
rawfodogwas that update tested ? I am the only one with two computers that had problems upgrade lubuntu ?00:43
Unit193I don't know the numbers, no.  What went wrong?00:44
rawfodogI dont want to sound entitled here, just want to voice that some issues00:44
rawfodogEven the load screen changed00:44
rawfodogbefore the login was this really nice lubuntu branded screen00:45
Unit193Plymouth theme may have, and the login sure would.00:45
rawfodognow it looks like xcfe or something00:45
rawfodogI got a lot of errors for packages, and when I rebooted one computer the applications menu crashed and I got an error00:45
Unit193I'm updating a non-Lubuntu one now, we'll see how that goes.00:46
rawfodogoh man . uggg just opened audacious and it looks like shit00:54
rawfodoglike Visual basic form or something00:54
rawfodogMan the update is lame00:54
Unit193Did you ever change your theme?00:54
rawfodogIll try I guess00:55
rawfodogbut I dont think its a theme issue00:55
HBXanyone know how to turn off error reporting ?\01:52
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Unit193rawfodog: My non-Lubuntu upgrade went very well.03:12
rawfodogthats nice to hear Unit19303:34
Unit193Doesn't help you, but...03:35
rawfodogI just tried reinstalling lubuntu on the laptop, somewhere I screwed up and now Im getting a grub error03:35
rawfodogone of those "turn off all the computers and dont touch them for the rest of the night" moments03:36
holsteinthats when you know you are just about to get it :)03:36
rawfodogI know its not lubuntus fault03:36
holsteinrawfodog: thanks for assuming that03:37
rawfodoglol :)03:37
holsteinrawfodog: these days at new release time, thats a refreshing attitude to have in the support channels :)03:37
rawfodogIm a programmer for a living so lol03:37
rawfodogI dont like having that crapped dropped on me03:37
rawfodogI know how it is :)03:37
rawfodogSpeaking of, I'd love to contribute to lubuntu but I'm not entirely clear how the whole thing works03:38
rawfodogI can program in c etc, I just never really used git or understand how to submit improvements03:38
holsteinrawfodog: i would /join #lubuntu-offtopic03:39
holsteinstart there ...its a smallish team AFAIK03:39
holsteingood folks03:39
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aazcod1999can someone help me with lubuntu i need to figure out how to play minecraft04:51
aazcod1999i installed it, but when i get to the main menu it freeze's and i cant play at all :/04:51
EvilResistanceaazcod1999, define "Freeze"04:54
EvilResistanceand explain the steps you used to 'install' minecraft04:54
aazcod1999i downloaded java04:54
aazcod1999the sun java04:54
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:54
aazcod1999and the opensourse java, and then i did something with a downloaded file and it reinstalled java and when i tried to run it i get to the sp/mp/options screen but i cant click anything and it stops04:55
EvilResistancehow are you running minecraft, with any specific command, or just double-clicking the jar or something?04:56
aazcod1999double clicking and using commands xD04:56
EvilResistanceokay, give me one second04:56
aazcod1999i ran both and the same thing happens i even tried uninstalling all my java stuff and reinstalling and nothing works D:04:56
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:56
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/04:57
EvilResistanceaazcod1999, open a console and do `java -Xmx1024M -Xms512M -cp /path/to/Minecraft.jar`04:57
EvilResistanceso you can see if any errors are being thrown (they'll show up in the console)04:58
EvilResistanceif there's no errors, then it could be a million different reasons04:58
aazcod1999theres lots of things that poped up?04:58
* EvilResistance can't see your screen04:58
EvilResistancehang on a sec04:58
* EvilResistance grabs his LInux VM04:59
aazcod1999should i pastebin.com it?04:59
IAmNotThatGuyaazcod1999, Could you please post the command you executed?05:01
aazcod1999java -Xmx1024M -Xms512M -cp /path/to/Minecraft.jar05:01
bioterrorcommon sense, please05:01
aazcod1999you mean the one i used to run minecraft?05:01
EvilResistancemight need -jar instead of -cp05:01
EvilResistancebioterror:  running via command line will output the errors05:01
EvilResistanceif Minecraft is throwing any (thereby causing the freeze)05:02
bioterrorofcourse if he uses /path/to/Minecraft.jar05:02
EvilResistancewell granted, that was meant as a placeholder :P05:02
EvilResistanceaazcod1999:  actually replace /path/to/Minecraft.jar with the path to where Minecraft is on your system05:02
aazcod1999its on my desktop05:02
IAmNotThatGuybioterror, you never made a mistake like this before? when you were a n00b? ;P05:03
aazcod1999hey hey05:03
EvilResistancethen use /home/UserNameHere/Desktop/Minecraft.jar  BUT replace 'UserNameHere' with your username on your computer05:03
bioterrorIAmNotThatGuy, you're talking to me, ofcourse not05:03
aazcod1999im no noob, i accually code minecraft mods but im a windows fiend05:03
IAmNotThatGuybioterror, lies05:03
bioterrorIAmNotThatGuy, I do not lie05:03
bioterrorIAmNotThatGuy, but glad you told us that you made them ;)05:03
IAmNotThatGuyaazcod1999, I am just pulling the legs of bioterror. ;]05:04
bioterrorsaves you same time05:04
aazcod1999pastebin.com it?05:07
aazcod1999and i did get errors :D05:07
bioterrorlooks quite normal05:08
aazcod1999lubuntu environment plugin errors or something?05:09
bioterrorbut it says it did not find any controllers like keyboard and mouse?05:09
aazcod1999how do i fix that?05:09
IAmNotThatGuydo you have any emulators to run minecraft iin Linux?05:10
IAmNotThatGuyI'm not a minecraft fan :|05:10
seekwillWhat's minecraft?05:10
aazcod1999no i dont know how to get emulators05:10
aazcod1999i could just goto ubuntu but lubuntu is soooooooo fast, so i kinda wana stay so i hope we can fix this D:05:11
EvilResistanceIAmNotThatGuy:  Minecraft can be run directly from a .jar, or from WINE if you install Sun Java for Windows in WINEM05:11
bioterrorby default I think lubuntu does not use ibus05:11
bioterroror does it?05:11
aazcod1999how do i install wine?05:13
IAmNotThatGuyaazcod1999, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613995 read that please :)05:14
aazcod1999were do i find were to put the jar files?05:16
aazcod1999ok well05:26
aazcod1999woops sorry hit enter, but anyways; it kinda worked but it still freezes at the beggining screen05:26
aazcod1999:'( i just wana play minecraft grrrrr.... D:05:30
bioterroraazcod1999, you have correct java installed?05:51
aazcod1999im installing wine hopefully this helps...05:54
aazcod1999My problem still isnt resolved nothing is working please help D:06:19
aazcod1999how can i change the screen refresh time? everytime i change it and click apply or save it closes the little window and doesnt stay07:08
aazcod1999how can i make a ubuntu boot usb from my lubuntu?08:03
gordonjcpaazcod1999: these days the isos will boot if you just dd them to a USB stick08:11
aazcod1999and is there a light version of ubuntu like lubuntu but accually works with minecraft?08:17
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a_b0yis the firefox on linux any different than the one on windows?10:53
Unit193Some, for example the Preferences option is under "Edit" rather than "Tools"10:55
MrChrisDruifAnd I think their aim is on Windows nowadays, so new features are presented on that platform earlier10:56
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a_b0yUnit193 i am having problems with moodle when i am using firefox on ubuntu, but firefox on windows works fine12:04
g00denoughwhat app do i need in 12.04/lxde to get a "runcommand" prompt when pressing alt-f2?12:12
bioterrorlxpanelctl run12:13
bioterrorbut I prefer "gmrun"12:14
bioterrorit's not tied to lxpanel12:14
g00denoughthank you, i will look at it12:15
ShinkaJust installed Lubuntu 12.04: great job, I like it! One thing though: I'm looking for the xml file to configure the openbox menu (the menu that appears when right-clicking on the desktop).13:09
bioterrorit's disabled by default and lxde handles the menu13:10
bioterrorbut if you want to use it and configure it, ~/.config/openbox/menu.xml13:10
ShinkaOk good, so I just need to activate it and create this file? Thanks!13:10
Shinkabioterror: it works, thanks!13:15
souliaqAspire One 722 with Lubuntu 12.04 no sound!13:18
bioterrorchecked alsamixer yet?13:18
bioterrorif you have volume icon in the systray, right click it and choose mixer13:19
souliaqalsamixer in terminal, show nothing13:19
souliaqVLC reports no sound13:19
bioterrorsounds like your soundcard is not recognized13:19
souliaqalsamixer in terminal just show S/PDIF alone13:19
bioterrorgoogle for chipset and try to load correct module13:20
bioterrorI'm off to grocery store with angry kids :d13:20
phillwsouliaq: have aread through the stickies at http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=33413:22
phillwshould be faster than hunting it down with google :)13:23
souliaqI going to try this: http://bernaerts.dyndns.org/linux/202-ubuntu-acer-ao722, it fails I look your link.13:24
souliaqif fails13:24
phillwif you're on a laptop, it's also worth checking out http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=332 I've found Acer's to be quite compatible.13:25
souliaqIs not compatible!13:34
souliaqdamn, I must install Lubuntu 11.1013:34
corvus_Has anyone else noticed the increased memory usage of Lubuntu 12.04 over 11.10?14:30
corvus_Idle in 11.10 for me was usually between 83-86. With 12.04, it sits at around 99-103.14:30
corvus_When I close Firefox after having browsed for only a few minutes, the ram usage sits in the 250-260 mb range.14:32
corvus_This is with nothing else open.14:32
corvus_Anyone else having increased memory issues?14:33
Gege71did anyone upgrade to 12.04 ? how does it come the upgrade manager want to add lot of useless package : bluez, evolution, gnome-themes , ....  i don't want them !14:47
Gege71I just want my packages updated, not others14:48
koolbuntuhi guys14:54
koolbuntuanyone in?14:54
koolbuntuhow do i disable password authentication on startup ?14:55
koolbuntucouldn't find the file in /etc/14:55
koolbuntuk found it14:58
koolbuntui set timeout to 015:14
koolbuntubut nothing happened15:14
koolbuntuanyone home ?15:15
bioterrorall the askers comes and goes16:12
souliaqhow I can change the default sound device in Lubuntu 11.10?16:14
bioterrorwith .asoundrc16:18
razvanis lubuntu faster then xubuntu?16:35
razvanit so sluggish16:36
bioterroryou tell us ;)16:36
razvanxubuntu work more faster16:36
razvanyou cant even have weather aplication :((16:37
razvanon lubuntu :(16:37
bioterrorlook out from the window16:37
bioterrormy irc client tells me 12°C, Mostly Cloudy16:37
bioterroryou can configure conky to tell you weather, for example16:38
razvan1 thing i love on lubuntu: my netbook heats so slow :)..less cpu usage...but on xubuntu i need a cooler pad :))16:38
bioterrorI'll buy you a beer if you make conky to sniff weather from google.com16:38
razvanwhats that16:39
Unit193bioterror: What if I pull it, but not from google16:40
bioterrorUnit193, I want it from google16:40
razvangoogle here...google there....why always google16:41
bioterrorUnit193, I'll transfer you some beer money with paypal16:41
bioterrorUnit193, like I did with mohi :D16:41
bioterrorrazvan, becouse all the other weather services seems to suck less or more16:41
razvantry yahoo weather16:41
bioterrortoo many cludges16:42
Unit193No, either wunderground or I suppose google16:42
bioterroras you wish, but something else than weather.com or any other ;)16:43
bioterrorwhich requires some logins and so on16:43
bioterrormost of the conky's weather scripts sucks16:43
JohnDoe_71Ruswho use kvirc?17:16
pcroquebioterror: here's a simple yahoo weather script for conky: http://paste.ubuntu.com/953041/17:28
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bioterrorpcroque, nice17:44
melodie_I have installed lubuntu to virtualbox and can't find a way to get higher resolution nor find where the driver in use is show : any solution ?17:45
pcroquebioterror: It's just a one liner...but it seems to work.17:45
bioterrormelodie_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ/Workarounds#Screen_resolution_is_wrong.2C_no_matter_what_I_do17:47
JohnDoe_71Rusmelodie_: host+f ?17:47
melodie_hi bioterror hi JohnDoe_71Rus17:47
JohnDoe_71Rusmelodie_: hi17:47
bioterrorif you have 12.04, then lightdm instead of lxdm17:47
melodie_JohnDoe_71Rus, I didn't say full screen I sayd resolution setup17:47
Unit193Driver in jockey.17:48
melodie_my computer has a 1400x1050 screen and the distro offers 1024x768 max, and I don't know what driver is in use either17:48
melodie_which could help me find out a solutin17:48
JohnDoe_71Rusmelodie_: it was fullscreen with natural resolution17:48
melodie_ok I try17:48
melodie_JohnDoe_71Rus, same, I get full screen with 1024x768 and a nice black rectangle around, as I expected17:49
JohnDoe_71Rushow much video memory?17:51
JohnDoe_71Rus32Mb enough17:51
melodie_bioterror, lxdm : service unknown17:51
melodie_12 mo17:51
bioterrorSat20:47 <bioterror> if you have 12.04, then lightdm instead of lxdm17:52
melodie_ah ha17:52
melodie_what is lightdm ? where does this component come from ?17:52
bioterrorit comes from the Internet17:52
JohnDoe_71Ruslightdm is new login screen17:52
melodie_yes, who develops it ?17:53
JohnDoe_71Ruspeople ^)17:53
melodie_more it's light better I like it17:53
bioterrorpeople from the internet17:53
melodie_people or paid devs ?17:53
bioterrorI bet LightDM aint light after canonical touched it :D17:53
bioterrorit should be forked with a name "BloatDM"17:54
melodie_launchpad : so it might be canonical itself ? or maybe not...17:54
melodie_bioterror, I would not be, could be surprised17:55
JohnDoe_71Rusmelodie_: what is the maximum resolution for 12Mb and 24bit?17:56
melodie_wait wait17:56
melodie_the driver is vesa, so it probably can't do better17:56
bioterrorvesa by default? :D17:57
gordonjcpbioterror: it's a good bit lighter on resources than gdm17:57
JohnDoe_71Rusdo you install virtualbox plugins?17:57
gordonjcpbioterror: rather than calling upon most of the full Gnome set of libraries, it uses webkit17:57
gordonjcpseems an "interesting" choice to render a GUI, but there you go...17:57
bioterrorI would like to see some statistics about lightdm being superior17:58
gordonjcpsuperior to what?17:58
bioterrorbut I have to say, that it gave to Lubuntu multiuser sessions17:58
bioterrorgordonjcp, compared to GDM ;)17:58
gordonjcpit looks nicer17:58
gordonjcpwho cares how much memory it uses, it's a login screen17:59
gordonjcpyour computer isn't doing anything else17:59
bioterroractually it might be doing something else18:00
melodie_JohnDoe_71Rus, what plugins could I install ?18:02
melodie_I know only about virtualbox video driver and same for mouse, not plugins18:02
gordonjcpbioterror: in which case, it would end up getting swapped out18:02
JohnDoe_71Rusmelodie_: version virtualbox?18:03
melodie_I lool18:03
JohnDoe_71Rusmelodie_: can't open virtualbox site18:07
melodie_same here JohnDoe_71Rus18:07
melodie_since several hours18:07
JohnDoe_71Rusmelodie_: "VirtualBox Extension Pack"18:10
melodie_thanks JohnDoe_71Rus18:11
melodie_I try18:11
venik212how do I get Java to work in Lubuntu 12.04?18:12
venik212I installed the various java packages, but no go18:12
holsteinshare what "no go" looks like18:12
venik212when I run the test from the java tester, I am told I do not have java18:13
venik212also, when running TKchess it tells me I have no java18:14
venik212using chromium or firefox18:14
holsteinvenik212: check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java18:14
bioterrorjava makes me sad18:14
bioterrorthank you oracle18:15
bioterrorI miss you Sun Microsystems18:15
venik212given how pervasive java is, should it work right out of the box with a new OS release?18:17
holsteinits doesnt come with the OS.. and its not made or maintained by any OS really18:18
holsteinmaybe if there were a java OS18:18
bioterrorthe license is made that it can only be installed by leeching from Oracle's website18:19
bioterrorif you mean propietary java18:19
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melodie_the package I needed is virtualbox-guest-x1119:16
melodie_now I can get 1440x1050 and this could get even higher if needed !19:17
melodie_and the driver used is "vbox"19:17
bioterroryou got another driver than vesa?19:17
bioterrorsounds better to me19:17
melodie_yes, that's perfect !19:18
pcroquemelodie_: how do you change the driver? I'm trying to do the same thing.19:19
pcroqueI already installed virtualbox-guest-x11.19:20
melodie_if you have xorg.conf remove it19:20
melodie_go to a tty login, become root or use sudo, restart lightdm19:20
melodie_then go back to X session, and in the menu there is a gui configuration tool for the size of the screen19:21
melodie_menu Preferences19:21
pcroqueHmmm...I don't seem to have an xorg.conf19:23
pcroqueNo big deal...it's just for testing 12.04 before installing, so the resolution isn't very important.19:26
holstein!ask | aazcod199919:30
ubottuaazcod1999: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:30
aazcod1999Well, i just got lubuntu because i tried to mess with things on my windows i didnt know how to fix XD , but anyways i really want to play minecraft but everytime i load it , it seems to load each screen SUPER slow and when it gets to the main menu the screen stops (minecraft only) and then like 60 seconds later it updates and the freezes again. what do i do D: and i also have iced tea plugin java 6 & 7 sun's java BTW19:32
holsteinaazcod1999: might want to look at the graphics driver19:36
holsteintry a different one19:37
aazcod1999how do i change it?19:37
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holsteinaazcod1999: depends on what you have and what driver you are using19:38
holsteinaazcod1999: i would have realistic expectations for your hardware too19:38
holsteini would not expect better performance from linux that windows (graphics wise)19:38
aazcod1999well i have a nvidia card and im running the newest driver19:41
holsteinaazcod1999: the newest proprietary driver?19:41
holsteinfrom the repos? or nvidia?19:41
phillwnvidia are well known not to 'like' linux.19:41
holsteinim not saying this is the issue anyways... its just an avenue to explore while troubleshooting19:42
aazcod1999how can i change the dirvier?19:43
holsteinaazcod1999: depends on which one you have19:44
holsteinaazcod1999: do you have the newest from nvidia? or the newest from the ubuntu repos?19:45
holsteindo you have the proprietary one?19:45
holsteinaazcod1999: right.. which one?19:45
holsteinlet me get you a wiki page...19:45
aazcod1999idk i got it from additional drivers19:46
aazcod1999i tried it when the one with the green light(by default) didnt work?19:46
holsteinalso, try referencing https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaManual19:47
holsteinsorry.. http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=33419:47
holsteinaazcod1999: i would say this is not going to help much though19:47
aazcod1999holstein what do you mean?19:48
holsteinaazcod1999: i mean, its probably not going to help19:48
holsteini dont think its the driver19:48
aazcod1999what is it then?19:49
aazcod1999sorry, what do you think it is19:49
holsteinaazcod1999: not sure19:49
holsteincould be the hardware is just too low powered19:49
holsteincould the the driver support for that device just isnt there19:50
aazcod1999this all ran on my windows and ubuntu19:50
aazcod1999just not lubuntu19:50
holsteinaazcod1999: ubuntu = lubuntu19:50
holsteinyou are running ubuntu right now19:50
aazcod1999i know19:50
holsteinmaybe just a differnt version19:51
holsteinthat would be relavant.. a different kernel19:51
holsteinyou cant compare the windows installation since the driver support is different19:51
holsteinaazcod1999: if that was ubuntu 11.10, and lubuntu 12.04 is not working, you might consider lubuntu 11.1019:51
aazcod1999and a lighter, but anyways my internet browser,Chromium just lagged and did it to its like the screen starts to load but loads slowly and the image like loads but its scrooling own loading so; the loading starts from the top19:52
aazcod1999and how can i download lubuntu 11.10 and put it on my usb from lubuntu ????? because i dont have acses to any other computers and im a linux noob XD19:52
holsteinyou can download it and use unetbootin, or whatever tool you choose19:53
holsteinor use the installation media you used before to install ubuntu and switch it to lubuntu19:53
aazcod1999i was asking what tool i should use, so just use unetbootin19:53
aazcod1999and i deleted that a long time ago19:53
holsteinaazcod1999: thats the one i just suggested above19:54
holsteinthere are others19:54
Gege71hello, did anyone upgrade to 12.04 ? how does it come the upgrade manager want to add lot of useless package : bluez, evolution, gnome-themes , ....  i don't want them !20:05
holsteinGege71: useless is a matter of opinion... you are asking to be upgraded to 12.04, which has a default set of packages which can be removed later20:08
Gege71holstein: ok, but why install some package if I want to remove them just after ? do you know how to avoid installation of those unwanted package20:12
aazcod1999how do i download the mtools package for lubuntu inetbootin said i need mtools and 7zip20:19
KM0201or unetbootin?20:19
aazcod1999unetbootin sorry20:20
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holsteinGege71: there has to be a "default"20:32
holsteinyour default might disclude some packages i want20:32
holsteinaazcod1999: i would just install unetbootin from the repos... sudo apt-get install unetbootin or search in the pacakge manager of your choice20:33
aazcod1999i already got unetbootin :D im installing lubuntu desktop iso on my usb now :D thanks20:37
OnionnionI have been at trying to get this done for well over 3 hours now..nVidia drivers.20:46
OnionnionI have nouveau blacklisted but it still says it's tehre20:46
aazcod1999well one thing you should know its sorta a law of physics... if something is relavent and THERE it simply cannot NOT be there maybe you need to uninstall it?20:50
Onionnionexcuse me, I'm pretty frustrated as this is an issue that keep hitting me everytime I install a different distro or anything20:51
aazcod1999Well i dont exactly know your problem and i dont know if i can help but usually google helps unless you have a problem like i had and it could be 1000's of things20:51
OnionnionI think I got help in ##linux20:53
Dorito2where can i download lubuntu ?20:57
THEJUICEBOXDorito2: well lubuntu is hard to find to download but you can go to cnet.com or ubuntu.com and look there20:58
aazcod1999no juicebox20:59
aazcod1999its quite easy. i just googled, " lubuntu" and it takes you to the lubuntu-ubuntu extenison and there is a downloads page there :D20:59
THEJUICEBOXwhat you did, did it take you to the lubuntu page?21:00
THEJUICEBOXwell i had to download PenDrive and boot it from mu USB21:04
Dorito2do u have orange juice in your box please ?21:07
THEJUICEBOXno it's apple favor21:12
THEJUICEBOXwhat is the best browser to use21:19
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.21:20
Rullakeebabdunno but i like chrome21:20
THEJUICEBOXok name some of the best21:21
THEJUICEBOXhow do i get the right format for Opera browser, and who know about Maxthox browser?21:24
melodie_hi, in Lubuntu, there is a bug with UCK21:48
melodie_when starting it from the menus the lxterminal starts, but no prompt, no message all empty21:48
melodie_yes that's wht I said21:49
melodie_look with "apt-cache show uck"21:49
melodie_then if I start it from another console with the exact command found in it's desktop file, "uck-gui --wait-before-exit" it works, and I get the first menu displayed in lxterminal21:50
melodie_where should I say about it ?21:50
melodie_is there a dev chan ?21:50
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.21:53
m4they, is this a problem?: (polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1:3241): polkit-gnome-1-WARNING **: Failed to register client: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.gnome.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files21:55
m4twithout installing gnome-session21:56
=== melodie_ is now known as athanor1
=== athanor1 is now known as melodie_
m4talso, is there a way to get mounted drives to show up on the desktop?21:59
kanliotm4t you can get mounted drives to show up22:39
kanliotbut not automatically i beleive22:39
kanliotso it not useful at all if i understand correctly22:39
kanliotactucaly m4t i also get that gdbus.error:22:40
kanliotits annoying as hell22:40
kanlioti would love to fix it22:40
melodie_good night23:21
=== jacky is now known as JackyAlcine
=== JackyAlcine is now known as jacky
=== jacky is now known as JackyAlcine
=== JackyAlcine is now known as jalcine
=== jalcine is now known as jacky

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