
sealneScottK: so it seems just deleting the imap account in kmail and recreating it isn't enough to solve the akonadi eating your cpu and then crashing problem09:50
shadeslayerdid you remove .cache/akonadi ( or sth like that )09:51
sealneno i'll try completly obliterating everything when i have a spare day or 2 again09:51
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=== JackyAlcine is now known as jacky
BluesKajHey all11:50
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jussiso... kubunity anyone? :P http://wstaw.org/m/2012/04/29/plasma-desktopzg2207.png12:52
Riddellmisses the dash12:53
Riddellwhich I think might be apol's area for sal-qml12:53
jussiyeah, we need the dash yet12:53
jussibut I am reliably informed the unity 2d dash is Qt, therefore shouldnt be too hard to plasmoid12:54
jussioh, and my kubunity has buttons on the right! na na!12:54
jussiRiddell: btw, my kmix bug got marked as a dup by the guy assigned to the the master bug, so I guess the bt was same12:56
Riddelltalk to apol about his plans for sal-qml12:56
jussiwhat is sal-qml? 12:56
Riddelldunno talk to apol :)12:56
Riddellthe master kmix bug isn't marked as fixed last time I looked12:57
ScottKsealne: It's not the wohole ting.13:06
ScottKsealne: ~/.config/akonadi/agent_config_akonadi_mailfilter_agent_changes.dat is all I had to remove.13:08
BluesKajI dumped kmail again ...no point it's just too unstable ...become unuseable 13:19
BluesKajsegfaults on any click now , can't choose any emails 13:20
starbuckCongrats on a GREAT release! Tested 64bit DVD on my machine, small annoyances, but overall works fantastic!13:27
starbuckRiddell: SAL-qml is not apol, its sreich :)13:27
ScottKBluesKaj: It's got it's issues, but it's not that bad.  You've got something else going on too.13:34
BluesKajScottK, yeah must be , but the segfsults didn't start until a recent update/upgrade...kmail was great for 3weeks or so after my clean install 5weeks ago13:36
Riddellstarbuck: oh tsk sorry13:59
Peace-yofel_: ping14:13
yofel_Peace-: pong16:27
shadeslayer!find libXxf86vm.so.117:00
ubottuFile libXxf86vm.so.1 found in libxxf86vm117:00
JontheEchidnaAnybody wanna help me test my Networking and Internet Technologies class final project? https://launchpad.net/~echidnaman/+archive/tis/18:04
JontheEchidna(It's a space shooter) :D18:04
JontheEchidnayou'll have to make an account at the website tho: http://foxx.arksaw.com/tis/website/18:05
sreichwritten in?18:06
sreichwell, libs?18:06
JontheEchidnauh, right :)18:06
sreichi'm presuming you didn't use raw c++ ;p18:06
JontheEchidnaIt uses QUdpSocket for the UDP protocol18:06
JontheEchidnaAllegro for the client gui18:07
JontheEchidnaand libmysqlcppconn for db stuff18:07
sreichdoes it have latency handling?18:07
sreichor how is that handled?18:07
JontheEchidnanot really18:07
JontheEchidnait just doesn't accept packets older than ones it's already accepted18:07
JontheEchidnayou can take a look at the source if you'd like: http://foxx.arksaw.com/svn/tis/18:08
sreichi remember when i did my first network game like..8 yrs ago, latency was a big issue18:12
sreichi was surprised that even a latency of like 100ms was hugely noticeable18:13
sreichmade me wonder how latency compensation is actually done18:14
JontheEchidnalots of prediction algorithms, I'd suppose18:15
sreichit's more amazing that the difference between UDP and TCP is astonishing wrt speed18:15
sreichspeaking of games..man i'd like to see some games in qml/qml2, especially for the plasma tablet18:15
JontheEchidnaI wasn't responsible for the GUI portion of the project. We split up in to groups to make a (multiple) client-server application that also connects to a database (either on the server or external)18:16
JontheEchidnaour group of 3 chose to make a game. some of the other projects are a VoIP server18:16
JontheEchidnaa text chat application18:17
JontheEchidnaand a multiplayer text adventure game18:17
JontheEchidnanot quite a MUD, though18:17
JontheEchidnathe other groups are using C# and *shudder* Winsocks stuff.18:18
JontheEchidnaI think only two groups have cross-platform stuff :P18:18
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: tis/lib/QtCored4.dll18:27
shadeslayeras well as other libs18:27
JontheEchidnafor winblows deployment18:27
DarkwingRiddell: ping?18:28
sreichlol winsocks18:28
JontheEchidnashadeslayer: if you like this, then you'll love this hack I had to make for windows: http://foxx.arksaw.com/svn/tis/server/console/WinConsole.h18:29
shadeslayerare you shitting me18:30
sreichgoes to show how well windows is designed/how fun windows programming is18:30
sreichi've heard some funny oddities about its event dispatching as well18:31
shadeslayeryofel_: yay, my Steam prediction came true18:31
* sreich hates workarounds for crappy designs18:31
sreichshadeslayer: yeah, it's awesome isn't it?18:31
* sreich excited to buy and play l4d on steam linux18:31
shadeslayersreich: yes18:31
* JontheEchidna too18:31
JontheEchidnaif they port TF2, I'll be happy18:31
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: especially you :P18:31
JontheEchidnaand also unproductive18:31
sreichhaha yeah18:31
shadeslayeryou play TF2 all the time18:31
shadeslayertrue that18:31
JontheEchidnaactually I've not played in a while, too much to do18:31
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: ../../server/db/Database.h:8:31: fatal error: cppconn/statement.h: No such file or directory <- is that in allegro?18:32
JontheEchidnashadeslayer: libmysqlcppconn-dev18:32
shadeslayery u no use cmake18:32
yofel_you know18:33
JontheEchidnashadeslayer: binaries for 12.04 here if you'd like: https://launchpad.net/~echidnaman/+archive/tis/18:33
JontheEchidnayou'll need the allegro packages from there at any rate18:33
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: meh, they're probably compiled with gcc18:33
yofel_I wasn't scared about ower future when I heard that Canonical won't sponsor us anymore. But with steam for linux coming I am.........18:33
shadeslayerI'm being a hipster and compile everything with clang18:33
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
RiddellDarkwing: hola18:33
shadeslayeryofel: haha, more clueless people in #kubuntu ? :D18:34
sreichpft, what's wrong with steam?18:35
yofelI'm down with a cold today, so someone else help please...18:35
sreichshadeslayer: i compile everything w/ clang as well18:35
sreichclang is hellahs better anyways18:35
shadeslayersreich: we're both hipsters then18:35
shadeslayersreich: inorite18:35
shadeslayersreich: pretty pretty compile errors18:36
yofelnote: did you manage to compile kdelibs with clang yet? I didn't last time I tried it18:36
sreichi compile all of kde w/ clang18:36
yofelk, worth another attempt then18:36
shadeslayerB2G is soooo fricking huge18:37
shadeslayertaking forever to checkout on yofel's machine as well18:37
yofelwhat's b2g?18:37
shadeslayerBoot 2 Gecko18:37
shadeslayeryofel: boots up Gecko and then all apps use HTML518:39
yofelat least gecko is more stable than qtwebkit...18:40
shadeslayerheh yeah18:40
shadeslayertheir HAL code is fugly as of now though18:40
skfinwho uses hal18:41
Riddellthat must be obsolete, hal doesn't exist any more18:41
shadeslayerdunno, their channel topic points to that link18:42
yofelwhy do I get the feeling that they recycled the name...18:42
shadeslayerI've only been looking at B2G since yesterday18:43
BluesKajany suggestions on installing kubuntu dev release on a second hdd , that I'd like to use for testing ?18:45
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: yofel read this : https://github.com/cgjones/mozilla-central/blob/master/hal/gonk/GonkHal.cpp#L27318:49
BluesKajmy other pc was used for testing , but the cpu is an old amd 3200+. I don't think it's worth spending money on new mobo so I'd like to add the hdd to this pc . Can someone direct me to url / tutorial on how to set this up ?18:53
* yofel just hopes that "/sys/class/power_supply/battery/" actually exists on the system that code is being executed on18:53
shadeslayerwell, imo they should have used enums to define the charge states18:54
shadeslayerinstead of static const int's18:54
yofelwell, someone thought to do it a bit c++ style and was too used to doing it C style18:55
yofelactually, just using #define would've been better here...18:55
shadeslayerB2G finally checked oyt19:15
bulldog98Riddell: do we have mirrors for the isos?20:19
Riddellbulldog98: only a few, listed on http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download#download-block20:25
bulldog98Riddell: ok thanks20:25

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