[13:48] I noticed a whole lot of commits have a wrong email address [13:48] when i look at the log [13:48] is there a way to fix this? :-) [13:49] Yeah. Make a new E-mail account. ;-) [13:53] ?? [13:53] but that wouldn't change the commits in the past [13:53] So that the wrong E-mail addresses become right :D [13:53] would it? [13:53] Joke. [13:53] :-P [14:13] lduros: not without removing old commits and making new ones [14:13] LarstiQ: hmm ok, that sucks [14:13] I don't think I want to recreate commits [14:14] sinon ct bien la fete [14:14] oups [14:14] wrong window [14:14] lduros: there is machinery to make it easier, but yeah. I'd just live with it :) [14:14] LarstiQ: ok, thanks :-) [14:16] there are some funny commiter ids in the bzr codebase that way too [14:19] haha === yofel_ is now known as yofel