
=== nathwill is now known as nathwill_afk
slangasekblkperl: ah, lost track of that, sorry - let's see01:00
slangasekblkperl: note that triaging the bug doesn't guarantee anyone is going to work on it01:03
blkperlslangasek: thanks, i know but triaged gives at little more visibility01:18
blkperlso hopefully it will get some more attention01:18
bkerensaOk ladies and gents :) nathwill_afk will be your captain... I am grabbing a zipcar and going for a trip :) seeya sunday01:20
=== nathwill_afk is now known as nathwill
nathwilland suddenly we're without a captain02:00
=== jParker is now known as jPiroshky
=== el-seano is now known as el_seano
bkerensaoh there is the captain nathwill18:51
bkerensanathwill: you going to use prezi tomorrow?18:53
tgm4883bkerensa, apparently you offended him19:07
bkerensatgm4883: it happens ;p19:07
tgm4883so what are the happenings for tomorrow?19:08
bkerensatgm4883: :P we will be having beer19:18
bkerensatgm4883: we will be doing upgrades/installs/socializing19:24
bkerensanathwill will give a review of our work as a LoCo in 12.04 and what our plans are for 12.1019:24
tgm4883we have 12.10 plans?19:24
bkerensathere will be music... maybe dancing.... and beer... and for those brave enough pac man afterwards19:24
bkerensatgm4883: We have ideas that will likely roll into plans but yes19:25
tgm4883any sweet demos?19:25
bkerensanathwill is going to be doing some new stuff in the next cycle to help grow us and I will be to19:25
bkerensatgm4883: I am not totally sure on the content of nathwills presentation :) I just know he has been working on it since yesterday19:26
bkerensahe hopes to use it in his application for membership so I expect it will be quality19:26
bkerensatgm4883: if your interested you could demo Ubuntu TV?19:26
bkerensawe will have a projector on-site and you could grab the ppa19:27
bkerensaif not I will likely have it available on a laptop19:27
bkerensatgm4883: oh and there will be a giveaway :)19:27
tgm4883I don't think there will be much available to demo for Ubuntu TV19:28
bkerensatgm4883: just the lenses mostly19:28
bkerensawe could possibly show people how HUD works and also there is this good comparison video of Gnome3 vs. Unity with HUD19:28
tgm4883I could demo my mythtv lens, but I'd have to bring a bit of a setup to do so19:29
tgm4883err, s/lens/scope/19:30
tgm4883It's more likely I'll just be working on it though19:30
bkerensatgm4883:  and just in I will also be giving away to copies of the newest Ubuntu Book which will ship to winners in June19:33
bkerensatgm4883: you should demo it19:33
bkerensaI know nothing about mythbuntu19:34
tgm4883I'll think about it19:34
tgm4883I'd likely just bring a VBox VM and need some hardware to run it on19:34
bkerensatgm4883: well Ubuntu Oregon has a "LoCo" owned Laptop19:39
bkerensahopefully in the future here we will also have a 1U server for events and demos and then also a HD tv for booth etc19:40
bkerensaor even a monitor19:40
blkperlbkerensa: do you have raw stats on ubuntu oregons impact?21:55
blkperlit would be cool if we could associate ourselves on launchpad with Ubuntu Oregon and then datamine it21:56
bkerensablkperl: I do not its hard to aggregate such data right now but we had discussed tagging any bugs we work on with something like "ORLOCO"22:59
bkerensathat way we could actually put together more solid stats22:59
bkerensablkperl: I needed to talk to you btw22:59
blkperlbkerensa: ok pm? or tomorrow?23:07
bkerensablkperl: nvm :) tomorrow23:07
bkerensanathwill: so I talked to mythmon and he works at OSL's noc23:08
bkerensahe said open a ticket but it should be "fine"23:08
bkerensawe just need to get clearance from the main guy :)23:08
bkerensathen we can deliver the server and bring it online :P23:08
bkerensanathwill: I went in today to "see what they had"23:17
bkerensaand they pointed to a full cabinet23:18
bkerensaand were like "which one do you like"23:18
bkerensaticket is now in with OSU OSL for Colocation... Now we just need two SATA's23:18
bkerensanathwill: blkperl was wondering if we have any raw stats about Ubuntu Oregon's impact.... we should work on that23:19
bkerensamaybe a wiki page?23:19
nathwillbkerensa, yeah, we should put together some page to track things23:28
nathwillone thing we need to start doing is making sure to register all activities on loco.ubuntu.com23:28
nathwillthat way people can subscribe to activities, and we can do later analysis on activity levels, etc.23:29
nathwillwe need to return the favor and see what ways free geek could use our help23:29
nathwilllet them pick an area they're short on assistance, and we'll rally some support23:29
bkerensanathwill: I already volunteered you :P23:32
nathwillbkerensa, that's good, i love numbers :D23:33
bkerensanathwill: I told Darren who is their Edu Coordinator that when I return from UDS that you and I would be in touch to see about teaching some classes23:33
* bkerensa was going to offer a bash scripting class and perhaps Juju class23:33
nathwillbkerensa: tomorrow, let's chat about some ways we can measure impact23:33
nathwilland dude, i'd be super interested in that23:33
bkerensanathwill: indeed we need to improve our processes23:33
bkerensanathwill: yeah... they have wanted me/us to teach classes but this winter was not a fun time to trek to FG all the time23:34
nathwillbkerensa: FG?23:34
bkerensaslangasek: with this new box we could use it for packaging23:39
bkerensaso if we do a joint BSP/Jam we wont have to utilize AWS23:39
slangasekbkerensa: are you going to be running VMs on the box?23:41
bkerensaslangasek: thats the plan23:41
bkerensaso we can isolate resources for more then one thing23:41
bkerensaslangasek: I  just put a ticket in with OSL but I ran it by them and it doesnt seem like colo is going to be a issue23:42
bkerensaI informed them that the box would also be available to Debian PDX folk to further Debian projects locally23:42

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