
malinajmitch: or highvoltage have you revived this app yet? https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/782/ I have made this changes since last time: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~malinkb/unity-buss/unity-buss-experimental/revision/3219:54
highvoltagehey malin, will look in a few moments, sorry I meant to get back to you on that before20:27
malinhighvoltage: okey :)20:37
highvoltagemalin: is buss2.svg used?22:00
highvoltage(ah just noticed it is)22:00
malinyeah :)22:00
highvoltagethe packaging looks really good, I'll just try it out in unity...22:01
highvoltagemalin: I installed the unity-lens-buss package and I get a bus icon in Unity, but when I click on it then there's nothing in the menu, is there something else I should do or have installed?22:15
malinthere is nothing before you search for something, but it takes a while. Not my fault22:20
malintry to write: moholt to sentrum22:20
malinwait for 10 seconds22:20
malinand the result will appear22:20
malinthe lens parses from this site: http://www.idi.ntnu.no/~tagore/busstuc/22:21
malinand that's why it takes some time22:21
highvoltagehmm, this is what I get: http://irc.jonathancarter.org/files/ubuntu/arb/unity-lens-buss.png22:24
highvoltagedoing the queries on http://www.idi.ntnu.no/~tagore/busstuc/ directly seems to work though22:31
malinhighvoltage: hm.. when you installed it, did you log out and in again? If it's possible to install a lens and get it to work without doing so, I would like to know how22:32
malinhighvoltage: I got help from David Calle, and he made it work22:32
malinis there a search-hint after install?22:33
highvoltagemalin: ok. I did log out and back in again, but I'll check if I did something else wrong perhaps22:33
highvoltagemalin: nope22:33
malinhighvoltage: hm.. cause it should look like this: http://malinkb.dyndns.org/bilder/unity-lense-buss.png22:36
malindid you install from the ppa?22:36
malinhm.. I should try with a viritual intall22:51
* highvoltage will to22:51
malinI am going to do that now22:51
malinjust need to install it first22:53
ajmitchhighvoltage: many thanks for following up on that ;)22:59
highvoltagewell, trying to, at least :)23:00
highvoltageI want to run it on a VM I have at the office but running into some networking problems23:00
* ajmitch just registered & proposed a blueprint for UDS23:00
* highvoltage subscribes23:01
malintakes a while to install23:23
malinhighvoltage: I figured out what's wrong23:28
malinyou have to write: moholt til sentrum23:28
malinnot to23:28
malinitdosen't search if the search string dosen't contain til or fra23:28
malinit's a norwegian lens23:28
malinThe Norwegian word til is equal to the English to23:29
malinhighvoltage: it was not the fault. I forgot to change the Exec-path after changing the install-directory to /opt/extras.ubuntu.com/unity-buss23:49

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