
WilsonBradleyDoes anyone know when Trine 2 DEMO will be available for Linux?01:18
=== Lost is now known as Guest98854
Guest98854Lost here . . .  am I found by anyone?01:26
Guest98854Hi,  Although I am college educated I have not taken any computer courses.  Therefore, I depend on the GUI so I won't have to learn the CLI.  Linux has built into it several “brick walls.”  A brick wall is an area that the GUI that leaves someone like me totally clueless as to what to do next.  Could these “brick walls “ PLEASE be fixed.  Item – I have just downloaded a program and I want to find it in the fi01:27
Guest98854 in MICROSOFT PRODUCTS. However, in Linux it am taken to a box called “:launch application'  and it says “choose” and then it presents me with a BIG EMPTY area.  I guess I am somehow supposed to know which sub-directory the programs are kept in.  Heck it's not even called “Program Files Here”  Could simple file manipulation be dummied down for us non-computer people?  Item – Konquer needs to be put in Path 01:27
Guest98854thanks, don't mean to piss anyone off but linux is confusing for us muggles01:29
w1jpanyone know anything about the default sound manager?01:36
w1jpI'd like to know how to turn off the AGC (auto-gain control)01:37
Unit193pavucontrol? I don't happen to  know in that, but you have it under the menu.01:37
sanbarI have booted from LiveCD 12.04.  I am trying to mount a hard disk partition with mount.  It comes back in dmesg with "Unable to read superblock" - any help?03:19
sanbarI am not sure I have the file system type correct, also03:20
escottsanbar, run fsck "sudo fsck /dev/sda#03:20
sanbarok - that is the file system fixer, right?03:21
escottsanbar, FileSystem ChecKer easy to remember because you need to run fsck when you are fscked03:21
sanbarI've got it mounted, and can see the files.  It is a disk that contains a broken natty install that was in the middle of an upgrade to oneiric03:34
sanbarWhat is the best way to get all my data off, like in my home drive, so I can restore it after I do a clean install of 12.0403:34
JoseeAntonioRsanbar: Partitioning03:34
sanbarJoseeAntonioR:  Not sure what you mean03:35
JoseeAntonioRsanbar: Create a partition for your home folder, then re-install ubuntu without formatting the home partition you created, and then copy what you have in the partition to ubuntu, and finally get it together.03:36
sanbarHmmmm.   I was wondering about some stuff in /etc03:37
sanbaroh well, I am happy today.  I will work on it more tomorrow.  See ya'll later03:38
boliviano3hey everyone, I'm trying to install ubuntu 12.04 but I just got an error during the install. it says "executing 'grub-install /dev/mapper' failed. anyone know how I'd fix this?06:22
JoseeAntonioRboliviano3: Termina de instalar, o se queda colgado con ese error?06:22
boliviano3en ingles por favor :)06:23
JoseeAntonioRboliviano3: Does the install finishes, or it hangs up?06:23
bioterrorboliviano3, try running installer again06:23
boliviano3it gives the option to continue w/o installing the bootloader but is that something i should do?06:24
JoseeAntonioRboliviano3: Yes, continue.06:24
bioterrorboliviano3, actually try running the live session again06:24
bioterrorthat can be too06:24
JoseeAntonioRboliviano3: Continue without the bootloader, and then you can install it from the LiveCD, that way you'll earn time06:24
bioterrorboliviano3, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair06:24
JoseeAntonioRboliviano3: Of couse, that's after you finish installing.06:25
boliviano3ok i'll click continue and i'll be back if i have any problems06:26
JoseeAntonioRboliviano3: Ok, great06:27
boliviano3thanks guys. so it finished and restarted into windows 7. so I should insert the live cd again and repair boot through there?06:28
JoseeAntonioRboliviano3: Yep06:30
boliviano3ok so I was able to repair and boot into ubuntu but at boot I don't believe it gave the option to boot into windows. here's the link that it gave me after the repair was done: http://paste.ubuntu.com/954345/06:53
bioterroreverything went better than expected06:54
bioterrorSun09:24 <bioterror> boliviano3, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair06:54
boliviano3are you trying to say I should run boot repair again?06:55
bioterrorI would06:57
bioterroras you're missing windows from your grub ;)06:57
boliviano3ok should I do anything different this time? I just ran the recommended repair last time06:58
boliviano3hmmm interesting I restarted the desktop after installing some updates and what do you know there's the option to load into Windows 7. Let's see if it works :)07:07
=== angela-android is now known as nothingspecial
boliviano3does anyone why there's an icon for install release on my unity bar?07:19
bubuyis there anyone here cn help me with my ubuntu problm?09:07
philipballew_bubuy, depends what the problem is probably09:10
bubuythanx..im just installing my u buntu on my acer netbuk09:11
bubuybut when im tring to online using my 3g modem via usb hub, it can, whn im trying to install the broadband software, the setup.exe n autorun.exe cannot being launch09:12
bubuyso how .... :(09:12
bubuyi love the ubuntu but when it comes to internet , its fuck me up, im a earlybird on ubuntu n i till not clearly understand how the system works09:13
oCeanbubuy: control your language here, please09:14
bubuysorry , im just so sad, its my fault09:14
philipballew_and please use complete sentences09:14
philipballew_so what exactly are you trying to do?09:15
bubuywhen im tring to online using my 3g modem via usb hub, it cannot, whn im trying to install the broadband software, the setup.exe n autorun.exe cannot being launch09:15
bubuyim trying to connect to internet using my 3g modem broadband09:15
philipballew_where did you get the setup.exe and autorun.exe?09:16
bubuywhen i connect my modem device to my netbook via usb hub09:16
philipballew_no, where did you get the exe files?09:17
bubuywhere did i get ? u mean ?09:19
philipballew_the setup and autorun exe files?09:20
bubuythe setup package files is already there inside the modem devices if i connect it to my netbook, it is inside a new window09:21
philipballew_bubuy, check this out09:22
philipballew_windows files use exe, ubuntu uses a deb09:22
bubuyow.... ok , then?09:22
philipballew_just like osx would use a dmg and fedora uses an rpm09:22
philipballew_so you cant install windows binaries ina windows system09:22
bubuywhat is windows binaries?09:23
philipballew_code compiled under windows09:23
benonsoftwarebubuy: WHat type of modem do you have?09:23
bubuyi see,,,thanx philips , thats is why the exe program cannt be open by ubuntu app launcher, so what should i do now?09:24
bubuybenon, what type of mdem ? 3g modem09:24
benonsoftwarebubuy: What brand/model?09:25
bubuyim in malaysia,, so it is u mobile (for the network line) and the brand is huawei mobile brodband e17309:26
bubuyhello anybuddy help me..09:28
benonsoftwarebubuy: Maybe see http://www.reportsfromearth.com/585/how-to-get-your-huawei-e173-mobile-broadband-modem-to-work-on-ubuntu/09:29
philipballew_bubuy, what version of ubuntu are you running?09:30
bubuywait, i check it09:30
bubuy12.04 lts09:32
bubuybenon, wanna ask can i?09:33
ubot2Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:34
bubuythe link u gave me say tht, i need to dnload the Huawei E173 dri­ver for linux, n i need to unzipped it , then type the code right? , where should i download it n unzipped, using my windows or my u buntu?09:36
bubuyif im download the file using my windows n i save it on my hdd storage, n i unzipped it by using my ubuntu can i/09:39
bubuybecause i cant connect to the internet by ubuntu rite now....09:39
benonsoftwareYes, you should be able to do that09:39
bubuyok... im trying, later if i got roob i will be back ok? thnx guys!! phillip n benon!!09:40
aRn0Hi all. If Chrome is the only browser to offer the latest flash for linux integrated, is there gonna be a better Chrome integration in Unity?09:53
philipballew_aRn0, good question. With Ubuntu's new version of 12.04 released last week were now planning for 12.10. UDS is this and next week and we will see what we do there and this cysle to flash. I think firefox has something or will.09:59
philipballew_Also, flash sites are moving away from flash and using html509:59
philipballew_aRn0, you could try to intragrate it and submit your changes you know10:01
philipballew_if you can program.10:01
philipballew_I cant really well personally though10:01
philipballew_but heres this link http://uds.ubuntu.com/10:01
aRn0Sorry guys I can't program. Just your average user who is interested in the development process. I got Chrome not because I like the browser but because I heard it's the way to go if you want flash to work fine in the future.10:11
aRn0I look at Google products kind of critically...10:12
philipballew_okay, sometimes people intrested in dev stuff can program10:13
philipballew_aRn0, well you can look critically, thats why you dont have to use them10:14
philipballew_use chromeium10:14
=== jacky is now known as JackyAlcine
aRn0It's the open source version of chrome right? Does it have flash integrated as well?10:14
aRn0If it does have flash integrated why do Ubuntu sites like this one http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/04/10-things-to-do-after-installing-ubuntu-12-04/ recommend using Chrome?10:15
philipballew_well thats not a ubuntu site10:16
philipballew_its a ubuntu fan's site10:17
philipballew_you can use whatever you want.10:17
aRn0What do you use for a browser and why_10:17
philipballew_chrome. I like the speed.10:18
philipballew_I might switch to chromeium because apt-get update takes a while with chrome as their repo servers take days10:18
aRn0After installing 12.04 64 I read the above entry and installed Chrome. But flash wouldn't work. Used this http://ubuntuguide.net/install-adobe-flash-plugin-in-ubuntu-12-04both-3264-bit guide to install it. Still not satisfied with the performance though...10:19
philipballew_aRn0, i think chrome 64 does not have flash by default10:20
philipballew_you have to install flash non free10:20
aRn0I installed via Adobe download10:20
philipballew_were you able toget it running right?10:20
aRn0On the other hand I heard that flash for Firefox is gonna be supported for quite some time...10:21
philipballew_firefox 12 just was released10:22
philipballew_the mozilla team just added it10:22
aRn0Yeah flash in Chrome 64 works fine10:23
philipballew_how long you been a ubuntu user aRn010:24
aRn0On and off since 10.04, not using Windows anymore since 11.1010:24
=== JackyAlcine is now known as jacky
philipballew_aRn0, nice! what other ditros do you use?10:25
aRn0Tried many. I like trim and slim ones. I'm thinking about using Lubuntu on my main rig. I like it a lot. Also tried Bodhi, Slitaz, TinyCore etc in virtualbox. I use Ubuntu because of the support. I like to experiment and learn new stuff but if I run into a problem, there's a this huge community and infrastructure so that's why I want to stay with Ubuntu right now10:28
philipballew_bodhi is made by a guy who hangs out here10:28
philipballew_have you ever used openbox?10:29
aRn0Great idea, I like that it looks better than Lubuntu but needs a little less resources. Then again, I don't care for great looks... E17 is not for me10:29
aRn0Yeah in Lubuntu10:29
philipballew_are you involved in the community or your loco?10:30
aRn0I'm a LXDE fan10:30
philipballew_lxde is nice. my debian machine runs lxde10:30
aRn0Nope, I'm in southwest Germany. France, Switzerland, Germany triangle10:30
philipballew_what country exactly?10:31
philipballew_or are you rich with many mansions :)10:31
aRn0lol no10:31
aRn0It's a triangle geographically10:31
aRn0I tried Debian because I wanted to learn about its relationship to Ubuntu. I installed a bare Debian and added GUI stuff to learn more about what a distro is composed of10:32
philipballew_wonder if this is updated10:32
philipballew_i run a debian server.10:33
philipballew_headless servers are fun if you ever want to learn whats going on.10:33
aRn0I don't know how to contribute really other than to show people that linux is at home on the desktop now10:33
aRn0Don't know much about servers :(10:34
philipballew_well theres tons of stuff to do!10:34
philipballew_you speak and write in more then english I assume?10:35
philipballew_^always a good way to start10:36
philipballew_but I recommend finding a few things to do and help out. they can always use translators probably or docs writters, or people to help others in here10:37
aRn0I'm rather fluent in English and German of course, my mothertongue. I understand French but I don't speak it. I'll try to get in touch.10:38
philipballew_alright. I can help you find a place. feel free to find me here or email10:39
aRn0Cool, thanks!10:44
=== angela-android is now known as nothingspecial
RageRiothi, I'm trying to follow a guide to move my ubuntu install to a faster drive ( from IDE to SATA) ( I just installed it last night but realised the IDE is very slow13:52
RageRiotthis is the guide http://ubuntuhowtos.com/howtos/move_system_partition_to_new_hard_drive_larger_partition13:52
RageRiotbut the first steps dont work so I asume this might be due to a change in the latest release..13:52
RageRiotto enable these repositories (multiverse and universe) go to System->Administration->Synaptic Package Manager I cant find this13:52
geirhaIf you just installed Ubuntu, just installing it again on the right disk will be the easiest option13:53
RageRiotbut the update took a while :S13:54
holsteinRageRiot: i use tools from the http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/ or clonezilla... but yeah, just reinstall if its a fresh install13:54
RageRiotis there anyway I can pull the update from this install13:54
geirhaRageRiot: slow internet?13:54
RageRiotwell it isnt terrible but it isnt that great13:55
geirhathe packages downloaded for the update will be in /var/cache/apt/archives/13:55
geirhaYou can simply copy those over to the new install13:55
RageRiotjust copy them over?13:56
geirhayes, to the same dir on the new install13:56
RageRiotI asume after the install is complete them and I just unchekck the option to install update ?13:56
RageRiotduring the install that is..13:57
geirhayes, then copy the packages over, then run the update-manager13:57
RageRiotfantastic :D13:57
holsteini dont install updates during the installation13:57
RageRiotI'll give it a go13:57
RageRiotheh seems to run extremely slow from the CD13:58
holsteinRageRiot: live you mean?13:58
RageRiotI wasnt expecting anything fast13:58
RageRiotbut this desktop is old13:59
holsteinthats not really what the ubuntu live CD is about.. if you want something like that, go with something like puppy or another one that loads into ram.. or customize ubuntu to do that13:59
RageRiotsome of you might cringe13:59
RageRiotit's a dell13:59
holsteinthe ubuntu live CD is more about checking compatibility13:59
geirhaNah, dell is good14:00
RageRiotubuntu doesnt like this del geforce fx5200 although I'm still very new so I've got no idea where to begin.14:00
holsteini say, just install and keep it simple.. take on things one a time, and be open minded14:01
RageRiotI've wanted to escape the clutches of windows for a long time. I've always been a windows user so I doubt that will change any time soon but I hope to understand linux alot more14:03
RageRiotI'm on my win 7 pc atm14:03
SidewinderRageRiot, We won't hold that against you. :-)14:08
SidewinderWell, maybe just a little. ;-)14:09
RageRiothmm the live cd does seem to be running incredibly slow14:09
RageRiotahh next screen loaded14:09
SidewinderLive CDs always run slowly.14:10
SidewinderGotta; load all that data into ram; the CD player is also a bottle-neck.14:10
RageRiotI always thought they loaded at least the main portion in ram14:11
geirhausb might be slightly faster14:11
RageRiotjust had to reboot into BIOS, I forgot to check if the SATA interface was enabled :P14:16
sebastian_hi all14:24
sebastian_i have problem with ubuntu 12.04 beta 2 i want to use my laptop as acces point14:25
sebastian_my laptop is samsung q530 with wifi card broadcom bcm4313 how can i use it as AP?14:26
holsteinsebastian_: i would get the final 12.04, or upgrade what you have14:42
jackyIs it possible to set up a mail server proxy?15:27
jackyLike have my e-mail obtained on a different server and then pull in the e-mails from that service?15:27
RageRiothow do I elevate permissions to copy /va/cache/apt/archive to my live install?15:36
JoseeAntonioRRageRiot: in a terminal, run sudo nautilus15:37
RageRiotjust trying it15:39
RageRioti got a permission error about a confi15:40
RageRiotand in that windows i dont see the drive i wanted to copy from.15:40
JoseeAntonioRRageRiot: maybe it's with another name, because that's the only way to copy them, I just did it like that yesterday15:41
RageRiotok 1 min15:42
geirhaRageRiot: You should find the mounted drives under /media15:42
RageRiotI've got it working now15:43
RageRiotI used the window I had of the source drive and copyed to to the location in the "sudu nautilus window15:43
RageRiotdo i just run the updater and it will see them files ?15:44
geirhaAh right, that should be easier, yes :)15:44
RageRiotahh just noticed it says it found the files15:45
RageRiotnice :) it's all coming togeather15:45
geirhaIf you have multiple computers with ubuntu, you can set up apt-cacher-ng on one of them.15:46
RageRiotnow, do I have to worry about device driver or like I'm used to with a windows PC do i need to hunt for and install them ?15:46
geirhathen tell all computers to download packages from there; that way, you'll only download the same package from the internet once15:46
RageRiotahh I'll keep that in mind but I'm just running the one pc with ubuntu atm but i might install it on my laptop15:47
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as M0hi
RageRiotI've changed my desktop around, now that I've got ubuntu up n running with synergy installed. I have win 7 on the left and ubunto 12.04 on the right :D16:45
RageRiotjust a shame I have sllightly different size monitors but with the ubuntu boxing being quite dated it's the least of my worry's16:46
RageRiotmight see if I can install my TV card now.16:47
RageRiotany sugestions on what I could download to benchmark my graphics card ?17:05
HighMan Who can help me dual boot ubuntu and windows 7? I got ubuntu and windows installed already..... I just can't boot in to ubuntu17:12
bioterrorHighMan, put ubuntu cd or usb pen drive in your computer17:14
bioterrorboot into it and:17:14
HighManI did that...17:14
HighManI'll try it again17:15
=== sebastian_ is now known as sorbiq
sorbiqhi all17:52
sorbiq<sebastian_> i have problem with ubuntu 12.04 beta 2 i want to use my laptop as acces point17:52
sorbiq<sebastian_> my laptop is samsung q530 with wifi card broadcom bcm4313 how can i use it as AP?17:52
philipballewsorbiq, update your computer first17:53
philipballewthen enable internet sharing probably17:53
sorbiqu mean new os version or updates?17:56
philipballewupgrade from beta 218:01
sorbiqin update manager there is no upgrade for my version 12.04 LTS Precise so i think i latest am i right?18:05
philipballewwell yeah, you said your on the lts already18:06
philipballewso just check for uodates and do it18:06
RageRiotI'm trying to install java and I've got to make a symbolic link apparently but I get access denied. I tried su but I didnt set a password for su :S18:11
sorbiqRageRiot, try sudo su18:16
philipballewRageRiot, you can just use sudo to do i18:16
RageRiotI'll try18:17
sorbiqphilipballew, what i need to do next ?18:18
philipballewdid you check aditional drivers?18:22
RageRiotI think that worked but just going to restart.18:22
sorbiqno i didn't18:23
philipballewthen try. otherwise youll have to have some more fun18:23
sorbiqhow can i check this drivers ?18:24
sorbiqphilipballew, ok i,ve checked drivers that i have and its wl18:29
sorbiqso i need other to get AP ?18:30
RageRiotok I dont think it worked, java doesnt appear to be installed on firefox.18:32
sorbiqRageRiot, did u check in firefox properties if java is enabled ?18:33
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
RageRiotunder about:config ?18:34
sorbiqRageRiot, yes18:37
RageRiotI look but I'm not sure what I'm looking for, i dont notice anything tho18:37
RageRiotand when I run the same command to create the symcolic link it says it already exists18:41
sorbiqu must look in content section there is java applets must be thicked18:45
RageRiotmanage content plugins ? nothing listed there.18:48
RageRiotI got it working19:04
RageRiotremove symbolic link and added it agaain19:05
makpetAre there any Iron browser users here? I'm trying to enable the built-in adblock feature...19:06
makpetUbuntuOne is syncing is extremely slow atm. Are you guys experiencing the same?19:12
RageRiotback again, trying to install a linux package now. I rebooted in recovery mode because it said I needed to have x server closed. I ran login and then the cmd susdo sh "pagage file.run"19:24
RageRiotbut I get read only errors19:24
RageRiotthe package is a device driver19:24
ubot2Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:04
RageRiotwas that for me ?20:04
RageRiotbecause I was here earlier20:04
RageRiotI'm trying to install a gfx driver20:05
RageRiotI've ran the file and I get "the distribution-provided pre-install driver failed"20:05
RageRiotcontinute anyway.. when I tried this on a first attempt at ubunto 10 I ended up messing up video20:06
RageRiotthe driver is nvidia20:06
philipballewrage why not just use the aditional drivers?20:07
philipballewjocky -gtk20:07
RageRiotI dont20:07
RageRiotknow why20:07
RageRiotwhat do you mean ?20:09
philipballewwhy RageRiot20:14
RageRiotI'm confussed now20:15
RageRiot(philipballew) rage why not just use the aditional drivers? < -- I dont know what you mean by that20:15
RageRiotbecause I'm new to linux20:16
RageRiotI've just closed x server and ran the n vidia driver package20:16
RageRiotand got preinstall scipt failed20:16
RageRiotcontinue : yes / no20:17
philipballewRageRiot, no. use aditional drivers?20:17
philipballewdo you not understand what I am saying?20:17
RageRiotwhat adidtional drivers ?20:17
RageRiotwhen I press no I'm back to the term20:17
philipballewlog back into your graphical shell and launch the additional drivers application20:18
RageRiotnothing is listed20:18
philipballewwhy do you need a nvidia driver?20:18
RageRiotblank window20:18
RageRiotbecasue I have a nvidia card20:18
philipballewbut do the drivers already there work?20:19
RageRiotand it's slugish on the graphical shell20:19
RageRiotyes.. no 3d accelleration20:19
philipballewdid you google your card followed by ubuntu?20:20
RageRiotno but I figured I'd supassed that by going to nvidia.com20:21
philipballewinstalling your own drivers is doable, but a pain in the ass20:22
philipballewdo you want to have to install the driver over and over again everytime you update the kernel20:22
philipballewbecause that what will have to happen20:23
philipballewwhats your graphics card?20:23
RageRiotgeforce fx 520020:24
RageRiotwell it doesnt sound good but I'm all for learning the hardware so I can get a linux understanding.20:24
RageRiothow often would one update the kernel..20:25
RageRiotI doubt I'd be doing that often just yet20:25
bioterrorFX 5200 is quite old?20:25
RageRiotI guess it proably is but it's either that or onboard vide20:25
RageRiotwhich only has 8 mb of usable ram for video20:26
bioterrornouveau supports NV3420:26
chrisdruif1Hi team. can anyone help me with AFS configuration in Ubuntu 12.04? :)20:28
ubot2Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:28
philipballewwhat exactly do you need and more people will likely help20:29
RageRiot|connection playing up20:30
RageRiot|bioterror what do you sugest I should do?20:31
RageRiot|as far as i know the default driver does have 3d acceleration ..20:32
bioterrorFX5200 is also supported20:35
bioterrorsudo apt-get --purge remove xserver-xorg-video-nouveau20:36
bioterrorjockey-text -e xorg:nvidia_current20:36
RageRiot|so go to term and stop lightdm and run them cmds ?20:41
bioterrorif you want20:42
bioterrorbut I think you dont need to stop lightdm20:42
RageRiot|unknown driver: xorg:nvidia_current20:47
RageRiot|thats what I got20:48
chrisdruifafs on ubuntu 12.0420:49
RageRiot|I went ahead with the nvidia package installer and when the pc boots I just get a terminal "<computer name> login:"22:20
RageRiot|I tried editing the xorg config as well22:21
beachbuddahhey everyone, how do I get permission to open the root file?22:51

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