
bkerensac_smith: any update on you coming tomorrow with jvlb?01:03
cy1woo, party01:36
cy1I can't bring cookies though. My dough refrigeration experiment went awry. :/01:36
bkerensacy1: bring mints :P01:42
cy1bkerensa: wrong distro :B02:12
* bkerensa yawns16:35
bkerensahi nathwill17:24
bkerensanathwill: ping17:58
tgm4883bkerensa, you said we have a laptop?18:49
* zenlinux gets ready to hop on his bike and meander over to the release party19:25
tgm4883do the parking meters in portland take coins?19:28
tgm4883a quick search says yes19:29
* tgm4883 heads out to the release party19:29
nathwillWe're here at puppet labs,  hope to see y'all down here!19:48
* tgm4883 hanging out at the release party21:21
=== nath_will is now known as nathwill
nathwillhey slangasek... while you're close enough to throw things at me... had a chance to look at: https://code.launchpad.net/~nathwill/ubuntu/precise/pam/lp-110287/+merge/100282 ??22:45
* tgm4883 votes we all throw stuff at nathwill 22:46
nathwillwould only be fair... i've shouted at everyone now, so22:56

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