
popeypip pip04:53
Azelphurhaha, your up early04:53
Azelphurwas just about to ask in here, everybody has probably heard of soreau, nice guy who is working on wayland and wrote the compiz git scripts for Ubuntu and is a generally all round really cool guy04:54
popeyi am in sfo04:54
Azelphurjust found out he's still using a really old P4 2.8ghz, so I'm trying to crowd source him a new PC04:54
AzelphurI found a AMD Athlon 4200+ x2 with 2GB RAM for $110, so any money towards that appreciated :D04:55
MartijnVdSAzelphur: him using an old machine is good, it means wayland will perform on old hardware a:P04:57
Azelphurhaha, but trying to develop on that, he needs to compile stuff, really must take forever on that old hardware04:57
Azelphurand we all want stuff like wayland to be ready soon04:57
MartijnVdSThe Cloud :)04:58
Azelphurbut no, donate or I will continue to guilt you! xD05:00
popeyAlanBell: ubuntu-uk fix0r3d05:07
popeyproblem was logrotate changing permissions on log files, and then restarting lighttpd and that caused it to fail to statr05:07
popeytime for sleep05:24
ali1234as long as you don't buy him a nvidia or ati card05:50
Azelphurwhy not?05:50
ali1234then he won';t be able to run wayland at all05:50
Azelphurworks with the open drivers?05:50
ali1234you mean, it works if the open drivers work05:50
Azelphuryea, it does work with the open drivers05:50
Azelphuramd athlon 4200+ x2, dfi lanparty ultra-d mobo, 2gb g.skill ddr 40005:51
Azelphuris the hardware I'm getting05:51
ali1234do no tbuy g.skill rubbish05:51
Azelphurit's used, kinda have to take what I can get05:51
Azelphurand g.skill isn't rubbish :o05:51
ali1234i thought you were crowd sourcing?05:51
AzelphurI am, I found a guy with a used machine who will sell it very cheap, and now I'm crowd sourcing some cash05:51
Azelphurand then I'll buy it and have it shipped to him05:52
ali1234oh i thought you were crowd sourcing da money05:52
ali1234and then buying something actually good :)05:52
Azelphurwell I mean if I got a sensible amount of money I'd buy something better05:52
ali1234seriously, g.skill?05:52
AzelphurI can only really go to about $80 on my own, and the machine is $11005:53
Azelphurdunno how many donations I'll get, but I assume not much more than that05:53
Azelphurand that machine is way better than a P4 2.8ghz with 1GB RAM05:53
Azelphurand some shitty AGP graphics card05:53
ali1234afaict g.skill is designed for people who overclock their computer so much that it is guaranteed to crash, therefore they won't notice it is completely horribly unstable even if you don't overclock it05:53
Azelphurif you have some parts to sell, I can swap it out :)05:54
Azelphur(or even better, parts to donate)05:54
ali1234i've got some g.skill ram you can have for free05:54
Azelphurcool, how many GB and what type? :D05:54
ali12342GB DDR 400 i think05:54
Azelphursounds good, that'll knock the price down as I can tell the guy I'm getting the parts from I don't need no ram05:55
ali1234it claims to be 1600 mhz however that is a complete lie05:55
ali1234also it doesn't work05:55
ali1234i had to replace it after about a month when i figured out it was the reason my computer crasshed every day05:55
ali1234though it does pass memtest05:55
Azelphurif it passes memtest it does work, perhaps the instability was elsewhere in the machine05:57
Azelphurali1234: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231046 reviews say it all :P05:58
ali1234lol, no05:58
ali1234well if you want it you can have it05:59
ali1234i bought it as a pair05:59
Azelphursounds good, when I got everything sorted I'll give you his address, you can just ship it straight to him :D05:59
ali1234the other one works just about as long as you don't overclock it05:59
Azelphuryea I don't think we have any intentions of overclocking here05:59
ali1234haha no, i don't want him to think i palmed off crap on him05:59
Azelphurfeel free to palm off better crap ;)06:00
ali1234well you don't get the other one, it's in another machine06:00
AzelphurI'm even willing to buy parts if you have any good spares floating about (or even any suggestions on where to get good parts)06:00
ali1234i don't keep spares06:00
MartijnVdSali1234 = Voldemort06:01
MartijnVdS"KILL THE SPARE!"06:01
ali1234i have a lo of althon cpus06:01
ali1234and celerons06:01
MartijnVdSI gave up on AMD06:01
ali1234basically i don't have anything better than his current system06:01
ali1234except for things i actually use06:02
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|afk
=== alan_g|afk is now known as alan_g
MooDoomorning all07:46
TheOpenSourcererMorning all07:51
* TheOpenSourcerer is now running 12.04 (A big move for me from 10.10). Seems pretty good so far.07:52
brobostigonmorning everyone.08:09
brobostigonmorning czajkowski and AlanBell08:19
mungojerrytried to import some photos into shotwell...oh dear08:20
mungojerrytook 90 mins before OOM crash08:21
BigRedSI don't think I've ever managed to get OOM on a desktop08:34
oimontry shotwell :D08:35
BigRedSalways assumed there were safeguards or something in the way08:35
BigRedSI think I did try shotwell once, but the CPU was the massive bottleneck for whatever it was doing08:35
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)08:35
brobostigonclosest i have had, is the load becoming so high, that the system just ground to a halt.08:36
brobostigonmorning bigcalm :)08:36
oimonu1 shows file sync is disabled. try to enable, it gets stuck when i click enable.08:36
oimonis file sync the normal u1 feature?08:36
=== nick_ is now known as Guest96529
* oimon notices shutter now has a publish to ubuntu one feature08:42
czajkowskioimon: yes, ask in #ubuntuone08:43
oimonah yes, i recall they are quite helpful08:44
czajkowskioimon: yes I recall pointing out this channel to you on more than one ocassion08:45
oimonwell this is a good location to find recent 12.04 users (i hope)08:46
directhexnah, we all run maverick08:46
oimoni skipped that one08:46
oimonand N & O..08:46
JamesTaitHappy Monday, everyone! *8OD08:48
ali1234is quantal out yet?08:48
oimonmy ARM shares seem to have dropped 15% this week :(08:50
=== JamesTai1 is now known as JamesTait
directhexoimon, intel's x86 android phone is not terrible. arm are doomed!08:54
directhexwell, on the scale of 0 to android, anyway08:54
oimonhowever they did go up 5% when rumours of a ipad 7' version came out08:55
oimonipad galaxy08:55
=== pmac is now known as Guest22171
=== Guest22171 is now known as searcher
MartijnVdSgood morning Myrtti08:59
MyrttiI wonder where the Nanode is08:59
MartijnVdSEaten by nanotech bots09:00
MartijnVdSGrey goo imminent09:00
MartijnVdSmy terminal.. it's bleeding09:01
Myrttialthough I should design the circuit first09:01
oimondiscovered a fun desktop game called ri-li at the weekend. kept my son occupied watching while i played it09:03
searcherI cant go online  wirelessly, on my Dell notebook09:03
MartijnVdSsearcher: does it show the network list"?09:04
MartijnVdSsearcher: what kind of Dell?09:04
Myrttioimon: ooh, sounds interesting09:05
searcheryes  it shows the list, its dell vostro 152009:05
MartijnVdSsearcher: and if you click on a network in the list, it asks for a password too?09:05
oimonsnake bores me, but snake on a train? yay09:05
MartijnVdSsearcher: (assuming the network is password-proteced)09:05
MartijnVdSoimon: Samuel L. Jackson? Snakes on a Train?09:05
oimonsort of MartijnVdS09:06
searcherit doesnt ask for passwd09:06
MartijnVdSsearcher: is the network protected?09:07
searcherits running firestarter but thats all09:08
MartijnVdSsearcher: no I mean, is there a WPA or WEP key?09:08
searchersorry ,yes theres aWEP key09:10
MartijnVdSIs changing it to WPA an option? WEP is getting very little testing because WPA is much more secure (and fewer and fewer people have WEP)09:11
MartijnVdSI have no idea what the problem could be -- it should ask for the WEP password09:12
searcheriĺl just try that now, thanks09:12
oimonsee if dmesg or /var/log/syslog says anything09:12
ali1234look for stuff about CRDA09:12
MartijnVdSali1234: nah, crda is about frequencies that are allowed09:12
ali1234yeah it ca cause this problem09:13
MartijnVdSlook for stuff about network-manager and/or wpasupplicant09:13
ali1234you select AP, enter password and then... it just won't work no matter what you do09:13
ali1234until you change frequency of the AP09:13
ali1234and it very often picks the wrong list of frequencies because it takes into account everything it can see and produces the most conservative possible list09:13
ali1234but it only prevents tx so you can still see the AP, you just can't talk to it09:14
MartijnVdSali1234: well if the AP broadcasts "I'm in Japan!", and your laptop agrees, you'll only get 3-4 channels09:14
MartijnVdSbecause that's the most conservative set09:14
MartijnVdS\o/ Japan09:14
ali1234if the AP says HK and the laptop says UK everything works except channel 1309:14
bigcalmGah, time to descale the kettle again09:15
ali1234well everything you expect from the UK anyway09:15
oimoni was thinking more along the lines of broadcom firmware...09:15
oimonis it a broadcom?09:16
MartijnVdSali1234: 12 and 1309:16
MartijnVdSali1234: and JP also has 1409:16
oimonsearcher, was it an upgrade or fresh install?09:17
searcherIchose wpa &WPA2 Personal under the wireless security tab, I entered a password , however it does not allow me to save that info09:19
searcherit was a fresh install, but iḿ dual booting with windows vista09:20
searcherits a broadcom driver09:20
MartijnVdSJust selecting WPA2 in Ubuntu won't help. The router/access point needs to have that set first :)09:21
searcheryes the access point have the passwd that im trying to ener in WPA209:22
oimonsearcher, if you type lspci | grep -i broadcom what output do you get?09:22
searcherlspci gives an output of display options and PCI access options09:26
oimonwhich model is it ? bcm4312?09:27
searchersorry i input only part of the grep command09:27
searcherill try again, one sec pl09:27
searchersorry, I cant paste the output to screen. itś on a different pc09:33
oimondo you know the model of card? BCM4312?09:33
searcherit doesnt give any Broad com output09:33
oimoneven typing lspci without any grep?09:34
oimoni think i have a fix but need to confirm it's the card i think it is09:37
searcherok BCM431209:37
oimon^^ see link09:37
searcheryes it is BCM431209:37
oimonhopefully that page should resolve your problem :D09:38
oimonsee the top answer with 5 votes09:38
oimon2 votes09:38
searcherthanks oimon iĺl try that link, thanks a lot09:39
oimonno probs09:39
oimonanyone in here using xchat? i get no scroll bar on the chat window?09:39
oimon12.04 directhex ?09:40
oimoni get thsi http://ubuntuone.com/1dL4FbcOgLvcu5r2Dd8MzR09:41
oimononly scrollbar for users09:41
oimonstill not there :(..off to launchpad09:46
directhexnew user account?09:48
directhexthat's usually a good test for things09:48
oimoni'll try on my laptop too09:48
oimonbug 766581 seems related09:49
lubotu3Launchpad bug 766581 in xchat (Ubuntu) "overlay-scrollbars stop working in Ubuntu 11.04" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76658109:49
gingdoes anyone know if it is possible to switch the side of the launcher on unity?09:49
searcherthanks to you guys for your input, I really appreciate it : )09:50
oimonworking now searcher ?09:52
czajkowskiging: dont think so no09:55
oimonis power pc now dead as a platform? i have a spare macmini which is a convenient size and noise for putting under the telly as an iplayer player - is flash still supported, or am i wasting my time?10:38
kjalilhello, to manage the graphical effects on precise pangolin I believe I have to install the compizconfig-settings-manager package? or is it compizconfig-backend-gconf?10:40
gordonjcpoimon: seems not10:40
zleapkjalil, setttings manager i think10:40
oimongordonjcp, hmm. maybe get_iplayer is a solution, or maybe i shouldn't bother10:40
gordonjcpoimon: you could use get_iplayer and transcode it10:40
zleapif you want to enable desktop wall etc10:41
zleapor the cube thing10:41
oimonnow i wonder if xbmc is supposed10:41
Daraelkjalil: compizconfig-backend-gconf isn't a configurator; the configuration tool is ccsm10:41
kjalilDarael: ah so compizconfig-settings-manager then, as there is no ccsm package10:42
Daraelkjalil: That's right.  The program is ccsm, the package is compizconfig-settings-manager.  Not sure why.10:42
kjalilDarael: yes thanks, got it now10:42
kjalilzleap: thanks10:43
kjalilI just need to change the sliding in/out animation when changing workspaces, it's a bit annoying10:43
zleapcompizconfig-settings-manager - Compiz configuration settings manager10:43
zleapi did a quick apt-cache search for compiz settings10:44
zleapan i rightin thinking the behaviour of the launcher is changing fo r12.04, right now as apps open full screen and havcing the close button near the trigger results in me getting the launcher when i want to close a program down or do things like go back in firefox10:45
kjalilawesome, changing Desktop Wall -> Viewport Switching -> Wall Sliding Duration fixes it :-)10:47
DaraelSomething I've wondered for a while: Is there a way of generating a minimal list of packages to install to get all packages currently installed on a system?11:00
TheOpenSourcererCool - Silicene - the new Grahpene: http://www.extremetech.com/computing/127887-silicene-discovered-single-layer-silicon-that-could-beat-graphene-to-market11:00
DaraelIt would have not to use information on whether a package was manually or automatically installed, because the idea would be to get as much as possible from dependencies on other things.11:01
directhexam i the only one for whom the global menu shows menus in a random order on 12.04?11:05
directhexe.e. View, Edit, File, in that order?11:05
AlanBellit is just you11:05
ali1234i've never seen that but it wouldn't entirely shock me either :)11:05
AlanBellin all applications directhex?11:05
directhexmostly noticed it on evo11:06
AlanBelldoesn't totally shock me11:06
ali1234i've never used that, maybe that's why11:06
AlanBellthere are a number of things where unordered collections are going to be less predictable than they used to be11:06
ali1234if your code depends on the order of unnordered collections... well11:07
* TheOpenSourcerer (for once) knows what AlanBell is talking about ;-)11:07
AlanBellyeah, that kind of thing. It is being fixed in python and other places too.11:10
MartijnVdSPerl has had a fix since forever11:28
czajkowskiuk list is rather noisy this week11:34
czajkowskiyou;d think if people are having this musch issues with upgrades th'd have tested before hand :/11:35
TheOpenSourcererok - what's the *right* way to install skype on a 12.04 64bit desktop?11:35
czajkowskiTheOpenSourcerer: harass davmo211:35
* MartijnVdS gives czajkowski a new keyboard11:37
AlanBellTheOpenSourcerer: go to the software centre, type skype11:42
ali1234that still doesn't work even today11:44
AlanBellskype is in the partner repo for precise, it should work11:48
TheOpenSourcererNot in mine it isn't.11:50
popey        500 http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/ precise/partner amd64 Packages11:51
czajkowskipopey: herrro11:51
popeytis here11:51
* TheOpenSourcerer refreshes the list11:51
DaraelIs there an apt-cli equivalent for "aptitude markauto"?11:51
DaraelNever mind; found it.  apt-mark markauto.11:52
Myrttipopey: planet.ubuntu-uk.org feeling poorly?11:53
AlanBellhow is SF popey?11:54
TheOpenSourcererI have the Canonical Partners enabled in the Software sources. Closed and re-opened the Software Centre. Nowt. Opened a terminal and ran sudo apt-get update. Re-opened the software center. Still no skype.11:59
DaraelTheOpenSourcerer: Is app-install-data-partner installed?12:00
TheOpenSourcererdunno? wtf is that12:00
DaraelIt's the package that makes the things from the partner repo show up in the Software Centre.12:00
TheOpenSourcererOMG - Skype finally appears in the list - after about 20minutes.12:00
TheOpenSourcererOK - So I "locked" a new icon to the launcher but I want to edit the settings for it. Where is the configuration for it? (doesn't seem to be in ~/.local )12:03
AlanBellwhat settings?12:04
TheOpenSourcererthe executable path , the name...12:04
TheOpenSourcererAnything really.12:04
popeyAlanBell: warm12:04
TheOpenSourcerer"So I "locked" a new icon to the launcher"12:05
TheOpenSourcererit's not a repo app12:05
ali1234there is no tool for editing that under ubuntu12:05
TheOpenSourcererand when I locked it I wasn't asked for sudo12:05
TheOpenSourcererali1234: I didn't ask for a too.12:05
ali1234ok let me put it another way. there is no way to edit that in ubuntu12:06
TheOpenSourcererno way to edit it? Really?12:06
TheOpenSourcererwhere is it stored?12:06
ali1234probably somewhere in dconf12:07
DaraelTheOpenSourcerer: It's not under .local/share/applications?12:07
popeybug 70500712:08
lubotu3Launchpad bug 705007 in unity (Ubuntu) "Unity has no method to maintain properties of launchers" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70500712:08
ali1234^ see i told you :)12:08
popey\o/ 1 year old12:08
AlanBellin dconf-editor you can go to desktop/unity/launcher and see the list of favourites which is a bunch of .desktop files12:09
AlanBellnot entirely sure how non-desktop file things work12:09
TheOpenSourcererYeah - that sucks.12:09
AlanBellprobably creates local .desktop files somewhere12:09
ali1234also what exactly do you want to edit? the backing .desktop file?12:09
TheOpenSourcerersabdfl "I really do not agree we want a "properties" view of a launcher. KISS!"12:09
ali1234i doubt there even is one12:10
ali1234since unity creates them on the fly12:10
ali1234if there was one and yu edited it, it would probably create a second icon the next time you ran it12:10
AlanBell.local/share/applications is where the automatically created ones go I think12:11
ali1234just tried it12:11
ali1234then don't12:12
ali1234there is a dconf key12:12
ali1234which has "favourites"12:12
ali1234but it only lists the real ones, not the automatic ones12:12
AlanBellyes, I just said that :)12:12
TheOpenSourcererOh FFS12:12
ali1234if i lock something that has a backing .desktop it appears instantly in that key12:13
ali1234but the apps that are autodetected don't work that way12:13
TheOpenSourcererSo I have to create a .desktop file12:13
ali1234and put it in the .local12:13
TheOpenSourcererThat's helpful.12:13
ali1234yeah i know right?12:13
ali1234again, i've been complaining about this for a year12:13
popeywhat is this desktop file for?12:13
TheOpenSourcererI did that for one but thought when you "lock" something it must create something "similar" elsewhere...12:14
ali1234well apparently it doesn't12:14
TheOpenSourcererIt must, but it is very well hidden.12:14
* AlanBell is guessing multiple openerp GTK client launch options12:14
TheOpenSourcererThat's one yes.12:14
popeyyes, that was my use case12:15
AlanBellso lots of .desktop files really pointing at different config files12:15
TheOpenSourcererdifferent versions too.12:15
popeymultiple firefox browsers with command line options12:15
ali1234i hope you're not trying to make multiple icons for the same binary12:15
TheOpenSourcererI need it for Thunderbird and various profiles I have for extension development12:15
ali1234because that doesn't work *at all*12:15
ali1234you can do it with the quicklists though and just one icon12:15
AlanBellyeah that is going to get totaly confused with the bamf stuff12:16
ali1234bamf has a hard enough time telling java applications apart12:16
AlanBelltrue, that is a much better way to do it, with quicklists in the .desktop file12:16
ali1234you still need a .desktop though12:16
ali1234in the end all of these problems are caused because docks are a bad design choice12:17
AlanBellyeah, comes down to copying daft stuff from mac os X12:17
popeyMyrtti: planet fixed12:18
Myrttithankies ♥12:18
MartijnVdSpopey: you're Captain Planet? :)12:19
* popey swooshes12:19
ahayzen\me is installing XP in KVM and doesn't remember there being background music while using the setup wizard before =-O12:19
MartijnVdSsoothing music?12:19
ahayzenyeah weird12:19
ahayzennever noticed that before when installing XP12:20
oimonit's forced on you12:20
DaraelFrankly a number of UI conventions are suboptimal, and docks are not (in my somewhat arrogant opinion) the worst of them.  For example, why not use ring-shaped menus? (yes, yes, one can - with great effort - get such a thing working).12:20
ahayzenits scary12:20
oimoni decided to annoy people in my office by booting up 5 new laptops , and pressing space (to accept terms) at slightly different interval12:20
oimoncue pan pipes out of sync12:20
ahayzenyh lol12:20
ali1234dock is by far the worst and the easiest to fix12:21
ali1234just go back to the seperate launcher menu and window lists that we've had since forever12:21
ahayzenyey the music is over :)12:22
ali1234and round menus would be preferable to the hud12:22
AlanBellDarael: funnily enough ring shaped menus are something that could be done now that dbusmenu is there, the global menu data could be presented in several ways12:22
DaraelRound menus are just common sense, considering Fitts' Law.12:22
ali1234circles are not efficient for displaying a list it words though12:22
daubersAlanBell: You where right re: plus.net12:22
DaraelAssuming you allow a slight motion to select an option, of course.  Making people go all the way out would defeat the point.12:22
oimonwhat's the mobile internet on o2/giffgaff like?12:22
AlanBellthey would be more findable and browseable than the hidden global menu12:23
oimonand can you transfer your number to giffgaff?12:23
AlanBelldaubers: oh good!12:23
Daraeloimon: To the latter, yes.  to the former, I don't know.12:23
ali1234circular menus could only really replace existing context menus though12:23
daubersAlanBell: Just need to get the keys then can get them to move stuff12:24
daubersalso get to keep my static IP :)12:24
ali1234that looks kind of good. i mean it *looks* good. it's probably horrible to use with all the unlabelled icons12:25
Daraelali1234: I don't see why.  To do more, one would need keyboard-modifiers or more than three mouse buttons, yes, but there's no reason it couldn't work.12:25
oimonright now i'm comparing 3 and giffgaff on price, but no idea on general reception12:25
oimonloooks like i'll have to get some sim cards and play12:26
Daraelali1234: /That/'s easy to solve:  Have the name of what you're hovering over show up in the middle.  Provides explorability without the ugliness of labels floating beneath them.12:26
ali1234except the "middle" is too small to fit any more than about 4 letters12:26
ali1234that's what i meant about circles being innefficient12:27
DaraelMove the icons further apart and have a small motion into a "slice" highlight it, then.12:27
ali1234and besides fitt's law is stupid and needs to be heavily debunked12:27
ali1234apart from anything else making everything tiny just makes it harder to click on12:27
Daraelali1234: Fitt's Law /agrees/ with that.12:28
Daraelali1234: Fitt's Law says that larger things are easier to hit, and closer things are easier to hit.12:28
ali1234yeah, the latter isnn't true12:28
ali1234larger things are easier. distance makes no difference at all12:28
ali1234fitt's law seems to be used as a justification for making everything smaller, because smaller means less mouse movement12:30
TheOpenSourcererhmmm - I had eclipse open on one desktop. I minimised it. Now I can't find it. If I click on my launcher icon, it tries to start another instance and fails because there is one already running... Eclipse is not from the repos BTW.12:30
ali1234so those two rules are in direct conflict at the very least, and it comes down to which you think is more important12:30
Daraelali1234: Trivially, the point currently under the cursor is the easiest thing to hit.12:30
TheOpenSourcererHow can I find my minimised app.12:30
TheOpenSourcererALT+TAB doesn't show it.12:31
ali1234the point under the cursor can be considered to be infinite in size though12:31
ali1234since you literally can't miss it no matter how you move the mouse12:31
Daraelali1234: I forget the phrasing, but I'm reasonably sure it /ought/ to emphasise size.  That's why the screen edges and corners are such prime real-estate.12:31
ali1234screen edges are turning into more of a ghetto :/12:32
Daraelali1234: Except that things following the cursor are Really Annoying, so it's better to spawn them beneath it and let people move them.12:32
ali1234where everything that designers don't know how to handle just gets dumped12:32
TheOpenSourcerer How can I find my minimised app?12:32
DaraelThey /are/, which is a shame.  They're the easiest places to put things.12:32
ali1234TheOpenSourcerer: stop using unity12:32
ali1234two icons for the same app is a common problem caused by the whole idea of bamf being made of fail12:32
TheOpenSourcererI have only been using it for 12hrs and already have some issues. All to do with personalisation.12:33
ubuntuuk-planet[Dean Sas] So long and thanks for all the fish - http://deansas.org/blog/2012/04/28/so-long-and-thanks-for-all-the-fish/12:33
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Translation Help Needed! - http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/04/28/translation-help-needed/12:33
ubuntuuk-planet[Miia Ranta] Viglen MPC-L from Xubuntu 10.04 LTS to Debian stable - http://myrtti.fi/blog/2012/04/30/viglen-mpc-l-from-xubuntu-10-04-lts-to-debian-stable/12:33
AlanBellminimised apps should be in alt-tab and should come back when clicking on the launcher icon :/12:33
ali1234AlanBell: they should, yes12:34
TheOpenSourcererthis does not.12:34
ali1234except that bamf can't handle java12:34
AlanBellah right :/12:34
ali1234and it thinks all java apps are the same and/or completely unique12:34
AlanBellthat isn't good12:34
ali1234so when you click on the eclipse icon12:34
ali1234it makes a second icon for the actually running copy of eclipse12:34
ali1234click it again and it makes another one etc12:34
TheOpenSourcererI have a .desktop for my eclipse install.12:35
daubersali1234: I don't get that problem....12:35
ali1234this doesn't happen with repo eclipse because everything in the repos has been specially patched by thousands of slaves to prevent this from happening12:35
ali1234but any java app you run that isn't in the repos is likely to have this issue12:35
TheOpenSourcererBut you get screwed up when you try to update eclipse or your addons from the eclipse updater12:36
DaraelSlaves?  Nah, slaves need feeding, they wouldn't use /slaves/.12:36
ali1234probably yes12:36
ali1234bug 75799112:36
lubotu3Launchpad bug 757991 in unity (Ubuntu) "java applications a double icon appears " [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75799112:36
TheOpenSourcererI did have it installed from the repo but it barfed when I tried to update some stuff which the package manager wouldn't allow. I guess I need to run eclipse as root to do that ;-)12:36
daubersHmm.... I use a locally installed copy of eclipse and don't get that double icon thing....12:37
ali1234incidentally, writing a .desktop file won't fix this12:37
ali1234it doesn't make any difference at all in fact12:37
TheOpenSourcererBut anyway - I have an instance of eclipse running on a workspace. But I can't now restore it. Any way to bring it back?12:38
ali1234this is once again a side effect of having a dock which has to guess which windows belong to which applications... that's the entirity of what bamf does12:38
ali1234click the launcher icon12:38
AlanBellwell you could try "unity --replace &" which will do scary stuff, and hopefully come back with all your windows running (save things in other applications before doing this)12:38
ali1234the second one12:39
ali1234if there isn't any icon, then no, it's gone forever12:39
TheOpenSourcererali1234: I only have the one laucher icon12:39
ali1234and it doesn't have an arrow next to it?12:39
TheOpenSourcererWhen I click that it tried to start a new instance of eclipse.12:39
ali1234are you sure it didn't just crash when you minimized it?12:40
oimonTheOpenSourcerer, tried alt-tabbing on every desktop?12:40
TheOpenSourcererBut when eclipse starts it coughs because it is already running.12:40
oimonps -ef | grep -i eclipse?12:40
TheOpenSourcereryes - it is running12:41
* AlanBell bets on unity --replace & bringing it back12:41
oimonrun an instance of docky - that will show all windows :P12:41
TheOpenSourcererwhat is "docky"?12:41
oimonanother dock12:41
oimonwhen started, it will show all running apps on the dock12:42
AlanBelland the docky author is on the unity team12:42
oimondocky works better than unity12:42
TheOpenSourcererthat was even more weird...12:42
ali1234you might be able to get it back if you can find the window id12:43
TheOpenSourcererAlanBell: Id managed to find eclipse and added the arrow to the launcher. BUt the app was completely transparent!12:43
oimonah yes, that happens sometimes12:43
oimoni've seen that with other apps12:44
oimonunity also says "waiting to install" on an app i've installed12:44
TheOpenSourcererAt least I could close it now.12:44
TheOpenSourcererMan - and this is an LTS?12:44
ali1234do wmctrl -l12:45
ali1234find the window12:45
brobostigonok, what am i missing when making a virtualhost inside apache, put the virtualhost files in sites-available and sites-enabled, then a2ensite newhost, then restarted apache, am i misssing something?12:45
AlanBellTheOpenSourcerer: it is the first release of unity that is ready for people to start testing :)12:45
AlanBellbrobostigon: don't put it in site-enabled12:45
TheOpenSourcererI should probably reboot now. Thunderbird has also gone invisible12:46
AlanBellbrobostigon: a2ensite should create the symlink in enabled to available12:46
brobostigonAlanBell: ok, let me retry, one moment, ah, didnt think about that.12:46
ali1234i always make the symlinks by hand :)12:46
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AlanBellyeah, that works too (or putting the files there works too) but doing both is probably unwise12:47
soulnafeinhello, anyone here had to upgrade the kernel to 3.3.2 in order to fix the graphical glitch (e.g. https://twitter.com/#!/soulnafein/status/195944650765385728/photo/1/large)12:47
ali1234btw, unity --replace will crash you out to the login screen about 50% of the time if my experience is typical12:48
AlanBellnot had that much, but sometimes you have no window decoration and no ability to focus on anything to fix it12:49
oimonmy machine just froze hard when clicking on the launcher. not cool12:49
brobostigonAlanBell: ok, that didnt work, any further ideas?12:49
ali1234when that happens i switch to virtual console and metacity --replace12:49
AlanBellbrobostigon: your vitualhost file is probably wrong in some way12:49
brobostigonAlanBell: let me pastebinit,12:49
ali1234you need a line in the main apache config to enable vhosts12:49
ali1234let me check my notes12:50
brobostigonAlanBell: http://pastebin.com/dHKTEvbv12:50
brobostigonali1234: i have a virtualhost on said server already, that works, so already have that enabled.12:50
ali1234yeah you need to do something to allow more than one12:51
ali1234or maybe not any more hmm12:51
ali1234why do you think it doesn't work?12:52
ali1234you get the wrong site?12:53
ali1234or an error?12:53
popeysoulnafein: thats pretty12:53
soulnafeinpopey, :D12:53
brobostigonas far as i can see, i have basically copied the other virtualhost, with the correct adaptions, so i dont see what is wrong.12:53
ali1234do you have UseCanonicalName Off anywhere?12:54
soulnafeinpopey, this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookAir3-2/Pangolin suggested to upgrade to kernel 3.3.212:54
brobostigonali1234: let me look,12:54
ali1234possibly in _default_.conf12:54
soulnafeinpopey, that solved the problem but now I would like to install bcmwl-kernel-source but it doesn't compile with 3.3.2 :'(12:54
brobostigonali1234: i dont see that config option, in apaches config.12:55
soulnafeinpopey, how can I know which wireless driver am I using?12:55
ali1234i think that's the line you need for it to work12:56
popeysoulnafein: nm-tool will tell you12:56
brobostigonali1234: however why does my other virtualhost, on that server work?12:56
soulnafeinpopey, 'cause this bastard works on the wireless at home but not with the one in my friend's house :(12:56
ali1234brobostigon: becuase it is using the canonical name12:56
brobostigonali1234: so what do i add?12:56
ali1234UseCanonicalName Off12:56
brobostigonok,  let me try,12:57
soulnafeinpopey, thank. It seems like I'm using brcmsmac12:57
ali1234apparently it is off by default?12:57
ali1234it's also possible your other vhost doesn't work and just appears to work for various reasons :)12:57
brobostigonali1234: same result, no change.12:58
ali1234what exactly is happening?12:58
brobostigonali1234: i am getting chrome cannot find etc, errors when i try the url.12:59
ali1234meaning what?12:59
ali1234dns error?12:59
popeybrobostigon: use wget, you get real error messages12:59
brobostigonpopey: one moment,13:00
ali1234could be incorrect permissions on the docroot13:00
popeycould be lots of things :D13:00
ali1234web hosting is fun13:00
brobostigonResolving stats.taylorworld.me.uk... failed: Name or service not known.13:01
brobostigonwget: unable to resolve host address `stats.taylorworld.me.uk'13:01
ali1234that's a dns error13:01
ali1234nothing to do with apache13:01
ali1234you probably didn't enable wildcards13:01
ali1234or forgot to add the stats subdomain to you dns config13:01
ali1234i can guess what your next question will be...13:02
ali1234how to forward all subdomains except stats to the main website :)13:02
brobostigonali1234: dns config? zone file, or server end?13:02
popeyoh, not that then13:02
ali1234zone file13:02
brobostigonali1234: ther is no entry there, for the other virtualhost.13:03
ali1234btw, the answer o your next question is modrewrite :)13:03
brobostigonali1234: in the virtualhost config?13:03
ali1234in the dns configuration for your domain name13:03
ali1234also dns changes take a while to propagate13:04
ali1234if you just added the subdomain it will take a while to actually be visible13:04
ali1234depends on ttl... you should be able to change that too13:05
brobostigonali1234: ok, let me lok through, minute.13:05
ali1234who is your dns provider?13:05
ali1234is it same as web host?13:06
brobostigonali1234: gandi, i just checked dns entries, and they look right. my webhost, is my vps, on bitfolk.13:09
ali1234i use gandi :)13:09
ali1234i can show you how to write the zone file cos i spent a weekend figuring it out13:09
ali1234you need to add a wildcard entry basically13:09
brobostigonali1234: i just checked an A and AAAA entry, pointing to stats, with my servers ip.13:10
ali1234well you might need to wait several hours for that to go through13:10
brobostigoni set the ttl to 20minutes, on both.13:11
ali1234that change is subject to the old ttl13:11
brobostigonthats was how i set the ttl, originally.13:11
brobostigoni havent changed it.13:12
ali1234your dns cache might be out of date13:13
ali1234stats resolves for me13:13
ali1234hmm wait no it doesn't13:13
ali1234it resolves but no ip13:14
brobostigonprobebly, yes, i think coffee time, and wait.13:14
ali1234nope, you've configured it wrong13:14
ali1234this is what mine looks like13:14
ali1234* 300 IN CNAME example.com.13:14
ali1234... irrelevant stuff ...13:14
brobostigonit looks the same here, compared to the other entry.13:14
ali1234@ 300 IN A
Laneystudents come back → university internet goes down the tubes13:21
directhexthe tubes are clogged with porn13:21
DaraelQoS thy own traffic to much higher priority?13:22
bigcalmUsing an 8 characters from a-z 0-9, how many possible combinations are there?13:22
jandroHi. I know this question is a bit off topic, but could anyone recommend me about a good UK based DNS registrar? thanks13:23
directhexbigcalm, a whole bunch13:23
bigcalm36 chars to pick from13:23
directhexbigcalm, 8 characters, or 1-8?13:23
Laneyyes, because I have the ability to QoS traffic at the university level13:23
bigcalmdirecthex: a string will always be 8 chars long13:23
directhexbigcalm, 36^8 then?13:24
bigcalmHopefully that'll be enough13:24
OliIs the GB archive mirror going slower than expected (even allowing for the upgrade rush) for anyone else? I've only been getting 50-70KB/s for a while now and it's driving me loopy.13:25
bigcalmWriting a transaction interface. Asked the client how they wanted transaction references to be generated. "Random. 8 characters, alpha and numeric intermixed"13:25
OliHmm, just did a whois on its IP and the internet thinks gb.archive.ubuntu.org lives in Barcelona. Very local.13:25
directhexdeb http://mirror.krystal.co.uk/ubuntu/ precise main universe restricted multiverse13:25
directhexOli, ^^13:25
jpdsOli: It doesn't.13:25
oimonthere's a button you can press in ubuntu to find the fastest mirror13:25
bigcalmJust wondering how many transactions can be made before they run out of references numbers13:25
ali12342.8 trillion13:26
Olidirecthex: thanks13:26
jpdsOli: You want: gb.archive.ubuntu.com13:26
bigcalmali1234: good to know :)13:26
bigcalmali1234: are you basing a billion on a million million or a thousand million?13:26
oimonah, cannot right click on my unity launcher..bugs ahoy atm13:26
Daraeljandro: I've had good experiences with http://goscomb.net if it's domain registration thou'rt after, or for DNS hosting, Hurricane Electric have a very good free service (even though they aren't UK-based).13:26
ali1234a thousand million13:26
Olijpds: Oh my bad - pinged the wrong address, .com is returning datahop13:26
bigcalmIs a trillion a thousand billion then?13:27
Daraelbigcalm: That's how the short scale works, yes.13:27
ali12342,821,109,907,456 is the actual number13:27
bigcalmRight, they have enough possible reference numbers then13:27
Daraelbigcalm: I'm aware it's silly.  Clearly we should be working in hundreds, thousands, lakhs, and crore.13:27
bigcalmDarael: what are the last two?13:28
ali1234crore is indian13:28
Daraelbigcalm: Indian numbering.  One lakh is a hundred thousand, one crore is a hundred lakh.13:28
bigcalmI see13:28
jandroDarael: thanks, i'll check it out13:28
DaraelIt's silly too.  A crore is written 1,00,00,000.13:28
bigcalmThat is silly13:28
ali1234they don't have a word for million, like we don't have a word for 10,00013:28
DaraelAll numbering systems are silly in some way or other.13:28
ali1234unless i am mistaken13:28
Daraelali1234: In fairness, they don't have a word for 10,000 either.13:29
ali1234considering they invented 0, i'll give them a pass13:29
DaraelBut that is correct.  One million is just ten lakh.13:29
oimondoes anyone have issues in thunderbird , clicking a message does not always show the message in preview pane? (usually when attachments?)13:31
DJonesInteresting, MS invested $300M in B&N Nook e-books, yesterday they were talking about B&N selling off the nook to a new company13:39
oimonDJones, :-\13:44
oimonB&N were the ones who called out MS on the fake patents13:50
bigcalmoimon: wfm13:58
oimonbigcalm, wfm some of the time, not always...14:32
bigcalmI've yet to see it not work14:32
Myrttiso I see the Pirate Bay block is extending from Finland to UK now14:33
oimoni've never visited that site14:33
oimonwhat is it, a search engine for pirated videos and games?14:34
Myrttitorrent searchh14:34
oimoni wonder how much of it is trojan infested14:35
DaraelI always preferred isohunt, myself.14:36
gordonjcpMyrtti: wfm14:38
Myrttiwell I'm sure it will for a while14:39
ali1234they gonna block tor?14:39
ali1234good luck with that14:39
DaraelWasn't there a browser plugin to bypass DNS blocks?14:39
oimonisn't tor incredibly slow?14:39
ali1234yes but magnet links are like 1kb14:40
OliDarael: Is it just a DNS block? Surely OpenDNS, Google DNS, etc will keep on working then14:40
DaraelWell, a routing block would be hideously hard to set up, so surely it'd have to be.  And yes, I'd assume they would.  What a "shame".14:41
bigcalmI've had to drop I, O, 1 and 0. Reduces the number of possible transaction references :(15:10
bigcalmNow 34^815:10
bigcalmErm, 32^815:10
MartijnVdSpowers of 2!15:12
bigcalmThat does make it a little nicer :)15:12
bigcalm36^8 = 2 821 109 907 456, 34^8 = 1 785 793 904 896.15:15
bigcalmA loss of 1 035 316 002 560 possible transaction reference15:15
bigcalmKeep doing 34 not 3215:16
bigcalm(36^8) - (32^8) = 1 721 598 279 68015:16
bigcalmAnd now I need to cater for foul language15:25
bigcalmHave been told to park it :)15:31
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zleapwhat would be a good partition size for a 160 gb hard disk  100 for /  50 for /home and 10 for swap (does that sound reasonable)15:56
DaraelDepends.  Personally I'd have /home larger than /, because in my experience more data ends up in there.15:58
DaraelAs for 10 for swap, I see few use-cases requiring that much.  Hibernation in systems with large amounts of RAM, perhaps?15:58
MyrttiI've never seen / go beyond 20GB16:05
Myrtti(in normal desktop use)16:05
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Myrttieven depends of course on what you install, if you load it with several games with huge data files, then of course it's possible to fill it...16:09
gordonjcpMyrtti: arguably crap like that should go into something like /home/common16:10
Myrttior /var or some other funky place16:11
gordonjcpbut I guess that's what /usr/share is meant to be16:11
Myrttior make /usr/share a separate partition16:11
gordonjcpbut that's a bit messy16:13
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gaz1069hey all16:25
BigRedSAm I g'morning!16:33
BigRedSer. just "g'morning!"16:33
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TheOpenSourcererI have noticed that if I am not in the same workspace as thunderbird then the notification doesn't appear. Seems a bit useless that. Anywhere I can configure this? A new 12.04 user.16:52
Guest79689hi all16:53
TheOpenSourcererWhy doesn't the [freenode] room list appear in Empathy?16:55
Guest79689hmmm, went to have a look but I don't have Empathy.  I must have uninstalled it.16:59
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TheOpenSourcererAh - it isn't actually supposed to work> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/telepathy-idle/+bug/42679517:06
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 426795 in telepathy-idle (Ubuntu) "empathy can't get roomlist (from irc.freenode.net)" [Low,Triaged]17:06
TheOpenSourcererWhy don't they just remove the label? Would make more sense.17:06
TheOpenSourcererPidgin worked though.17:06
Guest79689urgh, that's boring. I use XChat which w17:08
Guest79689*works really well17:09
BigRedSI found that the fix for most empathy related problems is to go back to pidgin17:09
DaraelFrankly, I just use irssi for IRC and Psi+ for XMPP, and that's all I need.  MSN and Yahoo can go and die in a fire, and Google Talk will talk to the few people I know who use AIM.17:11
Guest79689I've got a massive problem I'm trying to sort out.  Reinstalled my laptop not realising I'd get stuck with this dammed useless unity desktop, with no obvious way of getting rid of it. :(17:11
Guest79689ooo, didn't know google talk worked with AIM17:12
brobostigonGuest79689: simplest would be to install something else, and then choose on login.17:12
AzelphurOperation buy the poor wayland developer a PC is going well, up to $170 :D17:12
AzelphurCan probably get him a nice low end AMD rig now17:13
BigRedSGuest79689: apt-get install xubuntu-desktop gets you something that looks like an old gnome desktop17:14
BigRedSif you log out and then choose it on login17:14
BigRedSalternatively, could just try unity for a bit and see if you can get used to it17:14
Guest79689tried that, the unity settings seem to affect other desktops, so the system menu is missing, restart is missine. etc.17:15
DaraelMhm, quite happily.  I forget what the necessary domain is, but it works fine.  Unfortunately, AOL's gateway isn't open, so it will only work with GTalk accounts, but it /does/ work.17:16
DaraelGuest79689: There's a fair number of other choices to Unity.  Most of them either are close enough to gnome2 that the differences are really annoying or have something of a learning curve.17:16
DaraelGuest79689: The missing menus can be fixed by a conf setting, although I'm afraid I forget where it is.  I don't know about the restart option.17:16
BigRedSwhat was that bug that means that if you ask alt+F2 for what you want it can't find it?17:17
BigRedSAlanBell filed it IIRC :) I thought I'd subscribed, but I can't find it17:18
AlanBellbug 84210817:18
lubotu3Launchpad bug 842108 in unity-lens-applications (Ubuntu) "run command (alt+F2): results do not contain the exact match" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84210817:18
AlanBell!info wayland17:20
lubotu3Package wayland does not exist in precise17:20
AzelphurAlanBell: wayland is the replacement for X, pretty much the future of the Linux desktop :p17:21
Azelphurhe's developing for it on a P4 2.8ghz :x17:21
BigRedSAnother future of the Linux desktop? :)17:21
Azelphurno, wayland actually is the replacement for X17:21
BigRedSyeah, I know17:21
BigRedSI just have trouble taking seriously any prophecy involving the term 'the linux desktop'17:22
Azelphurso yea, I've been organising some donations and am trying to get him a better PC :D17:22
Azelphurtis going pretty well, got enough money for a low end AMD rig now17:23
BigRedSalt-tab, by default, is still almost exactly as infuriating as it was the first time I tried it in Unity17:32
BigRedSOh, wait, this is probably not default...17:33
BigRedSIs there a 'reset unity to defaults' button?17:33
BigRedSoh, apparently that's what   unity --reset    is for17:34
MartijnVdSBigRedS: command-line17:34
* BigRedS stops thinking through the keyboard17:34
AlanBellAzelphur: yeah, I am aware of wayland, it is kind of in precise a bit, but GTK isn't compiled right for it17:35
AlanBellhopefully it should work nice in Quantal17:35
MartijnVdSIs there a xorg-wayland yet?17:35
AlanBelldoes this look broken: https://help.ubuntu.com/community17:36
MartijnVdSSo you can run "legacy" apps as well?17:36
AlanBell!info weston17:36
lubotu3weston (source: weston): reference implementation of a wayland compositor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.85.0-1build1 (precise), package size 178 kB, installed size 437 kB (Only available for linux-any)17:36
ali1234afaik wayland doesn't yet have a "real" (ie functional) window manager or any way to run x11 apps17:36
AzelphurMartijnVdS: I hear it's coming along17:36
MartijnVdSAzelphur: cool17:36
Azelphurand said developer is working on "compiz for wayland"17:37
ali1234it's still at the level where anything you run with it runs without a window border or any way to resize or move windows around17:37
MartijnVdSAzelphur: maybe in this LTS-to-LTS cycle then :)17:37
MartijnVdSAzelphur: 2 more years should be enough for something basic17:37
AzelphurMartijnVdS: yea, he says in 2 years it'll be up and running17:37
BigRedSAlanBell: not really; what looks wrong to you?17:38
AlanBellBigRedS: no CSS, the theme is all broken17:38
MartijnVdSLooks fine here17:39
BigRedSnah, looks fine to me17:40
AlanBellah, broken for people who are logged in17:41
* AlanBell sets theme to default17:41
ali12342 years is probably about right. then another 2 years to port all the software to it17:41
Azelphurali1234: I made the build a lot better, got more donations than I thought I would :D17:42
ali1234and once that is done companies like nvidia will start to think about writing drivers for it17:42
AzelphurAMD Athlon II X3 455 3.3Ghz Triple core, 4GB DDR3 1333 (2x2)17:42
Azelphurand a motherboard to go with \o/17:42
ali12344GB is not enough17:42
Azelphurhe has 1GB atm17:43
ali1234for developing you need at least 8GB17:43
ali1234no wonder it's not done yet17:43
Azelphurindeed xD17:43
MartijnVdSTriple core is weird17:43
Azelphuralready hit the budget wall and he doesn't have a PSU yet, so don't think another 4GB of RAM is on the tables17:43
AlanBellare you saying wayland is being developed by one person who can't afford a computer?17:44
AzelphurMartijnVdS: I did some googling and it seemed to be popular in budget build, benches about the same as a low end i317:44
AzelphurAlanBell: no, I'm saying one of the developers, who also happens to be a really nice guy that you've probably heard of (soreau) is running on old crap17:44
Azelphurand baring in mind all the cool stuff he does for the community (git scripts, countless bugfixes in compiz and wayland, and now wayland development), deserves better :D17:45
AlanBellok, and yes soreau is nice17:45
Azelphuryea, soreau is really cool, pretty much everyone has heard of him, he's helped me loads of times too17:45
AlanBellbut there is a funded team somewhere is there?17:45
AzelphurAlanBell: not sure, I don't think so17:46
Azelphurhttp://collabedit.com/sw6va is the build I have set up atm, that just about scrapes inside budget17:47
MartijnVdSwoo "G-SKILL"  memory17:48
Azelphurnothing wrong with G.Skill :P17:48
MartijnVdSexcept when you need it to work :P17:49
MartijnVdSit sounds like an overclocker's brand.. like OCZ or GeIL17:49
MartijnVdSAzelphur: Also.. you want to buy intel, because intel gpus are the only ones with proper working free drivers17:50
ali1234i already said all these things this morning17:50
AzelphurMartijnVdS: he says that the open drivers are fine17:50
Azelphurthe mobo has onboard AMD and someone is donating an nvidia, so he can test on both :D17:51
MartijnVdSAnd intel :(17:51
ali1234i can save you all the effort and just tell you they don't...17:51
AzelphurMartijnVdS: feel free to suggest a mobo :p17:52
MartijnVdSAzelphur: http://www.asrock.com/mb/overview.asp?model=h61m-vs ?17:53
AzelphurMartijnVdS: on newegg it says that board doesn't have an onboard gpu17:54
MartijnVdSAzelphur: that's because it's in the CPU17:54
MartijnVdSSupports Intel® HD Graphics 2000/300017:54
MartijnVdSaccording to asrock.com17:54
Azelphuroh I see, you get an i3 and drop it in there?17:54
MartijnVdSit doesn't do HDMI though17:54
MartijnVdSthat's the H61M-HVS17:55
MartijnVdS(which is €5 more expensive here in .nl)17:55
AzelphurMartijnVdS: thing is i3 is like twice as much, don't have the cash for it :P17:56
MartijnVdSAzelphur: don't get Ivy Bridge, get Sandy Bridge17:56
MartijnVdSintel introduced new CPUs last week17:56
MartijnVdSold ones are cheap :)17:56
Azelphuryes, the i3-2120 is the cheapest on newegg at $124.9917:56
Azelphurcurrent cpu is $79.99, so it puts us $45 over budget17:57
MartijnVdSAzelphur: Celeron G53017:57
MartijnVdSis the cheapest I can find17:57
Azelphurah, that looks more like the business17:57
MartijnVdSAzelphur: tweakers.net/pricewatch has amazing "find a part" options :)17:58
Azelphurwoo, new budget is $270 :D18:08
ali1234i just thought of something18:34
ali1234i have some amazon gift balance18:34
ali1234in USA18:34
ali1234i can't use it18:34
Azelphurali1234: cool, I can probably trade that on -otc for paypal usd or even buy a part off amazon18:35
Azelphursend it over :D18:35
ali1234i can't send it over18:35
Azelphuraww :<18:35
ali1234i can't do anything except spend it on amazon18:35
Azelphuroh yea, of course18:35
Azelphurhow much you got on there?18:35
ali1234about $15-20 i think18:36
ali1234abut enough to cover shipping from USA to UK18:36
Azelphurhehe, perhaps we'll get the PSU off amazon18:36
Myrttiali1234: use on kickstarter18:48
* Myrtti backed http://www.geekmom.com/2012/04/wollstonecraft-kickstarter-steampunk-book-for-geekgirls/18:50
ali1234kickstarter sucks18:50
ali1234also, not possible18:51
ali1234it can only be redeemed on amazon.com18:51
ali1234if it was usable with amazon payments i could just send it to my UK account18:52
* jacobw thinks about pxe booting a preseed 18:58
gordonjcpwhy is there a process called "whoopsie" running?19:08
gordonjcpsurely that's not very ubuntu, whatever it is19:08
gordonjcpcalling a process after an offensive term for a homosexual19:08
jacobwi was not aware of that :|19:09
DJonesMe neither, I thought it was knock down stuff in a supermarket, thats the only time I've heard the term19:09
DJonesBut its the Ubuntu crash databas submission daemon19:10
AlanBell!info whoopsie-daisy19:14
lubotu3Package whoopsie-daisy does not exist in precise19:14
AlanBell!info whoopsie19:15
lubotu3whoopsie (source: whoopsie-daisy): Ubuntu crash database submission daemon. In component main, is optional. Version 0.1.32 (precise), package size 25 kB, installed size 107 kB19:15
Azelphurali1234: http://collabedit.com/sw6va sound like a good build? :D19:36
ali1234600W PSU is overkill19:38
ali1234also where are the hard drives?19:38
Azelphuryea, was thinking of getting a 500W off amazon with your voucher19:38
Azelphurhe has a 1TB hdd in his current box, figured it didn't need replacing.19:39
Nafallo600W PSU is needed in some machines...19:40
Azelphurali1234: I might try and get a case too19:40
AzelphurNafallo: my desktop has 1200 :P19:41
ali1234mine has 400W PSU19:41
NafalloAzelphur: does it need it?19:41
ali1234it is a quad core, two hard drives, 16GB, and nvidia 24019:41
AzelphurNafallo: i7 clocked through the roof, GTX 570, 8800GT, probably getting another 2 GPUs soon, 2 SATA2 1 SSD, 14 case fans, 3 x 4GB ram19:42
ali1234the peak current draw when i max out everything is 200W at the wall19:42
Azelphurali1234: perhaps I shouldd rop to a 430W PSU then19:43
Azelphuronly $6 difference19:44
dr_balorczajkowski: I see blue jerseys in the Cup final :)19:48
czajkowskidr_balor: indeed. whats with the nick19:54
czajkowskidear gods has it happened19:54
czajkowskiare you finaly finished studying19:54
oimon1anyone know why the login screen isn't showing the desktop backgrounds as it should?20:04
AlanBellare they standard backgrounds20:05
oimon1no AlanBell20:05
oimon1do i need to chmod it 777 ?20:05
AlanBelldo you have encrypted home?20:05
oimon1not that i know of...how to check?20:06
BigRedSoimon1: in general, no20:06
BigRedSnothing needs to be 77720:06
oimon1no, /home doesn't look encrypted20:06
oimon1couldn't find anything on askubuntu on initial search20:08
Nafalloif it has /home/$USERNAME/.Private mounted as type ecryptfs, you've got encrypted home20:09
oimon1nope, not encrypted20:10
oimon1weird. no one else got this behaviour then?20:12
Nafallothe rest of us run encrypted... ;-)20:13
oimon1i don't suppose anyone runs picasa here either?20:13
oimon1have an issue where it doesn't work well with the launcher20:13
AlanBelloimon1: what are the permissions on the file?20:14
AlanBellI would think it would need o+r20:15
AlanBelloctal permissions need to die in a fire, but yeah, that should be enough20:16
oimon1i saw something on OMGUbuntu:I actually found on my own 12.04 install that only wallpapers which are in /usr/share/backgrounds or ~/Pictures will display. At first I didn't think this new feature was working for me because I keep my stuff organized and put all my wallpapers in a folder I created (~/Pictures/Wallpapers).20:16
Nafallothey so don't need to die at all20:16
oimon1gonna try that if i can find the picture again...20:16
Nafallothey are very handy20:16
oimon1back in a mo20:16
oimon1not sure if solaris allowed anything else back in the day20:17
AlanBellNafallo: they are a marginally useful shortcut for people who know what they mean - and they propagate ignorance20:17
NafalloAlanBell: I don't agree.20:18
NafalloI've got more problem with ugoa20:18
oimon1ok , that advice from OMG works20:22
oimon1the pics need to be in top level of Pictures folder20:23
oimon1also gonna remove the dots. http://askubuntu.com/questions/72620/how-do-i-remove-the-dots-from-the-lightdm-greeter/121620#12162020:26
oimon1btw i'm not sure octal permissions are any more/less obvious than ugo20:27
oimon1i always forget the o bit20:28
oimon1and how would you describe it succinctly?20:28
oimon1but i digress. thanks for the moral support :D20:28
diploevening all20:29
AlanBelluser group and other20:33
AlanBellwith read write and execute20:33
zleapAlanBell, does this help from my website  (file permission table) ?20:34
dr_balorczajkowski: oh yeah.  I haz PhD20:53
dr_balorczajkowski: and I'm registered as balor in work, so I needed another nick20:53
czajkowskidr balor!20:54
dr_balorczajkowski: thanks20:54
Monotokohey guys.. just let me start by saying I like Unity, I will be using it as primary and I don't want to start a flame war... I just noticed that wine doesn't integrate all that well and wanted xfce for my wine applications, is there any repercussions from installing xfce as well? Will it break Unity?21:15
bigcalmMonotoko: it's very difficult to start a flame war in here. We're all far too nice21:23
Monotokobigcalm, I don't know.. I'm subscribed to the mailing list ;)21:23
bigcalmMonotoko: Unity shouldn't be affected by installing xubuntu-desktop. But if in doubt, install on a VM 1st21:24
bigcalmMonotoko: we're much more friendly in here :)21:24
Monotokoexcellent :)21:24
* Monotoko pulls up a bed21:24
Monotokostaying here a while I think c:21:24
DJonesMonotoko: don't know about xfce, i've got a machine with standard Ubuntu installed, which I've added lxde without any issues21:26
DJonesi use that as the default, it's just a select option at the login screen21:26
bigcalmMonotoko: if you do install xfce4, install the xubuntu-desktop package otherwise you'll have hard time (in my experience any way)21:27
Monotokohmm, gonna go google lxde and see which I prefer I think21:28
lubotu3lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.21:29
Monotokoand that's just lubuntu-desktop?21:30
lubotu3k/ed/x/l/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading.21:30
Monotokocheers :)21:30
Monotoko362mb... not bad21:31
diploAnyone fancy helping me out with suggestions in some html ?21:31
bigcalm!ask | diplo21:33
lubotu3another contentless ping... sigh...21:33
lubotu3Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:33
diploNot a ubuntu question :)21:33
bigcalmIt's quiet in here :)21:33
DJonesbigcalm: out of interest, on your Xoom, do you use connectbot for irssi? I've started using "irssi connectbot" and it's a lot easier with so many preconfigured control keys21:33
bigcalm!ask > foo21:33
Azelphurbigcalm: funny part is foo is actually a person21:33
diploSo... don't ask why but I'm helping a charity but they have a web portal21:33
bigcalmDJones: I use andchat on my phone when I need it21:34
diploSo stuck a iframe in side of there site to give it some functionality they want21:34
bigcalmAzelphur: but not in here ;)21:34
diploall fine and dandy in chrome/ff21:34
diploBut... IE caches the iframe21:34
diploI can't add any JS to the portal to get it to refresh on load21:34
diploAnyone know of any other hacks ?21:34
bigcalmWhen you call the iframe, tag a random number on to the end of the url with ?21:35
bigcalmSo: foo.html?349875321:35
bigcalmAnother is to set the caching options in the html page that the iframe loads21:35
diploAnyway of creating random chars in html21:35
bigcalmNot if it's a static html site, no21:35
diplo<meta http-Equiv="Cache-Control" Content="no-cache">21:36
diplo<meta http-Equiv="Pragma" Content="no-cache">21:36
diplo<meta http-Equiv="Expires" Content="0">21:36
diplolike that ?21:36
bigcalmdiplo: yes, though I'd search for IE specific bugs21:36
diploDoesn't work - IE sucks21:36
bigcalmNo kidding ;)21:36
diployeah have been, all involve loading JS on page21:36
diploAnd this portal basically sticks <p> around all code you put in the wysiwyg editor under the source area21:37
diploAnnd overwrites some of my other code21:37
diploGetting close to bashing my head against a wall atm21:37
bigcalmdiplo: my condolences21:38
bigcalmDoes the wysiwyg editor offer a 'source' or 'html' option?21:38
diploStarted work at 5:30am and finished at 8pm tonight, and then find an email begging me to finish it :(21:38
diployep, and even under source it still adds <p>21:38
bigcalmdiplo: are you being paid?21:38
bigcalmThen it can wait21:39
diploNot for the web stuff21:39
Azelphuroperation get the compiz developer a PC that doesn't suck is almost done, $44 more and I can get him a better motherboard :D21:39
diploGot to see them in the morning :) One of them is rather pretty :)21:39
diplo<-- fool21:39
diploAlready offered me brownies, trying to up the auntie21:40
Monotokohmm... you're a group of knowledgable people and the talk of work reminded me of something, I have a .co.uk set up with nameservers, I can point a .com at them and use it fine, but if I try to point another .co.uk it fails at the registrar (123 reg)21:40
Monotokoany ideas why that would be the case? Is there some limitation on .co.uk relying on another or something?21:40
AlanBellfails with what message Monotoko?21:43
Monotokohold on AlanBell21:43
MonotokoAlanBell, "create_nameserver failed! Parameter value syntax error"21:44
Monotokothat's all I'm getting from 123reg21:45
AlanBellsounds like they have a bug21:45
Monotokohmm... let me try it from another registrar21:45
bigcalmHumm, this isn't my shell21:48
diploThanks again, didn't get anywhere21:48
bigcalmpwgen -sBy is great for fairly obscure passwords21:49
diploBut my body is now starting to shut down so I think it's bed before the kids wake me up21:49
bigcalmdiplo: use a tiny bit of javascript. It'll save you hassle21:49
* diplo takes note of above code for a later date21:49
diploI can't load it in the editor21:49
diploWraps <p> tags around it to stop it loading21:49
diploHaven't found a way round it yet21:50
bigcalmYou can still do <script type="text/javascript">...</script> and the <p></p> shouldn't affect it21:50
diploClear mind in the morning, last try and then tell them there hosting is to rubbish and I can't help then21:50
diploYeah didn't load last time I tried21:50
bigcalmIndeed, sleep is good :)21:50
diploWill try with something very simple tomorrow with a alert or something21:50
diploAnd work my way up21:51
bigcalmMight be converting < and > to &lt; and &gt;21:51
diploCould be, will hax0r it in the morning and let you know21:51
diplo<- bed!21:51
diplogn all21:51
ali1234relying on the random function of user's browser sounds like a spectacularly bad idea depending on the use case...21:52
MonotokoAlanBell, you were right... got the same message changing the NS to ns1.helloworld.co.uk and ns2.helloworld.co.uk21:52
bigcalmali1234: try and solve diplo's problem then :)21:52
ali1234well i don't know what the use case is21:52
bigcalmRead up ;)21:53
bigcalmIE cashing an iframe21:53
ali1234ie iframe support is dreadful21:54
* Monotoko remembers making a website in the 90's with iframes21:54
bigcalmMonotoko: it would have been frames, not iframes21:55
bigcalmiframes are the slightly less evil offspring of frames21:55
Monotokoahhh perhaps :)21:55
MonotokoI can't even remember the code I used these days...21:55
ali1234i assume the iframe is from another site?21:55
bigcalmWho knows, he's gone to bed21:56
bigcalmBut it's a good guess21:56
ali1234he should use the real http headers on the other server21:58
bigcalmGot payments and repeat payments working via SOAP to paypoint.net21:58
ali1234to control caching, not the html embeded stuff which fails in an iframe21:58
ali1234it might still not work but it has more chance because it doesn't rely on html parser which as we all know sucks21:58
bigcalmWhen I say it works, I mean that without any error checking at all :D21:59
bigcalmThe worst thing about client websites are the clients21:59
bigcalmLife would be simpler if they didn't have to enter content21:59
bigcalmUsers are worse than the clients?22:00
ali1234no the worst thing is the client's nephew who promises to "make the site really cool" and then introduces 100 vulnerabilities22:00
bigcalmThis is why I like working for _very_ big companies22:00
bigcalmThey don't run into those sorts of problems22:00
bigcalmSadly, I currently only have 3 such clients22:01
bigcalmBut 3 big clients keep a roof over my head22:01
ubuntuuk-planet[Tony] Gradual and silent encroachments - http://tonywhitmore.co.uk/blog/2012/04/30/gradual-and-silent-encroachments/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=gradual-and-silent-encroachments22:03
bigcalmI think it might be time for a nap22:03
bigcalmI can haz? http://www.cultofmac.com/163920/ikeas-cardboard-knappa-is-the-worlds-cheapest-digital-camera/22:06
* bigcalm zeds22:07
bigcalmNight ya'll22:07
Monotokohmm... think I may need a reboot... RAM: 6GB used, 150mb free XD22:09
BigRedSit's only a problem if you run out22:26
BigRedSnothing wrong with using ram22:26
AlanBell!info wayland-demo22:45
lubotu3Package wayland-demo does not exist in precise22:45
AlanBell!info wayland-demos22:45
lubotu3Package wayland-demos does not exist in precise22:45
AlanBellhmm, was deleted22:46
linuxloony89Hi all, has anyone had any luck getting there iphone 4s working on 12.04?22:50
popeyAlanBell: hmm22:53
popeyAlanBell: weston22:53
popey!info weston22:53
lubotu3weston (source: weston): reference implementation of a wayland compositor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.85.0-1build1 (precise), package size 178 kB, installed size 437 kB (Only available for linux-any)22:53
Azelphurlinuxloony89: *crickets*23:00
* Azelphur runs23:00
popeylinuxloony89: to do what?23:02
popeyi use my iphone4s for various things23:02
linuxloony89popey: even connect, put music on, maybe some tv shows... I cant even get Virtualbox to see my iphone, although lsusb does show it23:03
dogmatic69linuxloony89: I just plug my iphone in and it worked. think its just a 4 though23:04
dogmatic69doubt you will just put music / videos on it with all the itunes drm stuff23:05
dogmatic69i have no problems moving pictures on and off.23:05
linuxloony89I don't work with drm items, I rip all mine from cd's23:05
linuxloony89I mainly use amarok so I'm hoping I can use that23:06
AlanBellpopey: weston is there, but the sample things are not published23:07
AlanBellyeah, oneiric has been published23:09
popeymaybe ask bryce?23:10
AlanBellyes, but not right now, bedtime for me23:11
linuxloony89night AlanBell23:19
linuxloony89popey: what packages did you need for your iphone and what version of iOS is it?23:20
popeylinuxloony89: i dont put music and movies on mine23:21
linuxloony89ah, mind you, sounds like your a lot further than me as only lsusb reconises my iphone...23:21
linuxloony89got ifuse installed but it doesnt see my phone to mount23:22
popeywhen i plug my phone in, nautilus pops up23:22
popeyi can import photos to shotwell, or just drag it off the phone manually23:22
linuxloony89hmmm, could it be something todo with me running from a kubuntu install?23:23
linuxloony89hmmm, thanks anyway, if I figger it out I'll post it in here for future reference..23:25
Azelphurali1234: I changed up the build even more, http://collabedit.com/sw6va23:31
Azelphurmanaged to get it up to an i5 on the same money \o/23:31
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
Azelphurali1234: can you check up on your amazon credit too? :D23:39

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