
radioI need jack-sink and jack source for using skype in idjc but in 11.10 it was working but now it collapse in ubuntustudio :| the pulse try to establisch the sound server but it fails05:13
radioi realy need it for my internetradiostation05:14
radiosomeone knows about howto enable jack-sinc and jack-source the pulse is trying to establish but failed please a litle help would be welcome?05:19
len-dtradio, I have not had any problem with the PA-jack bridge... should you actually read this.14:06
studio-user276Hello Friends of the Future15:17
Kehvaninstalling on an old IntelliStation Z Pro... going smoothly19:47
zthis there a way to netinstall ubustudio, or perhaps via a 1gb usb-stick?21:30
Len-nbhmm gone... need 2GB usb stick.21:52
Len-nbOr, install xubuntu and drop the ubuntustudio metas on top.21:53

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