
tgm4883How can you take a screenshot of a unity search05:40
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mhall119tgm4883: set a delay in gnome-screenshot, then do the search and wait for the timer to take the screenshot15:21
tgm4883mhall119, I did that, it still didn't get the search15:41
tgm4883mhall119, odd, I just took like 15 screenshots testing and it finally was able to get it15:53
matelotJust installed 12.04, everything default (Unity): how to change desktop icon to just clean SMALL, same-size icons ?16:14
jkdhow exactly does window maximization happen? how does the window avoid overlapping the launcher and top panel?18:09
jkdi'm asking because when i move the launcher to the right, windows still maximize within the area to the right of the launcher (and i'd like it to use the area to the left)18:10
jkd(are any of the unity developers in this channel? i'm not sure this is the right place to ask questions about implementation)18:11
JanCjkd: you can't move the launcher to the right...18:20
JanCunless you use a patched version of Unity18:21
DaekdroomJanC, I think that's what he's trying to accomplish.18:21
jkdi'm working on that patch.18:21
jkdi realize it won't be accepted officially, but i still want to give it a shot.18:22
jkdlooking at the source code for compiz grid, it seems there's something called a workarea (the area of the desktop not covered by panel or launcher)18:22
JanCAFAIK the window manager has some knowledge about what area to use, so in case of Unity that would be Compiz18:23
jkdthat's correct, but how? specifically, how do i tell it that the work area is to the /left/ of the launcher, not the right?18:24
jkdwhat exactly are struts? is that how the window manager snaps window edges to each other?18:27
jkdi greped for _NET in the unity source and didn't see anything. maybe it's done inside of nux?18:27
JanCjkd: I would expect it to be in the compiz source, and then made available somehow to plugins like Unity18:28
JanCbut I'm not a WM or X expert...18:29
jkdno worries, at least i got a reply finally :)18:30
jkdmy god, X / compiz / nux / unity is overwhelming18:30
JanCjkd: that freedesktop spec is something you probably want to bookmark, as it describes the X properties/messages used to influence how a (modern) WM behaves18:33
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JanCthat and the ICCCM spec18:35
jkdxwininfo -a is semi-helpful18:37
thomiMorning everyone20:22
jkdthomi: good morning. you wouldn't happen to be a developer, would you?20:33
thomijkd: that depends on what you need :)20:34
jkdwell, i'm trying to move the launcher to the right side20:34
jkdthat was easy to do, except when i maximize windows it tries to maximize them to the /right/ of hte launcher still. trying to figure out why20:34
jkdi think the solution might involve struts, somehow20:34
thomijkd: hmm, It sounds like you need someone who understands compiz & X11...20:35
jkdthomi: yeah. should i post on the unity-dev list?20:35
jkdi feel like a pest, since officially, this change won't be accepted anyway.20:36
thomijkd: You could try there.,.. or perhaps smcloud might know20:36
thomi...but no one will be awake yet - I'm in an odd timezone, so for most people it's still the weekend20:36
jkdit's 4:30 pm on sunday here, heh20:36
thomiMost Canonical folk take the weekend off :)20:37
jkdwhat tz are they in usually?20:37
thomijkd: all over the world. US, Europe, Asia,20:38
thomiI'm in New Zealand, so I get to work while everyone else is still having their Sunday20:39
jkdthat's cool. i'm in canada. maybe i'll have better luck tomorrow :)20:40
thomigood luck :)20:41
matelotwhat happened to #ubuntu ?22:20

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