
rick_h_ColonelPanic001: if you tinker with the bookie_parser make sure you git pull, some refactors for ya00:33
shakes808Good evening all02:50
shakes808what is everyone up to tonight?02:51
shakes808How is PC going?02:52
rick_h_jcastro: ok, went to the little mug hockey puck soap and the feather blades and I've never had a better shave in my life. <3 Thanks you and jrwren for getting me to try this out12:20
brouschsmoother than an android's bottom?12:21
rick_h_dude, freaking amazing. Never in my life shaved every day for a week12:24
rick_h_snap-l: we still on for recordin Tues night? Chris from pyramid is interested in recording an interview so want to ping him if he can do the live show12:26
brouschwhy not shave every day?13:28
rick_h_skin irritation issues13:31
rick_h_couldn't take it13:31
JonEdneyA couple years ago, I decided I wasn't going to shave until the Lions made the playoffs.13:31
brouschbeard up. trim and shave once a week13:32
snap-lrick_h_: I think so13:34
brouschlive show?13:35
rick_h_no, if I could get access to the recoard google hangouts bit I'd be tempted13:36
rick_h_but no go :(13:36
rick_h_I'm not popular enough for that button13:36
snap-lI don't need my mug streaming over the internet in real time. :)13:41
rick_h_one day ;)13:42
rick_h_we'll have to get you on a cool shaving regiment with the rest of us bwuhahaha13:42
snap-lrick_h_: you'll have to get me to stop growing a chin like a 17yo13:43
snap-lok, time for bfast13:44
brouschrick_h_: will you be star-struck when interviewing mcdonough?13:45
rick_h_naw, I've hung out with him in person so I've gotten over it13:46
rick_h_but I will make sure my Chris idol doll is in front of me as I speak :P13:47
rick_h_brousch: there you go, I told them you'd start getting patches in right away: http://goo.gl/TVsPI13:50
brouschi'm much more likely to work on the docs13:53
rick_h_<3 it, got the umbrella out, the camping table, and out on the deck with the laptop for the first time this year15:43
snap-lIf anyone had my old tracfone number, it has ceased to be.23:29
snap-lI have destroyed the pnone23:29

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