, and use in some corporations, a lot of maintainance, how to develop MySQL use advanced applications.07:12
greenitlol, nice... in ubuntu there is the option "choose best server", question solved^^07:12
ikoniaabhi_69: think about the first thing you need to check, the error is "directory not found"07:12
abhi_69it's already mounted07:13
abhi_69via NTFS-config07:13
vega-seems dual display configuration still needs to be done via nvidia-settings if using the binary drivers?07:13
ikoniaabhi_69: please listen to what I'm saying07:13
NaemdarOne thing is certain tonight is probably not the best time to be trying to do command line stuff.  a bottle of gin and mango juice, who knows what I will end up doing lol07:13
matthewLLotus, still around?07:13
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ikoniaabhi_69: the error is "cannot open directory" - what do you think the first thin you need to check is ?07:13
oalI upgraded to 12.04 now, but my mouse pointer is stuck on only one of my two screens07:14
oalWhen I move it to the edge of my left screen, it stops, but I can see half the cursor on the right07:15
abhi_69yes, got it07:15
gaelfxoal: move it as far to the other side of the screen as you can07:15
abhi_69but i said already that- i don't have any share on those partitions07:15
abhi_69i can't even understand why ubuntu showing me this error07:15
oalgaelfx: it stops there as well07:16
abhi_69i also have Fuduntu installed, i can access them from Fuduntu very well07:16
abhi_69problem is with ubuntu only07:16
gaelfxoal: do you have auto-hide enabled for your dockamijig?07:16
abhi_69even from a live CD i also have this problem07:16
oalgaelfx: how do I enable that?07:16
gaelfxoal: ok, maybe we should start over, are you using any proprietary drivers for graphics?07:17
oalgaelfx: yes, nvidia07:17
XDESIGNhow to install Emerald theme manager on ubuntu 12.0407:18
gaelfxoal: and how did you set up your dual monitors? through the Displays settings?07:18
ikoniaXDESIGN: it's dead07:18
oalgaelfx: nvidia-settings07:18
XDESIGNikonia ?:)07:18
throwaway_rq12.04 is awesome07:18
ikoniaXDESIGN: emerald is dead07:19
gaelfxoal: and I assume you chose extended, not twinview?07:19
matthewLWhat it's good about it, rq?07:19
throwaway_rqany suggested post-install guides for extra and requested packages?07:19
throwaway_rqmatthewL: some hardware issues i had on my dell xps are all gone07:19
ikoniathrowaway_rq: there are no "guides" because it's up to YOU what you install07:19
oalgaelfx: let me check. I use the same configuration I used under 11.10, and it worked fine before07:19
throwaway_rqikonia: i undersatnd, i meant in a general way (i.e. multimedia guide, IDE guide, server guide, etc)07:20
matthewLrq, i'm installing now.07:20
throwaway_rqso taht i can read up and decide07:20
ikoniathrowaway_rq: https://help.ubuntu.com07:20
oalgaelfx: I can only choose between twinview and separate x screen. It's twinview now07:20
gaelfxoal: did you have to re-set it up after installing 12.04 or did it use config files from your /home?07:20
throwaway_rqikonia: neverind, thanks anyway07:20
throwaway_rqmatthewL: vm or actual hardware?07:20
ikoniathrowaway_rq: did you actually read the URL I gave you07:21
oalgaelfx: when this first happened, I reconfigured it, but got the same result07:21
throwaway_rqikonia: i did, numerous times.07:21
ikoniathrowaway_rq: it has many short sharp guides about how to do and setup specific tasks07:21
matthewLAnnual dual boot w windows 707:21
gaelfxoal: I think you should disable the dual monitor, then apply the settings change and then try to set it up again (separate xscreen style)07:21
throwaway_rqikonia: yeah - i understand - there's just "too many" there's no upvote/ranking system for the guides that are good/generically appraised07:21
oalgaelfx: ok, I'll give it a try, thanks07:22
ikoniathrowaway_rq: you don't need a ranking on https://help.ubuntu.com it's all official ubuntu documentation and can be trusted07:22
gaelfxoal: IIRC, you should have use the mouse to select where the second screen goes07:22
throwaway_rqikonia: ok, thanks, i'll go through them again07:22
matthewLubuntuforums is good too.07:22
throwaway_rqright now im installing gnome-session-fallback... can't stand unity still :\07:23
gaelfxdoes anyone know if there's a trick to importing .ovpn files, or do I just have to do it manually?07:23
matthewLrq great sever setups.07:23
throwaway_rqmatthewL: nice. I needed some guidelines on setting up servers. i'll head over for that as well07:24
Kriss3dIm just upgrading now.. sadly amsn will be uninstalled now07:24
throwaway_rqunity GUI on vmware unity is terrible07:24
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woozlyguys, after upgrading to 12.04 from 11.10, my top panel and unity disapear :(07:25
woozlyonly desktop with icons07:25
woozlywhat to do? :(07:25
throwaway_rqwoozly: alt_ctrl+backspace and relogin, does it draw back?07:25
Kriss3di removed unity a long time ago.. hope i wont have to do this again07:25
PawanPutraHanumahow can i upgrade to 12.04 from 10.04 thru command line?07:25
gaelfxwoozly: I will pay you serious sums of cash if you can make my top panel disappear as well :D07:25
ikonia!upgrade > PawanPutraHanuma07:26
ubottuPawanPutraHanuma, please see my private message07:26
woozlyalt+ctrl + backspace doesn't work (07:26
ikonia!nozap | woozly07:26
matthewLI use vbox with windows with no errors.07:26
PawanPutraHanumaikonia, ok07:26
oalgaelfx: no difference :(07:27
throwaway_rqi killed my macbook air installing ub12.0407:27
throwaway_rqmy fault >_>07:27
gaelfxoal: when you setup the separate xscreen, did the other monitor turn all grey and give you an X cursor?07:27
vega-why would anyone want to install ubuntu on a macbook ..07:27
throwaway_rqdd'd the installer on rdisk0s5 and it wont boot again - most likely i screwed up the EFS07:27
oalgaelfx: yup07:27
abhi_69gaelfx, okey, that weird shared folder problem solved by a ubuntu forum post07:28
throwaway_rqvega-" because you can07:28
abhi_69now it showing new error- Segmentation fault (core dumped)07:28
gaelfxvega-: undesirable gift turned into something more desirable07:28
throwaway_rqgaelfx:  in some way, yes it is .07:28
throwaway_rqdont like osx in general, been workign with it for 4 years, still can't say i can develop a taste for it07:28
tarzeauthrowaway_rq: it's so great!07:28
abhi_69now that share problem is solved, but still i can't access NTFS drives via nautilus07:28
abhi_69showing new error: Segmentation fault (core dumped)07:29
woozlyhow to reinstall unity?07:29
throwaway_rqtarzeau: how so?07:29
Kriss3dvega cause macOS looks like fecals ?07:29
abhi_69any help?07:29
lotuspsychjedoes gnome classic come by default?07:29
gaelfxoal: I think you're supposed to click and drage the monitor you want there there, does that make sense?07:29
throwaway_rqwoozly: can you try creating a new user account and login ?07:29
Kriss3dlotus you can always make gnome3 look like gnome 207:29
throwaway_rqwoozly: i am suspecting profile issue07:29
vega-i've been using ubuntu for 7 years and got a macbook air a few months ago.. very impressed and usage of ubuntu-laptop has dropped a LOT ..07:29
tarzeauthrowaway_rq: if you are a developer, the api's are a dream. and for professional users, it's great too07:29
woozlythrowaway_rq: Ill try07:29
gaelfxwoozly: sudo apt-get install unity07:29
tarzeauthrowaway_rq: like when you're into graphics, typography, photographic stuff07:29
lotuspsychjeKriss3d: i mean do you need to install gnome classic, or is it default login option?07:30
oalgaelfx: from the ubuntu screen manager or nvidia-settings? The ubuntu one seems to only detect 1 screen and calls it "laptop"07:30
throwaway_rqtarzeau: yea i am but i still dont like it.07:30
tarzeauthrowaway_rq: you probably are young? or missed completely nextstep/openstep?07:30
throwaway_rqit's a preference thingy07:30
gaelfxoal: nvidia-settings, the other one is mostly useless07:30
tarzeauthrowaway_rq: yes i am what? you're working what?07:30
Kriss3dlotus not sure.. im still just upgrading to 12.04 but if its anything like 11.10 then you gotta install it manually07:30
throwaway_rqyes i do work with graphics and film editing07:31
mrsuchyPLI want copy to another partition all my ubuntu with original priviliges. I login in root and copy with midnigt commander but then system change priviliges ? how can i set original priviliges to copy files ?07:31
lotuspsychjekriss3d: same here upgrading :p07:31
throwaway_rqand no i am not young07:31
tarzeauthrowaway_rq: do you have a portfolio, web page?07:31
gvandeweyershould a do-release-upgrade already work without the -d(evelopment) switch?07:31
vega-oal: same problem, seems ubuntus display settings are totally useless if using nvidia binary driver07:31
gvandeweyerI'm coming from 10.07:31
tarzeauthrowaway_rq: you like unity?07:31
throwaway_rqtarzeau: hell no.07:31
gvandeweyerI'm coming from 10.04 lts server07:31
Kriss3dlotus i found ways to make it both have classic as default. but also made it look like gnome 2 and with no unity at all.07:31
vega-oal: at least when using more than 1 display07:31
oalvega-: is your cursor also stuck between your screens?07:31
vega-oal: don't know about that, main problem is that it isn't able to configure dual screens properly07:32
Kriss3dwhen you wanna work with your linux and not just surf the web.. unity is about as useful as a eel with a pair of gloves07:32
oalvega-: I found out if you move the cursor very fast towards the edge, it'll go through "the wall" between the screens07:32
gaelfxKriss3d: I would never handle an eel gloveless07:32
lotuspsychjeKriss3d: i heard precise has gnome classic instead of unity2d, i never liked 2d07:32
vega-oal: how convenient07:32
oalvega-: really odd bug :/07:32
mappumWhat's a good way to measure CPU / RAM / network / etc usage over time for a headless server?07:33
PawanPutraHanumaKriss3d, lol07:33
woozlyI have create new user, but when I try to login to it from logon screen, it backs me to logon screen (07:33
throwaway_rqvmware easy install loop - anyoen encountered it before?07:33
cypr1nusmappum, top/htop for cpu,mem, etc ?07:34
Kriss3dlotus. hm ill see in a few minuts..07:34
mappumcypr1nus: but can top give a log over time?07:34
Kriss3dgaelfx but i doubt a eel would need gloves.07:34
mbalmerhaha, firefox only available in english...07:35
mbalmerall language packs disabled...07:35
wookienzgents, i am trying to run plex media server on my ubuntu 10.10 box. When i load it i get a dmesg error of: "segfault at 0 ip 00007f6bef296134 sp 00007fff3ce53800 error 4 in libc-2.11.1.so[7f6bef22d000+17a000]". where do i even begin to troubleshoot this?07:35
gvandeweyerKriss3d: Are you upgrading using 'do-release-upgrade -d' ? The new release is not found by my 10.04 lts server yet ...07:35
woozlyBut if I logon as Guest - it is ok07:35
ikoniagvandeweyer: you do not use -d07:36
woozlywhat to remove, I neeed work account (07:36
gvandeweyerikonia: Then it says no new release is available07:36
gvandeweyerI must be missing something07:36
cypr1nusmappum, i suppose yes, but please find out ;]07:36
ikoniagvandeweyer: correct07:36
ikonia!upgrade > gvandeweyer07:36
ubottugvandeweyer, please see my private message07:36
throwaway_rq!upgrade > throwaway_rq07:37
ubottuthrowaway_rq, please see my private message07:37
ashii have tata photon VME102 modem but it is not being detected in ubuntu...need help07:37
mappumcypr1nus: found an answer :D http://superuser.com/questions/149961/writing-a-cpu-ram-usage-log-over-a-period-of-time-to-file-on-centos07:38
jesse__Hello.  Just installed the latest Ubuntu (havent used it in a few years).  Years ago, there was a tool called "Ubuntu Tweak."  Does anyone know if this (or something like it) exists for Ubuntu 12.4?07:38
PawanPutraHanumaashi, do u have the drivers installed for that device?07:38
ikoniajesse__: you don't need it, you can do anything you need within the ubuntu tools07:38
jarcoI am willing to install the newest ubuntu. But it looks like my video card is not supported. How can I install it in fallback mode?07:38
jesse__ikonia: can i switch the maximize, minimize, close buttons to the right side of the title bar? :)07:38
ikoniajesse__: it all works a bit different now with unity07:39
ikoniajesse__: I'd suggest trying it, seeing what you like/don't like and checking out if solutions are available07:39
obakfahadYou can if you choose to remove or not use unity jesse__07:39
PawanPutraHanumaashi, check the photon website for the relevant drivers07:39
jesse__obakgahad: i like unity, just i want to configure it a bit, if possible.  Does ubuntu tweak no longer work?07:39
cypr1nusmappum, thanks :)07:39
obakfahadGuys plz wellcome me :)07:40
lotuspsychjeanyone tested gnome classic yet?07:40
obakfahadWork but right side is not possible....07:40
gvandeweyerikonia: thanks, I'll see how that helps (it seems I need to update 10.04 completely before upgrading)07:40
obakfahadit is the concept of unity.07:40
obakfahadI really enjoying ubuntu 12.04 !!!!!!!!!107:41
jesse__oh, i see, thanks07:41
jarcoI am willing to install the newest ubuntu. But it looks like my video card is not supported. How can I install it in fallback mode?07:41
lotuspsychjecan left bar be dragged to bottom on precise?07:41
ashithey dont provide drivers,they have some instructions,here -http://www.tataphoton.com/download/user-manuals/Olive-VME102-User-Manual.pdf07:41
ashibut it dont work07:41
obakfahadlotuspsychje No .07:41
kelvinellahi, is ubuntu 12.04 faster than 11.10??07:42
FourDollarskelvinella: yes07:42
obakfahadInstallation looks faster.kelvinella07:42
kelvinellanot installation07:42
obakfahadAnd yes this is good .kelvinella07:42
kelvinellai want performance07:42
Christoph_vWgvandeweyer: 12.04 will not be offered to 10.04 LTS users yet - some blueprint states it will be offered when the first point release it out07:42
obakfahadSmooth performance.kelvinella07:42
kelvinellawhat about xubuntu 12.04?07:43
gvandeweyerChristoph_vW: Ah, where did you find that ?07:43
jarcoHow can I install ubuntu in low graphics mode if the normal way is not working?07:43
obakfahadStill dloading.07:43
PawanPutraHanumaChristoph_vW, is it?07:43
obakfahadjarco try lubuntu.07:43
kelvinellawill xubuntu faster than ubuntu on netbook?07:43
lotuspsychje!info kazam07:43
ubottukazam (source: kazam): Easy to use application for recording on-screen action. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.6-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 94 kB, installed size 824 kB07:43
jarcoobakfahad: I will but I wanted to try the hud first07:44
jarcokelvinella: yes07:44
gvandeweyerChristoph_vW: First point release, as in July 2012 ?07:44
obakfahadkelvinella it should...because xfce is light.07:44
Christoph_vW"„If currently running lucid, we'll not prompt them for LTS to LTS upgrade until the point release comes out (12.04.1).“ "07:44
gvandeweyerdamn, I really need some of the new functions on the production server :/07:44
Christoph_vWsource: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-p-lts-upgrades07:44
Christoph_vWI upgraded my machine with "do-release-upgrade -d" even it is not recommended07:45
Christoph_vWand already found two bugs in 12.04...07:45
obakfahadGuys any suggestion what i have to install for unity ?07:45
Kriss3dHmm im running the 11.10 with gnome3.. the anoying thing that instead of administration menu it had "others" which had all the things in it such as synaptic.. but now its back to the good old days.. so far its great07:45
totesmuhgoatskelvinella: there is an ubuntu netbook remix if i am not mistaken07:45
ikoniaChristoph_vW: please don't tell people to use -d07:45
ikoniaChristoph_vW: it is wrong.07:45
obakfahadtotesmuhgoats isnt that old ?07:46
totesmuhgoatsso how is 12.04?07:46
kelvinellaubuntu netbook remix is so old07:46
jarcoI ll try again. How can I install the unity version of ubuntu in some kind of safe mode or fallback mode since the normal mode is not working?07:46
gvandeweyerikonia: no worry, I'm not doing that on the production machine07:46
kelvinellai want ubuntu moblin remix but it is also old07:46
totesmuhgoatsobakfahad: i am not an ubuntu expert to be honest07:46
obakfahadtotesmuhgoats fabulous .07:46
ikoniagvandeweyer: don't do it on any machine07:46
totesmuhgoatswell i have an 11.10 home server, i was thinking about updating to 12.04 since its LTS and keeping it for 2 years07:47
gvandeweyerI'm running the xubuntu 12.04 beta on my laptop, and I notice the amount of issues is still too high for a production server07:47
obakfahadtotesmuhgoats to be honest me too :)07:47
totesmuhgoatswondering if it is a good idea to update now or if i should hold off07:47
jpictotesmuhgoats: i like 12.04, it seems a little fatser on my computer07:47
MaximBis it harmless to delete old kernel dirs from usr/src ?07:47
uBUxUBu12.04 seems very nice trying to get used to it today...07:47
Christoph_vWikonia: what would be the issue? it upgrades to dev version - but afaik it would be updated to release later then07:47
obakfahadtotesmuhgoats i have no idea about that server actually.07:47
jpicMaximB: maybe you should rather remove the old kernel and headers from apt-get07:47
jpicbecause they take a lot of disk space07:48
obakfahadAny suggestion for unity ?07:48
ikoniaChristoph_vW: well, as 12.04 is now no longer a development version.......it will upgrade to an unstable mess as there is nothing useable about 12.1007:48
obakfahadI mean i want some interesting staff at unity ....07:48
obakfahadguys ?07:48
ikoniaobakfahad: what ?07:48
shruggarwent to upgrade ubuntu this morning, noticed that unionfs-fuse was listed as "no longer supported". What package replaces it for unionfs functionality?07:49
fidel_abramart: "some interesting" stuff isd like asking for nothing. in case you want feedback - ask a real/more detailed question07:49
PitelI have a big problem... most of the lenses (especially the one with apps) are empty!07:49
MaximBcool, btw why I use 3.0.12 kernel when I also got 3.0.17 installed ?07:49
fidel_erm ... obakfahad  ;)07:49
obakfahadfidel_ whats that ?07:50
obakfahadPitel have you installed any other theme ?07:51
obakfahadfidel_ whats that ?07:51
obakfahadfidel_ whats erm?07:52
Pitelobakfahad: nope, but I just formatted and reinstalled / partition, /home is untouched, so maybe it's some messed up config somewhere07:52
cemcis there an easy way to change the font in 12.04 ?07:52
Pitelobakfahad: also, the close/minimaze/maximize buttons are on the right corner07:52
robinsmidsrodis it possible in debian-installer/preseed to use a value (like hostname) to interpolate into other variables?07:52
=== schmidtm_ is now known as schmidtm
matthewLUpgrade failed. Retry clean install data restore.07:53
obakfahadYour home partion is messing up.Pitel.You should remove every ".*" files and keep others likeDownloads Doc,Mus<DE.....07:53
steve11Hello room, I'm trying to triple-boot my Late 2011 macbook pro with OSX, Win7 and Ubu 12.04 - everything going well except I get a fatal error that the bootloader can't be installed at the end up the Ubuntu installation07:53
Pitelobakfahad: can you be more specific? I don;t want to lose configurations of normal apps (like xchat, games, chrome, etc.)07:54
=== LukeNukem is now known as TonyStark
steve11I've tried pointing the installer to install grub on the / partition and tried giving it its own partition "reserved boot bios area" or something like that07:54
matthewLClean install Ubuntu, Steve, that might work.07:55
MaximBso any issues with upgrading to the new version ?07:55
steve11matthew, do you think it'd be better to just let Ubu do its own partitioning?07:55
obakfahadPitel keep that things but delete thegnome2 or unity or other things from home folder.....keep which files or config you need .07:55
steve11like clear the partitions i made and just point the installer at the free space? awesome thanks07:56
lotuspsychjeMaximB: seems like many ppl are happy07:56
steve11matthew, will it know where to put grub?07:56
The_BROSHow to make Pigin and x-chat applet in 12.04?07:56
matthewLThat's what i'm doing07:56
MaximBlotuspsychje:  happy or "happy" ?07:56
lotuspsychjevery happy07:56
matthewLDoesn't grub go in mbr?07:56
PawanPutraHanumawhy no upgradation available in ubuntu 10.04?07:56
jattvirtualbox in 12.04 segfaults is this a known issue?07:56
steve11matthew, i think it's different for macs, they don't have the same 'bios'07:57
matthewLVB faults in 11.10, top.07:57
MaximBwhen trying to upgrade it says "cannot authenticate some packages" and closes ...why ?07:57
matthewLSteve, ah07:57
jattI had 11.10 before and vitualbox worked07:57
jattonly after upgrading to 12.04 it segfaults on my machine07:57
matthewLMaxim try without wifi.07:58
burnedupi was upgrading to ubuntu 12.04 yesterday at work. when i get back ubuntu had failed installing the new files (after downloading)07:58
obakfahadPitel first will you test a thing ? create a new user and restart and login with that and check whether that is ok....if ok then problem is in configs or if it is not then installation prob.07:58
jatt$ virtualbox07:58
jattSegmentation fault07:58
burnedupand i cant get öy ubuntu uo again07:58
MaximBmatthewL:  it's a desktop07:58
matthewLOr downgrading additional packages.07:58
=== PawanPutraHanuma is now known as pankaj_sharma
Pitelobakfahad: ok, I guess I should do the cleanup without gnome running anyway07:58
MaximBnvm worked at second try07:58
MaximBholding fingers07:58
matthewLClean install completed successfully.07:59
burnedupi'm having exactly this problem: http://askubuntu.com/questions/125649/reboot-during-update-glibc-error07:59
=== pankaj_sharma is now known as PawanPutraHanuma
obakfahadempathy with irc is great in 12.0408:00
matthewLFirst boot a success.08:00
Ben64is there an easy way to remove unity and effects on 12.04 yet?08:01
matthewLBooty to Ubuntu 2d at login,64.08:02
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10 To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.08:02
Ben64i'll have to try that08:02
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic08:02
minimecBen64: You can install the gnome environment. It will give you gnome3, gnome classic and gnome classic without compiz effects as WindowManager options.08:03
throwaway_rqanyone using gnome-session-fallback and alt-tab not working?08:05
matthewLInstalling Ubuntu a success!08:05
throwaway_rqseems like it's a common bug now08:05
lotuspsychjeminimec: is gnome classic default without installing gnome shell?08:05
feisarjust to confirm: If I have been running 12.04 beta I just need to run 'apt-get update' 'apt-get dist-upgrade'?08:08
popeyfeisar: yes08:08
feisarthen I have 12.04 LTS08:08
popeyfeisar: or use update manager08:08
minimeclotuspsychje: Non of them will be default. Until you switch from unity to another Window Manager in lightdm.08:08
feisarpopey: thanks (I only have terminal as it's a server)08:08
lotuspsychjeminimec: thats what i mean, do you have the option to login gnome classic by default, or you need to install first?08:09
MayazcherquoiHey guys. After upgrading from Oneiric to Precise, none of the default keyboard shortcuts work anymore (e.g. terminal -> CTRL+ALT+T, no longer works)08:09
MayazcherquoiCustom works fine, though.08:09
jattstrace virtualbox says:08:10
jatt<html><b>Effective UID is not root (euid=1000 egid=1000 uid=1000 gid=1000) (rc=-10)</b><br/><br/>Please try reinstalling VirtualBox.</html>08:10
minimeclotuspsychje: If you install the gnome environment (or gnome-panel), you will have that option in lightdm.08:10
throwaway_rqMayazcherquoi: even alt-tab doesnt work08:10
lotuspsychjeminimec: ok tnx08:10
MayazcherquoiAlt+Tab works fine.08:10
throwaway_rqMayazcherquoi: odd, not in my case.  alt+` doesn't either in gnome-terminal08:11
Mayazcherquoithrowaway_rq: Yeah, no, ALT+Tab works fine for me08:12
jesse__Does anyone know where I can download themes for unity (im using 12.4) ?08:12
Boffyhello.... i am doing upgrade at the moment. is it possible to upgrade form 11.04 directly to 12.04 using the 12.04 live cd?08:13
auronandaceBoffy: no08:13
feisarBoffy: you need to use the alternate CDs and you can only go up 1 version at a time08:13
auronandaceBoffy: you can upgrade from one to the next or from one lts to the next08:14
popeyfeisar: not true08:14
Kirejican I run a storage service on my (static IP, colod) ubuntu box that has Dropbox-like sync services with mac and windows clients?08:14
=== jacky is now known as JackyAlcine
feisaroh sorry08:14
popeyBoffy: you _can_ install over the top and keep your data if you want to?08:14
Kirejikind of like Ubuntu One, but served from my machine?08:14
popeyBoffy: if you do an install over the top and choose manual partitioing and _do_ _not_ format the root partition it will install over the top and keep whatever was in /home08:15
llutzKireji: why not,use stuff like this http://owncloud.org/08:15
auronandacepopey: and break your system08:15
Boffyyeah that's what i am worried.08:16
Boffyi know i should be able to use liveUSB to go form 11.10 to 12.0408:16
auronandaceBoffy: it really is a lot easier just clean installing08:16
Boffyat leats that would save soem downloading. if only i kept the 11.10 on the USB key before, but instea di erased it to give 12.04 a try and see if all works08:16
Engini'm sending valid syslog udp packets to server but can't see them in /var/syslog, any common pitfalls ?08:17
Boffythe problem is that i have 25GB data to backup if i do clean install08:17
Chousukeif you really must keep /home you can install on the unformatted partition, but remove all directories except /home from it before08:17
Chousukebut backing up home is easier08:17
auronandaceBoffy: then back it up08:17
=== X__ is now known as XDESIGN
Boffynot to meniton i will have to set it all up again. i have plenty programmes that are not in official repositories and i need them08:17
never2farhello ...how can i add a pogram to startup from command shell ? ...i have tried using rcconf but that program shows some programs as they are not at startup but they are already started08:18
r4yIf my router is set to hidden, how do I connect Ubuntu 12.04 to it?08:18
auronandaceBoffy: i keep what i need on a seperate storage partition and backup to an external harddrive, clean installs are a breeze08:18
XDESIGNi need install nautilus-gksu on ubuntu 12.0408:18
jesse__Hello.  The pink colors in the "Ambiance" theme are making me feel less manly.  Does anyone know where I can download additional themes for unity? I'm using 1.408:18
Engina tcpdump on server succesfully sees and parses the packets... but the server does not log the syslog messages in /var/log/syslog08:18
Marzatano skype via software center in 12.04?08:18
auronandace!skype | Marzata08:18
ubottuMarzata: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga08:18
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic08:19
XDESIGNx@x:~$ sudo apt-get install nautilus-gksu08:19
XDESIGNReading package lists... Done08:19
XDESIGNBuilding dependency tree08:19
XDESIGNReading state information... Done08:19
XDESIGNE: Unable to locate package nautilus-gksu08:19
FloodBot1XDESIGN: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:19
Engintoo much population... this channel can't be useful :/08:19
feisarwhen running an Ubuntu server what's the official way to get notified when critical updates and/or restarts are needed?08:20
=== JackyAlcine is now known as jalcine
XDESIGNhelp pls how to install nautilus-gksu08:20
popeyXDESIGN: looks like that's not in the repository anymore08:21
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XDESIGNa nieed repo08:21
auronandaceXDESIGN: what? can't you use the command: gksudo nautilus?08:21
enzotibhi, in 12.04, lxterminal, if I hit Shift-Ctrl-C to copy a text, is also sends an interrupt, how to fix?08:21
XDESIGNauronandace ok08:21
Marzataauronandace: thanks, but the partners are already added08:21
Marzataauronandace: and still no skype in the software senter08:21
erik32533hi when will next version of ubuntu be out08:21
popeyerik32533: october08:22
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auronandaceMarzata: odd, sorry i can't help, i don't use skype08:22
erik32533i see the desktop interface being changed08:22
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auronandaceerik32533: they are time based: 12.10 = 2012, 10th month08:23
Boffyon the upgrade... if i then move the home folder back will i keep the all settigns as well? i am thinking about moving it all to another disk and then back after fresh install since it realyl will be faster...08:23
Boffy2.5hours for only one upgrade is not worth it. especially casuse there are 2 more to do.08:23
erik32533i  mean the desktop will look totally different08:23
=== Jacky is now known as siibot
=== siibot is now known as jacky
XDESIGNubuntu best linux of al time08:24
sk1specialtraffic died down a little here? my issue is when i have my workstations view open..while i can use each one and go to them i can not drag and drop windows between them08:25
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sk1speciali also get this message -  Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0" when i open any program that does seomthing ( ie xchat ) and all my window borders look like windows 98..08:26
pratzhey guys08:27
pratzever happy about ubuntu 12.0408:28
zykes-_Why isn't there a libreadline5-dev package ?08:28
Flywaterhow about ubuntu-tweak08:28
Ben64i have 12.04 on my laptop, and it's not getting the correct gateway from dhcp08:28
enzotibin 12.04, lxterminal, if I hit Shift-Ctrl-C to copy a text, is also sends an interrupt, someone can confirm? and how to fix?08:29
Flywaterhow about ubuntu-tweak08:30
popeyenzotib: confirmed08:30
enzotibpopey, thanks, but have you any idea on how to look for a solution?08:31
ikoniaenzotib: what's intr set to ?08:31
sk1special@enzotib. why hit shift?08:31
enzotibikonia, intr = ^C;08:31
popeyenzotib: known bug 97191808:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 971918 in lxterminal (Ubuntu) "Ctrl-Shift-C issues a Break command" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97191808:32
enzotiboh, it is there!08:32
ikoniapopey: is it actually a bug though as ^C should be interupt08:32
enzotibsk1special, because I want to copy, not interrupt08:32
popeyits not ctrl+c08:32
ikoniathat's correct/expected behaviour08:32
popeyit's shift+ctrl+c08:32
popeyworks in gnome terminal08:32
ikoniapopey: yes, but that is also ^C08:32
popeyno, it isnt08:33
ikoniashift shouldn't change that08:33
popeyshift is a modifier08:33
jornhey, wasn't there a virtual package in ubuntu which installed a lot of the standard stuff for developers? like automake, autoconf, gcc, git, svn, ...?08:33
popeyhas worked for ~years in gnome terminal08:33
popeyjorn: build-essential ?08:33
sk1specialim new to linux..and thats for a older vs..but most of them work fine for me08:33
ikoniapopey: I'm testing it on a Fedora 16 box now with gnome terminal and a Solaris 10 xterm and gnome terminal and ctrl+shift+c is giving me ^C08:34
popeythey are broken then ☺08:34
ikoniapopey: what distro/release did it used to work on with gnome terminal ?08:34
jornpopey: the description of that package syas i don't need it if i don't develop debian packages08:34
jornbut i think it was called something like that08:34
popeyikonia: ubuntu, for numerous releases08:34
ikoniapopey: 10.04 a safe bet ?08:34
popeyikonia: i haven't used 10.04 for some time, maybe08:35
richardlxchow to convert  two pictures  in linux?08:35
richardlxcinto one picture08:35
ikoniapopey: any idea on one you can say "yup worked in that one"08:35
ikonia(just so I don't have to grab 5 versions looking for it)08:35
enzotibikonia, I think if the windows use a shortcut for its working, it should not pass that to the terminal driver08:35
popeyI'll snag 10.0408:35
HaltingStatehow do I set LC_COLLATE for whole system?08:35
ikoniaenzotib: windows behaviour has no relevence to linux08:35
ikoniapopey: don't worry, I'll get it, I was just seeing if you had an idea from memory for one that actually worked08:36
matthewLSo happy with my new up to date Ubuntu!!08:36
velenohello. how do I modify /etc/sudoers on a batch of 60 machines without logging into each one and 'sudo visudo'ing for all of them ?08:36
enzotibikonia, I don't mean MS Win, I mean the lxterminal window08:36
Ben64how can i upgrade 12.04 from cd08:36
ikoniaveleno: get a known working sudoers file and just copy it into place on the other machines08:37
popeyikonia: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=600876 its been around for _years_08:37
Ben64one of my systems currently has 12.04 beta, and i have the cd, would like to avoid downloading 400MB that isn't necessary08:37
ubottuGnome bug 600876 in general "Paste keybinding unreliable" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]08:37
Pitelhow can I specify font antialiasing?08:37
ikoniaBen64: you can only use the alternative CD08:37
ikoniapopey: now I'm super curious what ubuntu version had this working08:37
Ben64ikonia: really? it opens synaptic for me when i put the cd in08:37
ikoniaBen64: the upgrade process can only use the alternative CD unless something has changed in 12.0408:38
CelticTurnipanyone got a link to upgrading the beta to the release... I'm on ubuntu.com and for the life of me I can't see anything08:38
velenoikonia: i tried that, but i got a permission denied, despite the user doing it is a sudoer08:38
ikoniaveleno: then that user doesn't have permissions08:38
Ben64CelticTurnip: the update manager should give you the updates to the final version08:38
Ub_userHi all08:39
Ub_usersomeone use postfix with saslauthd under ubuntu 10.04?08:39
CelticTurnipBen64: no problem, I updated yesterday and it says there are no updates today... I thought there would be some kind of update... oh well :)08:39
cadeskywalkerfailregex = ^<HOST> -.*"GET \/w00tw00t\.at\.ISC\.SANS\.DFind\:\).*".*08:39
cadeskywalkeroups sorry wrong terminal08:40
bjoern_Hello, how can one check if a laptop has Nvidia Optimus? Ubuntu 12.04, trying to troubleshoot display problem.08:40
Ub_userHi all! Does someone use saslauthd under ubuntu 10.04?08:40
ozzyi need help with usb live ubuntu08:41
ozzywhy cant i put a persistent file bigger than 4 gb?08:41
chmouelHey guys, I am having a problem with my Xorg crashing http://pastebin.com/u4vbpYFB with the intel_drv since the upgrade, is that a known issue ?08:42
ikoniaozzy: is your persistant file system fat ?08:42
timingHi! How do I get that bar back which displays all the windows on the current workspace?08:42
fishcookerhappy birthday PP08:42
timingso I can click on it an stuff08:42
ozzyi think so08:42
ikoniaozzy: it won't support a file bigger than 4GB then08:42
ozzyso i format to ntfs?08:42
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ikoniaozzy: why not use ext which is a linux supported file system08:43
ozzyi need to format it from windows08:43
osirisupgrading from 10.04 to 12.04, on reboot does not list new kernel, also says the disk drive for / is not ready yet or not present. can anyone help ?08:43
ikoniaozzy: I'd not advise using NTFS, I don't actually think (but don't know) it will work08:44
ozzywill exfat work?08:44
eatherozzy: second ikonia, stick with fat32 if at all possible08:44
ikoniaozzy: don't think so08:44
ikoniastill limited to 4GB08:44
eatherthen you need a puppy live cd with gparted, that will format yr flash drive to whatever you choose :)08:45
ikoniayou can format it from the ubuntu live CD08:46
ikoniano need for puppy08:46
ozzycan formatting my usb drive to ext brake it or make it unaccesable by win?08:46
ikoniaozzy: yes, it won't be usable by windows, but it certainly won't break it08:46
eatherunreadable to win, but I have heard there is a way around that08:46
eatherthank you08:47
linuxwhere am i?08:48
ikonialinux: in an ubuntu support IRC chat channel08:48
Pitelhow can I change font antialiasing? The defaults looks ugly. :(08:49
sk1speciali used my usb drive to test/then install 12.04.. and my windows laptop still picks it up fine?08:49
gaelfx!zh | linux08:49
ubottulinux: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw08:49
MonkeyDustsk1special  the grub menu should show both systems08:50
fishcookerwhere can i see the list of bug of PP?08:50
osirisanyone have success upgrading from LTS to LTS ?08:50
fishcookeri don't try that on my production box osiris08:50
fishcooker10.04 will be remain in 10.0408:50
Ben64osiris: haven't tried yet, going to backup my partition beforehand08:50
MonkeyDustosiris  finished succesfully here08:50
osirisproblems here08:50
sk1specialyeah it does. i ment cus they were talking about it being unreadable on a seperate windows machine..and mine reads it fine08:50
fishcookercongratz monkeydost08:50
Ben64i haven't done a fresh install since Edgy Eft08:51
MonkeyDustfishcooker  having issues upgrading?08:51
fishcookerbig applause for ben6408:51
fishcookeri haven't tried it monkeydust08:51
osiriswell for starters new kernel is not showing in grub08:51
sk1speciali need help fixing my work station view tho..i can switch between them and go to them all. but i can not drag and drop between them08:51
Ben64osiris: can you choose an old one?08:52
oalAnyone else having problems with the mouse cursor not moving between screens in 12.04? Nvidia drivers08:52
osirisi can, but it drops to "the disk drive for / is not ready yet or not present"08:52
linuxjoin #ubuntu-cn08:52
halfiehi, i have installed ubuntu 12.04 but I can't hear any sound on headphones connected to Sound Blaster XFI sound card. Any tips to get sound working?08:53
Ben64osiris: strange... do you have any weird drive setup going? like raid or something?08:53
sk1special@oal. my my mouse gets stuckish between screens..but it switches over08:53
sk1specialslike hitting a speed bump08:53
osirisnope. old 2 ghz celery, 2 gigs of ram, and a couple of ide drives08:54
oalsk1special: yup, I noticed that as well. Very annoying!08:54
Ben64osiris: have you tried popping in a live cd and checking whats going on?08:54
gaelfxhahaha, celery. I like. I'm gonna borrow that if you haven't TMed it08:54
stimpiesk1special, its the resistance used to show the launcher08:54
osiriswell from the recovery prompt it appears the data is safe, although mounted read-only. im pretty sure i could live rescue it with a usb drive, but quite frankly i have too much data on the drive to move it all08:55
sk1specialah. my drivers are being retarted tho. depending on my options/driver pick/set up. i can get one of my screens to work perfect..but not see the second.08:55
sk1specialor get both screens to work..but it has that windows 98 look to menus and cant drag and drop between workstations..08:55
sk1specialor i can get one screen to work and look normal..and the other to be a solid grey light08:56
Ben64osiris: i meant more along the lines of making sure fstab and grub options are set to load the correct partition08:56
bhaisahabhey ubuntu pkg maintainers sasl broke my mail server https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cyrus-sasl2/+bug/87544008:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 875440 in cyrus-sasl2 (Ubuntu) "Cannot authenticate with saslauthd and mysql" [High,Confirmed]08:56
sk1specialalso. how do i red text people?08:56
bhaisahabany updates on that08:56
osirishavent been that far yet, as i fear the cd drives are........ old08:56
osiristhe uuid's in fstab appear right08:56
vp18has anyone tried cinnamon 1.408:57
bhaisahabwhat would you say I use dovecot for sasl instead of cyrus? has anyone done that08:57
gaelfxI'm trying to connect to an NFS share I set up on another computer in my network, but the connection always times out, both comps are running 12.04, can someone help me figure this out?08:57
halfiegaelfx: are NFS ports open or is the firewall inactive?08:58
gaelfxhalfie: good thought, I'll check08:58
fishcookermonkeydust ben64 osiris,, where could i see the list of bug on ubuntu?08:58
halfiegaelfx: first try getting your setup running with no firewall (iptables -F)08:59
MonkeyDust!tab| fishcooker08:59
ubottufishcooker: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.08:59
StarminnI have just installed Ubuntu 12.04, and after trying to place all of my old fonts into the new install, I am only getting little squares where letters should be. Any ideas?  (On a separate computer currently to type this)08:59
bhaisahabhelpl  heer,09:00
bhaisahabhelp here09:00
pschweitzerHi, when will the 12.04LTS will be marked as LTS to allow safe upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04 using do-release-upgrade?09:00
pschweitzer(to prevent using the --devel flag)09:00
bluefrogStarminn, have you rebuilt the fonts cache?09:01
bhaisahabit is now09:01
bhaisahabdo it now!09:01
bhaisahabbluefrog: do it09:01
gaelfxhalfie: hm, I don't see any ports being forwarded on my router RE NFS, how can I check if the NFS is actually running on the server?09:01
Starminnbluefrog: I've not heard of this ever before, so probably not. :)09:01
sk1special@fishcooker https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu09:01
bluefrogStarminn, try   sudo fc-cache -f -v09:01
bhaisahabhey anyone about postfix, sasl2 authentication bug for email server?09:01
Hardcorefrankjust poping in here because I normally do after a ubuntu release to see what you guys think here09:01
lotuspsychjethe greatest screencast recorder is nog in official repos: kazam09:01
luca__salve io ho un problema con plymouth manager09:02
lotuspsychje!info kazam09:02
ubottukazam (source: kazam): Easy to use application for recording on-screen action. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.6-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 94 kB, installed size 824 kB09:02
osirisgaelfx: you can netstat -a and look for nfs running on the server side09:02
halfiegaelfx: netstat -nltp should show portmap and some rpc process. though there is a better way which i forgot09:02
Starminnbluefrog: It has finished running. I suppose a restart would be in order to be most effective?09:02
MonkeyDust!es| luca__09:02
ubottuluca__: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.09:02
halfiegaelfx: got it, run "rpcinfo -p"09:02
luca__ho cliccato sul tasto compatibilità con burg e da allora non si avvia più09:02
bluefrogStarminn, not that I am aware of09:02
gaelfxhalfie: osiris I'll try both in a minute09:02
gaelfx*all three09:02
bluefrogStarminn, log out/in at grand maximum09:03
goddardhow can i clear space from my boot partition?09:03
bluefroggoddard, uninstall old kernels09:03
ikoniagoddard: remove what you don't need09:03
luca__hi i have a problem with plymouth manager09:03
lotuspsychje!info activity-log-manager09:04
ubottuactivity-log-manager (source: activity-log-manager): blacklist configuration user interface for Zeitgeist. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.4-0ubuntu3 (precise), package size 71 kB, installed size 217 kB09:04
goddardbluefrog: is there a way i can do that in the terminal?09:04
luca__this program doesn't work on my pc because i clicked on compatibility with burg09:04
Starminnbluefrog: Did a full restart (I know it's overkill on Linux, but I figure it's a sure-fire way, nonetheless to test if something got fixed) and am experiencing the same problem.09:04
bluefroggoddard, don't understand09:04
luca__someone has an idea?09:05
nitzswhy is there such a big gap between the top bar and the notification popups?09:05
gaelfxhalfie: actually, I just noticed transmission's port doesn't seem to be automatically forwarding either, which seems rather strange09:05
onoez_omghey guys, how may i move the applents into 12.04' gnome classic?09:05
Starminnbluefrog: The plain shell (CTRL+ALT+F1->F6) displays fine, though, so it may just be an Ubuntu font problem. Is there a sane way to change the font on 12.04 built-in? (i.e. Other than GNOME's "Advanced Settings"?)09:06
bluefroggoddard, sry was thinking about another problem.  apt-get purge linux-image then tab to find what's installed09:06
gaelfxonoez_omg: if you mean like Gnome 2, I think your best shot is to use MATE09:06
StuuHey guys09:06
nitzsStarminn: you might have a look at gconf-editor09:06
=== hanthana__ is now known as hanthana
sk1special@nitzs.. was just reading the billionaire guys blog posts..and he was talking about hating how they covered each other up when you were trying to do something..so maybe ?09:07
* Starminn will be right back09:07
fishcookerMonkeyDust: thankyou it work on pidgin09:07
onoez_omggaelfx, it is gnome 3 with fallback to classic view, anyway thx, but what is MATE?09:07
goddardbluefrog: can i just do apt-get remove and then the image name09:07
goddardbluefrog: is that safe?09:08
fishcookerthanks sk1special09:08
gaelfxonoez_omg: linux mint's fork of gnome 209:08
bluefroggoddard, if you want. safe? don't understand09:08
ikoniait's not gnome 209:08
ikoniait's still gnome 309:08
luca__thanks for the help09:08
onoez_omggaelfx, is it a good idea to mix mint packages with native ones? :/09:08
nitzssk1special: but if a new notification popup occurs, the older one should scroll down to make way. that would've looked cool.09:09
ikoniaonoez_omg: use mint packages on mint, ubuntu packages on ubuntu09:09
gaelfxonoez_omg: not sure on that one, might wanna check if MATE is in the repos. if it is, it should be more or less fine09:09
onoez_omgi already did, it is not, thx09:09
nitzsonoez_omg: do you know about cinnamon?09:10
sk1specialyeah he *called for community/dev input* to help finalize /  update  /whatever make to make it easier to use in the coming updates. was talking about doing same placement but delayed popups by detecting where the cursor was09:10
gaelfxhalfie: ok, I found that NFS shows up in rpcinfo, and it listed the port for it as well, but I was wondering whether or not NFS uses upnp or not?09:10
onoez_omgnitzs, is it some kind of mint crap again?09:10
nitzsmint crap?09:10
sk1specialhow do i red text people? or is that like a mod thing?09:10
morningI need help with a failed upgrade to Precise (64). I neglected to turn off x-screensaver, with the result that installation was interrupted while trying to install libc6. Now I´m stuck. I can reboot to a recovery menu but don´t know where to go from there. Guidance?09:11
ikoniamorning: clean install09:11
MonkeyDustsk1special  colors depend on the IRC program you are using09:11
ikoniamorning: boot from a livecd backup what you need and do a clean install09:11
goddardeach one of these kernels takes up 128MB09:11
goddardi have like 10 installed09:11
sk1specialbut like.. normally its name blue text black. and when you guys do that with my name specifcally it goes all red09:11
morningikonia: thank you. will do.09:11
goddardor more09:12
uBUxUBuis anyone here using 12.04 as we speak?09:12
aciculauBUxUBu: i am09:12
nitzsonoez_omg: if you don't like unity, and you don't like MATE, cinnamon is your best option. or maybe xfce.09:12
MonkeyDustsk1special  try /me blah09:12
sk1specialand i am ubu09:12
fishcookersk1special: what means by triage.. what difference with confirmed?09:12
dubeyi wan to create a customized ubuntu cd with only required applications. How can i do this ?09:12
goddardif you like 11.10 i dont see a reason to upgrade09:12
uBUxUBudoes your icon launcher go in and out of site or does it stay fixed acicula09:12
popeydubey: yes09:12
popeydubey: maybe look at remastersys? or live-build09:13
MonkeyDustdubey  try remastersys09:13
aciculadubey: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization09:13
Pitelhow can I configure fonts and antialiasing?09:13
sk1specialdid you see that message monkey?09:13
gaelfxwhat message monkey?09:13
onoez_omgnitzs, thanks, but mixing things with mint is not an option, reinstalling the whole system is not an option, again, thanks for your attention09:13
killer1hi.............i wanna install wireless drivers for bcm4312 card and dun wanna install prop. drivers.any help?09:14
jarcoI just installed the new ubuntu using the alternate cd. Now I am only getting to the loading screen. Anyone know how I can boot it in a save mode?09:14
jarcolowe graphics mode09:14
MonkeyDustsk1special  this is not the right channel to learn IRC, better join #test or #freenode09:14
dubeyany doc ?09:14
onoez_omgkiller1, are you sure there are some non-prop drivers for your broadcom?09:14
sk1speciallol ight.  chello gaelfx. i did a fresh install and the same thing is happening with my video again that fixed before.09:15
lotuspsychje!info remastersys09:15
ubottuPackage remastersys does not exist in precise09:15
krababbeljarco: did you try esc? ctrl+alt+f1 would take you to an alternative terminal. also there is rescue mode in boot menu.09:15
krababbeljarco: low graphics mode is text mode.09:16
sk1specialdepending on options/which driver what video sets i choose. i can get one monitor to wwork fine. or both to work but the windows have that win 98 look to them and no drap and drop between workstations or one working and one grey screen09:16
jarcokrababbel: can i install the nvidia drivers from the text mode?09:17
krababbeljarco: yes, you can do everything there I guess09:17
onoez_omgjarco, apt-get install nvidia-current09:17
jarcoThe problem is it doesn't seem to go in there :(09:17
krababbeljarco: can you switch terminal?09:17
krababbeljarco: try rescue mode09:18
SomyaI am still not able to figure out why the wlan0 driver is not showing up after I have upgraded the ubuntu version to 11.0409:18
gaelfxdoes NFS use upnp to autoforward it's port?09:18
jarcokrababbel: nope :( ctrl alt + F 1 - 5 not working09:18
gaelfxor is there a way to make it do that?09:18
bepebeis there a network proxy gui, like the one in ubuntu. I have set /etc/apt/apt.conf and /etc/wgetrc with my proxy settings manually, but cannot seem to download Additional Drivers. I am looking for a .deb install or something for the Network Proxy option under System >> Network Proxy09:18
halfiegaelfx: NFS doesn't use upnp AFAIK09:19
onoez_omgSomya, could you please provide ur `lspci`, `rfkill list all` and `dmesg`?09:19
krababbeljarco: try rescue mode and there you can look at /var/log/xorg09:19
gaelfxhalfie: so I have to add the rule to my router myself?09:19
krababbeljarco: does live cd work?09:19
jarcokrababbel: booting into rescue mode right now09:19
fishcookerif im upgrade from LL to PP.. on server09:19
halfiegaelfx: yes, and some NFS ports are random (there is a way to make them static though).09:19
fishcookerwill the unity stuff be installed?09:20
halfiegaelfx: for simple file sharing, sshfs works without all this mess.09:20
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krababbeljarco: what card do you have?09:20
fishcookeractually im on server LL09:20
jarcokrababbel: I am not sure. I know it worked with the nvidia drivers under fedora.09:20
gaelfxhalfie: I kinda need it to be gui though09:21
jarcokrababbel: I am in rescue mode now09:21
krababbeldo < onoez_omg> jarco, apt-get install nvidia-current09:21
onoez_omgfishcooker, from what i see now from 12.04 i suppose (somehow) that the answer is yes09:21
halfiegaelfx: sshfs mount points can be opened in GUI explorers, is that what you are talking about?09:22
anaxHello, all! I have just installed Ubuntu 12.04, and I've noticed that I have never installed proprietery drivers for my graphics card. I have the Intel Graphics Family with GeForce 520M graphic card. When I start the Proprietery Drivers application, it shows nothing. My question is, what will happen if I install Nvidia drivers on my own?09:22
gaelfxhalfie: I suppose, more or less09:22
fishcookeromg onoez_omg09:22
ogra_fishcooker, if you dont have a GUI now, its wont install  GUI during upgrade09:22
onoez_omgfishcooker, indeed09:22
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gaelfxhalfie: does sshfs require login using the machines UID and pass though?09:23
fishcookersame here anax09:23
fishcookerim on the 520m09:23
fishcookeri've openbox installed ogra09:23
halfiegaelfx: ssh requires running sshd on the server and on client it involves giving credentials to mount a folder.09:24
onoez_omg540m with optimus and bumblebee and solid unmoveable gnome applets on 12.04 :/09:24
ogra_fishcooker, so it wont pull in unity, it will just upgrade what you have09:24
anaxWell, I've added this PPA for X.org drivers, but I don't know what will happen if I install nvidia-current, so I came to ask. :)09:24
jarcohow do i setup the dns ? Its not getting that from dhcp. Ping to external ip works09:24
fishcookergo for it anax09:25
onoez_omgjarco, /etc/resolv.conf is ur friend09:25
fishcookeror try the recommended one09:25
fishcookerit works for me09:25
ray_When I was testing Ubuntu 12.04 from CD I couldn't connect to the internet, but after installing I was able to connect09:26
gaelfxhow do you check the permissions on a folder?09:26
gaelfxin cli I mean09:26
PawanPutraHanumagaelfx, ls -lrth09:26
anaxIs there a chance of something going terribly wrong? Like, me losing my desktop enviroment, and then having to return it all. Or will I always be able to enter Unity 2D and work from there?09:26
TheteDoes 12.04 still require the special +mac version to work right?09:27
onoez_omganax, you won't lose ur desktop environment, the most risky part is falling back to ur current nvidia driver or purging it at all in order to use intel graphics (if u have one)09:27
SteveBellhi all. got a question about keyboard layouts. using a macbook here and the keys are somewhat twisted. in os X e.g. all firefox commands like new tab would be cmd+n. but in ubuntu it is ctrl+n. is there a possibility to adjust the keys so that they would work like in os x?09:27
onoez_omganax, things shouldn't go bad i suppose, don't worry09:28
ray_How do I switch back to gnome?09:28
xapelhas anyone here found a good workaround or fix for this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/94729609:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 947296 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Update-manager stopped updating" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:28
fl1bbl3install gnome shell09:28
anaxWell, I have no installed drivers at the moment, just the ones that came with Ubuntu, so I guess I'm good to go. I'll let you guys know what happened! Thanks a lot! :)09:29
sk1specialdont lie lol. my desktop has died several times trying to update/fix my nvidia drivers. but its usually let me log in as a guest which apparently uses default settings to start and change back the nvidia settings then reboot which fixes it..09:29
jarcokrababbel: in rescue mode i cat resolv.conf. It sais the file is not there. I can see it when i LS09:29
fl1bbl3ray_: apt-get install gnome-shell09:29
ray_I heard Unity can be switched to Gnome from the login screen. So I have to install gnome-shell then09:29
onoez_omgsk1special, ur desktop was remeining the same alive, while u were experiencing problems with driver09:30
ogra_xapel, the bug has a workaround described at the bottom09:30
ray_Arg, how do I minimize a window?09:30
krababbeljarco: not sure, resolv.conf is handled by resolvconf package. You have no connection?09:30
sk1speciallol my desktop was hiding in a black/grey/purple void of emptyness depending.09:30
onoez_omgjarco, `whereis resolv.conf`09:31
jarcokrababbel: I have connection but no dns09:31
onoez_omgsk1special, u always have an option to log into virtual console or over ssh remotely09:31
krababbeljarco: you could try creating /etc/resolv.conf09:31
jarco /etc/resolv.conf (i think this one is empty) and /usr/include/resolv.h09:32
sk1specialwhich i have no idea how to do :] third day now on linux. i like it..but alot to learn/figure out/get to work the way i want09:32
jarcoI cant save to it09:32
ray_The only way I can get back to this window is by doing alt-tab. How do I minimize windows?09:32
abhi_69i can't access NTFS partitions from nautilus09:32
sk1special@ ray..should be if you move your mouse near the top itll pop up with a close/min/max buttons on the left09:32
ray_Never mind. I figured it out09:32
abhi_69nautilus giving me error: seg fault (core dumped)09:33
abhi_69any help?09:33
krababbeljarco: You could enter dns into /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head09:33
krababbeljarco: then do resolvconf -u09:33
onoez_omgsk1special, the best way to start (in order to learnthings clear) is getting an old version of slackware distribution for example and setting up all the stuff including graphical environment, imho it is the best way09:33
morningTo recover from a failed upgrade to Precise, I´m reinstalling Oneiric from a live CD. The installer detects "that the follwoing disks have mounted partitions: /dev/sda." And it asks whether I want the installer "to unmount the partions on these disks before continuing." I want to be careful not to lose the data on my hard disk. What should be my answer: Yes or no?09:34
ray_What I figured out is different. It's what is on the left. What's that called?09:34
abhi_69i can't open those using nautilus09:34
ogra_ray_, you mean the launcher ?09:34
ray_How would I know, lol09:35
ogra_well, the stripe on the left with the icons is called launcher :)09:35
sk1specialyeah youre right..from my experience with windows anyway. but i need a functioning comp lol. so when i get some xtra cash ill build a breakable09:35
abhi_69anyone? help me plz, nautilus problem09:35
ikoniaabhi_69: I told you what to do09:36
ikoniaabhi_69: the error is "directory is missing" check if it's actually there09:36
nitzsit just been about 20 hours and already 70 mb worth of updates?09:36
abhi_69ikonia, i already do that09:36
jarcokrababbel: error /run/resolvconf/interface either does not exist or is not a directory ...09:36
ikoniaabhi_69: did what ?09:36
abhi_69install samba09:36
ray_OK, TY, For some reason I don't see minimized, and so forth on the top left of Firefox when hovering there09:36
abhi_69now that error is solved09:36
krababbeljarco: sorry, not sure about rescuemode and dns then09:36
abhi_69i got the idea from a post of ubuntu forum09:36
sk1speciali was installing win 8 beta actually. and it crashed my pc so hard i couldnt reinstall from any of my backup/recovery/actual oem discs of any win vs..so i came here09:36
gaelfxwow, finally got NFS working :D09:37
gaelfxthanks folks09:37
onoez_omgand yeah, if someone interested, i figured out how to move applets in gnome 3 classic fallback session lol, Alt+right click helps09:37
abhi_69now a new error: seg fault (code dump)09:37
ikoniaabhi_69: I have no idea why you are doing this, the error is clear, "directory is missing"09:37
ray_TY, ogra_ for the info09:37
ray_I got it now, I prefer the window bars being where they used to be09:38
abhi_69ikonia, now i'm getting new error, only a single line error while trying to access them, that is: seg fault (core dumped)09:38
abhi_69no other errors now09:38
abhi_69no directory missing error or so09:38
ikoniaabhi_69: no idea, you'd need to analyise the core which is a very complex process09:38
qEssenceIm having some issues with my hard drives on 12.04 install, i have four ones, one SSD of 250gb and three SATA of 3TB each, But, installationg its only recognizing the SSD, and one of the SATA. Both fdisk and gparted shows the same, and the four HDD's are visible and useable on win7. Does anyone knows what can be causing this?09:38
abhi_69i already try a solution- that is removing gvfs-metadata from ~/local/share and reboot pc09:39
abhi_69not working09:39
onoez_omgqEssence, do u use some kind of removable sata-controller?09:39
ray_OK, so when I resize a window the menu is like before then. OK, I am finally getting the hang of Unity a little. I should go to the beginner channel. Bye all09:39
abhi_69does this problem related to nautilus-gdu extension?09:39
nitzsabhi_69: start nautilus from the terminal and try to access the NTFS partitions. paste the crash output on paste.ubuntu.com09:39
qEssenceonoez_omg: No, they are all connected directly to motherboard.09:40
md_5I am using xbinkeys on 12.04 in an attempt to make back / forward on my mouse work09:40
md_5It works correctly on firefox but not nautilus...09:40
onoez_omgqEssence, did u try to play with it in order to try to see some of them u didn't with pluggin and unpluggin\changing them one with another?09:41
md_5I can't think of any reason why this would be the case, but it is :(09:41
qEssenceonoez_omg: Yep, Same results.09:41
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qEssenceonoez_omg: Weird, ah?09:41
seliteHow do I access the recovery partition on Vaio VPC EB2H4E?09:42
qEssenceDo you think this can be related to nouveau.blacklist=1 command?09:42
onoez_omgqEssence, u always able to see only one of those sata-drives and u're 100% positive its not about physical connection trouble?09:42
onoez_omgqEssence, can u throw ur `dmesg` output just to look through?09:42
abhi_69nitzs, here it is- http://paste.ubuntu.com/949382/09:43
SteveBellgot a question about keyboard layouts. using a macbook here and the keys are somewhat twisted. in os X e.g. all firefox commands like new tab would be cmd+n. but in ubuntu it is ctrl+n. is there a possibility to adjust the keys so that they would work like in os x?09:43
qEssenceonoez_omg: Im 100% sure its not a connection problem, because i can widely use them all on Win7. Maybe im wrong whit this and it does not prove anything.09:43
md_5could nautilus perhaps be eeating my button presses?09:43
action09hi , anyone installed 12.04 on Giada N20 please ?09:43
woozlyguys. how to create link to executable file?09:44
woozlylike in /usr/bin/09:44
skramer_I would like to get my old serial WACOM ArtPad II to work with Precise. I compiled the kernel module, but still Ubuntu says that it did not detect any WACOM tablet... Am I missing something?09:44
onoez_omgqEssence, i doubt it is connected to nouveau, and yeah, it is weird =) `dmesg` could countain some hints09:44
ogra_woozly, man ln will tell you :)09:44
sk1special@steve..https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KeyboardShortcuts has alot of stuff09:44
dpkingmaHello #ubuntu! Does anyone have a Juju Charm for MongoDB 2.0+ ?09:45
qEssenceonoez_omg: Never used dmesg before, newbie here =P, since fidisk and gparted does not shows anything, do you think dmesg will work?09:45
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md_5dmesg shows everything09:45
seliteHow do I know if my laptop has a recovery partition?09:45
SteveBellsk1special thx, will have a look.09:45
qEssenceIm not on installation proccess right now, back to Win7 to gather some info.09:45
nitzsabhi_69: looks like it is a reported bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/81117109:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 691070 in compiz (Ubuntu Precise) "duplicate for #811171 compiz assert failure: *** glibc detected *** compiz: corrupted double-linked list: 0x000000000195ae60 ***" [High,Confirmed]09:46
onoez_omgqEssence, dmesg shows some of the events related to kernel,hardware and its interaction, it is just a command generally speaking that u type into ur terminal =)09:46
uBUxUBuselite, did you buy it new, and did you never manipluate the partitions?09:47
sk1specialn/p . found it trying work around broken video drivers yesterday :]09:47
qEssenceonoez_omg: Yeah, i know, i meant that fdisk and gparted does not seem to be able to `see`  the HDD's, but i can try it.09:47
qEssenceonoez_omg:  i was also thinking on the alternate install CD.09:48
ogra_dpkingma, probably a better question on #ubuntu-server :)09:48
seliteuBUxUBu: I bought it like a year ago and I only installed Ubuntu, my guess is there is a recovery partition. But, I can't access it with F10 I guess it's because Win7 doesn't work.09:48
seliteuBUxUBu: What should I do?09:48
dpkingmaogra_: Thanks! I09:48
dpkingma I'll Try!09:48
abhi_69nitzs, now what?09:48
abhi_69wait for fix?09:48
Kriss3dHmm can you in gnome add a menu sorta like "places" but add another name ?09:48
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abhi_69nautilus giving this error while trying to access NTFS partitions only09:49
md_5sigh I can't switch to ubuntu until I get this back/forward working in nautilus09:49
onoez_omgqEssence, dmesg often shows if something goes really wrong like with hdds, controller and other things related to your current problem, so it would help much if u would just copy-paste whole dmesg cmd output into pastebin and let us to see it =)09:49
uBUxUBuselite, some computers access it from an f key some need the recovery disk to get into it09:49
abhi_69it's ok for ubuntu partition though09:49
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qEssenceonoez_omg: Thank you so much, i'll do that.09:49
seliteuBUxUBu: Hmmm, I will try the f key, I am sure that I wasn't given a CD with Win7 on it.09:50
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seliteuBUxUBu: Thank you.09:50
onoez_omgqEssence, np, we havn't fixed it yet though lol and i have no idea if i will be able to help really, but always keep in mind that dmesg would help ppl to deal with such kind of troubles09:50
jattI upgraded to pangolin yesterday and the whole system feels much slower than before the upgrade, are there any known issues regarding performance?09:51
uBUxUBuselite, some computers will get you to recovery by typing recovery in the search bar and even burning the disks from that point09:51
qEssenceonoez_omg: I undersand, just a step closer.09:51
jattI am using xfce without composition09:51
jattI wonder if it is related to the kernel09:51
seliteuBUxUBu: Which search bar? I am currently runnin Ubuntu and Win7 doesn't start it says something like No OS files found.09:52
uBUxUBuoh sorry nm09:52
uBUxUBumost manufacturers wil ship the recovery disks if you need them for 10-15 bucks09:52
onoez_omgthe other question is if u really need those hah09:53
drusselljatt: hmm, not that I'm aware of, everything seems to be a bit quicker here, but it's all pretty subjective09:54
drusselljatt: what are you finding slower?09:54
ojiiso I upgraded to 12.04 yesterday, and if I log into unity3d, the displays go black after about 1-2 minutes after login. Just before going black, it looks like unity is actually crashing hard. I have to kill X then and log into unity2d if i want to use my laptop. What could I do to fix this or figure out why it happens?09:55
jattvirtualbox, also the whole desktop (open the applications menu), chrome, etc09:55
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jattit's verz sluggish09:55
uBUxUBuselite it is possible that you installed ubuntu and dedicated the entire hard drive to ubuntu thus wiping out w709:55
zvacetuBUxUBu: no09:57
uBUxUBuduring the partitioning sectiona person may delete all partitions and then rebuild the mif they choose to do so zvacet - am i wrong?09:58
MonkeyDustuBUxUBu  yes, if you did not use them, if you know what you are doing09:59
ItsMeLennythe latest ubuntu is completely screwed up, nothing is working, it is driving me up the wall, and ive been using ubuntu for like 3 years now10:00
ItsMeLennyif not longer10:00
uBUxUBuselite is trying to find his recovery partition, i merely stated that it is possible to have deleted it, i do not condone doing that, unless someone specifically wants too10:01
ikoniahow long you've used it has no relevence really10:01
MonkeyDustItsMeLenny  what's wrong?10:01
ItsMeLennyikonia, it does if it's gotten worse10:01
jarcoseems like it is Impossible to install ubuntu on a non supported video card even if you know the nvidia drivers will work. There is just no option given to do this ...10:01
mayaWhy isn't it easy to make the Task Tray appear in unity5 with a mouse?10:01
ikonianot really, won't change the fact that you're having problems10:01
ikoniajarco: what's the actual issue you are having ?10:01
mayaIt feels like I need more effort just so it slides out/appear.10:02
ItsMeLennyMonkeyDust, unity was just glitchy as all buggery, both 3d and 2d, same with gnome classic, am now running cinnamon and just everything is still screwed up10:02
mayaI try turning up Unity Tray sensitivity up, but it's not giving me the desired effect.10:02
MonkeyDustItsMeLenny  i use classic too, define "screwed up"?10:02
jarcoikonia: When I boot my system I see the loading screen but it stops there.10:02
ikoniajarco: what makes you think that's a video card issue ?10:03
ItsMeLennythe unity in 11.10 unity worked fine for me10:03
onoez_omgItsMeLenny, gnome classic session of mine http://ovrload.ru/temp/%D0%A1%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%BA-2012-04-27_14:01:00_72520411b406b47081c0644e6c684b1c.png10:03
MonkeyDustItsMeLenny  and define "everything"10:03
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jarcoikonia: because I had the same problem with fedora.10:03
jarcoikonia: and with arch10:03
ItsMeLennyMonkeyDust, (i dont know how you managed to change the toolbar), but screwed up would be going into the menus and trying to go into a menu and it dissapeares the first 3 times10:04
ikoniajarco: ok, so it's not really an ubuntu issue then10:04
ikoniait's just an incompatible video card10:04
ItsMeLennymaking eveyrthing take 3 times as long, thats for classic10:04
MonkeyDustItsMeLenny  classic works fine here10:04
ItsMeLennyfor unity the whole new side sensitivity makes you have to sit there ramming the mouse into the side til it pops up10:04
jarcoikonia: no the problem is the video card support. The actueal problem for me is that I can't find a way to boot ubuntu in a way that the 3d acceleration is not needed10:04
jarcofedora did that by default10:04
rodayothe gnome-terminal background image option kinda got messed up on my laptop recently. I remember before you could have a solid background image for the term. Right now the transparency option controls both the solid color and the bg-image...so if I set the opacity to 0% the image is barely visible unless you place over a dark background app and if I set it to 100% it's just a solid color....is anyone else having this problem?10:05
ikoniajarco: as in boot the install or boot the installed system ?10:05
MonkeyDustItsMeLenny  maybe you just have to get used to the new Unity10:05
onoez_omgi don't feel that "unity presense"10:05
jarcoikonia: I installed with the alternate image because the live one didnt work.10:05
ItsMeLennyMonkeyDust, it was still all glitchy and they uglied it up with shadows that didnt look right10:05
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ItsMeLennyi'm just cracking the shits because they ruined something in which they were on a good track10:06
ikoniajarco: ok, so unity needs a 3d accelerated environment, so I'm not quite sure what your end goal is10:06
ikoniaItsMeLenny: drop the language10:06
MonkeyDustItsMeLenny  there's MyUnity to modify Unity (i don't like/use it myself, tho)10:06
ItsMeLennyikonia, the language? i can only speak english10:06
ikoniaItsMeLenny: the swearing10:06
ItsMeLennyi never swore..10:07
jarcoikonia: Well. I need to get the nvidia driver on there? Or use some other way to actually SEE anything10:07
sk1specialtry this jarco? sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates   sudo apt-get update  sudo apt-get install nvidia-current10:07
ikoniaItsMeLenny: please re-read what you said and try to control it10:07
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ItsMeLennydunno what you're on about boy10:07
ikoniajarco: what video card is it ?10:07
jozefkhello. what are the system requirements for 12.04 LTS, 64bit? Can I install it on 10GB ext4 partition or do you recommend more?10:07
ikoniaItsMeLenny: I'll send you a pm with the bad language in10:07
jarcosk1special: I would love to. But I cant get into a cli. And in resque mode I am unable to get dns working10:07
mayaHow can I make my unity tray appear sooner using my mouse cursor?10:08
jarcoikonia: Very unsure about that sorry. I know I should know that but I wilol not open my bosses laptop :)10:08
ikoniajarco: lspci10:08
aciculajozefk: it should fit, but its somewhat tight10:08
jozefkthen 20GB?10:08
aciculajozefk: that would be better yes10:09
jarcoikonia: geforce 9200M g10:09
ikonianot familier with that one10:09
ikoniais it an optimus card ?10:09
jarcothe nvidia drivers will wortk10:09
ikoniaare you sure ?10:09
jarcoi only need to actually get them on the system10:09
cincinnatusDoes Canonical still operate at a loss?10:09
cincinnatus(I hope not)10:09
rorhopefully a built-in torrent version of the dist-upgrade will happen in the future, had to give up as downloading the package list data fell to 14.4kbp10:09
ikoniajarco: have you installed the nvidia package ?10:09
jozefkcan I install LXDE on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64bit?10:09
cincinnatusoh wait... it's the support channel... sorry]10:09
acicularor: what mirror are you using?10:10
jarcoikonia: Cant get dns to work in rescue mode :(10:10
ikoniajarco: how are you setting it ?10:10
the-ermjozefk: I don't see why not.10:10
zsolthi there!i can't udenrstand if I use espeak --phonout=/path/file.txt the text file remains empty10:10
jozefkI guess with simple apt-get install lxde right?10:11
the-ermI think there is a 64bit version of lubuntu.  So lxde should work.10:11
jozefkok thank you. I will try that10:11
EastwoodWhat's up everyone10:11
jarcoikonia: I am trying to get it into /etc/resolv.conf (cant seem to write into that)10:12
action09hi, can someone help with these errors ata1.00: status: { DRDY ERR } .. etc  http://paste.ubuntu.com/949428/  I can't install 12.04 on a giada n2010:12
onoez_omgis there something useful like `sysv-rc-conf` designed to help to rule init scripts? at some point i've met problems while using it10:12
if124hello all, would it cause problems if i switch distros while having the same account name and the same home partition?10:13
ikoniajarco: use sudo10:13
jarcoikonia: I did. The error i get is. can't open linked file for wrting10:13
EastwoodJarco try this10:13
Eastwoodecho "[some repository]" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list10:13
EastwoodThe tee command is called as the superuser via sudo and the -a argument tells tee to append to the file instead of overwriting it.10:13
EastwoodYour original command failed, as the IO redirection with >> will be done as the regular user, only your echo was executed with sudo.10:13
EastwoodCalling a sudo subshell like10:13
FloodBot1Eastwood: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:13
Eastwoodsudo sh -c 'echo "[some repository]" >> /etc/apt/sources.list'10:13
aciculaif124: its the user_id's that have to match, not the name. Your system should work just fine, but the installed applications may have issues with different data formats in your home directory10:13
zvacetjozefk: sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop10:14
onoez_omgjarco, just `echo "nameserver">/etc/resolv.conf`10:14
Eastwoodsudo sh -c 'echo "[some repository]" >> /etc/apt/sources.list'10:14
if124ok acicula, thanks10:14
the-ermI think there's a prepend command to make it permanent.10:15
cincinnatusIs there away to prevent .xsession-errors from filling up the hard drive in Oneiric Ocelot?10:15
jarcoonoez_omg: it sais: no such file or directry :s.10:16
cincinnatus* a way10:16
onoez_omgjarco, it shouldn't if u're doing it right10:16
cincinnatusEvery now and then, .xsession-errors grows so fast it can consume my whole Linux partition in no time10:16
jozefkzvacet, is there any difference between that and if I just go for official lubuntu 12.04 LTS 64bit?10:16
jarcoI am doing it right10:16
jarcoonoez_omg: don't forget that I am in rescue mode. Perhaps that is causing this behaivior10:17
nickkontoshello, is there any way to fix alt+tab in 12.04 in gnome-session without compiz?10:17
aciculaaction09: is this an old system or old disk?10:18
finnrobiHi. Is it possible to install packages to a partition on my harddrive that I can not boot from, using a livecd? Something like apt-get install foo --root=/media/unbootable/ ?10:18
onoez_omgjarco, can u show us `mount` output?10:18
krababbeljarco: just tried rescue mode, resolv.conf is there for me10:19
onoez_omgfinnrobi, chroot is ur friend10:19
jarcokrababbel: its there. I just cant write to it10:19
eyupluturk varmi10:19
hashbrownciphercincinnatus: Usually .xsession-errors gets big when the same error repeats over and over again.  Can you snip out the error and put in a pastebin for us to see?10:19
jarcoonoez_omg: any rule you are looking for? Its a long output to type in :p10:19
eyupluyokmu turk bitane surda10:20
MonkeyDustjarco  use pastebin for lon outputs10:20
MonkeyDust!tr| eyuplu10:21
ubottueyuplu: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için /join #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.10:21
Dualityi don't know if i am at the right place to ask but is it possible to mask name.site.com to something like site.com ?10:21
onoez_omgjarco, i was thinking that root fs is mounted into a different place or mounted as read-only or smth like that, but i'm in doubt due to lack of experience of work in rescue mode hah10:21
action09acicula no it's a brand new mini pc (Giada n20) , windoz installed flawlessly so it's not a hard drive pb.10:21
jarcoMonkeyDust: use pastebin from rescue mode while trying to fix dns? ...10:21
bashshoany suggest for html design channel?10:21
zvacetjozefk: I don't think so,because lubuntu-desktop is meta package witch will pull other packages you can also read http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelxde10:21
the-ermWhoever had the resolv.conf issue in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf has a line:"prepend domain-name-servers,;"  will make resolv.conf changes permanent.10:21
MonkeyDustjarco  i missed that part10:22
aciculaaction09: the error usually means a hardware error. did you move the case in between installs by any chance?10:22
jarcoonoez_omg: I mounted /dev/sda1 in rescue mode. Should i try to others?10:22
MonkeyDustjarco  yes, see if the program pastebinit is available, install and type [your command]| pastebinit, then paste the url here10:23
jarcoMonkeyDust: I cannot run APT I cannot use dns. ...10:24
Dualityif i ever made a pc i'd make it linux compatible :)10:24
MonkeyDustDuality  works fine here, what's wrong?10:24
jarcoisnt there just a way to install ubuntu in a vesa mode or something. I am sure it used to be in the distro in the past10:25
acid_markhi ......how to install wireless drivers for bcm4312 ....i m currently using proprietary drivers10:26
rorCan anyone read this? I seem to keep disconnecting10:26
MonkeyDust!bcm| acid_mark start here10:26
ubottuacid_mark start here: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:26
StarminnIs there a way to reinstall all base fonts?10:27
taxmani use my own font collection instead of ubuntu's10:28
taxmanubuntu fonts are ugly10:28
the-ermPersonally I like FreeSans10:28
the-ermBut "ubuntu" font isn't my favorite.10:28
DualityMonkeyDust, i don't get it i just said if i'd ever make a pc myself i will make it asmuch  linux as possible :)10:28
acid_markubottu : bcm4312 is n't listed there10:28
ogra_taxman, and this is relevant for the ubuntu support channel because ?10:29
DrDittersdorfFonts - just copy font folder from windows or any other os to ~/.fonts folder10:29
MonkeyDustDuality  maybe you want to work at ZaReason, then, they do just that10:29
action09acicula no no i suppose a kernel parameter to add to boot flawlessly , PIO mode , sata related.. :(10:29
taxmanyou need some sharp fonts as you can see on mobile devices10:29
StarminnIs there a way to reinstall all base fonts that come with Ubuntu? (I've managed to...make most of my fonts unusable. :) )10:30
domedagenSomething has happened with my nvidia drivers. They are installed yet they're not according to nvidia-settings. I have Additional Drivers(jockey-gtk) installed10:30
domedagenWhat can I do?10:30
domedagenSorry they are not activated anymore10:31
domedagenIll try to activate them again10:31
AndyUbuntumorning everyone10:32
domedagenGood afternoon10:32
DrDittersdorfIs there a way to imigrate shotwell DB from one user to another?10:32
sk1special@domedagen.make sure you restart too .usually at least half fixes my nvidia problems10:32
AndyUbuntuim updating to 12.04 from the repo and it seems exceedingly slow. Will this be due to many people updating10:33
hashbrowncipherAndyUbuntu: yes.  It's going to take a while to die down10:33
ogra_AndyUbuntu, yes10:33
ant_Odd - I can't upgrade to precise: $ lsb_release -c10:34
ant_Codename:       lucid10:34
ant_$ do-release-upgrade10:34
ant_Checking for a new ubuntu release    No new release found10:34
domedagensk1special: I may seem like a total retard not figuring this out directly but to my defence they have worked well until yesterday10:34
AndyUbuntucurrently downloading at 15kbs at the most and often goes down to 3000 B/s10:34
ogra_AndyUbuntu, you could try another mirror10:34
AndyUbuntuok thanks10:34
domedagensk1special: But now I have to restart. Bye!10:34
MonkeyDust!paste| AndyUbuntu10:34
ubottuAndyUbuntu: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:34
MonkeyDust!paste| ant_ (wrong nick, sorry)10:34
ubottuant_ (wrong nick, sorry): For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:34
AndyUbuntuorga_ thank will be a great idea thanks10:35
ant_MonkeyDust, sure - didn't think 4 lines was that bad10:35
zvacetant_: in synaptic check that you can upgrade from lts to lts not normal releases and of course before upgrade sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade10:35
AndyUbuntuthink is i wait on this server the next release would be ready to download  :p10:36
DrDittersdorfWhat to choose- 32 or 64?10:37
cYmenhaha..I'm currently upgrading to 12.04 and there is a window prompting me to press enter in the command line output of the upgrade window but I can't seem to actually press anything...what do I do? :D10:37
bobo123the gnome panels show on fullscreen on ubuntu 12.04, any sollution?10:37
MonkeyDustDrDittersdorf  if your hardware is 64bit capable, you can use 64bit10:38
cYmenoh..nvm I can send input...must have misclicked earlier10:38
robgravesdo you have a 32 or 64 bit processor? also 4gb of ram or more you want 64 bit10:38
zvacetDrDittersdorf: depends of your comp and processor10:38
hroihow can I find out which version of libfreetype I have under /usr/lib?10:38
DrDittersdorfI think the 64bit is just great and worka fine10:38
hulakaI try to install newest Xubuntu. I made install USB with USB Universal Installer. I rebooted, went to Boot Menu when I got options : USB - FDD, USB - HDD, USB - Floppy, USB - CD-Rom. I tried each one - and nothing happens, it doesn't boot from USB :/ What to do10:38
the-ermDoes anyone know if ubuntu-server has been updated as well?  I've been waiting for my LTS server to say "hey new release" alas ... nothing.10:39
sk1specialso i guess lame question. if i have more than 4gbs of ram. will it tell me that i do on a 32 bit system. or will it only be capable of showing 4gb and i have to look at the ram itself to know10:39
wer0ckzubuntu 12 does really drains laptop's baterry10:39
wer0ckzwhy is that10:39
DrDittersdorfI have it all. Im asking in general10:39
wer0ckz got ubuntu 1210:39
zvacetthe-erm: is your server up-to-date10:39
Anomie21Is there a way to update to 12.04 from 11.10 without downloading/creating a cd and all that nonsense?10:39
aciculaaction09: pio mode? you should not need that if you are using sata10:40
robgravesim not sure if it doesnt recognize beyond 4gb of ram or if it just uses up to 4 gb of ram on 32 bit10:40
MonkeyDustAnomie21  in a terminal, type sudo do-release-update10:40
sk1special @ anomie21    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade10:40
r4yAny graphics card related channels?10:40
zvacetAnomie21: from synaptic or update manager10:40
ant_robgraves, you can use more than 4GB or ram on 32bit if a PAE kernel is installed10:40
the-ermzvacet: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade # doesn't install anything10:40
sk1special(thats what the site says anyway)10:40
acicularobgraves: your system can use more then 4GB of ram if its 32bit, the 4GB limit is specific to processes themselves10:40
robgravesyeah thats true ant_, i forgot10:41
MonkeyDustAnomie21 correction:  in a terminal, type sudo do-release-upgrade10:41
DrDittersdorfI had a machine with 8gb and 32bit and it qorked great10:41
ant_robgraves, as acicula says, some hardware can't do that though10:41
StarminnIs there a way to reinstall all base fonts that come with Ubuntu? (I've managed to...make most of my fonts unusable. :) )10:41
robgravesi have 64 bit so its irrelevant10:41
JenHow did you manage that, Starminn ?10:41
sk1specialso will it recognize it then?10:41
DrDittersdorfThe main reason for 64 is when one need to.render a video10:42
StarminnJen: I copied my /usr/share/fonts folder from Ubuntu 11.10, and Merged it with Ubuntu 12.04. Apparently that's a no-no.10:42
DomedagenI'm back from activating the nvidia drivers. Now the system is all slow and laggy again. Can I disable the drivers from the terminal?10:42
zvacetthe-erm: good then your system is updated but I don't know why you don't get message about new release10:42
the-ermzvacet: maybe I need to reboot that machine, and it'll install a new kernal or something.10:42
DrDittersdorfStarminn just copy it to .fonts10:43
alusionUbuntu 12.04 LTS is out??10:43
sk1special@ domedagen.. i know you can disable them from additional drivers. just click deactivate //restart10:43
alusionIs it stable enough to upgrade?  O_O10:43
the-ermalusion: yes LTS is out.10:43
cute_bettonghas anyone here gotten 12.04 to run right on a samsung chronos series 7?  with ATI switchible graphics?10:44
robgravesyes LTS is kickin10:44
alusionAhahah i love that10:44
Domedagensk1special: Will try. This will take a couple of minutes though. Did you hear about Valve btw?10:44
Timmyis there any socks to http application?10:44
morningikonia: I´m up and running again. Many thanks for your help!10:45
mraxilusI upgraded to 12.04 now all of the fonts in my application windows are white so I can't even read anything... any help?10:45
action09acicula hmm ok i'm trying to install specifying acpi=off noapic and such thing like that. maybe try to disable some parameters in bios too...10:45
zvacetthe-erm:  you can try that I saw now server is released too10:45
m_kobernykhi all! I try to install ubuntu 12.04 desktop from live-CD, and after click on "Try without insalling" or "Install now" my display didn't answer to me. I work on Acer 5336. What can cause it?10:45
deckoGuys, i've finished my precise instalation and i'm trying to run gnome3 without success10:47
zvacetthe-erm: did you tried sudo aptitude install update-manager-core  sudo do-release-upgrade10:47
n1just a short qauestion10:47
deckoIt even apear on lightdm session menu10:47
the-ermzvacet: I'm trying it now.10:48
zvacetdecko:  try with sudo apt-get install gnome-shell10:48
r4yYa, Valve?, LOL, what the10:48
deckozvacet already did a aptitude reinstall gnome-session10:48
uBUxUBuhmm compiz will not open in 12,04 64 bit,,,hmmm10:49
sk1specialsaw someone it wasnt supposed to open since 11.10 or 10.11 or something?10:49
zvacetdecko:  I think you need gnome-shell package to run gnome3 naybe someone knows better10:49
sk1specialsaw somewhere someone said*10:49
deckozvacet: Sorry man, you're right10:50
uBUxUBuit says its installed but i cannot access it10:50
zvacetdecko: np  :)10:50
sk1specialyeah i was trying to start a cube and layer the matrix gl screensaver on it as a desktop..10:50
deckothnk guys!10:50
sk1specialand something in my searches said they disabled it i believe10:50
uBUxUBuwonder if it opens in 32bit10:51
n1in 11.10 version in "Ubuntu software center", where the packages to download aree package mean_ listed, what does the number in the bracket near th10:52
n1...near the package mean_10:52
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sk1specialidk. messing with it ( although i got it to work ) made my desktop fallinto a black hole10:52
n1pardon...this mouse10:52
uBUxUBuit means the amoount of ppl who rated it10:52
n1ah, okay10:53
uBUxUBuor wrote a review about it10:53
n1thx a lot uBUxUBu10:53
lotuspsychjeanyone got activity-log-manager crashing on precise?10:53
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uBUxUBuwhen they say "32 bit recommended"...they mean it10:54
uBUxUBuim finding out10:54
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WinCamXP-PhoneHello, I am having serious issues with my 11.10 desktop computer. It started where when I tried to edit files, it did not give me permission to do so. I had my friend SSH into the machine and give me admin rights to my home folder, which worked. However, when I tried to extract something from a zip file, I was denied and the cursor got stuck as the hand and I could not click anything. After sending the reboot command over SSH, 10:59
WinCamXP-Phonehello qEssence, I have a problem.11:01
WinCamXP-Phonei hope copy-pasting messages is okay if the person just joined11:01
the-ermfound it : sudo do-release-upgrade -d I needed to add -d11:01
WinCamXP-Phone(WinCamXP-Phone) Hello, I am having serious issues with my 11.10 desktop computer. It started where when I tried to edit files, it did not give me permission to do so. I had my friend SSH into the machine and give me admin rights to my home folder, which worked. However, when I tried to extract something from a zip file, I was denied and the cursor got stuck as the hand and I could not click anything. After sending the reboot c11:02
qEssenceWinCamXP-Phone:  Have you tryed Chown command?11:03
WinCamXP-PhoneDid you read the whole thing?11:03
ogra_the-erm, yes, until 12.04.1 is released automatic upgrades are disabled for LTS to LTS11:03
ogra_(it is always like that)11:03
qEssenceAs far i could, text was cutted.11:04
WinCamXP-Phoneo. I had my friend SSH into the machine and give me admin rights to my home folder, which worked. However, when I tried to extract something from a zip file, I was denied and the cursor got stuck as the hand and I could not click anything. After sending the reboot command over SSH, it booted to a black screen. Help!11:04
WinCamXP-Phonetext get cut any more?11:05
qEssenceWinCamXP-Phone: Nope.11:05
WinCamXP-Phoneso, wth is going on?11:06
GotestraUbuntu updated properly.11:06
qEssenceWinCamXP-Phone: My appologies, i cannot help you with that.11:06
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munimhas anyone here figured out how to get subversion 1.7.2 on ubuntu 12.04?11:06
WinCamXP-Phonenow it's just a black screen ;.;11:06
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munimthe PPAs are all for older versions of ubuntu11:06
Anomie21'Installing the upgrade can take several hours' ?11:06
qEssenceWinCamXP-Phone: are you over SSH or in front of the terminal_11:06
Anomie21Is that a realistic time?11:06
Anomie21Installing from CD only took about 20min11:07
MonkeyDust Anomie21 yes, about 90 minutes her11:07
pndemc_Anomie21, yes11:07
WinCamXP-Phonethe pc's off and i can't turn it on right now11:07
zvacetAnomie21: servers are overloaded I think  :)11:07
munimanyone? subversion 1.7+ on ubuntu 12.04?11:07
ogra_Anomie21, depends on your internet connection and how many millions of people hit the archive server11:07
qEssenceWinCamXP-Phone:  No messages at all are being shown?11:07
Anomie21zvacet: Why would that affect installation time?11:07
WinCamXP-Phonejust a black screen11:07
Guest82066god rest ye merry gentlefolk11:07
pndemc_when I downloaded yesterday it took 3 hours to download11:08
Anomie21No I mean after it's downloaded, presumably you can still use your PC whilst it's downloading?11:08
pndemc_and installing, yes11:08
zvacetAnomie21: I didn't see you are talking of installation sorry I don't know why11:08
qEssenceWinCamXP-Phone:  Have you tryed the Control +F1/12 functions?11:08
MonkeyDustAnomie21  yes, it's how i did it11:08
WinCamXP-Phoneno...what would that do if it worked?11:08
curiousxaloha all11:09
qEssenceWinCamXP-Phone: It can be used to open a Terminal, outside the x enviorment.11:09
WinCamXP-Phonewell, i can't get to themachine until roughly 9hrs from now11:10
Flywaterlinux kernel of ubuntu 12.04 update11:10
Flywaterfrom 3.2.0-23 to 3.2.0-2411:11
Anomie21So how long will my comp be out of service? (it's print day here but I'm excited to try the new release :P)11:11
ajfdo I install FLRX, FGLRX post-release updates, or both?11:11
newwbii just upgraded from 10.04 to the 12.04, and i can't find the option to change the fonts, where can i find this?11:11
ogra_newwbi, fontsize you mean ?11:11
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Flywateryou can't find it11:11
ogra_i think gnome moved that into the accessibility panel11:12
newwbiogra_:  yes,11:12
zvacetmunim: see https://launchpad.net/~dominik-stadler/+archive/subversion-1.711:12
ajfanyone know?11:12
ajfdo I install FGLRX then updates? or just updates?11:12
ajfit's confusing11:12
curiousxnewwbi: maybe click on top right botton and then "System Setting" finaly "Fonts"11:13
newwbii can't? seriously?11:13
silv3r_m00nwhat version of php is there in ubuntu 12.04 ?11:13
Flywaterajf : you can download it from AMD or Nvida and install it yourself11:13
iceroot!info php511:13
ubottuphp5 (source: php5): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 5.3.10-1ubuntu3 (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 21 kB11:13
wawrekHi, I cannot install pygraphviz (a python graphviz library) on ubuntu. the error log is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/949512/11:14
ogra_newwbi, as i said, go to the accessibility settings11:14
ajfFlywater: SYeah but from the restricted drivers box, which should I do?11:14
newwbiogra_: there are only the option for small, normal, large, over there, i wanted to change the font face on the terminal as well,11:14
ogra_newwbi, that you do in the terminal settings11:15
newwbiogra_: so, there is no longer any easy way to change the system fonts? or at least any config file that i can edit?11:15
murlidharam not able to create a usb live cd from usb-imagewriter .... it says done but am not able to boot it using usb disk.11:16
murlidharcan anyone help me11:16
h31Hi all. How to make Win key work as a Super key in 12.04?11:16
Flywaterajf : you can choose one11:16
ajfbrb :)11:16
ogra_newwbi, well, gnome decided to drop it all ... you can probably change it by installing dconf-tools and using dconf-editor somehow11:16
newwbii have been putting off updating coz of the bad things i heard about unity, but i didn't think that i can't even change the font anymore... -_-11:16
Flywateri download from AMD and install it in termminal11:16
ogra_that has nothing to do with unity11:17
h31murlidhar: Do you changed a "Boot device" option in BIOS?11:17
Flywaterajf : i download from AMD and install it in termminal11:17
newwbiogra_: well, i think i get it, i thought they moved it somewhere i can't find, but if they actually removed the option, then i think i can just look around for more information, thanks anyway,11:17
murlidharh31: yes . usb is first priority device.. i have installed ubuntu using the same way11:17
the-ermnewwbi: I think myunity let's you change the font, but I don't know for sure, because I'm running xfce4 atm.11:17
|NSP|Hey, does anyone have a problem with hibernate in 11 m?11:17
h31murlidhar: try another tool. For example unetbootin or dd.11:18
murlidharh31: trying to boot finnix from my usb device.11:18
ogra_newwbi, unity just uses gnome3 in the backend for most things, its not unitys fault if the gnome devs drop options11:18
Shayani need to install this how do i do it11:18
Shayanand i am a xubuntu user11:18
curiousxmeanwhile curiousx: http://i.imgur.com/iHwYH.png11:18
newwbiogra_: i see, thanks, maybe i will look into some other DE,11:19
the-ermI think there is an "advanced settings" package for gnome 3.11:19
connellyhi so I upgraded to 12.04 last night and now after a reboot a lot of my GUI widgets look old (Chrome, some python apps) I've been googling and haven't found anything - any suggestions?11:19
zvacetmurlidhar: you can try http://liveusb.info/dotclear/11:19
zvacetmurlidhar:  it is good tool11:20
murlidharzvacet: ok. thanks . i will  try it.11:20
Flywateryou can install ubuntu-tweak11:20
Pitelcan I somehow get rid of chrome close/minimiza buttons in top left corner?11:20
MonkeyDustPitel  uninstall globalmenu11:20
Flywaterset skin11:21
Shayanplease help me i can't use the internet without it(i am currently using windows)11:21
zvacetmurlidhar:  read http://www.pendrivelinux.com/multiboot-create-a-multiboot-usb-from-linux/11:21
sarythe-erm: Yes , it's called " gnome-tweak-tool"  .11:22
Flywaterfirefox of ubuntu update11:22
fishcooker i've ubuntu-server LL box running java from starting point before it shutdown/restart11:22
Flywatersary : do you use Gnome3?11:22
fishcookerit always running java apps11:22
fishcookerhow can i monitoring the java apps one?11:22
saryFlywater: Yes.11:22
fishcookeris there any forum/channel for this11:23
Flywaterok,gnome-tweak is in software center11:23
delfickHi, I installed 12.04 fresh on my computer, and now my monitors keep turning off after a few minutes....11:23
sonneanyone knows where i can find informations on what exactly "ISV" is? the home page doesn't seem to be much verbose about it11:24
murlidharzvacet: thanks :)11:24
Flywatersonne : google it11:24
jiltdilgoing to install 12.0411:24
zvacetmurlidhar: yw  :)11:24
ogra_sonne, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Independent_software_vendor11:25
sonneogra_, so that's what they mean with it11:25
erezsonHi, just upgraded my ubuntu to 12.04 and I would like to remove completely  KDE. I have double system monitor etc. Can someone may help me please?11:25
minimecdelfick: you mean they become unusable, or they just go into 'power save' mode?11:26
delfickminimec: they become unusable. Lights on them go to standby mode. mouse and keyboard don't put them back on again11:26
ryannathans12.04 fucked my whole system over. I need to get dnsmasq working because 12.04 killed it. I read that network manager was supposed to be causing problems but i'm on ubuntu-server and there's no network manager, yet dnsmasq is still borked.11:26
Tm_Tryannathans: please watch your language11:27
sk1specialdelfick @ you try just turning the lock off under system settings . brightness and lock?11:27
minimecdelfick: Still. Could you try to disable all power save stuff in the 'System Settings' 'Power'?11:27
delfickmmkay, I'll try that11:27
zvaceterezson: do you use kubuntu and want to switch to ubuntu11:28
tomreynhi, my dist-upgrade from oneiric to precise failed, X crashed during the package upgrade phase (i.e. after downloading all the upgraded packages). i'm now on a terminal, how can i proceed witht he upgrade?11:28
krababbelIs there no shut down button in gnome shell? I have to log out to shut down?11:29
Xunilyou can do sudo shutdown -h now in gnome-terminal (that's how I often do that if "normal" shutdown doesn't work)11:29
ryannathansdnsmasq is running with the SAME config BEFORE 12.04. It will not return DNS queries. ubuntu-server.11:30
zvacettomreyn:  try with sudo dpkg --configure -a  sudo apt-get -f install11:30
erezson@zvacel - I have the kde plasma workspace in the login window. then I choose gnome classic but I see many apps doubled. like system monitor etc11:30
Xuniland try pressing CTRL or ALT or SHIFT - I think then the menu items might change, krababbel11:30
ogra_ryannathans, try #ubuntu-server perhaps ?11:30
jiltdili nunetbootin what to choose for ubuntu 12.04 to make it live on distribution section  there is no option for 12.0411:30
ryannathansogra_: thankyou11:30
krababbelXunil, alt did it, thanks11:30
tomreynzvacet: i remember from last time this happened i should also do something along the lines of: sudo do-release-upgrade, possibly passing additional options?11:31
jiltdilThere only option till 11.04 to mak elive11:31
sk1specialjilt are you on windows now?11:31
MonkeyDustjiltdil  do you have the 12.04 iso?11:31
jiltdilMonkeyDust, Yes11:31
ChuzziI was on 11.10 and upgraded to 12.04, now my dnsmasq isn't forwarding DNS anymore. DHCP appears to be working though.11:32
zvaceterezson: see if http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome help11:32
MonkeyDustjiltdil  are you unable to select the iso in unetbootin?11:32
tomreynzvacet: i /think/ this step is after the dpkg --configure -a && sudo apt-get -f install && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:32
curiousxtomreyn: are you using ATI's priopretary drivers?11:32
smallfoot-thanks ubuntu for 12.04 release, its awesome!!!11:32
smallfoot-why do all windows open in the top-left corner now?11:32
connellyany idea why all (except for Ubuntu applications) widgets look horrible after an upgrade?11:32
tomreyncuriousx: no, why are you asking?11:32
jiltdilMonkeyDust,  no in distrbution  the option for making 12.04 is not showing only ther is available till 11.0411:32
rfictusany quick terminal code to find out gnoke-settings-daemon version number ??11:33
JonathanEllisI am trying to install Ubuntu 12.04 on a Dell Latitude C61 laptop with 1GB RAM and 60GB hard disk. Processor is a 32 bit intel 586 compatible I believe running at between 1 and 1.5 GHz. After trying to install from the live CD (picking the "Install option") the installer stopped with this message "Installer failed. The installer encountered an unrecoverable error. A desktop session will  now be run so that you may investigate the pro11:33
erezsonzvacel: I tried that but I still see many KDE apps11:33
curiousxbecouse thats is one of the reason to broke X after upgrading11:33
ravenhow to do ocr from webcam images?11:33
MonkeyDustjiltdil  yes, the distro may be too recent, try downloading the iso, it's faster and easier11:33
zvacettomreyn: try it but first you have to run sudo dpkg --configure -a && sudo apt-get -f install because you downloaded and start to install and something is broken now11:33
jiltdilMonkeyDust, Which option to choose , should i choose 11.04 for 12.04 to mak elive11:34
smallfoot-jiltdil, you cant upgrade from 10.04 or 10.10 to 12.04 directly, i tihnk you must do first to 11.04 then 12.0411:34
ryannathansubuntu-server isn't talking to me.11:34
metallicoguys, do you know how to reset the settings of gphpedit?11:34
tomreyncuriousx: oh okay, not in my case, here the issue was X crashing after i responded to an on-screen prompt by monkeysphere-validation-agent11:34
ryannathansmetallico: dpkg-reconfigure <name>11:34
tomreynzvacet: i understand. thanks.11:34
connellyokay so it looks like the issue is with GTK+ applications - all the widgets suddenly look old and boxy - any ideas?11:34
ogra_ryannathans, patience, the devs in there are exhausted and might get up late today11:34
MonkeyDustjiltdil  not sure what you mean, download the 12.04 iso and use that to create the live usb stick11:34
Morphi love ubuntu11:35
delfickminimec: sk1special: restarted and disabled those settings. Monitors still turn themselves off11:35
rfictusany quick terminal code to find out my gnome-settings-daemon version number ??11:35
metallicoryannathans, didnt work11:35
ogra_after all there was a release yesterday11:35
ryannathansmetallico: did you run as sudo and put the name of application in <name>11:35
ThePendulumCould I set-up Ubuntu so I receive mail notifications, yet use the online Gmail interface to read them (and the notification panel directing me there, and keeping Thunderbird basically closed)?11:35
jiltdilMonkeyDust,  i want to know how to make it live , what to select in distribution section in unetbootin11:35
ryannathansogra_: Sigh. I have no internet on this network till then.11:35
ThePendulumBasically, I just need a decent application that just shows e-mail notifications in Ubuntu11:35
MonkeyDustjiltdil  the iso *is* live, has nothing to do with unetbootin11:35
sk1specialare you using nvidia? im having all kindve issues with my dual monitors.. id check in the control panel for it if you are and see what you can see11:36
curiousxsorry im not able to help ya =(11:36
ravenhow to do ocr from webcam images?11:36
auronandaceis there a specific command to refresh the icons on the unity bar? (12.04)11:36
jiltdilMonkeyDust, ok  so direct putting it into pendrive  boots?11:36
ThePendulumsk1special: What issues do you have? I have succesfully set-up dual screens in Ubuntu so far11:36
MonkeyDustjiltdil  yes, by using unetbootin11:36
the-ermgrandr & xrandr are good programs for setting up dual screens.11:37
minimecdelfick: That is quiet strange. Before they turn off, do you have any problems with graphical output. Is the quality ok. I guess you have a dual screen setup. Would the same problem appear with one monitor plugged only?11:37
sk1specialah. atm with my current set up. they both work fine. but i can Not drag and drop windows between desktops and all my window menus look like theyre from win 9811:37
zvacettomreyn:  ok then11:37
jiltdilMonkeyDust, Oh man from that time i am asking this to you , please see the unetbootin, in distruibution section i choosed ubuntu and then  on right side what to choose as there is no opption for 12.04 only max 11.0411:37
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tomreynrfictus: dpkg-query -W -f '${Version}\n' gnome-settings-daemon11:38
delfickminimec: no graphical problems, three monitors. I'm installing fglrx now. Hopefully that helps11:38
sk1specialdepnding on how i set them up. that will happen ..or  i can fix the menu look..but then only one monitor cuts on..or i can have one monitor on and one as a solid grey screen11:38
ThePendulumsk1special: Can you move your cursor to the 2nd screen?11:38
sk1specialyeah the second screen works fine..11:38
MonkeyDustjiltdil  you're looking in the wrong place, below, you can select an iso11:38
sk1specialand 3d is working fine..11:38
jiltdilMonkeyDust,  thanks11:38
minimecdelfick: That might help. You will have to use the ATI/AMD control software to do the monitor setup.11:39
MonkeyDustjiltdil  an iso you downloaded prior to opening unetbootin11:39
sk1speciali just cant drag and drop between workstations. sorrry had to remeber what they were called here11:39
ThePendulumsk1special: I usually use xrandr to position the display outputs correctly11:39
n1hi again. using ubuntu in vmware and have WICD network manager, but doesn-t list available networks near me_11:39
metallicodo you know what is the default installation dir for phpedit?11:39
n1is it because of vmware11:39
sk1speciali get a error message saying RANDR missing on display 011:39
sk1specialwhen i do things in the terminal11:39
drvanon_When i lock my screen and start it up again it opens the external sdcard, how can i stop that? it makes the startup slower11:39
rfictusthanks tomreyn!11:40
ThePendulumsk1special: And you typed 'xrandr', correct? not 'randr'?11:40
auronandaceis there a specific command to refresh the icons on the unity bar? (12.04)11:40
sk1speciali havent typed anything lol it just pops up when i open windows. exactly what should i type?11:40
the-ermdrvanon_: sounds like you have your bios set to boot from the sd card, then the hd.11:41
zoiteI'm having an issue with installing 12.04. On bootup I get 'unknown keyword in configuration file'11:41
drvanon_the-erm, boot in starting up my pc?11:41
ThePendulumsk1special: With dual screens, I type something like "xrandr --output DFP3 --left-of DFP4", but you have to replace DFP# with your monitor names11:41
ThePendulumsk1special: And for three screens, you probably have to do that command twice, replace the first monitor with the second one, and the second monitor with the  third one11:42
sk1specialthe positoning is fine tho.. i can use them..and i can drag and drop from left screen to right. i just cant drag and drop between individual workstations11:42
pzHEY GHOST11:42
the-ermdrvanon_: yup. If you hibernate, you're actually shutting down your machine, and telling it to load from your swap.11:42
pzcans omeone ohelp11:42
pzit wont boot up at all11:42
drvanon_the-erm, how can i stop that?11:43
sk1speciali have two. ones 1440x900 75mhz smaller one is 1024x720 60mhz11:43
pzit wont even boot up11:43
JonathanEllisUbuntu 12.04 installer hangs in the live session after copying some files but not all (for example I am missing initrd.img and vmlinuz11:43
the-ermdrvanon_: when you boot up your machine you'll see a message "press f2" is mine.  Then you can adjust the boot order.  Put your hardrive at the top of the list and you should be fine.11:44
smallfoot-sk1special, you know monitor refresh rate is measured in Hz not MHz?11:44
ThePendulumsmallfoot-: Perhaps sk1special has rather impressive monitors11:45
ubuntu__error: permission denied on key 'net.ipv6.route.flush11:45
ubuntu__cat: /proc/sys/net/ipv6/route/flush: Permission denied11:45
ubuntu__How to unblock? What's the problem?11:45
smallfoot-ThePendulum, yeah, i'd be happy if i had a monitor of just 1 MHz11:45
drvanon_the-erm, i am doing a dual boot with windows11:45
zoiteI'm having an issue with installing 12.04. On bootup I get 'unknown keyword in configuration file' then it drops to a boot prompt and can't find any kernels11:45
ThePendulumsk1special: I can't drag windows between workspaces either, I don't think it's a multiscreen issue11:45
sk1special@thependulum.  sorry i was just trying to remember what it said from a couple hours ago lol. when i disable xinerama tho the menu borders go back to the modern look. but it wont save when i try to11:45
sk1speciali can do it with the default drivers tho. but the default drivers dont support 3d11:46
ditbanerror: permission denied on key 'net.ipv6.route.flush11:46
ditbancat: /proc/sys/net/ipv6/route/flush: Permission denied11:46
ditbanHow to unblock? What's the problem?11:46
ThePendulumCould anyone give me a hand on giving the Ubuntu splash screen the correct resolution?11:46
ikoniaditban: please don't spam the same question11:47
ThePendulumCan I only set 4:3 resolutions?11:47
ThePendulumditban: Use sudo?11:47
sk1speciallike i hit the save to x config file..and it acts like it saves. but it doesnt actually. do you know how  i can make that stick?11:47
MonkeyDust!paste| ditban11:48
ubottuditban: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:48
auronandaceis there a specific command to refresh the icons on the unity bar? (12.04)11:48
MonkeyDustauronandace  killall gnome-panel ?11:49
ryannathanshow does one stop the default dnsmasq in 12.04 if nm isn't installed?11:49
the-ermsk1special: as I recall once upon a time when I had an nvidia driver, I had to run the configure program as root to get it to save the config.  I was sudo <config-program>, but for the life of me I can't remember what it was.11:49
auronandaceMonkeyDust: i'm not using gnome-panel11:49
mygraineanybody could help me understand what's this 'beam' process eating all my CPU on 12.04 ?11:49
drvanon_the-erm, how can i stop that?11:49
drvanon_the-erm, oops11:49
sk1special/etc/X11/xorg.conf is the file it saves too11:50
hnszsk1special: sudo nvidia-settings11:50
n1ubuntu in vmware, WICD network manager, doesn-t reckognize the wireless networks in range11:50
n1vmware issue?11:50
drvanon_the-erm, what i wanted to say: I am having a dual boot with windows11:50
drvanon_the-erm, i am a little bit afraid it willl get damaged11:50
the-ermdrvanon_: it still shouldn't matter, set your boot order in the bios to have your hd first.11:51
auronandacen1: how would it? you aren't emulating a wireless connection11:51
sk1specialshould i select absolute then use the mouse to postion or left of/right of option?11:51
dk-t.join #ubuntu-fr11:51
norbert_hi all, I've just ran a dist upgrade and Evolution now has a black background... any ideas how I can fix this?11:52
drvanon_the-erm, what is a hd?11:52
n1when installed it, it asked me should it use my usb based wireless and it works11:52
the-ermdrvanon_: "hard drive" :)11:52
n1but another connections it doesn-t see11:52
hdevWhere do i generally start searching, if I have power management issues on my notebook? Already tried powertop.11:53
drvanon_the-erm, should i then restart pc/11:53
hnszpz: Whats the question?11:53
the-ermWhat I'm trying to say is I think is your boot order in your bios doesn't have your hard drive listed first :) yes restart your pc.11:53
pzubuntu wont boot up11:53
sk1specialits till not saving. and  Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0" that pops up11:53
pzive tried restarting11:53
MonkeyDustpz  what happens when you try?11:53
pzit doesnt work11:53
n1auronandace can it be set?11:53
the-ermpz what are you booting from? usb? cd?11:53
the-ermIs it already installed ...11:54
pzdual boot11:54
pzit's already installed11:54
hnszpz: Sow hat happens?11:54
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
the-ermpz: when booting into ubuntu press ctrl+alt+f1 and see if you get any errors.11:54
ravenhow to do ocr from webcam images?11:54
fl1bbl3optical character recognition?11:55
ravenfl1bbl3 right11:55
fl1bbl3I would imagine "badly"11:55
ravenhow to do that11:55
erkan^Why is still update beheerder --> Upgrade to 10.10 and no to 12.04 LTS? I use 10.04 LTS now11:55
MonkeyDusthi erkan^11:55
ryannathanserkan^: you either gotta go thru every versio upgrading or a fresh start11:56
n1is there wireless experts here?11:56
auronandacen1: i don't use usb wireless or vmware11:56
woozlyGuys, who use Hope theme on Ubuntu 12.04? It is corrupted :(((11:56
gaelfxerkan^: I believe it always offers the next version, not the latest, could be wrong though11:56
woozlymy text labels on alerts and other - white ((11:56
auronandacen1: i think you need to use bridged networking11:56
zoiteI'm having an issue with installing 12.04. On bootup I get 'unknown keyword in configuration file' then it drops to a boot prompt and can't find any kernels11:56
hdevOr differntly, how do I disable innecessary devices like a camera I never use or lan (i always use wlan) or the internal sound card (use an usb one, if I need it), also I never use the dvd-player.11:56
ravenhow to do ocr from webcam images?11:56
the-ermerkan^:  sudo do-release-upgrade -d11:56
ryannathansraven: capture images then use an OCR libary11:57
erkan^yes, but i see BETA, the11:57
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fl1bbl3raven: http://code.google.com/p/tesseract-ocr/ is decent11:57
n1auronandace will browse a bit so might click afterwards. thx for a tip and cheers!11:58
fl1bbl3not great, but then no ocr is11:58
ryannathansryanyeah: aww yea. same name. *hi5*11:58
ravenryannathans would you like to test with me a bit? i captured images and did something to make it compatible for ocr but it does not recognice anything useful11:58
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nliciHi everybody.I upgrade my ubuntu to 12 today but when the upgrade finished i saw that i can not able to use my samsung printer .Please advice .11:59
ryanyeahryannathans: *hi5*. i can see you are easily impressed11:59
cypr1nusGuys! Thank You all dev's, translators and so on. Great release 12.04 afterall ! :)11:59
drecuteplease, does anyone have an answer to this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/125656/store-emails-in-cifs-mounted-filesystem-for-a-postfix-maildir-mailbox-type12:00
ravenryannathans would you like to test with me a bit? i captured images and did something to make it compatible for ocr but it does not recognice anything useful12:00
domedagenI have some serious trouble with my Nvidia graphics card. It used to work great but now it doesn't. I can't run any 3D application and can only use Ubuntu 2D12:00
domedagenThe driver from "Additional Drivers" are installed12:01
ryannathansraven: i was under the impression almost all images were 'compatible'12:01
ryannathansi've no experience with OCR in linux12:01
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itpadminHow do I know wether or not my Xeon processor is Quad Core or not ? Intels homepage says it should be but /proc/cpuinfo doesnt tell me much.. neither does top or htop (They all show only one core)12:01
ryannathansFor some reason my dnsmasq install is broken in 12.04... My whole network depends on this server12:01
domedagenHow can I solve this?12:02
ravenryannathans i could show you what i mean. i try to capture images from a electrical meter to log it into statistics but for example it seems that ocr only works for chars up to any size12:02
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ryanyeahi'm about to switch to ubuntu as my primary OS. should i go 10.04 or 12.04? i just really hate the unity toolbar thing in 12.04.. unless its possible to disable it12:03
llutz!nounity | ryanyeah12:04
ubotturyanyeah: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic12:04
sk1speciali disabled the xcinema thing.12:04
sk1specialand restarted..12:04
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=== Shhojo is now known as Shojo
sk1specialand now i can drag and drop between workstations. and my menus look normal. but my second monitor is showing up as a solid grey screen12:05
MultiplyHow do I get a service to start, AFTER the NFS mounts have been mounted?12:06
killownnew 12.04 broke ubuntustudio-audio that depends of ubuntustudio-generation http://bpaste.net/show/J4wT67NC8gGyBC1O8YX4/ :/12:06
zoiteWhen I start the ubuntu 12.04 livecd on usb it fails to boot and says "unknown keyword in configuration file"12:06
zoiteI've tried both with direct download and the torrent12:07
raven_ryannathans, this is raw: http://imagebin.org/209964 and this is optimized: http://imagebin.org/20996512:07
bobweaver!md5sum | zoite12:07
ubottuzoite: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows12:07
zoiteI checked it, it matches what it says on the site12:07
bobweaverhow did you make usb ?12:07
zoitedd if=Downloads/ubuntu-12.04-desktop-amd64.iso of=/dev/sdb112:08
bobweaveroh wow12:08
llutzzoite: .. of=/dev/sdb    it has to be written to a drive not a partition12:08
zoiteoh derp12:08
zoiteThanks llutz12:09
raven_ryannathans, ?12:10
ryannathansraven_: yea?12:11
raven_ryannathans, this is raw: http://imagebin.org/209964 and this is optimized: http://imagebin.org/20996512:11
n0sqwhy isn't there an amsn package in ubuntu 12?12:11
ryannathansmy DNS is dead, I can't resolve urls.12:11
ryannathansThat's why I'm here - to fix it.12:11
ryannathansbut no one is helping D:12:11
ryannathansmy whole network has no DNs12:11
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:12
raven_ryannathans, sudo route add default gw #.#.#.# ?12:12
ryannathansI have a firewall preventing access to anything but the server of dnsmasq and i'm not in a position to change it right now12:12
gaelfxare there any themes that are actually made for unity? or do I have to install compiz stuff to get new themes?12:13
oalLesson learnt: Don't upgrade to a new Ubuntu release the first few days. Argh! Unity crashes once I open a wine app, dual screen support is far worse than 7.xx and everything feels sluggish. I thought LTS were supposed to be stabler than usual!12:13
airtonixoal: always wait 6mths12:13
oalairtonix: yeah, this has got to be the worst experience I've had with ubuntu since 6.1012:14
airtonixoal: subjective12:14
ryannathansoal: join the club!12:15
ryannathansoal: no working DNS. Woo!12:15
Zx432The side bar won't go away.12:15
Zx432Is it a bug?12:15
oalZx432: same here12:15
oalZx432: you can change its behavior with "myunity" I think it's called12:16
oalsudo apt-get install myunity12:16
Pitelis there some indicator which will show cpu/ram/network usage?12:16
ryannathansPitel: top or htop12:16
danielspSystem load indicator from SC12:16
mathewsgaelfx, see this http://www.noobslab.com/2011/11/themes-collection-for-ubuntu-1110-unity.html12:17
gaelfxmathews: saw it, but it appears that many of those need compiz manager and whatnot installed12:18
ryannathansHow does one get dnsmasq working on 12.04?12:18
ryannathansnice job floodbot. Random status changing.12:19
NakouGuys guys guys, i'm in trouble. I do an upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04 and my /var/www folder was lost.12:19
gaelfxI would have expected there to be more themes available easily from the repos, so you could just install them from software center, but alas12:19
sk1specialstupid floodbot authenticateing me12:20
^Mikeryannathans: what does "lost" mean? Was that directory a separate partition?12:20
ikoniask1special: errr, no it's not authenticating you12:20
* s1m unable to login to the box within tty1!12:20
smallfoot-try tty212:20
gvandeweyerI know the dist-upgrade is not offered to 10.04 lts users untill 12.04.1, but would it still be possible to upgrade a running 10.04 lts server to 12.04, and would this be recommended?12:20
ryannathans^Mike: you mean Nakou12:20
sk1special* this is to make sure youre not a spambot please type oe*12:20
^Mikeryannathans: Yes, sorry. Nakou, what does "lost" mean, and was /var/www a separate partition?12:21
rodhashHello guys...12:21
sk1specialbut anyways.  i cut off the xinerma ..and now i can drag and drop between workstations. and the menu borders look normal..but my second screen just shows as a pure white blank screen12:21
rodhashI'm facing little issue with my compiz, when I rotate the cube the screen flashes with the previous window...12:21
rodhashusing desktop wall it doesn't happen12:21
rodhashany idea?12:21
NakouNot, on the same partition... It is in the /var/www on the partition, and he totaly deseaper12:21
sk1specialthe mouse goes over to it.. and i can click to like..make a hightlight box. but the cursor is a x and i cant do anything else12:22
NakouShame on me to dont have made separate partition or backup12:22
gaelfxNakou: that's because when you installed 12.04, it rewrote everything on your / partition12:22
Nakougaelfx : i dont install /, i just do an upgrade12:22
sk1specialgaelfx . do you remeber what you had me do before to fix it ?12:23
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rodhashAny suggestion? about compiz issue?12:23
gaelfxsk1special: you mean the nvidia problem?12:23
s1m, I can't log in on any of the ttys. When I press "control+alt+Fx", put my username and password, and always prints "login incorrect".12:23
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit12:23
sk1specialyeah.. i did a fresh install of the new vs so now i have to do it again12:23
karlyuanjianwhat's wrong?12:24
gaelfxsk1special: haha, well, it should be easier this time around, no?12:24
mathewsubottu said it12:24
sk1specialsame deal. one monitor is blank white with xinerma off. with it on i cant drag and drop between workstations and the windows look like win 98,,12:24
sk1specialsupposedly.. i did everything i remember doing before ( mainly messing around in the nvidia panel ) but i cant get it to work12:24
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oalDoes the gnome shell work better with Nvidia? Unity is basically unusable on my pc now12:25
gaelfxsk1special: which nvidia driver did you use, recommended or post release update?12:25
MultiplyHow do I get a service to start, AFTER the NFS mounts have been mounted?12:25
ryannathansMultiply: write a .sh and execute on startup12:26
apterHello! can anyone PLEASE help me, been struggling for hours. I can get my garmin nuvi 200 to work in linux. When i connect it is being recognized as a usb device, i run modprobe garmin_usb but do not get it on a /dev/ttyUSB0 or something (have checket with mesg.) Need som serious help! are going to use it with gpsd!12:26
sk1specialuuah its the nvidia current. syas no propierty drivers are in use..didnt give me those two options this time12:26
s1moal: it does.12:26
Multiplyryannathans: Isn't there a proper upstart-ish way?12:26
oals1m: wooh, I'll give it a try then. Thanks :)12:26
Multiplyryannathans: I mean, it's an existing service, but I moved it's config files to a nfs drive.12:26
gaelfxsk1special: strange, maybe you need to try to activate the driver again?12:26
s1moal: :)12:27
sk1specialhow tho? it doesnt show the propierty ones anymore. just nvidia current and ..12:27
s1mhey Lurkin_Lobster12:27
gaelfxsk1special: those are the proprietary drivers12:27
apterHello! can anyone PLEASE help me, been struggling for hours. I can get my garmin nuvi 200 to work in linux. When i connect it is being recognized as a usb device, i run modprobe garmin_usb but do not get it on a /dev/ttyUSB0 or something (have checket with mesg.) Need som serious help! are going to use it with gpsd!12:27
mathewswhat is garmin nuvi 200?12:27
Lurkin_Lobstercar gps device12:27
aptermathews: gps device12:27
apterI can't get it to work:(12:28
gaelfxapter: does it show up in lsusb?12:28
ryannathansMultiply: nope, well I haven't found one12:28
sk1specialreally?  okay this time its saying. nvidia -current and nvidia binary xorg..also says no propierty drivers are in use on this system. and last time just said recommended and post release updates12:28
aptergaelfx:  yes12:28
CreamCUmI dedicate this song to you apter http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-KzpyE87Z412:28
smallfoot-apter, do 'lsusb'12:28
Psycho_grI'm trying to use Xming on Windows with PuTTY, but when I try to start a program I get: ** (gnome-session:20510): WARNING **: Cannot open display:12:29
aptersmallfoot-: Yes, it comes up in lsusb12:29
CreamCUmIt makes me want to cut my wrists12:29
busfahrerExcuse me, is it possible to access the internet on my laptop, using my phone's 3G connection *without* using the phone as a modem, i.e. to tell the phone to share its *existing* net connection with the laptop? (Just want to know if it's possible at all)12:29
NurseDadwhere do I type the following to register? /msg nickserv register <password> <email>12:29
CreamCUmbusfahrer I dedicate this song to you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-KzpyE87Z412:29
smallfoot-NurseDad, anywhere12:29
CreamCUmnursedad I dedicate this song to you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-KzpyE87Z412:29
CreamCUmsmallfoot- I dedicate this song to you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-KzpyE87Z412:29
^MikeNurseDad: In the text box where you type everything else12:29
sk1specialokay yeah it says. this driver is activated but not currently in use. so what do i do now?12:29
ryannathansNurseDad: anywhere, ensuring there's no space infront of the /12:29
gaelfxsk1special: I kinda don't remember what I told you to do, but what I do remember is to change the settings to disable the second monitor and then change them back to enable them and save the settings12:29
mathewsapter, pls see this http://askubuntu.com/questions/505/how-can-i-use-my-garmin-device-in-ubuntu12:30
ryannathansNurseDad: get help in #freenode12:30
gaelfxsk1special: ah, you should be able to enable it there12:30
tiagoscdUbuntu-BR-SC 12.04 release page is great! Take a look http://www.ubuntubrsc.com/precise1204/ (Brazilian Portuguese) :-)12:30
DoWhileGeekI'm onsidering getting a ultrabook for ubuntu purposes, any suggestions?12:30
samster34CreamCUm: uh...shut up, please :)12:30
spartan2276How can I fix this error: "Media change: please insert the disc labeled     'Ubuntu 12.04 LTS _Precise Pangolin_ - Release amd64 (20120425)' in the drive '/cdrom/' and press enter"?12:30
sk1specialno doesnt let me enable it. just lets me remove..ima try removing. reenabling. and doing the same in the nvidia control panel12:30
ryannathansspartan2276: build the usb installer with something else12:30
gaelfxsk1special: haha, sorry, been a long time since I've had trouble with nvidia drivers, yeah, you're right, remove and reenable12:31
dasilvjwhoops, miss talk12:31
spartan2276How can I fix this error: "Media change: please insert the disc labeled     'Ubuntu 12.04 LTS _Precise Pangolin_ - Release amd64 (20120425)' in the drive '/cdrom/' and press enter"?12:31
r3dhatI must say that after years of hating Unity, I feel that it is finally polished and ready to be a productive work environment for me :)12:32
smallfoot-spartan2276, remove the disc from software sources12:32
gaelfxr3dhat: agreed12:32
spartan2276how can I do that?12:32
mathewsspartan2276, explain your question12:32
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smallfoot-spartan2276, you can run 'software-properties-gtk'12:32
LjL!ru < polkilo12:32
ubottuLjL: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:32
spartan2276I'm trying to install software but every time I get that msg12:32
LjL!ru « polkilo12:32
ubottuLjL: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:32
LjLoh meh12:32
smallfoot-spartan2276, its easy to fix, just run 'software-properties-gtk'12:33
gaelfx!ru > polkilo12:33
ubottupolkilo, please see my private message12:33
LjLthanks -.-12:33
gaelfxLjL: ftfy12:33
gaelfxno prob12:33
Multiplyryannathans: Actually $remote_fs did the trick. I didn't add this myself tho, so I'm curious as to why it failed earlier. Hmm.12:33
polkilocan help me&12:33
ryannathansMultiply: you wouldn't have any idea why dnsmasq is screwed in 12.04 would you ?12:33
samster34ok, trying again...I have this prebuilt intel system, and every linux distro I've tried just flat out refuses to work. I've had to resort to install on a different computer (similar hardware), move the drive to the other computer, but that doesn't work either12:34
s1mpolkilo: state your issue.12:34
Multiplyryannathans: No idea, sorry. :P12:34
medflyhow can I disable my laptop track pad completely12:34
ryannathanspoo. I have no DNS on my whole network.12:34
JohnnyricoMCIs gb.archive.ubuntu.com slow for anyone else? I'm doing a netinstall and it's taking way longer than usual :s12:35
aptermathews: This does not help me: tried it…:(12:35
Multiplyryannathans: All my servers run on an external gateway. I just get to assign global, or local IPs, directly on the servers.12:35
JohnnyricoMCas in hours instead of only 15-something minutes :s12:35
mathewsmedfly, select the "mouse" from preference menu and do it12:35
mik__hi scooby12:35
spartan2276thanks guys, I think that worked12:36
medflymathews: I don't see anything to disable it12:36
samster34if I try to boot (an installed system or a live one), it just freezes on a purple screen, sometimes there's stack/call traces there. if I try to boot with nomodeset, I get an error "stopped waiting for root device, dropping to shell", where my keyboard won't work, so I can't do anything...12:36
mathewsapter, u know I asked u about it,means I dont know about it,but gave u a thread thinking would help u.12:37
NurseDadanyone else have trouble with Gwibber not showing FB comments?12:37
aptermathews: okey, sorry12:37
gaelfxNurseDad: I do, but not for the same reason12:37
Lurkin_Lobsteri have 11.10 but i want to completely start over and reinstall 12.0412:38
mik__hi scooby do12:38
testBOThi, hows it going12:38
Lurkin_Lobstercan i just throw the boot cd in and do that?12:38
gaelfxNurseDad: the great firewall12:38
Lurkin_Lobsteror am i in for a world of hurt if i do12:38
PosgloditoHow is that when I try to download Ubuntu 12.04, it recommends me to download the 32 bit version if my system is 64 bits12:38
mathewsmedfly, dont u have any special key for it on keyboard?12:38
PiciPosglodito: Because the website doesn't know what architecture you're running.12:39
smallfoot-Posglodito, cuz officially 32-bit is recommended, and doesnt do clever javascript check, but get 64-bit version cuz its faster12:39
samster34if I try to boot (an installed system or a live one), it just freezes on a purple screen, sometimes there's stack/call traces there. if I try to boot with nomodeset, I get an error "stopped waiting for root device, dropping to shell", where my keyboard won't work, so I can't do anything...12:39
CountZPosglodito: It is theoretically faster to run a 32bit OS12:39
CountZbecause there's less data to move around12:39
medflymathews: I do.12:39
medflymathews: it doesn't work.12:39
mathewsPosglodito, when u read it, try to complete the story12:39
CountZ64 bit is automatically double the size of memory pointers12:39
hnszsmallfoot-: I don't think it's recommended anymore12:40
irendalHello, how can I know if I installed ubuntu in 32 or 64 bits?12:40
PosgloditoCountZ, you think that the 32 bit OS is faster ???12:40
gaelfx64-bit, for those who don't know, goes all the way to 1112:40
samster34irendal: Settings -> System Details12:40
sk1specialokay now  everything works :] again.. which is awesome. but now this xwinwrap -ov -fs -- /usr/lib/xscreensaver/glmatrix -root -window-id WID wont work12:40
CountZPosglodito: in theory yes12:40
polkilocan i run Nvidia Optimus on this 12.04 without Bumblbee?12:40
gaelfxirendal: lsb_release -a12:40
smallfoot-irendal, uname -a12:40
smallfoot-64-bit version is slightly faster in most cases under most type of operations12:41
mathewsmedfly, http://askubuntu.com/search?q=disabling+touchpad+12:41
irendalgaelfx, that just tells me "ubuntu 11.10"12:41
sk1specialsupposed to run the matrix screensaver in the desktop as a background..was working before but not now12:41
gaelfxirendal: sorry, my bad :P uname -a is the one12:41
MauhdeebAnyone do a fresh install 12.04 on a second disk and after the installation finishes and you restart you get the > grub rescue? I've tried installing to a second hard drive now three times and get that every time12:41
irendali686 means 32 bits?12:41
PosgloditoCountZ, but it's supposed that a SO that moves chunks of 64 bits at once is faster that one that only moves chunks of half the size, isn't so?12:41
smallfoot-irendal, yes12:41
CountZirendal: yes12:41
gaelfxirendal: yeah, AMD64 would be 64 bit12:41
CountZPosglodito: it's not the chunk sizes, it is the sizes of pointers, they take double the amount of memory12:42
smallfoot-64-bit is the future12:42
hnszCountZ: Big deal12:42
irendalok, thanks12:42
medflyjesus christ, I have a fucking button, why can't I modify it so it works properly on this piece of shit12:42
medflyor config x for all I care12:42
smallfoot-go away from 32-bit, stay away from 32-bit12:42
mathewsa 32bit works in both system but it never uses RAM up to 3Gb12:42
samster34if I try to boot (an installed system or a live one), it just freezes on a purple screen, sometimes there's stack/call traces there. if I try to boot with nomodeset, I get an error "stopped waiting for root device, dropping to shell", where my keyboard won't work, so I can't do anything...this prebuilt box is otherwise useless to me, what could be wrong with it to keep any linux from working? it has a Q8300 LGA 775, an nforce chipset, a 98012:42
mathewsa 32bit works in both system but it never uses RAM above 3Gb12:42
smallfoot-maybe it does if you use PAE12:43
CountZit will use all the ram you have, just not more than 3.3gb at a time12:43
sysRPLhey uhm ... why doesn't 12.4 ship with a more recent version of gimp in it's repository?12:43
CountZ(per application)12:43
smallfoot-sysRPL, it ships with latest stable GIMP12:43
irendali wonder if i should install a new 12.04, or stay with my 11.10... i'm a bit worried i'd have trouble making it work, like I had last time :(12:43
smallfoot-sysRPL, 2.8 is just release candidate12:43
mathewssysRPL, the new version of gimp is not stable so far12:43
medflyI'm just going to disable the mouse on the X config instead of installing useless graphics things12:43
sysRPLi just installed gimp in 12.0412:43
sysRPLand  it doesn't have single window mode as an option12:43
irendalwhat is the default kernel in 12.04?12:43
sysRPLthe version is really old12:44
sysRPLsmallfoot-, ?12:44
dr_willisirendal:  install to a flashdrive to test it12:44
smallfoot-sysRPL, 2.8 will have single window mode, but 2.8 is not release, its just release candidate 112:44
CountZthat's the kernel in 12.0412:44
oalHurray! None of the issues I had with unity in 12.04 are present in Gnome shell. /me is happy12:44
irendaldr_willis, that sounds like a good idea12:44
smallfoot-sysRPL, its not really old, its the latest stable release12:44
CountZoal: what issues?12:44
sk1specialokay did the same thing as last time to make it work.12:44
sk1specialthank ya thank ya12:44
irendalCountZ, ok, i had to install 3.2.1 in 11.10 to make it work, that's why i'm worried :(12:44
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sysRPLsmallfoot-, 2.612:45
AthanasiusThe Asus EEE notebook has 3 power states of "low", "high", and "extra-high" power, which can be set by writing 0, 1, and 2 to /sys/devices/platform/eeepc/cpufv, respectively. Are there scripts/programs for unity that allow for easily changing this? (Especially preferable would be to auto-set low power when on battery, and extra-high when on ac power)12:45
Guest60805I checked for updates without logging into the system at my school from browser first, now all of my package files have been replaced with the login page.  Now I cannot install anything or get any new updates.  can anyone help me?12:45
sysRPLsmallfoot-, it the verion ubuntu installed12:45
Posglodito<mathews> a 32bit works in both system but it never uses RAM up to 3Gb <-- that is true, I have 8 GB so I should install 64bit version, I think. In spite that it (could) be ¿slower?12:45
smallfoot-sysRPL, 2.6.1212:45
oalCountZ: random crashes (window borders disappearing, windows jumping around), and the mouse got stuck between my screens. Had to move it very fast to get across to the other screen12:45
CountZoal: weird!12:45
samster34can anyone help me?  if I try to boot (an installed system or a live one), it just freezes on a purple screen, sometimes there's stack/call traces there. if I try to boot with nomodeset, I get an error "stopped waiting for root device, dropping to shell", where my keyboard won't work, so I can't do anything...this prebuilt box is otherwise useless to me, what could be wrong with it to keep any linux from working? it has a Q8300 LGA 775, an 12:45
apterIf i use gps2ip on my iPhone to stream gps coordinates to linux, will this cost me something? in my telefon bill?12:45
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:46
CountZPosglodito: go for the 64bit version if your system is capable of it. 32bit is going to die anyway at some point.12:46
ryannathansmattswe: via PAE x86 32bit can access much more than 3GB ram12:46
oalCountZ: indeed... But gnome shell works way better12:46
smallfoot-apter, not if you steam over Wi-Fi12:46
pawanI want to use alladin etoken on ubuntu 12.04, the token is dependent on HAL and can't find any solution till now12:46
CountZI kinda prefer gnome anyway12:46
woozlyGuys, how to move Unity Launcher on 12.04 to bottom?12:46
Athanasiusapter: Uh, it will probably cost you data usage.12:46
smallfoot-apter, but if you steam over GSM or 3G then probably yes12:46
CountZI'm not sure I'm liking unity very much12:46
PosgloditoCountZ, I see, thanks to all12:46
sysRPLsmallfoot-, also, why doesn't ubuntu come with gcc4.7?12:46
CountZIt's designed to mimic the Mac UI12:46
Mauhdeeb!grub rescue12:46
smallfoot-CountZ, me neither, but Unity is 10x better in 12.04 than it was in 10.10 or something12:46
CountZwhich I do like12:46
aptersmallfoot-: so receiving gps coordinates cost nothing? i am going to stream over wifi (ad-hoc)12:46
oalCountZ: it looks good so far. Unity worked fine in 11.10, so I never gave Gnome a try before now12:46
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".12:47
pawanhow to you token (digtal signature) on ubuntu12:47
AthanasiusCountZ: Unity works great once you get used to it. When I first tried it I was majorly "wtf is this"12:47
ditbanpermission denied on key http://paste.ubuntu.com/949696/ How to unblock?12:47
dr_willisCountZ:  i dont find it like the mac at all12:47
Pitelhttp://mrdoob.github.com/three.js/examples/webgl_materials_texture_filters.html anyone with chrome, 12.04, unity and nvidia gpu, does this work for you?12:47
smallfoot-oal, since then Unity have been refined and improved12:47
CountZAthanasius: I see... I will definitely give it a chance.12:47
smallfoot-Pitel, depends what graphics device drivers you use12:47
samster34help  :(  if I try to boot (an installed system or a live one), it just freezes on a purple screen, sometimes there's stack/call traces there. if I try to boot with nomodeset, I get an error "stopped waiting for root device, dropping to shell", where my keyboard won't work, so I can't do anything...this prebuilt box is otherwise useless to me, what could be wrong with it to keep any linux from working? it has a Q8300 LGA 775, an nforce chip12:47
apterAthanasius: i stream it over wifi (ad hoc) to my laptop12:48
smallfoot-Pitel, i think works with proprietary drivers, but not with nouvou open source12:48
CountZdr_willis: The menu is always at the top, and there's a doc on the left... and apps are primed for full screen usage. How is that different from the Mac experience? :-)12:48
oalsmallfoot-: I hear they say so, but I had weird bugs happening in 12.04 that I never saw in 11.1012:48
Pitelsmallfoot-: I have priprietary12:48
Pitelsmallfoot-: strange, it works with firefox12:48
sk1specialso weird.. the matrix thing runs fine on all the screens. except for the first workstation on the left ( where i opened the terminal ) the launcher will disappear if i click on the background12:48
CountZEven the window controls are on the left like in OS X12:48
smallfoot-Pitel, check about:gpu in Firefox and Chrome12:48
jarcoits possible in ubuntu to have 2 files with the samen name in ONE folder12:49
smallfoot-Pitel, start chromium with --ignore-gpu-blacklist12:49
CountZjarco: no12:49
Pitelsmallfoot-: already did, there are some "GpuProcessHostUIShim: GPU Process Crashed." at the bottom12:49
jarcoWell. Its happening here...12:49
Pitelsmallfoot-: I disabled the balcklist using about:flags12:49
n1hi. any experts in networking via virtual machines?12:49
dr_willisjarco:  case matters in linux12:49
CountZjarco: install midnight commander and rename one of them12:49
Pitelsmallfoot-: the page, it works for you?12:49
CountZjarco: files can even have a space at the end of the name and you  just won't see it12:50
samster34I need some serious help..or a wizard.... if I try to boot (an installed system or a live one), it just freezes on a purple screen, sometimes there's stack/call traces there. if I try to boot with nomodeset, I get an error "stopped waiting for root device, dropping to shell", where my keyboard won't work, so I can't do anything...this prebuilt box is otherwise useless to me, what could be wrong with it to keep any linux from working? it has12:50
dr_willisjarco:  the files in a ntfs disk or share?12:50
Pitelsmallfoot-: because I;m using chrome dev branch, so maybe thery messed something on their side12:50
jarcoCountZ: you got it. It was the space at the end12:50
smallfoot-Pitel, yes, both in firefox and chromium, with opensource nvouea drivers12:51
CountZsee... :)12:51
choronzonI just updated to ubuntu 12.04 and before I had this thing I can't remember how to set up where I moved my mouse pointer to the top left edge of the screen and it showed all the windows I had opened. now is gone. anybody know how to get it back?12:51
CountZsamster34: I struggled with a similar situation yesterday with this laptop i'm using right now. I just couldn't get ubuntu to boot from the USB stick.12:51
smallfoot-Pitel, im using chromium 18, the one in ubuntu12:51
samster34CountZ: I resorted to installing on a different computer with similar hardware and moving the drive there, and still the same result :/12:52
FreeRangeRadicalQuestion: Can I safely use Compiz with Unity 2D?12:52
dr_willisthen its not 2d ;)12:52
smallfoot-FreeRangeRadical, probably, but if your computer can run compiz, why not run unity instead of unity2d?12:53
CountZsamster34: a dangerous thing I once did in a situation like that, was to switch from UID based partitions in /etc/fstab to physical names12:53
leo_Tentativo di aggiornare la 11.10 alla 12 finito male12:53
smallfoot-dr_willis, maybe you can force 2d in login screen12:53
FreeRangeRadicalsmallfoot: I wasn't aware that running Compiz was that resource intensive.12:53
spartan2276oh boy another issue12:53
spartan2276How can I get my soundcard to work?12:53
samster34CountZ: how would I do that during setup?12:53
smallfoot-FreeRangeRadical, its not, i notice no problems on gf8600, 4gb ram, my computer is fast12:53
spartan2276it wont work and this is all I get http://askubuntu.com/questions/115128/why-is-my-sound-card-not-recognized-by-the-control-panel12:54
samster34CountZ: and what does it accomplish?12:54
CountZsamster34: well just fdisk and find out the partition names (sda1, sda2, etc)12:54
spartan2276I tried following those directions but none of it worked12:54
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CountZsamster34: then replace the GUIDs in /etc/fstab to those names12:54
smallfoot-FreeRangeRadical, if you dont like compiz, you can use metacity or mutter12:54
FreeRangeRadicalsmallfoot: Mine is an old Celeron M, 2.2GHz, 2GB RAM12:54
CountZsamster34: supposedly on the newer system the GUID's are expected to be different or something of the sort.12:54
ryannathansdnsmasq no longer returns dns queries after upgrading to 12.04, what do???12:55
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)12:55
polkilocan i run Nvidia Optimus on this 12.04 without Bumblbee?12:55
=== Kaizen is now known as Bazko
PosgloditoCould one copy the 12.04 .iso to a pendrive and install from the pendrive?12:55
dr_willisyou can change uids on a fs.12:55
smallfoot-ryannathans, dnsmasq: failed to create listening socket for port 53: Permission denied12:55
samster34CountZ: hmm, I see. thanks, I'll give that a try.12:55
smallfoot-ryannathans, perhaps sudo? idk12:55
irendalhmm... what package can be missing to provoke a "undefined reference to `pthread_create'" when compiling a program?12:55
ryannathanssmallfoot-: I don't have that problem.12:55
spartan2276I also ran alsamixer and un-muted everything but still not working12:55
CountZsamster34: when in grub, are you able to see the drives and partitions if you type 'ls'?12:56
dr_willisPosglodito: you can image it to usb and boot it12:56
ryannathanssmallfoot-: it is listening fine.12:56
samster34CountZ: I don't know, hold on12:56
ryannathanssmallfoot-: just not responding with an ip address.12:56
polkilocan i run Nvidia Optimus on this 12.04 without Bumblbee?12:56
dr_willisPosglodito: but not a normal file copy12:56
Posgloditodr_willis there is a link to image an iso to a pendrive?12:56
CountZsamster34: there are guides via google, on how to deal with a situation such as ours, manually. I'm only referring you to such a guide because I can't for the life of me remember that stuff. It's the kinda thing you do once a year and you forget about it... :-)12:56
llutzPosglodito: cat yourfile.iso >/dev/sdX    where /dev/sdX is your usb-pendrive12:57
anaxHey, all. Does anyone have a MSI CX640 laptop and some experience with Ubuntu on it?12:57
dr_willisPosglodito: tools at pendrivelinux and ither sites. or use dd from a linux box12:57
samster34CountZ: I don't even know if this is the problem or not...at first it appeared to be a video driver issue12:57
PosgloditoI see, thanks llutz, dr_willis12:57
assurbanipalhey guys i ve been trying to install gnome-shell extensions for the past 2 days with no success.. i just reinstalled ubuntu 12-04 with another image, but still..12:58
samster34CountZ: willing to try anything though12:58
CountZsamster34: here it was an EFI Boot complication... this stupid BIOS can't just boot CD's unless they have an EFI file on them... :-(12:58
polkilocan i run Nvidia Optimus on this 12.04 without Bumblbee?12:58
samster34CountZ: ok I'm in grub12:58
CountZsamster34: ok try to 'ls' and check if you see hd(0,1), etc.12:59
smallfoot-CountZ, i think most EFI runs in BIOS-compatibility mode, so then perhaps they can boot from El Torito12:59
samster34CountZ: ls produces a list of (hd0) (hd0,msdos5) (hd0,msdos1)12:59
samster34CountZ: the hell? I only have ubuntu on this thing..12:59
Pitelsmallfoot-: ok, gonna try chrome beta12:59
CountZsamster34: why msdos, now that is the question :)12:59
CountZsmallfoot-: i'm not sure I understand that12:59
spartan2276How can I fix my sound? This is all I get http://askubuntu.com/questions/115128/why-is-my-sound-card-not-recognized-by-the-control-panel12:59
samster34the two partitions should be / and swap, I created them with the setup...why would they be called this12:59
assurbanipalhey guys i ve been trying to install gnome-shell extensions for the past 2 days with no success.. i just reinstalled ubuntu 12-04 with another image, but still..can someone help out of it?it is driving me mad!13:00
CountZsamster34: the names in grub are different. they aren't / and 'swap'. it just tries to be helpful by telling you the type of partition.13:00
anaxOk, another question. Did any of you experience the blank Additional Drivers? There's just nothing populating the list.13:00
delinquentmeare there any ssh / encryption channels available on freenode?13:00
dr_willissamster34:  thats not what dos means in this instace i belive13:00
CountZanax: I also have nothing in the list of additional drivers13:01
magnumentoIs it possible to get the sqlserv function for PHP installed if I already installed PHP during the Ubuntu installation process?13:01
ryannathansdelinquentme: /connect -ssl irc.freenode.net    ask in #freenode13:01
samster34CountZ: yeah, but how does it go from regular (ext4?) to msdos?13:01
ryannathansdelinquentme: unless you are talking about crypto13:01
anaxCountZ how did you solve it? Did you manage to install the drivers somehow else?13:01
dr_willissamster34:  its a dos compat partioned disk13:01
CountZmagnumento: apt-get install php5-sybase13:01
smallfoot-magnumento, edit php.conf file to enable pdo, pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite13:01
Aramhey, is there a way I can edit a file owned by apt, like /etc/grub.d/10_linux and bless it in such a way so apt won't nag at every update?13:01
n1anyone using linux on vmware and connects not through usb stick but regular network_13:01
ryannathansdelinquentme: ##crypto13:01
smallfoot-CountZ, sybase?? yuck13:01
CountZanax: I didn't do anything abou it yet :)13:01
magnumentothank you both, ill give those both a try quick13:01
CountZsmallfoot-: well magnumento seems to need mssql access from php...13:02
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smallfoot-CountZ, oh, mssql, yuck13:02
CountZI wouldn't use mssql with a gun held against my head.13:02
CountZok maybe with a gun, yes..13:02
magnumentoI much prefer MySQL as well13:02
SmoothSage_haha count :)13:02
ryannathanshow does one get dnsmasq working with 12.04?13:02
magnumentobut the choice is not mine13:02
anaxCountz: Ah, ok. :D I'm trying to install the drivers for GeForce GT520M that's paired with some Intel graphics card. It's some Intel Graphics family. There doesn't seem to be a lot of info about it on the net.13:02
samster34CountZ: ok, what now? are there any boot options that use basic video drivers, but don't put me in a shell? (my keyboard doesnt work there and I'm unable to do anything)13:02
smallfoot-well try use mssql via PDO then13:03
smallfoot-PDO is like a database abstraction layer in PHP13:03
magnumentosmallfoot-, did you mean php.ini? or conf.d?13:03
smallfoot-then you can easily change to other db maybe13:03
smallfoot-magnumento, unsure, check both13:03
CountZsamster34: at what point does your keyboard stop working? because it sounds like it does work while you're in grub, right?13:03
MonkeyDustCountZ  OT, about MySQL, watch this until the end http://users.skynet.be/gbachot/media/marjorie_shapiro.mpeg13:03
samster34CountZ: yes iot works in grub. during boot, a pretty verbose looking screen, it says "device on port 8 refusing to accept addres 2" then addres 3, 4, 5... then it says unable to enumerate device on port 8, and that's it.13:04
steve-o_I ran the upgrade from the GUI last night...11.10 => 12.04...went to be while it was still getting packages. This morning, 8 hours later, it is still installing libc-bin. Sounds like the upgrade froze. Computer still working though. How should I recover from this?13:04
steve-o_*bed not be13:04
samster34CountZ: then it says "gave up waiting for root device, dropping to shell" but without keyboard that shell doesnt do much13:05
Pitelsmallfoot-: ok, chrome beta (19) works fine.13:05
rigvedsteve-o_: in the GUI, expand the terminal tab. it is waiting for input from you...13:05
ryannathanshow does one get dnsmasq working with 12.04?13:05
CountZsamster34: a usb keyboard? or is that a laptop?13:06
CountZMonkeyDust: true true :)13:06
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roddHi I'm struggling to update my 10.04 lts to the latest version, I've tried different approaches but haven't succeeded so far. I think I messed up with my sources list, how can i restore it to default? it keeps downloading  package information forever13:06
samster34CountZ: yes, usb keyboard. tried several, don't have any older13:06
CountZsamster34: did you try to enable legacy keyboard support in BIOS?13:06
samster34CountZ: I have no such option13:07
llutzryannathans: sudo apt-get install dnsmasq,  then edit the dnsmasq.conf as you need it.13:07
CountZhm :(13:07
Dan-The-Manrodd, the servers are under a lot of load right now it might just take a while13:07
steve-o_rigved: Duh...thanks. I should have known to do that...appreciate the help.13:07
samster34CountZ: the bios has only a handful of options13:07
CountZwhat about livecd, does that boot and work ok?13:07
samster34CountZ: No.13:07
CountZyah, new bios are scarce on options...13:07
irendalHi, I have a problem trying to install a program from sources in ubuntu... what package can be missing to provoke a "undefined reference to `pthread_create'" when compiling a program?13:07
rigvedsteve-o_: you are welcome! all the best with the upgrade!13:07
ryannathansllutz: since upgrading to 12.04 it's no longer replying to DNS queries with IP addresses.13:07
CountZsamster34: I tell you it's a conspiracy against linux users...13:07
llutz!details   | ryannathans13:07
ubotturyannathans: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:07
anaxDoes anyone know how to manually install a graphic driver for GeForce GT520M?13:08
samster34CountZ: well its a bit old, and it's a prebuilt system, with a motherboard that doesnt seem to have a brand..13:08
CountZanax: just download the driver from nvidia and run the installer, no?13:08
ryannathansllutz: ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1187889113:08
Dan-The-Manrodd, ?13:08
CountZsamster34: sounds weird.13:08
samster34CountZ: how do I edit the grub boot entry to start X in failsafe mode?13:08
anaxThat'll work? Cool, I'll try it. I didn't think it's that straightforward.13:08
CountZX is not related to grub in any way13:09
samster34CountZ: I know13:09
llutzryannathans: checked logs? does dnsmasq run at all?13:09
ryannathansllutz: it runs. What logs do you want me to check?13:09
samster34CountZ: but I cant boot into the recovery menu thing and choose failsafex there, because I get dropped to the shell with no keyboard if I try to boot that13:09
roddDan-The-Man, well, the sources list seems messed up, with tons of entry, not the servers.  I think I ran some command I shouldn't have and that seems to be the problem13:09
llutzryannathans: whatever logfile dnsmasq logs to13:09
CountZI see13:09
ryannathansllutz: none. I guess I should configure logging somehow.13:10
Dougie187Hi All. I'm getting an "invalid arch independent EFI magic" error when I try to boot after installing 12.04. I tried the solution here http://askubuntu.com/questions/125352/fresh-install-of-ubuntu-12-04-amd64-does-not-boot but then when I boot I just get a grub prompt and I can't get it to boot.13:10
CountZsamster34: you just add "recovery" near "nomodeset"13:10
anaxThanks for your help, CountZ!13:11
samster34CountZ: but nomodeset drops me in the shell with no keyboard13:11
CountZsamster34: so don't add nomodeset, but recovery is added in that same place13:11
AndyUbuntudoes anyone has a link to a fast torrent for 12.04/13:11
CountZalso make sure you have: insmod part_msdos13:11
samster34....next time13:12
CountZ(right below the menuentry)13:12
AndyUbuntujust trying to update from repo and its taking ages13:12
ryannathansllutz: you wouldn't believe this but running it in logging mode (and only logging mode) makes this thing work.13:12
MrKeunerhello, is ecrytfs passphrase for the encrypted home directory in Ubuntu the same as my rsa key passphrase?13:12
robgravesAndyUbuntu: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/alternative-downloads13:12
bobweavercan someone check this link too see if it is down on there end. thanks  uds.ubuntu.com13:13
amberflybobweaver: It's up fo rme13:13
samster34CountZ: insmod part_msdos is present13:13
bobweaverthanks amberfly  wonder why I cant get it too show up13:14
CountZsamster34: hm... :(  I'm sorry I can't be more helpful.13:14
ryannathansllutz: AHH, when run from /etc/init.d/dnsmasq start    it doesn't work. When run via commandline, it works.13:14
Dan-The-Manrodd, well if that is the case i would suggest a fresh install13:14
CountZbobweaver: up for me to (from new york)13:14
llutzryannathans: sudo service dnsmasq start13:14
samster34CountZ: trying to see if this did anything...13:14
bobweaverlol CountZ  I am also in New york13:15
jpdsJohnnyricoMC: re: gb.archive> Welcome to release day.13:15
samster34CountZ: usb 1-8: new highs-peed usb device number 3 using ehci_hcd13:15
realsilverscreenhi all. i downloaded ubuntu 64bit and cant install. it wont allow me to click the install button. i tried different keyboards and mice. my system.. intel i7 975, nvidia gtx580, ocz 90gb ssd, 6gb ram13:15
CountZbobweaver: what ISP? I'm on Time Warner13:15
rigvedMrKeuner: no.13:15
samster34CountZ: and again, not accepting address etc etc, unable to enumerate..13:15
CountZsamster34: wait a sec, I remember reading something about that a while ago.13:15
samster34it says Error -110 if that helps13:16
AndyUbuntuthanks robgraves13:16
ryannathansllutz: nope, doesn't work.13:16
ryannathansllutz: sudo dnsmasq    works though13:16
ryannathansllutz: "doesn't work" meaning it doesn't reply to dns queries13:16
CountZsamster34: http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?t=3619713:16
rigvedrealsilverscreen: are you able to click on the "Try Ubuntu" button?13:17
samster34CountZ: aha, "ALERET! /Dev/disk/by-uuid/............. does not exist. Dropping to shell!13:17
llutzryannathans: "sudo pkill dnsmasq && sudo service dnsmasq start && sudo lsof -i :53"13:17
CountZsamster34: there's two things there. there's the "nousb" that he adds in defoptions, and also update-usbids13:17
realsilverscreenrigved: no13:17
samster34so trying to rename those GUIDs might work after all? :/13:17
llutzryannathans: does it list dnsmasq as listening?13:17
ryannathansllutz: yes.13:17
ryannathansllutz: it doesn't reply to DNS queries with an IP though.13:17
CountZsamster34: yes, that's one more thing, but get your keyboard to work because it will help you identify the issues once you're in shell13:17
llutzryannathans: dig @ www.ubuntu.com13:18
PotatisenHi, i have some questions about Ubuntu and games. I am on a an older laptop right now (4 years old, Dell Inspiron 1520) and i was wondering what my gaming options are if i switch over to Linux/Ubuntu?13:18
ryannathansllutz: ;www.ubuntu.com.                        IN      A13:18
MrKeunerrigved, is it a string of hexadecimal values which I have not defined?13:18
samster34CountZ: I don't suppose I can run that command from the grub commandline? :/+13:19
llutzryannathans: ;; ANSWER SECTION:13:19
CountZsamster34: you can't edit the file?13:19
ryannathansllutz: there is none13:19
samster34CountZ: edit what file? can I do this from the grub command line?13:20
the-systemQui peut m'aider svp ?13:20
husienhello guys"13:20
OerHeks!fr | the-system13:20
ubottuthe-system: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:20
^MikeI am removing ubuntu from a dual-boot system. How do I restore the windows bootloader?13:20
OerHeks^Mike,  use your windows cd to restore the mbr13:21
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Gnea^Mike: a question probably better asked in ##windows13:21
ryannathans^Mike: using windows cd "bootrec /fixmbr"13:21
ryannathans^Mike: then "bootrec /fixboot"13:21
anevhas foremost been removed from ubuntu's default repos?13:21
^Mikeok, thanks13:21
rigvedrealsilverscreen: make sure that the checksum of the downloaded image is correct13:21
samster34CountZ: are you talking about the file in the post linked at the link you posted? http://www.geekdevs.com/2010/04/solved-unable-to-enumerate-usb-device-disabling-ehci_hcd/13:21
JiggyHi can anyone help me please?13:22
anevi tried apt-get install foremost and via aptitude - can't find it anymore?13:22
Gnearyannathans: does that work with XP, too?13:22
ryannathansllutz: meh, i'll just use a cronjob to "killall dnsmasq && dnsmasq"13:22
ryannathansGnea: should do13:22
PotatisenNo gaming-people in here atm?13:22
CountZsamster34: yes13:22
ryannathansPotatisen: I am ;)13:22
llutzryannathans: dirty hack. check /etc/default/dnsmasq and /etc/init.d/dnsmasq   for errors or weird entries13:22
samster34CountZ: ok, can I do that in the grub commandline? wouldn't the filesystem need to be mounted?13:22
christhisisgoolJiggy: please state your problem so that someone can help you13:22
husieni try change the htaccess.txt   to   .htaccess using command "mv htaccess.txt .htaccess" ... after that i can't see the .htaccess file..???13:23
rigvedMrKeuner: rsa key has to be manually created by you (using seahorse on your ubuntu). it is very large string of hex characters. your home directory passphrase will be a string of letters and numbers (not hex)13:23
hydrahi there, whereis NOW locate the slapd.conf for LDAP ?13:23
samster34husien: .something files are hidden by default13:23
realsilverscreenrigved: where do you find check sum on ubuntu website?13:23
hydraI just cannnot find it13:23
samster34husien: CTRL+H to show hidden files in nautilus13:23
hydra* located13:23
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llutzryannathans: there must be a reason why it fails when starting  it as a service13:23
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ryannathansllutz: IGNORE_RESOLVCONF=yes13:24
nuclearkittenlocate says /usr/local/etc/openldap/slapd.conf13:24
Jiggyok, so I've just installed 12.04 and when I try to boot it I get a red screen for a few seconds and then a blank screen, wat do?13:24
nuclearkittenbut not sure13:24
ryannathansllutz: it was commented out before, now it works ;)13:24
gunfire007if i want to use rpm package how can i use ??13:24
husiensamster34: so how to edit that file?13:24
nuclearkittenany ideas where to find the LDAP slapd.conf ?13:24
CountZsamster34: best is if you mount the filesystem, chroot to it, edit the file and run update-grub etc.13:24
CountZbecause without updating grub your changes will be in vain13:24
llutzryannathans: stuff always works (if you do it right) :)13:24
gaelfxgunfire007: rpm is for Fedora, so you would have to use that ideally13:24
samster34CountZ: but how? I have no clue how do that in the grub command line13:24
rigvedrealsilverscreen: it is on the same page from which you downloaded the ubuntu image. where did you download from?13:24
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gunfire007gaelfx: so i can't13:25
samster34husien: try gedit .htaccess13:25
gaelfxgunfire007: you should look for a .deb package13:25
ryannathansllutz: eventually ;) thank for the /etc/default/ pointer13:25
WhereIsMySpoonHi, Im trying to install ia32-libs but even with the universe repos uncommented in /etc/apt/sources.list and an apt-get update it says it isnt available..anyone can help, please?13:25
nuclearkittenusing ubuntu 10-4 btw13:25
gunfire007so i can't  use that software on my buntu...13:25
husiensamster34: ok thanks13:25
llutzryannathans: np13:25
OerHeksWhereIsMySpoon, since 11.10 ubuntu 64 bit is multi arch13:26
gaelfxgunfire007: unless you can find a .deb file for it, no13:26
WhereIsMySpoonOerHeks, ok? why does that mean i cant install those lisb13:26
realsilverscreenrigved: you see checksum when you download?? i downloaded from ubuntu.com13:26
smallfoot-WhereIsMySpoon, install 'multiarch-support'13:26
gunfire007gaelfx: ok13:26
OerHeksWhereIsMySpoon, yes, you could.13:26
WhereIsMySpoonsmallfoot-, i have ia32-libs-multiarch package installed13:27
WhereIsMySpoonis that the right one?13:27
OerHekssmallfoot-, why ? it is already available....13:27
smallfoot-WhereIsMySpoon, i think it should be named 'multiarch-support', thats the one i have13:27
rigvedrealsilverscreen: it is there on this page: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/12.04/release/13:27
WhereIsMySpoonsmallfoot-, ah yes, its already installed13:27
smallfoot-OerHeks, idk, but i have multiarch-support installed and 32-bit works for me13:27
WhereIsMySpoonlatest vesrion13:27
WhereIsMySpooni guess this isnt the fix for my actual problem then13:27
WhereIsMySpoonwhat im getting is: /sbin/ldconfig.real: /usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0 is not a symbolic link13:28
WhereIsMySpoonand i was told to install all the packages related to ia32-libs13:28
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=== Jiggy is now known as Greq
Dougie187I'm having a really hard time getting 12.04 to boot. After I install I get "invalid arch independent EFI magic" and none of the solutions I've found online fix it.13:29
rigvedrealsilverscreen: my mistake. it is on this page: http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/13:29
WhereIsMySpoonsmallfoot-, you know why im getting this error?13:30
killeranyone got here bcm4312 wireless card13:30
gaelfxWhereIsMySpoon: multi-arch support is, I believe a meta package that makes sure all those libs are installed13:30
smallfoot-WhereIsMySpoon, i dont know13:30
smallfoot-gaelfx, yes13:30
WhereIsMySpoongaelfx, yes i have multi-arch support package installed13:30
smallfoot-gaelfx, multiarch-support*13:30
rigvedrealsilverscreen: you must have the ubuntu-12.04-desktop-amd64.iso, right? then, open the md5sums file and search for the md5sum in the list for your iso file.13:31
gunfire007can ubuntu be installed on arm architechture ??13:31
gaelfxgunfire007: yes, I think that's the armel spin you want to download for that13:31
rigvedgunfire007: on arm7, yes.13:31
smallfoot-WhereIsMySpoon, i guess you have libc6-i386 installed hten too13:31
Dougie187gaelfx: or armhf right?13:31
gunfire007than it's cool13:31
gaelfxDougie187: could be :D13:31
reaperwhy am I getting bad signature after upgrading to 12.4 ??13:32
WhereIsMySpoonsmallfoot-, there isnt such package as libc6-i38613:32
redact3danyone know how to fix compiz's magic lamp minimize?13:32
WhereIsMySpoonsmallfoot-, i have libc6 though13:32
WhereIsMySpoonwhich replaces it13:32
Dougie187I guess there are no grub experts in here?13:32
gaelfxDougie187: or they just aren't paying attention. what's the problem?13:33
Dougie187gaelfx: "invalid arch independent EFI magic"13:33
Dougie187I tried some things I found online, but when I reboot I just get a grub prompt13:33
Dougie187btw, this is after a fresh install (using a separate /home) on amd64 of ubuntu desktop13:33
sliktswhere is alternate iso for 12.04 x64 pc?13:34
irendal_Hi, I have a problem trying to install a program from sources in ubuntu... what package can be missing to provoke a "undefined reference to `pthread_create'" when compiling a program?13:34
sliktsI want to have full disk encryption with LVM13:34
gaelfxslikts: releases.ubuntu.com13:34
sliktsgaelfx: where exactly? I don't see it13:34
sliktsgaelfx: that's why I ask13:34
smallfoot-WhereIsMySpoon, my system have libc6, libc6-i386 and libc6:i38613:34
WhereIsMySpoonsmallfoot-, i dont have the option to install libc6-i38613:34
sliktsgaelfx: sry, now I found it13:34
gaelfxDougie187: er...I can't even begin to imagine what that means13:35
reaperUbuntu is a broken FAIL. A real embarrassment to GNU/Linux. FW blobs in the kernel, bad signatures, a DE that is a mega joke. Non FOSS code in the repos. OMG-Ubuntu!13:35
gaelfxslikts: np13:35
UnwinnableDonBAnybody have any luck getting close/minimize/maximize on the left in gnome-shell?13:35
WhereIsMySpoonif u do sudo apt-get install libc6-i386 it says the package isnt available, but that libc6 replaces it13:35
sliktsreaper: you're a moron, however13:35
sliktsreaper: there are many things you can say where ubuntu fails, but the ones you listed mean nothing in comparison13:35
sliktsreaper: I deal with its severe issues as a user daily, and NONE of them involve what you said13:36
smallfoot-WhereIsMySpoon, its there in synaptic for me13:36
sliktsreaper: so take your ideological shit and stuff it13:36
gaelfxDougie187: out of curiosity though, what mobo are you using?13:36
llutzslikts: don't feed the troll13:36
Dougie187gaelfx: it's a dell e6520 laptop13:36
realsilverscreenrigved: checksum correct13:36
WhereIsMySpoonsmallfoot-, well it isnt for me13:36
WhereIsMySpoonand in any case, i dont even know if thats what i need to fix the problem13:37
magnumentoi can connect to the db using tsql13:37
SmoothSage_how many of you guys are sitting in front of more than one computers ?13:37
gaelfxDougie187: stab in the dark here, but are you sure the BIOS/EFI is totally updated?13:37
assurbanipalSmoothSage_, me13:37
magnumentobut it still says sqlsrv_connect is an undefined function13:37
sliktsSmoothSage_: I'm in front of multiple pcs/screens daily >>13:37
sliktsslikts: also multiple VMs13:37
Dougie187gaelfx: I *think* so. but I don't have control over that. :/13:37
UnwinnableDonBSmoothSage_: two plus a thin client, and a third in a box waiting to be configured.13:38
reaperslikts Problem is you lose devs like me. Sure we will take our stuff and move on. You can find me over at xxx@debian.org ;)13:38
WhereIsMySpoonSmoothSage_, sure, why?13:38
Dougie187gaelfx: it worked fine in 11.10 (yesterday)13:38
sliktsreaper: "devs like you" can go suck live wires13:38
SmoothSage_:) today is my first day on multiple machines... of which one i want to dedicate solely for IRC, messengers and such things13:38
gaelfxDougie187: did you try reinstalling grub using a livecd/usb?13:39
ubuntu__hello is this is a ubuntu chat???13:39
SmoothSage_so was wondering if you guys had any advice for me which would help me utilize more :)13:39
WhereIsMySpoonubuntu_, yes13:39
Dougie187gaelfx: yeah. When I do that I get a blank grub prompt at boot13:39
gaelfxDougie187: where did you put /boot?13:39
Dougie187on /dev/sda113:39
ubuntu__hi i have a problem did i am using ubuntu 12.04 and when i do a nmap, port 53 is open. is there a way to disable it?13:39
reaperslikts you sound like a non *nix person. If everybody talked like you there would be no GNU/Linux. You need to talk to RMS or get a job with MS.13:40
Dougie187so I did "sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt" "sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda"13:40
WhereIsMySpoonSmoothSage_, if you're only gonna use the linux install for messenger/email/irc etc then i suggest you get rid of gnome/unity and use xfce for a start, as otherwise you may as well have windows xp installed :)13:40
ikoniaubuntu__: you're running a dns server13:40
llutz!ot | reaper13:40
ubottureaper: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:40
sliktsreaper: tryhard troll spotted13:40
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sliktsthank rms for ignore lists13:40
ubuntu__how to disable the dns server in ubuntu 12.0413:41
ikoniaubuntu__: you "shouldn't" be running one,13:41
gaelfxDougie187: anything in grub.conf after that?13:41
ikoniaubuntu__: what have you installed ? bind ?13:41
WhereIsMySpoonIma reiterate my original q: I'm getting /sbin/ldconfig.real: /usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0 is not a symbolic link error when i install some packages, why does this happen, is it a problem, and if so, how do i fix it?13:41
reaperubuntu_ there is a nice dns server called ttdnsd .Not sure its in the reps. ioerror wrote most of it.13:41
SmoothSage_WhereIsMySpoon hmm :)13:41
Dougie187gaelfx: well, that's when I get the blank grub prompt13:41
papachanok ubuntu 12.04 works fine13:41
ubuntu__can you guys tell how to disable it, i am using ubuntu 12.0413:41
Dougie187before that I get a grub error prompt with the EFI magic crap13:41
ikoniareaper: he doesn't want a DNS server13:41
llutzubuntu__: "sudo lsof -i :53"13:42
papachando you have experienced this same problem? W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/chromium-daily/ppa/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found13:42
Dougie187gaelfx: so, I guess my assumption would be no. but I can try it again. I just did another reinstall to see if I get the same error. (which I probably will)13:42
reaperikonia sry missed that ... been working a bit to much today with DNS coding =)13:42
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ikoniadns coding ???13:42
papachanseems chromium-daily not online for precise13:42
ubuntu__it's dnsmasq13:42
reaperikonia I work with the tor foundation at times.13:42
ikoniaubuntu__: ahhh there we go13:42
llutzubuntu__: sudo service dnsmasq stop & sudo apt-get purge dnsmasq    (if you really don't need it)13:43
gaelfxDougie187: yeah, sorry to hear that. I'm obviously no grub expert13:43
Dougie187heh, it's ok13:43
Dougie187I just figured someone in here might know how to fix it up13:43
digitalvaldostadoes anyone here know of an IRC room that can help troubleshoot an OKI microline 420 printer connected to XP machine?13:43
ikoniadigitalvaldosta: ##windows ?13:43
digitalvaldostayeah, for a customer.13:44
hdevI added bluetooth, snd_hda_intel to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf, but the drivers still getting loaded on boot, any ideas?13:44
mneptokDougie187: is the BIOS set to boot via (U)EFI or a combo of BIOS and UEFI?13:44
Dougie187mneptok: I'm not 100% but my guess is it's a combo.13:44
Dougie187mneptok: I'm booting on a live usb, and it when it's listed in the boot list it's called "UEFI"13:44
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mneptokDougie187: the Ubuntu installer *should* detect UEFI, and install the necessary bits and bobs. having the BIOS set to noot a combo of UEFI and legacy may confuse that detection.13:45
Dougie187mneptok: ok. I can check and see if it's set to a combo.13:45
Dougie187it'll be a minute before I get back here though13:45
frombennyAny problem with Compiz ? Can't use Unity 3D !13:46
gaelfxmneptok: wow, that does sound like invalid efi magic. cool13:46
vivien_mHello. Where is libpam-ssh in Ubuntu 12.04? The package does not seem to be here anymore. Is it libpam-sshauth (not sure from the description)?13:46
LeV91Anyone have experience setting up a component 1080i tv as a secondary output using fxgl?13:47
gaelfxhow do you know if you're using unity3d?13:47
papachancompiz crashed13:47
UnwinnableDonBI'm trying to get my close/min/max buttons on the left in gnome-shell on 12.04 following these directions, but it's not taking: http://geekum.wordpress.com/2011/05/25/how-to-move-close-button-in-debian-gnome-shell-to-left-like-ubuntu/13:47
UnwinnableDonBAny thoughts?13:47
WhereIsMySpoonI'm getting /sbin/ldconfig.real: /usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0 is not a symbolic link error when i install some packages, why does this happen, is it a problem, and if so, how do i fix it?13:48
ikoniaWhereIsMySpoon: what packages ?13:48
killer1anyone got bcm4312 card wireless13:48
WhereIsMySpoonikonia, its happened over a fair few packages ive tried to install recently..i dont remember any names specifically though, but i do remember it keep on happening13:48
ikoniathat's prettty usless info13:49
WhereIsMySpoonim sorry D:13:49
ikoniaWhereIsMySpoon: the error is pretty clear it should be a symlink and it's not, however it's most likley packages from an external repo that are expecting it to be different (I could be wrong but without info it's hard to tell)13:49
WhereIsMySpoonikonia, ill take a look in syslog13:49
papachanChromium daily sources  are not working for me: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/chromium-daily/ppa/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found13:49
WhereIsMySpoonthen report back13:49
JimuUnwinnableDonB: did you use the GUI gconf-editor? when you go in, are the settings still correct for what you changed them to?13:49
UnwinnableDonBJimu: I used gconftool from the command line, but both a gconftool --get and gconf-editor show that the change took, but the window controls are still on the right.13:50
Endafyin both Ubuntu and Kubuntu on my core i7 machine with nvidia gtx 550 ti card I cannot get the cd to boot, both Ubuntu and Kubuntu 12.04, it will go through the boot logo flash black then give me a blinking cursor and the disk stops reading13:50
matisseIf I want to login with the account which has sudo rights kde freezes during login. Also starting firefox 2 times in a session freezes the system13:51
Endafyhappens on 32 and 64 bit disks13:51
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter13:51
frombennyto #gaelfx : if you don't experience any prob, you are in Unity 3D. If you want to try Unity 2D, you have to logout and clic on the icon (top right).13:51
zykotick9Endafy: have you tried nomodeset?13:51
Dougie187mneptok: ok. So it's set to boot legacy. and I think I may have found my problem.13:52
zykotick9Endafy: see ubottu above13:52
Dougie187I'm 90% sure I was just being retarded. :p13:52
gaelfxfrombenny: haha, that's strange that 3D wouldn't cause any problems but 2D would13:52
Endafycool ty its been a while since ive formatted13:52
gaelfxDougie187: haha, how so? I take it it's working now?13:52
JimuUnwinnableDonB: and button_layout says "close:" now? (also, isn't that weird, just the close button? not the max/min?)13:52
Endafyive got 3 computers so I know the disks are ok lol13:52
UnwinnableDonBJimu: Yep. And I realize that I should set "close,minimize,maximize:", but no change to that key seems to register.13:53
Dougie187gaelfx: not yet. but I think it will work this time. My usb drive is listed twice in the boot menu. Once as "USB Storage Device" under legacy. and one as "UEFI" under EFI Boot devices.13:53
Dougie187gaelfx: I was always insalling it from the UEFI part, so now I'm trying it from the usb storage device part.13:53
Endafycool will do ty13:53
OerHeksEndafy you are affected with Bug 96912113:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 969121 in xserver-xorg-video-nouveau (Ubuntu) "Cannot boot Live CD with Nvidia GTX 550Ti" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96912113:53
dr_willisDougie187:  ive seen that a few times also.13:53
Dougie187dr_willis: did that happen when you saw it too?13:54
WhereIsMySpoonikonia, where would messages that appear whilst the package installing process go? ive looked in syslog and dkpg.log13:55
* OerHeks wonders about 'unconfirmed' reading http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-x-swat@lists.launchpad.net/msg163282.html13:55
dr_willisDougie187:  i used rhe non efi entry and it worked. nevr tried the efi one13:55
kal-li need to know something is it ok and safe to delete consolekit? Its for tracking user but i am the only one that longs into my pc...13:55
JimuUnwinnableDonB: i'm gonna try it on mine, are you using the GNOME Classic? Or the newer one?13:55
Dougie187dr_willis: Oh ok.13:55
UnwinnableDonBThe newer one.13:55
UnwinnableDonBgdm lists it simply as "GNOME".13:55
Dougie187dr_willis: well, I'm pretty sure the EFI one broke my install last night, so I'm trying the legacy one now.13:55
samlcan I upgrade to 12.04?13:55
samlwill it break everything?13:55
Dougie187saml: did you backup everything?13:56
Dougie187saml: you should.13:56
samloh crap i pressed Upgrade already13:56
dr_willisi think the efi entry shows up depending on how syslinux is set up on the usb stick13:56
samli might not have any work done today13:56
Dougie187saml: you can always cancel it if you want to. lol13:56
WhereIsMySpooni smell troll13:57
Dougie187dr_willis: that makes sense.13:57
samlupgrade broke.. so i installed lubuntu on top of ubuntu13:57
samllet's see how this upgrade goes13:57
samlupgrade can be unattended?  if so i'll cancel now and upgrade before i leave work13:57
kal-lis ok to delete ConsoleKit if you are the only user on the pc and its for tracking users its kind of dumb to track yourself lol13:58
Dougie187you might need to attend it when you get home though. lol13:58
JimuUnwinnableDonB: when i did my button moves in Unity, I changed the gconf under /apps/metacity/general/button_layout... I'd try that instead unless you're not using metacity13:58
WhereIsMySpoonguys, where would the logs for package installation be? ive looked in syslog and dpkg.log and they dont seem to be there13:58
Dougie187WhereIsMySpoon: I think it's /var/log/apt/apt.log13:59
en1gmaim trying to get my hdmi audio working (onboard amd 4290) running 12.04-desktop x86 from a USB STICK13:59
Dougie187or something like that13:59
UnwinnableDonBJimu: I did. Same problem.13:59
joemppeI'm trying to install Ubuntu 12.04 (server disc) on a RAID 1+0 array (4*500 GB). The installer gives me the ATA RAID device detect dialog as expected. When I go on to select guided partitioning, however, the installer doesn't list the RAID volume but rather only my Hitachi drive (as sdd). I don't know what's supposed to happen here, but I suspect this is not normal and a sign of a hardware problem?13:59
en1gmacan anyone help13:59
joemppeI tested this on Windows 7, and while the system installed fine, the Hitachi drive would sporadically drop out of the array.13:59
joemppeRelevant device specs: Asus M5A78L/USB3 (AMD SB710 southbridge RAID controller), Hitachi HDP725050GLA360, Samsung HD502IJ, 2x WD5000AAKX13:59
samltoo scary. i'm gonna do it before i leave13:59
reapersaml Updates are done by eyeballing your computer real hard and chanting "upgrade" three times. Kind of like the movie Men Who Stare at Goats13:59
Dougie187WhereIsMySpoon: sorry, it's history.log14:00
JimuUnwinnableDonB: well shucks. i can't test on this computer, i can't run the newer Gnome shell, just the 2d stuff14:00
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reapersaml but you might want to push the upgrade to 12.04 button first under updates first.14:00
WhereIsMySpoonikonia, for example, i installed libqt-4scripttools, and it happens14:00
UnwinnableDonBJimu: Thanks for trying.14:00
UnwinnableDonBbrb - meeting.14:00
WhereIsMySpoonDougie187, yea found it14:00
* UnwinnableDonB is away: Away14:00
WhereIsMySpoonikonia, also when i installed wine14:01
LeV91Anyone have experience setting up a component 1080i tv as a secondary output using fxgl?14:01
en1gmaamd 4290 (no hdmi audio) 12.04 desktop i38614:01
halfie_hi, I have installed fglrx package but I am missing fglrx_drv_video.so file. Any tips to get VAAPI working?14:01
en1gmaim using usb stick14:01
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joemppeanyone? :s14:03
jpcaissyHey, i've just updated from 11.10 to 12.04 and I am having problem reinstalling skype-32bit. I've got the same problem as bug #948108. Anybody have any clue on what is causing this?14:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 948108 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu) "Failed to install libqtcore4:i386: conffile './etc/xdg/Trolltech.conf' is not in sync with other instances of the same package" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94810814:04
reaperOMG-Ubuntu! I'm doing the Macadona dance watching this #  To the OPs here, hats off to you!14:05
joemppeoh, friday afternoon, right14:05
ikoniareaper: give it a rest please.14:06
Jimuwhy, when I do "gksudo gedit File.txt" It opens with a second tab for "Untitled 1"?14:07
WhereIsMySpoonJimu, mine does that too =/14:07
joemppeworkaround: use nano =D14:07
Cajun_Lan_ManHello Everyone. Could someone tell me how to utilize an entire flash drive as a bootable Ubuntu install? I can't seem to convince Ubuntu to use the whole thing.14:08
kelvinellahi, here is dell mini 1010.  after installed the ubuntu 12.04.  blank screen14:09
acalbazawhere can i look for 12.04 lts bug reports?14:09
JimuCajun_Lan_Man: how much is it using and how big is the drive?14:09
kelvinellai suspect that is the video card driver problem but how do i solve it?14:09
szal!bugs | acalbaza14:09
ubottuacalbaza: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.14:09
ajftrying to play a game14:10
ajfno sound14:10
ajfget this terminal message: "ALSA lib pcm.c:2217:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM default"14:10
vivien_mHello. Nobody knows what happened to libpam_ssh?!14:10
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vivien_min Ubuntu 12.04 I mean14:10
killerhow to know what wireless card i m using14:10
Cajun_Lan_ManJimu: I just bought a 16 gig USB3 drive that would work perfectly.  However, in the past when I've used a 4 or 8 gig drive, the USB creator in Ubuntu only seems to give it just enough space to install.  If I try to do updates or add programs, it immediately says it's out of space, dispite there being room on the drive.14:10
halfie_can I disable compiz on Ubuntu 12.04?14:10
sarykelvinella: try one of the kernel boot options14:11
JimuCajun_Lan_Man: have you tried increasing the partition size? (with something like gparted?)14:11
Cajun_Lan_Manjimu: you mean after the fact?14:11
kelvinellasary, then what?14:11
JimuCajun_Lan_Man: yes14:11
sary!bootoptions > kelvinella14:12
ubottukelvinella, please see my private message14:12
thiebaudeanyway to put the unity launcher on the bottom?14:12
stapperCan I get some ubuntu support here?14:12
wadechandlerSo, I have been disliking unity because I don't like the panel to the side of my monitor, and also, I can't have multiple panels and I use multiple monitors. Has anyone done any of this successfully? I tried some configuration things I found on Google to supposedly move it from the left to the top, but it just ignored that. Has this gotten better in 12.04 or does it still stink like 11.10? I'm using 11.10 but have configured it14:12
sarykelvinella: then you might be able to pass to the desktop14:12
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thephantomhttp://pastebin.com/Sze1GneH should this disk have been formated with 4096 logical sectors?14:13
stapperwadechandler: you could use ubuntu-tweak14:13
Cajun_Lan_ManJimu: I'll give that a shot.  Thanks. :-)14:13
Jimuwadechandler: i think 12.04 has the ability to put it on more than one monitor14:13
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roddAlright, so I've been trying to update my 10.04 lts to 12.04 lts with no luck14:13
wadechandlerJimu: can you put it some where other than the left side of the screen?14:13
roddI've tried different things, messed up my sources list, fixed it, checked for new updates following the guide at ubuntu's website and still nothing14:14
Jimuwadechandler: not that i'm aware of14:14
roddI feel left behind14:14
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sfearsrodd: maybe upgrade to 11 first?14:14
roddsfears, 11 isn't lts14:15
wadechandlerJimu: that stinks. Think about two monitors side by side. You try to rollover the left side of the one on the right to get the menu bar to come up and then change monitors. Too, I just like it at the top with text and not just icons.  :-(14:15
wadechandlerJimu: thanks for the info14:15
Picirodd: You'll need to use do-release-upgrade -d to upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04.14:15
PKKid2OK, So.. I downloaded and install Ubuntu 12.04 last night.  After the install it never boots.  It doesn't even get to Grub.  Where do I look to try to get this thing running?14:15
ajfyeah so any idea how to fix my alsa issues? or presumably alsa14:15
ajfthere's no sound in this game I have14:15
Picirodd: We won't be enable the normal prompt until 12.04.1 has been released.14:15
roddPici, what does -d stands for?14:16
Picirodd: development.14:16
sfearsajf, check your sound control panel and make sure the correct card is at the top of the list for each entry.14:16
roddPici, I'll still get a stable version right?14:16
roddor do you think I should wait for the 0.1?14:16
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Jimuwadechandler: i don't have 2 monitors, but i think they have or are including the ability to have the launcher on the opposite side on the "other" monitor14:17
WhereIsMySpoonAfter installing certain packages (wine for example) I get this error/warning (dont know which it is) pop up: /sbin/ldconfig.real: /usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0 is not a symbolic link - is this a problem? If so, how to fix it?14:17
ajfsfears: it is, but I get this error: 'ALSA lib pcm.c:2217:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM default'14:17
Jimuwadechandler: i follow omgubuntu.co.uk on Google+, see lots of articles I never have a reason to try, but I remember them a bit ;)14:17
WhereIsMySpoonThis error happens after "ldconfig deferred procesing now taking place" is printed14:18
ajfALSA lib pcm.c:2217:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM default14:18
wadechandlerJimu: yep, spent a lot of time with those things. Wound up just a bunch of time spent. Nothing worked out except uninstalling Unity and just using Gnome.14:18
ajfany help at all?14:18
wadechandlerWhich is sad because if I could customize unity a bit I would probably love it.14:19
walidvbwould anyone by any chance know where /dev/video0 could be on a mac..? (plz don't hit me)14:19
Bendercan you give me a little help with remote control hotkeys? Everything works but not the 4 Hotkeys to launch mediaplayer etc etc. I have set the CTRL + ALT + A to launch rythmbox but i starts only from real keyboard and not from remote control. I have also put this strings into xorg.conf : Section "ServerFlags"14:19
Bender    Option "DontVTSwitch"  "on"14:19
BenderEndSection  in order to prevent the hotkey to leave x windows (like ctrl+alt+f1).14:19
WhereIsMySpoonwalidvb, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4515875/does-snow-leopard-have-dev-video-how-to-access-webcam-from-terminal14:20
stapperFrom remote you should capture keyboard14:20
WhereIsMySpoontry to google ;)14:20
walidvbWhereIsMySpoon: thanks, sorry i couldn't google that myself14:20
WhereIsMySpoonwalidvb, i googled "/dev/video0 on mac"14:20
WhereIsMySpoonwalidvb, no worries, just try that first next time :)14:21
papachanwhere are the nautilus icons?14:21
walidvbhaha i had complicated queries that had no good results14:21
walidvbsometimes it's better to keep things simple ;)14:21
joemppeanyone able to help me with my RAID install problem?14:22
diftowUpdate was interrupted. mount and dpkg error. Need to disable read only from recovery console. How to do this?14:23
cutiyari want to upgrade from 11.10 t0 12.04 throught usb or Cd but which ubuntu i have to download alternative or Desktop?14:24
hariomDoes cpanel works in Ubuntu?14:24
steveccc_whats the quick way to get a terminal in unity (new to unity)14:24
saryrunning  ubuntu 12.04 on my 2nd machine On a system boot I get the message "mountall: Plymouth command failed" and " mountall: Disconnected from plymouth" .14:25
yeikwhy did it ask me for a new password for mysql when i upgraded to 12.04?14:25
sarysteveccc_: shift + Alt + N ?14:25
wadechandlerWell, I have had a good 2 year run on Ubuntu. I finally moved over from openSuSE because it really seemed to work better for multiple monitor setup until Unity landed on me. Before that Red Hat, and before that Slackware. Seems to me that Ubuntu is going to be the Linux for single monitor devices such as a laptop (consumer not developer) or some tablet. I think it will be great on consumer type devices which it seems they are r14:25
cutiyari want to upgrade from 11.10 t0 12.04 throught usb or Cd but which ubuntu i have to download alternative or Desktop?14:26
WhereIsMySpoonwadechandler, i heard archlinux is good14:26
WhereIsMySpoonif you want a switch14:26
WhereIsMySpoonAfter installing certain packages (wine for example) I get this error/warning (dont know which it is) pop up: /sbin/ldconfig.real: /usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0 is not a symbolic link - is this a problem? If so, how to fix it?14:27
magarwalWhich graphics card is preferred for ubuntu (multiple monitors), i have got many issues with nvidia14:27
JimuI knew how to edit unity-2d's Launcher QML files in 11.10, but not now. Anyone know where they went/how to set something like tileSize?14:27
wadechandlerWhereIsMySpoon: I might give it a whirl. Thanks.14:27
jribwadechandler: you can alse just install whatever gui environment you want on ubuntu and run that14:27
WhereIsMySpoonamd is preferred for multi monitor setup on ubuntu14:27
WhereIsMySpooncause nvidia didnt pull their finger out and write good drivers14:27
uictamale1except that you have a 50/50 chance you won't boot at all :P14:27
saryin a 2nd attempt to reboot i get " Disk drive with UUID = # not yet ready or present " .14:27
stapperIs there a way to let sound of one user play systemwide?14:28
Jimuwadechandler: what jrib said, you can just "sudo apt-get install gnome-shell" it's really easy to add14:28
magarwalWhereIsMySpoon, any particular which you suggest for 4 monitors14:28
WhereIsMySpoonmagarwal, no idea14:28
WhereIsMySpoongoogle it14:28
magarwalWhereIsMySpoon, :)14:28
sontekIs there some good starter docs on writing an upstart script? I need to launch an app I wrote on booth.  Would prefer it to run instead of gdm but could settle for autologin and then launch14:28
jrib!upstart | sontek14:28
ubottusontek: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/14:28
jribsontek: see the upstart cookbook14:28
* WhereIsMySpoon wishes he had an answer D:14:29
ludlowwould everyone stop downloading ubuntu 12.04 so I can perform my system update  :)14:29
jribludlow: use a local mirror14:30
ludlowjrib, how?  :)14:30
jribludlow: go to software properties14:30
ludlowoh ok thanks14:30
sfearsajf: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=193712514:30
WhereIsMySpoonlol lud :P14:30
stapperHow can I play sound on VM with rdesktop when user is logged off14:31
wadechandlerjrib: what then is the purpose of the distro? I can get updates of CentOS 6.2 until 2020. Gnome Shell has AMD chipset issues. Gnome Devs blew that one up. Instead of using instructions which are documented to break AMD chipsets and they won't work around it. I'm using AMD A8 Quad Core and Loads of RAM on a laptop and it didn't break the bank to get that power. Runs and works like a champ without gnome shell and plain gnome. How14:31
ajfsfears: thanks14:31
kelvinellahi i can boot to desktop in liveCD but cant after i install it14:31
kelvinellaubuntu 12.0414:31
jribwadechandler: your message was truncated at "How"14:32
stapperkelvinella: try to reinstall14:32
amanATdeskanyone in here using 12.04 yet? I'm finding it tricky to change the default font colour for the system. The text in Settings etc is all white and so very difficult to read.14:32
wadechandlerStinking pidgin: However, on the Unity point, once I start getting away from the distro setups certain things in Ubuntu lose their luster to me but I will have to think about the update center. I do like not having to build everything myself, but I think CentOS will give me that as well, and if multi-monitor setup and my chipset works out....hard not to use it.14:32
juniourhi welcome for 12.04 LTS14:32
kelvinellastapper, reinstall many time14:32
amanATdeskI also notice that none of the shell extensions/themes are working.14:33
jribwadechandler: use what works for you; just letting you know you don't have to use unity if you don't like it on ubuntu14:33
WhereIsMySpoonhemad, although he does have a point :P14:33
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Dougie187In case anyone was curious, booting/installing *from* the wrong device was my issue.14:35
Dougie187Thanks for the help though!14:36
Jimuso you hold the Super key to see the keyboard shortcuts? it's not working for me, just see the numbers on the launcher...14:37
mystblade9Is the problem where the liveCD hangs at boot because you have an nVidia card fixed yet?14:37
zykotick9!nomodeset | mystblade914:38
ubottumystblade9: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter14:38
mystblade9zykotick9: How do I use nomodeset on the liveCD? It just boots straight into a purple screen.14:38
zykotick9mystblade9: good question, is it no covered in the link?  sorry, i don't use the GUI installer so not sure.14:38
heckmanAnybody having trouble with do-release-upgrade on Ubuntu 10.04 => Ubuntu 12.04?14:38
violinapprenmystblade9: press shift14:39
jribheckman: best to just ask your question14:39
heckmanThat is my question.14:39
heckmanI'm getting no release found14:39
ogra_heckman, thats because this will only be enabled for 12.04.114:40
mystblade9violinappren: Holding shift while booting the LiveCD takes me to GRUB?14:40
heckmanThat's a new change?14:40
ogra_heckman, use the -d switch14:40
ogra_heckman, nope, has always been like that for LTS to LTS14:40
zykotick9ogra_: -d development?  are you sure about that?  heckman14:40
violinapprenmystblade9: takes you to a screen where you can edit the kernel parameters or select a different "mode" for booting ubuntu14:40
ogra_zykotick9, yes, i am14:40
mystblade9violinappren: Thanks, i'll try that :)14:41
zykotick9ogra_: ok14:41
ZermannHi, i have a problem with my zenbook ux31. With 12.04 the right touch button is diabled. from this web page http://www.theorangenotebook.com/2012/02/call-for-testing-clickpad.html i got two script that solve the problem. But the config disappear after a reboot. is there a way to keep the change after a rebbot?14:41
amanATdeskAnyone know how to change the font-colour on nautilus in gnome 3/ubuntu 12.04. It's defaulted to white after the upgrade and I can't read directories/menus14:41
DaghdhaHi, i just upgraded to 11.10 and i now have to logging when i boot. I dont want that i want desktop to just open. It may have started yesterday when i upgraded 10.10 to 11.04. I just did 11.04 to 11.010. How can i make it log in automagically?14:42
violinapprenZermann: .bashrc14:42
JonnoHi Guys, I'm running a 10.04 LTS VPS and I can't for the life of me find any decent level of logfiles. Am I missing anything?14:42
Zermannviolinappren, isn't it only for a single user?14:43
WhereIsMySpoonwhy would you ever not want a login prompt when you start up the computer? isnt that stupidly unsafe?14:43
kelvinellaplease look at my screen how to fix it?14:43
zykotick9WhereIsMySpoon: +114:43
kelvinelladell mini 1010 + ubuntu 12.0414:43
violinapprenZermann: yes, use /etc/rc.local for system wide14:43
Zermannviolinappren, ok thank you14:44
xiloi accidently deleted my resolv.conf file.. how do i regenerate it?14:44
=== user is now known as Kleopatra
WhereIsMySpoonzykotick9 - thanks, i thought i was missing something :P14:44
violinapprenDaghdha: use "Users and Groups" application14:44
testiHow can I open a new window of the application number 10?14:45
violinapprenxilo: it will be generated next time you reboot, if you use dhcp14:45
jonathan_sim having problems with firefox after a upgrade14:45
thephantomhttp://pastebin.com/Sze1GneH should this disk have been formated with 4096 logical sectors?14:45
xiloviolinappren: i do, and it's not getting regenerated14:45
Daghdhathank you violinappren14:45
jonathan_si trying to reinstall and i get this: Please restart all running instances of firefox, or you will experience problems14:45
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WhereIsMySpoonjonathan_s: so do that?14:45
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violinapprenxilo:  try this command manually: sudo dhclient eth0   # where eth0 is your interface name14:46
xilothanks that did it14:46
mystblade9WhereIsMySpoon: Some people opt for convenience..14:46
violinapprenjonathan_s:  it's a normal message, just restart firefox14:46
testiAh, I have it: with right click14:47
jonathan_sthe same window apppear again14:47
Dougie187ok, time for my next issue. lol14:47
violinapprenjonathan_s:  what window?14:47
Maximoneed to find out if I can upgrade to LTS 12.04?14:47
WhereIsMySpoonjonathan_s then try to force close it - "ps -fx | grep firefox" then kill the offending process(es)14:47
Dougie187For some reason, with my nvidia drivers the 3d version of unity has no user interface14:47
mystblade9WhereIsMySpoon, jonathan_s: killall -9 firefox14:48
kelvinellavideo card problem??14:48
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aciculaMaximo: whats your current ubuntu version14:49
WhereIsMySpoonmystblade9 - true :D14:49
violinapprenMaximo: reinstalling is usually less problematic14:49
Maximois it?14:49
kelvinellaplease help14:49
Daghdhahoww do i update in this new window manager? (11.10)14:49
Maximohow do I findout which one I have?14:49
aciculaMaximo: i've never had much issues upgrading14:49
OerHekskelvinella, looks like you have a double videocard connected tru sli-bridge ?14:50
EuropaCarhello can someone help me with my update to 12.0414:50
violinapprenMaximo: lsb_release -a14:50
FlimFlamManupgrade resulted in no wireless and no synaptic touchpad ...  :-(14:50
EuropaCarmy update is currently stuck14:50
aciculaMaximo: in the menu there is an about or help option, or type lsb_release -a in a console14:50
kelvinellaOerHeks, it has no problem in ubuntu 11.0414:50
kelvinellaor earlier14:50
Maximolet me see that...14:50
irendalHello, i see on the ubuntu webpage that "32 bits" is the recommended install... Why is that?14:50
jonathan_smystblade: still the problem14:51
EuropaCarmy update to 12.04 is stuck at downloading the flashplugin installer14:51
zykotick9irendal: most people don't have 64bit systems... thus 32bit will work for most/all people.14:51
ogra_irendal, because a survey showed that still more than a third of ubuntu users has 32bit only HW14:51
violinappren!64 | irendal14:51
ubottuirendal: AMD64 and Intel 64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions#AMD64_Processors and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information.14:51
EuropaCari didn't have internet at the time so it couldn't download14:51
irendalok, but with any recent hardware, 64bits is recommended?14:51
WhereIsMySpoonirendal, if you have the correct hardware, then yes14:51
WhereIsMySpoonif not, it wont work14:51
zykotick9irendal: do you have more then 4GB or RAM?14:51
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info14:52
ogra_if you have HW that can make use of it, use the amd64 images14:52
zykotick9irendal: PAE is a "hack"14:52
irendalwell, any modern processor is 64 bits I think14:52
heckmanPAE works, regardless.14:52
EuropaCarare my messages coming through?14:52
* ogra_ has a ton of modern processors that arent :)14:52
MaximoI have 10.04.0 LTS14:52
Guest26155Scrubbington_: Can you login just at console, but not at KDE login screen? Are you sure you have the right password?14:52
irendalwhich ones ogra_ ?14:52
zykotick9irendal: many of the Atoms are 32bit14:53
thiebaudeheckman, yep and i installed the 32  bit for my 64 bit machine and the pae kernel is automatically installed14:53
irendalI don't know that much about hardware in truth.14:53
irendali see14:53
ogra_irendal, some intel ones, all ARM ones i work with etc :)14:53
EuropaCarcan someone please tell me if my messages can be read?14:53
irendalbut i3 i5 i7 etc. are 64 bits right?14:53
jribEuropaCar: yes...14:53
aciculairendal: yes14:53
jribEuropaCar: try pastebinning the full message you are seeing from update-manager14:53
EuropaCarcan someone help me with my update to 12.04? it's stuck14:53
Maximoacicula: have 10.04.4 LTS14:53
violinapprenEuropaCar: reinstall14:54
aciculaMaximo: you can update from lts to lts, so you can upgrade to 12.4 from that. just make sure to backup data first14:54
violinapprenirendal: 64bit iso works equally well, just that the hardware is not (yet?) very popular, end of the story14:54
fl1bbl3nice install iso downloaded in 4m 7s14:54
EuropaCarthere's no message, it is just at the stage of: "flashplugin-installer: downloading http://archive.canonical.com/pool/partner/a/adobe-flashplugin/adobe-flashplugin_11.2.202.233.orig.tar.gz"14:55
EuropaCarsomehow my wireless stopped working during the update14:55
Maximobackup data first and wehere to I go for that?14:55
vuongdothanhhuyEuropaCar: so you can just untick the flash update and let others updates go.14:55
aciculaMaximo: the stuff thats in your user directory14:55
EuropaCarthere's no where to click14:55
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning14:55
DaghdhaI can't find how to update in 11.10, where is the update application hidden?14:55
EuropaCari see the message in the terminal but there are no options for me to click14:56
jrib!upgrade | Daghdha14:56
ubottuDaghdha: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade14:56
Maximohow do I force upgrade to 12.04LTS?14:56
uictamale1hey all, I can't seem to get the virutalbox guest additions installed correctly... it looks like it installs right, but 'seamless mode' isn't available in the host menu14:56
jribMaximo: why do you need to "force" it?14:56
violinapprenuictamale1: are you using a windows guest ?14:57
jribuictamale1: try #vbox if no one here knows14:57
uictamale1windows host14:57
uictamale112.04 guest14:57
revagomesI just updated to 12.04 but I cant use X anymore. There is something wrong with Nvidia drivers?14:57
EuropaCarvuongdothanhhuy: could u explain how to untick the particular update?14:57
Maximodon't let me do it from the manager....14:57
zorkonlooking for pointers - upgraded from 11.10 to 12.04 on Thinkpad W520 and all pointer/mouse devices are now broken ... pointers are 'stuck' to the lefthand side of the screen basically making mouse device unusable ... i see updated x11 conf files with mouse config commented out with references to consiole-setup, but nothing i see tere seems to reference mouse device ... where should i be looking?14:57
violinapprenuictamale1: doesnt work for this combo, it works vice versa14:57
Top-Roastcan anyone please help a new apache2 user? i am on ubuntu 12.0414:57
FlimFlamManafter upgrade i have lost wireless networking and touchpad on my notebook (System76 Darter Ultra).  any suggestions?14:57
uictamale1violinappren: it worked fine before upgrading to 12.04 in the guest..14:57
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Maximotell me babe steps to upgrade please...14:58
violinapprenuictamale1: i see, try #vbox then or file a bug14:58
Top-Roastdoes anyone know how to allow external access to my apache2 server? it works for http://localhost but not externally14:58
Eno_Hi, is #xen the only channel for Xen on Ubuntu?14:58
violinappren!ask | Top-Roast14:58
ubottuTop-Roast: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:58
thephantomhttp://pastebin.com/Sze1GneH should this disk have been formated with 4096 logical sectors?14:58
WhereIsMySpoonviolinappren i dont see how he didnt ask a question14:59
jribTop-Roast: is your server sitting behind a router?14:59
EuropaCarcan someone help me finish my update from 11.10 to 12.04? it is stuck at there's no message, it is just at the stage of: "flashplugin-installer: downloading http://archive.canonical.com/pool/partner/a/adobe-flashplugin/adobe-flashplugin_11.2.202.233.orig.tar.gz"14:59
violinapprenEno_: also #ubuntu-server14:59
Top-Roastjrib yes it is14:59
irendalTop-Roast, you might have to configure your router to forward connection to the port 8014:59
jribTop-Roast: you must forward port 80 on your router to your server with apache14:59
Eno_violinappren: Thank you sir ;)14:59
MonkeyDustTop-Roast  you need to forward ports to your pc14:59
Maximojrib how do I upgrade no good at this...15:00
jrib!upgrade | Maximo15:00
ubottuMaximo: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade15:00
MonkeyDustTop-Roast  it's inside your router15:00
EuropaCarcan someone help me finish my update from 11.10 to 12.04? it is stuck at there's no message, it is just at the stage of: "flashplugin-installer: downloading http://archive.canonical.com/pool/partner/a/adobe-flashplugin/adobe-flashplugin_11.2.202.233.orig.tar.gz"15:00
Top-Roastok.. if i just pull out the router and connect directly to my ISP, will my page appear to the public then?15:00
rymate1234how do I remove the"system problem detected" messages15:00
violinapprenTop-Roast: WhereIsMySpoon: sorry, i didnt see the second line15:00
jribEuropaCar: please don't repeat so often15:00
WhereIsMySpoonTop-Roast dont pull out the router, just forward the ports15:01
irendalI have another question. Is there an easy way to encrypt an entire hard drive with ubuntu?15:01
Daghdhai have no system menu jrib15:01
Top-Roastok but im not sure how to do that15:01
violinapprenTop-Roast: do you know what is port forwarding?15:01
WhereIsMySpoonTop-Roast, google your router model + port forwarding15:01
Top-Roastok thank you15:01
jribDaghdha: what ubuntu version?15:01
revagomesI just updated to 12.04 but I cant use X anymore. Some advice? I already googled for this issue but nothing have helped me...15:01
WhereIsMySpoonlike "myModel v3894 port forwarding"15:01
Top-Roastill try that now15:01
WhereIsMySpoonthere isnt a system menu on 11.1015:02
WhereIsMySpoonbecause derp15:02
DaghdhaThe link refers to it.15:02
normatifTop-Roast: read your router's manual, it should mention about it15:02
thephantomhttp://pastebin.com/Sze1GneH should this disk have been formated with 4096 logical sectors?15:02
jribDaghdha: start update-manager15:02
irendaloh, one last question. I couldn't stand the new interface in ubuntu 11.10, so I used Xubuntu instead. Is it any better in 12.04?15:02
steveccc_is anyone here a truecrypt user? i was looking for advise on the different encryption algorithms and the truecrypt room is quite quiet15:03
Daghdhawhere is that icon jre?15:03
WhereIsMySpoonirendal, me too :P15:03
jribDaghdha: I have no idea15:03
MonkeyDust!ports| Top-Roast15:03
ubottuTop-Roast: For instructions on how to set up port-forwarding (for games, torrents, webservers) see http://portforward.com - also see !firewall15:03
vuongdothanhhuyTop-Roast: if your router support UPnP, enable it, would free you from config.15:03
Daghdhastarted, ok thanks.15:03
EuropaCardoes anyone have a suggestion?15:03
WhereIsMySpoonUPnP is a pile of awful15:03
mystblade9irendal: I haven't yet used Ubuntu 12.04 fully, but I tried it for a short time in a Virtual Machine and I am already familiar with Ubuntu 11.10's Unity. But I was seriously impressed by the new Unity.15:03
husienhello guys! what the command code for searching all php.ini file in my ubuntu 11.10?15:03
Top-Roastok i found out how to login and forward thank you everyone15:03
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irendalmystblade9, ok... I guess i'll give it a try, at least15:04
mystblade9irendal: Once you're logged in, hold Cmd. And enter keyboard shortcut paradise.15:04
WhereIsMySpoonmystblade9, hmm?15:04
* UnwinnableDonB is back (gone 01:03:57)15:04
mystblade9I mean, win15:04
mystblade9sorry, I'm using an Apple keyboard.15:04
mystblade9the Windows key.15:04
WhereIsMySpoonim not sure i want to bother with 12.whateverit is15:05
EuropaCardoes anyone know how to skip a step during distro update?15:05
ubottuBG: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:05
WhereIsMySpoon11.10 was so bad15:05
violinapprenhusien: all files name php.ini or searching INSIDE that file?15:05
normatifI'm doing do-release-upgrade to 12.04 and it intermittently stops with "Waiting for headers" message. Is this normal, or some bottleneck on server?15:05
RobinJ1995I reported a bug on Launchpad, how can I help get it fixed quicker? This is really starting to piss me off...15:05
husienviolinappren,  all file name php.ini15:05
jribRobinJ1995: visit #ubuntu-bugs15:05
violinapprenhusien: sudo find / -name php.ini15:06
eltigrehey, I just upgraded to 12.04 and sound totally stopped working...15:07
softcodercan someone help me with software-center?15:07
jribsoftcoder: be more specific15:07
softcoderI cannot do a review of a package15:07
softcoderit hangs at signing-in15:07
* rymate1234 is sudo apt-getting dist-upgrae15:07
karthick87How to restrict users installing packages in ubuntu ?15:08
softcoderfrom console15:08
softcoderafter launching software-center it says: 2012-04-27 08:05:51,004 - softwarecenter.backend.reviews - WARNING - Could not get usefulness from server, no username in config file15:08
eltigreWhen trying to start pulseaudio I get: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libsndfile.so.1: undefined symbol: vorbis_version_string15:08
zykotick9karthick87: don't add the use to the admin group (which allows sudo)15:08
soulnafeinkarthick87, limiting sudo for those users?15:08
eltigreis Ubuntu 12.04 supposed to have  support for audio-output?15:08
softcoderthen when picking review package: (software-center:16790): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to show 'none': Operation not supported15:08
karthick87soulnafein: yes15:08
mandzais there anyone who is pro with html and css15:09
softcoderand the popup sits forever saying signing in15:09
mandzai need help15:09
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irendalmandza, wrong chan.15:09
jribmandza: #html and #css can help you with that15:09
EuropaCardoes anyone know how to skip a step in distro upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04 ? it's supposed to be 'installing upgrades' but is trying to download flashplugin15:09
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:09
jribEuropaCar: you cannot skip (not supported) unless you are on LTS15:09
eltigreEuropaCar, don't upgrade if you need audio... audio is broken in 12.0415:09
UnwinnableDonBI'm trying to get my close/min/max buttons on the left in gnome-shell on 12.04 following these directions, but it's not taking: http://geekum.wordpress.com/2011/05/25/how-to-move-close-button-in-debian-gnome-shell-to-left-like-ubuntu/ Any thoughts?15:10
shazzrWill native support for fingerprint sensors be avaliable in 12.10? Would be nice.15:10
mandzathank you jrib15:10
EuropaCarso if i'm in the middle of the upgrade is there anything i can do?15:10
jribeltigre: please don't make general statements like that that are not true15:10
MonkeyDusteltigre  meaning, i'm listening to music right now15:10
husienviolinappren, find 'php.ini' nosuch file or directory15:10
jribEuropaCar: what do you want to do?15:10
nightshadowhi everybody15:10
eltigrejust wanting to elicit any response....15:11
jribeltigre: that gets you the wrong kind of attention...15:11
EuropaCari am stuck in the middle of the update from 10.04 to 11.10 and it's hung on a step15:11
jattis there a guide to install the radeon property drivers on 12.0415:11
nannesHow can I start my ubuntu in "safe graphic mode"? I'm having a problem with X.15:11
jattmy laptop is overheating since I upgraded to 12.0415:11
EuropaCarand i wanted to see if i could get past it because it's just 'downloading flashplugin'15:11
nightshadowanyone used backbox before?15:11
danielchamorrohi everyone , I just update to 12.04 but I keep getting disconnected to my wifi and I can update from the software updater.....15:11
jattI suspect is the graphic card since no process with high cpu utilization are running15:11
danielchamorrojust from the terminal15:11
jribEuropaCar: is it still downloading?  You can safely cancel and try to resume the download.  Make sure you're using a local mirror in your software sources15:11
danielchamorrorunning a Dell Mini 10v15:12
MonkeyDustEuropaCar  fastes and easiest is to fresh install ubuntu15:12
nightshadowI just downgraded from 12.04 on a dell mini 10v too many bugs15:12
EuropaCari don't think it's still downloading, there's no prgoress indicator but there's nothing in the terminal to tell me what's going on15:12
jjpHi; is-it possible to activate sound output on multiple devices simultaneously ? Typically, I wanted to display a video for my kids in a train, each one with USB headphones15:12
danielchamorroI have a dual boot with Mac OSX so I dont want to reinstall15:12
EuropaCarit has already 'downloaded all the packages' and it is stuck during the installation of those packages15:13
EuropaCarbut one of the 'installation' steps required internet to download flashplugin15:13
EuropaCarand it's stuck there..15:13
EuropaCari don't think i can safely abort at this stage15:13
tbrownDanielChamorro: I have a snow leopard disk that is coming to day And I was wondering with the Iboot is it possible to make my pc out of a mac os x15:13
jribEuropaCar: please don't use enter so much and try to address users you are speaking to by prefixing what you say with their name15:13
nannes1How can I start my ubuntu in "safe graphic mode"? I'm having a problem with X.15:14
jribEuropaCar: well I don't see much choice for you15:14
danielchamorrotbrown: I did not use Iboot so I dont know...:(15:14
jribEuropaCar: personally, I would stop the upgrade, remove the flashplugin-install package, resume the update15:15
danielchamorrotbrown: I used the guides at MyDellMini.com15:15
tbrowndanielchamorro: Okay so you got mac os x leopard on your pc15:15
EuropaCarjrib: i am not using a fresh install and i'm updating from 10.10, can i abort the installation and restart it safely?15:16
Maximodid all changes and still don't let me upgrade to new Ubuntu12.04LTS...15:16
danielchamorroyes, its pretty straight forward15:16
Maximowhat can I do?15:16
jeffrashdownloading the 12.04 ISO now, going to do a clean install on my Dell D42015:16
danielchamorroif u follow the guides15:16
normatifnannes1: you can start in text mode15:16
jribEuropaCar: regardless of whether you can do it "safely", I do not see an alternative for you15:16
Maximowent to settings did changes and nothing15:16
softcoderguys i'm on software-center 5.215:16
danielchamorroI also added the 2GB ram, I feel the Mini is freezes quite but its running OK now15:17
EuropaCarjrib: ok, i will give it a go, thanks for your help15:17
ogra_Maximo, upgrades will only be offered automatically once 12.04.1 is out15:17
nannes1normatif: no, I need the X started in safe mode, couz in normal mode has serious problems15:17
softcoderi see here (http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/core/precise/main/proposed/software-center) there is a 5.2.1, how do i get it?15:17
tbrowndanielchamorro: So do you have a retail disk of snow leopard or deed you use like ideneb or something like that15:17
danielchamorroexcept for Ubuntu....very disappointed15:17
Maximoogra: is not out?15:17
ogra_Maximo, use sudo update.-manager -d (or do-release-upgrade -d)15:17
L3topEuropaCar... one second15:17
danielchamorrono, I bought a retail 25£ in Amazon15:17
ogra_Maximo, 12.04 is out, 12.04.1 isnt15:17
=== nannes1 is now known as nannes
Maximomine is LTS15:17
L3topEuropaCar: nm... was just backreading15:18
tbrowndanielchamorro: Do you think it will be conpatible with AMD Processor15:18
ogra_right, LTS to LTS upgrades are always only enabled for the .1 releases15:18
softcoderhmm do i exist in this channel?15:18
zykotick9!schedule | Maximo if you want to see when .1 comes out15:18
ubottuMaximo if you want to see when .1 comes out: The Ubuntu Precise Pangolin release schedule can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule15:18
EuropaCarL3top: so same conclusion? nothing to do but abort and try to upgrade again?15:18
L3topEuropaCar: to be clear... the flashplugin-installer is a package that downloads the flash plugin on execute15:18
tbrownsoftcoder: I fell that way sometimes to. WHat is your Qestion15:18
softcoderi see here (http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/core/precise/main/proposed/software-center) there is a 5.2.1, how do i get it?15:19
jribsoftcoder: what version of ubuntu are you using?15:19
softcoderprecise with latest updates15:19
danielchamorrotbrown: here is the website with the guides in case u havent seen them: http://www.mydellmini.com/forum/mac-osx-guides/15:19
jribsoftcoder: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install software-center15:19
L3topso what it would be doing is trying to download the flash plugin, which is larger if you have slow internet... I would check that you have an internet connection... and all of that before crushing it.15:19
joethetreewhat is the process for java virtual machine called on ubuntu? (javaw on windows)15:20
danielchamorroDoes anyone know why my internet keeps breaking up in Ubuntu 12.4?15:20
L3topEuropaCar: but I would expect it would bomb out or something.15:20
nannesHow can I start my ubuntu in "safe graphic mode"? I'm having a problem with X.15:20
RobinJ1995joethetree, java15:20
L3topnannes: hold shift down on boot, you will get a menu15:21
EuropaCarL3top: it started trying to download many hours ago and since the upgrade was in the middle of installation phase my internet wasn't working (maybe wireless was still being configured or something). i have since connected using ethernet15:21
case_hi there, i would like to install ubuntu on a Mac Book Air (not a dual boot, a single boot ubuntu), and thus I'm looking for someone experienced in this field, or with knowledge about rEFit.15:21
danielchamorroAND my software update application does NOT work :(15:21
nannesL3top: thanks15:21
ogra_softcoder, ths is the -proposed archive ... meaning the packages there are in testing mode before they go into -updates ...15:21
jrib!mac > case_15:21
ubottucase_, please see my private message15:21
EuropaCarL3top: but it looks like connecting to the internet hasn't done the trick, and the installation is still stuck at that step15:21
Dan_EI installed 12.04 and now i have no dock and no icons, any help?15:21
ogra_softcoder, you can use -proposed (at your own risk, there often are buggy packages in it) by enabling it in the software properties15:21
joethetreeRobinJ1995: but when i start a java application,  there is only one java process. on windows there would be a java and a javaw process. so, on ubuntu, the java vm is included in the conventional java process?15:21
L3tophave you opened a terminal and checked that you are connected? You may need to sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart EuropaCar15:21
danielchamorroCase: why "experienced in refit...I have rEFit but is useful only if u r doing a dual boot15:22
danielchamorroif not15:22
RobinJ1995joethetree, dunno, think so15:22
Top-RoastI just set up port forwarding on my router, but I still cant see my website from an external location using apache2 on ubuntu 12.04?15:22
L3topEuropaCar: open a terminal and ping -c 2 google.com15:22
L3topThat will ping google twice and tell if you have a connection15:22
danielchamorrou can just boot from the USB or CD and isntall normallly...formatting the MAC OSX drive that is...if u dont mind doing so15:22
nitzsTop-Roast: is the firewall on?15:22
EuropaCarL3top: yes, it looks liek i am connected using the ping15:23
GG111Top-Roast: can you view the site internaly, from your LAN ?15:23
Top-Roastnitzs, i am not sure i didnt think 12.04 came with a firewall on?15:23
Top-Roastgg111 yes I can see it using http://localhost15:23
case_danielchamorro, i've read it was complicated to make a mac boot air to boot on a usb stick, and that rEFit was helping... but i'll try without15:23
GG111Top-Roast: not from the own machine, from another host on the network15:23
danielchamorrohmm...I dont see why15:23
danielchamorroI have a mac at home with Windows and OSX with rEFit15:24
Top-RoastI can try that now15:24
normatifTop-Roast: sudo ufw status15:24
Top-Roaststatus inactive15:24
danielchamorrobut if I wanted to isntall Ubnutu on an Air I dont see the point15:24
softcodersoftware-center is already the newest version.15:24
danielchamorrorEFit is a boot manager for MAC OSX as far as I know15:24
case_danielchamorro, i've also a macbookpro dualbooting with rEFit, but i'm a little bit scared to brick the Air if I format completly the harddrive.15:24
softcoderhowever mine is 5.2 and the link i posted is 5.2.115:24
danielchamorroit overwrites the one in MAC15:24
Top-Roastmy ISP does allow web servers on port 80 so thats not it..15:25
MrKeunerhello, how can I disable the encrypted home directory that I have enabled during system install? I don't need the contents of home directory to be encrypted anymore15:25
jrib!encrypt | MrKeuner15:25
ubottuMrKeuner: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory15:25
EuropaCarL3top: any last ideas (thanks)15:25
nmittalHi.. if i want to use compiz (desktop cube and wobbly windows) which desktop is recommended Unity or Gnome3?15:25
danielchamorroI see15:25
nitzsTop-Roast: are you able to ssh into your server from an external source?15:25
WhereIsMySpooni wouldnt recommend gnome or unity tbh15:26
danielchamorroWell, I would just try...I'm that kind of a guy I guess15:26
danielchamorrobut of course, u do ur thing15:26
Top-Roastnitzs, i havent tried that yet15:26
nmittalWhereIsMySpoon, is that for my question?15:26
WhereIsMySpoonnmittal, sorta15:26
nmittalWhereIsMySpoon, do i have other choices on 12.0415:26
saryI'm facing this issue http://askubuntu.com/questions/125527/ubuntu-wont-boot-after-12-04-upgrade-timidity-error15:27
WhereIsMySpoonnmittal er dunno on 12.0415:27
paniwanii'm getting an encoding error when trying to install a program on lucid32: https://gist.github.com/2510145 any help?15:27
WhereIsMySpoonbut i have xfce session on 11.0415:27
jribMrKeuner: I thought there were explicit instructions there but apparently not.  You can just copy your files somewhere not encrypted (after decrypting), remove the .ecryptfs stuff for your user, then put the files back in the path to your home15:27
case_danielchamorro, thanks for the clues :)15:27
danielchamorroIf your Air is still in warranty it would be OK to brick it15:27
L3topEuropaCar: Lets try a couple of things...15:27
nmittalWhereIsMySpoon, Xubuntu (xfce) channel told me that it doesnt work with multiple monitors15:27
WhereIsMySpooni havent tried multi monitor15:27
nmittalhmm.. ok thanks15:27
WhereIsMySpoonso that isnt an issue for me15:27
L3topWell... dpkg is all locked up for the upgrade right?15:27
WhereIsMySpoonas in i dont need it15:27
L3topEuropaCar: you are doing an upgrade correct?15:28
montyawesomenessYo linux15:28
EuropaCarL3top: correct15:28
montyawesomenessWhere's my kernel15:28
nitzsmontyawesomeness: what do yo mean by that?15:28
jribMrKeuner: actually in the first link there are instructions on how to "remove" the encrypted directory15:29
jorvisDoes anyone know how to go back to nouveau drivers from the nvidia ones using only the command-line?15:29
L3tophmm... let me think a sec15:29
jribjorvis: jockey-text15:29
L3topmontyawesomeness: /lib/modules15:29
Dan_EI installed 12.04 and now i have no dock and no icons, any help?15:29
nitzsjorvis: sudo apt-get purge nvidia-current15:30
amit_In Additional drivesr what should i choose? Nvidia recommened or nvidia  version current updates15:30
eltigreI'm being ridiculed for using Ubuntu again.... -.-15:30
jorvisThanks jrib and nitzs15:30
L3topjorvis: sudo apt-get remove nvidia*; sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-nouveau15:30
jribeltigre: please just stick to support15:30
L3topjorvis: check that if you have an xorg.conf you change the line Driver           "nvidia"    to Driver            "nouveau"15:31
amit_Any help for me  which one to choose in Additional drivers, there showing two nvidia options15:31
eltigrewell, audio is broken and I can't find any help on this issue with google yet15:31
MrKeunerjrib, yep, reading it thank you15:31
nitzsamit_: choose the recommended option.15:31
amit_nitzs, Ok but in system informations graphics in unknown15:32
jribMrKeuner: also let me suggest renaming things instead of deleting things in case you make a mistake :)15:32
L3topEuropaCar: you are going to have to ungracefully exit the upgrade I fear.15:32
L3topImmediately try again EuropaCar, do not reboot15:32
jorvisL3top: thanks, halfway through it now15:32
EuropaCarL3top: thanks for your help, here goes nothing15:32
nitzsyes. it didn't show up for me too.15:32
KittyTeethWent to Mozilla Firefox website but cannot find what I need. I am looking for a language pack as an add-on so when I go to websites in foreign language it will translate into english. Can someone help me?15:34
nitzsamit_: if you see a blank screen during boot up in stead of the animation, you are using the nvidia driver.15:34
sykhello, i am trying to install ubuntu 12.04 64bit but when i boot from usb i am getting "error prefix not set" and when i select an option it just hangs15:34
ArexBawrinwhat's the difference between the desktop and alternate download?15:34
amit_nitzs, hm blank screen. and what type of anuimation is there15:34
Matthaishello, I am performing a dist-upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04 (x64), and the distribution upgrade keeps downloading the last file over and over again, in an endless loop.  Any ideas?15:34
ogra_ArexBawrin, desktop ises a graphical installer and installs usually faster, alternate has more options15:34
amit_nitzs,  is there something wrong with nvidia that is not showing animation15:35
ArexBawrinogra_: Thanks, any links comparing the two or something that shows the options of the alternate dl?15:35
ogra_ArexBawrin, if you dont plan to set up LVM or RAID i would just go with desktop15:36
nitzsamit_: no. the driver works perfectly fine except for the boot animation.15:36
amit_nitzs, ok15:36
ArexBawrinogra_: Sounds good, thanks:)15:36
jorvisL3top: Thanks - I can see my laptop screen again finally.  Hopefully it stays on this time15:37
KittyTeethanyone know of language addon for websites?15:38
cordovalhi guys after my ubuntu upgrade i now misconfigured my phpadmin15:38
cordovalnow i cannot access it15:38
cordovalany hint on what could be wrong?15:38
jorvisL3top: it seemed to be experiencing this bug (https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=26980) which was closed15:38
NurseDadcan someone help me register on freenode15:38
ubottuFreedesktop bug 26980 in Driver/nouveau "NVA3 / NVA5 / NVA8 / NVAF (GT2xx/GT3xx) with nouveau: random GPU lockups" [Major,Resolved: fixed]15:38
eNepperWhen i try to mount a cifs share after I changed the mtu to 9000 (Jumbo frame) it goes cold, Im able to press ctrl + c to cancel the mount. Is this a known issue or?15:38
jason^when i'm upgrading from 11.10 to 12.04 apt-get/aptitude keeps downloading linux-firmware over and over again... any reason why it would do that?15:39
ogra_NurseDad, there is #freenode15:39
EuropaCarL3top: hmmm.. i have aborted the update and now i restart update manager but it tells me it's unable to get exclusive lock15:39
ogra_they can help i guess15:39
iceman511where can i download ubuntu 12.04 netbook edition ?15:39
henrybeanwhere can i go to find out how to access a generic network server with an apple device?15:39
ogra_iceman511, there is no such thing anymore15:39
Dan_EI installed 12.04 and now i have no dock and no icons, any help? Should I try to reinstall 12.04?15:39
henrybeanusing a drive attached t o a router15:39
eggsbyhey guys, what is the name of the sound and battery life applet in gnome panel?15:40
EuropaCari can't find what is application is running to cause me to be unable to get exclusive lock?15:40
tbrowndanielchamorro: I seen the video on the mac os x on the mini dell that was pritty nice installion I hope I can I have no problem with the drivers with loading the retail disk on my computer I get it today So I never tried it with it yet15:40
eggsbyI know the network is `nm-applet` but what about sound and battery?15:40
L3topEuropaCar: I tend to do everything through terminal. Perhaps it is trying to cleanup in the background... give it a few minutes. I don't really know the gui very well.15:40
iceman511ogra_: so i just install the ubuntu desktop edition on a netbook ?15:40
nitzsjason^: what is the complete name of the package?15:40
L3topEuropaCar: ps aux | grep dpkg15:41
ogra_iceman511, right, the unity UI will adapt to the smaller screensize15:41
iceman511ogra_: but will it overconsume power and be a bit slow ?15:41
iceman511with resources ?15:41
nannesMy ubuntu 12.04, when I click ShutDown, Halts the system but doesn't power-off the pc15:42
nanneshow can I fix that?15:42
cute_bettonghas anyone been able to run ubuntu 12.04 on a samsung chronos series 7? im having major issues with it15:42
L3topI would be interested to know if it goes well jorvis. Keep me aprised if you can. Is there a time frame? Or is it days sometimes.15:42
shaneohey guys how do i find out if all my usb ports are active i just had an ext-hdd start smoking and wanna make sure the port wasnt affected15:42
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shaneo...or the board15:42
ogra_iceman511, the netbook edition only had UI tweaks (which are now in unity) so it wont consume more or less power than the netbook edition did15:42
EvilResistancecute_bettong, what kind of issues?15:43
iceman511ogra_: fantastic... I heard there is a derivative of ubuntu for older pc's... any idea ?15:43
nitzsiceman511: you can try out this for older computers: http://www.lubuntu.com/15:45
nitzshttp://www.lubuntu.net/ *15:45
cute_bettongEvilResistance, the cpu fan constantly runs high, and it has issues with the graphics card becasue it's one of those hybrid jobs an ATI with a intel card as well, getting a "fixing recursive fault but reboot is needed!" error and something was hogging cpu at 20-25% then if i moved a window cpu spiked to 100% im worried about my hardware being damaged15:45
iceman511nitzs: thanks mate :))15:45
CountZso how do I get the opengl stuff working with 12.04, has it changed?15:45
CountZI have an intel i915 gpu15:45
softcoderok please someone tell me how i can manually install this: http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/core/precise/main/proposed/software-center15:46
AthanasiusIs there a guide somewhere for migrating from a fully-encrypted home directory and swap space to not using any encryption? I accidentally setup encryption during installation without thinking about the speed ramifications >_<15:46
softcodermy local version is 5.2 (not 5.2.1 as mentioned in the link)15:46
softcoderand I beleive i need this bugfix15:46
EvilResistancecute_bettong, your hardware won't be damaged by CPU at 25% - 60%, does the spike to 100% go back down after a while?15:46
BenderCan you help me with a remote IR and keyboard shortcut?15:46
EuropaCarL3top: i ran this command, it outputted a bunch of stuff, but i'm still unable to get exclusive lock15:46
cute_bettongEvilResistance, yes, once i stop moving the window it drops back down to 20-25% on core 015:47
wormmdAbout to install GRUB on a fresh Lubuntu install, I have a boot partition. Does the GRUB install go there or in the MBR and it'll take care of locating the boot partition on its own?15:47
L3topEuropaCar: that command just shows you the processes using dpkg, it does not halt them. You will have to start killing processes, which is a bit ugly.15:47
cute_bettongEvilResistance, but core1 never idles like it should15:47
nitzscute_bettong: are you using the official ATI drivers?15:47
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L3topEuropaCar: do you have pastebin installed?15:48
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EuropaCarL3top: no i don't15:48
cute_bettongnitzs, yes downloaded them from the amd/ati website15:48
=== cross_dresser is now known as mincing_boy_hung
swebi have an errur during apt-get install http://paste.ubuntu.com/950053/15:49
nitzswormmd: if you want your lubuntu system to install a new bootloader, install it to mbr. if you don't want to mess up the existing bootloader, install it to the partition.15:49
L3topcan you copy and paste the output of that ps command to pastebin EuropaCar15:49
EuropaCarL3top: hmm so i have to go one by one and kill each of these processes?15:49
CountZah, my opengl stuff is already working out of the box15:49
cute_bettongnitzs, the other thing is that the video card dosen't show up in the gui hardware manager as being there EVEN though the drivers are installed correctly15:49
EuropaCarL3top: ok15:49
=== mincing_boy_hung is now known as cvanes
L3topEuropaCar: I would feel more comfortable looking at them.15:49
swebhow can i fix it ?15:49
softcoderanyone here can help me?15:49
softcoderok please someone tell me how i can manually install this: http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/core/precise/main/proposed/software-center15:49
softcodermy local version is 5.2 (not 5.2.1 as mentioned in the link)15:50
Wolfsherzhi, changing mouse sensitivity does not seem to have any effect at all, is that true? my mouse moves way to fast, and i set the setting to the lowest possible...15:50
wormmdnitzs, thanks. I expected to blow away the old bootloader.15:50
L3topsweb did you do an apt-get update prior to attempting to install?15:50
wylde!patience | softcoder15:50
ubottusoftcoder: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:50
EuropaCarL3top: hmm does this work: http://pastebin.com/yNhV5WXk15:50
cute_bettongnitzs, i really want to use ubuntu on my laptop but this is a production machene and im worried about stability, with the gui spontanisouly throwing me out into CLI it's become quite a problem to where i had to switch back to windoze becasue i coulden't figure out the problem and am worried about hardware damage15:50
nitzscute_bettong: what happens when you use the drivers that originally came with ubuntu?15:51
jason^nitzs: it keeps downloading linux-firmware15:51
jason^linux-firmware amd64 1.7915:51
swebL3top: i want to install packes from terminal15:51
y0om4the dashbar in 12.04 does not auto hide like it did in 11.1015:52
L3topEuropaCar: sudo kill 1670815:52
intgrHi, I have a disk image of an old Ubuntu install. How do I figure out which packages were explicitly installed (i.e. not installed due to dependencies)15:52
L3topsweb: sudo apt-get update     and try again15:52
intgrI guess it's in /var/lib/dpkg somewhere, any ideas?15:52
swebL3top: yeah ofcourse15:52
wormmdNow it's just a matter of breaking out of the installer, booting up a live disk, chrooting in and running an emergency GRUB fix there since I now have no internet access :) Thanks, guys, y'all are awesome!15:52
y0om4do any of you have this problem where the dashbar in 12.04 does not auto hide and the dashbar in 11.10 did auto hide?15:52
L3topWell that was the question I asked... did you update...15:53
cute_bettongnitzs, if i use the graphics that come with ubuntu, i can't play any of my games, becasue the first option in the ati restricted drivers dosen't work, and the second one the plain FGLRX dosen't contain hardware acelleration, at least....i coulden't get it to work15:53
swebL3top: after installation packages `gnome-shell` and `gnome-common` problem appear15:53
L3topEuropaCar: ps aux | grep dpkg   again15:53
EuropaCarL3top: that seems to have worked, update manager is now doing a partial upgrade15:53
OerHeksy0om4, install myunity to enable auto-hide & settings15:53
cdavisy0om4: I think that is by design15:53
sgerbinohas anyone upgraded their server 10.04->12.04? Is it gravy to do that?15:53
Top-RoastDoes anyone have any ideas why apache2 webserver works on my local network but not externally? I have set router up for port forwarding15:54
Top-RoastI am using ubuntu 12.04 with nothing else fancy15:54
dweezI'm wanting to upgrade to 12.04 but i want to use my uni's mirror.  how do I go about doing that?  Can it be done through Update manager or do I need to do it through apt-get?15:54
zykotick9sgerbino: the fact that LTS->LTS upgrades aren't planned until 12.04.1 might suggest something... just sayin'15:54
dweezTop-Roast, check your apache config, maybe it's set for internal only by default (that sort of rings a bell15:55
nitzscute_bettong: since your hardware is quite new, don't expect the drivers to be upto par at this point of time. in the future releases, the drivers will improve.15:55
scarleoTop-Roast, Maybe check AllowFrom?15:55
Top-Roastok ill take a look thank you15:55
mint__I have installed ubuntu 12.4 and after reboot there is no GUI. How to fix that?15:55
cute_bettongnitzs, so should i wait a month or two to innstall ubuntu?15:55
wormmdUhhhh, belay that, I'm going to try to boot manually... Didn't know you could do that... About to Google, any tips?15:55
DarsVaedahow can I start the upgrade to 12.04 and shut-down the machine automatically when it finishes?15:56
UIMhey guys, can't i run my old apps that i had on Windsow on Ubuntu anymore?15:56
wormmdUIM, wine?15:56
eltigreit's good that there is only one ubuntu upgrade every six months....15:56
lexxmtUIM check wine15:56
eltigreIt takes me at least that long to forget the horror of the last update ^ ^15:56
sgerbinozykotick9: :) ok15:57
UIMwine you say... alright then15:57
L3topEuropaCar: you are probably not going to have a clean upgrade... there are probably some unconfigured things lingering which will spit errors on. You may need to sud apt-get -f install     or dpkg --configure -a   more likely to try and resolve.15:57
zykotick9UIM: just because you "can" do something, doesn't mean you should.  Look for native gnu/linux alternatives for your windows programs.15:57
wormmdUIM, what zykotick9 said.15:57
wormmdUIM, wine provides limited support for apps as well.15:58
brendanhello. Just upgraded to precise, and "python -c 'import random'" causes a traceback in "from os import urandom as _urandom" failing. Known issue?15:58
moahhello #ubuntu, I have one problem: i got a new notebook and installed 12.04 on it. then I wanted to run the "ubuntu friendly" test on it, but failed for some reason, and it got submitted anyway, so there is now a bad result for that notebook in the database. I can not delete that wrong test and it wont let me submit repeated tests, any idea how to fix that problem?15:58
wormmdUIM, not that it's not a capable program.15:58
UIMoh so i should look for some Ubuntu apps?15:59
wormmdUIM, ...u trollin'?15:59
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wyldemoah: maybe try in #ubuntu-testing15:59
moahok, thx.16:00
y0om4my unity says my ubuntu is running in 2d mode, how do i turn it on to 3d mode?16:00
dweezI'm wanting to upgrade to 12.04 but i want to use my uni's mirror.  how do I go about doing that?  Can it be done through Update manager or do I need to do it through apt-get?16:00
wyldemoah: or the ubuntu-testing mailing list.16:00
L3topUIM windows and linux are very different. Windows programs don't "just work" in linux, while WINE (WINdows Emulator) will work for many windows programs, do not expect it to be happy with everything, and it is not going to be as fast, and is as prone to infection as windows. You are best served finding linux alternatives. Most things can be had for free, and many work much better than their windows alternative.16:00
UIMisn't Unity web player available?16:00
tbrowntrying to install Mac on Virutal machine but I think it not working I dont know if it is installing right or what the case is16:00
wormmdGeez, remind me never to come in here on upgrade day :)16:00
sfearsdweez: edit software sources from the package manager and choose the mirrors drop down menu16:00
Athanasiuswormmd: mmmhmmm16:01
sfearswormmd: a lot of people broke stuff16:01
wormmdL3top, wine stands for Wine Is Not an Emulator ;)16:01
dweezmeh, ok.  Thought there would be (or rather should be) an "add mirror"16:01
cute_bettongnitzs, should i wait a few months before installing ubuntu to assure hardware compatability?16:01
dweezbut my uni's isn't in the official list16:01
wormmdcute_bettong, prolly.16:01
sfearsthere's a custom option dweez16:01
dweezcute_bettong, not in my opinion16:01
napalm54Hey, I am trying to install Ubuntu 12.04 via a USB flash drive.  However, the installation seems to be stuck.  Showing more information about the installation, it show the last line as: "Apr 27 15:52:58 ubuntu ubiquity16:01
dweeznot unless you have bleeding edge hardware16:02
zykotick9L3top: WINdows Emulator < clever, even if incorrect ;)16:02
Jimuanyone know about the QML in Unity? Seems to be acting weird16:02
dweezsfears, under what Settings tab?16:02
wormmdcute_bettong, do what's right for your situation.16:02
UIML3top: thank's for that valuable information16:02
L3topWell there I go making assumptions.16:02
napalm54nvm, it seemed to of finished right when I sent that lol16:02
wormmdcute_bettong, I'm not using that as a cop-out answer, either.16:02
sfearsnot exactally sure dweez, it's in there somewhere "edit origins" or "edit software sources"16:02
cute_bettongdweez yea i have bleeding edge hardware, google samsung chronos series 716:02
cute_bettongwormmd, i know i understand16:02
L3topUIM there is a large database of compatable incompatable programs... I believe here http://appdb.winehq.org/16:03
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help16:03
cute_bettongdweez why do you think that?16:03
sfearsnapalm54: sometimes the installation gets stuck, sometimes is a bad ISO or bad USBCreation.  you can check the md5 sum of your ISO and maybe try the alternate install after you try your usb install a second time16:03
dweezcute_bettong have to do something special to get it working on 11.10?16:03
ksianhow to start GUI in ubuntu 12.04. I have no interface after installing16:03
dweezcute_bettong, I think that because I doubt if a special driver is needed for 12.04 that is different from 11.1016:04
EuropaCarL3top: oh gosh it looks like it's stuck at teh flashplugin stage again16:04
nitzscute_bettong: you should use the free driver instead.16:04
nitzsjason^: maybe you should remove the existing linux-firware package and reinstall it if the upgrade happens successfully.16:04
EuropaCarL3top: oh no it has passed that swtage now16:04
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cute_bettongdweez in 11.10 it had these issues, in 12.04 they made the laptop almost unusable16:04
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zykotick9ksian: did you use a regular LiveCD or a miniCD to install?16:04
UIML3top: oh i will check it out...16:04
zykotick9ksian: "sudo service lightdm start"16:05
cute_bettongnitzs, the free driver, the second one listed in the "restricted drivers" dosen't have hardware accellertion for ATI and the first option for the new drivers simply won't install16:05
dweezcute_bettong, then I'd probably wait...or try running the LiveCD and playing around to see if I oculd tell if issues would come up or not (but of course, the LiveCD uses mostly generic drivers16:05
dweezstartx doesn't do it anymore?16:05
=== Evixion` is now known as Evixion
L3topEuropaCar1: The problem with those proprietary third party drivers, is that they don't always handle drops well. msttcorefonts is particularly gross about it.16:05
sfearsdweez: sudo restart gdm16:05
zykotick9sfears: gdm was replaced by default with lightdm a while ago...16:06
ksianIt was live cd16:06
dweezI know that, but he isn't getting a dm at boot up16:06
cute_bettongdweez ubuntu runs really great from the live cd ^_^ it's after i install it that i have these issues with the cpu fan constantly running, and the gui crashing out on me16:06
dweezI've always just used startx (but that was before all the fancy schmancy dm's)16:06
nitzscute_bettong: if you can stay away from hardware acceleration for a while, you should install the free driver.16:06
zykotick9ksian: what graphics card are you using?  if you can get to terminal, "lspci | grep -i vga" would tell you if you aren't sure.16:06
nitzscute_bettong: you can also have a look at other distros out there.16:07
dweezcute_bettong, your best bet then is to wait and watch the ubuntu and your laptop manufacturers forums for others with the same laptop16:07
EuropaCar1L3top: ah understood, shame that it can affect my whole installation though - maybe there should be a way around individual download problems16:07
sfearsI'm kinda in the wrong room zykotick9, i use KDM so I assumed...16:07
y0om4how do you make unity 3d in ubuntu 12.04?16:07
sfearsy0om4: make sure you have proprietary drivers enabled if necessary16:07
fl1bbl3wear those special glasses16:07
ksiangeforce 7300 gt16:07
zykotick9sfears: ahhh, "sudo service kdm start" or restart perhaps?16:07
sfearssudo restart <service>16:07
cute_bettongnitzs, not a chance, im a die hard ubuntu fan, been with it on and off for years, to me it is simply the best choice on the market for your computer, far FAR better than windows16:08
sfearsbetter than windows but no MixMeister!16:08
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KacoI4cute_bettong, except mac os x :)16:08
sfearsYUNO MixMeister!16:08
nitzscute_bettong: i meant you can try out Debian, or maybe even Fedora if it works for you.16:09
ksiani am using a live cd to talk with you. I will try with sudo service lightdm start16:09
rileyphow can I stop the xfce4 so I can  run get-edid | parse-edid from a tty1 without it complaining about the dm running16:09
cute_bettongKacoI4, never used os X so i don't know that XD16:09
L3topEuropaCar1: There is. Don't use anything not free... and by free I do not mean cost.16:09
zykotick9rileyp: "sudo service lightdm stop" perhaps?16:09
cute_bettongnitzs, ill wait till it's supported by my laptop, now stop with the blasphemy XD16:09
sfearsrileyp: killall xfce (or whatever the process is called)16:09
nitzsrileyp: boot into the recovery mode.16:09
KacoI4cute_bettong, it's unix and apart from linux it feels finished16:09
sfearsprobably not the best way to do it, but would work16:09
cute_bettongKacoI4, nice!16:10
rileypzykotick9: rileyp: "sudo service lightdm stop" perhaps? does not work unknown instance16:10
KacoI4cute_bettong, i switched to osx from gentoo16:10
sfearsrileyp: sudo restart lightdm16:10
swebL3top: http://paste.ubuntu.com/950116/16:10
zykotick9rileyp: what DM do you use?16:10
azriphello there16:10
EuropaCar1L3top: well time to restart, hope this works out, thanks for all your help16:10
azripi would like to isntall a package using apt-get install package16:10
swebi have a problem with my packages guys please take a look http://paste.ubuntu.com/950116/16:10
Jimuanyone know where the Unity devs hang out, if they do, on IRC?16:10
cute_bettongKacoI4, yea i don't think that will run on my laptop though16:11
azripby doing that command i would like to see which repositorie link is using16:11
* sfears doesn't look at packages16:11
azriphow to check ?16:11
wylde.... /msg alis list *ubuntu-dev*16:11
yeah-mani need some help ....16:12
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KacoI4cute_bettong, yeah it's highly optimized for apple hw, hackintosh sucks bad16:12
trinitronxcan anyone possibly assist me with fixing a failed dist-upgrade to 12.04?16:12
azripanyone there ?16:12
zykotick9arnsa: "apt-cache policy packagename" then look at the link16:12
yeah-manI am try to configure ubuntu /etc/default/grub for text mode login promp....16:12
MonkeyDustazrip  you want to use the command line to know what repo a package is in?16:12
yeah-manCan anyone help me please?16:13
zykotick9azrip: sorry bad fail, see my message above16:13
KacoI4Jimu: #ubuntu-unity16:13
sfearsyeah-man: can you disable the logon theme from the control panel?16:13
anaxHi, guys! So, this is my third time being here today, I've been troubleshooting the whole day. Here's the deal. I have a Intel/nVidia hybrid card (I think). It says GeForce GT520M CUDA on the sticker. Now, the thing is I'm running Unity 2D on 12.04, but I want to go 3D, and I figure I can't because I can't install the drivers. Can Unity 3D run on the Intel Graphics, or do I need to enable my nVidia card?16:13
cute_bettongi think ill just wait a few months to put ubuntu on here, once the fan issue and video issues are settled ill switch on here, im so worried about hardware damage, a constantly running cpu fan is a sign that the laptop is hot, i can't afford to buy a new one so ill just play it safe16:13
sfearstrinitronx: where did it fail16:13
azripi simply would like to know when i do an apt-get install package16:14
yeah-mansfears, logon theme?16:14
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sfearsi think so yeah-man16:14
azripi would like to knwo which sources.list is using16:14
sfearsanax: have you enabled additional drivers?16:14
trinitronxsfears: it failed during the installing packages step16:14
yeah-mansfears, I just don't want to use kdm or gdm or anything like that16:14
azripi mean the URL which is present on sources.list16:14
anaxThe Additional drivers is blank.16:14
kasiineed a help on this http://imagebin.org/20998816:14
m_kobernykhi all. i already install on my laptop ubuntu 12.04, and now max size of my display is 1024x768. I can't find /etc/X11/xorg.conf. how can I fix it?16:14
azripwhich URL is using ?16:14
sfearshave you rebooted trinitronx, does it boot?16:15
bartos01hi how do i get two different wallpapers on dual monitor with unity16:15
MonkeyDustbartos01  not16:15
wyldeanax: have you looked here? >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics16:15
kasiineed a help on this http://imagebin.org/20998816:15
sfearsm_kobernyk: have you enabled additional drivers?16:15
trinitronxsfears: It told me to do 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' but I get this error: dpkg: error: parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 55497 package 'indicator-displex': blank line in value of field 'Description'16:15
christhisisgoolm_kboernyk: you shouldnt have to manually edit the file. it should b e in the settings in settings>monitor16:15
yeah-mani changed GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="text" and it boot in text mode but not text mode login prompt...16:15
anaxWell, I did, but I got a bit confused. I'll try to reread it, and then I'll come back. Thanks, wylde!16:16
zykotick9yeah-man: did you run "sudo update-grub" after making the change?16:16
wyldeanax: alrighty :)16:16
azrippossible ?16:16
trinitronxsfears: When I try doing 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade', I get these dependency errors: http://pastebin.com/0daPh1YV16:16
kelvinellaCan you guys stop download ubuntu 12.04, I want to download updates16:16
sfearshave you tried a different mirror?16:16
sfearstrinitronx: ?16:16
yeah-manzykotick9, yeah and then i get the text mode boot but not login16:16
m_kobernyksfears: no, I haven't. on xubuntu 10.10 all it works fine without any drivers16:16
kelvinellaI am upgrading from 12.04 to 11.0416:17
zykotick9yeah-man: ? "text" worked for me?16:17
blitzis there a way to auto convert the oneiric PPAs over to pangolin, or do I have to manually get and add the new PPAs16:17
wyldetrinitronx: have you run 'sudo apt-get -f install' ?16:17
yeah-manzykotick9, sorry did not understand you16:17
trinitronxwylde: not yet, I can try16:17
christhisisgoolkelvinella: you mean 11.04 to 12.04? that is not supported. you have to have 11.10 to get 12.04 using dist-upgrade16:17
kasiineed a help on this http://imagebin.org/20998816:17
MonkeyDustkelvinella  you mean 11.04 to 12.0416:17
sfearsthere's nothing listed in the list m_kobernyk? in the additional drivers utility?16:17
zykotick9yeah-man: i but "text" in my grub and it worked.16:18
sfearsit may have been disabled for the update16:18
L3toptrinitronx: what does your sources.list look like? Have you added weirdo repositories?16:18
kelvinellaI just insert 11.04 USB and it allows me to upgrade from 12.04 to 11.04 LOL16:18
wyldetrinitronx: do that, then 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'16:18
yeah-manzykotick9, So it prompt you for password in text mode (like user:     password:        ), then "startx"  ?16:19
m_kobernyksfears: how can I looking for it?16:19
zykotick9yeah-man: yes16:19
sfearsm_kobernyk: alt+f2 and run "additional drivers"16:19
kasiineed a help on this http://imagebin.org/20998816:19
zykotick9yeah-man: alternatively you can rename /etc/init/lightdm to lightdm.disabled and that also worked for me.16:20
yeah-manzykotick9, Can you kindly paste your grub ?16:20
kasiineed a help on this http://imagebin.org/20998816:20
wylde!patience | kasii16:20
ubottukasii: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:20
zykotick9yeah-man: re:paste not easily sorry.16:20
kasiiwylde,  thank16:20
kasiiwylde,  thank s16:20
sfearskasii: maybe thrashed hardware?16:21
trinitronxwylde: Hmm.... 'apt-get -f install' gives errors too: http://pastebin.com/hx7WW4nT16:21
wyldekasii: you might find some useful ifo here >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFIBooting16:21
kasiisfears, have look at that screenshot16:21
sfearsi saw it kasii, looks like thrashed hardware.16:22
kasiisfears, have look at that screenshothttp://imagebin.org/20998816:22
sfearsincorreect heads/cylinders/tracks maybe they're missing becuase the disk is damaged16:22
wyldetrinitronx: ok this time it's a dpkg issue... little help here? I don't recall the exact dpkg --reconfigure command. 'dpkg-reconfigure -a'?16:22
kasiiwylde, yes it crshes so what to do right now16:22
trinitronxit's dpkg --configure -a16:23
jackbrownhfhey guy Does this kind of website https://www.virustotal.com are reliable as the original AV ?16:23
sfearswylde: trinitronx "sudo dpkg-reoncigure -a" i think16:23
Pici!ot | jackbrownhf16:23
ubottujackbrownhf: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:23
trinitronxwylde: that command gives me this error: dpkg: error: parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 55497 package 'indicator-displex': blank line in value of field 'Description'16:23
anaxwylde, I read the entire post and as I get it, they talk about swithing from my Intel card to my nVidia card, right?16:23
kasiisfears,  yes it crsahes so what to do right now16:23
countfuzzballWhen I 'sudo cp -a' some files in /bin to a ramdisk, I notice that some of the data seems to be stripped: 'du -hac /bin/ps: 92k' and 'du -hac /mnt/ram/ps: 88k'. What data is being stripped and is it bad?16:23
trinitronxwylde: I'll look into that /var/lib/dpkg/status file real quick16:24
sfearswhat to do right now? strippers!16:24
kasiikelvin, hi too16:24
yeah-manzykotick9, I was able to do but now i can't remember16:24
kelvinhi kelvinella16:24
wyldekasii: I have never had to deal with UEFI, I simply tried to assit you by giving you some info. Read through the page at that link and hopefully you will find some information that will help you. In the meantime repost your question approx. Every 15 to 20 minutes.16:24
user_ /nick Irendal16:24
=== user_ is now known as Irendal
thurgood1jenkinsubuntu is awesome16:25
kelvinkasii, hello16:25
Irendalhi, I have a question. Why is ubuntu installer so stupid?16:25
wyldeanax: yes, from what I read. You basically end up choosing one of the two.16:25
thurgood1jenkinsi am trying to figure out the best way to go from m4v to dvd ... most of the google responses are spam or outdated16:25
kasiikelvin, yes how are u16:25
wyldeanax: the intel will be the "powersaving" gpu. Nvidia for performance.16:25
kasiikelvin,  can u work on this http://imagebin.org/20998816:26
anaxwylde, but tell me. Can the Intel card produce 3D graphics? :) I don't play games, and I don't use any heavy graphic consuming programs, I would just like to enable Unity 3D. Can I do that on the Intel card? :)16:26
IrendalI had ubuntu 11.10 on my sustem. The installer proposed to erase ubuntu 11.10 and install 12.04 instead.16:26
IrendalI chose that option.16:26
conner_bwHi, I upgraded from 10.04 LTS to 12.04 LTS, it's more or less working. Problem: HUD finds nothing (search for anything is always no results), I can't enable global menus. I tried " sudo apt-get install appmenu-gtk appmenu-gtk3 appmenu-qt" and restarted, but it didn't work Help?16:26
Irendaland now it installs on another partition -_-16:26
nmittalwhy am i at grub rescue after a fresh install of 12.05??16:26
nmittalerror: no suck device: d6a30e22-oob3- ....16:27
barxooldoes anyone know how to use logical address in gdb (for example, how to read memory at %gs:0x14 ?)16:27
wyldeanax: in all honesty I don't know, my mobo has an onboard intel that can do 3d, but I use a pcie nvidia card instead anyway. (I'm on a desktop)16:27
barxooli'm in kubuntu 11.04, on x8616:27
IrendalI mean, if Ubuntu is telling me "install 12.04 , replacing 11.10", why does it install it on *other* partition than the one used by 11.10????16:28
sfearsIrendal: because it's trying to dual boot so you don't crash your system if install fails16:28
DropsOfSerenitywhy does unity not recognize some windows in alt-tab and launcher a lot, it happens with a lot of applications, particularly install scribes from the ubuntu software center and run it, it won't show up in alt-tab or on launcher when running.16:28
blitzdoesn't sound like logical default behavior16:29
Mauhdeebnmittal: Grub2 isn't updating during my install either. Probably just cannot update for some reason. Will have to manually update Grub2, search google for grub rescue and you should find a doc about how to so it from the Live CD16:29
sfearsjust manually tell it where to install Irendal16:29
anaxwylde: ok :) One more question. Do you know which drivers am I running now? I just installed Ubuntu and it worked out of the box. Note that I first installed 10.10, then updated to 11.10, then to 12.04 (sorry if I missed a number).16:29
IrendalI had a dual boot. with windows. I just wanted to replace 11.10 by 12.04. Instead, it decided "oh, i'll go install it somewhere else, that sounds like a good idea !"16:29
nmittalMauhdeeb, ok i am trying rescue and will reinstall grub16:29
wyldeanax: probably the nouveau drivers if you haven't added any graphics drivers yet.16:29
rajmahendraI have upgraded to new Ubuntu today. Once i upgrade completely i have shoutdown and restarted my laptop. when i login to my account my Unity is not working properly. Alt button is not working. I dont see the launcher nor i can see the dash. anyone help me in this ?16:29
PiciIrendal: File a bug then. This isn't the place to just complain.16:29
wylde!nouveau | anax16:30
ubottuanax: nouveau is an open-source nvidia driver included by default since Ubuntu 10.04. Currently, 3D rendering is only partially supported. More information can be found at http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/ | See !nvidia for the closed-source Nvidia driver.16:30
sfearsif you didn't know where it was going to install it (becasue it told you)... it was a good idea16:30
Mauhdeebnmittal: Just load the Live CD and do it from there, should fix you up16:30
Irendalsfears, it told me it was going to replace 11.10 by 12.04.16:30
nmittalMauhdeeb, problem is i use the alternate install cd16:30
IrendalI had 4 options, erase all, update 11.10, replace 11.10, manually tell him what to do.16:31
Irendali chose replace 11.10.16:31
cchiverswhy doesn't keyboard focus bind to a newly opened program?16:31
Irendaland that's not at all what it's doing16:31
Mauhdeebnmittal: Hmm, if I remember correctly Grub2 was implemented in 10.10? Any Live CD from then on should work? Any help here guys?16:31
DropsOfSerenitywhy does unity not recognize some windows in alt-tab and launcher a lot, it happens with a lot of applications, particularly install scribes from the ubuntu software center and run it, it won't show up in alt-tab or on launcher when running.16:31
=== IdleOne is now known as pangolin
PiciIrendal:  What do you hope to acheive by repeating this here?16:32
IrendalI don't know.16:32
dweezI'm wanting to upgrade to 12.04 but i want to use my uni's mirror.  how do I go about doing that?  Can it be done through Update manager or do I need to do it through apt-get?16:32
anaxHmm, so, if I install some drivers for the Intel card (if they exist), will that enable 3D? Or, will I have to switch to my nVidia card, and then use it all the time for 3D?16:32
Irendali don't know what to do anymore.16:32
rajmahendraIs there anything i am missing. only my account Unity is not working.16:32
kasiikelvin,  can u work on this http://imagebin.org/20998816:32
blitzkrieg3dweez: easiest would be to alter your sources.list16:32
blitzkrieg3and then use whatever tool you like16:32
Mauhdeebnmittal: You can also use a server cd as it uses Grub2 as well, if you have one16:33
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dweezwell, it's not an official mirror and when I try to add it, it doesn't like the path so it's keeping "Add Source" greyed out16:33
nmittalMauhdeeb, so rescue from alternate cd didnt work.. going to try the desktop live version.. i install from USB so not too bad16:33
Irendalinstall finished. next boot : "error:  unknown filesystem."16:34
Irendaland i get grub rescue.16:34
Irendalwhat am i supposed to do now?16:34
rajmahendracan you help me ... Ubuntu 12.04 upgrade Unity is not working in my account..16:34
L3topWell Irendal, you can copy your /home folder to someplace else, and install 1204 fresh16:34
rajmahendraanyone help me ?16:34
blitzso 12.04 makes the first window you maximize always max on the first monitor, how do I turn that off. If I hit maximize on a window on the second monitor I expect it to always maximize over there.16:35
IrendalL3top, that's what i was tryign to do.16:35
k013dear experts, with respect to wubi based installation, during booting it says - error prefix not set - i have done a web search for this and not found a solution - is this problem unsolved?16:35
sfearssounds like you need to reinstall grub Irendal16:35
Irendaland the ubuntu installer destroyed my system instead16:35
sfearsyour boot string is pointing to the wrong partition16:35
Irendalsfears, it just installed it. supposedly.16:35
L3topWhat is destroyed Irendal16:35
Irendalwell, nothing booting anymore?16:35
L3topThat sounds like bad grub, not destruction Irendal16:35
MauhdeebBoot to live cd and get into a shell to fix Grub16:35
anaxIrendal, I haven't listened to your problems from the start, but if you're having boot problmes, boot-repair always worked for me.16:36
BenderAny help with ubuntu keyboard shotcuts please? :)16:36
blitzalso what's with this whole, mouse needs to moving a certain speed to easily go from one monitor to another16:36
Irendalwell, i basically just trusted the installer to replace 11.10 by 12.0416:36
Irendaland it was a big mistake16:36
kasiikelvin,  can u work on this http://imagebin.org/20998816:36
Irendali'll try another install with manually telling him what to do...16:36
anaxIrendal: You upgraded from 11.10 to 12.04 through the Update Manager?16:36
L3topIt is just the bootloader... Irendal. Not sure why it hosed... and I understand your frustration... but... software was just released yesterday... there are bound to be hiccups, and while annoying, this isn't the end of the world.16:36
Irendali put the 12.04 CD16:37
Irendalit told me it would replace 11.10 (erase all) and put 12.04 instead16:37
kasiiL3top, help me on this http://imagebin.org/20998816:37
Irendalit's not just the bootloader, i saw during the install that it was using the wrong partitions.16:37
Irendali have no idea what it did exactly, but it was very wrong.16:37
MauhdeebIrendal: I erased my 11.10 and got grub rescue as well, you just have to fix Grub is all16:37
sfearsmaybe was a bad install, reformat and try again Irendal?16:37
L3topHow many partitions do you have?16:37
Irendalproblem is that i hope my windows is still there.16:37
L3topIs this a dual boot system Irendal?16:38
anaxIrendal: Ah, ok. Because I installed it over the Update manager, and something got messed up in Grub. It always reported that there is no such partition. To all my OSs. Then I booted with a Live CD, installed boot-repair, and that fixed the problem. :)16:38
sfearsyour windows should still be there Irendal.16:38
L3topUnderstood... well lets first check the integrity of windows, ok? Boot to live disk and look around. See whats going on. We will help you as best we can.16:38
MauhdeebIrendal:  I have dual boot as well. the partitions don't matter, its the disk that matters16:38
dbtmrohi. anyone know a fix for nvidia on ubuntu 12.04 ,  x3216:38
MrKeunerhello, what is the file ~/.recently-used.xbel.*16:38
MrKeunerreported as 61 petabytes...16:38
sfearsIrendal: boot into live session16:38
Irendalok i'll reboot with the CD16:39
Irendaland see what is where...16:39
L3topI have never done file recovery of a fat drive in linux kasii.16:39
rajmahendraanyone tell me how to reset unity in a account login ?16:40
DropsOfSerenitywhy does unity not recognize some windows in alt-tab and launcher a lot, it happens with a lot of applications, particularly install scribes from the ubuntu software center and run it, it won't show up in alt-tab or on launcher when running.16:40
nmittalhow do i fix/update grub from live CD16:40
escott!chroot | nmittal16:41
ubottunmittal: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot16:41
nmittalMauhdeeb, i am at the live version now.. how do i fix grub16:41
sfearsnmittal: wait for Irendal to get into his live session, maybe can do both at once16:41
Ch4rAssHi, I'm just installing ubuntu 12.04 32bit, but installation hangs. I see just ubuntu logo with dots uder it. How can I install it with nomodeset or without gui?16:41
nmittalsfears sure16:41
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sfearsnmittal: let me see your "sudo fdisk -l" output16:42
MauhdeebYeah a few folks are having this problem16:42
escottnmittal, mount /dev/sda1 /media/ubuntu; mount /dev/sda# /media/ubuntu/boot (if applicable); mount --bind /dev /media/ubuntu/dev; chroot /media/ubuntu; grub-install /dev/sda16:42
sfearsyup, what escott said16:42
escottnmittal, you may need to adjust /dev/sda1 as appropriate16:42
Irendalsfears, nah, i'll have to reinstall, it's not just grub that is messed up16:42
sfearshow do you know Irendal?16:42
anaxwylde: hey, have you worked with swticheroo? :)16:43
Irendali saw during the install that it was using /dev/sda716:43
Irendalwhich he shouldn't have been doing16:43
sfearswhy do you say that Irendal?16:43
nmittalsfears.. i cant copy from that machine16:43
Irendalbecause my previous ubuntu was not installed there16:43
Irendaland i wanted it to replace the previous ubuntu16:43
nmittaloh maybe i can login to xchat from there16:43
wyldeanax: nope :( I haven't needed it yet.16:43
sfearsnmittal: it's okay16:43
sfearswe need to figure out which partition / is on, do you know how to figure that out?16:44
anaxwylde: ah, ok. I don't have the switch that's needed on my computer. However, it says it is enabled.16:44
nmittalsfears /dev/sda1, sda2, sda516:44
erraticwhere does the config.inc.php fiel go16:44
wyldeanax: you could blacklist one of the graphics adapters. Maybe by trying each one in turn you can figure out which is going to work best for you.16:44
erraticfor phpmyadmmin16:44
nmittalsfears, sda5 is swap16:45
sfearsyeah, one is your swap partition, one is your / partition and maybe a /home or windows.  do you know which is which16:45
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Irendalso instead of using my 35 GB partition that was used by 11.10, it decided on its own to use another partition, bigger , for 12.04. all of that when it was saying "replace 11.10" ....16:45
anaxwylde: I have no idea how to do that, sorry. x)16:45
nmittalsfears sda1 says boot and is linux16:45
wyldeanax: no worries.16:45
nmittalsfears, sda2 is extended16:45
sfearsokay, that's probably the one nmittal. "sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt"16:45
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wavded add-apt-repository seems to be missing from 12.04 default?  is it in a package?16:46
k013dear experts, with respect to wubi based installation, during booting it says - error prefix not set - i have done a web search for this and not found a solution - is this problem unsolved?16:46
syki am having a problem install ubuntu 12.04 x64, when i boot into usb im getting "error prefix not set" and every option i select it just hangs.16:46
nmittalsfears, done16:46
DropsOfSerenitywhy does unity not recognize some windows in alt-tab and launcher a lot, it happens with a lot of applications, particularly install scribes from the ubuntu software center and run it, it won't show up in alt-tab or on launcher when running. Does no one else get this behavior? it seems to happen with a lot of different applications.16:46
sfearsok nmittal. "ls /mnt" does that have boot & proc etc...16:46
erraticwhere does the config.inc.php fiel go16:47
erraticfor phpmyadmmin16:47
Endafyok first install I got grub but grub said something about a disk not working so I reinstalled formatting my entire hardd drive and now all I get is a purple screen with no grub16:47
IrendalI also get the feeling that it installed the bootloader on my USB external drive, for some stupid reason.16:47
nmittalsfears, yes it does16:47
EndafyI am about 2 seconds from exploding help me please16:47
NFisherHi all! what packages do i have to install if i wanted to play .swf files in mplayer?16:47
erraticEndafy USE WINDOWS!16:47
ceti331__hi, has anyone sucessfully used an ubuntu machine as a wireless hotspot for mobile wifi devices ?16:47
Ch4rAssok I choosed nomodeset installation of 12.04 and now I'm in terminal. What should I fill in to get instllation running?16:47
Endafyerratic: fuck you troll16:47
sfearsnmittal: sudo mount -o bind /proc /mnt/proc16:47
EndafyI do nomodeset and it boots off the live cd16:48
zipaceEndafy: chances are you've run into a plymouth bug16:48
L3topOn the bright side Irendal sda1 is likely where your windows partition is. sda7 was probably just a big empty space.16:48
nmittalsfears, done16:48
Endafyzipace: well how do I fix it16:48
L3topEndafy: Is this an nVidia chipset?16:48
sfearsnmittal: sudo mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev16:48
Endafynvidia card16:48
Endafyintel chipset16:48
zipaceEndafy: try this: when booting, hit escape until the GRUB menu shows up, then boot recovery mode (AND WATCH THE MESSAGES! that's important)16:48
jeffrashDoing an clean install now.  The installer is very clean...more to come16:48
Endafyzipace: no grub16:48
Endafyjust goes purple with nothing on the screen16:48
IrendalL3top, yeah, it used some empty space... what i can't understand is why it deleted my former / partition, leaving empty space there.16:49
zipaceEndafy: if you get the purple screen it means that it already went beyond grub, trust me16:49
Endafyive downloaded and burned the iso 3 times16:49
zipace(it's the purple screen of death :P)16:49
IdleOneEndafy: please don't swear in here16:49
nmittalsfears, done16:49
sfearsnmittal: sudo mount -o bind /sys /mnt/sys16:49
nitzsEndafy: check the md5sum.16:49
nmittalsfears done16:49
Endafynitzs: hurr durr the md5 is fine on the iso and the disk16:49
L3topEndafy: I would try holding the shift key on boot, see if it can get into recovery console, reinstall the nvidia drivers. Some folks seem to be getting this on certain nvidia GPUs.16:49
zipaceEndafy: yes, the ISO is probably just fine, there's a chance you got yourself an unstable version of ubuntu16:50
sfearsnmittal: sudo chroot /mnt /bin/bash16:50
Endafydownloaded and burned 3 different cds16:50
zipaceEndafy: please vut that out, i AM trying to help you here16:50
Escherialanyone happen to know of a really nice powerpoint replacement? libre/openoffice is frustrating16:50
Endafyzipace: the final version of 12.0416:50
nmittalsfears, done16:50
Escheriali'm also seeing kpresenter in these search results, but i don't know if it's any god16:50
Escherial*good, even?16:50
sfearsnmittal: sudo update-grub16:50
zipaceEndafy: good, like i said, reboot, hit escape until grub shows up, then boot into rescue mode16:50
Endafyzipace: sorry its just annoying that an LTS is having this many issues16:50
nmittalsfears i see root@ubuntu:/#16:50
Mauhdeebwhy the /bin/bash ? Wouldn't /mnt just work?16:50
Endafyzipace: I do and it does nothing ive tried trust me16:51
Endafyim not a noob ubuntu user16:51
Irendalnow when i try to re-create / where it was before, it gives it the name /dev/sda9, instead of sda5 as before...16:51
Endafybut ill try again16:51
zipaceEndafy: there are literally billions of reasons that could cause this behaviour, and most of them are because of PEBKAC16:51
Endafynot in this issue16:51
nmittalsfears done.. reboot?16:51
Endafyworks on some computers16:51
Ch4rAsspls help :(, I choosed nomodeset installation of 12.04 and now I'm in terminal. What should I fill in to get instllation running? ubiquity ?16:51
L3topEndafy zipace: It appears to be limited to a handful of nVidia PCI IDs... from what I have seen.16:51
Endafydoesnt on mine16:51
Endafymine is most important16:51
Irendalis it possible to rename the partitions so that they match their place in the hard drive? like, sda5 before sda6, etc....16:51
sfearsnmittal: grub-install /dev/sda16:51
EndafyL3top: right16:52
sfearswe were on sda right?16:52
nmittalsfears installation finished no error reported16:52
anaxOh, man, this is killing me. Will the Ubuntu community hate me if I post this on forums? There's nothing on my particular laptop model, and there a million guides that all lead to different things, and I have no idea what to do. For those that do not know, I want to use more graphic power on my Ubuntu 12.04. I have a GeForce 520M Cuda with an Intel integrated card.16:52
jtaylorhas dodging windows for the launcher been removed in 12.04?16:52
EndafyL3top: would that stop me from getting to grub with shift or esc?16:52
Mauhdeebsfears: Wouldn't it be update-grub2?16:52
zipaceL3top: that could well be, but if he gets the purple screen, ubuntu is already able to detect the monitor, and EVERY modern nvidia gpu supports basic VGA, which is about everything needed to at least boot into a shell16:52
trismjtaylor: yes16:52
L3topanax: check out bumblebee16:53
jtaylortrism: k, do you know why?16:53
sfearsohh, maybe Mauhdeeb, he can update later if it works16:53
nitzsanax: the drivers are not upto par for optimus yet.16:53
Endafythis is bad I mean its acceptable on an interim 6 month release but not on an LTS16:53
gizeroIs /etc/environment the preferred way to add /opt/bin to my PATH?16:53
nmittalsfears so reboot now?16:53
L3topYes... I am quite sure that he will be able to boot into recovery console holding shift zipace16:53
erraticman Im glad that endafy dude left16:53
sfearswell, umount /proc16:54
* Guest47689 *Waves*16:54
sfearsumount /dev16:54
zipaceL3top: it's shift, not escape? well sh!t :P16:54
sfearsumount /mnt16:54
blitzhow do I make it so that my cursor doesn't get stuck in between screens if I'm not moving it fast enough16:54
zipacepretty sure i've read it's escape though16:54
sfearsmay need to exit the chroot session first, then umount16:54
nmittalsfears, /mnt : not mounted16:54
NFisherWhat packages do i have to install if i wanted to play .swf files in mplayer?16:54
anaxL3top: I read about bumblebee, but at the end of the thread, it said that I don't need it for my Cuda card (or I misinterpreted the text again). nitzs: I just want to enable 3D support, I don't need the full power of the cards, switching, and so on.16:54
L3toplol sorry... ours is shift... ubuntu is space... I gets confused zipace16:55
nmittalsfears now?16:55
DropsOfSerenitywhy does unity not recognize some windows in alt-tab and launcher a lot, it happens with a lot of applications, particularly install scribes from the ubuntu software center and run it, it won't show up in alt-tab or on launcher when running. Does no one else get this behavior? it seems to happen with a lot of different applications.16:55
Mauhdeebsudo unmount /mnt/dev16:55
zipaceL3top: it's cool, but what do you mean by "ours"?16:55
sfearsyup nmittal, should be good to go16:55
Mauhdeebsudo unmount /mnt/proc16:55
nitzsNFisher: you cannot do that.16:55
BenderCan you help me with the keyboard shortcuts customization?16:55
magmawhy the unity bar doesn't auto-hide anymore with this last version update?16:55
L3topanax: if lspci | grep VGA produces 2 gpu's it is going to get confused.16:55
sfearsumount Mauhdeeb16:56
NFishernitzs, totem then..16:56
Mauhdeebblah yea16:56
nmittalsfears, ok fingers crossed16:56
nitzsNFisher: just play them in your browser.16:56
L3topzipace: just an open source linux project I burn my heartbeats away on.16:56
NFishernitzs, that is not an otion16:56
zipaceL3top: ooh, tell me more please16:57
anaxL3top, yep, it produced two cards.16:57
Irendalso I guess the algorithm used by the "replace 11.10" option was "delete the / partition of 11.10, create a new / partition for 12.04". It was just missing "AT THE SAME PLACE" -_-16:57
nmittalsfears now the live session wont shutdown16:57
nitzsNFisher: install gnash player then.16:57
sfearssudo shutdown now -P16:57
wavdedadd-apt-repository doesn't seem to exist in Ubuntu 12.04 Server Ed, have just updated lastest16:57
L3toplinuxmce.org   home automation platform with a media center. It is... very big.16:57
rajmahendra I have upgraded my Ubuntu to 12.4 today i shoutdown and restarted my laptop after i login to my accoutn i see that Unity is not showing the launcher nor i can get the dash. i switched to Gnome. can anyone help me in this to enable unity on my account ?16:57
wavdeddoesn't anyone know where it went?16:57
erkan^hello, where can I found a icon --> Trash on panel by Gnome Classic (12.04)?16:57
nmittalsfears i am at the login page, i accidently logged out of the LIVE session16:58
NFishernitzs, it is possible in totem too, no need to install extra software16:58
magmawhy the unity bar doesn't auto-hide anymore with this last version update?16:58
NoTruthis this the right channel to ask a quick 12.04 question about power issues?16:58
brett_hDoes Ubuntu's Alt-Tab switcher force you to press "Enter" to select an app to choose to, or is mine just messed up?16:58
sfearsthere's not a shutdown option there nmittal, i would suggest a clean shutdown since we were playing with the real disk16:58
L3topanax the only way I am aware of to utilize the nvidia GPU for accel/compositing is by switching, or manually forcing it.16:58
anaxL3top: so, should I go with Bumblbee after all? And will I have Unity 3D then? :)16:58
nmittalsfears.. i did it from another ttf16:58
nmittalsfears, rebooting now16:58
nitzsNFisher: does it work in totem?16:59
Ch4rAssno response, going to install linuxmint :(16:59
L3topanax: That is what I would do.16:59
Mauhdeebwtg bud16:59
anaxL3top: Well, if the Intel card is capable of going 3D, I'm cool with that, too. I just want Unity 3D.16:59
LmAtHow do I copy to the clipboard from tty?16:59
NFishernitzs, it did, but im missing the plugin since reinstalling Ubuntu.. cant figure out what it is thats missing16:59
escottLmAt, export DISPLAY=:0; then use xclip17:00
nmittalsfears nope same screen17:00
L3topanax: the idea behind the dual GPU is a low power no frills one for basic operation to preserve battery life, and a fancy one for fancy things. I would place unity 3d in the fancy category. I17:00
LmAtescott; Thanks!17:00
sfearswhat's the screen nmittal?17:00
L3topanax: but do expect a hit on battery life.17:00
NoTruthIn 11.10, i've laptop battery issues where the OS forces my processor to full capacity no matter what, causing over heating and excess power drains. Does 12.04 fix this?17:00
ziyadbHi, I've upgraded to 12.04 and unity 3D isn't working.17:00
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nmittalsfears grub rescue17:00
anaxL3top: Alright, I shall try Bumblebee when I come home. Thanks, L3top! :)17:00
nitzsNFisher: totem-mozilla? totem-plugins?17:00
trinitronxso I think I figured out my dist-upgrade issue17:00
nmittalsfears, no such device: d8a30...17:00
Irendalwhere can i report a bug of the ubuntu installer?17:01
trinitronxthere was a syntax error in my /var/lib/dpkg/status file.  I added a '.' to the beginning of a blank line that it was complaining about17:01
dustinspringmanwhen did Ubuntu+1 go into "invite only" ?17:01
NFishernitzs, no17:01
violinappren!bug |  Irendal17:01
ubottuIrendal: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.17:01
=== elen is now known as Guest42391
trinitronxthen re-ran 'sudo dpkg --configure -a'17:02
acicula dustinspringman its down until there is a new alpha build17:02
sfearsnmittal: is that before or after you pick something from the grub menu?17:02
nmittalsfears, before  i never saw grub17:02
sfearscan you try a different kernel or recovery mode?17:02
Irendaland what package is the installer?17:02
dustinspringmanacicula: thanks for the heads up... i just figured it stayed up for all the "folks that are in the edgers realm"..17:02
sfearsmaybe try holding down the escape key to display the grub menu?17:02
sfearsand try a recovery mode?17:02
aciculadustinspringman: there are no folks in the edgers realm atm :)17:03
DropsOfSerenitywhy does unity not recognize some windows in alt-tab and launcher a lot, it happens with a lot of applications, particularly install scribes from the ubuntu software center and run it, it won't show up in alt-tab or on launcher when running. Does no one else get this behavior? it seems to happen with a lot of different applications.17:04
violinapprensfears: shift key17:04
nitzsNFisher: were you able to play flash swf files in totem? flash games too?17:04
sfearsahh, nmittal.. use the shift key to display the grub menu and try a different kernel17:05
Irendalhmm, another question............ has grub changed style between 11.10 and 12.04?17:05
VarazirIs there a good tool to check if udp/tcp pages getting recived, I'm having problem with a dns server, I can ping it17:05
violinapprenIrendal: "If you have a bug in the installer found on the "desktop" or "live" CD (the graphical installer), then please file that against the "ubiquity" package. If you have a bug in the installer found on the "alternate", "server", or "install" CD (the text-based installer), then please file that against the "debian-installer" package in the first instance."17:05
Irendalok thanks17:06
bcuraboyhi.i've installed ubuntu  12.04 beta 2.wasn't i supoused to be upgraded??17:06
Irendalso about grub... is it normal if it looks like the grub from 10 years ago?17:06
nmittalsfears, i am just grub rescue prompt17:06
zykotick9!final | bcuraboy17:06
ubottubcuraboy: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.17:06
sfearsnmittal: you tried holding shift down? and escape?17:06
OerHeksIrendal, grub2 still looks the same to me.17:06
violinapprenVarazir: try dig17:07
NFishernitzs, not games, but movies17:07
IrendalOerHeks, ok, i guess it's just a cosmetic change.17:07
sfearsyou can add a background image to your grub Irendal17:07
nmittalsfears, holding esc and shift17:07
violinapprenbcuraboy: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade17:07
bcuraboyi've done that17:07
blitzhow do I reset to unity defaults using CCSM17:07
bcuraboybut no upgrades available17:07
NFishernitzs, well i might have messed up smth here.. i guess i meant flv.17:08
sfearsand grub installed without error? i'd say you have a bad kernel, you need to choose the recovery mode and upgrade17:08
NFishernitzs, sry17:08
nitzsNFisher: oh. then install the gstreamer-plugins-*17:08
zykotick9bcuraboy: i only had 1 update between beta and final17:08
violinapprenbcuraboy: it will recieves updates not upgrades, it's already the latest release17:08
zenmasterGood morning. I am having a hard time connecting Via Windows Seven to Ubnuntu-Server-11.10 via XRDP.17:08
bcuraboyso my version will always be named as beta??17:08
violinapprenbcuraboy: where is it "named" beta?17:08
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NFishernitzs, thanks!17:09
ResistyHello, I'm trying to figure out what happens when I call `unlink /var/log/lastlog`. I was under the impression that the file gets created whenever somebody logs into the machine, but after I use unlink and logout/login, the file is still gone. Does anybody have some insight they can share?17:09
Varazirviolinappren: ok thanks , bbl if I need more help :)17:10
tdubellzHiya, I'm unable to connect to wireless with my laptop. My wireless card is a Broadcom 4313GN 802.11b/g/n17:10
bcuraboya while back when i send a bug report it showed me at the end of the report some beta placed  in there17:10
tdubellzsince i don't have a wired connection, i'm not even sure how'd i'd go about install firmware for it, if i found some17:10
MechanisMhi! after update settings unable to start17:11
violinapprenbcuraboy: a "while back" it was still beta17:11
bcuraboyit was some minutes ago17:11
nmittalsfears, holding shift down and escape, i am only getting grub rescue prompt17:11
violinapprenbcuraboy: im guessing, you shouldnt bother17:11
nmittalsfears, do you want me to try again with live cd17:11
spacebug-will the package "btnx" come back in Precise or has it been deleted forever?17:11
sykim trying to install ubuntu 12.04 64bit but everytime i select an option like try ubuntu without installing screen just goes black with a blinking cursor and does nothing17:11
sfearsnmittal: if our grub reinstall completed without errors and it's still dumping you to a rescue prompt i'd say you have a bad kernel17:12
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violinappren!nomodeset | syk17:12
ubottusyk: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:12
sfearsdid you used to have a grub menu nmittal?17:12
bcuraboyi'm not bothered.i love ubuntu and i'm using it for some years :D17:12
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sysRPLhello. can someone help me? i have created some myapplication.desot files in my ~/.local/application folder, but when i use the unity search (super key) my applications (.desktop files) aren't being found. i've tried logging out and back in and still they aren't found17:12
sfearscan anyone help nmittal get to a grub menu? is it the shift key?17:13
escottsysRPL, why not use desktop-file-install17:13
rsvpwe're running 10.04 -- why does the Ubuntu engineer recommend waiting until JULY's point release for upgrading to 12.04 ??? And will that point release be available as iso to burn to CD ???17:14
sysRPLescott, well these are desktop files reference scripts in my hom/bon folder17:14
sfearsi'm not sure where to go from here nmittal other than a reinstall17:14
dbtmrohi. anyone know a fix for nvidia on ubuntu 12.04 ,  x32 ?17:14
zykotick9rsvp: it's expected that people still running the last LTS, would want a stable new LTS - thus they need the testing between release and the .1 release.17:15
sfearsbut i think we just need to choose the reocvery console and repair from there nmittal.17:15
Irendaldbdii407, fix for what? you can install the nvidia official drivers17:15
ghabitHello. Fresh 12.04 install. But I have no sound! Help me please.17:15
dbtmroit does not working. after install freeses17:15
blitzcan someone help me fix unity, I seem to have broken it using CCSM17:15
ghabitBtw ubuntu istalling is difficult, so much bugs...17:15
rsvpghabit, can u hear me?17:15
dbtmroin unity17:15
nmittalsfears, so i will try to reinstall and choose rescue17:16
ghabitrsvp, I can read you. But without sound.17:16
rsvpjust kidding, dude.17:16
brett_hDoes Ubuntu's Alt-Tab switcher force you to press "Enter" to select an app to switch to, or is mine just messed up?17:16
ghabitI see ^)17:16
ghabitHow to setup sound guys?17:16
ghabitWanna music.17:16
dbtmroI've installed recomended driver with the same result17:16
zeenoghabit, you have two sound devices?17:16
sfearseither recovery console from the grub menu you can't seem to get to.  or just reinstall nmittal17:17
dbtmroplease help17:17
ghabitzeeno, looks like ubuntu thinks my nvidia video card is soundcard too.17:17
zeenodbtmro, and what result is that.. i just came here17:17
sfearsi'm not 100% that the grub menu is there nmittal, but i think it is.  Your boot string is pointing to something corrupted or missing and dumping you to a grub resuce when it fails17:18
dbtmronvidia driver frease desktop17:18
dbtmroI have to force restart17:18
zeenoghabit, in command, type this, aplay --list-devices17:18
ghabitalso, how to setup background of login window?17:18
dbtmrosorry for bad english17:18
zeenoghabit, bye.17:18
rsvpzykotick9, one would think that the alpha, beta, and final would have tested upgrade migration. Everything I have read so far indicates smooth transition -- anyone hear any disaster stories re 12.04 upgrades ???17:19
ghabitzeeno, why?17:19
zeenobecause you're greedy17:19
dbtmrohelp zeeno17:19
=== Vayne is now known as blahblahnick
ghabitzeeno, output of your command http://pastebin.com/Zhqmh7Sn17:20
Aditya|AutoSpaceI installed UBUNTU 12.04 today but on some little high processing my PC  started getting reboot17:20
auronandaceAditya|AutoSpace: sounds like its overheating17:21
violinapprenAditya|AutoSpace: sounds like you're fan/cooling system is defective17:21
Aditya|AutoSpaceNo overheating17:21
violinapprenyour *17:21
rsvpwill Ubuntu issue an iso for the 12.04.1 point release in July?17:21
Aditya|AutoSpaceIt's cool enough17:21
violinapprenrsvp: yes17:21
Aditya|AutoSpaceFYI I installed using wubi.exe17:22
Aditya|AutoSpaceWindows installations17:22
ZeroAdamhow goes the upgrading?17:22
Irendalhow to stop X in ubuntu 12.04?17:22
MayaZeroAdam: Push CTRL+ALT+T17:23
rsvpviolinappren, thanks -- will have to burn more CDs in July then ... like August leaves.17:23
violinappren!sensors | Aditya|AutoSpace17:23
ubottuAditya|AutoSpace: To access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.17:23
ghabitguys, anyone can help with sound? I have no sound with fresh install of 12.0417:23
dbtmroanyone help fix for nvidia on ubuntu 12.04 ,  x32 please17:23
auronandaceIrendal: sudo service lightdm stop17:23
ZeroAdamI meant how is it going for everyone today who is upgrading17:23
zykotick9Irendal: "sudo service lightdm stop" if you want it temporaily.  or add "text" to grub if you want it permanent.17:23
Irendalauronandace, thanks17:23
MayaZeroAdam: Lol oops.17:23
violinapprenrsvp: always a good practice to wait to point releases for critical servers17:23
|Anthony|if i use sudo to edit another users file, will the permissions of that file change to the sudoer?17:23
zeeno|Anthony|, no17:24
ZeroAdamMaya: thank you though! :)17:24
Aditya|AutoSpaceubottu: I am using Windows too, no overheating issue there. So..Ubuntu might cause overheating?17:24
ubottuAditya|AutoSpace: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:24
MayaZeroAdam: Worked out fine, except I was doing that on Linuxmint distro. xD, I had issue regarding unity though, I decided to jsut clean install Ubuntu in the end.17:24
ghabitzeeno, dude...17:25
rsvpviolinappren, what about machines of impatient relatives?17:25
* zeeno thinks ubottu is a cool dude17:25
MayaUsing Ubuntu 12.04, I replace default screensaver with XScreensaver. I can nolonger use the "Lock Screen" button on Unity's tray. I tried replacing that with a shell script, but that didn't help.17:25
ZeroAdamMaya: I've been waiting all day to upgrade my computer at work. I'm wondering how long it's going to take depending on load17:25
Aditya|AutoSpaceviolinappren: I am using Windows too, no overheating issue there. So..Ubuntu might cause overheating?17:25
zeeno!ops Aditya|AutoSpace17:26
MayaZeroAdam: Upgrade might take as long as install actually.17:26
* Aditya|AutoSpace thinks zeeni is cool dude!17:26
LjLzeeno: any reason you did that?17:26
drecutePlease may I know what could be causing this: http://codepad.org/5Twm5fYe17:26
Aditya|AutoSpaceCan any other issue causes rebooting?17:27
rsvpyou know, when Ubuntu issues Amazon Machine Images -- are there also versions for point releases e.g. 10.04.1 ??17:27
Aditya|AutoSpaceI will give try to fresh installations17:27
LjLzeeno, don't call ops without a reason please17:27
Karpusinstalled 12.04 x86 a few hours ago on a dell inspiron laptop and everything's working great except that the computer does not shut down (via gui or terminal) - I have to hold the power button to shut it down, what could be wrong? :/17:27
samekhello, i have updated 10.04 -> 12.04 and it takes about 700mb more space on disk.. why is that?17:27
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ZeroAdamMaya: I'm hearing 4 hours for the server upgrade17:28
rsvpsamek, did u upgrade via CD or online?17:28
rumpe1samek, maybe the upgrade-packages are still in apt's cache?17:28
samekrsvp: online and already did apt-get clean17:29
ghabitzeeno, how to ask a bot for this issue?17:29
L3topsamek sudo apt-get autoclean   ?17:29
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.17:29
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zeenoAditya|AutoSpace, you do know ubottu is not a real person right?17:29
Aditya|AutoSpaceI know for now17:30
MayaZeroAdam: Server upgrade? Yikes.17:30
d34th4ck3r_anyone here know a permanent method for export , besides writing them in .bashrc ? :P17:30
zeenoAditya|AutoSpace, then I dont think you need to re-paste the same thing to other people.. it looks as if you're spamming17:30
ghabitguys, anyone can help with sound? I have no sound with fresh install of 12.0417:30
samekL3top: doesn't help17:30
drecutePlease may I know what could be causing this: http://codepad.org/5Twm5fYe17:30
wylded34th4ck3r_: /etc/exports?17:30
MayaI would better off just simply chroot install Ubuntu. xD17:31
Aditya|AutoSpacezeeno : Apologies for that!17:31
IdleOnedrecute: See http://projects.gnome.org/gconf/ for information.17:31
d34th4ck3r_wylde: no such file.17:31
zykotick9wylde: i think d34th4ck3r_ means bash exports, not nfs exports17:31
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.17:32
MayaWhen one pushes the "Lock Screen" button in Ubuntu 12.04, what command does that trigger?17:32
L3topsamek check out gdmap... see if you can find it visually.17:32
wyldezykotick9: I think you're right, but he didn't specify :)17:32
violinapprenAditya|AutoSpace:  in a terminal: pastebinit -i /var/log/kernlog17:32
MayaAditya|AutoSpace: What are you trying to do>17:32
wyldezykotick9: I should just not say anything when I'm only half paying attention, my bad.17:32
sysRPLwhy can't i mouse lasso select files/folder in nautilus when in list mode?17:33
Aditya|AutoSpaceMaya: I just installed and was looking around and got reboot17:33
samekL3top: thanks, i'll look into that17:33
zeenod34th4ck3r_, export is a bash builtin. where other place do you think you'll want to place it? (you mean in /etc/<> or /etc/<bash.d>/ ?)17:33
ThinkT510!brain | Aditya|AutoSpace17:33
ubottuAditya|AutoSpace: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots17:33
L3topsysRPL: You can, you just have to move to "date" or one of the other attributes iirc17:33
Aditya|AutoSpaceviolinappren: I will get my kernel log ASAP17:34
ZeroAdamMaya: sry.. was away.. Yeah I have a server at home i want to upgrade. going to wait until i get home though17:34
ZeroAdamabout how long have the desktops been taking to upgrade?17:34
sysRPLL3top, if my mouse ins in a blank area (e.g. anywhere below the files) i cannot lasso select17:34
Aditya|AutoSpaceBTW Another problem is that I can't connect my CDMA Modem after 11.0417:34
rsvpa permanent export is always relative to the parent process -- so in .profile or even in .bash_aliases would work on startup.17:34
sysRPLL3top, it jsut doesn't work17:35
Irendalcompiz segfault....17:35
L3topsysRPL: move to the RIGHT in the ATTRIBUTES17:35
zeenoZeroAdam, depends if you're doing upgrade via online -- on how fast the net is for you, or offline which may be faster17:35
Irendalwhat is compiz exactly?17:35
ThinkT510Irendal: the wm17:35
Irendalthat explains the empty screen17:35
ThinkT510Irendal: window manager17:35
zeenoIrendal, compiz is that graphical window effect for having wobbly windows17:35
rsvpcompiz is 3D candy for the eye.17:35
sysRPLL3top, i have four columns, none of which are attributes17:35
Irendalok thanks17:35
* L3top moves to ubuntu machine.17:36
sysRPLi have name, size,type, and date17:36
MayaZeroAdam: What not just ssh to it and initialize upgrade?17:36
consumerismthere used to be a package openoffice.org-headless in lucid. i'm trying to find the same package in precise, but i can't. help?17:36
Sampleis xmonad also a window manager?17:36
roddSo, 12.04 won't be available for 10.04 until 12.04.01 (from update-manager). However, will I be able to update from a CD containing the 12.04 iso?17:36
ThinkT510consumerism: its libreoffice now17:37
ZeroAdamMaya: that pesky warning message, has me thinking something will go wrong and then i'll lose connection and have a mess to deal with when I get home anyway17:37
zeenoZeroAdam, Maya, upgrading via ssh (be sure to use the program "screen", if the ssh closes, screen will remain operating on the machine)17:37
Sampleare compiz and xmonad two different window managers that occupy the same group and are mutually exclusive?17:37
rsvprodd, they told me there will be an 12.04.1 iso.17:37
violinapprenSample: yes17:37
sysRPLit's not possible to lasso select files with the mouse in nautilus if you're in listview mode17:37
roddrsvp, hm right, from what I saw somewhere in ubuntu's website 12.04.01 won't be available until august17:38
roddguess I'd better go with a fresh install17:38
UnwinnableDonBI'm trying to get my close/min/max buttons on the left in gnome-shell on 12.04 following these directions, but it's not taking: http://geekum.wordpress.com/2011/05/25/how-to-move-close-button-in-debian-gnome-shell-to-left-like-ubuntu/ Any thoughts?17:38
rsvprodd, July17:38
Mayazeeno, ZeroAdam: You could just use an apt command to continue iirc.17:38
Sampleviolinappren: interesting. does compiz itself have any tiling capacity or is it mostly about being pretty?17:38
ZeroAdamzeeno: I had to read up on screen today, which is why I was hesitant. So basically just ssh to the server then do a screen session and run the upgrade in the screen session?17:38
rsvprodd, try the upgrade -- if it breaks, then you can always go fresh.17:39
violinapprenSample: no tiling as far as i know17:39
zeenoZeroAdam, yes, because if you're ssh terminates, apt will get killed17:39
roddrsvp, unsure about that, this is my work box not my personal pc17:39
zykotick9!alternate | rodd notice the upgrade part, you can't upgrade with a livecd17:39
roddill wait till july17:39
ubotturodd notice the upgrade part, you can't upgrade with a livecd: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal17:39
zeenoZeroAdam, but if screen is running (screen is a multiplexer, it'll run bash under it on startup)17:39
zeenoZeroAdam, then screen will remain active,17:39
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Sonnensturzmay someone can help me. My ubutu is randomly crashing and the log only says "NVRM: os_schedule: Attempted to yield the CPU while in atomic or interrupt context" and google doesnt help me :(17:40
Sampleviolinappren: am I correct in thinking that unity is actually what makees things pretty but compiz... is something else?17:40
roddzykotick9, thanks for pointing that out17:40
ZeroAdamzeeno: will that screen session then also be visible via the monitor attached to the server when I get home17:40
zeenoZeroAdam, if ssh closes, you simply re-ssh in and then you always type "screen -RR" << which means ask screen to return to any background running tasks17:40
ZeroAdamzeeno: ahh I see17:40
rsvpwill a fresh install from 12.04 CD, preserve existing partitions?17:40
braverythe gnome panel on "gnome without effects" does not have any options to modify it.Right clicking on it shows no menu.17:40
ThinkT510Sample: unity is a shell on top of gnome3, compiz is the default window manager of unity17:40
violinapprenSample: if by making things pretty you mean fancy window effects, then no, it's compiz17:40
trismbravery: alt+right click17:41
drewhhello y'all, I've just updated to 12.04 and the ctrl+alt+KP4-6 aren't working anymore to resize windows. Anyone know about this?17:41
Karpusdoes ubuntu 12.04 with a nvidia card fallback to nouveau if the proprietary nvidia driver isn't installed?17:41
escottSonnensturz, nvidia graphics driver bug17:41
zeenoZeroAdam, the common helper shortcut in screen is , 'ctl-a' then '?' for the list of other shortcuts17:41
braverytrism, thnx, it works!17:41
ZeroAdamzeeno: cool thanks!17:41
violinapprenrsvp: many kinds of partitioning options are supposed by the installer including manually specifying what to keep and what to go17:42
zeenoZeroAdam, i usually dont use more than ctl-a 'c' and ctl-a 'p' or ctl-a 'spacebar'17:42
DebolazHmmm, I'm starting to sense that Linux has a few bugs when dealing with slow storage.17:42
ZeroAdamMaya: I like clean installs too, but I'm not up to speed to be able to clean install and still have all my setups still work afterward17:42
esrrmsIf I want to make a quick edit to ALSA's sound/usb/quirks-table.h file and install it, do I have to compile the whole kernel or can I just compile the alsa modules somehow?17:42
Micklieenfin j'ai récupéré mon pseudo !17:43
ZeroAdamzeeno: Cool... I looked at the ^a ? and switched between windows playing around17:43
ThinkT510!fr | Micklie17:43
ubottuMicklie: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.17:43
L3mcesysRPL: You are correct. I primarily use kdm. Sorry to be confusing.17:43
Micklieoups sorry j'avais pas vu17:43
Monotokohey guys... how do I change my repos? The GB ones seem to be being hammered still :(17:43
SampleThinkT510: so gnome3 runs beneath unity?17:44
rsvpcan we get clarified: is ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso is so-called "LiveCD" which CANNOT be used to upgrade ??? and the "Alternate" iso must be used for upgrading ??17:44
ThinkT510Sample: yes, unity is built on top of gnome317:44
ThinkT510Sample: in 11.04 is was on top of gnome217:44
sysRPLL3mce, okay no problem ... can you tell me how to get the unit search (super key) to see desktop files in my ~/.local/application folder?17:45
Monotokorsvp, you don't need a disk to upgrade17:45
Monotokorsvp, which version are you on atm?17:45
SampleThinkT510: hm okay. and so what does unity do with windows that compiz does not, and visa versa?17:45
imbezolany first impressions of the new version? working ok without problems or have there been snags?17:45
imbezolwondering if i should upgrade right away or let it settle17:45
braveryUbuntu should have one voip application working well as most of the people use it. I tried all the application available in SC but no fruit.Ekiga was well with 11.04 but here does not connect.17:46
ThinkT510Sample: no you misunderstand, unity uses compiz as the window manager, unity is basically what you'd call the desktop environment17:46
L3mcesysRPL: view/show hidden files?17:46
L3mcesysRPL: I am not very gui friendly... I barely use them.17:46
rsvpMonotoko, I'm 10.04 -- just burned the CD for ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso -- now wondering if even can be used to upgrade to 12.04.17:46
braveryimbezol, be patient...or do a clean install, it will minimize the number of pain killers17:47
Monotokorsvp... just use "do-release-upgrade" in the terminal inside 10.04... you do not need the disk17:47
ThinkT510Sample: if you were running xfce (desktop environment) your window manager would be xfwm417:47
Monotokorsvp, the disk is only for a clean install17:47
imbezolbravery: i find a lot of times the problem with the upgrades is the cruft in the home dir17:47
blitzhow do I restore unity2d to it's default settings17:47
sysRPLcan anyone tell me how to get the unit search (super key) to see desktop files in my ~/.local/application folder? ... when i use desktop-file-install the fiels work find, but i don't want these files in my /usr/share/application folder17:47
imbezolbravery: i'd like to see a guide that shows what configs to wipe out so it doesn't mess stuff up17:47
SampleThinkT510: okay so unity relies on compiz to interpret its X window API and render a window (including all17:47
Sample"pretty" effects?17:48
sysRPLunity search17:48
imbezolbravery: a lot of times problems seen with your usual login don't exist if you try a new login17:48
braveryimbezol, I have read many people messed up with upgrade.17:48
BadCodSmellMY install doesn't appear to have updated sources.list with web sources, is there an easy way to update this from bash?17:48
b0otWhere are the startup application entries stored in ubuntu 10.04?17:48
rsvpMonotoko, are you sure? and what about the necessity of the -d as in "do-release-upgrade -d"  ?17:48
ThinkT510Sample: yes, and unity2d uses metacity instead of compiz as the window manager17:48
nmittali reinstalled ubuntu several times and after installation it keeps coming back to grub rescue prompt... what am i doing wrong??17:48
imbezolbravery: upgrading to 11.10 was not a good experience. still doesn't work as good as 11.04 did17:48
braveryimbezol, I have see people comment like creating a separate /home, but dont know how17:49
Monotokorsvp. -d gives you the development version... just a simple do-release-upgrade will give you 12.0417:49
drewhanyone know why keybinding ctrl+alt+KP5 (& 4, 6) stopped working in 12.04?17:49
escott!home | bravery17:49
ubottubravery: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving17:49
hdevAnybody an idea how I access fan control of a vaio vpcsb? it doesn't seem to have pwd entries in /sys/17:49
Monotokorsvp, however, make sure you have a backup....17:49
Monotokoupgrades have got better, but they are still a rough ride sometimes17:49
violinapprenb0ot: ~/.config/autostart17:50
b0otviolinappren: thanks17:50
ThinkT510nothing beats a fresh install17:50
SampleThinkT510: what's Unity2D? a different distribution?17:50
BadCodSmellWhat's the default post install sources.list for underpants server 12.04?17:50
nmittalThinkT510, if it works17:50
IrendalI'm confused with the new interface, I have some music running, how do i open the application window that corresponds?17:50
nmittalThinkT510, my fresh install keeps brining me to grub rescue17:50
bsmith093is 12 out yet i dont see it. im on the main server17:50
ThinkT510Sample: no, unity2d is the lesser version of unity, you fall back to unity2d if you can't run full unity (usually due to the graphics)17:51
MonotokoIrendal: top right..click your name... there is the music app17:51
Irendaloh, under the sounds icon. makes sense :)17:51
rsvpall right guys -- thanks for all your kind advice! Heading out for early lunch, ciao.17:51
ThinkT510nmittal: sounds like grub isn't installing properly17:51
Monotoko Irendal, no problem :) it all makes sense once you get used to it ^^17:52
SampleThinkT510: so... unity IS responsible for making things pretty (including how the windows look?)?17:52
bsmith09312 says its a beta release on update manager d17:52
jlsjonashey, since I upgraded to 12.04 (after getting rid of the no-boot bug caused by NVIDIA GPU) I'm now unable to acces my shared folders trough samba17:52
nmittalThinkT510, yeah... but why??17:52
Monotokobsmith093: it might not have reached your mirror yet17:52
nmittalThinkT510, i didnt do anything special in the install17:52
ThinkT510Sample: no thats the window manager's job (compiz)17:52
bsmith093im on the main server17:52
BadCodSmellscrew this I'll just install centos at least their installer works.17:52
jlsjonaswhen trying to access (from ES file explorer on android) it's now prompting for a password17:52
jlsjonasbut I can't find any password setting17:52
jlsjonas(re-created my username/password combo in samba settings, so that aint the issue)17:53
Monotokobsmith093: define "main server"?17:53
SampleThinkT510: so when you say unity/unity2d and graphics you're not referring to the way your desktop environment looks?17:53
tejinderIs the right click menu white in background color in 12.04 ?17:53
ThinkT510Sample: what?17:53
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tejinderor is there something wrong with my installation ?17:53
SampleThinkT510: hm nvm I think I get it17:53
claytonsomeone from brazil here?17:54
ThinkT510Sample: it doesn't sound like you do, sorry :)17:54
Sampleunity doesn't deal with how things look but can detect if you should run compiz or metacity and that determines how things shoudl look17:54
braverytejinder, its white to me too.17:54
jlsjonasneither does the share work from windows17:54
jlsjonastelling me my un/pw combo is wrong17:54
tejinderbravery, thanks17:54
ThinkT510Sample: "how things look" is a very broad term17:55
claytoni'm a new user of unbuntu17:55
nmittalhow to i reinstall grub from live cd?17:55
bsmith093from the notice i get when i click upgrade17:55
bsmith093''This is still a BETA release.''17:55
bsmith093''Do not install it on production machines.''17:55
braveryI think its better to include gnome classic by default on ubuntu iso than the unity which really mess the user at the first sight.17:56
bsmith093im on the server main server not main server for us17:56
escott!br > clayton17:56
ubottuclayton, please see my private message17:56
Monotokonmittal: sudo grub-install17:56
ThinkT510bravery: i'm forcing myself to use unity for a while, its not that bad actually17:57
rucheehello, everyone17:57
pratzhey guys I have ubuntu 10.04 and would like to upgrade to 12.04, how ??17:57
bsmith093me too17:57
Monotokobsmith093: just do the upgrade then "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" when it's done should take you to the final version17:57
Monotokopratz: "do-release-upgrade"17:58
Karpusdoes ubuntu 12.04 with a nvidia card fallback to nouveau if the proprietary nvidia driver isn't installed?17:58
Monotokoin the terminal17:58
nmittalMonotoko, error: cannot find a device for /boot/hrub (is /dev mounted?)17:58
braveryThinkT510, I am also love it but what I said was about the newbies who entering here from other distros.17:58
rucheeI'm use Xubuntu 12.04 now17:58
Monotokonmittal: hmm... two seconds17:58
invincible_mutanacer 6292 has not sound now17:58
sanguisdexany one know what happened to getdeb?17:58
Dougie187Has anyone had an issue where the 3D unity doesn't show an interface?17:58
pratzMonotoko: but i guess before that I have to update my current 10.04 , correct ?17:58
jc-dentonI cannot burn any dvd is there a way to install the new ubuntu without any external media?17:59
jc-dentonThere is wubi, but it does something strange, I have two hds in my box and want to install Ubuntu on one17:59
Monotokopratz: yeah.. make sure you're up to date, then use "do-release-upgrade" - you may want to wait as the servers are still being overloaded17:59
braveryDougie187, did u run the Additional driver option?17:59
claytonsomeone use tuxguitar?18:00
Monotokonmittal: did you specify the drive you wanted to install to?18:00
Monotokogrub-install /dev/sda for example18:00
nmittalMonotoko, i did sudo grub-install /dev/sda18:00
escottjc-denton, can you boot a usb keychain?18:00
claytoni can't hear any song....18:00
jc-dentonnever tried18:00
pratzMonotoko: but the main concern is, I am using screen terminal emulator, and will it work with unity ??18:00
jc-dentonI have a working linux installation you know18:00
braveryclayton, explain your problem with that.18:01
swebhow can solve my damn problem. my package management have many errors18:01
Monotokopratz: are you using the server version or the desktop version..?18:01
invincible_mutanhowto troubleshoot muted laptop18:01
jc-dentonbut I want to reinstall it rather than upgrade18:01
pratzMonotoko: desktop version18:01
JerstinI have an issue where 12.04 will not allow me to connect to a windows share.18:02
jc-dentoncan I launch the installer from a working linux system and install it on another drive / partition?18:02
Monotokopratz: it will update you to unity... however, you're probably better doing a fresh install... upgrades are still a rough ride18:02
pratzMonotoko: I am a programmer and I normally prefer, screen, yeahconsole and vim , vim will surely work but I am not sure of the other two18:02
StRin aptitude, what does it mean when a package is flagged with 'c' ?    'i' is for installed,  'p' are the not installed, but what about the c?18:02
JerstinIt will always tell me to check my password. I know my password is correct.18:02
sfearsanyone here familir with KXStich?18:02
Monotokopratz: they'll all work fine in 12.0418:02
escottStR, uninstalled config files remain18:02
jlsjonascould anyone tell me why I can't use sharing anymore?18:02
Monotokopratz: if anything is going to go wrong, it'll be your GUI18:02
pratzMonotoko: a fresh install will not be possible for me as I have lot of data now18:02
jlsjonas(doesn't let me in)18:03
StRescott, and how do I install the config files?18:03
escottStR, purge18:03
swebany one :(18:03
jlsjonas12.04 desktop (upgrade from 11.10)18:03
StRescott, purge and reinstall?18:03
pikkachucan anyone suggest me a reasonable video card which works in ubuntu (has drivers)?18:03
Monotokopratz: then my advice would be to not upgrade until you've taken a backup18:03
pratzMonotoko: so, if we consider the worst condition, how can I gain back my GUI ??18:03
invincible_mutanany ubuntu expert here18:03
braveryjlsjonas, server or desktop?18:03
nmittalMonotoko, hoping you havent forgotton me18:03
SampleThinkT510: regarding your last statement, is there a general or easily describable explanation of what parts of that is handled by the DE (unity) and by the WM (compiz)18:03
invincible_mutanhow can i troubleshoot a muted laptop ubuntu12.0418:04
escottStR, man apt-get | grep -C5 -- --purge18:04
invincible_mutanit is my acer629218:04
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escottinvincible_mutan, have you checked alsamixer?18:04
Monotokopratz: with a reinstall... however it is possible that it might all die so I would backup just in case.... nmittal, sorry... can you post the contents of "sudo fdisk -l" into pastebin?18:04
pratzMonotoko: but I have data which is more than 600GB and it is not possible for me to find a spare hard disk18:04
jlsjonasdesktop bravery18:04
jlsjonas(as I said)18:04
Monotokopratz: then I repeat, don't attempt an upgrade18:04
xskydevilxIs it possible to get the dodge feature back in 12.04?18:04
Shogoothi people. what hapend with startupmanager??? i cant find it in the sowtware store18:05
pratzMonotoko: so, how do I get ubuntu 12.04 ??18:05
intgrI tried upgrading 2 different virtual machiens from 10.04 to 12.04. After upgrade, both of them boot into a GRUB shell prompt. Any ideas how to debug this situation?18:05
xskydevilxpratz, go to ubuntu.com/download18:05
nmittalMonotoko, www.fpaste.org/QO8U18:05
jlsjonasatm I'm trying samba re-install18:05
pratzxskydevilx: I am not in the condition to a fresh install18:05
jlsjonasmaybe that'll fix the issue18:06
pratzMonotoko: there should be a way18:06
StRescott, do you know how to find all the packages I need to purge?18:06
daftykinspratz: run an upgrade?18:06
Monotokopratz: the way is to backup... always have a backup, it's foolish not to18:06
Monotokodaftykins: the issue is he doesn't have a backup18:06
PiciShogoot: Looks like it was removed from the repostiories as it is no longer developed and has a chance of breaking your system. See: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/startupmanager/+bug/88664018:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 886640 in Baltix "Remove startupmanager from 'universe' repo" [Undecided,New]18:06
xskydevilxpratz, You could upgrade, but it's not recommended.18:06
escottStR, why do you need to purge things?18:07
daftykinspratz: are you feeling brave? ;)18:07
dsfsdI see the latest version of Unity is pretty much the same as the first release. I still can't access my running applications quickly18:07
StRescott, because I have many packages flagged as 'c'18:07
pratzxskydevilx: Monotoko ubuntu does not recommend to upgrade ? this is shocking18:07
jlsjonasreinstall doesn't work >.<18:07
ShogootPici, thanks. Do you kwno of any program like it that i can use in its replacment?18:07
jlsjonaspratz: neither do I18:07
xskydevilxpratz, Not Ubuntu, I don't.18:07
Monotokopratz: nothing in the world recommends you upgrade without a backup18:07
jlsjonasI did it, and I'm stuck with issues18:08
dsfsdI see the latest version of Unity is pretty much the same as the first release. I still can't access my running applications quickly18:08
xskydevilxAnd most of the users don't.18:08
xskydevilxBecause you can get a lot of issues and it may not run as fast.18:08
dsfsdI see the latest version of Unity is pretty much the same as the first release. I still can't access my running applications quickly18:08
Monotokonmittal: , alright... mount /dev/sda1 (sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt) then run: sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sda18:08
phibxr[12.04] Can I stop external storage devices from showing up on my launchbar in Unity? I have four connected, so the bar is getting pretty cluttered. :P18:08
PiciShogoot: I don't know of anything off the top of my head.18:08
dsfsdI see the latest version of Unity is pretty much the same as the first release. I still can't access my running applications quickly18:08
escottStR, perhaps you have heard of the thought experiment about a tree falling in a forest. so I will ask you if a config file is in /etc, but not application is there to read it...18:09
dalton2345hello, anyone has a server at home?18:09
ShogootPici, i will ask in the channel :)18:09
wyldedsfsd: do you have an actual support wquestion?18:09
=== Ukikie_ is now known as Ukikie
Monotokophibxr: there is an option in MyUnity to stop them showing18:09
StRescott, I didn't understand what you mean18:09
xskydevilxpratz, Besides what are you upgrading from>18:09
dsfsdwylde, yes, how can I quickly access my running applications via the UI?18:09
nmittalMonotoko, installation finished. no error reported.18:09
Monotokonmittal: :) grub is now installed18:10
escottStR, why do you care if there are config files remaining after removing an application?18:10
pratzxskydevilx: means ??18:10
phibxrMonotoko, I'd rather live with watching the icons than having to install a configuration app, but thanks for the tip. :)18:10
xskydevilxpratz, Are you trying to upgrade from 10.04 or?18:10
wyldedsfsd: click on the icon in the launchbar maybe?18:10
Monotokoxskydevilx: yes he is18:10
nmittalMonotoko, sfear wasking me to do the same thing last time.. but it didnt work :(18:10
nmittallet me reboot18:10
ThinkT510dsfsd: see the bar on the left? click the icons18:10
pratzxskydevilx: yes I am on ubuntu 10.04  now18:10
nmittalMonotoko, going to reboot.. fingers crosses18:10
MrKeunerhello, what is the file ~/.recently-used.xbel.* one being reported as reported as 61 petabytes...18:10
Picidalton2345: Do you have a real support question? If so, just ask. Otherwise If you'd just like to chat, theres #ubuntu-offtopic18:10
Monotokonmittal: alright fingers crossed :)18:10
blitzwhen I run unity --reset from a terminal window it never quits and if I cancel it then everything craps out18:10
Monotokonmittal: two secs18:10
Monotokomake sure you are booting from that drive in your BIOS18:11
jlsjonasno-one knows why samba aint working?18:11
wyldedsfsd: if the application is running it will have an arrow beside it, if there are more than 1 window open for an application double click the icon, then click oh the diaplayed window that you want.18:11
SeySayuxHey, Ubuntu won't shut down if I type "halt", it hangs on "System Halted". I believe I'm booting in uefi mode (not certain -- Ubuntu decided this all by itself), I have an ASRock UEFI.18:11
xskydevilxpratz, I personally would not recommend it, but if you're feeling brave..18:11
dalton2345ok thx pici18:11
nmittalMonotoko, the boot order is USB and that drive18:11
Monotokonmittal: can you unplug the USB? Just to make surwe18:11
pratzxskydevilx: Monotoko thank god, I was going to upgrade it now before consulting18:11
nmittalMonotoko, just did18:12
StRescott, I upgraded to 12.04, and after that, some packages are not working, the ones flagged as 'c', and I can't install them untill I remove the 'c' that's causing me problems18:12
StRescott, makes more sense now?18:12
nmittalMonotoko, moment of truth.. drum roll!!!18:12
Monotokonmittal: fingers crossed :)18:12
FoggalongI'm having some trouble connecting to wireless internet with 12.04 on my laptop. Anyone any ideas?18:12
xskydevilxpratz, Anyway, why can't you upgrade?18:12
OerHeksSeySayux, "halt" is not a shutdown command, it does exactly what you want.18:12
Monotokoxskydevilx: he doesn't have a backup of the 600GB of files in his /home dir18:12
daftykinshalt && hammer-time18:13
pratzxskydevilx: please do not swing me dude18:13
braveryI think it will help many from installation mess http://www.pendrivelinux.com/multiboot-create-a-multiboot-usb-from-linux/18:13
xskydevilxpratz, I ain't 'swinging' you dude..18:13
xskydevilxMonotoko, blimey!18:14
Monotokoxskydevilx: clearly British? ;)18:14
blitzhello? can anyone tell me how long unity --reset should take to run from start to finish18:14
escottStR, an old config file should not prevent you from installing the package again. can you give an example of what you are seeing18:14
braveryFoggalong, Pls explain so somebody could help u.18:14
xskydevilxMonotoko, Could be, mate. ;)18:14
SeySayuxOerHeks: How come that halt works on all my other computers fine then?18:15
BBgamerHey, does anyone know how to improve the sound quality for the Realtek HDA ALC892 codec? It's really bad for me. Makes me want to switch back to Windows.18:15
Monotokoright, see you all later... I need go commit the sin of installing Windows 7 dual boot on my machine :)18:15
nmittalMonotoko, you were rt.. the boot sequence was pointint to my SSD.. so that means grub was working all this time..18:15
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nmittalMonotoko, thanks man.. i appreciate it18:15
Monotokonmittal: Ahhh! Nice one :)18:15
FoggalongRight well on  the connections/networks menu there's just no way to connect to wireless networks, and it seems to think I've got a cabled connection plugged in which I havent18:15
xskydevilxMonotoko, Wait, but if he has a seperate /home on his HD, it will remain there.. At least I think it shall..18:16
Monotokonmittal: no problem, glad it's working ^^18:16
SpicyBishopgreetings fellow ubunters :)18:16
NimeshNeemaSpicyBishop: Hello18:16
OerHeksSeySayux, use "halt -p"18:16
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Monotokoxskydevilx: I still wouldn't want to risk it... if it borks he's gotta reinstall afresh and avoid overwriting his /home :P18:16
SeySayuxOerHeks: I can read "man halt" myself just fine, thank you.18:17
nmittalMonotoko, one more think.. i need to install propreitory nvidia drivers.. how do i boot into just the root prompt and not X18:17
Monotokosee you all later ^^18:17
OerHeksSeySayux, i see it is a bug  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/80962818:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 859075 in sysvinit (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #809628 Oneiric does not shutdown" [High,Confirmed]18:17
Monotokonmittal: recovery mode18:17
Monotokonmittal: you should get the option on the grub menu18:17
Dougie187So, now onto the next issue. Is anyone having a problem closing the main window of pidgin (buddy list window)18:17
Dougie187for me it closes all of the windows, not just the one.18:17
nmittalMonotoko, recover mode and then prompt?18:17
braveryFoggalong, wired and wireless shows separately on the menu.Wired in Ubuntu shows as "auto etho"18:18
Monotokonmittal: yepp18:18
Monotokoit should drop you to a root shell18:18
nmittalMonotoko, ok let me try.. thanks again.. you just saved me a lot of time18:18
BBgamerHey, does anyone know how to improve the sound quality for the Realtek HDA ALC892 codec? It's really bad for me. Makes me want to switch back to Windows.18:18
ShogootPici, the site you linked with the startupmanager info recomends https://launchpad.net/~danielrichter2007/+archive/grub-customizer wich i jst installed and it work like a charm18:18
Monotokono problem :)18:18
BBgamerAny Drum And Bass song just bass farts like mad.18:18
ShogootPici, thanks m8 \018:18
Foggalongbravery, in which case it's not showing. At all.18:18
xskydevilxMonotoko, Yeah, I wouldn't take any chances.. Isn't there an external storage he could use? Also partitioning the drive can save data in case of any major cockups.18:19
braveryFoggalong, make sure the "enable wireless"  is checked.Pls run the additional driver option too.18:19
Foggalongbravery, yeah it's checked. I'll try the driver thing. Forgot to do that when I updated (wouldn't work in 11.10)18:20
braveryBBgamer, did u visit www.askubuntu.com and see any thread there?18:20
pratzMonkeyDust: xskydevilx hey guys just called up my few friends and it seems really hard to have a external 600gb hard disk18:20
xskydevilxpratz, perfect, mate!18:21
pratzMonkeyDust: xskydevilx i really wanted to use 12.0418:21
xskydevilxget to the copying! :P18:21
ThinkT510pratz: really hard? i got a 750gb that works justt fine18:21
braveryFoggalong, see the release notes also as some cards not supported with this version so far.18:21
xskydevilxpratz, are you sure you want to upgrade to 12.04 stright away?18:22
xskydevilxFrom what I've heard, the servers are quite slow..18:22
ubottuPrecise can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/precise/desktop/ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/precise/server/ubuntu-12.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your needs. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696918:23
sithfmhi, i have a dell laptop running server 12.04, I have installed i8kutils and am wondering how to lock the fan speed to speed 2. whenever i do this, after a few seconds it sets itself back to 1. Is there an overall system setting for power management or laptop mode that I can set to keep this how I want it versus sutomatically managed? thanks18:23
pratzxskydevilx: not sure after taking your consultance, but I can not risk as i have lot of my code on hd18:23
Foggalongbravery, driver wouldn't install error message displayed "Sorry the instillation of this driver failed /n Please have a look at the log file /var/log/jockey.log18:23
SpicyBishopsithfm I havent user i8kutils but I would guess that if the fan goes back it is because it needs to go back, have you monitored temperature?18:24
kasiiam looking for software which dooes this  http://imagebin.org/21000218:24
xskydevilxpratz, I marely suggested that you wait for a few days 'till the servers "chill" a bit18:24
sithfmSpicyBishop: yes it's veyr hot18:24
finish06why does pratz need to wait xskydevilx ?18:24
sithfmi'm trying to turn off automatic power management18:25
pratzxskydevilx: ya even they need some rest18:25
sithfmwhat stock features in 12.04 does this18:25
braveryFoggalong, pls specify your system specifications,then  somebody here could help u18:25
xskydevilxfinish06, I'm having some major slowdowns to the servers here..18:25
sithfmi dont see anything in /etc for laptop-mode or PM or anything18:25
xskydevilxfinish06, Around 50 kb/s overall tops.18:25
finish06xskydevilx, I just used a mirror....18:25
Escherialanyone have a recommendation for software for drawing diagrams?18:25
Foggalongbravery, something specific or everything?18:25
xskydevilxfinish06, None of the UK mirrors worked for me :/18:25
finish06it was going to take 5 hours to download it, changed to a mirror, and it was done in 13 minutes...18:25
sithfmEscherial: check out http://diagram.ly18:25
Escherialgoogle docs drawing is almost there, but they don't have any options for snapping to grids/other objects18:25
Escherialsithfm: ah, i will :) thanks18:26
sithfmit's pretty slick18:26
finish06xskydevilx, NONE???  what happened?18:26
escottEscherial, dia18:26
guesthi all im running from a U 10.04(3) livecd at the moment, can anyone tell me how to get access to my iphone photos, its not auto mounting ? Thanks.18:26
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xskydevilxfinish06, Well they were all running quite slow.18:26
finish06xskydevilx, dang!  I guess the load picked up in the last 24 hours...18:27
OerHeksguest iphone iOS 5 ?18:27
wyldexskydevilx: I was getting decent rates using the torrents at http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696918:27
guestno 418:27
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guest3gs it is18:28
xskydevilxwylde, Well, I did end up downloading it via torrents.18:28
braveryFoggalong, I mean the wireless card and system model etc18:28
xskydevilxwylde, I am just reporting back on the updater speed :P18:28
braveryFoggalong, see this too.https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuDesktop18:28
wyldexskydevilx: yeah, seems to be the best route when the servers are getting hammered.18:28
OerHeksguest, try install gtkpod18:28
wyldexskydevilx: fair enough :)18:28
Foggalongbravery, it's just in the system. Never seen it no know anything about it18:28
koffelhello all18:29
Foggalongbravery, not is it listed on the spec sticker18:29
Foggalongbravery, oh I'll chekck it!18:29
sithfmhi, i have a dell laptop running server 12.04, I have installed i8kutils and am wondering how to lock the fan speed to speed 2. whenever i do this, after a few seconds it sets itself back to 1. Is there an overall system setting for power management or laptop mode that I can set to keep this how I want it versus automatically managed? thanks18:29
koffeli tring to set up a dhcp server with internet18:29
xskydevilxwylde, Though I managed to pull down 1.7 MB/s using the torrents.18:29
countfuzzballWhen I 'sudo cp -a' some files in /bin to a ramdisk, I notice that some of the data seems to be stripped: 'du -hac /bin/ps: 92k' and 'du -hac /mnt/ram/ps: 88k'. What data is being stripped and is it bad?18:29
zykotick9Looking for a Gnome 2-like minimal ubuntu install?  Screenshot http://imagebin.org/210003  Weighing in at 2.2GB so far (almost nothing for apps installed yet) using mini.iso (nothing selected) then installing gnome-session-fallback lightdm light-themes gnome-tweak-tool gnome-terminal gedit and compizconfig-settings-manager18:29
koffeli can get them to connect but just no outside internet18:29
VimanHello, how can I use the Alternate install cd to upgrade to Ubuntu 12.04? Currently I'm on 10.1018:30
finish06zykotick9, pingoy OS18:30
UnwinnableDonBI'm trying to get my close/min/max buttons on the left in gnome-shell on 12.04 following these directions, but it's not taking: http://geekum.wordpress.com/2011/05/25/how-to-move-close-button-in-debian-gnome-shell-to-left-like-ubuntu/ Any thoughts?18:30
blitzhow do I use Jockey to install proprietary amd drivers18:30
wyldexskydevilx: yep, beats the *heck* out of 50kb/s lol18:30
braveryFoggalong, see this too.  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuDesktop18:30
guestgtkpod is for audio ?18:30
blitzrequired virtual size does not fit available size: requested=(3520, 1080), minimum=(320, 200), maximum=(1920, 1920) because I get this error trying to activate my second monitor18:30
xskydevilxwylde, You don't say, mate? :P18:30
guesti want mass storage / photos ?18:30
ThinkT510zykotick9: vda1?18:30
kfizzWhere does Precise store launcher icon info? I checked ~/.gconf but couldn't find anything.18:30
DoMaiI have a 1tb external hd that normally is plugged into the osX server - I had to plug it into the ubuntu box in order to move some files around faster and when I went to eject the box I said ok to emptying the trash.. Now around 350gb is missing on the drive - I did a dd image of the drive18:31
DoMaiundelete scans do not show my files18:31
kasiiam looking for software which dooes this  http://imagebin.org/21000218:31
zykotick9ThinkT510: it's virtio for kvm18:31
xskydevilxDoes anyone know how to bloody get the dodge feature back in 12.04? I can't live without it :/18:31
zagabar_Hey. I am trying to set up so that I can toggle my keyboard layout using caps lock. I've achieved this with this command: setxkbmap -option grp:switch,grp:caps_toggle se,us18:31
ThinkT510zykotick9: cool18:31
zagabar_However the problem is that this makes my alt-gr (the right-alt of swedish keyboards) become a hold-thisbutton-to-change-layout-button and hence I cannot use it for typing. :( Is there a way to disable this behaviour?18:31
OerHekskasii use cheese to make a webcam picture18:32
braveryFoggalong, type this command in terminal and give the output through pastebin "lspci -v"18:32
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:33
yzhdI am at the last step of installing 12.04. It asked me if I wanted to remove 24 files, I click on keep.. but I want them to be removed. I haven't clicked on reboot yet. Anything I can do ?18:33
finish06OerHeks, can i pm you?18:33
donavan01I need some help ... I have been chasing down a network issues for the past few days... I finally found out that it was the mtu size and after manually changing it through ifconfig I have no most issues ... however it does not stay resident and it also is not linked to the ssid but linked to the wlan0 so even if I made it resident for wlan0 it would just mess up the other connection I use... I tried editing it in the network m18:34
xskydevilxyzhd: I believe you can get rid of them later somehow, if it is really that serious.18:34
Foggalongbravery this is the output18:34
yzhdxskydevilx, I see. So I should just re boot now ?18:34
michele_ciao raga18:34
nannes!it | michele_18:35
ubottumichele_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:35
xskydevilxzyhd: I don't see any reason not to. After all, it should be working fine, right?18:35
finish06yzhd, you can also apt-get purge && apt-get autoremove (I think to get ride of those)18:35
braveryFoggalong, I think u get help from here http://askubuntu.com/search?q=brodcom+wireless+in+acer18:36
HieberrrI accidentally enabled Unity in Gnome Classic (through Ubuntu Tweak), how do I remove it?18:36
Escherialis there any way to disable ubuntu unity's overriding of the alt key for moving windows?18:37
SpicyBishopBye all :) Have a great weekend!18:37
finish06Escherial, huh?  what are you talking about?18:37
mykhashi all. where can I take example of xorg.conf file for my system?18:38
nmittalhow do i get to the grub menu while booting?18:38
nmittalholding shift is not working18:38
xskydevilxnmittal, Shouldn't you be able just to press Escape and it would work?18:39
anaxHey, guys. I've seen that Ironhide is the continuation of Bumblebee. Which one should I install?18:39
Jackneilli have a program (sublime text 2) i can run it just by running the binary file. how can i make it looks like it is installed properly? eg copy the binary and files and folders to the /usr/bin? or what can i do?18:39
nmittalxskydevilx, no.. i kept hitting escape but it still booted to ubuntu18:39
xskydevilxnmittal, no idea then.. sorry, mate.18:39
HieberrrAny ideas guys?18:40
finish06xskydevilx, I thought grub always popped up to give you the option to change boot....18:40
nmittalis it possible to make sure i always get the grub menu while rebooting18:40
nmittallike a config file setting or something18:40
xskydevilxfinish06, Not unless it's a standalone install, I believe.18:40
xskydevilxfinish06, though it might be able to change the timeout of the grub menu.18:41
ThinkT510nmittal: edit /etc/default/grub18:41
finish06xskydevilx, interesting... that makes my ignorance udnerstandable then lol... i only single boot18:41
nmittalThinkT510, and change what?18:41
Foggalongbravery going to reboot and try the battery thing, it's worth a shot18:41
ThinkT510nmittal: should be rather sself-evident18:41
finish06grub-timeout? lol18:42
BBgamerDoes anyone know how to fix sound quality with the ALC892 Realtek chipset?18:42
HieberrrCan anyone help me disable unity in Gnome Classic? :(18:42
blitzcan anyone help me use my second monitor18:42
mirakwhat is the most performant virtualiser for CPU without hardware virtualisation ?18:42
escottnmittal, /etc/default/grub18:42
wylde!sound | BBgamer18:42
ubottuBBgamer: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.18:42
finish06blitz, what is the problem?18:42
escott!nounity | Hieberrr18:42
ubottuHieberrr: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic18:42
nmittalThinkT510, thanks for assuming i am competent ;-).. so GRUB_DEFAULT=1?18:42
vfaronovhi; precise; is it possible to have custom keyboard shortcuts with the Super (Win) key? I set them in the Keyboard Shortcuts settings but they don't work, only the launcher/overlay thingie shows up18:42
escottnmittal, no thats the option it will boot. look for boot delay18:43
blitzfinish06, turning it on in displays yields "required virtual size does not fit available size: requested=(3520, 1080), minimum=(320, 200), maximum=(1920, 1920)"18:43
xskydevilxblitz, What kind of display is it?18:43
finish06blitz, what is your graphic card?18:43
blitzHD 545018:44
Hieberrrubottu: I'm on 12.04 right now. I have shell and fallback installed, but Ubuntu Tweak enabled the Unity bar in fallback (classic) and nnow it won't remove it :S18:44
ubottuHieberrr: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:44
blitzI never had an issue before in 11.10, but I changed some settings in CCSM and now it's borked18:44
blitzthe second monitor is 1600x900, the main one is 1920x108018:44
nmittalescott, there is no boot delay18:44
xskydevilxblitz, Well there should be an option in CCSM to revert to the default settings, if that's the issue.18:45
nmittalescott, hidden_timeout18:45
xskydevilxblitz, otherwise, look if there are propriatery drivers available.18:45
nmittalescott, grub_timeout18:45
blitzproprietary drivers installed18:45
syki finally got ubuntu 12.04 64bit to install, now it wont boot, its like the screen tears, a corrupted splash screen. i have a gtx 580 video card18:45
blitzwhere is this command to revert xskydevilx18:45
eitai2001Hi guys. Can I ask for help on Ubuntu 11.10 Server here, or is it only for desktop queries?18:46
escottnmittal, prob hidden timeout quiet18:46
xskydevilxblitz, can't recall at the moment.. look for settings on the left hand side or something?18:46
finish06blitz, do you know what category you edited?18:46
blitzI didn't edit any, I just started it once and closed it18:46
ThinkT510eitai2001: its fine here too18:46
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server18:46
nmittalescott, so set that to false?? its true rt now18:46
eitai2001Thanks ThinkT51018:46
finish06blitz, I think it is preferences, then profit & backend and tehn reset to defaults18:46
BBgamerDoes anyone know how to fix sound quality with the ALC892 Realtek chipset? Considering switching back to Windows :(18:47
escottnmittal, thats what i would try. or just read the info docs18:47
finish06blitz, I think it is preferences, then profile*** & backend and then*** reset to defaults18:48
blitzI just did that, the windows froze for a second18:48
xskydevilxblitz, that is normal.18:48
dsfsdwylde, I missed your answer18:48
blitzand now my dash is gone and the top menu bar is gone18:48
eitai2001I have setup 11.10 server with a bunch of stuff such as Samba fileshare, SABnzbd+, OpenSSH, Sick Beard, Webmin, etc ... but my server is doing some funny thing ... if I try access say webmin at ... the first access attempt will time out, but if I try again it will work fine18:48
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ThinkT510!webmin | eitai200118:48
ubottueitai2001: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.18:48
jorritHi all, anyone knows how to install 'technical' software like zlib-dev via muon software center?18:49
eitai2001Oh really18:49
eitai2001Damn, I didn't know18:49
jorritI also would like to install the OpenGL dev files.18:49
wyldedsfsd:  <wylde> dsfsd: click on the icon in the launchbar maybe? <wylde> dsfsd: if the application is running it will have an arrow beside it, if there are more than 1 window open for an application double click the icon, then click oh the diaplayed window that you want.18:49
eitai2001I haven't installed anything using webmin though, do you think it could still be the problem?18:49
ThinkT510!zentyal | eitai200118:49
ubottueitai2001: zentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04).18:49
dsfsdwylde, when I double click on the icon (it's crap that you have to double click) I have to wait a good few seconds before anything hapens18:50
eitai2001Cool thanks guys :)18:50
ThinkT510eitai2001: i'd get rid of webmin alltogether from your system18:50
dsfsdit's all so slow18:50
eitai2001I will uninstall webmin18:50
donavan01If I set my MTU to a number lower than the max will it still work or will I keep loosing packets as a result?18:50
blitzI did unity --reset18:50
dsfsdwylde, is there a way to do this without three clicks and 10 seconds?18:50
blitzbut it seems to have frozen18:50
eitai2001is it just straight apt-get remove webmin ... or are there other dependencies I need to remove?18:50
blitzon Initializing ezoom options...done18:50
xskydevilxblitz, Well that's not good.18:50
eitai2001(I'm a bit of a noob if it's not yet obvious :P )18:51
ThinkT510eitai2001: how did you install webmin?18:51
wyldedsfsd: alt + tab not working for you? Other than that if you're using 3d and lagging that badly try unity2d?18:51
eitai2001I used a tutorial somewhere and found a repository18:51
ThinkT510!find webmin18:51
varikonniemiwill ubuntu automatic update announce the distribution upgrade when?18:51
ubottuFile webmin found in augeas-lenses, awstats, fail2ban, openvas-plugins-dfsg, prelude-lml18:51
ThinkT510eitai2001: oh, so you used a ppa18:51
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.18:51
trismjorrit: you will almost always have a nicer time installing dev packages from the command line with apt-get: apt-cache search -n mesa dev; for the opengl libraries, sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev; for zlib18:51
varikonniemito my knowledge it was released yesterday18:51
sduvickhow can I find what module is responsible for /dev/input/event5?18:51
BBgamerDoes anyone know how to fix sound quality with the ALC892 Realtek chipset? Considering switching back to Windows :(18:51
dsfsdwylde, I don't want to use keyboard shortcuts, nor does anyone else that uses this machine. We just want a nice ui18:51
varikonniemiso why no upgrade?18:51
ludditeHello, can anyone tell me how to change window focus on mouse hover in precise ??18:52
jorrittrism, yes but I don't always know the package name.18:52
jorrittrism, so it would be handy if I could search in muon software center.18:52
ThinkT510!ppa-purge | eitai200118:52
ubottueitai2001: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html18:52
dsfsdwylde, plus, we're running dual atu cards on a 16 gb (ram) dual core machine ... it should not lag18:52
wyldedsfsd: then try unity2d. Or make sure you are using the correct driver for your graphics chipset.18:52
dsfsdwylde, check and check18:52
dsfsdsame issue18:52
trismjorrit: that is the point, it is easier to find with apt-cache search, it is almost impossible to find in the gui package managers (even fairly unintuitive in synaptic)18:52
BBgamerLooks like it's back to Windows then :(18:52
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto18:52
jorrittrism, well with ubuntu software center it was easy. Just had to enable 'Show Technical Items'18:53
jorrittrism, but I don't see that option in muon.18:53
dsfsdwylde, we also have this issue on an intel laptop18:53
eitai2001Thanks ubottu ... if I just stick the repository used for webmin, it will only remove that stuff right ... I don't want to undo everything else just yet :P18:53
wyldedsfsd: possibly you may find some useful info there, I only use nvidia cards. They seem to have better (although not perfect) support in linux.18:53
eitai2001by the way, how do I target a msg at a username here?18:53
eitai2001Been many years since I used irc :P18:53
dsfsdeven is the lag was gone, it's nonsense that I need to double an icon attached to the left of my screen -_-18:54
ThinkT510eitai2001: if you are using a server you really shouldn't be using ppas at all18:54
trismjorrit: never used muon, so I have no idea, sorry18:54
heckman"/msg <nickname>" or possibly: "/query nickname"18:54
aantoonjorrit: sudo apt-get install synaptic18:54
ThinkT510eitai2001: i stay away from ppas all together18:54
eitai2001Like I say, I'm new to all of this ... I wouldn't know how to do it any other way18:54
wyldedsfsd: then perhaps the following will be of interest.18:54
eitai2001it's not a critical server18:54
jorritaantoon, ok trying18:54
luddite Hello, can anyone tell me how to change window focus on mouse hover in precise ??18:54
wylde!nounity | dsfsd18:54
ubottudsfsd: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic18:54
hypercubei have a question about mitm and driftnet can somebody tell me which network i have to join?18:54
eitai2001it's just to stream media at home, but I didn't want a GUI interface to waste resources18:54
hypercubeirc network18:55
doki_pentrying to install rabbitmq-server on precise. it won't start18:55
doki_penany ideas?18:55
wyldedsfsd: the factoid needs updating but covvers what you need if you want to use a UI more closely matching gnome2.18:55
eitai2001When you refer to PPA's ... do you mean other people's repositories ... or apt-get in general?18:55
eitai2001I'm not 100% sure what PPA's are18:56
wyldedsfsd: or if you want a lighter desktop you may want to check out ....18:56
ThinkT510!ppa | eitai200118:56
ubottueitai2001: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge18:56
wylde!flavours | dsfsd18:56
eitai2001Oh ok18:56
eitai2001thanks, ya, that's what I figured18:56
wylde!flavors | dsfsd18:56
ubottudsfsd: !Kubuntu and !Xubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with KDE and Xfce (respectively) installed as default, instead of GNOME. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio,  !Mythbuntu, and !Lubuntu18:56
ThinkT510eitai2001: 3rd party unsupported packages (that sums up why they are bad)18:56
eitai2001I understand18:56
eitai2001thanks for the help guys :)18:57
eitai2001I'll try removing webmin and give it a shot18:57
BBgamerMeh, looks like i'm going back to Windows :(18:57
eitai2001with that Zentyal, I can do similar stuff to webmin right?18:57
mrChamblack screen after installation in GRUB, is there any other solution other than adding parameters such as xforcevesa, nomodeset and so on? any suggestions?18:57
MonkeyDustBBgamer  you already said that18:57
eitai2001I don't need all its features though18:58
eitai2001just to check resource usage, etc18:58
BBgamerMonkeyDust: Because I'm not getting an answer. :(18:58
ThinkT510BBgamer: use whatever you are comfortable with, threatening to go back to windows won't help you get help faster18:58
Monarquista /j #ubuntu-br18:58
* Monarquista ops... ;P18:59
DoMaianyone know about ntfs external drives and undeleting the trashcan ??18:59
wylde!patience | BBgamer18:59
ubottuBBgamer: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:59
d3fensehi, anyone know any live distro with to kernel debug active ?18:59
ThinkT510d3fense: this is ubuntu support19:00
alvesjnrHi. Using ubuntu 12.04 on Macbook. The brightness button doesn't work. Any tips about how to fix it?19:00
d3fenseThinkT510: i am sorry19:00
wyldeBBgamer: if you have a search through those pages and repeat your question here approx every 15-20 minutes you'll have a btter chance of finding your answer.19:00
eitai2001Once again, thanks for your help guys, chow :)19:00
DoMailol i search beyond the beyond and to no avail19:00
nmittali booted into recovery mode and dropped to root shell.. but its not leeting me copy or install anything.. "cannot create regular file ...: read only file system"19:01
wylde!mailinglists BBgamer: not to mention the mailing lists19:01
ubottuwylde: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:01
Lazikalvesjnr: check this page, figure which model you have, should be a fix in there : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookAir3-219:01
sweb_hey guys please help me i'm serious problem in my packagemanagment Hit http://archive.ubuntu.com precise-backports/multiverse Translation-en       Hit http://archive.ubuntu.com precise-backports/restricted Translation-en       Hit http://archive.ubuntu.com precise-backports/universe Translation-en Hit http://archive.ubuntu.com precise-security/main Translation-en Hit http://archive.ubuntu.com precise-security/multiverse Translation-en H19:01
wylde!mailinglists | BBgamer: not to mention the mailing lists19:01
ubottuBBgamer: not to mention the mailing lists: Mail is another medium to communicate. Ubuntu mailing lists can be found at http://lists.ubuntu.com19:01
sweb_hey guys please help me i'm serious problem in my packagemanagment http://paste.ubuntu.com/950545/19:02
alvesjnrLazik, thanks man19:02
sweb_during sudo apt-get update19:02
westyvwinstaller crashes 12.04 trying to find the log19:02
sanduz2i just wanted to express how much i like the new ubuntu and as a hater of the previous unity version, i find this one snappier and more well integrated, and overall i dont mind using it anymore. good job team19:02
sweb_any one ?19:03
IzaneFGI need to upgrade to 12.04 from the 10.0419:03
Musaab12.04 is a lot better than i thought it would be19:04
Musaaband Unity is getting more and more acceptable19:04
finish06which ccsm setting lets you drag application windows around?19:04
sanduz2indeed Musaab19:04
ThinkT510Musaab: i agree19:04
a_b0yhow do i set my monitor to turn off after being idle for 10 mins?19:04
MusaabI installed it thinking I would try it for a bit, then switch again to something else, but I might stick with it.19:05
krababbela_b0y: system settings?19:05
a_b0ykrababbel i don't know where that is19:06
bjweaverall of the libvert* packages seem to be missing from 12.04  anyone have info on this?19:07
BenderHello, can anybody help me with a remote control with USB reciver? It works great but only the 4 hotkeys doesn't. I need to create a shortcut for them, cause this remote act as a keyboard.19:08
escotta_b0y, hit the windows key and type "system settings" then go to screen19:08
ThinkT510bjweaver: libvert* ? don't you mean libvirt*19:08
a_b0yescott i'm using lubuntu19:09
bjweaverWow , i feel stupid. .thanks :)19:09
a_b0ywhat program am i looking for?19:09
sanduz2a_b0y: you should go to #lubuntu19:09
escotta_b0y, then thats not applicable19:09
anaxHey, guys. I've installed Bumblebee, and I think it works. However, I have no upper panel, and the Unity launcher is not showing. I do have a Window manager, cause I'm currently in Firefox, and it does have a windows for itself. I'm on Ubuntu 12.04.19:09
a_b0ysanduz2 no one was there to help me19:09
derwui have error in xorg log: (EE) AIGLX: r300 does not export required DRI extension, what should I do?19:10
sykI'm having problems getting Ubuntu to boot. I hear the startup sounds but I have like torn splash screen19:10
sanduz2a_b0y: if you ask the question and wait a little bit, someone should be able to help (if its possible to do what youre asking, ive never used lubuntu)19:10
sanduz2syk: what computer are you using19:10
a_b0yi was using Linux Mint LXDE, but Lubuntu fixed a lot of the bugs19:11
oqpoHi, after upgrading from 11.10 to 12.04, I have sound problems, and alsamixer says: cannot open mixer: No such file or directory. But the card is in lspci list.19:11
oqpoWhat can I do?19:11
sykCustom build. i5, gtx 580, p8z68-v mono19:12
syk@ sanduz219:12
derwui have error in xorg log: (EE) AIGLX: r300 does not export required DRI extension, what should I do?19:12
sanduz2syk: i wonder if its using the intel gpu or the nvidia gpu19:13
sykI hear the sound of Ubuntu starting but my screen is corrupted19:13
ThinkT510!nomodeset | syk19:13
ubottusyk: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter19:13
DoMaiI hear dead bytes whispering19:13
sanduz2its probably using the nvidia gpu and the video card driver isnt installed so its not working properly19:13
sanduz2oh there you go19:13
eitai2001Hi Guys. Sorry, I'm back again. I installed the PPA remove thing ... but am unsure what the repository is called exactly19:13
eitai2001this is the tutorial I used to get webmin: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-webmin-on-ubuntu-11-04-natty-server.html19:14
sykThinkT510: I had to do that to install it. I can't find that option in grub19:14
eitai2001perhaps you can help me figure out what the PPA name is from that?19:14
danileigh79Hey all, I was just backing up my system before upgrading to 12.02, how is it working? Any major glitches?19:14
sanduz2syk: just type it in when your grub boot loader is up, youll see something like 'type 'c' to enter boot options'19:15
sanduz2or whatever19:15
sykDarn caps19:15
bc``is it possible to put only one monitor to sleep and not the other?19:15
ThinkT510eitai2001: wow, that is an awful guide, its using a sarge repo on ubuntu19:15
fidel_danileigh79: no issues here - but that measn basically nothing ;)19:15
eitai2001what does that mean?19:15
eitai2001What's a sarge repo?19:15
danileigh79fidel_: You think it's worth it upgrading?19:15
ThinkT510eitai2001: sarge is a version of debian19:16
eitai2001Like I said ... I'm a noob :?19:16
eitai2001oh ok19:16
fidel_danileigh79: how would you define "worth"?19:16
eitai2001Damn, I wish I knew what I was getting myself into :P19:16
ThinkT510eitai2001: never mix repos with different distributions, you break your system that way19:16
fidel_danileigh79: g othe simple way - as you backupped your system already. just give it a try.19:16
eitai2001I guess then I have to manually remove the packages right?19:16
mystblade9I can't boot into the liveCD. First I thought it was my video card, but I tried holding shift while booting the liveCD, got into a command line, looked around and tried 'live nomodeset'. But it just hung.19:17
eitai2001Yeah, I didn't even know sarge was a distribution19:17
danileigh79fidel_: Nevermind, if you're asking that, I guess it's ok to upgrade19:17
eitai2001I thought it was just a command or something19:17
ThinkT510eitai2001: its plain debian19:17
HackmoHey, I updated my system last night and now the unity launcher bar won't hide. Anyone got any ideas on how I can get it to start auto-hiding again?19:17
eitai2001You don't think I have to start everything from scratch again do you? I mean, so far besides this one thing I've noticed, nothing else seems broken19:18
caseymcgtis anyone gettng 404 errors trying to upgrade?19:18
eitai2001I will try manually removing the packages, and if that doesn't work ... then I will just start from scratch19:18
commodore256I have a weird question19:18
=== XuMuK is now known as XuMuK|znc
ThinkT510eitai2001: fresh install is usually best19:18
commodore256why do I have a .steam folder in home?19:19
eitai2001But knowing wha I've learnt in the last 3/4 days19:19
eitai2001it should take me a helluva lot quicker.19:19
ThinkT510eitai2001: whatever you do just stick to the default repos19:19
violinapprenmystblade9: trying removing 'quiet splash' from the boot line and see what messages it will emit19:19
eitai2001Yeah ... will do from now :P19:19
eitai2001What about software that isn't in them though ... like Couch Potato and Sick Beard?19:19
eitai2001for auto downloading19:20
mystblade9violinappren: The LiveCD doesn't use GRUB.. It's some kind of weird command line now, I think it's LILO.19:20
violinapprenmystblade9: regardless19:20
eitai2001By the way, do you have any recommended reading for a beginner like me on working with Ubuntu Server?19:20
ThinkT510eitai2001: use alternatives19:20
mystblade9violinappren: It doesn't allow me to remove sections of the kernel line.. all it allows me to do is type 'live' or 'live-install' and the arguments I would like to add.19:20
eitai2001just out of interest19:20
mystblade9Also, the help file on the system is wrong.19:21
countfuzzballWhen I 'sudo cp -a' some files in /bin to a ramdisk, I notice that some of the data seems to be stripped: 'du -hac /bin/ps: 92k' and 'du -hac /mnt/ram/ps: 88k'. What data is being stripped and is it bad?19:21
violinapprenmystblade9: it's syslinux not grub, and it does allow to cutomize the bootline19:21
dibsHola my ubuntiites. I wish to upgrade but wanted to test the waters first by asking if people are having many issues. My kids will crucify me if I mess up the computer.19:21
mystblade9violinappren: how?19:21
KM0201dibs: what are you upgrading from?19:21
DoMaihow can I unEmpty the trachcan ?19:21
mystblade9violinappren: Anyway, when I type that line it doesn't even boot into anything.. It just hangs at the newline after 'livecd nomodeset'19:21
violinapprenmystblade9:  some advanced/custom mode, dont have a live cd at hand now to try19:22
mystblade9i mean live*19:22
derwuI have error in xorg log: (EE) AIGLX: r300 does not export required DRI extension, what should I do?19:22
ThinkT510!undelete | DoMai19:22
ubottuDoMai: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel19:22
violinapprenmystblade9: you need to find out exactly why the boot hangs by enable boot messages19:22
=== savaik_ is now known as savaik
Hackmosorry to ask again, anyone got any ideas on why since I upgraded last night - the unity launcher bar wont hide and is constantly shown on top of all my windows?19:23
DoMaiThinkT510:  any idea why when it emptyied a trashcan on eject it decided to empty 350gb out of a folder?19:23
BatshuaHey guys?  How do I test the latest drm-intel-next-queued?19:23
derwuI have error in xorg log: (EE) AIGLX: r300 does not export required DRI extension, what should I do?19:23
BatshuaI have been instructed that this is the next step in my troubleshooting, but the person helping me doth not run the ubuntu.19:23
PessimistHow is performance with r600g on Ubuntu?19:23
PessimistIs it usable?19:23
ThinkT510DoMai: 350gb is a lot19:23
mystblade9violinappren: I'll try burning the CD agsin, I think the ISO i am using is corrupted.19:24
ThinkT510DoMai: what were you deleting?19:24
violinappren!checksum |  mystblade919:24
ubottumystblade9: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:24
eitai2001Thanks for the help ThinkT. Chow :)19:24
ThinkT510!tab | eitai200119:24
ubottueitai2001: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.19:24
ThinkT510eitai2001: no worries :)19:25
=== Sidewinder is now known as Sidewinder1
DoMaiits a ntfs that i pluged into the ubuntu box to do some file aranging and unzipping --- when i ejected it before i left for the store i said ok to empty the trash can.. hooked it up to the mac os x server and found root/folder/all the directories here    gone19:25
eitai2001ThinkT510: Oh, I just clicked ubottu was a bot ... I think I repled to it earlier :P19:25
mystblade9violinappren: Hmm. The ISO isn't corrupt, just verified it using the checksum.19:25
=== snurp___ is now known as snurp
mystblade9Maybe it's the CD-burning software I am using, then. I was using CDBurnerXP.19:26
violinapprenmystblade9: im downloading an iso, give me 10 min and i will tell exactly how to enable boot messages19:26
mystblade9ok, thanks :D19:26
burningsands_Hello I have a problem, I just installed Virtualbox on Ubuntu 12.04, but my user wasn't added to the "Vbox" user group, how can I add my self to it?19:26
DoMaiit was my backup external drive and was holding apps / pictures / movies / mp3 / comics19:26
commodore256anybody know how to use jack?19:26
dibsare upgrades in general working for 11.10 users?19:26
DoMaimain thing is the 50gb of camera pictures from vacations19:27
Batshuaburningsands_: It should be under Users and Groups...19:27
donavan01zeitgeist-daemon   what does it really do and do I want it to run on my system ... seems like maybe/maybe not from what I have read19:27
finish06i no longer have the auto size, i.e. move app window to top of screen, auto sizes to full screen, move to left side of screen, auto size to fill half of screen on left size...  how do I get thsi back?19:27
Batshuaburningsands_: There should be an 'advanced' setting or something on the bottom left of the panel.19:27
fidel_donavan01: its some kind of logging framework19:27
violinapprenburningsands_: newgrp19:27
fidel_used to track what files you might use/edit etc19:27
Batshuaburningsands_: Where you can click and add yourself to the group, or even create the group if needed.19:27
nwilson5upgrading from beta to stable is simply: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade, or dist-upgrade?19:28
fidel_donavan01: activity journal is some kind of frontedn for zeitgeist19:28
Musaabnwilson5, dist-uprgrade will do it19:28
ThinkT510!dist-upgrade | nwilson519:28
ubottunwilson5: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.19:28
donavan01fidel_ ok so basiclly its like teh backend for performance monitor if I was in windows?19:28
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com19:29
fidel_donavan01: not sure what performance monitor is ;)19:29
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade19:29
bsmith093where are my gpg keys stored, on the root partition or /home?19:29
ubottuIf you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.19:29
donavan01fidel_ ok nevermind the ... Thanks19:29
benjamindainesare there any alternate battery applets that work with 12.04?19:30
burningsands_Sorry, but I don't see it in user accounts on ubuntu 12.0419:30
jscoderHi guys, I got a problem after installing Ubuntu 12.04: The installation works correctly but after rebooting and logging in I only see a black screen and my mouse pointer that I can use. I reinstalled trice and also re-burned the CD. Any advice? I got 64bit and AMD19:30
sykThanks guys19:31
Hackmook so I found out how to reset the unity launcher to auto-hide but now I have another problem, now that's it's hidden it wont come back out. When I place my cursor to the far left of the screen I get a thin black line instead of the launcher19:31
violinapprenmystblade9: press f6 then escape, then you can move cursor and press backspace to delete quiet and splash19:31
Everydayanyone here familiar with the cloud offering in ubuntu?19:31
gmgallHi everyone. I'm testing Xubuntu 12.04 and xfce4-terminal process is becoming a zombie despite it not being crashed (I'm able to use the opened terminal normally)19:31
mystblade9violinappren: alright, thanks :)19:32
donavan01ok why does my network manager settings not match what is displayed in ifconfig?19:32
benjamindainesHackmo, keep moving the cursor, the line will get thicker depending on the "pressure", then the launcher will pop up19:32
gmgallxterm does not seem to cause this problem19:32
benjamindainesyou can adjust the setting in the appearance settings19:32
violinapprenEveryday: #ubuntu-server19:32
ubottuThe Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud (UEC), powered by Eucalyptus, is highly configurable and customizable to a variety of environments. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC19:33
anaxIs the Unity Launcher supposed to scroll up and down a bit slowly?19:33
burningsands_Does anyone know how to add user's to groups in Ubuntu 12.04, I don't see it in user acccounts19:33
Hackmobenjamindaines, thanks, that sorted it19:33
epodHi, when I try and run Wow in Ubuntu, the following happens.. : aoss wine Wow.exe19:33
epodERROR: ld.so: object '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libaoss.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.19:33
Everydayviolinappren thanks19:33
epodWow locks out any other apps from my sound card.  Can anyone help me get alsa-oss working? padsp gives a similar error19:33
krababbeljscoder: did you try an alternative shell?19:33
gmgallAny ideas? No one in the xubuntu channel had any19:33
cordovali am getting this The following packages have unmet dependencies: mysql-client : Depends: mysql-client-5.5 but it is not going to be installed  mysql-server : Depends: mysql-server-5.5 but it is not going to be installedE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.19:34
cordovalhow to remove the 5.1 dot debs i have and install the new ones?19:34
jscoderkrababbel: Do you mean like gnome? I installed GNOME3 but had the same problem19:34
bsmith093where are my private keys stored can i do a fresh install on the root partition without destroying them?, are they in /home19:34
daftykinscordoval: "sudo apt-get remove mysql-server-5.1" ?19:35
wart___hi folks.  so i'm a little confused.  i'm on an oneiric system which boots into unity (i think); I'd like to have it boot into my own wm (dwm).  I have .xinitrc all set up, but I'm not sure what to do from here.  Do I need to modify xdm/gdm or something like that?19:35
Batshuaburningsands_: Gimme a minute and I'll look.19:35
wart___in other words, how do i do the alt-ctl-bak equiv. that xorg uses.19:35
donavan01gmgall I have two zomibes hanging out on my system and have no idea what they are ... I am using xbubntu19:35
benjamindainesit's too late to do anything about it, but I was hopping over from a fedora install (using a +mac iso) earlier and couldn't find a way to keep my home partition... ended up having to nuke the drive.  Is that just how it is, or did I miss something19:36
benjamindaines(fedora creates a separate partition for /home)19:36
jscoderkrababbel: Or do you mean if I can access the terminal? Like tty119:36
gmgalldonavan01 Any of them are xfce4-terminal?19:36
ManuelSantanaHi you all19:36
Batshuaburningsands_: Okay, you see the list of users?19:37
krababbeljscoder: I meant gnome-shell, yes.19:37
Batshuaburningsands_: below it there are two buttons "add" and "delete"19:37
violinapprenbenjamindaines: why didn't you select manual partitioning in the installer?19:37
ManuelSantanaAny good irc server with ssl support?19:37
ManuelSantanafor ubuntu?19:37
Batshuaburningsands_: below THAT, there's "manage groups". THAT is the button you want.19:37
donavan01gmgall ... not sure how to tell ... I was just playing with top and noticed them ... how can I check19:37
jscoderkrababbel: Didn't work. Any other suggestions? :319:37
eutheriai wonder if upgrade i will break my system19:37
Batshuaburningsands_: If vbox doesn't exist, that's where you add it19:38
benjamindainesviolinappren, I did, but there was no option to keep the partition... would only let me choose "do not use"19:38
Batshuaburningsands_: And if it DOES exist, click on it, hit properties, and add yourself.19:38
benjamindainescouldn't select use as for /home (which you can do in the regular live CD, but that won't work on my laptop)19:38
wart___ok, ps tells me it is running lightdm.19:39
Batshuaburningsands_: Do you see what I'm talking about?19:40
pipegeekHi, folks.19:40
CombatjuanHello.  I compiled the intel e1000e driver and installed it per the instructions.  I don't see any errors anywhere.  I used modprobe to load it and it shows up when I use lsmod.  But I still don't have a /dev/eth0.19:40
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violinapprenhello pipegeek19:41
burningsands_Sorry, but I don't, I'm using Ubuntu 12.04, and it doesn't seem to be there19:41
CombatjuanI have never understood how the 'files' in /dev/ come into being.19:41
gmgalldonavan01 Do 'ps aux | grep Z' in a terminal a and see the output. The processes with 'Z' in the STAT column are zombies.19:41
pipegeekI'm currently trying to preseed the precise installer for deployment over a network, using the substantially same preseed we were using for lucid.  It's working so far, but the "LOading additional components" phase is going slowly enough that I wonder whether it's not hitting our internal mirror.  Has the name of that preseed option changed?19:42
violinapprenCombatjuan: ifconfig -a19:42
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wyldeManuelSantana:  'apt-cache search ircd' or got to http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ircd&searchon=names&suite=all&section=all19:42
pipegeekconfirmed: the string 'udeb' is not showing up in the apache access log on our mirror19:43
violinapprenCombatjuan: do you see your interface there?19:43
donavan01gmgall yep I have chrome-sandbox and xfce4-terminal as zombies and im pretty sure im using them both19:43
Scugnizzohi all19:43
Combatjuanviolinappren: No.  Only lo.19:43
pipegeekaha!  looks like perhaps mirror/udeb/suite is what I need19:43
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donavan01gmgall yeah I just closed my term and restarted it and i was zombie right off the bat19:44
gmgalldonavan01 This is awkward...19:44
violinapprenCombatjuan: then probably you're not using the right driver for your chipset19:44
Apocalypse_dnhey, how can I reinstall apt? apt-get: error while loading shared libraries: libapt-pkg.so.4.12: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory19:44
roastedQuestion - is it possible to encrypt just one specific folder in my home folder? I don't want my entire home folder encrypted...19:45
pipegeekerr, summarized: does anybody know how to preseed the precise installer with the url of the udeb mirror?  We've specified mirror/http/hostname and /directory, and the installer still looks like it's hitting the external mirror19:45
Batshuaburningsands_: I'm using 12.04 also.19:45
Batshuaburningsands_: Send me a screencap?19:45
Debrohello my laptop GPU died today and now Im thinking can i run ubuntu vithout video card..?19:45
Combatjuanviolinappren: It's the right driver according to Dell.  And the README in the tar.gz from which I compiled it listed my device exactly.19:45
wylde!encrypt | roasted19:45
ubotturoasted: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory19:45
donavan01gmgall ... any idea if this is a problem or just a glitch on how the sytem is reporting things19:45
brun0l3zI believe we know about SendEmail software? the command line email sender ... with this software one can send email as name@anything.com but i was wondering if the reciever were to reply where will the mail go to if for example i entered admin@facebook.com19:46
trirnothHello all. Just upgraded to 12.04. Running dual screen and still running fine. Except ..... Unity bar on the wrong (right) screen.19:46
violinapprenCombatjuan: pastebin the output of: lspci -v19:46
BullDogrHi all. I'm new to IRC help; what do I do to get a question answered? Don't want to step on toes here...19:46
finish06did blitz ever come back???19:46
Debrocan you run ubuntu without video card?19:46
finish06BullDogr, just ask without asking if you can ask :P19:46
Combatjuanviolinappren: That will be difficult without network.  Can you tell me what I'm looking for?19:46
wylde!ask | BullDogr  :)19:46
ubottuBullDogr  :): Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:46
the-systemhelp plz install windows par pxe19:46
sanduz2love the new ubuntu and unity is getting better! keep up the good work team, bye19:47
violinapprenCombatjuan: the line for your ethernet pci card19:47
CombatjuanIf I do lspci | grep -C 5 eth, then I get a couple lines describing the Intel card.  This computer is down the hall, but I'll go take a look.19:47
computa_mikehi. i have  quetion19:47
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violinappren!server | Debro19:47
ubottuDebro: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server19:47
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gmgalldonavan01 No, I never see it before. Looks like a unsolved bug in xfce4-terminal:  https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-terminal/+question/18870619:48
cordovalguys how to list not upgraded packages?19:48
BullDogrI need to know how to add a startup option/argument to a service that kicks off automatically; specifically, add the "-6" option to dhcpd in 12.04 Server.19:48
Batshuaburningsands_: And please respond using my nick so I don't miss your message; I'm in 3 channels and getting a lot of text traffic.19:48
trirnothAny ideas how to change the display the unity bar shows up on? Displays Setting shows an option for launcher placement, but not which screen.19:48
computa_mikein 12.04 when I search for anything it comes up empty...  Do i have to refresh an index or something19:48
datruthI'm using kubuntu 12.04 how do I test/check my hard-drive and memory?19:48
Debroviolinappren, even if pc dont have videocard..? mine died today..19:49
donavan01gmgall ... as far as I can tell everything works fine ... was using the term windows for hours without any issues so I guess it is just a glitch in the reporting ... did you notice any issues?19:49
iriswhen i boot12.04 it says it needs to run in low graphics mode because it can't recognize the drivers.19:49
irishow do i fix this?19:49
violinapprenDebro: ti will have to be reachable by network19:50
thebwtis there a way to remove the users from the users switcher bar?19:51
irisi will come back later.19:51
gmgalldonavan01 No, but I'm just testing Xubuntu for now. I have not decided if i will install it. xterm does not become a zombie.19:51
violinapprenBullDogr: /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf19:52
yusuufI've installed ubuntu 12.04 today! WOW it's Awesome!. but I want an Icon I used to in old ubuntu versions, The"show Desktop" icon for the unity dock. can Anyone help me please? thanks BTW :)19:52
pertutatishi, I installed Xubuntu over Ubuntu so I have the two desktop options in the same system: is it safe to upgrade normally?19:52
Wonderhoofi would like to install ubuntu as the only operating system on my HP touchpad. has anyone pulled this off? I'm not interested in the chroot partition way of doing it19:52
gmgalldonavan01 I'm using it as a LiveCD19:52
JEATHi i am having a little trouble with my 12.04 install could i get a little assistance19:53
violinappren!details | JEAT19:53
ubottuJEAT: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:53
L3mceWhat is the nature of the problem JEAT19:53
donavan01gmgall im using a full install and aside from one issue with the network manager thats making wanna scream it works pretty well IMHO19:53
countfuzzballWhen I 'sudo cp -a' some files in /bin to a ramdisk, I notice that some of the data seems to be stripped: 'du -hac /bin/ps: 92k' and 'du -hac /mnt/ram/ps: 88k'. What data is being stripped and is it bad?19:54
JEATI have win7 64 on my laptop fresh install, i installed ubuntu 12.04 off my flash drive "alongside windows 7" when i boot up it doesnt take me to GRUB it boots straight to win7 w/o asking me which os i want to boot19:54
a_b0yso how do you set up screenlock, with the screen saver disabled?19:55
Wonderhoofi would like to install ubuntu as the only operating system on my HP touchpad. has anyone pulled this off? I'm not interested in the chroot partition way of doing it19:55
BullDogrThank you violinappren. I'll try that.19:55
gmgalldonavan01 I just tested another terminal emulator now, rxvt. I does not becomes a zombie also. xfce4-terminal seems the only terminal emulator with this behavior.19:56
jeyhi I'm running 11.10 on a laptop and my ACPI power information has been wonky lately.... things like when I close the lid, sometimes the laptop doesn't go into low power mode, and when i switch from battery -> ac or from ac -> battery, the system doesn't notice and still thinks its in the old state.... even if I unplug an replug it in19:56
jeyI've tried killing acpid and it respawns but the icon still shows battery instead of ac power19:56
benjamindainesis there anyway to get the battery monitor to display percent remaining?  I know it displays time only by design, but I don't like it and this is linux19:56
aguiteli am running xubuntu 12.04 with nvidia-current driver and glxgears say:37 frames in 5.1 seconds =  7.300 FPS ,why ?19:57
eutheriai just know my laptop will be a brick in an hour19:57
pipegeekDoes anyone here have experience scripting debian-installer on ubuntu?19:57
grntWhen one upgrades ubuntu it tends to pull a lot of previously packages back. Does Alternate CD exhibit the same behavior?19:57
Debroviolinappren, but i dont have video card even to install and configure it..19:58
smwpipegeek, using preseed? yes19:58
grnt*previously removed19:58
roastedHas anybody used cryptkeeper in 12.04? It doesn't come up when I launch it in 12.04... that said I never used cryptkeeper before so I don't know if it's supposed to present me with a GUI. That said, one of the reviews in software center said "doesn't work with 12.04" but it has zero other detials.19:58
finish06is it possible to change the sticky edges stop velocity??  i want it slightly less sensitive19:59
benjamindainesroasted, confirmed that it doesn't work19:59
roastedbenjamindaines: you've seen the same thing?19:59
yusuufHello! I need show desktop icon for unity! any help plase?19:59
pipegeeksmw: Yeah, using preseed.  I"m trying to figure out why it's still fetching udebs from the public mirror, and not the value of mirror/http/hostname we specified19:59
L3mcepipegeek what are you trying to do19:59
roastedbenjamindaines: bummer. Is there an alternative out there? I'm trying to find a way to encrypt my "Documents" folder as some of my scanned documents have personal information on them.19:59
pipegeekL3mce: make the installer use a different mirror by default20:00
a_b0yis there a way to set up screen lock with the screensaver disabled?20:00
roastedbenjamindaines: cryptkeeper looked too easy since I could just select the folder and go to town (based on this guide I read anyway)20:00
benjamindainesroasted, dunno.  Let me know if you find one... I need to hide my porn20:00
mystblade9Hi. I'm at the part of the installer where it asks how much drive space you want to allocate for Windows 7 and Ubuntu, but it's not displaying any pictures on top so I don't know which side represents Windows and which represents Ubuntu. What side represents Ubuntu?20:00
L3mceThat is not something I specifically have experience with... always use public.20:00
roastedbenjamindaines: lol, heard that.20:00
gameidHow do i get the titlebar back in 12.04 Unity? Bar at top of windows with clickable icons to close/minimize/maximize the window.20:01
acicularoasted: why not just use an encrypted home directory?20:01
itohello. i was looking for an extension for firefox that allowed it to be more text. like. looks like th following: http://omploader.org/tMzVtZA20:01
MonkeyDustgameid  it's called globalmenu20:02
pipegeekactually, it seems to be ignoring mirror/http/hostname completely20:02
jeyis there a way to reset the ACPI subsystem? I'm plugged into AC power but my icon shows battery.20:02
roastedacicula: I thought about it, but I'd like to encrypt just the folder that needs it if need be. I've heard of people having difficulty when they install newer Ubuntu versions when they have a separate home directory. I hate to run into an issue with that... And Documents would be easy to throw on a large flash drive and retain *IF*t that's an issue for me.20:02
jeyand is there some place in /proc or /sys where I can find out whether the kernel thinks it's on AC or battery?20:02
JEAThi, I have win7 64 on my laptop fresh install, i installed ubuntu 12.04 off my flash drive "alongside windows 7" when i boot up it doesnt take me to GRUB it boots straight to win7 w/o asking me which os i want to boot. how do i get it to go to GRUB or am i missing it?20:03
itoim looking for a firefox mod that makes firefox look like the following: http://ompldr.org/vMzVtZA20:03
a_b0ythe Linux Mint help channel puts this one to shame, even tho this has almost 10 times more people in it.20:03
ghabit12/04 fresh install. I have no sound, can anybody help me?20:03
jriba_b0y: please stick to support20:03
acicularoasted: store the encryption key somewhere safely and you can always recover. that said you can configure ecryptfs to just crypt your Documents instead of your home, or anyother directory for that matter20:03
violinapprena_b0y: then use mint :)20:03
phibxrJEAT, where did you put Grub? If you put it on your USB-device, you need to make sure that it's the boot device in your bios.20:03
mystblade9I'm at the part of the installer where it asks how much drive space you want to allocate for Windows 7 and Ubuntu, but it's not displaying any pictures on top so I don't know which side represents Windows and which represents Ubuntu. What side represents Ubuntu?20:04
jaxxdrewCan someone please help me setup on a triple monitor system? Had it working with white on both sides reverted back.20:04
roasteda_b0y: this channel has a ton of traffic, and for a specific reason. That said, it's hard to follow all conversations in here. AskUbuntu.com and UbuntuForums.com are much nicer for finding help, albeit, likely a bit slower.20:04
JEATOh i thought GRUB installs automatically with ubuntu? so where can i get grub?20:04
roastedacicula: is ecryptfs done all by terminal?20:04
jeyito, vimperator.org20:04
JEATor can i use windows bootloader?20:04
pipegeekis there a relatively complete doc for d-i somewhere that I'm missing?  All I've found so far is http://wiki.debian.org/DebianInstaller/Preseed which is pretty small and out of date20:04
jeyito, there's also pentadactyl, but I think vimperator is more poopular20:05
itoim looking for a firefox mod that makes firefox look like the following: http://ompldr.org/vMzVtZA20:05
jribito: vimperator or pentadactyl (newer fork)20:05
roastedJEAT: the Windows boot loader doesn't play nice with dual boot. You'll need to use Grub. You can likely recover Grub manually by booting to your flash drive (live session) and running a few commands.20:05
jeyito: I understand, http://vimperator.org20:05
violinapprenDebro: then you need an some sort of an "unattended install"20:05
itothnks jey20:05
JEATalright do you have a guide for that?20:05
acicularoasted: it has cli tools yes, it hooks into the login process, if a particular directory is in your home it will try to unwrap the encryption key with your login password and mount whatever directories need mounting using cryptfs20:05
acicularoasted: the default mount is to just mount your entire home, but you can set that to something else20:06
finish06is it possible to change sticky-edges minimum speed barrier for my mouse to travel trhoguh?20:06
roastedJEAT: looking now...20:06
freebirdyou guys, I've just installed ubuntu20:06
roastedJEAT: http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/how-to-recover-grub2-linux.html20:07
pilot231Hi does anyone know if it would be possible to host a DNS server from a dyndns address?20:07
JEATawesome thanks a bunch roasted20:07
jeypilot231, that has nothing to do with dyndns20:07
gameidthanks MonkeyDust, I dont see how to enable globalmenu tho. packages seems to be installed20:07
roastedJEAT: good luck bro!20:07
violinappren!ot | pilot23120:07
ubottupilot231: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:07
MonkeyDustgameid  find it in the software center, it's in the repos20:07
freebirdand my screen resolution, wont go higher than 800x600, but in win 7, I was able to go 1024x768, I've a hp mini, 210-100020:07
violinapprenpilot231: but it should be possible, or better, ask them :)20:07
freebirdwhat do you guyst suggest ?20:08
nmittalhi i installed the nvidia driver and now the screen resolution is at 640 480... now able to change it as I dont see the full window.. any ideas on how i can fix this?20:08
mystblade9I'm at the part of the installer where it asks how much drive space you want to allocate for Windows 7 and Ubuntu, but it's not displaying any pictures on top so I don't know which side represents Windows and which represents Ubuntu. Which side represents Ubuntu?20:08
finish06freebird, hit the windows key to brign up dash home and then type in driver20:08
finish06select aditional drivers, and see if your driver is installed and if not, install the recommended one20:08
computa_mikefound out that a sql lite db issue caused 12.04 search to fail - there's a page here about this : http://askubuntu.com/questions/125843/dash-search-gives-no-result20:09
pipegeekhahahah it's possible it's just not seeing my preseed at all20:09
pilot231right I will run my own BIND9 DNS server but I dont have a static IP address to run it from so I was hoping that I could use the20:09
n00bguyhi people20:09
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n00bguyi need some help with 12.0420:09
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pilot231dyndns address to point to the nameserver.20:09
freebirdfinish06, nothing happens when hitting the win key20:09
violinappren!details | n00bguy20:09
ubottun00bguy: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:09
n00bguyis this the right channel for getting help with 12.04  ?20:09
frewsxcvI just set up a RAID, what is the most common disk label to use?20:09
a_b0ymystblade9 i agree the partition in the ubuntu installer is confusing20:10
finish06freebird, well go up to the dash home (icon on the top left that has a ubuntu sign in the middle of it20:10
violinapprenn00bguy: yes20:10
pipegeekyay!  that was easy20:10
mystblade9 a_b0y: Well, it used to display pictures that showed what was Ubuntu and what was the other OS..20:10
n00bguy@ubottu , violinappren i have an annoying bar on left of my desktop20:10
caseymcgtupdate manager returns OUT OF DISK SPACE when upgrading to 12.04 !!???  My root partition has 2.4GB free20:10
Combatjuanviolinappren: Ok.  Back from my fact finding adventure.  lspci says I have 00:19.0 Ethernet Controller Intel Corporation 82579LM Gigabit Network Controller (rev 04)20:10
n00bguyearlier it would appear only when i pressed windows(mod+4) key to launch unity20:10
violinapprenn00bguy: ubottu is a bot not a human, and do you mean the launcher?20:11
n00bguynow it's there all the time..very annoying20:11
Combatjuanlsmod says "e1000e     136301     0"20:11
MonkeyDustn00bguy  that's the launchbar20:11
n00bguyyaa, yaa20:11
freebirdfinish06, sorry man, I'm already using the classic view20:11
freebirdno left menu bars, no where to type driver20:11
n00bguyi will try to grab a screen capture & upload on imgur, give me a min20:11
epodHi, when I try and run Wow in Ubuntu, the following happens.. : aoss wine Wow.exe20:12
epodERROR: ld.so: object '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libaoss.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.20:12
finish06freebird, did you choose to install classic view?20:12
epodpadsp gives a similar error20:12
violinapprenCombatjuan: what ubuntu version are you using?20:12
n00bguy@MonkeyDust, is there a way to remove it20:12
freebirdI've changed finish0620:12
freebirdwhen logging in20:12
Combatjuanpcimodules shows only a few things none of which is e1000e.  /usr/share/misc/pci.ids has a list of... I guess hardward constants?  I didn't have the one for this device (8086...1502)20:12
epodcan anyone help me figure out how to resolve this? I cant have sound in Wow and any other app at the same time20:12
Combatjuanviolinappren: Lucid20:12
gameidMonkeyDust: If all globalmenu does is move the menu (File, Tools etc) to the top of the screen (Unity bar), I already have that. But buttons to close/minimize are missing20:12
epodI thought aoss and padsp were supposed to fix those issues?20:12
mystblade9The Ubuntu installer is not showing which side represents what OS when I choose "Install Ubuntu alongside Windows 7". How do I find out?20:13
a_b0yjust guess :P20:13
finish06freebird, then go to settings and look for the driver option wtihin there20:13
epodThese errors only bring up search results from 2007!20:14
mystblade9a_b0y: I'd rather not shrink my Windows partition to 100GB.20:14
eutheriai am scared, i am sure my laptop will become a brick20:14
Monotokohey guys... how can I get something off a Ubuntu encrypted ext4 partition? I know the password, but not the passphrase :/20:15
Drone4fourgrub2 failed to install at the end of a 12.04 installation on a live-USB.  Full error log here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/950561/20:15
Monotokois there any way I can generate the passphrase from the password?20:15
MonkeyDustmystblade9  before installing, use gparted to see how your disk is organised20:15
a_b0yi was trying to install dual boot but the grab2 messed up my computer so i had to just install ubuntu erasing my windows :(20:15
n00bguyhow do i get rid of the annoying lauch bar on the left side of my desktop ...     http://imgur.com/Kle6q20:15
Qazjap11Hi, If try to restore a file from ext4, I know the inode number, but tools like ext4magic and extundelete say it cannot be found in journal, are there other options to do so? Thanks.20:15
Monotokon00bguy, you can set it to auto-hide20:16
cute_bettongn00bguy, you don't20:16
MonkeyDust!nounity| n00bguy20:16
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ubottun00bguy: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic20:16
Monotokon00bguy: http://askubuntu.com/questions/9865/how-can-i-configure-unitys-launcher-auto-hide-behavior20:16
Monotokocute_bettong, I think he just means hide it20:16
pipegeekiiii see what happened, and it's me being dumb20:16
Monotokowhile he's in an app20:16
cute_bettongMonotoko, ah okies20:17
n00bguyThanks @ubottu, what does !classic mean ?20:17
nmittalhow do i fix the screen resolution when i cant even see the full window??20:17
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". For 11.10, see !notunity20:17
solexiouswhen I do-release-upgrade on my 10.04 server I get "No new release found" any ideas why?20:17
zykotick9MonkeyDust: feel like updating the !nounity factoid to include 12.04's gnome-session-fallback package?  anyone else?20:17
MonotokoMonkeyDust, I think we need to update those20:17
n00bguy@Monotoko, i was about to write, how to set it to auto-hide, thanks for the info & the accurate pre-emption of my next q. :)20:18
MonkeyDustyes, looks like it20:18
mystblade9MonkeyDust: The Windows partition is the only one on the disk.20:18
Monotokon00bguy, no problem pal :)20:18
mystblade9MonkeyDust: So does Ubuntu place it before or after the Windows 7 partition?20:18
n00bguyeverybody is using !classic, kind of foxed as to what does that mean ?20:18
violinapprenCombatjuan: sudo modprobe -r e1000e20:18
violinapprenCombatjuan: then: sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog20:18
Drone4fourgrub2 failed to install at the end of a 12.04 installation on a live-USB.  Full grub2 boot repair error log here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/950561/20:18
epodSo I'm having issues with a bug that, from a quick google, goes back to 2007.  What kind of unprofessional hacks leave a bug for FIVE YEARS!?20:19
Combatjuanviolinappren: Be back in a bit.20:19
Monotokoalright... can I get my encryption passphrase if I know my password?20:19
violinapprenCombatjuan: then in another terminal: sudo modprobe e1000e20:19
freebirdfinish06, additional drivers ??20:19
violinapprenCombatjuan: and see what messages are recorded in system log20:19
jlsjonasanyone else also experiencing firefox issues with the upgrade to 12.04?20:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 173487 in alsa-oss (Ubuntu) "AOSS 64Bits - ERROR: ld.so: object '/usr/$LIB/libaoss.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:19
jlsjonasFF crashes after a min or 220:19
jlsjonasand more importantly: anyone knows a fix/workaround?20:19
shomonhi, what's a good alternative to google docs that I can run from ubuntu? or where can I go to ask ?20:20
aguiteli am running xubuntu 12.04 with nvidia-current driver and glxgears say:37 frames in 5.1 seconds =  7.300 FPS ,why ?20:20
tim__@shomon google docs is the best writer out there libre office is a good alt20:20
Monotokoshomon, openoffice+ ubuntu cloud?20:20
n00bguy@Monotoko, you mentioned auto hide, is there a way to permaneant....ntly get rid of it, since i can press windows key & type in the unity bar to launch whatever i want...launch bar seems kind of redundant20:20
freebirdyou guys, I've a hp mini 210-1000 and in win7 I can go 1024x768, but in ubuntu, I can only go 800x600, what should I do ? I'm using the classic theme20:21
shomonMonotoko, is that real time collaborative?20:21
violinapprenshomon: libreoffice? abiword?20:21
Monotokoshomon, libreoffice? Yes20:21
n00bguy@Monotoko, i meant, is there a way to permanently disable/hide the launch bar ?20:21
shomonthanks tim__ but I need something for shared file access: so that when one person is editing a document the others find it locked20:21
jaxxdrewWhat is the command to get temperature sensor per core20:21
shomonor more like piratepad.net - so they all edit at the same time20:21
Monotokon00bguy, hmm... I'm not sure, I don't think there is... but there will be a hack to do it20:21
Combatjuanviolinappren: Removing the module doesn't add anything to syslog, installing it adds two lines: The model of the card, then a copyright notice.20:22
MonkeyDustn00bguy  the bar is part of Unity, i guess you want another desktop environment or different ubuntu for, like xubuntu20:22
zykotick9jaxxdrew: when i run "sensors" in a terminal it reports two separate core temps?20:22
MonkeyDustfor = fork20:22
shomonMonotoko, ok will look up how libreoffice can be used to edit in real time in a group20:22
violinapprenCombatjuan: now in another terminal, try: sudo ifconfig eth0 up20:22
marcmwho's bright idea was it to make the text based installer in Ubuntu 12.04 purple-pink (or is it hypercolor)? It looks like crap, it hurts my eyes...20:22
Monotokoshomon, ahhh real time editing... hmm, I don't think it can do that no20:23
tim__@shomon hmmm.... set up a web ftp with different user accounts20:23
zykotick9marcm: +120:23
jlsjonasshomon: why can't you just use google docs?20:23
shomonAhh thanks Monotoko saved me lost time there :)20:23
n00bguyThanks Monotoko, MonkeyDust20:23
freebirdplease you guys, how do I know if I can go higher than 800x600 in my hp mini 210-100020:23
nmittalMonotoko, ++20:23
Monotokonmittal, hey pal :)20:23
shomonjlsjonas, I can't depend on it - very fragile business model, and the data has to be secure20:23
finish06does anyone know of a reason why alt+tab would cause my computer to freeze???  i cannot use alt-tab... anythign I can send to help youfigure it out?20:24
tim__shomon google docs is great :d i use it all the time, but libreoffice is the offline solution20:24
Drone4fourthis is chaos20:24
shomonalso jlsjonas I'd rather use an open source solution and promote that20:24
n00bguycant tell u how glad i am to get rid of the monstrosity that is the launch bar, hogging precious real estate on my laptop screen :)20:24
MonotokoDrone4four, what is?20:24
nmittalMonotoko, just excited to be on 12.04 and thanks to you :)20:24
Drone4fourthis channel20:24
cute_bettongn00bguy, you do realise you can resize that bar right?20:24
violinapprenshomon: abiword has collaborative editing, but i never used it20:24
LjLDrone4four: not surprising, it's one day after a new release20:24
MonkeyDustn00bguy  use MyUnity to resize the bar20:25
MonotokoDrone4four, it will calm down over the next few days :) and nmittal no problem pal, I always have issues with my boot order, that's why I thought of it when I saw your fdisk ^^20:25
Combatjuanviolinappren: "No such device".  And ls /dev/eth0 says the same and ls/dev/net shows only "tun".20:25
Drone4fouri've got a 1024x768 resolution becasue i am running a live-USB with nomodeset and this channel is so packed20:25
n00bguy@cute_bettong, didnt know, how to resize ?20:25
jlsjonasanyone knows what the firefox (beta) issue might be?20:25
jlsjonas(that it crashes after a min on 12.04)20:25
steveccci have done an installation of ubuntu and have an existing home partition on the disk - whats the best util to alter the fstab - is it just terminal and vi?20:25
Combatjuanviolinappren: Is it possible I have to manually call mknod or makedev or something (I'm just randomly guessing at this point).20:25
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pndemc_I'm setting up a tf2 srcds server, and a few guides mention "screen.i386" for running the server, can someone explain this to me? what is it, and why do I need it?20:26
zykotick9steveccc: are you comforable with vi?  do you want a gui app?20:26
Surlent777hey; another upgrade-issue person, oneiric to precise; having trouble upgrading because of some badly-made printer driver package apparently. Running 64-bit, has some 32-bit package I don't entirely recall installing called lexmark-08z-series-driver:i386 with a blank line in "Description" that is making dpkg/apt-get cry. Suggestions on how to proceed?20:26
finish06freebird, then go to settings and look for the driver option wtihin there20:27
n00bguy@MonkeyDust thanks for the MyUnity suggestion, but the auto-hide worked...so seems good for now20:27
zykotick9steveccc: nano is more popular then vi 'round here.  i know of no tool to edit /etc/fstab (doesn't really need one ;)20:27
Surlent777correction: almost certain now that this driver is for a printer laying around the house and may have been gotten from their website. Either way, suggestions?20:27
n00bguyIs MyUnity fairly light though, roughly how big(disk size) ?20:27
freebirdfinish06, man, I've asked, the only where I can see the word drivers are 'adittional drivers'20:28
cute_bettongn00bguy, check your im's20:28
Surlent777ah, also, and is it expected for it to remove the unity package? was that renamed to something else?20:28
steveccczykotick9: yes fine with vi - have always done it that way20:28
freebirdfinish06, it's in there I should go ???20:28
wart___i'm stumped; i did an apt-get install fvwm and it added Fvwm to the lightdm/ubuntu-greeter; but I did a grep -r Fvwm /etc and I can't find the config file it modified20:28
wart___I want to add another window manager to the login / greeter screen.20:28
Monotokon00bguy, it's only a couple of megs... it'll tell you before you apt-get20:28
MonkeyDustn00bguy  MyUnity is in the repes, the software center, so to say20:28
violinapprenCombatjuan: no20:29
n00bguyThanks Monotoko, MonkeyDust20:29
MonotokoMonkeyDust, it's in the official repos now?20:29
n00bguyThis channel is AWESOME, keep up the great work folks20:29
MonkeyDustMonotoko  yes, i already installed it20:29
n00bguyciao for now20:29
Combatjuanviolinappren: That's a refreshingly clear answer.  Thanks.  (-820:30
violinapprenCombatjuan: add this to /etc/modprobe.conf: alias eth0 e1000e20:30
MonkeyDust!info myunity | Monotoko20:30
ubottuMonotoko: myunity (source: myunity): Unity configurator. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.3-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 529 kB, installed size 1125 kB20:30
violinapprenCombatjuan: and try modprobe -r and modprobe again20:30
ubuntu__Hi, how do I activate my second minitor to get an extended desktop?20:31
Surlent777ubuntu__: should just have to plug it in and go to system settings and turn it on with "Screens" or "Monitors" or however it's labeled; should be fairly straightforward. If you're using an NVIDIA graphics card and have the proprietary driver installed, use "nvidia-config" instead but basically the same idea20:33
Combatjuanviolinappren: Nope.  I also tried rebooting with that parameter.  I also tried finding 'eth' or 'e1000e' anywhere in /dev.   Nothing.20:33
avinashhmHi , i get the error - "nl80211 not found" when i try to do iwconfig .. is there any thing i need to install to avoid this error ..20:33
violinapprenCombatjuan: do you have the alias in your modprobe.conf ?20:34
Combatjuanviolinappren: Correct.20:34
finish06freebird, yes, additional drivers... sorry about delay, system froze20:34
CombatjuanI have tried with and without.20:34
freebirdfinish06, I'm in here, what should I do now ? says nothing in her20:34
ubuntu__Surlent, thank you. I have one lcd connected to internal intel graphic card. Which works.  The main monitor is connected at a ATI Radeon HD 6570. I could see that screen to show something during bootup, but now only the intel screen runs ok and the other one is off. Detect Displays doesnt work20:35
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Surlent777ubuntu__: if you're on a laptop, you may need to press Fn+whatever key has a picture of two monitors on it20:35
finish06freebird, nothing is present under additional drivers after you type in your password20:35
freebirdonly a lan card20:35
ubuntu__its a PC (Dell Optiplex 990)20:36
Surlent777ubuntu__: other than that, I'm not sure what to suggest at this point, as I've never worked with ATI cards :/20:36
ubuntu__:( Thanks for your help though20:36
Surlent777ubuntu__: I guess make sure you have the latest appropriate drivers?20:36
freebirdfinish06, wireless, nothing else20:36
ubuntu__I just downloaded 12.04 64 bit20:36
Surlent777ubuntu__: I think ATI has a proprietary one you may need; have you looked at the restricted Drivers menu item yet?20:37
symaxianSo rhythmbox wont open an mp3 file with an unknown artist?20:37
finish06ok...  what is your video card?  (is your computer a laptop or a desk top?)20:37
Purdyi just upgraded to 12.04 and now i cannot get eclipse to start ... i get a pointer to this log file: http://pastebin.com/UgMX73cL20:37
Purdycan't find anything promising via google ... i do have eclipse-platform installed ... any ideas?20:38
freebirdfinish06, netbook20:38
finish06freebird, where did you go to realize you cannot change the desktop deminsions?20:38
WaraudonI have 12.04 installed and functioning, but apt-get upgrade results in "linux-generic-pae" and "linux-image-generic-pae" being "kept back". Is that normal?20:38
freebirdhp mini 21--100020:38
freebirdfinish06, because it doesn't has the option 1024x76820:39
Surlent777Waraudon: it might mean some dependencies haven't caught up yet or you might need to try sudo apt-get dist-upgrade. HOWEVER, be careful if you do so and review potential changes very carefully.20:39
_kubuntu 12.04 wont recognize my second monitor (it refers to it as a laptop) so i cant extend the displays, is this fixable?20:39
Purdy(asking in #eclipse ... maybe that's a better place)20:39
freebirdfinish06, right click at the Desktop ..20:39
WaraudonSurlent777: My guess is that some dependencies aren't updated. Right now I'm running 3.2.0-23-generic-pae, which I think was installed from the installation media20:41
jaxxdrewin triple screen why am i getting white on two of the screens.  Just white?20:41
finish06freebird, I don't know man, sorry... I figured you didn't have appropriate drivers install @ first, yet it appears you do...20:41
copaceticI am installing 12.04 on a brand new HP PC with windows already installed on it,  I had it resize the windows partition and install along side windows, when I reboot though it just boots straight into windows, i dont get a bootloader, any suggestions?20:41
freebirdfinish06, wow man, yuo took 30 minutes to say that20:42
freebirdfinish06, tks mann,20:42
freebirdtks a lot20:42
jattit is normal that radeon cards overheat with the open source drivers20:42
e11bitsI would like to modify an existing package and offer that variant to the public. Is there some howto that describes how to do this, so that both packages could be installed simultaneously on a system (using the alternative mechanism)?20:43
ubuntu__ah I have posted it here and it seems someone is helping me investigating this issue with some weird commands :) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11880564#post1188056420:44
RobbieCrashI'm moving a server to new hardware. I've taken an image, but the new hard drives are bigger. HOw do I get Ubuntu to see the additional space once the image is set?20:44
JessicaWlooking for help mounting a windows share. after update can no longer mount shares off windows XP. Can mount from win7 and 2008 server shares20:44
ubuntu_____hello , I have downloaded ubuntu 12.04 and i want to install it on a sata hard disk with only / and /home both with lzo compression .. the installer has no options ?20:44
RobbieCrashJessicaW what happens when you try? Can you see the shares?20:45
freebirdyou guys, I've a hp mini 210-1000 and in win7 I can go 1024x768, but in ubuntu, I can only go 800x600, what should I do ? I'm using the classic theme20:45
JessicaWno. I get an error20:45
nmittalhi..i have 3 monitors.. and using nvidia settings i created 2 x-screens.. 1 with 1 monitor and 2nd with 2 monitors.. however on the 2nd xscreen all i see is a grey screen with a cross for mouse pointer.. is this normal?20:45
Surlent777RobbieCrash: to increase the size of the space, copy the image as normal, and then simply run gparted or something and tell it to extend the partition to fill in the empty space20:45
RobbieCrashJessicaW what error?20:45
JessicaWRobbieCrash: one sec, let me pastebin it20:45
JessicaWRobbieCrash: http://paste.ubuntu.com/950790/20:46
RobbieCrashSurlent777, thanks. So CLI I guess just go through parted?20:46
Surlent777RobbieCrash: I think that should work. I've never tried it outside of gparted but the same principle should apply20:46
JessicaWRobbieCrash: I'm pretty sure it's the way that ubuntu is encrypting the info to windows xp20:46
RobbieCrashJessicaW you need to update your credentials. What are the permissions on the share?20:47
zockyi just upgraded to 12.04 and now my mouse and keyboard are dead20:47
RobbieCrashSurlent777 thanks20:47
freebirdyou guys, what would be a goog everest or HWinfo32 for linux ? ubuntu ?20:47
JessicaWRobbieCrash: credentials have been verified. permissions on the share are anonymous full control20:47
zockyi get the login screen (in wrong resolution) but i can't login20:47
Surlent777RobbieCrash: np. I managed to clone a 300GB hard drive and expand it to a TB drive through this method. Just be warned that the expansion can take more time than actually copying the image20:47
rfmcopacetic: you probably missed where it asked if you wanted to install grub in the MBR of the disk, and it just installed it in the partition.  you should be able to run grub-install to install it on the disk (e.g. /dev/sda, not /dev/sda1).20:48
xanguahow do I mount an iso¿ I want to use the alternate iso to upgrade from Lucid to Pangolin20:48
JessicaWRobbieCrash: this has always worked for me in the past. sudo mount -t smbfs //WINSERVER/D$ /illumina -o user=user,pass=password,dir_mode=0775,gid=1009,noperm20:48
JessicaWRobbieCrash: using smbfs because XP was having issues when I tried cifs20:48
JessicaWRobbieCrash: problems started after the updates on 4/17. Running 10.04 LTS20:49
anternathello, how will i install tcl for 10.04?20:50
L3topI used to get those a lot on lucid JessicaW. I am trying to remember how it was resolved.20:50
int19hapt-get install tcl20:50
colonelqubitWhat's the suggest way to run the gnome magnifier in ubuntu 11.10?20:50
JessicaWL3top: anything will help. I"m pulling my hair out.20:51
Surlent777I'm trying to upgrade from oneiric to precise myself, and dpkg/apt-get are refusing to work, stranding me mid-upgrade, because of a printer driver package, lexmark-08z-series-driver:i386, that apparently has a "blank line in value of field 'Description'". apt-get upgrade --fix-broken isn't helping. Suggestions?20:51
RobbieCrashJessicaW try actually sharng the illumina folder instead of accessing through the admin share20:51
int19hSurlent777: remove the problem package, and after upgrade reinstall it20:52
n1anyone using ubuntu in vmware?20:52
colonelqubitTheoretically Orca screen reader should have a tab in its preferences to toggle the magnifier on/off, but that doesn't seem to be enabled in the build provided by unbuntu.20:52
anternathow will i know if tcl is installed?20:52
* colonelqubit can't type20:52
RobbieCrashso mount -t smbfs //winserver/illumina ... instead of //winserver/d$/illumina ...20:52
samerhow i can install app?20:53
int19hanternat: if you type the command, than it will be installed, unless it says that the installation failed20:53
colonelqubitSimpler question: Is Orca still a supported application in Ubuntu 11.10 or Ubuntu 12.04, or is it EOL?20:53
L3topJessicaW: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1593047 last two posts20:53
anternati typed the command with sudo.that s aok20:53
Surlent777int19h: ...duh. That might work. Thanks. On a related note, when I tried to press tab to see if it would auto-complete, it said "/var/lib/dpkg/status:53532: expected a colon", and it said that sort of thing even before the upgrade. Happen to know anything about that?20:53
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cba123I just did a fresh install of 12.04. I have an NVidia card, and enabled twinview, but now I have unity on both screens, and the mouse hesitates when moving between screens.  Does anyone know how I can change this behavior?20:53
anternatisnt tcl have command line like mysqld does?20:53
samergood morning20:53
int19htcl is a shell20:54
n1evening here20:54
cba123prevening here20:54
anternatint19h after apt-getting i typed tcl on shell but nothing happened20:54
n1anyone using ubuntu in vmware20:55
DJonescba123: If you go to your display settings, there is an option to enable/disable sticky edges, that seems to be what causes the hesitation moving from one screen to another20:55
josefnpatn1, virtualbox20:55
anternatexept that tcl isnt found error20:55
toto__using ubuntu 1204 on a 20" imac, when installing the ati/amd graphic driver, i can not see anything after restarting. How to revert to the default driver using a live usb disk ?20:55
Surlent777int19h: okay, actually, that doesn't work either, least not with apt-get or Synaptic. How can I force its removal even though apt-get wants to fix everything else first?20:55
cba123DJones, Thanks, I just found that one on google.  Can't seem to find the dual unity bar solution though.20:55
ncahi all, anyone had issues with javascript not working on 12.04 ?20:56
cba123DJones, Nevermind, got it.  Although, it thinks I'm on a laptop.20:56
n1josefnpat, are you connecting via yr. regular wlan router or usb wireless stick?20:56
JessicaWRobbieCrash: already did that20:56
josefnpatn1, I am using a loopback device20:56
i7cnca: java script in a browser?20:56
n1...whatever that maz be..20:56
jfreak53Anyone good with mutt?  I'm having trouble with a gmail trash problem :(20:56
josefnpatI'm running ubuntu under ubuntu20:56
n1will browse...may20:56
ncai7c: yes, chrome, chromium & firefox20:57
JessicaWwhy would ls show me a directory like this: d?????????   ? ?     ?                 ?                ? backup20:57
i7cnca: usually js is completely interpreted by the browser. so if the browser runs js should too.20:57
ubuntu_____hello , I have downloaded ubuntu 12.04 and i want to install it on a sata hard disk with only / and /home both with lzo compression .. the installer has no options ?20:57
beandoguh I dont think ext4 supports lzo.  zfs, yah20:58
izm__On upgrade to 12.04, I lost desktop effects. i have radeon x1200, and can still run gl apps, but not gnome-shell.  anyone help me?20:58
deranged_JessicaW, have you tried using smbclient with debugging on maybe?20:58
mrAlmondHi everyone20:58
ubuntu_____no i want to use btfs with lzo20:58
ncai7c: yes indeed, however across multiple broswers, getting the same issues. i.e. on newegg.com, the login tab is missing all texts and links20:58
int19hanternat: did you try apt-get -f ?20:58
mrAlmondI've just upgraded to 12.04 LTS20:58
JessicaWderanged_: nope. Not sure how to do that. One sec. let me google.20:58
anternati didnt int19h20:58
mrAlmondbut my pc stops at "Stopping system v runlevel compatibility"20:59
i7cnca: what about other pages? like irc webchats etc... and are you sure you didn't disable js?20:59
n1josefnpat, is it possible at all to bridge from ubuntu to wifi adapter built in a laptop through vmware? I am using usb20:59
mrAlmondthis is very bad20:59
n1...usb stick to connect to net20:59
anternatint19h the msg says tcl is already at last version20:59
josefnpatni, in virtualbox one can choose what network adapters to use20:59
ncai7c: it's odd, some js elements seem to be working, but quite a few aren't, this is off a fresh install of 12.04, the only things migrated were .bashrc and google chrome settings21:00
mrAlmondhow to fix "Stopping system v runlevel compatibility"21:00
int19hanternat: then it's installed21:00
i7cnca: mhm dunno, sounds to me like it's the page's fault and not your os ;)21:00
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zockyanybody else have dead keyboard and mouse after upgrading to 12.04?21:00
anternatok int19h letme proceed with egg21:01
ncai7c: I thought it could be, but it's across multiple pages, amazon.com, newegg primarily21:01
finish06what command in terminal shows me all of my harddrives and partitions?21:02
toto__how to disable proprietary display driver ?21:02
beandogfinish06: fdisk -l21:02
i7cnca: very weird. maybe it's a connection issue and js can't load contents with ajax?21:02
Surlent777toto__: "Restricted Drivers" in the System menu21:02
finish06beandog, thz21:02
toto__Surlent777, using command line21:02
Surlent777toto__: no clue then, sorry21:03
n1josefnpat: thx for the info as I am a bit confused after info on some forum that it was not posslible via vmware21:03
i7cnca: are you using some kind of proxy?21:03
jfreak53finish06: also df -h for mounted ones21:03
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beandogfinish06: blkid is helpful too21:03
ncai7c: perhaps.... I was running 12.04 beta on my work machine without issues, and 11.10 was doing odd things at home21:03
ncai7c: I was, but just bypassed it as part of the troubleshooting21:03
Surlent777toto__: maybe try to apt-get remove all packages with nvidia or ati in the name?21:03
finish06jfreak53, beandog thanks!!  I am just needing to add some external drives to my /etc/fstab so they auto mount21:03
ncai7c: was running squid3 on the home server21:03
beandogfinish06: add them as UUIDs, not device names21:04
mrAlmondguys what about "Stopping system v runlevel compatibility"21:04
jfreak53finish06: then fdisk was right21:04
beandogfinish06: iow, use blkid21:04
finish06beandog, why?  what is the benefit?21:04
beandogfinish06: in case device names change, it uses the disk ID21:04
int19hthis is kind of odd.... ive changed the default media player to vlc everywhere i can find, but when ever i navigate to a DVD it still says "open movie player"21:04
i7cnca: well could be a proxy issue, try without21:04
beandogfinish06: er, partition ID21:04
finish06kk thz21:04
toto__Surlent777, maybe you have not seen my first question : i can not use my computer after installing proprietary display drivers so i would like to disable them using a live usb disk to boot on21:04
jfreak53finish06: think of it as a finger print made by the OS, it won't change it21:05
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Surlent777toto__: you'll have to chroot to your hard drive and then you can try to remove the packages21:05
finish06jfreak53, awe3some!21:05
beandogfinish06: You can also label your partitions if you want21:05
Surlent777toto__: I don't recall 100% how to do that, but I know I've seen guides via google that explain how to do such a thing.21:05
beandogfinish06: if that helps you keep track of em21:05
JessicaWderanged_: got this error with d5: SPNEGO login failed:21:05
toto__ok, i will try this way, thanks Surlent77721:05
finish06no, not interesting in keeping track of them.  i only use them to serve out media, so no really concern with them.21:05
beandogfinish06: anyway, yah.  uuid is good enough21:05
Surlent777toto__: good luck; hope that helps21:06
lago0nMost definitely, wasn't the wisest time for me.  Oh well.21:06
i7cnca: consider using vpn instead of proxy... much better :P21:06
Surlent777okay, so now my question is: how do I remove a package when dpkg/apt-get are complaining about everything being broken? I apparently can't fix this without removing a package, but I'm not allowed to remove the package.21:08
TuxSurlent777, can you paste the error21:09
Surlent777Tux: sure can, one momemt21:09
Surlent777moment even21:10
JessicaWwhy is ls showing me a directory as "d?????????   ? ?     ?                 ?                ? backup"21:10
assurbanipalhi guys, i am on 12.04 and i cannot install any gnome-shell extensions although i ve been trying for two days. I even reinstalled from different  image with no luck. can someone help me out of it?21:11
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brandurenis it possible to change the keys for switching desktop in gnome3 ? (I have already tried changing it at 'system settings'->'keyboard'->'shortcut' - Didn't work)21:12
linuxuz3ris it safe to upgrade21:13
zockylinuxuz3r: depends21:14
Tuxlinuxuz3r, mostly21:14
gogetalinuxuz3r: yea mirrors are slow and upgrades sometimes go wrong21:14
zockywhich means "no"21:14
zockygogeta: i doubt that was my problem21:14
TuxYour best luck is a backup and complete reinstall21:15
gogetazocky: ?21:15
gogetaTux: i always had good luck after the mirrors where not laggy21:15
Surlent777Tux: http://pastebin.com/FKeJ0DfY21:15
zockygogeta: it finished upgrading (I think), then it crashed on alt-tab, and now keyboard and mouse don't work anymore21:15
zockyi get the login screen but can't login21:15
assurbanipalhi guys, i am on 12.04 and i cannot install any gnome-shell extensions although i ve been trying for two days. I even reinstalled from different  image with no luck. can someone help me out of it?21:16
gogetazocky: does it work in bash21:16
zockygogeta: i can't get to bash21:16
Tuxgogeta, I upgraded via mirrors.kernel.org21:16
gogetazocky: are you shure its not frozen21:16
zockygogeta: the clock keeps working, the caret keeps blinking21:16
finish06beandog, ... where should I moutn them too??  /?21:16
zockythe mouse pointer doesn't move, keyboard doesn't react to num-lock21:17
zockythe mouse led is continually on21:17
gogetazocky: try letting it boot without them plugged in21:17
zockygogeta: i have tried that21:17
Surlent777Tux: just noticed a mistake; I copied part of it by hand because the system is being a little weird; ${PackageSec} should read ${PackageSpec}21:17
TuxI see.21:17
Surlent777Tux: but either way, I'm caught in a loop21:17
zockynow it's gone into power save, so the monitor is off21:18
gogetazocky: have you tryed failsafe mode in cli mode21:18
zockygogeta: how?21:18
gogetazocky: so x does not load21:18
TuxSurlent777, is your HDD on the verge of failing?21:18
Surlent777Tux: nope21:18
Surlent777Tux: I rather doubt that would have anything to do with it though21:18
gogetazocky: exc at grub slect the recovery kernel a menu should apper slect command line21:18
Tuxsometimes it can21:18
zockygogeta: i don't think there's a grub menu. i'll try escape after bios21:19
gogetazocky: from there if the keybord works you can reconfigure x21:19
gogetazocky: its there just hidden unless you press esc21:19
Surlent777Tux: either way, basically I can't continue with this package here, and yet I can't remove it because it being there interrupted everything and the system is considered "broken" and has to be fixed first. It's like a paradox.21:20
jeinorok, so I upgraded to Precise, downloaded the manager for setting compiz settings (compizconfig-settings-manager), checked the option "Unredirect fullscreen window"21:20
TuxSuBmUnDo, try using dpkg to remove it?21:20
jeinorthis made tearing issues go away in XBMC (as it did in Ubuntu 11.10)21:20
N3M35I5anyone know how i can restart all my centovacast streams at once?21:20
jeinorbut it also made compiz crash after reboot, and now I can't get back into compiz21:20
jeinoranyone have any idea?21:21
zockyhmmm, interesting21:21
gogetazocky: failsafe worked?21:21
TuxSurlent777, even21:21
Tuxtry using dpkg to remove it?21:21
zockygogeta: i managed to get to the grub menu, but keyboard still didn't work. then I plugged it out and back in and it now works, in grub menu21:21
zockyi haven't gone on yet21:21
assurbanipalhi guys, i am on 12.04 and i cannot install any gnome-shell extensions although i ve been trying for two days. I even reinstalled from different  image with no luck. can someone help me out of it?21:22
rebecan I save program window position, so it starts in the same place every time ?21:22
gogetazocky: lol do you have windows on hiobernate21:22
gogetazocky: that will couse strange behaver21:22
Tuxanyway, I have a quick question21:23
zockygogeta: no, no windows on the machine21:23
Surlent777Tux: no dice. Whines about the blank line in 'Description'21:23
zockygogeta: i chose "recovery mode", and the result is the same as before21:23
gogetazocky: it didnt show a menu21:23
gogetazocky: sounds like a power magment issue21:24
TuxSurlent777, paste the output of sudo grep -A 20 lexmark-08z-series-driver21:24
pipegeekIs there any way to force debian-installer to drop you to a shell, during a serial install?21:24
buckypipegeek, Ctl Alt F2 or F321:25
ThinkT510pipegeek: perhaps ask in #debian , ubuntu uses ubiquity21:25
zockyi guess I should try an older kernel, but will that work?21:25
gogetazocky: i think some configuring didnt compleate21:25
pipegeekThinkT510: Not on the server installer it doesn't, does it?21:25
TuxThinkT510, that's for graphical Ubuntu21:25
pipegeekThinkT510: At least, preseed seems to work the same way21:26
Tuxthis is text-mode Ubuntu install21:26
zockygogeta: yeah, i suspect the same21:26
pipegeekbucky: not for serial.  That's only if you have physical access and can switch to a different console.  Over serial there's only one console21:26
gogetazocky: if you can somehow send the command sudo dpkg --configure -a421:26
ThinkT510pipegeek: ah, sorry didn't know you were asking regarding server21:26
gogeta1no 421:26
gogetazocky: sudo dpkg --configure -a21:26
pipegeekI may ask in #debian, but I try to avoid asking questions there about ubuntu21:26
Surlent777Tux: that command seems to be taking a long time. Is that normal?21:26
ddelonyJust curious, is it possible to use USB for a serial console?21:26
gogetazocky: over ssh or something21:26
buckypipegeek, screen ?21:26
pipegeekbucky: huh?21:27
beandoghow in the world does ubuntu software center use half a gig of memory21:27
TuxSurlent777, the file is large, so it's nirmal21:27
ThinkT510beandog: badly, thats how21:27
BoreeasWhats the advantage of building programs yourself versus installing them from the apt repo?21:27
pipegeekbucky: err, is screen available in the initrd that the server installer runs from?21:27
pipegeekI didn't think it was21:27
int19hscreen hasn't been updated for years, tmux is a much better alternative for a terminal multiplexer21:27
deranged_JessicaW, that SPNEGO seems related to choosing the authentication type, maybe try adding sec=ntlm to -o21:27
pipegeekand I'm not sure how I'd launch it21:27
buckypipegeek, maybe not21:27
pipegeekbucky: I don't think so21:27
Surlent777Boreeas: can be optimized for your architecture, or have certain things customized, or simply be a newer version21:27
pipegeekthanks for the suggestion!21:28
JessicaWderanged_: Ahhh. I didn't think of that. let me try it.21:28
BoreeasSurlent777: Ah, I see, thanks21:28
KilluacbaHi... can some 1 helpme? im just trying ubuntu (my first time using linux :$) and i cant install ubuntu... im using an older version cause ive a old laptop... the install freezes when "detecting filesystem"21:28
finish06I need help setting some external hdd to auto-mount plz21:28
assurbanipalhi guys, i am on 12.04 and i cannot install any gnome-shell extensions although i ve been trying for two days. I even reinstalled from different  image with no luck. can someone help me out of it?21:28
gogetazocky: that should finish anything it didnt compleate21:28
zockygogeta: no ssh it seems (i thought I had it running, but apparently not)21:28
JessicaWderanged_: nope. same problem.21:28
zockyor maybe it didn't get configured21:29
int19hgnome-shell extensions?21:29
gogetazocky: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=196589321:29
gogetazocky: how to do it from live cd21:29
ddelonyBoreeas: Not necessary unless there's some functionality you really want that isn't compiled into the binary version.21:29
Bendercan you help me setting up a remote controller hotkeys in ubuntu?21:29
gogetazocky: yea that comand will finish it21:29
zockygogeta: thanks for the link. I'm already downloading it.21:29
KilluacbaHi... can some 1 helpme? im just trying ubuntu (my first time using linux :$) and i cant install ubuntu... im using an older version cause ive a old laptop... the install freezes when "detecting filesystem"21:30
deranged_JessicaW, sorry im not much help, all my file shares come from samba boxes21:30
ThinkT510!lubuntu | Killuacba21:30
ubottuKilluacba: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.21:30
mrAlmondguys what about issues with intel graphics on ubuntu 12.0421:30
spartan2276How can I install gnome-shell-user-theme? When I try to install it It says it can't because it depends on gnome-shell-extensions which is already installed21:31
mrAlmondI can't boot21:31
JessicaWderanged_: thanks for trying... it's a real bear.21:31
finish06I need help auto-mount some hdd partitions on ubuntu 12.04 plz21:31
JessicaWderanged_: know any way to roll back to previous version of samba after an ubdate?21:31
gogetamrAlmond: intels supoorts linux21:31
int19hthe problem is not with samba, its with windows xp. its WAY past EOL21:32
=== brisingr is now known as Guest36083
=== Guest36083 is now known as Audr
gogetaint19h: xp is not eol still supported21:32
int19h2k and xp are eol21:33
wart___sudo joe /etc/sudoers21:33
gogetaint19h: xp does not like seeing samba shares but if you type the ip by hand in most cases it works21:33
auronandacexpsp3 is supported until 201421:33
zockygogeta: hey, I managed to log in with one of the old kernels and am running dpkg --recofnigure now. thanks for your help.21:33
spacebug-wart___: that file should only be edited using command visudo21:33
int19hoh they extended it again21:33
AudrHello everyone, can someone tell me why when using the command 'sudo apt-get update' my connection just hangs? I get this: 0% [Connecting to (]21:33
Audridk what that IP is21:34
gogetazocky: is it configuring ALOT OF STUFF21:34
KilluacbaHi... can some 1 helpme? im just trying ubuntu (my first time using linux :$) and i cant install ubuntu... im using an older version cause ive a old laptop... the install freezes when "detecting filesystem"21:34
int19hto april 8th 2014.... *smh*21:34
zockygogeta: yeah21:34
Surlent777Audr: could mean whatever that IP is pointing to is down21:34
gogetazocky: thats where you failed then :)21:34
assurbanipalhi guys, i am on 12.04 and i cannot install any gnome-shell extensions although i ve been trying for two days. I even reinstalled from different  image with no luck. can someone help me out of it?21:34
AudrSurlent777, how do I get rid of the IP and have it point to the main servers21:34
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phpN00bhow do I upgrade from beta2 to the stable release?21:34
Surlent777Audr: I don't think you understand how an IP works. That site is possibly down, period21:34
L3mceEXTENDED support. Mainstream support ended 2009.21:35
gogetaAudr: in the update manager and settings21:35
AudrSurlent777, it causes all install from apt-get to hang21:35
DJones!final | phpN00b21:35
ubottuphpN00b: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.21:35
zockygogeta: yeah, it seems that the unity3d alt-tab crashing bug applies to my system, and I triggered it while it was configuring the upgrade21:35
Surlent777Audr: it's going to do that, yeah21:35
Audrgogeta, where in the settings21:35
Surlent777Audr: and what site IS verifiably down from my end as well21:35
GallomimiaAudr i don't think the standard apt sources are on a 24.* address are they?21:35
AudrI have no idea Gallomimia . I don't remember putting in a proxy21:36
Surlent777I suspect it might be getdeb21:36
Surlent777checking now21:36
Gallomimiashouldn't it be looking at something with a domain name?21:36
Audrdoing 'echo $http_proxy' prints out a newline21:36
Surlent777okay, maybe not21:37
Audrwell, a empty space rather21:37
Gallomimiawell read /etc/sources21:37
Audrcheck for the IP in there Gallomimia ?21:37
int19hwhat are some major changes in the new lts version ?21:37
Gallomimiajust read it and figure out what it SHOULD be21:37
int19hi dont see any difference between it and 11.1021:37
AudrGallomimia, are you talking about sources.list ?21:38
Gallomimiajust understand how sources and apt work. if you get software from an untrusted source, you can rest assured it will do something harmful to your system.21:38
phibxrhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-SmNPjMcRQ <- Live Q&A with Ubuntu-people!21:39
krobertsonanyone experienced IO errors on precise under paravirtualized xen (using XenServer)?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/950921/ is the errors I'm getting21:39
=== Horse is now known as OmegaLimit
Surlent777Audr: this 24.* seems to be a proxy. You can't use a proxy as a repository in sources.list.21:39
AudrSurlent777, yah I saw that it was a proxy. I don't know how to get rid of it21:40
Surlent777Audr: if it's in your sources.list, just open it up in a text editor, find it, and delete it21:40
assurbanipalhi guys, i am on 12.04 and i cannot install any gnome-shell extensions although i ve been trying for two days. I even reinstalled from different  image with no luck. can someone help me out of it?21:40
solexiousmy server upgrade to 12.04 quit during, how can I restart it?21:40
Surlent777Audr: if it's a network setting, look at your network applet and see if it's in there somewhere21:40
AudrSurlent777, I doubt it is. I just put in the default sources.list for 11.121:40
Gallomimiaoooh. 12.04 is the release date. not some stupid version number21:40
Gallomimiai get it.21:40
JessicaWis there any way to keep mount.cifs from encrypting the password?21:40
Gallomimiafinally i get it.21:40
AudrSurlent777, how would I tell if it is a network setting?21:41
Surlent777Gallomimia: 12.04 IS a release number. The versions are marked by the year and month21:41
Surlent777Audr: if it's listed as a proxy of some sort in your network applet settings21:41
Surlent777Audr: or really at all21:41
Audrwhat file is that21:41
Youssef_KHpeolpe help i forgot my password on ubuntu 12 lts21:41
Gallomimiawhat i mean is there's no 12.05 12.06 12.0721:41
Youssef_KH???? help me21:41
Surlent777Gallomimia: ah okay21:41
Gallomimiathe next version is scheduled for x and it's version number will be x21:42
rebeis it possible to use drive letters in terminal instead of "/media/sda*/" ?21:42
Gallomimiathere are no letters.21:42
Gallomimiamaybe you want to mount them as /c/ and /d21:42
Gallomimiaor name it whatever you like21:42
Gallomimiaread man mount21:42
vantageHi all, having a small small issues with 12.04 at the moment. 1) avahi complains about having a .local domain on login. Not sure how to change/update that21:42
AudrSurlent777, what file would the network applet settings be in21:42
Surlent777Audr: if you're in X/GNOME/Unity/whatever there should be a network applet in your system tray, or up in the corner, or something. Else, try looking under System in the main menu and look for network settings21:42
Youssef_KHyou can assign to a global variable in shell21:43
vantageand 2) On one machine where the time should be, I just get the word "Time"21:43
Gallomimiai think i know nothing about the robot21:43
Audrbrb then21:43
ghost_Hi everyone i have a issue is it possable to install xorg from ubuntu 10.10 into 12.04 since it is the only one that detects my proper screen resoulution and needed settings for my lcd tv21:43
Youssef_KHliek C=/media/sd121:43
assurbanipalhi guys, i am on 12.04 and i cannot install any gnome-shell extensions although i ve been trying for two days. I even reinstalled from different  image with no luck. can someone help me out of it?21:43
Surlent777rebe: the letters thing is a relic of MS-DOS. Unix-like systems using a different naming scheme21:43
Gallomimiaghost_: i should think your concern would be a bug report over the newer versions of softwares breaking your working system.21:43
deranged_JessicaW, maybe try all the sec= options in man mount,cifs and also --verbose? also isnt there an event log on the winxp side you could check?21:44
AudrSurlent777, nothing in the Network Settings area. No proxy that is turned on.21:44
JessicaWderanged_: haha. Great minds think alike. I'm trying the sec= options now.21:44
rebegallomimia: not sure I understand, surlent777: maybe, but it's shorter :)21:44
Audrwhat is the grep command to search through the whole system for the IP21:44
assurbanipalhi guys, i am on 12.04 and i cannot install any gnome-shell extensions although i ve been trying for two days. I even reinstalled from different  image with no luck. can someone help me out of it?21:45
ghost_well its been through out the last few versions of ubuntu so i stayed wih 10.10 but its discontinued now so i am in a predictament because i always use that system for all my media21:45
Gallomimiarebe: it's possible to control where things are mounted, and name the exact directory and file names each drive is mounted at21:45
Surlent777Tux: seriously that command is still running this can't be right21:45
Gallomimiafor example some people mount /boot and /home on different drives21:45
KilluacbaO.o.... nice... i will try it... xD thx a lot ^^21:46
gogetaghost_: you shold be able to upgrade it21:46
aciculaghost_: you are not able to set the resolution manually?21:47
Surlent777Tux: what is "grep -A 20 lexmark-08z-series-driver" supposed to find? Maybe we can cut to the chase some other way21:48
AudrSurlent777, is there any where else a proxy would be stored in? I checked in /etc/environment and it wasnt there21:48
Surlent777Audr: I never tried to use one, so I'm not sure. :/21:48
TuxSurlent777, what dpkg thinks it is21:48
TuxThere might be a syntax error...21:49
AudrSurlent777, lol. Problem is, I don't remember putting in a proxy21:49
ghost_i tryed upgrading before 10.10s life ended and it left me with the problem from up above and ive tryed a few different ways even useing xrandr cvt and gft but no avail because the resoulutionis 1360x768 i want to upgrade but idk if theres a way to generate my old xorg config and use it on the new set up or what21:49
solid_liqanyone know the name of that tool that will automatically check through available mirrors for your apt repository and select the fastest one?21:49
Surlent777Audr: could it perhaps be a setting in your router?21:49
assurbanipalhi guys, i am on 12.04 and i cannot install any gnome-shell extensions although i ve been trying for two days. I even reinstalled from different  image with no luck. can someone help me out of it? Can at least give me a response whether i m the only one with that problem or not?21:49
Audrmaybe, i dont mess with the network. someone else might have21:49
AudrSurlent777, how would i check?21:50
Surlent777Audr: if you know your router's IP address (often something like, usually on a sticker on the router itself) and the user name and password for it, you may be able to check it through a web browser21:50
meganerdAudr: I just popped in, did you check to see if a shell variable was set?21:50
Surlent777meganerd: he tried echo $http_proxy21:51
AudrIt printed out a blank space21:51
Audrhttp proxy in /etc/environment is empty21:51
bc``i have a strange question that i am almost certain has not been asked before here21:51
bc``is it possible to put one monitor to sleep, but not the other one?21:51
deranged_use the power button?21:52
Surlent777Tux: I think locate might be helpful here. I got an instant list of things, including 5 hits in /var/lib/dpkg/info21:52
bc``i mean programmatically21:52
Audrmeganerd, do you know the command to search the whole system for that IP ?21:52
=== hg is now known as Guest40258
machiolate*** NEW UBUNTU RELEASE OUT ***21:53
meganerdAudr: grep -r x.x.x.x /21:53
rfmbc'' try xset dpms force off with DISPLAY set to :0.0 or :0.121:53
meganerdAudr: grep -r x.x.x.x /*21:54
Surlent777micromatikal: I think we're all aware, but thanks21:54
Audrmeganerd, whats up with adding the '*' ?21:54
assurbanipalhi guys, i am on 12.04 and i cannot install any gnome-shell extensions although i ve been trying for two days. I even reinstalled from different  image with no luck. can someone help me out of it? Can at least give me a response whether i m the only one with that problem or not?21:54
meganerdAudr: typo21:55
meganerdAudr: you also need to be root (aka use sudo)21:55
dougb_freebsdwhen I type 'ssh some.host' on the command line I'm not getting the good old gui password prompt, although ssh-agent and gnome-keyring are both running21:55
Audrmeganerd, kk. What does -r stand for21:55
dougb_freebsdusing seahorse I can see my ssh keys, and if I do 'ssh-add' on the command line it works21:56
dougb_freebsdany suggestions?21:56
meganerdAudr: if you want to get fancy and hide errors: "sudo grep -r / x.x.x.x 2> /dev/null"21:56
meganerdAudr: recursive21:56
meganerdAudr: grep --help21:56
nannesWhy the installation process of the new Ubuntu Precise Pangolin does not ask me If I wanna do Manual partitioning?21:56
Audrmeganerd, I wonder how long this scan will take21:56
deranged_a long time21:57
Audrderanged_, 30min long time?21:57
Audror like a 'I love you long time' long time21:57
Surlent777I have now looked at dpkg's status file, and it's whining that there's a blank line, so I put a period on the blank line, and now it's still whining that there's a blank line.21:57
deranged_will depend on your system, how many files is it openeing to look for that text?21:58
meganerdAudr: depends on the size and speed of the disks, as well as the performance of the PC21:58
Audrderanged_, everything21:58
Audrmeganerd, ah kk21:58
deranged_i would probably try in /etc first before i did in /21:58
AudrI should have hid errors..21:58
meganerdAudr: deranged_was more accurate, a 5 terabyte disk or array that is empty will be fast :)21:58
Audrmaybe I should stop it now and check /etc/ first like he said21:59
meganerdAudr: yes I would start in /etc and your home folder before scanning the whole disk21:59
Audrkk stoped21:59
Surlent777okay, re-adjusting it slightly now works, now I have a new error21:59
Surlent777but I may be on the right track21:59
Surlent777ON WITH THE HUNT21:59
Benderany help with key binding in ubuntu 12.04?21:59
mrAlmondI've intel hd gma22:00
JessicaWderanged_: hey, when I enable --verbose, shows me that the password is being encrypted. anyway to do this in plain text? pass=********22:00
mrAlmondand ubuntu 12.04 just updated does not work22:00
meganerdAudr: you could also use lsof to make sure that you are actually connecting to a proxy "sudo lsof -i:80,8080,3128"22:00
mrAlmondis there someone who can help me??22:00
Surlent777ha, it's working!22:01
Audrmeganerd,  kk. it found it in /etc/apt/apt.conf22:01
CJKayFFFFFFFFUUUUUU Just spent half an hour installing the Teamviewer deb only for it to come up with THIS at the VERY last second:22:01
CJKayFailed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-toolchain-r/test/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gcc-4.7/libgomp1_4.7.0-4ubuntu2_i386.deb 404  Not Found22:01
Audrmeganerd, should i go erase?22:01
meganerdAudr: sudoedit /etc/apt/apt.conf22:01
ximirguys... I had some issue with this new 12.04 64bit22:02
=== prodige_ is now known as prodige_94
Surlent777Tux: I know you're afk but realizing your intent led me to edit some dpkg files by hand, eliminating "blank spaces" that were unwelcome by inserting a period. Things are progressing now. Thanks for the help.22:02
dougb_freebsdmrAlmond: can you say a little more about the problem you're having?22:02
meganerdAudr: it is a shame I was not here earlier, that is the first place I would have had you look22:02
Tuxyw ;)22:02
meganerdAudr: I should have read the entire history, sorry about that22:02
CoreyCJKay: libgomp1_4.7.0-4ubuntu2_amd64.deb22:02
JessicaWanyone know how to keep mount.cifs from encrypting passwords?22:02
Audrmeganerd, Tell me why it was also in /etc/environment22:02
=== Cristiano is now known as Guest84810
CoreyEr, whoops.22:02
CJKayCorey: I can't change that, it's what TeamViewer wants to install22:02
Audrmeganerd, i dont know what specific files do what22:02
Audrmeganerd, and should I set that to "" ?22:02
CoreyInteresting, no 32 bit version available.22:02
CJKayInstalling the deb through the software centre22:02
meganerdAudr: in apt.conf just delete the whole line22:03
CJKayWhat a waste of time and precious bandwidth22:03
deranged_JessicaW, i thought winxp does encrypt passwords?22:03
Audrmeganerd, now should I clean or try the apt-get update22:03
dougb_freebsd... meanwhile still looking for help with my ssh-agent problem if someone has a chance22:04
jaxxdrewWhat is there for a screensaver on 12.04?22:04
JessicaWderanged_: My feeling is, after two days of hammering at this, is that with the latest samba/winbind update on 10.04 something changed in the encryption methods and now XP can't understand it.22:04
=== psum_ is now known as psum
dougb_freebsdjaxxdrew: ubuntu comes with xscreensaver enabled by default22:04
Surlent777jaxxdrew: nothing because GNOME is mean and spiteful. You can install XScreensaver though, which works nicely, even if it is ugly22:04
CJKayI'm not even sure why it's looking for i386 anyway. It's an amd64 system!22:05
int19hi just want my screen to shut off to save power after 10m22:05
dougb_freebsdJessicaW: it's not uncommon after upgrading samba that you have to recreate the password file22:05
int19hthats it22:05
CJKayNot to ention a 64-bit program too22:05
Surlent777int19h: how do you determine if there's activity on one monitor but not another? Most screensavers/power-savers look for keyboard or mouse input22:05
meganerdAudr: the apt.conf would have only set a proxy for apt/synaptic/aptitude etc., whereas the other one sets a variable that applies to all apps22:05
JessicaWdougb_freebsd: ohhh. how do you do that?22:06
meganerdAudr: gotta run, cheers22:06
Audrmeganerd, interesting. And it works except for the Java files22:06
Audrmeganerd, THANK YOU22:06
Audryou have saved a soul today22:06
JessicaWdougb_freebsd: also, my two others shares to windows 7 machines are working. Just not this one to XP.22:06
Audrleave knowing you have done the Linux god's work22:06
meganerdAudr: the apps still have to look for that variable22:06
meganerdAudr: most do, but there is no garuntee.22:06
dougb_freebsdJessicaW: smbpasswd22:06
ThePendulum1Is there a way to remove the Available/Away/Busy/etc. switches from the notification applet, without removing the entire thing?22:06
Audrkk meganerd22:07
alvesjnrhi. I created a new partition using cfdisk, and it looks okay:22:07
alvesjnr/dev/sda5       443769079   447938559     2084740+  83  Linux22:07
dougb_freebsdJessicaW: is this for just one or two users, or lots?22:07
alvesjnrbut when I do ls /dev/sda*, it is not there (??)22:07
alvesjnrany hint about what I'm doing wrong?22:07
JessicaWdougb_freebsd: lots.22:08
dougb_freebsdJessicaW: ok, that's not going to be a good solution then :)22:08
dougb_freebsdhow did you get the passwords in originally?22:08
JessicaWdougb_freebsd: it was working fine... then installed some security updates of which winbind and samba were a part. and can no longer connect to the XP share22:08
dougb_freebsdJessicaW: I get that part :)22:09
dougb_freebsd.... thus my comment that it's not uncommon to need to rebuild the password file after upgrading samba22:09
JessicaWdougb_freebsd: sudo mount -t smbfs //WINSERVER/D /backup -o user=user,pass=password,dir_mode=0775,gid=1009,noperm22:09
dougb_freebsdhow was your current password file originally created?22:09
JessicaWdougb_freebsd: I don't know. I wasn't here for that. I inherited this machine.22:10
dougb_freebsdOh, so you're saying that if you execute that command line, it no longer works?22:10
int19hJessicaW: does it mount it and you just cant write to it, or it just activly rejects it22:10
JessicaWdougb_freebsd: correct. I commented out fstab for now and I'm just trying to get the command to work from CLI.22:11
dougb_freebsdOk, crank up the debug level on smbd and look in the logs22:11
JessicaWverbose shows mount error(13): Permission denied22:11
JessicaWit's a NT_AUTH_LOGIN error22:12
JessicaWbut I know the credentials are correct22:12
twodogsTrying to resolve a permission issue, tried to chown /etc/bind/slave to bind user... it took for a few minutes and then reset.22:12
JessicaWor... nt login something. hang on.22:12
L3topJessicaW I take it that post was not helpful? (was away) the last most especially?22:12
JessicaW[155559.961039] Status code returned 0xc000006d NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE22:12
JessicaW[155559.961051]  CIFS VFS: Send error in SessSetup = -1322:12
JessicaW[155559.961066]  CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -1322:12
* L3top calls this a bug in 1004.22:14
JessicaWL3top: Yeah, I read through it. gave me some ideas, but no. Since it's local users on that machine it didn't work.22:14
int19his it xp home, or xp pro ?22:14
JessicaWit's VERY VERY frustrating.22:14
L3topIt seems to have to do with the multiple requests in the pam... oh... oh I see.... yeah, you can't edit that many files.22:14
JessicaWverbose shows "mount.cifs kernel mount options: unc=//WINSERVER\D$,ver=1,rw,user=user,sec=none,ip=,pass=********"22:15
JessicaWwhich was making me guess it has something to do with the password encryption. I tried all the different sec= options from man page.22:16
dougb_freebsdJessicaW: yeah, I was just going to suggest that22:16
dougb_freebsdIIRC xp encrypted its passwords differently than later versions, and there used to be a knob for htat22:16
int19hare you using mount -t cifs or mount -t smbfs ?22:17
JessicaWI've tried both22:17
dougb_freebsdhaven't tried dealing with an xp system for a while though, so I'm not up to speed on any changes22:17
L3topAgain... it seems to do with the multiple PAM_MOUNT calls in all of the configs. To be perfectly honest, I expect this bug to be exasserbated due to networking issues. I would stress test the network and see if anything can be addressed there.22:17
JessicaWalso, I don't think it's just 1004. I installed 1204 on vmware real quick and had the same problrm.22:17
L3topIt is in BOTH 1004 and 120422:18
L3topit is not in the 11s22:18
JessicaWBOTH. IKR?22:18
eutheriaoh the font rendering is so much better22:18
JessicaWdunno. don't have a copy of 11.22:18
eutheriaand skype follows the gtk theme! yay22:18
=== marlinc is now known as Marlinc
JessicaWI could try it. would take like... 15 mins. but, when I install samba and winbind, it's going to be the same version for all three right?22:18
int19hdid you try sec=none ?22:19
JessicaWI do a clean install, then apt-get samba winbind22:19
JessicaWmount.cifs kernel mount options: unc=//WINSERVER\D$,ver=1,rw,user=user,sec=none,ip=,pass=********22:19
JessicaW(that's the verbose output)22:19
JessicaWp.s. thanks to all those helping out. This is a MOST perplexing issue.22:19
int19hit is indeed22:20
JessicaWBTW, just in case any of you missed it, my windows 2008 server shares and win 7 shares are working fine.22:20
dougb_freebsdJessicaW: do you have admin privs on the windows box?22:20
michalchikHey folks22:20
deranged_there must have been another change, the changelog for winbind and samba doesnt look like anything relevant lately, and you said it was just after a recent upgrade correct?22:20
Drone4fouri've got 6 or more windows open from my last session with chromium and now that i am using unity i have to close a window to see the next one.  how do i cycle through different browser windows in unity?22:20
int19hiscsi ;)22:20
ztag100I'm about to setup a Dual-Boot, and an idea just occured to me, is it possible to put the "home" and "users" directory on the same partition?22:20
JessicaWyeah, I installed some updates 4/1722:20
dougb_freebsdJessicaW: try creating a user with no password, and see if that works22:20
JessicaWone sec.22:20
michalchikI have a weird problem with my printer. Anyone good with that?22:21
JessicaWthis is what I installed http://paste.ubuntu.com/951036/22:21
dougb_freebsdztag100: what users directory are you referring to?22:21
int19hhttp://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=18986 is the answer imo.... i just dont know what else you can do22:21
ztag100where you store your documents, pictures, music...22:21
deranged_i bet thats the one22:22
JessicaWdougb_freebsd: Will take me 5 mins. I don't hsve RDP enabled on that box and I"m going to have to walk down to the lab that it's in.22:22
mierkerI need help22:22
dougb_freebsdztag100: no, since the windows directory should almost certainly be ntfs, whereas your linux home directory should be ext[234]22:22
haroldhi guys. I downloaded 12.04 beta 2 one week ago. What should I do now to get pu to speed?22:22
ztag100Ah, didn't think about that22:22
dougb_freebsdharold: first, download the actual release :)22:22
trism!final | harold22:23
ubottuharold: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.22:23
int19hharold: just apt-get update&&apt-get dist-upgrade22:23
dougb_freebsdztag100: what you can do is set up a primary partition as fat32 and share it between systems22:23
mierkerI HELP!!!22:23
FloodBot1mierker: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:23
dougb_freebsdztag100: that's what I do22:23
haroldI downloaded the beta2 last week... is that the "dev version"? But ok, I'll try it out, thanks!22:23
taime1is there a way to manually start notify-osd?22:23
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dougb_freebsdmierker: stop shouting, and ask your question22:23
mierkerI want to install ubuntu 11.1022:24
n1anyone running ubuntu on vmware?22:24
dougb_freebsdharold: it would be faster and easier for you to install the new cd22:24
dougb_freebsdn1 yes22:24
dougb_freebsdmierker: that's not a question :)22:24
mierkeri do not want unity22:24
ztag100dougb_freebsd: how does that work?22:24
Takyoji[laptop]For some reason my desktop freezes at gdm (no mouse/keyboard reaction), with a graphical issue, Xorg appears to have 100% CPU utilization, and Nouveau is being used, thoughts?22:25
mierkerWaht should i Do?=22:25
escott!nounity | mierker22:25
ubottumierker: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic22:25
dougb_freebsdztag100: it depends on how complex you want to get .... you can manhandle windows to make d:/data/user be the user directory, but that requires editing the registry22:26
mierkerthats not possible22:26
mierkerGnome shell is not good22:26
mierkerThe fallback i hate22:26
mierkerand unity is really shit22:26
dougb_freebsdztag100: you may find it easier to just organize your files on the data directory, and create shortcuts in windows, and symlinks in ubuntu22:27
Lintthat´s BS, I installed gnome-shell, but it fails to run22:27
mierkerno wonder22:27
ztag100I just wan't someway to have one partition for all my media and files22:27
deranged_then use kubunut or xubuntu22:27
dougb_freebsdztag100: win7 also gives you a little more flexibility in defining your libraries/folders for things like documents, photos, etc.22:27
gogetamirak: you have other window managers22:27
dlentzmierker, so what desktop environment do you like?22:27
Lintdougb_freebsd, I doubt that you know what a shortcut is22:28
dougb_freebsdztag100: yes, that is what I'm describing22:28
mierkerGnome 222:28
gogetamierker: give xfce a try then22:28
mierkerno xfce has a big reason why i dont like it22:28
dlentzif fallback doesn't work for you, then try linux mint and use MATE or Cinnamon22:28
L3topThat is tough Takyoji[laptop]... out of curiosity, what is the output of lspci -nn | grep VGA22:28
gogetamierker: or mate22:28
Lintmate is unmaintained22:29
taime1how can i start notify-osd manually?22:29
mierkerfallback works for me but it is not good22:29
JessicaWdougb_freebsd: created user with no password, verified share is set to everyone full control, anonymous login full control, and full control for that password-less users as well.22:29
gogetaLint: sense when22:29
dlentzLint, Mate is mainatained22:29
mierkerXFCE i dont like because of the name22:29
dougb_freebsdLint: rather than insulting my knowledge base, why don't you express your concern in a concise manner? :)22:29
* L3top thinks some people need to come to grips with the fact that gnome is going away.22:29
taime1no way22:29
Takyoji[laptop]L3top: 05:06.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: nVidia Corporation NV18 [GeForce4 MX 4000] [10de:0185] (rev c1)22:29
gogetamierker: the name lol22:29
taime1it stays22:29
taime1gogeta: agreed.. lol22:29
KverasIs there a way to make the Unity Launcher use the same solid color as the taskbar?22:29
dlentzmierker, then i think you're beyond help...22:29
mierkerI want gnome 222:30
mierkernot others22:30
gogetamierker: you can all it fail windows manager as long as it works well22:30
dlentzthen use mate or just use lucid/10.0422:30
JessicaWdougb_freebsd: you can see there was no password this time from verbose output.22:30
JessicaWdougb_freebsd: mount.cifs kernel mount options: unc=//WINSSERVER\DDrive,ver=1,rw,user=testuser,ip=
L3topI believe that that chipset has fallen out of support Takyoji[laptop]. You might consider the nvidia proprietary driver... which... I think is 173... I will look it up.22:30
n1dougb_freebsd: I am connecting to net via usb stick (asked me automatically when installed it to use that connection) but would like to bridge ubuntu to built in wifi adapter in latop so it can recognize wireless networks in range. Installed wicd network manager and enabled bridge in vmware and updated ubuntu. any idea?22:30
Lintdougb_freebsd, shortcuts in windows are not related to symlinks in any way22:30
dougb_freebsdJessicaW: did the mount work though?22:31
JessicaWdougb_freebsd: nope22:31
jeinorIn Ubuntu 11.10, I could tick the option "Unredirect fullscreen window" and it worked after reboots. When I tick this option in 12.04, Compiz crashes on reboot. Anyone know why?22:31
JessicaWdougb_freebsd: still getting that same error22:31
ztag100man, I hate windows...22:31
JessicaWdougb_freebsd: mount error(13): Permission denied22:31
JessicaWME TOO.22:31
Lintok, what I should do to make gnome-shell to work on ubuntu? it works in Fedoar, it works in opensuse, but not in ubuntu for some reason22:31
gogetaKveras: yes install the myunity app it can adjust the transparency22:31
L3topyeah Takyoji[laptop]... you will have better luck with nvidia-glx-96. It is just quite old.22:32
dougb_freebsdLint: yes, I understand that, but functionally they do similar things, and will solve his problem22:32
dougb_freebsdJessicaW: that's wacky22:32
JessicaWdougb_freebsd: it makes NO SENSE.22:32
Kverasgogeta, I tried this. but the panel is still transparent - even at 0% transparancy. I am using the radiance theme, and I think the launcher would look best if it was the same solid color.22:32
Takyoji[laptop]L3top: happen to know how to remove the nouveau package as well?22:32
dougb_freebsdztag100: this is not a hard problem :)  I multi-boot my systems, and this solution works for me22:32
JessicaWdougb_freebsd: and, I just sent in our info to purchase canonical support for this. :|22:33
L3topsudo apt-get remove xserver-xorg-video-nouveau    Takyoji[laptop]22:33
seliteGRUB doesn't load I get something like FILE BOOT/BCD because I ran chkdsk on win7 what should I do?22:33
ztag100dougb_freebsd: it's not cuz of that, I just REALLY don't like windows22:33
taime1how can i start notify-osd manually?22:33
Takyoji[laptop]L3top: thank you for your help, I'll see if it all works here in a moment22:33
LintJessicaW, Ubuntu cannot mount shares on Windows servers22:34
gogetaselite: | !grub22:34
ztag100I'm being forced to use it (need to run a few apps and games) that are windows only22:34
deranged_JessicaW, the really annoying thing will be in the end it will turn out to be like one line on a config file or one switch in windows reg22:34
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)22:34
L3topany time... I will be here if you have issues... make sure that on boot after install of nvidia that your xorg.conf reflects the driver change, ie replace Driver        "nouveau" with  Driver          "nvidia"  if neccesary Takyoji[laptop]22:34
trismtaime1: just run it: /usr/lib/notify-osd/notify-osd; although there isn't any reason to, since it is started automatically when someone sends a notification22:35
selitegogeta: Well too bad that my laptop can't run the CD.22:35
JessicaWderanged_: Yeah. That's kinda what I"m thinking. a $700 one line change.22:35
Lintit will turn out that Ubuntu still doesn´t support NTLM2 in 2012, despite it was introduced in Windows 200022:35
gogetaselite: then use a usd stock22:35
dougb_freebsdztag100: fyi, the order I usually do things in when installing a new system is: 1. Boot ubuntu cd, use gparted to slice the disk, 2. install windows (in the first partition), 3. install ubuntu22:35
mierkerdoes somebody has an idea22:35
mierkerwhy ubuntu has made unity22:35
JessicaWLint: Ubuntu can TOTALLY mount shares on windows servers.22:35
gogetamierker: they didnt like gnome shell22:36
ThePendulum1mierker: Because Gnome 3 wasn't ready in time22:36
taime1trism: it isnt starting for some reason. thats why i want to try and run it manually22:36
dougb_freebsdztag100: that will save you time and get grub installed without windows mucking it up22:36
L3topTakyoji[laptop]: I am not positive, but you may be able to run nvidia-xconfigure   or perhaps it is nvidia-xconfig...22:36
mierkerThePendulum1: that is not right22:36
LintJessicaW, not on 2003+/Vista+22:36
gogetamierker: the hate is unfounded with 12.04 its snappy does what it needs to do and stable22:36
ztag100two partitions?22:36
mierkerThePendulum1: gnome 3 was ready22:36
dougb_freebsdztag100: 3 ... one for windows, one for your data, one for ubuntu22:36
gogetamierker: gnome 3 at launch was horrrid22:37
dougb_freebsd(actually I use a lot more than 3, but I'm keeping it simple )22:37
mierkerbut nothing was as horrible as units22:37
ztag100where should I put the data partition22:37
mierkerbut nothing was as horrible as unity22:37
ThePendulum1mierker: It wasn't ready (enough) at the time they needed to implement it and develop with it22:37
aragorn5is there a program like SineGen for Ubuntu which can sound a sine wave using a slide?22:37
JessicaWLint: sure it will. I have two 2008 server shares, 2 windows7 shares, and 1 vista share. It's only the XP one I'm having a problem with.22:37
n1dougb_freebsd: I am connecting to net via usb stick (asked me automatically when installed it to use that connection) but would like to bridge ubuntu to built in wifi adapter in latop so it can recognize wireless networks in range.22:37
gogetamierker: guess you forget anything pre lts is testing22:37
ztag100what order is your disk?22:37
mierkerThe first time you can give unity a try...is now22:37
dougb_freebsdztag100: usually it's easiest to put the data partition second, and the ubuntu partition last22:37
mierkerbut gnome 3 you can use since 1 year22:37
n1is it possible with vmware?22:37
L3topmierker: are you just here to complain because Ubuntu has not made the same decisions as you would have?22:38
ThePendulum1mierker: I didn't like Unity in 11.04 and 11.10, but it has improved in 12.04 and it has become more useable now. I expect it to be amazing as of 13.0422:38
Sveen12Buenos dias22:38
taime1trism: okay, that worked.. thanks22:38
ztag100how big should my ubuntu / partition be?22:38
mierkerCanonical is such a big industrie22:38
JessicaWok, next problem. I have a directory that shows under ls as d??????? for the attributes. sudo -i and can't chmod, chown, or rm. Suggestions?22:38
dougb_freebsdn1: I doubt it, I don't think vmware has the right stuff to allow direct access to your wifi card22:38
mierkerMark S. gives them so much money22:38
Sveen12Jmmm, Something here speak spanish?22:38
gogetaok enough of this use it or dont thers other window managers and tons of other ubuntus22:38
Sveen12Jmmm, Something here speak spanish?????22:38
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.22:38
dlentz!ot | mierker22:39
ubottumierker: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:39
jhartzellI just installed 12.04 on my Lenovo and I can't get it to boot. Is this the right place to ask about that?22:39
L3topztag100: there is not really a good answer to that... I can tell you minimum you want about 10 gb... maybe as little as 8... but how much you SHOULD use... as much as you feel is needed for whatever you do.22:39
dougb_freebsdztag100: depends, how big is your disk?  I have a 15G partition for / and /usr, and it is only using 3 G so far ... I make it ridiculously big because I tend to install a lot of stuff, and I'm lazy about uninstalling it22:39
JessicaWdougb_freebsd: hey, did you see anything in this that might have caused this to break? http://paste.ubuntu.com/951036/22:39
n1dougb_freebsd: so you are also connecting via usb stick?22:40
dougb_freebsdJessicaW: I looked at that, and no22:40
matelot12.04 - Is elementary theme available ?22:40
dougb_freebsdn1: I install into vmware using the iso image22:40
ThePendulum1Is there a way to improve the splash screen resolution on start-up?22:40
matelotI can't stand the default theme22:40
ThePendulum1(In 12.04)22:40
JessicaWdougb_freebsd: thanks for looking. I didn't see anything either. But something sure caused it.22:40
freebirdyou guys, I've a graphic card, in ubuntu (8086:a011), in win I can go 1024x76822:40
dlentzjhartzell, do you have more info (error messages)?22:40
krababbelztag100: you should have as much swap as you have ram too at least for hibernation.22:40
freebirdnot in ubuntu, what do you guys suggest ?22:40
freebirdwhat should I do ? things are too big22:41
mierkerwhy is this fixed??????????22:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 776435 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Window maximizes on the wrong workspace" [Medium,Triaged]22:41
jhartzellWhen I try to boot from the hard drive, nothing happens. If I reboot and then look at efibootmgr, it doesn't list ubuntu anymore.22:41
gogetaKrabbe: naa you dont need tht mutch swap to hibernate22:41
mierkerbug 77643522:41
Takyoji[laptop]_Issue seems to be persist, and I've forgotten the username of the assistant. xP22:41
henrybeanhow do i change the systme font in 12.04?22:41
jhartzellRight now, Boot0009 says ubuntu, as I just ran the installer and am still on the liveCd.22:41
L3topfreebird What driver are you using and what card is it? actually... lspci -nn | grep VGA22:41
gogetaKrabbe: around a gig is fine22:41
aragorn5Never mind. I found a Windows program which works in WINE.22:42
jhartzellBut if I reboot the computer, I know that it won't boot at all, it'll fall back to PXEBoot, and if I reboot to the liveCD, it'll not show ubuntu on the list anymore.22:42
cheryl_Hi, hate to be the fly in your ointment, but how do I change dir on commandline in Ubuntu?? :)22:42
mierkerubuntu gets more and more bad22:42
Takyoji[laptop]_L3top: issue persists, 100% CPU usage by Xorg22:42
mierkerfirst this DE+22:42
mierkernow the helping here22:42
ztag100I have a 120 GB HD, So, I'm going to have, all of windows partitions take up 60 GB, data partitions take up 30 GB, and 30 GB for ubuntu22:42
freebirdL3top, 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation N10 Family Integrated Graphics Controller [8086:a011]22:42
Takyoji[laptop]_and the cursor seems to be able to move, actually22:42
n1dougb_freebsd:i mean connect to internet via usb modem?22:42
JessicaWcheryl_: type cd22:42
krababbelztag100: 30gigshould be plenty for /22:42
cheryl_JessicaW, Yes, then?22:42
deranged_am i the only one wondering if mierker lives under a bridge?22:42
ztag10045 for data and 15 for ubuntu22:42
Takyoji[laptop]_but keyboard doesn't react at all22:42
gogetaTakyoji[laptop]_: probly need to install your video drivers or if its relly old unity 2d22:42
L3topTakyoji[laptop]_:  did you run nvidia-xconfig(ure)?22:42
ztag100I messed up22:42
dougb_freebsdn1: no ... I'm plugged into a router22:42
ztag100does that work?22:43
JessicaWcheryl_: for example "cd /mnt" or "cd name_of_directory" it stands for change directory.22:43
krababbelztag100: my install currently is 12g22:43
dougb_freebsdztag100: how much ram do you have?22:43
reonfusHi, i am new with Ubuntu (about 1 month). I saw in Update Manager option to update my OS to version 12.04 LTS. My question ist: if I use this option from Update Manager, will I lose any data? Or this update will be save for my files?22:43
shreddingI'm new to ubuntu 12.04: How can I fade out the board on the left side when not over it with the mouse?22:43
ztag100errr.. forgot swap22:43
shredding(And how is it called so i can google for the solution myself)22:43
jhartzellI'm on a lenovo v570.22:43
dougb_freebsdok, so 60 win, 40 data, 16 ubuntu, 4 swap22:43
n1dougb_freebsd: thx22:43
ztag100in that order?22:43
dougb_freebsd(to keep the numbers round22:43
cheryl_JessicaW, I knew that bit, but get confused between dos's \ and linux's / :)22:43
mierkerYoou can beieve me22:43
Takyoji[laptop]_L3top: WARNING: Unable to locate/open X configuration file.22:43
mierkerUbuntu not has such the quality22:43
Takyoji[laptop]_L3top: also, I'm interacting with the system via SSH22:44
dougb_freebsdztag100: the order of the last 2 shouldn't matter, but sure :)22:44
Takyoji[laptop]_So I hope it's a command-line utility22:44
ztag100got it22:44
krababbelztag100: why so much for windows?22:44
mierkerit is LTS22:44
mierkerbut it has so bad quality22:44
ztag100Now I have to defrag windows!22:44
L3topTakyoji[laptop]_: You DO have an xorg.conf file yes?22:44
jeffreydahmerOkay so I dual booted ubuntu to one of my pc's. This pc isn't on a wired connection, it has to connect through wifi. I'm using a Netgear n-300 usb adapter though..how do I install the drivers for the adaptor? I can't connect to the internet at all though..when I plug it in the computer doesnt recognize it on ubuntu. Help?22:44
Takyoji[laptop]_L3top: I appear to not22:44
ztag100krababbel: games mainly22:44
dougb_freebsdkrababbel: 60 G is pretty minimal for win 722:44
dlentzmierker, do you have an issue other than not liking unity (or any other dekstop)?22:44
JessicaWcheryl_: haha. yeah. Always forward slash. the question mark key.22:44
L3topone moment freebird22:44
mierkerdlentz yes https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/77643522:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 776435 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Window maximizes on the wrong workspace" [Medium,Triaged]22:45
ztag100window's programs normally are installed to the C:/ not the data22:45
krababbelztag100, dougb_freebsd you can easily install  games to data usually.22:45
krababbelztag100: doesn't need to be on windows boot22:45
L3topTakyoji[laptop]_: export DISPLAY=:0; Xorg -configure22:45
uzfAnyone know why update-manager isn't showing 12.04 as a new dist, I'm running 10.04 right now22:45
ztag100Well, What ever22:46
Bleachi think you can only upgrade from 11.10?22:46
cheryl_JessicaW, Aha, I just remembered ls, which allows me to see the sub dirs!! :) Thanks, so empowering to be helped by a woman!! :)22:46
mierkeruzf: because ubuntu 10.04 hates 12.0422:46
L3topTakyoji[laptop]_: this drops an xorg.conf.new file in your /root dir22:46
krababbelztag100: my win7 is 100g, but about 70 is games22:46
JessicaWcheryl_: NP!!! :D22:46
uzfwhats the upgrade path, ubuntu+1 is invite only22:46
mierkeruzf: because ubuntu 10.04 hates 12.0422:46
dougb_freebsdkrababbel: yes, mostly ... but even just the win7 install takes up  a huge chunk22:46
dougb_freebsd... and it gets worse with every hotfix22:46
L3topTakyoji[laptop]_: cp /root/xorg.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf22:46
cheryl_Thanks Jess, I'm off to do wot I wanted 2 now. :)22:47
rfmuzf apparently they don't want LTS people to upgrade by default until 12.04.1 in july22:47
JessicaWyeah, it's LTS to LTS22:47
L3topthen run the nvidia-xconfig again22:47
shreddingGot it, its launchpad.22:47
Takyoji[laptop]_L3top: Actually I forgot 'sudo', nvidia-xconfig did generate an /etc/X11/xorg.conf file22:47
mierkeryres but22:47
mierker10.04 good22:47
mierker12.04 shit+22:47
FloodBot1mierker: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:47
L3topok then Takyoji[laptop]_ reboot22:47
Fyodorovna!language | mierker22:47
ubottumierker: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.22:47
mierkerSorry but i am only trying telling the truth22:48
uzfit's only shitty because it has unity installed by default22:48
uzfjust get rid of that22:48
L3topfreebird, I am sorry, what version are you on?22:48
mierkerOh yes uzf22:48
rfmuzf there may be a way to force update-manager, but I don't know it.  I did the upgrade by downloading the alternate cd and running from it...22:48
L3topfreebird: of ubuntu22:48
JessicaWtrying again, why would ls show a directory as d?????? with no attributes? I can't chmod, chown, or rm it. suggestions?22:48
=== Justasic2 is now known as Justasic
AshleyWaffleCan someone design some icons for me? I'll pay 0.5BTC for your time.22:49
AshleyWaffleJust like 3 or 422:49
AshleyWafflequery me.22:49
deranged_JessicaW, try ls -B22:49
ztag100dougb_freebsd: Once I'm done with all this... what do I do to use the data disk on both OSes22:49
uzfI ran update-manager -d and it says 12.04 is available22:50
MonotokoAshleyWaffle, 0.5BTC is what in USD?22:50
JessicaWderanged_: oO.... I have no idea what this means... ls: cannot access /illumina: Host is down22:50
dougb_freebsdztag100: format it as fat32 (probably safest to do that in windows)22:50
AshleyWaffleMonotoko: $2.5022:50
AshleyWaffleMonotoko: It's just like a few quick icons for my android app.22:50
dougb_freebsdztag100: once you format it, windows will just "see" it and you'll be able to use it like any other disk22:50
uzf$2.50 cents?22:50
AshleyWaffleMonotoko: Query please.22:50
MonotokoAshleyWaffle, ahh sorry I'm not your man... I do professional grade only22:50
uzfyou could have worked at taco bell for 5 mins and already made that22:51
dougb_freebsdztag100: for ubuntu, open up the disk tool and set it to mount automatically22:51
AshleyWaffleMonotoko: Okay, thanks anyway.22:51
Gallomimiagood listen session22:51
KverasAny one with knowledge about unity that has an answer to this? http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/196/screenshotfrom201204280.png/22:51
ztag100and for ubuntu, set up symlinks in my home dir?22:51
JessicaWderanged_: I think I tried to mount too many times! I unmounted and it's fine!22:51
BoyBlunderwould anyone be able to help me if i had a Cinnamon question? i'm on a laptop and the battery applet isn't updating as my battery is draining and it only works when I refresh Cinnamon.22:51
uzfI'm afraid to do a dist upgrade, everytime things get screwed up22:51
jfreak53AshleyWaffle: Actually 2.55 ;) ha ha22:51
dougb_freebsdztag100: sure, if you want to .... or what I do is just add the path on the left side in the various file dialogs22:51
AshleyWafflejfreak53: :P22:52
dougb_freebsd... I basically ignore all the directories in ~ except the ones I create for stuff :)22:52
AshleyWaffleSo nobody does icons?22:52
jfreak53AshleyWaffle: vWorker.com22:52
AshleyWaffleI want to quickly find someone on IRC, no time to register for some site22:52
* L3top doesn't take money, but only does design for free projects that help more than a single user22:52
krababbelztag100: you can use bookmarks in file manager too22:53
wylde!ot | AshleyWaffle22:53
ubottuAshleyWaffle: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:53
ztag100yah, but, what about my desktop?22:53
AshleyWaffleL3top: It might be free... Query me.22:53
LintFAT32 is not safest22:53
jfreak53AshleyWaffle: btctalk or bitcoinforums22:53
ztag100how will that update?22:53
dougb_freebsdztag100: what do you mean?22:53
L3topshow me the source... is the only real reply I have to that.22:53
AshleyWaffleL3top: Okay, bye.22:53
dlentzBoyBlunder, cinnamon is a mint creation. FIle a bug here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/linuxmint22:53
Youssef_KHpeople$ shutdown -r now22:53
ztag100the "desktop" directory22:54
Lintit´s not fault-tolerant and doesn´t support files over 4 GB22:54
jfreak53Youssef_KH: You first ;)22:54
dougb_freebsdztag100: that will have to be different between windows and ubuntu22:54
Youssef_KHhhahaha :)22:54
BoyBlunderdlentz, thanks22:54
* digitalvaldosta says, "My list of people in the room is not showing for some reason. It was earlier today. Does anyone know how to get this back? Ubuntu 12.04, using Empathy"22:54
ztag100Guess that isn't a big deal, I keep that pretty empty anyway22:54
FyodorovnaKveras, I don't believe you can.22:54
dougb_freebsdztag100: don't store files on your desktop, put them in proper folders in your data partition22:54
ztag100I know22:54
ztag100I never do anyway22:54
jfreak53digitalvaldosta: don't use empathy, use weechat22:55
digitalvaldostajfreak53: why?22:55
ztag100I asked that question out of pure curiosity22:55
MonotokoYoussef_KH: C:\Users\Monotoko> shutdown -r now22:55
Monotokocommand not recognised ;)22:55
FyodorovnaKveras, there is a #compiz channel they might know more if you get no definitive here.22:55
sfearsshutdown now -P22:55
jfreak53digitalvaldosta: because it's a resource hog ha ha22:55
dougb_freebsdLint: arguably ntfs would be a better choice, but I've had better luck mounting fat32 r/w than I have with ntfs22:55
KverasFyodorovna, ok, thx for taking the time! ;)22:55
FyodorovnaKveras, np. :)22:55
Youssef_KHor$ sudo kill -1 -922:55
spoonybardhow can i regain the vsftpd config file if i lose it?22:55
digitalvaldostajfreak53: well that sucks. :))22:56
Monotokospoonybard, back it up?22:56
sfearswhat are the -1 & -9 flags Youssef_KH?22:56
spoonybardMonotoko, i dont have a backup of it22:56
uzfspoonybard: burn the config on a dual layer dvd22:56
uzfvim; :wr backup22:56
Youssef_KH1 is the father of all processors22:56
spoonybarduzf, too late for that22:56
Monotokospoonybard, then you will have to purge and reinstall vsftpd22:56
krababbeldougb_freebsd, ztag100 I haven't got many problems rw to ntfs, but I leave windows boot partition alone. :)22:56
jfreak53sfears: it basically kills everything, good bye22:56
Drone4fouri've got 6 or more windows open from my last session with chromium and now that i am using unity i have to close a window in order to Alt +Tab to see the next one.  how do i cycle through different browser windows in unity?22:56
Youssef_KHwhen you kill it !! every sons will die22:56
dougb_freebsdkrababbel: I pound my data partitions pretty hard, most notably with bittorrent22:57
MayaWhy is it that in ubuntu I can not right click in my konversation chat client?22:57
spoonybardis there a purge command? Ive already tried sudo apt-get remove22:57
spaceneedleWhen I click the icon up in the corner it says updates available even tho I've updated thru synaptic.22:57
Youssef_KHtotal priority i guess22:57
dougb_freebsdbut I also have a LOT of data .... pictures, documents, etc.22:57
jfreak53spoonybard: sudo apt-get purge or --purge with remove22:57
Monotokospoonybard, remove assumes the config files are still there and leaves them22:57
sfearsnice, good to know, thanks Youssef_KH22:57
wyldespoonybard: 'sudo apt-get purge packagename'22:57
digitalvaldostahas anyone here edited the grub menu? I am looking at the documentation. The examples are lacking. I have a dual boot system and would like to place my Win7 and Ubuntu 12.04 entries at the top.22:57
Youssef_KHno problem ;)22:57
krababbeldougb_freebsd: OK, I don't download a lot of torrents, will see how that goes :)22:58
spaceneedleuser theme extension still crashes gnome-tweak-tool on my laptop. Please fix!22:58
jfreak53digitalvaldosta: you have to manually create it in custom file under /etc/grub.d I think it is22:58
dougb_freebsddigitalvaldosta: just give up on that, what you probably want instead is for grub to boot the last OS you used by default, right?22:58
ztag100there's alot of seeders for 12.0422:58
violinapprendigitalvaldosta: /etc/default/grub can be used to make an entry the default regardless of its order22:58
Youssef_KHthere is any BASH Scripter Here ??22:58
Youssef_KHor SH22:59
krababbelztag100: You can define your windows boot partition in fstab, so it won't show up in file manager as removable media. Not sure if disk tools mentioned earlier does that.22:59
jfreak53digitalvaldosta: grub2 it should be automatic, just leave it, it will find windows if you update-grub22:59
dougb_freebsdYoussef_KH: yes22:59
violinappren!ask | Youssef_KH22:59
ubottuYoussef_KH: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:59
Fyodorovnadigitalvaldosta, what OS do you have installed right now?22:59
cherezSo, I got a system crash during my 12.04 upgrade. I think I have it restored, except grub seems really confused and fails to install in a chroot.22:59
Youssef_KHok ubotto xD22:59
cherezAny badasses have guidance for me?22:59
henrybeanhow do i change the system font?22:59
Takyoji[laptop]L3top: Issue persists; I am able get past gdm now, however the screen freezes every nth second22:59
dougb_freebsdcherez: do you have your data backed up?23:00
sfearsyou don't have all the folders binded properly cherez?23:00
NurseDadwhere do we request package updates/new software in a repo?23:00
Takyoji[laptop]the kerning of the letters are also off, as letters overlap23:00
Youssef_KHthis is my website & email if u need any help www.YoussefKH.com ucef@01tek.com23:00
digitalvaldostadougb_freebsd: that sounds cool. However that would confuse the wife. ;-)23:00
Takyoji[laptop]such as in gterm (or whichever it is)23:00
FyodorovnaNurseDad, apt-get synaptic or software center23:00
henrybeantried recovery on boot?23:00
cherezsfears: I have /dev /proc, and /sys bounded from the root filesystem into the chroot. Am I missing any?23:01
violinapprenNurseDad: #ubuntu-bugs23:01
MayaGawd I hate these irc chat clients.23:01
dougb_freebsddigitalvaldosta: if what you're trying to accomplish is "list windows first," you can't ... grub will blow away any changes you make like that on the next update ... if it works at all23:01
Mayacherez: Yea, you are.23:01
NurseDadFyodorovna: no I mean there is a old version of a software in the repo that needs updating23:01
FyodorovnaNurseDad, the update manger itself will give you updates.23:01
dougb_freebsddigitalvaldosta: so, why don't you say what you're actually trying to accomplish?23:01
Mayacherez: nvm.23:01
violinapprenYoussef_KH: what's your ubuntu support question?23:01
L3topTakyoji[laptop]: I am worried that your hw is not sufficient to run the version of Ubuntu you are running. Can you give me a pastebin of lshwd23:01
sfearsboot cherez?23:02
FyodorovnaNurseDad, so you want to have the ap in the repo updated?23:02
NurseDadviolinaooren: thank you23:02
MayaWho uses Konversation chat client? I'm experiencing issues with it, I can not right click.23:02
NurseDadFyodorovna: yes23:02
JessicaWThank to all for the help!23:02
MayaEvery friggen release it's buggy. OMG.23:03
sfearsnevermind cherez, i guess not need boot23:03
* L3top thinks Waffle girl does not understand the difference between free and no cost23:03
sfearswhere does it fail?23:03
violinapprenMaya: ask for a refund23:03
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Mayaviolinappren: Lol, I wish I can refund for time.23:03
cherezsfears: It looks like boot is in the root filesystem.23:03
violinapprenMaya: or better use this time to make free/libre software better :)23:04
DaghdhaHi, i have ubuntu 12.04. When i set my desktop background to BLACK i can't read the titles of the applications anymore when they are maximized.  Known issue?23:04
FyodorovnaNurseDad, hard to say really thousands of people involved in putting apps in independent of each other in many places, I guess find the responsible party and email them. Not really a realistic idea overall.23:04
L3topMaya:  can you give me an example of an OS that was not buggy the day of release?23:04
Mayaviolinappren: I don't have time, but I do know how to program one.23:04
sfearsnevermind sys, proc & dev are what you need.23:04
sfearswhere does it fail cherez?23:04
Takyoji[laptop]L3top: for some reason it stalls at lshwd with no output23:04
Takyoji[laptop]I'm wondering if there's a hardware fault23:04
cherezsfears: grub-probe failing to find a disk for /.23:04
violinapprenMaya: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/get-involved23:04
cherezHuh, I'm on a btrfs partition, and it looks to have a @ directory that contains the root?23:04
cherezIs that what's confusing grub-probe?23:04
sfearsis that in update-grub or grub-install?23:05
digitalvaldostaI have Windows 7 and Ubuntu 12.04. I just installed 12.04 yesterday followed by running: sudo mv /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober /etc/grub.d/09_os-prober. This would have worked great however Sony has a recovery partition that wound up being the top entry. What I would like to do is Have Win7 listed first then Ubuntu. (That way my wife won't get confused and boot into Ubuntu. She gets freaked out on something new. Despite my best eff23:05
digitalvaldostaorts at converting her to Ubuntu)23:05
L3topTakyoji[laptop]: I also wonder. Try sudo service gdm stop  and see if you can make it go without desktop pegging everything23:05
cherezsfears: That's when apt-get tries to do anything with grub.23:06
=== Tasmania is now known as John_K
L3topTakyoji[laptop]: sudo apt-get install pastebinit  then lshw | pastebinit23:06
sfearsdigitalvaldosta: you can manually edit /etc/boot/grub.cfg, and will be good as long as you don't update anything.23:06
Takyoji[laptop]L3top: stupidly, this is actually a server with Ubuntu Desktop installed, for some reason it has an ancient GPU thrown in it though; and the reason for needing the desktop is for the Windows sysadmin to be able to work on it graphically. xP23:07
dougb_freebsd digitalvaldosta, yeah, your best bet is to teach your wife to find the windows partition ... what might help you there is to increase the autoboot timeout to a really large number in the config file23:07
digitalvaldostasfears: that is what I don't want to do. That will be changed after an update23:07
violinapprendigitalvaldosta: make windows the default entry, hide the menu and give it a 5 second timeout or so.. all can be done in /etc/default/grub23:07
sfearsif grub is the only problem your having cherez try update-grub and grub-install /dev/sda # assuming here your 1st HD is sda23:07
Fyodorovnadigitalvaldosta, check out the grub customizer a easy gui way, here is the ppa.  https://launchpad.net/~danielrichter2007/+archive/grub-customizer23:07
Takyoji[laptop]L3top: stalling at 'service gdm stop' apparently23:08
ztag100yay, defragmentation has completed!23:08
MayaL3top: If I had time to do an OS, mines wouldn't be so buggy.23:08
sfearswhy not disable the grub menu altogether and auto boot to a particular entry digitalvaldosta23:08
MayaTakyoji[laptop]: Version of Ubuntu?23:08
ztag100(shrinking windows)23:08
MayaYou might have to run: lightdm instead.23:08
digitalvaldostaFyodorovna: how reliable is that?23:08
L3topTakyoji[laptop]: if you are not particularly concerned with the flash, as it is a server, edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and replace "nvidia" with "fbdriver"23:08
reonfusHi, I'm new with ubuntu. My question is: if I update my 11.10 to 12.04 from Update Menager, will I lose my data? Or the files are save and will not be deleted then?23:08
violinapprensfears: digitalvaldosta: do NOT edit /etc/boot/grub.cfg23:09
rodayoI can't get a solid back ground image for the gnome terminal....changing the opacity for the solid color also changes the opacity of the image...is anyone else having/had this issue?23:09
sfearstell me NOT to23:09
L3topMaya: I am sure... so the answer is none. There is NO general release OS without bugs on the day of launch. Thanks.23:09
dougb_freebsdreonfus: you shouldn't lose anything, no ... but you should have good backups of all your data anyway, right? :)23:09
Fyodorovnadigitalvaldosta, Never used it myself but recommended by the top grub people at the ubuntu forum, as a gui answer.23:09
sfearstell ME not to23:09
violinapprenreonfus: it's a hit-and-miss process...23:09
digitalvaldostaFyodorovna, hmm. interesting.23:10
milamberreonfus: the goal is that your data will be safe. however, you should *always* have backups.23:10
sfearsi'll edit grub.cfg & update grub just so'z i canz has do it one more 'gain23:10
cherezsfears: both give a grub-probe error that they cannot find a device (for / and for /boot/grub respectively)23:10
L3topActually... Takyoji[laptop]... in /etc/X11/ do you have an xorg.default or something to that effect?23:10
paigeI love the vinegary taste of hot sauce so much I got a bag of tapatio flavored dorritos23:10
paigepretty good23:10
sfearsmaybe you have the partition mounted to a location different from the syntax in your bind -o...23:10
violinappren!ot | paige23:10
ubottupaige: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:10
reonfusthank You for helping me :)23:10
BoyBlunderare unity themes freely available?23:10
sfearsmaybe you have the partition mounted to a location different from the syntax in your bind -o... cherez23:11
digitalvaldostaI would like to just edit 40_custom. I just would like to see an example file to make sure I type everything correctly.23:11
reCAPTCHAHi. Can someone tell me how I can make an executable I made show up under application results in 12.04?23:11
Takyoji[laptop]L3top: I do not23:11
zylith-awayLooking for help.. today is my first day using ubuntu. I am trying to install ia32-libs please point me in the right direction23:11
digitalvaldostaThis is a laptop, so only one hard drive, 3 partitions23:11
digitalvaldostawhat is that for23:11
sfearsmount /dev/sda? /mnt && mount -o bind /proc /mnt/proc cherez23:11
=== panda is now known as Guest95208
zylith-awayzylith is logged in to ubuntu23:11
dougb_freebsddigitalvaldosta: editing 40_custom won't do what you want, as those entries are added last23:11
violinapprenzylith-away: sudo apt-get install ia32-libs23:11
sfearssudo chroot /mnt /bin/bash cherez23:12
Guest9520812.04 does not boot up from hard disk after installation23:12
L3topTakyoji[laptop]:  mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bu; reboot23:12
sfearsand make sure the partition you mount to /mnt has a /23:12
MayaGuest95208: How did you install Ubuntu??23:12
L3topTakyoji[laptop]: lets let xrandr try and handle it better23:12
Fyodorovnadigitalvaldosta, if you edit the 40_custom it will be need to be redone on any grub update, the main grub wiki tells you how to use that custom feature.23:12
dougb_freebsddigitalvaldosta: violinappren's suggestion is probably the best .... make windows default, and hide the menu by default23:12
digitalvaldostasfears, that is what I thought.23:12
cocoloshow can I install ubuntu onto a thumbdrive?23:13
OerHekszylith-away, The ia32-libs package was a hack to get 32-bit packages installed on a 64-bit installation. Since Oneiric, Multi Arch has been added23:13
andygraybeal__how do i get the launcherbar in 12.04 on the left side to slide away?  like in 11.10 ?23:13
BoyBlunderdoes anyone know where i can get some unity themes?23:13
BoyBlundercocolos, pendrivelinux.com23:13
Guest95208from usb23:13
digitalvaldostadougb_freebsd, how do you do that? (that sounds like the submenu feature I read about)23:13
OerHekszylith-away, use  sudo apt-get install package-name:i38623:13
cocolosBoyBlunder: thanks23:13
libertybellIt is hardly possible to hit the lower right window corner for resizing it with the mouse23:13
digitalvaldostaa link is fine23:13
dougb_freebsdcocolos: boot with the thumb drive in place, and you should be able to install to it just like any other drive23:13
libertybellUsed to work in the beta23:13
cherezsfears: /dev/sda1 has a directory named @ that appears to be my root directory. I think that's probably causing a lot of the confusion.23:13
sfearscocolos: alt+f2 and type startup disk creator23:13
cocolosdougb_freebsd: don't have cd drive23:13
dougb_freebsddigitalvaldosta: you'll have to read the docs for that, sorry I don't have any examples23:14
zylith-awayonce installed do I need to reboot23:14
escottcherez, btrfs?23:14
sfears@ is not your / directory cherez23:14
dougb_freebsdcocolos: do you want to install TO a usb drive, or FROM one?23:14
cocolosTO as usb23:14
milamberhey guys who like snack cakes?23:14
dougb_freebsddo you have 2 usb drives?23:14
=== aemaeth is now known as Guest86110
cherezescott: Yes.23:14
jhartzellHi! How do you force an ubuntu installation to use BIOS mode?23:14
escottsfears, could be a butterfs snapshot23:14
digitalvaldostadougb_freebsd, ok. But what y'all are talking about, is that the submenu for grub?23:14
sfearsnoted escott23:15
cherezsfears: It looks to contain everything from /.23:15
dougb_freebsddigitalvaldosta: see previous answer :)23:15
digitalvaldostaI still have the docs open with that info23:15
escottsfears, you need to specify the snapshot id as a mount option23:15
sfearslost me escott... go on...23:15
escottcherez, ^^^23:15
pipegeekWhere can I get the source package for debian-installer as used in precise?  The .deb in the repos seems to just be the docs23:15
pipegeekI'd like to poke around in it23:15
cocolosdougb_freebsd: so  pendrivelinux.com will do it?23:15
jhartzellApparently some computers do not properly support EFI boot, so I need to use BIOS mode, and I don't know how to do that.23:16
dougb_freebsdcocolos: no idea, I've never used that23:16
cherezescott: How do I do that?23:16
sfearsjhartzell: try the alternate install cd23:16
violinapprenpipegeek: apt-get source packagename23:16
cocolosanyone else know how I can install ubuntu ONTO a usb drive23:16
jhartzellAh. Thank you!23:16
Guest95208Today i installed 12.04 version using usb. After installation it was unable to boot.23:16
cocolosI don't have cd drive23:16
sfearscocolos: alt+f2 and type "startup disk creator"23:16
cocolossfears: I don't have a live cd23:17
cocolossfears: I would like to have ubuntu already installed23:17
L3topcocolos: startup disk creator is for USB23:17
ztag100I'm stupid23:17
dougb_freebsdcocolos: you didn't answer my question .... do you have 2 usb drives?23:17
escottcherez, check the @/etc/fstab it should have the correct formulation for the mount options23:17
pipegeekviolinappren: Yes, I know.  But that package doesn't actually seem to have d-i in it23:17
ztag100I for some reason planned this out for 80 GB not, 12023:17
dougb_freebsdztag100: sorry to hear that :)23:17
cocolosdougb_freebsd: sorry yes I do23:18
cocolosdougb_freebsd: should I just place iso in one and install on the other?23:18
Mayacocolos: You can also use Unetbootin. Great piece of software to make linux .ISO bootable from USB drive23:18
escottcherez, worst case you should be able to access @ as if it were a folder, but make sure you are accessing the correct correct subvolume/snapshot if there are multiple23:18
dougb_freebsdcocolos: ok, create the usb installer, then boot with both drives  :)23:18
socommIs there something similar to winamp on ubuntu? I know there was xmms back in the day but that one is discountinued it looks like.23:18
socommAnyone got a recommendation.23:18
Mayasocomm: Use Banshee.23:18
MayaOr rhythmbox.23:18
ztag100wait, no I didn't23:19
ztag100my math is horrible23:19
cocolosdougb_freebsd: ok I guess I will use what Maya mentioned23:19
pipegeekviolinappren: I can check it out from svn.debian.org but that doesn't tell me what snapshot is used in ubuntu precise23:19
* L3top agrees with Maya... crosses versions well as it rewrites the vesamenu which causes some cross version probs... and frankly specific code often has to be written to make native tools boot... though Ubuntu has it.23:19
cocolosMaya: thanks23:19
Takyoji[laptop]L3top: Issue persists; also, when I rebooted with fbdriver set,  gdm-binary and init were holding near to 100% CPU utilization23:19
sfearssimilar in what way socomm?23:19
* digitalvaldosta holla23:20
simonpany idea when http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-lts is gonna be updated with precise?23:20
ztag100Does my data partition need to be a data partition?23:20
L3topTakyoji[laptop]: what are the chances you have any POS card anywhere lying around?23:20
ztag100I mean primary23:20
Takyoji[laptop]Sadly, I don't have any extras at hand for now23:20
Takyoji[laptop]But can in the future23:20
ztag100does the data partition have to be primary or logical?23:20
Takyoji[laptop]I'll likely have it do a non-graphical boot by default, or something, in the meantime23:21
ztag100dougb_freebsd: ?23:21
L3topHonestly this is a 20 dollar fix Takyoji[laptop]. That chipset is frikkin ANCIENT.23:21
panda_Is it possible to chat through terminal?23:21
Takyoji[laptop]L3top: I know, I don't get it either. xP23:21
krababbelztag100: doesn't matter, primary was restricted in number23:21
simonppancro: weechat, irssi23:21
ztag100that's why I'm asking23:21
cherezI got it mounted. Running dpkg --configure -a. It looks to be working.23:21
simonppanda: weechat, irssi23:21
ztag100so, if it's logical, it's ok?23:21
sfearswhat was the fix cherez?23:22
Takyoji[laptop]L3top: should I try another display manager than gdm, or would the issue likely just persist?23:22
sfearsi saw something about looking in fstab23:22
violinapprenpipegeek: https://launchpad.net/d-i seems to list all associated packages23:22
cherezsfears: I needed to mount as: mount -o subvol=@ /dev/sda1 /mnt23:22
cherezThen all the standard binds.23:22
int19hpanda_: epic523:22
Takyoji[laptop]Xorg is initialized from gdm, correct?23:22
dougb_freebsdztag100: you should use 4 primary partitions23:22
panda_epic i know23:22
ztag100I know...23:23
n0sqwhy isn't there an amsn package for ubuntu 12?23:23
pipegeekin *trunk*23:23
ztag100Windows, automatically creates two (one for Disk Restore)23:23
pipegeekthe docs for choose-mirror start with "Hmm.  This really does need documenting :-\"23:23
ztag100oh, I think I found the problem23:24
dougb_freebsdztag100: you don't want to let windows do that :023:24
L3topTakyoji[laptop]: if you spent 58 dollars you could run crazy sauce.... as to other DM... all I know is that kdm will be worse. I work on a specific project, and we don't even use a DM, we make our own fun... we simply give you access to one, and I handle universal gpu install/config for our media center. I can make your card work in our project...  but as far as desktop... I rarely see one.23:24
ztag100dougb_freebsd: Why?23:25
dougb_freebsdztag100: it's a useless feature that will burn an otherwise useful primary partition :)23:25
ztag100So, delete it?23:25
dougb_freebsdbut if you want to use that, it's fine ... the 2 linux partitions can be extended/logical23:25
=== GabrielSjoberg_ is now known as GabrielSjoberg
int19hwow, kirc23:26
ztag100Wait, It's not letting me make a logical partition (the option is greyed out)23:26
int19hits been a LONG time since i have seen somebody using that23:26
dougb_freebsdztag100: what are you using to partition the disk?23:26
Takyoji[laptop]L3top: support wouldn't really be necessary, as I'm getting reasonable suspicion that the hardware has gone to crap some way or another23:26
ztag100gparted (from System Rescue Disk)23:27
panda_why 12.04 is unable to boot after installation from pendrive23:27
SPACEDUDE360000Can't connect to wireless connection. I'm using wubi to dual-boot and the windows wireless is working.23:27
sfearspanda_: maybe a video driver issue23:27
dougb_freebsdztag100: how many primary partitions do you have?23:27
SPACEDUDE360000But the network doesnt show up.23:27
kipI have an application that uses the serial port. I am debugging the config file, and when I do <ctrl>C to quit it from the terminal, it leaves the serial port open. So when I try to run it again it can not open the serial port. It clears if I reboot Lubuntu. How do I release the serial port /dev/ttyS2 from the terminal?23:27
ztag100Not sure, I'm having trouble reading the color coding23:27
krababbelpanda_: wait while we decode the gobs of information you brought to the matter23:27
panda_but all the previous version works very fine23:27
ztag100blue means primary?23:28
PenthHola. 12.04 unity-greeter is giving me a Japanese keyboard layout as my only option. Where can I fix this?23:28
sfearsexit properly kip23:28
ztag100And, there is a partition called DellUtility23:28
kipNormally it runs in the background all of the time.23:28
henrybeanfonts can be changed by installing "myunity"23:28
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taime1anyone know why pidgin doesnt allow me to enable libnotify plugin?23:28
mloukiplz ubuntu fr is chanel ??23:28
kipHow do I exit it otherwise?23:28
ztag100I have 3 partitions right now (and unallocated space)23:28
dougb_freebsdztag100: what are the 3 partitions you have now?23:29
ztag100DellUtility, System Reserved, and the main windows partition23:29
AudrHello all. Can anyone tell me where to find the default sources.list for 11.1 ?23:29
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krababbelztag100: is parted on that rescue disk?23:30
krababbelyou can list partitions there23:30
dougb_freebsdztag100: Ok, then you'll have to put both the data and the linux partitions in as extended/logical ... that's fine, just slightly more complex23:30
the_goatjust popped in to say that man does ubuntu 11.10 amd64 ever suck hard... wtf guys23:30
sfearsAudr: /etc/apt/sources.list23:31
ztag100krababbel, yes23:31
dougb_freebsdztag100: IIRC you have to create the extended partition first using the unallocated space, then you can create logical partitions inside it23:31
WootliteI ran 11.10 on a Penom II for six months and loved it23:31
dougb_freebsd.... of course, the other option is to just wipe out the whole disk and start over :)23:31
FyodorovnaAudr, if you need another here is a link. http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/23:31
krababbeldougb_freebsd: why can't he create another primary for / ? Would that be easier?23:32
WootliteHola. 12.04 unity-greeter is giving me a Japanese keyboard layout as my only option. Where can I fix this?23:32
krababbelztag100: parted then print will tell you what partitions there are23:32
miraki  want to install ubuntu from a chroot, and be able to boot it. is there somewhere a procedure that will ensure I will have the same install as if I used a cd install ??23:32
dougb_freebsdkrababbel: he has 3 primaries already, and he wants a total of 6 partitions23:32
AudrFyodorovna, thanks that was what i needed23:32
Audrsfears, obviously...23:32
krababbeldougb_freebsd: one primary for boot, the rest logical, no?23:32
simonpany idea when http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-lts is gonna be updated with precise?23:33
dougb_freebsdkrababbel: no, because he's got 3 primaries already between dell and windows23:33
FyodorovnaAudr, cool thought that was the idea. :)23:33
simonpdo-release-upgrade doesn'23:33
kip How do I release the serial port /dev/ttyS2 from the terminal? So it cam be opened by an application?23:33
simonpt work yet23:33
dougb_freebsdall of my linux stuff is in extended/logical ... there's no reason not to do that23:33
DaghdhaI installed 'Periodic Table' app. But the icon shown for it seems to be a page with a text and little folde on the top right.23:33
DaghdhaSHouldn't it show the icon i also see in the Ubunto SOftware center?23:34
pipegeekAnybody know why the value of mirror/http/hostname would be getting ignored in ubuntu precise?23:34
ztag100alright, 20.77 GB left, that I'll setup for ubuntu during install proccess23:34
pipegeekI've confirmed that the preseed file is being fetched successfully and applied23:34
pipegeekaccording to syslog23:34
ztag10016 for / and 4 for swap23:34
pipegeekbut it's blithely carrying on to download everything from gb.archive.ubuntu.com23:34
daftykinspipegeek: what's in your sources.list ?23:35
dougb_freebsdztag100: you probably want to create the 4G for swap in the beginning of the unallocated space, and use the rest for /23:35
simonpf4bg fo swap is too much23:35
panda_Any fast download manager23:35
pipegeekdaftykins: this is in the installer.  There is no sources.list yet.23:35
MonkeyDustpanda_  to download what? ubuntu uses repositories23:36
daftykinspipegeek: installer? oic, ignore me then.23:36
panda_mp3 and other files except video23:36
pipegeekanyone else successfully preseeded precise yet?23:37
krababbelztag100: I'm not sure about linux swap, but if windows has less pagefile than ram, applications can't reliably use all you ram. Also hibernation won't work if you don't have a bit more swap than RAM.23:37
ztag100simonp: I have 4G of Ram23:37
Fyodorovnapanda_, I use apt-fast not sure if this is the web site I got the info from but will get you started. http://www.lifehacker.com.au/2011/03/apt-fast-speeds-up-package-downloads-in-ubuntu/23:37
krababbelI'd use 4,5GB swap for example23:37
panda_fyodorovna: ok i will check23:38
simonpztag100: 2GB of swap is enough23:38
Neal_What would you recommend how much swap should I have on a 16GB RAM server?23:38
simonpunless you want to hibernate23:38
panda_anyway i have tried prozgui it works fine but not enough fast23:39
krababbelrebooting is 70's stuff23:39
dougb_freebsdNeal_: you can't go wrong with swap == RAM, and disk is cheap23:39
sfearsZontar: where in PA are you?23:39
* szal goes w/ the old-fashioned recommendation of swap = 1.5x RAM23:39
panda_On my laptop rebooting is just 25 sec's stuff23:40
sfears1.5 even with 16 Gig's of ram?23:40
Neal_I only have 1GB (default set by my host) :/23:40
daftykins1.5x RAM up to a ceiling of 4GB is cool23:40
dougb_freebsdif you ever get into a situation where you are using even 1/2 as much swap as you have ram, you need more ram :)23:41
ztag100Sorry, I went afk for a few seconds23:42
ztag100what should I setup?23:42
ztag100I was told that I should have twice my RAM for swap23:43
ztag100was that wrong?23:43
JonnyHey, I feel sem-retarded for asking this, but my apt-get is getting a 404 how'd I fix that?23:43
tailfif i have a usb drive mounted, how do i tell what /dev/x it is?23:44
QueopsJonny, try chaging your mirrors23:44
krababbelztag100: I'd guess that's old advice for efficiency reasons, when RAM was expensive.23:44
scott_12.04 is awesome23:44
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QueopsJonny, software sources program and change the source there23:44
phoenix_firebrdis this ppa good gnome3-team/gnome323:44
dougb_freebsdztag100: 2x ram is definitely overkill23:44
BoyBlunderdoes anyone know where i can get some unity themes?23:45
ztag100Is 4 fine?23:45
gogetaztag100: these days you dont need that mutch swap23:46
japrohmm, i couldn't find a ppa for gcc 4.7 i nowcompiled it myself is there a way to "install" it without screwing over stuff?23:46
elijahI made a change to my .bash_profile but every new cli I run I have to source it for it to work. Is there a way I can make it stick without having to logout and log back in?23:46
gogetaztag100: swap is for when you run out of ram and if you have alot you probly whont even use it23:47
daftykinstailf: "sudo fdisk -l" will show you info about each device23:47
clarkhi i am on ubuntu 12.04 and my internet is acting really finniky. google search seems to be quick, but loading any actual site, it hangs for a while23:47
dougb_freebsdztag100: you said you had 4 G ram yes? If so, then 4G swap is what you want23:47
gogetaztag100: i saw a gb so you can hibernate23:47
dougb_freebsdgogeta: we're configuring it to allow hibernation23:47
clarki have a realtek wireless card on a thinkpad e420s laptop.23:47
tailfdaftykins: thanks :D23:47
gogetadougb_freebsd: hibernation does not use all the ram just wats in use23:48
dougb_freebsdgogeta: right, so, *cough* swap == ram is all you need, and the safest bet23:48
dougb_freebsdhe has the disk to spare, better safe now then sorry later :)23:48
gogetadougb_freebsd: i use a gb on a 4gb system everything works23:48
krababbelsaving 3GB hdd space nowadays is not reasonable23:49
Fyodorovnaphoenix_firebrd, Using a PPA has the do at your own risk label, never had a problem personally and have that one in my sources.list.23:49
hilikuswhen i run lsof (no arguments or anything) nothing happens, the command doesn't show any output and it doesn't terminate, it just hangs there. any idea what can cause this?23:49
ztag100I'm going with 4G23:50
phoenix_firebrdFyodorovna: thats good. going to try that23:50
gogetaztag100: whont ever use it but go eith what you like23:50
andreimhello Sirs. I have a MacBook Pro 5,1 (yes, I know the link to recommended distros, etc) but I would like to know if I can skip REFIT installation and use boot camp instead?23:50
cherezsfears, escott: With your help and a grub-install all was fixed. Thanks a lot!23:50
ztag100gogeta: to be quite honest, it doesn't really matter to me, I have the space to spare23:51
krababbelgogeta: you won't use those 3GB on / either23:51
Daghdhahmm recommendations enabled by default o_O how coorperate23:51
gogetaztag100: i dont even thing hibernate supends to swap23:51
ztag100the 2 GB doesn't make a difference to e23:51
ztag100dougb_freebsd: now, for the 18GB Ubuntu partition... Do I want to set a mount point, or just leave that blank?23:52
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gogetaztag100: these days i think it makes a swap file if you dont have it23:52
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dougb_freebsdztag100: yes, the mount point is /23:52
dougb_freebsdthat should be all you need23:52
clarkspeedtest gives me 15 mbps DL and basically non existent upload speed. what is wrong ?23:52
hatorahow to backup installed packages ?23:52
ztag100that automatically does everything else?23:52
clarkmy upload speed is 0.09. is that awful?23:53
MonkeyDusthatora  dpkg --get-selection23:53
hilikushatora: you can get the whole list by doing dpkg -l23:53
dougb_freebsdztag100: you may have to tell the installer again, but yes, for gparted that's more than sufficient23:53
krababbelztag100: yes, you need at least /23:53
hilikushatora: so maybe dpkg -l > packages.log23:53
gogetaclark: yea23:53
ztag100I'm in the installer now23:53
dougb_freebsdztag100: ok, then yes ... /23:53
hatorais it possible with synaptic package manager ?23:54
ztag100and it should be after the swap, right?23:54
dougb_freebsdright, that way it will just use all the rest of the free space23:55
clarkgogeta, do you know how i can fix it?23:55
clarkive done a lot of searching but nothing that ive tried has worked =\23:55
gogetaclark: better isp relly dunno23:55
hatorais backup possible with synaptic package manager ?23:55
ztag100Just checking, what device do I want to use for bootloader?23:55
Psi-Jackhatora: No23:56
clarkgogeta, my internet is blazing fast on windows. i guess i got the wrong hardware config to work well with ubuntu...again23:56
cocolosMaya: it didn't work23:56
krababbelztag100: in your case, your boot drive, where windows is?23:56
gogetaclark: you can have fast downstream and crappy upload23:56
krababbelztag100: the drive which is set to boot first in BIOS23:57
Psi-JackI thought Ubuntu Desktop 12.04 LTS was going to FINALLY default to 64-bit, what happened?23:57
clarkgogeta, my upload is not crappy on other OS. there must be some configuration i need to adjust23:57
cocoloshow can I create a bootable usb drive?23:57
mirakdf: cannot read table of mounted file systems: No such file or directory23:57
mirakin a chroot23:57
ztag100krababbel: where the 100mb windows boot flag is?23:57
gogetaclark: yea could be23:57
mirakcan I make it work ?23:57
hilikuscocolos: try unetbootin23:57
MonkeyDustPsi-Jack  in order to be able to run on older pc's, there has to be a 32bit version23:57
clarkpsi-jack dont they offere 32 and 64?23:58
ztag100that's the one with the boot flag now23:58
gogetaclark: yes23:58
dougb_freebsdztag100: that should be fine23:58
cocoloshilikus: I just tried it my computer didn't pick it up23:58
Psi-JackMonkeyDust: Right, hence, 'default'.23:58
ztag100100MB is enough?23:58
cocoloshow can I install ubuntu onto my usb drive?23:58
darkVaderhi there, I need some help please23:58
dougb_freebsdmore than enough23:58
gogetacocolos: maybe the pc does not support cd rom booting23:58
krababbelztag100: well yes, don't do sda1, just sda, so it installs to MBR. that 100mb should be windows boot partition23:58
hilikuscocolos: using unetbooting23:58
gogetacocolos: yes with unetbootin23:58
dougb_freebsdcocolos: didn't I already answer that question? :)23:58
Psi-JackMonkeyDust: As in, word said that they would stop recommending 32-bit and recommend 64-bit by default.23:58
hilikuscocolos: what do you mean didnt pick it up?23:59
gogetacocolos: but if it does not do cd rom i dought it does usb23:59
darkVaderI am trying to install Ubunto23:59
hilikuscocolos: did you change the boot order in your bios?23:59
Mayacocolos: unetbootin, you have to clear your USB drive first. (Forgoodness sakes, PLEASE BACKUP FIRST). Then after clearing USB. Unmount it. Then Pull out USB. Put it back in. THEN open unetbootin. Pick out the ISO, pick the USB drive letter/directory. Then you may finally install ubuntu to USB.23:59
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ztag100I did the one that had a boot flag before23:59
Guest2441how to install .tar.gz file23:59
johnjohn101what is geekshed irc?23:59
gogetaMaya: that made no sense23:59
cocolosMaya: I repartitioned it as weel23:59
ztag100was that the windows boot loader?23:59

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