
M0hiRageRiot|, I think Ubuntu is trying to not to use the nvdia proprietary drivers.00:34
M0hiI've seen it somewhere. Lemme try again00:34
RageRiot|I've just spent ages googling and trying stuff in term to get my gui back because the driver I installed just booted to shell00:36
M0hiyou are in 12.04 right?00:37
RageRiot|I feel a bit out of the loop with the architechture of linux, like x server/x org/ gnome / kde /light dm or drivers00:39
M0hiOkies. I am out of my bed before 2 mins, not dreaming or imagining for sure. bug give me some minute :]00:40
RageRiot|I'll stick at it tho00:40
RageRiot|huh ?00:40
RageRiot|oh .. you just got out of bed ?00:42
RageRiot|M0hi I'm not sure I follow, did you say you looking fomthing up for me ?00:45
RageRiot|I'm gonna have to go soon tho :( work in 5 hours00:46
RageRiot|need sleep00:46
M0hiawww. okies00:47
RageRiot|I'll be going a a couple minutes00:47
M0hiRageRiot|, are you getting anything when you run sudo nvidia-settings ?00:56
RageRiot|yeh command not found00:56
M0hiDo you know your Nvdia card number ?00:57
RageRiot|although I think part of the process of getting a gui back was removing the nvidia driver..00:58
RageRiot|it's a geforce fx 520000:58
M0hican you see something when you run sudo apt-get install nvidia-current ?01:01
RageRiot|I ran that before.. I think01:03
RageRiot|I'll run it again but lemme ask u somthing01:04
RageRiot|I followed a guide that helped me get the gui back and it said use the cmd sudo jock-text --no-dbus -l01:04
RageRiot|and it shown a list of warnings01:05
M0hicould you please pastebin the errors?01:05
M0hi!pastebin | RageRiot|01:06
ubot2M0hi: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:06
M0hiomg your nick has a '|'01:06
ubot2For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:06
RageRiot|WARNING:root:modinfo for module nvidia_173 failed: error : modinfo could not find module01:06
RageRiot|welll that is one of them and there are about 14 more01:07
RageRiot|that are similar01:07
RageRiot|like nvidia_9601:07
RageRiot|I'd use pastbin but I cant copy from the machine01:08
RageRiot|or maybe I could ..01:08
RageRiot|I have to be quick tho now.. 1 sec lemme just plug the ethernet cable back in01:09
M0hiare you getting something like http://www.mail-archive.com/desktop-packages@lists.launchpad.net/msg102810.html ?01:09
M0hiRageRiot|, come back tomo and you might get a solution :]01:09
M0hisleep well :)01:09
RageRiot|I proably should01:09
RageRiot|night then01:09
aveilleuxHello. Just a quick GPL question. Let's say I'm developing a program. if my program launches a GPL3'd binary, does my program need to be GPL3'd as well? (The Process.Start() function in Mono, if that matters.)03:35
aveilleuxWhat I mean is, I'm not hooking into the source of said GPL'd app, only launching it in binary format.03:37
Unit193I am *NOT* the person to ask, but I'd think it's fine. Does it download from external source?03:38
aveilleuxUnit193: No, I plan to distribute it along with my binary.03:41
aveilleuxUnit193: I think I found my answer. http://discuss.joelonsoftware.com/default.asp?biz.5.83233703:45
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raubvogelHow can I set the date by specifying the day of the year (%j)?  date +%j -s "001" does not give me jan 112:25
geirhaYou have to calculate the day in %Y-%m-%d format first13:12
geirhahm. Or just use -d13:13
geirhadate -d "jan 01 + 100 days"13:13
geirhaah well, -d and -s takes the same arg13:18
geirhaso date -s "jan 01 + 100 days"13:19
raubvogelgeirha: Oh, now it makes sense.  Thanks!13:19
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maddogmickhi all15:53
maddogmicki was wondering if anyone could help me with a simple question please15:53
maddogmicki have ubuntu server version 10.04lts and want to use gadmin and proftpd but the version it loads by default will not work becasue there is a bug with SSL does anyone know of a version that will work with 10.04LTS?15:53
holsteinhow about 12.04?15:55
JoseeAntonioRI was going to suggest upgrading, that's the best option.15:56
maddogmickyes holstein thank you i loaded that into my server at home and SSL works but my server doesnt like 12.04 and creates another set of problems for me especially one with MEM CACHE 10.04 LTS works great I just need to get SSL working and was wondering can I install the latest version of Proftpd and gadmin into 10.04LTS?15:57
maddogmickmy problem is I am trying to learn cmd line but i dont really know how to do a fresh install without the repository and adding all the dependants15:58
maddogmickhence why I am in the beginners15:59
maddogmicki have searched but there doesnt seem to or I cant seem to find a full blown installation guide for it it worked great in 12.04LTS but as I said it produced more problems on the server side15:59
JoseeAntonioR!patience | maddogmick16:01
ubot2maddogmick: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:01
maddogmickok thanks guys just driving me mad but thanks i will go and read and if anyone can help me i would so grateful16:02
r4yWil the options for appearance be changed in Ubuntu 12.04.01 so it has more options like Gnome classic?16:06
Sidewinderr4y, Just in case you haven't already seen this: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/03/gnome-classic-in-ubuntu-12-04-its-like-nothing-ever-changed/16:14
r4yI was just Googling and found it, lol. I hope it works like I dream16:15
r4yI was searching before and found other links, so that is why I asked. TY for the link16:15
Sidewinderr4y, My pleasure. :)16:16
r4yI gonna test it out. I will be back to tell you what I think16:17
r4yIt already the newest version16:19
r4yO well16:19
r4yI miss changing appearance like before16:19
SidewinderWell, since my 10.04 ain't broke (runs like a dream, actually) I'll wait to upgrade to 12.04 until I'm feeling exceedingly brave.16:21
r4yI am seriously considered going back to Ubuntu 10.04 over appearance which makes me laugh at myself. It only one small thing. I am also considering Debian16:23
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cwesterfieldWhats the best program to run a Proxy Server on a certain port?18:28
Unit193!best | cwesterfield, but I personally use polipo18:58
ubot2cwesterfield, but I personally use polipo: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.18:58
* IAmNotThatGuy stares at Unit193 18:59
Unit193You can feed polipo over another type of proxy, say SSH for example. This can be helpful to some, but there mayu be something better for what *you* need.19:00
cwesterfieldI use ssh for tunneling but just one I can set outward facing for my phone19:04
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kristian-aalborgholstein, got 5 mins?19:30
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alloutdoorpartshow do I see errors during boot?19:58
IAmNotThatGuypressing esc19:58
IAmNotThatGuyor doing a safe boot19:59
alloutdoorpartsI did try but all I see on my screen is vga not support19:59
alloutdoorpartshow do I open grub in ubuntu 12 to do a safe boot19:59
Unit193Left shift.20:00
IAmNotThatGuyare you using ubuntu along with windows? if you are not comfortable with english, kindly tell us what your native language is and we will take you to the corresponding channel20:00
alloutdoorpartsI am using just ubuntu, the all started after my upgrade to 12.04 from 11.1020:02
IAmNotThatGuypress left shift button after the BIOS screen and you will get GRUB. select recovery mode and there will be a boot option20:03
IAmNotThatGuyselect it and you will get the results.20:04
alloutdoorpartsno luck I have tried tapping the left shit and holding it down no grub20:06
alloutdoorpartscould I have screwed up grub for some reason?20:06
alloutdoorpartsI have also tried hitting esc per the manual with no change, as well as the ctr-alt-+ keys20:08
alloutdoorpartsI was about to reinstall but I have a sql database on this computer that I did not backup before the update20:09
Unit193I'd think you could just reinstall grub from a live+chroot.20:11
Unit193Otherwise, you can boot from live maybe chroot and dump?20:12
alloutdoorpartsok I am downloading a 12.04 cd not to boot from it as a live cd20:19
alloutdoorpartsthanks I will be back if I can not figure this out20:27
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JoseeAntonioRHi, r4y21:44
r4yI am leaving Ubuntu 12.04 for 10.0421:45
r4yThat's all I wanted to say21:45
RageRiotI've posted some of my troubles on the forums if anyone could take a look thanks :D http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=196982122:06
Unit193You got good answers, and I'd say if jockey doesn't have drivers listed that match, nouveau would be your best bet.22:12
RageRiotahh , should I take it that if I have a GUI I have that driver in use ? otherwise how do I eneable it.22:14
Unit193lspci -vv|grep driver  is a weird way to pull it up.22:15
RageRiotUnit193 i tried that, got this Kernel driver in use: nvidia22:25
davkbod-ldWeird, after upgrade to latest desktop version, any filewindow is colored black/black, and I cannot see the text, do see icons, though23:31
davkbod-ldand when I click on a icon, I can see the text (filename/foldername) as black/grey. How do I set properties for window elements...ViewSonic VA702b monitor23:33
davkbod-ldVas is broke?23:34

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