
=== ybit is now known as dailybitcoins
=== dailybitcoins is now known as ybit
Riddellgooten morgan07:57
tazzo/ Riddell 07:59
tazzshadeslayer, ping07:59
Tm_TRiddell: this morgan? http://www.morgan-motor.co.uk/07:59
Riddellno no, I prefer this morgan http://www.mackenzie-morgan.com/08:01
shadeslayertazz: yes?08:01
Tm_TRiddell: (:08:02
=== shadeslayer changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu: (Blue) Friendly Computing | Bug hunting: http://ur1.ca/8kam4 | http://ur1.ca/8kamo TODOs! | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/UDSQSeries
=== jacky is now known as JackyAlcine
=== JackyAlcine is now known as jacky
BluesKajHi all12:58
=== yofel_ changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu: (Blue) Friendly Computing | Bug hunting: http://ur1.ca/8kam4 | http://ur1.ca/8kamo TODOs! | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/UDSQSeries | 4.8.3: http://notes.kde.org/kubuntu-ninjas
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
yofelpad cleared for 4.8.3, I put only precise there as for quantal I would just s/precise/quantal/ - please don't forget the SRU versioning13:40
ubottuNinja Time! apachelogger, bulldog98, debfx, JontheEchidna, Lex79, maco, neversfelde, nhandler, Quintasan, rgreening, Riddell, ScottK, stalcup, txwikinger, yofel13:40
Riddelloh it's out?13:40
yofelyeah, except for kdemultimedia it seems13:41
debfxRiddell: could you please sponsor my cmake merge: http://people.ubuntu.com/~debfx/cmake_2.8.8-2ubuntu1_source.changes13:59
Riddelldebfx: into where?14:00
Riddellis it open?14:01
Riddelloh yeah https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2012-April/000955.html14:01
debfxyep it just opened14:03
debfxRiddell: thanks14:13
Riddelltell me that's the first upload to quantel we just made...14:13
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
bulldog98yofel: do you do the libs?14:23
* bulldog98 hasn’t time for ~5h to do something14:24
=== James1479 is now known as James147
jussiRiddell: it seems the kmix bug is fix commited, can we pull it in as an SRU?17:00
Riddellhope so (but I can't today)17:02
yofelok, kdemultimedia tarball fixed17:03
BluesKajyofel, reinstall kubuntu-restricted-extras , or will the change be reflected in the repos ?17:54
shadeslayeryofel: are we building 4.8.3 for Quantal first?18:16
shadeslayeror directly precise18:17
shadeslayer( notes say precise, just want to confirm )18:17
yofelbuild it for precise, we can upload to quantal, but doing the packaging twice isn't worth it at this point IMO18:20
yofelprecise is more urgent18:20
CIA-42[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kdelibs] Philip Muškovac * 407 * debian/ (7 files in 2 dirs) * New upstream release - Drop kubuntu_fix_nepomuk_utils_crash.diff, applied upstream - Add new symbols to libkdecore5.symbols and libkdewebkit5.symbols - Update kdelibs5-dev.install and kdelibs5-experimental-dev.install18:21
yofelkdelibs up18:21
yofelshadeslayer: just remember to use the right version for precise18:22
shadeslayeryofel: isn't meta-kde up yet?18:23
yofelin a few sec18:23
shadeslayerah ok18:23
CIA-42[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/meta-kde] Philip Muškovac * 34 * debian/ (changelog rules) Bump KDE version to 4.8.318:25
CIA-42[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/oxygen-icons] Philip Muškovac * 97 * debian/changelog New upstream release19:16
ScottKyofel: For quantal, please change boost versions to 1.49 from 1.46.21:01
CIA-42[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/okular] Jonathan Kolberg * 28 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release21:46
CIA-42[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kdepimlibs] Philip Muškovac * 167 * debian/ (changelog control) * New upstream release * Rebuild for .pot generation21:48
bulldog98yofel: btw do we bump the deps in control nowadays?21:50
yofelwell, kde-sc-dev-latest at least21:50
bulldog98ah ok that’s still in the kgetsource stuff21:50
bulldog98yofel: upload as ubuntu0.1~ppa1 ?21:51
bulldog98ok I changed that in kgetsource :)21:51
CIA-42[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kate] Jonathan Kolberg * 61 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release21:57
bulldog98yofel: any idea how to fix http://paste.kde.org/466340/ (kdegraphics-mobipocket)22:03
yofelsorry, not now. Headache blocking my brain -.-22:05
bulldog98yofel: in smokegen should I add /usr/lib/libcppparser.so to not-installed, since it’s a private lib?22:05
bulldog98shadeslayer: any idea how to fix http://paste.kde.org/466340/ (kdegraphics-mobipocket)22:06
yofelmore like dev-symlink22:06
yofeladd it to not-installed22:06
CIA-42[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/smokegen] Jonathan Kolberg * 28 * debian/changelog * New upstream release - added libcppparser.so to not-installed22:10
* yofel is off to bed - good night22:13
bulldog98yofel: g822:13
CIA-42[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/libkdeedu] Jonathan Kolberg * 30 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release22:17
CIA-42[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/analitza] Jonathan Kolberg * 12 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release22:23
CIA-42[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/cantor] Jonathan Kolberg * 24 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release22:34
bulldog98so I’m off for this night22:47

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