
roastedIs U1's server still getting pwned by 12.04's release? I was trying to sync my pictures earlier, and I got 55 down in 6 hours... sound normal?04:08
shawncm217#ubuntu pointed me here. I need help with the Ubuntu One Music Store. http://askubuntu.com/questions/64039/how-do-i-manage-my-ubuntu-one-music-store-account-specifically-change-my-email05:03
roastedubuntu one,  you and I are no longer on speaking terms.05:30
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
nunziothere are anybody?12:06
Roastedanybody still having ultra slow 36k style download speeds?13:05
duanedes1gnRoasted: hello13:33
duanedes1gnRoasted: because of the release speeds hav been slower then normal13:34
duanedes1gnemgomeers are doing what they can to improve the situation13:34
Roastedyeah, but 50 pictures in 6 hours?13:34
duanedes1gnyeah, its frusctrating13:34
Roastedas long as it's normal, I'm okay with that13:35
RoastedI just looked at it like, oh my gosh, I FUBAR'd something13:35
tizza10all of my ubuntuone clients are failing to sync on fresh copies of 12.04, is this just sever stress from the new release??15:40
dobeytizza10: if it's failing, maybe you found a bug. if it's just slow, it's probably due to the release and servers getting pounded.16:10
tizza10dobey, it is changing from file sync in progress to disabled without throwing out errors on both machines.16:13
dobeydisabled, or disconnected?16:20
tizza10Oh, the sync deamon logs have a lot of sever hash =.failure.... try again type messages16:21
dobeyin the control panel?16:21
tizza10in the control panel it says disabled16:22
dobeywhat locale are you using?16:23
dobeythough all the TRY_AGAIN messages in the log could be a result of server load as well16:24
dobeyfor the user interface16:25
tizza10english UK16:25
tizza10It says File Sync is disabled on one machine16:26
tizza10and File Sync is Disconnected in another16:27
tizza10But that changes to File Sync in Progress with out my intervention16:27
dobeyright, the connection probably got dropped there16:29
dobeyon the one that says disabled, is ubuntuone-syncdaemon running?16:29
tizza10ubuntu-one syncd? Yes16:31
dobeycan you open a terminal and run "u1sdtool -q && u1sdtool -c" please?16:31
tizza10Done, the control center has changed to  File sync in progress16:34
tizza10dobey, I have to go. Will pick up later if your about?16:39
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
cc11rocksRunning Ubuntu 12.04. Ubuntu One won't finishing syncing. The notification keeps popping up saying that it's syncing a number of files.19:03
dobey"X and 199" other files?19:06
cc11rocksYes dobey19:10
dobeycc11rocks: it is syncing, but there is a bug you're hitting. if you have more than 200 files to transfer, you will keep seeing that notification until there are less than 200 files left to transfer19:11
dobeybut the files are synchronizing just fine19:11
cc11rocksSo they are all there?19:20
cc11rocksIs there any way to get rid of the bug?19:20
dobeyyou can disable notifications in the control panel19:26
cc11rocksOkay, thanks19:30
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
JanCis there any chance U1MS will ever gain a reasonable selection of music?21:02
JanCappart from the fact my prefered payment solution has been broken all the time (despite a bug report from an U1 manager filed even before the U1MS official release...)21:04
JanCcurrently U1MS seems to be a joke/mess (depending on which PoV you look at it)21:06
dobeyJanC: the world store is unlikely to get a "reasonable selection," thanks to the wonderful record companies. are you in a country which gets the world store?21:26
JanCdobey: I'm in Belgium, so that's the European store, I guess21:26
JanCeven then, Canonical should try to fix his21:27
JanCdobey: think about it this way: currently Belgian Ubuntu users have about 5% chance to find Belgian artists in that store it seems21:29
dobeyJanC: are they available on http://fr-be.7digital.com/ at all?21:30
JanCremember most people in Belgium don't speak French...  ;)21:31
JanCbut I'll checkj21:31
dobeywell, nl-be.7digital.com then21:31
dobeyfor the other half21:32
dobeyor en-be if that works, though i doubt it does21:32
JanCdobey: seems like that (at least some of) music *is* available on those sites21:33
JanCso this is really a U1MS issue?21:34
dobeywell, we are working on a way of getting some more region-specific stores on-line; hopefully all of them21:35
czajkowskidobey: oh thats good to hear21:35
czajkowskidobey: always find it annoying when in ireland I want to buy a tune and have to wait till I go back to UK in most cases to buy it21:35
czajkowskieven for some irish stuff which is most annoying21:36
dobeybut be glad you're not stuck on the world store :)21:36
dobeyczajkowski: why is that?21:36
czajkowskidobey: I know at xmas time I wanted to buy music for godaughter as we were going for a drive and I couldnt as the musi wasnt available to buy in that country, 2 days later tried it in the UK and no problem21:37
czajkowskiwas told different stores.21:37
dobeyczajkowski: well, adding more stores won't solve that problem, if IE already has a separate store.21:38
JanCone of the artist I've been using to research this is Selah Sue: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selah_Sue21:39
dobeyJanC: and what preferred payment solution are you talking about?21:40
JanCdobey: Maestro21:40
JanCdobey: it only supports UK Maestro, and leaves others with a form that doesn't work...21:41
dobeyczajkowski: or is .ie going to the world or EU store?21:41
JanCdobey: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-music-store/+bug/632890  ;)21:42
ubot5Ubuntu bug 632890 in ubuntuone-music-store "Payment problems using Maestro Card" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:42
dobeyJanC: ah. i suppose that is a 7d problem. does it have the same problem on http://nl-be.7digital.com/ ?21:43
JanCdobey: I never tried to buy music there21:44
JanCbut I doubt it would work  ;)21:45
dobeyJanC: are you currently paying for extra storage or streaming on U1 with maestro?21:45
JanCwhy would I need extra storage at all?  :P21:46
dobeymaybe you want to have your existing music, or videos, or photos, or who knows whatever else, synced via u121:46
JanCI have my own VPS with 180 GiB of disk space21:47
JanCwhich costs me 15 € / month21:48
JanCso really why would I bother  ;)21:48
JanCbut I'm interested in buying music some time in the future21:49
dobeyto provide a useful data point about whether the card works through that payment system or not.21:49
JanCdobey: it works when I pay inside SEPA21:50
dobeyalso, have you tried purchasing a song on u1ms, and just ignoring the from and 3 digit security code fields?21:50
dobeyi have no idea what SEPA is21:50
JanCdobey: I did in the past, haven't tried recently21:51
JanCdobey: the point is that in the past this was some UK proprietary variant of Maestro21:52
JanCso unless there was some change there, it's unlikely to work21:52
dobeywell i don't know if there was a change there or not21:52
JanCSEPA = http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_Euro_Payments_Area21:52
dobeyi'm not in europe, i don't have any maestro cards :)21:52
JanCbasically, it's like a money transfer21:53
dobeyand i can't say if it will work when it does change in the future21:53
JanCand free or very cheap21:53
dobeyyes i know how debit cards work21:53
dobeyhow the basic premise of the maestro card works is not relevant though.21:54
dobeyJanC: have you bought anything on the ubuntu store recently?21:55
JanCI guess I could try a test buy on U1MS some day21:56
JanC1 of the suggestions I might make: there are online payment brokers that actually *do* support all sorts international payment systems21:57
JanCof course they are a bit more expensive than what is used now...  ;)21:58
JanCbut I don't care about that if they actually work  :P21:59
dobeywell it's the weekend. and i have other things to do. so bye :)d22:00
JanCdobey: right, but I think some discussion about U1MS future is really needed22:01
JanCbecause currently it's actually listed as a disadvantage for Ubuntu22:01
JanC(at least outside the UK & the US)22:01
JanCsee czajkowski's experiences also22:02
JanCdobey: and of course the payment issue is completely unrelated to the unavailability of music issue  ;)22:07
JanCI mean, if 7d has the music, it should be available in U1MS too, at least22:08
JanC(even if 7D lags behand already...)22:08
JanCI think Canonical should turn U1MS into a universal music store for everybody who doesn't have or wants access to iTMS22:14
JanCeither with or without the help of 7D22:15
JanCbut the current approach is really doing more harm than anything else...  :-/22:16
JanCactually, looking further in 7D, they seem to have lots of Belgian artists that aren't available in the U1MS22:19
JanCalbums like this: http://nl-be.7digital.com/artist/sarah-ferri/release/ferritales22:20
JanCyou really want this in the U1MS right now, because now is when it gets promoted on national radio etc.22:23
* JanC doubts anybody at UbuntuOne really understands the music market... :-(22:24
dobeyJanC: i don't think you understand what it takes to build a music store. if it were trivial, we'd have done it already. so relax. we are working on making it better.22:32

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