
malinI have to do more of this tomorrow. Need som sleep00:04
highvoltagemalin: ok, thanks for checking and finding the problem!00:07
pc-moonhow to assign manual IP address on ubontu05:32
malinhighvoltage: It's working again. The problem was in the setup.py  I wrote the install-path wrong after trying to change it. The latest review should work09:15
dholbachI just filed https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-q-myapps-review12:39
dholbachand thought you'd be interested in it12:39
dholbachluckily achuni found that I had proposed it for 'uds-p' instead of 'uds-q' :-)12:53
dholbachwendar, I removed the statement about "90% of time" (regarding reviewing and /opt)12:59
dholbachin https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OptRequirement12:59
highvoltage👍/me likes that13:20
dholbachthanks highvoltage for your tweet :)13:22
highvoltageyeah I just found out that I can't display this unicode character for some reason :( http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/1f44d/index.htm13:23
malinhighvoltage: Do you have any time to test my lens again? The bug was that the install-path neede to be acurate, and not relative13:33
dholbachalso I just put together https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/ubuntu-app-packaging-requirements14:08
highvoltagemalin: I'll have in a few minutes :)14:54
malinhighvoltage: thanx16:14
highvoltagemalin: is it updated in your ppa or should I get it from bzr?16:15
malinit,s upd*ted in ppa16:15
malinand about it. If i change it/upgrade it later how does that work?16:16
highvoltageupdates / changes are easier than getting it in in the first place16:16
malincause I am planning two maijor updates and some few changes in the future :)16:19
highvoltageok, no problem at all. good that you let us know anyway :)16:19
malindon't knowe when, cause I am going into an exam-period now16:20
highvoltageooh, I get the tooltip help text now!16:22
highvoltageand it even gives me the results or moholt til sentrum :)16:22
highvoltagemalin: ok, I'm going to push it over to the arb staging ppa, then put it up for a vote, I know some people are traveling today/tomorrow so it might cause a slight delay, but I'll give them some pokes16:23
malinthank you. Cool. That means it works again :)16:25
highvoltagemalin: would it be ok if I remove the "-0" out of the version number so that it's 0.9.2~34~precise1 instead?16:30
highvoltage(and is the ~34 also needed?)16:31
highvoltageah, nevermind16:33
malinyeah. I have wondered how to fix it actually16:41
malinthe ~34 is not needed it,s just the revision. I think launchpad buld does make it16:42
malinwrote on my N900. Back on my computer now.16:44
malinIf it is easy to explain how to make it build as a version: x.x.x~precise116:44
malinI would like to know how :)16:45
malinhighvoltage: does it means it could be ready in a week ?17:40
highvoltagemalin: I'd say worst case in a week17:42
highvoltagemalin: I've put out the email for a vote, I know that 1 person is traveling today and won't be able to read mail or review packages17:42
highvoltagemalin: but my current estimate is end of wednesday17:43
malinhighvoltage: okey :) just curious :)17:48
highvoltagemalin: no problem, thanks for your enthusiasm and follow-through :)17:53
malinhighvoltage: :) I really appreciate the work the ubuntu-community do :)17:55
highvoltageThese "Changes for..." emails, they're for apps that are in extras, but have been modified by the app maintainer?20:25
ajmitchhighvoltage: generally, yes20:27
ajmitchhighvoltage: there's a bug somewhere about the archive id & signing key, I'll try & find it21:26
highvoltageajmitch: thanks21:28
ajmitchthanks for getting unity-lens-buss up for voting :)21:29

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