
cereal__I have Ubuntu 12.04 installed on a laptop and desktop and trying to use the sync feature in the software center. Both systems are one a logged in to the same ubunt one account. when i click file sync between computers i dont see multiple computers.02:59
infinitycereal__: You want #ubuntu, this isn't a support channel.03:00
cereal__Sorry just noticed that i will try there - thanks.03:01
dholbachgood morning06:25
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dholbachdoes anyone know if an update of tzdata is planned or anyone working on it?10:06
dholbachI'm asking because of bug 99115610:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 991156 in tzdata (Ubuntu) "Moroccan DST time change needs upgrade" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99115610:15
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=== cjwatson changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive open | Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) is released! | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: ev
dholbachgreat work everyone!13:24
jbicha_yay! I've been wanting to break stuff!13:26
Laneydamn this test build13:27
LaneyI wanted to be the first13:27
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tumbleweedbdrung: distro-info-data can be synced to drop teh temporary delta13:39
* tumbleweed gets the feeling I should just apply for core-dev and be done with it13:39
* stgraber points tumbleweed towards https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperMembershipBoard/ApplicationProcess :P13:41
dholbachstgraber, haha :)13:46
Laneycore-dev eh13:54
tumbleweedyou sound supportive :)13:55
xnox`ubuntu-distro-info --devel' quantal; yet `pbuilder-dist quantal create' says 'Warning: Unknown distribution "quantal". Do you want to continue'13:55
tumbleweedxnox: install teh latest distro-info-data13:55
cjwatsonNo, install latest debootstrap13:57
cjwatsonThere's one in backports for precise13:57
cjwatsonor just  sudo ln -s gutsy /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/quantal13:57
xnoxcjohnston: ;-)13:57
tumbleweederr, yeah, that too :)13:57
* xnox my mirror is out-of date? I have nothing =)13:58
* xnox nevermind upgrading debootstrap ;-)13:59
bdrungtumbleweed: synced14:00
barryxnox: welcome!  what's your lp id?14:23
xnoxbarry: dmitrij.ledkov14:23
xnoxbarry: hello barry =))) let the python fun begin!14:23
barryxnox: indeed!  http://tinyurl.com/7dsyywo  :)14:24
tumbleweedthat's a non-trivial amount of fun to be had14:24
xnoxbarry: right after reviewing LVM2 merge (slangasek) & fixing gcc-4.7 FTBFS (doko)14:25
xnoxbarry: ;-)14:25
* xnox will try to "multi-task" if that is possible.14:25
barryxnox: sounds like folks are already keeping you busy :)  no worries!14:26
dokobarry, you are just too late ;-P14:27
barrydoko: the curses of being westward14:27
* xnox accepts biscuits as 'queue' prioritisation tokens.14:27
ahasenackhi, can someone upload/move these packages to updates? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/landscape-client/+bug/97888414:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 978884 in landscape-client (Ubuntu Oneiric) "SRU: release 12.04.3 for lucid, natty and oneiric" [Undecided,Fix committed]14:50
ahasenackI believe the sru process is finished, it has the tag "verification-done"14:50
cjwatson@pilot in15:13
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive open | Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) is released! | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: ev, cjwatson
cjwatsonshould try to squeeze a bit in before the end of the month :-/15:13
xnoxcjwatson: Dear Pilot, how do I schedule myself to pilot sponsorship queue ? =)15:15
cjwatsonxnox: talk to dholbach15:16
dholbachthanks cjwatson!15:17
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spotteris this raid5 corruption bug in Ubuntu 12.04's kernel?15:22
spottercould be a major major data loss bug15:22
cjwatson#ubuntu-kernel is probably a better place to ask15:23
mdeslaurspotter: please file a bug and mention it in #ubuntu-kernel15:23
spotterunsure its a bug, only know that I had a main disk failure, installed ubuntu 12.04 on a new disk, had issues so moved to debian squeeze, and then realized my raid5 was corrupted15:25
spottermostly recovered though might have some corruption left over from shot in the dark attempts at recovering15:26
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cjwatsonjtaylor: You seemed to be on top of bug 986279, which now has another response15:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 986279 in hg-git (Ubuntu) "can't clone the repo: ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98627915:44
jtaylornot response I wanted, now I need to do real work ;(16:02
jcastroslangasek: jasoncwarner_: jdstrand: You guys have things in your scheduling queue for UDS: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sprints/uds-q/+settopics16:09
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cjohnstonslangasek: and jasoncwarner_ also on http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/review/17:35
slangasekcjohnston: um.  is there a way to disallow using that interface for adding sessions on a particular track?17:57
pkernHi.  Is it actually possible to sync from the Launchpad web interface instead of using requestsync?17:58
slangasekcjohnston: all of foundations' sessions should be done as blueprints; I've gone in and declined everything that was proposed there, but people shouldn't be submitting sessions there in the first place17:58
micahgpkern: syncpackage is the preferable way17:59
slangasekcjohnston: in fact, the submitter has re-proposed these as blueprints17:59
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cjohnstonslangasek: no there isnt a way to do that18:16
iamfuzzis there a standard mechanism for having a dir in /var/run created on boot or is this still the responsibility of the init script?18:17
infinityiamfuzz: The init script or the application itself.18:17
iamfuzzinfinity, thx, just wanted to make sure there wasn't a standardized mechanism in place18:18
infinityIf there is, I missed the memo too.18:18
micahgisn't /var/run deprecated now?18:18
cjohnstonslangasek: if you get a moment, would you mind replying to my email please18:18
iamfuzzwell, yea, it's /run now but symlinked18:18
infinitymicahg: His same question (and the answer) applies just as well to /run. :P18:18
slangasekcjohnston: will do18:18
dokoapw, ogasawara: when will be 3,4 headers be available in precise?18:30
dokoehh, quantal18:30
cjwatsonpkern: it's *possible* in the web interface, but we prefer people not to use it as it doesn't have Ubuntu policy applied such as prompting people for extra confirmation of any Ubuntu changes they're discarding18:31
ogasawaradoko: am hoping for eod today, but tomorrow at the latest.  am waiting for some test builds to finish.18:31
cjwatsonpkern: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2012-January/000923.html is most current practice18:32
pkernmicahg, cjwatson: Thank you!18:35
barrykenvandine: you probably already saw this, but hopefully this correctly removes a dependency on mx.DateTime: https://code.launchpad.net/~barry/gwibber/bug-990145/+merge/10395618:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 96842 in webboard (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #103956 webboard doesn't comply with the new Python policy, so is broken" [Undecided,Fix released]18:39
barrykenvandine: btw, once we get rid of gwibber's dependency, we can drop python-egenix-mxdatetime and python-egenix-mxtools from the list of py3 ports required.  which is great because upstream isn't interested in a port any time soon :)18:41
kenvandinebarry, awesome!18:48
ahasenackhi, can someone upload/move these packages to updates? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/landscape-client/+bug/97888418:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 978884 in landscape-client (Ubuntu Oneiric) "SRU: release 12.04.3 for lucid, natty and oneiric" [Undecided,Fix committed]18:50
ahasenackI believe the sru process is finished, it has the tag "verification-done"18:50
infinityahasenack: Will poke.18:52
ahasenackinfinity: thanks!18:53
infinityahasenack: Done.18:58
ahasenackinfinity: \o/18:59
nessitahello everyone! I was wondering if someone could help me understand this fraction of an update log http://paste.ubuntu.com/958246/ , where a user ended up without the package providing a SSO client UI. The message I'm puzzled about is:19:25
nessitaubuntuone-client:amd64 Recommends on ubuntu-sso-client-gui [ amd64 ] < none > ( none ) (>= 2.99.91) can't be satisfied!19:25
hyperairhmm debootstrap still doesn't know about quantal just yet19:25
tumbleweedhyperair: precise-backports19:26
* barry loses to tumbleweed again19:27
hyperairtumbleweed: why precise-updates?19:27
hyperairer why not19:27
tumbleweedwasn't my call, but it looks like that's how its usually handled19:28
hyperairis it?19:29
hyperairi don't recall needing to install debootstrap from -backports previously19:29
hyperairaah, it looks like precise was included in debootstrap before oneiric's release19:30
tumbleweedyeah, we only knew quantal's name after the release candidates were being spun19:30
hyperairmakes sense19:31
broderwe haven't really been totally consistent about backporting vs. sruing for new release names19:32
tumbleweedgiven the way distro-info-data breaks, it has to be SRUed (we should find a way to degrade a little more gracefully)19:33
tumbleweedbut other things like debootstrap tend to be a little more nice-to-have19:34
tumbleweed(anyone can ln -s gutsy quantal)19:34
joshhunt i'm not sure if this is the right forum, but i have a question as to where ubuntu grabs the sources it uses for the qemu-kvm package19:40
joshhuntwhen i checkout v0.14.1 from the linux-kvm.org git repo some things do not seem to match up19:41
joshhuntwhen comparing to the corresponding ubuntu source package19:41
jdstrandjcastro: regarding scheduling> yes, mdeslaur added those today and I will be looking at it tomorrow19:43
infinitydoko: openjdk on arm* seems sad?  See the antlr build failures in quantal.20:00
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cjwatson@pilot out20:16
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive open | Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) is released! | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: ev
cjwatsonoops, forgetful20:16
Nafallocjwatson: you just don't like to stop working... do you? :-)20:17
dokoinfinity, any other failure?20:19
infinitydoko: That's the only scary thing I've seen so far.20:20
cjwatsondoko: We have approaching 9000 pending build records, I'm sure there'll be something for you :-)20:25
dokoinfinity, ahh, still defaults to jamvm20:27
infinityWell, there was llvm-2.x failing with gcc-4.7, but I intend to just drop pre-3.x llvm instead of fixing them.20:27
dokocjwatson, no, I just meant openjdk, leaving the remaing failures for the +1 team ;)20:27
infinityShipping 4 versions is insanity anyway.20:27
dokoinfinity, go ahead20:28
infinitydoko: Oh, oops. (re: jamvm)20:28
infinitydoko: Quick fix?20:28
infinitydoko: I meant "will it be quick", not "oh god, fix it quickly". ;)20:28
dokojust packaging20:28
* infinity nods.20:28
dokoI did hope to catch up with things like adminstrative stuff this week ...20:29
cjwatsonbarry: python-gnupg> in a rush, eh? :)20:35
barrycjwatson: well, a guy can hope, right?20:37
jcastrovanhoof: "topic-quantal-hwe-essential" isn't named right20:46
* slangasek renames it to zachary-quinto-hwe-essential20:47
jcastrovanhoof: follow the crowd please! https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sprints/uds-q20:47
barryslangasek: i think you have to wait for spockian squid or maybe vulcan vulture20:48
Nafallojcastro: that doesn't mean Ubuntu will change from unity to gnome-shell, does it?20:48
vanhoofjcastro: thanks, sorted20:51
sorencjwatson, mdz, pitti, stgraber, kees: tb meeting?21:03
xnoxWhile MoM is down, we can still use: http://people.ubuntuwire.com/~lucas/merges.html which seems to be uptodate with unstable.21:04
xnoxor http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/multidistrotools/main.html for whezzy/quantal comparison.21:05
tumbleweedand merging by hand with UDD isn't too painful (although I have a script somewhere that automates most of it)21:06
slangasek"merging by hand with UDD"?  I would consider merging with UDD the opposite of by hand :)21:08
tumbleweednot in the days when you had to fight it tooth and nail :)21:08
barryi guess you have nails on your hand, but toothnails?21:09
dupondjeIf a -proposed package has been verified & working by multiple people21:17
maxbbarry: Hi. What bzr version were you using for your "bzr branch ubuntu:precise/debootstrap precise" ?21:17
dupondjeShould I subscribe somebody to get it in -updates or ?21:17
cjwatsondupondje: tag it verification-done and the SRU team will promote it to -updates after a mandatory seven-day waiting period21:17
cjwatsonit'll show up on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html - no need to subscribe anyone21:17
barrymaxb: 2.5.0 (default in precise)21:18
dupondjeaha its in the list already! thx cjwatson21:18
maxbbarry: Hm. Same. And it works fine for me. Though I question why it had to download ~70Mb21:18
barrymaxb: interesting.  let me try it again...21:19
barrymaxb: same crash21:19
maxboh, wait, I have the are-you-up-to-date checking turned off21:20
xnoxemail ubuntu-devel about ~lucas/merges.html; btw it does show UDD commands to use ;-)21:20
barrymaxb: i'm sure it doesn't matter, but i'm branching into a shared-repo (nothing else in it tho)21:20
micahghttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/quantal/+localpackagediffs as well21:21
cjwatsonmicahg: Please don't use that21:21
micahgeven as a reference?21:21
cjwatsonIf you're careful to do so yourself, sure, but you didn't include any kind of caveats when you just recommended it to others21:22
cjwatsonAnd it has no guards against overwriting Ubuntu changes21:22
infinityI use it to find packages I hold TILM on.21:22
micahgme too :)21:22
micahgcjwatson: sorry, I keep forgetting to mention the caveats, will try to remember next time21:22
maxbbarry: ugh. I think you've found a bug in the check-the-package-version-in-the-branch code21:23
barrymaxb: awesome ;)21:23
maxbWorkaround: launchpad.packaging_verbosity = off in bazaar.conf21:27
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broderinfinity: re: foundations-q-isa-scanning, would using lintian be an option here? it has a bunch of "go dig inside elf internals" tests already; this feels up its alley21:38
barrymaxb: in the [DEFAULT] section?21:42
barrymaxb: to answer my own question: yes :)21:43
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infinitybroder: If lintian can be made to do this, perhaps.22:06
broderi won't swear that it can, but i think it can. and i end up re-scanning the whole archive as a matter of course every 3 months or so22:07
infinitybroder: It would certainly be valuable for Debian too (though, the baseline ISA per arch would be different for them in many cases)22:07
broder(that can also probably be accelerated if needed)22:07
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