
ballWell that was odd.00:34
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
=== angela-android is now known as nothingspecial
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
brobostigongood morning everyone,09:52
=== feisar is now known as Guest42198
penguin42rather windy out there11:02
aCilnvpenguin - it's the wrong type of wind - same as wrong type of rain ..11:03
AlanBellthis is a very damp drought11:03
MartijnVdSso.. 100 names for wind?11:03
AlanBellit is so wet that czajkowski didn't want to bounce on my trampoline11:03
TheOpenSourcerermorning people.11:04
aCilnvAlan - i dont want to see what UK's like out of drought then ..11:04
aCilnvmorning TOS11:04
=== feisar__ is now known as feisar
TheOpenSourcererI fell in love last night...11:08
TheOpenSourcererWith a beer.11:08
TheOpenSourcererDarwin's Origin. http://www.salopianbrewery.co.uk/beers.php It's absolutely perfect.11:08
gordonjcpyou know there are twelve different words in Gaelic for rain11:10
gordonjcpbut the only repeatable one translates as "water"11:10
TheOpenSourcererIn Greenland they have several dozen for snow.11:10
gordonjcpone gaelic word for rain is so obscene it's only ever been written down once11:11
TheOpenSourcererIt is fantastically wet here today.11:11
gordonjcpnice and sunny here11:11
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: "Belgium"11:11
nperryubuntu-uk.org down?11:13
AlanBellso it would appear11:13
AlanBellhmm, and popey is on a plane so probably didn't break it11:14
AlanBellDaviey: o/11:14
nperryI blame popey, even if he is on a plane.11:14
AlanBellmaybe Daviey is on a plane too11:14
gordonjcpmaybe it's *because* popey is on a plane11:14
AlanBellyeah, lets go back to the default position and blame popey11:14
AlanBellmaybe he took the server with him11:14
gordonjcpmaybe ubuntu-uk.org is actually running on popey's laptop11:14
* TheOpenSourcerer thinks he might update his main work desktop this afternoon. From 10.10 to 12.04. Will probably do a clean install...11:21
* brobostigon thinks he might delay visiting the pub, considering the weather.11:21
* TheOpenSourcerer will not be drinking anything alcoholic today. My Liver has taken a hammering for the last 3 days on the trot. Last night was a big night! :-D11:22
brobostigon:) good idea.11:23
* brobostigon also doesnt want to get soaked.11:24
penguin42brobostigon: You're assuming the weather is going to get better11:24
brobostigonpenguin42: maybe, and yes, it probebly wont get better. anytime soon.11:25
tymchnmorning, is the website for the podcast down at the moment?11:28
tymchnmorning, is the website for the podcast down at the moment?11:30
tymchnoops sorry11:30
nperryblame popey11:31
tymchnhahahaha why, what did popey do?11:31
TheOpenSourcererWhat's the fastest way to backup my ~/ dir over a LAN?11:36
TheOpenSourcererJust want to make a copy before rebuilding11:36
brobostigonrsync, i would guess.11:36
brobostigonor scp.11:37
TheOpenSourcererscp (encryption overhead)11:37
brobostigoncp ?11:37
penguin42not a big problem these days unless your CPUs really suck11:37
TheOpenSourcererMy server does - It's a VIAC700 downclocked ;-)11:37
brobostigoncan you use cp like you do scp ?11:38
TheOpenSourcererWhat about nc?11:38
TheOpenSourcererAnyone used that recently11:38
brobostigoni am not familier with.11:38
TheOpenSourcererThink nc might be the way to go. http://blog.makezine.com/2008/11/14/linux-tip-superfast-network-fi/11:41
user_i'm having issues upgrading 10.04 to 12.0412:07
user_it does not give me an option to upgrade in the update manager, even though I selected check for lts updates and rechecked for updates12:08
DaraelIf it's refusing to acknowledge the existence of a release, then I had the same problem.  I cheated slightly.12:08
user_how did you fix it?12:08
DaraelTry running "update-manager -d", which checks for a development release.  For some reason, Lucid seems to think Precise hasn't been released yet.12:09
user_if I run that, will it keep updating it to the developer versions?12:09
user_(every time a new version comes out?)12:09
DaraelNope, just to Precise.12:09
user_will it also subscribe to the edge developer packages?12:09
DaraelNo; it just changes where it looks for a new release on that one invocation of the update manager.12:10
user_okay, thanks a lot :)12:10
DaraelYou can test my assertion if you like - run update-manager -d, close it, and run without the flag.  It won't show the new release as available the second time.12:11
user_have a nice day12:11
Darael(only a partial test, sure)12:11
DaraelYou too.12:11
=== angela-android is now known as nothingspecial
penguin42I'm not sure why I'm getting adverts for BUPA maritime insurance13:08
DJonespenguin42: Have you looked out of the window today?13:08
penguin42good point, a sale craft would work well to get to work13:08
penguin42sail ?13:09
DJonesWe've just got back from church, even the vicar commented that todays reading would be the story of Noah :)13:09
andresmpIs totem reproducing youtube supposed to have worst resolution?13:22
andresmpand my next question,13:24
andresmpis there any reason, having all the 3rd party codecs installed, that some youtube videos cannot be reproduced in totem?13:24
dogmatic69hmmm.. just logged onto my server and my screen session is gone :/14:17
dogmatic69anyone know why / how?14:18
penguin42you logged out of the last member of it? You rebooted the box while you were away?14:55
dogmatic69uptime == 24days14:55
dogmatic69had +-10 tabs open, just clicked X on the local terminal (screen was in remote server)14:56
Nafallodogmatic69: are you sure it's gone?14:57
dogmatic69well I logged onto the server ran the cmd and blank. just one empty tab15:02
dogmatic69Nafallo: ^15:03
Nafallodogmatic69: screen -list15:07
dogmatic69Nafallo: only the one that I am currently in15:17
Nafallowell, den it's gone :-)15:17
dogmatic69maybe it was an update or something15:18
=== It is now known as Cabbage
zleaphow would i get something like ucubed unconference or something similar where Iam in Paignton or south devon ?17:02
nperryzleap, its a bit off-topic. Try your local lug!17:05
nperryshit, thought this was #ubuntu :/17:05
AlanBellpaignton lacks transport links17:07
daftykinscan't see much benefit to having their IRC chan on another server17:07
AlanBellzleap: probably Bristol would be better as a place that is easy to get to17:08
zleapwe are on the main line down from bristol17:09
zleapucubed is ubuntu related isn'tit17:11
AlanBellif you look at manchester and where it is in relation to liverpool, leeds, sheffield, birmingham etc you can see how it has a big catchment area17:11
zleapok good point17:11
zleapjust that we never get anything in Devon17:11
zleapok on a side(ish) note would canonical support any efforts of the dclug to do something like this17:12
AlanBellprobably not in any significant way17:13
AlanBellyou might get a conference pack of stuff, a few CDs a book and a couple of tshirts17:13
AlanBellthat won't really help you fill a venue17:13
zleapwill chat to the lug17:14
kvarleyI'm attempting to install amazonmp3 in Ubuntu Precise and it says dependency is not satisfiable "libboost-filesystem1.34.1". Should I install it from an older release?17:14
AlanBellhow much is a ticket from Paddington to Paignton and how long does it take?17:15
zleapabout 4 hours I think17:15
zleapcheapest ticket is £8117:16
zleapfor may 29th (random future date entered)17:17
zleapAlanBell, i may send for some more 12.04 cd's from you at some point,  I have sent an sae for a few from the pre-order batch offer17:19
daftykinskvarley: worth a try17:20
daftykinsdo they offer flash drives yet?17:20
daftykinsof new releases17:21
zleapi installed fuse  (spectrum emulator) the other day and tried to associate  sna and z80 files with fuse but in the open with box it can't even find fuse.17:21
daftykinsdoes it run as a terminal app?17:22
zleapnot sure17:22
zleapi can run it from dash17:22
zleapit can run from terminal yes (terminal window)17:22
daftykinsi'd have seen an issue trying to call it if it does only work within a terminal17:23
zleapwell its in my launcher sidebar17:24
zleapI canload the emulator, i just wondered if I could click on a game and have that openwith fuse, in the same way a odt file opens with libreoffice17:24
daftykinsfile association, that old chestnut17:26
zleapthere is a big list,  even a option to look on like if I tclick open with17:28
daftykins2apparently my file server's host OS isn't quite stable right now :D18:29
daftykins2Handbrake killed it \o/18:29
AzelphurI just tried LMDE, wasn't too impressed :/18:40
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
daubersHey interwebs people.... does anyone know of an interwebs company that won't do a 12 month contract? I need a contract for 2 months until I can get FTTC20:15
AlanBellwho are you getting FTTC from?20:15
daubersAlanBell: Probably BT20:16
* AlanBell has FTTC from plus.net20:16
AlanBellthey are quite good really, it is technically BT that fit it (the BT engineer fits the termination box)20:17
AlanBellyou can get ADSL from them and then upgrade to FTTC20:17
daubersAlanBell: I know :) But it's a new FTTC area I'm moving into. BT are doing it from June 30th, so Plus won't fit it for another couple of months20:17
daubersAlanBell: Hmmm..... have a feeling they might try and con me out of another fee for doing so20:17
AlanBellgive them a call and arrange it in advance20:18
daubersHmmm.. might try that tomorrow20:18
daubersNeed to call the car insurance people anyway20:18
AlanBellyou are more likely to be able to sort something out with them than with BT I expect20:18
daubersCurrent contract is with plus net20:19
daubersso shall lean on them a bit20:19
* daubers gets a new house on Friday *\o/*20:20
MyrttiI have no idea what this whole conversation is about, but in Finland I used my mobile for Internet connection for three months while living at mums and finally waiting to have ADSL installed at my apartment once I moved some years ago. Nobody complained when I used the connection to download two OpenSuSE DVD's on it on the first month20:26
daubersMyrtti: That would probably cost £lots over here!20:27
MyrttiI think I paid 15€ or something similar20:27
Myrttias my mobile phone company charges by speed, not quota20:28
daubersCould turn the revo into a 3G router if the mobile signal is any good out there I suppose20:28
AlanBellanyone got a raspberry pi yet?20:37
jacobwby speed is cool way to charge :)20:39
Myrttijacobw: it makes more sense to me that charging by quota20:44
jacobwexceeding a quota does not cause conjestion _now_20:45
Myrttibut since Finnish companies started selling iPhone the previously ubiquitous charge by speed policies have been revoked20:45
Myrttinot all of them, mind20:45
bigcalmGood evening peeps :)21:14
jacobwgood evening21:16
dogmatic69sup bigcalm21:21
bigcalmA weekend away from home. What have I missed?21:22
czajkowskiwonder did gord pack his tea bags21:23
dogmatic69bigcalm: some rain...21:23
bigcalmdogmatic69: no worries, I got that while visiting my parents21:23
dogmatic69all good then :)21:23
daftykinsscratch that21:28
daftykinsit was an island wide power cut21:28
* Myrtti is just about to publish the Debianizing of Viglen MPC-L blog entry21:32
brobostigonthat rocks Myrtti21:33
* Myrtti prods ubuntuuk-planet 22:08
andypiperhmm planet ubuntu uk seems dead22:10
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
zleapyeah just got an e-mail saying that22:10
jacobwubuntu-uk.org is dead22:10
jacobwas in, http22:10
Myrttiin that case22:11
bigcalmpopey: fix things!22:11
Myrttibigcalm: he's in a big flying metal tube22:11
Myrttior recovering from the experience22:11
bigcalmMyrtti: that should not be an excuse in this day and age :D22:11
bigcalmMyrtti: how many books are you being sent?22:11
Myrttibigcalm: asked fifteen just to be safe22:12
andypiperMyrtti: wait - so i can't upgrade my MPC-L to 12.04?22:12
Myrttiandypiper: nope22:12
* andypiper sobs quietly22:12
bigcalmMyrtti: big reception?22:12
andypiperbut but but i got it as far as 11.1022:12
bigcalmandypiper: surprised that you got it to 11.1022:13
andypiperrelease upgrades were fine that far22:13
Myrttibigcalm: I might use them for invitations, for planting pots for guest favours, other stuff, and need material to experiment with too22:13
bigcalmThis weekend I replaced my parents' Viglen MPC-L with my old Revo22:13
bigcalmRemote admin of their server is so much nicer now22:13
bigcalmMyrtti: fair enough :)22:14
Myrttiandypiper: mind you, the process of installing Debian on it was so easy I did cry a bit because it was so painful with Ubuntu22:14
andypipermy home server is the MPC-L and the media PC for the TV is the Revo22:14
bigcalmandypiper: give it a go :)22:14
andypiperhmm ok - as i am reading22:14
jacobwwhat is the mpc-l good for?22:14
bigcalmjacobw: door stop22:14
bigcalmjacobw: actually, no that as it's not very heavy22:14
bigcalmPaper weight22:14
jacobwis it good for media playback?22:15
bigcalmI now have 2 Viglen MPC-L doing nothing22:15
andypiperit's a basic webserver, weather station receiver, and power monitor (Current Cost USB-Serial) running mosquitto for me22:15
Myrttisell them on ebay, or let me sell them for you22:15
andypiperheavy lifting done elsewhere on my network now22:15
* jacobw considers22:16
bigcalmjacobw: they have no grunt at all22:16
jacobwif it had an adsl card, it'll be awesome :)22:16
Myrttiyeah I use mine as an irssi machine nowadays when I can't use my shared shell for that anymore22:16
bigcalmjacobw: they have several USB ports and an rj45. There's still a lot that can be done with them22:16
Myrttiiplayer cache22:17
Myrttithat's what I use it for as well22:17
bigcalmMyrtti: do the ebay fees make it worth while?22:17
Myrttibigcalm: I don't know, I don't use ebay22:17
jacobwi'm moving to germany soon, i don't what physical layer the ISP will provide22:18
bigcalmOh, erm22:18
bigcalmI thought you meant let you sell them for me on ebay22:18
Myrttibut I know people are still interested in them since I mentioned I have one on my shell providers IRC channel22:18
bigcalmAh, I see :)22:18
jacobwperhaps it'll be something i can connect a viglen-like machine to :)22:18
bigcalmIt might be ok as a thin client. But I think that would be pushing it as well22:19
Myrttiactually I'm not sure if I should buy one and set it up at my sisters in Finland22:20
bigcalmMyrtti: I was going to free cycle them. But if you think we'll make a bit of money, I'm in :)22:21
bigcalmMaybe I should give one to the oggcamp raffle, as I did with the penguin22:22
Myrttimaybe you should22:23
Myrttithey're still neat little boxes22:23
* bigcalm looks for a low level formatter22:26
bigcalmOr zero fill22:28
bigcalmDBAN looks good22:29
Myrttiyet again fallen for the eternal problem of opening a new tab on the browser promptly forgetting what I was doing22:46
Myrttioh man.22:47
daftykinsMyrtti: we still need a word for that22:50
daftykinssociety lacks a quick term22:50
daftykins"damn it i <new word here>!"22:50
daftykinsmmm too all-encompassing22:51
daftykinsthat's good22:53
daftykinsbut most of the time it happens to me when i get to search and forgot what i was gonna search for, or maybe open the browser in general22:54
daftykinssoon it shall be in the lexicon22:57

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