
c7phey tomswartz0713:32
hannieHello everyone present in this channel14:05
c7p   hello hannie14:07
hanniehi c7p, sorry my presence is a bit different, CET = UTC + 214:07
hannienot +1 like I said before14:07
c7pNo worries nobody asked for help :-P14:08
c7pThe problem is there no feedback from authors on how they are doing14:09
hannieperhaps later, when they have worked on their chapters14:10
hannieWe can ask via the mailing list if they have an interest in chatting14:10
c7pYap maybe that would help14:11
hanniec7p, I plan to assign editors to chapters in the coming week14:12
hanniehey stillnotcool14:12
stillnotcoolhey hannie14:12
c7pSounds good14:12
stillnotcoolgreat to see you here14:12
hanniehow are you doing?14:12
stillnotcoolhannie: doing well.  I am working on a paper for school, but thought I would hang out here in case anyone needs help14:13
stillnotcoolhey c7p14:13
hanniestillnotcool, I was just wondering if your chapter needs some screenshots14:13
stillnotcoolhannie: well, I wouldn't be against the idea14:13
stillnotcoolhannie: however, one of my favorite things about dealing with that chapter is not having to worry about screen shots!14:14
hannieI will see if I can come with suggestions14:14
hannieyou do not have to worry about screenshots, I will do it if you agree on my choice14:15
stillnotcoolBecause the chapter is less about doing something task-specific with Ubuntu, it doesn't lend itself to screenshots in quite the same way other chapters do14:15
hanniefair enough14:15
stillnotcoolbut, since I am going to add a few references to the Ubuntu Software Center in this revision14:16
stillnotcoolperhaps those sections could use some shots demonstrating the interface, etc.14:16
stillnotcoolwe can chat about it when the content is finalized :)14:16
hanniebtw, have you seen the Unity poster for beginners?14:16
stillnotcoolno; where is it?14:16
hannieJust a moment, I'll get the link14:17
c7p_Got to do sth. I ll be bacj in some mins14:19
hanniec7p_, ok14:19
stillnotcoolthis is pretty neat, hannie!14:19
hannieyes, I like it too. Perhaps we can refer to it somewhere in the manual14:20
stillnotcoolI'm looking forward to finally installing 12.04 when final papers and exams are over14:20
hannieah, exams first of course14:21
stillnotcoolYep.  Then play. :)14:21
hannieI do not see that much difference yet14:21
stillnotcoolThat's good!  An LTS should't make redical changes14:22
stillnotcooler, radical14:22
hanniegodbyk, are you awake already?15:30
* godbyk is around now.21:28

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