
magespawnGood morning.06:39
magespawnHowdy, a new face, when did you start coming here?06:52
roryyag, i pop onto irc one every 6 months for a few days06:52
magespawnThis channel is normally pretty quite, now there lots of peeps06:55
=== Kerbero is now known as Kerbero[afk]
magespawnafternoon all12:11
superflyhi magespawn12:33
magespawnhey superfly12:33
magespawnbusy watching this in youtube quite interesting http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UghlW1TsMA&feature=youtube_gdata12:35
magespawnhacking in the 80's and 90's12:53
superflymagespawn: looks interesting... will have to watch it when junior isn't watching a movie next to me12:54
magespawnahh the kids. fish one use to fall asleep in my lap while I was playing starcraft12:55
magespawn300 baud modems12:55
magespawn5 1/2 inch floppies12:56
magespawnsuperfly what would you use to encrypt email13:05
magespawnor files13:05
superflyIIRC you can use PGP or GnuPG13:06
magespawnwhen I found out what that means I thought it was quite funny13:13
zerefo00o, interesting watch: http://www.thefilterbubble.com/ted-talk13:33
magespawnthis sort of thing has been going on since we started looking for information13:58
magespawnyou must learn to get rid of your own patterns13:59
magespawnnow it happens automatically bit like the the tv remote control14:00
magespawnnot really a bit fan of the facebook timelinehave missed things from friends who are not that active14:01
charlvnmagespawn: i also use gpg or sometimes bcrypt (blowfish)14:16
magespawncool why change from one to the other?14:16
charlvnthey both support symmetric passphrase-based encryption for files but i'm quite interested to know which one is more secure14:17
magespawna video on how to use vim for those who do not know http://www.everymanit.com/2010/09/15/vim-for-file-editing/14:17
charlvngpg also supports ppk (asymmetric) encryption14:18
tumbleweedgpg supports a lot more encryption options than bcrypt14:18
magespawnbe interesting to find out, i need one that will run on different platforms14:18
charlvnyeah it's much more advanced, you can have a keyring etc14:18
tumbleweedthere in gpg / pgp pretty much everywhere14:18
charlvnbcrypt is simple and afaik quite secure but limited in terms of functionality14:19
charlvnmagespawn: gpg is cross-platform, not sure of bcrypt14:19
charlvnbut blowfish is pretty popular so i assume it would be too14:19
tumbleweedblowfish isn't that popular these days, but it isn't signidficantly broken14:19
charlvnblowfish usually gets used for backend purposes, very rarely by normal users14:20
magespawnno support for windows but will run in cygwin14:20
charlvnonly reason i use and know about it is because it is my job (software development)14:20
magespawntumbleweed do you use one?14:20
tumbleweedthese days, you'd usually use AES14:21
magespawnsorry i lie there is a windows binary for blowfish14:21
tumbleweedmagespawn: gpg, we use gpg signatures to authenticate debian & ubuntu uploads14:21
charlvndepends on the purpose, bcrypt is super efficient for symmetric key encryption14:21
tumbleweedmagespawn: blowfish is just a cipher, you'll find implementations for it everywhere14:22
charlvnbut... if you need PPK you need to go AES14:22
tumbleweede.g. it's one of the many supported by gpg14:22
tumbleweedcharlvn: AES is a symmetric cipher14:22
tumbleweedjust like blowfish14:22
charlvnjust checked on the wikipedia, that's indeed correct, not sure why i thought otherwise14:23
magespawnis it possible to break the encryption? practically speaking?14:23
charlvneverything is possible, depends on the computing resources you have at your disposal14:24
tumbleweedno known way. Usually any attacks go through side channels or implementation mistakes14:24
magespawnright thanks a lot guys, i have to take kids home now, will see you all a bit later14:25
charlvnlol while searching for that link i found this: http://en.shiapost.com/?p=226014:27
Kilosafternoon superfly and others14:36
charlvnhi Kilos 14:36
Kilosjust popped in for coffee14:36
Kiloshi there charlvn 14:36
superflyafternoon Kilos14:36
KilosMaaz, coffee on14:36
* Maaz washes some mugs14:36
Kiloswiped xubuntu off 6g drive and installed natty and without updating have been installing everything from saved natty archives with gdebi14:38
Kiloswhat a job14:38
charlvnsuperfly: here's the problem i'm having with VB http://i.imgur.com/doZOK.png14:39
superflycharlvn: it gave me that message, and then I went and switched on 3D acceleration, and I have full Gnome 314:40
charlvnok lemme try that.. hold on14:40
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!14:40
KilosMaaz, ty14:41
MaazYou are welcome Kilos14:41
superflybut, I'm not a Gnomer, so I don't know anything more than what I did14:41
superflycharlvn: also, my Gnome 3 was in Debian, so it may differ from Ubuntu14:41
charlvnthis is on fedora core14:42
superflyand Fedora :-)14:42
charlvnin principle it shouldn't matter unless there is some strange driver problem14:42
charlvnweird, enabled 3d acceleration in the virtual machine settings14:43
charlvnbut it still doesn't work14:44
superflycharlvn: did you shut the machine down and restart it?14:44
charlvnyeah of course14:44
charlvnvery strange14:44
superflycharlvn: I presume you also have the guest utils installed?14:44
charlvnno this is booting from the live cd, so i think that must be the problem14:45
charlvnok lemme do an install and get the drivers in there14:46
charlvni never understand why they hide the install option under system tools14:50
charlvnyou would think they would make it simpler14:50
charlvnyeah weird14:50
charlvnfedora, wtf srsly14:55
=== Kerbero[afk] is now known as Kerbero
charlvnhold on14:55
charlvninstaller started complaining that the installation media is corrupt - then did a md5sum and the .iso is perfect14:56
charlvnhit retry, continued working14:56
Kilossuperfly, i did apt-get update without internet connection. and saw it said failed to get to a whole lotta sites. can i give those links to ian and will he be able to get the security updates etc. here is a sample link14:59
Kiloshttp://security.ubuntu.com natty-security InRelease 14:59
superflyKilos: no, those won't work14:59
Kilosor wont a browser go there14:59
superflyKilos: they aren't links15:00
Kilosso its gotta be done throught apt-get then ?15:00
charlvnlol http://i.imgur.com/meI3K.png15:01
charlvnok serves me right for using fedora :P15:01
charlvn(and complaining about it on an ubuntu channel of all things)15:01
Kilosty superfly 15:02
Kiloscharlvn, you also chasing gnome?15:02
charlvnKilos: yes and not catching up to it apparently ;)15:03
Kilosha ha ha15:03
Kilosat least im not alone15:03
Kilosmaybe ill go kubuntu15:04
superflycharlvn: from what I've heard, Gnome Shell is in 12.04, it's just not installed by default15:04
charlvnyes it's the gnome-shell package15:04
Kilosthen the fly will go gray quick15:04
charlvni installed that yesterday inside vmware and it worked perfectly15:04
superflyKilos: no more than I already am :-P15:04
charlvni should try inside ubuntu now15:04
Kilossuperfly, you gray already?15:05
superflyKilos: no, and I won't before a long time15:05
Kiloscharlvn, http://www.filiwiese.com/installing-gnome-on-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin/15:06
charlvnKilos: ah interesting, very interesting15:07
charlvni think i did it wrong then15:07
charlvnbecause i never sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome315:07
charlvnok gonna try it a bit later, thanks15:07
Kilosgood luck15:07
superflyand you shouldn't... one should steer clear of unofficial repositories15:07
Kiloscharlvn, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/03/gnome-classic-in-ubuntu-12-04-its-like-nothing-ever-changed/15:08
Kilosif that works i will go 12.04 when i get a cd15:09
charlvnsuperfly: i think there is room for unofficial repos, but as always, caution should be applied15:09
charlvnsuperfly: the only ppa i'm using at the moment is for exfat http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6537878/how-to-mount-a-exfat-partition-in-ubuntu-11-0415:09
superflycharlvn: yeah, the problem is that PPA's are becoming so "mainstream" that people are throwing caution to the wind15:10
superflycharlvn: I maintain a PPA ;-)15:10
superfly(two, technically)15:10
charlvnyeah that's probably true15:10
charlvnbut most people are pushing for features, not for stability15:10
charlvnthat's why lots of people moved away from debian and centos15:11
* superfly is sorta in the process of getting his software into Debian, and thus Ubuntu, so that there will be no need for PPAs15:11
charlvnwhen i first saw people running fedora on a server i freaked (this was many years ago)15:11
superflycharlvn: I'd still freak if I saw anyone running fedora on a server15:12
superflyit's not meant for servers15:12
charlvnKilos: i think when i installed the gnome-shell yesterday without the ppa i got "gnome classic" or whatever people want to call it15:12
charlvnit looked exactly the same as i'm used to from the old gnome15:12
charlvnsuperfly: amazon ec2 offers fedora only, no centos15:13
superflycharlvn: they offer Ubuntu though, and I'd far rather run Ubuntu than Fedora15:13
Kilosah as in classic on 11.04 but if you look at freecell in games the colours are shocking15:13
charlvnsuperfly: yeah same here15:14
Kilosthis switch to ubity has rattled many feathers15:14
charlvnKilos: ah yeah haven't spent too much time with that15:14
charlvnyeah indeed15:14
superflyI think it's ruffled far fewer feathers than the media tries to tell us15:15
superflyEmpty vessels make the most noise, as do ruffled feathers.15:15
Kilosim just going by the mails on our lists15:15
Kilospeeps like lee sharp15:16
superflyKilos: like I said, empty vessels make the most noise15:17
Kilosi better not say another word15:17
charlvnah no sorry, i was wrong, apparently they do support centos https://aws.amazon.com/amis/rightimage-centos-5-2-base-image-beta-version-4-0-2-32-bit15:17
charlvnbut it's community contributed15:17
Kiloswhen i get another graphics card i will try ubity15:17
charlvnin the short list back when i used it (2009/2010) i didn't see that option in my panel though15:18
charlvnprobably only officially supported distros, tried to get a list of them now but can't find it15:18
Kiloscharlvn, http://www.techlw.com/2012/02/install-gnome-shell-on-ubuntu-1204.html15:19
Kilosdo they also say PPA15:19
charlvnrackspace does support centos fedora ubuntu and debian officially15:20
charlvn"Choose from a variety of popular 64-bit Linux® Distributions—Ubuntu, Debian, Gentoo, CentOS, Fedora, Arch and Red Hat Enterprise Linux"15:20
charlvnKilos: ah yeah that's exactly what i did yesterday15:21
charlvnbut my desktop did not look like the second screenshot15:21
Kilosyou musta missed something15:21
charlvnok i'll install it under virtualbox in any case and then try to see if i can get it to work15:22
Kiloshave you tried unity ChanServ 15:22
Kilosthat was for you charlvn 15:23
charlvnyeah i'm actually using it right now on my macbook pro15:23
charlvnbut i'm not a big fan15:23
Kilosi am so used to typing three characters and then tab15:23
charlvnyeah same here15:25
Kiloswere all creatures of habid15:25
charlvnjust ate pancake with rhubarb - it's better than it sounds15:43
charlvnok results are in16:00
charlvnno need for the ppa just install gnome-shell16:00
charlvnenable 3d acceleration in virtualbox and it works perfectly16:00
charlvnthe mandatory screenshot16:00
charlvnaccording to the folks on #ubuntu-nl, the ppa is unnecessary16:00
tumbleweedit shouldn't have been necessary in oneiric either16:01
charlvni can try it, since i'm still running it here on my host os16:02
charlvnoneiric = 11.10 right? the names keep confusing me16:03
charlvnok busy installing now16:03
charlvnneed to close xchat to log out and test it, brb16:06
charlvnok in gnome3 now - it's slow even on my mbp8.1 which is only a year old (with an intel core i5)16:10
charlvnnot too impressed so far16:10
charlvnrunning natively i mean, on ubuntu 11.1016:10
magespawnEvening all17:21
superflyhi magespawn17:22
charlvnsuperfly: thanks for the tip regarding enabling 3d acceleration17:27
charlvnworks really nicely17:27
superflycharlvn: np... been using it for ages, actually17:27
charlvnstrange that it isn't enabled by default but i'm sure there is a good reason for that17:28
charlvnfor most virtual machines i'm sure you won't need it in any case17:28
charlvnok i'm going to take a shower bbl17:28
superflyyeah, I think it's to make sure it works out of the box on most setups17:28
magespawnRight lets see if I can stay here this time17:50
charlvnok back17:54
charlvnlol magespawn both you and psydroid quit and entered right after each other17:54
magespawnMaybe it is an alergic reaction17:55
charlvnthere is a certain type of sauce that can create that reaction in some... http://i.imgur.com/dSgkr.png17:58
charlvnwith added vitamin cool17:58
psydroidoh, hi charlvn18:09
psydroidhi magespawn18:10
magespawnHi psydroid18:10
psydroidmy battery ran out18:10
charlvnok then it was completely unrelated :P18:11
psydroidwe're on different continents too18:12
magespawn4chan is now html5 https://boards.4chan.org/g/res/2450605818:12
magespawnWell thats a relief18:13
charlvnstill needs a bit of work apparently but it's already a huge improvement18:18
charlvnpsydroid: you could both be using the same irc server though18:20
charlvnthe trouble could be on the server's end18:20
psydroidcharvn, that would certainly be possible18:21
psydroidhello kbmonkey18:28
kbmonkeynice long weekend, hey? 18:28
magespawnHey kbmonkey, do not really know what a long weekend is, but the days off are nice18:30
charlvnit's a nice break18:30
charlvns/break/extra long break/18:30
kbmonkeythe main difference magespawn, is instead of doing work you have to do, and doing work you want to do ;)18:32
charlvnlol +118:34
magespawnMm, I live in a very nice place, I never have to do work I do not want to do.18:34
charlvnmagespawn: ever had to do the dishes18:36
magespawnAll the time18:37
charlvnwell if you enjoy doing the dishes, good for you :P18:38
magespawnBut I still choose to18:38
charlvnwell if you don't do the dishes... they heap up :(18:38
superflykbmonkey: I dunno, I want to work when I go to work.18:38
superflyor rather, I'm doing what I enjoy when I go to work18:38
magespawnNo not really but I dislike having no clean plates more18:39
charlvnwell said18:39
charlvnotherwise, you could just throw all the dirty dishes away right?18:39
charlvnbut then there are no clean ones18:39
magespawnIf i had that much money it might be an option but I really have a problem with wastage18:41
roryycut out the middleman.  eat out of the pot.18:41
magespawnSo maybe I could donate them to charity or something, along with the left over food.18:42
charlvntalking about luxury problems... :P18:43
magespawnStill would not, waste of time and effort, do not think I am that eccentric. ;)18:45
charlvnwatching the latest episode of ancient aliens now http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8KE7nPzme018:47
magespawnI heard this somewhere: Rich people are eccentric, poor people are crazy.18:48
charlvnhere is the pattern of thought: assumption, assumption, fact, assumption assumption assumption, fact, assumption assumption18:48
kbmonkeyha ha, good solution roryy ;D18:51
kbmonkey1st world problems (TM)18:51
magespawnYup indeed.18:52
charlvnhttp://knowyourmeme.com/memes/first-world-problems vs http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/third-world-success18:54
charlvni think measuring fact-to-assumption ratio in documentaries would produce very interesting results18:57
charlvnespecially on the history channel18:58
magespawnSome of those show do construct the trex from a toe bone.18:59
magespawnBrb battery is dying.19:00
charlvnthis is more or less how it goes: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/ancient-aliens19:01
charlvnwhat happened? it must have been the aliens!19:01
charlvnif our current civilisation goes under, people from thousands of years from now will dig up our "advanced" technology and will claim alien intervention19:01
charlvnubuntu? the only way to explain the existence of such advanced technology must have been the aliens19:02
magespawnlike a boomarang19:03
charlvnwhat is it with you and psydroid and your batters ffs19:04
magespawntablet has been working all day, now on my phone.19:04
charlvnare you sure you don't know each other lol19:04
psydroidcharlvn, I am on wifi all the time, the battery gets drained after a few hours19:11
magespawnMaaz coffee on19:11
* Maaz starts grinding coffee19:11
psydroidwhen I have a tablet, it will hopefully improvw as magespawn says19:11
kbmonkeyMaaz, coffee please19:12
Maazkbmonkey: Yessir19:12
kbmonkeythat shold help. mmm fresh brew19:12
MaazCoffee's ready for magespawn and kbmonkey!19:15
charlvnpsydroid: yeah wifi kills a wireless device19:25
charlvnespecially when you tether to a phone via wifi and then let the phone connect out via hsdpa19:25
charlvnyou better have that phone connected to a charger...19:25
charlvnotherwise that phone gets pwned within a couple of mins, hour tops19:25
kbmonkeynothing beats sitting at the console ;)19:27
psydroidyes, I have it connected to one now19:27
psydroidok, a regular keyboard allows you to type faster, but a touch-based device is more convenient19:28
psydroideven a netbook isn't as convenient as a phone or a tablet for light uses19:29
kbmonkeynah, no need to multitask IRL and the metaverse.19:29
charlvnnetbook is old school... ultrabooks people19:29
kbmonkeyI mean, when I do something on the PC, why would I want to do anything else at the same time ;)19:29
charlvni actually had an acer ultrabook in for testing and it worked very nicely, was super light in comparison to this mbp i have on my lap right now19:30
charlvnthrough my contacts i could get it at cost price but i ended up not buying one because the memory is all onboard with no extension capabilities19:30
kbmonkeyhot damn, boss got a new dell xps, one of those smanchy ssd's. battery life about 8 hours19:30
charlvnso i was limited to 4GB19:30
charlvnkbmonkey: sounds typical for ultrabooks, the battery life is amazing19:31
magespawnhowdy AGAIN.19:41
superflymagespawn: I have two words for you: IRC bouncer19:44
magespawnokay whats that? like quassel core?19:45
kbmonkeytwo words: remote shell XD19:46
magespawnokay guys one at a time19:46
magespawnwill google once i am back on adsl19:47
superflymagespawn: either a remote shell, or quassel core20:03
psydroidI have that too now20:03
psydroidbut I must go to sleep, good night guys20:04
magespawnnight psydroid20:04
kbmonkeynite psydroid 20:05
magespawnmight hold off on this until i get the wifi/wug setup.20:08
charlvnthat's the most popular bnc atm afaik20:10
charlvnquassel is a normal irc client (for kde) no?20:12
magespawnyes also has android client20:12
superflycharlvn: well, it's written in Qt, but there is a KDE-specific version too20:12
superflyand it has both a "normal" and a bouncer setup20:13
superfly(well, they're different binaries, but the "normal" is a conglomeration of the client and core binaries)20:13
charlvnsuperfly: ah i see, didn't know that, interesting20:13
superflycharlvn: it works very well on OS X and on Windows too20:13
superflyand my Gnomified friends tell me it looks just like a GTK app in Gnome20:14
magespawnthats good to know.20:14
magespawncould you run irc on a wug?20:14
superflymagespawn: as far as I know, the big WUGs all have their own internal IRC networks20:14
magespawnirc software FOSS?20:15
roryythe must be20:16
roryythere, even20:16
superflymagespawn: most IRC networks are running FOSS servers20:16
roryyaptitude search ircd gives at least four options20:16
kbmonkeyircd is widely used20:17
kbmonkeyircd-irc2 for ex20:17
charlvni used to run some servers on bahamut20:17
magespawnwill be very useful20:17
charlvna small irc network a number of years ago20:17
magespawndo not why I asked that should have been obvious20:19
charlvnmagespawn: http://hak5.org/episodes/hak5-110420:31
charlvnmagespawn: http://www.wug.za.net/chat.php20:33
magespawni am off, early start tomrrow, night all.20:39
superflynight magespawn20:40
charlvnnight magespawn 20:40
charlvng'night all21:07

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