
head_victimSo 12.04 is finally on my hardware instead of virtual machines.09:03
md_5and now my bnc can stay on freenode too. yay!09:12
head_victimmd_5: nice work09:12
md_5I have 50 channels on esper09:12
head_victimI keep meaning to set one up but never get around to it09:12
md_52 on freenode (#ubuntu #ubuntu-au)09:12
head_victimI've reduced my list down to 22 on freenode and a couple on OFTC.09:12
md_5I went on a disconnect spree a few hours back. down to 3709:13
head_victimI can't get me-tv working :/09:43
head_victimLooks like they're aware of an issue and working on it.09:43
=== gggs_ is now known as gggs
sagaciquake 3 on ubuntu?09:55
head_victimI play Urban Terror which is built of the q3 engine.09:56
sagacistudent, 13, asks if quake 3 would run on ubuntu09:56
sagaci1999 game09:56
head_victimShould do, perfectly fine.09:56
head_victimMaybe they're getting all nostalgic about the year they were born ;)09:57
sagacijust surprised one would want to play a game that pre-dates their existence09:57
sagacilet alone know about it09:58
sagaciseems to be interested in ubuntu, gave him a liveUSB with 12.0409:58
head_victimAlways a good intro 09:59
md_5uh I just figured out holding down the windows key displays a handy list of shortcuts10:02
head_victimmd_5: nice find, never knew that existed.10:09
md_5neither did I ;s10:09
md_5why does Unity make it so hard to add stuff to the dock 10:09
head_victimIs it harder than in gnome shell?10:10
md_5There is no way to create a .desktop file that I can see10:11
md_5and It needs a .desktop file to pin it..10:11
md_5Thats a real joke head_victim appears there is no way other than to make it manually10:12
head_victimI'm just running programs and then right clicking and "lock to launcher"10:13
md_5doesn't work on all my java programs10:13
md_5ie the jars10:13
md_5or sublime text for some reason..10:13
ikthey all12:17
head_victimEvening ikt 12:22
iktjust putting up a bunch of screenshots from my seedbox on release day12:22
head_victimmmmm mailing list 10112:33
head_victimNice work, I'm pretty happy with my 12.04 setup now12:33
head_victimA couple little kinks but very much functional in under an hour of work.12:33
iktyeah definitely12:34
iktvery happy with the release12:34
iktwatching the avengers couldn't help but think about the UI's they were using were horrible12:34
iktthey look good in movies12:34
iktbut it was like touchscreen with conky12:35
ikttons of conky stats in boxes that they swipe all over the screen and adjust on the fly12:35
head_victimHah, that's one of the few kinks for me to iron out, need to install and config conky12:35
iktI'm having trouble with it12:39
iktconky looks great12:39
iktbut I hardly ever look at my desktop anymore it seems12:39
iktI just go between file manager, audacious/vlc, chrome and xchat/irssi12:39
head_victimI don't think it will be hard I just haven't copied my old config over yet12:39
head_victimYeah, I generally leave xchat on one scree with conky down the side of that permanently and use the other screen as my "do other stuff"12:39
head_victimWell you got me inspired, conky is set up now13:17
head_victimI had a little tinkering with temperature locations but other than that, copy paste13:17
head_victimikt: http://is.gd/WNNVOm13:39
sagacinothing like having all your system info on the desktop13:39
head_victimOh and sagaci's here as well :) Evening13:40
sagaci8 sleeps13:40
iktdouble monitor?13:40
head_victimikt: yeah, a 24 and a 2213:41
ikthrmm can't see much13:41
iktdoes flickr reduce the size of the image?13:41
head_victimApparently so, googling now and the free one only does 102413:41
head_victimI can upload a close up of any section if you like?13:42
iktwhole thing :D13:42
head_victimHmm, sounds fair. I'll see how hard it is to set up13:42
head_victimConsidering ditching the wallpaper for a plain black one13:43
iktyou're in a few chat rooms13:45
iktrantandswear looks interesting13:46
head_victimYeah, that's the list I culled.13:46
iktgood idea on the double monitor though13:47
iktforgot you could have 2 monitors -_- and have conky/irc on one, other stuff on the other13:47
iktatm I'm typing this on an 11" laptop13:47
iktwith my desktop next to it13:47
sagacihead_victim: did I take long to setup 2 monitors13:49
head_victimNope, just opened nvidia-settings13:50
ikthad much fun with hdmi?13:50
head_victimBoth DVI13:50
iktI plug my lappy into the tv using HDML, get video up but audio comes out of my laptop, and no hdmi audio out :S13:50
head_victimAh, hardware or driver issue?13:52
iktnot sure13:55
ikttried both ati and os drivers13:55
iktneither worked13:55
iktthe ati drivers made it worse :S13:55
head_victimI'm currently playing around trying to see if I can get evolution to be a 1:1 offline backup for gmail for email, calendar and contacts.13:59
iktwhich software do you use for contacts/calendar?14:02
head_victimevolution can do it14:03
ikthow do you sync to it?14:14
iktlike if you wanted to have cal on your phone + in evo?14:14
head_victimGotta run for a bit, it's not too difficult but I can explain when I return14:21
head_victimStill running away but the principle of it for me is to have an offline backup of my important google stuff so if they lock me out, go broke, shut down services, etc, I can still get my data and life goes on.14:37
iktI'm thinking more of a sync server14:55
iktrunning LDAP + AD + WebDav/Cal or something14:55
head_victimikt: it does that as well, you can use it instead of the web interface if you prefer. I'm only trying to use it for the backup purpose though16:15
OnHaLThi all20:23
OnHaLTi want to install ubuntu 11.10 or 12.04  i have both live cd's but having problem and i could use any help and i am new to linux20:24
OnHaLTthank you20:27

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