[13:52] hello [13:57] hello [14:13] superfly: I never saw your ITP. Did you get a reply confirmation? [14:13] tumbleweed: no, I was wondering about that... was going to ask you about it [14:13] you reported it with reportbug? [14:13] did you configure reportbug first? (you need to) [14:15] no, I didn't configure reportbug [14:15] I'll check that out [14:15] it assumes you have a working MTA on localhost [14:15] that's not true for most people [14:19] tumbleweed: ah... I was wondering how it sent mail [14:20] * superfly will sort it out when he gets back to his PC [16:36] Howdy all [16:37] ello [17:32] hi superfly nlsthzn and other fellas [17:32] yo magespawn [17:33] hi Kilos [17:33] Hi uncle Kilos [17:33] hi psydroid [17:33] hi nlsthzn [17:33] hey psydroid [17:34] Hi Kilos [17:34] hi magespawn [17:35] evening Kilos [17:35] hi superfly [17:35] hi psydroid [17:35] hehe i got the ball rolling looks like [17:35] haha [17:36] it's been a slow Sunday so far, at least for me [17:37] sometimes slow is good [17:38] yeah [17:38] oh crap... today is/was sunday :/ [17:38] oh my nlsthzn didnt you know that? [17:39] don't you hate it when you lose a few days? [17:39] ... been half sick and continuously at work... :/ [17:39] Hi psydroid [17:39] the dates and camels milk is watering down your brain [17:39] half sick? [17:39] better than 100% sick isnt it [17:40] how goes everybody here? [17:40] hi kbmonkey im ok ty , dunno bout everyone else [17:40] hows you ? [17:41] only just came online [17:41] Good ty [17:42] good :) [17:42] Stephen King's Cujo is on tv, that dog is darn scary [17:43] In the book it was a St Bernard [17:44] Kilos: half sick as in I am taking medicine that is causing me to be sick :/ [17:44] eish [17:46] sorry to hear that nlsthzn :( [17:47] nlsthzn, what sickness you got? [17:49] thanks kbmonkey ... I am trying new medication for my diabetes... so I am off the insulin for now... but I am getting just about every side effect these meds are known for... and from online research it my take a few weeks for me to adjust [17:50] eish sorry to hear that nlsthzn [17:50] well it is a step up cause no more insulin... so I am happy and nausouos (spelling) at the same time [17:51] Maaz, spell nausious [17:51] Kilos: Suggestions: Nauseous or nauseous [17:51] there we go [17:51] Maaz, ty [17:51] You are welcome Kilos [17:53] we hope the side-effects wear off soon enough nlsthzn. [17:54] thx :) [17:54] nlsthzn, have you tried natural remedies [17:55] google natural remedies for diabetes [17:55] Yes... pills and injections [17:55] Maaz, google natural remedies for diabetes [17:55] Kilos: "Natural Treatments for Type 2 Diabetes" http://altmedicine.about.com/cs/conditionsatod/a/Diabetes.htm :: "Natural Cures for Diabetes: Remarkable Remedies That Works by ..." http://www.enaturalhealthcures.com/natural-cures-for-diabetes.html :: "Discovery Health "32 Home Remedies for Diabetes"" http://health.howstuffworks.com/wellness/natural-medicine/home-remedies/home-remedies-for-diabetes.htm :: "Natural Cures for Diabetes - Herbal [17:55] i know the feeling, get my 'bad meds' days too. [17:56] but I have changed my diet completely [17:56] low sugar/fresh foods? :) [17:59] kbmonkey, whats wrong with you? [18:00] i'm a monkey Kilos, of course [18:00] ya man but if you gotta live on meds something is wrong [18:00] it's meds for the head, to control the crazies [18:01] is it working? [18:01] just joking mr. kbmonkey [18:01] it takes 6 to 12 weeks before we'll know, and if it doesn't we'll have to start again on new ones :/ [18:02] Okay then [18:02] so each time you switch, you get new symptoms. lol! but yea it looks good. even if they make you see orange objects. [18:03] that was a joke btw... [18:04] they're really periwinkle [18:04] whew what kinda bug have you got [18:05] Just do not carry on one sided conversations where 'normal' people can here, they don't understand [18:05] magespawn, am i classed as normal? [18:06] You can't be you come in here [18:06] oh good [18:06] ^ ha ha! [18:08] normal is another way of saying "too boring to laugh at yourself" [18:08] ...or was that, with yourself? [18:10] I just compiled a new window manager, spectrwm. is that normal? [18:10] kbmonkey: you're weird. [18:10] hehe [18:11] * Kerbero does not disagree with superfly [18:11] he smokes funny stuff superfly [18:11] lol Kilos! I hate to disappoint, but no I don't [18:11] ha ha ha [18:12] you mean you are like the naturally [18:12] I get high on Linux my friend [18:13] ja, wel, maybe it was too much milktart and koeksisters when I was conceived [18:13] oooyummy [18:13] I had vetkoek just now! [18:14] lekker [18:14] with mince or jam? [18:14] echo vetkoek > /dev/null [18:14] it disappeared! [18:14] Hah [18:14] huh [18:14] nutella. chocolate [18:15] Well thats healthy then [18:15] ye well, i can since the 75% of everything else is raw food XD [18:16] raw mince is lekker [18:16] o_O [18:16] yuck [18:16] only time i use pepper [18:17] haha you not an O blood group hey? [18:17] I can't rmember what I am, is that bad? [18:18] O bloods are protein peeps [18:18] meat is good for us [18:18] Raw steak with tabasco sauce [18:18] yummy [18:19] fear factor [18:19] Inlaws like all their mear cremated [18:19] eish [18:19] thats a sin [18:20] hehe [18:20] Have got my wife to medium rare if I baste it [18:20] i have parents like that [18:20] we always eat charcoal after a braai [18:20] Carpacio [18:20] hehe [18:20] burnt meat is bitter and yucky [18:21] old saying of a good braai steak [18:21] okay let's try this WM out. If I don't return, something went wrong :p [18:21] jy moet dit net skrik maak met die vuur [18:21] I think that is right, Italian dish of raw thinly sliced meat with mozorella and viniger but the special viniger [18:22] i think you are right [18:23] steak tartar [18:24] Never saw the point of that, I like the texture/grain of the meat. And that is mixed with raw egg too. [18:25] lol raw egg is very healthy too [18:25] its minced for peeps without teeth [18:25] Looks like something went wrong. [18:25] No kbmonkey [18:26] I thought the recipe said minced always [18:26] yes it is [18:26] lol [18:26] Hah [18:27] i often eat half the mince raw before we even get home [18:27] well not often [18:27] Have you heard about the super rare expensive coffee? [18:27] o [18:27] i did [18:27] That is a bit strange. [18:27] the one that is shit out by monkeys/cats [18:27] without salt even. meat has a lekker tatse if you savour it [18:27] The one that goes through the civit [18:28] That it does Kilos [18:28] copi luac [18:28] or something like that [18:28] kopi luak [18:28] absolutely no idea how to spell it [18:28] Kerbero, what are you talking about [18:29] Coffee [18:29] yes [18:29] from cats and monkeys [18:29] "super rare expensive coffee" [18:29] * Kilos frowns [18:29] the animal eats the beans [18:29] Kopi luwak [18:29] and then people comes along and pick it up afterwards [18:29] eish [18:30] sis [18:30] you should wiki it [18:30] its not healthy to partake of anythings excrement [18:30] http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kopi_Luwak [18:30] Maaz, google kopi luwak [18:30] Kerbero: "Kopi Luwak - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kopi_Luwak :: "Animalcoffee - Kopi Luwak from Indonesia" http://www.animalcoffee.com/ :: "Cat's Ass Coffee - Kopi Luwak" http://www.catsasscoffee.com/ :: "The Coffee Critic ~ Kopi Luwak" http://www.thecoffeecritic.com/fusion3/html/kopi.shtml :: "Kopi Luwak is the world's rarest gourmet coffee beverage." http://www.ravensbrew.com/NewFiles/kopiluwak.html :: [18:30] Hah [18:31] i'm sure they wash it first [18:31] :P [18:31] sjoe im shocked [18:31] and peeps pay money for washed excrement [18:31] sjoe [18:32] $160 per pound [18:32] wow [18:32] Yup for civit poop [18:33] good thing its so expensive, normal peeps cant try act fancy by buying it [18:33] must be for the aliens on the planet [18:34] or the mayan offsprin [18:34] alien food [18:34] okserious question now [18:34] Okay [18:35] do packages in the repos get upgraded with time or is that all supposed to be done online [18:35] oyaho all [18:35] hi charlvn [18:35] hi Kilos :) [18:35] Hi charlvn [18:35] hi magespawn :) [18:36] charlvn, have you fixed your gnome [18:36] Kilos: yes, i installed gnome3 on 11.10 natively and on 12.04 inside virtualbox with 3d acceleration enabled [18:36] i just needed the gnome-shell package, not the ppa [18:37] on both versions [18:37] This might seem like an odd one to, and not that it really matters, but does anyone know how many guys vs gals we have in here? [18:37] great [18:37] 36 guys one gal [18:37] lady fly [18:37] online anyone can claim to be anything lol [18:38] ya but you get to know then with time [18:38] Indeed [18:38] like um [18:38] whew [18:38] con something [18:39] i'm a girl, here's a photo of me http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/280/826/d11.jpg [18:39] I like to think I could do convincing woman, at least thats what my wife says. [18:39] do you buy it? [18:39] lol magespawn [18:39] hahaha magespawn [18:39] :D [18:39] charl from no church [18:40] from no church? [18:40] Yeah sure i buy that. [18:40] magespawn: sure... :P [18:40] van nie kerk [18:40] niekerk is short for "nieuwekerk" [18:40] it means new church [18:40] we chatted about your nick a year ago or more [18:41] oh you a new church guy [18:41] actually it's a name of a town in gelderland [18:41] one (or more) of my ancient ancestors happen to come from the town [18:41] but whatever you arent female [18:41] nope :P [18:41] waar licht gelderland? [18:41] Kerbero: als je nederlands kan spreken dan weet je dat wel :P [18:42] lol [18:42] ik weet wel dat het zuid van drente licht [18:42] en oost van zeeland [18:42] ja idd [18:42] dat klopt [18:42] en dan weet ik het niet [18:42] Bbl putting fishs to bed [18:42] lol [18:42] k [18:42] sing them a song? [18:43] No but read them a story [18:43] no one answered the question about packages in the repos [18:43] i guess the answer is yes [18:44] Kilos: sorry what was this about? [18:44] evening all [18:44] sec i go find it charlvn [18:44] hi Mezenir [18:44] k [18:44] do packages in the repos get upgraded with time or is that all supposed to be done online [18:45] anyone have any luck switching from headphones output to speakers in vlc on the fly during playback simply by plugging out the headphones ? [18:45] Kerbero, yes to which part of the question? [18:45] both [18:45] lol [18:45] repos is always online [18:45] are [18:46] Mezenir: just tried it, works fine for me [18:46] ok lemme try again [18:46] and they get updates continuously [18:46] thanks [18:46] Kilos: yeah that is my understanding as well, not sure if i understand the question correctly... [18:46] is it better to wait till a release is updated and stable before downloading a repo [18:47] o, you want to make an offline copy of the repo? [18:48] if the packages in thew repo get upgraded there then if one gets a whole repo then online updates will be minimal right? [18:48] charlvn: are you using ubuntu with pulseaudio ? [18:49] Kilos, i think that is a yes [18:49] if i understand your question correctly [18:49] ok ty Kerbero then i will wait 6 months or so before i get ian to download the repo for me [18:50] Mezenir: whatever is the default [18:50] ok [18:50] i dunno how to explain what i mean any other way [18:50] audio just works out of the box for me so never messed with it too much [18:50] Kilos, waiting for all the bugs to be fixed and those updates to be in the repo, will be better before making a copy [18:50] so yes [18:51] charlvn, is dat echt jij in dat foto? [18:51] great ty Kerbero [18:51] Kerbero: nee tuurlijk niet lol :P [18:51] hehe [18:51] leuke foto toch [18:52] ja ik leg even lekker met een dakimakura te knuffelen op een bed... wat prettig [18:52] zoveel van een weeaboo ben ik ook niet :/ [18:52] :D [18:53] hahaha [18:53] wappanese ftw [19:00] night all. sleep tight [19:00] nag [19:01] ciao Kilos [19:01] charlvn, nou het ons die channel vir onsself [19:02] vertel my iets [19:03] iets diepsinnigs [19:03] diepsinnigs, verduidelijk aub de terminologie :) [19:04] de appeltjes van de koningin die gaat naar berlin [19:04] he? [19:04] lol [19:04] i'm just being random [19:04] zij mag het maar hierheen sturen ik eet ze ook wel graag op lol [19:04] a little bored [19:04] morgen is haar dag ook nog... [19:04] o [19:04] echt? [19:05] an is het weer oranje overal [19:05] zo het is de moeder van beatrix's verjaardag morgen [19:05] juliana [19:05] iirc [19:06] ja dat klopt [19:06] Maaz, google koninginnendag [19:06] Kerbero: "Koninginnedag - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koninginnedag :: "Koninginnedag - Wikipedia" http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koninginnedag :: "Aanslag Koninginnendag Apeldoorn Schokkende Beelden 16 + ..." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQcB-YrGocM :: "Koninginnendag promo - YouTube" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_TboIe1lc0 :: "Koninginnendag Klundert - YouTube" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xhsWaIuv [19:06] geen datum :( [19:06] beatrix is geboren op 31 January 1938 [19:07] juliana is 30 April 1909 [19:07] moes het zelf ook even opzoeken hoor :P [19:07] lol [19:08] is het niet nu mathys op tv? [19:09] geen flouw idee, ik kijk dus geen tv [19:09] haha [19:09] ik ook niet [19:09] mijn NL familie kijk het wel IEDERE avond [19:09] mijn tv bestaat uit: http://www.animeplus.tv/ http://twit.tv/ http://revision3.com/ [19:10] ik kijk ook geen anime :| [19:10] dan heb jij dus heel veel vrije tijd toch? ;) [19:11] dat zal je wel denken [19:11] de enigste nederlandse tv show die ik volg is tegenlicht op vpro http://www.uitzendinggemist.nl/programmas/1221-tegenlicht [19:11] dat vind ik wel een zeer leuke show [19:11] maar verder gee ik geen bal [19:11] hmm [19:12] ik heb dat noch nooit gezien [19:14] als je "diep" spullen wil opzoeken dan is haruhi (anime) een goeie start... als je zomaar ligzinnig humor willen hebben is kabouter wesley veel beter :P [19:14] ik wil eigelijk een andre' van duyn of zo hebben [19:17] of ja daar is veel van op uitzending gemist [19:17] sterke humor dat [19:17] wel ok, tijd voor een beetje scifi [19:17] ik moet beter naar uitzendinggemist kijken [19:17] als ik tuis is met beter internet [19:18] ook een goeie keuze tuurlijk [19:18] ok doei charlvn, en geniet koninginedag [19:18] bedankt! [19:18] ciao [19:20] I am also off night all. [19:36] well it worked, yey [19:40] kbmonkey: ? [19:45] trying out a new WM superfly, http://ompldr.org/vZGs5bw [19:45] bare bones right after setup :p [19:48] so super whens the next meeting thing [19:49] in 2 weeks iirc [19:52] yay [19:52] meetings are fun [19:53] Mezenir: you mean like an Ubuntu Hour? [19:53] btw superfly how much experimentation did you do with arch linux ? [19:53] yes like ubuntu hour [19:53] specifically with regards to alsa and udev [19:53] Ah, we had a release party last Friday [19:53] for hotplugging usb headsets [19:53] Mezenir: not much in that regard [19:53] ah [19:53] i missed it then [19:54] yeah. I saw you in the channel the other day and wanted to tell you, but I was too late and we missed each other [19:54] * superfly only saw that Mezenir had been visiting [19:54] thanks anyway [19:55] wonder how the new lubuntu is [19:55] will try it out at work [19:55] i'll have to hold my excitement until I can get a 12.04 CD :D [19:56] hehe [19:56] the update from 11.10 is about 800 MB. eek [19:56] if youre in ctn i can giive you the iso [19:57] Mezenir: no, kbmonkeyis in PTA or KZN or something... [19:57] I don't think he's too sure where is most days either [19:57] KZN [19:58] true that superfly [19:58] there is no time in the land of the intertubes [19:58] hehe k [19:58] I'll try get a copy from william in durbs or one of the dbnlug guys