
nydelbazhang: i might - do you know whether either support VST plugins?00:00
mikubuntuif you are downloading version 11.04 (Maverick) RIGHT NOW can you give a speed report?00:00
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john38I just installed Precise i have no login sound00:01
bazhangmikubuntu, speed report on what00:01
bazhangnydel, could be, I'd need to check00:02
DelGCould someone tell me how to register my nickname with freenode00:02
bazhangDelG, /join #freenode00:02
nydelbazhang: i've found ardour in the software center. what i'm wondering is will i be able to use synthesizers00:02
mikubuntubazhang: download speed from ubuntu servers00:02
john38where do i go to activate login music00:02
nydelbazhang: or is it for recording00:02
lenWhat is the best way to upgrade from Kubuntu 10.04 LTS to 12.04 LTS?  I don't want to wait 3 months for the first point release.00:02
GrivvelAfter ugprading to 12.04, it seems that I'm only getting Unity2d. Is there any way to check why that is (or try to fix it)?00:02
bazhangmikubuntu, very slow, it's 3 days after release00:02
mikubuntubazhang: i'd like to see how slow -- i'm getting 70kbps right now00:03
KM0201i downloaded the torrent in about 40min... not bad all things considered.00:03
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nydelbazhang: this appears to be what i was looking for. thank you so much.00:04
bazhangmikubuntu, they're slow, no way to poll the channel on that.00:04
mcoolinwheres the volume control in UE 3.2?00:05
mikubuntuKM0201: whats a good torrent client to use, i'll try one on this box while i wait for the other one to update00:05
KM0201mikubuntu: i guess it depends on what OS you're using.. for Linux, I like transmission.00:05
escottjohn38, gnome-session-properties00:05
john38escott, can i access it in System settings00:06
zykotick9mikubuntu: rtorrent (with screen) but that's probably not what your looking for00:06
escottjohn38, i dont think so00:06
sw0rdfishany ubuntu expert in the house?00:07
mikubuntuzykotick9: no, the screenless laptop is updating via terminal, Jordan_U suggests (and i hope) that the screen issue will resolve on upgrade00:07
JPetersonwhy does fdisk -l return nothing?00:07
john38escott, thats for Startup Application Preferences there is only NVIdia X server settings00:08
john38escott, how do i enable login sound00:08
escottJPeterson, check /proc/partitions and stop using fdisk00:08
JPetersonok, forgot sudo00:08
zykotick9mikubuntu: by screen i mean gnu-screen... never mind ;)00:08
Jordan_Umikubuntu: I didn't suggest that it would, only that it might :)00:08
mikubuntuJordan_U: yes, that it might00:09
Watcher|2Trying to watch videos on Firefox on Kubuntu, some play, many do not. The videos that don't play on Firefox do play on Chrome. Can someone please tell me how to get all youtube videos to play on Firefox?00:09
sw0rdfishcan someone welp me plz! i need to get wifi working on my laptop with 12.0400:09
cesarstafewell, finally I have Ubuntu 12.04 without problems at first try installing it00:09
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mikubuntuzykotick9, yes, right over my head00:09
JPetersonplease explain the difference between the reported size from df and du. where's the other 1.6G http://pastebin.com/jxkf5t02 ?00:09
Lintis the Ubuntu compatible with Intel Celeron CPUs?00:09
cesarstafethe problem with BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY wireless wasn't present00:09
KM0201sw0rdfish: whats your wireless device?00:10
christhisisgoolLint: yes, it is. in fact i have ubuntu running on one right now00:10
Jordan_UWatcher|2: It's probably videos which use H.264 (a proprietary video codec) rather than Theora or VP8 (both open and unencumbered).00:10
AudrWhen making a CD to isntal ubuntu from, do all I have to do is burn the ISO image to the CD?00:10
cesarstafeall works great, I hope to continue without discover any bug00:10
Watcher|2Jordan_U: Is there a wy to tell?00:10
FyodorovnaAudr, yes00:10
KM0201Audr: Google "How to burn an ISO"... the first link is a good one00:11
cesarstafemany thanks to all people involved in this new version! great work  guys, congratulations!00:11
AudrFyodorovna: alright, thanks00:11
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Watcher|2Jordan_U: And is there a way to get H.264 to work?00:11
john38Is the Login Sound disabled on Precise?00:11
mikubuntuanybody tell me how to download 12.04 via TRANSMISSION bittorent?  is there a search feature somewhere, or do you have to know the filesource?00:11
FyodorovnaAudr, :)00:11
escottJPeterson, thats a tough question to answer. in general its not worth your time unless you need the space. you dont need space so forget about it00:12
cesarstafeFYI I've installed on a Dell Inspiron 1525 without problems00:12
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zykotick9!torrents | mikubuntu00:12
ubottumikubuntu: Precise can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/precise/desktop/ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/precise/server/ubuntu-12.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your needs. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696900:12
stef1ai'm using 12.04, and rhythmbox is crashing an awful lot. help?00:12
Fyodorovnamikubuntu, at ubuntu.com are the torrent links00:12
kslimwhats up00:12
JPetersonescott: but am i using 1.2G or not? I'm trying to clean out unused files00:12
Audralright, burning the image to the CD now00:13
ubottuUnity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity00:13
kslimcan someone answer a question00:13
Fyodorovnamikubuntu, http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/alternative-downloads00:13
zykotick9!ask | kslim00:14
ubottukslim: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:14
escottJPeterson, you have to think about hardlinks and reserved space00:14
sw0rdfishKM0201, omg my xchat isn't highlighting anymore over here... sorry... but yeah my laptop is an HP Compaq nc612000:14
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic00:14
kslimis there a way to watch netflix on linux00:14
JPetersonescott: but df is the max usage right?00:14
KM0201sw0rdfish: if xchat isn't highlkighting... thats in your settings... and that tells me nothing about you rwireless device00:14
JPetersoni mean du00:15
JPetersonthe higher number in df is because of hardlinks etc?00:15
escottJPeterson, for ext4 df is the true and correct measure of free space00:15
zykotick9kslim: on gnu/linux i don't link so, on android/linux maybe.00:15
escottJPeterson, its probably higher because of reserved space which can be adjusted with etunefs, but not necessary00:15
JPetersonescott: but du list all files and sum them to 1.2G00:15
kslimI'm kind of new to linux so please take time with me. Thanks00:16
sw0rdfishKM0201, I got this by doing lspci | grep Wire .... "Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG [Calexico2] Network Connection (rev 05)"00:16
sw0rdfishis that it? KM0201 ?00:16
KM0201hmm, sw0rdfish i thought intel's typically "just work".. i have no idea on that00:16
john38escott, im no sure how to enable login sound in gnome-session-properties00:16
Grivvelkslim: Best you're going to be able to do is run Windows inside a VM. The Netflix web client uses Microsoft Silverlight with some DRM features that the Linux version doesn't support.00:17
sw0rdfishKM0201, yeah I found some instruction about acer-wmi stuff .... that you need to remove the module or whatever00:17
escottjohn38, with 11.10 they started hiding the option. there is a file you can edit somewhere to make it appear in the session properties.00:18
upsetI tried to install Marlin but it did not work. " marlin : Depends: libvarka0 but it is not installable" What can I do?00:18
john38escott, which one00:18
mikubuntudownloading torrent of 12.04, but it says file is 701.3, isnt that too big to store on cd?00:18
escottjohn38, http://maketecheasier.com/disable-login-sound-in-ubuntu-oneiric-quick-tips/2011/09/1500:18
Lintwhy ubuntu always have 100% volume on each login?00:18
kslimDo you think that the video picture just looks better in linux because i've compared windows and linux and to me it is better on linux00:19
zykotick9mikubuntu: are you downloading the alternate (it's for cds).  the regular one is for a dvd now.00:19
escottmikubuntu, you can fit up to 710 on most cds, the larger the cd the more likely the burn will fail at high speed00:19
Lintit does that since 200800:19
hash_hey guys00:20
mbuckois ubuntu related to Android OS in anyway? and is it true that ubuntu is coming to smart devices?00:21
ScrivenerUbuntu runs on the same kernel as Android does.00:21
ScrivenerShares some packages, but Android is a pretty different beast.00:21
ScrivenerDid you check out Ubuntu for Android? :)00:21
ScrivenerI'm more excited about that than seeing Ubuntu run alone on a tablet or something.00:21
mbuckowhats ubuntu for android?00:22
ThePendulumI haven't been able to fix the splash screen, could anyone give me a hand?00:22
jmghi all, im trying to create/update a usb multiboot key following pentix instructions but unbuntu 11.10's grub is screwed00:22
ScrivenerUbuntu for Android is a project that hopes to transform your standard Android dockable phone/mobile device into a full Ubuntu workstation.00:23
ScrivenerNot saying that you'll be using the workstation on that small screen...00:23
upsetThis is support, not offtopic discussion y'all.00:23
john38escott, thanks00:23
ScrivenerSorry mate, forgot. I don't stray here often.00:23
ScrivenerI got sidetracked.00:23
upsetSorry to repeat, but: I tried to install Marlin but it did not work. " marlin : Depends: libvarka0 but it is not installable" What can I do?00:23
ScrivenerWe'll PM :)00:23
GrivvelThePendulum: What sort of issue are you having with the splash screen?00:24
zykotick9Scrivener: actually Android and Ubuntu don't even really run the same kernel... Android uses more-or-less a fork of linux </OT>00:24
jmghttp://www.panticz.de/MultiBootUSB this doesnt work any more with ubuntu 11.1000:24
ThePendulumGrivvel: It displays at a lower resolution than before I installed the video drivers (actually, it just displayed at the full resolution of 1920x1080 before)00:25
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ThePendulumGrivvel: It's not of much importance, but it would be nice to be welcomed with a nice Ubuntu splash screen rather than an ugly one00:25
zykotick9ThePendulum: i'll take bootup text over plymouth anyday ;)00:26
Fyodorovnajmg, would you like a multi boter that does, not sure why yours does not work.00:26
jmgyes i would, ive done this beforew many times00:27
ThePendulumzykotick9: Well, as long as things go well, I prefer a tiny bit of eyecandy of nerdy text :P00:27
Fyodorovnajmg, I use this one http://www.pendrivelinux.com/multiboot-create-a-multiboot-usb-from-linux/00:28
jmgFyodorovna: after update grub i just get reboot and selwct proper boot00:28
JPetersonmy does "ldconfig deferred processing now taking place" use 100% of the disk speed for hours?00:28
GrivvelThePendulum: Try typing this at the CLI and see what it outputs: gsettings get com.canonical.unity-greeter xft-dpi00:28
JPetersonhow do i change I/O priority for a process?00:28
jmgFyodorovna: thats not what i want, i want to boot from the iso files00:28
escottJPeterson, because of what it is doing00:28
Fyodorovnajmg, I'm fairly familiar with grub but I just use a easy app like the one I posted, fixing yours is probably out of my area though.00:29
escottJPeterson, it if is literally many hours then things might have gone wrong, but it could take some time00:29
abhinavmehtacan someone would please tell me, which version of python is there on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS ???00:30
escott!info python | abhinavmehta00:30
ubottuabhinavmehta: python (source: python-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is important. Version 2.7.3-0ubuntu2 (precise), package size 162 kB, installed size 658 kB00:30
Fyodorovnajmg, the one I linked does what your does a booted ISO many if you want. You don't have to use it just a sugestion it loked by you first reponse you were interested in another.00:30
JPetersonescott: how do i see what itäs doing?00:30
pinportalwhich is better: ubuntu 12,04 32bits or 64bits?00:31
zykotick9pinportal: which is better: blue or yellow?00:31
Fyodorovnapinportal, there is no better.00:31
escottJPeterson, im not sure you would be able to see what it is doing, but it has to read all the binaries and resolve symbols and setup various preloading tables. that can take some time00:31
zykotick9pinportal: do you have more then 4GB RAM?00:31
JPetersonescott: what about iotop?00:31
pinportalbecausem I can use 64 bits...00:31
ThePendulumGrivvel: It says 96.0 ~ However, isn't that information on the greeter? Is the splash screen part of the greeter?00:31
JPetersonwhy does top show 4M in the process list but 128M used total00:32
JPetersonhow do i show all memory usage00:32
JPetersonper process00:32
pinportalI have 2,0 GB of ram00:32
BotaniCarhello , is there a howto on enabling wobbly windows and such in virtualised ( virtualbox ) enviroment, with ubuntu 1200:33
zykotick9pinportal: the benefits of 64bit are few and far between, and there are some drawbacks.  But, if you have more then 4GB RAM i'd say use 64bit for sure.  it's up to you, but with 2GB i'd suggest 32bit...00:33
MirkoKapinportal: 32bit if compatiblity (hardware/software) is more important, 64bit if you ahve more than 4GB (16GB) RAM and/or insist on high-performance audio/video transcoding00:33
Logan_!ccsm | BotaniCar00:33
ubottuBotaniCar: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' (or 'simple-ccsm' for pre-Oneiric). If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz00:33
zykotick9pinportal: MirkoKa's transcoding/encoding point is where 64bit can shine!00:34
ring0is there something like gnome-tweak-tool for unity, too?00:34
GrivvelThePendulum: Ahh, sorry, I misunderstood the question. I don't know how to do that off-hand, but this looks like a pretty relevant post: http://askubuntu.com/questions/70044/loading-screen-wrong-resolution00:34
JPetersonhow do i show all process in top?00:35
FyodorovnaBotaniCar, if you can get that working there are tons of links on that I would use them compiz is temperamental and needs restart while tweaking at times.00:35
^MikeMy laptop ran compiz just fine, but I think it must not be capable of running Unity - why would that be?00:35
pinportalbecause I upgraded ubuntu 11,10 64bits to 12,04 32bits today, and now The system shows many bugs and crashes...00:35
JPetersonthe load and mem usage is max, but the top list show 3M ram usage and 0% cpu usage00:35
escottJPeterson, see man top00:35
ScrivenerI've googled around and checked the stackexchange areas about this, but what should I search for to narrow down the problem of Ubuntu hanging at the boot splash screen (logo w/dots) when trying to live-boot/install from Wubi or from USB flash drive?00:36
BotaniCarthanks, both00:36
ScrivenerPoint me in the right direction and I can handle reading through some solutions.00:36
ScrivenerIt's a little difficult to narrow with the keywords I've been using. Lots of unrelated posts.00:36
JPetersonescott: no, it's not in the man00:36
tailfwow.. so ever since i attached some storage drives (recently used with windows), my 12.04 install has been screwing up (forgetting my settings and my dual monitor presence, stuff like libnotify no longer working). i removed the drives and reloaded grub, now whenever i boot to ubuntu it hangs for ages on a black screen and i can access tty1 but not the desktop. then i reboot and it *sometimes* makes its way to desktop. i guess i could try refo00:36
ThePendulumGrivvel: I've tried that many times. Just going to try again, now. Brb, reboot00:37
JPetersonescott: i don't know which flag you're refering too00:37
JPetersonwhat i mean is to show all process so that the sum of the list is the same as the total ram and cpu usage00:37
henkyeJPeterson: try htop, its more user friendly but still CLI00:37
JPetersonhenkye: ok00:38
Fyodorovna^Mike, you ever had to install graphic drivers?00:38
imacintohello! I just bought a netbook this afternoon (acer ao722) and immediately installed ubuntu 12.04 LTS. I was messing around trying to upgrade my video card drivers and now my machine won't load a GUI, it just goes straight to the terminal00:38
^MikeFyodorovna: No, the laptop has Intel graphics.00:38
MirkoKaJPeterson: sorry for my rather rough response, but you you do know man pages? then please RTFM (mosz of your questiosn are very tool specific which could be solves my man reading). :-)00:39
tailfimacinto: ctrl alt F7?00:39
Scrivener^Mike, My laptop has similar issues. Under Mint 11 w/compiz effects it seemed to handle it well (this is on a Dell Inspiron 1525 w/Intel graphics), but Unity is quite sluggish.00:39
ScrivenerJust graphically speaking.00:39
Fyodorovna^Mike Hard to say without more info for the channel, but you were probably getting to that.:)00:39
JPetersonMirkoKa: ok00:39
MirkoKaJPeterson: and forgive me my typos, some beer to much /)00:39
imacintotalif: ok. I don't know what that did, but now it looks like a bunch of processes stopped00:39
^MikeFyodorovna: I'm not sure how to get data on the intel graphics... I guess I could look up the spec sheet.00:40
jmgdoes 12.04 support full root crypto again?00:40
^MikeScrivener: Yes, compiz ran perfectly under 10.04, but unity 3D looks like utter garbage00:40
pinportalhow can I answer a question on this chat?00:40
JPetersonhow do i disable the login screen screen saver? "sudo setterm -powersave off -blank 0" doesn't seem to affect it, the login screen goes blank after a while00:40
tailfimacinto: well alt f4 and see if you get taken back to command prompt00:41
Fyodorovna^Mike, not so much that but more then your unity does not work, there is a 2d as well and other desktops, in other words what does work as well.00:41
Scrivener^Mike, Agreed, I jumped back to 10.04 after 11.04 came out. I was pleased with the performance there. It's unfortunate, really. I know I do need better hardware, but it would be nice to get Unity working well.00:41
^MikeFyodorovna: Ok, well, the spec sheet says "Intel® GMA HD graphics" which doesn't help much :)00:41
^MikeFyodorovna: I cannot understand that sentence O-o00:41
imacintotalif: yes, I just got taken back to command prompt00:41
imacintoI'm being prompted for login creds00:41
JanneMIs adding "xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap" to your startup scripts the proper way to load your own mappings in 12.04? Or is there a better way?00:41
Scrivener^Mike, Basically he's saying that if Unity 3D doesn't work, you can try 2D or other environments.00:42
=== Evixion` is now known as Evixion
ScrivenerE.g. XFCE, LDXE, KDE.00:42
JPetersonthe system has become unavalible with the last message "* Stopping network top daemon ntop". it's uncracheable from sshd and direct keyboard input and the cpu load is 100%. how do reach the system again?00:42
ThePendulumGrivvel: It indeed didn't work, but nevermind00:42
^MikeThat's unacceptable. The system should have 3D acceleration fully supported - there is no legitimate reason for unity 3D to suck on this computer that I'm aware of.00:43
ThePendulumThere are basically two identical panels on both my screens. Is there a way to remove the notification area of one of them?00:43
Scrivener^Mike, Is there a generic driver pack that's used for Intel laptop graphics?00:43
Fyodorovna!pm | pinportal00:43
ubottupinportal: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.00:43
^MikeScrivener: I believe so - xserver-xorg-video-intel00:44
ScrivenerUnder System Settings > Details > Graphics I have "Driver: Unknown; Experience: Standard"00:44
Jordan_U^Mike: Can you pastebin the outptut of "glxinfo"?00:44
ScrivenerTime to get Guake and check this out...00:44
^MikeJordan_U: sure, one moment while I install mesa-utils...00:44
JPetersoncan i prevent that a process consumes every cycle without leaving anything to other processes?00:45
imacintotalif: I feel like my next step is to reinstall the video card drivers that ubuntu ships with, but I don't know how to do that from the command prompt00:45
^MikeScrivener: "Driver: Intel Ironlake Mobile; Experience: Standard"00:45
^MikeJordan_U: http://p.hashbang.ca/Y00:46
Jordan_UJPeterson: The linux kernel will ensure that it's not possible for a single process to starve all others of CPU cycles completely. Are you having a specific problem?00:46
JPetersonJordan_U: yes the system has become unavaliable with the last message "* Stopping network top daemon ntop". it's unracheable from sshd and direct keyboard input and the cpu load is 100%. how do reach the system again?00:46
JanneMIs adding "xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap" to your startup programs the proper way to load xmodmap mappings in 12.04? Or is there a better way?00:47
Jordan_U!sysrq | JPeterson00:48
ubottuJPeterson: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key00:48
^MikeJordan_U: See also http://p.hashbang.ca/T which is output of `/usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p`00:48
^MikeJordan_U: ...suggesting that what I'm seeing is actually the way unity is supposed to be? O______________o00:48
DreadSlicerMy laptop, Samsung RC512 has both an intel & nvidia graphics cards... but the intel is the one connected to the screen. Ubuntu will not recognize the nvidia card00:48
JPetersonJordan_U: ok thx00:48
Jordan_UJPeterson: You're welcome.00:49
ThePendulumAnyone on the panels?00:49
Foreroh this IS the support channel, I have a 12.04 I just installed, and it has a broadcom BCM 4311 [14e4:4312], I tried doing the whole "install firmware-b43-installer" and removing the bcmwl-kernel-source but it's not registering the wireless card, suggestions?00:49
Jordan_U^Mike: What problem are you having with unity specifically?00:50
^MikeJordan_U: let me switch back to unity 3D, one moment...00:50
hydester_Forer: perhaps a blacklist problem?  http://askubuntu.com/questions/38327/how-can-i-get-broadcom-bcm4311-wireless-working/38700#3870000:51
Forerthanks hydester_, found it in the blacklist00:53
Forerrebooting right now00:53
^MikeJordan_U: So, for example, the "dash home" button at the top left corner is not antialiased properly, making it look like something from 199900:53
Jordan_U!screenshot | ^Mike00:53
ubottu^Mike: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.00:53
^MikeJordan_U: the vertical-sidebar-thing looks flat, compared to screenshots and video I've seen of Unity00:53
Forerworks now, thanks hydester_00:55
hydester_Forer: np.00:55
^MikeJordan_U: http://i.imgur.com/u6TmA.png00:55
ScrivenerJordan_U,  System Settings > Details > Graphics shows "unknown" driver. I know in this Inspiron 1525 I've got Intel graphics, like ^Mike. KDE 4.8 is far glitzier in 3d effects, but also far snappier than Unity (dash interaction is a bit disappointing), and this leads me to think there's something wrong with driver installations on the lappy.00:55
ScrivenerWhat should I check to get more info on this?00:55
aguitelis anyone trying emesene in precise ? i have error in it00:55
^MikeScrivener: /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p00:56
ScrivenerYes to all.00:56
ScrivenerOutput was yes to all.00:56
^Mikeweird, I just noticed that HUD doesn't do anything O_o00:57
^Mikelike, it accepts my input, but nothing ever comes up00:57
ScrivenerWhile you're inside an application?00:58
^MikeScrivener: any time00:58
^MikeAnyone know what package HUD is?00:58
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS includes the first step in a major new approach to application interfaces, the Head-Up Display, or HUD, which will ultimately replace menus in Unity applications. See http://ubottu.com/y/hud for the background on this and discuss it in #ubuntu-offtopic00:58
courtieris there ubuntu help channel?00:58
JanneMIs there a replacement for Xmodmap in 12.04 that we are supposed to use for remapping your keyboard?00:58
wookienzguys, i am stumbling around trying to use NFS. I have a connection and all that but i am struggling with permissions. Specifically how do i map a NFS share from a NAS so that any user on the nix box can write to the share? im guessing it is some uid, gid options under fstab. Any takers?00:59
Jordan_Ucourtier: You're here :)00:59
Fyodorovnacourtier, you are on it.00:59
InferiorHumanOrgwookienz: /etc/exports00:59
pmp6nlAnyone have any experience making ATI graphics work well?00:59
courtiersweet :)00:59
strawsis this a network about programming ?00:59
strawsso many channels for sql linux and stuff00:59
wookienzInferiorHumanOrg, anything in particualr?00:59
Fyodorovnastraws, ubuntu suport01:00
InferiorHumanOrgwookienz: its easy just google nfs server setup it will tell you all about the process better than I can off of memory...01:00
strawsnot the channel i mean the network01:00
courtieri tried to install java7 in terminal and its telling me its not installed01:00
wookienzInferiorHumanOrg, been there done that. Still having issues.01:00
^MikeFyodorovna: Yes, but do you know what *package* HUD resides in, so I can check if this is a known bug?01:00
henkyewookienz:  for example mine RW config /home/henk/sharedone,sync)01:00
JanneMXmodmap? Anyone?01:01
courtierim trying to install something and its telling me this E: Package 'gnome-shell-extensions-windows-navigator' has no installation candidate01:01
Scrivenerstraws, You can read about the network here: http://freenode.net/ This is the Ubuntu support channel.01:01
InferiorHumanOrgthere ya go just change henkye's example to fit your needs01:01
endafywhen are we going to see a fix for Nvidia users?01:01
Fyodorovnastraws, There are tons of linux channels in which many talk about programming, specfic languages in some01:01
wookienzhenkye, do you have different owners of the underlying FS on the storage device than the computer you are mapping to?01:01
henkyewookienz: of courese, the folder must have filesystem permissions for anyone01:01
InferiorHumanOrgwookienz: just chmod the folder to 777 if security is no issue01:02
Fyodorovna^Mike, not sure really I use gnome 3 now so I have not messed with HUD.01:02
imacintoI'm still messing around in the console trying to get my video to work. I did "sudo Xorg -configure" and I see a clue: "Number of created screens does nto match number of detected devices."01:02
endafyimachine, nvidia?01:03
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endafyimachine, nvidia cards got borked due to Ubuntu deciding to fuck its nvidia users01:03
imacintoendafy: my video card is an ATI Radeon 629001:03
Jordan_U!language | endafy01:03
ubottuendafy: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.01:03
endafythey seriously need to fix this because this is unnacceptable for a LTS release01:04
JPetersonit might have been ntop that made the system unavaliable. took ram and cpu use to max.01:04
endafythis is the kind of crap you hear about from Microsoft not Linux01:04
vkngood thing I don't use ubuntu desktop01:04
vknproblem solved!01:04
imacintoendafy: well, full disclosure, I was messing around trying to upgrade my video card drivers01:04
endafyits the new unstable x-org01:05
akemwhat's the problem with NVidia and Ubuntu?01:05
imacintoso this is a perfectly fitting result of screwing around with things I don't understand01:05
endafyat the last second canonical decided to put a broken xorg into the LTS release imachine01:05
imacintoexcept now all I want to do is revert the video card drivers back to what 12.04 shipped with, and I have no idea how to do that01:05
gaelfxakem: seems a lot of folk are having trouble with multi-monitor setups01:05
endafyimacinto,  rather01:05
Jordan_Uendafy: This channel is for productive support discussion, please stop the unproductive ranting (or move it to a different channel).01:05
endafyJordan_U, its not unproductive when I spit truth01:06
wookienznot ideal having 777 very bad for security im led to believe01:06
wookienzanother issue... when my computer drops a file into the NFS share it is ownner by a UID ie 1000 on the storage device, not by any valid users on that storage device.01:06
Jordan_Uendafy: It's not helping solve anyone's support question. Please stop or move it to another channel.01:06
akemgaelfx, hm k.01:06
endafyJordan_U, they used upstream unstable version of xorg from debian universe which makes no sense01:06
gaelfxakem: but I'm happy with the nvidia drivers in 12.04, my HDMI audio finally works01:07
courtierguys i need help http://paste2.org/p/199962301:07
samuraibsdIs the 12.04 desktop for AMD64+Mac broken for anyone else?01:07
samuraibsdRather, the download?01:08
JPetersonhow do i permantly disable the login screeen screen saver?01:09
JPeterson(prevent it from going black)01:09
henkyecourtier: "sha256sum mismatch jdk-7u3-linux-x64.tar.gz"  looks like download failure01:09
courtierhenkye, can you help me fix this?01:10
gaelfxJPeterson: I think you would have to set the screen to never blackout under any conditions, but to be sure you might try going through gconf-editor and see if there's an option only for login screen01:10
redvaioFyodorovna: do you speak russian?01:10
henkyecourtier: just my guess, just try to download again ?01:11
JPetersongaelfx: i mean the shell login screen. X is not installed01:11
ThePendulumSorry for being slightly off-topic, but could you guys check if you can get on ? Thanks!01:11
henkyecourtier: anyway, i think ubuntu preffers openjdk01:11
imacintoThePendulum: I get a 40301:12
ulkeshThePendulum, 403 forbidden01:12
courtieri need it for development01:12
ThePendulumimacinto, ulkesh: Good, thanks for checking! :)01:13
tripelbThePendulum, I failed> Forbidden   You don't have permission to access /phpmyadmin/ on this server.01:13
ThePendulumtripelb: Thanks, exactly what I needed :)01:13
tripelbYou don't have permission to access /phpmyadmin/ on this server.01:13
tripelbthis... http://www.alternet.org/story/155167/5_fascinating_new_uses_for_psychedelics?page=entire01:14
ThePendulumtripelb: I should be able to access that, but no one else should ^^ I can, so mission accomplished01:14
tripelbyou have only CISPA to worry about now01:14
gaelfxJPeterson: I wouldn't have thought that the screen would go off without any gui installed01:14
ksx4systemwhy Unity was made nearly useless in 12.04? launcher goes crazy (double tap to open an app, no "always visible when non-full screen apps open, always hide when full screen app is opened" feature)01:14
Jordan_U!ot | tripelb01:15
ubottutripelb: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:15
JPetersongaelfx: it's a terminal cabability01:15
JPetersonapparently controleld form setterm01:15
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines01:16
ksx4systemJordan_U: any ideas? is it possible to fix this launcher behaviour?01:16
JPetersonbut i can't disable the login screen blank01:16
Jordan_Uksx4system: I have no idea.01:16
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JPetersonwhere does setterm write to?01:17
JPetersonhow do i check the permanent setterm settings?01:17
trismksx4system: bug 930148 has workarounds01:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 930148 in unity (Ubuntu) "Dodge windows is down but what about making the launcher autohide only on maximised apps ?" [Wishlist,Opinion] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93014801:18
GrivvelHmm, I used to be able to use ctrl+alt+t to start the terminal, but that doesn't seem to be working. Does anyone know where that keybinding is set up? (Probably some compiz plugin?)01:18
WilsonBradleyDoes anyone know when Trine 2 DEMO will be available for Linux?01:19
JanneMXmodmap in 12.04? ANy other way of remapping the keyboard?01:19
JanneMGrivvel: it works for me.01:20
qwdCan I remove Thunderbird, LibreOffice and any other applications that I don't use after installing default Ubuntu? Or will that remove some meta-package as well?01:20
JPetersonwhere's the setterm config file or permanent storage?01:21
appleguruany good ubuntu compatible solutions for really low latency (<2ms) audio over IP?01:21
appleguruIs pulseaudio/RTP good enough?01:21
w1jpsound? How do I stop my line input from auto setting gain?01:21
GrivvelJanneM: Yeah, but during the upgrade my compiz settings got wiped (not just reset to defaults), so I'm pretty sure its in there. At worst I can add it in the commands tab, but I'm pretty sure there's a built-in way to do it01:21
acalbazaanyone experience a problem with an oversensitive mouse right-click?  right clicking often selects anything below the mouse.  this especially sucks when in an ide like eclipse... this worked with the same mouse in 11.10 but doesnt after my upgrade.01:22
w1jpWhat is the default sound manager for 12.04?01:23
MACscrim losing network access every 30 minutes or so for 15-30 seconds at a time. The network connection is wired. Any suggestions for troubleshooting? I know its not an ip conflict issue.01:23
trismqwd: thunderbird and libreoffice won't remove ubuntu-desktop because they are only recommends, although it is alright to remove ubuntu-desktop anyway (just be sure to reinstall it when you decide to upgrade to the next version later)01:23
qwdtrism: thanks!01:23
JanneMGrivvel: Settings->keyboard->Shortcuts?01:24
wookienzi should be able to have a storage device with seperate users than the desktop i am mapping the NFS to, and still have rw access to anything and everyting without having to chmod 777 it all. Surely this is possible01:24
courtiersomeone help i cant install anything because this keeps  bugging me http://paste2.org/p/199962301:24
imacintowhen I try to boot in failsafe graphic mode, I get an error message that says no screens found01:25
sfearshave you tried a different mirror courtier?01:25
sfearsimacinto: do you have a nvidia video card?01:25
imacintosfears: no, I have a ATI Radeon01:26
wookienzqwd, yes no worries01:26
GrivvelJanneM: Thanks for the help :D It turns out it was the "Gnome Compatibility" module of Compiz (which indeed just adds the shortcut to the keyboard shortcuts you sent me to).01:27
sfearsimacinto: what if you boot in regular graphics mode?01:27
courtiersfears, i tried different mirror i tried to remove it and reinstall it in synaptic and nothing01:27
imacintosfears: I get a console, no GUI01:27
imacintosomething about tty101:27
Ben64i'm updating my server from 11.10 to 12.04... what do i need to change to make it upgrade to LTS only01:28
Grivvelimacinfo: Have you tried pressing ctrl+alt+f7 when at tty1?01:28
imacintoGrivvel: yes, and I get a bunch of messages about starting and stopping services01:29
AriaDesuWhich one is failing?01:29
sfearsimacinto: your video card drivers may not be installed corectly and when the gui fails to load it drops you to a terminal session.  Maybe need to "sudo dpkg-reconifgure xserver-xorg" and then try in failsafe mode?01:29
AriaDesuDo you have multiple DEs trying to run? Closed source drivers?01:29
AriaDesuYou're on a imac, so you'll need the Nvidia drivers for brightness control (I think) and external monitors.01:30
imacintono, my name is Ian MacIntosh ;)01:30
AriaDesuIm guessing you're on a iMac from your name anyway...01:30
AriaDesuOh, alright then.01:31
imacintomy machine I'm troubleshooting is an Acer Aspire One 722 netbook01:31
AriaDesuWhat kind of GPU?01:31
imacintothe video card is a ATI Radeon 6290, I don't know anything more specific about the GPU itself01:31
AriaDesuvideo card is the GPU.01:32
jmgis grub in 1`1.04 unable to boot from a fat32 volume?01:32
imacintooh. cool. I was under the impression that the GPU was a dedicated CPU that runs on the video card. I've learned something new01:32
AriaDesuUnless its one of those fancy laptops that switch GPU depending on your usage01:32
AriaDesuAre you using generic ATI drivers, or official ones?01:33
AriaDesuNo plural there..01:33
AriaDesuHave you gotten into your desktop before, or is it a fresh install? If you have: Done any changes to Xorg.conf?01:34
Grivvelimacinto/AraiDesu: For what its worth, I had a couple issues upgrading to 12.04 with my ATI Radeon 4650. The default (non-proprietary) drivers were having all sorts of issues. If you aren't using the proprietary one, I would suggest trying that.01:34
imacintoAriaDesu: I started with the system drivers, then installed drivers from xorg-edgers (followed instructions at http://bernaerts.dyndns.org/linux/202-ubuntu-acer-ao722), then tried installing the drivers that Ubuntu recommended01:34
john38How do you report a bug01:35
imacintowhen I say system drivers, I mean whatever 12.04 ships with01:35
AriaDesuGrivvel: imacinto: Yup. And if you are, try switching back. ATI drivers tend to act up.01:35
tehowe_john38: launchpad.net There's a commandline that will automatically send it various log files too though I haven't done that ofetn enough to remember how01:36
AriaDesuAnd it broke after the install?01:36
AriaDesuDo startx, see if that works01:36
JanneMIs Xmodmap still the preferred way to remap your keyboard layout in 12.04?01:36
leminhtan47i change my terminal background01:36
imacintoAriaDesu: yes. when I tried installing the drivers Ubuntu recommended (from the "settings" menu or whatever it's called on the top right of the GUI), it failed part-way through. I tried again with the same result01:36
leminhtan47but it so brightness01:36
imacintoso now I'm convinced I have a botched set of video card drivers01:37
samuraibsdIs anyone able to download the AMD64+Mac image from the Ubuntu dailies?  Link's broken for me.01:37
leminhtan47how can i fix it?01:37
designbybeckI tried to dual boot Kubuntu 11.10 with Ubuntu 12.04.... Install seemed to go ok, but after reboot lost grub and it would just  boot into 12.04.... Played with Ubuntu 12.04 for a few days, then did some updates and it broke and wouldn't boot again.01:37
designbybeckThen I did a new clean install on the whole disk of Ubuntu 12.04 64bit01:37
john38Am i the only one does anyone else have trouble seeing the splash loading screen at startup01:37
jctsamuraibsd: try the torrent... worked for me01:37
AriaDesuWhats the error you get then?01:37
Grivvelimacinto: The post-release updates version failed for me too. Did you try the other one?01:37
designbybeckInstalled ok, rebooted and gets to the desktop screen and that is it01:37
designbybeckno login and i can't go anywhere eelse?.... Any ideas?01:37
tehowe_john38: I'd google 'nomodeset' if I were you01:38
gaelfxjohn38: I do too, but it's because I'm using NVidia drivers and 1080p resolution01:38
samuraibsdjct: Where's the torrent located?  I tried to find one at torrents.ubuntu.com, and an unofficial mirror, but they're broken.01:38
imacintoGrivvel: Yes, then I tried cancelling half way through01:38
AriaDesuMan this room is busy. How do people keep track?01:38
designbybeckjohn38: by splash do you mean the login screen?01:38
leminhtan47how can fix background brightness of terminal?01:38
gaelfxsamuraibsd: releases.ubuntu.com should have all available download options01:38
AriaDesuleminhtan47: Gnome-term? Right click, change color.01:38
imacintoAriaDesu: I tried startx and got an error. there's a lot of content here in front of me, so I'm not sure what to look at01:38
john38designbybeck, no splash ubuntu loading screen01:38
jctsamuraibsd: ah crumb, hadn't noticed you said "daily," I was referring to release. Sorry!01:38
tehowe_Hey has anyone seen if the cinnamon ppa's started working again?01:38
john38designbybeck, "ubuntu"01:38
designbybeckgaelfx:  I to have mine, at least onboard Nvidia running vga to a tv at least and I can't get the login now01:38
w1jpanyone know how to turn off AGC (automatic gain control) on the line input for audio?01:39
imacinto"Segmentation fault at address 0xc"... "Caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault). Server aborting"... "ddxSigGiveUp: Closing log"01:39
designbybeckah, i guess now thinking of it I dont' either john3801:39
samuraibsdjct: The Mac one isn't in there.01:39
Grivvelimacinto: Sorry if I missed this, but does this only happen after you log in or does the login screen fail too?01:39
samuraibsdin /12.04 or /precise01:39
john38designbybeck, ok01:39
heyOH_hi all! need help: whan i plug hedphones, i still hava sound coming out from speakers (and heaphones laso)01:39
imacintoGrivvel: the login screen fails as well. Grub loads, then I get a flash of a purple screen, then I'm dumped to the console01:39
jctanyone here w/ success doing efi boot on a mac?01:40
designbybeckand for what ever reason when I press ALT+CTRL+F# my tv that i'm hooked into gives me invalid resolution01:40
designbybeckso I can't see my commandline to try to fix any xorg stuff or what ever might be the prob01:41
tehowe_Hmmmn, nope, that merlwiz Cinnamon ppa is still broken for me (no desktop). Stopped working halfway through beta2 Precise01:41
designbybeckGuess i'll try Kubuntu 12.0401:42
imacintoI'm going to try to follow earlier advice from sfears: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"01:42
RainbowDashhAnyone know about the ubuntu android project?01:42
e64i Hi, I have a fresh install of ubuntu studio but the fonts are somewhat pretty hard read, how can I change that? I try with other fonts but is still http://imgur.com/DJNVp01:42
ClientAliveis there a way to make an aliases for root and <user name> when sudo is involved in one but not the other?01:42
tehowe_Oh, there's a new Cinnamon ppa... nm01:43
ClientAlivecan I script some test for who I'm logged in under in .bashrc or something?01:43
imacintoOkay, that didn't work. I tried booting in failsafe graphic mode from the recovery menu, and got the same "no screens found" error message as before01:44
heyOH_when I plug in headphones, i still have sound coming out from speakers (and heaphones also)01:44
tehowe_Ok new question... how do you update a ppa? Remove the old one, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade THEN add the updated ppa, and repeat?01:44
ClientAliveheyOH_: I've heard that problem (or seen it) in a thread before01:45
ClientAlivedo you know of www.googlubuntu.com?01:45
Jordan_Utehowe_: What do you mean by "update a ppa"?01:45
heyOH_ClientAlive: ? what is that?01:46
amingilanihey, anyone from the bugsquad here?01:46
tehowe_Jordan_U: If one ppa's no longer updated but someone else has taken up the same project at another ppa01:46
shafeeqescan any one please tell me that how can i install gnome3 desktop in ubuntu 11.10 +01:46
ClientAliveheyOH_: googlubuntu.com is a google search engine for ubuntu01:46
amingilanino one seems to be answering at #ubuntu-bugs01:46
ClientAlivecheck this out: http://www.googlubuntu.com/results/?cx=006238239194895611142%3Au-ocqbntw_o&cof=FORID%3A9&ie=UTF-8&q=when+I+plug+in+headphones%2C+i+still+have+sound+coming+out+from+speakers+%28and+heaphones+also%29&as_qdr=all&sa=Google+Search&lang=en01:46
Jordan_Utehowe_: Then you should use ppa-purge to make sure that anything from the old ppa is removed, then add the new ppa.01:47
wlightningever since I upgraded my laptop to 12.04 I've had problems with google/ubuntu.osuosl.org failing to resolve randomly. Doesn't happen on my 11.10 desktop (which I havn't upgraded yet). I have tried digging my dns servers from 12.04 via CLI, and it fails sometimes as well, but I can't reproduce on 11.10. Any ideas?01:47
tehowe_Jordan_U: Ok I'll look that up thx01:47
GrivvelheyOH_: I had that problem too at one point. I'm trying to find what I did to fix it.01:47
heyOH_Grivvel: :)01:48
amingilanihey, anyone know how to report a bug?01:48
heyOH_ClientAlive: oh... I'll check it out01:48
amingilanii mean, i know how to.. but it's not a specific bug.. or wait01:48
ClientAliveright on01:48
amingilanii don't know what to do on the report01:48
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Jordan_Utehowe_: You're welcome.01:48
shafeeqescan anybody please help me ?01:49
jmgso it appears that when i install grub to the usb key it is always looking to system boot for grub.cfg. wtf?01:49
joseluis64shafeeqes: how can i help?01:49
OerHeksheyOH_,  i had same issue, headphone does not mute audio out, i had to disable "plug&play os" in the bios01:49
jmgthis USED TO WORK...01:50
shafeeqes please tell me that how can i install gnome3 desktop in ubuntu 11.10 + @joseluis6401:50
heyOH_OerHeks: eh... I have a laptop... And - btw - in 11.10 it workes fine01:50
xanguashafeeqes: ubuntu 11.10 already uses gnome 3.2 specific01:50
joseluis64shafeeques: just do this in command line: sudo apt-get install gnome-session01:50
shafeeqesxangua : i need the default desktop in fedora01:51
xangua!nounity | shafeeqes01:51
ubottushafeeqes: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic01:51
GrivvelheyOH_: Can you type this in the console and let me know if anything prints? "lspci -v | grep snd-hda-intel" (without the quotes)01:51
shafeeqesi mean my ubuntu should look like fedora.01:51
heyOH_Grivvel: I have an intel ha audio card01:51
zykotick9!notunity | shafeeqes01:52
ubottushafeeqes: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic01:52
KM0201shafeeqes: why should it?01:52
jmghow do i disable grub from using an embedded config file????? >:(01:52
heyOH_yes, with realtek drivers01:52
jcta few specific questions on booting from EFI (on mac)... is it necessary to install grub-efi-amd64 from the livecd? Is a kernel patch necessary?01:52
BartzyAnyone knows how do I manuall failover with keepalived?01:52
ClientAliveanybody on making aliases that work for root and user when you have to use sudo in one and not the other? I'd like to use identical alias names for both root and user.01:52
shafeeqeshey, i have already installed gnome3 desktop in ubuntu 11.10 . but now i'm going to install 12.04 (not upgrade) ,so how can i get the same in it ?01:52
joseluis64shafeeqes: the same way yo did in Ubuntu 11.1001:53
heyOH_Grivvel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/954040/01:53
shafeeqesjoseluis64 : i forgot that :'(01:53
subb1hi all01:54
JonEdneyHello subb101:54
subb1planning to install 12.04. I have system with 4G Ram. What is the preferable size of /tmp partition that I should give?01:54
joseluis64shafeeqes just make the clean installation you want, and then install the gnome shell as told01:54
subb1JonEdney, good day !01:55
joseluis64shafeeqes : in terminal sudo apt-get install gnome-session01:55
designbybeckHmmm... Come to think of it, This last time I DIDN"T let it do updates while installing, Maybe it missed soem updates it needed for a good installa!?01:55
GrivvelheyOH_: Sorry, my other computer crashed. Just a moment while it reboots and I'll finish getting you the info :P01:56
=== ulkesh|away is now known as ulkesh
shafeeqesjoseluis64 : ok thanks.  :)01:57
amingilaniHey, could anyone help me with a bug report?01:57
joseluis64shafeeqes you're welcome01:57
scar3crowmy ubuntu one account is syncing very slow.... I mean, unusually slow01:58
tehowe_How much space would xfce-desktop (that's the meta package right?) take if I wanted it available to try as an alternate desktop? Would there be any chance of hosing my Precise install?01:58
gaelfxsubb1: are you asking about swap or /tmp?01:58
subb1gaelfx, /tmp01:59
GrivvelheyOH_: Cany ou type this and tell me the output? "grep "snd-hda-intel" /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf" (again, no quotes around it)01:59
timothyhello, i would like to know the cmd to open ubuntu one on xubuntu01:59
timothyvia the terminal01:59
pmp6nlAnyone have any experience making ATI graphics work well?01:59
GrivvelheyOH_: Also, is this a Dell computer?01:59
gaelfxsubb1: why are you making a separate partition for /tmp?01:59
joseluis64amigilani : against which program do you want to report a bug?01:59
subb1gaelfx, trying new schemes. earlier i used to go with just / on a big single partition and then swap. Just for learning purposes :)02:00
amingilanithe login screen02:01
amingilaniit's a readability issue02:01
amingilanisee, in precise..02:01
amingilaniwhen the background is really bright02:01
amingilaniyou can't read the usernames02:01
gaelfxtehowe_: it shouldn't hose anything, as for space, just do apt-get install and it will tell you how much space it needs02:01
joseluis64amingilani the name of the package is lightdm02:01
amingilaniso, would this even count as a bug?02:01
heyOH_Grivvel: acer aspire 5920g. no snd-hda-intel with grep02:01
amingilanithe fact that a white background renders the text unreadable?02:02
joseluis64amingilani i think so02:02
InferiorHumanOrgheyOH_: you can do a sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel02:02
gaelfxsubb1: well, as a general rule, I think most people do one partition for / one for /home and a swap partition, I don't think there's much use in creating a separate /tmp02:02
gaelfxsubb1: I could be wrong about that though02:02
heyOH_InferiorHumanOrg: module is laready loaded02:02
InferiorHumanOrgheyOH_: I just got here what is your issue, no sound ?02:03
joseluis64amingilani yo may want to change your desktop manager02:03
InferiorHumanOrgheyOH_: sometimes if you unload the snd-hda-intel module and reload it, it will work *magically* sudo rmmod snd-hda-intel && sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel02:03
gaelfxsubb1: the only situation I can think of where it might be useful is if you are creating a / partition on an SSD and you want the /tmp to be on a different drive (like an HDD) to prevent wear and tear on the SSD02:03
amingilanilol, not really02:04
amingilanii kinda like unity..02:04
heyOH_InferiorHumanOrg: sound coming out from headphones and ALSO fomr speakers02:04
ismarc_netbookSo, no response to my forum thread or mailing list post, so, trying here again...anyone here who might be able to help me fix a non-functioning touchpad (worked on maverick, did fresh install of 12.04, worked until first login then never worked again)02:04
=== irdx is now known as irdxafk
GrivvelheyOH_: Try adding this to the end of /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf and restarting: http://paste.ubuntu.com/954050/02:04
gaelfxamingilani: my only major complaint about unity is the inability to autohide the top-panel, it's a pain on a netbook screen02:04
InferiorHumanOrgheyOH_: have you checked the settings in alsamixer maybe there is an option02:04
GrivvelheyOH_: (That second line might not be needed. It fixes a similar issue with the microphone.)02:05
gaelfxismarc_netbook: do you know which driver it's loading for your touchpad?02:05
GrivvelheyOH_: Wait, there's a typo in there02:05
ivanBliminseAnyone know why Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit LTS installation media on USB or DVD gives a prefix error and freezes at a garbled screen when trying to install? The 32-bit works just fine, I'm using a Lenovo Laptop 64bit02:05
amingilanilol, i use a netbook too.. ehh.. there's a lot more restrictions than just that..02:05
InferiorHumanOrgheyOH_: you can try what the other guy told you, also look for an option called 'automuting' in alsamixer02:05
ismarc_netbookgaelfx: almost 100% certain it's xserver-xorg-input-synaptics02:05
amingilanii kinda don't like the not being able to move the bar to the right side02:05
amingilanibut, i guess i'll live..02:06
GrivvelheyOH_: Second would should just be "acer-dmic", not "acer-aspire-mic"02:06
ismarc_netbookgaelfx: It's detected as Name="SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad"02:06
gaelfxismarc_netbook: is it possible you accidentally disabled the touchpad in BIOS or using the fn hotkeys?02:06
heyOH_InferiorHumanOrg: I've already looked @ lasamixer but nothing useful found02:06
ismarc_netbookgaelfx: Fn+F9 (enable/disable touchpad) key has no effect, BIOS doesn't have any settings available for it02:06
subb1gaelfx, thanks. So i just stick with / on one patition and then swap for the time being?02:06
InferiorHumanOrgheyOH_: ok. then definently try changing your model like the other guy said.02:07
InferiorHumanOrgsome models require specific options.02:07
GrivvelheyOH_: I would suggest just adding that first line for now and then trying the second if the first doesn't fix it.02:07
ismarc_netbookgaelfx: however, the behavior is very much as if it's disabled...evtest shows no events for the input device associated with it02:07
gaelfxsubb1: I would strongly suggest making a separate partition for /home, since it makes reinstalling much much easier02:07
imacintoso I'm trying to reinstall video card drivers and keep getting this message: "sh: 0: getcwd() failed: No such file or directory"02:07
imacintois that common?02:07
heyOH_Grivvel: added... let me reboot02:07
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: what drivers, and how are you trying to install ?02:07
=== ThomasBoxley_ is now known as ThomasBoxley
gaelfxismarc_netbook: does it show up in lsusb? also, what laptop model is this?02:08
subb1gaelfx, thanks... so shall i go with diff partition for - / , /home , swap.. would that be fine?02:08
imacintoInferiorHumanOrg: I'm following the commands in this thread (third post down, "hasen j")02:08
imacintoin this thread: http://askubuntu.com/questions/33092/how-well-do-ati-drivers-work-with-unity02:09
gaelfxsubb1: that's what I usually do ;)02:09
talloaktreescan anyone help me figure out a mv command?02:09
ismarc_netbookgaelfx: Doesn't show up in lsusb and it's a Toshiba NB505 netbook02:09
wookienzhi i have some how borked my headless ubuntu install. Presently it boots to grub menu and thats it. Where doi go from here to fix it?02:09
talloaktreesI want to to move all jpgs from a directory (and all recursive sub dirs) to another dir with mv02:09
gaelfxsubb1: your / partition doesn't need to be too big, 10GB is usually more than enough, though I usually go with 20GB just to be safe02:09
imacintoInferiorHumanOrg: when I tried to do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, I got that message five times02:09
Ben64!info apparmor02:09
ubottuapparmor (source: apparmor): User-space parser utility for AppArmor. In component main, is standard. Version 2.7.102-0ubuntu3 (precise), package size 352 kB, installed size 1024 kB02:09
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: why don't you want to use the binary driver, it will perform better02:10
subb1gaelfx, great. just the suggestion what I needed ! I have a 500G hdd....02:10
gaelfxsubb1: haha, then 20GB definitely shouldn't be a problem02:10
imacintoInferiorHumanOrg: when I tried to install the binary driver, something went wrong. all I can get to now is the command line02:10
gaelfxsubb1: also, most people make swap twice the size of their physical RAM02:11
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: how did you try to install it, with the GUI app ?02:11
imacintoInferiorHumanOrg: yes, from the "Drivers" dialog02:12
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: which card?02:12
imacintoInferiorHumanOrg: ATI Radeon02:12
joseluis64amingliani: is not about the desktop environment is about the desktop screen, you may want to change lightdm to gdm02:12
imacintoI believe it's a Radeon HD 6290 based on what I'm seeing from lspci02:13
heyOH__Grivvel: sound work ONLY form headphoines now02:13
wlightningno one? =(02:13
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: can you be more specific ? lspci | grep VGA02:13
imacintoInferiorHumanOrg: yes -- "VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Wrestler [Radeon HD 6290]"02:14
GrivvelheyOH_: When you unplug the headphones sound doesn't come from the main speakers?02:14
joseluis64amingliani : my mistake is not dektop screen is login screen02:14
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: ok -- hold please02:14
GrivvelheyOH__: Can you start alsamixer and make sure it isn't muted?02:14
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: desktop or laptop ?02:15
ismarc_netbookwlightning: I wasn't in here when you asked and might be able to help, what's up?02:15
heyOH__Grivvel: every channell is @ 100%02:15
imacintoInferiorHumanOrg: it's a netbook; Acer Aspire One 72202:15
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: ok02:15
nimbioticsHello earthlings ... I just upgraded to 12.04 and ubuntu one is reporting  an "IPC error". What is this and how can I fix it? TIA!02:16
Ben64how can i change the highlight color in 12.04?02:16
subb1gaelfx, but I read that 2* RAM convention is not that required...02:16
GrivvelheyOH__: Can you click on the speaker icon in the upper-right, click "sound settings", click on speakers, and click "Test Sound"?02:16
GrivvelheyOh__: Then click some of the "Test" buttons and see if it works02:17
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: which ubuntu version 11.10, 12.04 ?02:17
Ben64subb1: it isn't required02:17
subb1gaelfx, usually depends on one's work load it seems...02:17
heyOH__Grivvel: tests works with headphines but not with speakers02:18
apiesBus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub02:18
apiesBus 002 Device 002: ID 2166:664902:18
apiesBus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub02:18
apiesBus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub02:18
apies anyone can help me ?02:18
FloodBot1apies: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:18
imacintoInferiorHumanOrg: 12.0402:18
apiesBus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub02:18
apiesBus 002 Device 002: ID 2166:664902:18
apiesBus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub02:18
apiesBus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub02:18
FloodBot1apies: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:18
sw0rdfishhow do I get info on the wireless driver that i have?02:18
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: ok, is it 32-bit or 64bit procesor ?02:18
GrivvelheyOH__: Alright, you're probably going to want to undo the change to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf then :(02:18
imacintoInferiorHumanOrg: I'm not sure02:18
imacintoone moment02:19
apiesBus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub02:19
apiesBus 002 Device 002: ID 2166:664902:19
apiesBus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub02:19
apiesBus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub02:19
apies http://paste.ubuntu.com02:19
FloodBot1apies: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:19
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subb1gaelfx Ben64 , thanks for suggestions .. good day02:19
sw0rdfishhow do I get info on the wireless driver that i have?02:19
heyOH__Grivvel: I'll keep headphones and speakers no ty for your time/support till now02:19
Jacoiihi all,why ubuntu 12.04 doesn't saving the screen brightlight setting?02:20
heyOH__only headphones is the most use I do with my laptop02:20
christhisisgoolsw0rdfish: either do lspci if its built in to the computer, or lsusb if its an adapter02:20
wlightningismarc_netbook, DNS is failing to resolve about 20% of the time =/02:20
heyOH__I'll find a fix  later02:20
sw0rdfishthat'll give me the name of the driver? christhisisgool02:20
wlightningismarc_netbook, I can reproduce via dig every 100 or so tries (when querying comcast dns server directly)...02:20
christhisisgoolsw0rdfish: i believe so02:20
sw0rdfishwell its an intel one02:20
sw0rdfishi dunno why wireless stopped working when i upgraded to 12.0302:21
wlightningismarc_netbook, but if I do it from my 11.10 desktop.. I can't get it to fail at all.. this is querying google.com for testing02:21
imacintoInferiorHumanOrg: I believe it is a 64-bit processor02:21
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto you can run uname -m02:21
GrivvelheyOH__: Sorry I couldn't help more :( Found a link that might be relevant for you to look at later though: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1521317 Good luck!02:21
ismarc_netbookwlightning: Do you know what your DNS server is set to and if you have packet loss in general?02:21
InferiorHumanOrgto figure it out02:21
heyOH__Grivvel: :D02:21
imacintoInferiorHumanOrg: oh, cool. thanks. it returns i68602:21
blob4000hey, is there a way to set the unity 2D launcher to auto hide?02:22
wlightningismarc_netbook, hmm... havn't checked that.. lemme mtr and see02:22
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: ok one minute02:22
imacintosure thing02:22
nimbioticsIm working on a multi boot machine. I already installed windoze and ubuntu 12.04. I need to install bt5 now. My question is If I choose the install side by side option, does it mean that both OS will be sharing the same partition & file system?02:24
gaelfxismarc_netbook: have you tried looking through the archlinux documentation RE:synaptics? I know it's not directly related to ubuntu, but there is a ton more info there than on the ubuntu documentation02:24
nimbioticsHello earthlings ... I just upgraded to 12.04 and ubuntu one is reporting  an "IPC error". What is this and how can I fix it? TIA!02:24
ismarc_netbookgaelfx: Haven't looked yet, will take a look02:24
gaelfxnimbiotics: what is bt5?02:25
nimbioticsgaelfx: `back track 5, r202:25
gaelfxah, cool02:25
gaelfxnimbiotics: side-by-side means they will be on the same drive, but they can't be on the same partition02:25
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: run this, mkdir ~/ati && cd ~/ati && wget http://www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/amd-driver-installer-12-4-x86.x86_64.run  (I believe that is the correct file, don't know why it says x86_64 also lets give it a try02:26
nimbioticsgaelfx: THX02:26
AberonHello all. I installed Ubuntu 11.1 over a my windows partion and it keeps wanting to boot into Windows. Why is that ?02:26
imacintoInferiorHumanOrg: ok02:26
gaelfxInferiorHumanOrg: I think it says that because it should work for both 32 and 64-bit02:26
InferiorHumanOrggaelfx: yea thats what im thinking too. thanks02:26
BotaniCarRunning various benchmarks i run into different GL Vendor information (like GL_VENDOR:VMware, Inc. or GL_VENDOR:Humper) , how does system determine which to use , and can i pick a default ( if it matters, the OS is ubuntu 12 virtualised in virtualbox?02:27
imacintoInferiorHumanOrg: it's running now, downloading02:28
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: ok02:28
Aberonanyone know?02:28
imacintook, that just finished02:28
CellTechWhat is the real difference beween the 'buntu's? Besides lighter desktops? Some programs work the way I like on ubuntu, but not on xubuntu.02:28
InferiorHumanOrgCellTech: xubuntu uses xfce02:29
imacintoInferiorHumanOrg: it finished saving, do I need to run it somehow now?02:29
CellTechBut how would that effect program performance?02:29
Jordan_UAberon: What do you mean by "installed Ubuntu 11.1 over a my windows partion" and "keeps wanting to boot into Windows"?02:29
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: yes, now run this first.. sudo apt-get install dh-make dh-modaliases execstack02:29
imacintoInferiorHumanOrg: ok02:30
AberonJordan_U, well installed Ubuntu over my Windows HDD. Shouldn't have said partition02:30
linuxuz3raberon did you unstall by wubi02:30
CellTechOk. I'm going lubuntu testing now. ttyal02:30
Jordan_UAberon: OK, so your Windows partition is gone. What do you mean by "keeps wanting to boot into Windows"? What exactly happens when you try to boot?02:31
jsmith_Ok.  So, I installed 12.04 and for some reason when I login under my 'default' login unity 3d isn't showing up... no panel, no launcher, no dash...02:31
wlightningismarc_netbook, sorry 'bout that... switched to wired...and it looks like the second of my dns servers is getting 50% packet loss02:31
imacintoInferiorHumanOrg: dh-make, dh-modaliases, and execstack are already the newest version. it also said that dkms was automatically installed and no longer required02:31
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: ok thats fine.02:31
wlightningismarc_netbook, is there any way to leave DHCP on, but specify the dns servers manually?02:31
AberonJordan_U, When I boot up, there is an error saying that Windows is missing. Which obviosuly is because it isn't there02:31
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: run this, sudo sh amd-driver-installer-12-4-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/precise02:32
jsmith_only under my default login... works great w/ another login or guest02:32
ismarc_netbookwlightning: There is, but I haven't done it with the gui-type tools (that overwrite /etc/resolve.conf), so give me a minute or two and I'll find the way02:32
Jordan_UAberon: Did you use automatic partitioning in the installer or did you specify partitions manually? Do you have more than one hard drive?02:32
imacintoInferiorHumanOrg: ok02:32
wlightningismarc_netbook, k... yeah... it's just since 12.04 which has some kind of weird dns proxy thingy02:32
Sixmsjanyone have a very slow transmission in 12.04?02:33
Aberonjordan_U, standard automatic02:33
Sixmsjit's stalling and overall a little slow after like 20 torrents.. =[02:33
InferiorHumanOrgSixmsj: downloading 20 torrents at once ?02:33
Jordan_UAberon: I asked two questions :)02:33
Sixmsjthey're all seeding InferiorHumanOrg02:33
imacintoInferiorHumanOrg: Uncompressing... and now it's going into an installer02:33
The_Rufushelp please, yesterday I copied 1tb of stuff from my windows 7 machine to my ubuntu server. Everything was working fine. I shut down my win7 machine but now I can't access my linux box via samba at all. I can ssh into it with no dramas, but even \\servername doesn't see the computer on the network. Any ideas?02:33
Sixmsji'm transfering torrents over from an old computer02:34
ismarc_netbookwlightning: Yeah, I upgraded from 10.04 yesterday, so I'm still coming up to speed on some things02:34
Aberonjordan_U, o sorry, yes I do02:34
InferiorHumanOrgSixmsj: idk then02:34
imacintoInferiorHumanOrg: So it's asking me to pick a product to install. I'm assuming "Driver 8.961 on X.Org 6.9 or later" is what I want, and not "Generate distro specific driver package"?02:34
Sixmsjthere are no good torrent clients other than utorrent =[02:35
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: you do what distro specific package I believe02:35
Jordan_UAberon: Then most likely whats happening is that grub's boot sector is not installed to the mbr of the drive your BIOS is booting from. Try changing the boot order in your BIOS.02:35
snellqbittorrent is good02:35
InferiorHumanOrgSixmsj: transmission works fine for me02:35
snelli like it a lot, its almost identicle to mutorrent02:35
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: /want02:35
gaelfxSixmsj: transmission is awesome02:35
linuxuz3rtry that02:35
AberonJordan_U, I tried to but I couldn't even see the hdd that I installed ubuntu on.02:35
InferiorHumanOrgI really do like transmission- can even control it from my android.02:35
jsmith_Anyone want to help w/ a Unity/Login issue?02:36
t0rx__anyone know if xorg.conf settings will take for a output that xrandr doesn't show?02:36
gaelfxInferiorHumanOrg: exactly, it's so much easier to control than others02:36
Jordan_UAberon: Well that's probably the entire problem then. If your BIOS can't access the drive containing Ubuntu you might need to make a separate /boot/ partition on a drive which your BIOS can access.02:36
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: just go with whatever the default options are and it should create some .deb files02:36
imacintoInferiorHumanOrg: hmm... ok02:36
ismarc_netbookwlightning: I found http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/ that has several options, including where you can have values applied to /etc/resolv.conf before the other settings are02:37
AberonJordan_U, o lord lol. I did a ubuntu install on my lappy and it wasn't this fustrating. Even Arch02:37
ismarc_netbookwlightning: (i.e., you can put one DNS server in the right section and the others will be added, but it'll use the first one first)02:37
imacintoInferiorHumanOrg: installation path? /?02:37
wlightningismarc_netbook, ah.. okay... that should work for now02:37
Jordan_UAberon: This sounds entirely like a problem with your BIOS, not related to Ubuntu in any way (other than that you want to install Ubuntu to a drive which your BIOS can't access).02:38
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: try exiting that and just running this again, use whatever options it wants. it should create some .deb files. not ask for an installation path I believe according to the guide... sudo sh amd-driver-installer-12-4-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/precise02:39
AberonJordan_U kk. I shall work on02:39
jsmith_I installed 12.04 and for some reason when I login under my 'default' login unity 3d isn't showing up... no panel, no launcher, no dash!  This is only under my default login... works great w/ another login or guest.02:39
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: note the --buildpkg Ubuntu/precise02:39
clericI have both Win7 and Ubuntu when I start my computer I don't get the option to select to boot Ubuntu?02:39
clericAny help?02:39
The_Rufushelp please, yesterday I copied 1tb of stuff from my windows 7 machine to my ubuntu server. Everything was working fine. I shut down my win7 machine but now I can't access my linux box via samba at all. I can ssh into it with no dramas, but even \\servername doesn't see the computer on the network. Any ideas?02:39
Jordan_Ucleric: Do you have more than one hard drive?02:39
rredd4I did it, i ditched windows, and reformatted my hd for Ubuntu!  No windows garbage any more.  Purely Ubuntu!  :)02:39
clericJordan_U: I have just one hardrive.02:39
clericJordan_U: How do I fix the Grub?02:40
Jordan_Ucleric: Please run boot info script and pastebin the RESULTS.txt which it produces.02:40
imacintoInferiorHumanOrg: oh I see. I forgot to set the --buildpkg flag, so I was getting a whole different experience02:40
Jordan_U!bootinfo | cleric02:40
ubottucleric: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).02:40
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: yea you need the --buildpkg part02:40
imacintoI aborted, now it's generating package. this seems better02:40
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: yes, you are close!02:40
ismarc_netbookgaelfx: Arch documentation led me to https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/20830, which describes the behavior I'm seeing...time to add a config section for X, reload and hope for the best02:40
clericJordan_U: I am currently in Win7, I can't run shell commands in here.02:41
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: after pkgs are generated you can run. sudo dpkg -i *.deb02:41
john38How do i access Nvidia X Server Settings ??02:41
InferiorHumanOrgjohn38: nvidia-settings02:41
Jordan_Ucleric: Can you boot from a LiveCD/USB?02:41
imacintoI'm a little surprised that the Ubuntu install ISO doesn't have a "repair installation" option for situations like this. seems like a whole lot of work to repair a video driver02:41
gaelfxismarc_netbook: good luck! I hope it works out02:41
john38InferiorHumanOrg, im on Precise02:41
wlightningismarc_netbook, that explains why it never was an issue until now02:41
InferiorHumanOrgjohn38: yea, run nvidia-settings in a terminal :-O02:41
clericJordan_U:  I don't have the CD, so I guess I have to download it just to fix a tiny detail?02:41
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JonEdneyDoes 12.04 server have an installation log or upgrade log?  Console says I have errors and is still showing 11.10 version02:42
imacintoI suppose that I'm not really repairing a driver, I'm installing one from the internet.02:42
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: usually the gui program works pretty good to just install binary/proprietary drivers for you02:42
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: correct.02:42
Areckxis there a VNC viewer that will display my iPhone display smoothly, and display streaming video like youtube?02:42
good_futurewhy not what i say can be display ?02:42
Jordan_Ucleric: You could also install grub2 for Windows using cygwin, but at the moment we don't even know what the problem is and it's much more difficult to determine that from Within Windows.02:42
InferiorHumanOrgAreckx: you want to view your iphone's screen on your pc ?02:42
AreckxInferiorHumanOrg::  yes02:43
clericJordan_U: I will try that, I already have Cygwin.02:43
gaelfxAreckx: I've never seen any VNC that shows videos well02:43
InferiorHumanOrgAreckx: ah ok, no idea how to do that sorry.02:43
clericJordan_U: Btw, how can I get my data from Ubuntu, I have some really important stuff?02:43
jsmith_I installed 12.04 and for some reason when I login under my 'default' login unity 3d isn't showing up... no panel, no launcher, no dash!  This is only under my default login... works great w/ another login or guest.   Any help would be appreciated.02:43
[deXter]Areckx, No, it's not the viewer, it's the server and the VNC technology in general.. just isn't cut out fo that sort of stuff02:43
imacintoit sure does seem to take a bit to generate a package02:43
_TristanHello. A buddy of mine told me to wait one week after each ubuntu release to install it due to bugs. Is there much benefit to this?02:43
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: yea. it might take awhile especially on a netboot02:43
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: yea. it might take awhile especially on a netbook02:43
[deXter]Areckx, you might have better results with RDP or NX..02:43
john38I think Precise has problem with Twinview TV displays02:44
The_Rufushelp please, yesterday I copied 1tb of stuff from my windows 7 machine to my ubuntu server. Everything was working fine. I shut down my win7 machine but now I can't access my linux box via samba at all. I can ssh into it with no dramas, but even \\servername doesn't see the computer on the network. Any ideas?02:44
Areckx[deXter]::  Are there any other ways, such as USB connecting?02:44
Areckx[deXter]::  What are those?02:44
InferiorHumanOrgThe_Rufus: did your /etc/samba/smb.conf change some how ?02:44
Jordan_Ucleric: You'll need to install an ext4 driver for Windows. If you just want a smaller download then Super GRUB2 Disk might be a better way to go (only 1.4 MiB), and should allow you to boot into Ubuntu.02:44
_TristanHello. A buddy of mine told me to wait one week after each ubuntu release to install it due to bugs. Is there much benefit to this?02:44
The_RufusInferiorHumanOrg: Nope. no changes at all02:44
Areckx[deXter]::  vinagre?02:44
InferiorHumanOrgAreckx: why do you need to see your iphone screen on your computer anyway ?02:45
Aberon_Tristan: yesh02:45
clericJordan_U: Thanks a ton, I will try it.02:45
Jordan_Ucleric: You're welcome.02:45
_TristanAberon: When would you recommend I install 12.04?02:45
gaelfx_Tristan: well, yes and no. In general, if things are working with what you've got now, I wouldn't bother upgrading for a while02:45
imacintoInferiorHumanOrg: ok, the package generating is now finished!02:45
AreckxInferiorHumanOrg::  Some things work better on my iPhone for streaming video, such as PPS(the website  isn't as simple as the app02:45
imacintothree .deb files have been successfully generated02:46
snellhow to install a bin?02:46
Areckxand is there a way to make my laptop speaker play the iphone audio?02:46
InferiorHumanOrgAreckx: im missing what your saying, you prefer to watch video on your iphone than your pc >.< ?02:46
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: ok, sudo dpkg -i *.deb02:46
Aberon_Tristan: You can if you want to, but I have to reinstall ubuntu because I upgraded to 12.0402:46
AreckxInferiorHumanOrg::  yes, because the iphone app is simpler and faster than the website02:46
arkaniadAlright guys, wit's end. After upgrading to 12.04, Empathy doesn't connect to ANY of my messenger accounts except AIM sporadically. Is there a way I can completely purge it and reinstall it without losing all my other data?02:47
AreckxI guess it's a dead end02:47
imacintoInferiorHumanOrg: ok, cool. I got a few warnings about skipping creation of certain files because associated files don't exist02:47
john38Is anyone else having Twinview display problems with Nvidia and Precise02:47
InferiorHumanOrgarkaniad: sudo apt-get purge program02:48
gaelfxjohn38: many, from what I've heard02:48
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: but it worked ?02:48
imacintoInferiorHumanOrg: and now it's finished. the last thing it reported is "ldconfig deferred processing now taking place"02:48
imacintoI didn't get any errors or beeps, so I believe that it worked02:48
AreckxInferiorHumanOrg::  What I really need to get is an hdMi cable02:48
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: ok run this to make a config for xserver sudo aticonfig --initial02:48
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InferiorHumanOrgAreckx: yea, idk much about iphone since I use android, but if you can just get an hdmi cable do that.02:49
imacintoxserver: command not found02:49
wlightningamazinghow much faster things go whenyou can reliably resolve dns domains02:49
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: sudo aticonfig --initial is the command02:49
imacintooh. hehe. ok, my bad02:49
arkaniadgaelfx, purged empathy, no change.02:49
AreckxI guess I'll just watch my video on my laptop02:49
Areckxit's better quality... for now02:50
Areckxuntil I can get my hands on an hdmi cable02:50
InferiorHumanOrgAreckx: order it from monocable.com02:50
InferiorHumanOrgcheapest place in the world and they are good cables too.02:50
AreckxInferiorHumanOrg::  I'll bookmark that, I have no money now though heh heh02:50
jsmith_Anyone up for helping me figure out this Unity3D issue??02:50
InferiorHumanOrgAreckx: I got a 50 foot hdmi cable for $25, stores near me charge like $25 for a six foot lol02:51
imacintoI don't think monocable.com is the right url02:51
Areckxyeah it's not lmao02:51
arkaniadAnyone know if theres a location for empathy system logs?02:51
InferiorHumanOrgyea sorry its monoprice02:52
arkaniadas in, connection errors and such02:52
InferiorHumanOrgI was thinking "mono" and "cables" haha02:52
imacintohah, fair enough. btw, aticonfig finished up, not sure what to do with it now02:52
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: what does "fglrx" no quotes return ?02:53
Areckxwoah only 2 bucks for a 1.5 foot02:53
InferiorHumanOrgyou might need to reboot for it to show up.02:53
imacintofglrx: command not found02:53
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: ok reboot02:53
imacintook, rebooting02:53
imacintoshould I try regular boot into Ubuntu?02:53
InferiorHumanOrgAreckx: yea mean and the cables are better than monster cable quality in my opinion02:54
InferiorHumanOrgman *02:54
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: it should boot you to a gui02:54
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: if not run sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start I think from terminal, or startx02:54
imacintook, I picked regular boot from gui02:54
imacintoer from grub02:54
jsmith_I installed 12.04 and for some reason when I login under my 'default' login unity 3d isn't showing up... no panel, no launcher, no dash!  This is only under my default login... works great w/ another login or guest.  Any ideas???02:54
imacintosystem is running in low-graphics mode02:55
InferiorHumanOrgjsmith_: have you tried running.... unity --replace02:55
jsmith_nope... will do.02:55
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: what does fglrx show in terminal ?02:55
imacintoInferiorHumanOrg: ok, so I have a kind of crappy gui, and it's not picking up on my trackpad, but it's asking me what I'd like to do: run in low-graphics mode for just one session, reconfigure graphics, troubleshoot the error, or exit to console login02:55
KornKagehi, sorry for asking this here, its the last place i know i can try to ask and know.. does anyone know which song does this lyrics belong to(i dont know the band nor the music..)? Put your finger in the hole, hold your breath all night.. you can purify your soul if the temperature is right.02:56
The_Rufushow can I tell if samba is broadcasting from the command line?02:56
Aberonimacinto: I got that same error02:56
PiNinjaMy sound isn't working. I believe I need the snd-hda-intel module, but after I load it my sound still does not work.02:56
Aberonimacinto: I couldn't figure out how to fix it, so i am reisntalling. Hopefully you figure out02:56
NotADJKornKage: Google is your friend.02:56
The_RufusKornKage: google "lyrics "<insert lyrics here""02:56
imacintoKornKage: if you have an iPhone, "Soundhound" can pick up on melodies very well02:56
jsmith_ok... I'll try it out and brb02:56
InferiorHumanOrgThe_Rufus: you can find that out on google easily ( I forget ) have you tried restarting samba ? sudo /etc/init.d/smbd restart02:57
arkaniadCan someone help me fix Empathy / telepathy in 12.0402:57
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: what does fglrx show you bud ?02:57
imacintoAberon: I'm hoping that I get to the bottom of this also :) thank you02:57
arkaniad(It won't connect to any jabber services (facebook/gtalk)02:57
The_RufusInferiorHumanOrg: restarted, stopped, started, restarted the server, everything02:57
KornKageThe_Rufus you can try it out as well.. cant find it02:57
imacintoInferiorHumanOrg: I rebooted and I have this dialog asking me what I want to do. I should exit to console login then?02:57
KornKagei have googled it, and cant find a thing, ezcept for that law site02:58
gasherhi,  XUbuntu (12.04) generated a crash report at one point and now it keeps showing up each time I boot my laptop. Is there a way to get rid of it? (I don't think it's a new crash each time I reboot, but rather the same crash report that for some reason is un-remembered each time I turn off the computer and then shows up in the desktop panel when I have rebooted)02:58
imacintoInferiorHumanOrg: my options are running in low-graphics mode for just one session, reconfigure graphics, troubleshoot the error, or exit to console login02:58
_TristanI have a program that wants libgl.so.1, but that file isn't in /usr/lib, it's under /usr/lib/nvidia-current-updates/libGL.so.1 How can I help this program find it's stuff?02:58
InferiorHumanOrgThe_Rufus: smbclient -L
_TristanI tried copying the file into /usr/lib, but then the program just failed to find something else02:58
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: what happens if you reconfigure graphics option ?02:58
PiNinjaMy sound isn't working. I believe I need the snd-hda-intel module, but after I load it my sound still does not work.02:58
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: it would be good to know what fglrx says, you can hit ctrl+alt+F5 to change to a different tty and run it02:59
imacintoInferiorHumanOrg: oh well this is a huge tease, I don't have a mouse so I can't even pick anything02:59
imacintoI'll do ctrl+alt+f502:59
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: hrm weird, can you hit tab ?02:59
imacintonope, arrows and tabs are both disabled, and there aren't any underlined letters in the options to suggest hotkey availability03:00
KornKageimachine i dont have the song, only those lyrics03:00
escottPiNinja, you also need the codec module for your variant of hda sound is that loaded/03:00
imacintoInferiorHumanOrg: fglrx: command not found03:00
The_RufusFOUND THE PROBLEM. Apparently i'm a d!ck.... ROFL03:00
The_Rufusyou guys rock03:00
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: -.-03:00
KornKageand google doesnt find anything but that law site03:00
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: thats discouraging considering I thought the drivers installed no problem03:00
gmachine_2411.10 here. How do I get VLC to install and run? Been using this software for more than a decade and now  pfffffffft03:01
imacintoInferiorHumanOrg: yeah, total bummer03:01
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: what happens if you type, sudo apt-get install fglrx03:02
InferiorHumanOrggmachine_24: sudo apt-get install vlc03:02
imacintoInferiorHumanOrg: "fglrx is already the newest version"03:02
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PiNinjaescott: How do I know which one that is?03:03
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: yeah dude, well I wish I knew what to do from here but I don't it should be installed,03:03
JonatasdasilvaSorry to enter this channel, I do not know any English, but the channel in Brazil no one answered, so I ended up getting into this. I'm using Google translator, thenexcuse incoherence in writing!03:03
JonatasdasilvaI have a problem in Ubuntu 12.04, just do not really know what to do. The only solutions were to put a bug in the 'launchpad' and come here to talk about this problem too! Someone who can help?03:03
ImTheDudei cant play movies on my ubuntu 10.4 can someone help me?03:04
escottPiNinja, lspci or lshw will tell you what the manufacturer of the chip is.03:04
imacintoInferiorHumanOrg: hmm. do you know where I might find the binary for it? maybe it's installed but it's missing the path or something03:04
jsmith_InferiorHumanOrg: no dice... can't even get terminal to open... gave me an internal error with the message "nautilus crashed with SIGABRT in raise()"03:04
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: do a sudo updatedb && locate fglr03:04
PiNinjaescott: I know it is Nvidia.03:04
escottPiNinja, didnt think nvidia made a hda chipset03:05
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: wait sorry, Im stupid, run fglrxinfo03:05
ImTheDudei cant get my movie to play can someone help me?03:05
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: my bad haha03:05
PiNinjaescott: I'm using an HDMI cord.03:05
imacintohah, no worries. "Error: unable to open display (null)"03:05
benjamindainesImTheDude: are you missing a codec?  what are you trying to play it with?03:05
ImTheDudeim trying to play the movie in vlc03:06
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: ok, so idk why its not working, you can try running sudo dpkg -i *.deb from ~/ati again03:06
InferiorHumanOrgto try installing the drivers again03:06
benjamindainesImTheDude: do you know what codec the video uses?  Does anything show up?  Error message?  Grabled video? audio?03:06
JonatasdasilvaTenho um problema com o lançador do Ubuntu 12.04 quem pode me ajudar?03:07
JonatasdasilvaI have a problem with the launch of Ubuntu12.04 who can help me?03:07
FloodBot1root_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:07
partyboyhello everyone! i am PartyBOT v2.0, a mIRC Channel Bot by Dude. type "^help" in the channel for channel commands OR type "/msg partyboy help" for msg commands.03:07
escottPiNinja, why dont you !paste the output of the output of lshw -C sound03:07
escottPiNinja, also paste lspci03:07
ImTheDudebenjamindaines: no thing happens in vlc it just doesnt play03:07
root_wtf is xchat03:07
imacintoInferiorHumanOrg: ok, doing that. Building initial module for 3.2.0-24-generic-pae "Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 3.2.0-24-generic-pae (i686)"03:08
yabairoot_: you running root user?03:08
root_yea why03:08
partyboyhello everyone! i am PartyBOT v2.0, a mIRC Channel Bot by Dude. type "^help" in the channel for channel commands OR type "/msg partyboy help" for msg commands.03:08
root_idk what is xchat03:08
Jordan_Uroot_: You shouldn't run an IRC client as root.03:08
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: yea idk what that means im afraid we are above my expertise here.03:08
yabaixchat is an irc client03:09
root_irc i dont get it03:09
_TristanI always run my IRC clients as root, and I typically pipe their output to a shell just to see what happens.03:09
imacintoInferiorHumanOrg: ah, bummer. so we've found the end of the road03:09
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: you can try reposting your question with what we have done before, or start a forum topic about it to get additional help.03:09
ImTheDudebenjamindaines: is there more to download then just vlc is there a other stuff to downlaod to get it to work?03:09
root_i know how to make it work vlc03:09
yabairunning root raises porential security risks that are totally avoidable by running regular iser03:09
imacintoInferiorHumanOrg: I'll probably just reinstall Ubuntu. thankfully my install is less than 12 hours old03:09
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: sort of, I just don't know what else to do since it seemed like it worked before03:09
yabaiiser = user03:10
JoseeAntonioRHi! I'm having some troubles, whenever I try to access the update manager, it doesn't come up. In the panel, it says something about error 13, permission denied, and about unmet dependencies (altthough it doesn't specify the package).03:10
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: well if it failed to install with hardware drivers (and we just tried manually) I guess you could reinstall03:10
InferiorHumanOrgbut it might fail again03:10
gaelfximacinto: if you didn'te before, I suggest you make a separate /home partition this go around03:10
root_how do i make a user03:10
benjamindainesImTheDude: I assume other videos work, yes?   I'd suggest findind out what codec the video is (divx, H.264, etc) and search for a plugin.  Normally VLC should play anything you throw at it, but you may have a funky or corrupt file... there isn't too much more I can suggest without knowing more about the file03:10
imacintogaelfx: ok, I can do that03:11
gaelfxJoseeAntonioR: try running sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade03:11
InferiorHumanOrgimacinto: sorry I couldn't help you.03:11
root_HOW DO I MAKE A USER03:11
JoseeAntonioRgaelfx: Done that, still not solved.03:11
yabairoot_: adduser username03:11
Jordan_U!caps | root_03:11
imacintoInferiorHumanOrg: no worries at all, thank you for trying to help03:11
ubotturoot_: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.03:11
ImTheDudebenjamindaines: its a regular movie i was trying to play LIFE OF BRIAN03:11
ulkeshi smell a troll03:12
imacintoit's like the worst troll ever, like this isn't even discreet or stringing anyone along03:12
root_I AM NEW TO THIS03:12
JoseeAntonioRroot_: Please, stop using lowercase, or your actions will result in a temporal quiet.03:12
Jordan_Uroot_: Please stop, this is your last warning.03:12
benjamindainesImTheDude: what happens if you right click the file and choose properties (from the file browser)?  is there a audio/video tab, and if so does it say anything under codec?03:12
* gaelfx thinks /ignore is the most useful of all IRC commands03:12
JoseeAntonioRroot_: Sorry, I meant uppercase.03:12
benjamindainesgaelfx: amen03:13
root_what is xchat for03:13
JoseeAntonioRroot_: Xchat is an IRC client, you can use it to connect to an IRC network.03:14
gaelfxaaaaaaand /ignore root_ is in effect03:14
root_what do you need to connect to that for03:14
jsmith_Fresh install of 12.04 and when I login under my 'default' login all I get is a blank screen with wallpaper... no Unity3D, no panel, no launcher.  I can't even 'CTL+ALT+T" to get terminal.  Everything works great when I login as 'guest' (both 2D & 3D)or on 2d.03:14
mi3does anyone use debian? can someone kindly assist me ? I have problems with net connectivity.03:14
wookienzhi guys, my ubuntu machine possibly borked itself half way through a release upgrade. It presently boot to grub only instead of a GUI. Where to from her to fix it?03:15
gaelfxjsmith_: does ctl+alt+F2 get you a tty?03:15
Jordan_Uroot_: This is one of many channels. This channel in particular is for Ubuntu support questions. If you don't have an Ubuntu support question then please leave.03:15
root_o ok03:15
e64iI have choppy sound in wine, I'm using pulseaudio, what is happening?03:16
root_i need help with something03:16
ImTheDudebenjamindaines: i think i downloaded the wrong file its not vlc03:16
mi3root_, dont ask to ask, just ask it!03:16
spiderworthello...just did a 12.04 fresh install this afternoon on hardware that has been running 10.0403:16
spiderwortGrub failed to install (not unusual with my hardware)03:16
pmp6nlAnyone have any experience making ATI graphics work well?03:16
root_video card problem i cant get desktop effecs03:16
Jordan_Uroot_: What Operating System are you using?03:17
JoseeAntonioRroot_: Please, explain your problem03:17
gmachine_24InferiorHumanOrg, apt-get install vlc and various versions ---> a huge number of error messages.03:17
root_im running backtrack 5 r203:17
Jordan_U!backtrack | root_03:17
xanguaroot_ that is not supported here03:17
ubotturoot_: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition03:17
e64ihelp I'm using ubuntu 12.4 and wine+pulseaudio sound really bad D:03:17
root_it linux its no the same03:18
PiNinjaHow do I use pastebinf?03:18
gaelfx!pb > PiNinja03:18
ubottuPiNinja, please see my private message03:18
Jordan_Uroot_: This channel does not support Backtrack. Period.03:18
JoseeAntonioR!pastebin | PiNinja03:18
ubottuPiNinja: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:18
pmp6nlAnyone know how to get amd radeon graphics working properly03:18
gaelfxPiNinja: np03:18
spiderwortwhen I booted the (alternate install) CD into rescue mode, and mounted my boot partition under /, and tried to "grub-install" I unfortunately discovered grub-install and update-grub were NOT installed03:18
JoseeAntonioR!patience | pmp6nl03:18
ubottupmp6nl: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/03:18
spiderwortI have no network from rescue mode03:18
spiderwortso cannot apt-get anything03:18
root_is xchat only to talk about ubuntu03:19
dvl305hello people03:19
pmp6nlroot_,  no you can chat on different channels03:20
root_iight peace03:20
navatwoWhat's the command to refresh your grub file?03:20
navatwoWindows was lost in a recent upgrade03:20
JoseeAntonioRJordan_U: Hey, I think it's a troll.03:20
pmp6nlroot_, xchat is an IRC client http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irc03:20
Jordan_Uroot_: This channel, #ubuntu, is only for Ubuntu support discussion. If you'd like to learn more about IRC please join #freenode.03:20
InferiorHumannice system lockup their.03:20
benjamindainesIs there any way to change the default values for alsamixer?  having to do alsactl restore to turn off my optical is getting kinda old...03:21
pmp6nlnavatwo, try sudo update-grub03:22
navatwoodd, pmp6nl its not finding it03:23
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com03:24
pmp6nlnavatwo, are you on ubuntu 12.0403:24
navatwopmp6nl: yes,03:24
navatwopmp6nl: I have the partitions that the boot loader should be on..03:24
navatwoand where windows is loaded03:25
Jordan_Unavatwo: What is the output of "sudo os-prober" (if any)?03:26
pmp6nlnavatwo, that and also take a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=176718403:26
navatwono output03:26
djiefoHi, whats missing on this command to keep it running even i close the terminal 'metacity --replace'  Thanks for help mates :)03:27
Jordan_Udjiefo: metacity --replace & disown03:27
jsmith_gaelfx: ok, never did that before and tried it... no fun for a noob03:28
djiefothis is it!03:28
navatwoJordan_U: nothing, and pmp6nl nope03:28
djiefothx :)03:28
Jordan_U!bootinfo | navatwo03:28
ubottunavatwo: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).03:28
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pmp6nlbenjamindaines, are you switching between outputs?03:30
navatwoJordan_U: its listing windows03:31
spdupee12.04 now a release03:32
Garr255everyone: does anyone have any used prepaid debit cards you would like to sell for bitcoins? I'll pay 0.2btc each after it is verified working.03:32
Jordan_Unavatwo: Please pastebin the entire RESULTS.txt.03:32
JanneMAnbybody knows the best way to use Xmodmap in 12.04? Or is there another, better way to remap your keyboard nowadays?03:32
Jordan_U!ot Garr25503:32
Jordan_U!ot | Garr25503:32
ubottuGarr255: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:32
HebramI am using Ubuntu 12.04. Instead on my screen going blank when thresholds have been met in power management or locking the screen, my screen turns white.  Has anyone encountered this or know how to correct it?03:32
Garr255Jordan_U: sorry wrong channel!03:33
navatwoJordan_U: http://paste.villavu.com/show/2672/03:33
gaelfxjsmith_: I think it's fun :D03:33
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jsmith_gaelfx: I didn't know how to get out... had to hard reboot.  lol03:34
sudiptajust installed ubuntu.12.04..great....although conky does not seem to work anymore..hell I can not even install all the required packages...any idea?03:35
Jordan_Unavatwo: There is no partition there containing BCD, which is required to boot Windows 7.03:35
root_ubuntu suckssssssssssssssssssssssssssss03:35
benjamindainespmp6nl: nah, just muting the spdif output since I don't use it and would rather not have a red beam shooting out of my headphone jack03:35
wolterhow come #ubuntu+1 is invite only? Anyway, I am wondering why I can't upgrade to 12.04 - I can't see the option in the Update Manager, and I have selected to be notified about any new release03:35
navatwoJordan_U: sdb1 has windows on it.03:36
pmp6nlbenjamindaines, ok. Sorry I dont know much about that.  maybe try posting on the forums03:36
navatwowolter: gksudo update-manager -d, is the command I think..03:36
pmp6nlwolter, I was wondering the same thing.  Same issue with #ubuntu-support03:36
escottbenjamindaines, it could be an issue with the way your hda sound is setup (assuming you have hda)  see http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Help_To_Debug_Intel_HDA03:37
Jordan_Unavatwo: But your Windows System partition is missing. Windows 7 installations generally require *two* partitions, one containing most of the OS and the other containing just the bootloader. You're missing the latter.03:37
spiderwortok, so correction.....I DO have network.....just no DNS ..... whaaa????03:37
InferiorHumanOrgnice, just updated 12.04 and now I have no sound / aplay -l shows no sound card. intel hd audio ( realtek chip ) any ideas. tried reinstalling alsa-base already03:37
navatwoJordan_U: it was never a problem until I updated at some point recently.03:37
Guest25790su mean what?03:38
Jordan_UGarr255: Switch user.03:38
InferiorHumanOrgsnd_hda_intel is loaded also, tried rmmod and modprobe it again but no luck03:38
HebramI am using Ubuntu 12.04. Instead on my screen going blank when thresholds have been met in power management, my screen turns white.  This also occurs when locking the workstation. Has anyone encountered this or know how to correct it?03:38
wolternavatwo, shouldn't it show up naturally now that 12.04 has been released? It worked with the -d option though, thanks for letting me know03:38
navatwowolter: depends.03:38
wolterpmp6nl, yes; it makes no sense03:38
Jordan_UGuest25790: For instance, "su bob" will switch to the user "bob".03:38
Octanei just upgraded to 12.04 and my touchpad stopped working (no pointer)03:38
djiefoHi, everytimes i play with visual animations or other stuffs in ccsm, i lose metacity. Does metacity compatible with ccsm? If not what I need please? Thx :)03:38
Octaneanyone else have this problem?03:38
navatwoOctane: Make sure it is enabled in settings.03:38
Guest25790what about sudo?03:38
pmp6nlOctane, do you have a mouse also plugged in?03:39
sudiptajust installed ubuntu.12.04..great....although conky does not seem to work anymore..hell I can not even install all the required packages...any idea?03:39
wolterOctane, try running the command [$ sudo modprobe psmouse]03:39
Octanepmp6nl no mouse plugged in. i tried with one and same problem03:39
Octanenavatwo yeah it's enabled03:39
Octanewolter okay 1s03:39
benjamindainespmp6nl: everything works, so I don't think it's an issue with the hda, it just defaults to the spdif output being unmuted.  It does the same thing in windows, but under Mac OS it will automatically turn on only when a spdif cable is inserted03:39
Jordan_Udjiefo: Compiz Config Settings Manager is for configuring Compiz. Compiz is a window manager and metacity is a window manager, they cannot both run at the same time.03:39
Octaneyeah nohing afer modprobe03:40
PiNinjaI found my sound card03:40
djiefoJordan_U,  oh ok!03:40
PiNinjaI found my sound card's module to be snd-hda-intel and it's codec is ALC888. I have loaded the module, do I have to load something for the codec?03:40
navatwoJordan_U: think I could just add a custom boot entry?03:40
userpreciseok its 12.0403:41
Octanei move my mouse around and no pointer but right clicking behvaior does work.... apparently left click doesnt work either03:41
userpreciseagain same old dirty problems03:41
Jordan_Unavatwo: No, because you're missing critical files needed to boot Windows. Your Windows installation is broken.03:41
sudiptajust installed ubuntu.12.04..great....although conky does not seem to work anymore..hell I can not even install all the required packages...any idea?03:41
userprecisei cannot add anything to top panel03:41
Octaneand every single question on askubuntu.com about this issue doesnt have an answer03:41
userprecisei cannot add anything to top panel03:41
navatwoJordan_U: I have done nothing to change the windows intallation thogh, thus I am confused.03:41
Octanesudipta it'll help if you say what errors youre getting03:41
etiainenaccording to the website, clementine version >= 1.0 should come with a spotify plugin, but it's not in the version I just downloaded from software center, which is version 1.0.1. Any idea why?03:41
subb1hi all. just bumped into a strange issue03:42
userpreciseno hibernation option03:42
wolternavatwo, on what does it depend?03:42
Jordan_Unavatwo: Maybe your Windows System Partition simply isn't mounting for some reason, and thus Boot Info Script isn't listing its files.03:42
sudiptaOctane:none...actually.....at least I dont see any....from the cil03:42
userprecisei mean what's this happening?03:42
djiefoJordan_U,  as you say, they cannot both run at the same time, so what I need to keep actions bar while customization?03:42
userpreciseno one to answer here also03:42
Jordan_Unavatwo: What is the output of "sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/ && ls /mnt/"?03:42
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xpistosHello everyone. I am having a bit of trouble mounting an NFS share into my fstab. Am I missing something here x.x.x.x/path/to/share /path/to/mountNFSdefaults02   --- But that isn't working03:43
Jordan_Udjiefo: I don't understand your question. What "actions bar"?03:43
Octanexpistos there are a million guides online to do this03:43
navatwoJordan_U: its already mounted03:43
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the current release of Ubuntu.  Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/120403:44
navatwoalso, why do I care about sda1? It's just a data partition..03:44
subb1I just installed 12.04. After successful installation, rebooted. At the graphical login, i enetered the password and hit enter, it directs me back to the same login screen again. The password is correct for sure. When I choose text login from tty1 or tty2, i am able to enterin with the same credentials. Kindly help.03:44
sudiptaOctane:all the required packages can not be installed03:44
navatwoJordan_U: sda is a spinning disk, and sdb is an SSD. / and my windows C:\ drive are on the SSD03:44
userpreciseJordan_U so you are Bond here03:45
userprecisecan you answer my Q03:45
Octaneany advice on getting my mouse pointer back in 12.04?03:45
Jordan_Unavatwo: What partition do you think is your Windows System partition? (the one containing the Windows bootloader, which is *not* "C:")03:46
djiefoJordan_U     - ^ X  Windows Frames - ^ X       :)03:46
navatwoJordan_U: windows boot loader is on sdb103:46
Jordan_Unavatwo: What is the output of "sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/ && ls /mnt/"?03:46
navatwoJordan_U: http://paste.villavu.com/show/2673/ (/windows/dos/ is where it is currently mounted)03:47
InferiorHumanOrganyone have any idea why I can't get any sound on 3.2.0-24-generic (x64) with alsa-hda-dkms it worked before I just updated a minute ago.03:48
Jordan_Unavatwo: The Windows System Partition should contain a directory named "Boot" containing among other things a file named "BCD". This partition doesn't have that.03:49
gaelfxInferiorHumanOrg: I'm guessing you would have to reenable the alsa drivers for each new kernel install03:50
zebe42Has anyone got xen to work. I think I got everything setup correctly but when I use openxenmanager it wants to connect to a port and I don't have a clue as to where configure this03:50
ivanBliminseI'm disapointed to see on my ubuntu 12.04 only 2 1/2 hours of battery life when I get 4 1/2 out of windows 7.. Earlier, even non unity, versions of ubuntu had very similar battery life.  Linux on a laptop, is there any hope?03:50
qngoInferiorHumanOrg: Oh no.  I hate that when it happens.03:50
gaelfxInferiorHumanOrg: in other words, whatever you did to make it work before, you have to do again for all new kernel updates03:50
Random832When I try to hibernate from the menu it says i don't have permission. how fix?03:50
HebramI am using Ubuntu 12.04. Instead on my screen going blank when thresholds have been met in power management, my screen turns white.  This also occurs when locking the workstation. Has anyone encountered this or know how to correct it?03:51
subb1any clues guys?03:51
InferiorHumanOrggaelfx: well what I did was, installed alsa-hda-dkms to get it working on 12.04, now I just updated kernel, it built a module and all. but I got no sound now the module is loaded03:51
gaelfxsubb1: what's wrong?03:51
djiefoJordan_U,  i mean windows frames... Actually it is impossible to customize... It seems that I dont have the windows frames in compiz...03:51
userprecisecan you answer my Q03:52
subb1gaelfx,  I just installed 12.04. After successful installation, rebooted. At the graphical login, i enetered the password and hit enter, it directs me back to the same login screen again. The password is correct for sure. When I choose text login from tty1 or tty2, i am able to enter in with the same credentials03:52
xpistosduh everything was right but nfs-common was not installed in 12.04 Odd. I thought it was there by default.03:52
gaelfxInferiorHumanOrg: it built the module, but did it actually load that module?03:52
InferiorHumanOrggaelfx: yea snd_hda_intel is loaded right now.. just nothing shows up in aplay or alsamixer or anything else03:52
Jordan_Unavatwo: If sdb1 is really your Windows System Partition then it's missing files which are needed to boot Windows. Maybe ##windows can help you restore your Windows System partition. Re-installing Windows would certainly do it, but there may be an easier way.03:52
md_5I still cannot get unity to open files in sublime text03:52
droidbusterneed help with an iptables question03:52
gaelfxsubb1: no idea, sorry03:52
gaelfxInferiorHumanOrg: did you try modprobe on the alsa module?03:53
InferiorHumanOrggaelfx: what module ? I tried rmmod snd_hda_intel and modprobing it back no luck03:53
droidbusterhow to block hosts not ips in iptables03:54
gaelfxsubb1: did you try selecting a different type of session (ie Unity2d or Unity3d)?03:54
Hariezghow to install opera for linux xubuntu xfce 11.1003:54
subb1gaelfx, yes tried that also03:54
ivanBliminseCan you all see this ? or did i disable myself?03:55
AngrySpamWE see it.03:55
AngrySpamNo problem ;)03:55
velociostrichI use an Fvwm-based desktop with mostly Gnome applications, for which I have gnome-settings-daemon running in the background to ensure they're themed correctly and so forth, and a few KDE applications. It seems entirely random as to if a KDE application I start will be themed correctly or not, and I currently don't manually invoke any daemon. Is there an equivalent to gnome-settings-daemon for KDE?03:56
velociostrichAlso, google didn't help me on this one03:56
yitz_Heya. (apt-get) I'm trying to download and/or get the URL of a package that's installed and at the latest version, but not cached. `apt-get install --print-uris dpkg' and `apt-get install dpkg' just tells me it's up to date and doesn't actually35003:56
yitz_... get me anything. (I'm trying to force a reinstall)03:56
HariezgDimana Indonesian??03:57
gaelfxInferiorHumanOrg: ack, nevermind, I'm being an idiot. Best ignore me (but not /ignore ;))03:57
HebramI am using Ubuntu 12.04. Instead on my screen going blank when thresholds have been met in power management, my screen turns white.  This also occurs when locking the workstation. Has anyone encountered this or know how to correct it?03:57
InferiorHumanOrggaelfx: no problem.03:57
gaelfxInferiorHumanOrg: I'm guessing you already tried reinstalling the alsa thing?03:57
benjamindainesis there anyway to stream desktop audio to MP3 (ala nicecast)?03:57
gaelfxHebram: what gpu do you have?03:58
InferiorHumanOrggaelfx: yea03:58
Hebramgaelfx:  nVidia Quadro 880M with the proprietary drivers installed via jockey.03:58
perprospektHello, I have a netbook aspire one 722 0828.  The issue is everything freezes at a random time in X.  Does not happen in terminal and is not consistantly timed and will happen whether or not i am running anything.  This happens in multiple distrobutions with different kernels etc.03:58
gaelfxInferiorHumanOrg: did you try booting the old kernel and see if it still works there?03:58
InferiorHumanOrggaelfx: gonna try that in a minute, brb03:59
Hebramgaelfx:  I can't find any information on it in my searches.03:59
perprospektIt also happens if I am in a live environment as well, does not happen in windows03:59
gaelfxperprospekt: did you check the system logs for errors at the time the freezes happen?03:59
md_5yay I can rest easy, done!03:59
AngrySpamOMFG - updating to 12.04 restored Minecrafts health!! I CAN PLAY AGAIN!!!03:59
AngrySpamI love you guys :D(no homo)04:00
xpistosodd I can manually mount my NFS share but when I try to add it to fstab I get an error?04:00
perprospektgaelfx: no log entries :(04:00
xpistossudo mount -t nfs /home/x/Data/Comics04:00
yitz_Or, better yet, can I force a download+reinstall of a package already at the latest version?04:00
gaelfxxpistos: what line did you add to fstab?04:00
perprospektyitz_: dpkg -i --force04:01
AngrySpamI fixed MY fucking MINECRAFT :D04:01
xpistos11.10.19.100:/data/Comics /home/x/Data/ComicsNFSdefaults0204:01
spiderwortso.....I'm in rescue mode....I have network, but no DNS04:01
FlannelAngrySpam: Please mind the language, thanks.04:01
gaelfx!language > AngrySpam04:01
ubottuAngrySpam, please see my private message04:01
spiderworthow/what do I edit in order to enter a couple of nameservers????04:01
yitz_perprospekt: Yeah. Any shortcuts for getting the deb file downloaded and/or to get the URL other than manually searching the website?04:01
AngrySpamOh wrong channel04:01
AngrySpamSorry to disturd y'all04:01
Hebramdisturd.. funny.. lol04:02
userprecisefirst corporate behaviour of ubuntu here04:02
MerlynKorrmy internet video and audio is choppy... what can i do?04:02
gaelfxperprospekt: well, that's quite the pickle. It sounds a little bit like maybe a fan isn't going on when it should or something, have you noticed the fans running up?04:02
Octaneanyone here have any mouse issues with 12.04?04:02
AngrySpamHebram: Disturbed* dont make fun of my typos!04:03
gaelfxMerlynKorr: is this flash video or any kind of video?04:03
megabitdragonin 12.04 my audio devices disappeared after today's updates. Any idea?04:03
InferiorHumanOrgmegabitdragon: so did mine04:03
gaelfxAngrySpam: it was a pretty good typo04:03
HebramAngrySpam: heh!04:03
InferiorHumanOrgmegabitdragon: go back to 3.0.2304:03
blackmatrix_nyhi all...anyone know where I can find the new list for ubuntu hardware compatibility ? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/Old04:03
InferiorHumanOrggaelfx: yea the new kernel is Borked04:03
john38how do we access update manager?04:03
AngrySpamI make funny typos a lot :(04:03
john38on Precise04:03
MerlynKorrthere are videos from youtube and other chrome apps that are choppy...movies that are free...04:04
gaelfxxpistos: why did you put 2 at the end?04:04
megabitdragonI'll give it  a try04:04
Octaneomg it's 12:04!04:04
e64iHow can I install packages from an specific ppa rather than the official reppo?04:04
perprospektgaelfx: did a mem test and changed ram sticks, it does get rather warm at times but the fans are running and i took the bottom off and ran it on top of a fan that kept it very cool didnt seem to affect it the only bit really heating up is one heatsink and even that isnt bad :(  im very fustrated feel like its my first day04:04
gaelfxInferiorHumanOrg: not the first time that's happened, won't be the last!04:04
InferiorHumanOrgmegabitdragon: if you hold down shift when your pc boots you can choose "other linux versions go to kernel 3.0.2304:04
Hariezgprivate me04:04
megabitdragonthanks InferiorHumanOrg04:04
InferiorHumanOrggaelfx: yea and I got so annoyed I forgot I should just go back a kernel version.04:04
gaelfxhappens to the best of us04:05
gaelfxand you ;)04:05
kesaraI still have 2.6.38-8-generic how can I move into kernel 3.0?04:05
blackmatrix_nyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Laptop ...Where can I find the list of latest compatibility tests ?04:05
xpistosgaelfx: what should it be, because all my other shares have a 0 2 from installation04:05
Jordan_Ukesara: What version of Ubuntua are you using?04:05
xpistosgaelfx: should it 0 104:05
=== megabitdragon is now known as zz_megabitdragon
gaelfxkesara: backports or install a newer version04:05
celthunderkesara: kernel.org and compile one?04:05
AngrySpamBye guys, gotta go spam spam some random website about how i fixed minecraft :P04:05
sambagirlwhat is meant by run in failsafe graphix mode?04:06
gaelfxxpistos: are you using authentication?04:06
MerlynKorrthe internet video is choppy on chrome as well as the audio.04:06
Plumei'm drinking an excellent belgian beer... :D04:06
kesaraJordan_U: 11.1004:06
perprospektgaelfx: any other ideas?04:06
blackmatrix_nyfuck this shit04:06
=== zz_megabitdragon is now known as megabitdragon
djiefoPlume Hoegaarden?04:07
gaelfxxpistos: my fstab line looks like this: bigbox:users /home/matt/Bigbox nfs rw,hard,intr 0 004:07
gaelfxxpistos: and it works fine04:07
kesaracelthunder: I think Ubuntu already has kernel 3 in repos04:07
gaelfx!language | blackmatrix_ny04:07
ubottublackmatrix_ny: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.04:07
=== megabitdragon is now known as zz_megabitdragon
Jordan_Ukesara: Upgrade to Ubuntu 12.04.04:07
Hebramgaelfx:  Any thoughts on my screen blank issue?04:08
celthunderkesara: then aptitude search linux-*04:08
gaelfxHebram: I'm looking for some more info on your hardware right now. You said you're using the prop drivers? are you using the recommended or the post-release updates?04:08
=== zz_megabitdragon is now known as megabitdragon
MerlynKorrhave they thought about all the bugs they are having from us with video issues?04:08
Hebramgaelfx: Yes.  The recommended version-current04:09
mongo_warriorHello guys! I have a problem in my ubuntu installation04:09
megabitdragonstill no sound on 3.0.2304:09
Hebramgaelfx: Thank you for your assistance!04:09
blackmatrix_nygaelfx, sorry just got frustrated with that unhelpful ubuntu test page04:09
mongo_warriorcan anybody help me out with a simple fix :) please ?04:09
gaelfxblackmatrix_ny: understandable, not a huge deal04:09
Hariezghelp help help04:10
celthundermegabitdragon: does your sound card show up in lspci/lsusb04:10
MayazcherquoiHow can I stop Precise from disconnecting my second VGA monitor when I close my laptop lid? :S04:10
spiderwort/run/resolvconf does not exist04:10
pedrodoes anyone knows why my hard disk starts reading so intensivly for no apeareant reason? i can even move my mouse04:10
celthunderspiderwort: you mean /etc/resolv.conf?04:10
blackmatrix_nygaelfx, erm, its actually a huge deal for me as I'm planning to buy a new laptop and I don't want to come home and realize that its not compatible for ubuntu04:10
kesaraJordan_U, celthunder, gaelfx: thanks for your input. Just noticed that 12.04 upgrade is available. Now going to upgrade. :)04:11
Jordan_UHariezg: Messages like "help help help" aren't going to get you an answer any sooner. Try asking your question again.04:11
mongo_warriorPROBLEM: I replaced libstdc++.so.6 mistakenly, and even nautilus cant work, and requires GLIBXX version compiled 3.4.11, Please suggest04:11
InferiorHumanOrgyea everyone becareful 3.0.24 kernel b0rked my audio04:11
pedronot to meantion that cpu usage and mermory starts getting consumed too04:11
InferiorHumanOrgyea everyone becareful 3.0.24 kernel b0rked my audio04:11
spiderwort/etc/resolv.conf is a link to /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf04:11
InferiorHumanOrg oops sorry for double post04:12
djiefoNeed some help to install compiz theme. I just understand that compiz and metacity are 2 things different...04:12
spiderwortbut the destination to the link does not exist04:12
spiderwortI'm just trying to get some dns so I can fix my non-existant grub04:12
mongo_warriorHELP REQUIRED (PROBLEM): I replaced libstdc++.so.6 mistakenly, and even nautilus cant work, and requires GLIBXX version compiled 3.4.11, Please suggest04:12
megabitdragoncelthunder,  both the ATI HDMI audio and the USB headset show in lspci/lsusb04:12
Jordan_U!pm | Hariezg04:12
ubottuHariezg: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.04:12
Sir_FawnpugHello everybody, I seem to have hosed my installation upgrading from 10.10 -> 11.04 -> 11.10, I was curious if the best course of action was to download 12.04 and start over04:12
Sir_FawnpugSystem seems to hang whe it runs /scripts/init-bottom04:13
celthunderSir_Fawnpug: you can fix it or reinstall thats up to you04:13
InferiorHumanOrgSir_Fawnpug: seems like a fresh install of 12.04 would be alot easier04:13
celthundermegabitdragon: ok, what audio system are you using? alsa oss pulse?04:13
gaelfxHebram: is it version 295?04:14
mongo_warriorhow disappointing :(04:14
mongo_warriorcan atleast somebody read my message and say "ok wiat"04:14
Jordan_U!patience | mongo_warrior04:15
ubottumongo_warrior: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/04:15
Steve132I can't seem to install the development versions of nvidia packages because they are marked as 38604:15
Hebram_gaelfx:  It doesn't state in the additional drivers dialog04:15
celthundermongo_warrior: reinstall a package that has that file then?04:15
gaelfxHebram_: open nvidia-settings, it should tell you there04:15
Sir_FawnpugInferiorHumanOrg, that seems to be a good idea; if boot is screwed up I might as well04:15
Sazpaimonif I want to bindmount read-only, do I still need to remount it?04:15
mongo_warriorcelthunder : apt-get seems to ask same library to run04:15
zebe42Anyone familiar with xen on ubuntu? I'm trying to get it working with 12.04. To say I am a little lost is an understatement04:15
celthundermongo_warrior: dpkg -i04:16
Hebram_gaelfx: 295.40 x6404:16
celthunderzebe42: how far did you get are you doing a domu or a dom004:16
mongo_warriorok I will do that and get back celthunder - thanks04:16
Jordan_Uzebe42: Why Xen? I'm not sure if Xen is officially supported under Ubuntu.04:16
gaelfxHebram_: well, that is the latest version, so I would imagine that it's not a driver issue, since no one else seems to have reported that problem on your hardware04:17
=== schismzoom is now known as _schism_
Hebram_gaelfx:  looks like we have come to the same roadblock.  I appreciate your time.04:17
MerlynKorri got to the scroll bar [finally,pardon the delay im entertaining a guest], and in answer to the question that was asked me, the flash or just video question was answered just video from multiple sites.04:17
gaelfxHebram_: have you tried disabling that driver and then re-enabling it?04:17
megabitdragoncelthunder, I think pulseaudio should be the default04:18
etiainenaccording to the website, clementine version >= 1.0 should come with a spotify plugin, but it's not in the version I just downloaded from software center, which is version 1.0.1. Any idea why?04:18
Hebram_gaelfx:  No. That was my next course of action after I finish this download I have going.04:18
djiefoJordan_U,  I like the default metacity theme, I want to keep this look, i just want to add some effects on it, so theres any ''metacity look-a-like'' compiz theme?04:18
celthundermegabitdragon: ok then obvious..its not muted you have the right output port set and the speakers are on?04:18
celthundermegabitdragon: er check the obvious first rather04:18
=== macmartine_ is now known as macmartine
zebe42Jordan_U, I got the deb file installed and all and the daemon is running. I am just a little lost on how to configure it. I tried KVM but it was way too slow04:19
djiefoJordan_U,  asking because I will don't know how to install it anyways... :\04:19
Hebram_gaelfx:  Also, when I lock the workstation, the white background will go away after a keypress.  Of course, this brings up the login dialog.04:19
Jordan_Uzebe42: How did you run kvm? What is the output of "kvm-ok"?04:19
zebe42celthunder, not sure... the deb package installed a  new kernel to load in grub04:19
megabitdragoncelthunder, in the sound settings there are no devices in the output tab and the volume slider is grayed out and at minimum04:19
Hebram_gaelfx:  Its like all of the pixels are turning on instead of off during a screen blank event. lol04:20
kesaraI'm in the process of upgrading to 12.04, I'm just curious about old config files in ~. Should I remove them?04:20
InferiorHumanOrgmegabitdragon: are you on kernel 3.2.0-24 ?04:20
balazshi. what do I do if the software center tells that my catalog needs to be repaired, but if cannot because it needs to remove an essential system package ?04:20
balazsPackage libssl1.0.0:i386 cannot be removed04:20
megabitdragonInferiorHumanOrg i just restarted with 3.2.0-2304:20
celthundermegabitdragon: interesting, can you check alsa see if it shows your output devices?04:20
gaelfxHebram_: yeah, that's what it sounds like. You should try without the driver and see if you have the same problem. If so, then it's a settings issue and you can probably solve it with gconf-editor04:20
Jordan_Uzebe42: My guess is that your hardware doesn't support hardware virtualization, and so when you used kvm it fell back to qemu which is *very* slow indeed. If that's the case though, you'd be better off going with virtualbox than Xen.04:21
zebe42kvm-ok just told me I don't have kvm support.... which is probably why it didn't work. But virtualbox worked04:21
Hebram_gaelfx:  Thanks again for your help.04:21
InferiorHumanOrgmegabitdragon: and still no audio, ? it was working on 23 before ?04:21
gaelfxHebram_: no problem04:21
wjcwanybody noticed that logging into a unity2d sessoin and then relogging into a unity3d session messes up some settings like the Window buttons go on the right and the window bar font is set to the GNOME default, not Unity default (e.g. that canterall or w/e it's called)04:21
megabitdragoncelthunder, InferiorHumanOrg  the problem is that it worked the I applied todays' updates and when I rebooted no more sound. Now I restartet with the 0-23 kernel and still no sound04:22
zebe42Jordan_U, I am pretty sure I turned virtualization on in the bios. I've got  core i5 in my laptop04:22
MerlynKorris there a way to speed up video by switching to another environment? if so how do i ac hieve this great mecca?04:22
_RED_Hey does any one here know how Asus partitions their hard drives?04:22
celthunderMerlynKorr: depends04:22
Jordan_Uzebe42: What was the exact output from "kvm-ok"?04:23
celthunder_RED_: recovery boot system or something or boot system recovery check fdisk to make sure04:23
MerlynKorrwould there be a way to improve video performance in such an environment?04:24
celthunderMerlynKorr: what are you playing video in what de are you using graphics card etc04:24
zebe42Jordan_U, INFO: Your CPU does not support KVM extensions.... sigh... I think I just wasted a whole day04:25
MerlynKorrhow do i post the video card stats and only those?04:25
_RED_cltthunder I have a 25GB one factory restore and the main one which is 275GB I know windows has a 100MB one but its not here so im trying to figure out if its built into the 25GB one or the main.04:25
celthunderzebe42: lol thats a bit of a problem04:25
Jordan_Uzebe42: You can still use Virtualbox and get pretty good performance. And unlike Xen, Virtualbox is well supported and easy to use.04:25
celthunderJordan_U: xen is well supported though i agree kvm is way better...vbox is not exactly fast though.04:26
JZApplesI'm not sure how it happened, but for some reason the administrator account that I log into Ubuntu 11.10 with doesn't have any permissions inside the Unity session.  I can open a terminal and issue sudo commands with my password, but am restricted inside the GUI.  Any ideas?????????????04:26
MerlynKorranyway im on an acer dual core.04:26
zebe42Jordan_U, doesn't virtualbox also use the cpu virtualization instructions?04:26
MerlynKorran acer aspire04:26
_RED_celthunder  I have a 25GB one factory restore and the main one which is 275GB I know windows has a 100MB one but its not here so im trying to figure out if its built into the 25GB one or the main.04:27
celthunder_RED_: no idea ... i wiped both :)04:27
MerlynKorrcan anyone post those video card stats to the acer aspire?04:27
InferiorHumanOrgmegabitdragon: yea im not sure what your issure is then, I had the same prob with 24 but going back to 23 should work....04:27
megabitdragonInferiorHumanOrg,   maybe something with the proprietary ati drivers04:27
celthunderMerlynKorr: there are tons of aspire models04:27
megabitdragonI'll keep searching04:28
_RED_celtthunder I kinda want the windows intact so I can do some lightgaming like so I just want to keep it intact04:28
MerlynKorr5534 kind sir04:28
avisis maverick still supported ?04:28
littlebearspaHello, I have an nVidia gforce 6510 LE card - I get black screen after logging on to 12.04 - no problems with 11.10 - suggestions?04:28
Hebramgaelfx:  I removed the driver and am now using the nouveau driver.  Problem still exists.04:28
_RED_<littlebearspa> the geforce 6xxx series doesn't work with 12.04 and when it does its REALLY slow04:28
Jordan_Uzebe42: If they are available, yes. But it doesn't depend on them it can still do CPU virtualiztion without it (with a slight, maybe 1 to 2%, performance loss. nothing like qemu which is something like 1/10th native speed since it's emulation rather than virtualization).04:29
gaelfxJZApples: that's how it's supposed to work, you uave to use terminal+sudo to do stuff as "root"04:29
celthunderMerlynKorr: ATI Radeon. HD 3200 gl lol amd drivers are the worst thing since cannibalism.04:29
littlebearspa_RED_; they going to fix - do you know?04:29
cvravis: no04:29
gaelfxHebram: yeah, that's what I figured would happen. You should install gconf-editor if you haven't already and look for power/screen settings04:29
InferiorHumanOrgmegabitdragon: yea but nothing should have changed in the 23 kernel...04:29
JZApplesbut I'm talking normal things that i have done in the past, like mount drives or unlock the user account settings04:29
_RED_<littlebearspa> fraid not. try a Lubuntu or some thing04:30
MerlynKorrso how do i compensate for this littleblem n gee im hungry lol04:30
subb1gaelfx, I guess i found a fix to that.. not sure how to do it.04:30
gaelfxHebram: though I'm not totally sure that the problem can be solved from there, you should at least find something that points to where it can be solved04:30
rinzlerso, the release update wouldn't come in through the terminal, but when I went to update manager, it showed it downloaded but not installed. so I installed it, restarted, then ran lsb_release -a and it's still saying oneiric... any ideas?04:30
Hebramsudo apter get install gconf-editor04:30
gaelfxsubb1: what did you do?04:30
littlebearspa_RED_: ok, thanks for reply - have a good one!04:30
HebramLOL.. wrong terminal and a typos too04:30
subb1gaelfx, UPDATE 2 in this link: http://askubuntu.com/questions/127387/cant-login-through-gui-after-upgrade-from-11-10-to-12-0404:30
JZApplesgaelfx, but I'm talking normal things that i have done in the past, like mount drives or unlock the user account settings04:30
zebe42Jordan_U,  celthunder, thanks... I think I'll try another of my computers than :P04:31
_RED_<littlebearspa> the 6xxx stuff is pretty old your better off upgrading your lappy04:31
subb1gaelfx, it finally directs to here: https://launchpad.net/~sarvatt/+archive/sru1/+build/311899404:31
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padhu1where can i get ubuntu compatible web-cam list04:32
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MerlynKorrwhere can  i find the drivers i used to have?[despair sets in].04:32
gaelfxsubb1: well, glad you found something. is it actually working now?04:32
celthunderMerlynKorr: amd.com or the open source ones should be in the repo04:33
megabitdragonInferiorHumanOrg, Actually I just noticed that it use to work on 0-24 with the proprietary drivers and it stopped after reboot. This doesn't make any sense.04:33
mjs7231Hey, Is it possible to remove the Music/Video/Photo folders from the left pane in Nautilus in 12.04?04:33
MerlynKorris there a way to roll back the drivers on my 12.04 installation?04:33
subb1gaelfx, no. I installed the .deb package. but it  fails when i try to install .udeb package.04:33
scienteswhat is the best way to manage installing ubuntu, with lots of local changes on many machines?04:33
windowsguyguys should i install xubuntu or lubuntu on my old pc? with 512 mb ram and 64 mb integrated graphics?04:33
MerlynKorroops sorry... how do i get the repos?04:33
timmy_anyone know how to install ubuntu one on xfce(xubuntu)?04:34
scienteswindowsguy, either, and you always install both!04:34
timmy_i installed already i dunno how to run it its not in my apps list04:34
_RED_<scientes> set up one install then make an image off the HDD and flash all the computers04:34
scientes_RED_, how about upgrades?04:34
scientes_RED_, and online update?04:34
_RED_you make one install customize it04:34
_RED_then make image of HDD04:35
rinzlerso, the release update wouldn't come in through the terminal, but when I went to update manager, it showed it downloaded but not installed. so I installed it, restarted, then ran lsb_release -a and it's still saying oneiric... any ideas?04:35
gaelfxsubb1: what's error when it fails?04:35
JanneM"This pacakge would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources" and then the installation fails. Stock 12.04 when I try to install Samba. How to get around it?04:35
gaelfxwindowsguy: I personally would prefer xubuntu, but you could livecd both of them and see which is better for you04:36
cleric_prestonI can not load GRUB and therefore I am unable to boot Ubuntu, the only OS I am able to run is WIN7. I tried fixing it with super boot from USB but it says "file not found thingie". What should I do?04:36
_RED_<cleric_preston> try a diffrent bootloader04:36
windowsguyscientes sorry i dont quite understand.. i thought xubuntu uses less memory and lubuntu even less... what i want to know is..will xubuntu run good on 512 meg ram?  and sykpe+chrome open at same time?04:36
gaelfxrinzler: why not just do a fresh install of 12.04? using the update manager usually has a lot of problems anyhow04:37
_RED_<windowsguy> Go for a load in ram distro like Puppy04:37
gaelfxwindowsguy: xubuntu will run well on 512, but chrome and skype at the same time is a bit much for 512 ram04:37
gaelfxwindowsguy: skype should be fine, but chrome is a memory hog04:38
MerlynKorrwhere do i obtain the repos for video/audio?04:38
windowsguywell chrome and skype run okaish on my window xp with 512 meg ram04:38
windowsguyi thought ubuntu will be better04:38
timmy_@windowsguy it will run... but itll be laggy04:38
_RED_<windowsguy> Puppy Linux problem solved04:38
gaelfxwindowsguy: they'll probably run okish on xubuntu too, but why not upgrade the RAM?04:38
timmy_@windowsguy are you running xfce or unity04:38
rinzlergaelfx: I would just be updating from the iso... I've got a lot of things on my drive that i'm not going to wipe...04:39
subb1gaelfx, please see - http://pastebin.com/q624ENRG04:39
cleric_prestonI don't have the option to select Ubuntu even though both Ubuntu and Win7 are installed what should i DO?04:40
gaelfxrinzler: next time you should put / and /home on separate partitions04:41
padhu1why update manager will not show me the message 'Ubuntu12.04 is available. are you want upgrade?'04:41
padhu1I am using Ubuntu 10.0404:41
rinzlergaelfx: i'm talking about system configs and desktops...04:41
yarambacleric_preston: Xd04:41
rinzlergaelfx: or environments, more like...04:42
tawanganyone know where to go to know about NLP04:47
scientesmy hotplug sata isn't working04:47
gaelfxpadhu1: I don't believe they support upgrading that way from 10.04>12.04, you have to go to the next version, then the next version from that, etc04:48
SazpaimonI just realized today that you can bind mount individual files04:48
Sazpaimonthat's... awesome04:48
gaelfxpadhu1: or you can just install 12.04 from a CD/USB which is much easier04:48
Flannelgaelfx, padhu1: LTS to LTS upgrades are supported (10.04 to 12.04), but you won't be prompted by default for another few months04:49
gaelfxrinzler: did you actually try upgrading from the iso?04:49
gaelfxFlannel: really? cool :D04:49
Flannelpadhu1: If you want to upgrade now, you'll want to start update-manager with a -d switch.04:49
rinzlergaelfx: no04:49
rinzlernot yer04:49
Flannelgaelfx: yeah, every other case you would be correct (version -> version+1)04:49
padhu1gaelfx: LTS to LTS upgrade was available when 8.04 to 10.04. My next plan is fresh installation. But only thing is i need all applications installed currently04:50
Flannelgaelfx: So you could go 6.06 to 8.04, and 8.04 to 10.04 and 10.04 to 12.04 (you can't go 8.04 to 12.04)04:50
gaelfxFlannel: that seems reasonable to me04:51
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padhu1Flannel: Now i am having Ubuntu 10.0404:51
gaelfxpadhu1: actually, you could just upgrade from the iso if you want, but I've never done that so I'm not sure how well it works04:51
Jordan_Upadhu1: Run "update-manager --devel-release" if you want to upgrade to Ubuntu 12.04 now.04:51
taxmanI have a dozen of pendrives for different versions of ubuntu04:52
padhu1gaelfx: oh04:52
padhu1Jordan: okey04:52
GeForce88ubi-partman exits with error code 10 on install. is ther ea fix ?04:52
Jordan_UGeForce88: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l"?04:52
cvris there an ubuntu variant that is using gnome-shell instead of unity?04:53
GeForce88Jordan_U, installikng from usb stick. not sure where ubuntu would save this file04:53
Jordan_U!notunity | cvr04:54
ubottucvr: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic04:54
gaelfxsubb1: sorry about the late reply, but I've no idea what the error really means04:54
Jordan_UGeForce88: Simply run "sudo parted -l" and copy / paste the output to http://pastebin.ubuntu.com .04:55
GeForce88Jordan_U, upon launching ubuntu 12.4 with "install ubuntu to hard disk..." the ubi fails. when i "try ubuntu first" it won't boot period. at first thought this was 12.04 beta issue, but for e problem presists04:55
Jordan_UGeForce88: When exactly happens when you select the "try ubuntu first" option?04:56
cvrJordan_U, thanks I know that i can just install the gnome-shell packages but it really doesn't integrate well and hasnt had any polish love which is why im searching for something based on ubuntu with gnome-shell as the primary shell04:56
gaelfxpadhu1: also, if you are really worried about keeping your apps, I think you should use ubuntu one, it's supposed to help you do that sort of thing04:57
MayaAdobe flash Settings Manager dialog box in Ubuntu 12.04 is not click-able, how can I resolve this kind of issue?04:58
GeForce88Jordan_U,  now i'm getting error: ext2_lookup: deleted inode referanced: 333604:58
gaelfxthey should make a flubuntu spin. fluxbox is awesome :D04:58
CellTechLubuntu 12. rocks. Need GStreamer mpeg-1 codec.. How do I aquire04:58
MayaRightclick in any adobe flash video, then click on "Settings".04:58
padhu1gaelfx: is it possible to get the installed applications list to fresh install using apt-get?04:58
MayaYou will then see the problem.04:58
gaelfxpadhu1: not sure what you mean04:58
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padhu1gaelfx: how can i get the list of installed applications in my machine?05:00
GeForce88Jordan_U, ok, when i select "try ubuntu first" nothing happens. when i try install ubuntu ubi-partman fails with error code 1005:00
chilled_How do you install mono on ubuntu server? I tried installing with "apt-get install mono" but it said "Unable to locate package mono"05:01
gaelfxpadhu1: that's what ubuntu one is for, IIRC05:01
Mayachilled_: Change your apt sources.lst05:01
Mayachilled_: sources.list*05:01
padhu1gaelfx: oh.05:02
MayaThen run sudo apt-get update05:02
chilled_What source though?05:02
Mayachilled_: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list05:02
MayaAdd in more things.05:02
phoenixKsudo apt-add-repository05:02
phoenixKis better05:02
chilled_Maya, i know that. But what repository is it?05:02
Mayachilled_: http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/            Use that to generate what you need.05:03
MayaThen use: mv /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.backup05:03
Mayasudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list                 Paste, and save.05:03
Jordan_Uchilled_: The package you want is probably "mono-complete".05:04
GeForce88going to download text installer and try that05:04
Mayachilled_: Check in the first 8 boxes. That should be enough for everyone.05:04
Mayachilled_: Actually, the first 6 boxes.05:05
Jordan_UMaya: The problem was that chilled_ had the wrong package name, that is all.05:05
rinzlerhow to find my kernel version?05:05
Jordan_Urinzler: uname -r05:05
Jordan_UYou're welcome05:05
phoenixKanyone using gnome-do in on 12.0405:06
MayaphoenixK: You mean that run command thing in unity?05:07
balazshi. what do I do if the software center tells that my catalog needs to be repaired, but if cannot because it needs to remove an essential system package ?05:07
phoenixKMaya: yes05:07
Jordan_Ubalazs: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get -f install"?05:08
kamilnadeemHi , Having a problem with screen refresh rate on 12.0405:08
Jordan_Ubalazs: If asked to remove anything say "no" for now.05:08
kamilnadeemThe system reverts to 87Hz even after I have set it to 60Hz05:08
kamilnadeemHow to fix it?05:08
eagleanyone has the problem with ubuntu 12 on update manager telling that the cache/package information is too old (in my case it says 32 days)??05:10
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phoenixKeagle, I'm assuming  you have done a > sudo apt-get update05:11
pratzhey guys i am using ffmpeg, how can i compress a directory ??05:12
MayaphoenixK: I guess so, but I heard that uninstalling it can fix my adobe flash problems.05:13
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eagle@phoenixK: yes i did but still no luck05:14
Mayaeagle: Try: sudo apt-get clean05:16
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Mayaeagle: Try: sudo apt-get clean05:18
gaelfxpratz: could you give a little more detail about what you're trying to do?05:20
eaglek am trying now05:20
cvris there an ubuntu variant that is using gnome-shell instead of unity by default?05:20
gaelfx!notunity | cvr05:20
ubottucvr: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic05:20
pratzgaelfx: I want to compress my Music Directory recursively with ffmpeg, but can not find a way05:20
pratzgaelfx: i guess i have to use a shell script for this, but i am not quite sure05:21
erujolcwritting a script to setup a new desktops/laptop i use, is the best way to find if a package is install 'dpkg --get-selections | grep install | grep <pkg-name>' ?>05:21
JZAppleswhy can't i edit my network connections, mount drives, change user accounts, via the gui in ubuntu 11.10 with an administrator account?05:21
xpistosokay so I tried a few things and I now that I can manually mount my network drive with "sudo mount -t nfs /home/x/Titan" but if I add /home/x/TitanNFSdefaults01 to /etc/fstab,  and if get eror messages when I reboot and if I try to "sudo mount -a" and I get an error that says "mount: unknown filesystem type 'NFS'"05:21
gaelfxpratz: you mean like batch transcoding, or are you talking about compressing?05:21
cvrgaelfx: thanks I know that i can just install the gnome-shell packages but it really doesn't integrate well and hasnt had any polish love which is why im searching for something based on ubuntu with gnome-shell as the primary shell05:21
pratzgaelfx: compressing05:21
eaglemaya: did that then should i do another apt-get update?05:21
gaelfxcvr: well, Linux Mint is pretty close I think05:22
pratzgaelfx: i want to run this command on Music directory recursively "ffmpeg -i inputfile.mp3 -ab 128 outputfile.mp3"05:22
xpistosany ideas why it works manually but not in fstab?05:23
InferiorHumanOrgpratz: don't take this the wrong way but music sounds really bad on mp3 @ 12805:24
InferiorHumanOrgstorage space is cheap my friend and .flac is the way to go05:24
cvrgaelfx: thx, i'll have to have another look at mint to see what its like05:24
pratzInferiorHumanOrg: i know dude but those are all old songs and i just want to keep a backup of them05:24
erujolcfind . -name '*.mp3' -print | xargs -n1 --replace=SUBFILE ffmpeg -i SUBFILE -ab 128 SUBFILE05:24
phoenixKunless you have a ssd05:24
InferiorHumanOrgssd for main boot drive then grab a 1tb+ for storage.05:25
erujolcyou can use -exec on find but i forgot the syntax, also technically we should use NULL byte as delimiter but this will get you going unless you want to be a purist05:25
tjfby the way, Unity in 12.04 is a huge improvement over that in 11.1005:27
phoenixKits pretty awesome05:27
tjfI found it utterly unusable in 11.10, but now it's nice in 12.0405:27
InferiorHumanOrgI gave it a try and RAN back to xfce ;\05:27
erujolcit is definitely improvement over b1 (that did suck), but still clunky,05:27
tjfi still like gnome-panel, I do too much multitasking to be able to use unity05:27
erujolcand baxk to xubuntu/xfce05:27
taxmanfor an eye candy, yes05:28
InferiorHumanOrgerujolc: yep :-)05:28
JZApplesi love how everyone is finally starting to realize unity's potential05:28
tjfI was using Debian for a while until I decided I wanted to try something new today.05:28
cvrtjr: debian testing has gnome-shell05:29
InferiorHumanOrgidk I find unity to be as clunky as a 50pound weight.05:29
tjfJZApples: I don't think it really appeals to most Linux users.05:29
woowhat is the best way to remove unity?05:29
erujolctry xubuntu it basically ubuntu with a polished xfce (although you can use xfce with ubuntu normal edition)05:29
kamilnadeemTHis is not the right channel for such discussions05:29
kamilnadeemgo to off topic05:29
JZApplestjf, but i'm a new linux user and like the change05:29
InferiorHumanOrgwoo: install xubuntu-desktop or something and then just remove the package for ubuntu-desktop05:29
windowsguyfor pc with 512 mb ram.. xubuntu or lubuntu?05:29
wooty InferiorHumanOrg05:29
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tjfs/most Linux users/hardcore Linux users/05:30
tjfthen again, most hardcore Linux users will be using Arch or Gentoo :P05:30
windowsguyand what about bodhi linux..anyone tried it?05:30
tjfsudo make install05:30
InferiorHumanOrgwindowsguy: xubuntu should run on 512 but don't quote me on that05:30
InferiorHumanOrgtjf: lol, meant for your terminal i'd guess05:30
tjfInferiorHumanOrg: true05:31
Fyodorovnawindowsguy, lubuntu might be a good one to try and bodhi is a good OS.05:31
phoenixKtjf, why would hardcore linux users use arch or gentoo05:31
gaelfxpratz: according to the man page, there is no recursive option for ffmpeg05:32
tjfphoenixK: They're the most customizable, and not exactly easy for new users to figure out05:32
pratzgaelfx: ya i now that05:32
mobile     sss05:32
tjfi've used Linux for >5 years, not super long, but long enough for me to know my way around a system, and Arch was difficult to get going05:32
InferiorHumanOrggentoo is cool if you want to spend your life compiling.05:33
tjfTook me the better part of a weekend to get xfce working05:33
gaelfxpratz: so your best option is probably scripting it05:33
phoenixKtjf, can't you be hardcore and use ubuntu :)05:33
zebe42Jordan_U, hi again... I just booted up my non-xen kernel and I get a positive result with kvm-ok05:33
oragsyHello! I kept my laptop running Ubuntu 11.10 for upgrade to latest LTS release yesterday. But I forgot to connect it to AC supply that in battery mode sometime soon after download or during initial upgrade the laptop powered off. Now I can no longer boot system. I get this error when it tries to boot: : http://paste.ubuntu.com/954275/05:34
oragsyAnd hangs in the last line'05:34
oragsyHow can I fix it please?05:34
gaelfxphoenixK: you can, but arch is a lot more intense, imo05:34
windowsguyguys can someone give me link for lubuntu 12.04 torrent?05:34
InferiorHumanOrgoragsy: i'd do a fresh install05:34
gaelfxoragsy: I would try doing a fresh install of Precise05:35
phoenixKyeah... i guess i'm just a little biased... been using ubuntu since hoary hedgehog05:35
gaelfxwindowsguy: you should be able to find it at releases.ubuntu.com05:35
lotuspsychjei have a problem installing nntpgrab, saying it needs nntpgrabcore but cant install cause holded packages..05:35
rinzleris there a simple way to find the model of my graphics card short of opening up my case?05:36
InferiorHumanOrgaight night everyone05:36
oragsyInferiorHumanOrg: gaelfx: But what about the configurations and settings in /home.. Will it remain if I reinstall retaining /home?05:36
gaelfxphoenixK: yeah, I understand. I like ubuntu, it's relatively painless compared to other distros, for me at least05:36
InferiorHumanOrgrinzler: lspci | grep VGA05:36
gaelfxrinzler: lspci?05:36
windowsguythat is ubuntu..i want lubuntu05:36
InferiorHumanOrgoragsy: yea if you don't overwrite it05:36
rinzlerInferiorHumanOrg: thx05:36
oragsyInferiorHumanOrg: Ok, I'll try05:36
InferiorHumanOrgok bed time. night all ;-P05:37
lotuspsychje!info lubuntu-desktop | windowsguy05:37
ubottuwindowsguy: lubuntu-desktop (source: lubuntu-meta): Lubuntu Desktop environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.38 (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 30 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; powerpc; ia64; sparc; lpia; armel; armhf)05:37
gaelfxphoenixK: but with arch, I had such a greater sense of accomplishment when something finally actually worked :D05:37
gaelfxwindowsguy: all officially supported spins should be there05:37
phoenixKgaelfx: haha nice05:38
cvronly problem I have with arch is its a rolling release, so its always a moving target05:39
gaelfxwindowsguy from releases.ubuntu.com, click the lubuntu link to get: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/05:39
gaelfxcvr: that's what makes it so fun, there's almost ALWAYS something to fix :D05:40
gaelfx /end o-t05:41
Melon_BreadI do not imagine more than 1 or maybe 205:42
lotuspsychjehmm lemme count lol05:42
cvrCAPITALISMUSL there are no concrete numbers05:42
chilled_Isnt there a statistcs page for that?05:42
gaelfx!caps | CAPITALISMUS05:43
ubottuCAPITALISMUS: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.05:43
rpkUbuntu 12.04 seems stuck uninstalling LivreOffice Impress?05:43
pratzgaelfx: thanks god i am a python programmer05:43
gaelfxpratz: I would imagine that would make scripting that situation a lot easier, yeah05:44
pratzgaelfx: ya but i do not know shell script05:44
muinasHello! Are latest AMD 12.04 drivers working with ATI/Intel switchable graphics under U 12.04? Using Acer Aspire 4820TG. With Ubuntu 10.10 switchable graphics worked.05:44
gaelfxpratz: can't you make a python script that makes shell scripts? ;)05:46
pratzgaelfx: ya i am doing something like that05:47
CAPITALISMUSi program HP05:49
CAPITALISMUSi program PHP05:49
ubuntuHey I think I broke my Ubuntu installation.   For one thing, there was a kernel panic.   Then when I tried to reboot it went into a grub shell.   Now I get errors when I plug in the USB to try to install Ubuntu05:50
neattoas1I had that once.05:50
neattoas1I reinstalled05:50
halfie_why is ubuntu consuming so much cpu when playing a youtube video http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1522424/cpu-usage-ubuntu-youtube.png05:51
ubuntuI think I'm going to have to reinstall Ubuntu on the USB as well05:51
gaelfxhalfie_: is it flash for webm?05:51
rpkI'm running vanilla fresh install of 12.04, all I did was apply updates and go to start uninstalling things....05:51
neattoas1try the html5 version of youtube05:51
halfie_gaelfx: neattoas1 does ubuntu comes with flash pre-installed. I haven't installed flash myself05:52
taxmanyoutube's html5 doesn't work here05:52
taxmani worked for years until...05:52
donpdonpafter apt-get install vlc-nox, vlc plays movies in ascii-art.05:52
neattoas1try installing google chrome to get pepper flash05:52
gaelfxhalfie_: no, it doesn't, but what browser are you using?05:52
halfie_gaelfx: firefox05:53
neattoas1Try chrome.05:53
donpdonpany ideas on how to get vlc to use regular video?05:53
halfie_gaelfx: chrome just crashes badly on every youtube page05:53
gaelfxhalfie_: yeah, chrome should be better05:53
gaelfxhalfie_: but flash is a cpu hog almost no matter what you're using05:53
taxmanchrome = google's probe for everybody?05:53
gaelfxtaxman: I could care less what information of mine they're using for advertising, as long people don't come knocking on my door05:54
cvryou can try HW acceleration for flash05:55
gaelfxcvr: does flash for linux have any hw acceleration?05:55
rinzleranybody know where to point me for help with nvidia graphics cards under ubuntu? I'm trying to get the s-video working...05:55
gaelfxrinzler: what card are you using?05:56
neattoas1Try loading the video into vlc05:56
neattoas1*youtube video05:56
rinzlergaelfx: GeForce FX 520005:56
CAPITALISMUSdownload the video and watch it in your tv05:56
gaelfxhalfie_: it crashes on youtube pages? that's pretty weird, did you check the log to see what went wrong?05:56
cvrgaelfx, yeh only for nvidia still i think though05:57
gaelfxcvr: figures05:57
neattoas1I think I heard about some sort of fix...05:57
gaelfxrinzler: are you using the proprietary drivers?05:57
rba1988took around 6 seconds to boot 12.04 on ssd.:D05:58
rinzlergaelfx: just whatever ubuntu supplied me.05:58
CAPITALISMUSwhy dont they use xvid in you tube?05:58
neattoas1xvid for linux?05:59
rodayoHi all, I'm having an issue with the gnome-terminal. The opacity level for the solid color seems to be controlling botht the color and the background-image option. So setting it to 0 makes a clear background, somewhere in the middle both the solid purple and the image are visible and at 100 the background is purple. I've never had this issue before...anyone know a fix?05:59
CAPITALISMUSits the best stream friendlly codex05:59
Garr255I think they did at one point05:59
raptor67682how to split files with bash to 100 mb (wiht cat)?05:59
neattoas1rodayo: Try reinstalling gnome-terminal05:59
gaelfxrinzler: you might want to try the proprietary drivers, but it also might help if we know a little more about your issue05:59
cvrCAPITALISMUS, i think they use a mix of H264 + webm05:59
rodayoneatoas1, i've tried this already...i actually did a clean re-install after after the final release of precise was out. so i was having this issue in beta 2 as well06:00
neattoas1Did you try clearing your past settings?06:00
rodayoneattoas1, how do you do that?06:01
neattoas1I'm not too sure, but I would say check your .config folder.06:01
gaelfxrinzler: by the way, you need to use 173 nvidia drivers if you do that06:01
gaelfxrinzler: the 295 driver won't work with your card06:01
subb1gaelfx, sorry. was not at the desk06:02
rinzlergaelfx: I haven't tried anything with the s-video out yet, so I just wanted to explore my options. Just Plugging it in didn't do anything, and it'll display anything BIOS related, but once it gets into X, it stops displaying on the s-video. Ubuntu gave me a 173 driver in additional drivers...06:02
gaelfxI don't care what format they decide on for streaming in the future, so long as it supports toggleable subtitles, I'll be happy06:02
gaelfxsubb1: not a prob06:03
subb1gaelfx, not able to scroll back to ur last message.06:03
gaelfxrinzler: well, after you plugged in the cable, did you go to Settings>Displays and click detect displays?06:04
gaelfxsubb1: I think it was just that I don't what to do about it, so it's no big deal06:04
rodayoneattoas1, tried grepping for "terminal" inside ~/.config i don't see anything else that might be related to it06:05
subb1gaelfx, ok. I'll try to get a fix. let me see. thanks :)06:05
neattoas1rodayo, did you check gconf?06:05
siloxid`I'm trying to install the ratpoison wm.  after install I don't see an option to use it from the initial login.  and when I login I only get the blank default desktop pic06:05
=== siloxid` is now known as siloxid
rinzlergaelfx: it's not giving me an option to do that...06:06
rodayoneattoas1, where's that?06:06
halfie_gaelfx: I get high cpu usage with chromium too. I am using fglrx driver.06:06
neattoas1open the program gnonf-editor06:06
gaelfxrinzler: I'm not sure if the nouveau drivers actually support s-video or not, you should at least give the proprietary drivers a shot06:06
neattoas1look under apps06:06
rodayoneattoas1, seems i didn't have it...1 sec06:06
inounecan anyone help me in commande "grep"?06:07
cvrrodayo, are you sure thats not the expected behaviour? thats the same result I get when playing with it06:07
rodayocvr, that's really strange then because I remember having a solid background image back when I was using oneiric06:07
gaelfxhalfie_: I think, like cvr said, hw acceleration for flash is only working with nvidia cards, so all flash content is using cpu instead of gpu06:07
rinzlergaelfx: the proprietary driver is the one that's running...06:08
rodayocvr, i'm sure the developers meant for you to have that option of a solid bg image06:08
gaelfxrinzler: sorry, I thought you said before it was a clean install, so I assumed you hadn't installed the prop drivers06:09
cvrrodayo, so when u have a background image selected and the slider set to none it doesnt show you a solid bg image?06:09
vigil__How can one copy a file so that the new filename has a current datetime stamp?06:10
ANubwhy some games do not get full-screened on 12.04.....?06:10
rinzlergaelfx: well, even in a clean install, it uses the prop drivers by default.06:10
ANubthey were ok till 11.0406:10
ANubthey were ok till 11.04 and 11.1006:10
gaelfxrinzler: I don't think that's true...06:10
rinzlergaelfx: *shrug* happened for me06:10
gaelfxrinzler: ok, what does nvidia-settings say about it then? does the second display show up in there?06:11
rodayocvr, it's a little weird, the image is "semi transparent" if i place it over a dark background app you can make out the image. Or if I place over a text editor with black text then the text will get colored according to the image...kinda like an overlay filter in photoshop06:11
inounehi everybody06:11
ANubwhy some games do not get full-screened on 12.04..?06:12
kakacka2123Hey help me, I am running the Ubuntu live CD and Im trying to fix the GRUB06:12
kakacka2123since i couldn't choose to boot to Ubuntu and it automatically entered in Win7.06:12
CAPITALISMUS~my house is bugged06:12
kakacka2123So how do I fix it?06:12
rinzlergaelfx: no. the display configuration page says that it was unable to load because "Failed to query NoScanout for screen 0."06:12
ANubkakacka2123: reinstall GRUB loader06:13
gaelfxrinzler: are you sure the cable you're using is in working order?06:13
ANubkakacka2123: if u have ubuntu installed ........reinstall GRUB loader06:13
cvrrodayo, is the issue visible in a screenshot? if so could u post one06:13
rinzlergaelfx: yep06:13
kakacka2123ANub: Are you sure?06:13
inouneis this command true? grep m{2,} file06:13
kakacka2123ANub: I dont wanna fuck it up any further.06:13
ANubkakacka2123: if u have ubuntu installed ........reinstall GRUB loader06:13
rodayocvr, okay just a sec06:14
ANuband it will work06:14
gaelfxkakacka2123: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows06:14
pratzgaelfx: i try to run it with python and ffmpeg say "atleast one output file must be specified" , any ideas ??06:15
ANubkakacka2123: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows06:15
gaelfxpratz: sounds like a syntax problem06:15
CAPITALISMUSyou need to chroot into the installed ubuntu and reinstall grub06:15
siloxidanyone know why ratpoison doesn't show up in the list of wm options in the login screen?06:15
ubuntuWhy does the installer spend a long time on "restoring previously installed packages"?06:15
inounenobody can answer me :((06:15
gaelfxpratz: pb your script?06:15
inounei need help06:15
gaelfxinoune: commands can't be true or false06:16
rodayocvr, http://i.imgur.com/TVNso.jpg - notice how the image isn't visible over light surfaces and only the dark ones. that's why the black text gets colored06:16
gaelfxinoune: what are you trying to do?06:16
CAPITALISMUSnless they are bolean06:16
pratzgaelfx: i will post it, great if you understand python06:16
inouneyes it didn't work, but what's the mistake exactly?06:16
setherithhi all06:16
gaelfxpratz: very VERY little, but I might be able to see the issue06:16
inounei wanna search words which contains exactly 2 "m"06:17
inounewhat about this: grep m{2,2} ?06:17
ANubin 12.04 when i put the cursor on some application in indicator-applet it doesn't show any thing......."like in bittorent it used to show speed"........any ideas...?06:18
cvrrodayo, yeh that doesnt look right at all.. are u running compiz? which video drivers?06:19
ANubalso right click is exchanged with left06:19
inouneso ??06:19
gaelfxinoune: the first one you put in should work, according to the man page, what error does it give you when you execute the command?06:19
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rodayocvr, my gfx card is an amd radeon 6600M ... how can i tell if i'm running compiz?06:20
lotuspsychjeanyone got nntpgrab working on precise?06:21
cvrrodayo, ps aux | grep compiz06:21
inounewhen i put that: grep m{2,2}. there is an error: there is any file with type m206:21
rodayocvr, yep it's running. i did use it to disable the unity task switcher cuz i liked the old one06:22
pratzgaelfx: here http://pastebin.com/5KEjSU9p06:22
rodayocvr, is it safe to close compiz and see what happens?06:23
MACscrgrr, im going to cry. I cant for the life of me figure out why my ubuntu system is losing network access every 30 minutes or so. It only lasts about 30 seconds, but its screwing  things up06:24
gaelfxpratz: might this line be the problem?06:24
MACscrits a wired connection too06:24
gaelfxpratz: target = target_dir + fl.replace(' ','_')06:24
cvrrodayo, you can log out and then login without the 3d effects and see if it makes any difference06:25
gaelfxpratz: I think you need to replace it with '\ ' instead06:25
CAPITALISMUSits ipv606:25
rodayocvr, login with unity 2d you mean?06:25
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kapzHi! after upgrading to 12.04 my bluetooth shows as disabled and the buttons are "greyed out".....with or without proprietary drivers, how do I resolve it?06:29
gaelfxpratz: ack, or possibly you need a / betweein target_dir and fl06:29
cocolosthe panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:TomboyApplet" What's this???06:29
GarpQuestion: while installing ubuntu, how can I dissociate the language used by the Installer from the default language of the installed system? Thanks.06:30
JanneMTry again: "This package would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources" and then the installation fails. Stock 12.04 when I try to install Samba. How to get around it?06:30
prakash__guys can i upgrade to 12.04 from an iso06:30
gaelfxpratz: you probably also need to do the fl.replace in the next line too06:31
gaelfxpratz: instead of just fl06:31
rodayo_cvr, no luck. same strange behavior...so guess compiz wasn't the issue06:31
brideanHow do I turn off the keystroke for going into a "command mode" in Unity?06:33
cvrrodayo_, ahh.. it looks like an issue with the video driver or something, you could try use the open source ati driver see if it makes any difference06:33
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rodayo_cvr, this is gonna be tricky then...i figure i have to disable my old ati driver first/06:33
brideanThe thing is, I hit a certain key to toggle between English and Korean input normally.   But in Unity if I hit that key, it will go into the dash saying "Type your command"   Pretty annoying.06:34
cvrrodayo_, if you type jockey into the dash and what drivers do u have available there?06:34
brideanI guess the easiest fix will be to install a sane windows manager like gnome06:35
rodayo_cvr, is that a command line program too? i sorta disabled the short cut for the HUD too =P06:35
siloxidbridean: when have you ever run into an insane window manager?06:36
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cvrrodayo_, jockey-gtk you can run from a terminal or alt-f206:37
xskydevilxDoes anyone know how to get rid of that sort of rubber band effect for the Unity sidebar on the left on 12.04 when it's on autohide?06:37
gaelfxbridean: pratz does any of that help, or am I totally python illiterate?06:37
rodayo_cvr, nvm got it. looks like there's 2 for me...one has "(post release updates)" at the end of the name...do you know what the diff is by any chance?06:37
brideansiloxid,  I would say that Unity is not sane compared to Gnome.   It's not clear what command does what under Unity.  Thus the necessity of asking people here how to do things, rather than looking at the screen and having it be obvious what I should do06:37
siloxidwhat was the name of the gnome2 fork again? it recently got a new name06:37
gaelfxsiloxid: MATE I believe06:38
siloxidbridean: oh yeah I forgot how much I hate unity06:38
gaelfxsiloxid: and I think you need to use it in conjunction with cinnamon, but I could be wrong06:38
siloxidgaelfx: is that a yerba mate joke?06:39
jschalli'm having bad performance in a game while using unity 3d. i have a system76 laptop with an nvidia gtx560m... what sort of nvidia settings might make a big difference? i notice that turning on unredirect fullscreen videos causes unity 3d to fail to start06:39
cvrrodayo_, i think the first one is the version when the version ubuntu was released, and post-release has an updated version06:39
brideanBasically, any program where I can't figure out how to do something by looking at the screen (or a menu item) is a poorly written program from a user friendly point of view06:39
aldwinaldwinafter 30 hours, finaly have an 12.04, even cleaned all my partitions to start from zero ... even then ... have troubles with Grub :(06:40
gaelfxsiloxid: possibly, but I was being serious06:40
brideansiloxid, I hope unity doesn't become so ubiquitous that it becomes difficult to switch to gnome or kde06:40
siloxidbridean: I tried to figure it out again with the new ubuntu release and I finally figured out how to get the terminal up after five minutes06:40
rodayo_cvr, hope this works then. these weren't open source drivers btw. the description calls them "proprietary"06:40
Garpbridean: all of this is cultural; you are used to some kind of interface so you know how it works because you're used to. A different one you dont know is not worse, you just didnt learned it.06:40
cvrrodayo_, ahh.. try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver for the OS driver06:41
siloxidGarp: a UI where you click on a "home" icon and search google-style for the app you are hoping to run is insane06:41
brideanGarp,  A new interface is fine as long as there are easy ways to figure out how to do things.   I shouldn't have to go into xchat and ask people.06:41
siloxidGarp: especially when it's a brand new system and you have no way to know what's installed yet06:41
rodayo_cvr, so cancel this one then?06:42
Garpbridean: What I mean is just that the one you know, you asked for it sooo long ago that you forgot you had to do it. It didnt came out "naturally".06:42
gaelfxwhat they should have done was take a note from games and make a tutorial06:42
siloxidGarp: not to mention the only two interfaces I haven't been able to pick up in a few minutes in 25 years was mathematica and unity06:42
brideanGarp:  So how would YOU fix my problem.   Specifically, the problem is when I hit the 한/영 key on my keyboard, instead of merely switching back and forth from Korean to English, it brings up a text area near the dash saying "Type your command".06:43
siloxidGarp: the mac os interface has always been ridiculously easy.  point and click on everything06:43
siloxidGarp: how do you point and click on gnome-terminal in unity?06:44
siloxidGarp: and windows, gnome<3 and kde likewise06:44
Garpbridean: I dont use Unity, so I dunno. What I can only guess it that one or both of your application have somewhere a configuration for the hotkeys and you can just change them.06:44
xskydevilxHow to get rid of that sort of rubber band effect for the Unity sidebar on the left on 12.04 when it's on autohide?06:44
cfochwhat is the desktop channel ?06:45
rectecCan you guys help me with audio problems here?06:45
Garpsiloxid: I dont use Unity, and the few I saw of it didnt appealed me. But the point os there anyway: you want to reuse some old paradigm on a different interface; it doesnt work; and you feel upset because your previous knowledge is unusable. It doesnt means it's worse, just that it's different.06:45
Lilrectec, ask your question.. and you might get an answer.06:46
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brideanGarp:  In previous interfaces, I was able to figure out how to do things without going into chat and asking people06:46
cfochI was using GNOME Shell in Ubuntu 11.10, now I¨ve installed 12.04, and my desktop is so ugly :S How can i restore the default Unity configuration ?06:46
rectecLil, Ok. Just don't wont to get shunned over to a pulseaudio channel.06:47
rodayo_cvr, looks like a lot of work =P i'll try it out tmrw. thanks for the help =)06:47
siloxidGarp: the fact that some new things are a paradigm shift doesn't cross paths with the crappy UI that is unity06:47
coviAre there any good command-line dictionary tools available? En-en is basic requirement06:47
brideancfoch, You will have to install gnome and either restart, or log out and log back in.   Be sure to select gnome at the login screen as your interface though06:47
rba1988I find unity ok. even faster than gnome 2.x06:47
rba1988in terms of workflow06:48
Lilrectec, Understandable. It's doubtful I can help.. but the ppl here will help if they can, on any kind of question.06:48
rectecI'm on Precise. When I use PulseAudio-Equalizer to boost the bass, I get some software clipping. What can I do about this?06:48
siloxidGarp: even apps that feel like they were created by amiga or atari programmers are more intuitive for us windows/gnome/kde/ratpaison/os x/os 9 folks06:48
rectecLil, of course :)06:48
cfochI don¨t want install gnome, now I want use Unity, but it looks ugly because it has the old configuration when I installed Gnome Shell in 11.1006:48
__eagle__tried several things but still got update problem: anyone has the problem with ubuntu 12 on update manager telling that the cache/package information is too old (in my case it says 32 days)??06:50
siloxid__eagle__: no.  I just run apt-get update06:50
gaelfxis the top-panel supposed to show up on the lock screen?06:50
cfochis there any command like unity --reset in 12.04 ?06:51
aldwinaldwinWhen my laptop starts up, I get a grub command line. After studying some manuals, I finaly got in my new 12.04 installation. How can I automize the startup? creating menu.lst?06:51
MayazcherquoiHow can I stop Precise from disconnecting my second VGA monitor when I close my laptop lid? :S06:51
gaelfxcfoch: should ne06:51
rectecaldwinaldwin, How about reinstalling grub?06:51
aldwinaldwinrectec: is it grub 1 or grub2 ?06:51
gaelfxMayazcherquoi: you have to make it so that when the laptop lid is closed, the screens are not turned off, probably have to use gconf-editor06:52
cfochI¨ve just run unity --reset and it closed unity :(06:52
cfochI¨ve lost the window borders06:52
rectecaldwinaldwin, Which version of Ubuntu do you have? Both grub1 and 2 use the same install command06:52
Garpsiloxid: Well, I dont want to argue. The poijnt is that many users not used to the old interfaces were happy with Unity, and find it more usable than what they had before. To me, it looks like a smartphone interface, with seems irrelevant on a multitasking OS with dual-1900x1200 screens, but seems to be simple enough for many.06:53
gaelfxcfoch: probably need to restart your session06:53
rectecI'm on Precise. When I use PulseAudio-Equalizer to boost the bass, I get some software clipping. What can I do about this?06:53
__eagle__siloxid: i did try that but no luck06:53
aldwinaldwinrectec, just clean installed ubuntu 12.04 with a lot of problems, ... was used to Lilo, now had to read a lot about Grub.06:53
Mayazcherquoigaelfx: Yeah, but what setting? :-/06:54
ubuntuhy i have problem witch ntfs partition - when i install 12.04 fatal error grub not instaled in sda1 (ntfs) how to fix this partition in linux ? (live) gparted cant fix it06:54
siloxidGarp: all the smartphone interfaces I know of let you see a list of all the apps on the device.  does unity have a way to do that?06:54
rectecaldwinaldwin, know how you feel. been through several installs until everything was proper. ubuntu uses grub2 by default, and should've automatically installed and updated it upon installation.06:55
aldwinaldwinrectec, already have done following : grub-install --root-directory=/boot /dev/sda06:55
cfochlast question before I restart my session... what folder is unity apperance configuration in ?06:55
gaelfxMayazcherquoi: can't remember exactly which one, can't you search for 'lid'?06:55
rectecaldwinaldwin, have you ran update-grub?06:55
aldwinaldwinrectec, no, not yet ... but if it is grub2, then I know already which tutorial I need to read and try06:56
aldwinaldwinrectec, grub1 config and grub 2 config files is very different it seems06:57
black_birdho un problema , chi puà aiutarmi ^06:57
rectecaldwinaldwin, well i hope it works for you. if not, i'm still here and still have some ideas.06:57
aldwinaldwinrectec, thank you, i'll keep you informed06:57
rectecI'm on Precise. When I use PulseAudio-Equalizer to boost the bass, I get some software clipping. What can I do about this? I'll provide more info if I get a reply.06:58
pratzgaelfx: dude can you suggest any more tools for audio compression06:58
rectecaldwinaldwin, ttyl06:58
pratzgaelfx: as i am running out of time now06:58
iivvoois it considered a feature that on unitiy (12.04) you cannot resize a window (or at least vim) by dragging the bottom border?06:58
Garpsiloxid: on a smartphone there are  very few apps. On my system there are 4251 executables. I dont know how I could represent them all.06:58
* iivvoo was considereing giving unity another shot but if this isn't even possible...06:58
neattoastiivvoo: Try middle clicking a window if you have a touchpad06:58
shapeHello, I installed 12.04 (fresh install) and I changed button_layout to: ":minimize,maximize,close" and I only get the close button. It also says in gconf-editor that the key is not writable?06:59
neattoastshape: are you root?06:59
shapeneattoast: yes I ran sudo gconf-editor06:59
siloxidGarp: interesting.  I have more apps on my smartphone (300+) than I do on my main desktop (about 40)07:00
gaelfxpratz: well, VLC is usually pretty good for that stuff, but AFAIK it just uses ffmpeg07:00
cfochI want restart my session but I don¨t have the option to close the session S:07:00
shapeneattoast: And it worked but I can only see the close button on the right.07:00
cfochany command to get it ?07:00
aldwinaldwinrectec, fyi : http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/grub-2.html (http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/grub.html)07:00
neattoastshape: weird...07:01
neattoastDid you try using a metacity configurator?07:01
pratzgaelfx: i have no idea how to do it with vlc ?07:01
rectecaldwinaldwin, handy, but why would you need a tutorial? grub2 works out of the box for me...07:01
shapeneattoast: yeah. I think it's a bug, but I just installed the damn thing :(07:01
shapeneattoast: no idea what that is?07:01
neattoastshape: No, I was thinking xfce :)07:01
rectecone sec, booting to ubuntu :)07:01
iivvooneattoast middle-mouse doesn't seem to do any resizing07:01
Garpsiloxid: do a "tab - tab" in a shell window to see how many are installed. And yes, smartphones have fewers apps, but the logig on smartphone (likely due to thie apple stupidity) it to create a lot of applications: like one for each newspaper you read and such things. It would be like having one diffreent browser per website. It's just crazy.07:01
loconuthello, I just upgraded from 11.04 to 11.10 to 12.04. 12.04 messed up grub, which I fixed. Now I have a fairly simple problem.. my main user account is below id 500, and doesn't show up and it won't let me type a username.07:01
loconuthow do I make gdm/greeter let me enter a username?07:02
neattoastiivvoo: I think I remebered that middle clicking or something of the like brought up a resize manager07:02
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shapeneattoast: No I haven't and I don't know how to use it. should I look into it?07:02
shapeneattoast: But it's obviously something going on, some sort of bug I'm guessing07:02
neattoastshape: Try using cssm07:02
pratzgaelfx: how to do it with vlc ??07:03
neattoastshape: that configs compiz maybe there is a window option07:03
shapeneattoast: and if that doesn't work reinstall? :(07:03
gaelfxpratz: there should be a transcoding wizard or something like that07:03
pratzgaelfx: is it a plugin ??07:04
shapeneattoast: I'm also using gnome-shell btw07:04
neattoastshape: Or maybe just reinstall gnome shell07:04
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic07:04
aldwinaldwinrectec, been busy for 30 hours now. 20+ ways of install ... but i dont give up until I understand what is going wrong. every time I get into the grub terminal, so, I decided to learn the commands07:04
__eagle__siloxid: i did try that but no luck07:04
shapeneattoast: Oh, but it did that before in unity too. :(07:04
recteci'm back.07:04
__eagle__any other ideas on how to get rid of package not being able to be updated?07:05
iivvooneattoast a "Resize manager"?07:05
proq__eagle__: did you change your sources list?07:05
iivvoonoone resizes windows anymore?07:05
neattoastiivvoo: Like an overlay that can resize the window.07:05
neattoastiivvoo: check in cssm07:05
neattoastshape: I would then definantly reinstall gnome-shell07:06
iivvooneattoast thanks for the help/suggestions, but I'm probably better of installing some version of gnome07:06
iivvooor something else that works07:06
gaelfxpratz: hang on07:06
neattoastiivvoo: good luck :)07:06
iivvooto me resizing windows is a rather basic operation, if unity fails doing that, it's not for me07:06
shapeneattoast: Yep, doing so now! I just logged in with unity and the buttons are there and working!07:06
pratzgaelfx: ya sure07:06
__eagle__@proq: yeah i did like from main server to something else but still no lucj07:06
shapeneattoast: Thanks for your help! <307:06
neattoastshape: Your welcome :)07:07
pratzgaelfx: till then i am trying my script, as i like ffmpeg07:07
tommishow do i get indicator-weather to work?07:07
Zburatorulanyone managed to get XFCE 4.10 to run on 11.10?07:07
neattoastZburatorul: Why not just use xubuntu :D07:07
KM0201tommis: did you install it? it worked just fine for me..07:07
gaelfxpratz: sorry, I guess it's called convert/save now07:07
Zburatorulneattoast, XFCE 4.10 won't be supported until 12.1007:08
tommisKM0201: yep07:08
xskydevilxHow to get rid of that sort of rubber band effect for the Unity sidebar on the left on 12.04 when it's on autohide?07:08
tommisKM0201: and i have relogged in07:08
Zburatorulbut now I have 4.8 installed thru the xubuntu package, so i do do it that way07:08
neattoastZburatorul: You could force the upgrade...07:08
KM0201tommis: i dunno, it "just worked" for me.. what version of ubuntu?07:08
tommisKM0201: 12.0407:09
gaelfxpratz: it's a little weird how they make you do it, but I think you can select whole directories and whatnot, so it should be relatively easy07:09
Zburatorulneattoast, but i have to have the xfce packaged in some repository first, before i can force anything. right now, they're on on PPA (ppa:mrpouit/ppa), but aptitude can't even see them07:10
KM0201tommis: hmm, weird.. i just installed it and it worked07:10
pratzgaelfx: i guess we can not select a dir , we can only select a file07:10
osseMy keyboard layout was autodected during the installation of 12.04 and I checked that it worked. After installation my layout is apparently English. In Keyboard Layouts it still says that it's Norwegian but it has no effect, not even the stuff under options. It seems I can change to any other layout and that works. What could be wrong?07:10
neattoastZburatorul: I'd wait. XFCE 4.10 isn't even in arch yet!07:11
gaelfxpratz: ah, true, but you can select a large list of files if you want07:11
petoohi , why is there difference in what top shows memory consumption of my system than system monitor?07:11
kxwhen i play fullscreen videos with vlc it spans across multiple monitors.. how do i get it only on one?07:11
pratzgaelfx: appreciate dude, but this would not work, as i have many recurssive dir's07:12
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gaelfxpratz: sorry about that, hope you can get the script to work07:12
Zburatorulneattoast, what is arch?07:13
pratzgaelfx: ya that would be great , i am trying07:13
petooare you talking about arch linux?07:13
neattoastZburatorul: Arch linux, they update packages on a very quick basis, but you have to configure a lot yourself (alsa, x)07:13
neattoastpetoo: yes.07:14
gaelfxneattoast: you have to configure pretty much everything yourself :/07:14
tommisi just needed to start indicator-wheather once and no it has added itself to startup programs07:14
neattoastgaelfx: I know. But sometiems it's worth it.07:14
petooDoes anybody know why top shows different numbers for memory consumtion than system monitor?07:15
petoo*top command*07:15
gaelfxneattoast: I agree, it's great fun. Just not something I'm prepared to use on a daily basis07:15
neattoastgaelfx: Agreed.07:15
gaelfxpetoo: system monitor uses more resources than top07:15
aldwinaldwinrectec, upgrade-grub : no joy. Still grub terminal, but figured out now that i only need 2 commands to startup : * kernel /vmlinuz root=/dev/sda1  * boot  (somehow this is information that grub still needs somewhere)07:15
Zburatorulneattoast, is it possible to clean my current ubuntu of Unity? i hate having it on the machine even after I switched to xfce07:16
Zburatoruli may have tried, but it probably told me it'd have to delete half the base packages07:16
oh_noesCan anyone link me to instructions to pair a Bluetooth Keyboard to Ubuntu 11.10?07:16
oh_noesvia Command Line07:16
xskydevilxHow to make the Unity sidebar on the left on 12.04 usuable when it's on autohide?07:16
gaelfxZburatorul: most of those are just meta-packages I believe07:16
gaelfxxskydevilx: adjust the sensitivity07:16
rectecaldwinaldwin, how are you having this problem? lol07:16
neattoastZburatorul: yes. unity depends on ubuntu-desktop and vice versa. It is pretty hard to manually configure the package or manually delete.07:16
petoogaelfx, its different story here, top says I am left with only 55MBs and it has consumed nearly 90% , while System. monitor shows that I have 55% more RAM07:17
xskydevilxgaelfx, I still get a rubber band sort of effect, so I have to shake the mouse like crazy regardless of the sensitivity.07:17
aldwinaldwinrectec, I know, nowbody on social media is complaining about it ... so, must be me :)07:17
gaelfxpetoo: maybe sysmon is talking about swap and top is not07:17
gaelfxpetoo: (I know that's not true)07:18
petoonou, it clearly mentions it has not used even a single byte from swap07:18
sirknightxskydevilx, may its the mouse itself?07:18
gaelfxxskydevilx: you know, when you do move the mouse to the left, you have to wait a second or two for it to show up, right?07:19
aldwinaldwinrectec, first another coffee and a sig ... then i'll do that grub2 tutorial step by step ... cheers07:19
petoowell I 'll download Pangolin07:19
xskydevilxgaelfx, Yes. There is still sort of a.. well how would I explain it.. like a sticky effect, whereas sometimes it doesn't show up at all, and I just get a shadow.07:20
xskydevilxsirknight, Nah, the mouse is good.07:20
john38is there any way to show the weather on Precise07:20
john38top right corner like before07:20
gaelfxxskydevilx: hm, not sure what would make that happen. have you checked to see if it's a known bug?07:22
xskydevilxgaelfx, Well I would, but I'm not exactly certain on how to describe it.07:22
gaelfxxskydevilx: I've found the windows key to be more useful than the launcher anyhow, but that's me07:22
aldwinaldwinrectec, extra info ... one hour ago, i discovered I had no stage1 file, so i created that ... also discovered i have no menu.lst file, but for grub1 and grub2 this is different, so, entered this IRC to figure that out.07:22
cfochI´ve just solved my problem but i´ve got other problem07:22
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cfochnow my terminal won´t autocomplete packages of sudo apt-get install blah...07:23
cfochfor example07:23
cfochor won´t show colors07:23
cfochwhat can I do?07:23
gaelfxcfoch: try adding "complete -cf sudo" to your ~/.bashrc07:23
SoulRaveni want to install 12.04 on my home computer, but i have some question regarding this, the skystar 2 and creative x-fi extreme music will work in 12.0407:24
xskydevilxgaelfx, Well, yeah for opening the dash.07:24
SoulRaveni mean with 5.1 aceleration and for DVB card to use  ccccam plugin07:24
cfochgaelfx: I deleted .bashrc by error07:24
FleckSoulRaven i dont think anyone will support cam plugins here... thats not legal...07:25
cfochthanmustoki: hello07:25
gaelfxcfoch: then make a new one ;)07:25
thanmustokican you help me cfoch :)?07:25
cfochthanmustoki: if I can07:26
thanmustokiI have a problem for shutting down my ubuntu 12.04, it takes long time?07:26
xskydevilxgaelfx, Also, it is possible to get dodge working?07:26
thanmustokidyou have any solution?07:26
gaelfxxskydevilx: not sure what dodge is, sorry07:26
gaelfxxskydevilx: is that the new HUD thing?07:27
cfochgaelfx: do I just have to add that line to my bashrc and restart my session ?07:27
thanmustokiwhen I type shutdown -h now , it won't shutdown directly07:27
xskydevilxgaelfx, The dodge effect on the unity side bar thingy.07:27
gaelfxcfoch: should do07:27
cfochthanmustoki: Idk07:27
gaelfxxskydevilx: honestly, I've no idea, sorry07:27
jean_bratwhat should i install to get the system monitor as displayed in Top right hand side?07:27
xskydevilxgaelfx, Fudge..07:27
thanmustokiwhat does the mean Idk?07:28
gaelfxthanmustoki: I don't know07:28
thanmustokioooo ok07:28
* gaelfx feels an abbot and costello routine coming on07:28
thanmustokithx fya :)07:28
xskydevilxIs it possible to get dodge working on 12.04?07:30
Random832is there a mailing list for dash [the shell]?07:33
wenwenassalaamu 'alaikum07:33
gaelfxwenwen: hello07:34
gaelfxor is it alaikum salaam?07:34
thanmustokiwa'alakum sallam07:34
rectecaldwinaldwin, sorry. i've been watching some youtube. any news?07:34
mutantI am trying to build a xfs RAID 5 array in ESXi07:35
mutantevery time I reboot, I get dumped into initramfs07:35
mutantany help is appreciated07:35
=== huihuh is now known as phpn00b
phpn00bhi. I installed Ubutnu 12.04 today but my system lags a lot07:36
aldwinaldwinrectec, np, having a cig, reading grub.cfg (upgrade-grub : no joy)07:36
phpn00bcan some one helps me troubleshoot the problem?07:36
rectecaldwinaldwin, maybe some screenshots would help?07:36
aldwinaldwinrectec, via irc?07:37
rectecaldwinaldwin, nah. upload them. i usually use imgbin.07:37
aldwinaldwinrectec, ok, gimme a 5 minutes to write a step by step what i have discovered07:38
cfochhow can I install gnome-shell ?07:38
Chris_HHi, everytime when I use Google chrome with Ubuntu, it *freezes*07:38
Chris_HJust after about 15-40 mis of usage07:38
rectecaldwinaldwin, sure. *use pastebin07:38
nicolhi, I  just run the debian 12.0407:38
Chris_HIs there a fix for ti?07:38
nicolit is greate07:39
nicollooks so find07:39
cfoch(ayudo en español)07:39
Chris_HI am running the 11.10 with unity07:39
sirknightChris_H,  try to update07:39
cfochhow can I install gnome-shell in 12.04 ?07:39
nicolI changed to the gnome-shell07:39
Chris_Hsirknight: Everything is updated07:39
phpn00bcfedde, sudo apt-get install gnome-shell07:39
nicolsudo apt-get install gnome-shell07:39
sirknightChris_H,  reinstall it..07:40
cfochit isn´t in my repos i think07:40
Chris_Hsirknight: lol07:40
Chris_HDoes any one else have issues running GOogle chrome with ubuntu?07:41
abhi4linuxhi i just installed ubuntu 12.04 and need to figure a way to configure 5.1 surround support07:41
jozefkI installed 12.04 64bit and installed lubuntu-desktop but things are crashing often. anybody else has some crashing issues with 12.04 64bit?07:41
abhi4linuxany guide or links would be appreciated07:41
sirknightChris_H,  google has this woerd think about .. youn need to wait to up date.. its been like that since they started from 2 linux ported version07:41
jozefkChris_H, Chrome carshed a while ago :P I opened Opera now :)07:42
gaelfxcfoch: it should be in repos, just sudo apt-get install gnome-shell07:42
gaelfx!notunity | cfoch07:42
ubottucfoch: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic07:42
sirknightopen is heavy, but is a work around and makes up for alot for things that linux cant do?07:42
cfochwho helped me with the bashrc ?07:45
nicolwahtś the matter07:45
ReneZHi, maybe this has been asked before (sorry, but can't find solution), but in all my browsers flash is only playing for about four seconds. It's the latest version and the video downloads totally, but you need to press the 'location button' to get it to play the next 4.5 seconds. Any idea?? Thanks.07:45
cfochwhat does 'complete -cf sudo' do ?07:46
gaelfxcfoch: enables auto-completion when using sudo before commands07:46
Chris_HI wish Google chrome would work well in Ubuntu, until then, I guess I'd be better off with Windows :(07:47
gaelfxChris_H: what problems are you having with Chromium?07:47
aknewhopeHow do I install Ubuntu, and Debian for example on the same drive. This drive is specifically for just this. No Windows. Any links?07:47
ReneZIt has the same effect in Chrome, Firefox and Opera. Guess its a flash issue with Ubuntu07:47
taxmani never meet flash issues on ubuntu or windows07:48
Chris_Hgaelfx: I ran Chromium with the 11.04 when it was released. (it too had this issue back then). Now I'm running Chrome on 11.10 release, and it just freezes the whole system after about 15 mins07:48
cfochgaelfx: I see, and how can I show colors in the terminal?07:48
ReneZSorry, I use 11.1007:48
Chris_HIt occurs when I view video or even load about 10+ tabs07:48
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gaelfxcfoch: that I'm not really sure about07:49
gaelfxcfoch: but I'm pretty sure that there are plenty of guides out there07:49
gaelfxcfoch: if it's not in ubuntu documentation, then you should be able to find it in the arch documentation07:49
rectecaldwinaldwin, i gotta go. sorry man. hopefully others can help you. make sure to take some screenies. if it doesnt work out try the forums. good luck :)07:50
aldwinaldwinrectec, ok, thanks07:50
aldwinaldwinhave a nice sunday07:50
gaelfxChris_H: sounds like you don't have enough swap or RAM07:50
cfochaldwinaldwin: backache :(07:51
Chris_Hgaelfx: I doubt that. I have about 4 GB of RAM and enough swap space07:51
nicolare there any  good or excellent themes recommend?07:51
aldwinaldwinget well07:51
gaelfxChris_H: and when you have all that stuff open, how much of it are you using?07:51
Random832who decided this was a good idea? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/policykit-desktop-privileges/+bug/81239407:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 812394 in Ayatana Design "Disable hibernate option by default" [High,Fix released]07:52
Chris_Hgaelfx: I haven't checked that. But, I dont think my browser will eat up all of it.07:52
LintRandom832, a common sense07:53
gaelfxChris_H: also, you should make note of the next time it freezes your system, then look through the logs for any errors at that time07:53
Random832Lint: how is that common sense07:53
Random832what IDIOT thinks that keeping the hibernate option and _just not working_ on gnome/unity, or showing a cryptic permission error on xfce, is in any way a good fix07:53
ReneZAny support on Flash available here?07:54
marcmhey there07:54
marcmwhich kernel do I need for Ubutnu 12.04 to run as a KVM guest ?07:54
gaelfxReneZ: it's simpler if you just state the problem you're having, then we'll know what you need to do07:54
rba1988download google chrome for flash07:54
ReneZI did that some lines up07:54
cocoloswould updating to 12.04 delete anything on my current system?07:55
thirdwhlhey, is there a network install image for 12.04?07:55
ReneZFlash only playes for about 4 seconds in all my browsers07:55
Lintit is clear that hybernating should be prevented by default, by any means available07:55
kxanyone have problems playing fullscreen video with vlc on multimonitor setup07:55
rba1988it would delete the settings for software packages after upgrading. In my case, the mysql and apache stuff got reset.07:55
Random832Lint: how is that clear07:55
Random832if it were a good idea they should provide a proper explanation07:56
Random832and they certainly shouldn't disable it on upgrades to systems that have hibernated a thousand times before07:56
ReneZgealfx: Using Ubuntu 11.10 and the latest Flash07:56
Random832since clearly those systems have no problem aND the user regularly uses the feature07:56
Lintbecause if the computer will not come back from hybernation, the ubuntu will be erased immediately, it´s bad for business07:56
Random832you unity people are stupid and your paternalistic attitude is now infecting the other ubuntu versions07:57
Random832Lint: so have a chekbox to enable it at your own risk07:57
Random832and an explanation why07:57
Random832now that i know there's an xubuntu channel, i don't have to hang out in the unity channel anymore07:58
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aneattoasteris anyone there?07:59
=== aneattoaster is now known as neattoast
ReneZHi, maybe this has been asked before (sorry, but can't find solution), but in all my browsers flash is only playing for about four seconds. It's the latest version and the video downloads totally, but you need to press the 'location button' to get it to play the next 4.5 seconds. Any idea?? Thanks.08:00
neattoastReneZ: are you using chrome?08:01
ReneZYes, as well as Opera and Firefox. Same effect in all08:01
neattoastTry using the html5 version of youtube, www.youtube.com/html508:01
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ReneZOK, but it's not only youtube, it's on every Flash movie08:02
Guest13742la rooma08:02
Guest13742do you08:02
neattoastReneZ, did you update your pepper flash (chrome)08:03
taxmanafaik, html5 can't serve advertise well, so your isp turns it off08:03
taxmanthis is true here08:03
ReneZneattoast: am unaware what that is. I checked on the Adobe page and it shows I have the latest version installed?/08:03
neattoastgo to chrome://plugins and check what version of flash you are using08:04
taxmani prefer flash player 1008:04
neattoasttaxman: it's losing support.08:04
taxmanthe version 11 is leaking more your privacy08:05
NotJimCarreycan someone help me with "Couldn't configure pre-depend libdb5.1 for libpam-modules" when i try to upgrade to 1208:06
taxmanso some people is epic promoting flash player 11 for ....08:06
zhangwenqianis any body using PPs08:06
ReneZneattoast: its Flash - Version: 11.2 r20208:06
taxmanchinese pps?08:06
taxmanit's illegal08:07
neattoastReneZ: Seems to be ok...08:07
neattoastcould be your graphics.08:07
roryyzhangwenqian: do you mean the new release of Ubuntu (Precise Pangolin), or something else?08:07
ReneZHow do I find out? The problem started after upgrading (yeah!) from 11.04 to 11.1008:08
neattoastReneZ: How old, (about) is your computer?08:08
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ReneZQuite old, its a laptop of about 4 years08:09
neattoastReneZ, I should actally be fine... Not sure what the problem could be. Ideas, anybody?08:09
zhangwenqianis any chinese here?08:09
nicolYes, I do08:10
nicolwahtś wrong zhangwenqian08:10
zhangwenqianwhere ?08:10
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw08:10
ReneZneattoast: Memory seems OK as the flash video downloads completely, but every time you need to press the position button on the time bar to play the next 4,5 seconds08:10
neattoastReneZ, I'd say it's a flash bug.08:11
neattoastWait for updates, I'd say.08:11
ReneZOK, fair enough, not very patient though ;-)08:11
zhangwenqianmy ubuntu one can not connect08:12
taxmanthat's too bad, nobody can read chinese08:12
ReneZCheers mate, appreciate the help!08:12
MrGizmo757can somebody help me?  i installed KDE and now every time my system logs in i get the following error     '/home/user/.local/share/contacts/' does not exists     anybody know how to fix it?08:12
rba1988mkdir /home/user/.local/share/contacts08:12
MrGizmo757ok i give it a try08:14
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MrGizmo757that worked thanx08:17
namoamitabuddhaI failed to start up the ubuntu 12.04 amd64 installation.08:19
namoamitabuddhaThe screen kept black.08:19
namoamitabuddhaHow to fix it?08:19
tomcheng76how to enable gnome-shell in ubuntu 12.04? i have installed it and select "Gnome" on lightdm, but it is not gnome shell.08:20
rba1988what is it?08:20
namoamitabuddhaIt keeps black.08:21
namoamitabuddhaXorg failed to startup.08:21
tomcheng76traditional gnome panel.08:21
rba1988namoamitabuddha, what's your video card?08:21
tomcheng76unless i type gnome-shell --replace in a terminal, but it is not i want08:21
NotJimCarreycan someone help me with "Couldn't configure pre-depend libdb5.1 for libpam-modules" when i try to upgrade to 1208:22
yabanizehey um may i have some help?08:22
namoamitabuddharba1988: radeon08:23
neattoastyabanize: sure!08:23
nicol does apt has the similar ?yum whatprovides?08:23
neattoastyabanize: what is the problem?08:23
namoamitabuddhaRadeon HD 500008:23
nicolI want to check the library provides08:24
ububuntuhi ! i have 2 problems with fresh installed lubuntu (tryed on #lubuntu no ansver averyone sleep)  on aspire s3 laptop ? 1. ath9k still slow after "option ath9k nohwcrypt=1 in ath9k.conf" and its 2. system freeze after 30 or so minutes ?08:24
namoamitabuddharba1988: any idea?08:24
yabanizei just installed ubuntu server and when it asked about partitioning i selected some option that said use entire disk cos i dont care a bout what was on the disk already, and when it rebooted it just sits there with a blinking cursor, grub wont load08:24
rba1988namoamitabuddha, can you get to a tty terminal?08:24
yabanizei just installed ubuntu server and when it asked about partitioning i selected some option that said use entire disk cos i dont care a bout what was on the disk already, and when it rebooted it just sits there with a blinking cursor, grub wont load08:25
namoamitabuddharba1988: yes, I added "text" into grub parameter.08:25
namoamitabuddharba1988: fbdev also failed to work.08:25
rba1988you can try reconfiguring Xorg from there.08:25
rba1988creating a new xorg.conf file08:26
neattoastyabanize: If you haven't made any changes, just install it again.08:26
bavaniHey guys, i just installed wine 1.4 from The Software Centre, but it just isn't opening any of the windows executables. Can anyone pls help me fix it?08:26
neattoastyabanize: Oh, and you might also want to redownload the image, it might be corrupt.08:26
neattoastbavani: open wine on it's own, and then you can launch other apps afterwards.08:26
yabanizeI think it could have something to do with the partiition tables? is there a way to reset them08:26
bavanii'll try08:27
neattoastyabanize: I would reinstall08:27
neattoastbavani: good luck!08:27
namoamitabuddharba1988: Xorg -test ?08:27
namoamitabuddharba1988: Which configuration should I do?08:28
ubuntu-cnSome pages chromium18 in Caton, but filefox and opera will not been met?08:28
rba1988namoamitabuddha backup your old xorg.conf first (mv xorg.conf xorg.conf.bak) then Xorg -config08:28
yabanizeWill reinstalling reset the partition tables?08:28
rba1988it should create a new .conf file08:28
rba1988correction: Xorg -configure08:29
bavaniWine started working, but as soon as i launched speed.exe of nfs mw, it gives an error: invalid parameters recieved08:29
gaelfx!zn | ubuntu-cn08:29
gaelfx!zh | ubuntu-cn08:29
ubottuubuntu-cn: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw08:29
bavaniIt also changed the res to 800x60008:30
wo0t99bavani: dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg08:31
namoamitabuddharba1988: There's no xorg.conf. I read /var/log/Xorg.0.log. "Bus error"08:33
bavaniIt says:must be run as root08:33
bavaniI'll try logging of and then on08:33
yabanizebavani, type sudo before it08:33
rba1988namoamitabuddha: maybe it's a different problem then. Not entirely sure. Maybe your video card or something. Are you doing a clean install?08:34
namoamitabuddharba1988: I'm just running the installation08:34
yabanizeIf it says must be run as root, type sudo before it08:35
rba1988namoamitabuddha: sorry not sure now. maybe other people can help. paste your specs of your machine including video card details.08:35
bavaniWell, logging off and on did the trick08:35
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yabanizeWhy does my ubuntu server only boot with the usb i used to install it in?08:36
Total_OblivionHello! How can I upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04?08:36
bavaniHey guys, how can i configure wine 1.4 to run nfsmw on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS08:37
hapsterTotal_Oblivion: upgrade to 10.10 then 11.04 then 11.10 then finally 12.04.:P08:37
ububuntuany help with ath9k ? i make ath9k.conf with nohwcrypt=1 and after reboot stil have wifi issue with speed ?!08:37
wo0t99bavani: u done your resolution issue?08:37
bavaniTotal_Oblivion: Just go to update manager, it'll lead u08:37
yabanizeTotal_Oblivion: just run the update manager and press check for updates should be enough08:37
bavaniI logged off and then logged in08:37
wo0t99does dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg is work ? than its good for u.08:38
bavaniIt asks root priviliges08:38
wo0t99yer, so it need sudo :)08:38
namoamitabuddharbrooks: bus error when I use the radeon driver.08:39
bavaniwo0t99: How can i configure wine for nfsmw?08:39
wo0t99bavani: usually it auto. try use specific wine for games08:40
Hariezghow to instal VLC on xubuntu 11.1008:40
bavaniwo0t99: But it says: invalid parameters recieved08:41
Hariezghow to instal VLC on xubuntu 11.1008:42
wo0t99bavani : how u install it? wine <nfsmw.exe> ?08:42
wo0t99Hariezg : try apt-get install vlc08:42
bavaniI had it installed on xp08:42
Hariezgwo0t99 : Ok im try08:43
bavaninow trying to run it directly on wine08:43
wo0t99bavani : try use sudo winecfg & for the configuration.08:43
Hariezgdpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem   Why?? (im try sudo apt-get install vlc)08:45
NuttyNutGoblin2 Anybody here fluent in Bash?08:45
Hariezgdpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem   Why?? (im try sudo apt-get install vlc)08:46
cfochit was 'autocomplete -cf sudo', right?08:46
wo0t99Hariezg: those configuration will fix your problem in system and dpkg runtime.08:47
NuttyNutGoblin2I have wifi problem08:47
gaelfxcfoch: complete -cf sudo08:47
yabanizeWhats the difference between installing transmission-daemon or transmission-cli, im installing on ubuntu server and want a web gui torrent client08:47
pratzgaelfx: dude got the script working for audi compression08:48
gaelfxyabanize: then the daemon should suffice08:48
gaelfxpratz: awesome! what was wrong?08:48
NuttyNutGoblin2need help with iwconfig08:48
yabanizeWhat is the transmission cli then?08:48
gaelfxyabanize: cli is for controlling transmission using terminal, if you want the web-client, you probably don't need that then08:48
pratzgaelfx: in the subprocess module of python, i was specifing shell=True, that was wrong08:49
LinuxMonkeyJust made the full jump from windows to Ubuntu 12.04lts and just wanted to say I love it.08:49
yabanizeWhat about if i just install transmission08:49
NuttyNutGoblin2having wifi problem08:49
gaelfxpratz: what does that do?08:49
gaelfxyabanize: that would be fine except you'll have to get gtk and all that jazz08:49
pratzgaelfx: that will output to shell and i did not wanted that08:49
mbrochhHi all. Somewhere I read that one of the new features of 12.04 is that when selecting a user from the login screen, the login screen background changes to that user's wallpaper... am I wrong? Do I have to activate this somewhere?08:50
gaelfxpratz: weird, guess I still have a lot to learn about pyhton08:50
pratzgaelfx: but now the script works recursively and also creats dirs if not exist08:50
yabanizeso transmission cli would have a web gui aswell?08:50
DadeSo I just did a fresh install of 12.04. and I'm trying to do SSL virtual hosts... well it works untill I reboot then it just points to the main site ... untill i manually restart apache2.. how wierd eh?08:50
wo0t99ubottu : !python08:50
ubottupython is a popular Object Oriented scripting language included in Ubuntu. For more on Python please see http://www.python.org/ or #python08:50
NuttyNutGoblin2that is wierd dade08:50
pratzgaelfx: actually subprocess is the new module in python2.7 i guess , before that we would to use os.system()08:50
gaelfxyabanize: should, yeah, but if you don't plan to control it from terminal, then cli is kind of pointless08:51
Dadeany ideas on where to find its hiccups?08:51
pratzgaelfx: but os.system() does not escape spaces and subprocess does08:51
LolostudioHi. My x server is still randomly and very often crashing since I upgraded to 12.04 and I still haven't found the problem source.08:51
Dadeso is min lol08:51
NuttyNutGoblin2dade; is restarting the deamon the only thing you need to do to enable all vt?08:51
pratzgaelfx: ohhhh, i love programming dude08:51
kxLolostudio: nvidia?08:51
Lolostudiokx : Yes08:52
gaelfxpratz: it shows ;)08:52
DadeNuttyNutGoblin2; regular http virtuals work its only SSL virtuals that dont work untill I restart apache08:52
wo0t99Lolostudio : try sudo dpkg-recofigure -phigh xserver-xorg08:52
NuttyNutGoblin2oh ok08:52
pratzgaelfx: now a can watch an IPL match ( India Premier League ) and my system will do the remaining work for me08:52
kxLolostudio: downgrade driver to 295.33 or wait for update. it's known problem read about it on phoronix08:52
bavaniTo play a game in wine, is it necessary to install it, or can we play games using copied files?08:52
gaelfxyabanize: np08:52
NuttyNutGoblin2I haven't tried ssl yet08:52
* nikolja dobar dan08:53
NuttyNutGoblin2Is anyone fluent in iwconfig?08:53
pratzgaelfx: by the way , thanks for helping me dude08:53
wo0t99NuttyNutGoblin2 : why08:53
TimPlazjust upgraded to 12.04 yesterday....still can't get pogo.com to work with games. Is there a fix?08:53
gaelfxpratz: no problem, though I'm not sure I actually helped at all08:53
NuttyNutGoblin2wlan0 is showing in iwconfig, wont power on'08:53
yabanize:) im gonna use mediatomb and samba and a bittorrent and idk what else yet lol, any ideas for software for a home server?08:54
Lolostudiokx : Oh...Where can I downgrade to this driver? On the nvidia website or the driver selection window should give it?08:54
wo0t99NuttyNutGoblin2 : try ifconfig wlan0 up08:54
wo0t99iwconfig will give the detail, interface control by ifconfig08:54
plouffebavani, if it was necessaary to install in windows, it's probably necessary to install in wine08:54
pratzgaelfx: dude you helped me with ffmpeg08:54
kxLolostudio: i dont know that you can in ubuntu sorry . i dont use ubuntu. i download from nvidia's site. it's quite an adventurous traversal of hyperlinks too08:55
pratzgaelfx: open source ,if hands are together goal will be difinately achieved08:55
gaelfxpratz: :D08:55
bavaniplouffe: We can play nfs mw without installing it08:55
bavaniin windows08:55
yabanizeIts amazing how far ubuntu has come.08:55
kxyabanize: please expound08:55
pratzgaelfx: off topic - do you watch IPL ?? we Indians love cricket08:55
Lolostudiokx : Oh, kk x) Thanks a lot, I remember there's a nvidia driver list page on the ubuntu site, maybe i'll find it pretty quickly :)08:56
gaelfxpratz: nope, I live in China, they don't usually have things like that here08:56
plouffebavani /join #wine08:56
oCeanpratz: please use #ubuntu-offtopic for chit chat08:56
yabanizeJust ideas for software that could be useful on a home ubuntu server? kx08:56
kxLolostudio: no problem. ubuntu is known to put out disastrously buggy software as stable updates, so good luck heh08:56
bavanithnx plouffe08:57
plouffebavanio, sorry winehq08:57
kxyabanize: oh08:57
cfoch'complete -cf sudo' doesn't complete uninstalled packages, right?08:59
neurochromeis there a way to permanently show the global menu?09:00
cfoch?join #pitivi09:00
wo0t99cfoch : try apt-get install <package> --fix-missing && dpkg-reconfigure -a09:01
shafeeqeshow can i install gnome 3 desktop (one in fedora) in ubuntu 12.04 ?09:01
namoamitabuddhaSignal 7 (Bus Error)09:02
cfochshafeeqes: sudo apt-get install gnome-shell09:02
neurochromecfoch, then you choose "Gnome" at the login screen09:02
TriesteHi, if I'm on Ubuntu 12.04, can I switch to Kubuntu 12.04 without doing a clean install?09:04
shafeeqes<cfoch: are you sure ?09:04
cfochwo0t99: but I want autocomplete the packages. I usually write for example "libgl", then (for example) tab, and it shows me libglib2.0, libglib2.0-dev, etc09:04
namoamitabuddhaTrieste: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop09:04
kxTrieste: by switch you mean and getting rid of the old unity/ubuntu stuff09:04
cfochshafeeqes: it complete some packages but not all09:05
bavaniNo help from the wine hq channel09:05
ikoniabavani: then wait for help from the wine channel09:05
shreddingHey guys. I need some help!09:05
beata1I'm running 10.04 with globalmenu and Aurora firefox 14 with firefox-globalmenu, but that menu isn't being passed on. The plugin is listed as enabled in the addons manager. Any ideas?09:06
shreddingI added php5 with sudo apt-get php509:06
shafeeqescfoch : i only need the packages..only desktop (ie; appearance) ..so gnome shell is enough ?09:06
BoreeasWhile upgrading from 11.04->11.10->12.04, something went wrong with the window renderer: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/31575034/Other/Selection_008.png - Hoŵ do I fix that?09:06
shreddingThen I installed apache like explained here:09:06
Triestekx: basically, I want what I would get if I did a clean install - without doing a clean install, because for some reason, my graphics card doesn't work without proprietary drivers, so when I use the install cd, it just blacks out09:06
shreddingThus, I installed PHP twice I guess.09:06
shreddingNow Apache only serves PHP files in the root directory, not in subdirectories09:06
cfochshafeeqes: ?09:06
shreddingI've done this, but it does not word: http://pricklytech.wordpress.com/2011/04/02/ubuntu-server-apache-php-files-are-download-instead-of-opening-in-browser/09:07
bavaniHey, I want to play nfs mw on wine without installing it, but running the main exe gives me an error: Invalid parameters recieved09:07
bavaniIt changes screen res too09:07
bavaniPls hlp09:07
innerandHello! When I connect an additional monitor to my notebook, ubuntu does something (it recognizes the monitor and goes to mirror-mode). Does anybody know, what ubuntu does here exactly (is there any skript running?). I would like to set the notebook monitor off automaticly if an external Monitor is connected. I can do this with randr - but i need an event to run this skript...09:07
wo0t99cfoch : use synaptic :D09:07
ikoniabavani: the wine guys is the place to get help09:07
shreddingAny ideas?09:08
cfochnope... I want autocomplete the packages (lol)09:08
bavaniWne guys aren't helping09:08
nliciHello To all . I upgrade the ubuntu to 12 but when i upgrade it i saw that my samsung printer is not working any more it seems like the driver is there but at the status its written it stopped . So i can not able to print nothing .Please advice me what to do ?09:08
ikoniashredding: php is not directory based09:08
ikoniashredding: it's either on/off09:08
ikoniabavani: that is the place to get help09:08
kxTrieste: i dont know that ubuntu has made it easy to get rid of the non kubuntu ubuntu stuff. maybe somebody knows. but as the other guys said you can install kubuntu on top of it..09:08
Dadeanyone else having problems with SSL Virtualhosts on apache2 upon reboot?09:08
bavaniPls try to help me09:08
shreddingikonia: it works on root directory.09:08
wo0t99: try search the package and do a wildcard. lol09:09
shreddingI already googles a lot, it's a common problem.09:09
ikoniabavani: that is the correct place to get help, not everything will work with wine, you need to be prepared for that09:09
shreddingHowever, the common solutions did not work.09:09
ikoniashredding: it's not a common problem09:09
bavaniNo its nfsmw09:09
ikoniashredding: php is either on/off within the web server09:09
shreddingWell, let's say i'm not the only one with it.09:09
cfochcfoch don't like to use synaptic09:09
shreddingYes, thats true.09:09
bavaniThe appdb says it works fine09:09
shreddingIt's on.09:10
wo0t99try playonlinux ? or getdeb ?09:10
ikoniabavani: then the people who maintain the winedb (the wine support guys) can help you09:10
shreddingBut apache does not parse php in subdirs.09:10
bavaniHow can i get to them?09:10
cfochcfoch doesn't like to use synaptic * (bad english)09:10
ikoniashredding: again, very unlikley, what's the actual error you get ?09:10
shreddingikonia: It's not an error. PHP scripts are offered for download by apache instead of getting parsed.09:11
shreddingI tried this:09:11
shreddingAnd that:09:11
shredding(Both have the exact same problem)09:11
bavaniGot the problem09:11
ikoniashredding: one moment let me read09:11
cfochwhat -cf does?09:11
shreddingthank you very much09:11
halfie_hi, is there a PPA for GCC 4.8 snapshots builds?09:11
nliciis there any one?09:11
bavaniInstalling DirectX did the trick09:11
cfoch(bad english) what does -cf do?09:11
kxTrieste: have you tried checking the alternate ISO? you may be able to install the entire thing in text mode or install the base, then kubuntu-desktop on top of that. not sure09:12
bavanithnx 4 bearing me up09:12
Triestekx: I haven't thought of that, good idea, I'll check09:12
ikoniashredding: in the web root (where php works) can you give me the name of a file that works please ?09:13
shreddingIt's localhost!09:13
shreddingYou can't access it from the outside.09:14
shreddingMy guess is the following:09:14
ikoniaI don't want to access it09:14
shreddingthe file is named index.php09:14
shreddingI have copied the exact same file in a subdir and it does not work.09:14
ikoniashredding: ok, in the subdirectory if you create a file called index.php with the simple phpinfo command in it, what happens ?09:14
shreddingIt gets downloaded instead of getting parsed09:15
linociscoanybody from Tirana?09:15
ikoniashredding: even if it's called index.php ?09:15
ikonialinocisco: why ?09:15
ikoniashredding: can you please pastebin nyour sites enabled file for that site09:15
halfie_does gcc-snapshot package installs GCC 4.8.x series?09:15
Dadewoot figured it out09:15
linociscoikonia, an IT vacancy there09:15
ne0_ubuntu ? convince me! why should i give up on windows09:15
wo0t99u should allow php mime on apache.conf to allow that :)09:15
ikonialinocisco: so nothing to do with this channel then09:15
oCeanlinocisco: please /join #ubuntu-offtopic for general chit chat09:16
Gosset_Inofensiuhello, a question: i would like to log in on Unity and keep left launcher, delete the top panel and add customizable gnome-panel09:16
shreddingMy guess is: I have installed apt-get php5 BEFORE i installed it again with apache dependencies.09:16
ikoniashredding: sorry what ?09:16
Triestegod dammit http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/12.04/kubuntu-12.04-alternate-i386.iso09:16
shreddingOk, first of all, I'm new to linux.09:16
ikoniaTrieste: why are you posting that, we know the download urls09:16
LjLne0_: #ubuntu-offtopic is the better place for you as well, this one is just a technical support channel09:16
Triesteikonia: have you tried visiting it?09:16
shreddingI had to do some command line php and thought apache was already installed.09:16
ikoniaTrieste: no09:16
ikoniashredding: if it's already installed, it won't be a problem09:17
oCeanTrieste: also, control your language here, please09:17
wo0t99shredding : phpinfo()09:17
shreddingThat's why I sudo apt-get PHP5 and php got installed and i performed some command line stuff.09:17
TriesteoCean: sorry09:17
Dadeshredding did you install apache with apt-get install lamp-server^09:17
Dadegive that a shot I'm in the process of reinstalling my own server and lamp-server^ did everything for me in one go09:18
vincentfengzihey guys,after install ati driver,i restart and found the launcher and the panel is gone.how do i fix it?09:18
Dademysql apache and php was rocking09:18
shreddingI used this:09:18
TriesteI wonder who should I contact about the broken links on kubuntu.org09:18
wo0t99lamp-server option will resolve the the issue09:18
LjLTrieste: maybe #ubuntu-website, but don't quote me on that09:19
vincentfengzibut i still see the top panel when i log in09:19
ikoniaTrieste: the links on the kubuntu website works fine09:19
Triesteikonia: it 404s here, that's strange09:19
Dadeshredding go with this instead09:19
shreddingDade: How do I get rid of my current installation in order to install lamp?09:19
ikoniaTrieste: go to the website and press the "download" buttons,09:19
shreddingDade: Sorry if this is dumb but I come from windows09:20
cfochcould someone give me a manual about autocompletion in bashrc ?09:20
DadeShredding: dont worry about it just run sudo apt-get install lamp-server^09:20
Triesteikonia: I need the alternate cd, which 404s here09:20
ikoniashredding: not dumb at all09:20
Dadeapt-get will figure out the rest09:20
ikoniashredding: that's why people are here, to help you09:20
vincentfengzipress alt+f2 or the super button but nothing happen.09:20
Gosset_Inofensiuhow do I delete top panel on Unity?09:21
ikoniaTrieste: it's not on any of the mirrors, which suggests it's not been released/populated for some reason09:21
beata1firefox-nightly's menu doesn't pick up, either. I currently have no idea what to check.09:21
Dadeshredding: yeah man dont sweat it im a big windows guy myself here to figure out a problem too :)09:21
shreddingis the  ^ requiered?09:21
Triesteikonia: I see, any idea why that might be?09:21
Propuls1onHas anyone ever used devilspie?09:21
LjLDade: what is the ^ for?09:21
ikoniaTrieste: nope, not read anything09:21
cfochsome funny channel about games in ubuntu ?09:21
wo0t99shredding: try install sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5 to resolve that php5 download issue09:21
DadeLjK: its whats listed in the repository09:22
shreddingDade: It did some processing but says everything is actual and fine and 0 files where changed09:22
LolostudioHi again. I downloaded the nvidia 295.33 driver to fix my x server crashing problems, but i can't manage to install it; when i run a "sudo bash NVIDIA-Linux-x86-295.33.run" in a terminal i got an error message saying I can't install it while running a x server...seems normal to me, the problem is that I can't switch on console mode cause when I push ctrl+alt+Fx with x€ [1;6], i get a black screen and my screen turn09:22
shreddingwo0t99: same here.09:22
shreddingAh wait!09:23
shreddingSomething has changed.09:23
shreddingI can now access index.php like this:09:23
shreddingHowever: http://localhost/flow3/Web/ does not work09:23
wo0t99that directives from your http conf >.<09:23
ikoniashredding: you'll need to update the default index file names in your apache config file09:23
shreddingYou mean httpd.conf?09:24
ikoniashredding: apache2.conf09:24
ikoniashredding: slightly different in ubuntu09:24
wo0t99shredding: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP .. it worth for your reference :)09:24
TzeMWhy in myunity in the begin i see thiw message --> Your Ubuntu 12.04 is running in 2D mode.09:24
TzeMMany features will not be available.09:24
Abhijitwhere can i find md5 for 12.04 64 bit? it is not there on download torrent page help09:24
Triesteikonia: the bittorrent links work, though, maybe it's just the HTTP mirrors that are broken?09:25
datruthHow can I use my webcam in kubuntu 12.04?09:25
ikoniaTrieste: I'm sure they will get populated shortly09:25
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows09:25
shreddingikonia: Do you know how to do this?09:27
BoreeasWhile upgrading from 11.04->11.10->12.04, something went wrong with the window renderer: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/31575034/Other/Selection_008.png - Hoŵ do I fix that?09:27
oCeanshredding: add index.php to /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dir.conf09:27
ikoniashredding: DirectoryIndex is the parameter09:27
kxLolostudio: going to need to boot to console or ctlr-alt-fn immediately after booting might work. i had the same problem. just use the recovery boot option09:28
Abhijitis there any gui tool to compare md5 ?09:28
wo0t99Abhijit : usually terminal work best09:29
Dadeshredding: oCean is on to something I agree make sure that index.php is in the file he listed.09:29
LinuxMonkeyGui tool...sure its called Terminal then run appropriate commands.lol09:29
Propuls1onHas anyone ever used devilspie?09:29
oCeanPropuls1on: why not ask your actual question09:30
Lolostudiokx: I nerver did this so i don't really know how to do it...I have to shut it down, then turn it on and on grub, choose the "Linux recovery mode" option? or you meant when I choose the "normal" Linux option in grub, I instantly try to launch console mode?09:30
wo0t99ubottu: !devilspie09:30
ubottudevilspie is a tool that can perform actions on windows when running applications. Actions include resizing, positioning, pinning etc. Use the package gdevilspie to configure from GUI, or see usage information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Devilspie09:30
Propuls1onWell, i'm new here.. not sure how it works..09:30
Abhijitwo0t99, linux4u i mean i remember there was tool in past where i point it to iso and then i copy paste the hash from website and them it tells it they match or not like that09:30
shreddingIt already says: http://pastebin.com/qPV2VWg209:30
Propuls1onBut I'm trying to move windows to certain workspaces automatically.. but if I enter that in devilspie, it doesn't work. However, when I try something like maximizing the window, it does work.09:31
oCeanAbhijit: several cd-burning programs have that09:31
kxLolostudio: either. with the bad driver my terminals would blank out after using x for a while but no immediately after booting. but you might as well use the recovery mode option09:31
AbhijitoCean, i am talking about checking md5 sum and not about burning the cd09:31
wo0t99shredding : how about mod enable?09:32
LinuxMonkeyAbhijit, try hashcalc09:32
oCeanAbhijit: I understand, but burning tools have the capability to check the md5 of the ISO. Besides that, I would use the terminal for something that simple09:32
shreddingwo0t99: You mean mod_enable module.c in httpd.conf?09:32
Lolostudiokx: okay, thanks a lot, I'm going to try it :) and in console mode, i just have to type the same things than in the terminal ( so "cd /home/my_name/downloads" and "sudo bash driver_name.run" ?)09:32
oCeanshredding: no, if dir.conf was in your mods-enabled directory, then there is no need to enable it again09:33
wo0t99shredding: try gksudo /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.conf and comment #php_admin_value engine off09:34
oCeanwo0t99: why?09:34
wo0t99shredding : and then sudo service apache2 restart, see how it work09:34
StereocaulonAre there any non-unity related problems that I might run into  when upgrading from 11.10?09:35
antnashHey guys. I'm trying to set  cron reboot, but it's just not doing anything. I did sudo crontab -e and added 0 6 * * * reboot   What's wrong with that?09:35
oCeanshredding: are you sure the /etc/apache2/apache2.conf file is the default config? Does it include directives as "Include mods-enabled/*.load"09:35
shreddingI already did that woOt9909:35
kxLolostudio: should work. actually i think ubuntu now uses a blacklist stub preventing direct installation of nvidia driver now.. you may have to remove it. theyre doing everything possible now to make it harder to fix your system from their buggy packages.. it was there in 9.10 i dont know if it's still there or the exact procedure.. just be on the lookout and might want to google that first because i dont remember09:35
oCeanshredding: really, in a default installation this all should work. I'm not sure what happened to your installation/config09:35
nlicican i get any answers ?any body who can help ?09:36
shreddingIs there any option to remove anything and retry?09:36
Stereocaulon!ask | nclici09:36
ubottunclici: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:36
wo0t99shredding : try to remove --purge and reinstall it back09:36
shreddingoCean: It does include the line "Include mods-enabled/*.load09:37
jeampzHi guys, can anyone explain why I'm getting a "permission denied" on just one folder of my nas?09:37
sent!details jeampz09:37
sent!details | jeampz09:38
ubottujeampz: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."09:38
Dadewell I thought my problem was fixed but its not... so I have a few SSL Virtualhosts and they work fine until I restart the box. Then all of the SSL virtualhosts point to the directory listed in default-ssl. If I restart Apache2 service manually everything works as intended. any ideas?09:38
Stereocaulonjeampz, are you logged in as root? Which folder are you referring to?09:38
jeampzsorry, okay. So I go into places09:38
Lolostudiokx: aaaaaw, getting complicated x') hum, i'll try first, but if it doesn't work maybe I should wait for the fix...you said (or someone else, I don't remember cause several people helped me) it was reported, so the fix shouldn't be too ;kl09:38
jeampzbrowse networks09:38
lewis1711I'm in 12.04. when I close the lid on the laptop the wifi disconnects. how can I prevent this? I can't find any "power settings". is there a binary name?09:38
Propuls1onCould someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I try to move programs automatically to a certain workspace using gdevilspie. Now I have this code generated: http://paste.ubuntu.com/954595/ , but when I start the program (Terminal in this case) it still opens on the workspace I'm on at that moment. Does someone know how to solve this?09:38
Lolostudiotoo long* arf09:38
shreddingoCean: I'm using this httpd.conf on top http://pastebin.com/3gcE59Lh09:39
shreddingThis moves my dev directory to /home/john/www09:39
JonathanEllisGood morning. I am running chromium-browser 18.0.1025.151~r130497-0ubuntu1 on ubuntu 12.04. I have only just done a clean install of the distro in the last day or two. Chromium browser crashes randomly, sometimes on startup and sometimes after a while. I have pasted the error messages from the terminal to http://pastebin.com/G6tfkWNn09:39
shreddingBut I do not understand anything that goes on there.09:39
Stereocaulonjeampz, obviously your NAS does not run ubuntu. It sounds as if you are accessing your NAS through a web interface, right?09:40
shreddingI have a linux book but am still at "using vim", the "configure apache" chapter is definitly coming next ;)09:40
WhiskeyWhere can i find Ubuntu 12.04 Minimal CD?09:40
wo0t99shredding : the document root should replace from your pwd09:40
kxLolostudio: yeah good idea if it's too complicated. just prepare for potentially decently long wait heeh09:40
jeampzI'm accessing my nas through nautilus09:40
FrameFeverHi there09:40
jeampzi go nas (CIFS)09:40
FrameFeverI have installed ubuntu in vmware09:40
FrameFeverbut I get only a terminal screen09:40
jeampzi have full access on all shares on all folders but one09:40
FrameFeverhow can I start the xserver?09:40
jeampzi try to create a new folder and it just says permission denied09:41
jeampzbut i can create folders on all other parts of the directory09:41
datruthahh a nice small program for kde09:41
* datruth claps09:41
Stereocaulonjeampz, ok,  what protocol did you use to attach to your NAS? ftp, sftp? Did you logon as root on your NAS?09:41
jeampzi'm now using gvfs-mount09:42
jeampzi don't know what root logon means... sorry09:43
Stereocaulonjeampz, Yes, but that's a method, not a protocol.09:43
Dadefound this in my log not sure if it sounds like a problem or a notice [notice] Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.3.10-1ubuntu3 with Suhosin-Patch mod_ssl/2.2.22 OpenSSL/1.0.1 configured -- resuming normal operations09:43
Stereocaulon!root | jeampz09:43
ubottujeampz: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo09:43
jeampzoh, yes, it's cifs09:43
Dadejust run sudo bash09:44
piglitis there a netspilt going on ?09:44
Dadefor root09:44
shreddingOk. I guess I can figure it out, I'm now starting with just typing index.php09:44
Stereocaulonjeampz, in that case you are accessing your NAS through Windows File sharing protocol Samba.09:44
shreddingThanks for all your help, I really appreciate it.09:44
shreddingOn last question: Is there any preinstalled ide (except vim :)) on ubuntu for php?09:45
shredding(I'm at holiday and am actually tethering from my mobile phone.09:45
Stereocaulonjeampz, that protocol won't give you full access to your NAS if it's linux based. For that, you'll need to logon using SSH (if that is possible on your NAS) and as root.09:45
UbuBashershredding; nano is my fav09:46
UbuBasherI LOVE nano09:46
LolostudioJust tried to run the console before the x server starts and it's the same, black screen and turning off screen, same with recovery mode; i can't access my console at all, hum...seems I don't even have choice, have to wait for the fix.09:46
Stereocaulonjeampz, but please be careful when you are logged as root. You will have the ability to brick your NAS.09:46
Stereocaulonjeampz, logged >in< as root (...)09:47
jeampzhaha, excellent. okay. i'll have a look for how to do that09:47
MayazcherquoiWhat's the official Wine IRC channel? :S09:47
StereocaulonMayazcherquoi, that would be #winehq09:48
UbuBasherDon't know......how is Wine working these days?09:48
LinuxMonkeyMayazcherquoi, its #winehq09:48
MayazcherquoiAhk, thank you guys :)09:48
LinuxMonkeyUbuBasher, good09:48
FrameFevercan nobody help?09:49
Stereocaulonjeampz, before you do go mucking about as root, please be sure to read up on some basic linux/ bash knowledge.09:49
Stereocaulon!ask | Framefever09:49
ubottuFramefever: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:49
StereocaulonUbuBasher, for details on that question please goto www.winehq.org and/ or discuss it on #winehq09:50
confusedhi all09:50
FrameFeverStereocaulon: I have already asked09:50
tobias_hi, can anyone help me with an undetected wifi card in 12.04 and macbook pro 5.5? it just doesn't see the card, no matter where i look.09:50
FrameFeverI installed the latest ubuntu in a vmware player09:50
FrameFeverbut when i start ubuntu I got only a terminal screen09:51
FrameFeverI want the dekstop09:51
rymate1234which version did you get? :)09:51
FrameFeverI got a strange message before login09:51
confusedmy ubuntu live usb install won't fetch updates... i need to do apt-get update to be able to install lvm2 to change my partition around, but i can't seem to do that09:51
FrameFever"Please Wait Vmware tools is being installed on your system Depending on  the version of ubuntu you are installing you may log in below and use  the system during the installation."09:51
LinuxMonkeyFrameFever, im guessing you probably installed the server version09:51
confusedcan someone help me somehow to get this working?09:51
FrameFevercan not be09:51
kxFrameFever: thats the new unity. believe it or not it's actually an improvement ;)09:51
FrameFeverI downlaoded the desktop version09:52
greenbrothercan anyone help me with audio problem?09:52
rymate1234!ask | greenbrother09:52
ubottugreenbrother: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:52
confusedW: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/karmic-updates/restricted/source/Sources.gz  404  Not Found [IP: 80]  E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.09:52
Stereocaulongreenbrother, please describe you audio problem in detail, but don't use Enter as punctuation ;-)09:53
MACscrthis loss of network access is increasing. Its happening about every 15 minutes now. Its driving me insane. This a wired connection and there are no errors in the logs about it09:53
yabanizeI just installed transmission-daemon on my server, where is the settings.json file?09:53
confused:( can someone help me fix this?09:53
FrameFeverso nobody can help?09:53
Stereocaulongreenbrother, describe you => describe your09:53
ikoniaconfused: karmic no longer on that server09:53
ubottuUbuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) was the eleventh release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 29th 2011, see http://ubottu.com/y/karmic for details.09:53
ikoniaconfused: it's end of life09:53
FrameFeverwhats the command the reboot the system from terminal?09:54
greenbrotherok, excuse me. I have rwo problems: 1st is may be with driver - I have presonus audiobox usb and sometimes I hear pups in the sound09:54
rymate12349.10 is dead09:54
ikoniaFrameFever: "reboot"09:54
confusedso what can i do to get lvm2 installed temporarily to move my partitions around?09:54
ikoniaconfused: you need to use the old release server09:54
NotJimCarreycan someone help me with "Couldn't configure pre-depend libdb5.1 for libpam-modules" when i try to upgrade to 1209:54
ikoniaconfused: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/09:54
FrameFeverthen I get "reboot: need to reboot"09:54
FrameFeverand nothing happens09:54
ikoniaFrameFever: "sudo reboot"09:55
FrameFeverohh thanks09:55
aRn0Hi all. If Chrome is the only browser to offer the latest flash for linux integrated, is there gonna be a better Chrome integration in Unity?09:55
confusedikonia: sorry for my lack of knowledge but, what exactly do i do with the link you sent me?09:55
FrameFeverdamn it doesnt helped09:56
ikoniaconfused: you need to change the sources list to point at that server, that's where the EOL releases are stored09:56
Stereocaulongreenbrother, try shutting down unneccesary channels that might be a source of crosstalk or distortion. On cheap soundchips, the microphone channel is usually not that separated from the rest. That may be your primary suspect.09:56
blackboxhello! anyone can help. how should i resize my partition Ubuntu Linux ... help please. My partition is too low now they in 3gb more ... i just give 15gb for my Ubuntu Linux..09:56
kxaRn0: that question has yet to be answered, no doubt09:56
rymate1234blackbox, you would use a partition resizer tool09:57
confusedikonia: i'll look around to see where i can do that, thanks much :)09:57
blackboxcan you give me a link ??09:57
rymate1234blackbox, http://gparted.sourceforge.net/09:57
blackboxgparted ?? i have install it and this cannot edit my partition T.T09:58
Stereocaulonblackbox, if you have any NTFS partitions on that box, be sure to check for errors first in Windows.09:58
rymate1234try the live cd edition09:58
greenbrotherwhat you mean with "unneccesary channels"? For example - I'm opened only xbmc media center and loocking film, but this problem stay.09:58
rymate1234I had to use the ive cd partitons to resize my partitons09:58
LinuxMonkeyyeah you cant resize an active partition. :) hence why the live CD works09:59
blackboxwhat error need to checlkk ??09:59
Stereocaulongreenbrother, if you are only listening to audio and not recording in the mean while, your line-in and microphone channels can be shut down without negative consequences. That might even solve the pops you are hearing.10:00
LinuxMonkeyblackbox, just launch your pc via live CD and run gparted from there, it should let you resize it10:00
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blackboxOk i will try :D ...10:00
Stereocaulongreenbrother, unless you are connecting to XMBL through line-in of course.10:01
greenbrotherYeah, I konw that and my mic is shutting down. I'm shure that problem is software problem. In windows i install driver and this is all, but I dont know how I can make that in ubuntu.10:02
Stereocaulongreenbrother, you can toggle mute on any unneeded channels through alsamixer, using [M] when you have selected that channel. Just be sure to re-enable them when you need them10:02
Stereocaulongreenbrother, try this: kill pulseaudio10:04
tobias_help please! my 12.04 doesn't see my wireless network card at all. i don't know where to begin to try fixing the problem!10:04
Stereocaulongreenbrother, try this: pkill pulseaudio10:04
greenbrotherin terminal?10:04
DexterFI cant take the fscking adobe flash plugin anymore. any other options?10:04
intore_hi, i need to run the command slapindex using openldap user but i don't know how to do it? how can i change the user to run a command?10:04
Stereocaulongreenbrother, yes, in the terminal.10:04
confusedikonia: okay i'm lost... how can i use the link you gave as the one where it looks for?10:04
kotrckahi guys, is there a way, how to run a simple ftp server as an user? for example, I want to run it now, I will run command ABC and when I am done, I will quit it..10:05
StereocaulonDexterF, well, there is always gnash, but it won't run all flash programs10:05
greenbrotherOK! I'll try!10:05
shafeeqeshow to remove an apllication in ubuntu 12.04 via terminal .. ? (for eg: GIMP)10:05
kotrckashafeeqes, apt-get remove gimp10:05
DexterFshafeeqes: man aptitude. or apt-get. or dpkg. or synaptic from terminal10:05
Stereocaulongreenbrother, pulseaudio should restart automatically, but this might give you a window without the pops and crackles.10:05
kotrckaas a root10:05
greenbrotherThe problem stay :(10:06
Stereocaulongreenbrother, what sound chip do you use? "lspci | grep audio"10:06
CrazyGangsterHello ppl, any1 knows if there is a way to not redirect the system beep to my headphones? Because i want to hear music on my headphones and hear the system beep when im way from the PC without unplug the headphones jack...10:07
greenbrotherPresonus Audiobox USB10:07
Stereocaulongreenbrother, yes, but that box probably contains a standard sound chip, do you get the same description through lspci?10:08
CrazyGangsterinternal pc system beeper10:08
nliciHi friends can i have help please10:09
nlicii can not able to get answer from any body10:09
Stereocaulongreenbrother, lspci | grep -i audio10:09
LinuxMonkey!ask | nlici10:09
ubottunlici: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:09
confusedikonia: are you there?10:09
nlicithx. i upgrade to 12.04 but as i see now i can not use my printer .10:10
Stereocaulonnlici, what printer do you use? Some more details would be helpful here.10:10
nlicieven i can see the printer on the system it starts like printing then writes on status stopped what can be the problem ?10:10
OlognIs there any way to check for all packages - not on a system necessarily - that depend on a library?10:10
confusedCan someone help me change my sources to point to the old karmic sources?10:11
nliciit is samsung scx 320010:11
OlognSo if if libwhatever exists, you can see what applications out there use libwhatever?10:11
greenbrotherI don't know this answare, but this is my audio interface: http://presonus.com/products/Detail.aspx?ProductId=5310:11
SniiHi, does anyone have experience with installing via PXE? I have got the macine to boot over the network and start the installer, but after i select a mirror "archive.ubuntu.com" and click enter it seems to just stand there with a blank (blue) screen doing nothing..10:11
Stereocaulongreenbrother, yuck the site requires flash :-/10:12
michlemken-1why is myswl-server not installing (12.04) ?10:12
nlicibefore it was working properly without any problem !10:12
wildc4rdGood morning all, any good reason not to upgrade to 12.04 on a fairly simple desktop setup?10:14
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Stereocaulongreenbrother, try using another USB port and if you are not using one already, use a USB cable with a Ferrite core surrounding the cable to minimize interference.10:14
greenbrotherok, let stay this problem, my other problem is I think with codec - when I seeng some film - the effects are laud and the speak is quit. Can you tell me what I can do?10:14
michlemken-1wildc4rd, mysql is down10:14
LinuxMonkeywildc4rd,  not that i know of and 12.04 offers LTS :)10:14
haylowildc4rd, cmon there is no reason to upgrade linux- it is just likely to cause breakage10:15
LjLhaylo: wut10:15
confusedCan someone help me with installing a simple lvm2 package on an old karmic live cd?10:15
Hoytconfused: what's the problem you met ?10:15
haylothats right LjL upgrading linux systems is re-dundant. a good one can run for ten years10:15
Ingramwhy does echo "lava" | sed 's/^[a-z]*//' return va instead of nothing?10:16
kxwildc4rd: unstable nvidia drivers, nonfunctional vmware broken package installs etc. you know the  usual10:16
Stereocaulongreenbrother, if the speech and the rest of the audio are on different channels, you can adjust the channels accordingly.10:16
HoytIngram: i returned nothing here10:16
greenbrotherno, they are no on different channels10:16
LinuxMonkeyhaylo, must still be running Slackware 1.010:16
LjLhaylo: that's nonsense. you aren't at least concerned about security? if you aren't, i guess that's your problem, but giving nonsense advice to others is a different thing10:16
IngramHoyt, strange. what's your version of sed?10:16
kxforgot broken wine games10:16
Stereocaulongreenbrother, did you cehck the level of compatibilty of you device on  the linux hardware compatibility list?10:17
haylohaha you can run security updates - but you dont have to upgrade LjL and you know im correct10:17
HoytIngram: 4.2.1 on arch10:17
trek201how do I turn on wireless networking in ubuntu?10:17
hellosputnikIs this the new official channel for Ubuntu? I always thought the official one was on freenode.10:17
LjLhaylo: right, so when your distribution is no longer supported (thus providing no security updates), what do you do exactly?10:17
LjLhellosputnik: this *is* freenode10:17
Hoyttrek201: is that a laptop ?10:17
IngramHoyt, meh. Everything works fine in arch. I have 12.04 running with 4.2.1-9 and it seems to be broken10:17
confusedHoyt: i get a bunch of timeouts because karmic is not supported anymore. i need to change the source to the ubuntu old server, but i don't know how10:17
hellosputnikLjL, excuse my inexperience.10:17
haylore- install . not just keep upgrading and wondering why it doesnt work10:17
michlemken-1is there a way to install mysql-server-5.5 ?10:18
Stereocaulongreenbrother, if the problem is intermittent, the notifier sounds from the desktop might cause the interference.10:18
confusedHoyt: i can't do apt-get update10:18
Hoytconfused: yeah , i guess there's no way to fix it , unless you try to compile from source code , but that requires a large number of dependencies10:18
greenbrotherI have saw that ubuntu require intel cpu. My PC is hp sff with intel cpu.10:18
trek201Hoyt: no. but i use to use ubuntu 11 with a laptop and it always just found my wireless and used it. now im using the new 12.04 on a desktop. i installed it with wired networking and i just bought a wireless adpater and plugged it in, but have no idea how to get ubuntu to see it.10:18
Hoytconfused: i'm not sure what LVM depends on , but that requires gcc to be installed10:18
Hoyttrek201: first confirm the drivere (kernel module) is loaded10:19
Hoyttrek201: can you see the interface from *ifconfig -a* ?10:19
confusedHoyt: i can't install anything though, because my sources are all pointing to where stuff used to be-- and it's not there anymroe10:19
confusedanymore *10:19
Stereocaulongreenbrother ....groan... no I mean the level of linux compatibility of your Presonus USB sound"card".10:19
Hoytconfused: i mean to download the source code from internet , not ubuntu's , but I guess you didn't have gcc installed10:19
Hoytconfused: so it's wasting your time10:20
ikoniaconfused: why are you trying to install LVM on a livecd10:20
confusedyeah :/10:20
hellosputnikDoes closing the Ubuntu Software Center while it's installing something cancel its installation?10:20
Hoytconfused: why use karmic10:20
confusedikonia: i need to expand my lvm partition10:20
Hoytconfused: also if you need lvm , just use alternative cd10:20
ikoniaconfused: ok, so why are you not doing that from your system ?10:20
confusedHoyt: it's the only live cd i have...10:20
greenbrotheryeah, OK, but i have build in audio too and with this audio I haven's "pups" problem, but the problem with effects and speak stay10:20
ikoniaconfused: why are you using the livecd for that ?10:20
Hoytconfused: can you boot from usb ?10:20
nojhanhi, how may I change the default font use by gtk apps when I'm not using gnome ?10:20
Hoytconfused: i forget you can boot a alternative cd from hdd10:21
confusedi'm using a live cd because you shouldn't expand a partition from its own OS, no?10:21
ShapeHello I'm trying to run sudo apt-get install gnome-shell and it says "gnome-shell" has no instalation canditate?10:21
Stereocaulonconfused, goood point10:21
ikoniaconfused: that's the whole point of lvm10:21
ikoniaconfused: you can change your disk dynamic10:21
confusedreally? so i can just do that within the other OS?10:21
ikoniaconfused: within the other OS ???10:21
Hoytconfused: yes10:21
ikoniaconfused: you use your normal system10:21
Stereocaulonikonia, even your / partition?10:21
confusedah okay10:21
Hoytconfused: wait a moment , i'll find you some links10:21
confusedthanks very much for that, that seems much easier.10:22
ikoniaconfused: boot into your ubuntu system, use lvm to resize the logical volume you are using10:22
Hoytconfused: is that i386 or x64 ?10:22
confused64 i believe10:22
hayloany partition that is not mounted, you can change usually10:22
ikoniaStereocaulon: sure, lvm can be done on the running system10:22
ikoniano, you can change mounted partitions in LVM10:22
confusedit will be mounted though10:22
confusedto expand10:22
ikoniathat is the WHOLE point of it10:22
Hoytconfused: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/installer-amd64/current/images/hd-media/10:22
Dadeanyone know if its possible to delay Apache's startup? I think part of my problem is that its comming up before networking is up10:22
Hoytconfused: grab the "vmlinuz" nd "initrd.gz" , put it in your /boot10:22
ikoniaconfused: ignore what Hoyt is telling you10:22
Stereocaulonikonia, sounds really nice. Might try that on my next setup.10:23
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic10:23
Hoytikonia: has better ideas /10:23
confusedHoyt: what is it for?10:23
ikoniaconfused: do not do it10:23
Hoytconfused: to boot the alternative cd of ubuntu 12.0410:23
Hoytconfused: that one contains a minimal system , that you can do LVM resizing10:23
phibxrhellosputnik, not in 12.04 at least.10:23
ikoniaconfused: again - ignore what Hoyt is saying10:23
Hoytikonia: what's your solution then10:23
ikoniaconfused: there is no need to do anything10:23
phibxrhellosputnik, it uses a service in the background to install the application, so you can queue up installs and/or close the software center.10:24
ikoniaconfused: boot your system normally, resize your lvm volumes10:24
hellosputnikI see. Thank you, phibxr.10:24
confusedHoyt: ikonia was saying that lvm allows you to resize lvm volumes from within a booted lvm volume10:24
ikoniaconfused: correct.10:24
confusedis that correct ikonia ? or was i misinterpreting10:24
Hoytconfused: i'm confused , can you install lvm on your current system ?10:24
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Hoytconfused: if you can , then no need for alternative cd10:24
ShapeCan someone please help me? Why am I getting this? "Package gnome-shell is not available, but is referred to by another package. "10:25
trek201i don't understand this new ubuntu 12.04 interface. all the ways im use to looking for settings arent available anymore.10:25
confusedyeah i'm going to go into the lvm OS and try from there10:25
Hoytconfused: boot in recovery mode , and select 'root shell' , do the resize then10:25
confusedi'll be back in a bit if issues persist... thanks guys :)10:25
ikoniaHoyt: stop talking10:25
trek201when I open the Network panel, it shows "Wired" and "Network Proxy" but nothing for wireless10:26
hayloyeah Hoyt , let ikonia do his work10:26
hayloin fact il peace out of here- take care guys10:26
ikoniaHoyt: if you don't know what you are doing - don't speak, don't give wrong information, don't try to suggest things that you have no idea about10:26
Hoytikonia: i know exactly what i'm doing / saying10:26
ShapeNevermind. It's working now!10:26
ikoniaHoyt: then why are you telling people to boot into recovery modes, and download livecd's and alternatiuve CD's and copy randomg kernel files into /boot - to do a simple lvm resize10:27
Hoytikonia: zipp10:27
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mbuckowhat is etc/sudoers for?10:29
crossbowkillerHow do I install ati hd 4850 drivers10:29
oCean!sudo | mbucko10:29
ubottumbucko: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo10:29
crossbowkillercrossbowkiller  How do I install ati hd 4850 drivers?10:30
hellosputnikphibxr, 12.04 adds more accessibility to privacy settings. I'm using 11.10 at the moment and I want to clear my history of "recent files" but I can't find the option to do that anywhere. Do you happen to know?10:30
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels10:31
Boreeas_Okay, so I tried to repair my desktop: I removed xfce and reinstalled ubuntu-desktop. Now, when I boot, I get to the login screen, but when I try to login, a log flashed (too short to read it) and I'm back at the login screen.10:31
Boreeas_Booting in recovery mode and starting failsafeX tells me that "FATAL ERROR: No screens found"10:32
Boreeas_Any ideas how to repair that?10:32
Pouncerhey everyone  i have problem  im trying to put the new lts on a pc i just got and it wont install or even load with the wifi card in i tryed running ndisgtk_0.8.3-1_i386 and ndiswrapper-utils-1.9_1.50-1ubuntu1_i386 to get the wifi card to work but i keep getting dependancy not satisfied on both .deb files any suggestions10:34
minimecBoreeas_: How did you 'repair'? sudo apt-get remove xubuntu desktop && sudo apt get install ubuntu-desktop? Did you delete some files in your /home/yourname folder?10:34
Atlantic777erm, apt-get remove xubuntu will _not_ remove all xubuntu related packages10:34
Boreeas_minimec: sudo apt-get remove xubuntu*; sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop10:34
minimecBoreeas_: No changes in your /home/yourname folder?10:35
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Boreeas_None I did manually. I guess the IRC client and firefox write to their respective folders, though10:35
Ingramwould it be possible that sed rules differ because I use a language which alphabet is in a slightly different order than the one in english?10:37
Ingram echo "lava" | sed 's/^[a-z]*//' - returns va;  echo "lava" | sed 's/^[a-y]*//' returns nothing10:38
Pouncerany suggestions10:38
ShapeHello, I used gconf-editor and changed button_layout to ":minimize,maximize,close" in gnome-shell and I only get the close button. In Unity works fine. Is this a bug?10:39
minimecBoreeas_: can you 'sudo updatedb', then 'locate .Xauthority'? If you got that file in your home folder, 'mv .Xauthority .Xauthority-old'10:39
mbuckowhat is login keyring and why does it always pop up??10:40
Pouncerit keeps your passwords you have to be loged into your account to auto fill your passwords online and such10:41
dudenduddarmok and jalad at tanagra10:41
Boreeas_minimec: Alright, I'll need to reboot for that. Is there anything I should do after renaming the .Xauthority file? Or just reboot?10:42
minimecBoreeas_: just reboot10:43
DexterFprinter problem. upgraded from 10.10 to 11.10 (cant 12.04 yet, dependenies, long story). printer does not work. brother mfc425cn, multifunc, scanner unit works fine, cups sees the printer but it does not print10:44
Boreeas_Alright, thank you10:44
DexterFpointers appreciated10:44
Pouncer im trying to put the new lts on a pc i just got and it wont install or even load with the wifi card in i tryed running ndisgtk_0.8.3-1_i386 and ndiswrapper-utils-1.9_1.50-1ubuntu1_i386 to get the wifi card to work but i keep getting dependancy not satisfied on both .deb files any suggestions10:45
Pouncerafter i took the card out and installed 12.0410:45
rfictusmicrophone not working in ubuntu 12.0410:45
rfictusmicrophone not working in ubuntu 12.04 for Vaio laptop10:46
LinuxMonkeyI'm trying to get multi monitor setup on ubuntu 12.04 with a nvidia card using the nvidia drivers (Version Current) but i have 2 issues, main issue it works when i set it to twinview but Ubuntu see's it as 1 giant monitor with resolution (3360x1080)10:46
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jrib!away > hnsz10:48
ubottuhnsz, please see my private message10:48
hnszjrib: Got it. I just changed nick. Didnt mean to attract attention. I will part the channel next time.10:50
jribhnsz: thanks10:50
libnotify1does xchat have a plugin for music player?10:50
Pouncercan anyone help with my problem10:50
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hnszMadsRC: Let's go10:52
minimecLinuxMonkey: That would be default behaviour. So where is your problem?10:52
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LinuxMonkeyminimec, well issue is that on another system I was able to set each screen resolution and wallpaper10:53
minimecLinuxMonkey: You have the 'Seperate X screen' option in nvidia-settings. Other option is to use e17 as WindowManager. e17 handles the screens indipendently, evenwith Twinview.10:56
Pouncerhello all can anyone see me10:56
roryyPouncer: are you using the command line (i.e., dpkg) ?10:57
brightsparksHave just obtained an old pc that has ubuntu 11.10 installed on it. I'm more familiar with Mint. Problem is I can't -AT ALL! - get adobe flash to work. And so far none of the suggestions that others say worked for them hasn't worked for me. Any ideas?10:57
vincentvdBerghgood afternoon10:57
LinuxMonkeyminimec yeah i got the option for that seperate x but i have no clue what to do after. let me enable it and ill be back10:57
Pouncerroryy: yea i am10:57
roryyPouncer: so the command is something like 'sudo dpkg -i blahblah.deb otherthing.deb' ?10:58
roryyPouncer: well, assuming these are packages for your system (12.04, I think you said?), my advice would be to follow the dependency chain for each package, and download those debs too10:59
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roryyPouncer: a bit of a pain, obviously, but I guess you don't have too many options without a network connection10:59
Pouncerok ty bery much ill go try that now10:59
roryyPouncer: you can use packages.ubuntu.com to see dependencies of packages, and to download packages10:59
vincentvdBerghdeath to cinnamon, Gnome shell and KDE11:00
Pouncerroryy: ok great ty very much11:00
ikoniavincentvdBergh: please keep the silly stuff out of this channel.11:00
Boreeas_minimec: That didn't work. .Xauthority /was/ in /home/myfolder, but renaming it and rebooting doesn't fix the problem11:02
roryyPouncer: last point: some dependencies will already be installed -- basic system things.  so you won't need to download *every* dependency11:02
LinuxMonkeyok i set it to seperate x screens, the second monitor is on and when i mouse over it turns my pointer into a X and ubuntu doesnt seam to see it/share with it11:02
razvan986someone plz help me with radi tray11:03
marcin82what is the problem?11:04
marcin82check out, if gstreamer plugins are installed11:04
razvan986radio tray crashed with gError in notify: GD bus.error:org.freedesktop.D.bus.error.ServiceUnknown. The name org.freedesktop.Notifications was not provided by any service files11:04
razvan986every time when song changes11:04
minimecBoreeas_: hmm. So the X server is starting and you get the lightdm greeter. What are the session options you get (icon next to you username)?11:04
razvan986i get an error raport11:04
marcin82razvan986, try in that way from console:11:06
Boreeas_minimec: Hah, I didn't know I could click on that. Options are: Recovery, Ubuntu, Ubuntu2D and Custom. Default seems to be Custom.11:06
marcin82dbus-launch radiotray11:06
minimecBoreeas_: Change it to Ubuntu and try again... ;)11:06
razvan986how to rezol it?11:06
Boreeas_Judging from the icons anyways11:06
fragskeis there a way to change the unity colors?11:07
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fragskeI don't like the brown like theme stuff11:07
fragskeBut I do like unity11:07
hnszfragske: appearance11:08
Hoytfragske: the left panel is transparent i guess , top panel is decided by your gtk theme11:08
Boreeas_minimec: Hah, awesome, thank you. I thought it was just decoration, similar to the little picture you get on the windows login screen :P11:08
LinuxMonkeyHelp, I just setup nvida driver for my monitors as seperate x screen ( i need it to work like twinview almost) however i need to have 2 different resolution and different wallpaper11:08
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minimecBoreeas_: Happy for you... ;)11:10
trek201ok, im trying to get ubuntu to install a wireless driver. i used the software center to install the windows wireless driver program. then i selected the inf file. but it tells me  "Module could not be loaded. Error was: FATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found"11:10
ania__hi is there a way gnome 3 fallback can have weather and date applet in gnome panel??? this is getting more and more ridicolouse11:10
Hoytania__: find a weather indicator applet11:10
marcin82Witaj ania__ ;]11:10
PupuserHi, would a old Pentium4  2.8GHz 1GB RAM, 80GB HDD fast enough to run Ubuntu 12.04 smoothly or Xubuntu 12.04 would be more appropriate?11:11
ania__can click on panels any more.......not even with alt pressed....i really hate thats improvements11:11
aethelrickLinuxMonkey: if you have two separate X screens they are almost like two completely separate logins, you can drag windows between the two and they don't play well together. You will also have separate task bars on each etc.11:11
Hoytania__: yeah , fewer and fewer options to configure11:11
ania__pntium4 easy dont worry you can go with gnome11:11
aethelrickLinuxMonkey: why not use twinview? it will cope with the different screen resolutions11:12
jongbergshi, anybody here who has configured hibernation to work under 12.04 final release?11:12
aethelrick(sorry I typo'd can't to can earlier)11:12
dudendudwell hibernation works only on antarctica11:12
LinuxMonkeynot well when an app goes fullscreen and it looks to go to full width of both monitors x 108011:13
diiddiu so funny11:13
Hoyttrek201: may be install ndiswrapper-dkms ?11:13
erujolcim looking at chris lea PPA for redis-server. https://launchpad.net/~chris-lea/+archive/redis-server/+packages. presumably given launchpad build the packages the source is available, where can I find the recipe,or at least what option were passed to ./configure?11:13
trek201Hoyt: how11:13
trijntjePupuser: I think so, I run unity on my netbook with 1G 1.6Ghz, and its usable, but not fast11:13
trek201i thought the windows wireless driver program *was* ndiswrapper11:14
hnszLinuxMonkey: Twinview shouldnt do that11:14
aethelrickLinuxMonkey: I run twin view at work main screen 1920x1200 and right screen 1280x1024 I don't have the problem you describe. Is this something program specific?11:14
Hoyttrek201: sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-dkms , this will install kernel support of ndiswrapper11:14
hnszaethelrick: Do you have a unitybar in bioth screens?11:14
jriberujolc: debian/rules11:14
Hoytjongbergs: are your talking about tuxonice ?11:14
LinuxMonkeylet me try again aethelrick11:15
trek201ok, thanks Hoyt11:15
hnszaethelrick: It has some random behaviour sometimes.11:15
minimecLinuxMonkey: Most apps should only go fullscreen on the screen they are on (with twinview).11:15
erujolcjrib, got it, thanks!11:15
rumanhello every one11:15
kapzi need help installing ubuntu on Lenovo Z570 laptop....the problem is with installer, it cannot partition my 750 gb hdd...11:16
jongbergsHoyt: No. Hibernation in 12.04 is disabled by default. I found one site that posted an article last Jan 12 201211:16
aethelrickhnsz, LinuxMonkey: if I want something on the right screen, I just drag it over there… and maximise it. Usually do this with web browser when developing11:16
hnszaethelrick: Me too11:16
kapzhelp please.11:16
Hoytjongbergs: that's sad , i no longer uses tuxonice , since I got a SSD root now11:16
marcin82kapz - what is the result of command from livecd 1. sudo su [Enter] 2. fdisk -l11:16
bluegooberIf monitors r same res there is amode u maybe in causingthat behavior (typi ng on tablet )  xinerama vs extended11:16
marcin82kapz maybe you have "dynamically" disk by MS :D11:17
jribmarcin82: please use « sudo -i », not « sudo su »11:17
jongbergsHoyt: I would want to use the native support for hibernation. I did try tuxonice already, I've encountered intermittent issues with it.11:17
kapzmarcin82, fdisk lists partitions, I have tried syncing as well with fdisk's w option...11:17
MonkeyDustjrib  be careful with advising sudo -i, beginners can ruin their system with it11:18
kapzmarcin82, point is i installed ubuntu 11.10 again and it partitions just fine...11:18
minimeckapz: You have some 'do other things' (I don't remember, how the button is labled) option in the installer.11:18
hnszLinuxMonkey: xinemera should be turned off11:19
bluegooberUse 11.10to partition then install 12.0411:19
LinuxMonkeyhnsz, it is11:19
kapzminimec, thats the problem with installer, it fails to partition properly!11:19
marcin82show result of fdisk -l11:20
MonkeyDustkapz  use gparted in the live session to partition11:20
jongbergsHoyt: I've found similar article which was posted 4 days ago. The same instructions. I'll give it a try. Thanks11:20
minimeckapz: Ok. Did not face that problem, having done 3-4 'precise' installs. I always use that option. I can't help you here, I guess.11:21
kapzMonkeyDust, will gparted do anything better than cfdisk?11:21
MonkeyDustkapz  i don't now cfdsik, but i think yes11:21
kapzminimec, yeah I installed 12.04 on another laptop using same cd w/o any problem...11:21
Atlantic777Is there a recommended way for installing Java, JRE, icedtea and everything I need to run a java applet in the browser?11:22
LinuxMonkeyhnsz,  yeah its a wine issue, it gets the resolution shown on the Display since im in twinview shows as 1 monitor  of 3360x1080 instead of 2 monitors11:22
jongbergsAtlantic777: I would recommend using Oracle Java SDK11:23
jongbergsAtlantic777: as it know to work on most web applets11:23
hnszLinuxMonkey: ok11:23
Atlantic777jongbergs: I've seen some PPAs and stuff, is there something official or just to install the SDK from oracle website?11:24
HoytAtlantic777: i use oracle-java7-installer , https://launchpad.net/~webupd8team/+archive/java , but the post-instation script nees some twick11:24
bluegooberAtlantic777 personal i like the non free option, you havefollow there instructions not use repos insome casese11:24
LinuxMonkeyhnsz is there anyway to set a seperate wallpaper on that 2nd monitor?11:24
minimeckapz: Could it be that you have a broken partition table? In that case you would have to create a new one. Beware!! You would loose all data on your disk.11:24
kapzminimec, thanks but tried it already, all in vain....ubuntu doesn't like my laptop11:25
rumancan anyone tell me about dialer software which can work on PRI ,and its CRM too...please help11:26
minimeckapz: Just tell me it's a 'vaio'... I would understand then. Always had some problems with these machines...11:27
bluegooberMimic the partition apps just work ifa live cd, gparted or partition manager, or the installer fails on the disc, its damaged or user error11:28
ale2ciao...a tutti11:28
ale2buona domenica11:28
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)11:28
ubottuale2: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:28
MonkeyDustanother listalian11:30
rumancan any one tell about PRI dialer software11:31
brightsparksHave just obtained an old pc that has ubuntu 11.10 installed on it. I'm more familiar with Mint. Problem is I can't -AT ALL! - get adobe flash to work. And so far none of the suggestions that others say worked for them hasn't worked for me. Any ideas?11:35
Lintinstall windows xp11:35
kapzMonkeyDust, thanks!! Partitioning with gparted didn't give any error message, I hope this time it will install(it's my 4th time now!).... :)11:35
bluegooberRunman ive not tried the predictive dialers for linux, but i understand they rrobust and feature rich11:36
minimecbrightsparks: Well... What did you try to make it work? I guess you tried that... http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=default&section=all&arch=any&searchon=names&keywords=flashplugin-installer11:37
LinuxMonkeyIs there a way to setup different wallpapers for other monitor when using nvidia in twinview11:38
aethelrickLinuxMonkey: not that I know of… so I use a nice tile11:38
minimecLinuxMonkey: Yes there is, but you have to switch your WindowManager to e17 (enlightenment e17).11:39
LinuxMonkeyits cool i can make a wallpaper that will work11:39
aethelrickLinuxMonkey: minimec: meh, you shouldn't be seeing the wallpaper if you're busy anyway.11:40
brightsparksminime: hi. No I don't think I tried that suggestion. Tried all the usual though like downloading and installing form Adobe and also using the synaptic. Anyway I'll try that page you suggested. Thanks.11:40
brightsparksminimec: hi. No I don't think I tried that suggestion. Tried all the usual though like downloading and installing form Adobe and also using the synaptic. Anyway I'll try that page you suggested. Thanks.11:40
LinuxMonkeyaethelrick, its more for aesthetics.lol11:41
SatisfiedI can't figure this out... when I load up a video on youtube both cores are engaged and run at 80-90%.   I know flash isn't super efficient but that just seems totally wrong.  Is there a command line option to stop flash from using both cores?11:42
minimecaethelrick: Depends on the screen resolution. I never go fullscreen with my running applications... e17 treats each screen as independent screen (even with twinview). That gives you the perfect combination between 'seperate x' and 'twinview'.11:42
ispirtoCan anyone help me?11:43
ispirto/home/ispirto/Downloads/expect-0.3.1/expect-0.3.1/php_expect.h:33:17: fatal error: tcl.h: No such file or directory11:43
Satisfiedlooks like you need to install the tcl development packages11:43
minimecbrightsparks: 'sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer' in a console.11:43
CrazyGangsterhello ppl, there is a way to dont show unsuccessful commands is terminal history?11:44
ispirtoSatisfied, I've already installed them11:44
ispirtotcl-dev is already the newest version.11:44
Hoytispirto: it should be tcl8.X-dev i think11:44
brightsparksminimec: ok11:44
ispirtoHoyt, tcl8.5-dev is already the newest version.11:45
aethelrickminimec: LinuxMonkey: all sounds very nice :)11:45
brightsparksminimec: "flashplugin-installer is already the newest version"11:45
* aethelrick works on his PC, hasn't seen the wallpaper in years11:46
PupuserHi, Ubuntu 12.04 or Xubuntu 12.04 more appropriate for a old Pentium4  2.8GHz 1GB RAM (Dual-boot with Windows XP)11:46
brightsparksminimec: I don't seem to have java plugin in firefox-would that affect the flash?11:46
ispirtoHoyt, installed 8.4-dev, too11:46
ispirtono luck11:46
root_hi people11:47
aethelrickbrightsparks: nope, java is java, flash is flash… different things11:47
Hoytispirto: so the include path was wrong11:47
exicerHey guys, has anyone else had trouble with chromium not showing open windows in the dock ?11:47
brightsparksminimec: ok11:47
ispirtoit's in /usr/include/tcl11:47
root_hey guys i got a problem11:47
ispirtohow to point there?11:47
exicereg I can have a window open, but clicking on chromium icon just opens a new one..11:47
root_but this is very stupid11:47
Hoytispirto: maybe the CXXFLAGS or CFLAGS was rong11:47
minimecbrightsparks: Ok. Well. Normally you should have it installed then. Check /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins for some flashplugin.11:47
yeatsPupuser: the factor may be your video card, but I would assume xbuntu would have fewer headaches on that machine11:48
root_i want a network manager applet like ubuntu in backtrack11:48
Hoytbrightsparks: try dpkg-reconfigure flashplayer-installer , this will re-download the flashplugin11:48
Sidewinder!rootirc > root_11:48
ubotturoot_, please see my private message11:48
Hoytroot_: install nm-applet11:48
MonkeyDustroot_ !backtrack| root_11:48
MonkeyDust!backtrack| root_11:48
ubotturoot_: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition11:48
root_nm applet r u sure about thishoyt11:48
Pupuseryeats: thanks for the info.11:49
Hoytroot_: nm-applet is the small icon , and you'll need network-manager installed as well11:49
root_so how do i do that11:49
root_please help11:49
yeatsroot_: /join #backtrack-linux11:49
Hoytroot_: apt-get install nm-applet network-manager11:50
exicerHm, also chromium windows don't show when I alt-tab11:50
ispirtoHoyt, with-tcl-dir=dir solved it11:50
Hoytexicer: really ? mine does11:51
exicerHm, I am pretty sure mine did earlier11:51
exicerHave just found a bug talking about exactly this11:51
exicerso I suppose it is just a bug11:51
Hoythmm .. nm-applet is no longer a separated package in latest ubuntu11:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 949348 in unity (Ubuntu) "Chromium some times doesn't appear in the Alt-Tab switcher" [Undecided,Invalid]11:51
Hoyti'm on unity 2d by the way11:51
aethelrickexicer: sounds like chromium is being evil11:52
exiceraethelrick: Yeah, which is a shame because it is my browser of choice :(11:52
SidewinderPupuser, My system is almost an exact duplicate of the one you describe; I've been running 10.04 for years and it works great..11:52
brightsparksminimec: so dpkg-reconfigure  flashplayer-installer is a package? How do I obtain that?11:53
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is an open community that creates and maintains software including the Plasma desktop.  To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install  kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See  http://kubuntu.org for more information.11:53
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Hoytbrightsparks: it's not a package , it's a command ..11:53
LinuxMonkeyminimec, can i msg you for a sec?11:54
minimecbrightsparks: flashplayer-installer is the package and 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure' is the command to reconfigure it to its default settings. In your case, it would download the flashplayer again and install it11:54
Hoytwho pick the funny name "ubottu"11:55
PupuserSidewinder: would you be able to upgrade to Ubuntu 12.04 based on those hardware specification?11:55
minimecLinuxMonkey: yu may.11:55
brightsparksminimec: ok this is what I got when I typed it in terminal: Package `flashplayer-installer' is not installed and no info is available.11:55
brightsparksUse dpkg --info (= dpkg-deb --info) to examine archive files,11:55
brightsparksand dpkg --contents (= dpkg-deb --contents) to list their contents.11:55
brightsparks/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: flashplayer-installer is not installed11:55
SidewinderPupuser, I don't see why not; I'll be upgrading to 12.04 within the next year as 10.04 is supported for another 11 months..11:56
PupuserSidewinder: I'll try Ubuntu 12.04. thanks11:57
SidewinderPupuser, I did upgrade the video card, about 3 years ago, to one with 512M of video ram.11:57
PupuserSidewinder: okey.11:58
SidewinderPupuser, Good luck; 12.04 should not be a problem.11:58
SidewinderJust make back-ups.11:58
brightsparksminimec: "Unable to locate package flashplayer-installer"11:58
SidewinderPrioe to..11:58
SidewinderPrior, even.11:59
brightsparksminimec: and it doesn't seem to be in synaptic11:59
PupuserSidewinder: thanks for the info11:59
minimecbrightsparks: ok activate the multiverse repository via synaptic. reload the repositories and try again.11:59
SidewinderPupuser, My pleasure. :-)11:59
normatifbrightsparks: name of the package is flashplugin-installer12:00
normatifnot flashplayer12:00
tarvidOn Hughesnet, dnsmasq fails to resolve many addresses12:02
tarvidI had to put irc.freenode in hosts to get here12:02
CaptAnonHello gents.12:03
Hoyttarvid: did you put your original dns server in dnsmaq's config file ?12:03
tarvidthere is no /etc/dnsmasq.conf12:03
Hoyttarvid: create one12:04
tarvidcopy the example?12:04
brightsparksminmec: apparently it's called flashplugin-installer12:04
Hoyttarvid: why not ?12:04
brightsparksnormatif: not flashplayer-installer?12:05
Hoytbrightsparks: try "apt-cache search flashplugin"12:05
Hoytbrightsparks: you'll see descriptions12:05
xrfanghi, while I add a new user, that user do not have option to enable "encrypted home folder"?12:07
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brightsparksHoyt: ok12:07
user_i'm having issues upgrading 10.04 to 12.0412:08
user_ it does not give me an option to upgrade in the update manager, even though I selected check for lts updates and rechecked for updates... Is there anything I can do?12:08
tarvidHoyt, not sure what to change in dnsmasq.conf12:11
MagePsychohi guys12:14
MagePsychoMismatch between target UID (511) and UID (1072) of file12:14
MagePsychoi am getting above error12:14
MagePsychoand i think i need to change the usergroup12:14
MagePsychohow to do that?12:14
FloodBot1MagePsycho: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:14
blochfI have shortly changed from fedora 15 to first ubuntu 11.10 and now 12.04. I seem to have a problem with my UBS. I have had to reinstall 4-5 times in 11.10 the system was hanging both by start and stop of the system. In 12.04 only occasinonally by start up. When I manage to come in to the system everything works just fine. Is this a HW or SW problem. Mouse is some time hanging in the log in12:16
blochfscreen, however if I disconnect it from the USB port and cononnect it again it becomes operational. Any suggestions?12:16
soreauIs this channel logged anywhere?12:16
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/12:16
brightsparksOk following minimec advice to run " dpkg-reconfigure flashplayer-installer" and normatif's correction that it's flashplugin installer I have the flash reinstalled. Will it work this time? I'll get back to ya all...12:17
brightsparksaethelrick: re java & flash. Ok thanks.12:18
mbuckois there a way to have a shortcut to make a windows go full screen?12:18
enzotibmbucko, try F1112:21
decksmasherHi ..i just put sabayan on a vm and it dont reconize apt-get statement have i got to download aplitude.?12:22
user_hallo ich hab unbuntu installiert und jetyt kommt grub fail  17 was soll ich machen_12:22
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mbuckothat worked! thanks12:22
Hoytmbucko: create a window rule for your specific app12:22
Hoytdecksmasher: you should use equo on sabayon12:22
a_gnhas anyone tried 12.04 on thinkpas x220 ?12:22
Hoyta_gn: me12:22
decksmasherHoyt Ty12:22
a_gnHoyt: how's it ?12:22
LorraHey everybody! I am a bit stuck with these blueish youtube videos. I use Google Chrome and I was so happy when I saw that videos have nice normal colors when they're played with the html5 player. Now wouldn't it be possible to have ALL videos to play with html5? Does anybody have a clue about that?12:22
Hoyta_gn: thinkpad x220 4290 jy912:22
Hoyta_gn: everything funtions , finger tool not tested12:23
enzotib!de > user_12:23
ubottuuser_, please see my private message12:23
Hoyta_gn: think finger is not ready in repository yet12:23
a_gnwhat's the cpu temperature like ?12:23
Hoyta_gn: wait a moment12:23
yeatsLorra: first of all: http://askubuntu.com/questions/117127/flash-video-appears-blue12:23
a_gnI'm running debian 6.0 and cpu goes upto 60C sometimes12:23
Hoyta_gn: around 47 C12:23
sw0rdfishany idea as to why my intel wifi card on my hp laptop won't work?12:24
Hoyta_gn: from coretemp kernel module12:24
yeatsLorra: and while many YouTube videos are available in HTML5, not all of them are12:24
sw0rdfishmaybe I should connect my usb wifi adapter and try updating?12:24
a_gncan you tell me the temp when you play a movie or flash vid (youtube) ?12:24
Hoyta_gn: wait a moment12:24
newbunI installed Ubuntu 12.04 and I have a harddrive with full disk encryption from my old Debian install. When trying to mount it in Nautilus I get "Unable to mount 2.0 TB LVM2 Physical Volume. Not a mountable file system." I'd like some help accessing it.12:25
Hoyta_gn: around 50 C for youtube12:26
minimeca_gn: I have a lenovo x121e I use these custom power settings. They should also work with the x220... /etc/default/grub: i915.i915_enable_rc6=1 i915.i915_enable_fbc=1 i915.lvds_downclock=1 pcie_aspm=force12:26
yeatsnewbun: try 'sudo apt-get install lvm2' and try again12:27
a_gnminimec: does it bring down the temperature ?12:27
newbunyeats: it's already installed12:27
Lorrayeats, thank you, hoped not having to hack anything though, but just sticking with the nice html512:27
a_gni tried those settings but i my mute button stopped working after that12:28
minimeca_gn: The x220 is intel i5/ HD3000 right? Definitly. Runs much cooler and much longer on battery...12:28
a_gndoes it remember the brightness settings ?12:29
jhutson456does anyone in here dual boot Ubuntu 12.04 with the Fedora beta?12:29
Hoytjhutson456: what's your problem ?12:30
minimeca_gn: Nope. But you could write a script and put it in rc.local or so.12:30
jhutson456I can't get it to work.12:30
a_gnI use xbacklight now and if i pass the above to the kernel, xbacklight doesn't work12:30
Hoytjhutson456: you mean the os prober ?12:30
jhutson456whichever I install last is the only one which boots, I don't get the grub menu12:30
yeatsLorra: you could also test out gnash12:30
a_gnwhat tool do you use for seting brightness ?12:30
yeats!gnash | Lorra12:30
ubottuLorra: Gnash is an open-source Flash replacement. It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/12:30
Lorrayeats, what kind of performance has it?12:31
Lorrayeats, you know that?12:31
auronandaceLorra: there is also lightspark12:31
jhutson456I've tried a few different ways and nothing seems to work12:32
yeatsLorra: last time I used it (about a year ago) it was pretty decent on You Tube and a bit spotty on everything else12:32
yeatsnewbun: you might need to fuss with enabling the volume groups and logical volumes then.12:33
auronandace!info lightspark12:33
ubottulightspark (source: lightspark): High-performance SWF player (experimental). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.5-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 98 kB, installed size 795 kB12:33
Lorraauronandace, yeats I have no intention of experimenting something which might work or not and I've always had the impression that those replacements don't have the expected behaviour12:33
Lorrait doesn't make sense having something which sometimes works and sometimes doesn't12:33
yeatsnewbun: a good resource is http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO/12:33
auronandaceLorra: then enjoy using a proprietry flash12:34
yeatsLorra: that's the Flash curse ;-)  Linux support is and will always be not so great12:34
yeatsLorra: and that's on the Flash side, not the Linux side, btw ;-)12:34
gaelfxis the top-panel supposed to show up on the lock screen?12:34
Lorraauronandace, I do, as it works better, not due to scarce ability of open source developers12:35
Lorrayeats, auronandace when it'll be all in html5 I'll be happy to use only html512:35
SniiHow can I stop ubuntu/lubuntu from loading the dm on boot? My machine boots and then quickly flashes the lubuntu splash screen before going blank, Ctrl-Alt-F2 doesnt work... What can I do?12:35
yeatsLorra: as will we all ;-)12:36
newbunyeats: Thanks.12:36
Hoytjhutson456: are you still there ?12:36
auronandaceLorra: a lot of people will be happy when html5 rules, but to blame open source projects on not being able to reimplement a proprietry "standard" is rather obsurd12:36
Hoytminimec: too bad , a_gn is gone , he could use /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness12:37
Hoytjhutson456: did you boot fedora with ubuntu's grub or fedora's12:37
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Lorraauronandace, if you look at what I've written there's a not12:37
LucasCamposHello there. I'm an issue with an IDT 92HD81B1C5 audio card. Does anyone else have this issue?12:37
gaelfxfolks, I hate to say it, but don't you think this discussion is a little o-t?12:38
Lorraauronandace, which says that the fact these open source replacements are imperfect is NOT due to scarce ability of open source developers12:38
minimecHoyt: Well... Thanks... At least I may have a look at it. I noramlly adapt brightness with the hardware keys after boot. ;)12:38
gaelfxLucasCampos: why don't you describe your issue, then we might be able to help you12:38
LucasCamposHehe, I wasn't very specif, was I? I have no sound on my headphones, but I do have it when using my speaker12:38
Hoytminimec: thank you , now I come the idea to write a script to store the brightness value and restore it on boot12:39
LorraLucasCampos, do you use Unity?12:39
user_hallo ich hab ubuntu installiert aber ich hab jetzt des problem das nicht mehr startet12:39
user_wei- einer rad_12:39
LorraLucasCampos, which version of Ubuntu you have? 12.04 or 11.10?12:39
gaelfxLucasCampos: when you plug in your headphones, usually pulse switches to the headphones' profile, what does sound settings show when you have your headphones plugged in?12:39
yeats!de | user_12:39
ubottuuser_: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!12:39
LucasCamposgalfx: Lorra: Not nowadays, but when I tried it on Ubuntu 12.04, I had this same issue. I'm using an Xubuntu 12.04, clean install. I had not this problem on 11.1012:40
LorraLucasCampos, sorry, I don't use XFCE, I don't know what its sound management looks like12:41
LucasCamposLorra: It looks like the gnome one. But it is unmuted.12:41
LucasCamposLorra: I also tried alsamixer, and there it was also unmuted12:41
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xharx__using csound i get these warnings since 12.04 http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/407762/. do i have to install sth?12:42
LucasCamposLorra: galfx: Here is my alsa-info output:   wget http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh -O alsa-info.sh && bash alsa-info.sh12:42
LucasCamposLorra: galfx: Oops. Here it is: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=765a8c1b550e489b795a222aa2fbe8794d2d641312:43
LorraLucasCampos, maybe XUbuntu uses ALSA, but maybe it's using PulseAudio, whose relation with ALSA is not completely clear to me yet12:43
shafeeqeshow to get ubuntu classic desktop (which was available in U 11.04 ..one which resembles windows ) ?12:44
HoytLorra: pulseaudio by default12:44
gaelfxLucasCampos: did you try muting/unmuting after plugging in your headphones?12:44
LucasCamposgaelfx: Yes12:44
gaelfxLucasCampos: when you plug them in, does sound stop coming out of the speaker?12:44
Hoytit's a legacy bug .. you can't mute when headphones plugged in , donno if it's solved yet12:45
bazhang!notunity | shafeeqes12:45
ubottushafeeqes: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic12:45
LucasCamposgalfx: No, it does not. But it also did not unmute on 11.10, but the headphones worked there12:45
LucasCamposgalfx: I can see there's a version mismatch on my alsa versions. Could it be the source of the problem?12:46
mystblade9What the heck is wrong with Flash on Linux at the moment? Both on Arch Linux and now on Ubuntu, this happens: First, the videos are blue. Then I apply a fix (Turn off Hardware Acceleration), but then if I start watching videos on YouTube or play music from it in the background, I can be certain that in about 10 minutes my Xorg session will suddenly shut down and I will lose all my work.12:46
mystblade9I have an Nvidia card.12:46
gaelfxLucasCampos: so the sound comes out of the speakers even with headphones plugged in? It sounds like the headphones aren't being detected12:46
Hoytminimec: i just finished the brightness script , do you want it ?12:46
minimecHoyt: I did some script for another laptop... Looks like this. Copy it to /etc/init I called it 'brightness.conf'. It will be used by upstart. http://pastebin.com/12:46
gaelfxLucasCampos: it certainly can't be helping12:46
LucasCamposgalfx: Isn't impossible12:46
minimecHoyt:  ;)12:46
Hoytminimec: let me see ;)12:46
LucasCamposgalfx: On my alsa-info there's this information:12:47
LucasCampos!!ALSA Version !!------------  Driver version:     1.0.24 Library version:    1.0.25 Utilities version:  1.0.2512:47
ubottuLucasCampos: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:47
minimecHoyt: This was for a toshiba ac100 (arm device)12:47
murlidharmy qbittorrent client is not following the system icon theme. can anyone please help me fix it ?12:47
Max^ubottu ok12:47
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)12:47
jhutson456Hoyt when I install Fedora first it uses the Fedora grub but only Fedora is in it. If I install Ubuntu first there is no grub menu at all12:47
LucasCamposgalfx: Should I try to upgrade it all to 1.0.25?12:48
minimecHoyt: Basically I have to adapt my script to /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness and modify the values.12:48
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gaelfxLucasCampos: I don't think that actually indicates a verison mismatch12:48
Hoytmimor: i use init.d scritpt , let me spend few minutes to figure out how /etc/init works12:49
bavaniHello everyone, i got nfs mw working on wine, but when the game is played, it gets highly pixelated. I couldn't understand a thing. Could some one help me get out of this mess? On Ubuntu 12.0412:50
gaelfxLucasCampos: but if the 1.0.25 driver is available, I say have a go at installing it12:50
bazhangbavani, #winehq is the place for particular app help12:50
bavanibut no one there answers back12:51
bazhangbavani, then be patient12:51
bavanii'll wait12:51
LucasCamposgaelfx: Looks like those version numbers are steplocked: http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Main_Page12:51
gaelfxLucasCampos: I would be more concerned that the speakers don't stop when the headphones are plugged in. Have you seen anything to indicate that the system is recognizing the headphones are in?12:53
zKarpI got a question about something in C++ with classes.12:55
canadaduaneIs there a simple way to get X to use the same mode as was used during install in 12.04? My crappy LCD monitor can't take whatever frequency is default, but it worked fine during the installation.12:55
gaelfxzKarp: might wanna ask that in #programming12:56
zKarpok thanks12:56
gaelfxzKarp: I'm not sure if that's actually the correct room name12:57
ThePendulumWhere should I place themes in order for them to be recognized by Gnome/Ubuntu?12:58
MayaAdobe flash Settings Manager dialog box in Ubuntu 12.04 is not click-able, how can I resolve this kind of issue?12:59
indranilHow do I disable the encryption of home folder?12:59
indranilIt's causing a lot of problems.12:59
StereocaulonMaya, blame Adobe for making substandard software13:00
MayaStereocaulon: Seriously. A lot of people has this problem and it seems to relate to gnome-do or unity. I don't have this problem in unity 2D.13:01
kierankhow come do-release-upgrade forces you to use the slow gb.archive.ubuntu.com?13:01
kierankwith the only way to choose another mirror being to edit /etc/apt/sources.list13:01
jribkierank: it shouldn't.  What mirror were you using?13:01
ShapeAre the repositories in Kubuntu and Xubuntu the same as in Ubuntu or do you have to add them?13:01
IdleOnekierank: it uses whatever you have set in software sources13:02
StereocaulonMaya, sorry for my position on this, but on my box I see more "Sorry, the Flash plugin has crashed" then actual Flash content. That's why I blame Adobe.13:02
kierankyes but if you change the software source in the gui it reverts back to gb.archive...13:02
mystblade9What the heck is wrong with Flash on Linux at the moment? Both on Arch Linux and now on Ubuntu, this happens: First, the videos are blue. Then I apply a fix (Turn off Hardware Acceleration), but then if I start watching videos on YouTube or play music from it in the background, I can be certain that in about 10 minutes my Xorg session will suddenly shut down and I will lose all my work.13:02
ThePendulumShape: The basic ones are the same, you're not missing any really13:02
IdleOnekierank: also it is normal that the servers are slow, couple days after release and all13:02
kierankthe servers are fine. it's just that the upgrade script forces you to use a slow one13:02
kierankand there's no easy way of changing13:02
ShapeThePendulum: Thanks!13:02
captainjamieanyone know how to get the wallpaper clock screenlet to work in 12.04?13:03
IdleOnekierank: edit /etc/apt/sources.list to whatever source you want to use, but the GUI method should also work.13:03
kierankthat's what i did13:03
kierankthe gui didn't work13:03
kierankbut really it should round robin it13:03
magicJi upgraded from 11.10 to 12.04 - now the side bar is there all the time, how do i set it to hide like it used to?13:04
sven_i'm using 12.4, keepassx in gnome-classic (observed same problem in 11.10/unity): the username i have configured is "zombie", when i autotype it, it turns to "yombie" - which looks like a us/de keyboard mess-up. any hint? basically all my system is installed in en/us13:04
Shapesven_ when you press y does it type "z" ?13:04
captainjamiemagicJ: system settings>appearance>behaviour13:04
halfie_is there a linux alternative to foobar music player?13:05
IdleOnekierank: btw when I said edit the sources.list I meant edit it to the server you want to use for the current release, update and then do-release-upgrade.13:05
kierankIdleOne: yes i know but it's silly13:05
kierankbecause the upgrade script should not just lock to one server13:05
sven_shape, no. not at all. but what i just realize: i'm running an all-us system, just keyboard is de13:05
IdleOnekierank: I upgraded yesterday and it used the sources I have set.13:06
Shapesven_ Yeah, You can set the keyboard layout though13:06
sven_shape: well, i *do* have a de keyboard13:06
sven_shape: and that works quiet well. just keepassx-autotype messes it up13:07
Shapehalfie: DeadBeef, QuodLibet13:07
magicJcaptainjamie: ty13:07
Shapesven_ Oh I see. I apologize but I don't know how to solve that. Maybe someone else will.13:07
sven_shape: thanks anyway13:08
mikubuntuJordan_U: are you still here :) ... i have screen now, but as you said, i need to take the 'nomodeset' out of the configuration -- i did it once, but it didn't persist as i must not know what i'm doing.  could you walk me through the best way to alter and save?13:10
fatbrainHi, when installign 12.04 using the alternative installer I didn't get gnome/unity stuff installed. Is there a clean/easy way to install the unity desktop?13:13
MayamagicJ: Change that in appearance behavior.13:15
Mayafatbrain: sudo apt-get install unity13:15
magicJMaya: ty - captainjamie already got that for me - but thanks13:15
fatbrainMaya: thanks.13:15
MayaYou might need lightdm as well.13:16
fatbrainMaya: it was included as a dependency13:16
MayaAh okies, then you're good to go there.13:17
fatbrain568 packages and 663 mb to download / install13:17
Sidewinderhoney, you need the "/" to precede join..13:20
mikubuntuyesterday i had a screen problem (no screen) that someone helped me with -- in the end i updated to a newer version which mostly fixed the problem, but we altered a file in the 'grub file?' from gdm cmdline linux' to 'nomodeset' and now i need to restore it to default, but i don't remember how to get to the file, alter it, and then save it, and exit.13:20
tumppu  /join13:21
terohm any idea why when I tried to install ubuntu server on a old netbook everything freeze? I just want a small lamp server on a old netbook13:22
EffenbergAwayJoin? :)13:22
terowindows xp is now instaleed on that netbook and works fine13:22
bazhanghoney stop that13:23
bazhang!ot | honey13:23
ubottuhoney: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:23
webslyIm new to IRC. Could anyone tell me where to go with Bash scripting questions?13:24
bazhangwebsly, #bash13:24
CrazyGangsterHello ppl, there is a way to install a grid window organizer in LXDE like compiz do?13:25
KM0201grid window organizer?13:25
DexterFafter 11.10 upgrade the browser (opera) stops workign every now and then for about 20-30 seconds hogging the cpu. anyone else got that?13:25
sdahi all, i would like to cache the most used file in an SSD drive to read them faster, i found a program "preload" it does that but with ram, and i found bcache kernel module (but testing) anybody has better ideas?13:25
CrazyGangsterKM0201: when u move one windows to the conner and the window automatically resizes to half of the screen...13:26
CrazyGangsteri dont know what i can call this feature...13:27
willtherlovelly the new Precise Pangolin13:27
mirkozxlhi all13:28
mirkozxlis possible download the latest version of ubuntu 12.04 on irc?13:29
webslytheres no one on #bash. Could I ask a very basic bash question?13:29
rymate1234gnome-fallback + compiz = epicness13:29
rymate1234websly, yus13:29
Abhijithi. new installation of 12.04. pressing wifi button on laptop does nothing. help please13:30
escottsda, bcache but you would have to compile your own kernel13:30
webslyif [ $s=60 ];then;let s=$s-5913:30
webslyis there someting wring with  this?13:30
webslybecause it doesnt seem to work and I think the rtfault is with this pa13:31
webslyfault is with this part*13:31
ubottumirkozxl: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:31
DexterFwebsly: well, what is it you want to do? plus: #bash is always manned, takes some patience there. oh, and a good attitude shield :)13:32
sdaescott, won't be a big problem, but i read it's not "stable" i don't want to have problems running an everyday system....13:32
graingertanybody having problems dragging tabs and toolbar items in firefox?13:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 991105 in firefox (Ubuntu) "Customize toolbar dialogue does not allow dragging items" [Undecided,New]13:34
ulmdhello everyone ... can you help me? ... i just downloaded and burnt ubuntu 12.04 on a cd ... i heard and read that you can run some windows programs with something called "wine" ... my question now is ... do i have to create a larger '/' then when planning to install some more windows things?13:35
sven_ulmd, usually wine-installed programs go to ~, but you can configure that  don't expect too much from wine13:36
mello_is it normal to have a cpu load of approx 20% when doing nothing at all? running precise13:36
mello_and could this be related to ati drivers?13:36
ulmdwell sven_ ... i'm new to the whole thing ... just thought i try it out :) ...13:36
rymate1234mello_, using unity?13:37
mello_rymate1234 yes13:37
rymate1234although unity should use the GPU13:37
ThePendulummello_: How do you check the CPU speed?13:38
mello_rymate1234, this is the first unity version that runs smooth on my ati card. when i look in sys monitor there isn't anything specific that has abnormal cpu use and yet it does  state 20 approx allt he time. Maybe i should consult a command or conky?13:38
StereocaulonThePendulum, look in /proc/cpuinfo13:39
ThePendulumStereocaulon: I can't really find anything on the current speed13:39
rymate1234I use the FOSS driver13:39
mello_i would say it's not unity but idk. i'm compiling now and there is no change in performance on the desktop13:39
mello_ie transitions between desktops are still smooth13:40
ThePendulumOh wait, apparently cpu MHz -does- indicate the current speed, and apparently my CPUs are just running at 100%, some of them13:40
StereocaulonThePendulum, I see a line "cpu MHz         : 2003.000", don't you see a similar line in your /proc/cpuinfo ?13:40
rymate1234I have combined unity and gnome-fallback13:40
sven_ulmd, good luck then - wine is not bad either - check appdb.winehq.org before13:40
ThePendulumStereocaulon: I do, but I thought it indicated the capacity of my CPU, for it showed 3200MHz13:40
anaxHey, guys. Is there a plugin for visible indentation lines in gEdit?13:41
EagleScreenhello, the hibernation is not available for me in Ubuntu 12.04, but I have a enought big swap partition and a real inatallation (not wubi)13:41
thauriswulfaHELP: how do I delete the icons home,trash, in xfce?13:41
ulmdsven_: ... you see ... there are a few games i'd like to try ... if they run with wine ...13:41
StereocaulonThePendulum, I see, no that info is realtime13:41
ThePendulumthauriswulfa: Meet me in #xfce13:41
ulmdi wasn't sure what to do ... someone told me i could try wine ...13:41
ulmdmaybe i should just go back to dual boot or something13:41
ThePendulumStereocaulon: Too bad, lol. It says 3200Mhz for two of my cores, and 800Mhz for the other four... seems overkill13:41
StereocaulonThePendulum,, you lucky bastard, you've got quite a rig there ;-)13:42
sdaescott, ok let's do it, but question, do i need a md (RAID) for run it?13:42
sven_ulmd, i'm gaming with wine - but there a some games i just don't play, as they wont run in wine. make sure you install the proprietary graphic drivers, if you want to play13:42
ThePendulumStereocaulon: Hehe, AMD Phenom II X6 1090T... I really can't buy anything for the coming 2 years because I bought some amazing hardware last year13:42
Stereocaulonulmd, check on www.winehq.org or for specific question that you cannot find answers to: #winehq (just do be patient there)13:43
ThePendulumStereocaulon: Continued with two 23" 1920x1080 IPS monitors... And installed Ubuntu rather than use it for gaming, lol13:43
StereocaulonThePendulum, nice...13:43
EagleScreenpm-hibernate hibernates well, but the hibernate option is not available for me in Unity, nor in power-saving preferences13:43
halfie_hi, su is not working in ubuntu 12.0413:45
halfie_I am trying "su mpd" but my use remains root13:45
Stereocaulonhalfie, use sudo instead13:46
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Stereocaulon!sudo | halfie13:46
ubottuhalfie: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo13:46
mello_Stereocaulon su $user_here should work as well13:46
Stereocaulonmello_, depends how you configure your system13:46
halfie_Stereocaulon: I don't want to become root, instead I want to become mpd user13:47
escottsda, ive never used it. just heard of it13:47
Stereocaulonhalfie, strange, I never ran into that kind of issues on a su-enabled system.13:48
sdaescott, no i understood, they use an /dev/md1 but only as example i can use my usual /dev/sda113:48
halvorsHow do i use the wayland tech preview?13:49
coll0hey wasssup13:50
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
will3032840Hey, can anyone help me, I'm trying to run Da** small linux on a wii13:53
christhisisgool<will3032840>: this is a ubuntu channel not a wii and/or DSL channel13:54
will3032840Just direct me to the DSL channel13:55
will3032840Because I really don't know which channel that is.13:55
christhisisgoolwill: there doesnt appear to be one at first glance, but google is your friend13:55
Rojod|serverCan I remove Kubuntu at the terminal13:55
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Rojod|serverand how?13:55
will3032840I said pl by accident. Mistype.13:56
iceroot!puregnome | Rojod|server13:56
ubottuRojod|server: If you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome13:56
ulmdyou see folks ... i'm just trying to find out a good solution to "my issue" ... i'd like to play a few games but also learn more about linux and some other stuff ... ... and i just hopped on to the wine-idea because someone mentioned it to me / i read a bit about it ... but i13:56
icerootRojod|server: use that command for your version and dont run the last sudo apt-get install command13:56
ulmdbut i am open for other solutions too :) ... dual-booting got a vote here too :)13:57
Myrttiulmd: it's all dependant on how the games you were planning to play work with wine13:57
finnbob3334wondering about dualbooting win 7 and ubunntu, which is the best solution?13:57
neattoastfinnbob3334: Partition. Don't use wubi, it is nothing but problems.13:58
=== IamKaiser is now known as Fernando_Torres
finnbob3334ok, i have a 500gb hard disk, so would 2 250gb partitions suffice?13:58
icerootfinnbob3334: first install windows, then ubuntu13:58
neattoastfinnbob3334: Yes.13:58
murlidharqbittorrent qt client doesn't follow the system icon theme. can anyone help me fix it ?13:59
Rojod|serverhe says that he don know the command aptitude13:59
murlidharthe client is showing the gnome icon theme but not faenza icon theme.13:59
icerootRojod|server: apt-get should do the same13:59
finnbob3334i already have windows 7 on my laptop, so do i use a windows partition utility or the one during install?13:59
trek201alright, thats it...screw 12.04...im going back to 10.04. peace out homies.13:59
icerootfinnbob3334: the one from the installation13:59
christhisisgoolRojod|server: specifically,apt-get remove13:59
finnbob3334yes, that's ok.14:00
icerootfinnbob3334: and a backup is ALWAYS a good idea14:00
geogeekHey guys...I am trying to set up my 12.04 vnc server. Do I use Desktop Sharing or the incoming connection in Remmina? Have tried both and can't get either to work...never tried on 11.10.14:00
finnbob3334would grub recognise windows 7 if i dual boot?14:02
drvanonhey guys, i have a usb hub with many usb ports in it and they are all filled, so my launcher is a bit stuffed, how to stop that?14:02
christhisisgoolfinnbob: yes, it wil14:03
christhisisgoolyou would simply select windows 7 at grubs menu when you boot up in order to boot into it. however, the same can NOT be said for windows' bootloader14:03
ulmdMyrtti: ... like i said ... dual-booting is another option i'm still willing to take14:03
serfunny这是个什么聊天 软件啊14:04
christhisisgooldrvanon:install myunity, and the configuration settings for "display devices" should be somewhere there14:04
finnbob3334i would have full ubuntu, it's just that i have utilties that need windows to run such as citrix reciever.14:04
serfunny怎么都在 说英文。。14:05
TheDJACRSo, I think I lost power during an upgrade to 12.04 yesterday, and now the machine isn't stable enough to boot14:05
finnbob3334would i be able to change the order of boot so that ubuntu takes priority and boots automatically?14:05
samfisherhi. I have 5pcs with the same hardware and I installed ubuntu on one. I heavely configed it and now I need the same config on the rest of them. How can I do that?14:05
TheDJACRI'm going to chroot with a live cd and fix things, but I can't figure out how to mount my encrypted partitions14:06
finnbob3334TheDJACR: Why don't you just wipe your old install and reinstall?14:06
TriesteHi, I'd like to install the nvidia proprietary drivers, but "apt-get install nvidia-173" yields this error: "Depends: xorg-video-abi-10 but is not installable"14:06
neattoastfinnbob3334: that is always the best soulution :)14:06
finnbob3334upgrades always end up badly for me, so i keep lts releases and upgrade when i need to14:07
TheDJACRfinnbob3334: finnbob3334: Not worth it, I'm running on a MacBook Pro 5,3 , and installation only fuctions half of the time14:07
TheDJACRBesides, I14:07
TheDJACRwould need the mounting procedure anyway to recover data14:07
finnbob3334TheDJACR: could you use a live cd to recover data? something like knoppix?14:08
TheDJACRfinnbob3334: Yes, I just need to know how to manually decrypt my encrypted partitions14:08
finnbob3334TheDJACR: Sorry, I can't help you there.14:09
ejcwebI've got Ubuntu 10.10. Is there a reason I'm not being told by Upgrade Manager to install 12.04?14:10
enzotibejcweb, 10.10 can only upgrade to 11.0414:10
finnbob3334TheDJACR: I think Knoppix can access encrypted partitions.14:11
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
neattoastwhich upgrades to 11.10 to 12.0414:11
justgregi just made the upgrade to 12.04 and now i am having ffmpeg issues14:11
neattoastI had to upgrade from 9.04!!14:11
SniiWhen I run startx, I get a blank(black) screen, and can no longer connect via ssh or change to another terminal with Alt+F2 etc. How do I find out what is wrong?14:11
TheDJACRfinnbob3334: Quite possibly, but I'll still need the commandds14:11
jcasehope you gusy are not updating super old production boxes to 12.0414:11
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=== wo0tx is now known as wo0t99
neattoastjcase: No, I upgraded to 10.0414:12
ejcwebenzotib: So what is the 'approved' way for me to upgrade?14:12
neattoastejcweb: upgrade through the stages 10.10 --> 11.04 --> 11.10 --> 12.0414:13
Sidewinder!cn > serfunny14:13
Triesteejcweb: that, or a clean install14:13
ubottuserfunny, please see my private message14:13
=== chris_ is now known as Guest54493
Guest54493hello ... can someone help me to install damn ubuntu 10.04 on a rig that`s running with an damn ati 5870 ?14:13
ejcwebneattoast: Will that takes a long time?14:13
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neattoastejcweb: yeah...14:14
ejcwebTrieste: A clean install means I'll have to backup all my files etc?14:14
talloaktreesyoutube super slow for anyone right now?14:14
samfisherhi. I have 5pcs with the same hardware and I installed ubuntu on one. I heavely configed it and now I need the same config on the rest of them. How can I do that?14:14
jcaseejcweb, i recommend starting fresh14:14
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jcasesambagirl, clone it14:15
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magicJsamfisher: dd copy the hard disk14:15
Guest54493hello ... can someone help me to install damn ubuntu 10.04 on a rig that`s running with an damn ati 5870 ?14:15
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L3topsamfisher: I recommend clonezilla14:15
Guest54493i get the damn black screen14:15
ejcwebjcase: Does starting fresh mean I have to backup all my files. Or does it just mean I'll have to reinstall all packages/programs I need?14:15
Guest54493managed to install it ... but when i start it .. i get black screen .. no signal message displayed on monitor14:16
L3topGuest54493: lspci -nn | grep VGA   and watch language14:16
LarsTKGuest54493, which edition?14:16
Guest5449310.04 lts14:16
Guest54493i downloaded even the alterbate cd version14:16
Guest54493same thing14:17
LarsTKWhy dont try 12.04?14:17
LarsTKmaybe works there14:17
L3topGuest54493: lspci -nn | grep VGA14:17
rfictusanyone can help with microphone on 12.04 ?? HW not detected..14:17
Guest54493i dont want unity as desktop manager ... i`m fine with gnome14:17
razvan986anyone had his ubuntu software center crashed?....whats the  problem14:17
jcaseejcweb, i genraelly upgrade every LTS14:17
jcaseand i backup my home directory14:17
jcaseand wipe14:17
Guest54493L3top, i`m on windows now .. i cant log into ubuntu14:17
L3topGuest54493: can you ssh?14:18
james296does anyone here use 12.04 in Parallels Tools14:18
Guest54493i dont see anything on monitor ... told ya ... no signal message comes up14:18
L3topGuest54493: that doesn't matter if you use putty and ssh14:19
james296I mean Parallels Desktop 714:19
Guest54493u just dont get it14:19
Guest54493on this pc .. i have 2 hdd14:19
Guest544931 for win 714:19
Guest544931 for ubuntu14:19
Guest54493i have to connect the other hdd in order to start ubuntu14:19
Guest54493but if i connect it ... system seem to run fine .. except that i get NO SIGNAL message displayed14:20
L3topGuest54493: You could be less unpleasant. Can you boot into the live disk, so we can chroot into the ubuntu drive?14:20
Guest54493i think i have to install ubuntu with i915.modeset=0 xforcevesa14:21
Guest54493no i cant boot on live14:21
Guest54493same thing14:21
Guest54493no signal14:21
Guest54493on monitor14:21
FloodBot1Guest54493: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:21
L3topDo you have any other device you can use to get on here while we do other things?14:22
L3topGuest54493: ^14:22
tjfI've got a bit of an issue going on...14:22
Guest54493yeap L3top i coul use the laptop14:22
tjfI can't boot Ubuntu without putting my flash drive that has the livecd files on it14:23
tjfafter it's booted, I can take it out and everything is good14:23
gaelfx is the top panel supposed to appear on the lockscreen?14:23
tjfI'm *guessing* that grub didn't install correctly, but I've no idea how to fix it.14:23
L3topLets do that Guest54493. Get onto here on laptop, and boot to ubuntu disk, then we can ssh in yes?14:23
Triestetjf: wht does it do without the flash drive?14:24
TheDJACRAnyone have a clue how to manually mount a dm-crypt setup?14:24
tjfTrieste: It gets past the BIOS, but then I just see a blinking cursor.14:24
tristan_abc test14:25
razvan986any ideas why LUbuntu software center keeps crashing?14:25
L3toptjf: It sounds like you might have installed grub on the flashdrive14:25
the_drowWhere can I find tutorials for Kickstart//Preseeding for Ubuntu? I can't find any on youtube or google, besides the official documentation.14:26
tjfL3top: well, that's not right!14:26
L3toptjf: my guess is not right or the condition?14:26
tjfL3top: the condition14:26
gaelfxtjf: depends what you're trying to do ;)14:27
tjfyour guess sounds reasonable to me14:27
L3toptjf: I would boot with the flash drive in, remove the flash and install grub again :)14:27
gaelfxdoes the default install make / and /home separate partitions?14:27
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tjfL3top: just apt-get install grub ?14:28
the_drowI actually found some, but they are all in Arabic.14:28
neattoastgaelfx: nope14:29
gaelfxthey really ought to change that14:29
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neattoastgaelfx: Some users have more personal data, some have more program data14:29
neattoastthey serve for everybody.14:29
tjfL3top: It looks like it's a fairly common issue. http://askubuntu.com/questions/126238/ubuntu-12-04-doesnt-start-after-installing-with-liveusb14:30
nishttal2hi all.. is there a different channel for installin Ubuntu on macbook pro14:30
gaelfxneattoast: yeah, but aren't the ones who are likely to have more program data also more likely to be able to manual size the partitions?14:30
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L3topsorry tjf... no you would: sudo grub-install /dev/XXX14:31
tjfL3top: I found the answer, and just did it14:31
neattoastgaelfx: You can't garuntee that :)14:31
tjfnow time to reboot and test...14:31
gaelfxneattoast: sorry, I'll stop debating :P14:31
gaelfxgood night #ubuntu14:31
madsjhi; I'm getting an error just like the one described at http://us.generation-nt.com/answer/bug-644185-cannot-install-errors-byte-compilation-help-204995921.html how do I fix this14:31
L3toptjf: seems they disagree with me... lol... let me know how that worked out.14:32
azertyuhello there14:33
azertyuanyone ?14:33
tjfL3top: it worked.14:33
madsj"sudo synaptic" is unsuccessful because it quits because of a conflict with emacs and adobe-flashplugin14:34
tjfnow, one more question... http://i.imgur.com/0XJWp.png how do I get those to be the same color as the bar?14:34
neattoastmadsj: why are you even using synaptic??14:34
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azertyuianyone ?14:36
madsjneattoast: I'm desperate and I'm trying things out14:36
madsj"sudo aptitude install -f" did not help either ...14:37
neattoastmadsj: do you have a gui?14:37
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neattoastmadsj: Why not just use the software center?14:38
madsjneattoast: I'm running openbox14:38
neattoastmadsj: If you are really desperate, you could install the lubuntu software center. That one works with openbox.14:39
rymate1234the software centre works on openbox....14:40
neattoastnot for me it didn't14:40
neattoastI would say I have to go. Goodbye, #ubuntu14:41
jean_brathi all, I am connected to internet by Ethernet, I am trying to use my laptop WIFI as an access point for my mobile phone to update the firmware on my phone can it be done?14:41
bbbbbbbbi have just muted my audio, now it does not work anymore even when unmuted. how do i fix this?14:42
azertyuianyone ?14:42
escott!ics | jean_brat14:44
ubottujean_brat: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing14:44
AcidRain2012damn... i cant send emails to google api developers because my domain is not a fully qualified host domain. epic fail14:44
azertyuihello by lsusb i got Bus 001 Device 016: ID 071b:322814:45
action09going crazy with problem on ata i presume ... https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+question/19514514:46
jhutson456does anyone here dual-boot the Fedora 17 beta with Ubuntu 12.04?14:46
DaghdhaWhere can i see if-and-when the update manager is scheduled in ubuntu 12.04?14:46
azertyuiusing this information how to mount that partitioN ?14:46
Guest69079Does anybody have problems with their HP printers in 12.04? My laserjet is not recognized with hplip installed...14:46
SniiWhen I run startx, I get a blank(black) screen, and can no longer connect via ssh or change to another terminal with Alt+F2 etc. How do I find out what is wrong?14:46
azertyuimy question is how to mount a partition using this information ?14:46
azertyuiBus 001 Device 016: ID 071b:322814:46
qEssenceIm having several dificulties installing ubuntu, since Grub does not load with IDE Sata mode i've changed it to AHCI, now, the liveCD dont boot,  an error is given after "Install Ubuntu" option: " You need to load the kernel first". Im getting really mad, im on a week tryng to intall it -.-14:46
qEssenceSo.. Anyone have encountered this issue before? Google does not help me at all.14:47
escottazertyui, its not enough information14:48
pakistanishwhy does my system tell me i686 while the OS is 32bit14:48
azertyuiwhat else you need ?14:48
pakistanishi think it shall show me i38614:49
LjLpakistanish: no14:49
escottpakistanish, because it is a pentium14:49
pakistanishi don't know about it14:49
LjLpakistanish: i686 means 32bit14:49
LjLpakistanish: it just also means it's compiled for i686 and not for i38614:49
pakistanishok and what will 64bit appear like14:50
BlouBlouwhat's i386 then?14:50
BlouBloupakistanish: x8614:50
LjLpakistanish: x86_6414:50
pakistanishok thanks14:50
LjLBlouBlou: something that doesn't show up in current Ubuntu kernels14:50
pakistanishone more thing how to add the name of person in this chat box14:50
KM0201!tab | pakistanish14:51
ubottupakistanish: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.14:51
auronandacetype it14:51
coolguy4Can I save an X session, so that when I reboot my computer I can load up all the windows and programs just the way I had them?14:51
pakistanishthanks alot KM020114:51
KM0201pakistanish: so just type the first few letters, then hit tab... if there's multiple names with those first few letters, keep hitting tab till you get the one you want14:51
easy-manI have chrooted ubuntu 12.04 and installed my all necessary  software such as KDE,GNOME and other software such as VLC,Gimp etc. I just want to load the Live CD in KDE Interface as default . Can anyone give me any hint please that how i can do this?14:51
KM0201pakistanish: no prob.. it really helps in a channel this big/active.14:51
action09any clue please on that error messages ? exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0x0  DRDYR and UNC ....14:51
pakistanishyeah thats what I needed the most KM020114:52
pakistanishdoes anyone know about cool themes for 12.0414:52
azertyuianyone ?14:53
pakistanishanybody :)14:53
pakistanishsomebody :p14:53
jhutson456gonna try this for the dual boot issue: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/GRUB_214:54
KM0201i'm a longtime critic of Unity, but in 12.04, it's actually working very very well.14:54
Mac_WeberI'm going to do a do-release-upgrade, but it is going to remove mysql-server-5.1. How can I avoid this removal?14:54
pakistanishyeah thats really cool KM020114:54
KM0201pakistanish: i'm not sure how theming works w/ Unity.. haven't really messed with it.14:54
pakistanishKM0201 no problem14:54
qEssenceNoone had encounter issues while booting livecd?  "You need to load the kernel first" error being shown..14:54
escottMac_Weber, don't upgrade14:54
escott!info mysql-server | Mac_Weber14:55
KM0201pakistanish: i'm not sur ei'll keep it... i imagine i'll end up back with LXDE.. but.. Unity has definitely made some dramatic improvements14:55
ubottuMac_Weber: mysql-server (source: mysql-5.5): MySQL database server (metapackage depending on the latest version). In component main, is optional. Version 5.5.22-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 11 kB, installed size 112 kB14:55
mounirhay alguien ahi14:55
BlouBloumounir: not in spanish14:55
bastidrazorMac_Weber: you could pin the package but unsure of what issues it may cause.14:56
Mac_Weberescott: is there any way to upgrade not losing my databases?14:56
bastidrazor!pinning | Mac_Weber14:56
ubottuMac_Weber: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto14:56
escottMac_Weber, your databases themselves should not be affected (of course you should backup), but the server version needs to be updated14:56
Mac_Weberescott: thanks, I will try it14:57
escottMac_Weber, bastidrazor pinning across releases sounds like a horrible idea14:57
bastidrazorescott: and it probably is.14:57
DansTheManHow would I go about restoring a hidden window? :S14:57
DansTheManCan't I somehow send a window message to the PID or something? :S14:58
easy-manI have chrooted ubuntu 12.04 and installed my all necessary  software such as KDE,GNOME and other software such as VLC,Gimp etc. I just want to load the Live CD in KDE Interface as default . Can anyone give me any hint please that how i can do this?14:59
bobweaverhello electron  do you have a ubuntu related question ?15:02
wo0t99anyone have experience on btrfs ?15:03
escottwo0t99, yes15:03
wo0t99ubottu, btrfs15:03
ubottuBtrfs is a new filesystem available for Ubuntu. It is currently marked as experimental, and should not be used for important data. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/btrfs15:03
jgardhi, i have a dual monitor setup , one touchscreen, and in ocelot i got it to work fine but after updating to pangolin after i touch the monitor then the cursor moves to the right.15:03
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wo0t99escott, how bout the performance ? im still not have confidence to use btrfs :)15:04
escottwo0t99, sync performance was terrible on my laptop ~12 months ago so i switched back to ext4. don't notice any problems on my desktop15:05
ProfessorBaconfirst Xorg lockup since upgrading :(15:05
wo0t99escott, since im always use linux for my squid cache, im stick with reiserfs. :(15:05
bcuraboyhi.how can i import my settings;definitions to other laptop,in which i will install ubuntu 12.04?15:05
wo0t99bcuraboy, what do u mean ? migrate to new release ?15:06
AndChat558201Copy your home folder, i guess that might help15:06
james296has anyone here noticed the Unity sidebar autohide feature not working properly?15:07
ProfessorBaconbackup your home folder but be selective in restoring15:07
james296I mean, to get it to be visible on mouse over15:07
bcuraboythere is one pc that has windows in there.in which i will format and install ubuntu 12.0415:07
ProfessorBaconjames296: there are settings specifically for this under System Settings15:07
bcuraboymy own pc is already running ubuntu 12.0415:07
wo0t99bcuraboy, if u have more external hd space. clonezilla will help ya :)15:08
bcuraboyyes,i have an external disk15:08
DansTheManHow would I go about restoring a hidden window? :S15:08
james296I know Professor b ut it doesnt work15:08
james296I choose that option and when I move the mouse over there its stuck hidden15:09
wo0t99DansTheMan, hidden windows ?15:09
tomreynhi. i've upgraded to 12.04, am on amd64, and i notice i have a bunch of multi-arch i386 packages pending for installation. how can i detect/list, then remove/purge any currently installed i386 packages and disable multi-arch? is multi-arch support on by default since 12.04?15:09
DansTheManwo0t99: Yes. I hid the XChat window and I can't get it back :-/15:10
DansTheManIs it possible to send a window message indicating a "restore" given the PID, or something?15:10
Oer   james296 i use my-unity tool to setup unity autohide behaviour15:10
james296but why doesnt the default way to do that work?15:10
wo0t99ubottu, !htop > DansTheMan15:11
james296thats what Im asking15:11
jgardhi, i have a dual monitor setup , one touchscreen, and in ocelot i got it to work fine but after updating to pangolin after i touch the monitor then the cursor moves to the right immediately after pointing in the right coordinates. any idea on what could be wrong?15:11
DansTheManwo0t99: What? :-/15:11
wo0t99use htop, some task manager, sudo apt-get install htop15:11
Mkaysi!info htop > DansTheMan15:12
wo0t99if u want to restore the xchat default setting. just delete the .xchat folder at your home dir. rm -rf .xchat++15:13
DansTheManI don't need the default settings! lol15:13
DansTheManI hid the XChat window by "minimising to the system tray".15:13
wo0t99alt + tab ? not work ?15:13
DansTheManNo, because it's hidden.15:13
DansTheManAnd gnome-shell seems to remove the icon from the tray once a window is hiden.15:14
wo0t99ouch. im not too familiar with gnome-shell thinggy. << just use lower spec kind distro15:15
dysocoHello, I'm using 12.04 with the prop. Nvidia Drivers, and I start Ubuntu via "nomodeset" in the GRUB entry, now... when I start, I see LighDM off-screen, like, with bad resolution or something, so I can't properly choose my user... any ideas ?15:15
Barridusdoes dropbox work properly with 12.10 yet?15:15
Barridus(without farting around an excessive amount with it)15:16
dysocoBarridus, I'm going to try it right now, wait15:16
wo0t99dysoco, try sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg15:16
DansTheManOkay, how do I manipulate a process in Ubuntu then?15:16
Barridusdysoco, k cool.   when i tried launch day it hung at "starting" for hours.  i wiped and went back to 11.1015:17
robgravesBarridus: 12.10 doesn't exist yet, in 12.04, for me, dropbox is working perfectly fine15:17
Barridusi meant 12.0415:17
wo0t99DansTheMan, u can use f5 to sort process by a parent-child [tree] kind and use f9 to kill/term that process/signal15:17
intorehi, i downloaded ubuntu 11.10 and i created a usb with it to install it on my laptop but once boot with usb, starts the live but clicking on Install Ubuntu 11.10 does't start. no error, no messages. can you help me?15:17
Barridusrobgraves, did you use the official drobox .deb from their site, or the one on the ubuntu repo?15:18
KM0201intore: why not try 12.0415:18
DansTheManwo0t99: I don't need that, lol! That's not what I was asking :P15:18
DansTheManBut it doesn't matter anyway anymore, lol15:18
robgravesBarridus: the one from the repo didnt work for me,so i downloaded it from dropbox's website and that worked15:18
dysocoalso, when I run a Windows game via Wine, is there any way to auto-hide the Unity panel and the Global Menu panel ?15:19
Barridusrobgraves, maybe they fixed the libnautilus requirement bug maybe15:19
intorebecause i downloaded time ago and now i've a slow slow connection. have you never seen that problem i said?15:19
DansTheManwo0t99: Okay, how would I go about getting the PID of a window I target?15:19
Barridus(or whatever it was)15:19
KM0201intore: describe your problem one more time.15:19
br_shadowHello people15:20
ilijahay everybody i need help with my lubuntu 11.1015:20
robgravesBarridus: i dunno, but all i know is via their website, i acquired the deb file and its working flawlessly for me15:20
wo0t99DansTheMan, u will see the pid on your left :D15:20
br_shadowI need some support with graphics problem15:20
ilijai want to start xcompmgr15:20
ilijabut it doesnot work15:20
dysocoilija, you may want to go to #lubuntu15:20
DansTheManwo0t99: ...15:20
* DansTheMan cries a little.15:20
pakistanishhow to install .rpm inside ubuntu 12.0415:21
wo0t99pakistanish, !info alien15:21
auronandacepakistanish: you don't15:21
KM0201pakistanish: i wouldn't do that if you can avoid it.. what are you trying to install?15:21
intoreKM0201: i used Make startup disk from ubuntu 10.10 to prepare a usb disk. i booted from usb, ubuntu 11.10 starts, there is the icon Install Ubuntu 11.10 but after clicking doesn't run without any message15:22
=== DansTheMan is now known as Mayazcherquoi
dysocoJDK ? I'm sure you've JDK in repos15:22
KM0201intore: hmm, weird15:22
KM0201pakistanish: jdk is in the repos15:22
KM0201no need to install that from an RPM15:22
dysoconor a DEB15:23
pakistanishhmm i need to install it from oracle15:23
wo0t99openjdk ?sun-java6 in another repo15:23
dysocoI think he needs Oracle JDK, not OpenJDK15:23
pakistanishyes dysoco15:23
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intoreKM0201: to try with another usb disk?15:23
KM0201pakistanish: well, i definitely wouldn't install it from an RPM15:23
jondothow safe is it to confirm installing updates usually?15:24
dysocoisn't "default-jdk" the Oracle JDK ? Correct me if I'm wrong15:24
pakistanishwhy is that so KM020115:24
KM0201intore: i guess you could try that15:24
KM0201pakistanish: because using alien to install an RPM is just a bad idea15:24
wo0t99oracle is sun-java6, not openjdk15:24
cannonballOn the upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04 on my laptop, the gnome battery status app no longer is available.  Any hints on what package might hold that app?  The pkg "battery-stats" and "gnome-power-statistics" are installed, but neither of those seem to be able to dock into the menu bar like the old gnome power manager app.15:24
pakistanishhow about Eclipse15:24
wo0t99!info eclipse15:25
ubottueclipse (source: eclipse): Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.7.2-1 (precise), package size 16 kB, installed size 121 kB15:25
pakistanishso is eclipse a good alternative to jdk from oracle15:26
Fyodorovnacannonball, system-settings-power  has a show or hide the battery15:27
pakistanish!info eclipse15:27
ubottueclipse (source: eclipse): Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.7.2-1 (precise), package size 16 kB, installed size 121 kB15:27
pakistanish!info conky15:28
KircleWhere's the option in ccsm to show inactive windows going black and white?15:28
ubottuconky (source: conky): highly configurable system monitor (transitional package). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8.1-6 (precise), package size 3 kB, installed size 59 kB15:28
Fyodorovnacannonball, I will say though that my battery will not hide.15:29
cannonballFyodorovna: Can you check with dpkg what pkg provides that binary?  It's not installed on my system and apt-cache can't find it.15:30
rkhshmAll of a sudden 11.04 failed to boot and after repeated restarts.. I can see that it has rendered my keyboard useless .. The keyboard is working fine.15:30
Fyodorovnacannonball, not sure how to be honest.15:31
cannonballFyodorovna: dpkg --search /usr/bin/system-settings-power    IIRC15:32
intoreKM0201: bad. with a second flash booting the system with this message: unknown keyword in configuration file15:33
intoreKM0201: boot:15:33
Fyodorovnacannonball, I get a no path found matching pattern /usr/bin/system-settings-power.15:33
SniiHi, I "accidentally" removed all the files in /usr/lib/xorg.conf.d/, how can I get them back?15:33
KM0201intore: it sounds like the USB may not be being created properly.. only thing i can think of.15:34
KM0201download Unetbootin from the website, and try it.15:34
missuseanyone know why my ubuntu so unstable15:34
KM0201Snii: lol, how did you "accidentally" do that?15:34
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icerootSnii: that dir does not exist by default on ubuntu15:34
c_smithDoes anyone know if there is a command to remove the xubuntu-desktop package and all of the stuff it installed, or is Synaptic currently the easiest way?15:35
dysocoBarridus, I can't seem to install Dropbox via Software Center, it hangs at "Applying Changes"15:35
c_smithfor 12.04 that is.15:35
dysocoI'm going to apt-get it so I can see the output15:35
iceroot!puregnome | c_smith15:35
ubottuc_smith: If you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome15:35
icerootc_smith: look there for the xfce4 part and dont run the last install command15:35
c_smithI'll have to modify it slightly for KDE, but thanks. :)15:35
udoooHi guys, I have removed unity with "sudo apt-get remove unity*" and then reinstalled it with "sudo apt-get install unity*". Now when I reboot it does not get into ubuntu, it does not even have an option when I want to choose unity or unity-2d15:35
icerootudooo: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop15:36
udoooiceroot: thanks15:36
SniiKM0201: I was looking for the reason the laptop was freezing when X started, so I thought I would remove some config files.. I have now fixed the first issue, but the trackpad no longer works in X :\15:36
Barridusdysoco, hmmmm, i wonder if the dropbox site's deb will work15:36
c_smithiceroot, seems that info is a bit outdated. 12.04 does not use the same packages,15:36
Sniiiceroot: That is weird, this is pretty much a vanilla ubuntu 12.04 install..15:36
knytudooo. when you are at login screen ,select the unity to login15:37
OnHaLTubuntu desktop 11.10 how do i open terminal to install chrom web browser ?15:37
Sniiiceroot: or maybe not.. I installed a command-line version first, and then ubuntu-desktop...15:37
rkhshmany help guys?15:37
rkhshmWhen i restart the machine i entered the grub ..15:38
rkhshmits stagnant there .. No keys are working15:38
nperry!enter | rkhshm15:38
ubotturkhshm: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:38
rkhshmnperry: ok...15:39
rkhshmbut any ideas on my concern right now.. I have a lot of data on disks.. Cannot reinstall15:39
rkhshm11.04 is what I'm running on , just to clarify15:39
SniiOr... wth? It says I'm running 10.04.4... I'm confused now.15:39
c_smithiceroot, I guess going into Muon is the best bet I have atm, because removing the xubuntu-desktop package via apt-get purge does not get rid of the stuff it installed, and I cannot seem to find a current manual remove command.15:40
gcmxhey there, anybody know how to configure a huawei usb dongle on ubuntu?15:43
normatifc_smith: /var/log/apt/history.log15:44
j2sharwaht are diffrences in Ubuntu Desktop & Server edition15:44
icerootj2shar: since 12.04 only the missing gui on the server15:44
jribj2shar: different kernel, no X on the server15:44
c_smithhmmm, seems I found the info I needed in the dependancies of the xubuntu-desktop package.15:44
jribiceroot: oh? same kernel now?15:44
nperryj2shar, One comes with X (desktop) one comes with nothing.15:44
icerootjrib: all using pae now15:44
jribiceroot: didn't know, thanks15:45
rayvtirxhello all15:47
becom33Im getting this when I try to install ruby with some modules http://pastebin.com/4bDJdYq815:47
rayvtirxi upgraded from 10.04 server to 1204 development branch about a week and a half ago seemed to go ok - i see the final edition is now out and trying to apt-get update only gives me 'failed to fetch ' errors15:48
becom33no one ?15:49
jribrayvtirx: try a local mirror15:49
GEaglehi everyone i want to connet ubuntu one via destop application, when i'm tring to login it gives me authentication failed but i can login in web site how can i solve this15:49
udoooohi guys, my desktop starts (unity ) but no top panel and no side (left ) panel.15:50
becom33http://pastebin.com/MNhTK77W my apt-get update also has same kinda problem15:51
becom33anyone ?15:52
ronjHello. I successfully installed 12.04 from blank, did my usual post-install setup, added/removed a few packages, but now Ubuntu fails to start. The aubergine plymouth screen appears, then I'm left on a black terminal window ending with "Stopping System V runlevel compatibility". I wasn't very successful looking at the logs and need help to identify the root cause of my problem. Anyone?15:52
intoreKM0201: i downloaded unebootin. it's strange because it prepares the flash very very fast. could be?15:52
KM0201it's hard telling.. just give it a try (i've always had very good luck w/ unetbootin)15:53
levi_Hi! I have an Intel Celeron 2.6GHz, 1GB RAM,  GeForce4 MX 4000 AGP 8x video card (64MB). HP L1950 LCD screen.  It says that No Input Signal, and on nvidia-settings does not save the new resolution configuration. I just installed Xubuntu 11.10. Can anyone HELP Me? Or give me a good driver for my video card? Thanks15:54
MManHi community, i got oneiric installed in olad amilod d p4. vga must be something ATI. i need drivers and how to install it, because i got 16 colours.15:55
lisihey, i have installed lxde but how can i remove it?15:55
gcmxhi, how can i use my huawei wireless modem on ubuntu??15:56
normatifbecom33: I guess your apt sources.list is a mess, lucid and one-iric and some debian repos are all mixed up15:56
levi_can anyone help here?15:56
becom33normatif,  I guess . what should I do15:56
levi_I have a very old PC. I think I should use Ubuntu 10.0415:57
levi_because of the video card15:57
sudiptaCan not get conky working in ubuntu 12.04....any idea?15:58
normatifbecom33: did you perform some incoplete release upgrade, or what?15:58
ArneyHello. grub-mkconfig runs and detects windows but, it doesn't show up on the boot menu. Ideas?15:58
fishcookerintel i315:58
escottsudipta, details please15:58
fishcookerhow much core indeed?15:58
fishcookerin htop .. there is 415:59
becom33not that I remember of :/ I didnt upgrade it yet15:59
fishcookerbut i've realized there are only 2 core15:59
escottfishcooker, 2 physical cores x 2 virtual cores (hyperthreading)15:59
cloudgeeki am using current ubuntu 11.10 and but want upgarde this to16:00
cloudgeekwhat does it make changes16:00
cloudgeeklike is my data will be removed16:00
cloudgeekor my hardisk storage is chaged16:00
fishcookerthanks escott16:00
ClientAliveok, so... I went off an ubuntu how to to use iptables to create a firewall. I did notice a comment in it that someone said it clobbered their bluetooth and other scripts when they used it. Nevertheless, I wanted to try it. I happen to have a wireless keyboard (logitech k800) and wireless mouse (logitech). Whether they are specifcally "bluetooth" or not, idk - they are wireless is all I know. Whether the firewall or the method of implement16:00
ClientAliveing it is responsible idk - it is the only change to the system I can think of before exper problems. Now, my input on the command line seems odd (strange behavior, delays printing characters to the screen, character (including <return> printed multiple times or not at all). Does anyone have some guidance how I may troubleshoot this?16:00
fishcookerbtw how abt i516:00
fishcookerhow many core indeed16:00
jiltdilWhat is similar to font times new roman in ubuntu?16:01
normatifbecom33: it's like you clicked everything you see in Software Sources.16:01
hogoRun the video, or try to listen to the music can not hear a sound. Ie he did not play anywhere else. The system xubuntu 12.0416:02
becom33:/ probebly I did messup with installations16:03
halfie_Hi, how can I run a GUI program at startup?16:03
rayvtirxme as well16:03
halfie_I see no xinitrc file on my system.16:03
SolarNRGHow do I use alt.binaries.e-book.technical ??16:04
jiltdilWhat is similar to font times new roman in ubuntu?16:04
BsimsSolarNRG with a newsreader16:04
SolarNRGname me a newsreader app16:05
velkoSolarNRG, pan, liferea16:05
BsimsSolarNRG: pan, slrnh, knode16:05
jiltdilSolarNRG,  thanks16:05
aJacomI'm having no audio in LXDE after installing Lubuntu 12.04. I followed the audio troubleshooting guide in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems. Also, alsamixer shows everything enabled, and I have posted a thread here: http://goo.gl/dlGgR. Here is a pastebin of "lshw -c sound":  http://pastebin.com/1EBKHDsm. Help please16:06
jiltdilSolarNRG,  hi there is no serif font16:07
brightsparksI managed to get adobe flash to work in my install of ubuntu 11.10 but only an older version of it. It refuses to run the latest version of adobe flash, and, ditto for chromium. Bit of a pain in the butt I must say.16:09
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hdevHi, for some reason I can't select my default soundcard in the sound settings, it shows up there, but I can neither test/set it as default - how do I diagnose the problem here?16:10
brightsparksAlso  seem to have installed quite a lot of frumpth form the package manager etc in order to try and get the flash to work. Probably a ton of useless fromth that I don't really need.16:10
hdevit worked out of the box in 11.10 but doesn't in 12.04, so it has to be related to that somehow16:11
wildc4rdHow do I get the side bar launcher to 'hide' until mouseover, just upgraded to 12.04.16:11
bradleyjonesjust use MyUnity @wildc4rd16:12
bradleyjonescan get it by:16:12
bradleyjonessudo apt-get install MyUnity16:12
hdevanybody an idea? how do i set the default sound device form terminal?16:12
hdevso i can test it out16:13
normatifwildc4rd: settings>appearance>behaviour16:13
jiltdilWhat is default font used in ubuntu by libreofflice16:14
wildc4rdsorted, cheers normatif16:14
intorehi, i've a little problem. i installed ubuntu 11.10 from usb disk, the installation has finished, reboot and the message on console is unknown filesystem   grub16:15
matelotJust installed 12.04, everything default (Unity): how to change desktop icon to just clean SMALL, same-size icons ?16:16
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marcmha no one installed Ubuntu 12.04 on a server?16:17
marcmbecause in the past 3 days or so everyone I've seen had complex existential problems related to theri desktops.......16:17
fuhrealHi everyone, any quick way to tell if i installed 64 or 32 bit ? hehe16:18
thesheff17fuhreal, check /etc/apt/source.list16:18
Aikaruh... how do you make terminal not suck on unity?16:18
superloufuhreal, System settings --> Details16:18
jiltdilI have some text document that is in various fonts , i want to make it in defualt font  please tell me what is default font in libreoffice16:18
Aikari cant hit keys like F10 and Alt+QWERTY16:19
sddhrthrthey people!16:19
theadminAikar: Those are the terminal hotkeys. The most radical solution is to use a terminal without such.16:19
Aikarso bout ready to ditch unity yet again16:19
sddhrthrtwhen i try update-manager -d, it says development release. Is it good?16:19
theadminsddhrthrt: You're not supposed to upgrade to development releases when you don't know what you're doing.16:20
Aikarthose are system keys16:20
Aikari need the system to leave me alone16:20
Aikarand let the server receive them16:20
intoreno ideas?16:20
fuhreali386 = 32 bit?16:20
marcmsddhrthrt it's perfect, the development release had just the right ammount of code16:20
theadminfuhreal: Correct.16:20
Aikari dont want a menubar on my terminal16:20
theadminAikar: Try Lilyterm.16:20
sddhrthrtbut, theadmin, i thought ubuntu 12.04 is released, so the upgrade would be to the official final release16:20
sddhrthrtshouldn't it be?16:20
marcmfuhreal did you just ask that?16:20
fuhrealthesheff17: theadmin: superlou ty16:20
Aikarso how do i do it for now with termina? I need to press f10 to save changes16:20
fuhrealmarcm: ya16:20
theadminsddhrthrt: No, to upgrade to a final release you simply use "update-manager"16:20
Aikarbut it keeps opening a right click menu16:21
fuhrealmarcm: why?16:21
L3topfuhreal: uname -m is the easiest16:21
sddhrthrtah, theadmin will try16:21
marcmfuhreal you must be from the new generation, you never had contact with an actual i386, did you?16:21
fuhrealL3top: ha16:21
fuhrealL3top: thx16:21
jiltdilI have some text document that is in various fonts , i want to make it in defualt font  please tell me what is default font in libreoffice16:21
normatifAikar: edit>keyb.shortcuts, uncheck the options at top16:21
sddhrthrttheadmin: mine is 10.04, so it doesnt show the new LTS releease :/16:21
sddhrthrttheadmin: WHyL16:21
theadminsddhrthrt: Oh, huh, weird.16:22
theadminAikar: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/07/16/disabling-the-f10-key-menu-accelerators-in-gnome-terminal/16:22
OnHaLTnew linux user here i tried to run a command line to add linux repository public key from google ... when i get asked for my password it wont type anything16:22
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fuhrealmarcm: actually i did16:22
Aikarnow my irssi isnt gimped16:22
sddhrthrtOnHaLT: while typing password it wont show anithng, its natural. just type your password corectly and press enter16:23
theadminOnHaLT: Password prompts in CLI do not show any symbols, that's normal.16:23
cangelI am having trouble getting world of warcraft to run with wine.  how can i find the wine channel so I can get help (running 12.04 LTS)16:23
fuhrealmarcm: and the C64 my first AT machine was a 386 ... but wait... maybe it was an XT .... too much pot.. can't remember16:23
=== 64MABDSDO is now known as Seryth
Aikarwhat is avahi-daemon and why would it be using alot of memory?16:23
sddhrthrttheadmin: any ideas on how to tackle this?16:23
marcmfuhreal pot doesn't cause memory lapses16:23
Serythcangel: type "/join #wine"16:23
theadminsddhrthrt: Not really16:23
tjf(reposting)  http://i.imgur.com/0XJWp.png how do I get those to be the same color as the bar?16:23
theadminSeryth: That's #winehq16:23
fuhrealmarcm: really?  then i guess i'm just an idiot :)16:23
marcmcangel does Codeweavers still exist, and do they still make winex?16:24
marcmfuhreal just kidding here :)16:24
Seryththeadmin: Woops16:24
cangelSeryth, getting kicked from the channel... having trouble joining it16:24
OnHaLTi did that and it says that mu user name is not in the sudoers file. this incident will be reported16:24
Serythcangel: #winehq, sorry16:24
theadminOnHaLT: Means you're not an admin16:24
fuhrealmarcm: np :c)16:24
sddhrthrtanyone, how to upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04 using update manager?16:25
ProfessorBaconwow two Xorg lockups :(16:25
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OnHaLTwhat shall i do i just installed ubuntu and trying to install chrom16:25
matelothow can I suppress pidgin message like "left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 256 seconds)."16:25
MayaAdobe flash Settings Manager dialog box in Ubuntu 12.04 is not click-able, how can I resolve this kind of issue?16:26
L3topsddhrthrt: you will have to execute an upgrade with the -d option. The reason why is because this is just the first release. Until there is a point release with bug fixes, it will not appear to upgrade manager.16:26
theadminmatelot: On most clients, /ignore * QUITS16:26
cangelthanks Seryth16:26
rotundnutSo is there any way to make empathy work with wvdial?16:26
sddhrthrtL3top: so this is not a 'point release'?16:26
Serythcangel: np16:26
L3topas in .116:26
cangelif someone knows about wine, and plays wow, thats what I am having problem with.16:26
rotundnutapparently empathy depends on network manager's state for initiation16:26
sddhrthrtL3top: okay, i didnt know about that. Is it good enough to install? i've been on ubuntu for about 3 years now16:26
normatifsddhrthrt: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PreciseUpgrades16:26
cangelSeryth, i had no problem getting world of warcraft to work in ubuntu 11.10 but now i am stuck.16:27
pakistanishhow to know the version of GNU C Library installed16:27
L3topsddhrthrt: Depends on what you are doing, and what hardware you are on. Why dont you install it in virtualbox and try it out for a while and decide for yourself16:27
sddhrthrtL3top: will do. :) thanks.16:28
pyboypakistanish: type this command gcc -v16:28
rotundnutHey all!! is there anyway to make empathy work with wvdial? apparently it reads network manager's state for initiating connection16:28
pakistanishthanx pyboy16:28
L3topyes OnHaLT16:29
Akaitorahi everyone16:29
frea3kI cant find applet 'giplet' in 12.04 LTS of ubuntu, why?16:30
AkaitoraI have an issue. I recently upgraded to Ubuntu 12.04 from Ubuntu 11.10 by using the update manager. When I restarted to complete the installation though, the splash screen kept saying 11.10 and now when I log in the mouse and keyboard are mostly irresponsive, all icons are gone and even wallpapers and such. Any ideas to why this happened and/or how to fix it?16:30
ClientAlivehow does linux deal with rf wireless devices? Are there any config files involved? Is it conceivable that firewall rules could interfere with something like that?16:30
matelottheadmin: thx, it requires enabling plugin, sigh16:31
drcodehi all16:31
OnHaLTL3top i opend terminal pasted a command line to add linux raspotory for google and when asked for password it says that i am not in sudoers file16:31
drcodeI am trying to install ubuntu 12.04 in windows 7, I can't run wubi16:31
drcodeI can't install wubi from windows 7?16:31
drcodeor I need to download it manualy?16:32
pyboydrcode: wubi is crap16:32
egelorrun jackd & icecast2 && darkice with supercollider broswer stable more than 20 hours16:32
theadmindrcode: Needs to be ran as admin16:32
drcodeI am16:32
drcodeit only say demo and boot16:32
L3topOnHaLT: you have created a user that is not in the sudoers file. You will need to add the user using: sudo visudo         from an account with root priv.16:33
nishttal2Hi Guys.. i just did a fresh install of 12.04 on my desktop and now after reboot its telling me "invalid arch independent ELF magic" grub rescue?16:33
OnHaLTL3top how i do that ?16:33
AkaitoraI have an issue. I recently upgraded to Ubuntu 12.04 from Ubuntu 11.10 by using the update manager. When I restarted to complete the installation though, the splash screen kept saying 11.10 and now when I log in the mouse and keyboard are mostly irresponsive, all icons are gone and even wallpapers and such. Any ideas to why this happened and/or how to fix it?16:33
L3topOnHaLT: you will log into an account that IS in the sudoers file, and type sudo visudo16:34
FlannelL3top, OnHaLT: No.  Just add it to the sudo group (in 12.04) or the admin group (previous versions): `sudo adduser username admin`16:34
blastermasterhi, how to i lauch the ettercap gui?16:34
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L3topOnHaLT: Flannel is correct. I wasn't thinking.16:34
pyboyyou have to install  ettercap-gtk16:35
blastermasterbut is not in the repos of 12.0416:35
blastermasterthere is ettercap-graphical16:35
monvillalonDoes anyone now of a way of how to track what apt-get does to the system? What it changed/added/deleted etc16:36
monvillalonsome sort of log16:36
pyboywait a min blastermaster16:36
L3topOnHaLT: Mine is a very hacky way of getting it accomplished... just add the user to the admin group.16:36
OnHaLTL3top do i type the add in terminal ?16:36
FyodorovnaAkaitora, I have never seen a distro-upgrade reboot to finish, could you explain more.16:36
L3topyes OnHaLT. sudo adduser username admin           where username is the user name in question16:37
minimecmonvillalon: Look in /var/log/dpkg.log16:37
monvillalonminimec: thanks, i need to know what a package is installing, that is making my virtual machine unusable16:37
wildman330Since Ubuntu enables tcp6 by default, is this a security issue if my router does not recognize tcp6?16:38
nishttal2how can i get around invalid arch independent ELF magic grub error at reboot after installation?16:38
AkaitoraFyodorovna: I updated by using the update manager (the: "New version 12.04 LTS is now available" button). It downloaded as normal and then installed the distro upgrade. By the end it said that the system needed to be rebooted to complete installation. When I did restart my computer, the aforementioned condition happened16:38
minimecmonvillalon: Good article here... http://linuxcommando.blogspot.com/2008/08/how-to-show-apt-log-history.html16:38
OnHaLTL3top same error is not in sudoers file this incident will be reported16:38
monvillalonminimec: thanks a lot16:39
BelseruskBesides have codes working out of the box - what are the advantages of using Linux Mint over Ubuntu?16:39
FyodorovnaAkaitora, ah not sure of where to start, are you backed up?16:39
L3topOnHaLT: you are going to need to log onto an existing account that HAS sudo priveleges.16:39
pyboyblastermaster: type sudo apt-cache search  ettercap  give me the output of the command16:40
OnHaLTL3top there is only 1 account16:40
L8hey. I have problem with my apt-get, after I added ppa for php5.4, no metter what I install, delete, whatever the output always the same: http://paste.ubuntu.com/955458/16:40
AkaitoraFyodorovna: I'm afraid not, but it doesn't matter, I'm willing to format if that's what it takes, I just wanna discard any other possibility of fixing it16:40
L8I already tried apt-get remove -f and apt-get install -f16:40
jameslordhow to make iso as apt source?16:40
L8nothing works16:40
L8any help?16:40
jameslordi have mount iso to /home/jameslord/iso16:40
L3topOnHaLT: That doesn't make sense to me OnHaLT. What did you do that broke sudo?16:40
blastermasterettercap-common - Multipurpose sniffer/interceptor/logger for switched LAN16:41
blastermasterettercap-graphical - Ettercap GUI-enabled executable16:41
blastermasterettercap-text-only - Ettercap console-mode executable16:41
FyodorovnaAkaitora, almost any OS can be fixed, for me personally it is a matter of efficiency ion how long a install or fix is.16:41
OnHaLTL3top i installed linux for the first time an hour ago used alternative cd and when asked me to creat user i created this user only16:42
AkaitoraFyodorovna: well, seeing as I don't have a backup, something I can do to fix it without losing data?16:42
KircleHow do I get rid of the shadow protruding from the top panel via ccsm?16:43
ClientAlivewell, I'm not sure where to start with this  :(16:43
pyboyblastmaster:try sudo apt-get install ettercap-graphical16:43
hdevI have some usb-sound card issues after I upgraded from ubuntu 11.10 64bit to 12.04 32bit (reinstall). Alsa seems to find it and recognise it (visible in alsamixer). How do I diagnose the problem from this point?16:43
pyboycheck if you can get a gui16:43
blastermasteri already did it says is installed16:43
timmy__can someone help me with setting nautilus as the defualt file manager on xfce?16:43
blastermasterbut does not launch16:43
gengerhi everyone, i somehow deactivated the appmenu back in oneiric  but cannot find how to reenable it again installing the app-menu  packages didn'T do the trick, any ideas ?16:44
pyboy blastermaster: compile the shit  from source16:44
toschoi  wanted to dist-upgrade, but my internet connection broke down so I killed it by ctrl-c16:45
toschonow my system thinks, it's a precise pangolin and doesn't want to upgrade any further16:45
hdevIf I select it in sound settings, nothing happens; If i force it as the default sound card, i get audio fast forward in my player and hear nothing.16:45
normatifjameslord: man sources.list16:46
normatifjameslord: not tried myself but I guess you can use file:/ access16:46
Fyodorovnatoscho, your description is not specific enough, if you upgraded to precise your up to date no updates for a coiuple of days.16:47
marcmI really like Ubuntu 12.04 on my server16:47
marcmit's awesome16:47
pyboyblastermaster: do you launch ettercap-graphical16:48
KircleGuys how do I disable the shadow on the top panel in ccsm?16:48
AkaitoraFyodorovna: I tried using sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -f to no avail, same with sudo apt-get update16:48
Akaitoraso apparently my wireless connections aren't working either16:49
timmy__can someone please help me?16:49
SerythHey. I'm trying to access some photos on an old mobile phone of mine. I plugged it in, and (no surprises!) it didn't do as I hoped. The phone itself says it's connected to a PC, but Ubuntu (11.10) doesn't detect it. Any ideas what to do? It's a Samsung SGH-U700...16:50
FyodorovnaAkaitora, I would not really know what to do, I clone and save all my installs, and fresh install so I have never been in your situation.16:50
AkaitoraI see16:50
pyboytimmy__: what do you need help with16:50
Akaitoraso basically is going with a fresh start16:50
L3topOnHaLT: I don't know how that is possible... not saying you are incorrect... but the installer adds the creation user to the admin group. You could, I guess, boot to a live CD and chroot to the install and add yourself to the admin group that way... but that is very odd.16:50
FyodorovnaAkaitora, you might try installing the gnome-shell and see if gnome 3 desktop runs.16:51
timmy__@pyboy how do i set nuatilus as my defualt file manager in xfce16:51
L3top!help | timmy__16:51
ubottutimmy__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:51
pyboytimmy__:  did you google search it16:52
OnHaLTL3top not odd at all thank you for your help and also thanks to other guy too16:52
jackhadrillHi, anyone want an i7 Server for really cheap?16:52
jackhadrillWell, sorta cheap16:52
jackhadrillyou don't pay me16:52
jackhadrillyou pay for a whmcs licence16:52
gmachine_24dude this isn't ebay16:52
timmy__@pyboy the reason why i came here was to look for a more precise answer16:53
jackhadrillI know, but I need WHMCS, and have an old server that I don't use16:53
toschoI didn't finish the update. it wanted to download some package information, but couldn't anymore16:54
upsetWhy doesn't Ubuntu want to rely on mono? What's so bad about it?16:54
toschoso it hang (forever) until i killed it with ctrl-c16:54
jackhadrillAnyone want a free server in return for a WHMCS licence?16:54
upsettoscho: Try Synaptic. It has a great option to automatically fix broken dependencies16:54
marcmupset what's so good about Mono, other than the wet dream of a Monkey?16:54
gmachine_24I was using secure-delete to overwrite the unused portion of my hard drive. Takes forever; is there something faster/better?16:54
upsetmarcm: What is this I don't even16:55
Fyodorovnajackhadrill, you will not get an answer here, this is a support channel for ubuntu16:55
Daekdroomupset, it was mostly unnecessary and took a relevant part of the default CD size.16:55
marcmupset by the looks of it it's a half of a sentense16:55
marcmjackhadrill what kind of server?16:55
aJacomHi. MP3 audio files work fine. pulseaudio is installed and I've no problems, but Flash videos have no sound (youtube). What can I do ?16:55
Fyodorovnamarcm, take it to pm please16:56
upsetDaekdroom: Really? I mean, I keep finding packages that depend on it.16:56
Daekdroomupset, then whenever you install those packages, you'll install Mono.16:56
pyboytimmy__:cant help sorry16:56
marcmFyodorovna which discussion?16:56
upsetDaekdroom: Tasque and Pinta depend on it.16:56
gmachine_24marcm, about the server16:56
Fyodorovnamarcm, the off topic server trade16:56
upsetDaekdroom: I know.16:56
easy-guiI have chrooted ubuntu 12.04 and installed my all necessary  software such as KDE,GNOME and other software such as VLC,Gimp etc. I just want to load the Live CD in KDE Interface as default . Can anyone give me any hint please that how i can do this?16:57
marcmFyodorovna I was just curious16:57
DaekdroomOnce Banshee was replaced by Rhythmbox, only Tetravex (I think that's the name), which is a game, depended on it. They needed more space on the CD so they removed both from the default install, upset.16:57
upsetDaekdroom: I'm just wondering if I'm necessarily installing some insidious bloatwhere.16:57
Fyodorovnamarcm, you guys could also try #ubuntu-offtopic16:57
Daekdroomupset, there's some strong criticism towards Mono.16:57
gmachine_24easy-gui is it a Kubuntu CD?16:57
upsetDaekdroom: Yes, but what is it? Where can I find it?16:58
krababbelWill Thunderbird 12 come to precise or do I need to add some PPA?16:58
upsetDaekdroom: I'd like to understand the issue more fully16:58
jackhadrillMarcm there?16:58
easy-guigmachine_24, No , it is Ubuntu CD , Just i installed GNOME and KDE and want the CD to load KDE as default if possible16:59
ironhalikis there a way to stop x-nautilus-desktop from showing in my bookmarks?16:59
gmachine_24easy-gui, if you are booting from the CD, the CD can't run something that isn't on the CD. I think.16:59
Fyodorovnakrababbel, probably, just released it takes a few days for that special ubuntu tweak.17:00
krababbelFyodorovna: OK thanks17:00
Daekdroomupset, it's not yet working with GTK+3. It's based on Microsoft .NET. Some developers claim it's resource-heavy and bloated.17:01
Fyodorovnakrababbel, no sure really but with a release like ubuntu the updates start again soon.17:01
gmachine_24melengo, hi. please ask your question or state your business.17:01
alexfpmsHi everybody :-) Is somebody used the fix (http://www.webalice.it/bernardi82/software/fixplymouth-natty) before ??17:01
krababbelFyodorovna: wasn't sure, I'm used to security only udates and backports like in Debian. :)17:01
easy-guigmachine_24, But KDE on the CD already ... and i think there is a configuration somewhere where i can indicate to startkde for the CD17:02
Fyodorovnakrababbel, hehe ubuntu updates almost everyday enjoy. :)17:02
gmachine_24easy-gui, then it is above my pay grade. sorry.17:02
uzfdang, crash after crash after crash17:03
gmachine_24uzf, do you have a question?17:03
Fyodorovnaeasy-gui, logout of the desktop and choose kde17:03
wolterhalp! my internet is disconnecting every other second after I updated to 12.0417:03
wolterand reconnecting about instantly17:04
upsetDaekdroom: Only some claim it's heavy? What, like they can't do benchmarks?17:04
gmachine_24wolter, wirelessly, I presume?17:04
Fyodorovnaeasy-gui, is this a remaster cd?17:04
woltergmachine_24, yes17:04
easy-guiFyodorovna, Yeah17:04
matelotAnyone on 12.04 has problem with Pidgin sounds ?17:05
Daekdroomupset, I don't see how benchmarking would help17:05
Fyodorovnaeasy-gui, not sure of getting it to default to kde, but you can get a kubuntu only cd, but you know that already I suspect.17:05
gmachine_24wolter, you installed the software for the wireless chipset?17:05
upsetDaekdroom: To show what effect mono-based programs have on resource usage?17:06
woltergmachine_24, I upgraded from 11.10 where I had everything configured and running fine, should I still install this software?17:06
anoobare there any howto to configure a win7 pxe server and install ubuntu through it?17:06
Daekdroomupset, nobody is gonna write something in two different languages to compare the implementation. It's mostly a matter of opinion.17:06
easy-guiFyodorovna, Thanks for advice. But i was just interest that if it is possible ...17:07
Fyodorovnaeasy-gui, there is probably a cli way from the first bot gui on the cd not sure what it is though.17:07
frea3kI cant find applet 'giplet' in 12.04 LTS of ubuntu, is it removed? Can I get it back?17:07
krababbelFyodorovna: true, though can be a burden, I'll see, just entered at beta2. :)17:07
alexfpmsIn Ubuntu 11.04 && 11.10 i used the fix for plymouth to make it work with nvidia proprietary drivers. Now with ubuntu 12.04 it seems not working. But i noticed that if i restart the system during the boot process (using Alt + Ctrl + Del) plymouth works during the next reboot. So i'd like to know if the grub passes different params to the kernel in that case ?? thanks in advance17:07
upsetDaekdroom: I just don't understand how a performance issue could be immeasurable.17:07
easy-guiFyodorovna, can i pm please?17:08
Fyodorovnaeasy-gui, sure but I doubt I can help.17:08
gmachine_24wolter, if there is specialized software for the wireless chipset, then yes. and did you reboot after the upgrade? I'm guessing you had to.17:08
wolterYes, in fact after the first reboot everything started crashing simultaneously, it was after the second reboot that things started to get normal17:09
wolterbut this internet reconnection problem persists17:09
woltergmachine_24, do you have a clue as to how can I identify this software to install it?17:09
t9fileis there a actual problem with the ati catalyst driver and the new kernels on ubuntu distribution still an issue? i have the problem that on multimonitoring support the ati catalyst driver reset the virtual screen section ever to 2048x2048, but i need a bigger area!17:10
t9fileis there a workaround?17:10
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gmachine_24wolter, yes. you use the pull down menus from the top17:10
gmachine_24wolter, administration, then additional drivers17:11
rfictus someone help plz in fixing my microphone in 12.04 LTS17:11
easy-guii am remastering the CD .... But still i did not able to change the boot splash (The big purple picture). Help please?17:11
AmdpcHi,,I am searching for the built in software list in UBuntu Server…Where can I find it ?17:12
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soreaurfictus: What's wrong with it? Did you check the settings in 'alsamixer'?17:12
gmachine_24wolter, I don't know how others feel about this, but sometimes when I'm have wireless connectivity problems I install WICD and that seems to resolve the issue(s)17:13
gmachine_24rfictus, are you sure the microphone works?17:13
nishttal2does 12.04 not support UEFI based systems???17:14
gmachine_24wolter, that doesn't 'seem' to resolve the issue(s), it does resolve it/them17:14
woltergmachine_24, tried it once, and didn't work much :/ perhaps I should roll back the driver until the waters clear up17:16
gmachine_24wolter, did you find additional drivers available for your wireless chipset?17:17
woltergmachine_24, everything is to its latest version, I just peaked17:17
gmachine_24wolter, peeked, but ok17:17
nishttal2can someone help me installing 12.04 on my EFI based machine..17:17
woltergmachine_24, thats right heh17:18
nishttal2install went without issues.. but on boot.. i got a grub rescue prompt17:18
nishttal2i didnt have this problem with 11.1017:18
gmachine_24wolter, I don't know about rolling back the drivers. Perhaps someone else can help you with that.17:18
familyusing fstab how to i could a SMB folder that has a space in the name?17:18
shallwehi guys, someone has problem with empathy and ubuntu 12.04 messenger?17:19
familyusing fstab, how do i mount an SMB folder that has a space in the name?17:19
shallwemsn from windows17:19
nitzsnishttal2: where did you install grub?17:20
gmachine_24family, use the '*' symbol? without the quotes17:20
rfictussoreau: how do i check the alsa mixer ??17:20
rfictusgmachine_24: it worked before 12.0417:21
soreaurfictus: Run 'alsamixer' without quotes in your terminal17:21
nishttal2nitzs i have a separate /boot partition.. /dev/sda3 so assuming thats where the installer would have installer grub17:21
rfictusok I'm there17:21
rfictussoreau: look at this screenshot http://imgur.com/NzTmv17:22
nitzsnishttal2: do you have any other linux os on your pc?17:22
gmachine_24family, or you can rename the folder........... perhaps17:22
family// array  /media/Documents smbfs username=admin.......17:22
woltergmachine_24, ok thanks for your time17:22
familyi cannot change the name of this folder.17:22
gmachine_24wolter, yw but I don't think I helped17:22
nishttal2nitzs no17:22
soreaurfictus: hmm.. could be a driver issue. Do you have output working?17:22
rfictussoreau: how to check ??17:23
nitzs!grub | nishttal217:23
gmachine_24family, when I have a blank space in a name I use the asterisk to fill in the blank(s)17:23
ubottunishttal2: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)17:23
woltergmachine_24, thats why I thank you for your time and not for a solution haha17:23
familywill try..17:23
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nishttal2nitzs thanks..17:24
gmachine_24family, although I don't know if the asterisk will work in the fstab file17:24
soreaurfictus: Just play some audio and see if it works? Run 'alsamixer' in your terminal and check what hardware it detects (F6)17:24
sambagirlto install wget what is the command?17:24
sambagirlsudo apt-get wget install ?17:24
freebirdyou guys, after I downloaded wine source, ./configure, make depend && make   I can't use wine ?? why ? I had it installed using apt, but didn't work for me, why is that now ?17:24
rfictussoreau: output works, cound plays17:24
gmachine_24sudo apt-get install wget17:24
rfictussoreau: sound17:24
YerushalmiI just updated to 12.04 from 11.10, and I no longer have recently used documents appear under "activities". Anybody know why and how I can get them back?17:24
gmachine_24sambagirl, install before the package name17:25
rfictussoreau: and mic is turned on, and volume is up, but no cigar17:25
rfictussoreau: with F6, two options17:25
rfictusHDA Intel and HDA nvidia17:25
familygmachine_24: says no such dir.17:25
familygmachine_24: i tried "" but thats a no.17:25
rfictussoreau: so right now it uses HDA intel, and that is good17:26
gmachine_24family, ok. well, you don't use quotes, right?17:26
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familygmachine_24: i also tried without and with %20 as when i click the SA in GUI it has the %2017:27
jackhadrillMSG me if anyone wants a free server17:28
familygmachine_24: i tried "" but thats a no.17:28
sambagirlwhat is wrong with this command? wget http://ftp.debian.org/pool/main/libm/li … -1_all.deb17:29
familygmachine_24: FYI... http://www.eazynet.de/specify_directory_with_spaces_in_etc_fstab17:29
gmachine_24what does your fstab line look like?17:30
nitzssambagirl: what output are you getting for that command?17:30
gmachine_24family, what does your fstab line look like for this share?17:30
ChrisWereHey guys, I'm having a bit of trouble installing 12.04 64bit on my machine. I downloaded it burnt it to cd and it won't boot, I re-downloaded it and used unetbootin to put it on flash drive and it freezes at the same place. Any ideas?17:30
familygmachine_24: FYI... http://www.eazynet.de/specify_directory_with_spaces_in_etc_fstab17:30
gmachine_24family, yes, I read that. thanks.17:30
nitzsChrisWere: did you check the md5sum?17:30
familygmachine_24: //\040array  /media/NAS smbfs username=admin.........17:30
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ChrisWerehow doi check the md5sum?17:31
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nitzsmd5sum <name-of-iso>17:31
phunyguyok folks, I have a PC with Ubuntu 12.04 that I installed Kubuntu-desktop package on, and I cannot get this thing to install anything via apt-get, including updates.  Here is the error I get: http://paste.ubuntu.com/955583/17:31
demonsporkI need to use an Ubuntu live CD to back up a corrupted copy of Windows and drop the image on a network share. What software would be best to do this with?17:31
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ChrisWeresorry about that, pidgin crashed. So how do i check the md5sum again?17:32
magicJI see a process: usb-storage show up quite a bit when I do a top, I have no usb storage devices, what is this, and why is it showing up?17:32
minimecsambagirl: probably wget ftp://ftp.debian.org17:32
megabitdragonon 12.04 my sound use to work fine but after I moved the home directory to a separate partition (ntfs) I get no more sound devices in the sound settings. Any ideas?17:32
matelot12.04: does compiz work under anything other than Unity17:33
UbuBasherare yoyu using synaptic?17:33
nishttal2nitzs did ubuntu install grub or grub2?17:33
phunyguyUbuBasher: no.17:33
UbuBasheraptitude or just apt-get?17:33
nitzsnishttal2: ubuntu uses grub2. you just need to re-install grub from the live-cd.17:33
gmachine_24family, perhaps this will help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=165882817:34
phunyguyUbuBasher: apt-get17:34
phunyguyand Muon Software center17:34
nishttal2nitzs would it figure out to use grub-efi-amd64 on my system ??17:34
UbuBasherk check out synaptic and see what your sources are (user freindleir)17:34
familygmachine_24: It's ok that last one fixed it once i got the caps in correct.  thanks for the help \04017:34
phunyguyI dont need user friendly.  I am trying to figure out if there are broken packages somewhere17:35
rfictuscan someone help fix my sound input on 12.04 ?17:35
LinuxGuy2009What debian branch were the packages in 12.04 taken from? testing or sid?17:35
rfictuscan someone help fix my sound input on 12.04 (laptop)?17:35
prebwhy isn't it working?17:35
phunyguyUbuBasher: also I don't have any 3rd party repos17:35
gmachine_24family, great!!17:36
UbuBasherok try "apt-get check"17:36
minimecLinuxGuy2009: sid17:36
UbuBashercan also use synaptic, click "status" then "broken.."17:37
gmachine_24family, so the * worked? or was it something else17:37
gmachine_24ptl preg ask your question please17:38
gmachine_24preb, sorry17:38
ChrisWerehey guys, i can't seem to boot into my 12.04 CD, how do i check the MD$sum?17:38
familygmachine_24: Nope, that link did with the \04017:38
prebI don't have any questions, just looking around17:38
Slart!md5 | ChrisWere17:38
ubottuChrisWere: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:38
familygmachine_24: Nope, that link did with the \040 instead of *17:39
ptlcan anyone help me with resolvconf/dnsmasq? /etc/resolv.conf shows nameserver as as expected, /run/nm-dns-dnsmasq.conf has the right servers there, dnsmasq is running from networkmanager, but dns resolution is simpli not working17:39
gmachine_24family, you should save that info and make it available to others as needed.17:39
ptl12.04, of course17:39
YerushalmiI just updated to 12.04 from 11.10, and I no longer have recently used documents appear under "activities". Anybody know why and how I can get them back?17:39
LinuxGuy2009Is there a bigmem or pae enabled kernel in 12.04 x86 repositories?17:39
familygmachine_24: indeed..17:39
UbuBasherYeru; sounds like your cache file is gone.....overwritten with clean slate17:40
L3topLinuxGuy2009: apt-cache search pae17:40
YerushalmiUbuBasher: How do I get it back?17:40
phunyguyUbuBasher: http://paste.ubuntu.com/955605/17:40
matelotHi I have enough of Unity: Can Compiz run under any other than Unity (12.04) ?17:40
UbuBasherNot likely you will.17:41
LinuxGuy2009NM I guess 12.04 uses the pae kernel by default.17:41
YerushalmiUbuBasher: I don't care if I don't get my old history back. I just want it to work from now forwards. I can't?17:41
UbuBashermisunderstood, sorrty17:41
Daekdroommatelot, you can use Compiz with Classic GNOME17:42
UbuBasherso its not saving current activities?17:42
YerushalmiUbuBasher: I don't EXPECT to be able to use my old usage history. I know enough about how this sort of thing works :)17:42
L3topLinuxGuy2009: I believe it might "decide" what is best to use, but am not positive.17:42
matelotDaekdroom: Only Classic ?17:42
nitzsnishttal2: i'm not sure about that? what did you do in the previous version?17:42
ptlno clue on why my DNS resolution simply stopped working?17:42
YerushalmiUbuBasher: No, it's not. I even tried going into Privacy settings, shutting it off and turning it back on again, erasing all history...17:42
nishttal2nitzs nothing.. it just worked.. i installed and no problems17:43
YerushalmiUbuBasher: But when I go and open a new file, it still doesn't remember I've done so.17:43
UbuBasherwhich program?17:43
Daekdroommatelot, Gnome Shell can't use compiz, KDE's compatibility with it is now little. What else?17:43
nilsmahow can i activate special characters in ubuntu 11.10? system settings > keyboard layout > options > compose key does nothing17:43
nishttal2nitzs this 12.04 is giving far too many issues17:43
YerushalmiUbuBasher: What do you mean?17:43
matelotDaekdroom: thx17:43
robertzaccouranyone know how to turn a .giv image into a video?17:43
nitzsnishttal2: are you sure that you install grub to the mbr (/dev/sda)?17:43
The_BROSwhere can I find ubuntu hotkeys?17:44
ChrisWerewhere do i get the md5 number to check against for ubuntu 20.04?17:44
ChrisWere12.04 sorry17:44
blacksunsevensome recent wine update has caused text rendering in apps like utorrent to basically grind to a halt. opening a windows file browser and letting it render files in the directory takes like 30 seconds or more.17:45
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nitzsChrisWere: http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/MD5SUMS17:45
YerushalmiUbuBasher: It's just not recording my activity at all. I really like being able to use the Activities menu as a quick shortcut to recently used files, and it's quite irritating that I don't have that anymore. Yet within things like gedit, Document Viewer, etc., I can see the list of files I've recently opened. They just don't show up in Activities.17:45
UbuBasherTypes of Document Histories; Libre Office; Web Broser; Office.org17:45
blacksunseventhis is a recent issue (i blame some wine update), anyone else having this problem?17:45
UbuBasherAh yes17:45
L3topSo... probably a common question, my laptop volume control doesn't hook to the right SMC in alsa... how would one go about correcting this?17:45
jackhadrillAnyone want a free i7 Dedi in return for WHMCS?17:46
ChrisWereokay so I've checked the md5 sum but my 12.04 64bit CD still won't boot from either the usb drive or CD.17:46
nishttal2nitzs.. well it didnt ask me anywhere17:46
FloodBot1xubuntu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:46
preb@The_Bros search keyboard in dash home17:46
LinuxGuy2009ChrisWere: What CPU do you have?17:46
UbuBasherI failed to help Yury17:47
nilsmahow can i activate special characters in ubuntu 11.10? system settings > keyboard layout > options > compose key does nothing17:47
ChrisWereLinuxguy2009: AMD Phenome17:47
UbuBashercan anyone else help him?17:47
UbuBasherI primarily do not use x1117:47
LinuxGuy2009ChrisWere: What CD name do you have and what is the md5sum that you get?17:47
robertzaccouranyone know how to turn a .gif image into a video?17:48
nitzsnishttal2: try and install grub again from the live-cd.17:48
ChrisWereLinuxGuy2009 128f0c16f4734c420b0185a492d92e52 but what do you mean by cd name it's /dev/cdrom017:48
nishttal2nitzs ok17:48
atpa8amy older laptop panics with 12.0417:49
ClientAliveI just want to doublecheck:  If my motherboard does not have a connector for an internal floppy disk drive, then that means there is not a specific controller in the firmware for that? And it means there would be no setting in the firmware to enable/ disable a floppy drive?17:49
LinuxGuy2009ChrisWere: Thats an invalid md5sum. http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/DVDs/ubuntu/12.04/release/MD5SUMS17:50
thephantomHow do I uninstall and then reinstall python?17:50
ClientAlivedealing with fd0: read disk error at boot time17:50
nitzsLinuxGuy2009: ChrisWere has a live-cd AMD64.17:50
LinuxGuy2009nitzs: Oh live ok17:51
ChrisWerenitz: it's not according to http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/MD5SUMS17:51
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LinuxGuy2009nitzs: WHat difference does that make?17:51
LinuxGuy2009The md5sum matches none of the versions of 12.0417:51
nitzsLinuxGuy2009: you linked to a DVD checksum.17:51
flyingbuddhaHi. I've just upgraded to 12.04 (from 10.04), but I'm having problems with my ethernet card not being recognised. This is on a VPS machine. Is there anyone that can guide me through getting it working as I don't have much knowledge with Ubuntu.17:52
shadowspellmy wired cable also dont recognised17:52
shadowspellsame version17:53
flyingbuddhashadowspell: Are you talking to me or someone else?17:53
ChrisWereso any ideas why It won't boot into a live CD?17:53
AmdpcHi..I want to share a directory using samba in from terminal…WHich commands to use ?17:53
nitzsChrisWere: also check the md5sum of your burnt cd.17:53
flyingbuddha"Waiting for network configuration…"17:54
LinuxGuy2009ChrisWere: Maybe there is a problem with the iso on the website?17:55
LinuxGuy2009ChrisWere: Both the live environment and installer dont work?17:56
dickkkkHey guys!17:56
dickkkkCommands: $help $time $define [arg] $greet (arg?) $taste [arg] $mock [arg] $joke $cynic $twain $quote [arg] $search [pl] [arg] $google [arg] $g [arg] $channels17:56
flyingbuddha*-network DISABLED17:57
flyingbuddhadescription: Ethernet interface17:57
flyingbuddhaHow can I fix this?17:57
flyingbuddhaHow do you boot into the BIOS menu, I've tried F1, F2 and F1017:57
ChrisWerelinuxguy2009: neither work, it just doesn't boot17:57
DasEiflyingbuddha: left ctrl17:57
flyingbuddhaDasEi: Thanks17:57
dickkkkOutta this bitch17:58
AlanBellflyingbuddha: depends on your computer, might be del, or esc too17:58
dickkkkHey guys!17:58
DasEiflyingbuddha: sudo ifup eth017:58
flyingbuddhaAlanBell: It's a VPS / Virtual Machine17:58
DasEior which number ever17:58
flyingbuddhaAlanBell: I'll try some of your combos too :p17:58
renodeanyone know how to make a liveCD out of a ccurrent installation? 10.04 current17:58
DasEirenode: remastersys17:59
AlanBellflyingbuddha: in which case there is no bios, it is done in the settings of the VM. Virtualbox or vmware or other?17:59
sudiptaconky does not work in ubuntu 12.04...dmesg show some segfault...:::[   63.277937] conky[2013]: segfault at 0 ip b70feb84 sp bf8aedb8 error 4 in libc-2.15.so[b6fb9000+19f000]17:59
sudiptacan anyone shed some light17:59
flyingbuddhaAlanBell: Oh no :( I've no idea how to enable my ethernet card, all the instructions on the net say to boot into the BIOS18:00
flyingbuddhaAlanBell: What is ioemu / netfront? (Network Emulator)18:01
nitzsflyingbuddha: does your ethernet card show up in 'ifconfig -a'?18:01
flyingbuddhanitzs: Lemme check, it's just rebooting18:01
cocolosSo I was running my cuda program and I crashed my card. unfortunately I am working remotely. is there any way of restarting remotely?18:01
ChrisWereokay, someone else help me please. I need this fixed today please.18:02
flyingbuddhanitzs: eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:00:00:00:00:0018:02
DasEiflyingbuddha: does sudo lspci list your n-card ? isi it configured in /etc/network/interfaces ?18:02
nitzsChrisWere: did you check the md5sum of the burnt cd? 'md5sum /cdrom'?18:03
DasEiflyingbuddha: gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces18:03
flyingbuddhaDasEi: I don't see it using lspci18:03
ChrisWerenitzs: i dont appear to be able to do that. I google how and it looks damn complicated18:03
apanhello, anyone here who knows apache2 quite well? :-)18:03
DasEiflyingbuddha: add two lines : auto eth0 and ..18:03
DasEiiface eth0 inet dhcp18:03
ChrisWerenitzs, besides I burnt it multiple times on both CD and USB18:03
georgelappieshi all18:03
georgelappiesanybody here getting freeze ups with a flickering screen?18:04
flyingbuddhaDasEi: They're already there dude.18:04
DasEiflyingbuddha: save file, start networwing service18:04
AlanBellflyingbuddha: so are you looking at this VPS through some kind of serial console? what VPS service is it?18:04
sudiptaconky does not work in ubuntu 12.04...dmesg show some segfault...:::[   63.277937] conky[2013]: segfault at 0 ip b70feb84 sp bf8aedb8 error 4 in libc-2.15.so[b6fb9000+19f000]18:04
nitzsChrisWere: assuming you are in linux, just do 'md5sum /cdrom'.18:04
aberonHello all, how can I get java on my system? The Software center says I have Java6, but my /usr/lib/jvm/ file is empty18:04
flyingbuddhaAlanBell: I have a server with ThrustVps, I'm administrating the machine through vnc18:04
ChrisWerenitzs: it doesn't work18:05
nitzsflyingbuddha: do 'ifup eth0'18:05
kel_aberon do you want sun java or open java?18:05
flyingbuddhanitzs: RTNETLINK answers: Cannot assign requested address18:05
sudiptaconky does not work in ubuntu 12.04...dmesg show some segfault...:::[   63.277937] conky[2013]: segfault at 0 ip b70feb84 sp bf8aedb8 error 4 in libc-2.15.so[b6fb9000+19f000]18:05
aberonkel_, which ever is more reliable to run Minecraft. Which do you suggest ?18:05
braverywhy the ubuntu customization  kit doesn't work? It closes itself after the language option.When I first ran it, an error showed as "the application zenity closed unexpectedly".18:05
apanI dont know if this is the right forum, but i'll give it a try: (my issue): im using ubuntu server 11.10, and im running apache2, my problem is following: i can access my /var/www/ the DocumentRoot, but when im trying to go into a sub folder e.g: /var/www/serviio/ i get the following error: You don't have permission to access /serviioweb/ on this server.18:06
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nitzsChrisWere: maybe 'md5sum /dev/sr0'?18:06
azendDoes anyone else have an issue with the unity launcher sticking closed when set to autohide?18:06
kel_id go with sun18:06
aberonkel_, alright. How to18:06
kel_give me about 5 minutes ill get the page you ned18:06
flyingbuddhaDasEi, nitzs, AlanBell: Network was working on 10.04 if that makes any difference?18:06
sudiptaconky does not work in ubuntu 12.04...dmesg show some segfault...:::[   63.277937] conky[2013]: segfault at 0 ip b70feb84 sp bf8aedb8 error 4 in libc-2.15.so[b6fb9000+19f000]18:07
aberonWait, kel_ is there no terminal command to do it?18:07
kel_what version of ubuntu you on18:07
aberonkel_, 11.118:07
ChrisWerenitzs: nope18:07
ChrisWerenitzs: should the CD be mounted or unmounted?18:07
sudiptacome on....anyone......?18:08
AlanBellflyingbuddha: I would suggest asking thrustVPS support, I think they are really good18:08
DasEiflyingbuddha: are you connecting via dhcp of your router ? what reveals sudo ifup eht0 ?18:08
aberonsorry sudipta I don't know :(18:08
DasEiifconfig ?18:08
flyingbuddhaAlanBell: Ok18:08
jameslordhi all18:08
thephantomHow do I properly uninstall and then reinstall python on a 12.04 live USB18:08
jameslordhow to install git svn on ubuntu?18:08
AlanBellflyingbuddha: they might be able to change the emulation mode of the network hardware (it isn't a real network card so they can maybe change what it pretends to be)18:09
aberonkel_, side question, do you know why the software centre thinks I have java isntalled ?18:09
kel_sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk sun-java6-plugin18:09
braveryI am on 12.04. why the ubuntu customization  kit doesn't work? It closes itself after the language option.When I first ran it, an error showed as "the application zenity closed unexpectedly".18:09
flyingbuddhaDasEi: I'm connecting via VNC. ifup eth0 outputs:18:09
flyingbuddhaRTNETLINK answers: Cannot assign requested address18:09
kel_i think you have open java installed18:09
SteevcaI have noticed that some wierd stuff with ubuntu,the red lamp on my pc is alweyes on,it doesn't stop glowing.But there is no problem with memory or hardware.18:09
AlanBellflyingbuddha: anyhow, I think they would be interested in getting to the bottom of a problem with 12.04 on their setup18:09
OerHekssudipta paste your conky script on pastebin.com please18:09
aberonkel_, java -version does not bring open up though18:09
Picijameslord: install git-core or subversion18:09
DasEithephantom: apt-get remove --purge, apt-get install18:10
flyingbuddhaAlanBell: I can choose a different Network Card and a different Network Emulator in my control panel, would either of these be any use?18:10
SteevcaAlso,ubuntu is getting slower,but i have normal memory compsumtion and normal hardware configuration for ubuntu to run on.18:10
AlanBellflyingbuddha: yes, try them out18:10
SteevcaOnly thing i did are some changes with compiz,can that cause ubuntu to run slow?18:10
kel_not working?18:10
aberonE: Unable to locate package sun-java6-plugin18:10
kel_htmm one second18:10
Picithephantom: I can't see any scenario where doing that would be a good idea.  Perhaps if you explained what you were trying to acheive, we could be of better help.18:10
flyingbuddhaDasEi: Eventually ifup eth0 says: 'Failed to bring up eth0'18:10
jameslordPici dude, ihave installed git, but still not recognize git svn:(18:10
flyingbuddhaAlanBell: What is a 'Network Emulator'? Options are: ioemu and netfront18:11
DasEiflyingbuddha: and is it dhcp orr a static routing you use ?18:11
aberonkel_, the command didn't work. I only pasted a lil bit of it18:11
flyingbuddhaDasEi: dhcp18:11
kel_do me a favor aberon18:11
braveryanybody here know what is application Zenity?18:11
kel_in terminal type18:11
kel_java -version18:11
AlanBellflyingbuddha: no idea, but there are not that many combinations to try :)18:11
thephantomApt-get remove --purge python also removes loads of dependencies include many gnome files. Is that alright?18:11
DasEiflyingbuddha: where does the offer comes from ?18:11
kel_post what comes up18:11
theadminbravery: zenity is a GTK application to create various prompts -- mostly used from within scripts18:11
aberonkel_, I already told you what is outputed from that lol18:11
Picijameslord: Looks like that functionality is provided via the git-svn package.18:11
flyingbuddhaDasEi: offer? I don't understand dude.18:12
kel_na do it ones more18:12
kel_i didnt read it18:12
ZeloZelosbravery, did you google it?18:12
DasEiflyingbuddha: dhcpoffer, arp-request18:12
ChrisWerenitzs: the md5sum doesn't seem to work for the CDROM, but I've burnt it a few times and they've all had the same problem.18:12
braveryZeloZelos, let me do it. thanx theadmin18:12
aberonkel_, PM18:12
flyingbuddhaDasEi: Please forgive me, I'm very new to this, what you said doesn't make sense.18:12
PiciChrisWere: perhaps you should check the md5sum of the iso that you downloaded.18:12
ChrisWerePici: I have18:13
DasEiflyingbuddha: which device is the dhcp offered from ?18:13
nitzsChrisWere: was the cdrom mounted?18:13
ChrisWerenitzs: yes18:13
ZeloZelosbravery, i wasnt tring to be mean, its just looks pretty complicated and lengthy to explain, a libraray or stuff18:13
theadminthephantom: There's no reason whatsoever to uninstall Python. If you messed your Python setup up, you can just reinstall the files via "sudo apt-get --reinstall install python", but still I don't see any scenario where this may ever be useful.18:13
ChrisWerenitzs: but it still stops at the same place on the USB boot.18:13
nitzsChrisWere: usb boot?18:14
ChrisWerenitzs: booting from a usb drive18:14
flyingbuddhaDasEi: In /etc/network/interface dhcp is set on eth0 if that's what you mean?18:14
nitzschris_0076: are you booting from a cdrom or a usb drive?18:14
nitzsChrisWere: *18:14
DasEiflyingbuddha: is your router or whatever offerng the ip or is this part of the vpn ?18:14
ChrisWerenitzs: i've tried both18:15
flyingbuddhaDasEi: Part of the VPN18:15
DasEiflyingbuddha: most likely an static address then18:15
nitzsChrisWere: where exactly does it hangs?18:15
ChrisWerenitzs: just before x18:16
flyingbuddhaDasEi: The server is a VPS, so I guess ThrustVPS are providing the IP :)18:16
flyingbuddhaDasEi: I.e. I don't have access to the physical machine18:16
essentiaIm having a problem whit the LiveCD, after the Grub menu, when i hit the install/try option an error shows up "you need to load the kernel first" Anyone have any idea of why is this happening? Didnt found anything in web.18:17
nitzsChrisWere: have you tried the nomodeset option?18:17
ChrisWerenitzs: how do i do theat?18:18
DasEiflyingbuddha: so up to you to see if is static or not and also configure the default gateway18:18
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter18:18
tisqueldotimHi there , It's Sunday afternoon, and I should be working , but off ... therefore I've given the couple of hours I have to spare to talk about linux ... does anyone have anything to share or chat about on IRChat ??18:18
nitzsChrisWere: while booting press F6 and select nomodeset.18:19
Fyodorovnatisqueldotim, you might try #ubuntu-offtopic this is support18:19
redscarewhen I access one of my ntfs drives through nautilus it mounts, is there a way to get it to mount at boot or at login without explicitly accessing it?18:19
kajgzhi, i'm having a problem with codecs, i can't install medibuntu packages, i get the "The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources" error even though i enabled the repositories. i'm using 12.04 with gnome 3.418:19
redscareand set the mount point?18:19
trek201my ubuntu installation has been at 95%, saying "Running dpkg" for a long time18:19
ChrisWerenitzs: thanks i'll try that18:19
trek201is that normal?18:19
PiNinjaI just installed Ubuntu 12.04 yesterday and it seems that my sound is not working.18:20
whitmanAnyone else having problems with nvclock in 12.04? It worked fine for me in 11.10 but now it seg faults when I try to use it.18:20
PiNinjaCould anyone help me with this?18:20
nitzsflyingbuddha: http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/MD5SUMS18:20
DasEitrek201: define long , on which hardware ? which bandwith (inet)?18:20
nitzsflyingbuddha: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1520445.html *18:21
flyingbuddhanitzs, AlanBell, DasEi: I changed the Network Emulator and it works!18:21
trek201hmmm..probably been siting at this same spot for 10-15min18:21
DasEi!yay| flyingbuddha18:21
ubottuflyingbuddha: Glad you made it! :-)18:21
trek201not sure what my bandwidth is18:21
AlanBellflyingbuddha: yay \o/18:21
flyingbuddhaThanks for helping me out guys!18:21
trek201it takes me about 2 hours to download 4gb18:21
ClientAlivecan anyone help with a fd0: read disk error ?18:21
shadowspellanyone can help me make my wired network recognised ?18:21
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flyingbuddhashadowspell: What is wrong with it? Same problem as me?18:22
AlanBellflyingbuddha: I would suggest you email trustVPS support and let them know18:22
flyingbuddhaAlanBell: OK dude.18:22
megabitdragonin 12.04 I moved the home directory on a new partition but all the folders are now owned by root. I tried chown without any success. Ideas?18:22
shadowspellcable is pluged in but it shows wired network disconected18:23
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions18:23
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DasEitrek201:on a c2d with dsl >5mit an netinstall is under 30  minutes,depending what you install, same with standard cd installer18:23
jameslordhow to install git-svn for ubuntu?18:23
trek201DasEi: so i guess the install is hung?18:24
essentiaIm having a problem whit the LiveCD, after the Grub menu, when i hit the install/try option an error shows up "you need to load the kernel first" Anyone have any idea of why is this happening? Didnt found anything in web. I think it should be something realted to HDD connection and IDE/AHCI MOdes.18:24
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minimecmegabitdragon: sudo chown -R yourname /thatdirectory && sudo chgrp -R yourname /thatdirectory18:24
kajgzhi, i'm having a problem with codecs, i can't install medibuntu packages, i get the "The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources" error even though i enabled the repositories. i'm using 12.04 with gnome 3.418:24
DasEitrek201: how long does it sit there ?18:24
minimecmegabitdragon: That should work...18:24
trek201its been sitting at 95% for about 15 min18:24
megabitdragonminimec, I tried that without any success18:24
kilraeis it possible to hide particular mounted volumes from being listed in the launchbar?18:25
DasEitrek, give it another ten, else medium is prbly corrupted18:25
trek201it can't be corrupted...i blessed the disc burner with holy water and 10 hail mary's18:25
DasEitrek201: ... but forgot to md5 , he ?? ;)18:26
acalbazaanyone know how to adjust the size of the login screen?  it is way too big and i need to scroll to find the login window - 12.04.18:26
mads-Can't I write a ubuntu image to a DVD?18:26
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows18:26
tisqueldotimFyodorovna, Thanx for your input ... here's mine : http://open.spotify.com/track/0Xy9xPPs2zRRFqljGqKXel   PS I've transfered #chl's now.18:26
Dr-WillisHmm.. doing a clean install of 12.10 and  the hostname seems to be 'this' ;) and the user is 'this'  ...  sort of strange18:26
minimecmegabitdragon: I can hardly believe that... Is that partition menitoned in fstab, beiing the /home directory (should imho). That could be the problem.18:26
Fyodorovnatrek201, maybe it needed a nondenominational blessing. :)18:26
jameslordPici  no git-svn package found:(18:26
minimecmegabitdragon: ... or part of /home ...18:27
DasEimads-: a cd image to dvd often not, though can d//l dvd-image, I prefer usb-installs or network ones18:27
megabitdragonminimec, the partition is is mounted in fstab in /home18:27
kajgzcan anyone help me with my thing? :(18:27
shadowspellDo i need to download anything to make ethernet working ?18:27
mads-DasEi, can you tell me how to network install?18:27
Picijameslord: it should be available in all supported releases, in universe: http://paste.ubuntu.com/955705/18:28
theadminshadowspell: Normally not18:28
mads-DasEi, My girlfriend have borrowed our USB drive out and I only have DVD discs other than that18:28
DasEimads-: get the minimal installer, have a wired releiable network connections, follow instructions on screen18:28
josthow the package for dbmail in ubuntu 11.10 called?18:28
DasEimads-: ah, same problem thn, that also needs either a cd or usb18:28
mads-DasEi, If I have ubuntu 11.10 on it can I then do any kind of install without any other medium?18:29
mads-I have another computer present if that would help in any way18:29
DasEimads-: I don't understand .. you have ubu11.10 and wonto to dist-upgrade ? yes that works18:30
minimecmegabitdragon: hmmm... Well... what now? Did you do that chown procedure while being logged in as the same user. Did you try to do the procedure in 'recovery mode' (grub option)? Maybe that helps.18:30
ph0barI am having trouble with the HUD. It just won't show if i press Alt. Any suggestions ?18:30
The_BROSAfter pressing the button in the Compiz Manager to restore the Default profile my Unity flew off (No Dash, top hats, the system tray). It only Unity 2D works. Maybe some way to restore the Unity?18:30
mads-DasEi, I was more looking for a clean install. But I could try dist-upgrade until I get my USB back18:30
grkbloodwhats with the ubuntu launcher background changing with 12.04?18:30
mads-I had completely forgotten about dist-upgrade though. Thanks18:31
grkbloodhorrible decision on ubuntus part18:31
kunguzhow do I force my xubuntu to use VESA driver?18:31
DasEimads-: run with updatemanager -d18:31
ClientAlivec'mon now guys... where's the love?18:31
ubottuA dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.18:31
Fyodorovnamads-, yu can do a network with the minimal cd if needed.18:31
Dr-Willislauncher changes color based on wallpaper main colors. a new feature. I think the webupd8 site mentiond how to turn it off.18:32
kunguzI have GMA500 which does not have good relationship with Linux, I have to switch to VESA somehow, any ideas?18:32
ClientAlivesure is frustrating to try and figure out what should be a 2 min fix for hrs...18:32
Gary_inNYCdoes anyone know if precise pangolin requires PAE from cpu?18:32
trek201ok, someone told me earlier how to get ndiswrapper... it was sudo apt-get install ndissomething18:32
trek201any ideas?18:32
megabitdragonminimec, I did it as the same user but I will try recovery mode and see what happens18:33
DasEiGary_inNYC: same as beforehand, 32 bit needs pae for more than 4 g ram, graphics included18:33
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minimeckunguz: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. That should give you some 'console ui' to do some basic configuration. At least I think so.18:33
Gary_inNYCDasEi: ok18:34
kunguzminimec: thanks!18:34
kilraetrek201, search in software centre18:34
DasEiminimec: no, that just rewrites the config, but could do the trick18:34
BuuyoIs it safe to install kernel upgrades in a 12.04LTS cloud guest on EC2?18:34
trek201kilrae: all that comes up is the windows wireless driver18:34
trek201i need the thing that the windows wireless driver needs to work18:34
DasEitrek201: broadcom chip ?18:35
minimecDasEi: kunguz How do you get that 'console ui' again. I know that there was some possibility to get this config ui...18:35
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Sol4PistonsDoes anyone here know how to fix a problem with WUBI?18:35
kunguzminimec: unfortunately no console-ui appeared :(18:35
minimeckunguz: What about blacklisting the i915 or so driver, if other proposition is not working?18:35
DasEiminimec: not sure, hardy had some stuff isn't there no more and many drivers like nvidia provide gui18:36
kunguzminimec: how to do I change boot options? I am not use to grub2 :(18:36
trek201it was something like sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-dpkg18:36
trek201except thats not it18:36
kunguzminimec: I should blacklist it from boot options, right?18:36
DasEikunguz: left control, e for edit , c for booting18:36
sdahi all, i used to install ubuntu on my two hd / on sdb (SSD) and /home on sda (HDD) but after i installed UB12.04 the computer won't boot, the only way to make it work it's say to use entire sda and make the installing process partition and install. How can I fix it?18:36
trek201wait no18:36
kilraewhich is listed in software centre18:37
trek201thats not it either18:37
minimecDasEi: kunguz: Let me search the net for that.18:37
kunguzDasEi: at the boot time, my screen is whole black by the way; I can not see anything until I reach to the UI18:37
minimeckunguz: You could sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf and add i915 there...18:37
kunguzminimec: thanks! trying...18:37
trek201cant find anything matching dkms in software center18:38
DasEikunguz: you can remove the quiet option, if you want to see all this gibberish or call dmesg18:38
kilraei must say, software centre is much nicer than i remember18:38
trek201maybe i need to update my apt-get18:38
kunguzminimec: ok, restarting...18:38
kunguzminimec: I have added a line as blacklist i91518:39
shadowspellwhat I should do if wired connection appears disconnected ?18:39
minimeckunguz: That could work...18:39
kunguzminimec: seems like working, but one problem stays the same :( The half of the screen is overlaying onto the other half so I can only use half of the screen18:40
kunguzminimec: the behaviour is the same both for built-in drivers and vesa18:40
kunguzminimec: INTEL wasn't like this in the past :( GMA500 is a disaster :(18:41
minimeckunguz: DasEi: Well there was an ui once --> sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg --You will be asked a bunch of questions about your hardware, do your best to answer http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=69076018:41
bs0dHello everyone18:41
minimeckunguz: How do you know then, that is uses the vesa driver? Did you do some lsmod |grep intel/vesa?18:42
bs0dHow much disk space ( VM ) do I need for a desktop ubuntu installation with couple of software installed from packages ( say, pgadmin3, mysql client software and some Jabber client ) ?18:42
kunguzminimec: screen resolution changed after blacklisting18:42
bs0dVirtualBox suggests 8 GB by default, but I think it will be pretty much18:42
minimeckunguz: That's a sign... I guess ;)18:42
Guest21394Any Iron browser users on here?18:43
Fyodorovnabs0d, the least is 4 gigs or so for install the install unpacks to about 3 gis18:43
DasEiminimec: yes, I was remembered to hardy, which also had some to create modlines, but it's gone now18:43
jostcan anyone recommend me: 1. a ftp server capable of using authentication via pam-mysql, 2. a mail delivery agent working with pam-mysql?18:44
bs0dFyodorovna: thank you18:44
minimeckunguz: Did you check/try something like that? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=122934518:44
mads-Looks like my /etc/apt/trusted.gpg has been corrupted. Can I somehow reset it?18:44
Fyodorovnabs0d, no problem good luck. :)18:44
jostI don't want to use vsftp or dbmail18:44
kunguzminimec: checking18:44
kunguzminimec: I believe this was before they have implemented some new driver inside kernel18:45
minimeckunguz: In that thread, they are working with a xorg.conf file. You would have to create one, I guess.18:45
DasEi!pm | shadowspell18:45
ubottushadowspell: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.18:45
trek201ah ha!18:46
DasEishadowspell: what's wrong with your wired ?18:46
trek201just needed to update my apt-get18:46
trek201wireless is working now18:46
minimeckunguz: you could be right. This thread talks about oneiric and GMA500 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=179277718:47
kunguzminimec: thanks!18:47
kunguzminimec: reading from it!18:47
ncacan anyone help me identify what "WARNING **: bad d-i Packages file" means? I'm attempting to PXE/kickstart an install of 12.04 and receivintg this in the syslog before it fails18:47
shadowspellDasEi : it show disconnected18:47
shadowspellDasEi: but wire is connected18:47
DNA_Hello, I am a Linux newbie.  I have set up Windows 7 and Ubuntu 12.04 dual boot system on my laptop. I use Truecrypt (v 7) encrypted partitions. These partitions are set as Favorites volumes. In Windows Treucrypt has option of auto mounting favorite volumes on logon. But I don't see such option in Ubuntu. I searched for a solution to auto mount Truecrypt favorite volumes in Ubuntu without success. Can anyone advice me on this?18:48
DasEishadowspell: sudo dhclient ?18:48
The_BROSHow to repair Unity? Unity 2D is working, but Unity is not18:48
kunguzminimec: blacklisting pluse changing GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="poulsbo.blacklist=yes console=tty1" worked, now I can use my screen fully! thanks!18:48
neattoastDNA : I am not sure, but I think that ubuntu can't read trucrypt disks. Am I right, anyone?18:48
neattoastThe_BROS: did you try reinstalling?18:49
shadowspellDasEi: File exists18:49
minimeckunguz: no problem. ;)18:49
DasEiDNA_: yes, go to tc's homepage, there the needed commands are found to manually mount partitions > script them18:49
The_BROS<neattoast> complete system or Unity?18:49
FyodorovnaDNA_, you might try #truecrypt as well, small channel but more help18:49
neattoastThe_BROS: just unity!18:49
DNA_neattost: I can manually mount truecrypt partitions in Ubuntu.18:50
usrhey de donde son?18:50
DasEidoes ifconfig list valid networkcards , shadowspell ?18:50
neattoastDNA_: I din't know that!18:50
neattoastgood to know :)18:50
The_BROS<neattoast> how can I do that if there is no any toolbars and dash when I login to Unity?18:50
lwizardlI was wondering if there is a way to create a docked section of the desktop to put mount points always appear18:50
neattoastThe_BROS: unity 2d of course18:50
countfuzzballIs it possible for me to get a reading of how much cache memory isn't disk cache?18:51
DasEiDNA_: so write a bashsript and have called by - for instance- rc.local18:51
neattoast|wizard|: are you using xubuntu?18:51
The_BROS<neattoast> can U help me? How to reinstall Unity from Unity 2D?18:51
Fyodorovnausr, english?18:51
neattoastcountfuzzball: try the normal task manager18:51
usrhello, I have a problem with a wireless driver. I installed ubuntu 12.04 but the wireless card is not being activated. I tried iwconfig and I only see lo and eth0 which I believe is lan. My card is Broadcom BCM4311. Where can I find the driver and how can I install it?18:51
neattoastThe_BROS: sudo apt-get install unity18:51
neattoastI think that is it.18:52
shadowspellDasEi: it shows some ethernet, eth0 ,wlan0, lo18:52
mads-If the /etc/apt/trusted.gpg has been deleted, can I then somehow "reset" it?18:52
yoophglupwow, i cam here to ask a question. I was trying to remember the exact error so I searched the part I could remember. Google displayed search results which showed the error I was receiving. I then clicked the link and found the solution. Thanks for all the help!18:52
countfuzzballneattoast: I don't have unity/gnome installed. This is a 12.04 server install.18:52
Dr_willisThe_BROS,  if you want to reset the unity settings tehres the 'unity --reset' command i belive18:52
countfuzzballwith X/fluxbox etc.18:52
DasEishadowspell: sudo ifup eth0               ?18:52
Infinite8Going from Windows to 12.04 LTS.  Machine has a whopping 8GB or RAM.  Shld I go with the 32 bit and install PAE or just the 64 bit?18:52
Dr_willisThe_BROS,  to seeif its a unity setting issue. you could make a new user and see if unity works for them.18:52
Dr_willisInfinite8,  i alwyas go 64bit os if the hardware can support it.18:52
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx18:52
DasEiInfinite8: I'd use 64 bit, less hassle18:53
neattoastcountfuzzball: install the task manager then. I think the package is something like gnome-task-manager. Use apt-cache18:53
The_BROS<Dr_willis> I should type 'unity --reset' in terminal?18:53
DNA_DasEi: Thank you18:53
OnHaLTL3top are you  good with keyboard ?18:53
kasiii need ubuntu driver for the touchpad18:53
shadowspellDasEi: Ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth018:53
countfuzzballneattoast: I'd rather not pull in all the gnome dependancies. Surely it's not impossible todo from CLI?18:53
kasiii need ubuntu driver for the touchpad18:53
neattoastcountfuzzball: Not that I know of...18:54
kasiii need ubuntu driver for the touchpad dell vostro 101518:54
DasEishadowspell: gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces18:54
DasEishadowspell:add 2 lines :18:54
Dr_willisThe_BROS,  thats where you normally type terminal commands. Yes.. ;)18:54
kasiii need ubuntu driver for the touchpad dell vostro 101518:54
DasEishadowspell:auto eth018:54
OnHaLTpressing Shift+2 to get the @ sign doesnt work i dont get the @ when i do that18:55
DasEishadowspell:iface eth0 inet dhcp , save, close gedit ...18:55
DasEishadowspell:sudo service networking start18:55
neattoastOnHaLT: What is your keyboard layout?18:55
ncacan anyone help me identify what "WARNING **: bad d-i Packages file" means? I'm attempting to PXE/kickstart an install of 12.04 and receivintg this in the syslog before it fails18:55
OnHaLTEnglish (us)18:55
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neattoastOnHaLT: What english? british, us, drovak?18:55
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HIVi need ubuntu driver for the touchpad dell vostro 101518:55
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OnHaLTneattoast English (us)18:56
ncait fails to locate /tmp/net-retriever-4022-deduplicate/*18:56
HIVi need ubuntu driver for the touchpad dell vostro 101518:56
KurtKrautSince Synaptic is not installed by default in Ubuntu, how should I change or manage packet repositories (ex.: activate Backports) through GUI?18:56
neattoastOnHaLT: strange... did you try rebooting?18:56
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Infinite8Has anyone had any issues with installing VMware Player 4.0 in the new 12.04 LTS.  Having problems with compiling modules into the kernel and have no idea what to do.18:56
OnHaLTneattoast i did several times18:56
doctarican anyone help me with a firefox on ubuntu question?18:57
neattoastOnHaLT: I don't know the ubuntu file system that well... Anyone else?18:57
neattoastdoctarIi: yes?18:57
bobmarleyi need ubuntu driver for the touchpad dell vostro 101518:57
tisqueldotimIt's 9p.m. here http://goo.gl/ZUAlW                  WHAT time is it where you are ??18:57
neattoastdoctari: yes?18:57
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doctari@neattoast i used to be able to get tooltips to popup on certain links now they don't anymore18:58
notlisteningI have a service that is starting too early in the boot process being managed under init.d how can i delay it until the USB subsystem have initalised?18:58
ubottuenrico_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:58
LjLtisqueldotim: keep that sort of stuff to #ubuntu-offtopic please18:58
shadowspellDasEi: i think nothing changed18:58
doctarineattoast even me rss mouseover preview stopped working18:58
neattoastdoctari: could be a compiz problem. Did you try restarting compiz? (compiz --replace)18:58
doctarineattoast, would compiz effect firefox internally18:59
theadminnotlistening: You can start the service from /etc/rc.local (just don't forget to stop it from /etc/rc.shutdown), since that gets executed very late in the boot process18:59
shadowspellDasEi: i should leave space a line then write the rest on gedit ?18:59
neattoastdoctari: I think the tooltips are rendered with compiz18:59
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doctarineattoast, but my rss feed which is an addon to firefox is affected19:00
neattoastdoctari: Oh! did you try reinstalling the addon?19:00
DasEishadowspell: no just the two given lines at the end of that file, should have 3 entry-blocks aka lo, eth0, wlan019:00
bobmarleyi need ubuntu driver for the touchpad dell vostro 101519:00
mikubuntuyesterday i had a screen problem (no screen) that someone helped me with -- in the end i updated to a newer version which mostly fixed the problem, but we altered a file in the 'grub file?' from gdm cmdline linux' to 'nomodeset' and now i need to restore it to default, but i don't remember how to get to the file, alter it, and then save it, and exit.19:01
doctarineattoast, not yet rss and google mouse over previews are affected, they look like the tooltip popups but I don't think they are generated the same19:01
neattoastdoctari: Did you recently update firefox or ubuntu? I could be a compatiblity issue.19:01
DasEiKurtKraut: it's still there , least in my installs, call it from terminal19:01
minimecmikubuntu: /etc/default/grub should be what you are looking for.19:01
jonathank89Hi all, quick question I'd like to file a bug for the ATI/AMD proprietary driver (basically it locks up the machine when watching flash videos I think h.264 encoded ones...), where would be the best place to do that? Should I just go support.amd.com?19:02
shadowspellDasEi: it only got lo, but my wireless is connected right now19:02
minimecmikubuntu: sudo nano /etc/default/grub - then do the change, then <ctrl>x 'y' to save the file.19:02
mikubuntuhey minimec, thx i think you helpd me before ... could you help walk me through the command line -- how do i open?19:02
minimecmikubuntu: sudo nano /etc/default/grub - then do the change, then <ctrl>x 'y' to save the file.19:03
mikubuntuminimec, k19:03
DasEishadowspell: by networmamnager for sure, well add eth0 then19:03
theadminjonathank89: Report a bug for the package at launchpad: ubuntu-bug packagename # Not sure what the name is, may be "fglrx"19:03
doctarineattoast, not manually. I got an error about a script and told firefox not to run it and since then I have lost the popups even though the whole system was rebooted several times19:03
apanmm anyone here that got a few minutes to help me out with a (i suppose chmod) issue? :-)19:03
John_____Ubuntu 12.10 OUT!!!! http://goo.gl/H7RjN19:03
Infinite8Having issues with VMware 4.0 compiling modules into kernal of 12.04 LTS.  Anyone come across this problem?19:03
mikubuntuminimec, so to be sure -- i want to just backdspace over 'nomodeset'?19:03
neattoastdoctari: That sounds like a compatibility issue.19:04
TheDJACRMy upgrade went horrible19:04
neattoastdoctari: are you using the latest version of everything?19:04
theadminJohn_____: 12.10 will be released this October. Please don't give misleading information.19:04
KurtKrautDasEi, I've just did a fresh install of Ubuntu 12.04 and it is not installed by default. That is why I'm trying to figure out where would be the new default place for such configus.19:04
TheDJACRIt's a good thing I know how to manage :)19:04
minimecmikubuntu: 'delete' or 'backspace'. Both work. To be sure, do sudo update-grub afterwards, to update all grub entries.19:04
sonnhyHow 64 bit version work at the moment?19:05
theadminsonnhy: Not sure what you're trying to ask. The 64-bit version is stable enough, for sure (well, at least as stable as the 32-bit one)19:05
doctarineattoast, firefox 12 and Ubuntu 10.04 LTS - the Lucid Lynx19:05
cc11rocksMy Fn + F* keys only sometimes work19:05
cc11rocksCould anyone help?19:05
DasEiKurtKraut: softwarecenter, but I just looked up my pangolin vm, and its still there, in paralell, well if you miss it, install it then (mini-installer ued?), anyway, can stilll be used19:05
sonnhyyes i'm asking about the stabilty and compatibily with the programs19:06
shadowspellDasEi: already add eth0 inet dhcp but nothing changed19:06
jonathank89theadmin: that's what I figure it would be called https://bugs.launchpad.net/fglrx however I don't seem to be able to see any other bugs to search from to see if anyone else is having the same issue.19:06
neattoastdoctari: It could be that your addons don't work with firefox 12.19:06
DasEishadowspell: sudo dhclient still doesn't know eth0 ?19:06
cc11rocksBrightness (Fn + F4, Fn + F5) always work, Sound (Fn + F11, Fn + F12) only sometimes...19:06
AlanBellsonnhy: works great, all the programs in the archive work fine, stuff like skype also works fine, I am not aware of any problems at all19:06
doctarineattoast, its been working fine for months I have the latest addons. It was a sudden thing that happened during a session not when I opened up firefox19:07
shadowspellDasEi: answer is : File Exists19:07
theadminSpeaking of, does Ubuntu require a separate repo enabled for multilib support? (I haven't used the 64-bit Ubuntu before)19:07
jakesylhow to set up?19:07
DasEishadowspell: sudo networking restart              ?19:07
sdawhy if i make the installer create partitions the system work, and if i decide how the partion should be it doesn't?19:07
AlanBelltheadmin: no, it kind of just works,19:07
mikubuntuminimec, ok i made the change, then i did 'cont x' 'Y' to save, now how do i exit nano?19:07
jonathank89theadmin: I think because its the proprietary driver don't use launchpad as their bug tracker...maybe...I'm not too sure.19:08
theadminAlanBell: Ah, lol, "kind of just works"... That's the whole Ubuntu :D19:08
sonnhyAnd what about the programs that works only on 32bit, how to use it?19:08
AlanBelltheadmin: installing skype brings in a heap of i386:package stuff19:08
theadminjonathank89: Well, there is a Launchpad bug page for any package in the official repos19:08
AlanBellsonnhy: what programs?19:08
DasEitheadmin: depends on which package, can find out my msg ubottu and then !info gedit  forr example19:08
neattoastdoctari: Could be a corrupt settings file or another application. I don't think I can help you any further if it's this deep :(19:08
shadowspellDasEi: wrong commant19:08
sonnhyi don't know, i 32bit only19:08
minimecmikubuntu: Well. If you saved it correctly, you should be on the console again :(19:08
Ang3hey guys, the install program freeze on my laptop ...19:08
doctarineattoast, thanks for you time I appreciate it19:08
sonnhyi'm speaking about the 32 bit only, how i can use them?19:09
theadminAlanBell: Thanks.19:09
Ang3i already burn 2 CDs alwayq the same issue19:09
DasEishadowspell: sudo networking stop && sudo ntworkingh start              ?19:09
neattoastdoctari: you're welcome19:09
theadminDasEi: It'd be something like "sudo service networking restart"19:09
theadminDasEi: I don't think "networking" is a command.19:09
DasEitheadmin: see above19:09
Monotokodoes anyone know where I can talk with some ubiquity developers? :)19:09
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AlanBellsonnhy: skype just works, it installs 32 bit libraries to support it. I am not aware of any other application that is 32 bit only.19:09
DasEishadowspell: sudo service networking stop && sudo service networkingh start              ?19:10
minimecmikubuntu: depending on your language settings 'y'es, could be 'j'a or 'o'ui...19:10
DasEitheadmin: thanks, overseen that19:10
bs0dI am new to ubuntu. Please share your experiences, which ftp / sftp file manager, mysql client, and jabber client do you concider the best for Ubuntu?19:10
mikubuntuminimec, nano still open -- cursor sitting at the end of line "File Name to Write:  /ect/default/grub_ ... (just over Get Help  M-D DOS Format)19:10
theadminAlanBell: There are a bunch. The first example that comes to mind is TeamViewer -- not sure, but it pulls a ton of lib32-* packages on my system.19:10
shadowspellDasEi: unknown instance19:10
gcmxbs0d filezilla for ftp19:11
Monotokolet's try that again, does anyone know where I can talk to some developers? I just need some pointers on fixing my own bug19:11
theadminAlanBell: (That's a non-Ubuntu system, but still, their "64-bit" version relies heavily on 32-bit libs)19:11
mikubuntuminimec, nano still open -- cursor sitting at the end of line "File Name to Write:  /ect/default/grub_ ... (just over Get Help  M-D DOS Format)19:11
theadminMonotoko: #ubuntu-devel might be a good place.19:11
sonnhyand there aren't problems if i install a huge amount of 32 libs?19:11
DasEishadowspell: sudo service networking start19:11
AlanBellbs0d: for ftp/sftp I would use the standard nautilus file manager, for mysql I kind of like phpmyadmin (secure it carefully), not sure about jabber.19:11
shadowspellDaSei: do i need to disconnect first from wireless ?19:11
DasEishadowspell: no19:11
jonathank89theadmin: thanks for your help19:12
theadminjonathank89: No problems19:12
minimecmikubuntu: Answer with the first letter of 'yes' in your default system language. If that is not working...19:12
theadminminimec: Just so you know, "y" is always valid and always interpreted as true when apps ask for a yes/no thing over CLI -- no matter the language. Like in Russian I can type "y" or "д".19:13
minimecmikubuntu: ... close the terminal, open another one and type sudo gedit /etc/dfault/grub ...19:13
mikubuntuminimec, its english -- but i'm saying -- i already DID 'contrl' 'X19:13
* totesmuhgoats never even considered the yes / no prompt in other languages19:14
minimectheadmin: Ok. Thx Did not know that...19:14
sonnhyok thanks, now i will install the 64 bit version, thanks for help19:14
JohnUbuntu 12.04 Alpha is Out!: http://goo.gl/H7RjN19:14
cc11rocksCan anyone help me with my keys problem?19:14
cc11rocksJohn : Ubuntu 12.04 Final is Out!19:14
mikubuntuminimec, when i try to close the term, it says there is a process running, and closing it will kill it19:14
theadminSomeone ban John, please.19:14
gcmxwhere have u been John??19:14
shadowspellDaSei: still Wired Network Disconnected19:15
alankilaIs there a known bug in precise kernel which somehow relates to task_struct slab bloating to something like 200 MB and processes randomly stalling?19:15
DasEishadowspell: sudo ifup eth0  ?19:15
minimecmikubuntu: kill it, open a new one and do 'sudo gedit /etc/default/grub'. you get the editor GUI with the open fiel. Do the changes and save. Then sudo update-grub and reboot19:15
gcmxhelp, can't shut my Ubuntu down. it juz stalls at the Ubuntu sign and the dots keep moving FOREVER!!19:16
shadowspellDaSei:  eth0 already configured19:17
gcmxI always have to manually shut the pc down19:17
yaccAny idea how to mount an ecryptfs-ed home directory if I know the passphrase? (Technically speaking my home directory uses the same key, it's a restore of an earlier backup of my box)19:17
theadmingcmx: That happens sometimes. Try appending "reboot=bios" to your kernel line (yes, reboot, weird name for the param I know -- still, it often helps with such problems)19:17
gcmxthanks theadmin, going to try it now :)19:18
sherifhi guys19:18
aberonCan anyone tell me why the Software Center says I have the java openjdk installed even though my /usr/lib/jvm/ is completly empty?19:18
shadowspellDasEi: eth0 already configured19:18
mikubuntuminimec, thx -- rebooting -- i'll let you know19:19
sherifi have problem with chromium always give me the message "this webpage is not available" especially with twitter19:20
alankilagcmx: I've also noticed that these days it makes a difference if you type "sudo poweroff" vs. "sudo halt". The halt may actually just crash the machine at the end of it, and not power down. Although any screen animation should stop if this is the case19:21
sherifanyone here19:21
Boohbahsherif: can you open the same pages in firefox?19:21
DasEishadowspell: ifconfig now shows an ip ?19:21
sherifboohbah im checking it takes long time sending request19:22
Boohbahsherif: then you probably need to fix your network connection19:22
bs0dvery sorry for stupid noobie question, but where can I find "All Programs" kind of menu, and how to access terminal? I can't find any icon / menu entry for it19:23
aberonBoohbah, do you know the answer to my question?19:23
nishttal2after a fresh install of 12.04 i am getting a no suck partition error and grub rescue19:23
shadowspellDasEi: it shows one more thing, etho avahi19:23
aberonbs0d, go to the dash19:23
aberonand search terminal19:23
minimecaberon: If you did a 'sudo apt-get install --reinstall default-jdk' Maybe that helps.19:23
sherifboohbah im connected when i use windows it works fine19:23
mikubuntu_minimec, seems to be fixed -- thanx again19:23
minimecmikubuntu_: No problem.19:23
aberonminimec, what does that install? open or sun19:23
shadowspellDasEi: and it show inet address on eth0:avahi19:23
sherifboohbah but in ubuntu always takes longer time to open n some sites never open19:24
mikubuntu_and Jordan_U thanks also for help yesterday19:24
minimecaberon: Default is openjdk-6-jdk19:24
aberonat what version? I need it to be about or on 3019:24
gcmxalankila thanks man19:24
minimecaberon: openjdk-7-jdk should also be in the repository.19:24
DasEibs0d: welcome, either alt+F2  enter gnome-rterminal, or in the guy it's located under more apps; softwre-center and syaptics for addional installs,, and you can chaange back to gnome or other if you like19:24
aberonno openjdk 7 thank19:25
DasEignome-terminal*, bs0d19:25
DasEishadowspell: sudo apt-get install pastebinit19:25
bs0dDasEi: btw what wm is used in ubuntu by default?19:26
theadminCan someone explain what words like "ubuntu", "debian", "fakesync", "git", "svn" do? Like how do they affect the package manager's preference of one package over another?19:26
DasEishadowspell:  pastebinit /etc/network/interfaces19:26
aberonminimec, after doing that command, java -version doesn't bring up anything19:26
aberono wait19:26
aberonsorry nvm19:26
alankilatheadmin: a question like that is unanswerable. As far as I can tell, the words are not of the same class at all.19:26
DasEibs0d: lightdm I think, I'm not using unity either, but that works with gdm, too19:27
kel_aberon at the least you should see something like this is openjdk6 is installed19:27
kel_  Selection    Path                                      Priority   Status19:27
kel_  0            /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/bin/java   1061      auto mode19:27
kel_  1            /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/bin/java   1061      manual mode19:27
kel_* 2            /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java       63        manual mod19:27
FloodBot1kel_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:27
DasEishadowspell: give url from terminal here19:27
shadowspellDasEi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/955841/19:27
theadminalankila: I randomly encounter them in the package versions. I can understand that, say, 1.2 is obviously greater than 1.1 or 1.1.1, but which of "1.2ubuntu1" or "1.2ubuntu2" is greater? I can't make sense of this scheme of naming.19:27
aberonkel_, nah, java-version brings up a list of packages19:27
kel_no i mean when you go to config19:28
kel_you say it installed buy you see nothing19:28
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alankilatheadmin: ah. Okay, now I get it. I think the heuristics are complicated, but it must go something like this: the version string is tokenized to numbers and alphabet strings, and numbers are sorted numerically and strings alphabetically, I guess.19:28
aberonkel_, it brings up the same packages19:28
DasEishadowspell:  pastebinit /etc/resolv.conf19:28
aberonkel_, yah, nothing is in /usr/lib/jvm/19:29
bcuraboyguys,i've runned the usb disk creator that comes with ubuntu 12.04 to make an installation of ubuntu 12.04 on other pc.but it stucks at some point...19:29
kel_unintall everything19:29
alankilatheadmin: this scheme at least provides something that should look and feel a whole lot like the version preference used by the package manager, and in general the cases are easier, like only the last digit is different, say -1 to -2, or -1 and -1ubuntu1 (apparently the longer string is preferred)19:29
bcuraboyi've downloaded the .iso file from the ubuntu site19:29
bcuraboyand the pen is 8gb size19:29
bcuraboywhat could be wrong?19:29
kel_restart your systen aberon and then install both openjava6 and openjava719:29
kel_see if anything is in the configeration file at that point19:30
kel_no matter if you use 7 or not19:30
kel_something should show up19:30
theadminalankila: It's a strange scheme generally... How would hex version numbers get interpreted (some vcs's do that)? Like would "f" correctly get put above "9"?19:30
ntadejHi, I have a problem after upgrading to precise19:30
shadowspellDasEi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/955844/19:30
ntadejI get the following error with apport and software-properties-kde19:30
ntadejpython: /build/buildd/sip4-4.13.2/siplib/siplib.c:10938: sipEnumType_alloc: Assertion `(((currentType)->td_flags & 0x0007) == 0x0003)' failed.19:30
alankilatheadmin: I do not think hexadecimal numbers are properly used in versions, so I don't think that would work correctly.19:30
drvanon_hello people not sure if i should post this question here or in ##windows but here is the background story: XP was running superslow so we decided to get rid of it. Done that a driver was gone so we couldn't get on internet, we proposed to install ubuntu and it was accepted so we installed it. there were files on it (emailmaps that were in de (erased on for hand) dutch email giver) and now our19:30
drvanon_hello people not sure if i should post this question here or in ##windows but here is the background story: XP was running superslow so we decided to get rid of it. Done that a driver was gone so we couldn't get on internet, we proposed to install ubuntu and it was accepted so we installed it. there were files on it (emailmaps that were in de (erased on for hand) dutch email giver) and now our19:30
monvillalonI need to figure out from what repository an application was installed, is this possible?19:30
theadminalankila: Makes sense, thanks. Well you did clear it up a bit19:31
kel_yea search the repository manually19:31
DasEishadowspell:  sudo dhclient   (looks all good, and has a standard router address set)19:31
theadminalankila: Still can't understand why they do this... If they need some bumping mechanism, they could just append a number after a dash or something\19:31
TheDJACRQuestion: So I updated from 11.10 to 12.04, and now my Broadcom driver isn't loaded. I go to the menu to load it, it says all of the applicable modules have been blacklisted19:32
DasEishadowspell: sudo apt-get install hwinfo && sudo hwinfo | pastebinit19:32
L3toptheadmin: are you asking why the word ubuntu is in your example?19:33
monvillalonI need to figure out from what repository an application was installed, is this possible? I've installed a third party repository and need to figure out what came from where19:33
bs0dDasEi: last stupid question. Sorry. How can I put icons I need quite often to desktop ( terminal, mail client, db admin software etc )? Its not very convenient to perform a search every time I need to run something19:33
theadminL3top: I can make sense of *that* word, but there is one version number which confused me entirely.19:33
theadmin!info rox-filer | L3top19:33
ubottuL3top: rox-filer (source: rox): A simple graphical file manager for X11. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.10-1.1fakesync1 (precise), package size 1517 kB, installed size 4220 kB19:33
DasEibs0d: as said , I'm not using unity either, ask the channel again19:34
Boohbahmonvillalon: apt-cache policy packagename19:34
drvanon_hello people not sure if i should post this question here or in ##windows but here is the background story: XP was running superslow so we decided to get rid of it. Done that a driver was gone so we couldn't get on internet, we proposed to install ubuntu and it was accepted so we installed it. there were files on it (emailmaps that were in de (erased on for hand) dutch email giver) and now our19:34
DasEibs0d: might try classic-gnome at logintime or install lubuntu-desktop and use this per default19:34
bs0dHow can I place icons for programms on a desktop? I have tried to search for them, and right-click menu doesn't have any send to -> Desktop entry19:35
theadminbs0d: I think you can simply create a Launcher (right click desktop and find something about that there), or right click a running app in the left panel and "Keep in Launcher".19:35
bs0dtheadmin: thank you, I'll try to do it19:35
YerushalmiHey folks. I just updated to 12.04, and I've found that the Activities menu in GNOME no longer displays my recent documents when I type there (even though the dock in Ubuntu still does). Anybody know why and how to fix it?19:35
theadminbs0d: I hardly ever used Unity though, my memories are fuzzy. I use Xfce myself.19:35
shadowspellDasEi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/955863/19:36
bcuraboyguys,i've runned the usb disk creator that comes with ubuntu 12.04 to make an installation of ubuntu 12.04 on other pc.but it stucks at some point...19:36
L3toptheadmin: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/fakesync19:36
bcuraboywhat could be wrong?19:36
bcuraboyi've downloaded the .iso file from the ubuntu site19:36
theadminDasEi: There's no real "classic gnome" anymore -- either gnome3, gnome3 Fallback, or Unity. None of them are "classic" (which used to be the name for gnome2 in Natty)19:36
bcuraboyand the pen is 8gb size19:36
bs0dshadowspell: Lock to Launcher worked :) Seems, that Desktop itself is empty all the time. But thanks again for help19:36
theadminL3top: Ah, thanks.19:37
DasEitheadmin: lubuntu-user caught ;)19:37
ZalamanderHello there, Im trying to follow this instructions to install a Motorolla sm56 modem on my ubuntu server but uname -r gives me "3.2.0-generic-pae" kernel version. What version of slamr module showld I use???19:37
ZalamanderThis instructions http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-482046.html19:38
CrazyGangsterHello ppl, any1 knows if there is a way to not redirect the in-build pc system beeper to my headphones? Because i want to hear music on my headphones and hear the system beep when im way from the PC without unplug the headphones jack...19:38
minimecCrazyGangster: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man1/softbeep.1.html19:40
DasEishadowspell: well, cable attached ? dhcp running on the router ? there is no driver problem either19:40
YerushalmiIs there any way to shut off the "alert" sound Ubuntu makes when you first reach the login screen? I can shut off the alert sound within Ubuntu and within GNOME, but how do I reach the global setting for the login screen?19:40
CrazyGangsterok i will see19:40
chronoshi. there is possible widescreen (16:9) resolutions in plymouth?19:40
ntadejHas anyone else a problem with19:40
ntadejpython: /build/buildd/sip4-4.13.2/siplib/siplib.c:10938: sipEnumType_alloc: Assertion `(((currentType)->td_flags & 0x0007) == 0x0003)' failed.19:40
joseluis64chronos it depends of your video card19:43
maprerihello all, i'm tring to install ubuntu, but the desktop installer and gparted don't relevate the partion in my hard disc. cfdisk say "FATAL ERROR: Bad logical partition 6: enlarged logical partition overlap". what is the meaning??? fdisk -l: http://paste.ubuntu.com/955748/ Normally I should try the alternate cd, but in this case I can't...19:43
chronosNvidia GTX 360M19:43
chronosjoseluis64: I already have proprietary drive,19:43
chronosbut splash and terminals are at very lower resolution19:44
chronosand I can't set wide resolution19:44
joseluis64chronos it is normal, the propietary drivers have this problem with plymouth19:45
khbjhbhjdou you know pls with cairo dock where are open aplications????19:45
joseluis64chronos but yu can fix it19:45
rymate1234what are the proprietary ati drivers like on ubuntu 12.0419:45
aberondoes anyone know how to get java6 0.3x running?19:45
rymate1234and should i get them from ati or ubuntu19:45
chronosjoseluis64: what I found to try is scripts from 2010..19:45
khbjhbhjwere can i find open aplications when i have cairo dock/...19:46
chronosjoseluis64: no very confident19:46
joseluis64chronos it doesn't matter19:46
nperry!java | aberon19:46
ubottuaberon: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.19:46
joseluis64well, at least with Ubuntu 11.1019:46
chronosand hwinfo don't show widescreen resolutions19:46
chronosso teorically it will not work..?19:46
joseluis64chronos if hwinfo does not show widescreen resolutions, then is not posible to make plymouth run in widescreen with propietary drivers19:47
chronoshm, and can make plymouth use nouveau while x use nvidia?19:47
joseluis64chronos I don't know if that is possible19:48
spvenskohow do i hide the bar with the launch icons on it in Ubuntu 12.04? Whenver I maximize windows it's still there and takes up a lot of space on my small screen/19:48
chronosthx joseluis6419:48
joseluis64chronos you're welcome19:48
Boohbahspvensko: system settings > appearance > behavior19:49
YerushalmiIs there any way to shut off the "alert" sound Ubuntu makes when you first reach the login screen? I don't mean the sound made after you log in, I mean the alert noise at the login screen that tells you to enter your password.19:49
jeroenpraatI only have 90 songs in my music lens. I have thousands of songs. How do I make sure the music lens reads my whole rhythmbox database?19:50
mikubuntu_new problem -- just tried to share a story on facebook, and noticed i have no docking tray at the bottom showing -- is that a gnome panel?19:50
spvenskoBoohbah: thanks!19:50
trismYerushalmi: I think the easiest way is with gsettings vendor overrides, http://paste.ubuntu.com/955897/ , copy that to /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/unity-greeter.gschema.override then run: sudo glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/; and restart lightdm, hopefully after that no drum beat19:51
L3topYerushalmi: I would find the chime and echo > /path/to/chimename.mp319:51
L3topYerushalmi: but that is a terribly hacky way to go about it.19:51
joseluis64does anyone knows how may I set a wallpaper slide in Ubuntu 12.0419:51
mikubuntu_wait a minute --- if my new version is using UNITY then it's not a gnome panel, right?19:51
aberonnperry, what will that do ?19:52
Yerushalmitrism: How do I restart lightdm?19:53
Yerushalmitrism: (I'm fairly new to Ubuntu)19:53
L3topYerushalmi: service lightdm restart19:54
joseluis64Yerushalmi: Log into a tty Ctrl19:54
YerushalmiL3top: Thanks. I got a bunch of "Rejected send message" warnings, but the first one said "stop" and the second one said "start" so I'll assume it worked...19:55
Yerushalmi*logs off to test*19:55
YerushalmiWoohoo! It worked! Thanks guys, you people are awesome.19:56
snellwhere can i get help running mame on 12.04?19:56
agentjracHas anyone had any trouble with the ubunto 11.10 update?19:59
YerushalmiAnother question: I have a Firefox extension that puts the RSS feeds in my bookmarks in bold or faded out, depending on if they have new or unread items or the like. This doesn't seem to work at all in the standard login (the one called "Ubuntu") presumably because the menu is detached from the window, instead appearing in the upper bar. The entire menu is in the same face. It works,...19:59
Yerushalmi...however, in "GNOME". Anybody know how to get it working in "Ubuntu"?19:59
Boohbahagentjrac: no19:59
Toph2agentjrac,,, first time ever, mine went smoothly19:59
agentjracI don't like the new contrast, I can't read anything on the screen.20:00
Boohbahsnell: sudo apt-get install mame20:00
agentjracAnd it appears to be frozen.20:00
agentjracis 12.04 better?20:00
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Boohbahway better20:00
agentjracSweet, well then that's what the computer is getting.20:00
agentjracThank God I have another computer.20:00
Boohbahagentjrac: it is usually easier to do a clean install than an upgrade20:01
agentjracOh okay yeah I don't think walking away and going to lunch helped either.20:01
Boohbahlunch always helps20:01
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Toph2agentjrac,,, sorry,,, i didn't have trouble with the 11.10 update,, the 12.04 went smoothly20:01
agentjracWell I am going to clean install the 12.04.20:01
agentjracI am downloading it now.20:01
agentjracThanks for the help. I am very very VERY new to linux.20:02
agentjracBut I love it, even my grandmother understands it better than windows.20:02
agentjracYou guys have a good day.20:03
snellboohbah i installed mame but i cannot find documentation on how to run roms20:03
bcuraboyi'm having problems installing ubuntu 12.04 through a usb pen20:03
javajoshWhat are the major differences between 12.04 and 10.04? (And why do so many versions have a ".04" minor number?:)20:03
pyboyjavajosh: there is a big difference20:04
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joseluis64javajosh: that numbers are the date of launch of any version20:04
bcuraboyi already have tried make the usb disk through the disk creator that comes by default and through unetbootin20:04
snellis there a frontend for mame on 12.04?20:04
bcuraboyhowever it stucks every time at some point20:04
Boohbahsnell: gnome-video-arcade20:06
bcuraboyhelp please20:06
pyboytheREALjoshbeitl: hello20:07
theREALjoshbeitlI got a quick question for someone.20:07
Boohbahbcuraboy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick20:08
theREALjoshbeitlA hacker threatend to hack my computer (saying he know my internal ip, blalba trojan) - what are the odds of him doing any damage?20:08
BoohbahtheREALjoshbeitl: approximately 3 out of 720:08
pyboytheREALjoshbeitl: your ok20:08
b^jsince upgrading to 12.04 the touchpad on my Asus EEEpc 1005 stops working after being logged in for a while, it comes back on a reboot then eventually stops again20:08
theREALjoshbeitlok good20:08
pyboytheREALjoshbeitl: call the feds20:09
bs0dDoes Ubuntu contain its own bind / named server by default? o_O20:09
notlisteningRight I am still having trouble getting my printer driver to run during boot, tried rc.local and same problem :/20:09
b^jany ideas what the issue is20:09
theREALjoshbeitlpyboy: but then they'll arrest me for hacking! lol jk20:09
notlisteningany other ideas how to start a login maybe?20:09
bs0dresolv.conf contains nameserver and dig @localhost returns lookup results! I will highly appreciate, if anybody explains me what's going on20:09
notlisteningI have tried crontab20:09
crossHello, I've just ran tasksel command and installed tomcat, but can't lauch ubuntu now. Seems like I've removed Desktop env20:09
crossif anybody have an idea how to get it launched? Thank you for support!20:10
theREALjoshbeitlcross: you can get into a terminal from pressing Alt+Ctrl+F120:10
theREALjoshbeitlthen you can do your troubleshooting20:10
guntbertbs0d: what system are you running?20:10
crosstrying it now20:10
crossthank you theREALjoshbeitl20:10
bs0dguntbert: Ubuntu Desktop 12.04, just installed in half an hour ago20:10
pyboytheREALjoshbeitl: dont get on the wrongside of hackers  what are you doing that got you in that much trouble20:11
theREALjoshbeitlpyboy: I made him mad on a Minecraft server20:11
LjLtheREALjoshbeitl: this isn't really an Ubuntu technical support issue... please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic but anyway i wouldn't overly worried, as long as your security is reasonable20:11
bs0dguntbert: it runs some kind of dnsmasq as I see here .. but what is it?20:11
theREALjoshbeitlLjL: oh sry20:11
bcuraboyBoohbah, i've done those steps but it still stucks20:12
bcuraboyi've tried both ways20:12
eph3meralso I (thought) I configured my Ubuntu 11.10 Server Virtual machine to be an XDMCP Server, but I still can't get my windows host to connect to it... I've opened UDP 177 and TCP 6000 on my vbox NAT, but still no love when attempting to connect from MobaXTerm, any suggestions? most of the tutorials out there are not very descriptive or informative, I've been googling for a while now20:13
dabeast_How do I set the boot flag off on a NTFS partition???20:13
bs0dguntbert: and another issue, /etc/hosts seem not to be read. I have checked /etc/nsswitch.conf host file dns .... so first lookup should be to /etc/hosts, but I get ns query instead to ( localhost ! dns server )20:13
guntbertbs0d: I am surprised as well20:13
eph3meralanyone else have experience configuring and connecting to an XDMCP server?20:13
theadmindabeast_: sudo cfdisk /dev/sda, find your NTFS partition, select "Boot", it will set it off, then select "Write". Finally, "Quit".20:13
U-b-u-n-t-uWhen I try to upgrade to 12.04 it fails and the reason is "failed to get release notes" ... any suggestions?20:14
guntbert!info dnsmasq | bs0d20:14
ubottubs0d: dnsmasq (source: dnsmasq): Small caching DNS proxy and DHCP/TFTP server. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.59-4 (precise), package size 15 kB, installed size 117 kB20:14
dabeast_theadmin: thanks20:14
guntbertbs0d: that states "optional"20:14
bs0dubottu: thanks a lot. I have found it from processes list running .. another question is how to turn it off from autostart?20:14
ubottubs0d: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:14
bs0dguntbert: I have found it from processes list running .. another question is how to turn it off from autostart?20:15
guntbertbs0d: the package dnsmasq is *not* installed - let me have a look20:15
U-b-u-n-t-uWhen I try to upgrade to 12.04 it fails and the reason is "failed to get release notes"  there is a second one now "check your internet connection" ... any suggestions?20:16
bs0dguntbert: it is, in my case .. and dnsmasq is run upon boot, its autostarted.20:16
trismbs0d: see http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/20:16
bs0dguntbert: I now see "Additional autostart applications" and its not on the list .. need to turn if off somehow20:16
bs0dtrism: thanks a lot. Seems, that's what I need20:17
trismbs0d: it describes how to turn it off later in that post "I really don’t want a local resolver, how can I turn it off?"20:17
guntbertbs0d: apt-cache policy dnsmasq will tell you if it is installed20:17
XunieAny issues with miro being a resource hog?20:17
U-b-u-n-t-uWhen I try to upgrade to 12.04 it fails and the reason is "failed to get release notes"  there is a second one now "check your internet connection" ... any suggestions? << I change servers to the main server and its working now20:17
railsraider_can't get apache2 to install No apache MPM package installed - i did try to install apache2-mpm-prefork but with no luck20:17
bs0dguntbert: strange .. apt-cache sais it's not installed, but it gets autostarted and I see it running on the processes list :\20:18
YerushalmiI have a Firefox extension that puts the RSS feeds in my bookmarks in bold/faded out, depending on if they have new/unread items. It doesn't work at all in the standard login (the one called "Ubuntu"), presumably because the menu is detached from the window, instead appearing in the upper bar; instead, the entire menu is in the same face. It works, however, in "GNOME". Anybody know how to...20:18
Yerushalmi...get it working in "Ubuntu"?20:18
bs0dguntbert: it must have been installed from installation cd by installer and now from apt20:18
guntbertbs0d: read what trism sent you20:18
theadminYerushalmi: This is a radical solution, but if you "sudo apt-get remove firefox-globalmenu" the menu will go back to it's "normal" position rather than being in the upper bar.20:19
trismbs0d: only dnsmasq-base is installed by default20:19
bs0dtrism: that's what I have running here .. I'm reading article you sent me link to .. hope I'll be able to get rid of it :)20:20
Yerushalmitheadmin: I like this idea, actually. I never did like the global menu. I wonder if it'll work.20:20
theadminYerushalmi: If you don't like the global menu entirely, you can get rid of it for all the apps with "sudo apt-get remove appmenu-gtk appmenu-qt"20:20
guntberttrism: according to !info dnsmasq-base it should be optional -- is there a bug somewhere?20:20
minimecYerushalmi: The first thing I do after a ubuntu insatll is to uninstall all appmenu-* packages and firefox-globalmenu. It works ;)20:21
bs0dtrism: well, its just describing dnsmasq .. but how to turn it off totally, that it's not run upon boot? I do not see it in "Autostart" programms list :(20:21
Yerushalmitheadmin: Shiny! I'll do that. I wish there were a simple setting I could do instead of having to uninstall it. Let's see if it works (I'm running GNOME right now, so I'll have to log out to find out)20:21
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minimecYerushalmi: there is one, but only available via ppa. it's called unsettings I think. You should find the link on webupd8.org20:22
b^janyone know why my trackpad randomly stops working after upgrading to 12.04?20:22
mikubuntu_minimec, new problem -- just tried to share a story on facebook, and noticed i have no docking tray at the bottom showing -- is that a gnome panel?20:23
bs0dtrism: Oh, Im blind. Thanks for the link!20:23
XunieOkay, wtfuuu. Miro is like a total resource hog on my CPU, what the fuck man?20:24
XunieMiroDownloader.py is sucking up everything from the CPU core it's running on, not cool.20:24
XunieIs downloading something too much to handle for my CPU? I mean, Jesus.20:24
minimecmikubuntu_: That is a unity question and I don't use that... Per default, the systry is empty now. You can create a 'whitelist' whit applications to show in the systry. I also guess that there is a facebook 'app' for your personal 'online' menu 'the letter icon'.20:26
djphi, has anyone seen a 12.04 upgrade gone completely wrong; frozen at borked desktop?20:26
djpcan't even get to recovery mode from grub20:26
djptotally pooched20:26
eph3meraldjp, if you tried to upgrade "inline" then yes I'm not at all surprised that you b0rked your system20:26
eph3meralI don't even know why they provide that button20:26
djpit wen way bad20:27
eph3meralit should read "Click Here to Play Russian Roullette with your System" instead of "Upgrade"20:27
minimecmikubuntu_: systray ;) This should do for the systray. http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/how-to-re-enable-notification-area.html20:27
djpok, but from here with a frozen desktop and no access to recovery-mode or a termin or a VT, then what?20:27
sbauercocolos Has left20:27
cwill747!hi | ThE20:27
PiNinjaI just finished installing SC2, everything seems to be running fine until I try to login. After that, it crashes. Can anyone help me with this?20:28
sbauerWhat's up20:28
sbauerpininja are you using wine?20:28
PiNinjasbauer: Yes.20:28
trismguntbert: optional doesn't mean that a package isn't installed by default, in this case it is a dep of network-manager which is recommended by ubuntu-desktop20:28
drPoOhow can i remap the Ctrl+Alt+T behaviour to a different program??20:28
theadminPiNinja: #winehq for wine support, http://appdb.winehq.org may be helpful too20:28
sbauerPiNinja, that's probably more a wine related problem, more so than a ubuntu problem. I would suggest visiting wine's help channel.20:29
theadmindrPoO: Search for "Keyboard Shortcuts" and use that app20:29
guntberttrism: thx for the clarification20:29
Yerushalmitheadmin: Thanks much! It works perfectly now.20:29
PiNinjasbauer: Alright, I'll do that. Thanks.20:29
theadminYerushalmi: No probs... Weird problem though.20:29
djpwhat do I do when recovery-mode sends me back to a borked desktop?20:29
drPoOtheadmin, I still want a terminal but one from terminator20:29
abhinavmehtawhat is this error:20:29
abhinavmehtaE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.20:29
theadmindrPoO: Remap it to "terminator" then.20:30
abhinavmehtaI know, I can solve this error…but I want to know, why I'm getting this..?20:30
Yerushalmitheadmin: I guess there aren't many programs that customize their menus with colors and the like, so nobody really noticed it as being an issue.20:30
djpgeez, with 1700+ on this channel, it's kina impossible, isn't it?20:30
bs0dI managed to switch that dnsmasq off, but still my /etc/hosts file doesn't get read for some reason :(20:30
minimecabhinavmehta: Well read. Exactly what it says... Just do the dpkg thing20:31
bs0dI can't understand why :(20:31
xardulanyone have any issues with the x64 installer?  gets to the welcome screen every time where I can click "install" or "try" and then it won't accept any input. mouse moves but no clicking, keyboard won't even register. ctrl+alt+delete doesn't even do anything. any ideas?20:32
abhinavmehtaminimec: thanks for info…but I'm running "apt-get update" on remote-virtual instance….which is auto-handled by scripts….so I want to avoid this manual-intervention…and want to know, why I'm getting this..?20:32
cwill747djp: what made you go back into recovery mode?20:32
cwill747djp: as in what is the underlying proble20:32
sirriffsalot_Is there any software for ubuntu users that qualitatively lowers the pitch of the guitar signals coming in?:)20:32
djp(sorry for shouting)20:33
bs0ddjp: fresh installation?20:33
minimecabhinavmehta: Somehow the install process was interrupted. That can have multiple reasons... A broken package for example or other things.20:33
djpno, upgrade from 11.1020:33
djpusing the Russion Roulette button20:33
bs0dproblem solved. Thanks for help everybody20:34
djpif I could get to any kind of terminal, I think I could fix it20:34
bs0ddjp: single user mode / rescue mode?20:34
djpbut no recovery mode, no VT, no xterm20:34
abhinavmehtaminimec: hmm…20:34
abhinavmehtaminimec: thanks :)20:34
djphow do I boot to runlevel 3 from grub recovery mode ?20:35
b^jdjp: doesn't recovery mode give you a menu to drop to a root prompt?20:36
djpnope, just sends me back to the borked desktop20:36
ChrisWoollardDoes anybody know what is up with the gb ubuntu apt server. It is running like an absolute dog.20:36
MonkeyDustChrisWoollard  meaning?20:36
ChrisWoollardit is slow20:37
BobMarleybut sufficient20:37
b^jdjp: append ro Single to the boot options20:37
aberoncan anyone tell me why java -version says I have java installed, but I can't do any webstart things?20:37
ChrisWoollardit has been downloading packages for about 6 hours20:37
SolarisBoydo you have javaws in your path?20:37
johnb^j revoverymode requires you to log in as root. As ubuntu per default has no root password (You could of corce set one) this doesn't work so goos20:37
SolarisBoyaberon: ?20:37
aberonSolarisBoy, javaws?20:38
SolarisBoyaberon: yes20:38
aberonSolarisBoy, I am not sure. I do not know what that is20:38
SolarisBoyaberon: its the binary that loads a jnlp.20:38
aberonSolarisBoy, How do I check?20:38
SolarisBoyaberon: javaws -version20:38
ChrisWoollardI was getting the kind of download speed you would expect from a dialup modem20:38
b^jdip: k, boot with a live cd  or thumb drive and set a password or chroot and do your fix20:38
xardul12.04 64bit installer hangs at opening screen. any way to get to console during CD boot?20:39
SolarisBoyit will thrown an error but show you the version still (as its not a valid option) but point being it shouldn't be command not found20:39
aberondidnt want to flood main20:39
mikubuntu_minimec, thx i'll try to find a solution20:39
mikubuntu_new problem -- just tried to share a story on facebook, and noticed i have no docking tray at the bottom showing -- is that a gnome panel?20:39
minimecmikubuntu_: systray ;) This should do for the systray. http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/how-to-re-enable-notification-area.html20:40
FredFuchsIn short I'm having problems with 12.04. When selecting install ubuntu from a livecd it gives me the option to install a prior ubuntu version whilst keeping my personal documents. Does that actually work?20:40
mikubuntu_minimec, thx -- checkg it now20:40
MonkeyDustFredFuchs  the live cd, which ubuntu version?20:41
dabeast_Does anyone know if AR9285 is supported by the kernel.20:41
FredFuchsMonkeyDust when I booted the 11.04 disc it said I could do that if I wished?20:42
yaccJust making sure, could it be that there is no way to mount an arbitrary ecryptfs "underlying fs" on some random mountpoint without resorting to coding it oneself?20:42
MonkeyDustFredFuchs  what's bothering you, then, 11.04 is older than 12.04, i'm not getting it20:42
trismdabeast_: it is with ath9k20:43
flippoI must say, HUD is very nice.20:43
CaoBrancoWhat a have to do to execute a .jar file? i have the jdk20:44
AbeFMIssues! I've been running 10.x for a while since my 11.xx experiences have kinda sucked, but I thought I'd try 12.04 on my windows box (modern i5, ssd and an older nvidia card)20:44
AbeFMCan someone help me with issues? I lose responsiveness for ~2 minutes whenever anything tries to use transparnecy. Already have nvidia drivers.20:44
MonkeyDustFredFuchs  do you want to install an older version, go ahead, though I don't see the point in doing it20:44
cfedderelease party in north denver today.20:44
FredFuchsMonkeyDust I upgraded to 12.04 which is currently installed to my HDD. Currently it's tripping over it's self and doesn't work. So I wondered if I could simply downgrade to 11.10 and not have to fully backup,wipe and install.20:44
Dukehi all :) i installed Ubuntu 12 from USB at my laptop but.... it works only when USB stick is pluged in. Otherwise i see a black screen :( any word of advise?20:45
MonkeyDustFredFuchs  yes, if you have a separate /home partition20:45
Random832Duke: when it asked where to install grub what did you say20:45
guntbertFredFuchs: downgrades are *not* recommended/possible/supported20:45
stantonwarriorHi, I'm having trouble installing Ubuntu 11.10 on a box that used to run earlier versions of Ubuntu fine. But I have since changed the card from a Geforce to a Radeon and Ubuntu just doesn't get on with it.20:45
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AbeFMDuke: I had a similar issue, flickering and all that, black screen one time. I rebooted a couple times then was able to install nvidia drivers. But it's just unusable slow20:46
stantonwarriorI posted about it on the official forum but nobody has replied to it yet (you can see a screenshot in there): http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11875255#post1187525520:46
AbeFMyeah - similar to what I had20:46
FredFuchsMonkeyDust what do you mean by having a seperate home partition?20:46
The_BROSIs there an opportunity to hibernate in 12.04?20:47
Dukerandom832: i picked to use all disk20:47
MonkeyDustFredFuchs  then all your personal files will be saved and just / will be reinstalled20:47
AbeFMBetter question: How do I get this unusable 12.04 OFF my windows drive? I'll try it again when it's ready20:47
abshey, my laptop keeps getting ridiculously hot (it's dualboot one -- win7, and I put 12.04 on it recently). I should mention that when on win7 it doesn't get NEARLY as hot. Any tips?20:47
absbasically, it gets so hot that it auto shuts off pretty frequently20:48
DukeabeFM: i see.... i have a totaly black screen tho. and cursur blinking at upper left corner20:48
mikubuntuminimec, fyi this commandline solution didn't work for me :: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/how-to-re-enable-notification-area.html -- it's not an emergency issue -- i'm not going to worry about it, just going to go back to ubuntu classic till unity gets more together20:49
absIḿ thinking itś because of the nvidia drivers. Should I get rid of them and use the opensource ones? Can someone please briefly describe how I would do this?20:49
Dukeabs: i have the same problem but it gets extremly hot and noisy under windows vista.20:49
AbeFMDuke: How many tries at rebooting? I tried recovery mode.... And safe graphics mode, and kept rebooting, eventually I got in and first thing I did was put on nvidia drivers20:49
DukeabeFM: 3 times so far.... actually. i'm pretty new at this. don't even know to install drivers :(20:49
minimecmikubuntu: You will have the same problem, when it comes to the systray, I guess...20:50
AbeFMCan someone tell me how to remove the ubuntu/windows bootloader thing?20:50
b^jAbeFM: you would have to do a windows repair install20:50
MonkeyDustAbeFM  you mean the grub menu?20:50
rfictusanyone know why my sound input isn't working anymore in 12.04 ??20:50
AbeFMI think so? It's very unlike the grub 1 and 2 I've used in the past20:51
MonkeyDustrfictus  in Terminal, type alsamixer, if you see MM (mute), go there and press m20:51
stantonwarriorCan anyone help me with my 11.10 install problem? Thanks.20:51
InferiorHumanOrgrfictus: did you upgrade to 24 kernel ? it broke my sound too. I went back to 2320:51
rfictusMonkeyDust: already did that20:51
AbeFMI already HAVE dual boot, on anotehr drive,but now I come into windows and I get a "windows boot loader" option. This was the "install ubuntu from within windows" thing I just thought I'd try20:51
rfictusInferiorHumanOrg: sound is still working, except input20:52
Jordan_UAbeFM: Remove Wubi through Add/Remove programs20:52
MonkeyDustAbeFM  you mean wubi?20:52
InferiorHumanOrgrfictus: try going back to the 23 kernel and see if it works, they did something in 24...20:52
rfictusInferiorHumanOrg: alright, any idea how to do that?20:52
greg606on 12.04 with ati I get "the desktop cannot be created becaause area is too large" how can I fix it?20:52
InferiorHumanOrgrfictus: when your pc boots hold shift to enter the grub menu, then go to other linux versions and select the old kernel to boor.20:52
rfictusInferiorHumanOrg:  alright thanks, will try that, brb20:53
InferiorHumanOrgif it works in 23. then 24 is broken for you as well.20:53
AbeFMyep. wubi20:53
rfictuswhat is the terminal code to shutdown and restart but first close all programs20:53
InferiorHumanOrgsudo shutdown -r now20:53
sirriffsalot_rfictus: sudo shutdown -r now20:53
rfictusInferiorHumanOrg:  that restarts in a brute force way20:54
Daekdroomsudo restart also works20:54
rfictus I want it to close the running programs first20:54
AbeFMMonkey: Will look for that. Is there an easy way to disable it without removing everything? I DO want to give 12.04 a chance, but I've spent ~2 hours to get ~10 mouse clicks in.20:54
sirriffsalot_Is there no one aware of any software for ubuntu users that adequately lowers the pitch of the guitar signals coming in??20:54
InferiorHumanOrgrfictus: um idk then? that doesn't brute force.. it stops all the system services etc. just save / close anything your working on and do it that will be fine ...20:54
dabeast_What do I want the output of "rfkill list" to be? Both "no" for soft and hard block?20:55
InferiorHumanOrgdabeast_: yea20:55
rfictusk thanks ppl, booting to kernel 2320:55
stantonwarriorHi, can anyone explain to me how do a fresh install when Ubuntu doesn't seem to have the right driver for your video card? I'm trying to install on a machine with a Radeon 6670 card and the screen is just filled with gibberish.20:55
Budukthe program 'ac' in the package acct is supposed to report the number of hours a user has been connected, however, ac -p <user> is reporting currently 3.11 hours for a user account that was created 1 hour and 40 minutes ago. anyone have a clue whats up with that ?20:55
AbeFMThat's going around Stanton20:55
InferiorHumanOrgstantonwarrior: you will need to do a manual driver install then maybe? like from here20:56
InferiorHumanOrg!ati | stanton20:56
ubottustanton: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto20:56
smwstantonwarrior, the alternative install cd should work20:56
dabeast_InferiorHumanOrg: lshw -C network shows wireless as "*-network DISABLED20:56
AbeFMI've already seen it with a few people, and once I got things working, it got so slow I can't use it20:56
smwstantonwarrior, then you can use jockey-cli to see if you can install the driver20:56
three18tihow would you image a partition?  I'm trying to backup a partition on my laptop so I pulled the drive put it in an external usb chassis, and was running dd, but it kept crashing so I used ddrescue and it was able to fix errors, but now it's running at 3M/s (was 30 M/s earlier).20:56
dabeast_InferiorHumanOrg: How can I fix this?20:56
smwstantonwarrior, warning. getting your video card to work could require the cli20:57
mouth1hi i have a problem. sometimes my system freezes up, the desktop gets black, then you can see it again but can't control the mouse and unity 3d elements are missing sometimes. what can that be? it occurs randomly20:57
InferiorHumanOrgdabeast_: hrm. i'm not sure then, have you tried bringing the interface up manually like. sudo ifup wlan020:57
stantonwarriorOK, will give that a shot thanks.20:57
smwstantonwarrior, although, you can also use kernel cheatcodes to change to the vesa driver20:57
smwstantonwarrior, I can not for the life of me remember how to do that though20:57
smwstantonwarrior, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions20:58
b^jthree18ti: if there are disk errors that will happen, and the only thing you can do is adjust the retries20:58
rbnielsenmouth1, does that happen when the screen goes black, and after you've "woken it up" again?20:58
dabeast_InferiorHumanOrg: ifconfig shows wlan0 as up.20:58
mouth1rbnielsen, no it's during usage20:59
mouth1i was surfing the web rbnielsen20:59
rbnielsenAh okay.. Just wondering..20:59
rfictusHi, the microphone problem is working now. MonkeyDust & InferiorHumanOrg20:59
mouth1then the mouse got stuck, then the screen turned black, then you could see the screen again with missing unity 3d elements20:59
rfictusInferiorHumanOrg: back on kernel 17, only one I have20:59
TigerboyI dropped my ubuntu and broke the kernel20:59
three18tib^j so using a tool like clonezilla wouldn't necessarily make a difference as far as replication speed is concerned?  (As I understand it they use different replication methods, dd being a block copy which is slower and clonezill which doesn't...)21:00
rfictusInferiorHumanOrg: anyway to copy current kernel setting to kernel 24??21:00
fayimoraplease what is the command to se the amount of space left on my hard drive via the terminal?21:00
finish06I am adding some UUIDs to my fstab for auto-mount, where should I mount them too so they show up in the unity launcher bar?21:00
AbeFMmouth: My screen acts all goofy and the mouse gets stuck, but pretty sure it's all unity stuff. If I could turn it off it might be uusable21:00
Bsimsfayimora:  df -h21:00
guntbertfayimora: df -h21:00
fayimoraThanks guys21:01
b^jthree18ti: yes, but if you are getting read errors that may not work, you can give it a shot and it will be a lot faster if it works21:01
Bsimsor du -h or di -h depending on what exactly you want to know21:01
minimecfinish06: I think /media should do.21:01
rbnielsenI've been experiencing that the gui doesn't react when i wake it after the black screensaver. It helps by switching to a terminal and then back to where the gui is.21:01
mouth1how do you do that rbnielsen ?21:02
finish06minimec, so if the drive name was AwesomeVideos, would I write "/media/AwesomeVideos" or would I write "/media?"21:02
stantonwarriorOK guys, am off to create an alternate install CD... bye 4 now21:02
ApocGoDCan I get some help? Running Ubuntu 11.10, Gnome 3. Getting the error :error: no such device: 76e5d1b1-1fdc47bb-97fe-660dc407d99f grub rescue on startup21:02
rbnielsenctrl+alt+f1 and ctrl+alt+f721:02
BsimsApocGoD:  Ouch sounds like grub didn't get written21:02
rbnielsenMy gui usually lies at f721:03
minimecfinish06: There is a /media folder in the '/' folder. so /media/AwesomeVideos. With fstab you would also define accesslevel.21:03
finish06minimec, this is what I have -->  UUID=08867eef-0dd6-4c51-a223-4d86ff571350/media/MediaTwoext4user,auto0021:03
rbnielsenI'm not sure it helps your problem, mouth121:03
eph3meralhmm, so I just configured GDM to be an XDMCP server, it works handily... now I would prefer to use XDM because it's so much more lightweight21:03
eph3meralbut I haven't been able to get XDM configured properly21:03
mouth1yeah rbnielsen21:03
SlartibartAnyone here tried compiling the plugins package for cairodock? Managed to build with alsa mixer applet? I get "package 'alsa' not found", but no matter what package I try the message is still the same(12.04).21:03
eph3meralI've got * in my Xaccess file(s)21:03
ApocGoDBsims, it was working fine a few moments ago. I shut down the computer and took out my secondary hard drive.21:03
eph3meraldo I need something else? this seems to be basically the only setting that seems relevant in all the documentation that I've read21:04
ApocGoDThat probably has something to do with it, any idea how to fix it?21:04
negro_alguien en español21:04
Daekdroom!es | negro_21:04
ubottunegro_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.21:04
BsimsApocGoD: look at /etc/fstab21:04
ApocGoDI can't get into Ubuntu at all, i'm on a secondary computer right now.21:04
minimecfinish06: Ok. That should do I guess.21:04
BsimsApocGoD: Sorry I'm upgrading my windows drive or I'd drill down and tell you specificaly what to exit21:05
BsimsApocGoD: wierd sounds like your install was on the drive you removed21:05
finish06minimec, guesS?  ok, I will give it a try... let me see what happens :)21:05
ApocGoDIt's not, it's on the primary drive.21:05
three18tib^j, ok thanks.  since I've gotten past the bad sectors and I'm more than 1/2 way through I think I'll let the ddrescue continue for now...  keep your fingers crossed for me :)21:06
ersoyHello, upgrade 12.04 and I can not open ubuntu21:06
youdysup my babies, what is up my babies21:06
ApocGoDI really hope I dont have to install Ubuntu..21:06
ersoyhow can i fix my ubuntu21:06
BsimsApocGoD: Hrm try booting off a livecd... maybe just as simple as rerunning grub21:07
three18tib^j, novel idea...: what if I fsck'd the partition?  ... still I think I'll let this continue for now.21:07
HoNgOuRuI have problems login in with my regular user, lightdm restarts on correct user password. if I remove ~/.Xauthority from another shell then it will login successfully, any ideas on what could be causing this?21:07
Slartibartersoy: What does  "can not open ubuntu" mean?21:07
ersoySelect grub ubuntu, blank and black screen21:08
ApocGoDBsims, thanks. Will try that first.21:08
MonkeyDust!details| Slartibart21:08
ubottuSlartibart: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:08
rfictushow do I migrate kernel 17 to 24 ??21:08
NotJimCarreycan someone help me with "Couldn't configure pre-depend libdb5.1 for libpam-modules" when i try to upgrade to 1221:09
rfrittmann_oops, sorry about that21:09
ersoyMonkeyDust, I dont know problem, I know only upgrade 11.10 to 12.04, and I can not open/start ubuntu !21:09
b^jthree18ti: if there are physical issues ddrescue is probably your best bet to get data back, i don't think fsck is the greatest at recovering data from bad blocks21:09
MonkeyDustersoy  did you get the grub menu?21:10
three18tib^j, the strange thing is the os boots on that partition...21:11
grafthi, why the heck is firefox defaulting to adobe reader 9? i mean i didn't even voluntarily install that thing21:11
absHEY! If I have win7 and ubuntu dual-boot, can I access my win7 stuff when on ubuntu? How? e.g., can you give me an absolute path I can copy&paste which will let me access my C: drive?21:11
b^jthree18ti: there might not be data or important data in the bad sectors21:11
three18tib^j, actually, to clarify, though it's /dev/sdX3 it's my primary partition.21:12
damohowye lads21:12
youdyabs: mount your windows parition. and enjoy yourself.21:12
AVPhow do i install 12.04 on my computer?21:12
jwrigleyCheers, running 12.04 with gnome-shell, but autostart applications don't autostart, anyone have any idea how to fix that?21:12
youdyAVP: with the dvd ;D21:13
ersoyMonkeyDust, I dont remember, ubuntu Kernel x.x.x and windows Xp21:13
MonkeyDustabs  use sudo fdisk -l to see on which partition your win7 is installed - mount that partition in ubuntu - usually, win is installed on /dev/sda121:13
Bsimsabs: may have to install the ntfs package but I do it all the time21:13
=== ulkesh is now known as ulkesh|away
AVPyoudy: i don't know i download the ios and don't know what to do after that21:13
MonkeyDustersoy  what do you mean you don't remember, what system are you in now?21:14
absok /dev/sda1   *          63   163830869    81915403+   7  HPFS/NTFS/exFAT21:14
absthatś probably it. How do I mount it?21:14
Bsimsabs: also download http://www.diskinternals.com/linux-reader/ will let you copy files from Linux to windows21:14
ersoyMonkeyDust, Oh I am sorry, Windows XP21:14
youdyabs: mount /dev/to/disk /path/to/mountpoint21:14
ersoyMonkeyDust, I can not open/start my ubuntu21:14
MonkeyDustabs  create a folder with an easy name, then type sudo mount /dev/sda1 [that name]21:14
absBsims: is there any particular reason to do that? Frankly the only reason I wanted to access it was... to play the music Iǘe got on my win7 partitions!21:15
Bsimsabs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions21:15
MonkeyDust!grub| ersoy21:15
ubottuersoy: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)21:15
absyoudy: ok thanks -- should I be root when doing that? or rather, whatś the preferred way? mount when root or not root?21:15
ubottuThe core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)21:15
Bsimsabs: lol I do it because I don't trust windows not to eat my Linux FS where my music/movies are installed21:15
greg606anyone having problems with 12.04 and ati dual screeens?21:15
bbbbbbbbI just muted my sound, when I tried to unmute nothing comes out of the speakers. how do I fix this?21:15
* youdy lix MonkeyDust 21:16
SlartibartI get http://pastebin.com/vDBHkbwt from cmake when I try to build the plugins package for cairodock. No matter what I try - so far - I haven't succeeded in removing the "package 'alsa' not found" message. alsamixergui, etc... Does anyone know what package is required here?21:16
krababbelabs: windows partition should be available automatically in /media21:16
greg606I get the error: "The desktop cannot be created because the area is too large"21:17
Slartibarthttps://lists.launchpad.net/cairo-dock-team/msg03258.html (search for ALSA_MIXER) shows the script code, but there's no package name in there that I can find(ubuntu 12.04)21:17
ersoyMonkeyDust, I am sorry: I have got a one hdd, ubuntu and windows xp. I see update manager new ubuntu version and I updated 12.04, reboot pc I can not use/open/start ubuntu. blank and black screen. I use only windows xp.21:17
jwrigleydoes anyone else running 12.04 and gnome-shell, have trouble with autostart applications not starting?21:18
* Bsims is running last version out of lazyness21:18
mouth1do intel hd graphics run better than radeon HD?21:18
mouth1are intel drivers better than ati drivers?21:19
finish06hey minimec ... so I entered that stuff into my fstab as we discussed, and this is what I get ...21:19
* jwrigley is running an older version of lazyness, installing the newer version was too much work.21:19
MonkeyDustmouth1  define "better"?21:19
mouth1MonkeyDust, more stable, no x server freezes, better 3d21:20
minimecmouth1: If you think about a new computer... Looks like the new Ivy bridge that intel is launching, is very competitive on linux.21:20
finish06so it does auto mount the mediaone drive, but it adds another ugly mediaone drive icon, that "doesn't exist" ....21:20
Aikarhow can i make compiz stop using so much cpu?21:20
Bsimsmouth1: they are stable, but intel graphics are low-to midrange at best21:20
eph3meralnvidia > intel > ati/amd21:20
MonkeyDustmouth1  i have intel video, works smoothly, but then, i don't use 3d or eye candy21:20
mouth1minimec, no. i have a i3 550 cpu which should have an intel hd graphics on it. i expereience random system freezes and maybe its because of the x server with open source ati drivers for my hd6850?21:21
bbbbbbbbI just muted my sound, when I tried to unmute nothing comes out of the speakers. how do I fix this?21:21
eph3meralmouth1, quite likely, ATI sucks21:21
mouth1what do i do now eph3meral :(21:21
mouth1it didn't happen with 11.1021:21
djpSo.. I managed to get a root terminal up from recovery mode, and then had to get a legacy keyboard, because the USB sub-system is not woking.. from here I want to resume the upgrade problem.. but guess what? no networking! no eth0.. sould I have started recovery mode with a switch to enable networking (sigh) ?21:21
mouth1and happens mostly when i'm webbrowsing eph3meral21:21
jwrigleybbbbbbbb: have you tried to up the sound? sometimes unmute won't work for me, but if I just up the sound, it still works21:21
BsimsI'd have to agree with eph3meral... Nvidia is a closed blob, but their hardware is fast, and the drivers are stable. Intel is quite enough for light to mid gamers, the drivers work and are GPLed... ATI is fast but the drivers are crap on any OS21:22
bbbbbbbbjwrigley: yeah, does nothing.21:22
MonkeyDustah, gamers...21:22
Ben64I'm on 10.04, and my desktop theme keeps resetting to some really old looking one, and this is in dmesg - [16808.730780] gnome-settings-[2547]: segfault at 13d3540 ip 00007f4eb9d53f70 sp 00007fff0ea187c0 error 4 in libc-2.11.1.so[7f4eb9d23000+17a000]21:22
Bsimsmouth1: yeah that sounds about right21:22
mouth1Bsims, how do you mean?21:22
jwrigleybbbbbbbb: try "sudo service pulseaudio restart"21:22
BsimsATI for the past 15 odd years I've been building computers, make great hardware but can't write a working driver to save their souls21:23
bbbbbbbbjwrigley: I removed pulseaudio, because it made something crash.21:23
lyscerevery time I run "hostname -f" I get the following error: hostname: Name or service not known21:23
lyscerI looked it up and google and tried to follow suggestions, but am still getting the error21:23
jwrigleybbbbbbbb: when did you do this, before or after the silence?21:23
Bsimsmouth1: go with intel or if you game on windows Nvidia... though intel will work for most steam games21:23
mouth1Bsims, you mean my freezes are x server freezes because of the ati drivers?21:23
minimecmouth1: Oh it's one og that Intel/ati combo. I disabled the ATI/AMD GPU on the laptop of my mother. It was heating the laptop and not even running...21:23
Bsimsmouth1: I'd bet on it21:23
bbbbbbbbjwrigley: before. it worked just fine afterwards, then once i muted it and no sound since21:24
mouth1can i disable the ati gpu and use the i3 550 gpu?21:24
minimecmouth1: The internal intel gpu runs fair enough for daily use.21:24
Bsimsmouth1: yup do it in bios21:24
minimecfinish06: Can you mount the drive Media Two normally?21:24
finish06as in just click on the icon and it mounts?  Yep :)21:25
Bsimsminimec: hell had no problems with left for dead 2 or TF2 with intel21:25
mouth1Bsims, can you tell me what i have to do please?21:25
mouth1is there a setting for it?21:25
finish06but I have to click :(  that is the crappy part minimec21:25
mouth1i have a gigabyte mainboard21:25
johnzornwhats the best way to upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04?21:25
bastidrazor!upgrade | johnzorn by reading this.21:25
ubottujohnzorn by reading this.: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade21:25
Bsimsmouth1: enable the built in graphics card in BIOS and plug in your monitor to the motherboard graphics port vs the one for the video card21:25
pyboyjohnzorn:update manager is the best21:26
jwrigleybbbbbbbb: probably you should install it again then...21:26
eph3meralmouth1, what do you do now? I would suggest going back to 11.1021:26
eph3meralmouth1, I would also suggest selling your computer and getting nvidia :P21:26
MHz128How can I configure a keyboard shortcut to switch the video output to HDMI from VGA?21:26
eph3meralbut I know that's not a particularly helpful suggestion for most people21:27
mouth1eph3meral, yeah21:27
mouth1Bsims, eph3meral: will ubuntu load the right drivers right away and disable the ati gpu?21:27
mouth1or do i have to unplug the gpu?21:27
bbbbbbbbjwrigley: okay, i'll try21:28
Bsimsmouth1: should do it on its own21:28
Bsimsif not you can switch back21:28
minimecfinish06: well that is acceptable, isn't it. there is certainly an option to mount it on boot in fstab. I don't it, but I am sure that that should exist... ;)21:28
mouth1ok i try21:28
NotJimCarreycan someone help me with "Couldn't configure pre-depend libdb5.1 for libpam-modules" when i try to upgrade to 1221:28
grkbloodin 12.04 im having an issue with dual monitors where i have a launcher come up on both monitors. how do i make the launcher only come up on the primary monitor?21:28
finish06minimec, Yeah, fstab does mount it, however I was just curious as to why it should the second icon...  that was the "hmm" moment...21:29
minimecBsims: Well it's a intel GMA HD (westmere bridge). They run fair, but not as good as the sandy bridge ones...21:29
vexusdoes someone know if the bugs from beta2 with nvidia are fixed for the release?21:29
newbie_ubuntui just install my ubuntu 12.04, but now my screen blank, i am using laptop acer aspire 4376, pls help me21:30
Bsimsjohnzorn: I've never gotten the gui upgrade to work right... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PreciseUpgrades and do the server upgrade21:30
pyboyjohnzorn:if you want to do it from the terminal just type  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade21:30
Bsimsjohnzorn: works everytime21:30
auronandacevexus: thats rather vague, i'm using 12.04 with nvidia just fine21:31
endraI want to backup using the built-in backup app and a LANd server over SSH. It seems to find/upload successfully but everything then fails saying: Backup Failed: The specified location is not mounted21:32
newbie_ubuntuanyone can help me? my screen blank after installing ubuntu 12.0421:32
auronandace!nomodeset | newbie_ubuntu21:32
ubottunewbie_ubuntu: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter21:32
Bsimsminimec: heh I love my current box... Intel Core i5 cpu gen2 sandy bridge 2500K, Intel BOXDH67BLB3 MB, two 1tb WD caviar blacks, and 8 gigs of ram21:33
vexusi have an dv5 from 2009 with 9600m gt it works till some updates made the system crash after 30 mins of usings it i am not shure to use the nvidia or stick with nouveau, espacialy hon never works on this system21:33
Bsimsvexus: are you a GPL zelot?21:33
djpSo.. I managed to get a root terminal up from recovery mode, and then had to get a legacy keyboard, because the USB sub-system is not woking.. from here I want to resume the upgrade problem.. but guess what? no networking! no eth0.. sould I have started recovery mode with a switch to enable networking (sigh) ?21:34
Bsimsthe nvida drivers work... as well as the windows drivers. I'd recommend them to everyone who isn't a hardliner on the GPL21:34
vexusno i just do not like systemfreeze after 30 mins working i like the nvidia blop but i think they used the not workung 295.40 at beta and that is not good anyway21:34
Bsimsyeah its a closed source blob21:34
Bsimsvexus: you can downgrade ya know21:35
krababbeldjp up the network yourself if there is no switch?21:35
cdcouloncan anyone help? having a difficult time configuring wpa2 connect on a USB device - it has worked previously21:35
Bsims/var/cache/apt... something or the other21:35
vexusBsims: with the normal repo or over ppa?21:35
krababbeldjp: can you do that?21:36
djpkrababbel: whatever do you mean, like a comman-line switch?21:36
djpi tried ifconfig up weh021:36
Bsimsvexus: heh via dpkg21:36
krababbeldjp: what does 'ip addr' say/21:37
minimecBsims: Well the intel i's 2nd/3rd gen seem to run smoothly on Linux. Love my i3/hd3000 lenovo x121e too.21:37
L3topifconfig eth0 up21:37
vadi2Has anyone else had success with enabling the 'unredirect fullscreen windows' in 12.04 on nvidia?21:37
brontosaurusrexhow would i make a "locate" database for an external usb drive? (or any location)21:37
Bsimsminimec: heh got a usefull flag on my review... said it worked perfectly out of the box for both windows 7 and ubuntu last version21:37
djpand /etc/init.d/networking restart, and I tried start networking and I tried /etc/init.d network-manager restrt21:37
krababbeldjp: does eth0 show an ip4 address?21:37
L3topcan you be clearer brontosaurusrex?21:37
djpthere is no eth021:37
ApocGoDCan I get some help? Ubuntu 11.10, Gnome 3. Getting a Grub Rescue error when I take out my secondary hard drive. Can someone help me figure out how to transfer or mod whatever file I need to so that I can remove my second hard drive and not have to reinstall Ubuntu on my primary?21:38
djpcentral to the problem (sub-problem)21:38
krababbeldjp: 'ip link' , is it ther?21:38
bbbbbbbbjwrigley: I have reinstalled pulseaudio, how do I get the panel icon etc back?21:38
djpnope, nothing but loopback21:38
Bsimsbbbbbbbb: worst case... do you run kde or gnome or unity?21:38
brontosaurusrexL3top: i'am trying to figure out if i can search for files on disconnected devices21:38
bbbbbbbbBsims: gnome21:39
L3topdjp cat /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules21:39
polandeerHello, I was wondering if I could use hostnames without the .local at the end.21:39
L3topIs there an eth0 in there djp?21:39
polandeer(Especially for ping or ssh)21:39
vexusBsims: dpkg is only the packet manager but where you mean are the packages from canonical,nvidia or any other ppa or so21:39
Bsimsdelete the .file for gnome it will make you redo any customastions you did21:39
L3topoh... brontosaurusrex... just a file list?21:39
cdcoulonusing wpa_supplicant getting : ctrl-iface bind (PF_UNIX) failed: address already in use21:39
L3topbrontosaurusrex: not the files themselves?21:40
Bsimsvexus: any thing you apt-got is in var/cache/apt/ something... I'm in windows or I'd tell ya directly21:40
NedMan74got 12.04 yesterday... was left without wi fi .. got some help yesterday but wasnt able to fix problem... any ideas please??21:40
polandeerMeaning if my hostname is ubuntu-desktop then how can I use it without putting ubuntu-desktop.local21:41
usr13ApocGoD: We'd need to know more about your system in order to be able to offer specific advise.21:41
ApocGoD@usr13 What do you need to know?21:41
djpL3top: -net rules look.. well.. ok, end in NAME="eth0"21:42
L3topdjp: type route -n21:43
brontosaurusrexL3top: whatever is stored in locate databases, hopefully a bunch of things21:43
rfrittmann_hey all, anybody know why Ubuntu 12.04 Software Centre reports all installs as failed, but the installs all actually succeed?21:43
brontosaurusrexL3top: including file-comments of some sort21:43
djproute -n is prett bleak; lebels but no values21:43
krababbeldjp since ip link gave nothing you have to add it. Try ip link add link eth021:43
Keo-wany tweaks that i should do when running ubuntu 10.04 on esxi 5 (besides the vm tools)21:43
trek201will ubuntu still work if i change motherboards?21:44
Bsimstrek201: yeah it should autodetect everything on its own21:44
ThePendulumtrek201: Yes, it will. That's one of the great things of Ubuntu in comparison with Windows21:44
FredFuchsSo 12.04 (thats installed to my HD). Has broken and I can't boot into it. I'm wanting to browse the it's partition so I can access my files so I can back them up elsewhere. I've booted into 12.04 on a USB and upon opening the installed 12.04's partition this is what I see http://www.fayp.com/vi-FOGd3M.png21:44
trek201ah nice21:44
djpkrababbel: "Not ernough informantion; "type" argument required21:45
usr13ApocGoD: What exactly is on primary and what is on slave drive?  Did you install grub to the MBR of the Master Drive?  How do you have the hard drive(s) partitioned?  Why are you removing one of the drives?   Are they SATA or IDE?  etc. etc..21:45
Bsimstrek201: it will work perfectly, or at least tell you where and why it broke...21:45
trek201thinking of changing over from a sempron to an i3...hopefully will go smooth21:45
Bsimstrek201: went from amd very old to brand new intel MB/cpu booted off the new hd and it all worked21:45
Bsimstrek201: amd to intel21:46
ApocGoD@usr13 Not sure where I installed Grub to, primary drive is tripe partitioned, secondary is triple partitioned, both are SATA, the secondary drive is going back into its own pc.21:46
L3topdjp add the following lines to your /etc/network/interfaces file: auto eth0                 and: iface eth0 inet dhcp                            then /etc/init.d/networking restart21:46
Bsimsfrom a dedicated nvida video card to built in intel and it Just Worked21:46
L3topI don't know about that brontosaurusrex, but it is an interesting idea. I will have to think about it.21:47
ApocGoD@user13 Would it be better to just copy important files and then wipe the primary drive and start over?21:47
usr13!grub | ApocGoD21:47
ubottuApocGoD: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)21:47
Bsimsthat said... back up your /home/username first21:47
trek201i think ill do the conversion, soon as i pick up an 1155 board that supports pata21:48
Bsimsrestored everything in /home because I didn't make it its own partition... had my own desktop picture et all21:48
NedMan74got disconnected.....  got 12.04 yesterday... was left without wi fi .. got some help yesterday but wasnt able to fix problem... any ideas please??21:48
djpL3top: ok, now what, restart network?21:48
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L3topyes... /etc/init.d/networking restart21:48
usr13ApocGoD: That is a decision you would need to make, based on how much work you have into the configuation of the system in its' present state and how pleased you are with it at this point ... and how much more do you have to do to get it like you want it.21:48
Bsimstrek201: on Linux each users config is under /home... assuming it will read the old config files... its still there21:48
djpoh. sorry you gave that instruction ;-)21:48
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L3topsudo if you aren't root djp21:49
djpL3top: "ignoring unknown interfaces eth0=eth021:49
djpL3top: i'm root21:49
sirffreddiroccohi guys, i've an acer aspire with i3 intel sandy bridges. Is 3d acceleration working with intel drivers?21:49
L3toppastebinit /etc/networking/interfaces21:49
user82hi. does anybody know if i can add banshee/rythmbox to the HUD so i can find my tracks easily?21:50
* Bsims forgot to make /home a seperate partion... so I had to restore from my backups21:50
djpeasier said than done :-)21:50
ApocGoD@usr13 I enjoy Ubuntu and I would be reinstalling and upgrading to 12.04 if I did this. I may just go ahead and do that.21:50
Bsimsheh rsync is your friend21:50
bargashwhen i do upgrade from 11.10 to 12.10 not completely i cant manage the desktop, plz how can i recover it or what is the solution21:50
FredFuchsSo I'm trying to recover my files from my 12.04 ubuntu installation. I cannot boot into it. I tried booting into 12.04 from USB and browsing the installed ubuntu's partition and this is what I see http://www.fayp.com/vi-FOGd3M.png21:50
minimecsirffreddirocco: Working quiet good.21:50
djpL3top: the interfaces file was missing eth0..21:50
ApocGoD@usr13 Thanks for your help, will go ahead and start backing up important files.21:51
L3topone second... I will make a dummy file for you to compare against.21:51
ei2matrixgente, necesito poner la funcion de copiar en la tecla F9, con gconfig no puedo porque solo me permite bindear un comando y no una combinacion de teclas Ctrl+c21:51
djpI'm working from my laptop next the borked box21:51
sirffreddiroccominimec, so installing precise unity 3d should works out of the box?21:51
usr13ApocGoD: Having a fresh install of 12.04 souds pretty good.21:51
* Bsims prices a 2tb usb drive21:51
* Bsims needs to upgrade local backup media21:51
bargashcan anyone help me plz21:52
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Bsimsthen I can use the 1tb one for my sideline buisness21:52
minimecsirffreddirocco: the sandy bridge is running smoothly. I have a i3/HD3000 laptop too. Loving it. I use the following powersave options ... /etc/default/grub: i915.i915_enable_rc6=1 i915.i915_enable_fbc=1 i915.lvds_downclock=1 pcie_aspm=force21:52
glaciHello! Anyone here with working ati (radeon hd 4250) driver on 12.04?21:52
IdleOneBsims: off topic comments in #ubuntu-offtopic please21:52
minimecsirffreddirocco: If you add the options in default_grub, do sudo update-grub afterwards.21:52
bargashplz help when i do upgrade from 11.10 to 12.10 not completely i cant manage the desktop, plz how can i recover it or what is the solution21:53
sirffreddiroccominimec, ok, thank you21:53
djpL3top: might I have missed the "enable networking" part of the recovery mode?21:53
bcuraboyare there any minimun requisits for ubuntu 12.04?21:53
L3topdjp: it should look like this http://pastebin.com/PH22xcwR21:54
jfreak53Maybe not UBU but Unity kind of21:54
minimecsirffreddirocco: There are multiple articles about that power problem... this is just one of them ... http://danielj.se/2011/11/16/how-to-fix-powerbattery-problem-with-linux-kernel-3-x-on-ubuntu-11-10/21:54
krababbeldjp: maybe the drivers are not loaded yes21:54
L3top djp I came in late... I didn't know you were in recovery... but I wouldn't expect that to be the issue.21:54
sirffreddiroccominimec, problem are only power releated, right?21:54
sirffreddiroccono problem with 3d21:55
minimecsirffreddirocco: Yeah. The GPU is running out of the box.21:55
finish06The default spot for windows to open on my ubuntu 12.04 is in the top left right under the menu bar... anyway I can change it?  it is a pain21:55
newbie_ubuntuwhy its often blank screen in installing ubuntu?21:55
krababbelL3top: I tried to delete eth0 on a test box and couldn't. So it's weird that ip link doesn't show eth0 at all.21:55
sirffreddiroccominimec, ok21:55
krababbelwhat do i know21:55
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djpL3top: I added the lase line, and now the error message say Cannot find device "eth0"21:56
adek05I have VM image with lucid, but lucid doesn't have libevent2(only 1.4.*). Now, what should I do to get this new packages? Should I upgrade to ocelit? If so, what is the safest way to do it from up-to-date lucid to ocelit21:57
L3topdjp: weird...  echo > /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules             and reboot21:57
jfreak53newbie_ubuntu: Use Alt Installer instead21:57
L3topthat will overwrite your rules file with nothing for the record djp21:57
L3topwhen you reboot it will regenerate itself djp21:57
djpL3top: where am I echoing that to.. ?21:57
L3topyou are echoing NOTHING to the persistent rules file.21:58
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
L3topecho > /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules21:58
* L3top uses echo > to blank files quite a bit21:59
djphmmm I'm confused by the proposed command.. wouldn't that command overwrite the file with nul?21:59
djpoh.. that's the intent21:59
djpI think I'll just rename it, yes?21:59
danielI have a question about getting my wireless chip to work. I am using an HP Mini 1030NR with Ubuntu 12.04 desktop installed. My ethernet works just fine, but my wireless is "disabled by hardware switch" - wireless chip is a Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY (rev 01)22:00
L3topsure... not necessary but always good practice djp22:00
danielI have been searching for a solution for a few hours and thought maybe one of yall had seen a problem similar to this before22:00
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adek05daniel: have you got a switch to turn on/off wireless?22:01
L3topwell... you want it to be there, and empty... so not rename exactly, but you could cp it to a backup file djp. If you rename it and create it again you must check that the permissions etc are teh same... this is why I use it. It is an easy way to make an empty version of anything.22:01
ulkeshhey has anyone successfully gotten PlayOnLinux to store files on a different drive?  I run Ubuntu on an SSD and don't want Wine/etc storing files on it (I have a normal SATA drive for that)...should I simply install/configure Wine and not try to use PlayOnLinux?22:02
ulkesh(sorry if that's technically not a ubuntu-specific question)22:02
adek05I have VM image with lucid, but lucid doesn't have libevent2(only 1.4.*). Now, what should I do to get this new packages? Should I upgrade to ocelit? If so, what is the safest way to do it from up-to-date lucid to ocelit22:03
danieladek05: I have a switch on the front of the machine that is supposed to be able to toggle the wireless from on to off - however, it has no effect under this OS. I have tried switching it, holding it, and rebooted several times to make sure it wasn't just a fluke.22:04
adek05daniel: could be kernel issue: make sure you have rfkill installed (soft) and rfkill kernel module loaded22:04
kelvin_hello, does any know how to delete and add songs to iphone 4 with ubuntu 12.04?22:05
minimecadek05: Lucid lynx is the last LTS versioin. You can directly upgrade to the new LTS precise pangolin 12.04.22:06
djpL3top: well I renamed, and restarted it, and now.. no prompt! gaaaaaa!22:06
L3topDid you see my post?22:07
adek05minimec: do you have any idea about how much of downloading would it mean? I have slow connection right now22:07
L3topwell... you want it to be there, and empty... so not rename exactly, but you could cp it to a backup file djp. If you rename it and create it again you must check that the permissions etc are teh same... this is why I use it. It is an easy way to make an empty version of anything.22:07
djpL3top: not in time..22:07
djpneat trick though22:07
djpif I get a prompt again. i'lltouch the file22:08
PiNinjaSo, I have a program that needs to have a parameter set via a script to run properly. However, the parameter must be set back after the program ends. Is there a way I could make this into a single script?22:08
minimecadek05: Well. Image, your whole system will be replaced... I don't know 500-700MB, depending on your installed software? I can only esimate.22:08
L3topworks with any sort of file too... but now... lets boot to a live disk, and go in and cp that rename back and then perform the echo.22:08
djpl3 grrrr.. you're probably right..22:09
djpdoing it..22:10
foobArrrI have trouble with installing 12.04 with disk encryption: the alternate installer hangs for several minutes after asking for the passphrase, then it continues normally. but when booting the installed system I have a delay of about 30 seconds between entering the passphrase and "cryptsetup successful". worked fine with 11.10 on that PC,  also works fine with 12.04 on my notebook. any ideas?22:10
L3topbbiab... smoke22:10
djpok, best way to get to a root prompt from a live CD is..22:11
ZangaiI am trying to install GitLab, which requires me to add a service with "insserv". However, I cannot find that command.22:11
ZangaiI have verified that I installed the package "insserv", I even reinstalled it22:11
countfuzzballdjp: use sudo su22:11
djptoo easy..22:12
L3topdjp: use sudo -s22:12
L3topexit and sudo -s22:12
L3topor i22:12
ztag100what's the difference between -s and -i anyway22:12
* L3top bets there is a factoid22:13
wyldeif you 'sudo --help' it'll probably tell you :)22:13
Zangaior man sudo22:13
AaronMTWhat do you have to do to get an invite to #ubuntu+122:13
SlartibartI get "Unknown typename: GtkSocket and GtkSocketClass" when I try to compile cairodock. But there's no hint whatsoever about what to install to make that message disappear. Could anyone here hint me on what to do to solve things like this?22:13
finish06is it possible to change the default opening window position?  my default window for all programs opens in the top left have way hidden under the menu bar @ the top of the screen  -- waht can i do?22:14
wyldeSlartibart: ummm why compile? Isn;t it in the repos?22:14
mattwallaceI'm trying to do a dual boot on my Mac Book Pro using Ubuntu 12.04 … has Intel Cor 2 Duo 2.66. Is ubuntu-12.04-dvd-i386.iso download the best option ?22:14
danielI am fairly sure that the rfkill is installed b/c I am able to see what is soft blocked and hard blocked when I ask for an rfkill list -- but I am clueless as to what the information means --     brcmwl-0: Wireless LAN Soft blocked: noHard blocked: yes  1: hp-wifi: Wireless LANSoft blocked: noHard blocked: yes22:14
L3topat the end of the day the differences boil down to access restrictions and env variables22:15
ZangaiCan someone help me find insserv?22:15
djpyep.. when she gets to a terminal.. sudo -i22:15
trek201i don't suppose there's any way to stop video tearing in ubuntu on an nvidia card, is there?22:15
hypcrumWould anyone here be willing to help me test my 2d multiplayer game? I just got it up on the package manager22:15
xanguamattwallace: no need for dvd, everything is in the cd iso22:15
Slartibartwylde: It comes from my insatiable desire to make things harder.. And hope that one day I'll actually learn something ;-j22:15
grkbloodany news on how to disable the launcher chameleon effect? it seems 12.04 has done nothing but add problems22:16
wyldeSlartibart: but if you're set on compiling doing 'sudo apt-get build-dep <packagename>' will probably help. Be sure you have build-essential installed too.22:16
mattwallacexangua: should I go with 64bit?22:16
wyldeSlartibart: I do that too at times :)22:16
wootrek201, what are your desktop effects setting?22:16
djpoh for cryin out loud, is there no direct way to mount local disks from a live CD?22:16
trek201woo: Normal22:16
minimecSlartibart: Are you sure you have all the dependencies installed? sudo apt-get build-dep would give you the dependencies of the source file in the repo. Normally that's all you need.22:16
djpor CLI only..22:17
countfuzzballdjp: mount doesn't work? :P22:17
djpoh.. nevermind..22:17
L3topdjp you should be able to just click on it in nautilis and it will exist in /media/22:17
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wooyou tried it at none?22:17
djpyeah.. me stoopid22:17
trek201yeah, the effects settings don't seem to have any influence22:18
L3topdjp: you can also chroot into the drive and do stuff... if you want to test, and have a desktop avail at the same time22:18
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ZangaiDoes 'insserv' even exist?22:18
woosearck bug forms22:18
djpL3top: that sound like an advanced but attractive option..22:18
Slartibartminimec, wylde: I'll try build-dep. Thanks :).22:18
L3topsuper simple.22:18
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L3topls /media      then chroot /media/whateveritisinthere        and bam you are operating from that drive in terminal djp22:19
mattwallaceAnyone had success dual booting on MacBook Pro 12.04 seems to install just fine but once it's up and logged in my screen is jacked up and doesn't seem to be using the graphics card correctly. I'm wondering if 64bit version is the way to go as well.22:20
mattwallaceI tried following these instructions http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/10/dual-boot-os-ubuntu/22:20
flippoI just wanted to say that my upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04 went effortlessly and without incident.  That is all.22:20
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is an open community that creates and maintains software including the Plasma desktop.  To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install  kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See  http://kubuntu.org for more information.22:20
djpL3top: i may be losing my mind.. but I can't find the (changed) file..22:21
wyldedjp make sure you're looking on the mount disk and not the "disk" the the live session is running on :)22:21
dzragonis TRIM activated out of the box in 12.04?22:22
djp /etc/init.d/rules ? (I think I'm looking at the right disk..22:22
L3topdjp as I didn't tell you what to do, I can't really help there... do you remember what you renamed it?22:22
L3topdjp it would only be /etc/* if you were chrooted22:22
L3topand it would be /etc/udev/rules.d22:22
hypcrumWho here actually likes the new gnome/22:22
wyldedjp: going straight to /etc/init.d/whatever means you're probably in the live sessions ram disk :)22:23
djpoh.. that makes sense..22:23
L3tophypcrum: it isn't gnome, it is unity... and I am not offended by it.22:23
hypcrumL3top: did they change it for 12.04?22:23
flippohypcrum✌ I like Unity much better than gnome22:23
L3topyes hypcrum22:24
wyldehypcrum: I've actually managed to get it setup as to be usable for me. <-- Unity that is.22:24
hypcrumOhhh. Maybe i should check it out22:24
flippohypcrum✌ hit the Alt key.  It's awesome22:24
skelhypcrum: works well for me22:24
hypcrumI've switched to KDE because knome3 was bothering me.22:24
flippoNo more menu mazes for me22:25
skelhypcrum: imo they need to notify you if it can't leverage DRI.. because the user experience is completely different in the fallback22:25
djpkrababbel: what did you tell me to echo > ?22:25
trek201does ubuntu like ati more than nvidia?22:25
hypcrumflippo: I dont have vanilla 12.04 installed22:25
newbie_ubuntuhi all, i am stress with my vga intel gma 4500mhd22:26
hypcrumflippo: on kubuntu atm22:26
newbie_ubuntuanyone can help me, it seem ubuntu doesnt support for my vga22:26
flippohypcrum✌ well, that's going to be different then22:26
hypcrumflippo: Yea.. i swapped to it because I disliked gnome322:27
L3topnewbie_ubuntu: lspci -nn | grep VGA          in a terminal22:27
newbie_ubuntumy vga is intel gma 4500mhd22:27
hypcrumnewbie_ubuntu: Does it show up in the restricted drivers?22:27
flippohypcrum✌ Unity doesn't look much like gnome, though I understand there is some gnome in it somewhere22:27
newbie_ubuntui dont know22:27
newbie_ubuntumy screen always blank after installing ubuntu22:28
hypcrumcheck there.22:28
koalahey guys22:28
L3topnewbie_ubuntu: also, what version are you on. lsb_release -sc if you are unsure.22:28
wylde!nomodeset | newbie_ubuntu22:28
ubottunewbie_ubuntu: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter22:28
newbie_ubuntui have tried to enter nomodeset22:28
hypcrumkoala: hEY22:28
helo1Can someone help me get a script to send email notifications?22:29
newbie_ubuntubut after installing ubuntu in nomodeset, i became blank screen again22:29
trek201actually, i think the "none" setting on effects may have helped the video tearing problem22:29
newbie_ubuntubut after installing ubuntu in nomodeset, it became blank screen again22:29
krababbeldjp: nothing, just repeated22:29
jfreak53helo1: What's up?22:29
scienteshow do i execute a dmg https://support.apple.com/kb/DL99722:30
newbie_ubuntuhypcrum: can u help me?22:30
jfreak53helo1: Just pipe it to mail program22:30
scientescould i install that with GNUstep?22:30
DelemasAnyone seen else sshd start segfaulting going from 11.10 to 12.04?22:30
hypcrumnewbie_ubuntu: Sorry not sure what to do if it doesnt show up at all.. besides the boot option22:30
djpkrababbel: I seem to have misplace a crucual file i wrongly renamed..22:30
helo1jfreak53: could you explain how?22:30
jfreak53helo1: what's the command inside the script?22:31
jfreak53helo1: or better said, is this script running through cron??22:31
jfreak53helo1: if so it's easier :)22:31
L3topnewbie_ubuntu: ctrl + alt + f2, login and I can help you. It would be nice if you could install pastebinit so I can see stuff.22:31
krababbeldjp: that file is automatically created by udev i believe22:31
krababbeldjp: why are you in rescue mode again?22:32
djpno, I'm at it from a live CD22:32
helo1jfreak53: I wrote a script that does ping tests and outputs if they are up or down. I would like it to be a cron job but I can't get that working either.22:32
krababbeldjp: can't you chroot into your system from the livecd and do what you want from there?22:32
jfreak53helo1: well once you get cron running just send output to mail, like so22:32
djpif I knew chroot from a stick of celery.. then yes :)22:33
L3topdjp in general, I will not suggest you use the output of ls in a variable, but for just now... do the following as root in terminal: mydir=$(ls /media); chroot $mydir22:33
jfreak53helo1: command.sh > mail -s 'My Subject' me@email.com22:33
krababbeldjp: lol22:33
jfreak53helo1: that send's output to the mail program22:33
L3topwait on that djp22:33
wyldeooooo dirty hack! >.>22:33
L3toplet me actually test things before I give them to you22:33
djpkr is that literal, or do i substitute mydir22:34
helo1jfreak53: Is there any other configuration that needs to be done for that mail command to work?22:34
jfreak53helo1: Sorry did it wrong, it's:22:34
djpL3top: ok22:34
jfreak53helo1: command.sh | mail -s 'subject' email22:34
ROdodrigounity sucks22:34
L3topfirst djp does ls /media have only one directory in it?22:35
jfreak53helo1: you need to make sure sendmail is installed and setup with MTC or you will get a bunch of error's. Just apt-get install sendmail and it should work22:35
jfreak53helo1: MTC ha ha MTA I ment22:35
helo1jfreak53: What is MTC22:35
jfreak53helo1: sorry MTA ha ha hands dont work22:35
kx_ROdodrigo: yep22:35
krababbeldjp: I believe chroot from here should work, but I don't know what you actually want to do. Video driver broken?http://karuppuswamy.com/wordpress/2010/06/02/how-to-chroot-to-ubuntu-using-live-cd-to-fix-grub-rescue-prompt/22:36
trek201ROdodrigo: unity does suck22:36
jfreak53ROdodrigo: trek201: it does :(22:36
djpkrababbel: what I really want to do is get networking up on the box to hopefully contunue and complete the 12.04 upgrade22:36
L3topROdodrigo trek201 jfreak53 you can use any number of desktops out there.22:37
L3topdjp does ls /media   display only ONE directory?22:37
jfreak53L3top: of course, but not gnome 2 in Ubu 12 :), at least I don't think, I haven't upgraded yet, stuck on 11.04 until they allow gnome2 :)22:37
* trek201 has no problem with unity since he's still using ubuntu 10.0422:37
L3topGonna have to come to terms with the passing of gnome.22:38
jfreak53trek201: ha ha ha22:38
L3topIt isn't coming back.22:38
wyldejfreak53: gnome 2 is abandonded. It's no longer being maintained.22:38
jfreak53L3top: No I don't, I can go to Debian :)22:38
jfreak53ha ha though I wouldn't ha ha22:38
L3topShe's dead Jim22:38
krababbelgnome shell is great22:38
jfreak53wylde: yes and gnome 3 is bloated just like window's, so is KDE.  To each his own yes :)22:38
jfreak53L3top: ha ha22:38
jfreak53helo1: did you figure it out?22:39
djpL3top: local drive and cdrom22:39
helo1jfreak53: After installing sendmail, I still get a message that "mail" is not installed22:39
wyldejfreak53: absolutely. Until Unity got to the point it is now(and I still removed the global menu) I was using XFCE422:39
pers0nI am having some freakishly stupid problems installing 12.04 with wubi.22:39
qwdI'm trying to verify a download with a .asc signature but when I try to open it it wants to decrypt the file. How do I make it verify the other file instead?22:39
L3topok djp... lets do this.22:39
jfreak53wylde: I've tried other's, I just really like Gnome :(, it's sad they can't just let an old interface exist :(22:40
milamberqwd: how are you trying to verify?22:40
* djp sits at the edge of his chair..22:40
L3topI assume your hd is on /dev/sda1 correct djp?22:40
jfreak53helo1: Hmm, try just sendmail command instead of mail22:40
qwdmilamber: just opening the .asc22:40
djpyeah.. i think so22:40
tomatto_please, can i somehow return back to gnome2?22:40
wyldejfreak53: true enough, I honestly would have liked to carry on with gnome2 myself. There is a fork started called ummm... MATE? I think.22:41
milamberqwd: an ascii file?22:41
jfreak53tomatto_: Yes, UBU 11 ha ha there are a couple instruction's out there I've found that tell how, I just cant remember where, do a google search22:41
L3topdjp: umount /dev/sda1; mkdir /mnt/fix; mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/fix; chroot /mnt/fix22:41
wylde!nounity | tomatto_22:41
ubottutomatto_: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic22:41
jfreak53wylde: MATE? hmm, I'm gonna have to look.  That's the only thing keeping me from upgrading truly.22:41
djpok.. I'll try22:41
qwdmilamber: .asc, a GPG signature22:41
APouloshey guys22:42
jfreak53ubottu: yeah but shell and fallback are NOTHING at all like gnome 2 :), even indicators don't work right on it22:42
ubottujfreak53: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:42
APoulosCan someone tell me exactly how to add a git repo?22:42
pers0nFirst... I have no net connection. <-- stupid newb and I also have no 'sudo' available. I tried to do a recovery and change the /etc/sudoers file, but I could find nothing wrong with it, through what was shown to me on a how-to. Any ideas?22:42
wyldejfreak53: there's also ummm cinnamon? Some mint thing I think is where that comes from. I read it's also similar.22:42
milamberqwd: have you done: gpg --verify <file>.asc22:43
jfreak53wylde: Hmm, I'm gonna have to Vbox test this with 12, if I can get something liek gnome 2 I would upgrade :)22:43
L3toppers0n: you need to add your user to the admin group, I am not sure why your user is not already...22:43
cherylIs there a problem with the ubuntu website?? :(22:43
trismjfreak53: in what way do the indicators not work right?22:43
cherylI want to d/load the latest vers....22:43
L3topbrb baby crying22:43
pers0nIt was said there is no admin group.22:43
APoulosAlso, btw, APTonCD sucks. doesn't help at all. I tried reinstalling and the bloody thing didnt copy any of my libs22:43
wyldejfreak53: best way to try things out :)22:43
usr13pers0n: Are you logging into the original user, (the one that was created when the OS was initially installed)?22:43
MTughanSince Google seems to be failing me here, is there any way to see what programs are accessing my hard disk? The LED is dead, so I don't know if something's constantly hitting the HDD or not.22:43
pers0nwhen I tried to add my self.22:43
pers0nuser13 yes.22:43
jfreak53trism: I only tried it once in shell mode, it was wierd, the icon's just popped all over the place and didn't stay.  It was wierd but awhile ago so I dont remember exactly22:43
icerootMTughan: iotop22:43
masterofpcAPoulos, do you mean creating a new git repository?22:43
jfreak53wylde: Yeah but until 12.04 came out I didnt have a desire ha ha, nor time right now to try :(22:44
usr13pers0n: That's a bit strange.  Have you tried failsafe mode?22:44
irvkenMTughan, top22:44
milamberMTughan: are you looking for the command: top22:44
APoulosmasterofpc, no I  mean connecting to a Git repo because im trying to get the latest version of ffmpeg22:44
MTughanirvken: top just shows CPU and memory usage, IIRC.22:44
qwdmilamber: Yeah it's the correct file but I want to be able to do it from Nautilus by just opening the file. I know it's supposed to work as that's what I did in Debian.22:44
MTughaniceroot: Thanks, installing now.22:44
APoulosmasterofpc,  maybe I don't fully understand the way the git process fully works22:44
helo1jfreak53: okay so this worked: "./checkservers.sh  | sudo sendmail -s 'Net Status' adayforgotten@yahoo.com" Without the 'sudo', I got a permission denied message.22:44
L3topusr13: pers0n this is the second case of this reported today.22:45
jfreak53helo1: hmm, one sec brb22:45
helo1jfreak53: It also did not send with the subject I used. It just had no subject at all.22:45
usr13pers0n: I suppose you could boot from the CD and then add your user to the sudoers file. Oh, I see, you have no admin group?22:45
pers0nusr13 Not sure what that is, but I tried adding my user to admin through recovery but I cannot find what is wrong with /etc/sudoers file and the group 'admin' doesn't exist.22:45
milamberqwd: not sure about the gui, but a quick google came up with this: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1909950.html22:45
masterofpcAPoulos, okay so you probably want to checkout/clone, try writing this in a terminal: git clone git://source.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.git ffmpeg22:45
tomatto_ubottu: i am using 12.04 version now22:45
ubottutomatto_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:45
L3toppers0n: To do this you are going to have to boot to the live disk or another nix on the same machine, and chroot into the drive and add your user t22:45
tomatto_wylde: i am using 12.04 version now22:46
APoulosmasterofpc, what exactly does that command do?22:46
djpL3top: chroot failed to run command "/bin/bash": Exec formant error22:46
tomatto_jfreak53: i am using 12.04 version now22:46
L3toppers0n: just catching up22:46
djp(yes, as root)22:46
jfreak53tomatto_: yeah is g2 there :) ha ha22:46
wyldetomatto_: yeah that factoid needs to be update but it's the same for precise. You can use gnome-panel and gnaom-fallback.22:46
L3topdjp: thats the second time I have run into that as well...22:47
wyldebah, pardon the typos22:47
=== warfaren_ is now known as warfaren
masterofpcAPoulos, it 'clones' the git repository, i.e. it downloads all files from the git server to ffmpeg/...22:47
djpbut I'm in "bash"..22:47
pers0nL3top- i used Wubi to install... will that cause troubles trying to edit it with a live cd?22:47
djpxterm anyways..22:47
k014hello everyone!, i am trying to zip some files with encryption, but i also want the file list encrypted, how can i do that?22:47
k014i am doing:22:47
k014zip -e foo *22:47
wyldepers0n: I don't have an admin group either, it's 'adm' on this box.22:48
milamber!info seahorse-nautilus | qwd22:48
pers0nwylde I will try that.22:48
ubottuqwd: seahorse-nautilus (source: seahorse-nautilus): seahorse plugins and utilities for encryption in GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.3.1-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 179 kB, installed size 1458 kB22:48
qwdmilamber: ah yeah, now I remember that seahorse-utils is needed, but I already have that installed. For some reason it thinks it should decrypt the signature instead of verifying it22:48
djpL3top: next clue?22:48
L3topdjp: it is indicative of the jailed environment not having bash or the libraries required to execute it... so it is on the drive you are chrooting into, not your host environment22:48
Flannelwylde: Is this a fresh install of 12.04?  Do you have a 'sudo' group?22:48
newbie_ubuntuanybody knows where to find driver for my vga, intel gma 4500mhd?22:49
APouloswell that was weird.. lost connection22:49
Erealz if you add to proxychains it will run thru tor and proxies!22:49
wyldeFlannel: it was installed back in alpha but I've not had an admin group at any point.22:49
L3topWell... I take that as a bad sign djp. pers0n if you were able to chroot in, then it shouldnt make any difference.22:49
APoulosanyways - masterofpc what exactly is a git repo?22:49
djpL3top: I'm a bit confused by the question..22:49
Flannelwylde: right, do you have a 'sudo' group, not an 'admin' group?22:49
k014hello everyone!, i am trying to zip some files with encryption, but i also want the file list encrypted, how can i do that? (i am using: $ zip -c foo * )22:49
L3topnewbie_ubuntu: I have told you 3 times what you need to do in order for me to help you.22:49
wyldeFlannel: moment, I'll ssh into my server and see if it has one. I just updated it yesterday.22:49
masterofpcso, APoulos, git is a kind of version control system22:49
APoulosmasterofpc, similar to synaptic?22:50
wyldeFlannel: I have sudo and adm22:50
k014i have a lot of experience in git, can i help?22:50
APoulosk014,  sure hop on in22:50
djpL3top: i appreciate the help amigo, btw22:50
pers0nGuess I didn't want Grub anymore... booting straight into windows... yay. Might have to give up for the day.22:50
newbie_ubuntuL3top: my screen blank, and i need driver for my vga22:50
masterofpcAPoulos, not exactly, it just keeps track of files and their changes22:50
koalago to additional drivers22:50
koalanewbie ubuntu22:50
L3topI want to try an experiment djp. Is this a desktop machine?22:51
Flannelwylde: 'sudo' is the old admin.  As of 12.04 it's been migrated (admin group, if it existed, will continue to function, but its deprecrated)22:51
L3topnewbie_ubuntu: ctrl alt f2 on the machine with the blank screen. login. sudo apt-get install pastebinit22:51
wyldeFlannel: ahh alrighty.22:51
apavlovHey ubunters. I'm failing to start up wifi on a Lenovo B560 running 12.04 (BRCM4313, PCI ID 14e4:4727). Seemingly, studied every forum thread out there on the net, ended up with the wl driver running for the eth1 device, but it stays "Hard blocked", as said by rfkill, and won't get unblocked (rfkill unblock all). This worked fine with 11.04 on the same laptop but got broken after an update to 12.04. Any one has had positive experience bringing this thing22:51
apavlov up?22:51
APoulosmasterofpc, ill be back, xchat for gnome sucks. switching to regular xchat22:52
jfreak53helo1: Hmm, with sendmail installed mail isn't giving me any trouble22:52
L3topdjp, shut the machine down and plug the HD into the next avail port.22:52
jfreak53helo1: what version of Ubu are you on?22:52
Delemashmm weird it seems to be related to a liblsp.so.1 which isn't owned by any package...22:52
helo1jfreak53: 10.0422:52
djpL3top: yikes!22:52
L3topdjp: boot to live disk, and we will mount it and diddle with it22:52
masterofpck014, I think you cant encrypt the file names in a zip directly, you'd need to double zip them22:53
TheSimkinanyone know what ubuntu+1 has become invite only?22:53
TheSimkinerr why.22:53
djpI'm seeing the drive now, you think moving it might help?22:53
wyldeFlannel: ahh I see now, I upgraded my 10.04 box to 12.04 yesterday and it has the admin group.22:53
vadi2Has anyone else had success with enabling the 'unredirect fullscreen windows' in 12.04 on nvidia?22:53
FlannelTheSimkin: there is no +1 version currently (12.04 was released)22:53
djpit's SATA22:53
APoulosmasterofpc, im back in22:53
masterofpcAPoulos, wb22:53
TheSimkinFlannel: isn't there always a new +1 ?22:53
minimecapavlov: Might sound strange. I jus did a 'reset to defaults' of the BIOS on a x121e, and got my 'hardblocked' bluetooth working like that. Also I had no chance to get it working with rfkill.22:53
TheSimkinFlannel: is there a way to tell ubuntu to download the latest updates.. just not instlal them til i say so?22:53
jfreak53helo1: try installing mailutils package and try 'mail' command again22:54
TheSimkinit'd be nice if 12.04 was all ready to install :)22:54
k014masterofpc thx you22:54
L3topI don't know exactly WHAT the problem is, but this exact same situation was resolved doing this, so I am really more curious about what it implies if we can magically chroot djp. It has very little to do with fixing your machine.22:54
koalahow can i find out the IP of my router at home ?22:54
apavlovminimec: hmm, weird, but worth giving a try...22:54
APoulosmasterofpc, thank you good sir22:54
koalai played with DHCP now i dont know my ip22:54
koalaso im locked out22:54
FlannelTheSimkin: No, Q hasn't been opened yet.  Toolchain will be uploaded on the 3rd.22:54
FlannelTheSimkin: -d (or --download-only) will do that.22:55
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robgravesOk, I'm trying to figure out how to clear out what's stored in my Ubuntu One account, now I know there's the Ubuntu One folder in home, but the majority of what's using  my 5 gb's is the backup i did the other day, i wanna delete that, anyone know how?22:55
=== duvel is now known as duv3l
FlannelTheSimkin: That's with apt-get, of course.22:55
masterofpcAPoulos, so git basically just gives you the ability to track changes in files, and then also to fork (split) repositories, and merge them back again22:56
duv3lSo... I loaded ubuntu 12.04 LTS -- It's showing my Display as "LAPTOP" when I'm clearly using a desktop with 3 25.5" monitors... Any idea what the problem is?22:57
Thunderhawkhello all22:57
walterwojhow do I give user walter permissions to start wicd?22:57
vadi2duv3l: I've had it show the same for me on my nvidia card22:57
djpL3top: I get that, and thanks.. but this is an obcenely ontuse way to get networking up from recovery mode.. not your fault of course22:57
lolahi i have question about cairo dock anybode can help?22:57
djpobtuse, of course22:57
L3topdjp I am quite sure we can just resolve your issue first if you like22:57
aos21join #anonymous22:57
ThePendulumI just installed 'Synergy' and the program just disappeared, although it is installed. I can't find it, nor start it using a command. Any idea if a restart will make the program show up?22:58
djpwell let me see if I can get back into recovery mode for real22:58
ratcheerrobgraves: The first thing I would try is logging onto Ubuntu 1 web page, clicking the Files tab, and see if you can delete them from there.22:58
duv3lvadi2, i tried reinstalling drivers etc -- still broken. I can only get 1 of my monitors to work. How sad :\22:58
L3topI believe they are related djp22:58
robgravesratcheer: ok, i'll try it22:58
Thunderhawki was wondering if anyone has ever changed the single-user passwd when GRUB was not installed22:58
vadi2duv3l: have you tried using the nvidia settings utility? however that only easily goes up to 2 only, using twinview22:58
vadi2duv3l: I'm assuming you're on nvidia that is22:58
lolawhat happends with minimalized aplications with cairo dock??22:59
duv3li am, correct, i have 2 evga gtx 560 graphics cards22:59
vadi2ahh. one gtx 560 here. on one giant display.22:59
vadi2so, tried the nvidia settings tool?22:59
duv3li just got 2nd monitor working22:59
duv3lI assume they still dont have 3 monitor support?22:59
duv3lif not thats a deal breaker and im uninstalling.22:59
vadi2well, not as smooth as 2 monitors. poke around on nvidia forums / email customer support, I think people do have 3 monitors working23:00
rfictuswhere can I see all the kernel settings in Ubuntu ?23:00
Thunderhawkduv3l you can have up to 4 monitors if u r running a dual video card system23:00
trismrfictus: /boot/config-$(uname -r)23:00
vadi2or yeah configure the 3rd to work on the other gfx card23:00
duv3li have 3 monitors23:01
rfictustrism: do i terminla that ??23:01
duv3l2 hooked up to one graphics card, 1 hooked up to the second.23:01
minimecrfictus: You have the config file of all the kernels in the /boot directory.23:01
rfictusthank you minimec23:01
robgravesratcheer: that worked, thanks!23:01
helo1jfreak53: that worked. Thanks23:01
ROdodrigounity sucks, canonical should work WITH Gnome team to make gnome shell better instead of create something that bad, slow, and overload23:02
ratcheerrobgraves: Great. Glad I could help.23:02
Thunderhawki was wondering if anyone has ever changed the single-user passwd when GRUB was not installed23:02
wyldeROdodrigo: do you have an actual supporot question or are you just here to troll?23:02
vadi2duv3l: oh so is the 2nd card working?23:02
Thunderhawki was wondering if anyone has ever changed the single-user passwd when GRUB was not installed23:03
jfreak53helo1: Awesome!! Glad it worked23:03
vadi2duv3l: either way: this is a bit outside of the ubuntu ecosystem, you're in nvidia's land at this point23:03
duv3lshows that the 2nd card is working23:03
jfreak53helo1: seems you needed an MTA and that wasn't installed ha ha dumb me at times ha ha23:03
robgravesratcheer: I've been googling that now for a day or so now, with no clear answer...excellent23:03
ROdodrigoit's not trolling, I need to say this23:03
Thunderhawki was wondering if anyone has ever changed the single-user passwd when GRUB was not installed23:03
wylde!ot | ROdodrigo23:03
ubottuROdodrigo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:03
ROdodrigoI'm sorry if I make you feel uncomfortable23:04
Thunderhawkmy question is a support question23:04
MyrttiThunderhawk: repeating the same question over and over again within minutes isn't going to make people answer any better23:04
ROdodrigothe thing that makes me angry is to have a 2 gb ram with a x2 64 2.7ghz procesor, 512 mb of video, and wait 2 minutes to change between chromiunm and nautilus23:06
ROdodrigohave a nice day23:06
ROdodrigobye bye23:06
L3topROdodrigo: sounds like your setup is wrong. I am wicked fast on less.23:07
ROdodrigoweird, because i change to xubuntu and it flies23:08
ROdodrigognome shell flies23:08
ROdodrigolxde well23:08
ThunderhawkMyrtti: i was just repeating because it is truely important and i need an answer so i can fix my works servers23:08
L3topThat's what I am saying... something is configured wrong... because I have very similar hw, with a bit lower performance, and it flies.23:09
duv3lJust want to let you know, after reboot my 3 monitors are working flawlessly with my 2 graphics cards. THANK YOU UBUNTU TEAM AND CANONICAL, FANTASTIC JOB !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!23:09
L3topROdodrigo: what is the gpu?23:09
minimecROdodrigo: GPU problem with compiz I guess.23:09
L3toplspci -nn | grep VGA23:09
L3topROdodrigo: ^23:09
RevHelixI find unity nice. Although there were some major issues on my laptop with the last release but now I like it. I see a lot of promise. If your systems are having issues then use kubuntu / legacy gnome mode / install your own wm\23:10
ROdodrigo02:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation C77 [GeForce 8200] [10de:0849] (rev a2)23:10
bcuraboyguys i'm having serious issues to install ubuntu 12.0423:10
tbrownI just got done doing a review on ubuntu I kind of dont like the layout how appears. I kind of like a clean desktop envirement dont get me wrong it looks good to work on but it just look more like a tablet pc:)23:10
kel_you and a lot of others23:10
APoulosbcuraboy:  whats the matter man?23:10
jfreak53bcuraboy: more info needed ha ha:)23:11
RevHelixbcuraboy: deets23:11
bcuraboyi'm trying to install it on a intel pc with 1gb ram and 1.66ghz processor23:11
APoulosbcuraboy: you're better off using 11.1023:11
wyldeand then?23:11
bcuraboyi've tried 3 ways to install it and it stucks on some point of the installation23:11
kel_i still use it23:11
Tintibcuraboy how about xubuntu?23:11
jfreak53bcuraboy APoulos: more like 11.04 ;) ha ha23:11
RevHelixbcuraboy: noooo.. use lubuntu ... you have no love to spare there dude23:11
jfreak53bcuraboy: what does stucks mean? ha ha23:12
V1-Ru5wasap guys!!23:12
pibarnasbcuraboy: and lubuntu?23:12
kel_you sure your not using 64bit install?23:12
jfreak53I like the technical words stucks on23:12
jfreak53ha ha23:12
V1-Ru5im having problems with precise23:12
bcuraboyyeah i'm sure23:12
L3topThat should definitely be going well on nvidia-current ROdodrigo, but a lot of folks do seem to be having trouble on the supplied version. I would recommend adding the xswat ppas and using their driver23:12
bcuraboyi've downloaded 2 times23:12
kel_id step back man23:12
tbrownMan ubuntu is really slow on my VM am trying to load it on to it or something. And it just keeps lagging I have 1.65 GZ amd Processor23:12
kel_nothing wrong with it23:12
APoulosbcuraboy - listen to me man23:12
jfreak53bcuraboy: Alt install or GUI install?23:12
L3topROdodrigo: Give me one second, and I will find a link with what to try.23:12
bcuraboycd install,usb23:12
duv3ldespite 12.04 being a bit buggy -- its the best damn release yet. I can't believe this23:12
jfreak53bcuraboy: yeah but Alternate installer or GUI installer?23:13
APoulosbcuraboy: when you're running on only 2GB of ram and 1GHz processor, you're best bet is to get 11.04 on it23:13
jfreak53bcuraboy: because I highly doubt the GUI installer will work on that system :)(23:13
duv3llater guys!23:13
bcuraboyhmmm i see23:13
RevHelixbcuraboy: no no no.. aside from the media are you just trying the pretty install or are you using the alternate text install23:13
jfreak53bcuraboy: 11.04 and Alternate installer! :)23:13
APoulosbcuraboy: also, if you want to install it from usb - use Unetbootin23:13
Thunderhawki was wondering if anyone has ever changed the single-user passwd when GRUB was not installed23:13
bcuraboybecause i've tried to run the live cd on my own personal pc and it just run smoothly23:13
ROdodrigook L3top I gong to try again, I wait23:13
jfreak53:facesmack: ha ha23:14
bcuraboywhere can i get 11.10?23:14
APoulosbcuraboy: not 11.10 - use 11.0423:14
L3topROdodrigo: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install nvidia-current23:14
wyldeThunderhawk: do you mean from the live cd?23:14
tbrown11.10 or 12.04 for a AMD Processor with 1.65GHz23:14
APoulosbcuraboy: likely not going to be ble to run Unity23:14
jfreak53bcuraboy: Go to ubuntu download site, go to other downloads link and find it, it's there :) use 11.04 and Alternate installer.23:14
Tintior releases.ubuntu.com23:14
jfreak53bcuraboy: if you use GUI installer it will fail :)23:14
L3topROdodrigo: a reboot will be required.23:14
ubottuPrecise can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/precise/desktop/ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/precise/server/ubuntu-12.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your needs. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696923:14
jfreak53bcuraboy: yeah that link that Tinti did :) ha ha23:14
apavlovminimec: was it you who suggested resetting the BIOS to defaults? I've got bad memory for nicks :) Can't say for sure if it was it or a manually built wl driver really took effect after a reboot (rather than modprobe) but WiFi now works. Thanks a lot.23:14
bcuraboyAPoulos, why you suggest 11.04?23:15
tbrownMan people are so gay on this chat room they dont even answer you...23:15
wyldebcuraboy: probably because it still uses gnome 2 :)23:16
ROdodrigoI'm on it23:16
minimecapavlov: It was me and I was surprised as you when it worked for my bluetooth device. Seems to be related with the lenovo thikpad tpacpi stuff. ;) Happy it works ...23:16
Thunderhawkwylde: i looked around on the servers and there is nothing related to a grub file on the system23:16
jfreak53wylde: no because of his specs23:16
RevHelixtbrown: may i recommend gentoo?23:16
bcuraboyunity or gnome it's not that important23:16
APoulosbcuraboy: because 11.10  uses Unity which is a resource hog, 11.04 is easier and uses classic gnome23:16
jfreak53wylde: he can't do much more ha ha23:16
kel_im on 11.0423:16
kel_works great23:16
mikubuntui decided that the lack of a system tray is a big enough problem to NOT use unity, so i'm glad i still have the option to select ubuntu classic environment on login ... i had no idea where unity was sending any minimized window at all23:16
wyldejfreak53: lol, lubuntu then! :P23:16
jfreak53wylde: haha well maybe23:16
tbrownRevHelix: Everyone is saying that I have not use Gentoo is that a good Operating system of linux distro23:16
Thunderhawkwylde: the password encryption is using blowfish23:17
kel_it just came out last year bcuraboy23:17
apavlovminimec: yeah, really weird. Time to go to sleep for me, though. Bye, keep up giving the good advice! :-)23:17
RevHelixtbrown: you will come out a man...23:17
APoulostbrown: gentoo is for the more advanced23:17
bcuraboybut from 11.04 i can upgrade to other versions,right?23:17
APoulostbrown: if you are just starting id use ubuntu23:17
youdytbrown: gentoo is okay. it's just more work initally.23:18
jfreak53bcuraboy: it's not suggested, you just cant run unit on that system23:18
APoulosbcuraboy: yes, but why would you want to23:18
jfreak53bcuraboy: sorry unity not unit ha ha23:18
minimecapavlov: My laptop once runned out of battery. after charging, bluetooth was hardblocked again. Guess what I did. Reset BIOS, and it wirked again... ;)23:18
RevHelixtbrown: I'd also not call everyone gay, you will get helped in another manner..23:18
wyldeThunderhawk: ahh no idea then sorry. I don't do encryption. I'm just a lowly home user ;)23:18
jfreak53man my hands dont work today23:18
APoulosbcuraboy: in fact, 11.04 is still widely supported23:18
bcuraboybecause that pc is not mine,and the unity interface is very simple to these kind of people23:18
L3topYes tbrown, we are just in here chatting about life... but now that you have called me gay... I really am motivated to scroll back and find you answer so I can  help. Try rm -R /         That will probably fix your issue. (people should not do that... it is a joke and dangerous)23:18
jfreak53APoulos: I still use it on all my systems :) ha ha23:18
Thunderhawkwylde: any idea about the grub problem23:18
jfreak53bcuraboy: it's gonna be slow but it will work if you turn off effects entirely23:19
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!23:19
L3topand wrong without the *...23:19
jfreak53bcuraboy: very very slow ha ha23:19
tbrownAWWWWW Everyone is say if you are a first user of linux use Ubuntu It sucks Sorry Ubuntu Fans I like Ubumtu 10.04 better than 12.04 or 11.10 it just layout edition of a tablet.23:19
APoulosbcuraboy: thats the great thing about ubuntu - like jfreak53 said, you dont need to upgrade with ubuntu because most programs are supported on most versions of ubuntu, I still see packages for 9.04 supported23:19
bcuraboyso you strongly suggest 11.04??23:19
RevHelixdd if=/dev/random of=/dev/sda23:19
wyldeThunderhawk: how are the machines booting? You have to have some sort of bootloader.23:19
APoulostbrown: then use 10.04?23:19
jfreak53bcuraboy: strongly ha ha23:19
Myrttitbrown: did you have a Ubuntu support question or problem?23:19
jfreak53I still use 8 on 3 school system's were running ha ha, it's nice with LXDE :) ha ha23:20
masterofpcRevHelix, lol23:20
APoulostbrown: btw, you can change both of those to look like 10.0423:20
countfuzzballL3top: I believe that recent versions of rm catch trying to do rm -r /rootdirectory and won't allow it23:20
wylde!flavors | tbrown23:20
ubottutbrown: !Kubuntu and !Xubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with KDE and Xfce (respectively) installed as default, instead of GNOME. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio,  !Mythbuntu, and !Lubuntu23:20
Myrttitbrown: this is a support channel, not a general chatter channel for you to bounce opinions from23:20
Thunderhawkwylde: the server just boots up to a gui login23:20
wyldeThunderhawk: ok then you'll have to reboot, and hold the shift key after the bios to get the grub prompt.23:21
tbrownMyrtti: Man calm down if you were smart enough I ask a qestion the first time no one said anything23:21
L3topInteresting countfuzzball... I would hope that it just gave a super warning requiring exact read input.23:21
APoulosbtw bcuraboy - if you start typing someone's name on the irc, hit the tab key so you can direct the messages to us so we can see them better23:21
Thunderhawkwylde: it does not ask me to choose a kernel to boot23:21
kel_wonder why everyone feels they need to have the newest release, same old thing just in a fresh package.23:21
jfreak53bcuraboy: trust me they won't notice, try another window manager then, there are many.  I still use Ubu 8 on 3 systems at our school. Old in Linux doesn't always mean old :)23:21
APouloshere's an example - hi bcuraboy23:21
tbrownAm going to download Gentoo23:21
tbrownAnd try it23:21
Thunderhawkwylde: i tried that and it did not work23:21
wyldeThunderhawk: probably because there is only one OS on the machine. If you hold the shift key after the bios it will load the menu.23:21
APoulostbrown: have a fun time taking on pandoras box23:22
bcuraboyAPoulos, yeah i can see you23:22
DoctorPepperhi guys !!23:22
APoulosbcuraboy: see, thats better, because now you highlight my name and I can see it easier23:22
wyldeThunderhawk: can you access /etc/default/grub ?23:23
APoulosThunderhawk: wylde what are you guys trying to repair?23:23
tbrownOh my gosh Gentoo is about 135 MB that is a small ISO23:23
wyldeThunderhawk: before we get into anything. What exactly is your end goal?23:23
L3topkel_: security updates... in my circumstance. I can't live on a dead distro... and newer hardware support. For instance now we are on 1004, but there are throngs of new chipsets for nvidia, some even with a new vdpau revision, that we cannot support because we are pinned to so much underlying architecture.23:23
Thunderhawkwylde: the keyboard is an old ps/2 keyboard and it is not picking up the shift key signal until it is time to login23:23
tbrownOh my gosh Gentoo is about 135 MB that is a small ISO23:23
tomatto_this works pretty well sudo apt-get install gnome-session-fallback23:23
ROdodrigowhat's the diference between the nvidia driver on the ubuntu repo, and the one you are giving me?23:24
Myrttitbrown: and what does this have to do with Ubuntu? Ubuntu has a netinst disk too.23:24
jfreak53tbrown: that's about the size of DSL linux ha ha23:24
APoulostbrown: hehehe have fun with that23:24
ratcheertbrown: Have you read the installation instructions, yet?23:24
wyldeAPoulos: no idea as yet.23:24
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:24
countfuzzballWhich would get swapped out first? Stuff on a tmpfs mounted directory or stuff in resident RAM that's being used/read from a bit more often?23:24
L3topROdodrigo: apt-cache policy nvidia-current   will tell you the differences in builds from the two repositories.23:24
tbrownratcheer: No I have not am going to look at it know thanks for remining me23:24
Thunderhawkwylde: my end goal is to change the old users passwd and then login and change the username23:24
APoulosThunderhawk, wylde wait wait wait - are you on a laptop?23:24
WeaponizedHello all. I'm setting up a samba server for our work. I used samba about a year and a half ago, but I could not get a computer with windows on it to delete a file from the samba server. Anything I should know before I get started?23:24
Thunderhawkthe servers are 1U rack systems23:25
tomatto_anyone who tried to compile qt static in ubuntu?23:25
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L3topROdodrigo: the swat guys are really awesome at building debian specific updated drivers. I have not tried to diff the stuff coming from nvidia or them... but they really always have the bleeding edge stuff pretty stable.23:25
APoulosThunderhawk, wylde this is important, is your computer you're trying to configure a laptop?23:25
masterofpcWeaponized, you need to watch the permissions in the samba config file, thats all23:25
dresdenis there a problem with USB 3.0 in Precise?23:26
wyldeAPoulos: <Thunderhawk> the servers are 1U rack systems23:26
APoulosdresden: what are you using to install it from usb?23:26
bcuraboyAPoulos, so which would be the fastier to install on a laptop with that specs??23:26
ThunderhawkAPoulo6: no it is a server that i am trying to fix23:26
dresdennone of my usb 3 ports work23:27
APoulosbcuraboy: well, like I said man, I ran 11.04 - for the longest time, its good, clean, quick and gets the job done.  If you install it onto a cd - set the burn speed to the LOWEST POSSIBLE BURN SPEED to prevent from any errors with the files23:27
wyldeThunderhawk: so, you're working on this server and you don't have a user account with access to sudo? You also mentioned encryption. Home directory encyption or the entire filesystem?23:28
bcuraboyAPoulos, ok,maybe i'll follow your advice23:28
masterofpcWeaponized, most important option is security = user, so you can do user managment with smbpasswd, although this is nothing ubuntu specific23:28
Thunderhawkthe encryption i think is the entire filesystem23:29
jfreak53APoulos: :facepalm:!! ha ha ha ha23:29
newbie_ubuntuis there any driver for my vga intel gma 4500mhd, i have tried to search it, but none23:29
wyldeThunderhawk: ok, unless you have a user account with some form of admin (root) access I have no idea how to help you. Sorry.23:29
APoulosbcuraboy: if you're installing from usb, go grab Unetbootin - http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/, then download the ISO - http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/ - make sure its the one for your system - 32bit or 64bit - then use Unetbootin to put it on the usb23:30
Thunderhawkwylde: the user acct that is there has sudo access, but is the only acct and at the same time is the one with the encryption23:30
shadykhanhow do i give my self permission to a folder?23:30
youdychmod it23:30
shadykhanchmod 777 path correct?23:30
jfreak53shadykhan: chown or chmod23:30
newbie_ubuntuis there any driver for my vga intel gma 4500mhd, i have tried to search it, but none23:30
youdyyeah mod then own23:30
qwdAny ideas on why Altitude (the java game with small airplanes) doesn't start on Precise Pangolin? I installed openjdk7 and installation went fine, but when I try to start it I see the splash screen and then nothing. The process is running though.23:30
shadykhanalso how can i check the current permissions?23:30
jfreak53shadykhan: chmod 777 would give everone permission23:31
Thunderhawkwylde: the only accts on the server is the 1 user and root23:31
qwdnewbie_ubuntu: you already have it. no need to install anything.23:31
APoulosshadykhan: chmod u+x23:31
wyldeThunderhawk: the problem is if the filesystem is encrypted you can't even chroot in to modify any files.23:31
tbrownDoes Gentoo Have a chat room23:31
ClientAliveI'm getting fd0: read error. Folks in a bug report are saying to disable floppy support in firmware but I have an internal card reader. Does anyone know if disabling floppy support in firmware would effect my card reader?23:31
newbie_ubuntuqwd: but my screen blank23:31
masterofpcshadykhan, check the perms by doing a ls -l23:31
Logan_tbrown: #gentoo23:31
Thunderhawkwylde: the system is running 11.0423:31
tbrownLogan_: Thanks Man:)23:31
lousygaruahow do i use the nouveau driver instead of the nvidia one that doesn't work as of now?23:32
lousygaruaon 12.0423:32
wyldeThunderhawk: yes ok, the whole point to encryption is to prevent access. It's well beyond my ability to do myself, let alone instruct someone over irc how to do it. Sorry.23:32
minimeclousygarua: disable the nvidia driver in 'Additional drivers'23:33
Thunderhawkis there anyone on here that might know wylde23:33
lousygaruaminimec: there's no nvidia driver there. that's the problem in the first place23:33
newbie_ubuntuqwd: my screen blank, so what is the problem then23:33
jfreak53Thunderhawk: why?23:33
wyldeThunderhawk: hang around and re-ask around every 20 minutes. also...see the following factoid.23:33
lousygaruaminimec: there's some problem with nvidia and their driver for the current x server version as i understood23:34
wylde!patience | Thunderhawk23:34
ubottuThunderhawk: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/23:34
Thunderhawkwylde: i thank you for the help23:34
acestuffHey. When I go onto ubuntu.com, the download link is to ubuntu-xxx-amd64.iso but I have Intel chip! Is this actually the download that I need?23:34
minimeclousygarua: So you are probably using the nouveau driver. You can check that typing 'lsmod |grep nouveau' in a console.23:34
jfreak53acestuff: only if you have a 64 bit system23:34
jfreak53acestuff: goto the releases site, click the other download link23:34
DoctorPepper can anyone please help me ,  since i upgraded from 11.10 to 12.04  i  have  a little wierd issue  with  the global menu  under kde. if i start a kde app the menu the globalmenu work just fine but i  run a gtk app  the menu bar appears on both the window  and the dbusmenu widget23:34
DadeI have a few SSL Virtualhosts and they work fine until I restart the box. Then all of the SSL virtualhosts point to the directory listed in default-ssl. If I restart Apache2 service manually everything works as intended. any ideas?23:35
wyldeThunderhawk: wish I could do more, but I honestly think if the filesystem is encrypted you're going to need that users password.23:35
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lousygaruaminimec: btw, on the live cd (usb for me) it did run the nouveau driver and it did get listed with lsmod23:35
lousygaruaminimec: it's not listed with lsmod. hmm maybe it's because my laptop falls back to the regular graphics card?23:35
acestuffjfreak53: yes I have a 64 bit system. I can't get ubuntu to boot correctly though... Why does it have amd in the name?23:35
youdytbrown: all you are going to get is rtfm and with good reason, your question is stupid.23:36
minimeclousygarua: regular would be intel? in that case 'lsmod |grep i915'23:36
Thunderhawkjfreak53: because of the encryption type, which is blowfish 1024 iterations23:36
newbie_ubuntuhey, i have just install ubuntu 12.04, but after restart my screen became blank, so i edit my grub, and add nomodeset to my grub, and it works, but every i restart my laptop it became blank again, pls help me23:36
jfreak53acestuff: just because you have a 64 bit system doesn't mean you have to install 64 bit OS. You only need 64 bit ubu if you plan on doing video intensive things or picture intensive23:36
jfreak53acestuff: plus some programs are not compiled on 64 bit os, you might have to manually compile some progs. I would suggest installing regular Ubu23:37
wyldejfreak53: or lots of compiling from sources :)23:37
jfreak53Thunderhawk: Oh, OK :) ha ha23:37
lousygaruaminimec: yes, that's the one. so my ubuntu falls back to the intel card after it cannot find the nvidia one? wait a sec. maybe i need to remove all the other nvidia packages that i don't know how got installed in the first place23:37
acestuffjfreak53: I have 64 bit versions of Windows and 64 bit Linux Mint. I also have more than 4GB RAM.23:38
L3topmost programs do absolutely nothing with 64 bit ftr jfreak53.23:38
Thunderhawkjfreak53: can you help with the encryption23:38
jfreak53wylde: true, it would help for that also.  But to be honest, my laptop is a 64 and my home PC is not, on my laptop I have regular ubu installed and it's still a lot faster on compiling than my main pc. I don't think he would notice the dif23:38
mouth1does the i3 550 CPU have a GPU on it?23:38
mouth1like 100% sure?23:38
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mouth1that it's stable with ubuntu etc.23:38
IdleOnemouth1: that is a hardware question try ##hardware23:38
jfreak53Thunderhawk: Hmm, what is encrypted, I haven't been reading?23:38
newbie_ubuntuhey, i have just install ubuntu 12.04, but after restart my screen became blank, so i edit my grub, and add nomodeset to my grub, and it works, but every i restart my laptop it became blank again, pls help me23:38
L3topThunderhawk: You will have better luck just trying to bruteforce against the password than "fixing" blowfish encrypted stuff.23:38
mouth1ok thanks IdleOne23:38
wyldejfreak53: true :) Most really don't need 64 bit, but hey it's been used as a catch phrase for advertising! So it must be better! >.<23:39
acestuffjfreak53: But if it is supposed to work for both Intel and AMD chips the problem must be elsewhere...23:39
jfreak53L3top: ohhhh it's BF !!23:39
mouth1do we have proprietary drivers for intel GPU's too or are there only open source?23:39
jfreak53wylde: ha ha ha ha ha23:39
DadeI have a few SSL Virtualhosts and they work fine until I restart the box. Then all of the SSL virtualhosts point to the directory listed in default-ssl. If I restart Apache2 service manually everything works as intended. any ideas?23:39
ThunderhawkL3top: do you know of any good bruteforce programs that i can run from a cd-rom23:40
L3topchulbulpandey: stop spamming the channel. Do you have a support related question?23:40
jfreak53Thunderhawk: no your stuck friend, I studied encryption as a side course, your done for.  If it's a partition or basically anything, if it's encrypted especially high your done dude, try brute forcing.  What's encrypted that you have to get into?23:40
newbie_ubuntuhey, i have just install ubuntu 12.04, but after restart my screen became blank, so i edit my grub, and add nomodeset to my grub, and it works, but every i restart my laptop it became blank again, pls help me23:40
jfreak53Thunderhawk: jack the ripper, haven't done those things in years :(23:40
L3topIt has been a very long time since I played with toys Thunderhawk. I am sure a quick google search will provide live cds just for that purpose.23:40
wyldeThunderhawk: if you really want to resort to that you should check out 'john-the-ripper'23:41
L3topwow... john is still the man...23:41
qwdnewbie_ubuntu: please don't spam the channel. if you don't get a reply wait 20 minutes and try again, not 2 minutes.23:41
jfreak53wylde: thanks, not jack ha ha ha john, like I said wayyyy tooo many years ha hah a23:41
newbie_ubuntuqwd:okay boss23:41
Thunderhawkok thank you all23:42
jfreak53wylde, Thunderhawk there is actually a john the ripper boot cd, I haven't used or tried it in years, but it exists for bootup and bruting23:42
karamazovAfter insalling Ubuntu I can't access my recovery partitin by pressing F10, is it gone?23:42
L3topnewbie_ubuntu: 4 times now, I have tried to help you. You do not reply and then just repost the same question over and over.23:42
Tintinewbie_ubuntu: try to remove quiet and splash from grub boot for a more verbose error23:42
mouth1are the ati proprietary drivers more stable than the open source?23:43
jfreak53karamazov: not unless you deleted it, it's normally just because the window's bootloader is gone.  Try running sudo fdisk -l23:43
acestuffI attempt to boot Ubuntu (from disk, from USB, it doesn't matter) it all goes fine except it gets to the loading screen then after a few seconds everything goes black. Anyone know what the problem may be?23:43
mouth1like for x server freezes23:43
karamazovjfreak53: I didn't delete it, I just installed Ubuntu on the whole drive.23:43
jfreak53karamazov: then you deleted it.  If you selected use whole drive when installing it erased the partition.  Your done for sorry23:43
karamazovjfreak53: So it should be there?23:43
lousygaruaminimec: ok, something happened, i got the nice effects i had on the live usb like that beautiful alt-tab window, but lsmod still shows i915 and no nouveau23:44
wyldeThunderhawk: you should know though, that using bruteforce means that you will ONLY get access by guessing the exact password. To make things worse, if don't know how long the password is it will take an exceptional amount of time to accomplish. You could get extraornarily lucky and succeed in a few minutes/hours/days. The truth though is you could be trying for decades.......  <--- true story23:44
jfreak53karamazov: 90% of the time if a system is there on a partition grub2 will find it when installing.  Try from CLI sudo update-grub then restart23:44
jfreak53karakedi: if it's not there then it's gone.23:44
VonhintenHaving some upgrade woes.  11.10 -> 12.04, normal boots ends up giving me this error:   mountall: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.14' not found (required by /lib/libply.so.2)23:44
BLZbubba_how do i get sr0 out of the list of devices that udisks is polling?23:45
minimeclousygarua: Well I guess the intel GPU is a Intel GMA HD, used in the first intel iX series. They are running quiet good with linux.23:46
scientesVonhinten, thats really bad, you need to install libc6:amd6423:46
jfreak53wylde Thunderhawk: you could try a rainbow cracker, just don't know of any. Plus you would have to download something like 1GB or more for the full rainbow table23:46
VonhintenCan't do anything in the Recovery Console, says the drive is read only, no matter what I do.  And now trying to load up a Flash Drive iso of 12.04 is giving an error saying 'initramfs unable to find a medium containing a live file system'23:46
jagginessVonhinten, you should md5sum check the iso23:47
acmeinc1Any idea why postfix would log to BOTH syslog AND mail.log?23:47
BLZbubba_also, why do my usb devices get the first scsi names like /dev/sda, dev/sdb23:47
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newbie_ubuntul3top: sorry i am in working now, thats why i can't concentrate one by one23:47
wyldejfreak53: I've read a little about but never played with it :)23:47
kxVonhinten: you're screwed. just a typical ubuntu updates that destroys your system. the fix requires manually removing old glibc files, faking the package manager into believing a certain version is installed, manually installing .deb packages  in specific orders. your system is actually probably only half updated23:47
icerootBLZbubba_: because of your bios and to avoid changing device names there is the UUID23:47
Guest93700anyone know how to identify in time for the nickname?23:47
jfreak53wylde: their pretty cool actually. It's pretty quick, that's how they ended up cracking MD5 and SHA1 hashes, using rainbow tables about 3GB in size.  It works :)23:48
newbie_ubuntuL3top: i have done what u suggested before, but it doesnt work23:48
wyldejfreak53: yeah, I believe that was also done using graphics gpu's as well no?23:48
L3topnewbie_ubuntu: that isnt to fix it, that is so we can begin fixing it. I need you to have a terminal, and pastebinit installed so I can help you.23:48
Vonhintenkx, nice.  Guess I'll try to get a live cd or flash boot working and copy what I can, and start fresh.23:48
L3topnewbie_ubuntu: lspci -nn | grep VGA | pastebinit23:49
jfreak53wylde: MD5 originally yes, but then they figured rainbow would be faster and it was so now most md5 cracking sites use rainbow for that reason, 3GB of disk space is cheap in VPS unit's ;)  While as a GPU is not on server unit's ha ha23:49
L3topnewbie_ubuntu: It will spit out a pastebin.com URL. I need that.23:49
newbie_ubuntuL3top: okay, let me do first23:49
wyldejfreak53: very true, however we should stop before we get slapped with a !ot    lol23:50
jfreak53wylde: ha ha ha true23:50
kxVonhinten: ok probably the easiest solution. also consider using a different distribution if you don't want it to happen again in the future, pragmaticaly23:50
lousygaruaminimec: so ubuntu is now using the intel graphics card, and not the nvidia one. will i feel anything differnet if i use the nvidia with the nouveau? for now i only need simple eyecandy effects for the desktop, no 3d games or whatever (at least for now before nvidia releases the nice cat)23:50
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L3toplousygarua: you are on a laptop with dual GPUs?23:50
wyldeGuest93700: could yopu try to explain a little better?23:50
lousygaruaL3top: yes23:50
L3toplousygarua: checkout bumblebee23:51
Guest93700well i just want to have a handle that isn't Guest9370023:51
L3toplousygarua: It will allow you to switch to whichever one you like23:51
L3topGuest93700: /nick MyNewNickname23:51
wyldeGuest93700:  /msg nickserv help23:51
mouth1are the ati proprietary drivers more stable than the open source?23:51
Guest93700ok thankyou L3top23:51
minimeclousygarua: No. You will be ok with the intel GPU. It works quiet well.23:52
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lousygaruaminimec: L3top: thanks23:52
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christopheiemand met veel ervaring in xubuntu hier23:53
newbie_ubuntuL3top: what is pastebinit for ? :) sorry i dont understand23:53
christophenl ??23:54
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wylde!nl | christophe23:55
ubottuchristophe: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl23:55
L3top!pastebinit | newbie_ubuntu23:55
ubottunewbie_ubuntu: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com23:55
acmeinc1any idea why postfix logs to both mail.log AND syslog?  Would removing *.* from the rsyslog.d rules prevent this?  Would removing *.* prevent other (important) events from logging?23:58
escottacmeinc1, i would guess the answers to that are yes and yes23:59

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