
cjwatsonsome of these will definitely be helped by debhelper/cdbs changes; I'll do a few targeted rebuilds in a quantal chroot later to check that00:01
keescjwatson: stackprotector doesn't care about -O00:11
keesif it goes away, that's realy odd :(00:12
cjwatsonexamples I see so far are acct, calligrasheets, kexi, libm17n-0, m17n-lib-bin, module-init-tools00:14
cjwatsonso not super widespread but more than I want to write off as cosmic rays00:14
keescan you pastebin the patch? I'll see if I can reproduce it.00:15
keesfwfi, we built without that env export just fine for a few releases. stackprotector was made a default in edgy. :P00:16
cjwatsonreproduces on i386 as well as amd6400:18
cjwatsonwith module-init-tools00:18
cjwatson--param=ssp-buffer-size=4 makes no difference00:25
cjwatsonperhaps interesting that it's only modprobe in that binary package that's affected00:25
cjwatsonthe others just drop fortify due to inadequate CFLAGS00:26
keesO_o reproduced00:28
cjwatsonoh, interesting, even adding -fstack-protector doesn't make any difference to that binary00:29
cjwatsonso has it just become unable to protect certain binaries?00:30
keeswell, some source doesn't trigger stack protector to be added. I wonder if something is causing an entry in the relocation tables (which is what readelf -s looks at in hardening-check), that behaves differently with "symbolic" missing?00:31
cjwatsonthe difference is -O2 or lack thereof00:33
cjwatsonCFLAGS='-g -O2 -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Wformat-security -Werror=format-security' => good, CFLAGS='-g -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Wformat-security -Werror=format-security' => bad00:34
keesoh, I suppose it's possible the function could be changed due to optimization to drop the use of a character array on the stack...00:34
cjwatsonwhich would render fortify unnecessary?00:34
keesif it got pushed into registers or something weird00:34
keesssp? maybe. fortify is distictly disabled without -O >= 100:35
cjwatsonsorry, I meant to say stack-protector00:36
cjwatsondiff of the disassembly is a bit too verbose to be enlightening00:36
cjwatsonthis would be the other way round from your hypothesis above, I think: optimisation causes an array to go on the stack when it wasn't before00:38
cjwatsonsince the optimised binary is the one that apparently requires stack protection00:38
cjwatsonanyway, this doesn't seem desperately worrying00:39
cjwatsonopenbsd-inetd drops pie and bindnow00:40
cjwatsonwhich is because it assumes the environment variables it sets are already exported00:42
keescjwatson: back now, sorry, had to prep dinner :)02:12
keeshah, so openbsd-inetd is bugged in Debian? they intended it to be PIE, but it didn't work? :P02:13
keesseems like it's really the lack of -O2 getting exported that is the biggest deal since it's changing both fortify and ssp.02:13
=== lynxman- is now known as lynxman
ogra_cjwatson, hmm, iirc last milestone you fixed the md5 summing of the images and the ac100 bootimg was still wrong and required manual mangling of the MD5SUMS file, seems we need to do that for the released images too (MD5 differs)08:35
ogra_(i can do that myself if it just requires editing the file in nusakans www/full/releases dir, i just dont know if you did anything additionally)08:37
Laneyis ben sick this morning? "Page generated on Mon, 30 Apr 2012 02:04:31 +0000"08:52
Laneyperhaps the mirror it uses is timing out08:53
ogra_oh, hmm, seems its a vacation day in the UK ... /me didnt notice, we have one tomorrow ...09:02
stgraberhey skaet, still in the UK?09:05
skaetheya stgraber, yup, but sitting in the airport right now,  flying home today09:05
stgraberok :)09:06
skaetyou still in europe?09:06
stgraberyep, hopefully flying back tomorrow, if Air Canada lets me ;)09:06
stgraberI was supposed to fly back yesterday but they moved the flight to tomorrow09:06
skaet:)  coolio.09:06
skaetoh,  not so coolio...09:07
ogra_heh, dont you love travelling09:07
stgraberbah, it's not like it makes a big difference, I don't have to pay for the hotel as I'm staying at my parent's place and working from here or from Canada doesn't make a huge difference09:07
stgraber(except I have 4 times as much bandwidth at my parents' than I do back home ;))09:07
skaetyeah,  easier though to deal with churn on the homeward stretch though.09:07
skaet4x bandwidth - nice....09:08
stgraberyeah, I could get used to having 100Mbps at home ;)09:08
ogra_yeah, the swiss always tend to exaggerate ... even with their bandwith offerings :)09:08
stgraberogra_: still on your 2mbps SDSL? :)09:08
ogra_640k are enough for everyone !09:09
* ogra_ isnt at home though, no idea what this line here has ... i'm at a friends place in berlin09:09
cjwatsonkees: openbsd-inetd was fine at the time it was uploaded, when dpkg-buildpackage exported flags in Debian, but has regressed; as it happens there've been no Debian uploads of it since the dpkg change.  I filed a Debian bug about it.09:20
cjwatsonogra_: if the released checksum file is wrong, I think it must have been wrong in the daily build.  feel free to remove *SUMS* and run checksum-directory on that directory09:21
cjwatson(to force it)09:21
ogra_iirc there was an issue with the automatic generation for .bootimg09:22
ogra_i dont want to mees up what we have there atm09:22
cjwatsonogra_: damn you for giving me false hope :-)  it's not a bank holiday here today AFAICS09:23
cjwatsonogra_: I think the bug was in publication of daily builds; having trouble seeing how it'd be wrong for releases, which are just a copy09:24
ogra_oh, i got it worg, wikipedia said first monday in may ... i just noticed the date09:24
ogra_(must be next week then, which doesnt gain you much)09:25
cjwatsonyeah, I'll swap it09:30
ogra_k, the run of checksum-directory fixed it09:39
ogra_(in case anything went wrong that i didnt notice, /home/ogra/sums-backup has a copy of the old files)09:42
gemastgraber: ping09:56
=== doko_ is now known as doko
cjwatsondoko: So my test rebuild is still churning, but how strongly do you feel about the possibility of accidentally losing -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions on various outlying libraries in 12.10?  AFAICS the main performance benefit is for libraries that are loaded a lot10:05
cjwatsonI expect making sure that common desktop libraries get dpkg-buildflags right won't be too hard10:05
dokocjwatson, what is the context? not exporting the flags anymore?10:06
cjwatsondoko: yes, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2012-April/035149.html10:07
cjwatsonsome packages lose optimisation too if we do that, mainly visible in the loss of fortify10:08
cjwatsonbut that's easy to scan for10:08
dokosounds good10:09
skaetcjwatson,  what steps are done in NewReleaseProcess?10:10
cjwatsonskaet: still on 1710:10
cjwatson(expected, that step takes some time)10:10
skaetcjwatson,  ok,  I'll work on some of the wiki, etc. related ones until my flight leaves.10:11
skaetwill post in the channel as things get done.10:11
cjwatsonit's not really coordination-heavy at this point; I think the main thing we need to do now is resolve the dpkg flags export question10:12
cjwatsondoko: anything else you feel is necessary before opening?10:12
dokocjwatson, now gcc-4.7 on armhf is built, I hadn't much luck yesterday investigating the failure on armel. a work-around would be not to build multilib'ed for now on armel, if I can't find the solution10:13
cjwatsonIs that necessary before opening10:13
dokonot really for main10:13
cjwatsondone step 20, branch-distro completed after a few hours10:14
cjwatsondone step 24 in cdimage10:29
cjwatsondone step 28 in ubiquity10:31
stgrabercjwatson, skaet: Should I extend step 12 to also include extras.u.c? IIRC it's been a problem for the past two releases10:34
cjwatsonstgraber: Not as part of step 12, because extras.u.c comes from a PPA.10:35
cjwatsonstgraber: Perhaps a separate step to notify whoever controls extras to arrange for quantal to be created there.10:35
stgrabercjwatson: ok, I'll append an entry to the +1 day list then. All it takes is a copy from release => release+1 in the PPA, wait for the ppa publisher to run, thne remove the package10:36
gemaI have installed precise so many things that I think I have missed something important here, what is that twitter feed everyone is talking about?10:52
rickspencer3ev can you help gema out?10:53
evgema: there's a twitter feed in the slideshow10:54
evat the very end10:54
gemaev: ahh, the slide show :D10:54
gemaev: I thought precise would tweet "I have been installed" or something, ok!10:54
knomeev, i need to get to you some day. we're unsure what to do with wubi in xubuntu.10:54
evknome: please feel free to email me with your thoughts on that. Today is a fire fight sort of day10:56
knomeev, we need to sit down on it first anyway. but i'll email you - maybe tell the email adress to make life easier :)10:56
evknome: ev@ubuntu.com10:57
knomeev, thanks! will get back to you :)10:57
evknome: cheers10:58
gemaev: thanks!11:00
* cjwatson files the LP bugs that showed up while initialising quantal11:09
cjwatson(bug 991874, bug 991876)11:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 991874 in launchpad "newly-initialised distroseries not considered dirty on first publisher run" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99187411:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 991876 in launchpad "initializedistroseriesjob starved by other jobs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99187611:10
dokocjwatson, is the dpkg-buildflags issue decided, e.g. should we open with it?11:30
dokocjwatson, anything to add? http://paste.ubuntu.com/957295/11:37
cjwatsonI think I've decided to open with the proposed dpkg-buildpackage change, but need to uploa that11:38
cjwatsonThere's a pretty fair number of things to fix, but it's manageable, and brings us more into line with Debian; for the most part the consequences of missing something aren't disastrous11:39
cjwatsonThe requirement for a Pre-Depends on dpkg for data.tar.xz will go away, although that probably won't be rolled out until at least tomorrow11:40
cjwatson(I'm landing the branch now)11:40
doko - Removing build flags exported from dpkg-buildpackage for quantal will11:40
doko   get us in sync with Debian. Implications and fixes are discussed11:40
doko   on the ubuntu-devel ML [5].11:40
cjwatsonAbout to request opening of quantal; speak now or forever hold your peacec13:07
cjwatsonwith spelling and everything13:07
dokocjwatson, announcement email sent, needs approval for u-d-a13:17
=== cjwatson changed the topic of #ubuntu-release to: Quantal open for development | Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) is released! | Quantal Quetzal Release Coordination. Please don't upload things during freezes where you shouldn't, or be prepared to apologise to the release team | we accept payment in cash, check or birdseed | melior malum quod cognoscis
cjwatsondoko: done13:20
cjwatsonAny objections to an autosync run?13:22
Laney"syncs from unstable": it changed then?13:24
dokosounds good13:25
cjwatsonLaney: Hm, communication glitch13:25
cjwatsonI was intending to run syncs from testing until UDS13:26
* cjwatson flushes unapproved13:29
cjwatsoncopied stuff from precise-updates13:33
cjwatsoninfinity: did you bootstrap the livefs chroots already?13:35
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
* cjwatson starts auto-sync13:39
cjwatsonhallyn: Could you update vm-builder for quantal?13:48
hallyncjwatson: sure.  I'd like to finish with the libnl-3 fiasco for necf and libvirt upstream first13:55
hallyndo you expect it to need changes, or just a rebuild?13:55
cjwatsonhallyn: no idea.  NewReleaseCycleProcess says to notify mvo (who isn't here) or you.  grep for precise, I suppose.13:56
hallynok thanks :)13:56
cjwatsonArgh, my cloud instance rebooted itself and lost half the results13:58
xnoxcjwatson: =(14:00
cjwatsonDidn't realise *none* of the storage was persistent ...14:01
tumbleweedeh? you shouldn't lose anything on an EC2 reboot14:02
cjwatsonThis is Canonistack, not sure which rules apply14:02
xnoxcjwatson: pick EBS backed storage, next time. You don't loose that one. 'instance storage' is lost...14:03
stgraberxnox: are you sure canonistack supports EBS? last I checked it didn't14:03
cjwatsonsee also: Canonistack14:03
xnoxstgraber: /me never was on canonistack, only on amzon EC2...14:04
cjwatsonRight, but I'm not.14:04
stgraber"At this present time, the Canonical Openstack cloud does not provide attachable storage (EBS-like functionality) for your instances. This will be addressed at a later stage."14:04
stgraberhasn't changed since I last looked apparently14:04
xnoxWent to canonistack and got "Nothing for you here" message =(14:05
xnoxoh well.14:06
cjwatsonask IS14:06
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infinitycjwatson: livefs chroots should be good to go already, yes.14:46
infinitycjwatson: Happened last week, in theory.14:46
cjwatsonOK, cool14:49
* infinity is unconvinced that he wants to be awake.14:50
bjfslangasek: can someone copy my Oneiric SRU kernel to -proposed? bug 985736. thanks!15:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 985736 in kernel-sru-workflow "linux: 3.0.0-19.33 -proposed tracker" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98573615:27
bjfslangasek: sorry, from proposed to -updates15:28
infinityI'd be happy to do it, except for the claim that it must be an SRU-team member who does the copy.15:38
infinitycjwatson: Quick, add me to ~ubuntu-sru15:39
bjfinfinity, thansk15:39
cjwatsoninfinity: Oh yes, you were actually volunteering to do some work there, weren't you?15:40
infinitybjf: I don't want to muck with anyone's process, but I'll make sure someone SRUish either looks at it or authorizes me to JFDI. :P15:40
infinityOh, look, there's someone.15:40
cjwatsoninfinity: Added you.15:40
infinityOh hey, I wasn't a member of that one previously.  Was curious about that.15:41
infinityIt's fun to see which teams I'm the oldest member of, and which not.15:42
infinitybjf: Doing the copies shortly.  Will poke the bug tasks when done.15:42
bjfinfinity: you know there is a parameter that you need to specify on the script so the packages don't go to universe instead of main ?15:47
infinitybjf: They'd better already be in main in -proposed, but I'll check.15:48
infinitybjf: (I imagine you're thinking of the PPA->proposed copy where that breaks)15:48
bjfinfinity: could be15:48
infinityThere, and fresh buildd chroots purged of all remnants of gcc-4.616:16
bjfinfinity: can you do linux-lts-backport-oneiric as well ?  bug 98600016:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 986000 in kernel-sru-workflow "linux-lts-backport-oneiric: 3.0.0-19.33~lucid1 -proposed tracker" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98600016:36
infinitybjf: Sure.16:38
* cjwatson commits the first autosync16:40
cjwatsonUpdated:                  2994 (27.77%)16:40
* infinity races to commit the new chroots. :P16:40
cjwatsonArgh, timeout16:42
cjwatsonMaybe I need to do this in chunks or something16:42
infinityIt's not async?16:42
cjwatsonIt is async16:42
infinityOh dear.16:42
cjwatsonBut maybe the amount of input data was troublesome16:42
infinityWell, new chroots are up, but nothing in the queue to test and make sure they're sane.  I guess you'll solve that problem for me shortly. ;)16:43
cjwatsonOK, recursive-descent exception handling for the win; let's see what that does16:53
infinitycjwatson: Is there some policy regarding keeping old kernel cruft around in old releases (say, perhaps, make sure that every published d-i has matching kernels, or something?), or is it sheer inattentiveness that's led to there being six kernel ABIs in oniric-updates (for example, I'm sure every old release is as dirty, or worse).16:55
cjwatson"every published d-i has matching kernels" -> that16:55
cjwatsonin particular, we don't really track point releases in LP, so it's tricky to NBS those reliably16:56
infinityKay.  Though, six is more than the number of d-i's we have published in updates, so we clearly need a bit of cruft-checking here. :)16:56
cjwatsonMaybe, but there's no easy way to tell people to upgrade the installer images they downloaded in order to use some random -updates kernel16:57
cjwatsonThey'd just get a hard failure16:57
cjwatsonI think a bit of cruft is tolerable to avoid that16:57
infinityThere's that.16:57
* infinity shrugs.16:57
infinityI know I've tidied old pockets in the past.  Perhaps I shouldn't have?16:58
cjwatsonArguably - I generally avoid it.16:59
cjwatsonAt the very least you need to take care to avoid LTS point releases.16:59
infinityThis could be done easily enough.17:00
cjwatsonBut the general case is still troublesome.17:00
dokonow testing my armel multilib patch ...17:34
infinitydoko: Vaguely curious about what broke.17:37
cjwatsonSecond auto-sync attempt still running, but I have to go for dinner now.  I'll try to commit it when I get back.17:40
dokoinfinity, see linaro-toolchain17:41
infinitydoko: Strange that it regressed, since the situation should have been the same in 4.6...17:45
=== gridcube_ is now known as GridCube
cjwatsonCannot copy 2975 packages at once; bisecting ...19:06
cjwatsonCannot copy 1487 packages at once; bisecting ...19:06
cjwatsonCannot copy 743 packages at once; bisecting ...19:06
cjwatsonCannot copy 371 packages at once; bisecting ...19:06
cjwatsonI do hope this is going to actually work at some point19:06
infinityIt's going to end up doing it one at a time. :P19:07
cjwatsonI doubt it, since my bisector has a cut-off of 10019:07
cjwatsonAfter which I should probably actually investigate19:07
cjwatsonIt worked with a not hopelessly small number towards the end of the precise auto-sync19:08
cjwatsonAh, good, the two halves of 371 worked19:08
cjwatsonSo maybe I'll make it use 100-package chunks in future or something19:09
cjwatsonAnyhow, your builders are filling up now.19:10
gemainfinity: I am not going to continue adding to the discussion in that release blueprint19:11
gemainfinity: but I know who you are :P19:11
gemaI mean, I rather discuss that face to face19:11
gemathan writing a book in a blueprint19:12
stgraberthen I guess I'll wait till the session instead of adding another reply to that discussion on the blueprint ;)19:13
gemastgraber: I think it is wise, we'll get more out of it, I think, not sure what the general feeling is19:13
gemawe can split it in more than one meeting if needed be19:13
cjwatsonWhiteboards are mostly just good for getting agenda points down, not for serious discussion.19:14
gemacjwatson: ack19:14
stgraberthat entry on the whiteboard is sure getting pretty long, so face to face discussion will probably be more efficient than "discussing" through whiteboard entries :)19:14
infinityIt does seem to be one of the least coherent methods for arguing on the internet. :P19:14
gemahaha, you gotta love launchpad and blueprinting :D19:15
slangasekyes, that's not what the whiteboard is for19:15
slangasekknock it off youz guyz :P19:15
gemaslangasek: haha19:15
gemaslangasek: I think we are going to need you and pgraner there to organise the discussion...19:16
slangasekI'll be there19:16
cjwatsonInitial auto-sync is done.  Starting on new source packages now.19:42
cjwatsonNot 100% convinced that all of these syncs actually happened.  I guess we'll find out.20:02
cjwatsonI was expecting a new thailatex (random sample).20:02
cjwatsonMaybe I'll do another pass after a publisher run.20:03
* infinity notes that the powerpc situation doesn't seem nearly as dire with the third buildd.20:14
cjwatsonIt's a nice improvement.20:15
cjwatsonDamn, though, that's a lot of build records.20:15
cjwatsonDid somebody give Debian a shot of adrenaline or something?20:15
infinityDid you switch from testing to sid?20:15
infinityOr were these all from testing?20:15
cjwatsonAll testing.20:15
cjwatsonAnd there are several hundred left to come.20:16
infinityIn that case, maybe we should give ourselves a pat on the back for not doing too much needless syncing over the last 3 months?20:16
infinityOr maybe chastise ourselves for missing out on a lot of minor bugfixes.20:16
infinityA little of column A, a little of column B, I guess.20:16
cjwatsonI wonder if we'll hit 10000 needs-build entries.20:18
infinityGetting close.20:19
infinityTime to spin up an AVR port?20:19
cjwatsonThe publisher is going to have some kind of aneurysm.20:20
micahginfinity: there were probably another 300-500 that were suitable for precise that no one had time to review20:20
slangasekis it still useful to have queuebot running?20:20
infinitycjwatson: Can't be as bad as the brain bleeding it encounters with kde langpacks.20:20
infinityslangasek: I like it for the info about stable releases.20:21
cjwatsonIt's slightly useful for watching incoming new entries, but if other people find it noisy I don't mind20:21
infinityslangasek: The noise on sync/new is a bit unfortunate, but that'll subside.20:21
cjwatsonI hope I catch the upcoming new flood in time.20:21
slangasekI find it noisy20:21
slangasekI also bitbucket all my ubuntu-sru bug mail20:21
slangasekbecause those all get batch processed20:22
cjwatsonYou could /ignore queuebot ?20:22
slangasekI could ;)20:22
* slangasek does so. here's hoping I don't forget to unignore in 5 months :)20:22
infinityWe'll remind you.20:23
cjwatsonMy concern above about syncs not having happened was bogus; the job runner was just still chewing on them20:24
slangasekheh :)20:24
infinitycjwatson: Is it done now?20:24
infinityThen we might hit 10k!20:25
infinityThis is the most exciting thing that's happened to me since... At least an hour ago.20:25
cjwatsonOh, here we go ...20:29
* cjwatson tries to catch some of them20:29
infinityHahaha.  Oh dear.20:29
infinitycjwatson: And since stgraber added throttling, it won't get kicked for flooding either. :P20:30
infinitycjwatson: It'll just spend the next 3 hours telling us about it.20:30
Laneyban it temporarily?20:30
* Laney goes blind20:30
* slangasek smiles blissfully in his little bubble20:31
cjwatsonhopefully that'll shut it up20:31
infinityIt doesn't.20:31
infinityAt least, not last time we tried.20:31
infinityThat'll work. :P20:31
cjwatsonIRC, you fail me20:32
infinity /kickban ?20:32
* infinity imagines queuebot /msging cjwatson with gems like "y u kik lol i do no rong!"20:34
* Laney catches launchpad OOPSing like its going out of fashion20:35
cjwatsonI am pretty confused that +b didn't work, though.  It's supposed to.20:36
Laneyyou mean q?20:37
cjwatsonI tried both20:37
LaneyI'm not sure what applies to channel notices20:37
cjwatsonCould be.  Seems like an obvious hole, though.20:37
Laneywas there one after the +q that I missed?20:38
cjwatson21:31 -!- mode/#ubuntu-release [+q queuebot!*@*] by cjwatson20:38
cjwatson21:31 -!- mode/#ubuntu-release [+b queuebot!*@*] by cjwatson20:38
Laneya notice20:38
slangasekI think it's because it's sending notices, not sending to the channel20:38
cjwatsonQuite a few20:38
Laneyhrm, don't know where that ended up20:38
* Laney eyes irssi20:38
cjwatsonslangasek: indeed, but if it didn't suppress both, it would be no good for shutting people up, surely20:39
cjwatson(bots should indeed send notices, that's a large part of what notices are for; it stops bots talking to each other)20:39
slangasekI don't usually see banning used without a following kick ;)20:39
cjwatsonhttp://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml documents my attempted use20:39
infinitycjwatson: I didn't see any notices after the +q, I just vaguely recall it not working in the past.20:40
LaneyI don't see any after it either.20:40
infinitycjwatson: If you saw some, maybe you were suffering local buffer lag or something weird?20:40
cjwatsonI suppose it could be, but I saw other people's comments interleaved20:41
Laneycan you give an example?20:41
LaneyI'll see if I saw it before the +q.20:41
Laneydon't see it at all.20:42
infinityI bet ops see them.20:42
cjwatsonOh, ops get notices?20:42
cjwatsonAh yes.20:42
cjwatsonShould have remembered that.20:42
cjwatsonstgraber: You can let queuebot back in.20:43
micahgso close to 10k20:45
cjwatsonA few more new packages to do, if auto-sync will get to them in time20:45
cjwatsonDid anyone ever retest the Chinese edition image?20:48
infinityI thought we found/had a Chinese tester who claimed they were doing so...?20:48
infinity(But yes, I just read the same email you did)20:48
cjwatsonFor some reason it seems to have been removed from the localised tracker20:48
* slangasek doesn't know20:49
slangasekdid we ever figure out why the images pitti says were broken were signed off by QA?20:49
infinityAnd from the download page, I just get a squid error.  Fun.20:50
cjwatsonslangasek: They thought that those entries meant "take the regular image and boot it in Chinese".20:50
slangasekI wondered20:50
infinitySo, from the download page, you just end up at http://www.ubuntu.com/start-download?distro=desktop&bits=32&release=lts20:51
infinityI see no reason the above would give a Chinese ISO.20:51
infinityIf it worked at all.20:51
infinityWhich it seems not to currently.20:51
cjwatsonWell, the claim in that mail isn't that it gives a Chinese ISO :-)20:51
infinitycjwatson: Right, but the claim in the email is that they used the website download page, which might just be a website error, not an image error.20:52
infinityUnless the above URL is seriously magical.20:52
* cjwatson has no idea what it does. The website is opaque to me.20:53
infinitycjwatson: Oh, did we never actually release the Chinese image at all? :/20:55
infinityHad I known that, I would have done something about that on Friday.20:55
cjwatsonThere was so much going on I suspect I just forgot about it. :-(20:56
infinityI'll admit that after I made sure the livefs chroots were sane for respins, I thought pitti had it in hand.20:57
cjwatsonThough you'd have had to figure out "publication" (i.e. copying by hand).20:57
infinityby-hand publication isn't rocket science.20:57
cjwatsonNever did automate that.20:57
cjwatsonHmm.  I'm sure all these new php-horde-* packages will be a significant improvement to Ubuntu.20:58
infinityIf Evan's crash databse is anything to go by, we could drastically improve the quality of our distribution by removing Python.20:59
cjwatsonI think that's the equivalent of self-selection ...21:00
dokoyeah, it prints all stack traces, and assigns these to python21:00
dokostill sucks21:00
dokoand those bug reports like I/O error shouldn't be filed in the first place21:00
infinitydoko: Hrm?  No, it correctly assigns them to the right packages.  It just happens that the top crashes are all in python applications.21:00
dokobut I did give up talking to pitti ...21:01
stgrabercjwatson: done :)21:01
cjwatsonI thought we'd tried to exclude IOError at some point.21:01
infinitydoko: I'm referring to https://errors.ubuntu.com/ not to automated bug reports.21:01
dokoinfinity, then blame pygobject. there's a reason that no module in the stdlib is allowed to use it21:02
tumbleweedhrm, I don't think anyone has announced errors.ubuntu.com anywhere. It's the first time I've seen a frontend to the crash db21:02
* infinity notes that the #1 failure in python-central is pretty clearly a bug, and I'd assume a simple one.21:03
slangasekI think we categorize that bug as "python-central is still here" :)21:03
slangasekbut I'm trying to look at the actual bug and failing21:03
slangasekstuck at an openid screen21:03
infinityTraceback (most recent call last):21:04
infinity  File "/usr/bin/pycentral", line 2371, in <module>21:04
infinity    main()21:04
infinity  File "/usr/bin/pycentral", line 2365, in main21:04
infinity    rv = action.run(global_options)21:04
infinity  File "/usr/bin/pycentral", line 1834, in run21:04
cjwatsonOh, that happens on real computers too?  Last time I tried I put it down to the N900's browser.21:04
infinity    and not os.path.exists('/var/lib/dpkg/info/%s:%s.list' % (pkgname, arch)):21:04
dokohappens when removing 2.621:04
infinityNameError: global name 'arch' is not defined21:04
infinity^--- A missing import, or something?21:04
slangasekcjwatson: the openid page was apparently just really slow to load21:04
* tumbleweed just isn't granted access21:04
cjwatsonthat's a straightforward coding error, not even a missing import21:04
slangasektumbleweed: seems to want canonical membership at the moment, I'm afraid21:05
dokobut I agree, still having python-central is the bug21:05
cjwatsoneither a variable's spelled wrongly or it's not defined21:05
cjwatsondoko: sure, but that bug is introduced by a recent change21:05
cjwatsonat least judging from the traceback ...21:05
infinitytumbleweed: It may be Canonical-only while it's still in its infancy, I didn't check which groups it passed along.21:06
tumbleweedinfinity: assuming that (IIRC that's what ev said it would be, at UDS-P)21:07
dokoahh, the fix is simple21:08
dokois there a bug number?21:08
infinityOddly enough, no.21:09
infinityOr, not according to the crash db.21:09
slangasekdoko: none recorded yet... please open one so that it's SRUable21:09
infinityBut it *is* the #1 crash in the DB.21:09
cjwatsonBug 95593621:10
dokobug 95593621:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 955936 in python-central "pycentral crashed with NameError in run(): global name 'arch' is not defined" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95593621:10
infinityI guess the bug cross-referencing bit isn't perfect. ;)21:11
infinityOr maybe that's because it was private.21:11
slangasekthe crashdb info doesn't include a 'bt full'?21:12
dokofix uploaded to -proposed21:13
cjwatson10148 builds ...21:22
infinityI think.21:23
infinityNone of the pandas have hit the bzip annoyance yet.21:23
infinityI wonder if I just jinxed it.21:23
cjwatsonAnd I think that's pretty much the initial auto-sync.21:23
cjwatsonSo the buildds are full for two days and I can take a quick trip to Barbados.21:24
dokomake it a week, lp is lying21:24
infinityIt's being optimistic, not "lying".21:25
infinityMaybe if we blakclisted all PPA recipe builds for 3 days...21:25
infinityThere needs to be a shiny red button to do that.21:26
dokorather pessimistic about the vacation21:26
dokowe should talk about these at uds ...21:27
infinityAbout recipe builds and their impact on our lives?21:27
infinityThey're pretty valuable for CI, but I'd certainly love to stop them from time to time.21:27
dokono they are not. do you really believe that every unity commit is tested on powerpc and arm?21:28
infinityEven building is a test.21:28
infinityMost CI systems don't even produce binaries, it's just testing buildability.21:28
dokois it worth the time?21:28
dokoor that the daily go builds see any review?21:28
infinityYeah, I'm not sure they're all wildly valuable, no. :P21:29
infinityBut, given the capacity, I don't want to discourage CI of any sort.21:29
infinityI just want an override when it's impacting capacity negatively.21:29
dokoand on *every* release21:30
Laneygiven that there are now arm* ppa builders, we could ask Launchpad to review the use of non-virtual PPAs21:38
ScottKThe unity builds were one of the things that really blocked us on powerpc and armel right before release.21:38
ScottKIf they hadn't been so backed up, we probably could have snuck more stuff in.21:39
micahgarm* makes sense for unity, powerpc ci builds don't necessarily (although with sulfur chewing through builds faster, the powerpc times might improve over time)22:01
slangasekdoko: please register a blueprint for UDS about this and subscribe the correct people from the DX team22:10
slangasekor if they're not going to be able to make it, let's follow up on this after UDS22:11
cjwatsonstgraber: So do you know why the Chinese images were removed from localized-iso?22:14
slangasekcjwatson: I see you sponsored an SRU of sudo; I was pushing back on uploading that because I wanted to also get bug #982684 fixed in SRU.  Do you think this should go as one SRU or two?22:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 982684 in sudo "sudo doesn't apply global environment settings from /etc/environment" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98268422:53
cjwatsonslangasek: Let's make it one22:53
cjwatsonThose are fairly independent22:53
slangasekI don't have the patch done quite yet, but expect to this week22:54
slangasekso will reject the current SRU22:54
cjwatsonEr, it might as well age and be tested, no?22:55
cjwatsonYou can always upload with -v on top22:55
slangasekI misunderstood your answer then :)22:55
slangasekyeah, we can do that22:55
cjwatsonI mean I think we can stack them22:55
slangaseklet me unreject!22:55
slangasekgot it22:55
cjwatsonstgraber: Never mind, I see http://localized-iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/217/builds now23:20
cjwatsonBut no tests.23:20

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