
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
JonEdneyUgh, trying to update to 12.04 LTS via SSH (remote VPS), and the screen is stuck on Configuring console-data01:23
virusuyno response ?01:23
JonEdneyNo, it's wanting me to select keymap, but my keyboard isn't responding.01:24
virusuyurghhh, any kind of web-console ?01:24
virusuyor any other way to interact with your VPS ?01:24
JonEdneyYeah, I have console access through my host.01:24
virusuyoh, nice then01:25
virusuytake a look at your web-console, and see if you can choose your keymap from there01:25
JonEdneyWeb console isn't work, but I'm able to log int to a second SSH connection, should I try to restart the install?01:27
JonEdneyIt dont seem as there is any damage, Apache is still working properly.01:29
virusuyyou could do that01:30
JonEdneyLet's give it a shot!  Worst case scenerio, I reinstall everything!01:30
virusuyJonEdney: yeah, but you know, that scenario is not the happiest one01:31
JonEdneyTrue it is not.  This VPS has been a project for me, it's my first Linux experience.01:31
virusuya hint01:32
JonEdneyNothing really on it, as long as it dont melt I'm happy lol01:32
virusuya tip01:32
virusuyinstall screen01:32
virusuyand use it on this kind of task01:32
virusuyit will help you some times, for example, updating and losing your connection01:33
virusuyyou log-in again and re-connect with your screen (in the screen where your task was running )01:33
JonEdneyScreen is a program?  I've never heard of it.01:33
virusuylet me find you some info01:33
JonEdneyLet me search for it in the software centre01:34
virusuyIt's available on official repositories01:34
virusuyhere's man page for Screen01:34
JonEdneyAh great, let me check this out.01:34
virusuyit's really easy to use and really useful01:34
virusuyand believe me (i manage around 160 linux servers) , this will really help you01:35
JonEdneyAh great, I'll install this and check it out.01:35
JonEdneyThank you.01:36
virusuyJonEdney: you're welcome !01:36
vinhdizzomy ubuntu upgrade to 12.04 failed.  i have my system chrooted right now.  when i do apt-get update, i get this error: 21% [Working]FATAL -> Could not set non-blocking flag Bad file descriptor E: Method http has died unexpectedly! E: Sub-process http returned an error code (100) .  .  When i force upgrade, i get dpkg-preconfigure: unable to re-open stdin: No such file or directory Can not write log, openpty() failed (/dev/pts01:46
vinhdizzoany suggestions?01:46
JonEdneyWell, I think the upgrade was a bust LOL01:54
virusuyJonEdney: really ?01:54
JonEdneyI didn't understand the screen program, so I went back in via SSH  and restarted the install, and it continued.01:55
JonEdneyWhen it was done, it said upgrade was done.01:55
JonEdneySo I rebooted, was unsure if it needed it.01:55
JonEdneyStill waiting on it lol01:55
virusuycross your fingers :-P01:55
JonEdneyThats about it.01:56
JonEdneyLosing hope, restarted it 5 minutes ago.01:56
JonEdneyIt's an unmanaged VPS, so I have no way to see any errors.01:56
virusuywhat about web-console?01:56
virusuycan you see errors there ?01:57
JonEdneyNo, says container not running.01:57
virusuyno ping, no ssh ?01:58
JonEdneyNope, it's offline.  I'm going to try and sent a boot request.01:59
JonEdneyUgh, immediately goes offline01:59
JonEdneyKilled it lol02:00
JonEdneyAll I had on it was Apache and such, so it wont take long to bring it back.02:01
virusuyalright then02:01
JonEdneyAppreciate your help virusuy!02:02
virusuyJonEdney: you're always welcome man02:02
virusuyi'll be here almost all day , so .. you can ping me if you need help02:02
JonEdneyI was introduced to Ubuntu about 2 months ago, and have been a fanatic since, I just keep wanting to learn more and more.02:03
virusuyThat's the way man02:03
virusuylearn something new everyday02:03
virusuyUbuntu community its awesome, not only here in ubuntu-server, but in general, awesome people, a lot of knoledge02:03
JonEdneyI work for a web hosting company, so this is really helping with my understanding.02:04
JonEdneyI've really noticed.02:04
virusuyJonEdney: really? wich one ?02:04
JonEdneyA2 Hosting02:04
virusuydo you have VPS ?02:04
JonEdneyYeah, managed and unmanaged02:04
virusuyoh, i'm checking your website02:05
JonEdneyCool, got any questions let me know.02:05
virusuycool man, thank you02:05
JonEdneyAnyone know where the 12.04 server install error log would be kept?  I just upgraded 11.10 to 12.04, and it says upgrade complete but with errors.02:37
stiv2ki remember my ubuntu server used to have a colorized console02:41
stiv2kbut its not colorized anymore! what could have happened?02:41
stiv2kanyone alive here?04:04
virusuystiv2k: hey04:05
stiv2kvirusuy hey do you see my question04:06
virusuystiv2k: which one ? sorry04:08
stiv2k22:42 < stiv2k> i remember my ubuntu server used to have a colorized console04:08
stiv2k22:42 < stiv2k> but its not colorized anymore! what could have happened?04:08
virusuyuhmm let me find04:08
virusuy'cos you can set that up easly04:08
virusuyin your .basrch you can find something like this04:11
virusuy# set a fancy prompt (non-color, unless we know we "want" color)04:11
virusuycase "$TERM" in04:11
virusuy    xterm-color) color_prompt=yes;;04:11
virusuyor more easey04:15
virusuyin your .basrch04:16
virusuyforce color, uncomment the line force_color_prompt=yes04:16
virusuythen you should close your terminal, and open it again04:17
stiv2kthanks virusuy !04:35
virusuystiv2k: you're welcome04:35
stiv2ki dont have a .bashrc though?04:36
virusuyyou should04:36
virusuyin your home folder04:36
stiv2ki dont04:36
EvilResistanceunless you're not using bash04:36
virusuyEvilResistance: good point04:36
EvilResistanceif you use zsh, its .zshrc, if its something else, dont ask me :P:04:36
* EvilResistance won't know04:36
stiv2ki mean04:36
stiv2kubuntu server uses bash by default???04:37
stiv2kof course im using bash!04:37
EvilResistancestiv2k:  ls -al ~04:37
EvilResistancesee if .bashrc shows up in that04:37
EvilResistance(by default, its hidden, because of the ., so standard ls doesn't show it)04:37
stiv2kno it does not04:37
stiv2kjust .bash_history04:37
stiv2kand other files04:37
stiv2ki think thats why i dont have colorization04:38
stiv2kother users accounts on my machine have a .bashrc but i seem to have accidentally removed mine or something04:39
virusuywell , as root you can copy .bashrc from others home folder04:39
virusuyand change permissions04:39
stiv2kis there a real default one somewhere else in the system04:39
stiv2klike /etc/04:40
virusuyin /etc04:40
virusuyyou can find04:40
virusuyi don't know if thats a default file04:41
stiv2kok i fixed it04:44
stiv2kthanks virusuy EvilResistance04:47
virusuystiv2k: you're welcome04:55
stiv2kvirusuy my server has been up for 256 days :)05:15
virusuywooho !!05:16
virusuyserver of ?05:16
virusuyweb? bd? mail?05:16
flaccidmy ubuntu 8.04 in us-east-1 is like over 800 days now hehe05:17
stiv2kweb, irc, bittorrent, ssh,05:18
stiv2ki forget what else it runs05:18
stiv2kit runs BOINC 24/705:18
flaccidat least phpsysinfo is a bit tidier these days. you should checkout ohai :)05:18
stiv2ki will :)05:18
flaccidand collectd/rrd for metrics05:19
flaccidis those load averages real, you must have it working hard05:19
flaccidoh its an atom05:19
stiv2kflaccid url to ohai?05:19
stiv2kyes it runs BOINC 24/705:19
stiv2kcomputing for science05:19
stiv2kits a netbook!05:19
virusuyATOM N27005:20
stiv2kacer aspire one ZG505:20
stiv2kis the netbook05:20
virusuyi will set up a HTPC soon05:21
virusuyand will be my webserver/mailserver/htpc/bittorrent05:21
flaccidstiv2k: just search chef ohai or something like that. its part of chef but its portable/standalone05:21
flaccidheh if the netbook hasn't blown up yet, nice work y0 hehe05:22
stiv2kwhen i first set it up i was concerned about overheating05:22
stiv2ki was considering removing the LCD and palm reast and installing an 80mm fan or something05:22
virusuy94% memory usage ?05:22
virusuywow, thats alot05:22
stiv2kits all cached mem i think05:22
stiv2kafter the first 30 days or so of no problems i just left it alone05:22
stiv2kit seems to be handling the load fine05:23
stiv2kvirusuy yea its 35% cached05:23
virusuystiv2k: nice then05:23
stiv2k47% kernel05:23
stiv2kits so stable, i love it05:23
stiv2ki havent rebooted it once yet05:24
stiv2ksince the day i set it up05:24
stiv2ki dont even know if my /etc/fstab is properly setup because i never rebooted to test05:24
virusuyyou should check out that now05:24
stiv2kso i dont know if it will automatically mount the external HDD upon bootup05:24
stiv2kwhere my /home is05:24
stiv2kvirusuy all i got is05:25
stiv2kUUID=e583c246-f145-4821-9d82-2a1710aa7d14 /               ext4    errors=remount-ro 0       105:25
stiv2kUUID=66aa7d2b-2805-47a3-9f18-2b8d2ace60a2 /home           ext405:25
stiv2kthe / is the netbook's 8GB solid state disk05:25
stiv2k/home is an external 320GB usb drive05:25
stiv2kflaccid what is chef?05:26
flaccidstiv2k: system integrations framework05:27
stiv2kand i cant see a screenshot of what it looks like or anything05:27
flaccidstiv2k: screenshot? its not a web app05:29
stiv2kflaccid oh05:30
flaccidsuprised someone hasn't done a json/yaml to xml then done xslt or simliar though, would be powerful05:30
stiv2kthen i think i'll stick with phpsysinfo :)05:30
stiv2khttp://stiv2k.info/files/pics/server/P9251610.JPG  << my server :)05:30
stiv2ki moved it from that location05:30
stiv2kbut the setup is essentially the same still05:30
flaccidstiv2k: gem install ohai then run the command ohai and then observe how much more info you get over phpcrapinfo05:30
stiv2kflaccid lol ok, you convinced me05:31
flaccidnot saying its a replacement for phpsysinfo, its something else05:31
stiv2ki see05:31
stiv2kgotta install gem05:31
stiv2kit wants to install 72 packages :S05:32
flaccidwelcome to the new world :)05:33
stiv2knew world?05:34
stiv2klike when christopher colombus landed in america?05:35
flaccidlike when people realized its 2012 and php is lame05:36
stiv2kphp isn't lame...05:36
stiv2ki've used it for years05:36
flaccidi've used it since it was invented.05:37
linociscoi want to have ubuntu DVD with full packages like VPN, DHCPD which normal installer CD or iso do not include05:43
linociscowhere can I get?05:43
flaccidlinocisco: if its not on the dvd you are sol05:46
flaccidunless you make your own05:46
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erectflaccid, what is sol?05:47
flaccidshit out of luck05:47
erectflaccid, I dont know how to download DVD for free05:47
flaccidneither do i unless you have a free internet connection05:48
erectflaccid, link please05:49
virusuyflaccid and erect, what a nice combination05:50
erectflaccid, link to DVD05:50
stiv2kvirusuy http://stiv2k.info/files/pics/server/P9251610.JPG <<< my server05:50
erectvirusuy, i made it nice to see interesting05:50
virusuystiv2k: nice! probably next month i'll bought a new laptop (Lenovo edge e420) and my actual notebook (Dell inspiron 1525) will be my new server05:51
flacciderect: you have never seen the download page on the site?05:51
erectflaccid, yes. I never saw05:51
flaccidvirusuy: it not legit. linocisco changed nicknames.05:51
virusuyflaccid: i see05:52
stiv2kvirusuy i used to have a desktop pc as my server, it ran for about 4 years non stop, when i finally took it out of service it was beat to shit.... all capacitors were leaking and the cpu fan was nearly dead05:52
stiv2kunder 100% load05:52
stiv2kthe whole time05:52
stiv2khttp://stiv2k.info/files/pics/server/P9131609.JPG <-- the day i took it out of service05:53
virusuydust, dust everywhere05:54
stiv2ki never dusted it out05:54
flacciderect: its pretty easy to find if you can actually navigate a website, http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/alternative-downloads05:54
stiv2ki actually STILL use that machine05:54
stiv2keven with those capacitors like that05:54
stiv2kits now the pc in my repair shop05:54
erectflaccid, is it for desktop , right? I am looking for server version05:54
virusuyoh, it's alive ?05:54
virusuyi thought it was dead05:55
stiv2kno virusuy05:55
stiv2kit works fine05:55
stiv2ki took it out of service because it was incredibly noisy05:55
flacciderect: its ubuntu. its for whatever05:55
stiv2k(the fan)05:55
virusuystiv2k: caused by dust05:55
stiv2kit also consumes a lot of power (my estimates about 150W)05:55
stiv2ki was looking for a more energy efficient solution05:55
stiv2kthis netbook power supply is rated for only 30W :)05:56
erectflaccid, I want to make sure if it includes software like DHCPD, VPN, squid a standard installer iso does not have. I dont need or want language pack05:56
flacciderect: you might have to download it then. i can't tell you what it includes.05:56
erectflaccid, ok. thanks05:57
=== erect is now known as linocisco
flaccidpersonally i generally use netinst for any manual installs by media05:58
linociscoflaccid, here is the place where internet is bad or slow05:59
flaccidbit torrent helps there06:00
flacciddhcpd, vpn and squid would not be large in size to download though06:00
flaccidbut ubuntu can't provide you good internet sorry06:00
linociscoflaccid, ok thanks bro.06:01
linociscohi all, what are new features on 12.04 LTS server version compared to previous versions?06:02
flaccidread the release notes06:02
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=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
linociscoanybody from Tirana?09:15
airtonixi guess the people from Tirana would be.11:06
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MatBoyhi guys12:03
MatBoywhy is scst not integrated into Ubuntu ?12:03
JonEdneyIs 11.10 server downloads still available?14:29
JonEdneyI'm having a problem with upgrading 11.10 to 12.04 on my VPS< so I wanted to install it on a VM to see if i receive the same issues.14:30
mardraumI see them on my local mirror.14:30
mardraumwhat exact problem are you having?14:31
JonEdneyI have a VPS at a web host, unmanaged VPS so I have to handle everything myself, running 11.10.  I ran the upgrade command, and it says installed but with errors.14:31
JonEdneyFirst attempt, crashed my VPS, had to reinstall 11.10.  2nd attempt didn't, but indicated server was running 11.10, but when i ran updates, it was pulling info for 12.0414:32
JonEdneySo I'm trying recreate it so I can try and see what is going on.14:32
mardraumwhat command did you run?14:32
JonEdneyI believe it was do-release upgrade if I recall.14:33
JonEdneyThen we found out my VPS is running kernal 2.6.x and 12.04 needs 3.2.x.  SO I'm unsure if 12.04 is stupposed to upgrade that for me (it did on desktop)14:34
mardraumyes, it is.14:34
mardraumcan you pastebin the errors you got?14:35
JonEdneyIt didn't list the errors in the console (had to do this via SSH, only access I have).14:36
JonEdneyI tried seeing if there was an installation error log, but couldn't locate one.14:36
JonEdneyCurrently, I put my VPS back to 11.10 so I could get it back up.14:36
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patdk-lapnormally, you can't upgrade the kernel of a vps14:37
patdk-lapthat is why it's a vps and not a vm14:37
patdk-lapJonEdney, also, 11.10 uses a 3.0 kernel. not 2.6.x14:38
JonEdneyMaybe thats the problem then, I'm unsure.  I was just going to wait until the host offers 12.04 LTS as an install option.14:38
JonEdneyI'm running 11.10, and when i checked the kernel version, it was 2.something14:38
patdk-lapI'm not saying that 3.0 is required, but that is what 11.10 will install14:38
patdk-lapwell, my 10.04 vps was running on a centos 2.6.18 kernel14:39
patdk-lapand the vps people said 10.04 was supported, so wrong14:39
patdk-lapwell, 10.04 worked, but a crapload of the stuff I needed, required a later kernel14:39
JonEdneyI"m currently working on getting my hands on a spare PC (never really needed one), and running my server from my house so I can have ultimate control.14:40
mardraumI don't know if there's an official definition of "vps", but if you have root, you can upgrade the kernel. Are there vm providers where this is out of bounds?14:41
patdk-lapmardraum, if it's a vm, yes, you upgrade root14:41
patdk-lapvps is not a vm14:41
mardraumthey control the bootstrap and kernel?14:41
patdk-lapheh? that would be a vm14:41
patdk-lapvps is normally more limited than that14:42
mardraumvps is a marketing term14:42
mardraumor at best, roughly defined14:43
patdk-lapnormally vps are based on lxc, or openvz14:43
mardraumah, openvz and such14:44
patdk-lapsometimes xen paravirtual14:44
patdk-lapthough, if it's a real virtual machine, I would call it a vm, instead of vps, be it kvm, full xen, qemu, ...14:44
mardraumI would too14:44
mardraumbut lots of people use "vps" even in #kvm when talking about their vm14:45
patdk-lapbut given the fact his kernel wasn't updated, he isn't on a vm vps :)14:45
mardraumJonEdney: who is your vps provider?14:45
JonEdneyA2 hosting14:46
JonEdneyI have a user-managed VPS, root access, they do not provide support unless it's a hardware or networking issue.14:47
mardraumJonEdney: patdk-lap believes you are on openvz so yeah, you're screwed.14:48
patdk-lapthe burstable ram, is a dead giveaway14:48
patdk-lapif it wasn't openvz, the ram would be fixed14:48
mardraumpatdk-lap: nice spot, thanks14:48
mardraumJonEdney: if you want to know a decent "real" vm provider (kvm) I can /msg you ( I use them, I don't work for them, I don't think I should post links here)14:49
Nafalloexcept vmware supports hot-plug memory and cpu? :-)14:49
mardraumnot for that price :14:50
JonEdneymardraum, yeah shoot me a msg14:50
patdk-lapNafallo, not really hotplug, but hotadd14:57
patdk-laponce you add, you can't remove14:57
patdk-lapso that isn't *burstable*14:57
Nafallospecifics :-P14:57
patdk-lapI used to use freebsd jails like vps14:58
patdk-lapafter a few years, dumped that idea, too much to manage14:58
patdk-lapxen paravirtual was nicer14:58
patdk-lapnow I just run fully vmware14:58
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mardraumpatdk-lap: you use vmware for servers at home too?15:11
patdk-lapnot at home, in my rack15:12
three18tiI like to use KVM vms as development environments.  but you weren't asking me. foreveralone.jpg ;)15:13
three18tiwhere is this channel logged ?  thought it said in the topic...15:15
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/15:15
* JonEdney ends life15:20
JonEdneyI'm going to have to set something to flames.15:20
JonEdneyBoth my 11.10 and 12.04 installations on VirtualBox froze at 75% storing language15:23
zastaphUbuntu cloud is still an enterprise thing, for virtualization on multiple computers right?15:27
zastaphI read also that KVM is now at 1.0, which is probably what I still need. Wonder whats new15:28
three18tizastaph https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuCloudInfrastructure15:35
three18tiit uses openstack basically.15:35
three18tiI've had some trouble with it http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/sxmy4/maas_my_handson_look/ , but in theory MaaS + Juju + openstack is the way to go15:39
patdk-lapodd, it says it assumes 10nodes?15:41
zastaphmaybe I mistake it with Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud15:41
zastaphwhat does Ubuntu Cloud really give me?15:41
three18tiI think 6 is the minimum.15:41
three18tiMaaS replaces UEC15:41
patdk-lapseems like a high min, I wonder why15:41
three18tiI think the min is 6 servers for an openstack installation15:42
zastaphis it basically an ubuntu server that has the power of X computers behind it, or does it give some extra services?15:44
three18tizstaph, that's more like an SMP image, something along the lines of kerrighed http://www.kerrighed.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page15:45
three18tiMaaS allows for automatic deployment and provisioning servers.15:45
zastaphguess KVM is what I need15:46
three18tijuju handles the configuration and service deployment, and openstack is the "cloud" management software.15:46
three18tiKVM is a hypervisor for virtualization,15:47
zastaphits just, cloud is a vague term :)15:49
zastaphhttp://owncloud.org seems some kind of webdav service15:49
three18ti^^^This, this, this, a thousand times this.15:49
uvirtbotthree18ti: Error: "^^This," is not a valid command.15:49
zastapham looking for a dropbox replacement for a "private cloud"15:49
three18tiok, KVM is likely not what you need.15:50
zastaphwell the service could probably run on KVM15:51
three18tiwell... let me take that back.  you -could- create a virtual instance of ubuntu and install dropbox inside of that.15:51
zastaphi dont think the dropbox server is open source?15:52
three18tiKVM is just like vmware or virtualbox in that it allows you to run virtual instances of an operating system.  a machine inside a machine.15:52
three18ticd ~ && wget -O - "http://www.dropbox.com/download?plat=lnx.x86" | tar xzf -15:52
three18tikind of like a virtualception.15:52
three18tithere's also an ubuntu deb https://www.dropbox.com/download?dl=packages/ubuntu/dropbox_1.4.0_amd64.deb15:53
zastaphdropbox stores files on a public cloud, im looking for a private cloud solution15:53
zastaphas in, my own server15:54
ikoniazastaph: just a webserver is all you need15:55
zastaphyou mean webdav? seems hart to setup, and once you do.. need to find proper webdav clients for all OS's15:56
ikoniathink about it, dropbox is just a http uploader15:56
zastaphits install and go.. i doubt it will be if I try to set it up myself :)15:57
ikoniaI know what you mean, but surly you could adapt any sort of file storage application out there, more so considering some have iphone/android/unusual clients already created15:57
ikonia(just for a quick example)15:58
zastaphimportant is that it doesnt require web interface, but happens behind the scenes like dropbox does :)15:58
ikoniazastaph: what do you want to use as a clent ?15:59
zastaphmac os, windows and linux15:59
three18tiwhat is so magical about drobpox?15:59
ikoniazastaph: no, I mean if you don't want a http interface, what do you want as a client/method of upload15:59
zastaphthree, sparkleshare seems nice, did you try it16:00
zastaphikonia, not as important as the user experience.. except if I want to access it from outside my home, then some secure methond of course16:01
three18tiI have not personally, just some googleing, but it was recommended on a slashdot post and a couple other sites.16:01
ikoniazastaph: how does not using a web interface improve the user experience ?16:01
zastaphikonia, did you use dropbox? :)16:02
ikoniaI tried it but found no use for it so I'm not a "user" of it16:02
zastaphonce I get a dropbox thing going, I can start syncing anything from notes, to calendars as long as it is in flat file format16:04
three18tiuse git + chiliproject.  CP is really meant for source control, but since git handles anything, you could theoretically track anything.16:07
ikoniaI think it's the out of the box solution he wants16:08
three18tialso you would have a revision history, so if you fubar something you can always revert to something previous.16:08
zastaphspeaking of, I am also looking for a private github solution :)16:08
ikoniajust install git16:09
three18ti^ chiliproject + redmine_githosting16:09
uvirtbotthree18ti: Error: "chiliproject" is not a valid command.16:09
three18tiCP has source review and project tracking. you can check out their app on their site, https://www.chiliproject.org/16:09
three18tiit's a rails app, so it's not exactly PnP, but I think it's a great project.16:10
zastaphso a bit like phabricator?16:11
three18ticalendars, per project wiki, gnatt charts, forums, etc.16:11
zastaphah collaboration tool16:11
three18tiit's actually github + project management16:11
three18ti+ collaobration16:11
three18tialso see gitlabhq https://github.com/gitlabhq/gitlabhq16:13
zastaphdo you use a NAS/NFS ? can't decide which one to get. Most of the comes with a multitude of services, but I'd like not to depend on services from one vendor, so basically just want an efficient networked storage16:32
rmkDepends on your requirements16:38
rmkNfs is simple and reliable but doesn't16:38
rmkHave a lot of security options unless you use v416:38
rmkNot many people are using v4 however, so you will have trouble even finding vendor solutions which work well16:39
zastaph2 or 4 disks, energy efficient16:40
rmkSounds like a home setup16:40
zastaphyeah :)16:41
rmkIf your clients are all Linux then just find something that does nfs v316:41
zastaphno has to be multi platform16:41
rmkWhich is just about everything16:41
three18tiI like the first answer here: http://serverfault.com/questions/134467/what-is-the-real-difference-between-a-nas-and-nfs-or-why-pick-a-nas-device-o16:42
zastaphdont have a spare server to install it to, so have to buy something anyways16:43
zastaphand then why not a real NAS to start with16:43
zastaphrmk, what are the alternatives to nfs that will work cross platform?16:50
RoyKzastaph: smb?16:55
zastaphis smb windows shares, or is it also a *nix server?16:58
RoyKzastaph: it's a protocol developed for windows, but works on other platforms as well17:05
zastaphwhat works better to host a smb server? windows or linux17:07
zastaphand which one makes mac os most happy17:10
zastaphand what about iSCSI17:11
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three18tiwhat about iSCSI?17:40
virusuymorning folks17:40
three18tialmostnooning. ;)17:40
virusuyahhh, nothing like a good coffee in the morning17:45
RoyKany idea how one can identify an Advanced Format drive that lies about its sector size?17:48
tarvidclients getting 500 OOPS: vsftpd: refusing to run with writable root inside chroot()17:59
three18titarvid, first hit on google, http://www.benscobie.com/fixing-500-oops-vsftpd-refusing-to-run-with-writable-root-inside-chroot/18:00
tarvidadded allow_writable_root=YES but that is nopt enough18:00
three18tialso: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=13313618:01
tarvidbtw that was impossible from home Hughesnet because dnsmasq times out18:01
tarvidhappens here too18:02
tarvidThe server at bbs.archlinux.org can't be found, because the DNS lookup failed.18:02
tarviddns worked the second time but never works on Hughesnet18:03
three18tiidk what to tell you, site works for me.  probably a problem @your end.18:04
virusuyworks for me too18:04
three18ticall your hosting company, if a you can't get to a site that you don't host from a network that isn't theirs, must be the hosting companies fault.18:05
Tzunamii# Down for everyone or just me?18:05
Tzunamiifunction down4me() { curl -s "http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/$1" | sed '/just you/!d;s/<[^>]*>//g' ; }18:05
tarvidI am the hosting company in this case18:06
ikoniathen look at the dns servers you are using18:06
three18tithanks <Tzunamii>18:08
TzunamiiAny time18:08
tarvidI am the DNS server too18:08
ikoniathen look at your dns servers18:09
tarvidbut not at home on Hughesnet, they proxy and it works on Windows18:09
Tzunamiitarvid: Using dnsmasq and nothing else?18:09
tarvidvanilla upgrade18:10
ikoniavanilla upgrade??18:10
Tzunamiitarvid: If you want help you need to elaborate a lot more on your specific issue18:10
tarviddnsmasq is broken on 12.0418:11
tarvidIf I add the domain to hosts I can usually get through18:11
ikoniaI don't think it is broke in 12.0418:11
ikoniaI know people using it quite sucessfully18:11
ikoniaat least 218:12
tarvidyou are not in my shoes18:12
ikoniaerrr what ?18:13
tarvidand after adding CHROOT LOCAL = NO to vsftd.conf I get Connection attempt failed with "ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server".18:13
ikoniawhat has vsftpd got to do with dns ?18:13
ikoniaI think you need to start again and explain your setup/issue18:13
tarvidI have tried two machines I upgraded to 12.04 at home , both fail, my wifes Windows Vista machine works18:14
SpaceBasshey folks, with ssfhs, I want to add to fstab, but need it to use the pre-shared key auth of a specific user, is that possible?18:14
tarvidboth of these were do-dist-upgrade -d on 11.10 boxes18:15
ikoniaagain, actually try explaining your setup/issue rather than just repeating that "it" doesn't work18:15
tarviddns does not resolve18:15
ikoniatarvid: right, so you've upgraded to the development version18:15
ikoniatarvid: ok, so what dns servers are your ubuntu clients set to use ?18:15
tarvidNo the final version that came out Thursday18:15
ikoniatarvid: yes but -d = development version18:15
ikoniatarvid: so you pulled your stuff out of the development branch18:16
tarvidNo upgrade happens without the -d18:16
ikoniatarvid: then why did you just say you did  do-dist-upgrade -d18:16
tarvidI thought it was dist-upgrade18:16
ikoniatarvid: are you either a.) no idea what you've done b.) telling me lies of what you think I want to hear18:16
tarvidbecause nothinghappened without it18:17
tarvidI did update u7pgrades after the dist upgrade18:17
ikoniatarvid: lets look at the basics, what host is your ubuntu clients using as a dns resolver ?18:18
ikoniatarvid: why are they not using your ISP's dns servers ?18:19
tarvidbecause dnsmasq changes it to
ikoniatarvid: why are you using dnsmasq ?18:19
ikoniawhy not just point your clients at your ISP's dns servers18:19
tarviddhcp would set it to
ikoniawhy not use ?18:19
tarvidthat is no longer simple either18:20
ikoniawhy not use ?18:20
tarvidOn another site I ran into issues with resoilkvconf18:20
tarvidI get my dns servers by dhcp18:20
ikoniawhat are you talking about ?18:20
ikoniathat's nothing to do with the question I've asked18:21
three18tiit must be a Russian resolv.conf18:21
ikonia"why are you not using your ISP's DNS servers"18:21
tarvidresolve.conf gets rewritten18:21
ikoniawhat ?18:21
ikoniaresolv.conf gets issued with the dns server your DHCP server offers18:21
ikoniafrom what you've said that is your broadband gateway address
Tzunamiitarvid: If you're using dnsmasq you really should specify a number of upstream DNS servers in your dnsmasq config-file, set /etc/resolv.conf to only have as nameserver entry18:22
tarvidyes it proxies dns and gets the addresses from my sat modem18:22
ikoniatarvid: right, so why are you using dnsmasq and not just using
Tzunamiitarvid: How about pastebin your /etc/dnsmasq.conf and /etc/resolv.conf18:22
ikoniatarvid: let your router give out the address and just use it18:22
three18tiTzunamii, doesn't resolver to this for you?  It always helps and rewrites my resolv.conf when I assign static IPs.18:23
tarvidfirst there is no dnsmasq.conf by default18:23
ikoniatarvid: why are you using dnsmasq and not your ISP's dns service ?18:23
tarvidbecause that is what the distribution upgrade set up18:24
ikoniano - it doesn't install and setup dnsmasq by default18:24
Tzunamiithree18ti: There are a number of ways of doing this and my preferred way it to just put the static entries in there and let dnsmasq (if you want caching) take care of the rest18:25
Tzunamiiit's so easy to set up18:26
three18tihehe and I meant "helps".  put static entries in where resolve.conf or in resolver?18:27
tarvidTzunamii, you have to get rid of resolvconf to do that18:27
ikoniatarvid: stop using dnsmasq and just let dhcp give you a dns server18:27
tarvidI would have to pull at least two packages - dnsmasq and resolveconf18:27
Tzunamiiikonia: I haven't doublechecked it, but check the link above18:27
ikoniaTzunamii: what link ?18:28
Tzunamiiikonia: https://sokratisg.wordpress.com/2012/03/31/ubuntu-precise-12-04-get-rid-of-nms-dnsmasq-and-setup-your-own/18:28
ikoniaTzunamii: ahh, let me see18:28
tarvidgood idea but then an upgrade leaves a cllient in disarray and an upgrade breaks vsftpd on a server, these need to be fixed18:29
ikoniajust remove dnsmasq and use your isp's dns servers18:29
ikoniaI cannot understand why you are using dnsmasq18:29
tarvidbecause that is what the upgrade did, I did not choose dnsmasq18:29
ikoniaremove dnsmasq then18:30
tarvidhave to remove resolvconf too18:30
ikonialet your dhcp client take the dns servers your provider offers18:30
tarvidI support a ot of Ubuntu users and this is a nightmare18:30
ikonianot really18:30
tarvidthree data centers, hundreds of clients, this is going to require a ot of support time18:31
TzunamiiYOu have two choices, either get dnsmasq working properly or apt-get --purge remove dnsmasq18:31
ikonianot really18:31
ikoniaI don't believe (reading that URL) dnsmasq is installed as part of the upgrade, it only changes if you are already using dnsmasq before the upgrade18:32
TzunamiiI'm not so sure, but I haven't got time to investigate that particular issue atm18:33
tarvidmay have been install by tasksel18:33
ikoniatarvid: then you did that18:35
tarvidI did the upgrade, that is true, the upgrade made the mess because itworked befor the upgrade18:36
Tzunamiitarvid: You're using the Ubuntu-server version and not the desktop?18:37
tarvidI use the server version on servers and the desktop on desktops18:37
Tzunamiitarvid: You're having problems with the server-version atm, correct?18:38
tarvidboth but different issues18:39
tarviddns is broken on desktops and vsftpd is broken on servers18:39
TzunamiiThe desktop dnsmasq issue can be rectified with this link  https://sokratisg.wordpress.com/2012/03/31/ubuntu-precise-12-04-get-rid-of-nms-dnsmasq-and-setup-your-own/18:39
ikoniaI don't see a reason to use dnsmasq at all18:40
tarvidHeading to the data center in Fairfax and I can check there18:40
ikoniaerrr why do you need to go to the data center ?18:40
ikoniacan you not access the machines ?18:40
Tzunamiiikonia: Depends on the environment18:40
tarvidbind as a caching server is not entirely pretty either18:41
tarvidbecause I will no longer do unattended upgrades, the process is unreliable18:41
ikoniaTzunamii: sure but unless I'm told a reason (which is why I keep asking why it's being used)18:41
ikoniatarvid: please stop talking nonsense18:41
ikoniatarvid: bind is an excellent caching server, and unattended upgrades work fine IF you understand how your machines are setup18:41
ikoniatarvid: have your ubuntu desktops always used dnsmasq ?18:42
tarvidI don't know, they just worked18:42
ikoniatarvid: right, so you don't know how your desktops are setup, and now your surprised they are not working18:42
Tzunamiiikonia: Do we need a reason? He just wants his shit fixed. I agree that it can both be overkill and unnecessary, but if his environment needs it who are we to judge. In any case, the link posted will take care of his immediate issue with dnsmasq18:42
tarvidI do web development on them so they often have added server software18:42
ikoniatarvid: if you're supported 200 desktops as you say, you should have an idea of how they have been setup18:42
ikoniaTzunamii: if a user can't say why they are using it...there is no reason to use it as it adds a complexity that is unneeded18:43
tarvidI am referring to my direct experience, I haven't encouraged anybody to upgrade until I know how to resolve the issues18:43
ikoniatarvid: again, changes nothing18:43
ikoniatarvid: this sounds like a user error in terms of setup from day one, and the upgrade has now changed the way that setup works18:44
TzunamiiAgreed, but always remember the quickest way between two points is a straight line, ie fix the issue at hand and not letting it be more unnecessarily complicated18:44
ikoniaTzunamii: I disagree, as fixing 200 dnsmasq boxes to fail on the next upgrade if stuff changes again is pointless, getting to a working setup that's long term maintainable is the approach18:45
tarvidwell thanks for the challenges to my equanimity - Rumi - The Guest House18:45
ikoniaI have no idea what you are saying18:45
TzunamiiNo matter what he does he will still need to issue a fix on those ~200 workstations18:45
tarvidOff to Fairfax18:45
ikoniaTzunamii: yes, so lets fix them correctly, once,18:45
TzunamiiWe don't have enough information to say what's correct in his scenario or environment18:46
ikoniaTzunamii: exactly, which is why I keep asking for info on the environment and why dnsmasq is being used18:46
TzunamiiBesides, that's a desktop issue18:46
Tzunamiitarvid: What's your issue with vsftpd, please?18:46
TzunamiiI love users18:47
tarvid500 OOPS: vsftpd: refusing to run with writable root inside chroot()18:48
TzunamiiThere are numerous hits on Google for that incl http://www.benscobie.com/fixing-500-oops-vsftpd-refusing-to-run-with-writable-root-inside-chroot/18:49
TzunamiiI don't personally use vsftpd so I'm not much help beside Googling for you18:49
tarvidI've done that but I had to add benscobie.com to hosts to get there18:50
tarvidI am willing to switch18:50
Tzunamiijust add  nameserver   to the top of the list in /etc/resolv.conf temporarily and it will resolve18:51
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tarvidnot unless I get rid of resolvconf too18:52
ikoniastop adding things to the hosts file and fix dns18:53
ikoniait sounds like dns is your root problem18:53
tarvidthat is correct but I could not chase google links to fix the DNS problem - Gregory Bateson double bind theory18:54
tarvidCatch 2218:54
ikonianot really18:54
ikoniajust put working dns servers in resolv.conf and your fine18:55
tarvidresolvconf overwrites them18:55
TzunamiiBesides, why in earth would anyone would like dnsmasq on every workstation anyway? Just set it up on a server somewhere and point the friggin' workstations to it IF you want to use it in the first place18:55
ikonianot real time18:55
tarvidare you runnning 12.0418:55
ikoniatarvid: at this exact second, no18:55
ikoniaI'm not on an ubuntu laptop18:55
tarvidI thought so18:55
ikoniabut what does that have to do with anything ?18:56
tarvidUsing a Macbook or Mac air18:56
ikoniawhat does that have to do with anything ?18:56
ikoniatarvid: can you stop with the pointless stuff and focus on providing information on the issues so we can help you resolve them18:56
tarvidseems to be a preference of many18:56
ikoniathat has no relevence18:56
tarvideverything is connected18:57
ikoniano, it's not18:57
ikoniastop with the pointless stuff/comments, and provide information about the issues so we can help you fix them18:57
tarvidif Ubuntu was reliable for developers they would not pay the penalty for a Mac18:57
ikoniatarvid: ubuntu is reliable for developers - again stop with the pointless comments18:58
tarvidActually I am going to wish you all well and head out of here - something about Mozi and Kenosis18:58
ikoniaok, bye18:58
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JonEdneyHey I'm curious: If I run nmap -sS -p 20-2550 localhost on my VPS and it says port 25 is open, then my server refusing connections to it would have nothing to do with my settings then, right?20:29
patdk-wkhmm, localhost has nothing to do if external will work20:30
guntbertikonia: do you have a few minutes (pm)?20:31
ikoniaguntbert: sure thing20:34
JonEdneyWell, it seems my web host blocks port 2520:51
virusuyseems reasonable20:51
guntbertJonEdney: what do you want with 25 on a web host?20:51
virusuythat's the easiest way to block spam20:51
JonEdneySo I'm trying to use postfix on a different port, but I can't seem to get it to use it as smtp20:53
chrisdruifafs on ubuntu 12.0420:53
guntbertJonEdney: again, why run a mail server on a web host?20:53
JonEdneyAh, this is a VPS i am trying to set up to host my website.20:53
guntbertJonEdney: yes, what has that to do with a mail server? and normally VPS providers don't block any ports20:54
JonEdneyWell I installed postfix on my VPS, so I can host my mail on it instead of on a shared account.20:55
JonEdneyApparently, they do and offer an alternate of 2525, but I have to configure the mailserver to use it.20:55
guntbertJonEdney: as I always say: be *very* careful when running your own mail server - that nothing for someone who hasn't done it on a private network before20:56
guntbert*that is20:56
virusuysecond guntbert opinion20:56
virusuyspammers will find a honepot in your not-so-well configured mailserver20:57
JonEdneyAlright, well I will take your advice then lol20:57
JonEdneyI'm still a noob20:57
guntbertJonEdney: I didn't want to imply this - but mail servers are for experienced sysadmins only20:58
JonEdneyI understand that, was just looking forward to learning and such.21:01
JonEdneyI installed a server here on a virtualbox, maybe ill play on that since it dont access the net21:01
guntbertJonEdney: good idea21:02
guntbertmy own vps doesn't run anything I don't need - especially no mail server21:02
JonEdneyI have a shared account, but this VPS i really wanted to learn with , i got apache/php/mysql and such up, so really everything I need21:03
guntbertJonEdney: just a little story: after installing the ssh server it took about 15 minutes until the first break in attempts were registered21:05
JonEdneywowzers...i haven't even gotten to setting up a firewall or such :X21:06
guntbertJonEdney: simple advice: install/start  only services you need/want, make them secure (ssh: only key based login   eg) and don't worry about a firewall - except for training21:08
rfrittmann_Hello all from Auckland, New Zealand. I have a new Ubuntu 12.04 Server install, and needing some help over the next few days to configure it.21:11
virusuyrfrittmann_: hey there!21:13
virusuyif you need help with something just ask21:13
rfrittmann_Thanks virusuy, I have quite a comprehensive plan in mind for this server, including subversion, apache, postgresql, postgis, qgis, etc21:14
virusuynice plan21:15
rfrittmann_yeah, so I'll try to direct my questions to the correct channels, but I'll camp out here mostly for the next few days :-)21:15
virusuyrfrittmann_: well, welcome home... and as i said before, if you need help with something just ask, someone will answer21:17
rfrittmann_I've been using Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop for the last couple years, this is my first server install. I'm still quite new to Ubuntu, have MS certification in networking, but applying that knowledge to Ubuntu is alearning curve.21:18
rfrittmann_How do I set an authoritative nameserver up for my domain?21:20
rfrittmann_I don't have a registered domain name yet, just wanting a local domain21:21
rfrittmann_I have a static IP address already21:22
virusuytake a look at bin21:23
JonEdneyBind scares me :(21:25
rfrittmann_okay, I'm at howtoforge, going through BIND info, thanks.21:25
virusuyoh, it's just a bunch of config files, zones ,etc :-P21:25
virusuybut you must understand how a DNS works, if you dont, you will fail at configure bind.21:26
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rfrittmann_hmm... was going through howtoforge docs to create the perfect server, but lost my Internet connection on the server, back soon once I have it connected again.22:19
rfrittmann_this is weird, I can ping through my WRT54G router on this machine using eth0, and on another machine using wlan0, but cannot get to the far side of the router from my server using wlan0 or eth0.22:28
tohuwSamba 3.6.3 (Ubuntu 12.04 Server): I'm having difficulty creating a public share. My smb.conf: http://paste.ubuntu.com/956298/ What should the UNIX permissions of the physical location be? I currently have root:sambashare, 077522:46
spotteranyone have experience recovering from lvm metadata corruption?23:40
spotterI have the configuration, but can't seem to reload it23:40

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