
InHisNameBacon Dangler??   Did SamuraiAlba move to Decator ?00:36
waltmanInHisName: sounds like it!02:29
=== pangolin is now known as Guest99593
=== Guest99593 is now known as IdleOne
JonathanDGood morning.10:19
JonathanDWhats up?11:36
waltmanI'm wondering why I feel hungover this morning, considering all I had last night was half a Manhattan and a beer.11:41
waltmanIt's a shame you couldn't make it yesterday. They had a nice crowd at the Hive table.11:41
waltmanI'm pondering Andy's for breakfast.11:42
waltmaneither that or Starbucks11:42
JonathanDwaltman: on the bright side, the car is fixed now.11:55
JonathanDNew battery.11:55
JonathanDstarted right up this morning.11:55
JonathanDwaltman: tehy took some cool stuff over.12:16
JonathanDwaltman: now I can wire my inverter back up!12:31
JonathanDand install the carwifi12:31
JonathanDwaltman: want to do a workshop or two at fosscon?12:34
JonathanDperl one liners and maybe something else?12:34
JonathanDyou should do octopress since everyone is griping at me to use it :P12:34
waltmanOK, but now I need to head out in search of breakfast :)12:37
waltmanIs 23 still under construction?12:39
JonathanDuntil 203712:41
JonathanDtakes a long time to build 100 feet of road, after all12:41
waltmanof course12:41
JonathanDit's supposed to open this summer, which probably means it'll open next summer.12:42
waltmanAny recommendations at Andy's?12:42
JonathanDcheeseburger? :p12:43
JonathanDwaltman: if you actually go, I'll walk over.12:43
JonathanDI already ate but I could get some coffee.12:43
JonathanDif you want12:44
waltmanok, I'll give a call if I go there.12:44
JonathanDwaltman: the omelets are good12:44
JonathanDlarge, come with potatoes and onions and peppers12:44
JonathanDand toast12:44
JonathanDand good12:44
JonathanDthats what I usually get12:45
JonathanDjedijf: yes.14:58
JonathanDjedijf: you use it too?14:58
jedijfJonathanD: no, i talked to waltman at gala last night - He suggested it, I agree15:01
JonathanDjedijf: ah15:01
jedijfthere is a big "something other than Wordpress" movement15:01
jedijfI mean Apostophe is local - they could/probably would do a talk15:02
jedijfwaltman: is kinda renowned for his one-liners - at least in my mind - and even though it's PERL it's more his schtick15:02
jedijfhe's branded ^^^ which is good15:02
JonathanDjedijf: talked to walt further at breakfast about doing the octopress thing.15:05
JonathanDas a workshop15:05
JonathanDattendees would follow along and set up an instance, would require a computer.15:06
JonathanDI will do the bacon workshop. Attendees will cook bacon, and must bring their own bacon.15:21
JonathanDI will eat the bacon and judge it.15:21
JonathanDWhoever makes the best bacon gets a hi-five.15:21
waltmanI'm branded?17:07
jedijfwaltman: indeed18:30
JonathanDwaltman-brand perl talks22:09
JonathanD$3.99 a lb, this weekend only.22:09
EvilResistancenow why did PennBot diwe22:10

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