
nilg`hi, how to set append-revisions-only otherwise than at init?05:59
spivWith bzr config06:00
spivSomething like 'bzr config append_revisions_only=true'06:00
nilg`thanks a lot!06:01
nilg`spiv: I've done that on my local branch but how do I do the change on the global one?06:10
nilg`when I try to commit it tells that there is no change to commit06:10
nilg`same thing when I try to push06:11
LarstiQnilg`: you can do `bzr config -d bzr+ssh://server/path/to/remote append_revisions_only=true`06:13
nilg`awesome, thx06:14
LarstiQnilg`: and then when you try to push a change that would reorder commits, you'd get: bzr: ERROR: Operation denied because it would change the main history, which is not permitted by the append_revisions_only setting on branch "/tmp/foo/".06:16
LarstiQnilg`: do you know the `bzr missing` command btw?06:17
nilg`wrong window...06:30
nilg`useful thanks06:32
nilg`hmmm, it didn't work, I can still "violate causality"06:43
LarstiQnilg`: ok, how did you do that?06:52
LarstiQnilg`: does `bzr config -d remote/branch` show append_revisions_only is correctly set?06:54
nilg`it seems so06:56
nilg`  [lp:opencoglp:opencog]06:56
nilg`  append_revisions_only = True06:56
nilg` 06:56
nilg`then I branch a revision before06:58
nilg`bzr branch -r6777 opencog opencog_r677706:58
nilg`(opencog contained lp:opencog actually)06:58
nilg`then committed something so it reaches revision 677806:58
nilg`then bzr merge06:59
nilg`then bzr commit -m "merge"06:59
nilg`and finally bzr push lp:opencog06:59
LarstiQnilg`: what did you merge where?07:00
nilg`now the last commit of the trunk (that was at 6778) has been replaced by my fraudulent commit at r6778 as well + the merge07:00
LarstiQI see07:01
spivappend_revisions_only in locations.conf?  I'm not sure that works07:01
spivIt's a branch.conf thing07:01
LarstiQspiv: aah07:01
LarstiQvila: do you recall config issue with setting branch.conf on lp: ?07:01
spiv(You may also need to double-check I got the config option name correct, I'm not sure how careful 'bzr config' is to warn)07:02
LarstiQspiv: I tested that part locally, it works07:02
nilg`bzr there's something weird with the tag07:02
nilg`see the snippet of bzr config -d lp:opencog that I pasted above07:03
spivnilg`: yes, that's funny too07:03
nilg`ho, lol, I wanted to say BTW, not bzr07:03
spivnilg`: anyhow, try, 'bzr config --scope=branch ...'07:03
spivnilg`: (after all, you presumably want this set for everyone using the branch on LP, not just for yourself)07:04
* spiv -> afk07:04
vilaLarstiQ: well, yeah, but 2.5.0 should have all the fixes07:04
nilg`spiv: in for everybody07:04
vilathe section name is indeed weird but that means it shouldn't apply to *any* branch07:05
vilawhat does 'bzr config -d lp:opencog' display ?07:06
vila(I don't think lp:opencog is even a valid section name....)07:06
nilg`"section name"?07:06
vila[<section name>]07:07
nilg`here's the output of bzr config -d lp:opencog07:11
vilaso, this means 'bzr config' doesn't interpret lp:opencog *at all*,07:12
nilg`so I guess a fix of that would be to take the bzr+ssh... address, right?07:13
vilathere is no 'branch:' part and locations.conf is matched just because the substring appears in the section name07:13
vilabut as spiv mentioned, you'd better set append_revisions_only in the relevant branch.conf07:13
LarstiQnilg`: so for now a workaround is to do that with hitchhiker07:15
LarstiQvila: unless you have a better idea on how to get it set on launchpad?07:15
vilahuh ? If nilg` has write access to the branch, 'bzr config -d bzr+ssh://...' should work just fine07:15
nilg`vila: you mean no need of --scope=branch?07:16
nilg`I do have write access07:16
LarstiQok, so just not use the lp: shorthand07:16
vilayup, by default branch.conf is where the modifications go07:17
vilaLarstiQ: yup07:17
LarstiQand I see bug 957049 is already filed07:18
ubot5Launchpad bug 957049 in Bazaar "bzr config -d lp:bzr is broken" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95704907:18
vilaLarstiQ: ha damn, my memory is flaky coming back from vacations ;(07:19
nilg`bzr config -d lp:opencog is still given me the same output07:19
LarstiQvila: I know the feeling07:19
nilg`even if I set it to false07:19
vilanilg`: don't use the lp: shortcut07:19
LarstiQvila: any idea how to tackle the bug?07:20
nilg`oh, sure...07:21
LarstiQnilg`: right, so `bzr config -d bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/+branch/opencog/`07:21
LarstiQshould now show it07:21
nilg`it does ;-)07:21
LarstiQgood, good :)07:22
LarstiQnilg`: ok, so toggle to true, try the merge test again?07:22
nilg`so before (with lp:opencog) I was writing somewhere else?07:22
LarstiQI'm confident that will work, but better safe than sorry07:22
LarstiQnilg`: yeah, to ~/.bazaar/locations.conf07:22
LarstiQif I'm not mistaken07:23
vilaLarstiQ: from the top of my head, it probably means url aliases should all be tried to match but there are probably nasty fallouts07:23
LarstiQvila: ok07:24
nilg`just to be sure (before I try) http://pastebin.com/BxrAS8vY07:24
LarstiQnilg`: that looks good07:26
nilg`bzr: ERROR: Server sent an unexpected error: ('error', 'AppendRevisionsOnlyViolation', 'Operation denied because it would change the main history, which is not permitted by the append_revisions_only setting on branch "chroot-66248080:///%2Bbranch/opencog/".')07:26
nilg` 07:26
nilg`it works, thanks a lot guys07:26
LarstiQnilg`: sorry it took so long07:26
LarstiQnilg`: for the record, which bzr version are you using?07:27
nilg`Bazaar (bzr) 2.5.007:27
nilg` 07:27
nilg`I can paste the whole output on pastebin if you want07:28
LarstiQnilg`: nah, just wanted to make sure I'm not looking at the wrong version of the code for bughunting07:28
vilanilg`: what would be even better is to https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/957049/+affectsmetoo and explain that the bug leads to a confusing behavior07:29
ubot5Ubuntu bug 957049 in Bazaar "bzr config -d lp:bzr is broken" [High,Confirmed]07:29
* LarstiQ runs the testsuite with a 'directory = directory_service.directories.dereference(directory)' thrown in07:36
mgzmorning all!07:59
LarstiQhey mgz, mgrandi08:15
vilamgz: o/08:18
* vila upgrades his last desktop to precise08:22
mgzvila: when you're done with the upgrade, LarstiQ wants some help writing a config test, see bug 957049 mp09:03
ubot5Launchpad bug 957049 in Bazaar "bzr config -d lp:bzr is broken" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95704909:03
* vila nods @ mgz, LarstiQ09:30
LarstiQvila: cheers. I keep not knowing what to do with the mps, should I resubmit, ask for a new review on this one, submit an entirely new one?09:56
vilaLarstiQ: I think mgz landed it so wait for it to land and submit a new one09:57
mgzhas landed, so a new one is fine09:57
LarstiQk, just a moment09:57
mgzgenerally in response to review comments, just pushing up to the same branch and saying what you've changed in comment is fine09:58
LarstiQmgz: except if it has already landed?09:58
mgzright, but you could still use the same local branch and just push it to a new location on lp09:59
* LarstiQ nods10:00
LarstiQmgz: or well, I'm even using the same branch on lp for https://code.launchpad.net/~larstiq/bzr/xdg-config/+merge/10407810:00
LarstiQand after this I'm _really_ getting lunch :)10:01
vilaLarstiQ: wrong target for the proposal ;) You want 2.5 not trunk ?10:05
LarstiQvila: doh, you are right10:05
vilaLarstiQ: sorry about that ;)10:05
LarstiQvila: np. Just a sec while I retarget10:06
LarstiQvila: done10:07
mgzvila: that branch failed on pqm, or there was some other issue?10:55
vilalet me check10:55
vilahmm, no mail...10:56
vilaha, damn laptop10:57
vilathe mail was blocked locally10:57
natoshaHello.  Is there a more detailed developers guide than http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/developers/HACKING.html ?  Specifically, I am trying to figure out how, internally, Bazaar manages to so gracefully handle case collisions while merging.13:04
natoshaI thought I'd ask here if there is more detailed documentation before starting to look at the source.13:05
wgznatosha: try <http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/developers/case-insensitive-file-systems.html>13:09
natoshawgz, thanks, that gets me closer13:12
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
james_wmaxb, hi, did you re-enable the cron job?14:17
maxbI did14:17
maxbI should have emailed about that14:18
james_wI went to do it and saw it was already done, so wanted to check it was you, or that you knew about it14:18
maxbWe appear to have a new failure kind spiking, unfortunatly14:22
maxbIt looks to me like a bug in bzr-builddeb14:23
maxbWe get a LockContention during a set_tag operation, when it's trying to tag a new upstream version14:23
maxbI'm assuming someone's done something wrong with locking conventions surrounding use of a DistributionBranch14:24
james_wI don't remember any recent changes related to that though?14:25
maxbBut I've had a hard time figuring out exactly what the intended use is, regarding the two trees and two branches you instantiate a DistributionBranch with14:25
james_wnot that I've inspected all the changes closely14:25
maxbI don't either, but we're definitely seeing the rise of a new failure signature14:25
james_w"only" 80 instances, but that's probably just those that have had an update right?14:27
maxbLooks like it. Or, it may only be happening when the importer does a temporary re-import to test a collision14:29
LarstiQnewly exposed failure case maybe?14:30
maxbQuite possibly a codepath walked more in assessing branches newly copied to a new series14:32
james_wis Branch.lock_write() re-entrant?14:34
maxbIf it's re-entrant at all, it would only be on the same Branch object14:49
james_wI'm wondering if it's that we're calling it twice, or that we have two references to the same branch14:50
jamjames_w: lock_write and lock_read are concurrent (you can call lock_read on a branch which is in lock_write state, but you can't call lock_write if it started as lock_read)14:57
james_wjam, what about two lock_writes?14:58
jamjames_w: fine as long as it is the same object, yes14:58
mgzyou're meant to be queening jam!15:02
LarstiQhah :)15:02
* mgz isn't sure what this involves, something strange and dutch15:03
LarstiQmgz: with markets starting at 5 or 6 in the morning at this time of day it's enough to relax :)15:03
mgz...getting up at 5 or 6 to go shopping doesn't sound like a holiday15:04
LarstiQmgz: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koninginnedag#Activities has some hints15:04
LarstiQmgz: shopping? Selling! :)15:04
* LarstiQ heads home15:07
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=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
mgornyis the size information while bzr fetches accurate?19:48
mgornybecause I fail to understand why it downloads 740M (and time it takes suggests it does that indeed) while the resulting repo takes 140M19:49
lifelesswhat network protocol are you using ?19:53
mgornyno firewall so I guess whatever the default is19:58
lifelessmgorny: so that could be either ssh or http depending on whether you've done 'bzr lp-login'19:58
lifelesserm, that might be bzr launchpad-login, I forget.19:58
mgornyno login19:58
lifelessso, its going over HTTP19:58
mgornyand it seems to clone the repo via bzr branch19:59
lifelesswhich means its basically doing a virtual file system access to the branch data.19:59
lifelesslogging in should make it massively faster.19:59
lifelessthe repository may well need a pack as well, if its currently bloated at 700M19:59
mgornybzr does autorepack after fetching?20:00
mgornythe proto seems to be very suboptimal20:00
mgornyand logging in is not a case, unless we're going to force random no of Gentoo users to create launchpad accounts20:01
lifelesswhy would random no of gentoo users be branching in the first place ?20:01
mgornybecause of random no of upstreams using bzr for their programs, and users fetching sources then20:02
lifelesswould tarballs work better for you ?20:02
mgornyfor me yes20:03
mgornyI was mostly wondering whether we are doing something wrong20:03
mgornyI'm a git person and it looks weird to me to use 'branch' command to clone a repo20:03
mgornybut if it's upstream no-repack fault or proto limitation, I guess we can't do much20:03
mgornyjust replace live-source ebuilds with snapshots20:04
lifelessso the smart streaming protocol is much more efficient20:04
lifelessshould get you a tarball20:04
mgornysadly, that won't work for us20:04
mgornybecause tarballs have to be manifested with checksums20:05
mgornyand live tarballs = live checksums20:05
mgornybut we'll try to find something20:05
* mgorny will just run a cruciate for git :P20:05
lifelessso the tarball is 40M20:07
lifelessmuch less data20:07
lifelessyou could create an account for gentoo downloads, with a single shared ssh key, and share that around; a bit awful, but as long as that was never given write privileges probably tolerable20:08
mgornyyes, though about that too. if it's launchpad tolerable then it's probably worth considering. i'd ask someone first to check whether that actually benefits us, however.20:09
mgornythanks for the patience.20:09
lifelesswe have a requested feature to run the streaming protocol over http20:09
lifelessbut noone has had the time to glue it all together.20:10
lifelessthe repository is a bit poorly packed atm, but not -terrible-20:10
lifelessI'd file a bug on bzr, 700M is unreasonable given the size of repository.20:10
lifelessmgorny: ^20:10
mgornyok. I'll just try to get someone to reproduce that first however/20:12
mgornythanks. I'll file it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. good night.20:14
maxbWe have a nasty bug in the Launchpad packaging branch uptodate check that's going to bite everyone accessing a precise branch of anything21:28
maxbApparently the packaging uptodate check doesn't follow stacking properly21:28
fullermdLucky for me I only ever deal with vague branches.21:29

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