
jandruskJust upgraded to Xubuntu 12.04 today.01:09
Unit193Saw your comment on the G+ post.01:09
Unit193And I'm doing so now.01:09
jandruskThink the graphics driver is much better.01:10
Unit193Heh, I could bet wouldn't be that much better for me, but some other things sounded great.01:12
yano"In 1857 baseball games were a daily spectacle in Cleveland's Public Squares. City authorities tried to find an ordinance forbidding it, to the joy of the crowd, they were unsuccessful. - Harold Seymour"08:28
jrgiffordyano: for reals? lol12:56
jrgiffordI'll just leave this here (cc paultag) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-community/+bug/39282915:22
paultagjrgifford: oh lordy :)15:38
jrgiffordpaultag: yeah, i know18:24
BiosElementv3Howdy folks18:47
BiosElementv3How's it going?18:48
Unit193Tired, but not bad.18:48
BiosElementv3Ahh having a drink at Cosi's, finishing up some work.18:49
Unit193Others there too?18:49
Unit193And you did end up leaving?18:50
BiosElementv3Not a one, but I'm here anyway.18:51
Unit193I can make people cry easily, just link them to a script I make. :P18:55
Unit193Read it and weep? http://people.ubuntu.com/~unit193/weather19:01
Unit193It does work though.19:09
BiosElementLeast I got some work done anyway. >.<19:44
jandruskEveryone familiar with the "Hackers Dictionary"?23:12
jandruskWrote a Python script that pulls a random term and posts it to my Twitter account. Code is at: http://pastebin.com/5arvG9EU23:17

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