
MrChrisDruifAnd the day is still young Myrtti00:01
ubottuIn ubottu, Iron_ said: it is a feeling00:33
IdleOne!ops | IdleOne is testing something00:58
ubottuIdleOne is testing something: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  Tm_T, tritium, elky, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, imbrandon, PriceChild, Madpilot, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, tsimpson, gnomefreak, jussi, topyli, or nhandler!00:58
ubottuIdleOne called the ops in #ubuntu-ops (IdleOne is testing something)00:58
MrChrisDruifSo it seems01:05
tonyyarussoubottu: what are you testing exactly?02:11
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:11
tonyyarussoTo be fair, those keys actually are next to each other.02:11
ubottuviolinappren called the ops in #ubuntu (jdhfr)02:23
elkytonyyarusso, <jdhfr> so canonical does crap software to sell support?02:24
tonyyarussostill hardly something that requires a trigger...02:27
Jordan_UIf nobody else has done it I plan to PM violinappren about not being quite so trigger happy with !ops.02:27
IdleOnetonyyarusso: was wondering why when Gnea used the ops trigger, ubottu didn't respond02:45
tonyyarussoIdleOne: ah02:46
ubottuIn #ubuntu, cereal__ said: ubottu: but that is still the same account that is used for the software sync system is it not?03:08
ubottuwylde called the ops in #ubuntu (cleric_preston)03:13
ubottujohnbravo called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()05:51
elkyyano, pinging staff everywhere is he?05:52
yanoapparently so05:52
oCeanPouncer> anyone good with networking08:23
oCeankanliot> yeah i have tons of facebook friends08:23
=== MrBadWiki is now known as MrChrisDruif
LjLi know we support non-gnome stuff in #ubuntu... but damn, why do people have to ask GUI-specific things and only specify they're using a derivative after they've been answered10:43
knomeLjL, it's way more fun that way10:43
elky* SharkMuttleworth (c28182f2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #ubuntu-offtopic10:49
MrChrisDruifAwesome name is awesome10:53
elkyalso smells of troll11:15
LjLikonia: so aside from having this guy file a bug, how would you work it around? i'd just symlink libbotan-1.8.2 to libbotan-1.8.13, but that might be less than ideal15:40
ikoniaLjL: apologies, I wasn't watching I had to run off for a minute to talk to someone, what's the actual issue15:50
ikoniamissing symlink, sure, manually put the symlink in and get the bug logged but explain the resolution in the bug so it's a clear fix15:50
=== yano is now known as yano_test
=== yano_test is now known as yano
=== MrBadWiki is now known as BrokenThumb

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