
imbrandonhazmat: s3, gonna switch to akamia ( rackspace cloudfiles ) real soon ( probably have the update pushed by uds ) was just talking to Joey and marcoceppi earlier about it00:22
imbrandonreal cdn, faster, same price00:22
imbrandonlots of JS optim comming too00:23
imbrandonnow that the server side is manageable00:23
hazmatimbrandon, cool, although frankly just having more points of presence then s3 eu would be a big win (ie any cdn would be a big improv)00:24
lifelesshazmat: how many pops does s3 eu have ?00:24
hazmatlifeless, doesn't really matter when i'm not in the eu ;-)00:24
imbrandonlifeless: not sure but s3 is only served from the one its stored in00:25
imbrandonunless you use cloudfiles service00:25
hazmator cloudfront00:25
imbrandonthen its more like a cdn , origin pull that uses s3 as origin00:25
imbrandonerr yea cloudfront00:25
imbrandonnames all so close :)00:26
hazmatimbrandon, mix and match clouds is a confusing biz ;-)00:26
imbrandonheh yea00:26
imbrandoni think thats how it may be with omg tho untill we grow00:26
imbrandonOSAPI supprt00:27
imbrandonrack for cdn aws for deploy + s3 db dump backups00:27
imbrandonleaste thats the tentive plan i came up with today00:27
imbrandongotta sell it to the others00:27
imbrandonbut it seems like the right thing for themoment00:28
imbrandonthen when juju can move so can we, ver very easy00:28
imbrandonbut yea we've squeesed pretty much what we're gona get out of pure httpd enhancements out of it, maybe a bit more, but the rest will mostly be code and front end, right now 80% of the page req 0 to done is front end rendering anyhow00:30
imbrandonthus we need to work on the JS badly00:30
imbrandonand thats another place where newrelic shines , man i love that company00:32
imbrandoni'm almost as much a newrelic fanboy as i am apple and github HAHHAHA00:32
imbrandonmonitor.us sup has gotten much better and closer to the newrelic level of service herer reciently too but not had a chance to try it myself yet00:33
lifeless"Unlimited Application Insight at Light Speed!" wtf00:34
imbrandonoh and if you ever consider exceptionhub for a project, dont, not even worth the $9 a quarter it costs00:34
lifelessimbrandon: have you used tracelytics.com ?00:35
imbrandonits so bad i actually started a self hosted opensource version and have it 80% complete, just to spite them00:35
imbrandonlifeless: nah, not heard of them00:35
imbrandongetexceptional and exceptinohub00:35
lifelessimbrandon: js exceptions - I need that glued into LP OOPS someday00:36
imbrandonare the only two that i found quickly that had php api's and js apis00:36
lifelessJust haven't gotten around to it00:36
lifelessalready have analysis console of course ;)00:36
imbrandonlifeless: i can get ya the glue, its very easy00:36
imbrandoni am not great on the py part for lp you smooth the edge on that and i'll snag my bits out and givem to ya, its very simple idea these places do00:37
imbrandononce its caputured its just jsond and compressed then posted to server00:37
imbrandonserver does all the work00:37
lifelessso, basically I need a dict sent to a web service00:38
lifelessdescribes the keys we use today00:38
lifelessthey are all optional but the more the better00:38
imbrandonoh thats not many00:38
imbrandoni was expecting 5400:39
lifelesswe use bson for the rabbitmq glue / disk store -  (but json would be fine too, obviously can't do binary in that case)00:39
imbrandonyea, well there might be a lib but it would add weight to the thing00:39
imbrandonnot sure if the diff is worth it00:39
lifelessI'd use json to start with00:39
lifelesslingua franca of the open web00:40
imbrandonwouldent be hard to try / untry once in plkace anyhow00:40
lifelessok, time to put on the hacking music and put my head down for a bit.00:40
imbrandonyea every place i seen just gzip encodes a json req, no matter how the lang glue captures the exceptions00:40
imbrandonthen posts it, server gunzip's ties to an accounts sent with the api key00:41
imbrandonand stuffed into a db for analytics later00:41
lifelessso id is a guid or other random thing00:43
* imbrandon really needs to bytes the bullet and get comfy with python, i mean i know the basics , honestly more than some novices i know but still .... mid-newyears resolution ? heh00:43
lifelessreporter should be configurable, e.g. LP would use 'Launchpad-js-prod'00:43
lifelesstopic would probably be also configurable (e.g. LP might supply the topic in the page body, for correlation purposes)00:44
lifelessditto branch_nick and revno, LP would inject that00:44
imbrandonis the send bits i would convert to yer need00:44
imbrandonto give ya an idea00:45
lifelessok, well I have one other thing I *have* to get done today00:45
lifelessI might whip up the web service end of this after that, can't promise it tho. we'll see.00:45
imbrandonyea i'll much with this inbetween my charms , i never speed too much at one moment , task flip00:45
imbrandonsure thing00:46
imbrandonit is very very nice once its even half way in place tho00:46
imbrandonits like, man why did i never do this 5 years ago00:47
lifelessthe zope and django versions are invaluable, key tools in LP problem diagnosis00:47
imbrandonzope /me runnnnnnnnnns00:48
imbrandonlol jk00:48
lifelesshttps://errors.ubuntu.com/ uses a common substrate00:48
imbrandonisnt LP based on zope heavily, or was to begin with ?00:48
lifelessyes, LP was one of the first zope3 things built00:48
imbrandonohhhh nice00:48
imbrandon( the ui )00:48
lifelessI wouldn't advise folk to get into zope3 tho00:49
lifelessit meets a very niche set of requirements00:49
imbrandonheh nah, that enews i just converted , well reimplmented was zope something, bnever looked at the code only the business req , into drupal00:49
imbrandonfun fun00:49
imbrandonwas solid and working for 10+ years tho00:49
imbrandonprior to them contracting me to do that00:50
lifelessprob zope2 then00:50
lifelessdifferent beast00:50
imbrandonif you can tell from output its http://enews.penton.com00:50
lifelessmany things inherited from, but many different and no necessarily better :P)00:50
imbrandonmine is http://enewspro.penton.com ;)00:50
lifeless  Server: Zope/(Zope 2.7.4-0, python 2.3.5, linux2) ZServer/1.100:51
lifelessthe pro one wants a pasword :>00:51
imbrandonyea i never even had to open the code on that one, year long project with 6 guys under me full time00:51
imbrandonstill never touched it00:52
imbrandononly the brd00:52
imbrandoni was happy00:52
imbrandonoh yea , prod i dont have a pass for00:52
imbrandonyou could hit http://dev.enews-pro.gotpantheon.com00:52
imbrandonand use "admin" and "admin1"00:52
imbrandon:) super secure00:52
imbrandondev server00:52
lifelessContent Encoding Error00:53
lifeless      00:53
lifeless      00:53
lifeless      00:53
lifeless      00:53
lifeless      00:53
lifeless        00:53
lifeless        00:54
lifeless          The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.00:54
imbrandonand no i dident pick the pink and blue, it was handed to me, i only was tech engagement lead , e.g. head coder with ass on line00:54
imbrandonwhat browser ?00:54
imbrandonjust a norm one ?00:54
lifelessAccept-Encoding:gzip, deflate00:54
lifelessyeah, normal00:54
imbrandonnever had that from anyone else but the dev is on totaly diff hardware / software than stage and prod too00:55
imbrandondev == some funky outsourced nginx from india with mongodb cache00:55
lifelessctrl-shift-refresh fixed it00:55
imbrandonstage and prod was in house over there00:55
imbrandonahh prob tried to send gz headers without telling ya00:56
imbrandonfirst time00:56
imbrandonor somethn00:56
imbrandonanyhow its a pretty simple app, build out newsletters that go out daily for 100+ subcompanies00:56
imbrandonsomething like 1.3 mil email a month from that thing00:57
imbrandonand its really justa wysiwyg editor for a farm of F5's blasting constantly00:57
imbrandonwell only prod, dev wont actually send anything00:57
imbrandonlegs cut out from it on back end00:58
imbrandonit thinks it does tho :)00:58
imbrandonbut yea all UI choices on that were not me at all00:58
imbrandoni mean i put theme there but was handed them00:58
imbrandonand not input on changing them00:58
imbrandonbut yea pretty much all functional code there i either wrote or designed and hand picked the dev to complete it00:59
imbrandonthen did the review for merge00:59
imbrandonalong with anothre trusted senior dev00:59
imbrandonto check me own arse00:59
imbrandonconsidering how much that thing sends tho, and then archives forever ( in an archive db but same ui)01:00
imbrandonis impressive to me even having done it01:00
imbrandonthe real ones probably been in production full blast since mid january and i bet arround 5 to 8 mill nodes already are in the archives01:01
imbrandonbut i finished the proj and opted to find another late feb01:02
imbrandonso not 100% on that one01:02
imbrandondev is on my farmed out server btw, your not hackin the gibson :)01:02
imbrandoni need to take the code down really01:03
imbrandonyea so if you ever get an "Industry" news letter of some type , like trucker magazine or Win SQLPro01:05
imbrandonlook at the bottom for "Penton Media" its those freaks01:06
imbrandonthey own like every industry mag possible and are borderline spammers, legit but only barely thus me choosing to move on once the projcet was in a state i did not mind handing it off01:07
imbrandonmmmm i do like that ui alot ( not meaning the standard ubuntu branding parts, altho those are bad ) but what chart widge/lib/whatever is thaty01:10
imbrandonis it open ? or avail at least ?01:10
imbrandonwould be kinda nice to grab some of the new relic info and snaitize it then use that to represent it via their api01:11
imbrandoninstead of the embed charts the giv01:11
imbrandonwas gonna use google charts but that looks much slicker and dont make my cpu fan kick on01:11
lifelessimbrandon: yes, all open01:12
imbrandonnice i'll have to add that to my note pad to check out later then01:12
* imbrandon keeps a oldschool pen and paper otherise shiney would overule work01:13
imbrandonfor todo's later in the week01:13
lifelessSpamapS: land your patch01:13
lifelessSpamapS: for txaws01:13
imbrandonwow wait a min, LP is fully open now ?01:14
imbrandonwow i really need to get out of my little hole in the sand and look around a bit01:14
lifelessLP has been fully open for a few years01:15
imbrandonSpamapS: is awsome even deployable, i cant find any actual code or instuctions to piece existing code togather if i wanted to use it01:15
imbrandonlifeless: yea, just now noticing, how dumb of me01:16
* imbrandon rembers when some ppl would sign nda's to help with it prior 01:16
imbrandoninfact william grant, isnt he on the LP team now01:16
imbrandonbah, JS code01:17
lifelesshe is01:17
imbrandoncool yea he was an execlent contrib when we used to be on the same bits of ubuntu working01:18
imbrandonglad for him01:18
imbrandonvery young too iirc ( well then , likely a full man now )01:18
imbrandonlifeless: ohh this is much easier than i thought it would be01:19
imbrandoni _might_ have this ready in just a few01:20
imbrandondef not long tho01:20
imbrandon$json_ret = $u->url_get_contents($apiurl);01:32
imbrandonlifeless: i got to run for a bit, promised someone id help them IRL for a few , ive got a good chunk of this ripped out , its pretty isolated to begin with as i builts it from 2 or 3 others ideas i had evaluated, anyhow i'll jot ya an email if your not around when i get back02:08
imbrandonprobably only an hour or so02:08
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SpamapSlifeless: I thought I did05:10
SpamapSlifeless: I don't see any pending reviews for txaws anyway05:15
bkerensaSpamapS: can you have a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~bkerensa/charms/precise/locker/trunk05:17
bkerensaI have a bug open for it05:17
SpamapSbkerensa: you might not have noticed this, but precise's nodejs is only one patch level behind upstream05:22
bkerensaSpamapS: oh05:22
SpamapSbkerensa: I bet you can use the stock nodejs/npm from precise05:22
bkerensaSpamapS: Yeah I will go ahead and fix that05:23
SpamapSbkerensa: also you open port 8042 twice. The one after 'start' is far more appropriate :)05:23
SpamapSbkerensa: other than that it looks pretty clean. :) You may want to explain in the README that scaling out is not possible.05:25
SpamapSanyway, about to pass out.. so tired05:26
lifelessSpamapS: the indicators one ?05:35
lifelessSpamapS: if so, cool05:35
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SpamapSlifeless: yeah, in trunk aws-status is an indicator now :)13:36
_mup_Bug #991980: Oneiric official branches are all locked <Juju Charms Collection:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/991980 >14:29
senior7515SpamapS: did you guys, for lack of better word, push the precise charms to the correct repo?14:50
senior7515with m_314:51
m_3senior7515: yes, the lp:charms/hadoop is in the right place... and no, we haven't deprecated lp:charms/hadoop-{master,slave,mapreduce} yet14:59
m_3senior7515: those were the ones you were interested in right?  I recommend using lp:charms/hadoop on precise15:00
m_3senior7515: that combo passed basic tests this morning15:01
senior7515m_3: thanks a lot.15:01
senior7515about to do some testing on that.15:01
m_3senior7515: cool... lemme know how it goes.  love to know more about your project sometime too if it's not proprietary15:03
senior7515m_3: basically just trying to compute averages of a large mongo collection on the fly..15:04
senior7515averages per day, hour, month, year, graphs, etc.15:04
m_3senior7515: oh cool... are you planning to fork the lp:charms/hadoop to work with mongo?  it's pure hdfs atm15:05
senior7515well, not sure how this works yet.. :) But basically there is this mongo-hadoop lib15:06
senior7515you drop it in the jar directory of hadoop15:07
m_3senior7515: shouldn't be too much work... just thinking offhand... mongo's pretty easy to work with in general, and the mongo charm manages replsets pretty well15:07
senior7515and it gives you a streaming api15:07
m_3awesome!... yeah, then that shouldn't be hard to change the charm to do then15:07
senior7515ohh i see, is a charm some sort of config file ?15:08
m_3senior7515: it might even make sense to make that a config option in the primary hadoop charm... have to think about it15:08
senior7515m_3: any idea why juju ssh doesn't work ?15:09
m_3senior7515: yeah, poke around in the charm... the key places to look are the hook/install and hook/datanode-relation-changed15:09
m_3no clue... there are several situations where 'juju ssh' can be broken depending on your provider15:10
m_3this is more a problem with the bare metal or openstack providers15:10
senior7515i'm on ec215:10
m_3ec2 and lxc providers shouldn't have that problem15:10
m_3ah, then you should be good15:10
senior7515it doesn't work though :)15:10
m_3make sure your client version is up to date and matches what your environments.yaml says for 'juju-origin'15:11
m_3i.e., both should be 'distro' or both should be 'ppa'15:12
senior7515ohh k cheking15:12
senior7515m_3: sooo question what does it mean that the client matches juju-origin. I mean I only have one env set up 'prod' and it has juju-origin:distro15:14
senior7515what else should be there ?15:14
senior7515i just did an update on the system and didn't update juju… so I assumed is up to date15:14
m_3ah, so on your client machine you can install juju from the universe archives (just apt-get install juju)15:14
m_3or from a ppa (a more recent version of juju)15:15
senior7515I did… my client is a server on ec2 cuz the mac juju is broken .. I reported the bug15:15
senior7515but besides the point15:15
senior7515is updated from the ppa15:15
senior7515the client machine is 10.04.4 LTS soo I had to use the ppa15:16
m_3ah, ok... then if you're client machine is installed from the ppa, then your environment.yaml file should have 'juju-origin: ppa'15:16
m_3this makes sure that the version on your client matches the version installed on the instances15:16
m_3shouldn't matter too much, but that might explain an ssh breakage15:17
m_3if your client is on ec2, then I recommend precise15:17
m_310.04 is pretty old for juju15:17
senior7515hmm i see...15:17
m_3safer route to take... especially if you spun it up just for this... definitely use precise15:18
senior7515ok got you.. soo basically spawn up precise new instance. install juju there…15:18
senior7515will it reattach to the hadoop-master/015:19
senior7515if I do juju bootstrap ?15:19
senior7515k so changing to ppa didn't work, spawning new instance for juju15:22
senior7515so basically  juju is a client, and it also spawns a server on ec2 or whatev… with juju software installed. so the client sends commands to the juju server that it spawns and then it does the dirty work of installing and configuring instances etc ?15:23
m_3senior7515: safest, if you can do it, is just drop it all... then spin up a precise client... then bring up a new stack of services based on the lp:charms/hadoop charm.. and test from there15:23
senior7515will do. then...15:23
m_3senior7515: yes, great description15:23
senior7515ok off to killing and spawning15:26
m_3that's totally my life lately... waiting on ec2 :)15:27
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senior7515m_3: soo ok I finally terminated everything and i'm up and running with juju server and client installed on precise16:13
senior7515do I just do juju deploy hadoop-master ?16:13
senior7515or I have to clone the charms repo16:13
senior7515and install from a local dir ?16:13
m_3senior7515: sorry.. in a meeting atm... clone lp:charms/hadoop, not hadoop-master16:15
m_3the one hadoop charm itself is the one to use16:15
m_3the README file in lp:charms/hadoop has some great walkthroughts16:16
* m_3 finding link16:16
m_3senior7515: ^^16:17
m_3senior7515: and http://jujucharms.com/charms/precise/hadoop16:18
m_3the last link shows the README with the examples16:18
* m_3 gotta run16:18
senior7515m_3: thanks a lot!16:19
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jcastroarosales: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sprints/uds-q?searchtext=juju17:36
jcastroarosales: ok so I made all the juju sessions people wanted17:36
jcastrobut then I realized that I have super launchpad powers so they become autoapproved.17:36
m_3jcastro: thanks man!17:36
jcastroarosales: what's supposed to happen is you need to approve the ones under servercloud-q-juju17:36
* arosales is looking17:37
jcastroso I think to make up for that you can just tell me which juju ones you think you'd like to see consolidated, etc.17:37
jcastroor if you think they're good to go17:37
jcastrothe only one I'm confused about is this intelligent brain thing17:37
arosales17 for servercloud track . . .17:37
jcastrom_3: ^^^ more PhD  research? :)17:38
arosalesjcastro: does that fit into the schedule ok?17:38
jcastroyep, it does17:38
m_3jcastro: can you kill the first versions "/juju" of the two blueprints that were already there?17:38
jcastroI think I'd rather overbook a little bit because we can always say "we don't need this, remove it." on the fly17:38
arosalesjcastro: if it fits into the schedule ok, its ok with me.17:38
jcastrowhereas "oh no we need to find room for 5 more sessions this week" would be tough17:38
m_3jcastro: that stuff's just about autoscaling tools17:38
m_3we can bump it to next series if you want17:38
m_3people have been asking for it17:39
arosalesm_3: and SpamapS probably have a better pulse on things that can consolidated though17:39
jcastrom_3: done17:39
jcastrom_3: ok I can fix the description so that's more obvious17:39
m_3by all means17:40
arosalesare these dups?17:40
jcastrothe first one is for the wrong project, I just declined it17:40
jcastroso we're good17:40
arosalesjcastro: same with https://blueprints.launchpad.net/juju/+spec/servercloud-q-juju-integration17:41
m_3arosales: yeah, I'd mistakenly put them under /juju instead of /ubuntu17:41
arosalesand https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/servercloud-q-juju-integration17:41
jcastroyep, killed that one too17:41
arosalesah ok17:41
jcastroI just refiled them under ubuntu that's why they're there, though I wonder why LP doesn't drop them from the list17:41
arosalesjcastro: thanks for documenting those blueprints17:42
m_3hulk should be happier now17:42
jcastropro tip for you guys:17:42
jcastroalways schedule early, even if the bp is empty.17:42
m_3he's totally gotta be watching for that name now :)17:42
jcastrobecause when the slots fill you are doomed17:42
jcastroso I like to claim my space early17:42
m_3jcastro: good to know17:42
jcastrothen go back and fill it with content, agenda, etc.17:42
arosalesjcastro: thanks for the info, that makes sense17:43
jcastrom_3: when these schedule in about 15 minutes, what you'll want to do17:43
jcastrois go into each session from the schedule17:43
jcastroand like, layout an agenda and stuff17:43
arosalesjcastro: if we need to we can shorten the mysql ultils session to just one hour.17:43
jcastrom_3: that way you can just walk into the session and know what to do, as I always forget and UDS is a brain shuffling spaz fest, so I put my notes in the etherpad before I get on the plane.17:44
arosalesjcastro: if servercloud spots become crampe17:44
m_3jcastro: you're critical in a couple of those too17:44
jcastroi've criticalled you guys on some of mine as well17:45
jcastroarosales: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/2012-05-07/display17:45
jcastrolooks like only about 1/3 of the rooms have been booked per hour17:45
jcastroso we should be good17:45
arosalesjcastro: ok, thanks.17:45
jcastroarosales: I'm going to try to make Thursday as juju empty as I can so we can have time for contest/demo planning, etc.17:46
m_3yeah, we totally have a lot of overlap17:46
jcastroI'm just waiting an hour for the schedule to settle, then I'll make ours nice and smooth17:46
m_3charm release process -vs- charmstore maintenance17:46
m_3juju best practices -vs- charm workflow17:47
jcastroI want workflow to be more about fixing the 10 step process17:47
jcastrothan the actual best practices for authors17:47
* m_3 just wants to go to desktop icon sessions all week17:48
arosalesjcastro: cool, thanks.17:48
arosalesjcastro: also it looks like http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/meeting/20357/servercloud-q-cloud-imgages/17:48
arosalesis having some issues17:48
arosalesI think utlemming filed a bug17:48
arosalesits linking to the wrong blueprints, and thus not scheduling with the correct folks who have limited availabilit17:49
jcastroI think the misspelling threw it off at first, I'll check17:49
arosalesjcastro: thanks for taking a look.17:50
arosalesjcastro: if need be, can we manually move it to monday or tuesday17:50
arosalesjcastro:  thanks for all help, and documenting the juju blueprints17:51
jcastroarosales: tuesday, 16:1517:54
arosalesI think that works, I'll confirm with utlemming in ubuntu-server17:55
m_3jcastro: there were two on charm testing... James had a charm-testing in general18:01
m_3in addition to the unit-tests18:01
jcastrom_3: oh those I combined, you need them seperate?18:01
m_3no, combined is fine with me18:02
m_3also juju-upstart-integration was william's...18:02
m_3don't know if James added himself on that or you did18:02
m_3jcastro: Barton's asking for you18:05
jcastrook, hopping on18:05
m_3you need the #?18:05
flepiedhow can we customize the installed packages on all systems ? to use a configuration engine like puppet or chef, I need it pre-installed on all system...18:11
m_3flepied: it's easy to add to the top of the install hook... there're discussions of adding some packages to metadata, but it's easy to do in the install hook18:13
m_3flepied: you can add ppas or other package sources there too.. it's just shell script18:14
flepiedm_3, I don't want to do apt-get in the install hook, I want to use puppet for example...18:15
m_3flepied: right, I'm saying you can bootstrap puppet in the install hook18:15
m_3that's easy with puppet... chef's a little more work, but it's easy to add too18:16
adam_gjimbaker: i saw something in my scrollback re that relation-get bug i hit last week. has that landed yet?18:17
flepiedm_3, in which install hook ?18:17
m_3flepied: actually, that might make a great subordinate charm...18:18
m_3that can be deployed alongside of any charm18:19
m_3flepied: but note that juju does the "service orchestration" or coordination... best integration so far is puppet in masterless or chef in solo mode18:19
m_3flepied: this is a topic for the ubuntu developer summit next week18:19
m_3flepied: (juju integration in general)18:20
m_3capistrano's in there too18:20
jimbakeradam_g, not yet18:20
jimbakerhowever, you can try out that branch and see that it works for you or not - i just need to add appropriate testing before it can land18:21
adam_gjimbaker: ah, ok. sounds good18:21
jimbakeradam_g, you can try out a version of the change in lp:~jimbaker/juju/debug-relation-hook-context, just set juju-origin as usual18:22
flepiedm_3, I don't think it will work to use a subordinate as it will be too late to be able to use puppet to install what is needed18:23
m_3flepied: we have charms that apply puppet manifests from within hooks18:25
m_3that works great18:25
m_3especially with templates18:25
m_3"install" hooks are called before "started" hooks18:26
m_3so you can make sure anything you need is in there18:26
flepiedm_3, yes but if you want to use puppet to have system independence then you don't want to install it via apt-get as it'll break this independence18:28
m_3flepied: sorry, not sure I understand18:28
m_3flepied: install hooks can install stuff from other gems or even directly from github for that matter18:29
m_3flepied: jenkins is a good example where the install source is a config parameter for the charm18:30
m_3flepied: something similar can be done with the puppet install itself18:30
flepiedm_3, I have an example here: https://code.launchpad.net/~flepied/charms/precise/mongodb/puppet18:32
m_3flepied: yeah, I see18:34
m_3certainly putting something in the metadata that's a pre-dep of the charm would be a nice feature for this18:34
m_3but you could certainly install puppet and deps at the top of the install hook18:35
m_3packages or from a frozen repo18:35
m_3there's some way to do a preseed for the cloud images too18:35
m_3(that's used in MaaS)18:35
m_3but that depends on your provider... I've been thinking in this conversation we've been talking about ec218:36
flepiedm_3, yes but I would like to have the charm independent from the system to ease the adoption of juju from other systems than apt based ones18:36
adam_gsupport for user-definied cloud-init /w juju would be great here :)18:36
m_3adam_g: yup18:36
flepiedadam_g, yes that's what I would like18:36
m_3flepied: until then, I'm thinking the install hook installs from other than apt packages18:37
m_3but add a bug request for it unless it's already there18:37
adam_gflepied: this is obviously a chicken and the egg scenario.  if you don't have control over your machine to provider to have that installed pre-juju, you'll need to install it manually in the install hook18:37
flepiedadam_g, I could be cool  to find a way to add a script to be run at provision time imho18:38
m_3flepied: oh, one other option18:38
adam_gflepied: and if you're really running this on multiple distros, that would be the only distro-specific bit in any of your hooks (if puppet is used everywhere else). a  simple shell switch statement would be easy to install using the correct package manager18:39
m_3you can specify ami... so that can be custom if you want... not a good answer, but...18:39
adam_gflepied: is this EC2 or ?18:39
flepiedadam_g, no just a general question about juju18:39
m_3again, jenkins is a good example of that config18:40
flepiedm_3, jenkins install hook uses apt-get so I don't get where it solve the indepence issue18:41
m_3flepied: one of its options is installing directly from upstream18:43
m_3we have ones that use tarballs even18:43
m_3but it's an easy switch18:43
m_3that's configurable in config.yaml18:43
m_3(first entry in jenkins config.yaml iirc)18:44
flepiedm_3, I don't see it but I think it'll not solve the issue for system independence as we need to bootstrap the configuration engine from what is already installed18:46
flepiedand it'll not always be possible18:48
adam_gflepied: forgetting about juju, how do you usually ensure puppet is installed pre-first boot?  i've always used cloud-init18:49
flepiedadam_g, yes and I think we need the same thing in juju18:52
flepiedspecified at the environment level18:52
adam_gflepied: so (on ec2) either a custom AMI with puppet pre-installed, or a way to add that package to what gets installed via the cloud-init Juju generates?18:55
flepiedadam_g, yes that would be cool for all the providers18:56
_mup_Bug #992153 was filed: juju deploy stuck on Starting container... <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/992153 >19:31
senior7515m_3: are you around ?20:35
senior7515m_3: sorry had to fix a bug in prod :) back to devops.20:35
senior7515m_3: soo this line doesn't work any ideas.. I can post my juju status if that helps but the machines deployed correctly is just the names that dont' work juju add-relation hadoop-master:namenode hadoop-slavecluster:datanode20:36
senior7515actually the last thing could be answered by anyone, posting my status… 2 secs20:36
senior7515i deleted the dns names but other than that20:38
senior7515I'm not sure why associating the nodes don't work.20:39
senior7515perhaps spamaps knows :)20:39
m_3senior7515: it looks like you're still trying to deploy using the hadoop-master charm20:39
m_3senior7515: you need a single charm for hadoop... lp:charms/hadoop... nothing else20:40
m_3senior7515: you deploy it according to instructions in the README for that charm20:40
senior7515hmmm yeah20:40
m_3the "hadoop-master" that it references is just the service _name_, not the charm20:40
senior7515ohhh lol20:40
senior7515you are right20:40
m_3it's still just deployed from the lp:charms/hadoop20:41
m_3there's a big difference between the two20:41
senior7515sweet thanks. err.. that was silly of me.20:41
m_3senior7515: cool!20:41
m_3senior7515: np.. it's confusing... we need to figure out the best way to deprecate charms20:41
* m_3 note to self to try to really prevent charm renaming :)20:42
senior7515hehe soo this command is awesome juju destroy-environment20:42
senior7515hmm wished amazon was faster20:46
senior7515m_3: ok soo that was easier.. all I had to do was copy and paste the commands and add —repositry ~/charms … sweet. soo when I expose it20:47
senior7515do I just expose the master ? right20:47
senior7515or I need to expose all of them20:47
nathwillhey all, having a bit of a problem with juju becoming confused when trying to process config values of either "YES" or "NO" (puts them out as "True","False", then chokes), no matter what i set the config key type as "string", "boolean", even tried regex, with validator 'YES|NO'20:53
nathwillis this something worth reporting a bug about? or is this expected behavior?20:53
nathwilli.e. here's the charm that works fine on its own, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~nathwill/charms/precise/vsftpd/trunk/files, and here's a config override that makes juju blow up: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/958460/20:56
m_3senior7515: only expose master yes21:06
senior7515ohh ok how to unexpose.. :)21:06
senior7515i exposed all21:07
m_3nathwill: yes, it's expected behavior, and yes perhaps it's something to report a bug about21:07
m_3senior7515: actually, I have no idea21:07
m_3senior7515: i'd have to look... one sec21:07
nathwillm_3, ok. i'll send in a bug report...21:07
senior7515just that21:07
senior7515juju unexpose21:07
senior7515i think21:07
senior7515i just looked at the help21:08
senior7515but will it be able to communicate between master and slaves21:08
senior7515without exposed ports ?21:08
senior7515that's cool21:08
m_3nathwill: I find it quite annoying myself21:09
m_3nathwill: strict type checking for no real reason21:10
m_3senior7515: expose is just to the outside world... within ec2 they can talk to each other21:10
senior7515ohh cool… soo i basically never have to expose21:10
senior7515anything if all my stuff runs on ec221:11
senior7515except 80 or whatev I need cool good to know21:11
_mup_Bug #992237 was filed: juju fails to override charm config correctly when values are "YES" or "NO", treats as boolean even when setting type as string <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/992237 >21:29
senior7515how does one install more than one pakcage in a host22:10
senior7515say I deploy package x22:10
senior7515then I also want package/charm y on the same host that x deployed ?22:10
chmacCan I use juju to install a handful of applications, users, etc on a standalone dedicated server? Like puppet / chef?22:14
chmacOk, not yet according to my reading of the FAQ22:22
=== avalanche123|w is now known as avalanche123
senior7515err… after reading faq.. only one service per machine22:29
m_3senior7515: you can deploy some services subordinate to others on the same machine, but not two primary services22:48
m_3senior7515: it's for things like loggers, monitors, storage clients, etc22:48
senior7515m_3: ahh how come ? just haven't gotten around or something purposely not included ? perhaps dependency management is a pain.. dunno.22:52
m_3senior7515: subordinate services just landed a couple of weeks ago22:57
m_3senior7515: lots of stuff that we have planned for development22:58
senior7515m_3: is it possible to deploy hadoop on one computer for dev only ?23:50
senior7515with juju ?23:50
senior7515the instructions add up a bunch of nodes23:50
senior7515not sure if possible23:50

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