
=== pangolin is now known as Guest99593
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nperryhai o/08:34
dwatkinsmoin moin09:10
AlanBellmorning all09:18
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SuperEngineerwhoopee - that's both netbooks now updated to 12.04 [1 with both Ubuntu *and* Xubuntu] me chuffed09:31
SuperEngineerwell done folks on the "upgrdateablility"09:32
SuperEngineer[my word for update/upgrade]09:32
AlanBellpopey: morning09:34
TheOpenSourcererMorning everyone.09:38
* TheOpenSourcerer is doing his expenses...09:38
* nperry submits all my bills to TheOpenSourcerer 09:39
popeymorning chaps09:50
TheOpenSourcereryo popey09:51
TheOpenSourcererGet home OK09:51
popeywalked from ash vale station to my house09:53
TheOpenSourcererDid Dave enjoy the evening?09:53
popeyyes, he did09:53
popeythanks ☺09:53
TheOpenSourcererWhatever happened to christel ?09:53
TheOpenSourcererIf anyone is bored, this is just amazing: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150520871048367&set=a.174547263366.126402.159936428366&type=1&theater09:58
czajkowskihave just made yummy french toast and grilled some bacon10:11
czajkowskigood start to the day10:11
brobostigongood morning everyone.10:18
antiquecodeUpgraded the laptop to 12.04 without many issues10:27
antiquecodeI did get one crash, but I think that's hardware related.  Sometimes the CPU overheats.10:27
* StevenR waits impatiently for the mythbox to finish upgrading10:41
StevenRthere's just no progress bar. I can see apt doing stuff, but the cli release upgrady thing has no progress bar10:42
StevenRyum is so much better in that respect (count of items to go)10:42
StevenRthe download bit has a progress and such, but once the actual upgrade starts? no idea how far10:43
zleapyeah,  i remember using yum based distribution briefly10:43
StevenRthat's actually the only thing I've found with apt that has made me sad so far. (I actually botched an ubuntu upgrade once because the machine crashed, and apt was able to put everything back together)10:44
zleapthats good10:45
StevenRthat was maverick -> oneiric I think.10:45
zleapi think its very rare you should need to do a re-install of ubuntu or any linux based system as a good OS should not break to the point of needing it10:46
StevenRleft this laptop on overnight and came back in the morning to "OK. I'm done. Reboot me and see if Precise works"10:46
StevenRand apart from the icons all changing (quickly rectified using xfce control center), everything still works. Firefox session came back with all my windows and tabs. everything.10:48
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penguin42hmm, I think the entire planet is downloading from gb.archive12:24
Nafallothat box can't deal with the entire planet.12:25
penguin42I suspect it's the network rather than the box - are there any bandwidth graphs public?12:27
Nafallonot for that box, no.12:27
NafalloI suspect it's the box rather than the network though.12:27
Nafalloit's the first day of the weekend after release.12:28
Nafalloit's quite likely you're not the only one trying to get to it ;-)12:28
penguin42as I said, the entire planet12:28
Nafallothat's waaay more people than you actually mean.12:29
Myrttipah. installing Debian on the Viglen MPC-L was disappointingly easy in comparison to installing Lucid two years ago12:29
Nafallogo use a different mirror or something ;-)12:29
Myrttino challenge at all.12:29
penguin42Nafallo: No, I've seen what happens when the entire planet tries to get to a site12:29
Myrttididn't need chrooting or anything12:30
Nafallowell, in this case the box can handle a few thousand requests. not trillions :-P12:30
StevenRhrrm. my lucid VM doesn't see the new release :S12:30
MyrttiStevenR: do-release-upgrade sees the .1 release12:31
penguin42Nafallo: How much of it does it manage to service from RAM?12:31
StevenRfair enough. Thanks (it's up to date security wise anyway) :)12:31
Nafallopenguin42: not the entire dataset12:32
penguin42Nafallo: Yeh, as soon as you start seeking on disk you've lost I guess12:33
Nafallopartly, but I guess most of the frequent files would get cached.12:33
NafalloI can't remember the specs of that box.12:33
Nafallobut! that mirror usually flatlines before it goes insanely busy.12:34
nperryeven archive.ubuntu.com is slowly grinding to a halt.12:39
penguin42it would be kind of interesting to see vmstat/sar graphs off a box like that12:42
Nafallopenguin42: for the bigger ones, when they flatline... they do ~1 loadavg.12:42
penguin42Nafallo: Right, but load is a very coarse measure; things like %sys/user/wait and interrupt rates are more interesting to see what the actual limit is12:45
Nafallothey handle their links without breaking a sweat...12:47
* StevenR leaves the precise b2 VM alone to upgrade itself12:59
WobboLibreOffice 3.5 has a problem. Since Ubuntu 12.04 I can't open my documents anymore. I have  tried and checked my documents (.odt) on a USB (fat). A Ubuntu 11.04 (64bit) LibreOffice 3.3 and Ubuntu 11.10 (64bit) LibreOffice 3.4 have had no problems. What to do? I need to work further with my thesis essay...13:01
WobboI have also tryde to open the same document on another Ubuntu 12.04 (Virtual) but stil can't open all documents (the are alle above 3MB) on LibreOffice 3.5.13:08
penguin42Wobbo: What happens when you try and open them?13:13
Wobbopenguin42: Pop-up13:20
penguin42and what does the popup say?13:20
Wobbotranslating text to UK13:21
WobboOk: Problem in reading. Error reading file.13:22
penguin42hmm, that's not very detailed is it - hmm13:23
penguin42Wobbo: I wonder if the problem is libreoffice or the problem is reading your USB thumb; what happens if you copy the file from your thumb drive to your home directory?13:24
WobboSame problems, even other documents for example things from http://one.ubuntu.com/ has the same problems.13:26
penguin42Wobbo: If you try opening it from a command line by doing something like      soffice filename     what diagnostics do you get?13:28
WobboStarting it on my Terminal, it won't give anything extra...13:37
penguin42Wobbo: What version of libreoffice-core package do you have?13:39
penguin42Wobbo: It's just I notice there is a libre-office package set in the precise-proposed repo, which suggests there is a fix just around the corner (It's downloading for me at the moment, but being held up by the servers being slow)13:41
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WobboAt the momend I have “libreoffice-core 1:3.5.2-2ubuntu1”13:49
Guest64555hello Iḿ  Paul and this is my first time using IRC.   I have been using Ubuntu , Natty, Lucid and 11.10 for13:54
Guest64555trying to get he hang of IRC13:55
Laneyhi there13:56
Laneybye :(13:56
penguin42Guest64555: Hi, so choose a nickname!14:00
penguin42Wobbo: OK there is a ...ubuntu3 version in the proposed repo, it's just installing for me at the moment, I'll see if it says what it's supposed to fix14:04
Guest64555hi can anyone help with wireless problems ?14:07
Guest64555iḿ using adell vostro1520 notebook.  Its dualbooted with vista and ubuntu 11.1014:08
Guest64555i can connect wireless on vista but no luck wih ubuntu14:09
=== Guest64555 is now known as searcher
=== searcher is now known as Searcher
Searcheri can connect wired but not wirelessly14:15
Wobbopenguin42: I am pre-updating.14:15
SearcherI hae a Broasdcom STA proprietary driver installed and activated but i cant connect wirelessly14:18
SearcherSOS                                                                                           SOS                                                           SOS                                                                             SOS                                                                                                              SOS14:21
marxjohnsonDue to some unfortunate partitioning choices I made a few years ago, I need to copy my home and root partitions to a server with all permissions intact, and copy them back after repartitioning. I'm trying to do so with rsync, but most of the folders seem to end up being owned by root instead of (insert User ID here) i'm using the options -avXAH, should I be adding another flag?14:25
penguin42Wobbo: Can you check that you have the libreoffice-base package installed14:27
oimonwhy does the language packs part of the 12.04 install take so long?14:29
Searcher> Wobo , I have it installed14:30
oimonanyone had issues preserving their /home partition on 12.04 upgrade? it wanted to force me to choose encrypted home even though i wasn't formatting /home14:31
Wobbopenguin42: Only libreoffice-base-core14:32
penguin42Wobbo: My reading of the bug is that installing libreoffice-base might fix it14:33
Wobbopenguin42: Thanks, the pre-update solved the problem!14:36
penguin42Wobbo: Interesting thesis?14:36
Searchersorry guys got my wires crossed there14:37
WobboOf course, i am making it! LoL14:39
Searchertryying to resolve a wireless issue with Broadcom driver.  i can connect wirellessly  on vista but not Ubuntu14:41
oimonwhich card Searcher?14:45
Searcherbroadcom  sta thanks14:45
Wobbopenguin42: I am almost finished in my last Year on Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences doing Communication and Multimedia Design.14:48
penguin42Wobbo: Cool14:48
Wobbopenguin42: Thanks for solving the LibreOffice error!14:50
penguin42Wobbo: No problem14:51
WobboBye bye14:52
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
penguin42hmph, wine seems to ignore the parallel option in DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS15:45
popeyjpds / Nafallo where does one file a bug against an ubuntu mirror?15:57
Nafallopopey: what mirror, and what is the problem with it?15:59
penguin42winehq suggests sudo apt-get build-dep wine1.4:i386  to get 386 build-deps, but that just complains for me that Unable to find a source package for wine1.4:38616:00
Nafallohmm. I should get a dock for my mobile so I can have it in the office proper.16:02
popeyNafallo: http://mirror.sov.uk.goscomb.net/ubuntu/dists/16:02
popeymissing precise16:03
popeybut has quantal16:03
Nafalloah. goscomb...16:03
Nafallopopey: dang @ quakenet ;-)16:03
Nafallounless he's on facebook...16:04
Nafallohe is16:05
Nafallopopey: consider it reported :-)16:05
Nafallopopey: it's there, but forbidden.16:10
Nafallopopey: try now16:10
zleaphi all16:36
Nafallopopey: where can I buy a pack of sporks?16:37
Nafallopopey: I'm bored of having to bring one fork and one spoon for all the things I eat :-P16:37
gordsporks are a terrible invention, just wait till my new invention arrives, it will throw the entire spork industry on its head. "chop-sporks"16:38
penguin42gord: Now, do you mean a combination chop-stick spork, or do you mean a combination knife-spork?16:39
Nafallogord: I don't want to wait...16:39
directhexfor our lives to be over16:41
directhexi want to know right now16:41
directhexwhat will it beeeeeeeeeee16:41
directhexi don't want to wait16:41
directhexfor our lives to be over16:41
directhexwill it be yes or will it be.... sorryyyyyyyyyyyyy16:41
* penguin42 notes the wikipedia page on spork is as normal amazingly detailed16:43
=== moz is now known as Guest73214
popeyunclyclopedia page on sporks is comprehensive16:44
Nafallopopey: has any of the normal cutlery places got them?16:45
Nafallopopey: asda? tesco? waitrose?16:46
penguin42oh, I'd love to watch you go into Asda and ask a member of staff for a Spork16:47
SuperEngineerI'm getting hungry!  heads for smoked mackeral, chips & peas; tails for liver, chips & peas?  Someone toss a vitual coin for me please.16:47
Nafallopenguin42: ah. you have to ask for them?16:47
penguin42Nafallo: Well, I doubt they have any, but I just want to see what their reaction is when they ask16:48
penguin42Nafallo: I don't think Sporks are illicit (hey bud, got a spork?)16:48
penguin42SuperEngineer: Liver16:48
popeyno idea Nafallo16:49
Nafallopopey: wow. is this the first time I asked you something you didn't know about? I think it might be...16:50
popeyi would buy from amazon tbh ☺16:50
SuperEngineerpenguin42: liver it is then ☺16:51
penguin42there seem to be some fairly lame sporks that just have a spoon on one end and a fork on the other and real sporks that have combined things with one handle16:51
directhexi need to clean out my chinchillas. i hate cleaning out my chinchillas.16:52
Nafallopopey: thanks for the hint :-)16:52
brobostigonwhat is the package name, for the gui to configure adobe flash that is in 12.04, i cant find it, on packages.ubuntu.com17:11
lubotu3To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash17:12
brobostigoni have that already, that is not the issue.17:12
brobostigonthat wasnt what i asked.17:12
DJonesbrobostigon: That may help, suggests its part of ubuntu-restricted-extras on 32 bit and flashplugin-installer17:12
brobostigonDJones: ah, i see.17:13
DJonesDoes looking at those help finding the package though17:13
brobostigonlet me look.17:13
DJoneshttp://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=flashplugin&searchon=names&suite=oneiric&section=all May help17:14
alebuntuHello worldbuntu. I am installing ubuntu 11.10 in a old machine. In the second screen of " Preparing to install ubuntu" the continue button is disabled. Is tha because of the machine?Thank you.17:17
brobostigonDJones: i can find any speific package reference, it must be part of that package,17:18
DJonesbrobostigon: Right, not sure what the gui configiguration would be called though17:19
brobostigonDJones: me neither, but it is there, i have seen it.17:19
It /server irc.swiftirc.net17:20
DJonesalebuntu: Are there any questions on the screen that need boxes to be ticked that haven't been?17:20
alebuntuHi. I am installing ubuntu 11.10 in a old machine. In the second screen of " Preparing to install ubuntu" the continue button is disabled. Does someone know this problem?17:21
alebuntuNo. i marked download updates while installing and use third packages for mp3.17:22
DJonesIs it this window http://s3.amazonaws.com/files.posterous.com/rgolwalkar/3jLlGFrBd6pGrXQ0PRkQTrulzeo76kFPV9GYJXeHysL6e9B1YyIoDOX9yGvX/1_Install.png.scaled.1000.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJFZAE65UYRT34AOQ&Expires=1335634029&Signature=Y24I7OMLCwOZbzrH3WbD2jSxfps%3D17:22
DJonesI'll see if I can find anything, does the machine have the 4.4GB available and is connected to the internet17:23
alebuntuIt is connected to the internet but it has windows installed in it. I want the install cd to format it and get the space needed while installing.17:24
alebuntuthe computer was too slow with windows because of viruses and i am trying to fiz the problem installin linux17:26
DJonesWhat machine is it? The only similar thing I can see is for an Eee PC 70117:27
directhexmoo. /me moos17:28
alebuntuits Lg machine with ASUS motherboard17:28
DJonesI'm afraid I'm at a loss, its not something I've come across before, but maybe somebody else is arund that can help17:29
alebunturoger that17:30
penguin42alebuntu: How old is the machine?17:31
alebuntu5 years to more17:32
penguin42what CPU and how much RAM?17:34
gpdis it normal for 10.04 lts upgrade to have to go via all steps to get to 12.04 lts?17:34
penguin42gpd: I think the upgrade will only present you with the full upgrade LTS-XLTS when it gets to 12.04.117:35
penguin42gpd: Lets it spot any nasties before the LTS people get pushed to upgrade17:35
gpdpenguin42: hmm - sounds familiar17:35
alebuntuthe computer has no indications outside it, but it is that model with the flatron ez t710sh monitor.17:35
gpdoh well - this could take longer than i thought17:35
Nafallogpd: if your config is set to normal, then yes...17:35
DJonesgpd: As penguin42 said, thats how I understand it as well17:35
Nafallogpd: /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades17:36
gpdNafallo: crap - i even changed it to normal - as per the page i was reading17:36
penguin42gpd: Anyway, it's not a bad idea to go one step at a time17:36
Nafallogpd: if you want to jump to 12.04 early, I suppose do-release-upgrade -d will do what you want.17:37
Nafallopenguin42: if it's a live server it sounds like a massively bad idea to do 4 release upgrades instead of one...17:37
DJonesgpd: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuServer#From_10.04_to_12.0417:37
Nafallodowntime is not awesome to have17:37
DJonesAlthough that is talking about the server edition17:38
alebuntuok but the machine is windows xp\17:38
Nafallothat said. I've done four or five of 10.04 to 12.04 upgrades myself without much trouble.17:38
penguin42Nafallo: True, I just reckon on each small step as being a little less dangerous than doing one big update, although any nasty bugs in the intermediate ones won't have been fixed17:38
Nafallopenguin42: I would reckon it's more dangerous actually.17:39
penguin42fair enough17:39
Nafallolots more moving parts17:39
Nafallofour package upgrades instead of one...17:39
Nafalloyeah, no. I wouldn't recommend that.17:39
Laneyyou still need to do-release-upgrade -d until .1 comes out17:39
gpdwell i'm stuck in the middle now - 10.10 - so no longer a choice. :)17:39
Laneythere is no need to go via all intermediate releases ...17:39
DJonesgpd: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuDesktop#Upgrading_from_Ubuntu_10.04_LTS_to_Ubuntu_12.04_LTS Found that one17:39
Laneyyeah, that wiki page says it17:40
gpdthe added complication on one of my servers is that i need it to run MythTV - any idea if this is now stable on 12.04?17:42
gpd[loaded question]17:42
penguin42gpd: Not tried it, but I did read something about a version change requiring changing clients - can't remember where I saw that though17:42
gpdseems to be 0.25 - which is the new stable version17:43
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It[NPO]It Hz17:48
directhexgpd: no. what did you configure as your upgrade path in the software sources window? it has three options - don't show upgrades, show full, or show lts->lts17:49
=== It is now known as [NPO]It
[NPO]Itserver irc/17:49
Laneywho invented floating eyes >:|17:50
penguin42wow, the package I uploaded to my ppa has already started building - I'd assumed the backlog on ppa's at this time in a release would have been weeks17:53
Nafallopriorities probably17:54
Laneynah it's quiet: https://launchpad.net/builders17:55
Nafallooh. the floodgates didn't open yet?17:56
Laneyrelease isn't open no, but that doesn't share the ppa builders anyway17:56
penguin42normally at release everyone goes and ppa's their favorite bug17:59
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ItHow do i change me name?18:07
brobostigon /nick newnick18:07
Laney/nick myshinynewnamehere18:07
SuperEngineerwhat are you all doing online!  Dr. Who - Stolen Planet on BBC3!18:07
brobostigonSuperEngineer: i am watching that amazing ep, also, :)18:08
SuperEngineerbrobostigon: 10/1018:08
brobostigonSuperEngineer: agreed.18:08
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brobostigonSuperEngineer: and rose, with a big gun,18:08
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SuperEngineer...to...be...continued... doh!18:47
penguin42ppa. actually has some bandwidth :-)19:18
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ed87654I have to laptops19:27
ed87654one is xp, other lubuntu, both have wireless cards in them (d link g650)19:27
ed87654lubuntu also has a 3g usb dongle connected19:28
ed87654how do I configure lubuntu to allow my xp laptop to connect to lubuntu via wireless and use yhat19:28
ed87654that 3g dongle internet connection?19:29
tombroughyou might want to read up on shorewall and install that.19:31
ed87654ok thanks19:33
popeyevening all21:04
gpdmany hours later -- still upgrading... looks totally broken:21:04
gpdinit: Failed to create pty - disabling logging for job21:05
bigcalm_laptopEvening peeps :)21:32
popeypip pip bigcalm_laptop21:36
bigcalm_laptopHowdy mr popey21:37
bigcalm_laptopWhat am I missing while visiting my parents?21:37
bigcalm_laptopI just got an email because you mentioned me while I am not connected to the irssi-proxy21:39
bigcalm_laptopHow cool is that?21:39
bigcalm_laptopI see that my screen still does a double flash upon pressing print screen21:46
bigcalm_laptopnight peeps22:34
Nafallopopey: go.pl22:43
hamitronna, 1722:43

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