
=== dileks is now known as Guest54807
=== kengyu_ is now known as kengyu
ppisatitangerine is still down...07:53
apwppisati, hmmm again ...07:58
apwppisati, gomisa too07:58
ppisatigit fetch is stuck trying to retrieve objs from my repo there07:59
Sarvattppisati: dont get emails from the canonical-kernel-team list? hopefully it'll be fixed monday US time08:09
apwSarvatt, i do get the emails but i don't see one telling me about monday ?08:10
Sarvattwell rtg wont be around till monday to bug IS to fix it :)08:11
apwSarvatt, ahh well i can bug is at least08:11
* apw does so08:12
=== lynxman- is now known as lynxman
ppisatiSarvatt: saw the email, but thought someone already fixed it08:21
Sarvattits 4 am for the guy rtg cced about the tangerine/gomeisa problems last saturday (and me too, wth am i doing awake)08:21
apwcking, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-q-metrics sounds right up your street08:24
* cking looks08:24
ckingoooh yeah08:24
apwcking, it is a child of that meta blueprint which may interest you generally08:25
=== dileks_ is now known as dileks
dileksapw: hi. you sent two patches as a replacement to "overlayfs: apply device cgroup and security permissions to overlay files". whats the status of them?08:35
apwdileks, oh yeah, hmm there was a response wasn't there and i needed to update the first very very slightly08:36
apwdileks, though they were simply nits in terms of functionality they were fine08:37
* apw is trying to work out what happened to overlayfs recently right now, maintainer is not as clear in response as one might hope08:37
* dileks checks inbox08:37
apwdileks, no as in there was a response back when i submitted them the very first time08:38
dileks[PATCH 1/2] inode_only_permission: export inode level permissions checks08:38
apwyeah that one has a very minor change on it, which i've yet to do08:38
dileksmiklos: "IS_IMMUTABLE() is per-inode.  So I think only the IS_RDONLY() check08:39
dileksneeds to be left out."08:39
dileksOK, I see08:39
apwdileks, indeed but the patches are functional, a bigger worry is getting this heap to work properly again08:39
dilekswould you be so kind :-)08:39
dileksyou know any news about union-mounts? I just remember an email from al viro - typically with lots of f-words/s-words to wait for it, when miklos tried to get overlayfs upstream.08:41
apwthe upstream position is not easy to fathom.  al is right overlayfs is not semantically complete nor will it likely ever be.  whether that is an issue i am unsure in the long run, and as they won't let it in its hard to work that out in the real world.08:43
apwour experience is some of the issues are invisible, one or two are niggling, whether those are addressible without distroying overlayfs' simplicity i am unsure08:44
dileksagreed, overlayfs is a "simple" approach. it fits my needs to run a linux live-system. openwrt uses overlayfs since early stage, though.08:46
dileksapw: please CC on updated ovl-patches, thanks09:04
henrixapw: hi! any updates on the buildd machines?09:20
apwhenrix, nothing as yet09:25
henrixapw: cool! and are there any other build boxes available?09:25
apwhenrix, see pm09:25
henrixapw: thanks, i'll try that09:25
Kanohi, i miss 3.3.4, 3.0.30, 3.4-rc5 mainline09:37
Kanoapw: something broken with mainline builds?09:37
apwKano, the machine which does them is down09:38
apwand it being release week we have other priorities09:39
Kanowell this week is after release. do you have got efi test systems?09:40
apware we going to argue semenatics on an english phrase here?  is are busy, its not fixed09:41
apwit is an unimportant system which only produces test kernels which we can live without09:41
apwpersonally no i don't have efi, i am sure someone does, but not me09:41
Kanoah, maybe you should request a new board then09:42
Kanothat script contains the minimal patches needed to get efi stub 64 bit working. there are extra patches in mainline not mentioned you most likely need for 32 bit09:43
Kano32 bit efi are basically only old intel macs09:44
Kanowhen i boot 32 bit via efi then i have got no acpi support, which means only 1 core / no speedstep and no poweroff on shutdown09:46
Kanonothing i like to test ;)09:46
Kanobut efi stub support is really cool. you can directly add it as entry. no grub needed09:47
Kanoyou need rdev, thats not in current packages however as scripting efi shell (then even with initrd support) does not really gain speed09:48
* ppisati -> reboot09:56
* ppisati -> brb10:39
* ppisati -> lunch11:27
apwogasawara, just updated overlayfs back to the upstream version, and forward ported it, it passes my touch testing (and I mean light touch) so I have renabled it in quantal11:36
dileksapw: cool12:06
* dileks checks ubuntu-quantal.git#master-next12:06
apwdileks, i am putting an email together now with a clean upstream stack too12:06
apwdileks, let me know if it works more than a simple touch test ... perhaps its still broke12:06
dileksapw: so my "patches" helped you a bit12:06
apwdileks, actually as i was starting from a cleaned up base i suspect i reinvented the wheel some12:07
apwdileks, i didn't see your email till i was looking for the upstream thread for email addresses12:07
dileksOK. looks like my missing include and touch_atime() fixes were OK12:09
apwdileks, very likely, it was pretty menchanical12:09
apwdileks, the real difference is you were starting from the backported version we had in precise (which leann rolled forward) and i started from he non-backported version12:10
* apw bets you were dumping in statfs (without looking at your trace) as that is waht it did before I backported it12:10
tgardnerapw, maybe you should rebase against -rc5 while you're at it. 'UBUNTU: SAUCE: add option to hand off all kernel parameters to init' has some conflicts12:10
dileksI am no fs-expert :-) thus d_make_root() transition was not that clear to me. but seeing yours, I understand a bit better12:10
dileksapw: thanks12:10
apwdileks, yeah they made the new interface harder to abuse, but not easy to use12:11
dileksI will check in a few minutes. ready-built git branch available12:11
dileksis -rc5 the new base for quantal?12:12
apwdileks, it built and i was able to do some manual testing with wahts on master-next right now12:12
apwdileks, its -rc4 right now, i am sure leann will be on that rebase soon12:12
dileksI talked with jordi pojol this weekend12:12
apwdileks, i am more interested in getting the thing compiling for the instant12:12
dilekshe has some testcase scripts12:13
apwdileks, sweet, if you have anything do email it over so we can think about getting it in our tests12:13
dilekshis test06 for example IIRC requires to loosen "fs: limit filesystem stacking depth"12:13
dileksI have a bit polished up test0612:14
dileks0001-fs-Increase-limit-filesystem-stacking-depth-to-3.patch: http://paste.ubuntu.com/957369/12:16
dileksapw: miklos remembers me ibm with os/212:17
dileksat the end ibm dropped lightyears-ahead os/2 in favour of win9x12:18
apwm$ wins sometimes12:24
dileksapw: /o\12:32
dileksno crash no call-trace with your d_make_root patch12:32
apwdileks, very good ...12:32
apwdileks, i am pretty sure it would have been a statfs issue, they changed the interface 3.2 -> 3.4 and i had to undo that in the backport12:33
dileksI took -rc5 as base. applied openwrts ovl-patch. and on top of that my 3 patches12:33
apwdileks, if it works well then this will be earliest we have had a working union mount12:34
dilekshmm, I must check log-file in tmp-dir12:34
dileksyou wanna have TEST-3.4.0-rc5-ovl-1-generic-iE0 as a tarball for inspection?12:35
dilekstestcase log-file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/957389/12:36
apwdileks, sure email it over ... i assume that that logfile is a positive thing12:36
dileksupdated script: http://paste.ubuntu.com/957394/12:38
dileksnew log-file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/957397/12:39
apwmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on overlayfs,12:39
apwmoprobe overlayfs perhaps12:39
dileks[  476.709418] overlayfs: maximum fs stacking depth exceeded12:40
dileksapw: ^^12:40
dileks[14:15:51] <dileks> 0001-fs-Increase-limit-filesystem-stacking-depth-to-3.patch: http://paste.ubuntu.com/957369/12:40
apwdileks, ahh ... makes sense12:40
apwdileks, you want me to drop that on top and make you a binary ?12:41
dileksjordi has thrown away that fs stack limitation patch12:41
dileksapw: feel free12:41
dileksjordi has some more patches, which were not sent to miklos12:42
apwdileks, for overlayfs ?  if so i'd like to see 'em12:42
dileksoverlayfs-v12-2011Dec21-for Linux 3_3.tar.xz12:43
dileksI have repacked that un-U*ix-alike name tarball with a proper commented series file12:44
apwdileks, will have a look at 'em and see what we can do12:45
dileksseries: http://paste.ubuntu.com/957405/12:45
apwdileks, miklos has not been very responsive in my experience, if we can help ourselves then all to the better12:46
dileksfrom my inbox "I am pushing it out for perusal as people are asking me about it.  This12:47
dileksincludes an updated permissions fix."12:47
dilekswhat does that mean - those two pending patches?12:48
apwyes, its those two, but updated a third time i will get the whole stack I am carrying out to him shortly as email patches12:48
apwneed to keep banging on them12:49
dileksthank you very much for all your efforts!12:50
dileksshall I send you my overlayfs stuff directly?12:50
ogasawaratgardner: any idea when we'll have gomeisa or tangerine back?13:19
tgardnerogasawara, apw started an RT ticket. they think it muight be networking issues. no ETA as yet13:19
tgardnerogasawara, tyler is still online13:20
ogasawaratgardner: any quantal chroots on it by chance?13:20
tgardnerogasawara, not yet. lemme see if it'll install on lucid13:20
apwogasawara, i am building in precise chroots still, though they do exist so if you get an updated debootstrap it should be possible13:21
ogasawaraapw: thanks for doing the overlayfs bits by the way13:23
ogasawaraapw: I wanna rebase to rc5, test builds etc, and then get our first upload in13:24
tgardnerogasawara, I sucked down the precise debootstrap backport and installed it on tyler. the quantal amd64 chroot seems to be installing OK.13:24
apwogasawara, i hear that it may clash on the init parameters bits, yell if you want me to poke13:24
ogasawaraapw: will do13:24
apwtgardner, is kteam tools updated ?13:24
tgardnerapw, for quantal ?13:24
apwfor the chroot builds for quantal yes13:25
tgardnerapw, yep13:25
tgardnerapw, I had it built and tested on tangerine saturday morning before it went away13:25
apwtgardner, cool i'll give it a whirl here as my build box is spinning anyhow13:27
tgardnerapw, it'll be a few mins until tyler is installed. the pipe from taipei to London is quite narrow13:28
apwtgardner, yeah it is indeed.  /me spins up some chroots here for comparison13:28
tgardnerapw, you'll need http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/d/debootstrap/debootstrap_1.0.40~precise1_all.deb13:29
apwtgardner, i just added the symlink, its always just one new symlink13:29
tgardnerapw, indeed, its a simple patch13:30
* apw watches chroots poop out13:31
apwall looking good so far13:31
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
apwdileks, i think the concern over overlayfs as a module is fixed by the replacement security patches, as they export an all new interface for that purpose13:46
apwogasawara, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/security-q-kernel-backports13:52
ogasawaraapw: yep, just saw it13:53
dileksapw: I answered your email and attached testcase-script plus the mentioned patch to run testcase successfully13:55
* henrix will be back in ~30 mins14:05
* dileks runs a new kernel build with apws ovl patches + limit-fs-stack-depth=314:13
ogasawaratgardner: don't suppose I could get ubuntu-quantal.git added to tyler's usr3/ubuntu14:23
tgardnerogasawara, can do14:23
tgardnerogasawara, looks like amd64 chroot is ready14:23
ogasawaratgardner: I'm gonna give it a spin14:24
tgardnerogasawara, quantal cloned14:29
ogasawaratgardner: thanks14:29
tgardnerstarted i386 and armel14:29
* ogasawara back in 2014:45
dileksapw: testcase log-file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/957659/15:04
dileks$ dmesg | grep -i overlayfs15:05
apwdileks, that i assume is positive :)15:07
bjfjjohansen: can someone in security take a look at bug 985736 ?15:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 985736 in kernel-sru-workflow "linux: 3.0.0-19.33 -proposed tracker" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98573615:23
spotteris this raid5 corruption bug in Ubuntu 12.04's kernel?15:24
spottercould be a major major data loss bug15:24
dileksapw: feedback tarball sent to you and CCs15:25
* apw looks at spotter's issue15:26
bjfjjohansen: ignore my request15:26
spotterapw, dont know if its an issue, just know that the it might be, and could be a major data loss issue15:27
spotterseems to be recoverable if one knows what they are doing, but easy to destroy one's data in the process as well15:27
apwspotter, the commit is in our kernel (the bad one) via upstream stable15:27
spotterok, so that's bad15:27
spottercan follow up with them to figure out how bad15:27
spotterbut think it almost destroyed my raid515:28
apwbjf, ^^ seems we have the first commit via stable and not yet the fix via stable, we probabally want to close that circle15:28
bjfapw, yes, saw that15:29
apwspotter, if i am reading this right you'd have to have a failure on the personality load as well, so i am not sure its going to be widespread15:29
spotterapw: well, it installed15:30
spotterbut for some reason it takes forever to boot15:30
spottergrub really takes forever15:30
spotterthought it was an issue with 12.04, so then installed debian squeeze15:30
spotterbut same issue15:30
apwwell grub is likely identicle in the two, same maintainers15:31
spotterwondering if its a grub2 issue, 4k cluster issue or something else15:31
spotteralso upgraded bios in the process so too many variables (oopsy)15:31
spotterbut it could be that I went from ubuntu's 3.2 based kernel to debian 2.6.32 (I think?) based kernel15:32
tgardnerogasawara, i386 chroot is done, armhf has started.15:32
ogasawaratgardner: cool, I'll kick off an i386 build.  amd64 was fine, so I went ahead an pushed15:33
spotteranyways, just wanted to make sure you guys were aware of this can one of you file a bug as appropriate, I dont have an ubuntu system that can do anything with it so dont need to be kept in the loop :)15:34
tgardnersforshee, here is another failure to boot that might be related to Broadcom: bug #990879. Are you still looking into that ?16:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 990879 in linux "kernel panic while booting live usb stick for install" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99087916:06
sforsheetgardner, yep. I sent a patch upstream last week, looks like it's in the wireless tree now16:08
sforsheetgardner, I think that one is probably different16:09
* ppisati -> gym/workout16:10
tgardnersforshee, Cc: stable ? 16:19
sforsheetgardner, yep16:21
tgardnersforshee, cool16:22
sforsheetgardner, 990879 may actually be the same, the stacktrace is too abbreviated to tell16:22
sforsheei asked for hw data16:22
tgardnersforshee, yeah, I just thought it might be related because of mention of Broadcom and firmware16:23
sforsheetgardner, I overlooked that part. There's a good chance it is the same problem then.16:23
tgardnersforshee, is your patch in wireless-testing ?16:24
sforsheetgardner, yes it is16:24
tgardnersforshee,  b43: only reload config after successful initialization ?16:24
sforsheethat's the one16:24
tgardnersforshee, I might pull it in as a pre-stable for Precise16:25
sforsheetgardner, I'd say go for it. No one objected (or commented at all) on the list16:25
tgardnersforshee, its a pretty straight forward fix16:26
sforsheetgardner, I'm going to go ahead and dup that other bug. It's gotta be the same thing.16:27
tgardnersforshee, ack16:27
storyteller__ is there any way put permenent limit on cpu load?16:38
tgardnerogasawara, armhf is done16:39
tgardnerogasawara, we don't need armel for Quantal, right ?16:40
tgardnerapw, has Eric Paris ever responded to you about this big pile of inotify/fanotify/fsnotify patches ?16:45
tgardnerbjf, you not heaering mme16:51
tgardnerbjf, I'm hearing you. lemme restart16:51
ogasawaratgardner: I don't believe so, just armhf16:57
apwtgardner, not that i have heard17:02
tgardnerapw, any opinions on what we ought to do?17:03
apwtgardner, have we applied it to precise?  i think we were talking about doing so only after the first sru round anyhow, so 3w or so17:04
apwso i'll hastle some more, and then we can discuss strategy for this sort of thing over beer17:04
tgardnerapw, we haven't applied it yet17:04
tgardnerapw, ok. it keeps stinking up my mailbox, which serves to remind me every Monday17:05
apwtgardner, yep, and mine17:05
apwtgardner, i am trying to keep pushing all the upstream pending stuff on a regular basis, though last week blew that up17:06
tgardnerogasawara, oops17:12
ogasawaradamn all this collaboration17:12
tgardnerok, I'm gonna quit messing with it for awhile17:14
tgardnerogasawara, do I need to do the first upload ?17:14
ogasawaratgardner: hrm, not sure.  possibly?17:15
tgardnerogasawara, k, lemme know when you'reready17:15
ogasawaratgardner: I've got a test build on davis finishing up, was going to wait on that17:15
ogasawaratgardner: and I'll need to get linux-meta thrown together17:16
apwogasawara, i think cause it exists ie was pocket copied you may be ok, its new pakcages like LBM which are problematic17:18
apwbjf, fsl-imx51 is now done with isn't it, shall i nuke it from the matrix ?17:33
bjfapw, yes please17:33
apwbjf, gone ... 17:41
=== tgardner is now known as tgardner-lunch
* apw had a guest ... so I am running for the hills ... later18:22
ckinghrm, setting up a quantal chroot is going to take a while. back later18:39
* cking --> EOD18:39
dileksogasawara: Q: dropped.txt: update overlayfs (build as module)18:47
ogasawaradileks: I'll get that cleaned up18:47
* dileks tries to get a bit familiar with Q18:48
* tgardner -> EOD20:46
=== classix_ is now known as classix

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